#happy birthday noé
noes-pillow · 2 years
Happy Birthday Noé 💙💜
| 0.5k | fluffy like noé's hugging pillow | Im sick af so I wrote this in 45 min with no editing | enjoy |
Noé awoke to the smell of fresh pastry wafting into his and Vanitas' shared room. It was 6 in the evening and the vampire had decided to take a midday nap around 2pm.
This nap obviously had turned longer than anticipated. But he wasn't feeling his best. So, upon finally sitting up in his bed, Noé let himself off the hook.
He groggily made his way to the bathroom to wash his face, where he realized he was still carrying his designated hug pillow. The pillow was discarded on the floor while the half-conscious vampire splashed cold water into the violets of his eyes.
Noé returned to his bed, picking up the pillow on the way to put back in it's place.
It was only then he realized Vanitas' bed remained empty and fully made.
He turned to check the window.
Closed and locked.
The poor vampire tried not to let his thoughts wander. If the astermite eyed man had stayed by his side for this long, there was no reason to leave him now with no warning.
Noé, teetering on the edge of dreamworld, lay down again into his bed with the back of his forearm resting over his eyes. His breathing deepened.
For some reason he felt at home in this moment. The gears of his brain, still caked with exhaustion from his nap, were slow to determine why.
Thats when Noé abruptly sat up and followed the smell of pastry that he had awoken to.
Pulling on his thick ivory cardigan, he made his way to the kitchen, where, unsurprisingly he found his missing partner.
Vanitas sat at a stool by the counter peeling an apple. He lifted his eyes briefly to acknowledge the vampire's entrance. "You're awake. Are you feeling any better?"
Noé replied with a half-hearted smile and a yawn.
Vanitas stood and took a step toward Noé, "You couldn't have waited 5 more minutes?" He chuckled as he twisted an untamed lock of hair behind the vampire's ear. "You ruined the surprise."
"Come on, Vani," he playfully rolled his eyes, "you know how impatient I get." Noé smiled and softly held Vanitas' hand, to which the latter led them both to the table.
Vanitas then stood again, grabbed an oven mitt and paced over to retrieve the source of the wonderful smell that made Noé feel at home.
Violet eyes watched curiously and with great anticipation as the oven door opened releasing an intense aroma of baked apples throughout the room. Vanitas removed the large tarte tatin from the oven and placed it a safe distance from Noé's gleaming and watering eyes.
Noé peeled his transfixed gaze from the pastry and innocently looked at Vanitas. "For… me?"
Vanitas looked down at his shoes with a blush. "Who else?"
Noé still continued to stare.
Vanitas looked up again, locking eyes with his partner. "And, chéri?"
"Happy Birthday."
Happy birthday to my fav sunshine boy, Im currently very sick so this was very hard to write but I couldn't not write anything for this beautiful boy's big day 😊 Here's to another year of loving this bundle of repressed trauma like he's my own 💜💙
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callilemon · 8 months
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Happy birthday to my favorite character!! 😩💜💙
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neversetyoufree · 2 years
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menelaus-blue · 8 months
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happy birthday noé here’s a little dumb thing i drew in honor of him turning 153 today. glad that roland is a #ally
the full fake reddit post is under the cut!!
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i am not catholic and i have never posted on reddit so my apologies for any inaccuracies
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jiminsproof · 1 year
hello hello hello Natalia! happy birthday, hope you have a great one ✨✨🙌💕💕 (it's always a pleasure to see you on my dash)
OMG NOÉ THANK YOU SO MUCH 😭💗 Absolutely right back at you, whenever you reblog something I'm like OMG THEY GET IT 😮‍💨🤣 Sending you a big hug 🫂
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saraminwglasses · 8 months
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pierrelucstl · 8 months
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Happy Birthday Noé!
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favficbirthdays · 8 months
Happy Birthday
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Noé Archiviste (28th September)
The Case Study of Vanitas
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fallingdownhell · 1 year
Hello! Could I request Vanitas and Noe coming home to a massive feast made by their s/o on their birthday?
Spoiling your significant other...always very cute!
Characters Included: Vanitas; Noé
Content: gender neutral reader; overall just fluff
Word count: 920 words
Have fun!
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Having a birthday this early on in the new year meant that there weren't really all that many fun things to do
the weather was still cold most of the time, so not many people were and and about, prefering to stay in the comfort of a warm home
Vanitas was one of those people to get bored rather quickly when there was nothing exciting happening. Sitting around and doing nothing wasn't really something he enjoys. He's always out looking for some fun
his own birthday is no exception to that rule. Sure, he likes to spend that day with you, his most favourite and most important person in the world, but he still wants to do something
he's just a tad bit dissapointed when you tell him that you don't have the time to entertain him today
but he doesn't have much time to complain because a knock on the door sounds
Noé is here, dragging Vanitas out the door as soon as he lays eyes on the black haired male
they are out the entire day, doing whatever within the city (maybe causing some chaos here and there) but overall kept quite tame
he had a fun day, though it would have been better had you joined them on their endeavours
but as soon as he enters the house again, he is suddenly hit with the smell of freshly cooked food, which is suspicious to him
didn't you tell him that you didn't have time today?
he walks into the kitchen where he's greeted with an entire menu. It was like a four or five course meal
astounded, he just stood there, surprised by it, until you got him out of his trance again
apparently, you saying that you didn't have time was just a farce so that you could prepare all the food in peace. Noé just made sure that he was occupied the entire time
Vanitas wanted to be mad at you and say something, but seeing as all the food consisted of all his favourite dished, he bit his tongue and kept his mouth shut, thanking you with a kiss instead
you both enjoyed the food you made, talking and laughing while eating. He really liked your cooking, it tasted so good to him, better than anything else he had ever eaten
after you were both done, you took care of the dishes and all the cleaning up, telling him to just relax
later, you joined him in the living room where the two of you cuddled a bit more before you both decided to just take things up into the bedroom, where Vanitas thanked you properly for all the hard work you put in for him...
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such a sweet man, and boyfriend!
honestly, there is not much decieving or anything else to be done with him
just straight up tell him that you have something planned for his birthday, but that you need time to prepare it
he will happily give you enough time, actually all the time you could possibly need
just say the word and he is out the house. No need to worry about him, he can find a way to pass the time
though he keeps telling you that you don't have to do anything for his birthday, but you keep insisting, so he just lets go of the topic, letting you do what makes you happy
so excited to find out what you have in mind for him. Can't help himself but trying to figure out what it could possibly be while being all hyped and giddy
once it's time for him to come back, he almost can't contain his excitement anymore. Like, literally, if he had some sort of tail, it would be wagging like crazy the entire time
immediately upon entering, he is hit with the smell of your cooking
excited, he throws his shoes off and runs into the kitchen, where you're currently in, adding the last finishing touches to the last dish
Noé takes a second to look over all the food, recognising all his favourite meals, divided into an entire five course meal
happy to receive such a thoughtful gift from you, he hugs you close to him, showering you in kisses, thanking you over and over again
you smile and giggle at his affection, but soon swatting him off of you, telling him that the food will if you don't start eating soon
you best believe he's enjoying every single bite he takes like it's the last in his life
he always tells you how divine he thinks your cooking is, but seeing him enjoy it so much is an entirely different feeling. One that fills you with pride that you're able to get that reaction out of him
after you're done, he stands up to take care of the dishes, but you shush him away, almost ordering him to leave the kitchen to let you take care of the mess
you need a bit more convincing but in the end, he relents, letting you handle it while he relaxes in the living room, though he keeps an eye on you from there
as soon as you're done, he pulls you onto the couch with him, where he cuddles you close, arms tightly closed around you
this time, no complaining or anything else is enough to make him stop showering you with praises, kisses and thank you's
after all, he has to show his appreciation for you in some way, right?
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I've got a Christmas request for you!
Headcanons for Vanitas, Jeanne, and Noe with a fem! reader who's birthday is on Christmas? What'll they do to celebrate both occasions? A lavish party? A private date?
Happy Holidays!
Vanitas doesn’t really believe in birthdays or Christmas.
Existence isn’t a reason to celebrate, and the holiday is just another day for him.
He would of course share this perspective with MC and be shocked, trying to double back, when they look crushed.
He didn’t mean that they were pointless. Just that birthday were stupid. Not that they were stupid. Gaaahh!
Would sulk on his own for a few days but then get them a present of a book or small piece of jewelry they could keep with them in their travels. Perhaps a necklace with a similar stone to his earring.
Like Vanitas, she really doesn’t see the importance in birthdays or Christmas.
Her life was dedicated to wars & bloodshed. That is no place for sentimentality.
Since meeting Luca, whoever, she has come to realize that these dates are important to people and should be shared with loved ones.
Still incredibly bashful about her feelings, Jeanne would ask them out on a date to go shopping and spend the day together. As time is more important than possessions.
She would loosen up through out the day and become livelier & cheerful. Perhaps she might even be bold even for hold MC’s hand as they stroll along the wintery Seine.
Contrary to the others, Noé is very into birthdays and Christmas.
All holidays should be celebrated. And a day that is 2-in-1 should be a big blow out.
Be prepared to be woken up bright and early by this big fluffy puppy dog of a person, excitedly leaping into your room (and possible bed) with ‘happy birthday, merry Christmas’ cheers.
He’ll have a full day planned of street vendors, looking at lights & displays, and exploring Paris in the snow fall.
He doesn’t have a lot of expendable cash for a present, but he hopes spending the day together would be enough. And he made you this card….
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noes-pillow · 1 year
This is called “I don’t have anything to post for Vani’s birthday (probably) and im awful for it but heres the entirety of my file for AMINE bc I am also sadistic and wanna see you all complain that im genuinely awful at getting this stupidly painful story released” ...yeah thats all I got
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Enjoy 💙
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callilemon · 1 month
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Happy @bookdragonwrites week: day 4!! 📖🐲
You're quite literally one of my favorite persons in the entire world! I'm so grateful to have you in my life and call you my friend! 💗Thank you for putting up with my nonsense.
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Noé is throwing glitter at you 💜🎊
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lilium-dragomir · 9 months
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⚜ Happy birthday @kimdokjas ⚜
Hi dear, I saw on your anilist that you like Noé. So, I colored you a delighted Noé from the latest chapters. May you have a birthday cake, and may it taste just as delicious as Noé's tarte Tatin! Have a lovely birthday~
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rhinoyo · 1 year
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HAPPY BIRTHDAY NOÉ @bestomato hikari agnea n partitio for you <3 <3 <3
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fro-fiat · 2 years
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Happy birthday, Noé!
I found out late today that it was Noe's birthday. And coincidentally, I finished this last week.
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feeblescholarmyass · 8 months
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happy birthday noé and thank you for reminding me to make these
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