#happy aapi month guys
crosnt · 1 month
hey everyone its aapi month give me 20 dollars please
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Happy AAPI Heritage Month <333
I’m here to appreciate the beautiful, diverse and intersectional AAPI Arcane characters and all of the AAPI individuals who worked on Arcane and gave us this amazing show because where would we be without them :)
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Representation for everyone will always matter, even in a universe like Arcane where race as an ideology technically doesn’t exist. AAPI are too often overlooked and harmfully generalized by western media and this feels like a step in the right direction 🤞🏾
So thank you to these wonderful people who give us what so many have been looking for 💕
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heartrender6 · 27 days
i just finished dead boy detectives and i like it a lot but we GOTTA talk about niko for a second. I haven't stumbled upon this aggressive of a racial stereotype on TV in like... actual years. I kept expecting them to subvert it or something and they simply. did not. so. happy AAPI month guys 😁 😁 (i am losing faith that asian women will ever be seen as people by western media)
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evilwickedme · 1 year
It's very frustrating to talk about fridging bc the original point of it was like a very specific criticism of how minorities are treated in comic books in particular and it's now been universalized so much people think it means "killing a woman off because she's a woman" or "killing any character to motivate another character" (the definition according to tvtropes fyi, kill it with fire kill kill kill kill). Fridging isn't bad because you're killing a character as motivation, and it's not bad because you're killing a minority off, it's bad because it's a pattern of behavior from an industry overrun by white men writing and drawing and editing those stories. You're allowed to kill a woman off if it suits your story, but the issue was that women are constantly getting hurt or depowered or raped or killed off to motivate other, non-coincidentally male characters.
The problem that stood behind the original women in refrigerators website was that the narrative that the comic book industry at large was telling was that the purpose of female characters was to get hurt in order to motivate some other guy. Kyle Rayner's girlfriend gets stuffed in a fridge, we're not sad because her life got taken from her too soon, we're sad because Kyle Rayner just lost his girlfriend. Gwen Stacy gets killed by the Green Goblin, we're not sad because she didn't get to live a full happy life, we're sad because she didn't get to live a full happy life with Peter Parker. That is not to say that the story doesn't still get told. Peter going after the Green Goblin is horrific and terrible and amazing and leads to some great plot and character development. But the choice was not to hurt Peter himself, not even to threaten his loved ones but not actually harm them, the choice - CHOICE! - the writers in the comic book industry consistently made was to hurt a character who was already part of a marginalized group, and to do that for the benefit of a (presumably) white male cishet able bodied main character's narrative.
I speak mostly in past tense because once fridging took hold in the collective popular consciousness it didn't disappear completely, but it did fall out of favor in being used so blatantly. It became isolated cases rather than the main feature of one of the best selling batman books of all time. Characters get killed off occasionally, and those characters are even sometimes members of minority groups, and biases still inform those writing choices, but I'm struggling to remember reading a comic in the last couple of years that specifically fulfills the criteria for fridging.
Anyway if you're reading this in context, you know that at the end of this month (may 2023) Marvel is planning to celebrate the most famous fridging of all time by absolutely not learning their lesson and fridging another character. They're being lazy about it, too - they've decided to do it to Kamala Khan in Peter Parker's book, two characters that mean close to nothing to each other, and being extra awful by making it a Pakistani Muslim woman being killed off during AAPI month, and so far the information we have doesn't even involve Kamala's own friends and family and superhero team mourning her at all. It's supposed to motivate Peter, because it's part of his book, and it's also supposed to parallel Gwen Stacy, and they chose to do... This. Kamala is a wildly popular and beloved character who deserves better, and frankly Peter deserves better too. If you're going to fridge, at least do it well.
But I'm also already seeing white men, who supposedly agree with me and think this is bad, saying, well it's for MCU synergy, not "because she's a female" or "because she's not a white character" (direct quotes don't @ me). And firstly, ok, way to assume the rest of us didn't also catch up to the obvious conclusion that marvel comics is doing MCU synergy, AGAIN. The thing is that those aren't separate concepts at all? Or well, they are, but they don't negate each other. They're trying to do MCU synergy and make Kamala into a mutant, but they could've done that a million other ways, just as cheap and not as offensive - a simple retcon would've sufficed, they just did that a few years ago with Franklin Richards.
They chose to do it by killing her off, and they chose to kill her off in somebody else's book to motivate him rather than tell a story about her, and they chose to do it while celebrating Gwen's fridging for some fucking reason. This is context that, when removed from the situation, makes the whole thing meaningless. And you can say a lot about Gail Simone, but that she didn't have a Goddamn point is not one of them.
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Summary: Christian takes you on a tropical getaway during his time off.
Warnings: Like a singular suggestive comment, just some fluffy vacation vibes really
A/N: Inspired by "Paradise" by NCT 127 and my trip to the Philippines. I actually love doing smaus so I hope you guys like it lol. Also Happy AAPI Heritage Month ❤💛
yourusername & cmpulisic
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Liked by cmpulisic, kaihavertz, gioareyna and 9,194 others
yourusername: Now this is a sight I could wake up to every day
cmpulisic: you're the only sight I need baby
west.mckennie: ......bro
yourusername: I know I thought we taught him better smh
cp10lover: so beautiful.....oh I guess the trees are nice too
chelseablue: do it for the girlies hit us with those Christian pics
yourusername: 👀👀👀
captainam3rica10: hot girl summer but the summer is only hot bc of the girl
cmpulisic & yourusername
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Liked by yourusername, west.mckennie, benchilwell and 23,850 others
cmpulisic: I really do love me some cake by the ocean 😍
yourusername: I've been working really hard on my butt I really appreciate it 🥺
cmpulisic: oh baby I'll appreciate your ass anytime you want me to 🥵
masonmount: there are children on this app get a room pLEASE
itscalledsoccer: Christian has really been waiting his whole life to use that line 💀
y/nbestbabe: I'm not sure if I'm more jealous of y/n or Christian rn
pulisiclover1: I don't swing that way but I will just for her
yourusername & cmpulisic
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Liked by cmpulisic, baaronson7, kepaarrizabalaga and 10,883 others
yourusername: This place where we're dreaming the same dream is paradise 🥰
cmpulisic: God I'm so in love with you
yourusername: not as much as I am with you ❤
y/nchristiansupremacy: that's it I'm jumping onto the train tracks I can't do this anymore
Taglist: @neverinadream @pulisicsgirl @masonsrem @masonspulisic @bracedes @lizzypotter14 @notsoattractivearenti @thoseboysinblue @mortirolo @lovelynikol16 @chelseagirl98
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noxwithoutstars · 1 year
Happy aapi month guys ! Especially to those of us who are frequently left out of a common narrative , i.e. who aren't east asian , of being asian american. Shout out to people from the subcontinent , from the islands , from central asia , southeast asia , from western asia , and farther and wider still. It's hard to be proud of being the kind of asian you are when you aren't even considered asian in the popular sense. Asian means all the different religions , clothes , foods , languages , and histories that such a large continent holds. And being American only makes it more complicated. All of you are amazing <2
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oh my goodness :D hi hi hi!!!! i lit just found your blog and saw you do ships which is like soooo cute omgggg!!! soooo… i was wondering if i could get a match up too? 🤭
anywayyyysss, my name is Lalia! i’m 15 and turning 16 in september. I go by she/her and i’m pansexual. I am of south east asian and white descent (happy aapi month wooo!!!) here are some other physical attributes: 5’3ft tall and slim; i have short black hair (but i’m gonna dye it red over the summer); i have big eyes that are dark brown; and i never go outside so im pretty pale😭
my personality on the other hand is not as easy to describe as my appearance… ive taken a lot of personality tests that often describe me as: introverted, listening, creative, logical, thoughtful, determined, daydreaming, and melancholic. i don’t think that my personality is good or bad; in fact, i think that i am a true neutral. I also feel things very deeply, which has led me to be in situations where my feelings get out of control causing something bad to happen (like me ending up in the hospital and psych ward💀). BUT IM OKAY!!! i have anxiety medication and go to therapy lollll. But even though i keep to myself, i still like to talk to people and do things like acting, singing, dancing, and just performing in general!!! i actually love love LOVE to sing and play my guitars sm<33 but some of my other hobbies include writing books or poetry by myself or reading and drawing :3 i do believe that i am confident/ bold but i also tend to be pretty shy around people i don’t know. maybe cuz in middle school i was bullied a lot??? 😭 but i feel like that experience helped me to gain a lot of empathy for people who don’t fit in either,, so i always try my best to always be kind and stick up for people!! But yeah, im really excited for summer cuz i hate school and i never try but i still get all A’s :D
ERM ANYWAYS… idk why im yapping sm SORRYYYYY and TYSM FOR DOING THIS i hope you have a good day/night!! <3
Happy aapi month! Also about being in the psych ward or the hospital, I just wanna let you know that it has a lot of really nasty stereotypes and people who go to psych wards are honestly just cool because they care about their mental health and the fact that you found help and made yourself go or you know, even just didn’t refuse to go I’m really proud of you because it means that you’re taking care of the beautiful person that you are so Never be ashamed or let anyone call you crazy for any up in a psych ward or hospital because it just means that you were prioritizing you and for that it just means that you are very self-aware and I love you Pookie. I love you for prioritizing your mental health. 
Your Outsiders Ship: Ponyboy Curtis!
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Explanation: I think he loves your short black hair and your eyes and think that it’s adorable that you’re so pale from never going outside. I personally think that he’s more on the tan side because I think he spends a lot of time outside but I think the contrast between you guys would be pretty hilarious. you seem like the type of girl that he would be very interested in in the fact that you are very thoughtful. Kind of more quiet. I think that you remind him of kind of a more academically based or you know deep thinking Johnny like that’s kind of the vibes I’m getting from you and I think that he would absolutely be in love with that. He usually take things from a logical standpoint and less emotionally so he would absolutely get that and I feel like you guys would have really deep meaningful productive conversations with each other that are interesting. Like I feel like you guys could be putting in room and you would never get bored of talking to each other because you would just be so invested in your conversation and you guys would have pretty good banter too. He also feels things incredibly deeply so I feel like you know he’s the most “” sensitive greaser so I think he would really get that and kind of you guys would get each other away that really no one else in the time period Can understand. He loves it when you sing and dance and thinks it’s pretty amusing he would definitely go to all of your shows and you really loudly or at least really loudly and I feel like he would be so proud afterwards and walk you home with the biggest grin on his face and he would also help you with acting. I don’t know why but I think he’s a surprisingly good actor. Maybe it’s the fact that he’s pretty good at character and analysis but I think that he’s a great actor and could help you out with your performances. He’s also into reading drawing and writing so I feel like that’s something that you guys could do together something kind of cute like you guys can make a little comic together or something like that and reading and music dates. You would absolutely have a lot of. he’s kind of similar in the fact where he doesn’t really love school, but he does get all A’s because he doesn’t want to disappoint his brother anyway you guys are cute and honestly, I didn’t have to think very hard about this because you guys are so similar, and I think you guys would be great for each other, you guys also have a habit of both always always standing up for the underdog and things like that so I think you guys could relate in that aspect of having similar kind of morals and values. 💚💚
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a very happy AAPI month to all the aapi characters, lis and creators in the fandom <33 y'all are great, love what you guys are doing and ofc love you guys so much. (Wish we had some kind of an event but eh that's okay, take some love 💜💜)
I would host an AAPI celebration event but I feel like heritage events should be hosted by someone of that heritage to make it the most authentic!
If you are an AAPI member of our fandom and would like to host something, please do so! If you do, let me know and I'll signal boost it and add it to the fandom event list! If you've never hosted but are interested, feel free to DM, I'd happily answer any questions you may have.
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xnoplsx · 1 month
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Old stuff // If y’all know any knivio fics let me knowww
Also Happy AAPI month guys <3
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Happy AAPI month! The queer community historically has been very weird and fetishistic towards Asian people and they should stop that please. You are not immune to Asian fetishization just because you’re not a cishet white guy.
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eggvlyn-arts · 1 year
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also the guy who drew gay flag dragons
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mossfeathers · 1 month
oh happy aapi heritage month! im translucent now :3 taking this as a chance to spread blasian bigb propaganda :3 once exams are done its over for you guys
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r1ngp0pl0v3r · 19 days
happy AAPI month to the ninja turtles, love those silly little guys
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persimnon · 3 years
i hate having opinions on current media i don’t consume and yet i can’t rid myself of them
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juxtaposed-nerd · 2 years
happy aapi heritage month, here are my fave asian hc’s for the close-freeman-fosters in celebration!
- glenn close being wasian is comedy, half-white what a man bill close and half-chinese shoutout christine
- morgan is also wasian but the other way around, her dad is viet and her mom is white
- nick grew up in san dimas so he didn’t have to be the only asian kid around, unlike glenn who 100% has “i was the only asian within 100 miles” energy
- both morgan and glenn are terrible at cooking so they’re a big fan of takeout chinese food while their ancestors frown from above
- HOWEVER morgan’s chao ga (chicken rice porridge) was literally the cure all end all for nick’s bad days so after morgan passed glenn tried so hard to remake it congee style and it’s a close (haha) second
- nick close 100% wanted to be american dragon jake long
- nick did tae kwon do, he watches the occasional anime, he likes k-metal and k-rock and hated the popularity of gangnam style
- taylor swift also tried tae kwon do (was not good at it), absolutely adores anime as we all know, also listens to k-rock/k-metal to be ‘different than the lame fake pop fans’ and hates to admit that he likes bts/twice but defends it bc it’s a ‘throwback moment’
- nick does the plaid over the hoodie moment like every other wasian kid i know, y’all know what i’m talking about
- nicolas foster strives to be a kid prodigy, he plays piano, he hates math but pretends he loves it for his dad
- jodie does know how to cook, knows how to teach his kids the ancient art of filial piety
- extra fun tidbit is jodie and nicolas grew up watching mulan together, and one day nick was watching the live action and thought to himself “wow that guy who plays ling looks a lot like my dad”
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alpacaparkaseok · 3 years
Make a Move
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➣ Pairing/genre: roommate!Hobi x reader
➣ Premise: You thought ‘Hope’ was a girl, but looking at the hot dude currently claiming to be your roommate, you might be wrong.
➣ warnings/tags: pure fluff, reader gets a lil sick for a minute
➣ word count: 4.6k
➣ a/n: this was a commission by @hobi-gif for Army for AAPI! Thank you so much for commissioning this, I hope you enjoy it! You guys, check out ways to get involved in this awesome cause by clicking the link!
You look down at the application, and back up at the person standing in front of you. Down, then up.
Twice more, just to wrap your mind around the dumbest mistake you’ve ever made.
The man fidgeting nervously before you manages a bright smile. “Yep. That’s me!”
Again, you stare down at the application. “I…you’re the one moving in?”
Hoisting the heavy-looking box higher in his arms, the man – Hope if he’s to be believed, offers a strained nod. “Yeah, it’s sort of a nickname…Hoseok. I’m Hoseok.” He looks around, poking his head through the doorway to your small apartment. “Mind if I set this down? It’s kinda heavy…”
You step aside in a daze, watching as Hoseok sweeps inside and sets the box down with a thud on the counter. A moment later another head is peeking inside before carrying in another box.
“Hey, I’m assuming you’re one of the roommates?” The newcomer asks, sweeping some of his ashen-blond hair off his forehead and extending a hand out to you. You take it with some trepidation.
“I am. And you’re Hoseok’s friend?”
“Namjoon. Just stopping in with a few of his things. Oh,” Namjoon waits until Hoseok walks back outside before continuing, speaking to you in a hushed tone. “I just wanted to say thank you. You know, for letting him move in. Ever since our landlord found out we had seven people instead of six, it’s been hard trying to find a place but Hoseok was adamant he be the one to move out. Did want to separate the others-”
“Wait, woah,” you hold up a hand, effectively cutting him off. “Seven? Seven people living in one tiny apartment?”
Namjoon tilts his head to one side, brows furrowed. “He didn’t tell you? That’s why he moved out; someone had to. Our apartment has a six person limit, so once our landlord found out Hoseok volunteered to be the one to move out.”
It appears that Hoseok hasn’t told you a lot of things.
“I…no, he didn’t mention that.”
Namjoon moves on, unphased. “Anyway, I just wanted to say thank you for taking him on. It’s nearly impossible to find a place this time of year, and we weren’t sure if you would be chill with having a male roommate, but it really means the world. This way he can stay close to us-”
“Yeah, we live just a few blocks away. He didn’t say that?”
At that moment Hoseok walks through the door, still wearing that sheepish smile that he directs at you.
“No. He must have forgotten to mention that, too.”
           Once Namjoon has left and Hoseok gets into organizing all of his things, you set up camp on the couch. Book in hand, you can’t help but assess your new roommate.
           A part of you wants to get rid of him, but another part of you is interested to see what might unfold from this strange situation. You’ve never had a male roommate before, and if Namjoon is any representative for what this man’s friends look like…
           You suppose it’s not too much of a pain to allow Jung Hoseok to stick around for a little while.
           Hoseok hums to himself, occasionally making little sound effects as he puts a bowl away or opens a cupboard. Every once in a while he’ll ask you a question, like, “Is this spot free to use?” or “Are you allergic to anything?”
           You’re nearly heading to bed when Hoseok knocks softly on your door. Your rooms are on opposite ends of the apartment, something you find yourself being extremely grateful for tonight. The knowledge that a stranger is chilling in your apartment is enough to have you feeling a little worried.
           It’s simple. Sure, Hoseok seems nice enough. Friendly even. But he’s too attractive to be normal.
           “What’s up?” You ask, opening your bedroom door to see Hoseok with his arms full of shampoo and other shower items.
           Despite the large bottle of Pantene blocking his chest, it’s easy to tell that he doesn’t have a shirt on beneath his robe.
           Indeed, the sight before you is enough to have you clutching the doorframe until your knuckles are white in an effort to not gape.
           Wearing nothing but basketball shorts and fluffy white robe, Hoseok shuffles from one foot to the other. “Oh, I was just wondering if you had any preference about where I put my things in the bathroom. You know, if the left side is specifically yours or something like that.”
           “Huh?” You shake your head, forcing yourself to only look at his eyes. That turns out to be even worse, in some weird twisted way. “Oh, yeah. Well, I tend to put most of my stuff on the left side of the vanity. But you can put your stuff wherever. I’m not worried about that.”
           Hoseok nods, taking a step back. He bids you a quiet goodnight before retreating back down the hallway.
           A few seconds pass as you remain in your doorway, thinking hard.
           No, you’re not worried about sharing a drawer in the bathroom or putting the A/C on a lower setting, as he asked you about earlier.
           You’re just worried about the fact that you’ve never found a pair of basketball shorts more attractive than just now.
           Basketball shorts paired with nothing but a robe?
           “This is gonna be great,” you mumble to yourself, closing your door and leaning against it. Only when you hear the sound of the shower going do you allow yourself to relax. “I’m gonna die.”
2 weeks in
           “I’m headed to the store, you need anything?”
           You pause, assessing the contents of the fridge. “Um…eggs?”
           It’s not very often the two of you are in the apartment at the same time, your schedule being polar opposites. However, it’s always relatively friendly. Still a little awkward, but always cordial.
           Hoseok – or Hobi, as he’s repeatedly invited you to call him – scans his little list. “Already on the list. Anything else?”
           “You already put eggs on the list? Like, for me?” The two of you by no means share groceries.
           Hobi shrugs. “Yeah. I figured you were nearly out since you eat them like every morning.”
           “Hey, not every morning-”
           “Every weekday morning.” He wiggles his eyebrows at you. “Tell me I’m wrong. I’ll wait.”
           You groan. “Yah, just go. I’ll text you if I need anything.” Turning back to the fridge, you utter out, “Annoying little-”
           “What was that?”
           You wait until you hear the door close to let out a sigh. “Huh.” You didn’t even realize that he would notice those kinds of things. It’s a strange feeling, having someone notice even the most mundane parts of your routine.
           You…like it?
           Opening up a few of the cupboards, you realize that you’re nearly out of bread. You grab your phone, pulling up Hobi’s contact and calling him. He picks up after a couple of rings.
           “Hey, did you remember something else?”
           “Yeah, would you mind picking up some bread, too?”
           “Oh, good one. Um…” you can hear him moving around, and you swear you hear the click of a pen before he speaks up again. “Wheat, right?”
           Again, that strange feeling stirs in your chest. “Right.”
2 months in
           “I’ve never met anyone as obsessed with skincare as you.”
           Hobi chuckles darkly, beginning to apply his night mask to the other side of his face. “I doubt you’ve ever met anyone with such oily skin before, either.”
           You lean up against the doorframe, resting your head against the side of the door. Hobi continues applying the crème, looking utterly focused on the task. His forehead scrunches up in little lines as he looks up, rubbing underneath his eyes.
           If you’re being completely honest, it’s adorable.
           To put the icing on the cake, he begins humming to himself and leaning in closer to the mirror, making you chew on the inside of your cheek. It’s horrible enough that he has to be wildly endearing, but does he really have to be so cute?
           It’s exhausting.
           “It smells good,” you sigh out, eyes drifting shut. Hobi’s good looks isn’t the only thing that’s been exhausting to you lately. School is trying its best to wreck you and you hate to admit that it’s doing a great job of it.
           “You want some?”
           Eyes fluttering open at his question, you furrow your brows. Hobi is looking at you in the mirror, chewing on the inside of his cheek. He squeezes out a bit of the night mask onto his finger, turning to you.
           “You already washed your face, right?”
           “Good,” he nods more to himself than to you. “Close your eyes.”
           Giving him a distrustful look, you realize that you’re too tired to bother bickering with him at the moment. Instead, you close your eyes and hold your breath.
           A moment later the cool feeling of Hobi’s fingers dabbing the cream on the tip of your nose. He repeats the action all over your face, his other hand coming to cup your chin as his thumb absentmindedly traces your jaw.
           You suddenly feel extremely off balance, swaying on your feet. Hands shooting out to steady yourself, you instinctively cling to the front of Hobi’s sweatshirt. He chuckles lowly, making you tighten your grip.
           “Don’t fall over,” he mumbles, beginning to rub the night mask into your skin.
           You don’t say anything, settling for an annoyed huff. After a moment, Hobi takes up humming the same tune he was before. The two of you settle into a comfortable daze, your shoulders relaxing as the seconds tick by.
           “You know,” Hobi muses as he switches to your right cheek. “We’re pretty good roommates. Don’t you think?”
           “Mm. I’m still angry you put ‘Hope’ on your application, though. That was a dirty move.”
           Hobi’s laughter has you opening your eyes just to catch the expression of happiness he’s sure to be wearing. Sure enough, his head is thrown back and his heart-shaped smile in on display, the sight tugging at the corners of your lips.
           Catching your eye, Hobi smirks. “How can I ever make it up to you?”
           You purse your lips, melting a little at the concentrated pout that forms as Hobi resumes applying the night mask. He’s moved up to your forehead now, making your eyes drift shut again.
           “I vote you make me French Toast one of these weekends.”
           “Oh, and that’ll solve it?”
           “No, but it’s a start.”
           He chuckles quietly, pausing and then tapping lightly against your cheek. “All done.”
           Opening your eyes, you see the slightly confused look in Hobi’s eyes as he squints down at you. “What?”
           He blinks. “What?”
           You nod at him, “You look confused or something.”
           When he doesn’t answer after a long moment, you step back into the hallway. “Alright…I’m heading to bed. Thanks, Hobi.”
           His brows are furrowed as he turns back to the mirror, the confusion only growing. “Night.”
3 months in
You’ve quickly come to learn that there are pros and cons to having Hoseok as your roommate.
           One very strong pro is the fact that he’s a clean freak. You swear you haven’t had to worry about vacuuming for the past three months, he always beats you to it.
           “What are you doing?”
           He pauses mid-fold, eyes wide as he looks up at you. “…folding.”
           “My laundry?”
           He glances down at the shirt in his hands as though just realizing that these are your clothes. “I…yeah. Yeah, I am. It’s just, you left your basket out here by the couch so I figured I might as well fold it and put it away if you’re gonna leave it out here.”
           The passive aggressive tone in his voice rolls off your shoulders, knowing that he didn’t intend it that way. It’s obvious to tell that something is on his mind as he continues to you’re your shirt and place it atop a neat pile beside him.
You find yourself sitting cross-legged across from him and silently joining in on the impromptu folding party. Once you finish, Hobi clears his throat and avoids eye contact with you.
           Perhaps it has to do with the fact that he accidentally grabbed the same pair of lacy black underwear at the same time as you, which ensued in an awkward match of tug-of-war that you quickly won once he realized what he was holding.
           “So, the guys are doing a thing tonight.”
           You blink, pulling the folded laundry toward you and getting up. “…ok.”
           Hobi’s face lights up in a grin, and he jumps to his feet. “Really? You’ll come?”
           Perhaps it’s the utter joy you see in his eyes or the way he’s currently shaking your shoulders and causing the socks on the top of your pile to tumble to the ground, but you burst out laughing.
           “Hoseok!” You shout through your laughter. “You didn’t even invite me!”
           He immediately stops shaking you after that, scrambling for some form of a response. Swiping one of the pairs of socks that slipped to the ground, he kneels down on one knee and looks up at you with a giddy grin.
           “Would you do me the honor of accompanying me to visit my friends tonight?” With no shortage of sound effects, he offers up the socks as though proposing to you with a priceless diamond ring.
           “You’re an idiot.”
           Hoseok’s smile only grows. “I’ll take that as a yes.”
           Hobi’s light knock on your door goes unnoticed as you slumber on, completely dead to the world. After you had put your laundry away, you felt a wave of exhaustion overtake you.
           He knocks again, and this time you rouse just enough to grunt out something incoherent. He slowly opens the door, poking his head inside.
           “You still gonna come with me, sleepyhead?”
           His chipper voice makes you wince, your head pounding. “Mm, jus gimme…” you close your eyes again as the dull light filtering in through your blinds is enough to send you spinning. “…a sec.”
           It’s quiet for a moment, and you think that Hobi must have left. A second later, however, you hear him padding across your floor.
           “Are you sick?” He answers his own question as he places his hand against your forehead. “Oh, jagiya, you’re burning up.”
           The pet name has your temperature rising a bit more. “Mm fine.”
           Hobi chuckles softly, taking care to be quiet. “Have you eaten? Where’s your water bottle?” They’re all rhetorical questions apparently, because moments later he’s scooping your water bottle off the floor and tiptoeing back out of your room.
           After what feels like hours later, Hobi sidles back into your room with a full water bottle, some soup he must have microwaved, and another glass of liquid. It’s steaming, the scent making you scrunch up your nose in distaste.
           “What…” you can hardly muster up the energy to finish your sentence. Hobi perches on the edge of your bed, carefully placing everything on your nightstand.
           “It’s medicine. Drink it, and it’ll help. But first you need to sit up.”
           Easier said than done. Your body is exhausted, and your arms shake a bit as you attempt to scoot back against the headboard. Cheeks burning a brighter red, Hobi thankfully doesn’t comment on it. He just patiently readjusts your pillows and tucks your hair behind your ears with meticulous movements that have you smiling softly.
           “Ok,” he sighs out once that’s been taken care of. “Now, eat some soup…” his words trail off as he hands the bowl off to you. He watches as you bring the spoon to your lips, mumbling, “Blow, it’s hot.”
           Fighting the urge to roll your eyes, you follow his instructions. Once you’ve eaten over half of the soup and feel too full to continue, he hands you the steaming cup that has you scrunching your nose up all over again.
           “C’mon,” he urges, “my mom used to give this stuff to me all the time when I was a kid. It works like a charm, promise.”
           “What?” He crosses his arms, frowning. “You don’t believe me?”
           You shrug, mindful of the full contents of the glass. “It’s just easier said than done, that’s all.”
           “Here, I’ll take a sip to show you that’s it’s not bad!” Reaching for the cup, you burst out into a fit of laughter as Hobi stares down at the liquid with unabashed terror. He clears his throat and squares his shoulders. “Right…just one sip…”
           Blowing across the surface carefully, he sacrifices his tastebuds. The instant he swallows, he thrusts the cup back into your hands and dives off the bed. “Ach!” He rushes out of the room, no doubt heading for the kitchen. Indeed, a moment later you hear the faucet running and wonder if he just decided to shove his head under the running water instead of wasting time on grabbing a cup from the cupboard.
           With your water bottle on hand, you attempt to chug the medicine. It’s horrid, making you gag, but you continue until the contents are drained. You’ve just managed to drink some water to rid yourself of the lingering taste when you hear Hobi’s phone ring.
           “Hey hyung,” he’s still in the kitchen, but you can hear him clearly. “Oh, yeah…I don’t think we’re gonna make it. No, it’s not that, she said she’d come.”
           You freeze, holding the still-warm cup close to your chest. For some reason, your stomach does a little flip when you hear the way Hobi’s tone changes as he speaks about you. It’s infinitely softer, something you don’t recall hearing before.
           “She took a nap and woke up with a fever-” he pauses. “Yeah, I just gave her medicine. But she needs to rest. She’s exhausted. What? Ugh, really Jin? I’m not-” The sound of Hobi shuffling about has you leaning closer to the open door, trying to hear what he’s saying. His voice is much quieter when he speaks next, but you can still hear bits and pieces of what he’s saying. “I can’t just make a move on her while she’s sick, that’s unethical!”
           Clapping a hand over your mouth before he can hear you snort, your eyes widen. Make a move?
           On you?
           “Yah, quit it. Tell everyone I say hey, I’ve gotta go.” Again there’s a pause, quickly followed by an annoyed hiss. “See, this is why I never tell you anything.”
           He quickly says his goodbyes after that, and you scramble to appear normal despite your pounding heart. You hear Hobi’s sigh from the kitchen, and you wish you could know what he was thinking.
           “Alright,” Hobi calls, heading back into your room. The second he enters you feel as though you’re seeing him for the first time. “Let’s get it- oh, you already finished it?”
           You blink, suddenly blinded by the sight of his adoring smile. As he settles down on the edge of your bed, you manage a feeble nod.
           “Jagi,” again with the pet name, “you look exhausted. Let me take the dishes and how about you go back to sleep?”
           Despite the fact that you literally live in the same apartment, the thought of Hobi leaving you alone in your room has you stalling. “Uh, who called?”
           There’s a flicker of panic that’s quickly replaced with an easy smile. “Jin hyung, he was wondering where we were. Don’t worry, I told him we weren’t gonna be able to make it.”
           You’ve heard plenty about Jin – truthfully about all of Hobi’s friends. You were excited to meet them tonight, after hearing so many stories.
           “I’m sorry,” you frown, still clinging to your glass. “You can still go, if you want.”
           Hobi looks at you like you’ve grown a second head. “Why would I…? No, I’ll stay here with you. Can’t leave a sickie on their own, you know that.”
           Groaning, roll your eyes. “I feel like an idiot.”
“If you’re an idiot, I’m an idiot.”
You snort, setting your glass down before you cause an accident. “Isn’t it, ‘if you’re a bird, I’m a bird’?”
Hoseok shrugs, a smile playing on his lips. “Close enough.”
He holds your gaze for a few seconds too long, but neither one of you look away first. Instead you bunch up your blankets in your fists and offer him a crooked smile. “Thanks, Hobi.”
His eyes linger on your smile, his lips mirroring it. “Anytime.”
4 months in
           Nothing has changed, and yet everything has.
           Ever since you fell ill, you’ve been jumpy. Anytime Hobi accidentally brushes up against you as he reaches for something in the kitchen, whenever he knocks on your door, even when he calls you from the grocery store. It all makes you jump and sends your heart racing.
           “You’re so dramatic.”
           You look up at Yuri, your most brutally honest friend. “…ouch?”
           She shakes her head, sinking down lower in her seat across from you. You keep boxing up your leftover food to take home, wondering if Hobi would like it.
           “I mean it. You’ve been freaking out about this guy for over a month now without doing anything about it.”
           You pause, looking at Yuri with wide, pleading eyes. “What am I supposed to do? He’s my roommate!”
           “So what? Your lease is up in a few weeks, isn’t it? If it backfires, just move out.”
           You snort. “Easier said than done. I can’t just up and move whenever I like, you know.”
           “You can’t or you don’t want to?”
           “Shut up.”
           “I refuse. Now,” Yuri checks the time on her phone. “tell me what you like about him.”
           “I never said-” you sputter, but Yuri holds up a hand and cuts you off.
           “Actions speak louder than words. He’s literally your background on your home screen.”
           Ok, that sounds like a bit much. It’s true, though. A week ago Hobi finally got to take you out to meet his friends. Together you went on a midnight hike (something you’d honestly never do again) and found a breathtaking view at the top. His friends, specifically Jimin and Taehyung, had practically shoved the two of you together for an impromptu photoshoot under the night sky.
           The photos are a little blurry and dark, but you love them. Enough to add one as your background. “But you can’t actually see us in the picture, it’s just pretty-”
           “Sure it is. You two make a cute couple.”
           “W-we do?”
           Yuri jumps up, clapping her hands and startling a couple just a few tables down. “Aha! See, you do have feelings for him!”
           “Ok, ok,” you hold up your hands in surrender. “Just sit down.”
           Once she’s taken her seat again and apologized loud enough for the couple she scared to hear her, you lean in close over the table. She rubs her hands together, looking every bit the scheming friend she is.
           “Alright, let’s plot, shall we?”
           Hobi checks the window for the eighth time in under five minutes, brushing the curtains aside to see if your car is in the lot yet. It’s not.
           “C’mon Jung,” he rolls his neck, bouncing on his feet. “Calm down. Keep it chill. Everything’s fine.”
           Everything is not fine.
           Things haven’t been fine for months now, something he’s been able to deny to an impressive level. Last weeks, however, the lie came to an end.
           His friends loved you. Like, ranted and raved about how funny and cool you were until he was worried he needed to organize an intervention. Then, the icing on the cake.
           Yoongi had grabbed him while you were hiking back down, sandwiched between Jin and Jungkook. He nodded down at you, turning a knowing eye to Hobi.
           “So…when’s that gonna happen?”
           Hobi played dumb, frowning at Yoongi. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
           “Hoseok, c’mon.”
           You laughed at Taehyung, who jogged up ahead. He was quickly joined by Jungkook. Hobi’s pretty sure his heart stopped beating as you turned around, searching for him. Once your eyes found his, your smile widened.
           Yoongi laughed at his side. “You’re whipped, and you don’t even realize it.”
           Indeed he was. Dangerously so, if he was going off of the amount of times he’s knocked on your door to ask you out only to change his story at the very last moment to ask you something stupid instead. You never seemed to mind, just laughing at his strange questions and teasing him mercilessly.
           “Ok,” Hobi whispers to himself, still bouncing on the balls of his feet. “You’ve got this. Just rip it off like a Band-Aid. Quick and to the point.” He tilts his head to one side. “But not the painful part. No pain.”
           He’s in the middle of his pep talk when the sound of your key in the lock alerts him to your return. Hobi is standing in the middle of the living room, looking like an idiot. Naturally, he shoves his hands in his pockets. Yeah, that makes him look less like an idiot.
           The second the door opens and you step into the apartment, every thought eddies out of Hobi’s mind.
           You freeze, not expecting Hobi to be standing in the middle of the living room impersonating a lamp when you got home.
           “Hi…?” Hobi swallows at the sound of your voice, watching your every move as you slowly lift up the bag of leftovers. “I brought home leftovers if you want some…”
           “I need you to go out with me.”
           Now you’re really frozen, staring up at Hobi as his eyes widen at his own words.
           “What? What for?”
           “For me.”
           You slowly close the door behind you, setting the food down on the counter before turning to face Hobi again. “For you?”
           He nods, a panicked look in his eyes. “Yes. For me.”
           “Hobi, I don’t understand. Do you need a plus one or something for an event? Is that what it is?”
           Removing his hands from his pockets and taking a step towards you, Hobi shakes his head. “What? No, I need- I need you.”
            It’s a good thing you already set the food down. “Me?” You squeak out, looking your roommate up and down as he takes another step.
           Clearly there’s been a communication error. Hobi brushes his hair back from his face, chewing on his bottom lip before coming to a stop before you.
           “Us,” he repeats, voice low. “I need us to be a thing.”
           “O-oh.” That’s all you can manage as you try to recall if Hobi has ever looked at you like this before. It’s hard to contain yourself when you realize that he has, however he’s always been quick to mask it with something else. Or, more often than not, a silly question.
           “Will- can you…” he stops, taking a deep breath and closing his eyes. Without his gaze on you, you gain a bit of courage and raise a hand to cup his cheek. His eyes fly open, and he offers you a shy smile. “Do you want to go out with me? On a date?”
           Craning your neck, you hold your breath and plant a kiss on his cheek. You delight in the way he instantly flushes, garnering more courage by the second.
           “Yes.” Then you arch a brow. “I have one condition, though.”
           Hobi’s eyes are half closed as he looks down at you, appearing as though he’s slipped into some euphoric realm. “Hmm, anything.”
           “I demand French Toast.”
           Dissolving into a fit of laughter, Hobi sinks to the ground, taking you down with him. You protest, but not too much. Holding you tightly, Hobi subsides in his laughter enough to wink down at you. “French Toast it is.”
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taglist: @baepsaetay​ @dreamcatcherjiah​ @kookie-vuitton​ @thecaffeinatedscribbles​ @moon-write​ @fangirl125reader​ @heishichoulevi @knjkitten​ @sacha-cff​ @vik7797  @eusticenatalie​ @hesmyphenominiall​ @miriamxsworld​ @kayahay​ @secretlycrazyhummingbird​ @marianeamine​​ @hqtetsurou​ @protontippens​ @beginwithamin​ @limiworld​  @jeonyoongi-jimin @buttvi​ @yoontaethings​ @sunshinejunghoseokie​ @delacyrose224​ @jiminiesmagicshop​ @hitsussi
© alpacaparkaseok
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