h4mm132l1c3 · 3 years
Gently lays my hands in my lap. What if I told you I was writing a General Kirigan/Kaz Brekker oneshot. What would you do then.
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h4mm132l1c3 · 4 years
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The Glorious Hunt
Odin Arrow || Aedinfell-centered || Huntsman
‘Odin Arrow hunts best alone. Despite the lumbering form of his demon to keep him company, and newfound companions waiting for him within his home, he's traveled into the wilds of Aedinfell to provide for his people. But when things start to go wrong, will his pride clash with Pedri's, and leave them both stranded? Or will the want to return to his wife's vessel force them both to swallow it?’ {One-Shot}
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h4mm132l1c3 · 4 years
“Uhm.” Jonas has balked, right in the middle of checking over her, one eyebrow raised quizzically at her response to his own question. “Your name is Alex- Alexandra- you go to Camena High, your mom divorced your dad, you’re seventeen-“
She cuts him off. “Do you wanna know what I know about you?” 
“...Yes? What does this have to do with-“
“You’re eighteen, not seventeen. Your mom died of cancer, you don’t like talking about it, because it’s what got you sent to Juvie for a year; which is why you were out of school. During her treatment a kid named Tim- Timmy Finster- threw a baseball at you and you put him in the hospital. But you don’t like talking about this because you’re trying to be someone else.” 
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h4mm132l1c3 · 5 years
Six Sentence Sunday
Reverend Mason is a man of the cloth. Clayton shouldn’t be having trouble with this. It’s a quiet moment they’d both decided to share, silence stretching long as the shadows at their backs, sun already dipped low beyond the underbrush and prairie they ride along. Of course they aren’t going far- Miriam and Arabella both expect them back before evening takes a hold on the town- but the Reverend has looked… perplexed. Worried, at least, with a furrow in his brow and a downturn to the corners of his lips that seems odd for a man with his features.
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h4mm132l1c3 · 4 years
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One Foot.
Alex/Jonas || Time Loop || Multi-Chapter
Jonas and Alex bond over mutual hauntings and supernatural occurrences on Edwards Island. One of them knows exactly what’s been going on. The other just wants to make sure she’s okay. 
{Chapter one}
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h4mm132l1c3 · 4 years
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A Different Angle
Jonas/Alex || Non-Consensual tickling || Stupid teens being stupid
‘Jonas knew there was going to be a few oddities to living with Alex. He also knew that he was going to be dealing with said oddities for the year he lived with her. What he didn't know was that one of said oddities would be coming into the living room to find her hanging upside down while trying to figure out a math problem.’
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h4mm132l1c3 · 5 years
Six Sentence Sunday But It’s... Tuesday?
Ava was used to being on the sidelines. Even after they’d landed planetside, as the others had focused on their own goals, she’d watched in silence for the majority of it. The only time she’d stepped in was on behalf of the man with his face turned toward the darkening atmosphere, when the Strategos had found them, and she’d been needed to protect. Blue blood still stains the edges of her dress. She hasn’t a care for it. Ever since he’d rerouted their shipment, ever since they’d come to Aedinfell, he’d been more… Somber than usual.
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h4mm132l1c3 · 4 years
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Cut Jaw, Green Jacket
Michael lives || Slice of life || Jaded Jonas || School days
‘Ren trips a bit, but he’s caught on the arm by Alex, both of them stumbling and laughing as they go along. Neither of them try to yank him back into the fold, though she seems to notice the moment of silence from Jonas, eyes flickering back for just a moment until he asks his question. Right. They all still have to go home.’
{Chapter 1}{Chapter 2}
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h4mm132l1c3 · 5 years
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Pyrite-50: Quiet Moments
A Destiny OC Ficlet
Pyrite-50: My OC ||  Oreikhalkos: @artemis-crimson‘s OC || Rooftop Talks
“A Warlock contemplates her new life. A woman tries to bring her comrades together. A Titan rests, just below them, unaware of all that they would do for her.”
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h4mm132l1c3 · 5 years
Six Sentence Sunday (Which I stole from Turner shh)
Odin was an expert at shutting things out. At ignoring conflict. At smoking, laying about, and when it was needed; taking responsibility. But he wasn’t an expert in emotions. He knew of them, he knew he had them, and he knew they were stunted because of trauma, but he knew nothing else. Pedri was more aware of that than even Olai. The two monsters of his world.
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h4mm132l1c3 · 5 years
Six Sentence Sunday Because I Forgot
Ghosts weren’t meant to search for this long, were they? From what they’d heard, finding Guardians was supposed to be easy- One simply felt the light within, and knew. They’d nearly given up hope by the time they came across an odd sight. It’s a burned-out skeleton, somewhere in the European Dead Zone, and it’s the most powerful Guardian they’ve ever seen. This has to be the one.
“Guardian? Guardian! Eyes up, guardian!”
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h4mm132l1c3 · 5 years
Six Sentence Sunday On Schedule Wow Me
This mission hadn’t gone to plan. Sombra was somewhere, Widowmaker had gone radio silent half an hour ago, and now she was stuck underneath a pile of rubble. Which was simply divine, of course, no problems at all. None. Moira forces her eyes open despite the dust covering her face, and attempts to twist her hips around enough to assess the damage, only to be met with a sharp pain and wheezing breaths. Which meant she’d broken at least one rib.
“Peachy,” she mumbles through coughs, “absolutely, positively, peachy.”
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h4mm132l1c3 · 5 years
Six Sentence Sunday But I Forgot To Post Last Night
Finally, as he watches Gil move ever faster, spinning with one leg held out behind him, a free hand climbs up the scales and pauses just before hitting the end of their tracks, trilling the highest two notes together with pointer and middle finger.
The dancer is laughing. Soft, listless as he pauses, still standing tall on his toes. 
The producer in turn clears his throat, managing something like a smile, “Pardon m-mm-my e-eh-enthusiasm.”
“I like your enthusiasm.”
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h4mm132l1c3 · 5 years
Six Sentence Sunday ON SUNDAY For Once
But then something else clicks. He looks too familiar, and not in the sense that she’s seen him before- Even if it feels like she’s definitely seen him before- In the sense that she’s getting an insanely weird case of deja vu. The position he’s settled himself into, the silence that stifles too much of her thought process, eventually cleared by her voice. She’s not going to let that stretch on for long, otherwise this would be more awkward than it is already.
“Jonas, right? I’m Alexandra.”
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h4mm132l1c3 · 5 years
It’s Still Sunday It Counts
As soon as she finds an empty room- Which just so happens to be Ren’s, he keeps the door locked, but she has a key, which means assured privacy- She’s dragging him into it, an open and shut situation. Alex is stumbling, laughing, and probably far more drunk than he is. That’s okay. That’s more than okay, actually, seeing as she’s flopped onto the bed and just stares up at the ceiling. He follows suit next to her, watching as she takes her hair down, Caribbean blue spilling over her back as she rolls enough to lay her head on his shoulder. 
Just that little bit of contact makes his heart jump. “So…”
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h4mm132l1c3 · 5 years
Also Six Sentence Sunday Is A Thing
When the swordsman awakes, it’s with a hacking cough that rattles his whole body, bringing to the surface sand and dust he hadn’t even realized was there. Someone is gingerly pressing a damp cloth to the skin around his hairline, though once it hits his left temple Yasuo groans in pain, struggling with unfeeling limbs to push away whomever was aiding him. Of course, like any well-meaning human, they don’t listen to him. They just hum patronizing words, trying to get him to still, maybe being more stubborn than they need to be with their retorts. He recognizes the tone they use, the cadence of it.
“I do not need your help, little sparrow.”
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