#gunna add the
generallyjl · 3 months
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truly a game changer episode of all time
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ventisettestars · 2 months
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@tourettesdog I had so much fun with this one! so many eels 💚
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rosedom · 2 months
The final semester is rapidly approaching in the akedemia
Both you and kuni have been overwhelmed with projects and assignments, who knew choosing the earth sciences would require alot of sample gathering? As for your lover he's been drowning in reports.
" those stuck up professors want me to use old research papers ONLY! Are you kidding me?! How am I supposed to write a paragraph let alone a whole report with such limited information?"
Even at home he's stressed. His hair resembles a washed out tamarind's pulp as he keeps messing with it, perhaps hoping to utilise it like an antenna to receive ideas from the gods that share the age of those dreaded papers.
The feeling of soft lips on his neck give his thoughts and abrupt stop. A gasp as soft as the fluttering cherry petals of his home escapes him.
" Come now dear, you look like you'll vaporise the next paper you see."
He cranes his neck up, looking at his dearest standing behind him with a tense squint.
"What else would there be left to do at this point? the report is due in two days, perhaps if the research paper mysteriously vanished the due date might change."
He knows that won't work of course; with the archon being active the scholars would probably grovel at her feet for a copy of the original work.
His beloved giggles and wraps their arms around him, lightly leaning over his chair to whisper in his ear:
"A break could help. For an immortal being you sure are impatient. Take a step back, Refresh yourself with something sweet and then continue only if you desire to"
"Desire, huh? This tedious task wouldn't even make it into my list of desires, however the lovely spouse I have at my side here definitely takes the top spot"
A small laugh escapes them.
"My, my, who knew the thing that'll break you out of your typically shy shell would be some report about a subject long forgotten. Though, I don't have any complaints "
He huffed in a fake scoff then angled his head to blow air into their eyes. Nothing to do with his vision of course, just a light tease to make them squeal.
"Ok fine! fine! no teasing. But I am serious about taking a break. you look worn out."
The tinge of concern in their voice made him wince then reminded him of his work. They're already done for this week and he to finish this before putting his head to rest.
They watched the puppet return to his pen and paper, almost seeming automated if it wasn't for the tension in his eyebrows.
They walked to his side, gently putting their hand on top of his to stop the rapid scratch of the pen.
He looks up at them expectantly.
"something wrong?" He knows what's wrong but he won't take any time to himself until the sadistic torture is done.
"Don't you think I've been good? I've worked very hard to finish all my assignments. don't I deserve a reward?"
He looks at them with a slight bushy haze, their pouted lips and sad eyes doing him no favour.
" O-of course dear, is there something you want in particular?"
I might continue later if I get a serotonin hit
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I MEANT TO REPLY SOONER >< but oh my goodness, yes . . . he acts so oblivious sometimes just to rile reader up !!
this is so domestic yet horny nhhh . . . reader's horny and kuni's overwhelmed, and neither of you have even touched yet . . . pls pls pls continue !! this is so sweet, i ADORE it. please indulge in yourself—life is too short to be hung up on being "cringe." do what makes you happy: i do, and that's what this whole blog is about: indulging myself !!
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perths · 9 months
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sugarpasteltmnt · 3 months
i'm going to update my spoiler's tag to #TNV Final Chapters Spoilers -- this will include things after Chapter 21 (Blue).
I'll start reblogging/answering asks tonight so if you'd like to keep from seeing spoilers, here's your chance! 🩵
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ickyguts · 11 months
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Did a fanart challenge thing with fliqpy >:)
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capricioussun · 19 days
I wrote this a few days ago and then forgot to post it ✌️
Some nice things for the uf brothers inspired by that ask, and since I'm more often than not too mean to them
> Back when Papyrus was a young teen, Sans found a walkman at the dump with some tatty earbuds. He cleaned and fixed them and found some tapes to gift it to Papyrus so he had something to help with his overstim whenever Sans wasn't with him (so long as he swore to never use it outside where someone could spring an attack while he was distracted).
> The first thing Papyrus did after becoming a guard was get warmer, sturdier clothing for Sans, and recycling their salvageable old stuff into extra blankets for him, too.
> Even though Papyrus was the one to make up a proper first aid kit, Sans is usually the one who restocks it on the DL, especially since Papyrus is the one getting hurt more often than not
> Not from either brother, but after Papyrus first joined the guard, and when Sans' drinking problem really took root, Grillby made a few unspoken gestures to reassure Papyrus that he'd keep an eye on him, and it helped probably more than Papyrus realized at first
> Sans would sneak into the labs despite his strong aversion from time to time to clear out any of the tabs Alphys kept on both of them, but predominantly for Papyrus' sake (and Alphys never really stirred any trouble about it because Asgore can keep his own damn tabs if he’s that concerned about them)
> Papyrus knows it's harder to be around monsters with LV after a judgment, and tries to avoid Sans/stay out as much as possible for a few days any time Sans has to perform one
> Mentioned it in the prior post already, but Sans mends any of Papyrus' clothes that get roughed up while working, barring the times Papyrus beats him to it
> In a similar vein, Papyrus was the one who made and stitched the patch onto Sans' jacket after Grillby gifted it to him. It's based on the dog unit's sigil (since they used to be part of it), and he used to have one too before he became lieutenant and started wearing (part of) his armor all the time
> Papyrus keeps careful track of Sans' expression/reaction whenever he "tries a new recipe" to see if he actually likes it, since Sans will lie and say he does no matter how bad it is (he keeps a list of the "recipes" Sans likes in a notebook)
> Whenever Sans scavenges, if he finds something for the both of them, he covertly gives the better quality/more functional one to Papyrus
> Papyrus will occasionally insult/shove/complain about Sans to discreetly reaffirm he still views him as his older brother, and Sans returns the favor by embarrassing/teasing/"harassing" him with jokes (because god forbid they just do those things because they are brothers)
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cree-future-rabbi · 1 month
when you literally have nothing to say as a prohamasshole, but like to talk...:
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Like wut... "this whole post is in english"
... no shit sherlock... what I'm Jewish talking about Jewish ideals so I have to type it out in hebrew? 🤣🤣🤣 fuckin idiot.
If it was in hebrew, it wouldn't be understood by the target audience.
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Why are they dressed up at the firehouse? (my theory)
TL;DR: Chief is going to run for mayor-Bobby is promoted as the new chief- Hen promoted to captain of the 118 permanently
The only time we've seen them dress up in their dress uniform is for either a funeral (Kevin) or for a passing probation celebration (Eddie). Now I would imagine dress wear would also be worn for any sort of commendation they'd receive for their hard work. But this is not something we've seen (although they deserve it) yet and honestly i don't think it would be a general like award for the team because the only thing that's been big enough to maybe warrant ceremony would be the cruise ship and the Chief would not give them a commendation for this. One because they went against orders and two because he's already stolen credit for it. Plus there at the firehouse and I feel like something like this would be done somewhere more public (like a city hall or something) but if the ceremony was only specific to one or maybe two people it would make sense it would be held at the firehouse. I'm also ruling out funeral cause I just don't think its that and theres no one to celebrate a probation with
I think it'll have something to do with the Chief and with Bobby. Now we know the Chief is gunning for the mayors job (politics oh boy) we've seen this in the way he's handled the incident with Hen (and the guys connections who he was protecting) and also in the way he took credit for the cruise ship rescue. Like Chief reeks of politics and so I feel like he's setting himself up to move into running for mayor (or any role within politics but Maddie made a comment about the Mayor soooo this is the path i'll choose) And I feel like Bobby is at the point in his career where moving up would make sense (I don't see him retiring ever). I feel like the chief has approached him and offered him the role of chief. I think they set up a ceremony with the ruse that Bobby will receive some sort of commendation for his years of service with the LAFD and so everyone has gathered for what they think is to celebrate bobby and it is just not in the way they think.
Chief announces he'll be running for mayor(moving to politics) and that in the transition period that Bobby will be being promoted to chief. Everyone is shocked but everyone is clapping and celebrating, Bobby get's up and makes a speech about his time at the 118, how they'll always be his family and that he's leaving them in good hands. Bobby then announces that Hen will be captain. This is a complete surprise as Hen wasn't expecting but then Denny, Mara and Karen appear and join in the celebrations as the news sinks in. Bobby steps down and says to Hen the job is hers only if she wants it and Hen accepts.
Also we get Ravi full time on the A shift as a fun little treat
Thanks to @buck-up-buck and @whollyjoly for letting me ramble. I also ramble in the tags XD
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nadjantipaxos · 8 months
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hexplaything · 4 months
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the shirt has to stay buttoned for work this time :((((
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heart-forge · 1 year
Days Without the Poll Feature
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capricioussun · 6 months
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It might’ve taken two weeks and be messy as hell but my hand is working enough to draw and that’s literally all I care about 🎄❄️✨
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jabthemoth · 1 year
Having a normal one with the Warriors ai
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starheirxero · 3 months
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hey do you still like pjsk
N25 MY LOVES......
YES I DO!!!! I just haven't played in a minute so they're no actively in my brain rn..... I've been meaning to pick it up again recently but things in robotland have just been WILD 😭 Maybe later today or tomorrow tho I'll play again.....
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cannibalkisser · 21 days
A list of things that I think are intimate, but I’m slightly deranged
*eating any kind of medium-rare red meat by yourself
*drinking tea at night with someone
*Biking and passing a fellow biker nd u both smile a little
*spraying a letter to smwn with your perfume
*moving someone else’s warm laundry
*Cleaning up a friend’s vomit
*Driving together at 5:00 am, no music
*Sharing a beverage
*Sharing soup
*sharing soap
*Being at a canyon by yourself at night in the winter
*Licking the blood off your fingers after popping their zit
*baking together
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