#gummy reptile somewhere
Could you put gummy in dialtown please
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That's a fucking phone dating sim??
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bootyyy-shaker9000 · 2 years
random TMNT headcanons that I conjured up while on sick-brain
notes and contents: for any/all iterations, non specific. a lot of self indulgence (Gender-Neutral! Reader), relationship is intended to be platonic, but it's pretty much up to interpretation. physical affection. mentions of turtle biology.
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• Being friends with the turtles consists of sending them a message while you're up late at night asking if they wanna grab some food, drive around aimlessly or somewhere specific that sounds unheard of at such a late hour, and them saying "aw hells yeah" and meeting up with you as soon as possible.
• It's more often than not that his mattress breaks and tears from the blunt edges of his shell digging into the material. Or if he lays on his back more, there'll be sagging depending on where he lays the most that will be bigger than the average butt dip. Basically, sleeping in his bed means you'll get the occasional spring jabbing into your ribs or end up rolling into a dip whenever he moves. It isn't exactly easy for him to get a top notch mattress in the first place so good luck with that.
• If you're a manga/anime geek looking for which guys to geek out to then Leo and Mikey are your guys. They have a handful of volumes from different manga that they found from rummaging up top, but none that are from the same series so they have a lot of mismatched knowledge on them. Casey is the one that indulges them in all the anime that he loves and it isn't uncommon to find the three gushing about the respective shows they're watching together. If you're into that, they'll let you get in on the action! But you're only gonna be watching it in sub. None of them will budge for dub, soz bro (unless you have an impairment that requires otherwise, then they'll make the exception for you obvs).
• Heavens hope that you're a human radiator because these guys Need That. He will be clinging to you the majority of the time if you give him the permission to. He'll even do the cricket thing and rub his legs and feet against yours to build up some of that cozy-cozy heat. And if you're not naturally warm-bodied? Then expect to be bombarded by plenty layers of blankets if you're hoping to cuddle with him man, you're going to have to make up for the loss of heat somehow. He might get a little petty about it, might not. I mean, you humans ARE supposed to be warm-blooded but whatever 🙄
• He's almost always cold to the touch (tends to be worse during colder months), but if you've had physical contact with him for long enough, e.g. you had a hand resting on his thigh or face pressed to his plastron, the spot warms up under your touch easily and lingers for a while after pulling away. So if you've been cuddling with him for long enough under a bundle of covers, you're eventually gonna have a toasty turtle (fat chance of you getting up for whatever reason now pal, rip to your bladder).
• The guys don't get the proper amount of exposure to light as they should do for turtles, as they require appropriate levels of vitamin D to allow the absorption of calcium from the gastrointestinal tract. Calcium is the most important mineral in a reptile’s body and Donnie knows this, has done for ages. One day he confided in April about it and now, to this day, April buys them all vitamin supplement gummies that she's adamant about them keeping up with. Fuck knows how they managed to make it this far without them man.
↳ Eventually, April invested in getting them an appropriate basking lamp fitting for the four of them because she was seriously concerned over them never having one in the first place. (Fact: UVB (Ultraviolet B) is crucially essential for turtles because the lack there of can disrupt proper shell and bone growth, as well as making them ill and die long, slow, painful deaths from metabolic bone disease. Seriously I DON'T KNOW HOW THEY MANAGED SO LONG WITHOUT IT). After being educated by Donnie and doing her own research on testudine biology, she became greatly paranoid over their health for the long-term and still is to be honest. She just really wants her boys to be okay and properly looked after :/
• Hugs are really appreciated amongst the four. They're nice, loving and Warm. Whether it's a quick side hug or a long embrace, he's ecstatic enough just to have his cheek nuzzled against your warm one and you encased in his arms.
• With nerves in their shells that lead back to their nervous system, the guys can feel their carapace and plastron being stroked, scratched, tapped, or otherwise touched, and let me tell you each and every one of them would be oh so grateful if you gently did as such. It's less likely you'll have him asking for it, but he definitely wouldn't complain if you casually start stroking over the scutes in his carapace. Scritch scritch a little bit too, that'll definitely hit the spot. Get a body scrubber and some skin-sensitive soap, scrubbadubdub on that shell and you'll get a happy (and partially clean!) turtle.
↳ Linking back to the cuddling, he definitely wouldn't mind being a little spoon. The warmth of your body seeping through his carapace is the quickest way to getting him settled, cozy and maintaining his general body temperature. 
• Occasionally, if they're feeling too cramped in their shells, they'll exhale air out of their lungs which makes a noticeable hissing sound. It'll happen at any time, any place. Don't be too spooked when you witness this for the first time, you'll get used to it. Eventually.
• Kind of expected, but Leo will make brews for everyone often if you're all hanging out together in the lair. He'll only make tea, and if you wanna keep your cards right - and be a nice enough friend - you'll accept it every time. He'll jazz it up with different flavours that they've got in store so it isn't the same drink every time, but if you're in the mood for something more caffinated, you're looking at the wrong guy to make it. He just doesn't think coffee's all that great and subtly tries to urge those around him to avoid it because he cares :) don't take it personally :)
• They have a massive intrigue towards hair - because they don't have any! Yeah sure, dad has fur, but there's something different about their human friends having hair long enough to play with. Dude, if you have hair and are comfortable with others touching it, the turtles'll play with it all the time. Just sit yourself in front of him on the floor while he's on the settee and just let his fingers roam the surface area of your head. Got a buzz cut? He'll run his palm across it over and over again 'cause Woah it tickles. With hair that's any longer, he'll card his fingers through it, tussle it, lift it up just to let it run over his hand and/or braid it if he's been doing it for long enough to learn how. He'll honestly have a blast with it and so will you. Trust me on this, I'm doing you a favour here (they've already been doing this with April and Casey for years, it won't take them long to rope you into it too).
• Cuddle piles?? Hello??? Dude, huddling together during a movie night with the gang just to finish it off with falling asleep holding onto one another because you're all close enough and shameless towards being that affectionate with each other?? Catch me joining in on that shit.
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hello 👋🏻 i love your ons writing so far and now I'm here to request some kissing/cuddling headcanons for Urd and Ky please.
Crash! Bang! Thudthudthudthudthud! Sounds of a 5’2 midget desperate for validation falling down the stairs. A cat screeches in the distance. I skid into the room with a cartoony sound effect, before tripping over my own two feet and falling flat on my face.
A NEW?? REQUEST?? Absolutely! I actually like writing Urd a lot more than originally I thought I would. There will come a day when I get tired of getting asks... But today is not that day!!
Urd Geales
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Image my lazy ass found on google- ^
💡 kisses and cuddles are strictly an in-private thing. He has a reputation to maintain! Even when it's just the two of you, he's still unlikely to initiate. Don’t try to initiate in public, he will push you away.
💡 Very slow, tender kisses. He's such a gentleman! He would never do anything that isn't ok with you. Despite not having a lot of experience, he's surprisingly well-read. His lips are very soft, even if they’re as cold as ice! They’ll warm up the more you kiss, don’t worry! (contrary to what most writers seem to think, vampires don’t radiate cold. They’re just ectothermic. Like reptiles.)
💡 His favorite kisses are quick pecks on the lips. Greeting kisses, goodbye kisses, good morning kisses, good night kisses; quick and simple is what he likes. A kiss on the cheek or forehead is also acceptable.
💡 Urd actually likes cuddles a lot more than he lets on. It's very relaxing, and heaven knows this poor vampire needs a bit of relaxing after work. He's quite literally got the weight of the world on his shoulders, and it's very fortunate that he has you to remind his workaholic ass to take it slow and rest.
💡 He doesn't really have a preference for big or little spoon, either is fine. He does, however, like when you lay on him. It doesn’t hurt him, especially if you’re tiny, it’s just like a weighted blanket. And if you’re human (which honestly is pretty unlikely with how uptight he is), he gets the added bonus of you being warm.
Ky Luc
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🔹🤎 Unlike Mr. High-And-Mighty Vampire King, Ky has absolutely no opposition to PDA. He'll probably give you surprise kisses or random hugs absolutely anywhere. I've said before that Ky is like a diluted Ferid.
🔹🤎 Very excited, sloppy kisses. He has no idea what he's doing, but by gosh is he trying his bestest. Definitely not as much of a gentleman as Urd, and he will let his hands wander all over your body while you kiss. You might have to slap him because he touched you somewhere you didn't want to be touched. No worries though, he won't do it again once he knows you don't like it.
🔹🤎 Did somebody say ‘The Pocky Game’?? Even though his technically-dead body can’t digest pocky, he still loves the game. And he will play it with more than just pocky. Anything decently long (or not) that has two ends for people to eat from is fair game. Spaghetti? Sure! Gummy worms? Absolutely! Twizzlers? Definitely! Literally anything will work.
🔹🤎 His favorite kisses are neck kisses. I bet you thought that would be Ferid's thing, huh? It is, but it's also Ky's thing. Ky is second only to Ferid Bathory himself when it comes to teasing, and he loves to fluster you. He'll sneak up behind you, grab you, and attack your neck with kisses. He might nibble a bit, but not full-on bite. It’s against the rules to drink directly from a human, after all, and he doesn’t want to disappoint lord Geales!
🔹🤎 Ky is the cuddliest little fuck out there. He's usually the big spoon, but he isn't opposed to being held and fussed over. He loves to just smother you with his body and wrap his arms (and legs, if he can) around you. He loves to have you on his lap, too. You won’t escape his grip. This is your fate now. You’re stuck with just letting him snuggle you, and there’s nothing you can do about it.
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ratts0up · 4 years
cotton candy. rocky road. cheesecake. salted caramel. chocolate marshmallow. dark chocolate. key lime. green tea.
3 places I'd travel to? Anywhere in Europe, South Dakota, and Portland.
Favorite songs atm? Reptile- NIN, then came the last days of may- blue oyster cult, yellow box- the neighborhood, year zero- Ghost
Zodiac? I am a Virgo. 9-11-01 wowie
Favorite movies- kill bill vol. 1 & 2, nightmare on elm Street, pulp fiction, labyrinth, insidious was actually pretty good too.
Favorite brands of candy? Cadbury, toblerone, trolli sour gummy worms and hichew :)
Turn ons 👀? Choking, slapping (sometimes), degrading, biting/neck kissing, handcuffs/being tied up, if you look like you could kill me, intelligence, yanno love and affection.
Where do I want to be right now? Anywhere but here honestly. Somewhere I'm allowed to be happy.
Favorite flavors of ice cream? Cotton candy, coffee, a good original chocolate, green tea :)
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Good Omens Chibi Headcanons Part 2
Headcanons for if Crowley had his own little chibi. (Got inspired by cute chibi fanarts I saw on here made by artists with the usernames asunnydisposish and kimmigawa.) THANK YOU TO @luna-sheep FOR READING THIS FOR ME!👍
Part1: https://enchantedchocolatebars.tumblr.com/post/186828312632/good-omens-chibi-headcanons-part-1
Part3: https://enchantedchocolatebars.tumblr.com/post/187062920297/good-omens-chibi-headcanons-part-3
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Chibi Crowley:
• Okay, so imagine Crowley, right? Only he's alot smaller, cuter, a bit mischievous and hyper, oh and is 10 times more dramatic. That's basically Chibi Crowley in a nutshell.
• Chibi Crowley thinks Crowley is the greatest and coolest thing ever!
• He looks up to him almost as a role model figure.
• Because he sees him as a role model, Chibi Crowley will try and emulate almost everything Crowley does. (Yes, that includes his walk.)
• Likes that he's allowed to sit in the front of the Bentley whenever he and Crowley go somewhere so as long as he agrees to buckle up.
• Speaking of the black car, Chibi Crowley sees and treats the Bentley as a person and friend. It was just such a great car to him! He loves how Bent (yes he gave it the nickname Bent) is able to take him and Crowley wherever they need to go with style and speed!
• When it's parked, Chibi Crowley likes to hop on top of the hood of the car and pretends as though he's really driving it, making car driving sound affects and all.
• Is an excited, squealing happy laughing mess when Crowley does 90 miles per hour in Central London. The little guy just LOVES it when his big counterpart goes fast! He also loves it when Crowley speeds past other cars because he always thought that he and Crowley were in some sort a race and they were the ones who were winning! He'd go up to the window and make silly faces at drivers as if saying "Na-na na boo-boo! You can't beat us!"
• If Crowley is in the mood, I can see the two of them going on alot of small little road trips together.
• Probably one of Chibi Crowley's favorite things to do with Crowley when they're driving around in the Bentley is lip sync to his best of Queen tape. It's a fun, goofy platonic bonding experience for the both of them. And trust me, when they lip sync together in the car to Queen, they are so EXTRA about it. They even go as far as making up their own little choreographed dance for some songs. Is the dancing good? Not really, it's actually quite dorky, but hey they're having fun being dorks so it doesn't really matter.
• Their drama queen meters rise up incredibly high when Bohemian Rhapsody starts playing. The passion and extraness they put into the lip syncing is too funny.
• When the music ends, the two can't help but laugh at themselves. Crowley will ask Chibi Crowley if he would like to do it again for a 12th time, to which he replies by shaking his head yes.
• The tiny demon really likes it when Crowley shows off his more fun side in the car. He's glad to have a goofy, cool snake friend like him.
•Their little road trips would usually end the same way, Crowley would be driving at night heading back to his apartment and Chibi Crowley would be in the passenger seat sleeping. On the radio, the song that would be playing is "Pale Blue Eyes" by Velvet Underground. (https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=KisHhIRihMY) It was one of Crowley's favorites, and the slow, calming music was used as a way to keep Chibi Crowley asleep until they got back to the flat.
• Chibi Crowley loves being roommates with Crowley!
• As soon as Crowley would arrive home, you'll see Chibi Crowley in his snake form quickly slither over to the other demon in an excited manner as Crowley opens up his hand for the little snake to crawl on and the chibi would go straight to biting his finger. He'd be all like "om nom nom!" It was his strange way of saying 'hello, hi, yes, I missed you, welcome back home.' Since the biting didn't really hurt him due to Chibi Crowley being the size of a tiny baby snake, Crowley didn't mind. He found it to be endearing in a way.
• Chibi Crowley absolutely adores gummy snakes candy! He loved the sweet, chewy taste they had! His favorite part had to be their heads. He just loved biting their little heads right off! Crowley got a kick out of tempting and enticing his chibi with them. The serpant shaped gummies were also a great way to keep Chibi Crowley occupied while he was away.
• When the houseplants heard the news that there was another demon living in the flat, they were beyond terrified! One demon was already a challenge, BUT TWO?! Just the thought made them shiver in fear. As the plants prepared themselves to meet the EVIL, TERRIFYING, fiend, they see him and...oh. He...wasn't as they imagined him to be. He was...rather small. Tiny even. And...REALLY CUTE! The plants all thought that Chibi Crowley was the cutest, wittle munchkin ever! The little demon had a problem with that though. He didn't want the plants to find him cute, he wanted them to fear him just like they did Crowley. Time to put the fear of Crowley - or rather the fear of Chibi Crowley - into them. And that meant being mean. He'd constantly glare and hiss at them and even yelled at them in chibi gibberish to 'grow better!' But, despite all that, the plants only found him to be even more cute, which irritated him.
• Him and Crowley visit a reptile museum together! (Mainly to observe and check out all the cool looking snakes there.)
•While there, Chibi Crowley somehow finds a way inside one of the big snake vivariums and is amazed by all the different types of snakes he sees in there!
• The snakes don't really react to seeing Chibi Crowley. They just continue doing what they usually do. The reason for their lack of response is because in their brains they're saying 'it's just another snake but...with legs, hair, and sunglasses??? Huh...odd.'
• Chibi Crowley starts happily petting the snakes. Wow, they feel smoooth~
• He's having a sticking out your tongue contest with a brown snake.
• The chibi demon even decides to sit on top of the back of a green emerald tree boa. He gives the snake a loving hug but it doesn't react to the affection at all. It instead slithers about, giving Chibi Crowley a sorta piggyback ride.
• Chibi Crowley goes full serpent and is at one with the snakes. Aaa he loves them all! The tiny red head wishes Crowley would allow him to take the snakes back home to the apartment with them so that the snakes could become his new pets.
• Him and Crowley both have fun scaring annoying people using their shape shifting powers.
• Crowley gets for him a tiny miniature wine glass so that he had something to drink wine out of.🍷
• Crowley also gets a remote controlled 1934 black Bentley toy car for his chibi as a little demonic gift. The car looked almost identical to his. Chibi Crowley's reaction to it is that of a young child who had just received the present they've been asking for all year on Christmas, which meant lots of over-the-top excited squealing and constantly saying thank you really fast. Finally, Chibi Crowley will get to sit in the driver's seat and drive for once! He gets inside the vehicle and Crowley uses the controller to accelerate the car. It began zooming around all over the place! Chibi Crowley loved his sweet new ride!
• Chibi Crowley plans on taking Chibi Aziraphale on a drive with him someday in the toy car.
• Chibi Crowley and Crowley's relationship is a mix of a cute close friendship and a sorta almost father and son dynamic/bond.
• Just like Chibi Aziraphale's feelings towards Aziraphale, Chibi Crowley liked Crowley alot and was glad that the both of them were friends, but he too was slightly envious of his bigger counterpart as well. Crowley didn't have to worry about getting stepped on, he could have all the wine he wanted, he's able to hold the green plastic plant mister and mist the plants, and best of all he got to drive the Bentley wherever he wanted whenever he wanted. It wasn't fair! How dare that snake be big enough to do all those cool things! (Again, it's meant to be a cute jealously. Chibi Crowley still loves him!)
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" Oh, it's a blanket day? Ok? That's ok! " Joni plops down beside Arthur. " I was coming to tell you thaaaat I got the ok to have a pet in the apartment! And! I was coming over to invite you to come help me pick out one? Because I don't know? But it's ok, it's blanket day so I can do it later. Er. Do you need anything? I've got some lychee-flavored gummies...here somewhere they're really good..." ((touchstonedreams))
“I think I’m gonna pass today. Someone dropped off some pizza.” He chuckled. “My favorite kind too- so I’m gonna fill up. It has seafood on it but you’re more than welcome to some if you want. I’ll definitely help with the pet later though- dogs are great, but I also highly recommend rodents. Or cats. Or hey- reptiles are good too. Always wanted to have a snake or a lizard as a kid.” 
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put the silly gator in Blooming Panic
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I didn't expect so many dating sim requests-
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put him in the stanley parable reassurance bucket!! he deserves some reassurance after that episode!!
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can you put him in the pitcher of Mabel Juice™
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put him in omori
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Put Gummigoo in the prize corner with Matt (DSaF)
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Put him in Pomni's room, they should be roomates!
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Absolutely they should.
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put him in the flipside from dsaf
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Could you put gumigoo with Kinitopet :D
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Gumigoo at the Oscars (Doesnt matter where or which one)
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Put the guy in dreamlight valley
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