#hallmark spotlight
Hallmark Movie Spotlight
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The Good Witch (2008)
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Directed by Craig Pryce.
Written by Rod Spence.
Starring Catherine Bell, Chris Potter, Catherine Disher, Matthew Knight, Hannah Endicott-Douglas, Peter MacNeill, and Noah Cappe.
Originally premiered January 19, 2008 on the Hallmark Channel.
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The first film in a seven film franchise. A new film aired every year, from 2008 to 2014. (Good Witch 1.0) In 2015 the first season of the 'Good Witch' television show (Good Witch 2.0) premiered. The series ran for seven seasons totaling seventy episodes, and five films ending in 2021. For thirteen years the Hallmark Channel was in the 'Good Witch' business.
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A mysterious, yet charming woman, Casandra "Cassie" Nightingale, arrives in a small town, Middleton, and causes a stir when people think this raven-haired enchantress is an actual witch. She moves into the allegedly haunted Grey House, and opens the "Bell, Book and Candle" shop full of wondrous unique items. The town's moral committee, lead by the mayor's wife Martha Tinsdale, becomes convinced that she is evil and begins a campaign to drive her out of town. This causes much stress to the town sheriff, Jake Russel, a struggling widower who is slowly developing feelings for Cassie. As their relationship grows, Cassie helps the sheriff's children Brandon and Nancy, as well as several members of the community, face their problems and overcome personal obstacles. But is common sense or magic that's helping the townsfolk? And will they ever be able to accept her as one of their own?
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I recently put a poll up for people to vote on their favorite original Good Witch movie for a Hallmark Movie Spotlight feature, and out of the seven this films the very first one got a hundred percent of the vote. So here you go.
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celaenaeiln · 6 months
What are your favourite dickkory moments?
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Generations Shattered
Bamf malewife and bamf girlboss
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Convergence New Teen Titans Issue #2
Just the utter love
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The New Teen Titans (1984) Issue #1
It's all about the domesticity for me. The 'we're already parents' lifestyle
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The New Teen Titans (1984) Issue #39
The deep emotional understanding.
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The New Teen Titans (1984) Issue #10
What will it takes for moments like these again? Why is DC pushing so hard against this? I mean, I know why but seriously?
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The New Teen Titans (1984) Issue #31
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The New Teen Titans (1984) Issue #34
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The New Teen Titans (1984) Issue #35
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The New Teen Titans (1980) Issue #1
It's always been love at first sight for Kori.
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The New Teen Titans (1980) Issue #2
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JLA/Titans Issue #2
The utter love and joy that's radiating from her face at seeing Dick- you can just feel it through the screen.
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Justice League (2018) Issue #54
Kori will always kill anyone who hurts Dick and Dick will always love Kori.
My favorite moments are always how endearingly she carries him and how softly he touches her.
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The Flash (1987) Issue #81
Pre-crisis I actually think they married officially even though the wedding got interrupted because originally Wally refers to Dick as Kori's husband and I remember a scene where people were protesting Dick getting married to an alien. I believe DC rewrote their stories to never having been married later on.
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The Flash (1987) Issue #81
"Koriand'r--Starfire--is a solarpowered alien princess who can blow a hole in the side of a battleship."
Dick: "I love that in a woman."
After Dick and Wally rescue Kori:
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The Flash (1987) Issue #82
Flash: "uh huh. Hey, not to be crass, but can we postpone this little hallmark moment--at least until things quiet down a bit?"
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The New Teen Titans: Judas Contract
Dick literally fights off possesion due to the amount of love he has for Kori and his friends
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The New Teen Titans: Judas Contract
Dick keeps pictures of Kori framed
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Tales of the Teen Titans Issue #44
And my favorite Dick and Kori moment of all time-
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Teen Titans Spotlight (1988) Issue #19
A grand, sweeping romance, the two of them.
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pearlszns · 10 days
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𝓦arnings.ᐟ luke castellan x ( f! ) reader , clarisse la rue x ( f! ) reader , Aphoride! reader , flirting , kind of loser! luke , kissing. . .
𝓝otes.ᐟ 𑁤‧ ₊˚ don’t know where i got this idea but i luv it. . .
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From the moment you and Luke crossed paths at camp, there was an unspoken connection that neither of you could quite define. Luke, with his tousled hair and shy smile, harbored an immense crush on you since the day you arrived. His 14-year-old heart fluttered whenever you were near, and even now, he remained utterly infatuated with you. His mind spun with plans to impress you, culminating in a moonlit escapade to the lake one fateful night. However, his well-intentioned gesture turned sour when he realized you couldn't swim—a detail he had overlooked in his eagerness to impress you. The night ended, your displeasure was evident, culminating in a swift slap that shattered the fragile moment.
Despite the awkwardness of that fateful night, your bond with Luke endured. Time marched on, as summer faded into memory and you returned to camp, Luke found himself captivated by the transformation you underwent. Gone were the awkward teenage years, replaced by a radiant beauty that left him breathless. Upon your return to camp the following summer, Luke found himself awestruck by your ethereal presence, as did everyone else. Your metamorphosis seemed almost miraculous, leaving Luke mesmerized by your newfound radiant beauty that left him breathless. Your hair cascaded like silk, each strand seemingly infused with moonlight, and your eyes sparkled with a depth that stirred something profound within him. Luke couldn't help but marvel at the sight of you, feeling a surge of gratitude for merely sharing the same space as you.
Yet, as you blossomed into an undeniable vision, Luke's insecurities swelled. He watched with a mix of envy and despair as others vied for your attention, wishing he could claim you for himself. It was a selfish desire, he knew, but the thought of anyone else possessing your affections filled him with an irrational jealousy. To Luke, you were more than just beautiful—you were an ethereal being, a celestial presence he yearned to hold close.
The attention from others didn't bother you at first; you took it as genuine kindness, each compliment a small affirmation. However, Luke shattered that illusion with painful honesty. He laid bare the ulterior motives lurking behind the flattery, revealing a world of manipulation and hidden agendas. It was a bitter pill to swallow, realizing that your trust had been misplaced and your heart deceived. As the spotlight grew unbearable, you sought solace in Luke's presence, yearning for the simplicity of your friendship. Just when you longed to escape the suffocating embrace of false adoration, fate intervened in the form of Aphrodite, the Goddess of beauty and love. Her claim upon you only served to intensify the spotlight, drawing even more eyes toward your radiant presence. Luke, burdened by the weight of his own insecurities, watched with a bitter ache as you gravitated toward Clarisse, the formidable warrior of the camp. He observed the way you admired her strength, the camaraderie you shared, and it ignited a jealousy that burned deep within him.
With each passing day, Luke felt the chasm between you widen, a gulf of distance that he struggled to bridge. His attempts to spend time with you were met with polite refusals, excuses of prior commitments with Clarisse that left him feeling sidelined and forgotten. The pang of rejection gnawed at his soul as he questioned why you didn't extend the same gestures of intimacy to him—why he remained devoid of the affectionate nicknames and inside jokes that had once been the hallmark of your friendship. Before Clarisse entered the picture, you two were inseparable, confidants who shared every secret and laughed until your sides ached. Now, as he watched you grow closer to her, Luke couldn't help but wonder what had changed, and why he found himself on the outside looking in.
The sight of you and Clarisse growing closer ignited a storm of conflicting emotions within Luke, a tempest of jealousy and longing that threatened to consume him whole. As he watched you gaze at her with a mixture of admiration and affection, he yearned to shed every layer of insecurity and stand before you as the epitome of strength and valor, just as Clarisse did. Yet, despite his fervent desires, it seemed you only had eyes for her, leaving Luke to grapple with the bitter sting of rejection. With each passing day, the gulf between you and Luke widened, a gaping chasm that swallowed the remnants of your once inseparable bond. Where laughter and shared secrets had once flourished, now lay silence and unspoken longing. Luke's heart sank with each polite refusal to spend time together, each 'sorry, I already made plans with Clar,' echoing like a tolling bell in his mind. The absence of the affectionate nicknames and inside jokes you once shared felt like a dagger twisting in his chest, a painful reminder of the connection that now seemed lost to him.
As you and Clarisse blossomed into a couple, Luke found himself on the sidelines, a spectator to the love story unfolding before his eyes. Envy gnawed at him as he watched you steal kisses and intertwine your fingers with hers, his heart aching with a longing he dared not speak aloud. Despite the silence that had settled between you, Luke found solace in the gentle warmth of your smiles, each fleeting glance a balm to his wounded spirit. Yet, beneath the facade of acceptance, a storm raged within him, a tempest of unspoken words and shattered dreams.
As the whispers of your relationship with Clarisse spread through the camp like wildfire, envy became a palpable presence, clinging to the air like a heavy fog. Luke, once your confidant and companion, found himself consumed by a bitter cocktail of jealousy and longing. Each tender gesture exchanged between you and Clarisse—the stolen kisses, the intertwined fingers—felt like a dagger twisting in Luke's heart, a painful reminder of what he could never have. Despite the silence that had settled between you, Luke couldn't tear his gaze away, his eyes widening with a mixture of yearning and sorrow every time he witnessed your displays of affection. Weeks passed, then months, without a single word exchanged between you, the weight of unspoken words hanging heavy in the air. Yet, even in the midst of the silence, the warmth of your kind smile offered a fleeting respite from the storm raging within Luke. Each gentle curve of your lips served as a beacon of hope, a reminder of the bond that had once bound you together. In those brief moments, all the pain and resentment melted away, leaving only the raw ache of unrequited love in its wake.
Despite the excitement of your budding romance with Clarisse, the absence of your once-close friendship with Luke left a void that even love couldn't fill. Clarisse, ever perceptive, couldn't help but notice the wistful glances Luke cast your way—the longing in his eyes, like a wounded puppy yearning for attention. Though she never admitted it, jealousy simmered beneath the surface, igniting into a blaze of possessiveness during your intimate moments. Each kiss was an inferno of passion, leaving you breathless and marked with bruises that served as silent declarations of ownership. Yet, those marks were not just for Clarisse's satisfaction—they were a message to Luke, a reminder of what he could never possess.
For Luke, each bruise left in Clarisse's wake served as a visceral reminder of what he could never have—a tangible symbol of the connection he yearned for but could never possess. As he watched from the sidelines, his desire for you burned with an intensity that bordered on obsession, fueled by the tantalizing glimpses of intimacy he could never hope to share. In his mind's eye, he imagined himself in Clarisse's place, tracing kisses along your skin with a tenderness born of love. But fate, it seemed, had other plans for him, relegating him to the role of a silent observer in the love story unfolding before his eyes.
With the arrival of Percy, a new camper, the atmosphere at the camp seemed to shift, tinged with an air of uncertainty. The confusion etched across Percy's face didn't go unnoticed, and your compassionate nature couldn't resist reaching out to offer him guidance and support. From the moment you extended a helping hand, it was as if a bond had formed between you, solidifying into a relationship that mirrored that of siblings. Despite Clarisse's reservations, you took Percy under your wing, guiding him through the intricacies of camp life with a patience and kindness that spoke volumes of your character. To Luke, watching you interact with Percy was akin to witnessing a masterclass in compassion—an exhibition of the same gentleness and care that had drawn him to you in the first place. With each act of kindness, each word of encouragement, Luke found himself falling deeper under your spell, his admiration for you growing with each passing day.
As he observed the bond blossoming between you and Percy, Luke couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy gnawing at his insides. He longed to be the recipient of your nurturing nature, to bask in the warmth of your affection as Percy did. Yet, even in the face of his own insecurities, Luke couldn't deny the undeniable truth—you were a beacon of light in the lives of those around you, a source of comfort and strength that endeared you to all who knew you. And as he watched you effortlessly weave your magic, Luke couldn't help but fall even more deeply under your spell, his heart swelling with a love he dared not speak aloud.
As the much-anticipated 'Capture the Flag' event loomed on the horizon, you couldn't shake the knot of apprehension that coiled in the pit of your stomach. You knew all too well the fierce competitiveness that burned within Clarisse, your girlfriend, and the lengths she would go to claim victory. But when she proposed a plan that involved exploiting Luke's feelings, your heart recoiled in protest. "I can't do that, Clar. He’s my friend" you protested, the words tumbling from your lips in a rush of defiance. The thought of toying with Luke's emotions filled you with a sense of unease, a moral boundary you couldn't bring yourself to cross. Yet, Clarisse's dismissive laughter only served to deepen your sense of discomfort, her casual disregard for your objections stinging like a slap to the face.
"He was your friend, babe. Let's be real, you haven't spoken in years" Clarisse retorted, her tone laced with amusement as she casually dismantled your protestations. The weight of her words hung heavy in the air, a stark reminder of the growing chasm between you and Luke—a divide that seemed insurmountable in the face of Clarisse's ruthless pragmatism. Despite the pang of guilt that twisted in your gut, you refused to succumb to Clarisse's callous tactics, your conviction unshakeable in the face of her relentless laughter. "Clarisse, I can't do this. It's—it's just wrong. And so what if we haven't talked in a while? He's still my friend.” you stood your ground, refusing to be swayed by Clarisse's callous disregard for Luke's feelings, a sense of unease settled over you like a heavy shroud. The realization that your relationship with Clarisse had clouded your judgment, blurring the lines between right and wrong, left you reeling with doubt. With a final glare at your girlfriend, you pushed back from the table and stormed out of the Ares cabin, the weight of your decision bearing down on you like a leaden burden.
As Clarisse doggedly clung to her plan, determined to oust "poor lover boy" from the game, a heavy sigh escaped your lips as you stormed away. The weight of her insistence pressed down on you like a leaden weight, threatening to suffocate you beneath its relentless pressure. Yet, before you could retreat too far into the shadows of your thoughts, Clarisse's hurried footsteps echoed behind you, a silent plea for understanding hanging in the air between you.
Unbeknownst to you, Luke lingered nearby, his heart sinking like a stone as he witnessed the tense exchange unfold before him. The sight of your distress pierced him to the core, igniting a fierce desire to intervene, to shield you from the turmoil threatening to engulf you. Despite the rift that had formed between you, Luke couldn't bear to see you in pain, his instinct to protect you overpowering any lingering resentment he harbored. “Clarisse that’s stupid! I don’t see the point, I mean you could easily win ‘Capture flag’. Everyone knows it.” Your whispered argument with Clarisse echoed through the air, the tension palpable as emotions ran high. “Can’t you see it? How he looks at you? How he want to devour you. That’s why I’m doing it.” Clarisse's words struck like a blow, her accusation leaving you reeling with disbelief. The realization that she viewed Luke's feelings for you as a threat sent a shiver down your spine, casting a shadow of doubt over your relationship. Yet, even as you bristled at her possessiveness, a sense of confusion clouded your thoughts, unsure of how to navigate the tangled web of emotions that threatened to engulf you.
With a scoff, you asserted your independence, refusing to be cowed by Clarisse's attempts to control you. But before she could retort, a familiar voice broke through the tension, halting the argument in its tracks. “Everything’s alright?” As Luke interjected, his voice cutting through the tension like a lifeline, you couldn't help but feel a rush of conflicting emotions wash over you. Relief flooded your senses at the sight of his familiar form, a reassuring presence in the midst of chaos. Yet, mingled with that relief was a pang of guilt, knowing that his intervention only served to further complicate the already fraught situation. Your gaze lingered on his arms for a moment, tracing the lines of sinew and muscle with a mixture of admiration and apprehension. When had he grown so strong, so imposing? The realization struck you like a bolt of lightning, igniting a spark of something unfamiliar deep within your chest—a flutter of uncertainty that left you momentarily breathless.
You tore your gaze away from Luke's arms, muscles taut and defined beneath the fabric of his shirt, and directed it toward Clarisse, who bristled with anger beside you. Her frustration radiated off her in palpable waves, her clenched fists and furrowed brow betraying the simmering rage bubbling beneath the surface. Caught between the two, you felt like a pawn in a game you never wanted to play. Luke's unexpected appearance had thrown a wrench into Clarisse's plans, leaving you grappling with a whirlwind of emotions. As you searched for the right words to defuse the tension, you couldn't shake the nagging feeling that things were about to spiral out of control. “Yeah, until you came, lover boy.” Clarisse's words cut through the tense atmosphere like a blade, each syllable dripping with venom as she leveled a scathing glare at Luke. The weight of her disdain bore down on him like a physical force, his shoulders slumping under the weight of her contempt. For a moment, the air seemed to crackle with the intensity of her anger, her words hanging in the air like a dark cloud.
Luke stood frozen in place, his jaw clenched tight against the onslaught of emotions roiling within him. Hurt and indignation warred within his chest, each breath a struggle against the suffocating grip of Clarisse's words. The nickname "lover boy" echoed in his mind, a mocking reminder of the love he harbored for you, now twisted into a weapon against him. As Clarisse turned on her heel and stalked away, the echo of her footsteps reverberated in Luke's ears, each step a harsh reminder of the rift that had formed between them. He watched her retreating figure with a mixture of hurt and resignation, his heart heavy with the weight of her rejection. In that moment, he felt more alone than ever.
As Clarisse stormed away, her anger palpable in every rigid line of her posture, a heavy sigh escaped your lips, laden with a mixture of frustration and resignation. The knowledge that her fury would only fuel her competitive streak in tomorrow's game weighed heavily on your mind, casting a shadow over the already tense situation. "Fuck," you muttered under your breath, the curse slipping from your lips like a whispered prayer to the gods of chaos. It was a rare display of raw emotion from you, a stark departure from your usual composed demeanor. Luke's raised eyebrow and teasing remark pulled a reluctant smile from you, a flicker of amusement dancing in your eyes despite the turmoil swirling within you. "Since when does the beauty princess curse?" Luke quipped, the nickname a fond reminder of simpler times, when the weight of responsibility had yet to bear down upon your shoulders. His words sparked a bittersweet nostalgia within you, a longing for the innocence of youth and the carefree days spent in the company of your closest friend.
"Been a long time, huh?" you murmured, your gaze lingering on Luke's face as you drank in the familiar contours of his features. In that moment, surrounded by the echoes of past memories and the weight of unspoken truths, you found solace in the quiet companionship of the boy who had been by your side through it all. Luke's breathy chuckle danced through the air, a familiar sound that tugged at the corners of your lips despite your frustration. His words, laced with a hint of amusement, echoed with a warmth that harkened back to simpler times, when the weight of the world had yet to burden your shoulders. You couldn't help but sigh inwardly, a pang of regret gnawing at your conscience as you chastised yourself for your own oversight. "Yeah, you must have been busy all this time" Luke remarked, his eyes alight with the same playful spark that had once defined your friendship. The sight of his smile, unchanged by the passage of time, tugged at your heartstrings, a bittersweet reminder of the bond you had shared before life had pulled you in different directions.
“See you tomorrow at the game, ‘the best sword man’ and you should be aware by now that Clarisse is going to probably be behind your back.” With a resigned nod, you bid Luke farewell, the weight of the impending game hanging heavy in the air. As you turned to leave, a warning slipped past your lips, a playful jab at his skill with a sword and a reminder of the formidable opponent he would face in Clarisse. Yet, despite the teasing tone, there was a warmth in your words, a silent reassurance of your enduring friendship. Luke's smile widened at the nickname you bestowed upon him, a testament to the enduring bond between you. Though he may have harbored a dislike for the moniker, coming from you, it held a special significance—a reminder of the connection that had weathered the storms of time. And as you walked away, the echo of your laughter lingering in the air, Luke couldn't help but feel a surge of affection for the friend he had missed more than words could express.
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© pearlszns 2024. do not translate, or duplicate any of my works on here or any other websites.
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oldgayjew · 2 months
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This bill calls for the deportation of all illegal invaders ...
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... and this bit of information explains why the Nazicrats aren't willing to stop the influx of illegal invaders ...
Human sex trafficking of women and children is the hallmark of the elitist Hollywood DC crowd and the most important issue in America ... but the Useful Idiots of the Goebbels Media go out of their way to keep silent about it and fill their "reporting" with anything to have Trump in the spotlight ... whether misrepresentations or outright lies ...
One day they will be called to answer for their words ...
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anecdotal-acorn · 1 month
I AM A CHANGED WOMAN. OH MY G-D. I can't think coherently. But here are my thoughts on Sweeney Todd (3/30/24 matinee)
Act I
- I almost jumped out of my skin when they said “swing your razor high, Sweeney,” in Ballad of Sweeney Todd, like if that was possible I would have done it lol; the ensemble was so scary, there was a bright white light change, and the music got super loud, it was awesome
- Seeing Joe Locke in that opening number, something about him made me realize “oh he's gonna be great,” like his really intense pained vibes, his Toby really wears his heart on his sleeve
- WHEN AARON JUMPED OUT WITH THE SPOTLIGHT ON HIM!!!!!!!!!!!! I think my soul left my body (& it's still in the theater)
- Aaron’s weird cockney accent that he clearly has so much pride in, like King you could've just done a normal voice but no, he chose to do his own strange thing and it was giving Prince James One Royal Holiday (his Hallmark movie, iykyk) tbh
- When Mrs. Lovett threw flour across the stage at Sweeney to get his attention in Worst Pies
- The shadow/silhouette projections going through the story in Poor Thing, they were so tantalizing they actually managed to distract me from Aaron lol
- It really didn't seem like he snapped when he said “my right arm is complete,” it seemed like he was a depressed man who finally found passion and drive again, not someone who was going crazy
- Maria was IMMACULATE as Johanna, the most gorgeous voice and acting…her halting, jerky movements really showed how damaged Johanna is, yet she still had this grace about her underneath, true beauty that couldn't be stamped out of her, even with all she endures
- Joe Locke was so light on his feet in Miracle Elixir (also he seemed to be having a great time, which goes for everyone during the whole show honestly)
- The lights changed color with each line of the song, like there was orange, white, then blue
- Aaron leaned over when he was standing by his little razor table and Sutton’s Mrs. Lovett ate that shit up, she crouched down to check out his butt for a solid twenty seconds
- When the Judge came into the shop Aaron had this huge grin on his face, he was so excited to kill him and he just spent too long relishing the moment
- Epiphany was a full-body experience I swear
- When Mrs. Lovett stared at his package in A Little Priest
- And then Aaron laughed when he pointed down at her cupped hands and said “what's that,” you could tell it was a genuine laugh from Aaron and not a Sweeney thing
- Aaron’s buttery voice when he sang “the history of the world, my pet”
- And he did a little growl too (don't look at me. DON'T)
Act II
- his voice was SO well-suited for Johanna Act II
- SUTTON FOSTER’S FEET IN BY THE SEA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was hoping SO HARD that she would do that, and she did and it did not disappoint; Miss Foster how does it feel to be living out my dreams, thank you queen for letting me see that and live vicariously through you <33333333333
- she struck a pose like she was taking photos for Playboy when she said “me in stripes”
- “Not While I’m Around” was emotional af, Joe Locke did not have to go that hard but he fucking did
- For some reason I was the only one who clapped when Johanna shot Fogg? Is that not an applause-worthy moment??
- He was so giddy when he finally killed the Judge
- Aaron actually scared me when he was gonna kill Johanna, and esp when he chased down the stairs after her like a hulking monster
- the scariest thing was that even as things unraveled, he didn't seem to be “losing it”; he seemed to be getting even more intent on his revenge, stronger, more deft and precise, more confident, more powerful in his evilness
- he was scary af when they were looking for Toby too, so menacing
- his growl when he said “you lied to me”
- how he crawled towards Mrs. Lovett like an animal and scrabbled at the floor to grab her
- How loud the fire roared when he put Mrs. Lovett inside
- his body language (hunched shoulders, limp limbs/posture) seemed maybe almost remorseful once he threw her in the fire? Like as if he was thinking I'm glad I did that, I had to, but I'm exhausted and can't exactly process that she’s actually gone because of me
- The way Johanna held Anthony close when she saw the bodies
- Aaron’s acting when Toby killed Sweeney—he didn't fight him off, he just looked so sad and tired, like he wanted to be dead (what a wonderful interpretation of the lyric “she was his reason and his life”)
- UGH when Sweeney and Lovett hold hands and step into the pit, finally weightless, they’ve got each other, Sutton and Aaron are right, it IS a love story, oh my g-d my heart
I don't know if I'll ever be able to stop thinking about this. It was SO GOOD!!!!! Anyway thanks for reading my rambles if you got this far hahaha, hope you have a lovely day
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munchkinmarky4life · 1 month
The most depressing thing is that out of Hollywood’s most sexiest men or actors, there’s Leonardo DiCaprio, Brad Pitt, Ben Affleck, Chris Hemsworth, Idris Elba, Jason Mamoa or whoever man is on that list, but not COSTSAS MANDYLOR?! The audacity! What’s even more depressing is that the only great works that Costas has been included is the Saw Franchise, this man has played in many low budget films and indie films, hallmark films and it breaks my heart because he deserves to be in a blockbuster, playing the leading man. He’s a great actor but is unfortunately not chosen for the greatest films. He deserves at least to seen under a spotlight. I’m glad he’s manage to carry the Saw Franchise and be seen by a fanbase that both enjoys and finds humor in his character and to himself. But overall, Costas Mandylor is heavily underrated.
✨Honestly they don’t make men like Costas no more, but I’m glad we have him, still alive and well🌚💝✨
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rmd-writes · 4 months
Okay, Nice Ask Week Ask -
In each of your fandoms what fic would you want to see put on screen? Either one you've written or one you've read.
I'd forgotten about nice ask week! This is a great but difficult to answer question, Lims. So many of my fave fics wouldn't necessarily translate well to screen for many reasons lol but even then I've struggled to choose just one fic per fandom haha
Schitt's Creek: so many fics, just SO MANY, but I've narrowed it down to two - Fifteen Hundred Miles by morehuman which is just so beautiful - David and Patrick meet while hiking the Pacific Trail and A Cardamom Christmas by @lisamc-21 for the adorable hallmark romcom vibes.
Red, White & Royal Blue: Nova, Baby by @cha-melodius was the first fic that popped into my head when I saw your ask. into the spotlight aka @indomitable-love's actor au would be a fun movie too! I'm also going to sneak one of my own in here, because I wrote this year i will fall with intention that it would feel like a hallmark Christmas movie complete with a montage sequence.
Lonestar: I struggled here! @welcometololaland's Love Game (my beloved) would be a fun sports movie/romcom and I'd love to see the flashbacks and action of ALTA on screen. Secret Moments in a Crowded Room by @strandnreyes would be a visual treat with the costuming and your Knave-verse would be so great on screen too!
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jamespottersmixtape · 5 months
last line tag
ty for tagging me @star4daisy I'm finally getting around to this cause I had time to write this weekend <3
This time Barty does melt, turns to sludge and slush and a pool of water then seeps into the snow. All under Evan’s touch. He hums into the kiss, letting his pan-less hand rest on Evan’s back and pull them as close as they can get, forgoing physically crawling inside his skin. And Barty thinks, as Evan swipes his tongue over his lower lip, immediately granting him the access he craves, that they must look purely picturesque. All winter wonderland under a singular spotlight, kissing like there’s nowhere else to be. Like if time stood still you might be able to slap them on a cookie-cutter Hallmark movie poster and it wouldn’t look too out of sorts. Maybe one of them should lift their leg—pop their foot in the air and really seal the deal. Make it…make it cute. But the bubble bursts when Barty goes to bite Evan’s lip, deepening the kiss further, both eliciting soft groans at the light graze of teeth—and Evan pulls away. Spit slick and shiny reddened lips, looking up at Barty with every ounce of smugness he has to offer.
little snippet from my christmas one shot!
no pressure tags: @cheeryknots and @214lilacsky or anyone anyone! pls do it if you want, you can totally tag me
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romanstheory · 1 year
Nothing Else Matters a Solo Sikoa One Shot
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Warnings : none all fluff
Word count : 660
It’s our anniversary! Three years being with the love of my life, Solo Sikoa. It’s been a beautiful three years of course with some ups and downs, but I mean no relationship is linear. He’s been gone a lot recently. He’s been on the road with his brothers a lot. Things are really looking up for his career and I couldn’t be more proud of him. He’s always been destined for the spotlight, but me id rather be the person making it happen. I’ve flown into California for Smackdown, after Solo’s match he has something planned for the two of us.
I finish getting my hair and makeup done and get into the car Solo sent to get me to the arena. On the way, I can see fans lined up for what seems like miles. All in their merch and holding signs. I make my way into the arena and there he is with a giant smile on his face. He greets me with a hug, his hands resting on my waist. He pulls me in for a kiss “happy anniversary baby” he says looking deeply into my eyes. “Happy anniversary” I say grinning. “Happy anniversary baby” Jimmy says mocking Solo playfully. “Oh my god I love you” Jey says in a high pitched voice.
I laugh and roll my eyes, they were always close by with their antics. “What y’all got planned?” Jey asks as we all walk through the halls. “He won’t tell me” I reply looking over at Solo. “That’s how surprises work” he says looking over at me smirking. The night continues and he wins his match and showers after. He blindfolds me, guiding me to the car. “No peaking” he says, I can almost hear the smirk in his voice. The drive seems to take forever and I’m full of anticipation. The car stops and I hear him get out and come over to my door, opening it and gently taking my hand into his.
“Can I look yet?” I ask with enthusiasm. “Not yet baby” he says sweetly. He guides me by the small of my back, never letting go of my hand and pulls out a chair. He unties the blindfold revealing a beautiful candle lit dinner with live music just for us. We’re right in front of what is the most beautiful body of water I’ve ever seen in my life. “Babe” I say in awe looking around. “This is beautiful”. He looks at me the way he did when we first met, it’s a look I can’t describe. It’s the look you give someone when your heart is full and it’s because of them. Sort of like looking at the most beautiful thing you could ever imagine and never wanting to stop.
Our dinner was amazing, I couldn’t have asked for a better dinner. He takes me by the hand again and guides me down a path by the water. “Solo this is beautiful” I say still in awe. “Yeah it is!” He says as he slowly drifts behind me. I stop walking, noticing his change in pace. I turn around and there he is…. On one knee with a ring box in his hand. My heart sank, this was like something out of a hallmark movie. “You make me the most happy man on the face of this planet” Solo says “when you’re with me nothing else matters. Please make me the happiest man on the planet for the rest of our lives. Will you marry me?”
My mouth drops and tears fill my eyes “YES!” I scream. He puts the ring on my finger and I jump into his arms. I hear people approaching, cheering and screaming. He’s invited our families out for this very moment. The rest of our night is spent celebrating the rest of our lives together. He was right, in this moment nothing else mattered.
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annieqattheperipheral · 10 months
Why the Maple Leafs went off the board to select "Cowboy" Easton Cowan
Treliving was working the phones & did try to trade down bc they knew they were picking this projected 2nd-rounder high but no bites. But i suppose in turn it puts a nice spotlight on a swell fella we should get to know
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the cowboys've got The Passion™️
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farmboy, loves naz, AND ✨stylin✨ has more than got the goods to fit right in w mitchy & auston
full article about cowboy:
Moments after he first met Dale Hunter, the longtime Knights head coach gave Easton Cowan a nickname that stuck.
Born in Strathroy, Ont., Cowan comes from a farm in nearby Mount Brydges where his family farms cash crops like wheat, corn and soybeans. When the pandemic hit in 2020 and Cowan’s time in high school classes became limited, he began working on the farm from 6:30 in the morning till 9 at night during the busy farming seasons of spring and fall, driving a tractor beside the massive combine his father Chris uses to transfer crops.
“It’s the time you have to put in to succeed in the cash crop business of farming,” Chris told The Athletic.
That time on the farm helped instill a work ethic, as well as good ol’ farm strength, that Cowan has made his hallmark as a Knight. Ahead of the draft, Clark was clear: The Leafs wanted players who had intelligence, competitiveness and who could “influence winning hockey.”
Clark and the team’s scouting staff appear to have found a player who ticks those boxes.
“It’s a great picture of what (Cowan) could be in the NHL,” Knights associate general manager Rob Simpson said. “His motor and his engine on the ice, he is relentless and never stops working. And he’s the type of player that if you want him to play higher in your lineup with skilled guys and bring competitiveness and forechecking and skill, he can do that. If you want him to play a defensive game and play the penalty kill, he can do those things.”
That versatility was evident as the Knights went to the OHL final this season. During that playoff run that Simpson called “impactful,” Cowan’s game shone. The Leafs valued how he played in the playoffs, lapping up the spotlight and the pressure while leading all OHL rookies in playoff scoring with 21 points in 20 games.
It was his hockey sense, which shined with quick passing in the offensive zone, that popped in the playoffs. That hints at his potential for producing offence as he continues to develop.
Even though his smallish frame may remind some of past Leafs picks, it’s the fact that he’s become known as a “puck hound” according to Simpson that might well separate him from those picks. His competitiveness is well-established.
Cowan grew up a Leafs fan and said he models his game after Nazem Kadri.
Simpsons remembers games this year where Cowan would pinball from one defenceman to the other on the forecheck. He wouldn’t stop there. He chased after the puck wherever it went.
“He’s just relentless all over the ice at trying to get the puck and when he has it, he doesn’t want to give it up,” Simpson said.
He also appears pretty comfortable in his own skin.
“How’s it goin’?” Cowan, wearing black suede shoes with no socks, said as he took a seat in front of more cameras and reporters he’s likely ever faced.
Cowan beamed when he described FaceTiming with Mitch Marner.
“Happy you’re part of the Buds,” was what Cowan remembered hearing from Marner.
“That was pretty cool,” Cowan said. “(Marner) competes all over the ice. He’s a great player and a great guy. You look up to that.”
Cowan listed Knights equipment managers and trainers as people who helped propel him being an unlikely first-round pick.
Before leaving a table at the end of his media availability, he asked politely if he could take a box of Biosteel sitting in front of him.
“He’s so kind to everyone around him,” Cowan’s father said. “Not a lot of people know that about him.”
The long-term projection:
Cowan can play both centre and the wing but the Leafs likely see him more as a wing in the pros. While it’s remarkably early to start forecasting where Cowan might fit in an NHL lineup, it is fair to say the Leafs valued his sharp progression this past season and believe that he may just be scratching the surface of what type of player he can be.
His standout playoff performance especially, fueled by that tenacity, may have really struck a chord.
“The biggest thing that’s going to translate the best is his motor, his engine and competitiveness,” Simpson said. “You look at the NHL playoffs, you have to have players like that to be able to win these days.”
Cowan, who just turned 18 in May, will likely begin his time in the Leafs organization at the team’s development camp, set to begin July 3. It feels likely that Cowan will return to the Knights, not just next season, but for multiple seasons. He’s already intent on adding the kind of strength to his frame that will be necessary for him to one day join the Leafs in the NHL. That and improving his shot.
The Leafs appear comfortable making Cowan a long-term play for the organization.
“We’re trying to take the best player available, not today or tomorrow, we’re looking at the long run,” Clark said ahead of the draft.
But what Cowan could become in the long run is intriguing enough for the Leafs to have made perhaps the most surprising pick on day one of the draft.
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Hallmark Movie Spotlight
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When Calls the Heart (2013)
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Directed by Michael Landon Jr.
Written by Michael Landon Jr., based on the Janette Oke novel 'When Calls the Heart,' Canadian West Book #1.
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Starring Maggie Grace, Stephen Amell, Poppy Drayton, Daniel Sharman, Cherie Lunghi, Christopher Villiers, Daisy Head, Lee Williams, Greg Lawson, Lori Loughlin, and Jean Smart.
Originally premiered October 19, 2013 on the Hallmark Channel.
Became the pilot movie for Hallmark's longest running original series 'When Calls the Heart,' with a one season spin off 'Where the Heart Is,' that aired on Hallmark Movies Now.
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When Calls the Heart is the story of Elizabeth Thatcher, a cultured young school teacher in 1910 who, through the discovery of her aunt's secret diary, finds the courage to leave her big city home to accept a teaching position in a frontier coal mining town. And in the process, she also finds potential for love with a handsome Royal Canadian Mountie.
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I put up a poll so folks could vote on what they through was the best 'When Calls the Heart' movie for a Hallmark movie spotlight, and this one came in first place, so it's the clear winner.
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steampunkforever · 3 months
Something about biopics naturally leads to oscarbait. Telling a true story with some emotions attached is as sure a recipe for Oscar nominations as a cheesy hallmark channel original is for getting your mom to cry at the most inevitable onscreen kiss in the history of the moving picture.
To that, I get it. Usually true stories are about human triumph and suffering, and knowing that they're true has significant impact that shouldn't be discounted. This is especially heightened by the fact that most biopics require actors to go through significant physical transformations, which the academy just eats up because at the end of the day many of these people are just theater kids that made it and therefore dress up is a huge hit. Which is why I was surprised that Iron Claw was passed up for nominations in favor of Maestro.
Iron Claw does it all. Stupid haircuts, fantastic performances, tragic circumstances artfully on film, and Zac Efron getting grotesquely built for this movie. It's a film about a cursed dynasty in 80s-90s wrasslin and you 100% get what you paid for with this movie. Highly suggest.
At its heart, this movie is a sports biopic. Which is not to say that the wrestling is real, but that the performance is extremely taxing for the human body, much like ballet and other physically demanding dance. As such, I think it does a better job than Foxcatcher at spotlighting tragedy at the hands of abusive coaches, but this really isn't enough for me to feel any particular way about an Oscar snub.
That said, it was much more artistically high minded than I expected it to be. A solid percentage of the film swung much more arthouse (think the earliest Scorsese & co projects) than I expected, and the film was altogether an ambitious piece of art.
One detail that got me was a section toward the end in which a very convincing Ric Flair delivers his typical heel braggadocio monologue. We know it's fake. The film knows its fake. Even the characters know it's fake. Early on in the film they make sure to break Kayfabe to tell us as much. But the Ric Flair monologue, delivered at a key point in the film, riled me up despite it all. Worth the watch just for this.
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tagged by @cinematicnomad to post 7 comfort movies. (i would like you to know i struggle with lists like this because my autistic brain very much wants me to be AS PRECISE AS POSSIBLE and i only learned very recently that neurotypical people don’t worry about that?? they just…answer without worrying if they’re picking their top 7 comfort movies?? they just…pick 7 movies and move on with their life?? wild.)
1. spotlight. kat and i have this one in common, and for good reason - it’s just so. damn. satisfying. people who do bad things get called out on their bad stuff and people who had been ignored get heard. it’s (in my opinion) one of the most re-watchable dramas out there. and man…such a good cast.
2. howl’s moving castle. look, probably most of the studio ghibli movies could make this list, but howl is the one i turn to the most because the whimsical, fun, warm vibes of this movie feel like a HUG. the growth of all of the characters makes me smile and you just want to FALL into this movie. i absolutely want to take a walk through some hills and find myself at the door of a wacky castle with a super hot wizard, thanks very much.
3. major league. i asked my younger brother once how many times we’ve seen this movie and he laughed and said, “oh man…at least a couple dozen.” you have to understand this movie is a solid piece of the foundation of my childhood. we only had the basic stations when i was a kid and this movie was on on saturday afternoons constantly. CONSTANTLY. i can probably quote the entire thing from memory. there’s something about a baseball movie that always makes me feel like i’m living in an endless summer afternoon, like i have nowhere else to go, nothing else to do. it’s an unsurpassed vibe: just baseball and a warm afternoon that never ends.
4. 10 things i hate about you. another endlessly quotable movie - and one i share with my sister. also our dad loves it - and quotes it to me too. there isn’t a lot to say for this one other than sometimes a movie comes along and it’s just yours, you know? this is one of mine. when my sister had her oldest child i bought her a tiny red izod polo shirt and she immediately asked, “did you buy this from an outlet mall?” YES. I ABSOLUTELY DID AND I HAVE NEVER BEEN PROUDER RO BE YOUR SISTER THAN IN THIS MOMENT, RIGHT NOW.
5. rudy. if there’s something i think everyone needs to know about me, it’s this: i love inspirational sports movies. LOVE THEM. absolutely cannot get enough. do i know exactly what the filmmaker is doing to me every time i hear sweeping music and someone starts running in slo-mo? oh yeah. abso-fucking-lutely. do i care? not the smallest bit. in fact i lean into that shit. rudy is one of the best ones and it also gets extra bonus points because for a long time it was the only movie i ever cried at. that’s not hyperbole. people would refuse to watch it with me because i’d always be reduced to a blubbering mess by the end. HE’S SO LITTLE. AND THEY CARRY HIM OFF THE FIELD. give me a break. i’m not made of stone.
6. steel magnolias. the hallmarks of this list are a) i have watched this movie at least a dozen times, b) this movie has a VIBE, and c) this movie is insanely quotable. this movie passes all three with flying colors. the cast is absolutely stellar, and this community of women who love and support each other is just…THE ACTUAL BEST. but also: it has dolly. DOLLY. “what size shoe do you wear?” “well, i wear a size six, but a seven feels so good, i buy a size eight.” perfection. PERFECTION.
7. ocean’s eleven. you know how i love an inspirational sports movie? I LOVE A HEIST MOVIE. like LOVE. the whole genre is smart and fun, and ocean’s eleven is also stylish and funny and just a fantastic fucking time. it has an insane cast and a great soundtrack and it’s just so GOOD. so so good. it’s a film told with a wink that manages to carry the best part of 50s/60s swag into the 00s, and we are all the better for it.
i tag: @tattooedsiren, @machtaholic, @smowkie , @itsactuallycorrine , @caroandcats , @elisela , and @missanniewhimsy and whoever else wants to do this. it’s a fun one.
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greentrickster · 1 year
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Okay, watched it!
Initial reaction: Pretty decent movie, just in general comparison to other movies.
How it compares to other Hallmark movies: ...I knew this channel was holding back on us in regards to how good their writing can be, I HAVE DEFINITIVE PROOF THAT YOU CAN WRITE A DECENT SCRIPT WITH FUNNY JOKES, QUIT HOLDING OUT ON US!!!
It’s meant to be a funny, cute movie about a couple guys falling in love at Christmas, and that’s just what it is. The only jokes I didn’t enjoy were the ones based on ‘oh, what an awkward situation’ type humour, and that’s just because of personal preference. This movie made me giggle. It also got me tearing up at the end when male lead (green sweater guy, also the guy who who came up with and produced this movie, married his husband last March, and was Aaron Samuels in Mean Girls) has a very moving, vulnerable moment which I’m not going to spoil but which anyone who grew up millennial and LGBTQ+ is probably going to appreciate a lot. The third-act conflict is also very nicely handled, with an actually reasonable misunderstanding between the guys that they both talk about with people they’re close to and realize that they both mishandled/misread the situation a bit.
Will mention, it’s not a bad thing but there is a tiny bit of idealization in the hometown community shown, with everyone being very aware and supportive and another gay couple already living openly in the neighbourhood, but hey, it’s Hallmark - its brand is more wish fulfillment and escapism than realism, just in general. There are a sprinkle of real-world things scattered in to ground the movie a bit, but it’s meant to be a fun, light romance, and it is.
Also, this movie features one (1) lesbian who announces she’s just gotten engaged to her girlfriend at the beginning of the movie and is around for only one scene. So it’s still primarily the G of LGBTQ+ that’s getting the spotlight at the moment, which is a little sad, but the important thing is that we’ve got one letter all the way through the door now, which opens the opportunity for the others to eventually follow.
TL;DR: Yes, there is now a Hallmark movie featuring a gay couple who have cute chemistry and get to kiss on screen (and get their full Hallmark due of having said kiss be shown from three different angles) that you can put on at your parents’/grandparents’ place over Christmas and homosexuality is never the joke.
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lycanthian · 9 months
hi. blaseball ocs? 👁👁
i have FOUR major sectors of blaseball ocs. and by that i mean i have THREE teams and ONE standalone oc. :3 Today I will talk about one(1) of them. because theyre my favorite. maybe ill talk abt others sometime else if u really want :3
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[ IMAGE ID: The roster of a team titled the Louisville Crash Course. In the Pitching rotation is Devious Denim, a 2.5 star pitcher, Ranchez Drumsolo, a 3 star pitcher, and Levi Massimo, another 2.5 star pitcher. In the Batting lineup is Riot Emily, 2.5 stars, Eclaire Redacted (with physical redaction bars substituted for a last name), a 4 star batter, Stacatto C. Daisy, a 3.5 star batter, Rad Bromeliad, a 3.5 star batter, Jacob Fuzzy, a 4.5 star batter, Miss Chili, a 3.5 star batter, 2X4 (pronounced Two By Four) Girlish, a 3.5 star batter, Hallmark Fortification, a 3 star batter, Lunkhead En Rose, a 2 star batter, Hamsworth Johannes, a 2.5 star batter, Deleted Ibon, a 2.5 star batter, and Dern Becktabular, a 4.5 star batter. The team's icon is a stop sign emoji, and the note at the bottom reads, "HOW DO I DRIVE THIS THING?" End ID. ]
The Louisville Crash Course is a wild team. They debuted in my friend @callibones fan league that I still think about constantly, and swept the competition actually pretty hard! They ended up losing in the finals, if memory serves. Anyways, they're crazy. I change their origin story up every once in a while because I can never find the exact right starting point for them to feel cohesive.
Devious Denim (real name Levi Denim) is a cowboy and a bit of a fashion enthusiast. He comes from way out in the sticks and thinks it's really fun to keep his western gear up to trends with weird colors and patterns. He is, notably, the team's first ever pitcher, and is generally pretty stoic towards most. He has a little brother on a different team named Mal Jean, and when the two are together, they're practically inseperable.
Ranchez Drumsolo is, ironically, the bass player for a small garage band. They do everything in their power to avoid conventionalism and are generally a very chill guy.
Levi Massimo is a theater school dropout with a passion for the stage. He just got roped into this "blaseball" stuff for a fun side gig and got in too deep. He styles his outfits extravagantly off of the field, with a particular knack for costume design.
One thing that these three pitchers have in common is that they are absolutely all dating each other, although they won't admit it to the presses. They are commonly spotted out together, whether that be going to a fancy restaurant or hitting some local stores together. Pitcher polycule.
Riot Emily is a butch lesbian and also the best friend of Ranchez Drumsolo. She is the real drummer in their shared band. She's also generally a nostalgic person, and enjoys revisiting old places from her childhood with Drumsolo frequently.
Eclaire ████████ is a hardcore emo with a propensity for being difficult to pin down. He enjoys being disagreeable and flaky. Identity struggle central.
Staccato C. Daisy is a robot woman made from old junk and, most notably, has a head made from an old FM radio. Xe is happily married to Miss Chili.
Rad Bromeliad is a skater and general gym-goer. He usually travels the country constantly for skating competitions, but he's taken up the sport for a social media spotlight.
Jacob Fuzzy is both a gymnast and a werewolf. While he started in gymnastics and cross-country, Blaseball was his true dream. He has a troubled medical history as a result of his lycanthropy.
Miss Chili is being made of seemingly gelatinized soup, given human form. She is a teacher and a mother of two, and generally the most "adult" person on the team. She is happily married to Staccato C. Daisy.
2X4 Girlish is a mystery. They are four girls that seem to play as one player. Outside of the game, the girls still stick very close to one another and can only be seen talking to one another in a tongue unrecognizable to the rest of the team. When asked for comment by the media, they deliberated before one girl took the mic and flippantly said, "You know, just girl things," before taking the microphone and running. When the camera crew reached their location, they were nowhere to be seen.
Hallmark Fortification is a middle aged man with a hobby of doomsday prepping. He plays to keep his physique up in preparation for any weird supernatural shenanigans he has to face.
Lunkhead En Rose is a shark guy. A smooth boy, if you will. He takes pride in his appearance and general self care, and makes sure his teammates do the same.
Hamsworth Johannes is a particularly non-notable woman. She prefers a quiet life mostly, having worked boring office jobs for most of her days, but took up blaseball full time after retiring in search for friendship.
Deleted Ibon is a creature of void and static with a tendency to fade in between timelines and jump between realities accidentally. It has no control over this power. Despite this, it's generally kind, just a little confused.
Dern Becktabular is a professional blaseball player and has a hobby of being an arcade-goer. They played blaseball briefly in high school, but took a break for college to focus on their studies. They came back to the sport afterwards, and are generally a big brother kind of person to as many people as they can manage.
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watchinghallmark · 1 year
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A Pinch of Portugal - April 22nd on Hallmark Channel
When a celebrity chef walks off his show, prep cook Anna must step into the spotlight and make the show her own, with the help of her Aussie cameraman and Portuguese location scout. Starring Heather Hemmens and Luke Mitchell.
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