#gustavo Rodriguez x reader
buckysmith · 1 year
You’re clumsy
Mw2/CoD Headcanons
Warnings: mention of injuries and in accidentally hurting yourself , a bit fluffy
Ghost, soap, price, Rudy, Alejandro, Valeria, König, laswell Gus and Makarov
- it's certainly not the first time you've fallen flat on your face in front of him, and he's sure it won't be the last either
- you two were walking holding hands and there was a pleasant silence between you
- he let go of your hand for a moment to answer his cell phone which was vibrating, excused himself and walked a little away from you
- you wanted to take advantage of the time and get you both an ice cream, because first of all it was warm and secondly, who had anything against ice cream on a hot day?
- the moment he hung up he looked at you and saw you walking towards him with two ice cream corns in your hands and his only thought was . >>hopefully you won't fall now<<
- and it was as if he had sensed it you tripped over your own feet and the ice came flying towards him
- it was the moment where he stared at the ice that was now on the ground before he walked over to you and knelt down to you
- he couldn't help but grin a little though
- but that changed when he saw that you had scraped your knees.
- only a sigh escaped him when he looked into your eyes and saw that your knees hurt
- your way home was quite fast and when you arrived home he first cleaned your wound and then bandaged it before he made himself comfortable with you on the sofa to firstly make sure that you wouldn't hurt yourself again and secondly to make sure that you wouldn't break him or your apartment by your clumsiness
- do not worry, you still came to your ice cream
- he himself is not necessarily a man who is pursued by luck, at least not in private.
- he rides motorcross with his brothers and friends? It's actually a hundred percent certain that he'll hit the only tree in a hundred miles.
- he thought he was clumsy, but after he met you he was sure he was harmless unlike you
- there wasn't a day you didn't hurt yourself unintentionally
- you missed a step and fell down the stairs, once again
- you had cut your own finger while cutting vegetables
- or you touched something from the hot oven.
- Soap wasn't sure from then on whether you were just clumsy or cursed
- because of you he never had any bandages at home because they were always needed by you
- he really loved you, but he was sure you were the reason he would have a heart attack someday
Price :
- he had already made his house baby safe, hoping you would hurt yourself less, but somehow you still managed to do it
- he found you on a ladder trying to change a light bulb and the moment he saw you and you saw him it was like someone kicked you off the ladder
- out of the blue the ladder collapsed and Price tried to catch you
- he succeeded but now he was sure he needed a new back and discs
- the problem was your clumsiness hurt not only you but him as well
- once a hot frying pan slipped out of your hand and fell on his foot
- you twisted your ankle on a hiking trail and pushed him to keep your balance, so he fell six feet and landed in mud.
- the list went on
- he also had half a pharmacy at home because of you
- he really loved you, but he was getting really scared that you were trying to kill him
- he just looked at you, no emotion was in his face and inside he wondered how unlucky he had been
- it was Rudy who pulled him out of his stupor and offered him a towel, while you just looked at him shocked as if it wasn't your fault that he was now standing completely wet in front of his base
- he took the towel from Rudy's hand without breaking eye contact before his eyebrow twitched and you started running away from him
- he didn't even have to run after you extremely fast because only after a few seconds you tripped over your feet and you fell down
- it was the moment he saw your wounds that he threw his revenge plan in the garbage to take care of you
- he tried to calm you down in spanish, while he took care of your wounds
- but he didn't miss the chance to swear in spanish as well
- after all he was completely soaked and already left a puddle under himself
- he could not be angry with you, but he was sure that the next time you try to water flowers he will be far away from you
- and that from now on he would take change clothes with him...
- You tried to help your husband
- and he knew the danger how clumsy you are and still he allowed you to help him sort the files
- you were almost done, when you somehow got caught with your sleeve on one of the thousand folders and threw them all on the floor, which with your luck also opened and all the sheets spread across the room
- and as if that wasn't bad enough you also cut yourself on one of the sheets
- and then again
- and again
- and in the end you had more little wounds than you could count
- and he was out of band-aids
- well the whole headquarters was out of band-aids
- he thinks it's absolutely cute how clumsy you are, it makes him feel so strong right away because he can help you then
- he might have some problems yk
- but he only thinks it's cute when you trip and hold on to him and blush in shame
- but as soon as you hurt yourself he thinks about taking you to a safe place where you can't hurt yourself
- while he's bandaging you he says how brave you are and how proud he is of you
- for him it is nothing new, but still he never gets used to your clumsiness
- König himself was not necessarily the most skillful person living on earth
- he was military and also in an elite unit but in private nothing was safe from him
- as often as he ran by his size against a door frame or unintentionally knocked something over because it was not in his vision
- but together with you it was a disaster at your home
- you could actually go to Walmart, Target or Ikea every week to replace something in your apartment because it was broken
- you both had new bruises, wounds or other injuries all the time
- so it was nothing new for him that you hurt yourself cutting potatoes and he took care of your finger like a pro
- you joked so often about how he had to take care of you that maybe he shouldn't become a medic.
- if she could she would wrap you up in cotton and let you live in a rubber cell where you can't hurt yourself
- she's so tired of your clumsiness that sometimes it hurts her even to see you in pain
- besides, you often manage to hurt not only yourself but also the people around you
- you trip on the stairs and take Valeria down with you?
- happened more than once
- you twist your ankle and accidentally hit Diego?
- also happened already
- a flowerpot falls out of your hand while you were standing on the balcony and hit one of Valeria's people?
- also already happened
- she is now used to you coming into her office and showing her a new wound so she just sighs and prays to god you don't kill yourself unintentionally
- or someone else
- she can hear a knock on your door and already knows you've hurt yourself again
- her office at your home is now half a hospital ward as often as she has to fix you up
- she's incredibly glad you're not in the military, because even though she loves you to death, she knows you wouldn't last even five minutes in combat...
- or you'd accidentally kill someone of ur own in the first five minutes....
- When you first met Captain Price and his boys, Soap took you to the firing range while Kate talked to Price.
- by the end of the nice little talk they had your gun had slipped out of your hand while u shot and you had managed to broke Soap's nose while breaking your own index finger.
- That was the deciding factor for Kate to keep you away from weapons of any kind.
- She prefers you alive.
- and she doesn't want 141 to die cause of you ...
- he is sure that an evil spirit or something like that must be haunting you with how unlucky and how clumsy you are
- he loves you but he is permanently worried about you, especially when he is not at home and can keep an eye on himself
- of course you are never alone because his whole family lives where you live but it's just not the same
- they can't protect you like he can and he knows that too
- because of you he even has a little first aid kit in every room, cause you already hurt yourself in the most unbelievable ways
- it was especially funny when you fell down the stairs and with him
- he was the one who broke his arm while you landed softly on top of him
- so for him it's nothing new, but he's still afraid that you'll die one day because of your clumsiness.
- he is so done with you
- he is one of the most dangerous men
- one who has survived thanks to his intelligence and skill
- and then there was you in his life
- you were by far the only person he cared about and then you of all people had to be so clumsy and hurt yourself all the time
- he had even moved his guns out of your reach because of you so you wouldn't accidentally shoot his ass again
- he had asked you to bring him a gun while he was standing at the table and going through the plans of the next attack
- the gun fell out of your hand and you released the trigger, and shot him in the ass
- he was so pissed and it took him a lot not to scream at you
- he liked how you cared for him afterwards tho…. He might consider to give u a gun again just so he can have all your attention to himself
- and because he loves your guilty filled eyes
- he’s an bastard
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fic-heaven · 22 days
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COD masterlist
Pick your drink=>
Feel free to request anything
Ghost (Simon Riley)
All for a pair of tits / part2 n.fw
Distant memory [AOT AU]
Good lucks kiss
Brown eyes (+Gus)
Jealous much? (+Price)
Last confessions
Soap (John Mactavish)
Nutella Doughnut
Friends doing friends things (messy unedited) n.fw
Price (John Price)
Jealous much? (+Ghost)
Reyes (Enzo Reyes)
Was it that hard to say? n.fw
Make it a twenty. n.fw
The three fools head cannons (1. 2. 3.)
Turquoise smoke.
Gus (Gustavo Rodríguez)
Fangs [masterlist] n.fw
I will try n.fw
Brown eyes (+Ghost)
Ice cream incident.
That one Halloween party (1.)
All I want for Christmas is you.
Fruta del pecado [masterlist] n.fw
The three fools head cannons (1. 2. 3.)
König (Andreas Dobler)
Say my name (1. 2. 3.) n.fw
Nova (Nila Brown)
The three fools head cannons (1. 2. 3.)
Graves (Phillip Graves)
But you belong to me.
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Tabaco y Brea
Part three
Pairing:Javier Peña x DEA! reader
Rating:Uh, PG-13? What are the ratings?
Words: 2.6k
A/N: Um, tbh this is my favorite and the one we start the Drama™ with.
Warnings:rape reference,violence, (murdering?), sexual talk, prostitution. If I’m missing anything let me know.
Summary:You go to Medellín for the Narco meeting. Things get complicated when Helena doesn’t arrive.
Part one Part two
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Colonel Horacio Carrillo is waiting for you at the Carlos Holguin School, his base of operations, once you get to Medellín. Javi drives you all in the OGV (this time a white Van) with you in the back and Steve riding shotgun. Javier gets out, you and Steve rounding the car as the Colonel greets him.
“La inteligencia que me diste estaba en su punto. Los traquetos se van a reunir en las Margaritas” (Your intel was good. The traquetos (drug dealers) are gathering in Las Margaritas)
 You still can’t figure out how Javier was able to convince the Ambassador to let all of you come without more than a day’s notice.
You get closer, Carrillo turning his head towards your direction. Javier sighs.
“I want you to meet our new DEA, Steve Murphy”
The Colonel smirks. “Carne fresca” (Fresh meat)
Both look at each other, and you roll your eyes. 
“No sea idiota coronel” (Don’t be an idiot colonel)
Steve, once again, looks at you surprised. He may not speak Spanish but he’s sure he knows what idiota means.
Horacio laughs at your comment and lets a heavy hand fall on your shoulder. “No sea llorona Bera, hay que darle una buena bienvenida al nuevo!” (Don’t be a crybaby Bera, we have to give the new guy a good welcome!)
You shrug off his hand and get closer to Murphy in a protective stance. He’s a good guy, that much you’ve noticed with so little time he’s spent with you. Steve bumps you playfully as if saying thank you. You bump him back.
After that, everyone climbs into their respective cars and drive straight to the fancy hotel where the narcos meeting was going to be held.
You get a room along with the three of them, your Canon AE-1 hanging heavy on your neck as you climb up the stairs. Steve has a Fujica, and you guess he will be taking as many photos as he can. You’ll try and do the same, but the ones you’re taking will be staying with you and his are going to the ID guys.
Steve gets closer to the window and immediately starts snapping pictures as the narcos keep coming and getting out of their fancy vehicles. You do the same, but from the other angle.
You can see Carlos Lehder, the Ochoa brothers (and you now realize this probably has to do something with her sister being kidnapped) and Fernando Galeano “The Wolfman”, but you’re surprised when Gonzalo Rodriguez Gacha “The Mexican” gets out of another car, his face not very happy as they close the red door behind him.
“Is that Gacha?” Javi asks. You nod beside him, his voice sounding as surprised as you feel.
“I’ve never seen him with other traffickers”
The colonel is right, of course. Gacha is known for being a lone man regarding business, a paranoid man who doesn’t trust anyone. Him being there doesn’t mean anything good.
Finally, Pablo Escobar and Gustavo Gaviria arrive in a brown Mercedes convertible. Horacio orders Steve to take pictures of him and something urges you to answer that you’re not his soldiers to be bossed around, but keep your mouth shut.
Reluctantly, you admit in your insides that the intel Javi got from Helena was great, and you can feel in your guts that something big is going down today.
Hours pass and you realize that the meeting is over once the hookers are called up. The four of you get out and drive to the meeting point with Helena, and even if you’re not very fond of her you pray that she’s okay and got the work done.
“She should be here by now”
Javier is pacing outside with Carrillo standing beside one of the cars, Steve partially lying on the front while you’re inside with your head hanging out the window.
“You think she slipped?”
Javi shakes his head. “Nah, she’s no dummy”
Horacio bends over the car’s chest and laces his fingers together. “Maybe she’s getting pretty for you”
You snort and Javi gives you a dirty look but nods towards him. “Yeah”
More time passes, and if you’re honest you’re starting to get worried for the girl. One of Carrillo’s men gets close to him and mutters something that makes your heart sink to the bottom of your stomach.
“Vimos a la chica irse hace un buen rato” (we saw the girl leaving a long time ago)
You open the door and jump off, getting close to them as Carrillo speaks to Javi.
“They’re telling me the girl left a long time ago, she’s already dead”
Your partner looks concerned as he kneads his shoulder, a frown well pronounced showing in his face. He turns around and shakes his head.
“No, they wouldn’t kill her at the hotel”
“Then they killed her somewhere else, she knew the risks” you hate how nonchalant Horacio sounds, how easy he speaks about an innocent girl being dead because she decided to help you.
“If we’re going back, we go back now” Steve intervenes, and you’re grateful he has more human sense than Horacio. 
Javi gets close to him, muttering, “Necesito que la encuentres” (I need you to find her)
Horacio gives him a look, but answers. “Conozco un sicario, si te interesa. Quieres?” (I know a sicario, if you’re interested. You OK with that?)
Your blood runs cold as Javi nods, “yo voy” (I’ll go with you) 
You get close to both of them and grip Javi’s arm. “Yo iré contigo también” (I’ll go with you too)
Before Javi begins his protest, Carrillo points towards Steve. 
“Qué hacemos con Carne Fresca?” (What do we do with Fresh Meat?)
Javi glares at you. “Necesito que te quedes con él” (I need you to stay with him)
Disagreeing, you shake your head and move ahead of him. Horacio looks at how you walk towards his vehicle with a grin on his face, and you hear Javi telling Steve something from the distance.
 Shortly after, they’re following after you and climb into the car. 
You get to the place where the sicario is supposed to be and decide to stay inside the car as Javi and Carrillo along with one of his men go up to a balcony.
 Even if you’re not there, the sounds of a man getting chocked with a plastic bag reach your ears and Carrillo’s voice shouting drowns them a little bit. 
You clench your eyes shut as footsteps can be heard and shortly after, a gunshot resonates through the night. 
The sicario must have said something interesting because, without a word, both of them climb into the car and drive like crazy to another part of the city.
Horacio hits the brakes out of nowhere and the tires squeal in protest. Javier turns to look at you from the copilot seat, frowning.
“No me quedaré aqui Javier, ni lo pienses” (I won’t stay here Javier, don’t even think about it)
He lets out an exasperated sigh and gets out, his grip hard on the gun at his hands. 
Carrillo’s men go first, getting rid of the ones guarding the entrance. Then, Horacio goes on the other side, with Javi after him and you close behind. You climb the stairs silently, as close to the wall as the small space lets you, one of the soldiers leads you upstairs.
Chaos ensues when he fires, and shouts can be heard all over the place. Javier and Horacio start shooting the men quickly and soon it’s only you who are there. You turn around to Javi, and nausea invades your senses.
Helena is lying there, naked and beaten as she whimpers. Her face is bloody and bruises are starting to form all over her body. You have to cover your mouth to keep a gasp from escaping. You’re amazed at how beautiful she is, even after all of this, and a sense of admiration fills your chest. 
Javier takes off his vest and kneels to cover her with it. With tender hands, he holds her face and says her name.
“Helena? It’s me”
She doesn’t answer, and you can feel the guilt already eating at Javi.
“Te voy a sacar de aquí okay? Te lo prometo” (I’m going to take you out of here okay? I promise)
He lifts Helena in his arms and you trail behind him with your gun held up, Horacio walking behind you.
Nobody says a word as he takes her to the ambulance and you drive off to the hospital. Carrillo talks to his men by radio, telling them where you’re heading to and orders them to go there. Steve is still with them, so you guess you’ll find him there too.
You get to the hospital and Javi takes her to the ER, but they don’t let him go inside. Before his temper gets you in trouble, you put your hand on his shoulder and speak.
“Yo soy su hermana” (I’m her sister)
They nod without any protest and let you go inside with them. Javier sees you go and cocks his head in a silent thanks. 
Half an hour passes before anything else happens, but a doctor gets close to you in the waiting room to tell you she’s stable.
“Puede entrar a verla si lo desea, está consciente” (You can go see her if you want to, she’s conscious)
You nod and smile at her, “muchas gracias, iré en seguida” (thank you very much, I’ll go straight away)
Standing up, your muscles protest for being tense for so long, and you walk to the room the doctor pointed at.
Slowly, you open the door trying to avoid disturbing her, but her head turns towards your direction once a creaking sound echoes through the room.
“Hola Helena”, you greet her, “soy Bera, la compañera de Javier” (Hello Helena, I’m Bera, Javier’s (DEA) partner)
Your voice is soft, and you try to be as careful as possible so as not to startle her. You walk to his side and sit down at the chair beside his bed. She tries to give you a smile, but it becomes a pained expression caused by the bruises in her face.
“Tú eres Bera, eh?” (So you’re Bera, uh?) her voice is hoarse, probably because she screamed at some point. Your heart clenches at that. 
“Si, soy yo. Cómo te sientes?” (Yes, it’s me. How are you feeling?)
You feel stupid just as the words leave your mouth. How is she supposed to feel after what she just went through?
Despite this, she chuckles. “Como mierda, pero sobreviviré” (Like shit, but I’ll survive)
A strained smile reaches your lips. She’s a strong woman, that much you can notice. Regret invades your throat at how unjustified your resentment towards her was.
“Me aseguraré de que salgas de este país, te lo juro” (I’ll make sure you get out of this country, I swear)
She doesn’t say anything but nods, grateful. An awkward silence covers the room but you don’t want to leave her alone. The smell of desinfectant makes your nose itch, spots in the curtains making you uncomfortable. The covers of her bed are completely pristine though, and that reassures you a little.
Just as she’s about to fall asleep again, she mutters something.
“Eres muy especial para Javier, sabías?” (You’re very special to Javier, you know?)
Her words leave you speechless, and she keeps going at the lack of an answer.
“Contrario a lo que pareces pensar, yo no significo mucho para él. Nada más allá de una amistad tal vez” (Contrary to what you seem to think, I don’t mean much to him. Nothing more than a friendship maybe) Her words have an undertone of bitterness, and you open your mouth to speak but no words come out.
“Siempre que yo intentaba algo más con él, me rechazaba. Al principio pensé que era porque simplemente no estaba interesado en una relación,” she shrugs, the movement tense and clearly painful “pero aquella vez que me estaba cogiendo y dijo tu nombre? supe que era porque ya le pertenecía a alguien” (Every time I tried something with him, he rejected me. At first, I thought he just wasn’t interested in a relationship, but that one time he was fucking me and he said your name? I knew it was because he was already someone else’s)
You freeze, partially because of how easy she speaks about it and partially because of the actual words that just left his mouth.
“Yo-Yo no-no..” you stutter, “estás segura de que dijo mi nombre?” (I-I don’t-don’t… are you sure that he said my name?)
She chuckles at that. “Pues me acabas de decir que tú eres Bera, y si lo susurra en mi oído cuando se está corriendo no hay manera de que haya escuchado mal” (Well you just told me that you’re Bera, and if he whispers it at my ear when he’s coming there’s no way I heard it wrong)
Heat spreads through your cheeks and a flutter forms in your stomach at the (frankly hot) thought of Javi thinking about you as he came. But you don’t know if it means what you’d like, there’s no way to make sure unless Javi straight up tells you and he doesn’t even know you know.
You start freaking out in your head. Does he feel the same way about you? Was it just the heat of the moment? Are you gonna do anything about it? Why hasn’t he said anything!?
Ultimately, you decide not to do anything about it. If he wanted you to know he would have told you already. The thought hurts, but you can’t do much.
 You get out a pen from your jacket, rip a piece of paper from the notes at the bedside table and write your real name and the phone number from your house as well as your office one, handing it to Helena.
“Si alguna vez necesitas algo, llámame” (If you ever need something, call me)
She takes it from your hand and nods, folding it under her pillow. You stand up and go towards the door, but just as you’re about to get out, she speaks.
“Asegurate de que Javier esté bien” (Make sure Javier stays well)
Warmth spreads all over your body at her tone. You’re sure she doesn’t mean “keeping him safe”. Regardless of this, you nod.
You close the door behind you and walk outside the hospital, conviction in every single one of your steps.
Javier is leaning in the bar at the streetside, Steve standing in front of him. It looks as if they just fought about something, Carrillo sitting at a chair behind Steve.
“I hope you know what that means” it’s the only thing you get to hear from the argument.
Javi then hands him a beer just as he walks towards the corner store, Steve taking a gulp of it. You get close to him and grab his arm.
“I’m sorry for leaving you behind”, you say. “I’m sure you didn’t come all the way down here to just sit around and watch from the sidelines”
Both Carrillo and he snort at your comment, leaving you perplexed. Were they talking about that before you came?
“It’s okay Bera, not your fault”, his posture understanding as he grabs your hand and squeezes. 
You smile and turn to Javier. “She’ll be fine. I’ll help you get her the visa”
Javier nods. “Gracias” (thank you)
You go buy a soda and the three of you drink in silence for a moment.
“Qué sigue de esto, equipo Torbellino?” (What goes after this, Whirlpool team?) Carrillo breaks the silence from his seat. He smirks at you and you roll your eyes at the nickname he gave to both you and Javier, but repress a smile and you turn towards him.
The night starts to weight down on you, the events of the day catching up with your body. In spite of this, you straighten up at the change of subject and your breath comes out easier than before.
“A Cali” Javi says. (To Cali)
You smile. 
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smashpages · 5 years
Winners announced for the 2019 Eisner Awards
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The winners were announced last night for the 2019 Will Eisner Comic Industry Awards.
Tom King and Mitch Gerads, partners on the Mister Miracle series from DC, took home five awards between them. John Allison’s Giant Days and The Prince and the Dressmaker by Jen Wang also took home multiple awards.
The Eisner Awards also inducted 10 people into the Hall of Fame last night: the judges chose Jim Aparo, June Tarpé Mills, Dave Stevens and Morrie Turner, while voters chose José Luis García-López, Jenette Kahn, Paul Levitz, Wendy and Richard Pini, and Bill Sienkiewicz to join the class of 2019.
Other awards given out last night included the The Bill Finger Excellence In Comic Book Writing Award, which was presented to Mike Friedrich and the late E. Nelson Bridwell, and the Russ Manning Most Promising Newcomer Award, which went to Lorena Alvarez.
The 2019 recipients of the Bob Clampett Humanitarian Award were Edgardo Miranda-Rodriguez, for his work on Ricanstruction: Reminiscing & Rebuilding Puerto Rico, and comic artist Tula Lotay, AKA Lisa Wood, for creating the UK-based Thought Bubble Festival. And La Revisteria Comics in Argentina won the Will Eisner Spirit of Comics Retailer Award.
You can see all the Eisner winners below, in bold.
Best Short Story
“Get Naked in Barcelona,” by Steven T. Seagle and Emei Olivia Burrell, in Get Naked (Image)
“The Ghastlygun Tinies,” by Matt Cohen and Marc Palm, in MAD magazine #4 (DC)
“Here I Am,” by Shaun Tan, in I Feel Machine (SelfMadeHero)
“Life During Interesting Times,” by Mike Dawson (The Nib), https://thenib.com/greatest-generation-interesting-times
“Supply Chains,” by Peter and Maria Hoey, in Coin-Op #7 (Coin-Op Books)
“The Talk of the Saints,” by Tom King and Jason Fabok, in Swamp Thing Winter Special (DC)
Best Single Issue/One-Shot
Beneath the Dead Oak Tree, by Emily Carroll (ShortBox)
Black Hammer: Cthu-Louise, by Jeff Lemire and Emi Lenox (Dark Horse)
No Better Words, by Carolyn Nowak (Silver Sprocket)
Peter Parker: The Spectacular Spider-Man #310, by Chip Zdarsky (Marvel)
The Terrible Elisabeth Dumn Against the Devils In Suits, by Arabson, translated by James Robinson (IHQ Studio/ Image)
Best Continuing Series
Batman, by Tom King et al. (DC)
Black Hammer: Age of Doom, by Jeff Lemire, Dean Ormston, and Rich Tommaso (Dark Horse)
Gasolina, by Sean Mackiewicz and Niko Walter (Skybound/Image)
Giant Days, by John Allison, Max Sarin, and Julaa Madrigal (BOOM! Box)
The Immortal Hulk, by Al Ewing, Joe Bennett, and Ruy José (Marvel)
Runaways, by Rainbow Rowell and Kris Anka (Marvel)
Best Limited Series
Batman: White Knight, by Sean Murphy (DC)
Eternity Girl, by Magdalene Visaggio and Sonny Liew (Vertigo/DC)
Exit Stage Left: The Snagglepuss Chronicles, by Mark Russell, Mike Feehan, and Mark Morales (DC)
Mister Miracle, by Tom King and Mitch Gerads (DC)
X-Men: Grand Design: Second Genesis, by Ed Piskor (Marvel)
Best New Series
Bitter Root, by David Walker, Chuck Brown, and Sanford Green (Image)
Crowded, by Christopher Sebela, Ro Stein, and Ted Brandt (Image)
Gideon Falls, by Jeff Lemire and Andrea Sorrentino (Image)
Isola, by Brenden Fletcher and Karl Kerschl (Image)
Man-Eaters, by Chelsea Cain and Kate Niemczyk (Image)
Skyward, by Joe Henderson and Lee Garbett (Image)
Best Publication for Early Readers (up to age 8)
Johnny Boo and the Ice Cream Computer, by James Kochalka (Top Shelf/IDW)
Petals, by Gustavo Borges (KaBOOM!)
Peter & Ernesto: A Tale of Two Sloths, by Graham Annable (First Second)
This Is a Taco! By Andrew Cangelose and Josh Shipley (CubHouse/Lion Forge)
Tiger Vs. Nightmare, by Emily Tetri (First Second)
Best Publication for Kids (ages 9–12)
Aquicorn Cove, by Katie O’Neill (Oni)
Be Prepared, by Vera Brosgol (First Second)
The Cardboard Kingdom, by Chad Sell (Knopf/Random House Children’s Books)
Crush, by Svetlana Chmakova (JY/Yen Press)
The Divided Earth, by Faith Erin Hicks (First Second)
Best Publication for Teens (ages 13–17)
All Summer Long, by Hope Larson (Farrar Straus Giroux)
Gumballs, by Erin Nations (Top Shelf/IDW)
Middlewest, by Skottie Young and Jorge Corona (Image)
Norroway, Book 1: The Black Bull of Norroway, by Cat Seaton and Kit Seaton (Image)
The Prince and the Dressmaker, by Jen Wang (First Second)
Watersnakes, by Tony Sandoval, translated by Lucas Marangon (Magnetic/Lion Forge)
Best Humor Publication
Get Naked, by Steven T. Seagle et al. (Image)
Giant Days, by John Allison, Max Sarin, and Julia Madrigal (BOOM! Box)
MAD magazine, edited by Bill Morrison (DC)
A Perfect Failure: Fanta Bukowski 3, by Noah Van Sciver (Fantagraphics)
Woman World, by Aminder Dhaliwal (Drawn & Quarterly)
Best Anthology
Femme Magnifique: 50 Magnificent Women Who Changed the World, edited by Shelly Bond (Black Crown/IDW)
Puerto Rico Strong, edited by Marco Lopez, Desiree Rodriguez, Hazel Newlevant, Derek Ruiz, and Neil Schwartz (Lion Forge)
Twisted Romance, edited by Alex de Campi (Image)
Where We Live: A Benefit for the Survivors in Las Vegas, edited by Will Dennis, curated by J. H. Williams III and Wendy Wright-Williams (Image)
Best Reality-Based Work
All the Answers: A Graphic Memoir, by Michael Kupperman (Gallery 13)
All the Sad Songs, by Summer Pierre (Retrofit/Big Planet)
Is This Guy For Real? The Unbelievable Andy Kaufman, by Box Brown (First Second)
Monk! by Youssef Daoudi (First Second)
One Dirty Tree, by Noah Van Sciver (Uncivilized Books)
Best Graphic Album—New
Bad Girls, by Alex de Campi and Victor Santos (Gallery 13)
Come Again, by Nate Powell (Top Shelf/IDW)
Green Lantern: Earth One Vol. 1, by Corinna Bechko and Gabriel Hardman (DC)
Homunculus, by Joe Sparrow (ShortBox)
My Heroes Have Always Been Junkies, by Ed Brubaker and Sean Phillips (Image)
Sabrina, by Nick Drnaso (Drawn & Quarterly)
Best Graphic Album—Reprint
Berlin, by Jason Lutes (Drawn & Quarterly)
Girl Town, by Carolyn Nowak (Top Shelf/IDW)
Upgrade Soul, by Ezra Claytan Daniels (Lion Forge)
The Vision hardcover, by Tom King, Gabriel Hernandez Walta, and Michael Walsh (Marvel)
Young Frances, by Hartley Lin (AdHouse Books)
Best Adaptation from Another Medium
Anne Frank’s Diary: The Graphic Adaptation, adapted by Ari Folman and David Polonsky (Pantheon)
“Frankenstein” by Mary Shelley, in Frankenstein: Junji Ito Story Collection, adapted by Junji Ito, translated by Jocelyne Allen (VIZ Media)
Out in the Open by Jesús Carraso, adapted by Javi Rey, translated by Lawrence Schimel (SelfMadeHero)
Speak: The Graphic Novel, by Laurie Halse Anderson and Emily Carroll (Farrar Straus Giroux)
To Build a Fire: Based on Jack London’s Classic Story, by Chabouté (Gallery 13)
Best U.S. Edition of International Material
About Betty’s Boob, by Vero Cazot and Julie Rocheleau, translated by Edward Gauvin (Archaia/BOOM!)
Brazen: Rebel Ladies Who Rocked the World, by Pénélope Bagieu (First Second)
Herakles Book 1, by Edouard Cour, translated by Jeremy Melloul (Magnetic/Lion Forge)
Niourk, by Stefan Wul and Olivier Vatine, translated by Brandon Kander and Diana Schutz (Dark Horse)
A Sea of Love, by Wilfrid Lupano and Grégory Panaccione (Magnetic/Lion Forge)
Best U.S. Edition of International Material—Asia
Abara: Complete Deluxe Edition, by Tsutomu Nihei, translated by Sheldon Drzka (VIZ Media)
Dead Dead Demon’s Dededede Destruction, by Inio Asano, translated by John Werry (VIZ Media)
Laid-Back Camp, by Afro, translated by Amber Tamosaitis (Yen Press)
My Beijing: Four Stories of Everyday Wonder, by Nie Jun, translated by Edward Gauvin (Graphic Universe/Lerner)
Tokyo Tarareba Girls, by Akiko Higashimura (Kodansha)
Best Archival Collection/Project—Strips
Pogo, vol. 5: Out of This World At Home, by Walt Kelly, edited by Mark Evanier and Eric Reynolds (Fantagraphics)
Sky Masters of the Space Force: The Complete Sunday Strips in Color (1959–1960), by Jack Kirby, Wally Wood et al., edited by Ferran Delgado (Amigo Comics)
Star Wars: Classic Newspaper Strips, vol. 3, by Archie Goodwin and Al Williamson, edited by Dean Mullaney (Library of American Comics/IDW)
The Temple of Silence: Forgotten Words and Worlds of Herbert Crowley, by Justin Duerr (Beehive Books
Thimble Theatre and the Pre-Popeye Comics of E. C. Segar, edited by Peter Maresca (Sunday Press)
Best Archival Collection/Project—Comic Books
Action Comics: 80 Years of Superman Deluxe Edition, edited by Paul Levitz (DC)
Bill Sienkiewicz’s Mutants and Moon Knights… And Assassins… Artifact Edition, edited by Scott Dunbier (IDW)
Dirty Plotte: The Complete Julie Doucet (Drawn & Quarterly)
Madman Quarter Century Shindig, by Mike Allred, edited by Chris Ryall (IDW)
Terry Moore’s Strangers in Paradise Gallery Edition, edited by Joseph Melchior and Bob Chapman (Abstract Studio/Graphitti Designs)
Will Eisner’s A Contract with God: Curator’s Collection, edited by John Lind (Kitchen Sink/Dark Horse)
Best Writer
Alex de Campi, Bad Girls (Gallery 13); Twisted Romance (Image)
Tom King, Batman, Mister Miracle, Heroes in Crisis, Swamp Thing Winter Special (DC)
Jeff Lemire, Black Hammer: Age of Doom, Doctor Star & the Kingdom of Lost Tomorrows, Quantum Age (Dark Horse); Descender, Gideon Falls, Royal City (Image)
Mark Russell, Exit Stage Left: The Snagglepuss Chronicles, Green Lantern/Huckleberry Hound, Lex Luthor/Porky Pig (DC); Lone Ranger (Dynamite)
Kelly Thompson, Nancy Drew (Dynamite); Hawkeye, Jessica Jones, Mr. & Mrs. X, Rogue & Gambit, Uncanny X-Men, West Coast Avengers (Marvel)
Chip Zdarsky, Peter Parker: The Spectacular Spider-Man, Marvel Two-in-One (Marvel)
Best Writer/Artist
Sophie Campbell, Wet Moon (Oni)
Nick Drnaso, Sabrina (Drawn & Quarterly)
David Lapham, Lodger (Black Crown/IDW); Stray Bullets (Image)
Nate Powell, Come Again (Top Shelf/IDW)
Tony Sandoval, Watersnakes (Magnetic/Lion Forge)
Jen Wang, The Prince and the Dressmaker (First Second)
Best Penciller/Inker or Penciller/Inker Team
Matías Bergara, Coda (BOOM!)
Mitch Gerads, Mister Miracle (DC)
Karl Kerschl, Isola (Image)
Sonny Liew, Eternity Girl (Vertigo/DC)
Sean Phillips, Kill or Be Killed, My Heroes Have Always Been Junkies (Image)
Yanick Paquette, Wonder Woman Earth One, vol. 2 (DC)
Best Painter/Multimedia Artist (interior art)
Lee Bermejo, Batman: Damned (DC)
Carita Lupatelli, Izuna Book 2 (Humanoids)
Dustin Nguyen, Descender (Image)
Gregory Panaccione, A Sea of Love (Magnetic/Lion Forge)
Tony Sandoval, Watersnakes (Magnetic/Lion Forge)
Best Cover Artist (for multiple covers)
Jen Bartel, Blackbird (Image); Submerged (Vault)
Nick Derington, Mister Miracle (DC)
Karl Kerschl, Isola (Image)
Joshua Middleton, Batgirl and Aquaman variants (DC)
Julian Tedesco, Hawkeye, Life of Captain Marvel (Marvel)
Best Coloring
Jordie Bellaire, Batgirl, Batman (DC); The Divided Earth (First Second); Days of Hate, Dead Hand, Head Lopper, Redlands (Image); Shuri, Doctor Strange (Marvel)
Tamra Bonvillain, Alien 3 (Dark Horse); Batman, Doom Patrol (DC); Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur, Multiple Man (Marvel)
Nathan Fairbairn, Batman, Batgirl, Birds of Prey, Wonder Woman Earth One, vol. 2 (DC); Die!Die!Die! (Image)
Matt Hollingsworth, Batman: White Knight (DC): Seven to Eternity, Wytches (Image)
Matt Wilson, Black Cloud, Paper Girls, The Wicked + The Divine (Image); The Mighty Thor, Runaways (Marvel)
Best Lettering
David Aja, Seeds (Berger Books/Dark Horse)
Jim Campbell, Breathless, Calexit, Gravetrancers, Snap Flash Hustle, Survival Fetish, The Wilds (Black Mask); Abbott, Alice: Dream to Dream, Black Badge, Clueless, Coda, Fence, Firefly, Giant Days, Grass Kings, Lumberjanes: The Infernal Compass, Low Road West, Sparrowhawk (BOOM); Angelic (Image); Wasted Space (Vault)
Alex de Campi, Bad Girls (Gallery 13); Twisted Romance (Image)
Jared Fletcher, Batman: Damned (DC); The Gravediggers Union, Moonshine, Paper Girls, Southern Bastards (Image)
Todd Klein— Black Hammer: Age of Doom, Neil Gaiman’s A Study in Emerald (Dark Horse); Batman: White Night (DC); Eternity Girl, Books of Magic (Vertigo/DC); The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen: The Tempest (Top Shelf/IDW)
Best Comics-Related Periodical/ Journalism
Note: There was a tie in this category
Back Issue, edited by Michael Eury (TwoMorrows)
The Columbus Scribbler, edited by Brian Canini, columbusscribbler.com
Comicosity, edited by Aaron Long and Matt Santori,  www.comicosity.com
LAAB Magazine #0: Dark Matter, edited by Ronald Wimberley and Josh O’Neill (Beehive Books)
PanelxPanel magazine, edited by Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou, panelxpanel.com
Best Comics-Related Book
Comic Book Implosion: An Oral History of DC Comics Circa 1978, by Keith Dallas and John Wells (TwoMorrows)
Drawn to Purpose: American Women Illustrators and Cartoonists, by Martha H. Kennedy (University Press of Mississippi)
The League of Regrettable Sidekicks, by Jon Morris (Quirk Books)
Mike Grell: Life Is Drawing Without an Eraser, by Dewey Cassell with Jeff Messer (TwoMorrows)
Yoshitaka Amano: The Illustrated Biography—Beyond the Fantasy, by Florent Gorges, translated by Laure Dupont and Annie Gullion (Dark Horse)
Best Academic/Scholarly Work
Between Pen and Pixel: Comics, Materiality, and the Book of the Future, by Aaron Kashtan (Ohio State University Press)
Breaking the Frames: Populism and Prestige in Comics Studies, by Marc Singer (University of Texas Press)
The Goat-Getters: Jack Johnson, the Fight of the Century, and How a Bunch of Raucous Cartoonists Reinvented Comics, by Eddie Campbell (Library of American Comics/IDW/Ohio State University Press)
Incorrigibles and Innocents, by Lara Saguisag (Rutgers Univeristy Press)
Sweet Little C*nt: The Graphic Work of Julie Doucet, by Anne Elizabeth Moore (Uncivilized Books)
Best Publication Design
A Sea of Love, designed by Wilfrid Lupano, Grégory Panaccione, and Mike Kennedy (Magnetic/Lion Forge)
The Stan Lee Story Collector’s Edition, designed by Josh Baker (Taschen)
The Temple of Silence: Forgotten Worlds of Herbert Crowley, designed by Paul Kepple and Max Vandenberg (Beehive Books)
Terry Moore’s Strangers in Paradise Gallery Edition, designed by Josh Beatman/Brainchild Studios/NYC (Abstract Studio/Graphitti Designs)
Will Eisner’s A Contract with God: Curator’s Collection, designed by John Lind (Kitchen Sink/Dark Horse)
Best Digital Comic
Aztec Empire, by Paul Guinan, Anina Bennett, and David Hahn, www.bigredhair.com/books/Aztec-empire/
The Führer and the Tramp, by Sean McArdle, Jon Judy, and Dexter Wee, http://thefuhrerandthetramp.com/
The Journey, by Pablo Leon (Rewire), https://rewire.news/article/2018/01/08/rewire-exclusive-comic-journey/
The Stone King, by Kel McDonald and Tyler Crook (comiXology Originals)  https://cmxl.gy/Stone-King
Umami, by Ken Niimura (Panel Syndicate), http://panelsyndicate.com/comics/umami
Best Webcomic
The Contradictions, by Sophie Yanow, www.thecontradictions.com
Lavender Jack, by Dan Schkade (WEBTOON), https://www.webtoons.com/en/thriller/lavender-jack/list?title_no=1410&page=1
Let’s Play, by Mongie (WEBTOON), https://www.webtoons.com/en/romance/letsplay/list?title_no=1218&page=1
Lore Olympus, by Rachel Smythe, (WEBTOON), https://www.webtoons.com/en/romance/lore-olympus/list?title_no=1320&page=1
Tiger, Tiger, by Petra Erika Nordlund, (Hiveworks) http://www.tigertigercomic.com/
46 notes · View notes
fic-heaven · 1 year
Gus doesn't know she knows Spanish -...
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71 notes · View notes
fic-heaven · 9 months
Ice cream incident
[Dbf! Dilf! Gustavo (Gus) Rodríguez x Reader]
(if this goes well I'll make a second part)
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🐥 ok ok to come clean first of all: reader is on her late twenties and Gus is on his mid thirties, he is younger than her dad.
•[light nsfw/ reader has anxiety/social gatherings/mention of divorces/sometimes actions speak louder than words]
• A nasty breakup left you crawling back to your parents house making the already difficult feelings you had for your favorite neighbor and dad's best friend worsen, luckily he faced the same demons.
The click of the main door opening and closing accompanied by a loud "Hola!" surprised you. You quickly turned off the kitchen's tv abandoning the empty ramen cup on the counter, quickly fixing your hair you exhale and rush to greet your neighbor.
It wasn't uncommon for Gustavo Rodríguez to suddenly appear in your house, he was your dad's best friend and he usually made him favors helping him fix something around the house or taking care of your little sister when none of you could. He usually stayed on your porch to watch over his daughter Maria and your sister Brianna while enjoying some beers and laughs with your old man. You never complained, every time he arrived your ten year old sister was less gremlin-like, your dad was happier, your mom could take a break and god he was hot as hell. And honesty? Ever since you moved to your parents house again after a nasty breakup with your boyfriend and started interacting more with your hot neighbor... You begun to think he thought you were just as hot.
"Hey teddy bear~." Your purr startling the man and you couldn't help but smile wickedly from the kitchen's door leaning on it's frame.
As always, the nickname made the rican laugh nervously and shift his body compleatly towards the now closed front door pretending to check on the bags he was carrying so you wouldn't see the apples of his cheeks flush red with warmth. But you knew better. And his handsome boy-ish smile was worth peeking over. Sneaking a few steps closer to his back you playfully pinched his side and peeked from his shoulder to address his embarrassed face. He looked at you in momentary shock not expecting you to appear so close so fast.
His nervous crackle shook his chest but Gus played it cool mumbling "Hola cielo. Your mom home?"
You shook your head with a no and pointed at the four grocery bags he was carrying.
"Eso es-... Your old man told me to drop these here." His warm overly sweet voice was music to your ears, you directed your attention to the bags' contents. With a finger you opened one of them a little wider to see ice cream of various flavours. Your brow arched as you took a step back now fully inspecting the man before you.
Gustavo stood there a little awkward under your intense gaze, his shy smile never weavers when your eyes scanned his outfit up and down. He was wearing plane black, damp-looking swim trunks, to your dismay the pink cap flattening part of his wild raven curls was not the icing of the cake but the garment adorning his torso. The goofball wore a pastel pink t-shirt with 'barbie' written in huge letters right in the middle, no doubt something he picked to match his daughter for today's super fun plan the dads from the neighborhood made while the moms enjoyed the day with a plan for themselves. You not being part of the dads and lil children nor the moms group decided to spend part of your day home chilling and watching Netflix waiting for your little sister to burst in and drag you out for the pool party in Gustavo's house. Lucky you, said man was the one to greet you. Though you couldn't help but feel a little nervous being around him wearing shorts and an oversized t-shirt from your favorite band.
"You uh... Got your swimsuit ready?" He said breaking your train of thought.
You blinked up at him in pure amusement. "Did you come all this way to ask me that?"
"Dios, actually... My freezer got busted when we were half finished readying the pool... Your pa told me we could use his to stock the ice cream and beers." Gus held the bags a little higher with an exasperated sigh clearly irritated by the betrayal of his expensive freezer.
You took a hold of two other bags ignoring his protests and then turned around signaling with a head tilt to come along, Gus complied quickly nodding knowing he couldn't deny your help.
You both went back to the kitchen unpacking the bags' contents. Warmth spread through your chest when he gave you the softest of smiles in silent appreciation for your help with the bags. That made you realize, it was common for Gus to be in your home but it was uncommon for you two to actually spend time alone, though the air was charged with something you couldn't quite pinpoint, it was not uncomfortable at all and with some playful totally friendly teasing and small talks here and there you guys didn't feel the slightest put off by the lack of people in the house. "Hah, look at that. Fix-it-Gus finally got defeated by something he couldn't fix!" That earned a bitter laugh from the big man, you purposely slowed your steps just to feel him closer to your backside when he brought the other bag to the counter you were leaning on, surprisingly enough he was ready for this but instead of moving away he rested a hand on your waist and placed the last bag on the counter pressing half of his chest to your heated back "Agh! Freezers! My kryptonite..." You giggled at this, patting and pinching his cheeck in fake comfort as you whined "What will happen when our freezers die on us? We won't be able to call SuperGus to fix 'em. It'll be our doom." His honey eyes crinkled in amusement by the silly nickname pausing his hands from reaching the beers, he puffed out his chest and flexed his biceps in the air mocking a heroic pose and doing his best to impresionate Superman's voice "Fear not, señorita! SuperGus doesn't FREEZE in the face of danger!" He laughed at his own dad joke and you couldn't help but join along, if not for the terrible joke, for his contagious and youthful laughter. God he was so stupidly handsome you wanted to grab him by the mat of black curls and give him the sloppiest kiss.
Gus pretended not to feel your body get impossibly hotter when his side pressed against yours once again in a playful shove, his moustache tilted to the side with a half smile, hooded eyes darkened by his cap still took in your beautiful lips shining the gorgeous smile his horrid humour managed to lit from you. There was silence then. The air between you felt much suffocating than before, luckily you were not the only one who could feel the heat, Gus' palms got sweatier and sweatier by the second, he wiped them down his trunks moving his head to the side but discreetly peeking a shy look your way, his smile ever so present. You shook your head breaking the momentary tension and opened the freezer to put the ice cream cones and containers Gus carefully passed you. You will never admit aloud that the few times your fingers brushed each other's to take the frozen sweets was intentional. HE wouldn't admit it either. You two were so adamant on touching each other one way or another you looked like two teenagers with a crush despite the age gap and it was just so refreshing to feel this way all over again.
"Fuck-" he perked up at this "there's not enough space..." you grunt standing up from your crouched position. "We could use the spare freezer?" Gus offered, his voice lowering a whole fucking octave and something from his tone made you feel the heat relit within you. He wanted to go to the garage, the most secluded place of the house.
Last month you brought your own freezer and your dad made quick place for it in the garage near his working bench using it to cool his hidden beers (don't tell mom) and other stuff that wouldn't fit in the kitchen, that and the little TV you also brought turned half of the garage into his perfect man cave, you didn't see your father in one fucking week because of his obsession with his little special spot of the house. Somehow going there alone with Gus made a wave of arousal hit your senses... God you were going crazy over this guy. You weren't even supposed to think this way... He was your father's best friend, fucking hell.
"Earth to (Y/n)~ You alright, bunny?" Gus asked teasingly waving his massive palm to your face.
"Huh? Sure, yeah? Yeah, why not..."
Gus took a step closer and lifted your chin with one meaty finger, it was hard to see what his unreadable expression hid specially with the cap shading his honey eyes that seemed to glow the longer you two locked eyes. Your hands cupped the hand that held up your chin, the Rican tensed suddenly shocked by the view of your big doe eyes entranced by him and your wet pouty lower lip popping out cutely, the softness of your hands cupping his clammy hand so softly like he was made of porcelain, it was that and the big oversized shirt that gave you a certain innocent look, the whole picture made a chill run down Gus' spine, this was wrong. He swallowed down his disgusting thoughts carefully hidden with an uncharacteristic blank look that made you feel slightly uneasy. He parted his lips, and whispered in a low raspy voice "Niña, why don't ya... Go upstairs, change yourself and join the others in my backyard? I'll uh, take care of the whole ice cream situation." You didn't answer, you were hypnotized by the sound of his voice, the fruity smell of his gel, pool water and sweat and his addicting body warmth. Gus chose to take your silence for an answer, he threw you a quick forced smile averting his heated gaze, his hands hurried away from you to lower down and grab the last two bags, not looking back he begin walking to exit the kitchen's door. Your hand shot to his forearm stopping him abruptly midway.
Keep it together (y/n)...
"My swimwear is still packed on a box in the garage so I'll come along! Surely SuperGus could help a damsel in distress pick a bikini for the party?" You purred passing by his frozen body and blocking his way from the door, he stood there about to say something though he wasn't even sure exactly what but stopped when your hand took a weak grasp of his pastel shirt's edge urging him to once again follow your lead. His smile, previously forced, lit up pushing the apples of his cheeks upwards in a genuine smile making his eyes crinkle at your antics. "Ay bendito... You really need my help with that?" His wavering voice protested, the low sensual tone of it still present.
"Seeing your outfit today I'm sure you'll do great picking a bikini for me." you walked out of the kitchen with him hot on your heels since you were still pulling carefully at his ridiculous shirt. "Never knew you were one to deny a lady's help" you said in fake hurt, he waltzed to meet your steps much closer careful not to bump you with the bags he carried and poked at your ticklish left side making you yelp. "Hey-! Never. It'll be an honor to help you pick your swimwear, bun-bun" Gus said in an overly sweetened voice almost sounding like a parent cooing to his baby. You scrunched your nose and rolled your eyes and he laughed once more with that beautiful childish crackle of his.
Reaching the garage you smacked the light switch, the obnoxious Christmas lights your father decorated the place with twinkled happily almost blinding the garage's yellow bulb giving the space a pub-kind of vibe. Gus' eyes widened and he slowed his steps taking the place in with a flabbergasted gasp.
"Que corrongo-!! Didn't know your viejo had the time to put this place together! Last time I saw it'looked as ugly as the back of a freezer." Gus marvelled inspecting the place, his arms swayed with the weight of the bags as he moved around like a kid on a toy store. You paid little mind to his excited demeanor that worryingly mirrored your dad's the day he finished adding the finishing touches to this hell of a man-cave, as you left Gus day-dreaming while taking care of the ice cream and the freezer in the far corner of the wall you went to seek the box with the rest of your summer clothes.
To Gus, the garage looked like the first tree house your dad and him build as teenagers in the back of his grandmother's house. He placed the two bags on the neatly organized working bench and kneeled to start stocking the ice cream on the low freezer with a soft smile reminiscing the hours they spent there sharing stories, trying their first cigars and first beers, crying about ex girlfriends, eating quesadillas, falsifying their mothers' signatures for school letters and sharing secrets. He sighs thinking about the day he revealed he was seriously pondering the idea of enlisting, how nervous he was of his best friend's reaction after his whole family cloaked him with their overprotectiveness, and the tears of relief when his friend comfortingly patted his shoulder and encouraged him to do what he thought was right "Bud, you are always eager to help everyone. it would suit you alright for sure!" In less than a year Gus ended up studying and working out hard to enlist after he graduated highschool until he fell in love with Alice, his ex wife who forced him to drop his dream in order to replace said dream with hers. Making a family, having a normal peaceful life, being oblivious to the dangers in the world and doing nothing to stop them. Gus wasn't happy about this but he loved his wife too much to complain, it didn't bother him much that your dad didn't get along with Alice nor the cold bite of an "I told you so" he gave Gus the day he found out she was cheating on him with his own college from work, it was the disappointment of your father what made him shudder to this day. The day he divorced his wife was the day awareness struck Gus with force. He cared so much about his best friend's opinion that fixing things with him and reinforcing their friendship was worth ten painful divorces. Your dad was the second most important person in Gustavo's life, the first one being his lovely daughter Maria.
That's why he felt a wave of shame when he finished with the freezer to turn around and be met with the view of your perfect round ass pointing in the air thanks to your crouched position searching for the bikini box. The arousal hit his brain faster than a fucking bullet, his trunks felt tight, his caramel skin clammy, and something seemed to have dropped on his stomach. Though even with the feeling of shame his golden eyes ate up the shape of your bum hungrily without restrain, he wanted to rip that fucking short so bad. He had to bite back a groan and flex his hands nervously trying to get rid of the effect you had on him. Fuck what would your father think of him now...
Unbeknownst to him you knew what you were doing, moving your ass pointlessly here and there, letting out soft sighs and groans of "frustration" for failing to find the bloody box.
"Mae... Need a hand?"
You needed more than his fucking hands for sure.
With a little jump you got to your feet and smiled so sweetly it drove him crazy, "You think SuperGus could help me find the bloody white box?" Gus smiled politely controlling his breathing methodically and killing off the erection by thinking about the elephant in the room, said elephant being the fact that you were his best friend's daughter. Gosh he was a lost cause wasn't he...?
There were a few grocery bags in his path to get to you, so he took them in order to place them to the corner of the table you were now leaning on to support your lower backside. Your hungry eyes did not go unnoticed. Naughty girl...
Naughty girl who did the unthinkable when he was close enough to reach. He grunted in surprise.
Gus' fists clenched on his sides with enough force to break the weak, thin handles of the bags that were abruptly dropped and left laying awkwardly on the floor. The thud of them colliding against the floor however, was not loud enough to break the spell between you two. Your hand gave a tentative squeeze around his soft clothed shaft, his Adam's apple bobbed with a gulp yet he didn't mutter a single word, panic and arousal settled within him when his eyes darted to the nearby wall. You just moved one of your delicate and kissable hands to take a good grip on his half-hard covered cock. Just what the fuck is going on? Has he gone mad? Was this another one of his wet dreams about you? Was he really awake?
Your eyes shot to every small movement from his face searching for any indication that might give away his melting selfcontrol. Gus' eyes were half focused on the wall behind you silently fighting with slow blinks not to look at you nor your sneaky hand, his moustache covered his mouth like a curtain hiding his plush frowned lips you wanted to bite on so badly and his cap shading his golden eyes from the bloody Christmas lights making you frown struggling to find any hint within them of what the hell he was thinking about while you groped his cock.
His chest heaved like that of a man who just ran a marathon, his breaths getting heavier and heavier by the second as your fingers traced and squeezed his bulge paying attention to the head of his dick, you smile as he slowly moved his head up to stare at the ceiling blinking rapidly for a moment with his body still rigid and unwavering a soft almost inaudible whimper scape his mouth that he bit back mauling on his lower lip, his hands shook and clenched so tightly it looked painful.
Yet he did not say a word.
Your greed made you do what you so desperately were craving to for the whole fucking morning and probably since the very first time you saw him shirtless.
You lift part of his shirt with your other unoccupied hand as your right hand palmed and rubbed him more firmly, his hairy abs spasmed at the feel of your fingers squeezing his leaking tip. Your left hand held his shoulder, your thumb keeping the edge of the pink shirt up giving you full view of one of his enormous pectorals and his well-built lower torso. You instinctively licked your lips at the sight of his dark nipple, your hungry stare lifted at the sound of the trembling sigh that fell from his lips. Gus was still standing there unmoving, his skin hot and slick of sweat and pool water, the caramel color gave a certain golden glisten with the small window's light that made it look sinfully delicious, his body was a wall of muscle covered by soft tan skin with one beauty mark here and there, it's dark small curls of hair made it the more tentative to lay your mouth on every inch of his bidy savouring his taste greedily. Never in your life have you felt the urge to lick someone's sweat off until now that you had one of Gustavo's enormous tits inches from your face.
He wanted to say something. That much was clear when his chin lowered the tiniest bit, his hands untensed, Adam's apple bobbed once more then his lips slowly parted, his eyes were sealed shut as if Gus dared to sneak a look at your antics the magic in the air would simply evaporate. You took it as an invitation to keep going. You leaned closer to his pec, the rich smell of his skin invading your senses and the feel of his erect nipple against the teasing grace of your lips made your pussy leak. With your full focus on his bare chest, your right hand abandoned his aching cock and firmly pressed the underside of his massive teat lifting it enough to accommodate his nipple in between your lips. You gave his nipple one wet kiss. Only one. And the contact sparked a shock through his body big enough for him to snap from the frozen trance he was in, Gus' hands shot to take your waist. You expected him to shove you away, but soon one of them travelled to your right hand yanking your wrist downwards redirecting your hand to it's previous position, now his cock was fully erect and it's length and girth made your breath hitch, you took it and his hand that still covered yours urged you to squeeze harder as his muscular thighs parted the tiniest bit as to accommodate your hand giving short slow thrusts against your palm, he sighed in relief ignoring the alarms from the back of his brain.
In a moment your heavy breaths sync, his tearful eyes opened to fully look down at you revealing the hot desire within his dilated pupils, the honey color of them glistened with his tears of shame, his lower lip quivers, the rustling of his swimming trunks as his hips snapped forward and backwards in slow and hard rolling motions against your hand made you bite back a sound. He whimpered.
"How pathetic" his mind lamented , "how beautiful" yours sighed.
And then, your lips babbled a breathless...
"A-ask me to stop."
You don't know what possessed you to say that, wether from his unshed tears or his desperate thrusts against your palm, both of his hands supporting your wrist to apply more pressure against his erection and puffing his chest in a silent beg to feel your mouth around his nipple, perhaps a combination of all those reckless gestures and adorable expression made you mumble that.
"(Y/n)..." His voice was liquid honey just like his tearful eyes still shadowed by his stupid pink cap. His lips quivered once more, he wanted to kiss you so badly, he wanted to thrust his chest on your mouth, he wanted to feel your wet cavern around his cock, your teeth abusing the supple flesh of his chest, your eyes to never leave his, your voice to grant him the pleasure of hearing your moans of his name, for him to keep going, to make you HIS. Not to ask him to deny your desires, keep ignoring the cries of your hearts every time one of you met the other in any other place with some other person present. He was finally alone with you, the moment you said your mother wasn't here and knowing your father sent him, it was like the stars alined finally gifting you both the moment you had been desperately craving. Gus felt like this whole hour was a fucking dream, when you touched his member was like you hauled him high into the heavens to finally, FINALLY make the move he had been fantasizing to make for a long time.
"Please, I... Just say it..." Your voice whispered softly. You can't mutter those words while you keep masturbating him and instantly mouth down his chest french-kissing the hell out of his nipple without expecting him to moan so shamefully throwing his head back blinded by the overwhelming feeling of your warm tongue and eager hands. He felt young again, when he sneaked out of class to meet his little girlfriends and make out in some hidden corner of the school.
But this time it was different, it was better but also worse because it was YOU.
Gus had you caged against the table hauling you up to sit on the edge, your legs found their place around his hips, your mouth abandoned his tit with a wet, loud pop to moan at the feeling of his big hands cupping your lower back and pulling you impossibly closer to thrust his erection against your covered pussy ruining with your own fluids those slutty shorts he was seconds closer to rip off with his mouth.
"Kiss me, carajo... Just- just kiss me."
Kiss me, let's try to forget we are not supposed to do this. Let's pretend we are not in a rush to meet the others at the pool. Let's pretend you are not my best friend's daughter, let's pretend your family hold so much trust in me they made you and your little sister call me uncle Gus without knowing uncle Gus touched himself every night at the thought of you, of how much you had grown and matured, the way you clearly desired him too. He didn't know of the nights you touched yourself begging any deity to carry you back in time and give your eighteen year old past self enough courage to had asked him to be your first instead of the toxic boy from highschool you ended up being years with and eventually moving in together, you remember imagining Gus' face every time you made love to your ex. But there was no need anymore. Not when he was here dry humping you and whimpering your name right next to your ear like a horny teenager.
Your arms wrapped around his neck, you were a panting mess thanks to Gus' cock humping your covered sex into oblivion making the table rattle violently at the force of his thrusts. You were about to launch for his lips already imagining the ticklish yet stinging feel of his facial hair on your delicate skin when his hands gripped your shoulders to move you further from his face stopping his thrusts compleatly. You blinked in surprise still panting and confused, his movements had slowed down, he was panting as well with eyes wide in alarm. His head shot to the side when silence engulfed you, your heart broke thinking of his rejection but then you heard it as well. Small steps rushing to the garage's door.
Gus rushed backwards leaving you breathless and astonished still processing just what the hell was going on with your pulses loud in your eardrums.
"There you are uncle Gus! (Y/n)? What are you two doing here?" A
Brianna rushed downstairs to meet you two, her chanclas making a funny clapping noise against the garage's floor when she got to your side. Gus was quick to rearrange his pants hardly covering the enormous erection on the front.
"Brianna-" you growled but Gus interrupted in a rush "honey, you are not supposed t'be here. Did you come all this way from the party? We-we were stocking the snacks."
Your little sister had a funny look on her face like something wasn't quiet settling well within her at the excuse. She was too smart for her own good at times. "Yeah, well. Maria wanted me to tell you her mom was back?" Your sister said, Gus' spine straightened, his boner now definitely died as his brain dissected her words. His face changed compleatly, he looked serious and cold it kind of startled you both how quickly he went from flustered to serious in a matter of seconds.
"Also, (y/n) I'm gonna snitch on you! I told you to stop leaving your ugly swimsuits on my wardrobe!!" You no longer gave a crap about your sister accidentally uncovering your lie about the placement of your swimwear too concerned on how Gus took the information she just spilled about his ex wife.
"I'm gonna dress up..." You said jumping off the table's edge. "Gus, you alright?"
Your hand trailed to touch him, to make yourself known, to reassure him he wasn't alone in this... But you stopped yourself before reaching his shoulder, of course he noticed and understood, but it broke you to see a hint of disappointment in his eyes.
He exhaled, his body was tense all over again but not like moments before, it was the ugly reminder that he himself invited the woman previously mentioned to spend a fun day with her ex neighbours and their child. How could he have forgotten? Fuck...
"Si, bunny. Get yourself ready, we'll wait for you downstairs yeah?" The yeah was said softly, a discreet way of confirming this wasn't over. You sighed in relief, gave him a tight-lipped smile and left with your sister pushing and pulling you annoyingly. The little monster was a cockblock she wouldn't live that one down for sure.
There was cheerful music to keep the mood of the party lively sounding from Gus' monster Smart TV in the living room the windows were open so the music would be heard all over the place, snacks hanged around in tiny plates here and there for people to mix up with the bbq your dad and some other guy was preparing, conversatios were heard here and there, all the neighbours seemed to be making themselves comfy in the Rodriguez residence.
The backyard, the living room and the kitchen had guests scattered here and there moving around to greet and talk to each other, the moms had long arrived before you guys made it back to the party. Your group of three dispersed, Gus rushing to greet the new guests whispering a low "see you around, bunnies" and Brianna ran past everyone to the backyard compleatly ignoring the chorus of coos and hellos from your neighbours. You decided to follow after her a little put off by the amount of people locked in one room.
Little children splashed water, chased each other and generally just had the greatest fun together under the summer sun, your little sister didn't waste a second before joining them and look around for Maria. You found the girl before she could, she was sitting on the swing, with her adorable curly ponytails swaying back and forth with her movements. She was breathtaking, her hair and fair skin resembled her father and her bright olive eyes and freckles were a perfect copy of her mother's.
You remember seeing a picture of them three on a wall when you passed the bathroom's hallway the first time you visited Gustavo's house with your dad. You also remember catching him staring at the picture more than once with his back always facing you, you wonder just what exactly his heart and mind whispered to him everytime he saw that happy moment with his wife photographed and hanged on the wall when his family was whole. Perhaps... He was happier then than he is now.
Gus showed up rushing to tickle his daughter's side making the girl burst into giggles and cry out at her daddy for picking her up like a baby right in front of her friends, Gus of course didn't listen, he digged his moustache on Maria's chubby cheek kissing her soundly, her pink Barbie dress catching on her father's strong arm. Until another person joined them, a woman with forest eyes, blonde short hair and a matching pink shirt with the barbie logo on it.
Gus' smile looked genuine thanks to his daughter's presence, but it was different than the one he had on the picture. His ex wife sat on the other swing with Maria rushing to hug her mother tightly. In the tender scenario they looked like a happy family again, you could tell by the longing on his ex's eyes she had missed him, and even by the distance you could tell your sweet neighbor reciprocated such feeling. And that made something churn uncomfortably on your stomach.
For a moment you allowed the little demon living inside your head to spurt it's evil comments.
"He is too good for you, you are no match for her, you will never be what he needs, what he truly deserves."
You will never be enough. You weren't enough for Brad, that idiot you wasted years of your life with and you will surely not be enough for a man such as Gustavo.
But yet again you were looking at things too deeply again, right? Fuck... You would kill to be at his ex wife's place right now, cradling a daughter you will surely never have, Gustavo's strong arms wrapping around you into a warm welcoming hug. But then again, they were separated , surely you were looking too deeply into things.
Minutes turned into hours.
Your dad was laughing and talking in the pool with the other dads and some other moms, some of the kids were napping on Gus' guest room and others were playing card games with the old retired police sarge who you believe is Gus' old mentor, some other kids were bathing with the dads or enjoying some leftovers.
Even the pizza guy eventually joined the party because that was Gustavo Rodríguez's magic! He could talk anyone into joining him to an asado or simply chill out. The pizza guy, Eric, quickly became your company for the party because as much as you wanted to rush to Gustavo's side everytime he passed by, the presence of his ex wife trailing behind stopped you from doing so. You weren't exactly a social butterfly, you were fine with gatherings but didn't truly have many friends here in this side of the town, you left them all behind when your broke up with your boyfriend. Eric was a little younger than you and a nice kid for sure, he worked delivering pizza at his uncle's pizzeria while he dealt with whatever he was studying, you wanted to pay attention to what he shared you truly did. But the feeling of Gus' eyes on you when he thought you weren't watching distracted your already foggy mind.
You two were sitting on two abandoned plastic chairs near a group of adults who talked and laugh loudly over the music, the atmosphere was still cheerful yet you could feel your own tension and jealousy rising the longer you paid unconscious attention to Alice playing Mrs. Rodriguez catching up with her old neighbours and Gustavo, laughing and batting her eyelashes like she was at her own element.
"You look beautiful, by the way."
"What?" You looked at Eric apologetically clutching your drink with both hands and adjusting yourself in the suddenly uncomfortable chair. He let scape a sincere smile, tender like his pink cheeks, soft like his wild lilac-tainted locks. His eyes looked tired, surely because of the many hours of study and work the poor boy spent squeezing on his already tight agenda, your throat constricted at the urge of tenderly dragging the pad of your thumb under his eye bags.
"Beautiful, you look beautiful." Your heart fluttered uncomfortably, it wasn't common for you to get complimented, not because you looked bad but because you barely interacted with anyone, yet those words... those words were spoken by the wrong lips, only one man could make your heart squeeze JUST right by saying them.
The man in question was currently man-spreading on one of the few dry chairs like a king on his throne, his hand squeezed an armrest and the other one supported his cheek as he pretended to listen at what the hell his ex wife has been telling him for this past hour. He truly was trying to listen to her, there were so many conversations piling on each other, many words were spoken here and there and somehow the moment Eric spoke that sentence so casually to none other than you, his interest perked. He didn't straight up throw daggers at Eric (like you wished he had), but he straightened up the tiniest bit from his relaxed posture, his calm face turning a little hard, no one could tell the change but his ex wife who massaged his shoulder in order to ease him into sharing what was bugging him.
That in exchange made you lean closer to Eric and dismiss his compliment entirely laughing like a fluttered teenager. Even your parents arched a brow at this but honestly? Your selfishness won over, you wanted some short of payback for the uncomfortable feeling of jealousy settling in your gut at the view of Alice eating up all of Gus' attention to the point that some guests even thought they actually came back together. If only they knew...
Wait, if only they knew what? There's nothing to fucking know... But GOD, for real?
Was this really the woman who cheated on Gustavo? Because her puppy demeanor sure as hell contradicted her interest for other men. Gus played nice in return, friendly, kind and familiar. The good old Gus, the Gus everyone knows and who knows everyone. But he never pushed away the moves Alice made to hint him to save all of his attention for her.
The subtle smiles? He would smile back tenderly.
The winks here and there? He stick out his tongue playfully.
The brushes here and there? He would offer his arm for her to take and be guided by him around the crowd like a princess.
That fucking thing she was doing right now? The way she was playing with his locks, twirling, brushing and playfully pulling on his charcoal curls... he shook his head like dog with an adorable squint and Alice laughed in awe by his adorable response and at the sound of this his arm went to the backrest of her chair.
You couldn't help it.
Your abruptly stand almost knocking Eric off of his chair who was too fucking close to you, your lungs surely had been breathing his exhales for half an hour.
"Everyone, i'm on ice cream duty. I'll be back right back alright?"
You were met with chorus of grown-ass adults and children cheering for the frozen goodies, your mother stood up quickly and squeezed your arm.
"Darling enjoy the party, I'll deal with the snacks at home alright?" Your mom gave you a little smile sneaking a look at Eric.
There is no way your mom is trying to set you up with someone. Not the fucking pizza guy, mom. JESUS.
"Mom I think I'm cool, I'll be right-"
You were not going to argue with your mother about this so you gulped down any forming protest and sat down with a defeated look.
Your mother went past you to leave for ice cream duty, the conversations seemed to just get louder, Alice never for a fucking second stopped talking with Gus and now was massaging one of his hands concretely his ring finger as he looked down to their conjoined hands carefully picking up what she was whispering, Maria and Brianna started chasing around Gus' poor old dog almost knocking the drinks from the table, Eric's chair rattled like nails on a bloody blackboard when he closed the distance again, he was hot yeah but his pizza breath and obvious hints for you to leave the party with him right in front of your glaring father were starting to drive you crazy. So with no excuse left to say, you stood up again and walked inside the house.
You ignored a few questioning looks, surely your body language made clear to any bystander you needed to be alone for a fucking minute. Somehow the convention of... of pretty much everything at the party was doing something to your head because you felt so tired, so overwhelmed that taking a breather on the front porch of the house was a must.
You caught some guests at the door making way for them to get inside after their short smoking break, you gave them a forced smile as you passed them by walking towards the grass and sat down.
Your brain was foggy or perhaps empty? You couldn't tell, the only thing you knew for certain was that this party was too much after the moment you had with Gus back home.
A shaky sight broke out of you, your arms wrapped around your shoulders failing to push down the ugly chill that ran through your spine.
And then a question popped in you head.
Were you okay with what happend? You were, gosh... Gus was a good man, a kind man, he was attractive and worked tirelessly to make everyone's life easier specially for his daughter.
But was he okay with this?... What if he was second-guessing himself and what happened? What if he was going all soft and tender over his ex wife because of the guilt he felt?
Imagining Gus' sweet face twisted in a heartbreaking expression of hurt and disconfort made your heart crack. What if he was ignoring you on purpose? What if he chose to stop fucking talking to you? What if he thought you were messing with him? He has a reputation around the neighborhood, the sweet single dad from Costa Rica with a heart of gold and amazing cooking skills. Maybe he thought you wanted to crack into that beautiful picture everyone had of him, made every single person in this neighborhood, maybe in his job or even his family back in his country think he was a monster who seduced his best friend's daughter into fooling around.
Fuck ... fuck...
You thought of your ex boyfriend throwing your stuff out of the window of your last home, throwing you to the streets. Maybe he saw what you did not see in yourself... A selfish prick.
Your eyes squeeze when you bite back a whimper digging your chin to your chest, lowering your head in between your knees, your arms wrapping around your legs in support.
"Mami, hey ..."
You didn't hear him come, his chanclas were left next to the front door he had walked the grass barefooted and approached you, his giant shade shielding you from the dying sun. You didn't move a muscle nor dared to speak not trusting your voice right now, you couldn't even find a reason to explain just why the fuck you were feeling this way.
Suddenly the air changed, a fruity smell delightfully hit your senses and it made you rise your head a little from your crouched position, your eyes peaking from your locks. Gus was kneeling in front of you with the sweetest smile you had ever fucking witnessed, his big moustache was no match to cover the smile that stretched his cheeks upwards, his half moon-shaped eyes crinkled adorably. His cap was off must have left it with Alice, wild curls rained down his sides and swayed with the gentle summer breeze of the upcoming night. You wanted to cry there. He was simply so angelic... Was he here to confirm your fears? To break the news of his discomfort about the whole situation back in the garage?
"Gus I..." he hushed you, both of his hands cupping your cheeks successfully lifting your head compleatly. His smiled upturned the tiniest bit as his golden eyes inspected you in silence, you blushed.
In a blink your bodies moved, you went to kneel with the aid of his hands now holding you carefully close like a wounded dove. His body heat felt too wonderful to be real, you two embraced there. For anyone passing this was a normal comforting hug between two friends. But for you it meant much more. Gosh, how delusional are you?
Gus knew what he was doing, he understood you needed space but he also knew you didn't quite want it. He understood the important of silence, that some words couldn't simply describe thoughts and feelings of one's self. His arms wrapped loosely around your kneeled form, but you pressed your face agaibst his chest firmly demanding more pressure, he obliged.
Soon enough you two cuddled on the grass, your arms around his neck and face pressed against his skin, trying to blind your senses with his scent and heat, he was caressing your thigh drawing mindless patterns with his fingers, his other hand supporting himself from the grass, the rican's soft hum rattled his chest and throat like a purr. He was humming Yellow by Coldplay, a song you were fairly certain your sister picked because she was a huge Coldplay fan.
You hummed along, making him smile once more, he rocked you both along the song with his eyes closed shut.
But soon a russtle under him made his eyelids flutter open meeting your face looking up at him. He lifted his hand brushing your cheek lightly, at that point the ugly demon nesting on your brain had dozed off, the remnants of the past ugly thoughts had left you feeling tired and dizzy, or perhaps it was Gus' sweet scent. Or maybe the way he was softly looking at you.
Or the realization that the way he was looking at you now wasn't at all like the image you painted in your head with his expression broken and betrayed, no. He looked at you with softness, with care, love. His eyes sparkled the same way like the younger more inexperienced Gus from the family picture on the bathroom's hallway did.
His forehead pressed against yours, your noses nuzzled when you moved your head side to side, a chuckle erupting from him at this little gesture. He looked awestruck, the light had dimmed then, like the sun had hid it's light on his eyes and he never made a move to redirect it from your face, from your lips...
Your hand trembled lightly when you cupped his cheek and nuzzled his face the way he did to yours. He closed his eyes then and so did you.
Words were not needed when you could hear both of your hearts beating the same way at the same time. How your pulse quickened when his lips finally touched yours sealing your worries away, the soft grass and Yellow sounding in the background were the only things keeping you from floating away. Gus lips felt so fucking plush and perfect against your own, and the millisecond after you kissed him a little harder a dreamy little hum scaped him, his hands squeezing your cheek as yours found their way tangled on his locks at the back of his neck. Fuck he tasted too good, you needed more.
But your pulse dropped the moment you heard an ice cream container hit the pavement.
Your mother's eyes eating the image before her, his expression almost unsurprised. Almost.
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fic-heaven · 1 year
Apple pie flavoured.
[Gus x reader] (NSFW! Drabble)🐻
Call of duty Modern Warfare 2
Part 2.
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Chickie 🐥: I literally didn't have the strength to edit this. Please don't be an ass my English isn't good, I'm not even good with my own language LMAO. Also idk why I did this, i guess I was just very horny.
Characters: Soap, Price, Gus and random background characters.
Tags: strangers to cuddle buddies(?), slight hair pulling, gagging, rough sex, quickie, semi public, slight size kink, no lube but it turned out surprisingly okay, on fours, riding, not fully stripping, no protection, brief aftercare, Gus being a dork.
Reach the end of the drabble for more notes:
"He's staring again," Soap whispered.
You looked to the right side of the other table. Your hungry comrades were stuffing their guts with apple pie, a special treat from Price after a mission well done. Right amongst them a soldier with a black beret was facing down his plate, he didn't even touch his portion but was holding his fork firmly, his eyes were fixed on you.
He looked at you like you were prey and that slightly amused you since you were part of the 141 and every other soldier would not dare hold such an intense stare... But there was something else... Something hidden in those brown eyes, you held his stare as you chugged your water bottle. He finally picked a piece of his meal and put it in his mouth slowly chewing on it, savouring the tasty treat and later make a show of licking his lower lip sensually just for you.
Oh god...
You squeezed your thighs together under the table, he seemed to notice because one side of his moustache lifted into an amused crocked smile. Soon a fellow soldier snapped him out of the trance initiating conversation.
You bit down a smile of your own and Soap gawked at the whole interaction.
"What the hell was that, lass?" You ignored him "You wouldn't-" "I would. I will..." You interrupted him. The Scott chuckled and shook his head "Damn (y/n), who knew you'd have a freaky side?"
Regret clouded your head, you wanted to slap yourself for opening up a little too much to Soap about your sexual life hours prior, specially about mentioning how needy you have been feeling lately... You said it was just hormones but he made a point saying that basically living inside a base filled with men, most of them bloody attractive, didn't help at all. Shut up John...
You shoved a piece of pie to his mouth and followed his chuckle with one of your own "To your information, i am as capable of rizzing anyone as any of you lot~" As soon as you said that your eyes waltzed to the eye candy of a man from the other table, he was returning the stare a millisecond later like he already knew you'd look.
He seemed a little more determined to make a move this time. You gave him a little nod, he returned it, lifted a brow and tilted his head to the side pointing at the exit on the hall. Right to the point, huh?
Message received.
You wiped your mouth and dropped the napkin to your plate abruptly standing up and carrying it to the trashcan. Soap snorted and the others' questions to where you were going or quick goodbyes were ignored completely, your attention fully focused on the now grinning Puerto Rican guy whose eyes never left your form as you moved through the room.
You could already feel your arousal at the feeling of anticipation for what's to come.
The door of the cafeteria closed as you walked through the hall but you heard it reopen just when you reached the ladies bathroom's door. You smirked.
Walking in, you were facing the wall, the door casually opened and closed behind and seconds later it opened and closed once more.
You turned around, the smirk in your face never fading, and saw the tanned man staring down at you seemingly casual about the whole thing, his face expression looked relaxed but a focused gaze on you failed to hide his giddiness. His arms stayed behind his back, palms pressed against the closed door as to remark there was no scape.
My, my~
God you didn't even know his name, how exciting! You felt like a horny teenager again.
When he took a step closer eyes filled with desire, you stomped towards him. He seemed a little startled at the sudden movement but smiled and tilted his head downwards when you were inches away, noses and foreheads pressed against each other. He drowned in your eyes and you did the same.
How curious... His eyes looked like a dark brown a second ago, but now from this distance you could see the honey color in them, like liquid gold. It made a gorgeous contrast with his brown skin, you felt like staring at them forever.
His hands went to your waist breaking the spell and you moved yours to cup his cheeks, his stubble tickled your palms, your breaths mixed... What was on his mind right now? What was on YOURS? You licked your lips.
You didn't even finish the bloody pie. But honestly you wanted to sink your fangs into him, not the food.
There was a second of hesitation.
He blinked and so did you, his lips parted and so did yours.
Soon your mouths moulded together in a passionate kiss, his moustache tickled your face deliciously just like his hands as they roamed your body never going further down your lower back (ever the gentleman considering the situation...). His smell was intoxicating, a masculine cologne with such a fresh and sugary hint, it made you feel like you were floating.
And his lips... He tasted delicious, the apple pie worked it's magic quickly making you addicted to his taste, those soft and plump lips of his pressed against yours more firmly as you walked backwards to one of the cubicles. His hot tongue melded with yours in a sensual dance that caused drool to scape your lips, neither of you cared... In fact, you started to like the mess so much you begun sucking on his tongue vigorously making him drop gutural growls and pants.
God, this man....
His hands ever so carefully guide you inside the cubicle you picked, you squeezed his arm hinting him to turn around never breaking the kiss that right now was just a mess of tongues and teeth.
You squirmed a little trying to blindly lock the door. He was getting you so riled up you couldn't even find the bloody lock so with a groan and a muttered apology you gave him a quick peck to his open panting mouth, a string of saliva still connecting your lips, and turned around to work the fucking door closed.
When you turned to him you took a chance to inspect the nameless soldier,
His half lidded eyes hid certain nervousness, a soft blush adorned his dark skin, his gorgeous lips were puffy and red form the delicious makeout session you just had, he was half seated on the toilet but slowly rose to a more straighten stance as he recovered his breath, one of his big hands discreetly covered the forming bulge from his pants playing it as if he was fixing his attire. There was a slight aura of innocence and shyness that broke through his silent, tough guy facade and you felt yourself salivating from more holes than one, you couldn't deny... The man already looked more appetizing than Price's apple pie.
...He looked... So bloody gorgeous... Specially when he took his beret off putting it to the side, and dark wavy hair cascaded off of it like a river of obsidian. You desperately wanted to run your fingers through his curly locks wondering what other sounds he would please you ears with if you pulled hard enough.
He was looking at you, analyzing you, taking you in. He looked shy, the remnants of the determined looking man from before seemed to have faded the moment you hid yourselves from the world inside one white cubicle of the ladies' bathroom. Now he seemed to be the prey and you the hunter blocking the only scape he had just like he did when he walked in.
The suddenly nervous Costa Rican gulped and slowly lifted his hand hesitantly, to all the places you expected him to touch you right now he decided to palm your left breast through your uniform.
His eyes widened, you looked up at him in question, he seemed to panic a little.
Is he okay? Has he ever touched a woman before?
"Hi." You whispered.
"Hello-" he whispered back.
"Your hand's on my tit." The whispering game continued.
He snatches his hand back. You grab it and put it back over your breast. His hand is softer than it looks, and now it's sweaty over your perky nipple.
"Have you ever done this before?" You say with a soft smile calming your own nerves knowing it'll only make him even more nervous. He was so damn adorable you couldn't believe this was real and not a fever dream product of your captain's magical apple pie...
He was blushing like a schoolboy but you didn't dare push it, the last thing you wanted was to scare him off and he already looked like a shaking leaf. His lower lip pouted a little through his groomed moustache as he took your words in, shook his head and answered rather quick.
"i mean Si-... Yes! I just- yeah... Pasó mucho tiempo. Long time...." He nodded, his accent thick. Apparently it's been a while since he had done this as well, you realized you two were in the same page.
A light chuckle scaped your lips and he smiled softly, he didn't take offense on your laughter, infact his shoulders seemed to relax the slightest, maybe realizing the same thing you did.
The silence returned but it was a warm one, his soft expression soon hid light dominance, the same one he had when he entered the bathroom searching for you. This is what he needed, the confort of knowing that, as casual as all of this encounter was, you still both were strangers but were willing to understand one another and make sure you were confortable through this whole thing. You needed this as well, as cocky as you turned out to be with Soap... It's been a long time...
His hand palmed your breast a little more firmly his other hand soon traveled to your bottom, one of your hands pressed his firmer to take a good handful of your ass before wrapping your arms around his neck. Your breaths hitched when he pressed himself to you, the door lightly shook at the push of two bodies colliding against it.
That's when you felt it. Your right hand traveled downwards to palm his achingly hard cock, you couldn't help the gasp you made when you felt his size... You saw a fraction of his cocky smile before he lowered his mouth to attack your neck with kisses, small bites and hard drags of his tongue. His fingers pinched your hardening nipple and his other hand quickly occupied itself pressing your ass against his pelvis.
Your soft moans were music to his ears as he dragged his clothed erection slowly but painfully hard against your wet pussy. You welcomed the delightful pain. Your fingers dig into his jacket trying to press him closer desperate to jump to the main event before someone entered the fucking bathroom.
Both of his hands were now on your ass slowly lifting you until you wrapped your legs around his waist. The handsome soldier started rocking your bodies into an exquisite slow dance, both of your genitalia weeping and swollen from the friction made your clothes feel sticky and annoying.
Your lips kissed once more, this time slower almost romantically and to the rhythm of your joined teasing thrusts, soon the friction created was so fucking and your muffled meowls were getting so addicting he couldn't help but slightly increase the pace.
The feeling of your wet panties sticking through your pants turned to be much more annoying than before, but he was a greedy soldier. He wasn't going to let you jump to the main course so quickly... He wanted to savour you a little longer, so he distracted your annoyance by harshly bouncing your ass a little faster, his cock crushing your clit juuuust the way you needed and just when you were about to moan shamelessly much louder than before, he stuffed your mouth with his tongue almost making you gag at the sudden intrusion, Oh my...
Your tongue fought for dominance against his, a fight so messy the lower half of your faces again turned sticky and wet of your joined saliva. The sounds of your open mouthed moans and gags everytime one of you got a little excited with their tongue filled the quiet bathroom.
His thrusts were getting painful for both of you a shared bitten hiss at the feeling of your clothes biting on your heated skin. You both looked into each other's eyes, the raven haired man gave you a determinated look that was met with an affirmative smile from your side.
You were positively surprised by how well you two communicated without even saying a word. You were thankful to have picked this soldier for your little adventure.
"Cariño..." He whispered, his sweet as honey voice was melting your heart.
"I'm a little big... We'll have to work on stretching you out..." Why were you two even whispering? Could anyone even hear you? Still, it felt nice, more intimate.
"How big are we talking, handsome? Should I worry?" You joked and he smiled bashfully.
Then his eyes looked down at his pants as the belt clank when he undid it, you unwrapped yourself from him and gave him some space to work on his pants, he still stepped back to you never wanting to lose any short of physical contact. One hand held your waist, another slowly moved down the higher part of his pants and boxers.
A happy trail of dark curly hairs decorated the visible skin, and as if time had slowed down his hand moved to pull out his dick and the fucking sound it made as his erection flicked up hitting his stomach made you audibly gasp.
He wasn't monstrously large but that... Scratch that, he was. This has to be one of the thickest and longest cocks you have ever seen out of screen.
He was easily... What? Ten inches large? And his girth was impressive as well. You contemplated on measuring it with your forearm but fought the urge to do it.
His charming chuckle broke your shock "You okay there?"
Are you kidding me? No? You felt intimidated... And intrigued... And your pussy was stretching around absolutely nothing and it was infuriating.
Your hands wrapped around it and have him a few teasing pumps, he hummed and parted his lips, desire was evident when a few droplets of precum met your finger pads.
"Trust me, i am more than ready." You didn't sound very convinced. He raised a brow with a worried expression but took your word for it.
"Alright, come. Set the pace." He sat on the toilet, his hands now working on your pants eagerly. You both couldn't have one more second of foreplay... The tension was heavy and so were your arousals.
You kicked your pants off and your panties soon followed, he took them from you and placed them inside his pocket, you didn't give enough of a flying fuck to comment on it. The only thought you had was sitting on that rock hard worryingly enormous dick.
Both of your legs went to each of his sides, he guided your hips down slowly and you supported yourself placing both hands on his shoulders. Your noses touched and breaths mixed as the head of his dick missed your hole and rubbed your clit instead. You gave it a teasing roll of your hips but soon lifted yourself and sank to trap the head between your lips.
His fingers dig into your skin. "Slow... Slow, preciosa" you kissed his stupidly adorable moustache and his lips keeping them still and pressed against him as you slowly sank your hips down to him. Your greedy hole sucked his cock in and damn... He was thick alright. He whimpered a little and you bit down your moan when his cock kept slowly sliding in.
You had to bite his shoulder or else you'd moan loudly in complete delight, his member never seemed to fucking end until you felt it bottom out. Your insides felt so full and his pubic hair tickled your skin, it was so much... Your eyes met, he was panting with his mouth completely opened.
You dared a look down and he did the same, a little gasp at the view made him smile in pride at the sight of your tiny pussy swallowing greedily his thick cock, the base completely flushed against you and a bulge in your lower tummy he gently touched.
"Look how nicely you took me, my good girl... Are you ready for me? Are you ready for daddy's big fat cock to rearrange your insides?"
You were already so high on each other you let out the most cock-drunk giggle you could muster only adding to his arousal. You felt his dick twitch inside of you when you moved to press yourself firmer against him, tits flushed to his chest and mouths kissing roughly and messily feeling the delicious sting of his facial hair pinching your lower face, but that ache and the one on your cervix was welcomed and muted by your growing arousal.
He wrapped his arms around your waist and moved your hips. To hell with letting you set the pace, your tiny little pussy and addicting tongue were driving him mad. He needed you. NOW.
He snapped his hips upwards making you yelp, the pain sink into your insides but you didn't care, you sat harshly against his cock, your tits bounced under your shirt with every harsh bounce on his lap. His patience grew thin the higher your pain-pleasured meowls got, your hips kept a harsh steady pace. He guided your hips with his hands to press his dick a little deeper kissing the entrance of your cervix harshly, you whined and winced but whispered to his ear your need.
He growled loudly the moment you whispered for him to take you right there.
His body caged you against the door once more, your legs wrapped around him again, you feared the bloody door would fall off and he seemed to think the exact same thing when he gently moved out of your pussy, turned you around and had you recline a little.
"Ass up baby girl... That's it."
Your ass wiggled a little at the harsh slap he landed on each cheek with a charming laughter, he was loving every part of your body he could see without clothing so far. He slapped your weeping entrance with his heavy cock and entered you much more easily than before.
You didn't hide your mutual moans of relief when he bottomed inside of you and instantly started snapping his hips against your ass, both of his hands went back to your hips to guide you to meet his needy thrusts. His bulky form soon lowered to your slightly bended body, you felt his chest against your back, your tits getting massaged by his big hands and his lips nipping at your neck.
His balls slapped against your ass when his angle slightly changed hitting a particular spongy spot that had your eyes rolling back “Ah-nh! Fuck! Yes yes yes yes yes-” The mewling whine that pulls from your throat quickly fades to a continuous stream of moans and whimpers, his ministrations ushering you out of your mind as you rapidly ascend the heights.
His panting turned into more vocal growls and grunts and he sunk his teeth into your shoulder.
The feeling of his massive cock stretching your pussy like this and his big heavy balls moving against you promising a sweet heavy load reserved just for you, made difficult to give a fuck about the noise you two were making. So you went with it and said fuck it all.
"Mark me, daddy. Fuck me like you mean it... Fuck this little pussy-" he interrupted your sentence loudly growling next to your ear, drunken of desire and sex.
His hips pistoned against yours so hard you had to bite down your screams. He fucked you hard and mercilessly, like your pussy was a stuck cabinet that wouldn't bug to close properly.
The entire cubicle shook with the brute force of this man's thrusts, at this point you were surprised your choked moans and yelps along his loud pants, growls and grunts didn't alert anyone that walked near the bathroom. Who cares?
You swore you could feel his balls pulsating as he fucked you dumb against the wall, his nails dig into your flesh adding to your pleasure, hopefully he would leave them marked so you could remember your little adventure. Your orgasm was approaching, the bubble growing impossibly big and about to burst. He could feel his end was nearing as well.
Your sinful moans got louder by the minute. That was until-
The door of the bathroom swings open, a small chattering group entering your improvised love nest.
He yanks your hair back and covers your mouth with his open palm, his teeth sunk into your shoulder breaking skin and drawing droplets of blood when the bubble completely exploded into a shaking orgasm, your eyes rolled back and you two came hard against each other. His love juices coated your walls, his balls emptying inside of you.
The voices of the ladies that chatted clueless of what was happening a few feet away from them continued, but your ears barely picked any noise at all. Your thighs shook violently and your pussy strangled the soldier's dick, his balls got completely milked and he hissed.
The feeling of his softening dick dragging away from your pussy made you shudder, you panted as quietly as possible when you felt him move away from you. You internally whined at the loss of contact.
He quickly reached back for the paper roll laying on the side and cleaned you gently. His mouth was back on you, his lips pressing softly down your wounded shoulder licking the little stains of blood, one of his hands massaged your swollen pussy lips as the other swiped the river of cum that cascaded from your abused pussy. You lifted your head slightly to the side and smiled back at him, he gave you the sweetest smile of his own.
Once cleaned, you put back your clothes as quietly as you could when you felt him hold you against him in a warm embrace. His nose dragged along your neck basking in your scent mixed with his, you ran your hands through his sweaty locks and just when he was about to passionately kiss you he stopped to listen-
"Yeah well he better be back. He's on cleaning duty."
"Who's gonna be? Gustavo fucking Rodriguez. Price is already fuming... I wonder what his next punishment will be when the captain sees he's missing."
Gustavo Rodriguez? That's his name?
Well that's one way to find out.
Gus' widened eyes almost made you crackle up, he looked like a looney toon about to explode from the building anxiety of a promised scenario of one angry Price scolding him like a child who skipped curfew.
"I'm so sorry... I gotta get out of here or the Capitan will surely have my head on a stick-" he whispered alarmed.
You hushed him with a kiss, both palms squishing his puffy cheeks, and nuzzled his nose with yours lovingly. He instantly melted at your loving gesture but focused on your finger when you pointed up at the top window in the corner.
A clear scape from an awkward encounter with the gossiping ladies.
"Think you can fit there?" You whispered smirking at the image of the bulky man crawling through the small window.
"I've entered tighter holes." Gus winked and you playfully punched his shoulder.
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fic-heaven · 1 year
Fruta del pecado
Bear territory (nsfw)
[Gus x fem! Reader]
Part 3 of Apple pie flavoured
Previous / Next part
Call of duty modern warfare 2
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Chickie 🐥: Reyes is an ass lmao i crave to write more about this man, specially on the next chapter. I also gotta see how the flip do i introduce Roze properly smskksksk
Characters: Soap/Gaz/Price/Ghost/Nova/Reyes/Gus
Tags: soap misbehaving/ghost being ghost/nasty flashback of Hassan's death/ angry Price/military paperwork nonsense/ Gus having the worst timing/ happy-oregano mention/ cooking.
Nsfw tags: mommy kink/slight teasing/riding / Gus is a switch/ oral/ thigh kink/ quickie(?/ Office sex/ unprotected sex/ slight breeding kink at the end idk.
It would be a shame to miss today's morning weather, but it would be a greater shame to miss the opportunity of spending some alone time with Rodriguez.
So, you made sure to see through Soap's favor. Still, you'll have to figure out how to approach Rodriguez... You work better under pressure, so you decided to wait until you arrived to the office to figure something out.
It's been a while since you felt this light and giddy, before Hassan's whole ordeal two months ago specifically... But was it that obvious though? It must be if Soap could tell so quickly, you two may know each other for long but he wasn't that much of a close observer when it came to you, was he? Was that ONE time with Rodriguez really turning you back to your old self? Just how desperate for intimacy were you? Was a quickie really the cure for the heaviness you felt cloud your mind everyday? No matter... It still didn't ease the hatred you sometimes felt towards yourself... -
Just when you were about to make a beeline to the stairs an arm harshly pressed you against the wall. With a huff and a murderous stare you looked up to your mysterious attacker, but it melted when you registered his voice speaking in an annoyed tone.
"First rule. Never get too comfortable in your surroundings, always sharpen your senses."
"It's good to see you again too, lieutenant!" You sarcastically bit back moving his arm away and fixing your hair. Ghost looked at you unimpressed, a small expectant glint in his eyes made the sudden silence awkward until you sighed at the realization of what exactly had him coming to you like this.
"I missed training-"
"Y'knew I was coming back from the mission today morn. Where the bloody hell were you if not at the gym were you were supposed to be waiting an hour ago, Hound?" He grunts. Was really Mr. Grumpy pants cock blocking you right now over a missed gym session?
"I forgot, i'm sorry... Tonight, though?"
Ghost eyes squinted displeased. It wasn't your intention to keep the man waiting, honestly? You really did forget about training, in your defense there was an insanely amount of paperwork to drop off to Price's office, to later inform him and be surprised by the "hacked" alarms you were totally going to have checked right now. Obviously. Your destination clearly was NOT Price's office at all.
"Today at five." Ghost growled.
"Come on, i have stuff to finish and-"
"At five. Don't make me repeat myself, Hound."
You shifted your posture with an exasperated sigh now turning to your left to face the stairs but not leaving Ghost's hulking form.
"You really must have missed me tons to come here begging me to train with you, lieutenant." You replied with a cheeky smile.
"I'm not begging. It's an order." He breathed out.
"Throwing orders now, are we? Y'know... I was JUST told to get some rest."
Ghost pushed you back against the wall with little resistance from you. This man could be so predictable at times...
His right hand gripped your shoulder and the other hit the wall in a threatening manner, you didn't even blink unimpressed when your eyes met through his mask's holes. His gaze was stern and... Worried. You have known Ghost for years now, and you were confident to say you could read him almost as well as he could read you.
He didn't need to speak a word for you to know what he wanted to say right now. It's been months, you needed to get back to the field.
"Alright..." You whispered, but he didn't move.
You looked to your sides to make sure no one was around and see the compromising position you two were in, your lieutenant seemed to get the hint and straightened his back mirroring your action. He sighed and muttered "Laswell brought a package for you, i made sure to inform her before to have it dropped to my office s' soon as possible." Oh...
"Did i ruin the surprise not arriving sooner to the gym? I'm sure you had it prepared for me in pink flowery wrapping paper too." You chuckled, and he was simply done with your clownery. "S'not a surprise when you know exactly what it is."
Of course you know what it is... And it angered him to the core to have the package delivered in the first place, even so, he made the effort to check it out first not letting anyone see it before you could. It was you who requested to use a mask like the others did, yet this one was different, so it took a while to make. Different in looks with a hidden purpose Ghost had figured the moment he heard you explain the design to Laswell. It wasn't a skull mask like the others, this one covered your lower face and it resembled a dog's snout, it's teeth showing out in a threatening growl, a proper design for your codename. Sargeant (Y/n) Hound (L/n). Captain Price's loyal war dog.
But that wasn't what bothered him. You didn't JUST wear it for the fashions, the bloody thing's purpose was to act as a muzzle.
He clenched his fists knowing that the moment you get your pretty hands on that fucking mask you won't stop wearing it, so he, (as he's been doing lately) will have to use his authority to snap you out of your trauma.
"You are NOT to use your mask out of missions."
Your eyes shot to his at lightning speed, but just when you were about to complain a couple of rookies walked by, their muffled conversations carried through the hall, so you two stood there in silence until they left.
Ghost continued the moment they were out of earshot. "Your head is still stuck in that building." The damned building Hassan was hiding in.
"And that is WHY i must wear the mask." All humour from before dissipated instantly from your voice.
"There's no place to discuss. You acted on impulse and did what had to be done, that's it." You parted your lips but he cut you again harshly. "It's done." Ghost lowered his voice a little "We all become monsters under our very own eyes the moment we make our first kill. You are no different, and this was not your first-"
That had you instantly replying "it was my first time murdering someone in such way-" He quickly topped your voice again with a snarl "You did what you had to do to save Jhonny, the blood on your mouth had to be spilled one way or another."
That was a harsh way to word it... Yet... It's true. But that doesn't mean it had to be spilled in such gruesome way.
Hassan's body looked unrecognizable after your brutal display of violence. A primitive rage possessed your body clouding your senses completely, and the bastard that had been pinching your asses for weeks played the role of recipient for your accumulated rage. The moment he didn't pay attention to your lurking form from behind, you caught him red-handed when he was about to throw Soap out the bloody window, you pounced, your gun be damned when you tossed it aside attacking the bastard with your bare fists ripping whatever was covering his ridiculously delicate skin from your nails and teeth. You remember biting his throat so hard you swore to feel the bone. Like a starving predator feasting on it's pathetic prey.
The breakfast from this morning almost made an exit through your mouth while remembering the whole thing.
You lowered your face, but Simon was quick to lift it by your chin. His chocolate eyes inspected your blank expression closely, as if waiting for any sign you were about to break... How pathetic.
You two seemed to be at a loss of words until he once again stepped back and you muttered "Today at five...". He seemed content with your reply and walked away in silence.
Well, now you really need that stress reliever.
As if on cue, Price walked downstairs in a rush. When he spotted you he sighed in relief. "There you are, was just 'bout to ask you a favor... You wouldn't mind watching the kids upstairs, would you?"
The plan worked. "Did they make a fuss when you caught them, sir?" You bit back a snicker at the mental imagine of Price scolding them like a principal would to two naughty students skipping class and messing around.
"Two others scaped before I could do anything." He shook his head "Whoever they were won't face consequences today, but Mactavish and Rodriguez were dumb enough to get caught so now I have them ordering the whole ocean of old paperwork from my office."
Juuuust as planned. Wait- Shit, his office? The two of them together?
"I see. Do you need a babysitter by any chance?" You pouted and Price smirked "if you're free, sure! Heard Simon was looking for you." Seriously...? "Already dealt with that. So, what will I get in return for my babysitting shift?" Maybe you sounded flirtier than you intended, because when Price was taking his hat off to brush his growing hair back, his eyes widened, a shadow of a smirk played on the corner of his mouth and a slight blush grazed his pale cheeks.
"A please and thank you from your favorite captain. Now go make your old man the favor, yeah? Forgot i got a meeting with Laswell, can't keep my eyes on the brats upstairs. Thanks, sweetheart." He finally purred dismissing you.
Before he left, John threw you a wide smile when you walked upstairs so you didn't catch the look of satisfaction from your captain because thanks to your little banter. Price noticed the change in your demeanor. You weren't distant or quiet, you actually played and teased back just like you used to.
"What a forgetful morning for all of us..." You chuckled to yourself walking to steps at a time.
Well, now you ALSO had to figure out a way to get Rodriguez alone, hopefully in your old office. And that's if he even wanted to continue where you left off.
A knock on the door announced your arrival, then you opened the door and slid in. You bit down your excitement with an amused smile at the scene before you. Mactavish rised his head from the bundle of papers he was previously scanning from his lap at Price's chair.
"Hound! What a surprise!" Yeah, very convincing.
You shot him a nasty look and he quickly shrugged with a nervous smile "Wouldn't be here if Gus never mentioned me on the microphone!" You turned your gaze to where Soap was pointing. And there he was.
Rodriguez was looking directly at you , his mouth hanged open and his dark-honey eyes went wide as plates while he was carrying a big chunk of folders in both arms.
He genuinely looked surprised to see you again, this soon at least. A dust of pink kissed his cheeks at the memory of your last interaction. His tan skin and the few locks of dark hair that peeked under his beret glowed with the sun light from the nearby window. Rodriguez looked so soft and otherworldly you felt your own cheeks return the flush.
You rised a brow and he snapped from his trance coughing nervously and finally wetting his lower plump lip. "Sargeant Hound! I-it's a pleasure, a-an honour! We uh... Never got introduced before, properly at least-...?"
You smiled teasingly, he seemed mesmerized by the gesture biting back a wide embarrassed smile of his own. "My name is Gustavo Rodríguez, but everyone calls me Gus, if you please...'' he stuttered, his accent thick and rich just like his-
"Come on guys, i can't concentrate! Can you both take introductions to the other office or something? I'm busy here..." Soap's voice interrupted your short interaction.
Gus looked back at the other man, gave a curt nod, smiled at you appologetically and finally resumed ordering his tile of papers. You felt a tingle of disappointment when the Puerto Rican didn't catch the hint. Was he that oblivious? Or was it his way of hinting he didn't seek to spend some alone time with you?
"Well, it's nice to meet you, Gus." You said in a singsong voice, and sat on the couch at his side after he replied with a rushed "likewise, ma'am."
Silence invaded the office, the only sounds breaking it were from random pages being flipped and moved around. Sometimes Rodriguez would ask something to Soap in a hushed way like breaking the silence would earn him another punishment, Soap would respond in a normal tone and help him patiently with whatever he needed.
Some time later, you crossed paths with Soap when you stood up to pick a paper he accidentally dropped and he gave you this tight-lipped smile like he couldn't handle the awkwardness of the whole situation and was apologizing silently for getting caught and being in the middle of you two.
What you didn't ponder of this plan was that if it actually worked, Soap being there or not, the amount of paperwork would keep Gus busy easily for a few hours.
So you decided to join them quietly picking a random stash of papers and begun looking through the dates and numbers from the bottom corners, you were already familiar with their ordering dynamic after spending twenty minutes looking at their every move from the other side of the room. As expected, three people worked faster than two. And you were already used to ordering Price's mess of useless scattered old reports back in the day, so you were a grace of fresh air for the already exhausted men in the room.
After some time, the mountain of old reports and unimportant papers was low. You were finishing up dropping a bunch of plastic folders unceremoniously inside one drawer, a low sigh scaped your lips while making sure everything was in order inside it when suddenly, the warmth of a hand on your lower back startled you, but when you caught a whiff of Gus' cologne your shoulders slumped in relaxation.
"Sargeant? Muchas gracias... You have been helping us tiredesly, " He whispered causing goosebumps in your skin. You felt his body heat pressing to your side and you couldn't help but lean in with a sly smile.
You hummed and his breath felt hot against your ear, you enjoyed the slight ticklish sensation of his moustache against your neck as he spoke once more."Remind me to thank you any way you desire." Gus said when his hands found yours slowly closing the drawer you were inspecting. Work be damned.
The way he pronounced 'desire' in such delicious accent and lowered voice made the smile from your face falter and your thighs press together. Your eyes found Soap in the other side of the room, the big table in the center hid his crouched form, mumbling nonsense to himself as he seemed troubled searching for one specific folder, your eyes found Gustavo's who was now smiling widely waving the missing yellow folder the other sargeant was so adamant on finding.
"Sargeant Mactavish, i think i can take it from here." He said out loud, his amber eyes never left yours when you crossed your arms and leaned your hip against the side of the table. The smile you carried turned into a knowing smirk he quickly returned.
"Yeah, just give me a moment-... Ah shiet-... Where in god's ass is that jobby!?"
Soap started whining Scottish nonsense that made Gus frown and look at him in complete confusion breaking the heated stare you two previously shared. You took a step closer to him gaining back his attention, a hand traveled to his waist squeezing his side lightly earning a silent purr from the man who, just like you, was starting to get impatient as hell. You could tell from desperate look he had.
You should get a medal after all the paperwork you've done and the way you handled hours of sexual frustration doing said infernal task along the man you were craving to fuck on the very table you two were now leaning closely to.
"Mactavish get the fuck out of the office, please." You said with an angelic smile, Gus widened his eyes and held his breath.
Soap looked back at you stupefied by your tone while muttering "Yer awfy crabbit, lass... What's got ya-" at the realization of what was about to unbound when he saw your arm still stuck around Gus' waist and the little distance you two were in, he clapped his hands once with a "Welp! See ya then.", stood up and left.
You felt a little guilty for the way you kicked him out but right now your focus was on Gus, you'll make it up to Soap later...
Gazing back at him, amber eyes were already on you drinking you in, the blush of his cheeks have gotten much noticeable now that you two were finally close. He placed his hands on your hips fully facing you and took one shy step closer.
"You uh... There's something i need to tell you." His voice came out in another whisper.
"Moving quickly aren't we?" You purred.
He wasn't going to say what you were thinking right?
"I had admired you for so long, miss Hound..."
Miss hound? This man is hilarious, can't he get more adorable?
"Would you... Train me?"
You blinked twice "Train you?" He nodded. You adjusted your stance and placed your hands on his shoulders. Gus let's out a shaky breath as you pondered his petition.
"The quickie we had wasn't a way for you to get on my good side and ask me for random favours right?" It was clearly a joke but Gus went rigid and he genuinely looked hurt from such accusation, "Sargeant Hound-!" Shit "It's a joke." He sighed relieved, this man was so expressive you couldn't fight back a giggle.
"I'll do it, I'll train you."
"But i can't promise it'll be easy, i don't need to remind you i was personally trained by Ghost and Price-" His gave you a widened smile and his arms shot to hug you close twirling you around like a rag doll, his handsome laugh blessed your ears completely silencing the urge to complain at the sudden action.
"Lo siento! I've been dreaming to ask you this since forever! I've never thought I'd actually get the chance to train alongside you, and to have you personally training me? HOHO! Reyes and Nova won't believe this! I can't wait to start!-" He begun rumbling and you couldn't help but soften your eyes, his boyish excitement was so contagious, your hands cupped his cheeks and he took it as an invitation to lean closer and hush. Chests now pressed together, a look of raw adoration adorned face.
"I-... will shut up now." You squeeze his cheeks lightly with a chuckle, his stubble tickled your skin.
"Don't. Let a woman enjoy having a handsome man fawning over her, i could get used to it." He looked at you with a certain glint of smugness.
"Is that what you want, sargeant?"
It is what you want?
You loved your team, the boys always made you feel loved in their own respective ways, always making sure you were never left behind even when you isolated yourself like you had been doing these months. But right now, the way Gus was showering you in praises with a look that screamed want? You've never felt so desired and beautiful, not that you could remember.
"(Y/n)." You corrected.
"(Y/n)..." He repeated your name, tasting every letter on his tongue. You two started leaning into each other closer, his nose nudged yours, you rubbed the tips affectionately earning a low delighted chuckle from him.
You had waited enough. Your mouths collided in a desperate kiss. Desperate was the closest way to describe it, how your tongue hunted his and vice versa, how his half lidded eyes made him look drunk of your taste, your hands pushed his beret off grabbing his curly locks from the back of his head making the man growl into the kiss. Both of you grunted, moaned and melted into the ongoing make out more and more, limbs tangled into each other sensually.
Gus was an amazing kisser, you couldn't remember the last time you kissed someone like this. So full of want and need even though you two had toyed with each other ONCE and properly met TODAY.
The slight scratch of his facial hair, the taste of coffee on his mouth and the whiff of his fruity cologne you seemingly could never get enough of made you feel lightheaded, like you were floating. This man was a walking beacon of arousal.
But with the feeling came reality when Gus' strong arms picked you up, both hands cup your ass urging you to wrap your legs around his waist. You complied with an excited giggle.
He sighed into your mouth carrying you to the black leather couch you had spent hours working on. "I have to apologize for yesterday... I was too impulsive and..."
"Hon, I'm on the pill, and we all get checked regularly. I trust you, do you trust me?" It was a simple question, a necessary one. Gus nodded slowly, his prominent blush still graced his cheeks. You leaned to kiss them and chuckled when you noticed his eyes were now glued to your cleavage as it heaved with your fast aroused breaths.
"Like what you see? Take my pants off right now." You whispered.
Gus chuckled nervously, his eyes looked away flustered, seemingly put on the spot. "Heh, i uh, sorry. I didn't know how to transition to that..."
He definitely couldn't get any cuter. His angelic face lit up in excitement and arousal the lower your pants were pulled, and with your aid, your panties followed.
The office basked on the warmth of the sunlight from the closed side window. The reports stuffed in folders of different colors and dates were separated carefully in various places through the whole overstuffed office. Price's big wooden table was clear from any paper with only his laptop laying there charging and Gustavo's forgotten beret.
The silence from the hall would have worried you if it wasn't for the early hours of the morning. Everyone was tending their own respective duties and/or training. That means...no one could hear the wet noises, growls, muffled moans and delighted meowls from inside of your beloved captain's office.
You currently lay on your back on the couch, your legs were wrapped around Gus' shoulders who was laying on the opposite side and funnily, due to his height, he had both his legs completely hanging off the edge, eagerly lapping at your cunt like a bear searching for the sugary treat of honey in desperate grunts and growls.
His hands squeezed your thighs a little hard with a delighted moan when your taste first coated his tongue. Your head threw back at the feeling of him attacking your clit in fast kitten licks, at the same time, his meaty index finger pressed to your entrance lubricating it to later thrust it in and massage your insides, his eagerness to taste you drove him away from your clit to slurp your juices hungrily once again, replacing his finger with his hot tongue, his big nose and moustache scratched the needy ache in your puffy nub deliciously. Dark jasper eyes were trained to your every expression, you could feel his smirk when he heard you moan his name like a god-damned prayer.
Gus groaned pleased at the feeling of your smaller hands tugging on his locks to rock yourself on his face, which was invitation enough to have him surprise you by lifting your thighs to push his himself further inside the mess of your hole, earning chorus of moans from your parted lips.
You knew the thigh grabbing would be a thing the moment he took your pants down and seemed to salivate at the sight of your legs. They were big and toned, years of training as the fastest and most agile member of the 141 task force made you build your legs like ones of a football player.
For Gus, you looked like a tasty treat. A goddess blessing him with the gift of a delicious wet cunt and the warmest embrace from your sexy thighs. He could die a happy man if you were to suffocate him between the wonderful warmth of your legs and the salty ocean of your pussy juices.
The Rican bit down hungrily at your inner thighs when he felt you clench them around his head once more announcing your approaching orgasm with desperate higher moans. Gus, ever the teasing bastard, denied your orgasm separating his hot tongue from your needy sex.
"W-wha-... What are you doing?" Frustration was plastered on your face when he smiled widely, his facial hair shone brightly lubricated with your sticky fluids, he cleaned them with the back of his hand, his tongue gave his hand a big lick afterwards making you huff and blush.
Gus rested his chin on your lower tummy, a handsome smile playing on his stupid teasing face when his hands massaged your abs feeling your rapid breaths. It was when your trembling hands grabbed his curly raven locks more firmly to force his mouth into your cunt that he grabbed your wrists halting you completely. "I want you to cum on my cock, corazón... If that's okay?" He clarified.
"What. Tired of the taste of pussy already, big boy?" You asked teasingly earning a hum from Gus who with a pussy-drunk look, winked you an eye saying "Never." In between throaty growls.
He lowered his head and burried his tongue deep inside your wet cavern again, this time thrusting his whole head against your pussy back and force making your whole body rock with his harsh movements. You had to bite down a scream covering your mouth muffling it, a moan of relief followed. Your pleasure-filled noises were music to his ears but also his sign to go back to being a complete asshole.
You growled in desperation when he begun unwrapping your legs from his neck denying your orgasm once more. Gus planted an apologetic kiss to your clit and moved your whole body with his strong arms so you were now kneeling on the cushion.
A laugh of surprise followed by a huff scaped his lips when you tangled yourself around him in a deadly grip making him lose his balance and fall backwards to the cushions with you now sitting on his still clothed erection, the friction made him clench his teeth in pleasure with a hiss.
"How the tables turn..." You said In a teasing purr, and he shivered, your body slowly lowers to his zipper's level. He lifted a little to help you pull his pants down with an excited chuckle.
Your toothy smile turned evil as your hands broke his hard cock from the confines of his black boxers. It stood proudly like a bloody missile ready for launching and explode your insides.
"There's my big boy..." You coo licking your lips.
He looked pleased with your reaction a shy smile replaced his smug facade. But soon he broke down from it and lifted a brow smirking at the ego boost.
"Come feel your big boy then, sargeant..." Gus must have thought you'd jump to his request of fucking you right now when he patted his right meaty thigh.
"Look at you, so smug." A yelp broke his cool demeanor when you hurriedly grabbed his dick by the base with both hands.
"Don't go thinking I won't have a taste first."
Gus looked at you like a starving man, almost regretful of his teasing. Almost.
You moved upwards leaning to his face, hands still firmly wrapped around his hard erection, he closed his eyes and parted his lips expecting a kiss. He looked angelic, his blushing cheeks gave him an air of innocence despite the strong arousal, but you had other plans, so you went to his right ear. Your lips kissed and nipped his lobe teasingly before you growled lowly. "You are testing my patience, i didn't take you for a fucking brat. Be a good boy and let me choke on that dick and NO teasing, or i swear to God you'll have blue balls for the rest of the day." Then you moved back to watch his handsome face.
He was looking at you in surprise blushing furiously. Gus' pupils went enormous eating the amber tone of his iris, his arousal did nothing but increase at your choice of words. A good boy huh? The Rican found himself growing painfully harder at the prospect of being your good boy. Your obedient boy toy always eager for your attention and affection.
His cock twitched at the annoyed look on your face. It was like a switch was triggered. He craved to change that look of displeasure at his previous teasing. To have you only look at him flushed and content, drunk in pleasure and delirious because of his affectionate ministrations, because of HIM. Him, the nobody Costa Rican cop who found his opportunity to change the world and took it, moving to London, fighting alongside the big dogs and now offering himself to the pleasure of his most admired muse. His Sargeant Hound.
In years of service he had never felt so devoted to anything that wasn't his dream of making this world a little brighter and less dangerous, but you... How your eyes sparkled in confusion at his prolonged silence but melted in warmth as his hands cupped your now flushed cheeks. He craved you. He needed to take you right now, to serve you as the good boy you wished him to be.
"Mi mamita hermosa..." Gus purred, his voice was syrup in your lips.
You kissed deeply and slowly, exchanging saliva and the aftertaste of your pussy fluids. He was a little conscious you'd find the action gross but then you kissed him back just as deeply, just as... As passionately. He felt warmth flutter on his chest.
When you parted your lips from each other, a string of saliva still connecting your mouths, he whispered a plead.
"I'll be your good boy, please mami, forgive me..."
The pet name sounded so foreign to you, 'Mommy' was the correct translation for it, surprisingly it didn't upset you at all. You never though you'd get called mommy in this short of situation, but you were not opposed to it, in fact... You felt yourself clench around nothing and your ego skyrocket. You loved the change of demeanor a simple threat have caused on this big bear of a man.
"Do you want mommy to taste you, huh?" Your hands pumped his cock, the tip of it an angry shade of red, the first droplets of precum emerged from it's slit like tiny diamonds under the daylight. You looked at his member closely eating with your eyes every detail. From the barely trimmed dark hair from the three prominent veins that run through his length like rivers. Your mouth watered.
"It's all yours mami, please... Please let me feel you..."
No need to say it twice.
You were on your knees lapping the underside of his big iron cock, his eyes glimmered like gemstones kissed by the strong sunlight from the now fogged windows, Gus sighed entranced by the hypnotizing trail of kisses you laid all over his member, then you lowered yourself again to have your tongue eagerly licking and lips nipping down the base of his cock, right in the begining of his ball sack.
His lips parted as he was about to voice his encourages for you finally try and put his dick inside your pretty mouth, but you hushed him when your head shot upwards and your lips pressed against his aching tip. A surprised but delighted yelp quickly followed from Gus, his body jolting for a second.
You smiled up at him, he was unmoving, lips parted but silent and eyes looking down at you in heavy anticipation holding his breath.
The warmth of your mouth welcomed the first few inches of his cock, Gus groaned loudly forcing himself to not look away from you as he cried out in pleasure. He made a mental screenshot of the view of your pretty lips wrapped against his monstrous cock.
You felt powerful. To have a man as handsome as Gustavo Rodriguez furrow his brows in mind-breaking pleasure, but at the same time it wasn't enough. So you tried to force yourself to swallow pass more than half of his length which proved to be as difficult as it seemed if not more. Your throat clenched around his cock when you swallowed and kept lowering yourself, Gus already looked like he was about to cry, pass out or the two of them consecutively.
A grimace greeted you when you opened your eyes to look up at him, he looked to be in pain, a line of sweat shone from his forehead, but you knew better. Because when you started bobbing your head up and down slowly, from his lips erupted a line of praises and curses in a chocked Spanish.
Your controlled breaths, slurps and gagging sounds mixed with the SpecGru operator's moans made your arousal ACHE, so you roughly pushed one of his legs in between yours and started rubbing yourself on it staining his hairy leg with the ocean of pleasure your pussy was crying out. Gus almost cracked a smile at the irony of his sargeant Hound acting like a literal dog in heat humping his leg like crazy. The feeling of your thick thighs pressed together crushing his leg made him groan loudly pressing it harder to your weeping hole while you deliciously rubbed your clit against his tensed leg. You moaned at the feeling causing vibrations against his cock.
He quickly noticed how the rhythm of your humps and swallows synchronized so he moved his leg a little faster in hopes you'd do the same with your bobbing, but you, wicked little thing, kept to your pace, he guessed as a punishment for his teasing.
You spent a few seconds more chocking and gagging on his big fat cock, your jaw started to ache and your throat burned so you decided to give your mouth a brief break. You moved away followed by a cry of desperation from the needy man.
"Sorry love, might need some practice... It's been a while and you are pretty big." You apologized teasingly.
"Your mouth feels... Divina... Take your time, querida... Just don't-"
Don't stop? Oh honey.
Your hands went to toy with his cock making him suck in a breath. One went to massage his tip, he spasmed instantly at the overstimulation earning a chuckle from you, both of your hands worked rhythmically up and down his massive size. You increased the pace of your thrusts against his leg but never changed the steady one you kept to his cock, but you did squeeze it harder and he thanked you by giving you cheek an affectionate squeeze.
He looked so out of breath with his legs tensing and skin sweating, he hadn't stopped moaning, grunting and whimpering since you laid hands on him, the mere image of you touching him was driving the man insane in pleasure, like a virgin boy discovering porn for the first time.
Gus warm hand still on your cheek moved away his thumb when he pressed it teasingly on your lips, your tongue licked the pad of his finger in an invitation he took by entering his thumb inside your wet cavern massaging your eager tongue and exploring the hole he previously abused with his cock. You hummed giving him a light squeeze on his dick.
"Huff... Si. Right there, mamita... Agh- Don't... Don't stop..." He blessed you with delicious moans as you pumped him a little bit harder this time going into a faster pace. The rhythm of your hips now on sinc with the fast pumps your small hands gave to his cock.
His red tip begun weeping even more. The Puerto Rican tilts his head back with a loud groan, his pleasured whines compensated the loss of his eyes on you. He looked so fucking delicious your mouth started salivating, so you moved away from his thumb with a light pop! and lowered your head to twirl your tongue around his tip with a light hum increasing the pace of pumps once more and swallowed the excessive amount of precum that was pooling inside your mouth. One of your hands quickly cupped his balls as they bounced up and down then squeezed them lightly. Gus now rolls his eyes to the back of his skull, his orgasm quickly approaching and his hips moved to fuck your mouth following your hand movements.
"Si, si, si, yes... Fuck, FUCK!" The harder you sucked on his tip the more violently his thighs shook.
"(Y/n)... I'm close... Me corro! Shit!" His declaration was the final push you needed to start feeling your end quickly approaching. Your hips moved clumsily as you meowled into his cock, your clit getting mercilessly crushed against his shinbone, fighting your desperate moans was useless when your hips bucked against him chasing your end just as Gus was doing right now.
You both sang the song of love in pants, groans and choked moans until one of his hands shot to his mouth when he let out a quiet cry, the other went to your head pushing you to swallow his entire length to the brim, his happy trail tickled your nose, your eyes watered and you fought back a harsh choke. The feeling of your spasming pussy, quivering thighs and brain-melting orgasm broke your selfcontrol making you greedily push your mouth impossibly closer to his pelvis, then came bliss.
You came all over his leg, your eyes went blank as you were high in ecstasy, the taste of his seed cloud your senses. His big hands gripped your hair keeping you in place as you swallowed his love juices.
You huffed in amusement, you feel sure this man has never cursed so much in such a short time.
Gus tries to calm his breathing, now looking at you move away from his softening sex and sit yourself straddling his thighs. His hands massaged your bare legs, amber eyes full of wonder and drunk affection stuck to your face, like he discovered a whole new world in the darkness of your pupils. He swallowed, breaking the momentary silence that broke between you two.
In a beat, warmth graced your left cheek when he cupped it tenderly with one of his hands the other squeezed your left thigh lightly. His face felt magnetic when you rested your forehead against his, both of your eyes closed you hum at the relaxing feeling of his strong hands caressing your skin. Yours mirrored the movement nuzzling his blushing cheeks, his stubble and finally you moved them to brush his hair backwards and scratch his scalp affectionately.
Gus was melting on the spot, humming softly along you and whispering sweet nothings to your ear. How good your mouth felt on his cock, how warm and soft your skin was, and to your amusement, he apologized for cumming first and denying your release. You chuckled at this, but your laugh cut short when you felt the big bear of a man grinding upwards slowly.
His previously softening member now was hard as a rock once more and brushing your entrance with each lazy thrust in slight desperation. He gave you a pleading look, like he needed you to voice your approval.
You kissed him deeply instead when you slid his member inside your warm wet pussy, Gus wrapped both arms around you as you sank your hips as low as you could, his erection filling you perfectly. Moans of relief sound in unison, heaving chests moved against one another when you circled your waist, your walls squeezed him deliciously making him hiss and hug you tighter.
"Now's your chance papa bear..." You breathed out.
Gus took the encouragement to heart, both of his legs spread wide to accomodate you, his hands hurriedly pulled your shirt off until it was only one article of clothing that separated your bare body from the warmth of his body. You took your time to strip yourself from your bra enjoying every second of his pleasure-filled expression. Gus looked at you inspecting every inch of skin from your fully bare body.
You felt slightly shy under the weight of his full attention. You didn't feel bad towards your body, not anymore at least, it was littered in scars of different sizes and depths pretty much everywhere. Each one of them with different memories of past missions and unfortunate incidents, you could barely remember them all... At least your face and hands were miraculously intact.
Gus whispered something in his mother's tongue, something you couldn't quiet catch. Something along the lines of "Mi hermoso ángel de la guerra." And something more... But he didn't give you time to question when both of his arms went to wrap themselves around you again and his hips snapped upwards with so much force he punched all the air from your lungs.
The Rican showered you in praises you tried to register but couldn't with your loud broken moans and the force of his increasing pace. There was a particular thrust after he bucked a little to the right that kissed the mouth of your cervix making you whimper and bite your lip almost drawing blood. This man was mind-fucking you out of your senses.
His breath hitched, Gus' eyes were half lidded and almost blank losing his focus the more he felt you clench with his erratic thrusts, his moans were gone yet his mouth was still open. And you were no better, your breasts violently bounce up and down almost painfully with the force of his movements. One hand went to his shoulder and the other covered your mouth as you cried out in pleasure, your pussy had a firm grip on his cock. You really felt like you were ready to burst at any moment.
Gus hissed something in spanish under his breath, squelching noises echoed through the office as you started moving your ass meeting his thrusts, his balls clapped your cheeks with every buck of his hips, your moans turned into high-pitched cries of his name making the man reach his limit faster. His thrusts went clumsier and uncoordinated with your movements, the pure bliss of your walls squeezing him tight had him rolling his eyes to the back of his head and moaning your name back in gutural growls as if saying it would prolong the pleasure, and damn, it did.
He was fucking his sargeant, one of 141's most strongest soldier, he was claiming you, molding your insides with his length and practically using you as a flashlight when your body started to loose strength. Formalities were thrown out the fogged window, fuck titles, fuck rules, you clinged to each other like desperate lovers claiming their affection in a tango of naked limbs and a symphony of feral growls, moans and other sinful noises.
He pressed your lips together in a sloppy kiss when he felt your body tense then convulse, the loud cry that scaped you was quickly swallowed by him and that eager tongue you loved to choke on. And with a final thrust, you both came moaning into each other's mouths.
It was heavenly to feel this man fill you up again. It would have been greater if he was fully bare from waist up so you'd both be naked together pressing your sweaty skins against one another but you couldn't complain, not when your wishes of seeing him again like this were granted so quickly.
What you could complain about though was that your phone started vibrating from your pants' pocket that were carelessly thrown to the other side of the office a lifetime ago. You huffed and flopped yourself on Gus, who was now tracing circles on your back and kissing your shoulder tenderly, your sexes still conjoined, heavy breaths lulling your exhausted bodies into a state of sleepiness, and you weren't planning on moving any time soon. But big papa bear couldn't let his mommy sleep on work.
"Mamita, your phone..." His gruff voice spoke, a soft warning of your still buzzing phone, it prevented you from completely dozing off on the warm embrace you were sharing right now. You wined feeling like nibbling on his warm meaty arms, and you did as a way of punishment. Rodriguez giggled boyishly not expecting the ticklish attack on his biceps from the mouth he craved to devour again. "Ey ey! Come on, no biting, mami!" You smiled up at him and gave him an apologetic kiss to his arm.
The moment you moved to stand up with a groan, your sexes separated and a pool of cum cascaded out of your puffy cunt and you gasped loudly as it shot to the floor. Gus laughed breathlessly and seemingly as surprised as you.
"Ah mierda... I guess you got me too excited..."
"Really?" You smirked and laughed back sarcastically running to get your pants and phone not before cleaning your aching cunt with a napkin. "Good thing I'm on the pill or you would surely have-" You silenced yourself.
At first you were afraid that whatever you were about to say would turn the light mood into an awkward situation. And it did end the light mood but not in the way you expected.
Gus was facing you, a ghost of a smirk in the corner of half open mouth, eyes dark and full of desire, and you were sure yours sparkled the same way. His hands flexed on the edge of the couch and his soft dick turned half hard.
Did you just discover a new kink you both shared?
Did you really have a breeding kink? Isn't it too soon to jump into THIS kind of kinks? Fuck it, everything with Gus seemed so fast yet so exciting you didn't mind at all.
But those thoughts died when from the corner of your eye you spot Soap's name on your phone screen. And reading under his name from the non-stopping notifications you quickly noticed this man was warming you that the captain just left to fetch you and Rodriguez.
Gus widened his eyes at your panicked movements as you gathered your clothes to quickly put them on, he didn't blink twice before he was rushing to mirror your actions.
Under all the rustling of clothes your ears would have perked up at the quiet steps echoing through the hall slowly approaching the office. You were now fully clothed and ready to give Gus his beret when the man flopped to the floor violently scrubbing with the napkin you tossed to the table the little puddle of cum on the floor near Price's favorite carpet.
The door clicked open, Gus jumped up in a casual stance like he just finished admiring the weather outside as he discreetly opened the window to mask the slight scent of sweat and sex, you casually scratched your chin as if you were lost in thought when your other hand yanked the dirty napkins to toss them inside your pocket and the captain, thankfully not suspecting anything, whistled at you lowly asking if the kid behaved.
"He did his homework like a good boy." You teased playfully slapping Gus right on his left ass cheek, he yelped blushing furiously but nodding nonetheless. His big hand massaged his butt giving you a shy look with a nervous smile.
"Good, because Baseplate's back and he needs his whole squad on the training field at four. If you haven't eaten yet, I suggest you do it now."
"Baseplate!? I thought team leader would be coming next week. Thank you for informing me captain. T-the reports were successfully fixed, and thank you for your help, Sargeant Hound." You chuckled mockingly as Gus gave you a formal salute before going for the exit.
"Gustavo." You called.
"You forget your beret, soldier."
Yet again.
Cooking anything was the cherry on top for the magnific morning Gus just had. It didn't matter if Soap had him pranked into hours of work at Price's office, after all, he got to spend time with you. And inside you. Heh.
And now he craved to have a celebratory dish and hopefully save some for you if you were willing to try a bite. A fluttering feeling made him smile and humm some tune at the thought cooking something for you. Back on the other base in Germany where they previously served at, he took a habit of cooking for his team. Memories of his home flew back to him , he remembered his younger self when he used to cook for his parents, his sister's family and his grandmother. For Gus food was love. And who was better to share it with than his teammates and his new trainer?
He was about done when he passed two plates behind him for his two best friends to take and he lastly served himself leaving the rest on the pan.
"Are you paying attention?"
Reyes took a large chunk of his food to his mouth and Nova squinted in repulsion. "Mate, grab a fork-"
"Lafayette is coming to the bar tonight, i need someone at the base to keep track on the bastard of Baseplate, make sure he doesn't follow me or some shit-"
"Isn't that him on the door?" Gus joked. And Reyes jumped from his chair almost knocking all the plates.
"Not cool, brother. Don't joke about Baseplate being an ass if you two are still up for the secret plan i made..."
"We don't even know what the whole thing is about!" Nila squawked.
"My sweet Nova. Tonight I'll show you two what you two obviously were missing in highschool. You got the recipe of the brownies I've sent you, Rodri?"
Gus took his time to swallow the food he was munching and nods at Reyes.
"Enzo, is this about the uh..." He coughs and with a weary look whispers at his brother in arms "You know.... About the oregano...?"
Reyes smirked at the other man, hastily finished the little food he had on his plate, stood up and went to the sink. "Why the hell would I call a meeting with the angsty teenager of my cousin to the nastiest bar in the street in such worrisome hours of the night if not for some top quality weed?"
Nova threw him a glare and Gus shook his head in quiet disapproval.
"You give me all the disapproving-parent's eyes all you want. I don't hear any of you complaining about watching one of those stupid cartoons Gus likes while feasting on happy brownies!"
"We are talking about getting high inside a military base. We RECENTLY fought cartel and all you think about right now is to celebrate with-... With-... Gus, you tell him."
Nova looked back at Gus for support, the Rican seemingly put on the spot barked at Reyes. "Okay uh, first off. Sargeant Keroro isn't a stupid cartoon, it's art. And the recipe you sent me is for a simple chocolate brownie! You insult me hermano... You really think i can't cook a stupid brownie without using una tonta recipe?"
Nova had to take deep breaths to not slap Gus on the face as the man rambled about his cooking skills and his favorite childhood show to a grinning Reyes who was now trying to steal Nova's food as he fake-listened to Rodriguez.
It was two o'clock and you had already informed your captain about your morning with Mactavish and Rodriguez, including the latter's wish for being trained by you. Price pondered on his request, he seemed to formulate a mental opinion but before sharing anything he asked what your thoughts were.
"It'll help me get back on track. I'll take responsibility of his training and soon enough wake my sore body from months of doing absolutely nothing. Think of it as giving a child an egg to take care of it for a week as a way to improve their responsibility and attentiveness." Price chuckled at the comparison but encouraged you to keep going.
"I've been away for quiet some time, you know well i can handle myself. And besides, I've been your trainee for a while, why not switch roles?" He didn't look too convinced now.
"Tell you what, we'll see how Gus does during training. If I like what I see, I'll adopt the egg."
"You keep calling the man your egg, it won't change the fact that you also need SpecGru's team leader's permission. I won't deny it, I'm surprised you'd want to train anyone! But I'm not against it either. Though, (y/n)... Remember to watch out for yourself as well."
He went on for a while with one of his long monologues about your mental health and stability in the field.
Price was not as eager as Ghost about you dropping out of your two-month vacation. He believed you still needed some time. He has always been too overprotective over you, wether he viewed you as a pupil or as his own daughter you didn't mind because admit it out loud or not, Ghost was right. You couldn't stay in the sidelines forever.
Going to your dorm's bathroom to freshen up from the deliciously messy encounter with Gus and take a clean change of clothes, your stomach rumbles in protest.
You left your room after putting much lighter clothes matching the hot weather outside and went to knock on Gaz's room. You two usually went to eat together but this time it looks like your drama sister had left a little sooner.
"The betrayal!" You whisper-yelled when the second knock went ignored.
To the kitchens it is. Alone, Gazless and starving. At least your sexual appetite was successfully satiated.
Walking downstairs and through the halls your hunger started getting more annoying, the lack of breakfast was twisting your stomach painfully, sadly for you, Gustavo's love juices were not considered a balanced breakfast. At some point you expected you would run into Soap checking if you two actually got caught since you practically left him on read, but you found none of your 141 peers on sight. Ah well...
They were probably stuffing themselves full of the few extra portions of apple pie Price hid for you.
Arriving to the kitchenette's doors you heard some voices from where you stood. Three voices, one of them you recognized instantly as the Costa Rican. A playful smirk instantly planted itself on your face.
When the voices had quietened down a bit, you stepped inside and as soon as you closed the door behind you someone rushed to get out almost pushing you against the wall with the force of their speed. You stood there baffled.
There, hanging on the side table rested Nila Brown, or by her codename Nova. She, along with Rodriguez snapped their heads to you, Nova gave you a curt nod and kept to her conversation with Gus who now pretended to be listening as he finished washing the dirty plates he just used internally screaming at your presence.
"Sorry about that, sargeant."
"What the hell was that? A human-shaped bullet?" You playfully said walking to the fridge keeping their light mood up a little uncomfortable with the formalities.
Nova sighed readjusting her bun. "Baseplate has arrived, so now Reyes is on a mission to NOT run into him." Gus discreetly elbowed her arm lightly.
You weren't sure whether to ask or not, so you shrugged grabbing yourself a cold drink, Nova and Gus were glad you didn't ask.
Said man gave Nova another nudge with a look of urgency pleading her to leave, she looked at him puzzled but complied looking at the new plate he was serving. Her smile and light head shake was enough answer for Gus to sigh relieved, the pilot left the kitchenette and you two along with it.
"Hmm, that smells good. What are you cooking?"
"I um, it's a little invention! I actually saved some for you, miss Hound."
"A way to a woman's heart is through the stomach, huh? Very clever, Rodriguez." You teased.
He looked so silly wearing his uniform AND a white apron with "kiss the cook" badly scribbled on it. When you pointed it out he chuckled saying it was a gift from Soap in exchange for his meals and that led you to ask some questions about his love for cooking. The conversation was light and casual as he prepared the small table for you, ever the gentleman, it was like what happened less than an hour ago never occurred.
"So, you didn't answer my question. What am I eating, chef Ramsay?"
Gus laughed at the little nickname and apologized for forgetting the question. The plate looked and smelled delicious. He explained it was some short of meat pie with melted cheese wrapped in something called polenta. Whatever that was, it had a bright yellow color and it looked like mashed potatoes.
"Polenta! It's made out of uh, sémola de maíz. Hold on." You gave him your phone with Google translator already awaiting him, he smiled sweetly at the gesture. "Thank you, mamita. Let's see uh... Corn flour. Yeah makes sense. The rest is simply meat with veggies, the stuffing of any meat pie and i added cheese. I-I asked Sargeant Mactavish for his permission to use it, he said that as long as I share some he didn't mind!"
You laughed eating your freshly cooked meal, it tasted devine. Gus said that it needed some salt but everything tasted so perfect you didn't add nor avoid anything from the plate. The moment you first dig the fork into it and see the strings of melting cheese attached to the piece as you slowly lifted your fork, you fell in love.
Your mouth watered when he excitedly urged you to take a bite with a look of anticipation and glee, like a child preparing his first sandwich for his parent to try.
The moment you took a bite a pleased moan fell from your closed lips, Gus could have cried and/or popped a boner right then and there. He sat next to you, one hand on his lap and the other supporting his cheek as he dreamily enjoyed the view of you stuffing your face like a hamster with the polenta-meat pie. Funny how they laughed and joked around when Reyes grossly ate anything, and now Gus was completely mesmerized at your inhumane display of eating, you looked like a starving animal who hadn't eaten for days.
You honestly didn't care, the meat pie with polenta was your new favorite dish, and your stomach growled with force at the delicious smell and taste.
"O-Oh! By the way, speaking about sargeant Mactavish... He told me to tell you that he uh, he took some box lieutenant Ghost had for you? He said something about you meeting him before training."
"Holy shit,"
The bastard-
Soap actually had the balls to go rob Ghost. And not only that, but rob GHOST'S OFFICE. Were all Scottish people that mad and hungry for danger?
You guessed that Jhonny being close to Ghost figured he was keeping something very important on his office when he saw Laswell giving him your package.
Soap had been trying to get inside your "secret club" with Gaz (and in some weird occasions, Ghost) in which you would stick your noses in everyone's life inside the base and basically gossip and theorize about anything and everything, like grannies discussing their neighborhood dramas. Kyle had strictly told you not to let John join because he was one loud mouth and you agreed completely. You loved him like he was your little brother, but man, the guy sucked ass keeping secrets, so obviously you always told him no when he ran to you two with "juicy material" he obviously always made up to persuade you into letting him in.
Talking about the gossip club... It's been a long time since you last talked with Garrick about everyone's business. God you missed going to his room and enjoy your nightly teas, snacks and deliciously inappropriate conversations about everyone's personal life.
Anyway, back to the present. Soap was about to get his ass whooped, but at least you got to see and use your mask against Simon's grumpy ass order of not using it out of missions.
"I gotta fly then..."
"Now? I mean..."
You gave Gus a sweet knowing smile when you took your plate and everything else to the sink and got ready to clean it, he was quick to shoo you away saying he would take care of the cleaning.
"You are an amazing cook, Gus. Who knows, maybe you picked the wrong job."
"Ha ha. I only need to improve my hand-to-hand combat, that's why I asked for help from the greatest badass i know! Mi vida, you haven't seen me in action yet."
"We'll see how you do in training later, also don't forget to ask mama hen for his permission. I can't train you without Baseplate giving the okay."
Gus bit his lower lip with a spaced out look already machining something. "Yeah I got it, i'll take care of that. Also, don't forget Soap's lunch box! I-it's right there, it has some polenta too."
You winked and clicked your tongue taking the blue lunch box and thanking him for everything.
Just when you were about to leave a big hand wrapped around your bicep lightly pulling you back.
"Ey, Hound. Forgettin' something?" Gus said in a seductive voice giving you a shiver you played off by turning around with a twirl.
"Well, i have Soap's pastel de carne con polenta. So unless it's a kiss goodbye..." You insinuated with a playful pout he mirrored cutely approaching you and wrapping both of his arms around your waist, your hands found the sides of his face and squeezed his cheeks affectionately.
"Mmmm maybe... Kiss the cook?" he joked in a low chuckle planting a peck on the tip of your nose. Gus was so sweet he was going to give you cavities. You pretended to take a moment to ponder the request.
"Si. Bésame, papa bear." You said in a raspy voice, his chuckle was silenced when your mouths pressed together and bodies entwined.
The amount of warmth that embraced Gus' heart was so intense he felt like he would pass out right there. If only you knew the effect you had on him when you did so much as speak in Spanish, if only you knew the effect one kiss from you did to his body.
"Papa bear huh?"
"You did call me mommy, does that upset you, big boy?"
He groaned biting your lower lip and squeezing your ass cheeks.
"Claro que no, mamita. Makes me want to devour you like one." Gus said attacking your neck in sweet kisses that had you giggling and squirming from his strong grasp.
He bit his lip trying to suppress a big grin when you pulled away holding the lunch box tightly to your chest.
"Remind me to buy bear spray then! I'm too young and crazy to get eaten by a big horny bear-man!"
"Wouldn't you like to get eaten by one though, mi vida?" He shot back wiggling his brows.
You rolled your eyes and turned around once more resuming your walk out of the kitchen but not before yelping at the feeling of Gus swatting your ass with a clean kitchen rag laughing like a Disney villain. A clear vendetta of the previous ass slap you gave the poor Rican right in front of the captain.
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fic-heaven · 1 year
Fruta del pecado
A hint of mischief (sfw)
[Gus x Fem! Reader]
Part2 of Apple pie flavoured
Next part
Call of duty modern warfare 2
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Chickie 🐥: sorry i took so long lmao here you go. You'll get sexy times on the next chapter~
Characters: Soap/Price/Gaz/Reyes/Gus/Nova/Roze
I made some meme references here just because
Tags: Soap being a man-child/mean jokes/Reyes is an ass/ Good boy Gus' getting pranked/ reader self doubting/ dark flashbacks/Price getting his balls inflated
How come you've never noticed him before?
What even was this list?
"Why wasn't i notified of this? This... SpecGru?"
"You literally NEVER attend any meetings." Gaz and Soap quacked at the same time
Ah crap...
Gaz massaged his temple and closed his eyes as he turned his chair from the computer to fully face you. He cleared his throat and raised a brow with a face that screamed 'It's big brain time'.
"Let me illustrate you... SpecGru is a private military contractor featured as a faction, the other faction being KorTac. T'was founded after Hassan's death as special forces for hire to conduct various international operations and blah, blah, blah. You, lil' lady! Should read the info we send you."
Soap threw you a crumb of his disgusting-looking sandwich from Gaz's bed. Kyle growled at him to not eat on his bed, but the mohawk bastard rolled to the other side with a fake gremlin-like cry staining the sheets with more crumbs and sauce causing Gaz to jump from his seat and tackle the other man like an angry toddler, giggles erupted from Soap as the angry sargeant tried to manhandle him to get out of the bed.
The morning after your little adventure with Rodriguez you decided to make some info-digging and kindly asked Mactavish to help you, which led him to guide you inside Gaz's room with a sigh and a muttered "Tis' what happens when you miss class."
So now, as you read through the whole file and list of members you loudly exhale, earning a concerned glance from the boys who now stopped fake-fighting.
You were too careless and ignorant with any information given to you, "just do your damn job and move on" that was your mantra as a younger girl. It's better to play clueless and do your part, that'll keep everyone happy and won't put you in trouble.
And look where that got you... You didn't have a sense of direction and so you desperately sought it wherever you were and with whoever gave you a little bit of grounding.
You remember your mother scolding you for being too influenceable, her disappointment only irritated you and pushed you to simply not listen and kept to your teenage stubbornness.
As soon as the feeling of comfort, trust and safety entered your system, your mind would go numb and follow orders without blinking, like an obedient puppy. That's what made you a good soldier, or at least that's what the traitor General Shepherd used to say as to praise you, as if playing puppet for any higher ups was your main focus in life.
Wasn't it, though...?
Price tried to work with you to ease the obedience, as dumb as that sounds, he helped you and still do to grow a voice of your own and choose who you really want to be with, to be the woman you were always meant to be, to find yourself. And you forever will be greatful for him. Him and Ghost... The latter focused on training you and with you since you joined, apparently you were the only one who could keep up with his rough training ways and routines.
Ghost wouldn't admit it out loud but he grew comfortable with your company and it showed, thankfully Soap was smart enough to not tease him about his closeness with you. Sadly the fear of teasing doesn't apply to you when he's sure Ghost isn't lurking nearby which he does a lot.
Both men took the imposible task of training you to become a dangerous weapon with a mind of her own instead of a mindless soldier.
Yet... After Las Almas, after Hassan... Something changed inside you, they all felt it as well. Like a switch in your brain you became more lethal and kept to yourself. It worried the boys.
You used to be open and talkative, but day by day you started closing on yourself, Price and Ghost were the only ones that managed to make you talk more about your thoughts including those that plagued you, Gaz and Soap were your close friends yet couldn't figure you out like the other two men. But they tried, and god knows how much you love them for it.
The whole operation to gain back the missiles messed you. So many close calls, so much stress and pressure... That, you could handle, at least until Hassan's death... It's like all the stress and pressure finally catched up to you. You couldn't even recognize yourself when it happend... The shadow of a beast replaced you completely making you lose yourself the second you had the opportunity and approval to end Hassan's life and terror.
The taste of iron in your tongue and the feeling of skin breaking between your teeth plagued your nightmares, the screams and the satisfaction that came with them, Soap's widened eyes looking at you afterwards with a not so hidden hint of shared satisfaction, Ghost's voice muttering a soft "Hassan's down, good job (Y/n)" like an adult calming down a scared child. The way Price broke your mental freeze in favor of cleaning the blood from your lower face with a rag only to have you vomiting shortly after when realization hit you of what you did to Hassan... What the hell happened to you? What kind of monster are you? What possessed you to do what you did?
You needed time and space.
And so Price allowed you to skip as many meetings and work as you wished (not that you would pay much attention other than to do whatever the Captain ordered you directly) and take all the space you needed.
A pang of headache made you stumble to the bed forcing you to sit on the edge. Shit...
You still are a selfless brat. A dog who was trained to kill and follow it's master, a war hound.
Price warned the boys you wouldn't like the code name, but to his surprise you embraced it because that's the beast you came to be, you accepted it. As painful as it was to do in the beginning.
The night Hassan died, so did (Y/n) (L/n). And the Hound was born.
"Hound... Hey-"
You flinched slightly when the warmth of Soap's chest pressed to your back, his chin rested over your shoulder peeking at your face. He looked so adorably dorky staring at you with those big, grey eyes.
Instead of answering you huffed and looked down to the list of recruits. What you didn't know is that that exact action was answer enough for the now grinning Sargeant.
Your cheeks flushed when he brushed your hair back, not from that action, but from the name you were tracing with your eyes.
"You two are scaring me. Why all the sudden silence? And can you remind me why you needed the list?" Gaz stands up stretching his arms.
Oh if only he knew...
"YOU WON'T BELIEVE WHAT HAPPENED YESTERDAY DURING LUNCH-" The mohawk adorning the Scottish dumbass' head fell victim to a hard tug backwards, you couldn't process the action until you already did it but hell, no regrets at all.
"Fine! Fine! Watch it lass!" He grumbled snatching the list from your hands a playful smirk assured you he wasn't hurt from the sudden tug.
Gaz occupied himself suspiciously fast seemingly interested in ordering his shirts by bloody color "Whatever it is and now that you got what you needed... Maybe you both could take the list and the other reports stacked on the table to Price's office? Hm?"
Sly bastard. The things Gaz would do just to not walk two floors upstairs. Why Price would have his office so bloody far from everything was a mystery, it was hard to take his focus off of things specially work, but you guess he enjoyed the silence.
Just as Kyle said that Soap flopped back to the bed with a loud thud, the bed creaked at the additional weight. The shirts Gaz just placed there got crushed and undone thanks to Jhonny's ass, Gaz grabbed him by the mohawk and pushed the whining Scottish man out of the room, you rushed to the his side chuckling to yourself.
Gaz gave your shoulder a squeeze, winked you an eye which you returned and closed his door.
"Seriously! What do ye guys have with my bloody hair!?"
"Maybe you should go bald. There, quick n' easy, nowhere to grab, I'll even help you myself shave the bush If you ask nicely."
He have you a a nasty look that quickly cracked to a chuckle. "Bush? You are crazy, the day I shave completely will be the day Ghost dances macarena."
That made you laugh out loud and Soap laughed along marvelled by your reaction. Laughs like that from you were very rare these days, that made him think-
"That quickie you had must have softened you..."
You stopped abruptly, and looked at him with warning. If Price or even Ghost ever heard about what you did... Well... You weren't sure of the consequences, now that you weren't following anyone but Price he was the one dictating the rules, was the rule of fucking other fellow soldiers still a thing? You weren't sure if you wanted to find out, best keep it a secret...
"JUST SAYING! Don't bark at me!" He chuckled.
"I knew you had a thing for Latinos. Can still remember your heart eyes when you first met the colonel~"
Oh Alejandro...
"I bet Ghost got all jealous-" You hit the back of his head lightly with the folder you were holding. "OW! Fine, fine!"
When you reached the stairs, Soap stopped you grabbing your forearm with his free hand. "Hey, I'm glad you are getting loose." The warmth and sincerity of his words made you nod and smile in appreciation. "And since I'm a good friend in a good mood... I'll make you a favor FOR a favor~"
"I'll go have breakfast and mingle with the new team aaaaand you take all the reports and shit Gaz gave us to Price's office~" Soap chirped.
"How does that benefit me?" You raised a brow.
"A certain lad will surely be there~" He wiggled his brows "And I've heard the gang usually love ta' play pranks on him, he's a saint but gets punished by the cap quite a lot because of them..."
Soap sighed seemingly pent up that you weren't picking up what he was planning "AND, Price has tons of paperwork ta' finish but Laswell is urging him to get a break n' leave the base for a few weeks. SO THAT MEANS..... Someone else will have to do the paperwork." That certain person usually was you, but Price gave you a break...
Jesus Christ, Mactavish.
Why does he turn into a complete genius in the most absurd scenarios.
"So if the lad gets caught doing something he isn't supposed to do or irritate Price, (easy task), Gus will surely end up victim of hours of paperwork. AND he'll need a quiet place to get it done, probably the free office."
The free office... Your... Your old office?
"I-... OR... I could simply ask him to spend some time together?"
"Really? Could ya?"
He dropped the heavy stack to your arms and weaseled away. "MACTAVISH! Ugh, nevermind....."
Up you go.
"Guess who tried to run me over with a humvee again."
One of the two operators sitting at the table, Nova, erupted in laughs at the poor puerto rican's walk of shame towards them. His boots crunched every step he took, pebbles and dirt covered his soles, his gray shirt hid dark stains of sweat around the armpits and he waved his beret to flow some air to the sweaty skin of his face. Clear signs of the sprint he took through the road near one of the base's entrances.
Gus moved to sit in between Nova and Reyes, the latter already arching a brow awaiting his brother in arms' response, but Rodriguez simply smiled at him seemingly not bothered with the topic anymore as soon he spotted his breakfast awaiting him when Nova slid him a cup of freshly brewed coffee and some churros.
"Is there any reason in particular?" Nova chirped with a knowing smile.
"What the fuck? Any reason? She's one crazy bitch that's the reason! How did ya even manage to hook up with that witch is beyond me..." Reyes continued, and Nova sighed looking at Gus who was now scrunching his nose and cleaning his moustache with a napkin after the tentative sip he took from his coffee. "Dude look at you, you can't even survive a cup of coffee." Rodriguez snickered "I just miss my Nesquik! I completely forgot about it in my old base, I'll get used to coffee in no time..." At this, the other man rolled his eyes and hit the table lightly with his palm "You are avoiding the topic."
Nova cleared her throat gaining Gus's attention. "Did something happened in the ladies' bathroom, Gus...?"
Reyes arched a brow and Gus froze for a moment, none of them missed the few seconds his shoulders stiffened. "Ladies' bathroom? Que?" His thick accent did little to hide his nervousness.
Nova continued, "Apparently Roze saw your beret in one of the cubicles... I'm not saying you were inside the bathroom, but she thinks you did spy on someone." The girl was surprised Gus didn't know about this, Roze was fuming when she saw his beret there and complained about the Costa Rican being a pervert for the rest of the day, lucky for him only her and a few girls knew about this.
Gus seemingly shivered at the mention of his ex.
"You lil' pervert! Did you miss wetting your pickle so much you went spy on the ladies?" Reyes teased with a mean look. Gus had this perplexed look his jaw dropped at such accusations but could not find an excuse so he opted to do what he does best.
Speak in Spanish hard enough to distract Nova and infuriate Reyes.
"I DID NOT! I'm a gentleman and you two know it! Como podría hacer tal cosa? Estáis locos? Yo nunca espiaria a ninguna señorita! No señor, lo juro por mi madre, mis hermanas, mi abuela, por la virgen de Guadalupe-"
"Okay, okay, okay, okay, stop, stop, stop, STOP!!! I CAN'T. UNDERSTAND. WHATEVER THE FUCK. YOU'RE SAYING." The Canadian chastised him.
It always works.
That got him thinking about you. In the months he spent admiring you from a far, even during his short timed relationship with Roze, Gus' eyes would always widen and listen to every story or report he heard and read about you.
He admired you greatly, like a secret fanboy, Reyes teased him. The Costa Rican always hoped to meet you someday, to work alongside the infamous 141. And the day he got the call he was over the clouds, Reyes' annoyance at the constant topic of when they were going to meet you only increased to the point of barking everytime Gus spoke your name.
But the day they heard about Hassan's gruesome death thanks to Soap's loud mouth?
That peeked Reyes' interest, and soon enough he started actually listening to Gus' rambles about you and shared his disappointment the day first introductions were made and you were the only one not attending, seemingly enjoying the break captain Price gave you.
Back to Roze though. Gus and her called their relationship off months ago, and she changed factions to KorTac as soon as she was able to, their breakup clearly took a big tool on her... Not saying Gus wasn't any better, he did love her no matter how crazy she could be at times, it was her craziness what peeked his interest in the first place. He didn't know a thing about her for weeks until they all reunited to meet 141 formally, Roze being friends with Nova heard of Gus' clear interest in you and soon assumed that being one of the main reasons of their breakup.
Honestly Roze's constant need to find excuses to talk about him and to him was getting very annoying... Specially when she encouraged the team to prank him. Gus never cared about the jokes and pranks, he laughed along and ended up making friends with most of the other members... But Price developed a sixth sense just for him and every time he approached, Gus was always caught and blamed for any inconvenience. He didn't like getting in trouble, luckily for him Price had enough experience dealing with brats thanks to Soap and Gaz, so he wasn't too hard on him... Yet...
"Next time she bothers ya tell the captain. Gotta man up, Gus. If you keep allowing her to poke your asshole she'll end up fully fisting it."
Nova rolled her eyes and Gus frowned in disgust.
"Hermano, please." He sighed, but Nova held his hand gaining back his attention. "Gus, you know Reyes is right, i mean... She went from bad mouthing you to try and hit you with a humvee. Who does that? Roze is my friend, but i can't defend that... Besides, i do trust you not being inside the bathroom, i still don't know how in Gods name your beret got there but whatever it was-"
"You didn't do anything with Hound right?" Reyes interrupted.
Gus was desperate to change the subject but with Reyes everything is difficult, "I saw ya eyeing her yesterday during lunch. I mean you always do, but this time you two left almost at the same time."
The Costa Rican finished his cup of coffee and sighed "You can assume whatever you want, but I'm telling you, i have tons of important things to do other than try wooing Sargeant Hound."
Reyes loudly chuckled at this "I recall you saying the exact same thing about Roze." He then turned to Nova "I tell you, our lil' ex-cop here has a thing for crazy women." Gus groaned when Reyes stole the churro he was holding, HIS LAST churro, mind him. Nova giggled at their antics, but they quietened down the moment Sargent Mactavish approached.
"Yee! Thought i wouldn't catch up to y'all!"
They all shared looks of surprise and Reyes spoke first. "What's the rush, Soap?" Nova nudged him, Reyes didn't cate about protocols and titles ever not bothering to properly address their Sargeant, and she was pent up with it, but that was Reyes. Soap was the kind of guy who didn't mind either, chilling with anyone he encountered but at least he showed politeness, something the Canadian heavily lacked. But Gus didn't. "Sargeant Mactavish!" He beamed "Care to join us, sir?"
Soap chuckled at this sitting across from them, a cup of coffee in one hand and his bag in the other. "Actually, i wanted ta' show ya something i found."
John gave Nova and Reyes a look, a seemingly universal language all Gus-prankers shared. And they were instantly in.
It was funny how they encouraged Gus to fight back his prankers but pranked him themselves. His clumsy and innocent nature made the pranks all the more enjoyable.
The Scott pulled out what seemed to be a karaoke microphone. He didn't exactly "find it", he recalled buying a whole karaoke set one night in Las Almas when Rodolfo and Alejandro successfully pulled you and him out of bed to explore the city at night. By the time he got slightly tipsy you guys convinced him to buy the set and try it when Rudy and Alejandro got the chance to visit.
"Wanna go mess around a for bit?"
Their Sargeant urging them to miss morning training?
"This early? We're going to miss training..." Nova warned them.
"Fuck training." Reyes already got up with a mischievous glint.
"Con ganas, amigo!" Gus Agreed.
You already knew what Soap was cooking the moment you saw him asking someone if the training grounds' alarm system was operative. His excuse was that he wanted to make sure it worked properly or if he had to call someone to have it checked, but this man was dumb enough to blow his own cover by carrying the whole karaoke set in both arms.
This happend before you made sure he stuck to his promise and left to find Gustavo. When you saw John leave the kitchenette and go to the common area now carrying the set inside a backpack and a cup of coffee you knew the plan was on. So after a quick breakfast you casually went to find the captain to the training grounds with the excuse of getting him a cup of strong black coffee and inform him that Gaz's promised reports were already awaiting him on his office.
The captain thanked you and conversed with you lightly as you two watched the rookies train under the morning sun.
The sky was blue with almost zero clouds, there was this slight chilly air that compensated the heat of the sun, the temperature was delightful. The birds chirped, the rookies trotted, conversed, panted and grunted as they trained, some humvees got parked a little further in the background and the conversation with the captain melted into comfortable silence when you two basked in the background noise.
You internally slapped yourself remembering Soap's plan and your body ticked in anticipation of what was to come. Whatever Mactavish planned involved the captain and so you stick to his side like you always did, but this time with giddiness. Though now that you think about it...
What exactly were you supposed to do when you saw Rodriguez? Should you just go and say how desperate you were to continue where you left off? Would he even want to repeat?
A crackle of static noise interrupted your thoughts, but it all but lasted a few seconds, the rookies kept training and Price didn't do much other than blink. He turned to you and his face lit into a sweet smile, his arm circled your waist casually pulling you a little closer to his side, he opened his mouth to reassure you that it was probably just someone checking on the training grounds' megaphony until-
Gustavo's voice sounded from the alarms. Everyone turned with confused looks, some rookies were already laughing knowing poor Rodriguez fell victim to another dumb prank, one of them, Roze you believe, was already looking at Price with a cruel smirk.
"Attention all units, backup needed, Sargeant Mactavish is getting his anal cavity bombarded."
Your widened eyes snapped to Price, whose forehead held a prominent angry vein. You gulped.
"-Weiner~" this time it was Soap's voice sounding a little muffled.
Price smiled down at you once more, his face was getting redder and redder and he unwrapped his arm from you with a polite "Excuse me, dear." You nodded once muttering a "sir."
Just when Gus' voice returned this time singing "Pollito Pío" on top of his lungs, the captain rapidly stomped inside the building carrying his radio in hand and yelling at the device in pure anger "JONATHAN MACTAVISH AND GUSTAVO RODRIGUEZ. MY OFFICE. NOW."
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@lovvecraft @stararch4ngell4dy
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fic-heaven · 1 year
Fruta del pecado
[Gustavo Rodriguez x fem!Reader]
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Master list
1. Apple pie flavoured (Nsfw)
2. A hint of Mischief (Sfw)
3. Bear territory (Nsfw)
4. Besos en secreto
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fic-heaven · 1 year
ok first off - your gus fic had me on the fuckinf break room floor. Gus is SO FUCKING UNDERRATED!!!! it’s criminal!!!! if you write more for Gus, please tag me!! I want to write more for him on my other blog @dogshit-gambler and do not hesitate to request anything.
do you plan to write for any other operators? Horangi/Gromsko/Zero are also so underrated 😭😭
Also Ronin is so fine in the latest battle pass..
I'll tag you alright baby uwu
ACTUALLY i thought about writing something for REYES. BECAUSE THAT MAN IS ALSO UNDERRATED AF
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fic-heaven · 8 days
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The three fools
Random trope: You break up with them
Unedited/ mentions of homophobia/ cheating/ angst/ violence/ family drama
🐥I've watched too many reddit stories and needed to write sum succulent angst~😩
Gustavo Rodríguez (Gus)
-You broke up with Gustavo because he was more in love with his ambitions than with you.
-You had loved and supported him through everything his entire life, his passion for surf, his unbreakable love for his family, his silliness, his slight awkwardness on the first few dates you two had...
-But the day an eighteen year old Gus told you about this retired US Marine he met while giving surfing classes to some tourists your whole relationship changed.
-You loved him and he loved you. But suddenly the idea of protecting Costa Rica at it's entity from cartel and soon protecting the whole world... Made Gustavo's love for you lessen as his heart focused mainly on his new dream of saving lives. Or at least that's how you felt...
-Seeing him daily on the beach turned into three days a week, later one single day a week and soon it became a miracle. Oh but that was only when he was a cop... Once he got the chance to become more, a higher ranked officer with more responsibilies in other city?
-Gus went home that day (you two lived together then because of an ugly fight about him barely being in your life anymore) he was eager to tell you all about this new job and the excitement he radiated brought a weak smile on your face. You loved his passion, but you dreaded his absence...
-He said you guys had to move cities for this job and you straight up said "no." After a very heated argument about his job, about the life and family you were leaving behind because of HIS ambitions... You told him he could be free to leave.
-"There's no one I love more than you." You said.
-"Then come. Support me like you've always done! If I'm so important to you, mi amor... Why don't you please, PLEASE, come with me!? Cómo diablos is this going to work if I don't have you by my side!?"
- "I stopped being important to you the moment that American planted the seed of a new dream on your brain, Gus... Now answer me. Would you pick your dream over our future together?"
-He went silent, his lower lip quivering under his moustache. He tried blinking the tears away, big hands flexing on the rails of your porch.
-"I'll pack your stuff and send it to your mom's. Good luck on this new job, osito... I knew you could make it... I always have faith in you and I know you will do better for this country."
-The way Gus looks at you with betrayal and heartbreak written all over his glossy amber eyes will haunt you forever. And yet... You spent so many nights grieving his absence that breaking up with him now felt... Inevitable..."
-"Pero yo te amo, princesa-" He choked out in a sob, he was trembling, legs giving up under his weight until he dropped on his knees not caring if any neighbors saw you two.
-"I want to marry you... I want to see the world with you..." Gus cried, voice cracking constantly in desperation, his long lashes wet as fat tears un across his face. It was such a heartbreaking sight you felt like you were dying.
-"Don't make this more difficult than it already is Gus..."
-And with that, you closed the door behind you leaving a broken man on your doorstep. Soon his father and sister came to collect Gustavo's things without saying a word to you, his dad did look at you in sorrow clearly saddened by how things had turned. His sister? After collecting everything and before leaving she slapped you across the face and that was the last interaction you had with his family.
Enzo Reyes (Reyes)
-You left Reyes because he betrayed your heart.
-You two met when you were transfered from KorTac to SpecGru.
-You couldn't stand each other but eventually with much help from your two mutual friends and coworkers, Reyes relented on being an asshole and you actually started to enjoy his annoying self.
-A few months being friends was enough until you confessed and to your surprise he actually voiced his reciprocation. Though you never felt like it was sincere enough.
-One year together and the fights you used to have at the beginning before being friends returned. It came as a surprise, how irritable this man had become from one day to the other... It worried you deeply.
-So you did what you tried to avoid doing ever since the pointless fights begun. You have Reyes an ultimatum, and he laughed like it was the funniest joke, like he didn't believe you had the courage to leave him over how irritable he had gotten.
-You felt like someone had kicked you in the gut, it suddenly hit you that perhaps you truly were at fault here. That perhaps he was right, that you were seeing too much Into things and were being unfair and had to accept how your lover was.
-Enzo did seem less tense after seeing you less reactive to his sudden bursts of anger and weeks later, the Canadian could feel nothing but pity for you and shame on himself.
-He told you this while being drunk as a Dane. Though he never really explained why, you though he felt ashamed for treating you wrongly and you weren't that far from the truth.
-The reality was, Enzo started feeling bad about the affair he was hiding behind your back.
-Half a year of your relationship he had met this beautiful civilian girl who worked on a mall near the base and lived closer to his apartment. At first they just shared small talk as he was a regular at the coffee shop she ran, but soon he invited her to his apartment and many outings together (while you were off on missions too far to know what was happening) they begun having intercourse. It wasn't serious, just a quick fuck and she'd be gone.
-What Reyes realized when you celebrated your one year anniversary was that he had begun craving her touch so often while you guys were working or at base together it made him lash out to you for the stupidest of reasons. That's why he felt shame. Not because he was cheating you, but because he couldn't keep his composure.
-The fool thought he actually had enough reasons to cheat on you and promised himself that if you were to find out he'd straight up admit it and excuse himself.
-So one day you two sat on the old couch of the base, his arm wrapped around you while you scrolled through his gallery reminiscing in old memories Reyes had captured and held on lovingly on multiple albums on his phone. But something picked your attention.
-There was an album called "her". He didn't name it after you, like he didn't know your name, that's weird...
-But when you pressed to open it he was too late to make you unsee what you saw. There were tons of pictures of nudes and videos of himself and some other woman you have never seen. You were silent thinking at first that perhaps this was his ex and these were old pictures he had forgotten to delete... But looking at Reyes... He was already explaining the cheating like he was talking about his gym routine.
-You stand up then and he takes his phone from your hands with a quick snatched and a carefully put neutral expression.
-Enzo rolled his eyes thinking he'd have to endure your temper tantrum but thought it was fair since you always seemed to endure his.
-Instead you whispered with a constricting throat: "I'm sure she's worth it, Reyes." You never called him by his last name and he didn't like this broken side of you one bit. "Good luck."
-"Sure. Call me when you stop crying so we can talk this like real adults, we could even go on dates together. Wouldn't that be nice?" He smirked and you were gone.
-Reyes though you'd be okay by the end of the week but he never saw you again.
-His world crumbled on his shoulders when one of the other operators casually mentioned that you had gotten transfered once more.
-Safe to say, he had broken things off with the civilian girl and begun his incessant search of where exactly you had been transfered to. He wasn't going to let you go without a fuss.
Nila Brown (Nova)
- You left Nova because of her family.
-Your relationship with Nova was perfect, she was sincere, loving, caring and protective of you.
-But her family never took your relationship seriously, often calling you her "little friend" and her "Rebellious phase." That was when you two were teenagers. But she was a thirty year old woman now and they kept calling you that.
-You two had a little apartment near her base, you worked on a flower shop while she was dealing with cartel, terrorists of any kind and any danger imaginable around the world.
-To say you were worried about your girlfriend was an understatement.
-You often spent most Fridays on her brother's house, her little nieces and nephews always loved to see you and spend time with you as her brother and his wife went out. Of course you did it for free, they never fully treated you like family but you'd get there! You were sure of it! After all... Almost twelve years had passed and there wasn't even a picture of you on the wall of any of her relative's houses.
-You couldn't fathom on how many more years you had to spend with your loving girlfriend to call her your wife and be part of the family.
-You two had briefly talked about marriage before but it seemed a topic she wasn't comfortable on approaching. You sure it was because of the "light" homophobic mentality of Nila's parents but wasn't your love worth fighting for?
-Then an idea popped up.
-Maybe you had to show her how truly in love with her you were, how after eleven years together you were more than ready and willing to step up and marry her.
-You had your mother's ring your father had given you years after her passing because he was convinced (and very right) that you'd love to propose Nova with it.
-You knew it had to be now or never. So you spent weeks preparing a wonderful surprise for your girlfriend.
-When she came back from a long mission you had planned a beautiful dinner at your father's restaurant. He had placed a table on the garden you arranged yourself while the rest of the family hid behind some bushes.
-Nova was crying overjoyed by the beautiful date you had surprised her with totally clueless that her family had picked on your intentions of proposing when your father messaged them to come and support your union. They went bananas.
-When you finished dinner you had given Nila a beautiful speech of how lucky you felt for getting to spend so many years by her side and how you wished to make it official before you took your mother's ring and got on one knee in front of her.
-Her beautiful milky cheeks went red, eyes so teary with so many emotions she struggled to keep her sobs low. She was nodding eagerly, her delicate trembling hands reaching out your way so you'd could slide the ring on her finger.
-Your family cheered you two, your father and aunt going so emotional they couldn't keep their cameras still so they could film the moment perfectly. Your father actually was a little upset that Nova's family was arriving late but he didn't voice it out as he thought they'd be on time for the celebration. Your family was clueless of how cruel and disgusting your girlfriend's family behaved around you two because you didn't have the gal to tell them.
-They found out pretty quickly though. Because as soon as your family approached you two, Nova's mother rushed with this crazed look on her eyes and snatched the ring off of her daughters finger, Nova was horrified, her father soon following after along with her brother picking up a fight with your confused father who tried to calm everyone down even though he was clueless of what the issue was.
-You were stupefied as Nova's family had the balls to put up a fight with anyone on their way because they couldn't stand her daughter saying yes to you. A woman. Her childhood best friend. Her little secret and her personified rebellious stage.
-You cried as your supposed to be mother in law smacked you, scratched you and cursed you out in front of your family and girlfriend while you tried to take back the ring of your mother she had firmly tried to steal from you.
-Nova did absolutely nothing seemingly torn between her family's approval and the wellbeing of her fiance. The sight of you bloodied and in tears as you were attacked by the woman who raised her had broken something inside her, her heart beating so fast she could barely hear your pleas and cries for her to intervene. Nova knew then that any field of battle was far more preferred than the beautiful garden where your proposal had taken place filled with your families fought for your union.
-Your aunt had pushed the old woman off of you and had taken you inside while Nova did nothing but feel guilty as her parents scolded her instead of following behind you. She was in shock, she couldn't react and that'd be a regret she'll carry for the rest of her life.
-As it turns out, your father had kicked Nova's family from the restaurant and promised to file a report to the police if they were to come back or try to touch you in any way.
-You went to your father's home as Nova's mother had stepped on your mother's ring before your aunt could help you breaking the beautiful gemstone to pieces...
-You didn't hear a word from Nova until two weeks later, she tried to call you many times on that time but you didn't pick it up until you decided to meet with her at your workplace with your aunt because you were afraid she'd show up with any of her relatives.
-Nova was a wreck, she had bags under her eyes, she looked tired than usual, more tired than when she came back from any long mission. She sobbed when she saw you arranging the cash register. You couldn't look at her.
-When she begun talking to you, pleading to fix things and begging for your forgiveness you sighed still looking downwards.
-"I spent more than a decade with you. I had loved you unconditionally even when your family verbally attacked and humiliated me and you did nothing to stop them only making excuses after excuses." You were perplexed you could even say this without breaking down. Your girlfriend cried biting down her lip to contain her sobs. "But that night changed everything..."
-You were a husk. A shell of the woman she loves, like what happened had robbed you of your kind, cheerful spirit, like you were dead in life.
-"And I'm afraid... You can't do nothing to repair my broken heart."
-The moment your trembling fingers placed the broken ring of your mother on the counter Nila covered her mouth with her hand horrified at the sight a soft "B-baby..." Falling from her quivering lips. She felt nauseous, like she was about to throw up and you actually had to rush to lay her on the floor because she was loosing balance.
-Your aunt had rushed in when she saw what was happening and your now ex lay fainted on the ground.
-You two drove to the apartment you two used to share, placed her on your bed and called her brother. Your aunt told you to leave, willing to put up with the uncomfortable encounter but you refused.
-To your surprise her brother showed up with a somber look. Almost like his sister's. He sat on the couch as Nova had woken up and tried to drink some water. He couldn't look at you and you couldn't look at none of them.
-"I'm sorry." He said. But you stayed silent.
-"I love you..." Nova blurted and soon as she spot you. You were standing up then, you gave her a short glance, took your aunt's hand and went to your door. "Goodbye Nils. I'll grab my things tomorrow."
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fic-heaven · 1 month
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Fangs (Gus x reader)
Chapter 1. Calvary is here.
[Master list]
Slight gore/ s#xual tension
-Your team is assigned to rescue a valuable contact, things take an ugly turn. The annoying tension between you and Ghost had accompanied you for a very long time, long enough to realize there's someone else paying close attention to you.
You dreamt of mangled skin and blood dripping from your mouth.
Even in the darkness of the room you could taste it. You knew it wasn't real but you could still feel it's texture, the smell and the pained screams of Hassan Zyani. You can feel the weight of Soap's stare as he allows you to go wild ripping the terrorist quite literally to shreds with your own hands and tee, your lieutenant and mentor, Ghost, overlooking at the scene with the visor of his MCPR-300 until he decides to break the silence with a dry "target neutralized."
He was meant to take the killing shot.
Ghost was meant to kill Hassan when the terrorist intended to throw a fatally wounded Johnny out the window, but it was you who after making it to the right floor grabbed Hassan throwing him to the side with force dislocating his shoulder in the process, and instead of using your handgun or your knife to give him the quick death you were trained to give, you took a much more personal approach with a crazed look in your eyes. You ended him by ripping his throat open with your teeth.
"Wake up, Hound. Come on."
His blood was everywhere, you were coated in it. Bathed in a pool of red with your turbulent mind darkened by a thin layer of feelings, confusion about what you did, utter rage because of what he had done and what he tried to do to Johnny, a war's baptism.
(Y/n) died on that building and something else took place. A wilder more primal part of that dead woman you used to be awakened within you.
That's how they started calling you since then. The hound, Price's loyal dog. All because you killed that bastard Hassan as if you were an animal sinking your fangs on your prey's neck.
Larger hands shake you awake by your shoulders, your eyes flutter open and you are quick to spot a giant skull mask glaring down at you.
"Mgh... My god, Simon... Can't you wake me with a kiss? Is this how you wake every lady you sleep with?"You joke referring to your quick nap in separate beds.
Your lieutenant gives you a nasty side-eye hiding his amusement while collecting your gear from the floor and throwing it your way. You catch it with a huff then you put it on as you look around the hotel room Laswell had rented for your unit to crash in while you waited for the backup to arrive so you could begin the mission. Ghost then growled "Not happening. Also don't spill your wishes out loud, Sargeant. I don't have t'remind ya that fraternizing with your lieutenant is strictly prohibited." Ghost hoarsely says looking at himself in the mirror from the vanity near the door. He's probably checking on the black paint around his eyes.
"But are we not allowed to get a boner out of thinking 'bout it, sir?"
"Touché." He clicks his tongue.
Ghost will never say it, but he fucking loves when you get this foxy out of nowhere, out of the lot of you, (aside from Johnny) you are the one who appreciates more his dark humour and he adores the way it perfectly fits yours.
You wheeze out a laugh and rush to meet him at the door of your shared room "Come on, LT. To deny our biological needs SHOULDN'T be a prohibition, don't ya think?"
Ghost snorts, you march down the hall, his bulky body eating up most of your field of view.
"Masturbation between teammates could be an amazing bonding exercise! Picture it!"
He gives you a glance "I can picture that alright..."
You smack his back grinning "No, no, but take this seriously. Imagine the captain-"
Ghost abruptly stops when you reach the stairs to the lower floor making you bump against his back, he turns around, slightly lowers himself to your level and carefully takes your hands with his to then lean in weirdly close.
"You just killed the magic with one word." That earned a laugh from you, he continued.
"Listen. Price, Gaz n' Soap are in the other room with the three other operators from SpecGru. Remember what I told ya?"
You sigh and put on your metallic facemask that resembled a dog's growling snout before listing: "Stay professional, keep a low profile and don't talk unless it's needed."
Ghost nods and you fix him a sassy smile under your mask "Since when did you decide to baby me?"
-"Since you ran yer fucking mouth and confirmed the rumours were true-"
-"That only happend once and I was drunk, come on..''
-"Once is all you need for people to keep bringin' up the bloody topic. Now they know for certain it was you and not me who killed Hassan and how you did it." Ghost spat poking your chest with an accusatory finger.
You looked up at him in challenge, he didn't waver but you notice his breaths turning a bit heavy once you got a step closer.
"I can play nice if you want me to." Ghost's response is silence and you speak lowly and careful this time.
"Simon, you know I can take the cold Sargeant role like I was made for it, right? Come on, don't fret, everything will be alright." You are whispering now because you are not dumb, you know the effect you have on Ghost. Your lieutenant has known you for long enough to know you are just toying with him and yet...
"...I know you can." His biological needs haven't been satiated in nearly a year and never by you. His star pupil and closest friend, someone he could trust yet never had intimated with, not in that level at least. As he said, it's strictly prohibited to fraternize.
You slowly nod taking pride on his dilated pupils and slowly move to take the hand he was using to point at your chest lifting it to your face so that he is now covering your mask over your mouth "You have me muzzled, LT. There's nothing I can do but obey. I'll behave like your favorite Sargeant, as always." He shivered but played it off by shoving your face away annoyed, you crackled maliciously.
"You are Insufferable."
-"They had demonized her..."
-"Demonized her!? She ripped a guy's throat with her fucking mouth, Gustavo-"
-"It wasn't just any guy. Also that's rad as fuck, not gonna lie."
-"Reyes you are not helping!"
-"Good! Because I don't intend to help. Befriend the rabid bitch! The crazier the better right? Considering our line of work answer this: What's better? To have a crazy-dangerous ally or a crazy-dangerous foe?"
Nova pursed her lips as Reyes shot her a look that said "period."
Gus forces a tight-lipped smile "That about answers itself, hermano."
Ghost and you had walked to Price's room door where you were supposed to wait for him and the others but apparently the calvary had gotten in beforehand and decided to wait inside. You shared a look of surprise with the lieutenant, he lowly ordered you to wait outside to go in once the rest of the 141 arrived from the hotel's lobby where they were talking with Kate, but you played dumb and opened the door as casually as you could leaving an irritated Ghost following after you.
You two stand there in the now open door, the three operators sitting on the only bed looked up at you like three kids who just got caught doing something they shouldn't.
"Carry on. I love to eavesdrop." You humored.
The three of them looked your age, maybe a bit younger. A black woman with vitiligo, Nova, looked up at you filled with intimidation and weariness, to her left sat a man of pale skin and dark brown hair smiling widely with dark admiration and next to him there was a South American man with black, curly hair under a beret with a big moustache.
Once he saw your eyes lay upon him, the latin straightened his back. His golden eyes lit with recognition until his face contorted to a mix of his fellow partners' expressions. He looked awestruck, his golden orbes held a very noticeable admiration yet you didn't miss the nervous tremble on his hands before he hid them behind him in order to get up from his sitting position. You couldn't tell if he was excited or frightened.
Probably the latter judging by conversation you heard they were having plus your reputation...
"Sargeant Hound-...! My name's Gustavo Rodriguez, Costa Rican operator from SpecGru's private military company at your- at Captain Price's service." He explained, his body going rigid trying to show his respect.
"Gus, right? I saw your file on our way to Manhattan. What's a cop doing in the military?"
He could have very well turned into a tomato the moment he heard you had seen his file, Gus was quick to respond a little louder than before in order to muffle his partner's laughter at this whole interaction.
"I aimed to protect my country from cartel, mi sargento. But with no army where I live, once I turned of age i had to join la Fuerza Pública for five years until I was invited to join Costa Rica's Special Intervention Unit, which is uh... An Elite team tasked with matters of national security and reporting directly to the Minister of the Presidency."
You smiled amused and a little taken aback by his passionate spirit. "Until?"
You knew there was more to the story, after all he wasn't in Costa Rica. He was shoulder deep in the Terrorist shit your own task force was ordered to clean.
Fuck, SpecGru wasn't even supposed to be involved until Laswell magically appeared with the news that these three fools were contracted to help and support your team on this seemingly tedious mission.
-"Until two years ago when SpecGru was founded."
-"An opportunist, are you?"
-"Bueno, I like to say I'm ambitious. For the good of the people, of course... Not to impress your captain with a good CV."
You laughed at this, Gus smiled in delight instantly enamoured with the sound of your laughter.
Five years as a cop plus three in Costa Rica's SIU and two more years in SpecGru considering he entered the academy fast as hell equals twenty six years... How old was this sexy chunk of meat?
-"And how old are you?"
-"Just turned thirty, señorita."
-"Admirable. Happy birthday." You couldn't help but praise.
Your teasing nature quieted down at the presence of a promising lad working along your unit.
Gus smiled softly then, a sigh of relief scaping his plump lips. It felt good to be acknowledged by your idols.
You heard Ghost scoff behind you, Gus' two companions watch him incredulous because of his short (probably prepared) speech.
You ate up his delighted reaction trying to contain the toothy smile from under your facemask and slowly walked closer to him with a curious glint in your eyes and a small swing in your step. Gus didn't move a muscle, looking like a deer caught in the headlights.
"What do you specialize in, soldado?"
Hearing his mother's tongue from the one and only Sargeant Hound from the 141 he has heard so much about since he joined SpecGru made a shiver run up his spine.
"In hostage rescue and asset protection..."
Ghost looks down his watch inpatient to get this over with. Reyes, the other operator sees his opportunity to jump into the conversation seemingly as eager to interact with Hassan's butcher.
"Apologies for my brother in arms' fanboy moment. He was excited to meet you, after all... You could say we've got money on our pockets thanks to your bite." The Canadian jest with a teasing tone matching yours, he sounds so sure of himself you knew already this guy was one hot headed mother fucker with an ego that paired up well with Gus' humble nature and Nova's head-on-the-ground attitude.
-"Mind explaining that, um..."
-"Enzo Reyes, ma'am. Reyes for shorts."
You nod expectant. Reyes clears his throat.
"SpecGru and KorTac were founded after Hassan's death, your execution, as diabolical as everyone puts it, benefitted us greatly. So thank you, you crazy, cannibalistic bitch for giving us a job."
Your eyes widen at the crude wording, Gus looks away with a defeated sigh, Nova elbows Reyes' arm with so much force he smacks her arm back with a growl. Ghost did not like that one bit deciding to step up making his presence known in the room, anger emanate from his body mixing with the tense atmosphere.
"I like this guy." You laugh quickly dissipating the tension. You missed Nova's sigh of relief.
All of you quickly got alerted by the dry coughs of Price who stepped inside the crowded room with Gaz and Soap following behind. Ghost left space for his captain but you didn't, resulting in Price gently guiding your careless self to follow him with a hand in your lower back, like a father with a toddler. The captain sighed looking around the room making sure all of you were there.
-"I see we missed first introductions. Whatever, we can get started now that we're all 'ere."
-"About bloody time..." Ghost whispered and you snorted.
As the captain explained the situation, the three SpecGru operators stared analyzing your group.
All of you were attentive to your captain quickly leaving aside your shenanigans to pay attention to every word he said. After the hell all of you had gone through it was clear your loyalty to Price was unbreakable. Lord knows life has given you chances to leave the task force but none of you took them because you believed in what you were doing, because you believed in Johnathan Price, because you were proud to be part of something bigger than yourselves to help people around the world neutralizing threats so the future generations could live a more peaceful life.
Gus couldn't feel more admiration than he already did, his heart swell with pride and eagerness to work along you and he could already picture himself in the future begging Laswell and his Team Leaders to allow Nova, Reyes and himself the chance to work with you again.
The focused look in your beautiful, hypnotic eyes dragged the Rican back to the present.
To summer things up, one of Kate's valuable contacts from New York had gotten captured by an unknown enemy ready to be flown from Manhattan to another location she was still trying to figure.
The reason you needed these three other operators was because their german TL (Team Leader) was related to this particular objective. Stressed about the safety of his family member he sent three operators he personally chose to aid the 141 on the rescue as the hostage was equally important to both teams. Not to mention the amount of crucial information the hostage had.
Laswell had informed Price that the captured victim managed to send her a message saying he had heard something about being transported somewhere near LaGuardia airport until they could escort him to a secured plane.
"The message was sent from this location." Price said.
Gaz shows you the tablet he was tapping on. The pad reveals pictures of an abandoned psychiatric hospital in the middle of a gigantic clearing a few kilometers away from the airport they planned to take the hostage.
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-"Easy to spot us in such clearing..." Soap observes.
-"We could infiltrate in the night. Use the darkness to our benefit." Offered Gaz.
-"Nah, that's still too risky, they'd probably had transported the lad by the time we get there." Debated Reyes.
-"Besides, we would be risking the hostage's life if we wait any longer for night to fall..." Nova finally spoke.
The captain cracked his knuckles, his eyes fuxed on the tablet until he shot Gus a look of expectancy. He too had read his file judging by the way he expected him to suggest something, the Rican had enough experience at hostage rescue to know a better strategy. Don't underestimate the captain, he already had a plan to offer but he wanted to give the three new additions some time to prove themselves.
Gus brushes his moustache in thought. "The sewers." He mutters, one gloved finger pointed to one miniature in the sea of images from the tablet, the miniature showed a complete map of the underground tunnels that crossed the area. Soap agreed with a click of his tongue and a nod.
Price smiled widely, his eyes crinkling.
-"We'll use the sewers."
-"I bet they know we'll use 'em to get there." You said, Gus nods and Price replies:
-"They sure as hell know we'll do. But they don't know how many we are."
-"Or who we are." Ghost said with determination.
Diving through Manhattan's sewers was like walking around an scenario from one of those old horror games you play with Johnny on his ps2.
Not to mention it was confusing as hell... There were tunnels everywhere, Laswell had warned you about this and to pay careful attention to the map as well as the river of shit that ran through the tunnels, apparently this stinky nightmare of a place was plagued with crocodiles. No joke.
To make the trip even more fun, Soap had spotted a trap at the beginning of one particular tunnel that stink worse than the others and you instantly knew this was the one you had to take to get to the clearing.
-"That tunnel will get you to the parking lot behind the main building. Find a hole to crawl out of and get in there as quick as possible." Laswell's voice resonated from your radios.
You could feel someone's eyes on you the whole time. And although you always pretended to bask on any attention given, feeling someone's eyes on you constantly made you tick. So multiple times you had turned around only to find Gus looking elsewhere and Ghost keeping watch on the waters in case any croc decided to welcome all of you.
A distant booming sound made you all stop on your tracks pointing your guns ahead. Something had triggered a trap.
-"Probably a crocodile." Said Soap.
-"Or an enemy..." Smirked Reyes.
-"What's the difference?" You asked.
Your earpiece buzzed "For starters, the crocodiles don't have the brains nor the need to kidnap one of my most valuable contacts." Joked Kate.
The captain stopped all of you minutes after.
You all pointed your torches ahead, a litter of corpses spread across the tunnel.
-"We've got corpses 'round here." Gaz informed Laswell.
-"The hostage?" She asked, nervousness lazed on her voice.
The group begun inspecting the dead bodies, clear victims of various traps and mines around the place that the waters had dragged to your direction and got stuck in the junk and shit in the ground.
Most of them were dressing in matching dark clothes, others in casual wear, probably civilians who decided to dive a little too far where they shouldn't.
The ones with dark clothes held fire weapons, other than that they had nothing else.
"No trace of the objective so far..." You informed before the radio caught Laswell's sigh of relief.
Nova spotted one particular body at the further corner of the pit that caught her eye. She sat next to it, inspecting it's pockets with concentration until she stopped to wiggle on her spot.
-"Wot' am I sitting on?" Nova rose her bum only to stumble forwards with a yelp at the realization that she had fully planted her ass on an enemy's corpse. -"Shame it wasn't his face." She blurted out making Reyes snort.
-"The smell would have killed the lad instantly. But nothing compares to the smell of Manhattan's sewers...Worst mission of my fucking life."
-"It's Man-ah-Hatan, idiota" Gus wrongly corrected a few steps behind you. He was so close his sweet cologne almost covered the smell of shit.
Reyes' bark echoed through the tunnel making the rest of you turn to them wide-eyed.
The glare Ghost shot them three made you giggle, the captain didn't keep quiet either instantly snapping at them to focus, Soap being Soap resisted the urge to laugh along and Gaz gritted his teeth at the seemingly lack of professionalism. You just smiled widely under your facemask and continued inspecting the place sneaking a wink to Gus' way, he blinked surprised.
-"Forgive their idiotic behavior, cap." Nova sighed "I've found some keys."
-"Keep 'em. We'll probably need them in the future." Price ordered ignoring the apology.
Following the tunnel your group of eight encountered an intersection. Two tunnels that went in different directions made all of you look at the map until another sound of a distant explosion caused your heads to snap to the right, guns loaded and ready.
"I wonder where we should go now..." you sarcastically said.
This time you caught Gus' amber eyes quickly adverting his gaze somewhere else with a contained smile. Curious.
Walking a little further to the right tunnel, you found a monster of a crocodile the size of the old leather couch Gaz had donated to the base a few months ago laying on the ground with an exploded tummy, it's intestines spread all across the ground, brick walls and the black waters. To your horror the animal hissed somehow still alive after triggering a mine.
-"Oh my god."
-"And they said crocodiles in Manhattan's sewers were a myth..."
-"Look at the size of that thing. What the hell do they feed on down here?"
-"Dead bodies of dumb divers probably..."
Reyes laughed "Thank you Mini-Godzilla for eating enough shit to trigger half the traps 'round here."
Ghost surprised you lowly laughing to himself. Surely he had remembered the dog pun he told you and Johnny while being chased in Las Almas.
The walk didn't last much longer for when your knees started protesting you found a metal door rotten by the passing of time, as Watcher-1 had said, behind the door you found the parking lot near the main building where they guarded the hostage.
The captain had split the group of eight into four teams since the building was big as hell, and although Laswell had located the signal from the phone the hostage used to send the message, the captain wanted to make sure all the building was clear to proceed with the rescue instead of throwing yourselves directly where they had secluded him.
The building was rotten all over, there weren't any traps like on the sewers and you found little enemies to neutralize in the quietest way possible.
Exploring the abandoned creepy halls in the light of day with the captain wasn't exactly what you had in mind, you felt a tingle of disappointment that he hadn't paired you up with any of the new meat SpecGru had sent.
"You are my right hand. Can't do this without ya." That's the excuse Price gave you. But you suspect he just wants to keep you on a short leash. Because who knows, maybe one day the story will repeat itself, right? Maybe you'll go crazy or run your mouth like you always do... You grit your teeth in anger. The captain and the others will not stop treating you like a radioactive isotope until you get evaluated by a professional on the base and as it turned out he was took a well-deserved vacation before you had the chance to pay him a visit.
Reyes and Ghost encounter a two-way hallway where they parted to the right while Gus and Soap went to the left, the captain and you followed upstairs and Gaz and Nova went to the other set of stairs on the opposite wall. At first you only used knives because packing gun silencers didn't mean you'd kill in total silence, and with the crazy echo this big building had thanks to the lack of forniture and thin paper walls you could easily hear the enemies talking and patrolling around. But things changed when all of you heard a gunshot downstairs followed by pained grunts and an unfamiliar voice.
"Idiot! Watch your fucking aim!"
All of you sigh in relief, shortly after Soap had slit that enemy's throat and Gus had done the same with the other before they joined you on the upper level, though in different halls.
You all cleared the building fast, or so you had thought.
You only took your eyes away for a second inspecting various cushioned rooms infested with rats, Price was a few steps ahead of you on the same hall doing the same thing with the rooms of the opposite wall until he felt hot pain hit his shoulder, he grunts in surprise alerting you instantly.
Looking further from Price was a young man with a pistol, he had this face filled with warn daring price to take another step, he hasn't spot you yet, you took advantage of this crouching a little inside the cushioned room you were previously inspecting.
-"Fatima, Bilal, Mustafa, Omar, Abdul, Salem..." The enemy listed. "I could tell you all the names of the soldiers you and your team had killed and yet you would not care. I stand here with a gun on my hand pointing at your heart and you still look uninterested... You have no souls. Disgusting animals sent to kill us all, but Duke will make you pay for what you've done. For general Ghorbrani, for major Hassan-"
You launched forwards at your Captain's command, moving in zigzags dodging the numerous debrils, wires and junk around the floor, the moment the shocked enemy gathered his shit to point his gun at you his jaw cracked at the harsh impact you delivered with the butt of your chosen weapon instantly sending him to the ground. He screamed in pain chocking on his flowing blood but that didn't stop his trembling hands to try repositioning his pistol clearly wanting to go with a fight, though it was too late for the bastard because just as he got up you shot him on the chest at the same time rain of blood splattered to your face. Ghost had shot his head from behind when he heard the commotion. His eyes widened seeing your bloodied form appear behind the falling corpse, he froze thinking he had shot you in the head until-
"Oh come on, LT... I had it under control!" You cleansed your squinting face but you only managed to spread the blood and brain matter further. "UGH-... I need a fucking shower after this..."
Price rushed to you inspecting you pulling an equally worried Ghost aside, you did the same looking at his shoulder alarmed.
"It's just a grace, don't worry honey."
"Whatever old man... Just... Be more aware of your surroundings..."
Price shared a look with Ghost who quickly recomposed focusing on contacting Gaz, Nova and the others to keep their guard up.
"X ray down! And that's why you don't spend an eternity monologuing." Reyes humored walking in. The Canadian pushed the fallen enemy's head with the tip of his boot, his smile widening when he spotted your bloodied face.
"Gus would kill for this view~"
Nova's voice reached your earpiece "Cap. We found some makeshift cells. No enemies down 'ere."
"Copy. On our way..."
Walking to Gaz and Nova's position you found Gus and Soap along the way, and as Reyes had previously said, the eyes of the Rican were wide with worry until he realized you were healthy as a rose, yet his amber pearls would not leave your face for a second, not even when Price spoke or when all of you started walking. Was this guy smitten by you? It seems Reyes wasn't joking.
"Over there-" Nova pointed at the last cell to the further corner of the hall.
The Captain ordered Gus and you to investigate and Gaz and Soap to guard the entrance of the hall in case you missed an enemy while him and Ghost opened the door with some shears, Nova and Reyes were the first to go inside the pitch-black cell. Reyes lit the place with his torch and so did the captain and the lieutenant.
The body of the deceased hostage hanged from the ceiling by a metal hook that pierced his ankle. He was facing the wall before Reyes approached to angle the body to the light.
On his chest was a message that said "The hunt have just begun." Carved with a knife, the blood around the letters was dried to a very dark red almost black which meant it was scribbled long before your team arrived the building.
Nova approached the body with a perturbed face.
-"Holy shit, that's Karl... Team leader's son..."
Laswell's voice quickly reached your radios at this.
-"Is he alive?"
Ghost entered the cell. By that time all of you had turned to look inside as well.
-"Negative. He's dead, and by the looks of it, it occurred long before we arrived. The lad probably got caught sending you the text so they killed him."
The captain stomped in frustrated, then proceeded to inspect the body.
-"Sliced throat. They left a message on the body."
Price signaled Gaz to point his laptop's camera to the body letting Laswell see what all of you were seeing. She was quiet until she hummed in understatement.
"Captain!" Gus called from the other cell. Price looked to the right, sighed and left the cell to join the rican. You and Gus were inspecting a stock of documents near a laptop. Gaz entered the cell carrying his own to show Laswell the new cell.
"Sargeant Hound. Plug Garrick's laptop into the other one."
Gaz handed you a cable and you did as told, transferring every archive you could find inside it while the others swallowed the defeat in tense silence.
Soap was the first to speak up.
-"They called a name on their coms... Duke. I dunno, maybe he's the boss."
Now that you recall, the guy who tried to kill Price did mention that name.
"With a name like that he's gonna go mwaha-ha at some point, I just know it." Gus smiled at your humor.
Ghost smacked the cell's bars with frustration. "The bastard wasn't even 'ere. He must have ordered his men to pull this bullshit to call our attention."
Gaz massaged his temple placing down the laptop near you and the enemy's.
-"So he just placed this laptop filled with his malevolent plans near our target for us to find?" The brit said sarcastically.
-"Looks like it. There has to be more this than it might seem." Price hummed.
-"Maybe the target wasn't even Karl..." Nova said and all of you looked at her, her words making sense instantly.
-"Maybe WE were the target." She clarified.
-"If we are the target... Where's the ambush?" Gus voices out his anxious thoughts.
Reyes laughed bitterly.
-"That wit made us fall for it, Fuck! He even left a trail of crumbs for us to find and follow him into the devil's nest."
-"But where is this devil's nest...?" Price asked.
You lifted the laptop once you were done transferring the information and Laswell spoke up.
"Reyes is right. This... Duke, has kept a list of different locations on each archive. We must find which location he really is in and-"
You all waited a beat before the captain worriedly called out Kate whose voice went quiet as she read through the files.
-"This is serious, John. Duke isn't a nobody. He's the head of a mafia called Shiv Ka Haath, (Shiva's hand) from New India. He rules over a chain of different illegal businesses, each of them handled by people he trusts. A madam who owns the 70% of the nightclubs and brothels on the country, the head of a temple who traffics with weapons and drugs and lastly, his son, who has started his own busines organizing spectacles and fights of all kinds going from dogs, immigrants desperate for money to... even children fights. None of their names are mentioned but there's so much illegal activity listed in here...And that isn't all..."
You all listened carefully, realization hitting hard that this mission might hold more depth than you had initially thought.
"There's so much information here to investigate it's clear he wants us to find him. For now, take everything you can and go back to the base ASAP."
Price orders all of you to collect the Intel as he contacts Nikolai to take you and Karl's body back to the base.
The three additions to the group sat in silence staring at the distance. They were aware the moment TL read each of their reports hell will break lose, and although this meant SpecGru will get involved on this matter, Gus allowed himself to feel a greedy relief that he'll possibly work alongside your team again in the future. If TL and Laswell approve, of course.
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fic-heaven · 2 months
About Gus' personality, the things I want to portrait from now on.🐻👍
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🐥(I've been writing Gus so soft and sweet... Like he's all love and rainbows xddd)
So I think there's gotta be a change made. From now on I'm going to write Gus a little differently and I'm proud to say that I'll lean a little on Yasu's personality (from the anime called Nana) and Mother's Milk (from the boys):
He has a soft side like a big care bear but can be fierce when it comes to protect his loved ones. I based this on the fact that for the player to unlock him, they must make a number of assists.
He's very polite and knows how to approach people often stopping fights and helping other recruits integrate. It also shows on the way he fights being the perfect support for anyone who requires his help.
Gus is a little socially constipated. Even if he loves to talk to people he always feels slightly off with big and/or imposing groups of people so he tries not to stand off. Once he's a little nervous he starts ticking: will struggle to speak in english, play with a scrunchie, bounce his leg but mostly he will eat gum.
His family lives in Costa Rica, so he was taught to cook a variety of things. Gus has a huge passion for cooking, often volunteering to cook for any hungry person willing to eat a big amount of anything.
I know I used to write Gus as a shy UwU boy when he has a crush, but as I was playing the game i couldn't help but think that I didn't put that flirty and charming nature he has in-game, of course I'll still make him a bit shy and boyish but I'll be more aware of this detail next time.
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fic-heaven · 2 months
Why do our bfs sleep like they are on a renaissance painting?
My osito:
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What a dummy UwU he fell asleep on his cherry jelly!
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fic-heaven · 4 months
Brown eyes
(Jealous! Simon x reader x Gus)
A very short short of Simon's pov on your situationship with Gus mentioning Apple Pie flavored
Brown's the color of late autumn. Of hazelnut, of onyx, jasper and sweet hot chocolate you enjoy in the cold mornings of February.
Simon gave you a sense of security and authority, and with him, the 141, your family. Those brown eyes in the middle of the mist of black paint reminded you of their comfort and their love.
Lieutenant Simon "Ghost" Riley was as tall as a tree, rough like an untamed bull, his big hands only gentle when he touched you in any way, even during sparring. Though you never seemed to notice, and your obliviousness seemed to only lure him closer eager to see just how far he had to go for you to notice his advances.
"He's my mentor, my friend, my lieutenant."
Your brain fogged the idea of Simon ever being a romantic interest. After all, any short of intimacy amongst piers (specially your lieutenant) was strictly prohibited and Ghost seemed to be the most professional out of the bunch of you. So what exactly could lead you to think he would even try to woo you?
His eyes, they spoke a hundred words in a dialect you didn't recognize. Not in a person like him.
You liked brown eyes.
But add those brown eyes a hint of gold and they become breathtaking, godly even. A tiny detail you never imagined in such an eye color, yet when presented to you, they stole your breath away. Add to those brown eyes that hint of gold, and a patch of tan skin, a big round nose, now some dark, wavy hair like a sea at late hours of the night with a shine only reserved to the strongest light, and as if it isn't enough hair, a funny moustache covering half of the most gorgeous plump lips begging to be kissed and nibbled on.
His body as a whole, spoke volumes of his life, a bunch of scars from his hours of service and some other old ones along small tattoos here and there he gained on his youth working as a lifeguard and a policeman in the rich beaches of Costa Rica. He was muscular man, with a big back and huge arms resembling a bear, you wondered if he was was as hairy as one too.
He was breathtaking.
Gustavo Rodríguez. An operator from an international, private military contractor named SpecGru, and the apple of your eye.
A fear Ghost never thought he'd feel awaked the moment he saw your eyes sparkle with longing and awe at the sight of this nobody, of this... Random soldier, running through the field firmly gripping his assault riffle during a mission on a hot summer day hours before you could formally meet.
He had noticed your attraction to this man even before you realized it one day in the base while eating apple pie and giving Gus puppy eyes.
He had noticed before you because that's what Simon always did. He observed, he watched over you at all times, he knew you better than you knew yourself. After all he was your mentor, your lieutenant and one of your closest friends. He was your shadow, your greatest match.
You just haven't realized it yet, and he'll knock the sense into you somehow. That's a promise he makes himself everyday when he spots you and that nobody together
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