#hahhaha his little smirk though
channieissocute125 · 7 months
All Tied Up
Lee: Chan
Ler: Felix
It was getting late and Chan knew that. He was not one to give up or be affected by outside factors though, so he pushed through. About 15 minutes later, he started getting tired. It was to the point where every couple seconds he would yawn. He knew his body was telling him he should go to bed. He didn’t care though. He had to finish producing and practicing. If he didn’t what would happen? He didn’t want to think about it. He knew they were releasing their new comeback soon. What if he wasn’t ready? He didn’t want to disappoint his members. What would Stays think?
All this was going through his head when Felix walked in. At first he was shocked to see the light was still on but when he saw who was up, it made sense.
“Oh, hi Felix.” Chan said in a cheery voice.
He was happy to see Felix after all. He knew he should go back to the dorm, but he couldn’t he had to finish even if that meant staying up all night.
“You know you really should go to bed. I’m not trying to tell you what to do, I’m just saying…”
“Why’re you here? It’s almost 1.”
“Oh I couldn’t sleep.”
“Aww, I’m sorry to hear that.” Chan said this while secretly hoping the younger would leave. He loved him, but just not right now. He needed to focus.
He was all thinking this when he felt a poke at his side.
“Aah Felix-”
“What?” Felix asked teasing the older. He knew what he was doing.
“Oh nothing, I-I just… never mind.”
Felix’s plan was working. He just needed a way to pin him down. He didn’t want to get tickled back after all.
“Hyung, I think it’s time for you to take a break.”
“I need to do th-”
“It doesn’t have to be long” Felix interrupted.
Chan got up, deciding he should probably take a break and went to the bathroom.
When he got back, he was surprised to see Felix holding a rope.
“What’s that for? Wait where’d you get it?” Chan asked quietly chuckling to himself.
“It doesn’t matter. Could you lie down?”
“Lie down? Why?”
“It doesn’t matter. Please?” Felix asked trying on Seungmin’s infamous puppy eyes.
“Okay we’re gonna play a little game. I’m going to tie your arms together with thins rope and then to the table leg here. And the goal is you have to try to escape. If you can’t get out however, there’ll be a punishment.”
“Okay sounds simple enough. Wait a punishment? What kind of punishment?”
“You’ll see.” Felix said while smirking
When Chan was all tied up the game started. He tried, he really did. But he couldn’t get out. It was just too tight. He wasn’t exactly mad though. He genuinely wanted to see what the punishment was.
“Aww, hyung what’s wrong? You can’t get out?”
“Ahaha Felix please don’t tell me this is the punishment I can’t take it”
“Aww, too bad. I wish you could see how cute you are right now.”
“Wait noho”
“Oh yes”
“Now Channie hyung, where’s your most ticklish spot?”
Oh Chris hated that question. It made him feel all squeamish and he couldn’t help but giggle.
“I’m not telling you.”
“Guess I’ll just have to find out myself.” Felix shrugged
“Fine! It’s my abs”
“Yay! I was hoping you’d relent and tell me!”
“Okay I’m just going to lift your shirt up and count each rib. Pretty simple wouldn’t you say?”
“NOHOHO” Chan answered already dying
Felix started the tickle session by running is fingers across each rib slowly. It almost looked as though Felix was tickling Chan because he was bored.
“When’re you gonna begin? It’s too much”
“Okay, I’ll start if you insist.”
At that, Felix dug in. He tickled everywhere with one hand and with the other he made sure to stay on the inserts ribs.
“ Awww, I’m glad you’re having so much fun!”
“Nahaha Hahaha HEHE IT’S SO MUCH”
“IhI need to get back to wohork”
“Oh but you don’t. Not only that but I won’t let you. I won’t stop until you promise me you’ll go to bed.”
“Noho Felix please hahaha”
“You know how to make this stop.”
“I promise I’ll go to sleep hahaha”
At that, Felix let up and walked the older back to the dorm as he was falling asleep.
Y’all I’m sorry for not writing. I just had no motivation. I love you guys and please feel free and ask me anything 🫶💕
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chceose · 5 years
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lenawritesjojos · 5 years
Can I request a Jotaro x fem reader where they meet for the first time in Singapore and at first they hate each other because Jotaro was rude to her so she decides to take revenge on him using her stand but she doesn't know about Star Platinum so they end up fighting and in the end Jotaro is impressed that Reader's stand is almost as strong his? Maybe Anne is in there too and is a little jealous of Reader?
Hello! I was surprised at first because this is pretty much the prompt of the first chapters in one of my Jotaro fics in AO3 hahhaha. Here you have a scenario! I got a bit carried away whoops.
Stand fight gone weird
Pairing: Jotaro x Fem!Reader
Word count: 882
The streets of Singapore were full of life at that time of the day, both tourists and local people milling around and minding their own business. You were among them, walking distractedly and taking your time in watching the many street vendors and the cute trinkets they sold. The climate was warm, but a slight breeze caressed your cheeks, and you couldn’t help but to close your eyes for a moment and relish the feeling.
It was a mistake.
“Oi, woman, watch where the fuck you’re going!”
Shocked both by the sudden impact and the harsh words, you stepped back hesitantly, taking in the huge figure of the man that had just bumped into you. He was tall and broad, wore all black and had a piercing gaze semi-hidden by his equally black hat, along with a deep scowl.
“I-I… sorry.” You apologized a bit weakly, intimidated by him.
It didn’t seem to be enough, because he just grunted one last time and stormed past you, black coat billowing after his fast stride.
What a jerk, was your first thought.
Bothered by the rudeness of that stranger, you decided that the best way to get even was to use your stand. You knew it wasn’t fair to use stands in unsuspecting people, especially if they couldn’t see them, but where was the harm in a little fun? He had been the one to cross you by being unnecessarily rude for a small mistake.
Also, it wasn’t like there was anyone near to judge you, right?
With a smirk on your face, you started to follow him inconspicuously, the semi-transparent shape of your stand beginning to materialize by your side, at the ready. Only a small prank would suffice, you thought, but the less people around the better, so you waited until he entered a way less crowded area to put your plan in motion.
You silently willed your stand to get a bit ahead of you, almost to its range limit, and then, in a swift motion, its arm came in contact with the man’s leg, full intent on making him trip.
Except he didn’t.
A purple, ethereal arm-like shape had suddenly appeared before him, grabbing your stand’s arm forcefully and making it return to you quickly. Just your luck, you groaned internally, that rude-ass man had to be a stand user too.
He turned around to face you, and there was no other choice but to run. You were fairly confident in your stand’s ability, but a place with people around wasn’t just the ideal scenario for the fight that was just about to go down. That’s why you led him towards an empty plaza, stand at the ready.
“Are you one of DIO’s servants?” He inquired, his stand now fully out for you to see. A muscular, purple godlike figure that stared right at your stand with cold eyes.
It would be a hard fight.
“Who the fuck is DIO?” You shot back.
He didn’t look very convinced, however, and his stand swiftly lunged forward, punching your stand’s chest with a loud ‘ora!’.
“Star Platinum!” He shouted.
You were ready for it, though, and so your stand attacked back, both sending punches flying through the air as their respective stand users gritted their teeth to try and ignore the pain. Every punch your stand received, you felt it in your skin, but you resisted and endured the prolongating fight. The scowling man seemed somewhat surprised, probably because he thought his stand was way stronger than yours.
It was only a teeny tiny bit stronger.
The fight was finally decided when Star Platinum grabbed your stand by the neck, applying enough amount of pressure so that you fell on your knees, defeated.
“Okay, okay, I surrender!” You gasped out.
You felt the grip lessen and took a sharp breath, looking down at the ground in shock. Not only your stand had been defeated, but the rude stranger had gotten his victory once again over you, and that was the worst part of everything.
A big, calloused hand appeared right in front of your eyes, and you took it without looking at him in the eye as he hoisted you up.
“Nice fight.” He grumbled out.
About to retort something snappy, you raised your head with a swift movement, but your words were cut off by someone else’s.
“Jotaro! Where were you?!”
It was a girl’s voice, much younger than you, judging by the pitch. When you turned around, your guess was proven correct, as a dark-haired girl was running towards the two of you with a red-haired young man close behind.
Jotaro didn’t answer, his gaze still fixated in you. It was then when you noticed that you were still holding his hand, and that it felt very warm and comfortable. Almost as if your two hands belonged together.
“Who’s this?” The girl questioned, her gaze turning into a glare as she took notice of your joined hands. You quickly separated yours from his, not wanting to endure the blatant jealousy of a small child. Things were already uncomfortable enough.
After a small pause, in which the redhead joined the three of you, Jotaro spoke, his turquoise eyes meeting yours directly.
“Your stand is strong. Would you like to join us?”
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magma-queen · 5 years
Tickle fic bingo: Hunting for death spot
The couple were laying down on the couch cuddling together, watching a movie. Ash clung to Clemont like a Koala bear.
“You scared yet?” Clemont asked.
“N-no! Me? scared? Pfffft. You know me, babe. I don’t get scared of any-“
Ash jumped and he rolled off the couch.
Clemont smirked at him.
“Not scared, mmm?”
Ash glared at him, getting up and laying back down on the cough with him.
“I’m not scared.”
Clemont just continues to tease him further.
“Mm Hmm. Sure you aren’t..”
Ash turned to him, glaring at him.
“Are you telling me you’re not scared? This is a heckin scary movie...”
“No, Ash. I don’t scared of anything. It’s a film. Make believe! There’s no such thing as ghosts or monsters or anything like that. Science simply proves them to be false.”
Ash rolled his eyes. “You’ve got to be scared of somethin...”
As the movie progressed on, the two were starting to get restless. It was near Halloween, so they were obviously staying up all night watching scary movies.
Ash heard a small squeak from the nerd behind him cuddling him. Ash smirked and turned his head to him.
“Something the matter, Clem?”
“N-n-no. Nothing’s w-wrong, Ash. I’m fine.”
“Mkay, just making sure.. so your big, strong, boyfriend can protect you in case you get scared.”
That made Clemont blush in embarrassment. He didn’t want Ash to know he was frightened by a silly movie.
Every know and then, when one of them needed to take a bathroom break or get more popcorn, Ash would jumpscare Clemont and tackle him to the floor. Scaring the wits out of the blond.
“ASH!! DAMMIT!! This is the 4th time you’ve scared me tonight!! What in the world is up with you?”
Ash just playfully smirked.
“Just wanted to make ya jump and do that cute little yelp ya always do when you’re scared... it’s adorable.. I’m sorry, can’t help it.” He pecked a kiss on his nose. “You’re adorable.”
“I do not get scared!” Clemont argues. “I’ve told you already that I’m not scared of anything?”
Ash just smirks at him more. “Are you sure? Not even of monsters?”
“Especially not monsters! They don’t exist!”
He kept the nerd pinned to the floor.
“Oh? Really? I know one monster that does exist, though.. and he’s really frickin scary....”
Clemont just rolled his eyes and tried to get up. But Ash kept him securely pinned and made sure he couldn’t escape.
“This monster.. he finds his prey... traps them so they cannot escape.. do you wanna know what he feeds on?”
Clemont huffed, deciding to play along so his boyfriend will let him up.
“Let me take a guess, their screams?”
“Nope!!!” Ash dove his hands into the blond’s sides. “Wrong answer! It’s their laughter!”
Clemont bucked backwards and started twisting and turning to try and escape Ash’s fingers. “AHAHASH NO WAIT NOT THAAHAHAT!! PLEHEHEEASE NO! NOHOHOHO TIHIHIHIHICKLING!!!”
Ash laughed evilly. “Not a chance! You’re in the evil clutches of the dreaded tickle monster! The scariest monster the world has ever seen..! And he’s got you.. he’s got you! You cannot escape!”
Ash ignored him and rose his shirt up, then he blew a raspberry on his stomach, which made Clemont shriek.
Ash blushed. “He’s so cute” he thought as he went for his ribs.
“I’m not Ash. I’m the tickle monster! Kitchi kitchi coo! Coochie Coochie coo!”
Ash’s teasing was making it worse. Clemont kicked and flailed, trying everything he could do to get away from “the tickle monster” But he actually did manage to kick his boyfriend in the chest.
“Ack! Hey!” Ash grumbled, attacking his armpits. “You’re making the tickle monster very angry!”
He kicked him again.
“OHO THAT’S IT!” Ash was on top of him now, scribbling his fingers everywhere Clemont was sensitive. (Which was everywhere lmao)
Ash kept tickling him. But eventually, after a moment, something made Clemont howl in laughter.
Ash was confused at first, but then he realized his hands were on his lover’s hips. He smiled evilly and focused his fingers on his hips.
“Will you admit that the tickle monster is scary, now?” Ash teased, suddenly blowing a raspberry on his hip. “And also that he’s real? Oh, and that you were lying about being scared of the movie?”
Ash ceased his onslaught of tickles and soothingly rubbed the blond’s back. It was a few minutes until Clemont’s giggling stopped.
“I.. I hahahate you so muhuhuch..”
“Babe, I’m sorry..” Ash apologizes.
“Y-yeheheah... sure you are...” Clemont giggles, sitting up.
“I just, I wanted to make ya laugh. I knew you were scared of the movies from the start. Why didn’t ya just tell me?”
Clemont hesitates for a moment. But he had already admitted that he was scared. He might as well tell him the honest truth.
“I just.. I didn’t want to disappoint you. I know how much you love watching scary movies on Halloween.. I didn’t want to spoil your fun.”
“Aww, babe...” Ash came closer and he hugged him. “You could’ve just told me... it wasn’t gonna ruin anything..”
“It wasn’t?”
“Of course not... *kiss* “If you don’t wanna watch horror movies, just tell me. And I can put it a comedy instead.. or maybe..” He smirked. “A romance.. I know you’re a sucker for those..”
Clemont blushed heavily, pushing his grinning boyfriend’s face away.
“You’d really do that.. for me?”
“Of course, Clemont. I love you.”
“I love you too..”
They hugged. Then kissed.
Once they let go from the hug, Ash stood up.
“Alright, you wanna put in that romance?”
Clemont smirked, also standing up. “Yes. I’d love that.. but first.. there’s something I need to do..”
“What’s that, babe- AAAAH!!”
Clemont tackles him and pins him to the floor. “REVENGE!!” He laughs evilly.
Clemont chuckles, adoring his adorable laugh.
Hearing one of Ash’s pet names for Clemont made him blush even more. He spotted his feet and immediately went for them. He knew that was Ash’s worst spot. It was payback time.
Clemont decided to make it worse and tease him.
*chuckle* “Gitchi gitchi goo!”
“Hm. I love you too, Ash. Kitchi kitchi coo! Kitchi-“
This fight lasted a good hour. Revenge is sweet for Clemont. But of course, Ash got his revenge as well. Eventually they died down and watched the movie together, cuddling.
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elosnotebook · 6 years
Requested by anonymous from the Drabble Game.
Prompt: #76 - “Please put your penis away.”
A/N: so this is the last request i’ll do from this drabble game, i’ll try to find another one. and i’m sorry it’s another chris imagine, is just so fucking easy to write with him hahhaha hope you enjoy
Masterlist ❁
Nice, the Universe decided to prank me today. You got yourself thinking, while parking on the side of the road. You've dealt with so many annoying little things during the whole day, you would be only adding a flat tire to your list.
All the anger was directed at the car's steering wheel, requiring the last drop of your strength on your body to punch it. It was rainy badly at that exactly moment, you could see how the sky lighted up every time a lightning would hit somewhere near. Plus, you never had changed a tire in your life. It was always something you would learn how to do 'another day'.
You rested your body on the car seat. There wasn't that much option besides getting out of the car and trying - possibly failing - to fix the damn tire, risking to get strike by a lighting, or just waiting patiently for a good soul to come for your rescue. The second option seemed better, but you were feeling everything but patient.
Grabbing your light hoodie - you checked the weather forecast before leaving your house this morning, it was saying it would be a pleasant day, you got yourself wishing the person who predicted that was fired -, you left the car, walking to the trunk to find a new tire, as well the tools you would need.
The rain was insanely cold, as you could feel yourself getting wetter and wetter. The cold you would get from this would be terrible tomorrow.
Suddenly, one car parked right beside yours. You were already thinking maybe things were changing and you weren't with no lucky at all, when you recognized immediately the black car. Even before the owner rolled his window down, you knew you would stare at one of your worst nightmares.
As reading your mind, Christoffer Schistad appeared with his infamous grin. You shut your eyes, hoping all was just a bad dream but his voice proved it wasn't.
"Never thought I would see you as a damsel in distress." He didn't even try to hide the amusement on his voice. Your contempt about the Penetrators was famous on the school where you both went to. You didn't know how many times those guys tried to get you to bed, Chris included. None of them succeed, which cause the totally opposite effect, since now it is about 'honor' for them.
The whole sweater you got to keep the water from your face was fully soaked now, his function of keep water away from my face failing bad. But you weren't even close to give in, not for a Penetrator. You folded your arms across your chest, making your best not to shake due the cold water running against your skin.
"I could take the damsel title, but you can substitute 'distress' for stress, because that is what you are making me feel right now." You replied, even though you weren't quite sure what you were about to do if he left.
If your words bothered him, he didn't show it at all.
"So you prefer to be out here, alone and freeze to death than let me help you?" He frowned, scratching the back of his neck.
You pounded his words and your scarce number of choices. You wouldn't succeed trying to fix your flat tire, you didn't know how to use the tools you found on the trunk of the car. Also, waiting for another person was just too imprecise, it could take minutes or hours.
The minute you sighed deeply, Chris knew he had won. Grabbing all you could from your car and locking it, you entered his car, doing your very best not to face him.
"Sorry for your car." You apologized.
"Don't worry." He smiled. "I think I've never seen a girl this wet before, and that, coming from me, is something, believe me."
You rolled your eyes at his attempt of making a joke. His eyes were locked on the road right in front of him, but you were exhaling discontent, which he noticed.
"Okay." He said abruptly, making you jump slightly. "Tell me, why do you hate me so much? I don't recall make something to you."
His words would have made you feel guilty, if he stopped there.
"If we had slept together, and I didn't call on the next day, you should tell me, because I was probably drunk since I don't remember." He was speaking ridiculously fast, making you wonder if he was trying to hide the fact that he was actually nervous around you. "But if I had done you, I would probably remember, you don't seem someone who I would forget easily."
"There!" I exclaimed. "There is exactly why I can't stand to be near a Penetrator. Sometimes I feel like the only way you guys can please yourselves is ruining girl's heart. That is just pathetic."
The dead silence that came after was heavy, the tension between the two of you started building. He didn't say anything for a long time. For the next few minutes, all you could hear was the low music of his radio and the noise of the thunders outside.
"Where do you live?" He finally asked.
"On the other side of the town." You mumbled. Another thunder.
"What? No, that's really far. You can stay in my house tonight, this storm won't pass anytime soon and it is dangerous to drive on those conditions."
You started to argue against this idea, but changed your mind when you saw his countenance. His jaw clenched was showing how your words had impacted him. Even though he was a Penetrator and said some shitty things, he was trying to help you. Storming out on him felt like you were just discounting all the bad things that happened with you on that same day on him, and it didn't feel fair.
"I don't hate you." You started, but he cut you off.
"You don't need to make me feel better just because I rescued you." He stated, his voice completely emotionless. For some reason, it bothered you more than you would've thought.
"I am not." You sighed. "I am not trying to do that. I still don't like certain attitudes of yours, but you've done anything but help me tonight, so for that, I am truly grateful."
You saw his shoulders relax as you breath out the air you were holding. You could deal with Christoffer Schistad for one night. The corner of his mouth moved up a little bit, as he was trying to hold a smile. You caught yourself staring at him a couple times. He was one of the most famous fuckboys in town, but you couldn't deny that the boy was really good looking.
As soon as he parked on his garage, you felt a little nervous about actually being there.
"Do you think your parents are going to be okay with this?" You asked, gesturing around and pointing at yourself.
"They're not home. Plus, me bringing a girl home is not kind of fresh news for them." He winked at you, making you to arch your brows. He smiled while continued. "Well, if they were here, they would think it was big news me bringing a girl home who won't sleep with me." He got off the car, and went straight to open your door. You found the gesture funny, never thinking about a Penetrator being a gentleman. Especially Chris Schistad.
"So, I will assume you have a guest room?" You started to follow him inside the house. He walked past endless halls, until he found a door and opened it. The interior was a big room with a huge bed inside, with at least six pillows. You could see another door inside, assuming it was a bathroom. He realized how amazed you were by the place, smirking proudly at himself.
"If you like this room, you should see my bedroom." He said in a malicious tone, and for the first time, it didn't actually make you cringe.
"Ha-ha, Christoffer. Now, where can I take a shower?" You asked, realizing how freezing you actually were. On Chris' car, the heater was at the maximum. But on his huge house, it felt like it was snowing inside.
"With me?" He bit his lower lip, earning a nasty look from you. "Kidding, that door is a bathroom, there's a towel there you can use. I'll bring something for you to wear, but if my opinion means someth-"
"It doesn't." You interrupted him before he could finished, already knowing what was coming. Soon you realized he wasn't actually trying to get on your pants, he wasn't used to be around a girl who was not interesting on him and that was making him nervous.
"I'll be back." He said, closing the door behind him to give you some privacy.
You took a quick shower, not wanting to abuse Chris' hospitality. When you got off the bathroom, you saw he left you a Penetrator hoodie on the bed, making your brows knitted. You considered not using that 'object of possession' as you would call it every time you saw a girl wearing it, but as he would be the only one seeing you, it wouldn't hurt. Also, it looked very cozy and warm.
You laid on the bed, pulling the blanket to cover your naked legs. Five minutes later, you heard a knock on the door.
"Can I open?" He screamed from the other side.
"Yes." You shouted back.
His head appeared on the gap of the door.
"I called the tow truck and gave them the your car's coordinates." He stated, his eyes meting yours.
"Th-, thank you." You stuttered, shocked by his help, once again. Maybe Christoffer Schistad wasn't the dick you were convinced he was.
"So, now are you sleeping with me?" He questioned, in a mock-innocence tone.
You threw one of the five pillows at him, while laughing.
"Please put your penis away." You retorted at him, earning a ear to ear smile. Damn, you got to admit to yourself, the boy was so handsome and charming, not a doubt why the girls would fall for him so easily.
"Good night, then." He mumbled, closing the door. You could swear he was still smiling when he shut it, and so was you. Maybe my luck didn't abandoned me completely, you thought, before falling asleep.
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