#half vulcan
satiwi1 · 6 months
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My star trek guys
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tsukihimesartcorner · 7 months
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Old one to the left, new one to the right.
Same drawing... two years of work in between
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terriblygrimm · 10 months
“The other thing that was very important to me was finding a way to tell this story so that fans and non-fans alike could understand that were it not for his sister, Spock could not fully actualize himself with Kirk. When they say goodbye, she says, “I want you to find the person who is least like you,” and she’s obviously talking about Kirk. Spock takes that advice, and she’ll never know it.” - Alex Kurtzman
friendly reminder that michael’s last line to spock is about his future with kirk
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smallandsundry · 1 year
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make it so
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i ❤️ spock‼️‼️‼️
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bumblingbabooshka · 8 months
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[TUVOKTOBER: Day 15] At First Sight.
#tuvoktober#excerpt from the novel 'pathways'#tuvok/t'pel#Tuvok#st voyager#st voyager fanart#T'Pel#hey [vibrating from thinking about Tuvok - Vulcan Love & Gender Identity & Sexuality too much] -extends hand- chew through drywall with me#comix#something about how Tuvok's identity is half T'Pel and has been for decades he's spent DECADES growing with half of him being a person#he's not just deeply in love with but literally IS. He literally literally /IS/ part of T'Pel and his children literally ARE a part of him#the SECOND he sees T'Pel Tuvok says 'Being with her isn't enough I need to BE her. NOW.'#that novel had barely anything about T'Pel in it but I'll forgive them bc what they did have (basically just this) ??? showstopping.#thinks about Tuvok alone on Voyager thinks about the unique and alien suffering#[shuddering breath...]ahgh...[cough]....h ey Tuvok!!! What're your PRONOUNS-#Guy who misses his wife who is also him#gu ys....[sobbing openly] g uys...he's INCOMPLETE without them.....#are you picking up what I'm putting down???#-chokes star trek writers- stop having straight people write alien romance. let insane gay people like me have a turn pleasepleaseplease#bea art tag#[switches out of angst mode for a second] also its SO fucking funny that in this novel's canon Tuvok didn't know about the pon farr until#it happened to him. he literally had NO idea what was going on. His parents didn't tell him. Why?? Don't believe in sexEd???#it really made me laugh. conservative coded...#drawing elaborate Vulcan head....things? headresses? is fun <3#suggestive cw
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lichqueenlibrarian · 5 days
Kirk using his speech time to say nice things about Spock in front of everyone…
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good-wine-and-cheese · 3 months
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Star Trek AU Tenmas (and mirror!verse Tenma)
Tenma is a half-Vulcan, half-Human and thus doesn't quite fit in with either society. He was raised Vulcan and thus strives toward the ideal of pure logic, though has never been able to succeed in the ritual purging of emotions that all Vulcans undergo, to his great shame. Rather than seek to join Starfleet, he instead took his post within the Vulcan Science Academy with a focus in engineering.
After an intense and violent emotional breakdown caused by the death of his wife and son, he is essentially expelled from the academy until such a time that he can "master" his humanity. He’s assigned as an observer to a Starfleet research outpost, where he meets and must cooperate with Ochanomizu. If he is to be accepted back to the Vulcan Science Academy, he must come to terms with his human half; a difficult process, for someone who views humans as inherently inferior for their illogical nature.
Because he's not Starfleet, it gives him room to be kind of an antagonistic force since he's serving the interests of Vulcan rather than Starfleet and sometimes, even though they're allies, they don't get along. Ochan can't give him orders because they're not the same chain of command so they're gonna be butting heads a lot.
Mirrorverse Tenma: This version of Tenma has achieved balance with his human half and accepts his emotions rather than try to suppress them. He actually did become a member of starfleet the Terran imperial fleet, as one of the few avenues through which a Vulcan can obtain status in the Terran Empire (short version of the alternate timeline: when humans made First Contact with Vulcans in the Mirror!verse it did not go well for the Vulcans).
I can't decide whether he's working his way through the ranks to install himself at the top or if he's engaged with resistance groups aiming to sabotage and overthrow the Empire....though knowing him he might be playing at both ends.
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hexados-on-a-string · 4 months
no one talks enough about how there's apparently crew on the vestal destroyer, even after spectra and gus take it. bc thats so funny. can you imagine just being these regular ass people and your bosses are a group of some of the most insufferable (and evil) teenagers ever.
and you're chilling out, doing your job, trying not to get killed bc these kids are insane and the king is a dick and u never know what's going to happen bc u watched the giant cyborg dragon blast a hole into the side of the ship once and that took SO much work to fix and thats not even in the top 20 of the wildest shit to happen on the ship.
then all of a sudden the guy who looks like cloud strife if he was trying to cosplay a bird is like "i have stolen the ship." and ur just like "do we get paid??" and they're like "?? yes???? we're not that evil" which like. that's debatable but you don't say anything you just continue doing ur job. like technically u should be pissed off abt the royal family like lying and shit and how bad that all is but you've also been working here for 2 years and already knew all that shit and the pay is good so fuck it. plus the break room gossip is juicy as hell and contributes to like 75% of ur dopamine intake.
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i just think they'd be friends
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deeneedsaname · 11 months
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I know Spock isn’t a vampire but the Vibes of this post give off spock and christine
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autumn-trekking · 3 months
Romulan Wedding Traditions: a headcanon ramble
I’m back again with a half baked Romulan take. I think they’re weddings probably still has some similarities to the Koon-ut-kal-if-fee. Except instead of duking it out on the hot sands of a dessert planet with the champion picked by your fiancé, it’s a little more complicated.
First off Romulus is described to be “a lush, humid world abundant with vegetation and large bodies of water”
So I’m thinking swamps and jungles (a Romulan on a fan boat makes my brain go brrrrrrr), where it’s easy to hide and challenging to hunt.
So on your wedding day no matter what your fiancé will present you with a challenge and that challenge is to hunt someone that they’ve picked but you don’t know who, and you bring them back to the specifications of your fiancé. So if they want them alive, you might just tie them up, but if they want them dead you might have to bring back their head or something. A real challenge is when they say dead or alive.
And then the trick of it is that the person they choose is someone you could really want dead, but you know your fiancé wants alive, like for example the fiancé’s ex. Do you show your fiancé how brutal you are by bringing back the head of the one who may have stood in your way, or do you hog tie the son of a bitch and pout about it? Either way it sets the tone for the marriage.
Also it’s not really guaranteed that you’d bring them back alive if asked, because traditionally you are meant to kill the one your fiancée picks, but more modern sentiments have made way for change.
So if your fiancé sends you after her father and asks that he not die, you only really have to bring him back. If you’re polite, you’ll say that he slipped and drowned and you weren’t able to revive him and everyone will look the other way at the strangulation marks on his neck. Or if you really are cruel you will bring him back and shoot him dead in front of your fiancé. And either way you are getting married.
The only way to get out of a marriage is to not bring back the one the fiancé picked. So let’s say you have the entire 25 hour cycle of the day to get this person. You could decide just to camp out, or miss your shot and if you can avoid finding the person and comeback empty handed then no marriage.
Or on the fiancé’s end they could request someone too hard to get/someone that doesn’t exist. I like to think it used to be in fashion to request someone who was dead. Until some dude who was really in love with his fiancé decided to say fuck it and broke in the family crypt and carefully exhumed and carried his fiancé great grandmother to the ceremony. Everyone’s horrified and a little grossed out (because the ggma had been dead long enough for decomposition to start), but the fiancé is laughing so hard.
Because she actually did want her great grandmother there, they were very close. She didn’t want to marry this guy cause she just didn’t want to get married yet, she was nervous. But here’s this guy who is lovingly cradling her ggma in his arms. He literally brought the only person who would’ve soothed her into this. And she gladly married him, and they immediately bring the ggma back, and then the trend falls out of fashion cause ew wtf.
It’s also a big deal to be the one the fiancé picks. I would call it an honor but you could possibly die so. It’s considered a big social faux pas to refuse to be the one hunted out right but there are ways to get out of it if you feel like you might die. Some people take on an extra stint of military service (not that it’s voluntary, but maybe they’ll be taking on a tour they could’ve sat out of idk), some others claim they are trying for a child (this is really popular among single women who are suspected to be a lover to the one who hunts, real tongue and cheek shit), but sometimes the only thing that will work is to change your name.
The way picking works is you have to present the persons name. Because there is so much secrecy in Romulan culture, names are really tricky, so maybe the name given is just your common name and you decide to be a stickler and insist on the full four names in order for you to be the hunted. Or maybe you go to your family and ask to change your name there as to throw off the picker.
But it is a little awkward if the picker is your brother and you know he wants you dead so that when your father dies he will be head of the house instead of you, the oldest. And you know his fiancé would kill you even if your brother said they didn’t have to, because the fiancé is the youngest in their family and they have twelve siblings to get through before it’s their turn. So helping their fiancé become head of their family is just a smart move. Lucky for you your dad saw this years ago and already changed your family name, but waited until your brother already picked your full old name so now he has to pick someone else. He’ll pick the father out of spite, but the fiancé won’t kill him. After all, your dad used to be his commanding officer, it wouldn’t feel right.
It’s the hunted’s duty to make the hunt difficult, even if they know they’ll live at the end of it. So they’ll set traps and sneak around. I like to think that Romulan’s have houses similar to Klingons, and those houses have their own variations on the traditional ceremony. So maybe the hunted must hide in a particular place based on their house tradition, or they must throw the hunter off with a certain system.
I can imagine a house who often picks children to be hunted, that way it doubles as a test for the child’s skills. So maybe the fiancé very sweetly gives her little sister a present and asks her to be the hunted. And this 13 year old kid is absolutely STOKED to give her brother in law hell. So not only does she hide, but she starts counter hunting him. And he DIDN’T PLAN FOR THAT. So right when he’s looking at the barrel of a Romulan cross bow, beaten and bloodied by a kid who still sleeps with a night light, he’s fully accepted he’ll be the first in history to be killed and brought back. She looks at him and says something like “When you marry my sister…may I live in your house? I…don’t want to be without her.” And he says yes without hesitation because his fiancé already asked if it was okay, and he’s grown up knowing the little sister too and knows that it’s not the best for her at home (without much detail, Romulan secrets you know), and this kid just drops the crossbow and starts crying because she was really worried she was gonna lose her sister! And so he lightly bounds her hands, they make it back to the ceremony. Folks are congratulating her for giving him hell but snickering at the number this tween did to that guys face! All in all it works out, they are married and the sister moves in with them, and when it’s her turn to marry she kindly asks her niece…who has been trained from birth to return the favor.
Overall I feel that Romulans are just so complex and secretive, that a freaky (affectionate) marriage challenge feels right up their alley. They aren’t governed by logic, but by secrecy and deadly hide and seek feels right.
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It's so funny that in the Talos IV top secret report Spock is deadass mentioned as "Half-Vulcan Science Officer Spock".
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I can’t articulate it, but it gets to me that, outside of Spock and I think Tuvok, being logical and regulating emotions isn’t something that Vulcans are shown to just endure, the same way they endure lower temperatures for other species, or higher oxygen for other species, or anything else that has to be incredibly uncomfortable at best to painful at worst that they just endure
The vibe I get from it is that a majority of Vulcans enjoy it, they like being logical, maybe they didn’t get a choice in being logical as kids, but unlike the select few like Sybok, they don’t seem to be resentful that they were raised like that at all
This isn’t just something they’re all forced to do now to prevent their emotions from causing their species’ end, dedicating themselves to logic brought them inner peace
#Star Trek#Vulcans#can’t articulate it especially while really tired and lying in bed#but hopefully y’all still get what I’m trying to say#I say I think for Tuvok because I know he struggles with violent thoughts#but I don’t think it has the same vibes as Spock struggling with his human half to fully accept Vulcan’s ways#even though it seems like fully dedicating himself like that brings more harm to his human half#which causes it to be more prominent like a vicious cycle#fuck definitely can’t articulate rn#also maybe for Tuvok Vulcan’s ways are actually even more appreciated#because they’re exactly there to help Vulcans regulate intense emotions#also I think this is part of why it seems more like Spock struggles compared to other Vulcans#for other Vulcans logic and regulating all emotions is seen as a way for them to be content#to be able to live their lives peacefully and to its best extent (peace and long life)#in a way that embracing emotions wouldn’t because they’re intense emotions would destroy themselves#but for Spock logic and regulating emotions is more about trying to reach impossible standards and get acceptance from everyone else#abd things like that again very tired can’t articulate#also adding to my hc that while Vulcans regulate their emotions and come to logical terms on why they feel like they do#and peacefully handle it#Spock believes that they’re all suppressing so that’s what he’s actually doing#just suppress suppress suppress everything which isn’t healthy#just my personal thoughts
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saline-coelacanth · 2 days
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Second set of Pride Month chibi doodles! I have one more set to make after these ones which I will probably get done tomorrow.
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bumblingbabooshka · 9 months
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Two people on a small bipartisan science station gently fall in love.
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