#happy fucking xmas
ktxodegaard · 1 year
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mickules · 5 months
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Ummm… so even whilst making this I got another call from a childhood friend to travel up to Scotland and I'm actually packing right now…
I honestly hadn't planned to go basically radio silent at the end of 2023, it was simply a case of too many things, too little time and my own avoidant personality and my unbridled optimism when it comes to agreeing to things without factoring in the fact that I am but a man and not a MACHINE, and require adequate rest.
Especially coming off several years of having to plan around elective procedures, it's been my habit not to say 'no' incase I don't have the option later. AND in that vein at least I do have cause for celebration as I'm completely discharged as of this last procedure!
I managed to get a little thing, albeit late, for "almost Christmas", but it looks like2024 is going to be just as busy - at least until I can get myself back in order.
I still have so many wips and comics in the back of my cranium I am BEGGING to get onto the page; but what I'll probably do when I'm back is a little poll- to see what yous might like to see (I think? I have that functionality?)
I know I'm exptremely lucky, I've had annual leave I've needed to use up and good wonderful friends who I've been able to see (plus full sick pay which is a LIFESAVER) But also all of yous - I see comments and likes and messages (yes I DO, even tho my reptile brain fails me when it comes to REPLYING - my eternal apologies) and I'm so grateful!
Thank you so so much and looking forward to the New Year!
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grocerystorelist · 6 months
cockwarming in the confessional booth like you’re sitting in matty’s lap with your skirt flipped up shirt pulled down to expose your tits and legs splayed out over his knees and he’s just talking to the person who’s come to confess. he’s hard and throbbing in your cunt and there’s this little teenage girl all embarrassed about having a crush on the other side meanwhile his hand is on your clit and you’re bright red and flushed and panting against his chest. and matty still looks so pristine and put together and so focused on the confessions even though you’ve literally been sitting on his dick for hours and you’re desperately trying not to come. at some point you’ve lost count of the number of people who’ve come to confess and you’re a shaking and trembling mess so you try and start to grind on him for some relief but he just moves his hand to your hip to pin you in place. your mouth slips open to beg matty to finally let you come because you honestly think you might pass out but he slips two fingers into your mouth saying “not now pet, wait until later when i can take care of you” and you sit there gagging on his fingers until he’s done <3
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bsptourist · 6 months
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created by Valve, RileySV
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creaturefeaster · 6 months
Your art is very lovely, I adore the way you put things together and your character designs are memorable. I hope you're feeling better <3 If not right now, soon!
Thank you so much! All I want with my art is to make characters that feel a special blend of unique yet familiar. Like meeting a real person, I want them to feel like a cartoonized version of someone who could exist :3.
And thank you for your concern as well. I'm feeling a little better the last couple of days, I just get really stressed out during the holiday season and it brings out all the nasty in my brain x_x.
I hope you are doing well too, and if not now then I wish for wellness to come for you.
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shutinthenutouse · 6 months
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I swear, this is the last ever New Year that I ring in with people who don't value me or my time and efforts. This is the last year that I spend the holidays etc feeling utterly despondant and miserable. This is the last time I spend the 2 weeks that encompass Christmas, New Years, and my birthday with my cunt of a mother and sister. They have had almost 25 of them in some way or another, and this is their last. I'm done.
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bangcakes · 6 months
#personal#im like so happy rn. but also terrified#bc like. uh. gotta go back to the real world of having a job after bein in school for 3 years DNDNJDNDNDNDN#and also like. my boy problem. like NDJFJDJDJJDJDJDJD#big transitions oml#i can only do 1 thing at once and like so sorry to me but the job search thing is kinda taking a back seat NFNDDJFN#OH I HATE TO SAY IT. AS LIKE. A USUALLY CAREER DRIVEN PERSON BUT..................#JDJDJDJDJDJDDDJDNDNDNDNDND I CANT EVEN SAY IT............#but rn ya. my priorities.... im ashamed NDNNDNDNDNDNDNDNDNNDDNDND#but.... HHHHHHHHHHH its the more fun thing so !!!!!!!!!#but gah..... i also am like takin a break bc its like christmas n who the fuck is looking to hire rn lmao#the time between xmas n new years isnt real so !!!!#and also !!! i think i deserve a break after 4 months of non stop work !!!!!!!!!!#also like the faster i resolve my boy problem the easier itll be to focus#on job searching ?????#or like god i guess i could do both. my mom keeps being like.... youre both looking for jobs... why dont you ask him to do it together NDN#um.... 1. hes my competition LMAO. we literally had the same gpa down to the decimal#(tho this may no longer be the case bc we got our grades for the semester n mine went up. idk the state of his. would be fuckin funny if it#was still the same tho JDJDJFJDJ)#and 2..... LOL ID RATHER DO LITERALLY ANYTHING ELSE WITH HIM........#god idk where this post is going. but 1. i wished him merry christmas and he answered back with a 'merry christmas 😄' which !!!@@@#from a reserved/grumpyish guy...... im just kind of like NDNNDNDNDNDND IDK. IDKKKKK. LIKE IM HAPPY ???? BUT IM ALSO LIKE FREAKED OUT ??????#i dont think i'll be able to deal if he actually likes me back#and 2. i like have a draft message of like. asking him to hang out JJDJDJDNDNDM#if youve been following these posts.. maybe u remember me askin him if he wants to keep in touch with me n our mutual friend and he said#he would. so that friend is like. going away for a month and like ok lets be real. if i have to wait until feb to see him i'll um Die JDJJD#so i have a message planned. IDK WHEN IM GONNA SEND IT. BUT IT WILLLL GET SENT. I JUST.... HHHHHHH I HAVE TO GET THE NERVE....#but .... ya idk i hope he says yes but i'll also get if he says no. may be awks just the two of us. maybe we're not ready LMAO IDK. ive bee#alone with him maybe like. 30 mins max. and like the convo keeps going but there are pauses. IDK. maybe i should stop thinking and go to be
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sotogalmo · 7 months
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venusssssssssss · 6 months
ngl stopped feeling bad for women putting up with shitty men and defending their behavior just because they don't want to be alone
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caruliaa · 11 months
just feel very strange and empty and lost in a way suddenly and trying not to cry and ruin my makeup and just wanting to be held by for a long long time
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pigeonwhumps · 1 year
Immortal Cannon Fodder masterlist
Taglist: @extrabitterbrain @wolfeyedwitch
A selection of the multitude of post from Phoenix to their sister Alicia, stashed under her floorboards. Spans the roughly five year period between Phoenix being kicked out and their first Christmas after meeting Kai.
Inspired by this piece by @whumpsday.
CWs: mentions of being disowned, implied abuse, implied/mentioned parental abuse, brief mention of crucifixion
Dear Alicia,
I'm sorry I left you. I didn't want to. You know that, right? You must do.
I'm just writing to tell you that I have somewhere to stay. You don't need to worry about me. I have a roof over my head and food and that's all I really need.
Except you. I miss you.
Stay safe.
Phoenix x
Merry Christmas!
It's been a hectic few months. I'm sorry I haven't written to you. I hope you're doing well in everything you want to do well in.
Also, congratulations on your summer camp application! I saw it in the newspaper. Mum and dad aren't too mad right? I don't want you to be kicked out too.
Got to go. I'll write again soon. Hope you like the wolf.
Phoenix x
Happy Birthday! I hope you like the stamp! Sorry if you had to pay. I think it's valid but I couldn't not send you a stamp of the time you petted a wolf. I didn't even know they existed until a few months ago!
Anyway. I found the website for that camp you're going on, and they had a list of recommended supplies. I know there's a hardship fund but I don't know if you qualify and mum and dad won't pay more than the bare minimum if you don't so anyway, what I'm saying is, here's some things for your summer. Only small things, I couldn't post anything bigger.
Enjoy! And I hope you have a good birthday! Sorry I can't be there.
Phoenix x
Merry Christmas. Immortality sucks. Hope you like the postcard.
Hey! Happy birthday! Hope you're still doing well! Here's another wolf!
Phoenix x
Merry Christmas!
Heeeey Alicia! I can walk gain! D'you know crucifixion is like flyng? Cept it hurts. It's in the air tho. Not there now. It's warm and fuzzy here. Mmmmm. Miss you. Want you here so I'm not cold and aolne so much.
Here's a wolf. He's a wonky wolf because he's drnuk. Not leki me. Nope.
Oh dear. I'm not sure they meant to write all that. They're drunk. Who gets drunk off eggnog? - E
Sick people who shouldn't be drinking it get drunk off eggnog. My boss is an idiot. And he forgot to tell you they're safe. Just a bad flu and probably a hangover this time. They'll be fine. - B
Dear Alicia,
Happy birthday! 16 today! You're getting old. It's making me feel old, my bones are all creaky and sore. I suppose I am an adult now (nearing a year of it now, actually). Is this what adulthood's like? It's weird.
I hope your exams went okay! Or are going okay, if you're not finished yet. Did the good luck wolf help? Here's a birthday one. He says happy birthday, and he hopes that you're having a good day. So do I.
I hope you like the photos on the card. And the book. I saw it at the bookshop and I couldn't not buy it, really. It reminded me of you.
I wish I was with you. You'll have to make do with this virtual cake instead for now I suppose. I hope you have people to share real cake with.
Happy birthday again,
Phoenix x
Merry Christmas!
Um, happy new year may be more appropriate. Sorry this is so late. I think I missed the last posting date. Maybe. I'm a bit all over the place, but it feels like it's gone Christmas. They're taking decorations down anyway.
Have a good... whenever it is you get this. Love you lots.
Phoenix x
Happy 18th!
Hope you like the baby photos.
I don't know if you're still in school, or if you have an apprenticeship, or what you're doing next, but I've enclosed some things that might help. I remember you talked about going to uni but that was five years ago. There's gift cards, pens, notebooks, a cookbook (because I'm sure that's meant to be compulsory when you become an adult), I'm sure something will help.
Missing you lots, and I love you,
Phoenix x
I know it's not your birthday or Christmas but look what Aaron found in the zoo shop! It's a 3D wolf card! So I had to send it to you and I am not waiting over four months for you to get it!
Anyway. Kai and Aaron took me to the zoo for my birthday and the wolves loved Kai so much! There's photos so you can see just how much. And it was so much fun and the reptiles were so cool! I got to hold a Komodo dragon! There's more photos, Kai and Aaron insisted on taking lots.
Maybe I can see you again when you move out? It's been so long. You'd love Kai.
Missing you lots still.
Phoenix xx
Merry Christmas! I hope you're doing well. Whatever you're doing now, I hope it's good and that you're having fun. And if you haven't already, I hope you manage to get away from mum and dad soon.
Here's a little ornament, if you have a tree. Or if you don't you can hang him up anyway. His name's Joe (remember when you called everything variations of Joe?)
Phoenix xx
Hi. This is Aaron, Phoenix's friend. I need to tell you not to worry about the spots of blood. Phoenix cut themself cooking and won't put a plaster on because it'll heal (which is a bullshit reason but hey. This is Phoenix we're talking about). They're not badly injured, they're just incredibly stubborn and don't realise people might worry at the sight of their blood. Have a good Christmas!
- Aaron
So. I knew Phoenix had a sister, hi! But they said they were in contact with you, and we assumed that meant both ways, not letters that you can't reply to because apparently you don't have a means of doing so. They're scared of rejection, I think, and your parents finding out, but... they would really like to talk to you.
So here's the deal. I'll give you my phone number and you can tell me if you'd like to have theirs. Or I can just pass on messages or something, I don't know. I just know that they're missing you desperately and from what they say, you probably miss them too.
You don't have to message me or anything. But if you want to, if you want to talk to your sibling again (yes, I'm aware they're an idiot), please do. Whenever you like.
- Kai (07459 637 829) 🐺 ← Phoenix says you like them
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renamusing · 6 months
ive been catching up with ste's most recent storyline and i fear my aaron-induced depression just got a million times worse. i hope ste sends james to the netherworld after what he did to lucas. and fuck hollyoaks for those brendan mentions!! are yall trying to kill me ?!?!?!
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captainpirateface · 6 months
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bear-cubs-art-things · 6 months
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hiacinta · 7 months
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