#haddock industrial
mary1in · 1 year
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L-Shape - Home Bar Inspiration for a large industrial l-shaped laminate floor and brown floor home bar remodel with an undermount sink, shaker cabinets, black cabinets, granite countertops, stone slab backsplash and black countertops
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professorsteampunk · 1 year
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Kitchen Dining Photo of a sizable, urban l-shaped eat-in kitchen with a brown floor and laminate countertops, an undermount sink, shaker cabinets, black cabinets, granite countertops, and a stone slab backsplash. Stainless steel appliances are also present, as well as an island and black countertops.
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iswateredible · 9 months
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had some sketches of the boys at the club/at a rave I'm imagining a scene in this AU where Hiccup and Viggo met...
[Dagur: "Ha! Hiccup doesn't like nerds! ...wait, does he? ....FUCK!"]
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westwindy1 · 6 months
Remember that in the hidden world that they made everyone,, more perfect,,
Did you see what they did to hiccup they removed his freckles and tooth gape
This gotta be the worst thing that happened to him besides toothless leaving him for a pretty chick
I had to double check because I forgot what they did with his face. You can kind of see a gap and some of his freckles are still there but to be so forreal unless ur watching the movie in HD they're kind of hard to see. Genuinely upsetting.
Also boy do i love the light fury but did Toothless not need a love interest at all. I think at this point giving him one kind of messes with the continuity of the franchise
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Modern AU versions of Tintin and his friends! Notes about their designs under the Read More:
Tintin - A grey and yellow baseball tshirt references his grey sweatervest and yellow shirt look from the earlier comics. Cargo joggers replace his plus fours - plus fours were popular with golfers in the 20s and 30s as athletic wear, so I opted for cargo joggers for that preppy but sporty vibe. He also wears leather trainers and keeps his handy phone in an industrial case. Snowy wears a collar now!
Haddock - when not working on a ship as a merchant captain he opts for a hoodie and sweatpants. He might look sloppy but it's pretty practical for the wild adventures he's dragged into! He's Tintin's exhausted foster father in this AU.
Calculus - I gave him 2000s style rectangular frames to make him feel modern but still kind of dated, like how he wears fashion a few decades behind in the canon comics. I dressed him like my high school physics teachers - he has a necktie, a pocket protector, a zip through fleece and orthopedic shoes. I had frames like these for some time until I broke them at work lol
Chang - as soon as I read the Blue Lotus and saw Chang for the first time I immediately thought he was wearing crocs. I don't know why crocs are so popular. I don't think they're particularly comfortable. They feel sweaty and weird and don't stay on your feet when you run. I don't get crocs. But they're popular in Asia lol (I kept Chang's design super simple, he's an orphan with no money)
Abdullah - I had way too much fun with him! I know Supreme is kinda dated now (it's definitely a 2016 thing) but I still find it funny and the colour scheme fits. A lot of local Muslim teenagers in my area mix sportswear with traditional clothing so I did the same here, but made it obnoxiously bougie lol
Zorrino - I didn't change much for him as his original design is pretty timeless. I gave him socks and slides, a beanie and joggers. His button up shirt is replaced with a polo shirt but the difference isn't big.
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winntir · 3 months
I knew it was coming.
It had been years since I saw their content, but I thought about them from time to time. I hoped they’d be able to stick around longer, but all things considered, it's remarkable they managed to last as long as they did.
Expansion into animation after their success with Monty Oum that was sadly cut short by Monty's passing, letting Gray Haddock slither into the role. Gray pulled a few video game industry hacks and laid off animators after projects instead of giving promotions or raises, leading to him getting fired. The animation department suffered altogether.
People kept leaving. You could count on one hand how many integral guys from the days of RvB season 1 were still around, and that doesn’t count how many people whose faces we knew left. Some were for very good reason, but others just seemed sad.
Scandal after scandal. A lot weren’t that big, but enough destroy your reputation. Ryan Haywood being a predator son of a bitch, the kinda stories Mica Burton and Kdin could tell about how welcoming the workplace was for minorities, and the above mentioned animation scandal.
Warner Bros is going through hell. How much hell? They were looking to go through with a merger with Paramount, but one guess as to why that fell through. Closing Rooster Teeth seems on brand for them now, though selling off the profitable bits seems like too much business sense for even them.
I get no joy from this. No one does. A lot of people's jobs are gone, and it’s gonna be hard to get back on their feet again. Maybe some people are relieved because the sword of Damocles has finally dropped, but you know what happens to Damocles after that?
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athingofvikings · 3 months
A Thing Of Vikings Chapter 54: We Are Who We Are
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Chapter 54: We Are Who We Are
Many modern students of the history of science and engineering have bemoaned Hiccup Haddock's apparent "near miss" of the development of the steam engine.  As the argument typically goes, he had all of the necessary components with which to construct such a device���boilers, pipes and tight-fitting valves with which to make pistons, and mechanical apparatuses with which to harness the power—and with his experimentalist and pragmatic predilections, he would have surely seen the potential of the device, especially as he had access to books describing Hero of Alexandria's Aeolipile, the first primitive steam-powered device, which predated Haddock by a millennium.  Such speculators often envision what route history might have instead taken if Haddock had access to railroads and steamships in addition to dragons. 
What such individuals forget is that it still took centuries of progress to develop steam power into the sort of practical forms of energy production they envision.  From Brendan Mac Brian's first introduction of a primitive steam-powered mining pump in AD 1381, it took over two hundred and fifty years until the first triple-expansion steam engine and steam turbines were developed (by Mishra in AD 1633 and Cohen in AD 1642, respectively).  Not only was Haddock missing many essential parts for the construction of steam engines—precision-bored piston-cylinders, for one example—he had no economic reason to invest the time and effort into developing steam power.  He had already made significant strides in developing wind and water power in his teen years, which amply served his industrial power supply needs.  Also his early boiler designs, while far superior to earlier approaches, were still extremely primitive and wasteful of heat, fuel and water (some of which were recaptured by other processes, including the famous Berk Baths).  Finally, what many people overlook is that Haddock had recently acquired the aid of dragons.  The early steam engines were only economically viable as they filled a small niche in a developed and mature dragon-based economy, allowing for more efficient pumping of water from terraurban environments.  In Haddock's era, only the earliest potentials of dragon labor and construction had begun to be explored…
—The Genius Has No Clothes: An Alternate View Of Innovation, 1818
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scotianostra · 11 months
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On July 16th 1882 thirty-one Shetland "sixerns", with a total of 105 crewmen were lost in a storm. The event is still remembered as "The Bad Day".
This post covers three Shetland fishing tragedies over a 68 year period, it ended the centuries old tradition of Haff fishing in small six manned bots in the open waters of the North Atlantic around Shetland. Two of these tragedies happened in July, the third in December, however I have decided to post about the three in the one post.
There were between 300 and 500 sixareens or sixerns in Shetland. The Haaf fishing proved to be a hard life for these boats and they only tended to last 5 or 6 years. When they finished their lives as a fishing vessel some ended up being used as a flit boat for moving livestock, peats and other goods between islands or from ship to shore. The sixareens may eventually have ended up as the roof of shed or outbuilding. Nothing was ever wasted in Shetland, especially if it was wooden!
The men would travel up between 20 and 40 miles offshore. As the men were dealing with a prevailing wind, they could usually only sail in one direction. They were always happier if they could row out with a relatively light boat and sail back with a heavy load of fish!
When they reached the fishing grounds, the fishermen would barely be in sight of the highest hills in Shetland. They would have sea all around them.
Haaf fishing was very dangerous due to the unpredictable nature of the weather far out at sea. However, when you look at the numbers of men that fished and the length of time that they fished for, the actual disasters are relatively few.
On 16th July 1832 31 Shetland “sixareens” and a total of 105 crewmen were lost in a storm. The event is still remembered as “The Bad Day”. A London Distress Fund was set up and raised the sum of £3000. The money was raised for the dependants of the crofter-fishermen lost. The crew of one boat in 1832, did manage a lucky escape from the storm as they were picked up by a passing American sloop. However, the Captain of the American vessel refused to alter his course to Philadelphia and so, despite passing close to Orkney, the survivors had to cross the Atlantic and endure a further six months away from home before returning.
During another storm on 20th July 1881, hurricane force winds caught the fishermen by surprise. The boats that tried to come home were mostly capsized or swamped, but those that stayed at their lines for the most part survived. In all ten boats foundered and 58 Haaf fishermen lost their lives. They left behind 34 widows and 85 orphans. Six of these boats and 36 of the men were from the fishing station at Gloup in North Yell. It was a tragic loss for a small community.
On the morning of 21st December 1900, boats from Firth, Mossbank and Toft set off for the winter haddock fishing. They were some 32 kilometres (20 miles) away, between the Horse of Burravpoe and  Snap, when they were caught in a sudden and severe gale from the north-west. Many were lost during the storm which came on in the space of five minutes. The fleet were scattered. One made it to Whalsay, Skerries and Lunning but the rest were lost.
22 men were drowned, leaving 15 widows (5 of whom were pregnant), and 51 children. Firth was hit the hardest. Many of the men were great fishermen and the disaster devastated the Delting fishing industry, which never recovered. The women continued to work the crofts. Children grew up and moved away, leading to a rapid decline in population.
The plight of the families left destitute led to a lot of publicity in local and national press. The Delting Disaster Fund was set up to help those affected and it was one of Queen Victoria’s last public acts to appeal for support.
These major fishing disasters signalled the beginning of the end for Haaf fishing. The herring fishery in the 1880s and the Crofter’s Act of 1886, which put an end to the truck system, were two more nails in its coffin.
Larger safer boats were introduced and undecked sixareens were replaced by fully decked smacks. Fishermen could finally install a few home comforts. However, when the steam trawler was introduced, longlining in large sailing boats couldn’t compete economically. Haaf fishing stopped quite quickly at this point.
There are few sixareens left in Shetland. There are a couple of replicas and bits and pieces lying around here and there. At the Shetland Museum and Archives there’s a replica sixareen called the Vaila Mae. She sails regularly in Lerwick Harbour and you can even get a trip on her during Shetland Boat Week!
One of the only surviving sixareens from the past can be seen in the Shetland Museum, see pic teo, . She was built as the Foula mail boat, which fished for a little while and then ended up as a flit boat for shifting peats. She didn’t spend much of her life as a fishing sixareen.
You can find memorials all over Shetland to those lost at sea.
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sys-garden · 2 years
i was thinking about the mineral water thing again you know how haddock hates it, and tintin likes it though we dont have evidence its his favorite. i couldnt get it out of my mind. i decided to pull the curtain and figure out what is herge’s deal with mineral water.
1. Belgium seems like like bottled and mineral water quiet a bit. It seems like kinda a europe thing? but according to an article about coke-cola trying to break into the european bottled industry by parting with belgium chaudfontaine.
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So its not the leading market in belgium and belgium actually depends more on trade. but its a big market there. It gives me the impression that its not that they are obessed but it is a way of life they dont really think about. So there is this cultural aspect. If any europeans would like to comment on this feel free
2. You remember Slyladavia? It’s the place that Calculus is from and the set of King Ottokar’s septor, the calculus affair and destination moon/explorers on the moon. to quote tintinlogist (a real career) slyladavia "was an idealised portrayal of central Europe between the wars – a benevolent monarchy, peaceful village life, sturdy peasants puffing on large pipes.". And -
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Its main export is mineral water. the perfect country in Herge’s mind main export is mineral water. (which i also means calculus is a big mineral water fan)
I feel like what Herge’s point in haddock’s relationship with mineral water is that due to the culture of belgium it’s funny to see someone hate on it. personally I feel like it’s like if a american character really hated soda to a over the top point. and it adds to the sense that haddock struggles to be healthy. And tintin drinking mineral water both relatable and promotes drinking of healthy beverages. 
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cultml · 1 year
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sillytorch · 2 years
I'll be real, RWBY's like... the only RT related media I care about. Every time I tried to get into other RT related media, it's stuff that isn't for me (Red vs Blue + Camp Camp), gets constantly shafted (Nomad of Nowhere + Recorded by Arizal), or it's extremely tainted by more bad than good (Gen:LOCK). And I've been in the fndm for years witnessing constant controversies after controversies this company goes through so... yeah...
All I can say is:
Companies aren't your friends. No matter how much RT advertises itself as "your best friend on the internet" or whatever, it's not gonna change the fact that they are a company and you are the consumer, where the only thing from you they care about is money. Forming parasocial relationships with the people running a multi-million dollar company is just going to hurt you more. Take it from someone who looked up to Gray Haddock for years just cuz he voiced her favorite character only for Haddock to essentially turn out to be shitty. :/
Another reason why companies are not your friends, company stuff is extremely complicated. Based on what a lot of employees there both former and current have to say, people have to sign NDAs just to keep their jobs. Unfortunately not everyone can just leave a job they hate, especially since job hunting in general is hard and people have bills to pay. Call out RT, but threatening people who work at/used to work at the company is not it, especially since these same people have gone through a lot from that company too. You want better work conditions in the animation and entertainment industries as a whole, treat the workers (artists, writers, animators, actors, etc) well and direct your anger by protesting the company.
It's okay to step away from RWBY or even stop watching it, whether b/c of this situation or before it or any reason. Yes I know the show is treated like a full on punching bag by a good chunk of the internet and it hurts to see fans drop the show but also, please respect people's decisions. And if seeing people criticize/bash the show bothers you so much, two words, block them and move on. Filter and curate your feed too by blocking certain tags that you yourself know you won't be happy to see as well.
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dragonsarecool · 2 years
Whumptober Day 16 - Paralytic Drugs
Sixteen: Paralytic Drugs
A/N: Set between 'The Calculus Affair' and 'The Red Sea Sharks'. The paralytic drug chosen for this one-shot did exist during Tintin's lifetime, although I have played with the dosage that was traditionally used. Also the new longest oneshot so far!
It had been six months since Borduria, and nothing had happened.
No kidnappings, no assassination attempts, no Bordurian agents shooting down the front door; it had been surprisingly quiet.
He couldn't help it; he kept wondering when the next thing would happen. They'd become so used to having frequent adventures that living a normal, ordinary life seemed like a fever dream.
The young man found himself pondering this almost obsessively as he sat in the front living room, watching as the days passed by. Eventually autumn gave way and December came through, and he would sip his tea while counting the snowflakes that landed on the windowsill, unable to fully let go of his worries. Surely a criminal is going to burst through that window any time now…
Some would call it paranoia, others would say he was being hypervigilant; Tintin thought he was exerting the right amount of concern. The Captain would sometimes crack a joke at the young man's refusal to believe everything was okay. "You and your paranoia; you'd think you've got the FBI on your trail or something!"
Yet despite the jokes, the older man was deeply aware of how on-edge Tintin truly was. How could he not be, after all the things he'd experienced in his short lifetime? He still couldn't believe Tintin was willing to set foot outside his bedroom door at all, given how often he'd come close to being killed.
It came to Christmas Eve, and Tintin still found himself fussing over the lack of excitement. Upon enthusiastic advice from the Captain (which he would've described as harassment), he'd successfully applied for the first Christmas period off since he first joined the journalism industry. He quickly grew bored, his fingers dancing idly over his typewriter as he longed for a story to investigate.
But, like the Captain had continually reminded him, Christmas was a time for rejuvenation and relaxation. He'd even sent Nestor on holidays early, and instructed the man not to return until January 2nd.
Tintin just hoped it wouldn't mean he'd be stuck dealing with a blackout-drunk Captain for a week.
It had come as a surprise to the young man when Haddock announced in the late afternoon on Christmas Eve that he was going out. "I don't mean to the market or anything like that, lad," The Captain clarified, shoving his jacket on. "Just going for a stroll."
"But Captain," Tintin spoke, "you do realise it's only a few degrees outside?"
Tintin blinked, trying to think of an appropriate response. "…Bit cold for a walk, isn't it?"
"Nonsense, lad! You forget that I once sailed on decks in this sort of weather!" Haddock adjusted his hat. "Well, I mean, it wasn't snowing in the ocean, but-"
"I think I understand, Captain," Tintin laughed, taking another sip of his tea. "Now go on and enjoy your fresh air."
Haddock snorted as he opened the front door. "Enjoy your window watching, my friend!"
Tintin laughed as he watched his friend depart, only to hide the fact that Haddock was unknowingly speaking the truth. So many threats had come through that front door over the years; it made sense to him that the best place to observe for danger was in the living room.
Perhaps I am being paranoid.
He continued to sit in the living room long after he'd finished his cup of tea. He hadn't realised how long he'd been standing guard until Snowy trotted into the room, sniffing his legs and whining. "Oh, of course! Must be dinner time for you, boy!"
With the faithful canine weaving in and out of his legs, Tintin made his way to the kitchen, shivering at the sudden drop in temperature as he entered the tile-coated room. He pulled the sleeves of his sweater over his hands as he sorted through the main pantry, looking for Snowy's favourite dry food. Makes me wonder how many layers Nestor has to wear when working in here.
Snowy gave a grateful bark as Tintin lowered the bowl of food to the floor, tucking in feverishly. The reporter smiled, returning the container to the pantry and brushing the crumbs from his palms. "De rien, mon garçon."
Upon returning to the living room, Tintin's eyes were immediately drawn to an open front door, and he felt his stomach drop. The Captain can't be home already…
He'd barely taken a single step before he felt a sharp prick in his deltoid. "Merde!" His hand instinctively flew to the area and began to massage it. Oh, no no no…Am I going to drop dead or what?!
"Such language, monsieur!" The mysterious man's voice carried a sharp French accent. Having already pocketed the needle and syringe, he firmly grabbed Tintin by the shoulders before the young man could think about running. "I hardly think it appropriate."
"Says the man who just broke in and jabbed me!" Tintin snapped, struggling in the man's grasp. His eyes widened with horror as he realised what his brain was trying to tell him. "…Why are my legs numb?!"
"I prefer no chloroform, monsieur. Makes the job unpleasant for both of us," The man commented, watching in delight as Tintin began to sag to the floor. "Instead, I give small dose of curare. Takes care of things very quickly."
I HATE criminals who prefer creative methods. Tintin could only watch in abject terror as his legs stopped responding to him, his anxiety beginning to peak as he felt the same sensation spreading to his arms and torso. "You're insane! You could kill someone with that stuff!"
"Same argument for chloroform, young man," The man hoisted Tintin underneath his arms and began to drag him across the living room. "But I have been in this business long time and know it very well. I assure you, I know what I do."
"You're a professional, then?" Tintin spat, wiggling his fingers in the vain hopes of stopping them from becoming paralysed. "What do you want with us?! There's not much of value here!"
"I assure, monsieur, there is plenty! You just do not see it," Grunting heavily, the intruder hoisted Tintin onto the couch, arranging his limbs as to prevent them from dangling over the edge. "You are heavier than first appear, monsieur."
"Et ton angles c'est merde." Tintin snapped, glaring at the man's features through his balaclava. He suddenly became aware of an uncomfortable pressure in his chest, and unconsciously found himself beginning to breathe faster. Please don't tell me this paralyses the diaphragm as well!
A coarse laugh escaped from the thief as he placed a cushion under Tintin's head. "Tu es un drôle d'homme. But please excuse me; I have work to do."
Tintin found himself staring into the man's piercing blue eyes, only to realise that it was because the muscles in his neck had stopped responding, and he was now being forced to gaze upright. "You won't get away with this! My housemate will return soon!"
He heard a scoff from the intruder. "I watch you closely for few days, monsieur. He will be gone some time."
The young man struggled to find an appropriate retort, partially because he could feel his jaw beginning to stiffen. He tried to hiss a final remark at the intruder, only for his mouth to fall closed as the paralysis took over. "Hmmgh!"
"No point grunting, monsieur. It paralyses vocals too," The intruder's voice had grown fainter, presumably due to beginning his treasure hunt through Marlinspike.
He stared dully at the ceiling as he waited for his assailant to finish his search, his frustration mounting at an alarming rate. I can't help but be genuinely curious as to what he finds so valuable that he has to break in.
Although it was a very rough guess, he estimated ten minutes had elapsed before he caught a glimpse of the man in his peripheral vision, carrying a full potato sack of stolen goods. "Not as much as I hoped, but still good profit."
Tintin instinctively tried to growl, only for nothing to escape his throat. You despicable bátard.
"I see your anger. But consider yourself lucky, my young friend," The intruder suddenly kneeled next to the young man, snarling so close to Tintin's ear that his breath sent a tickling sensation down his ear canal. "I purposely give small dose. I am a thief, not a killer. You'll be uncomfortable for a few hours, but you will not perish. None of my others have died."
Tintin could only widen his eyes as the severity of the situation sunk in. He felt himself grow cold all over. No no no no no! I can't be left like this! The Captain won't be back until dinner!
The intruder sniggered as he noticed Tintin's silent distress, and clutched his rucksack of stolen goods tighter. "Bonsoir, monsieur."
He heard the front door slam shut, and found himself blinking away a fresh flurry of tears. Oh, mon Dieu…
If the paralysing agent didn't kill him, he was sure the boredom would.
He'd given up on counting the hours a long time ago. What was the point when you couldn't see the clock? Instead, he tried to rely on the hourly chime from the grandfather clock in the dining room, though it was ultimately useless due to the distance.
He'd been fretting with worry about Snowy until he heard the familiar screeching of the Captain's cat. Of course he's chasing the damn cat…probably hasn't even realised anything is wrong.
Tintin tried to sigh, only for it to come out as a slightly-louder exhale. When he said 'hours', did he mean two to three hours, or longer? I can't stay like this for a whole day!-
The front door was thrown open, revealing the most beautiful sound in the world. "Tintin! I'm home! And I hope you like English whiskey, for we're sharing a bottle of it tonight!"
Tintin blinked furiously, his heart leaping in his chest. Captaine! Help!
"Tintin? Where are you, lad?"
The young man's eyes snapped to the side as he futilely fought to look at the doorway. He desperately wanted to cry, to scream, to move even his eyebrows, yet none of his muscles would respond to his commands. I'm here! Captaine! I'm in here!
It took a few agonisingly-long minutes before the Captain had finally looked into the living room, for he heard the distinctive sounds of English swearing. "Blistering barnacles!" Haddock dropped his shopping and sprinted to the young man's side. "Is he alive? Tintin!"
Tintin found himself staring past the Captain's eyes, blinking furiously as he desperately tried to turn his head. I'm alive! Captain! Ugh, it's a shame he doesn't understand morse code!
Haddock was puzzled, but the message seemed to click quickly. "Can you speak?"
Two blinks. Obviously I can't!
"Okay, I'm going to take that as a no. Can you move at all?!" Haddock's voice pitched slightly.
Two blinks and an irritated exhale. What I wouldn't give to be a telepath right now…
The Captain placed a hand to the young man's cheek, turning him so that their eyes could meet. "Oh, lad, I'm so sorry…what the devil happened?!"
Tintin blinked. I'm just doing this for fun. What the hell do you think happened?!
"Right, of course. I'm going to have to work this out then. Was it…those Bordurian idiots who kidnapped Calculus?"
Two blinks.
"Allan Thomson and his gang of iconoclasts?"
Two blinks.
All Tintin could respond with was a blink, and he felt as though his chest would burst with rage. This is going to get old very quickly.
Of course there was a once-in-a-century blizzard that had sealed Marlinspike off from the rest of civilisation, meaning the doctor couldn't come.
Of bloody course.
Had he been physically capable to do so, Tintin would've grumbled. Instead, all he could give the Captain was an irritated blink. Putain d'enfer…
At least the Captain had tried to summon some help for him; he was grateful for the effort. Despite being unable to come and treat Tintin in person, the doctor was at least smart enough to provide Haddock with advice on how to support him as the paralysis drug was metabolised from his system. "He said lots of words that I don't understand, lad, but I'm pretty sure it's not rocket science."
Tintin blinked. Mon Dieu, this better be over soon, or I will go insane…
He blinked again.
Hang on.
My hand feels different…
His curiosity building, Tintin tried to move the fingers on his left hand, a small ball of delight growing in his chest as he felt them collapse into a fist. Bien! It's starting to wear off! He flexed the digits a few more times, his confidence growing as he felt his muscles grow stronger.
He caught a glimpse of Haddock out of the corner of his eye, who was still occupied with cleaning up the fragments of the broken whiskey bottle from when he dropped his groceries. There's no way he'll look over and notice. Captaine! Focusing all of his energy into his hand, Tintin's eye lit up as he finally managed to snap his fingers.
"What the?!" Haddock jumped, dropping the broom handle in surprise. To Tintin's relief, he turned to face the source of the sound, his face lighting up as he saw the reporter's hand moving. Although his hand seemed to have returned to normal, his wrist was still half-paralysed and offered limited motion. "Blistering barnacles, Tintin!"
Satisfied with this first step in communication, Tintin concentrated as he tried to mime writing. Get me a notepad, Captain!
"You want to write something?" Haddock's voice was laced with confusion. "Lad, you can barely move that hand, let alone write with it! Just wait a bit longer and the doctor will be here-"
Tintin responded by clicking furiously and miming a pen. Get. Me. A. Notepad.
He heard the Captain sigh angrily as he darted from the room, returning a few minutes later with the requested utensils. He clumsily grasped the pen in his left hand, struggling to twist it around his fingers. 1 intruder. Was planned.
Haddock took a minute to interpret the scrawled handwriting. "At least it wasn't a gang of thugs this time, I suppose. Are you alright though?"
Ok. Will wear off. Curare.
"Really? Not chloroform this time? Why the hell did he give you that stuff?!" Haddock snapped angrily. Realising what his words implied, he quickly backtracked. "Not that I'm not glad you're awake, lad…it's just-"
Tintin attempted to grunt in his throat, and was pleased when a small sound managed to escape. I understand, Captain, and I'm just as surprised as you are.
He reached out as far as his paralysis would allow, clasping the Captain's hand in his own and giving it a reassuring squeeze. I'll be okay, Captain. It'll be okay. And I did have a genuine reason to be paranoid after all.
A/N: Bien = good
De rien, mon garçon = you're welcome, my boy
Merde = shit
Et ton angles c'est merde = and your English is shit
Tu es un drôle d'homme = you are a funny man
Bonsoir monsieur = good day sir
Putain d'enfer = bloody hell
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[ad_1] The drama unfolding at Silver Star Properties reads like a company thriller: an internet of accusations, a flurry of authorized battles and each industrial and private fallout.  On the coronary heart of this saga are two partners-turned-rivals: Allen Hartman and Gerald Haddock.  Hartman is the Houston-based industrial actual property agency’s disgraced founder, who was ousted as CEO and govt chair in October 2022 and March 2023, respectively. Haddock is the present govt chair and newly minted co-CEO. The besieged agency is valued at simply over $200 million, in accordance with its newest quarterly report.  For a yr, Hartman and Haddock have been combating for Silver Star in a saga of company maneuvering that displays the tumultuous nature of Texas’ shifting actual property market. It’s arduous to look away. Silver Star’s hassle started when Hartman tapped Haddock to affix the agency, beforehand known as Hartman Quick Time period Earnings Properties XX, as an impartial director in Could 2020, whereas the COVID-19 pandemic ravaged industrial actual property. Haddock is a former CEO of Crescent Actual Property Equities and served on the board of certainly one of Texas’ largest homebuilders, Meritage Properties.  Haddock stated he uncovered what was ailing the corporate: Hartman.  “Now, the matter we now have to recover from first is finishing the decision of the issues that Al Hartman has developed,” Haddock stated in a fireplace chat about the way forward for the agency.  Haddock and his supporters stated Hartman was unable to meet his fiduciary responsibility and had thrown the corporate into disarray. Accused of fraud, self-dealing and nepotism, Hartman got here underneath intense scrutiny in his closing hours as an govt over the corporate’s default on a $259 million CMBS mortgage. “Early on, the board knew that the [nearly] $300 million debt needed to be refinanced, and we known as [Hartman] in to instruct him on how you can get it accomplished,” Haddock stated. “Once we realized it wasn’t being accomplished, we known as and it was nearly like an look earlier than Congress.  “We went after him.”  The corporate introduced an investigation into “sure violations of fiduciary and different duties to the corporate by Mr. Hartman,” after Hartman’s departure as CEO.  “I used to be gone 12 months earlier than the debt was due,” Hartman stated in a January Q&A with The Actual Deal. “I actually had nothing to do with the corporate.” Steering the ship amidst a storm Haddock is now spearheading the authorized cost in opposition to Hartman from contained in the agency.  Haddock’s argument focuses on Hartman’s alleged preoccupation with private, political and non secular issues, which, in accordance with Haddock, led to poor decision-making and monetary misery for Silver Star. One black mark in opposition to Hartman, Haddock says, was his lack of enthusiasm for the corporate’s dramatic pivot from conventional actual property holdings to the burgeoning self-storage market. After suspending distributions in 2022, the corporate sought to reposition Silver Star’s complete 6.8-million-square-foot retail, workplace and industrial portfolio to self-storage in the summertime of 2023. It was a crucial juncture. Workplace and retail confronted misery from falling valuations and looming defaults, however self-storage was resilient.  Haddock intimated that he was one of many loudest voices advocating for self-storage, which he noticed as a saving grace amid the uncertainty and woes in Texas’ retail and workplace markets. Hartman disagreed.  In December 2023, Haddock led a lawsuit on behalf of Silver Star, demanding over $50 million in damages from Hartman for harming the agency. The go well with painted a grim image of Hartman’s tenure, and implicated each his daughter, Margaret Hartman, who had labored on the agency, and his spouse, Lisa Hartman.  Hartman denies all allegations and claims that the chief committee’s mismanagement led to the corporate’s downfall.
He took purpose on the self-storage pivot, which he describes as a shortsighted try to counteract his efforts to liquidate Silver Star.  “Shareholders,” he added, “overwhelmingly assist a liquidation of the corporate.” Legal labyrinth: Hartman v. Silver Star In its most up-to-date authorized problem, a December lawsuit filed in Houston, Silver Star accused Hartman of “a sample and apply of manipulation” in efforts to raise the non-public pursuits of himself and his household.  The go well with additionally accused Hartman of touring to the U.S. Capitol through the Jan. 6 riot and backing false claims in regards to the 2020 common election’s legitimacy as examples of his unhealthy decision-making and political obsessions that allegedly value the corporate upwards of $50 million. Based on accusations in a lawsuit Silver Star filed within the District Court docket of Maryland, the place the corporate is registered, Hartman tried to sway stockholders into changing its three-person govt committee together with his personal most popular candidates and of disseminating deceptive data to stockholders.  Hartman makes use of his standing as major shareholder in Silver Star to remain within the sport. In a countersuit in opposition to the agency, he accused the chief committee of incompetence and unlawful actions, corresponding to altering bylaws with out shareholder consent and forgoing the annual shareholder assembly in an try to entrench themselves.  On Feb. 2, Hartman was profitable in briefly blocking the shareholder vote depend. However three days later, Silver Star introduced that it was underneath a proper SEC investigation, with an impending subpoena from the fee’s Fort Price Regional Workplace set to request undisclosed paperwork.  The character of the inquiry stays unknown, however the agency may see stop and desist orders, hefty civil cash penalties and restrictions on people serving in management capacities inside the public firm — because the Silver Star story winds on. [ad_2] Supply hyperlink
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“Robbie is gone! I’m still here! And I refuse to live in his shadow!”
Rastapopoulos himself may be out of the picture, but his ghost continues to haunt those who were caught in his web.
A collaboration with @aboardthescheherazade using her OC Marlene Katz - an actress Tintin tries to save in Cigars of the Pharaoh!
Five years later and Tintin is baffled to see Hollywood starlet Marlene Katz turn up at his doorstep asking for help. Formerly under the thumb of Cosmos Pictures, Marlene became an unsuspecting witness to Rastapopoulos’ criminal activity and now the mob is after her, seeking to tie up some loose ends. To top things off, she is due to make a public appearance at The Golden Palm, a prestigious film festival. After years of hiding, Marlene is determined to get her acting career back on track, and this film may be her big break.
Tintin is highly suspicious. Chang, on the other hand, is utterly star struck, and after noticing an uncanny resemblance between the two hatches a ridiculous scheme that may finally put an end to this particular problem. It might just work, but Marlene makes the last minute decision to also go undercover, feeling immense guilt over having Tintin and Chang risk their lives for her.
While Tintin is running around in heels and beating up mobsters Haddock is away on a weekend break with Ramo Nash. Before leaving he asked Chang to keep Tintin away from any incidents and to promise not to throw any house parties.
This was my first collab on this blog and I had a lot of fun bouncing ideas off with Vaye. Her blog was one of the first Tintin blogs I followed - definitely check it out, it’s an absolute treasure trove of resources and research! Below are a few notes of stuff we discussed while making this:
- After the Blue Lotus, Marlene breaks away from Rastapopoulos and pulls back from the film industry to lay low, teaching dance classes instead. He keeps trying to come back to her, leaving her exhausted and paranoid. Since Rastapopoulos always considered Marlene to be pretty stupid he never made much of an effort to properly hide his criminal activities from her, but Marlene was able to slowly piece things together...
- This adventure takes place after St. Benezet’s Basement (the boarding school story) and before Call of the Songbird (Tintin Fucks Up and Steals A Whistle). Tintin is still in the grips of trauma from the canon stories. Chang is starting to settle in. Haddock and Nash’s relationship is in full swing, but they are keeping things quiet from everyone else. 
- In some sketchbook comics I did to flesh out ideas there’s hints of Tintin being gay and asexual, his complete lack of interest in Hollywood actresses and his mild irritation of people’s judgements being clouded by crushes! Chang’s attraction to Marlene however, foreshadows his feelings for Tintin later on down the line.
- There’s a role reversal theme going on here. Both Tintin and Marlene are victims of Rastapopoulos but in very different ways. By playing each others’ roles they both can get a clearer picture of how Rastapopoulos hurt people, and therefore a better understanding of their own traumas. Tintin is usually spontaneous and rarely makes himself known, but here he is playing a set character. Marlene as an actress, on the other hand, is used to receiving direction from others, but circumstance pushes her to improvise. I can imagine her using her skills as an actor to get into character as an ace reporter to fake some much needed bravery!
- Marlene’s disguise is literally just stuff she pulls from Tintin’s and Chang’s closets. She’s wearing Tintin’s trenchcoat, dress shirt and suspenders and Chang’s spectator shoes, trousers and scarf!
- Marlene is a very skittish person but will be compelled to do what she believes is the right thing. As Vaye put it, “Marlene’s bravery under fire is that she’s like the one person in a room who’s willing to get a spider outside...” Marlene is also older than Tintin and pretty much views him as a child, even though he’s in his early 20s at this point. She feels incredibly guilty about what Rastapopoulos did to him and the fact he’s risking his life for her. She feels some level of responsibility for him.
This all started because I thought it would be cool for Tintin to beat some guys up in drag
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ainews · 3 months
Fisheries in the small coastal town of Innsmouth have been experiencing a strange phenomenon in recent weeks - their catches have a peculiar hump-like shape. Experts are baffled by the sudden appearance of these humps, which have been observed on a variety of fish, including cod, tuna, and haddock.
According to local fishermen, the hump phenomenon started about a month ago and has been steadily increasing since then. "At first, we thought it was just a fluke. But as more and more of our catches started having these humps, we knew something strange was going on," said Peter Lawson, a veteran fisherman.
The humps, which vary in size and shape, have been causing problems for the fishermen. "It's harder to sell these humped fish in the market. Customers are hesitant to buy them, thinking they are deformed or diseased," said Lawson. This has led to a decline in profits for the already struggling fishing industry in Innsmouth.
After receiving several complaints, the local authorities launched an investigation into the hump phenomenon. Surprisingly, what they discovered was a bizarre link between these humps and the town's dark past.
Innsmouth, known for its rich fishing grounds, also has a dark history of worshiping demons. According to local legends, the townspeople made a pact with a powerful but malevolent demon centuries ago, in exchange for bountiful catches. While most dismissed these stories as mere superstition, the recent events have reignited fears and suspicions among the townspeople.
Some experts believe that the humps on the fish could be a result of environmental pollution or a natural mutation. However, others are convinced that the demons from the town's past have resurfaced and are now manifesting their presence through these humps.
"The humps could be a manifestation of the demon's power and control over the sea and its creatures. It's a warning of their return," said Father Michael, a local priest.
As the mystery surrounding the humped fish deepens, the fishing industry in Innsmouth continues to struggle, and the townspeople are left wondering if their past has come back to haunt them. The local authorities have assured the community that they are taking steps to address the issue and ensure the safety of the fishermen and the consumers.
In the meantime, the fishermen are left to deal with the consequences of the humps on their catches. "We just hope this all ends soon. It's not easy on us, the fish, or our community," said Lawson. Only time will tell if the humps will continue to haunt the fisheries of Innsmouth, or if they will disappear as mysteriously as they appeared.
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athingofvikings · 3 months
A Thing Of Vikings Chapter 56: Perils Of Popularity
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Chapter 56: Perils Of Popularity
Compared to the drama of dragon-dug underground canals and dragon-forged skyscrapers, the Financial Revolution in the century and a half after Hiccup Haddock's taming of dragons is generally overlooked, but is perhaps even more fundamental to an understanding of the economic structure he left behind.  Prior to the taming of dragons, bullion currency was comparatively rare; while gold and silver coins were certainly in circulation, as witnessed by the famous bride price paid for Hiccup's wife Astrid, overall, the Europan economy was cash-starved and functioned primarily on the barter economy at the lower levels.  After the taming of dragons, however, an even more scarce commodity currency entered the economy in the form of dragon scales. 
As is common knowledge, dragons shed their skins each spring; prior to domestication, they used these materials for the construction of nests for newly hatched young.  Under human auspices, however, the shedding amounted to the annual input of pure currency into the economy.  Properly treated and cured, dragon leather and dragon scales can last for decades of use before wearing out.  While the leather itself acted as a trade commodity, the single scales from hide that wasn't of sufficient quality to be made into leather were not worthless.  On the contrary, they functioned as currency, quickly displacing bullion metals as the currency material of choice. 
In this role, dragon scales offered numerous advantages, including being nearly impossible to counterfeit or debase, being easy to substantiate as genuine, and naturally removing themselves from the money supply over time as they wore out or were repurposed (such as for industrial use, decoration or even insulation).  However, even with this removal, the most productive gold or silver mine could not hope to match the net output of dragon shedding, and the resulting injection of funds into Europa's economy—spread by the effects of the Dragon Mail and the existing trade network—caused rampant inflation, averaging between 3-8% a year over the next century.  While this would cause problems to the modern developed economy, in the cash-starved environment at the time, it was an economic blessing, allowing for a rapid shift from the barter economy and feudal taxation system to a market economy and currency taxation system, giving even the peasantry access to funds with which to pay their expenses and taxes and receive payments. Increasing per-person productivity from Haddock's innovations and the agricultural impact of dragon labor pushed urbanization, as demand for labor—human and dragon alike—exceeded the available number of hands and wings for most of the next several centuries…
—The Dragon Millennium, Manna-hata University Press, Ltd. 
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