#group: carnival
smolcrow465 · 10 months
an old lark meme to get something in his tag lmao
meet my son, everyone. he's horrible & I love him 💜
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fisheito · 5 months
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(3) remaining
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cathalbravecog · 5 months
more work on my carnival/circus + casino cogs!! they're very sillay and self indulgent because if you don't know by now i love designs with suit symbol themes + cards game themes in general (which is why hr was such a bit hit w/ me) (IM LITERALLY CALLED GUZMA SPADES if i shorten my name PLEASEEEEE)
i've been struggling with jack of all trades for months now - and finally sitting down and designing the cast of cogs that's supposed to come with them really motivated me. feels good to sit down and just do a design without stressing over it. JOAT will still take a while to finalize, as will everyone else - but i am very happy what i've got so far! carnival barker needs work though, i don't like him very much yet but i suppose that was my rushed attempt to make his head design not be an obvious a furry artstyle.
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at least currently, they do not belong to any particular departments. they're sort of supposed to be their own thing. my idea for them that they'd function as contractors - one day settling in toontown with their circus hoping to get new attention on their show (seeing as hr's show was a hit, and they're very familiar with who they are. this follows my headcanon and story that high roller is not non-canon and sticks around as a separate being from dave and buck obviously)
perhaps getting toons to visit their carnival and circus is just the right thing! but, of course, that doesn't mean they're not shady - it is very much so a cog carnival, still.
perhaps they don't ever work or contract for cogs inc ever, but they still mutually agree to let their carnival happen there. and so they don't have official departments? since to me those mainly exist within cogs inc and not the whole cog society. i still gotta figure it out! but i'll do that once their designs are more set-in-place and they have deeper dynamics between each other. especially JOAT who feels disconnected from the other 3 to me.
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reggiejworkshop · 1 year
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"Warner Crew At The Carnival"
Dr Scratchensniff thought he knew what to expect when he along with Ralph took the Warners out to the local carnival. Helping the Warners win Pinky and the Brain at a shady ring toss game was not one of those expectations.
The two lab mice had previously undertaken another one of their world domination schemes when one of the local carnies had mistaken them as take home pet prizes.
What followed would be an intense competion between the Warner Crew and another visitor from the reboot, body builder and new special freind, Nils Niedhardt.  Two Hundred rings and several stuffed animal plushies later, the lab mice rode away safely in the shirt pocket of Ralph the secuirty guard.
Ralph giggled as the mice wiggled inside. "Theys tickle me!"
"Gee, Brain. Who knew we'd finally get a free ride for once? Narf!" said Pinky.
"This isn't the kind of free ride I had in mind." Brain complained. "In fact I finds it's hygiene questionable. Why does he smell like coconut...?"
Ralph was also carrying two of the Warner Brothers in his arms.
"Look at it this way, he's a ride you don't have to wait on for once!" Yakko responded.
"Thanks for helping out with that last game, Scratchy! We were started to get tired" Wakko said as he reached for the cotton candy in Dr. Scratchensniff's arms.
The psychiatrist looked up in shock. "You kids are actually tired? For once?!"
The two adults were suprised at how well behaved the Warners were today compared to how they usually acted in the past. Normally it ended with the both of them chasing the trio all around the carnival, several vistors being at the mercy of their 'special freind' antics and moderate property damage, but today was relatively normal for them. 
Aside from the ring toss, there were only a few other incidents.  Dot and Yakko tightrope walking across the beams of the moving ferris wheel.  A pie eating competition that ended with Wakko in the first place and Ralph with a face full of coconut cream. And Scratchensniff nearly losing his lunch when the trio took control of a rickety spinning tea cup ride. 
Dot, who was resting on his shoulder peered near his ear to respond.  "We've been tired, our youthful demeanor just hides it well."
"Besides, now that our show is done, we finally have a moment to relax for once!" said Wakko. "Being zany to the max was starting to feel like work again"
Scratchensniff nodded in agreement.  "Well,  you three have been natural at this for years." 
The trio had been ramping up their antics for the reboot's abrupt final season. But the extra pressure of pleasing their eager fans made them work harder than ever before.
"Yep. But we're cartoon veterans now. We need some time off " Yakko responded.
"Dahhh, Veterans? I didn't know theys brought back the draft!" Said Ralph.
 "So what do you all  have planned now the shows over?" Scratchensniff asked them.
"Catch up with all the HBO Max shows that haven't been taken off, yet." Said Yakko.
"Update my Master class on nunchuck lessons." said Dot.
"Maybe visit Slappy Squirrel, or our old CEO" Wakko added. 
His older brother shook his head. "I don't about that, T.P is probably still comatose when he found out Ralph became CEO at the end of season 2"
The guard huffed indignantly. "Noes he wasn't! He was just personified with joy!"
Scratchensniff was about to correct the guards words usage when Yakko asked him. " What about you?"
Scratchensniff blinked at hearing that, he wasn't expecting to be asked about it. "Well, doing my job of course. That and looking out for you three, Which also my job"
"Wow,  we thought you would retire the moment the show ended!" Wakko exclaimed. 
The psychiatrist smiled. "This world is cuckoo enough as is, but if I am going to deal with it, I'd rather it be with you"
The trio smiled at his geneniunely sweet response.
Yakko looked over his shoulder. "How are you holding up back there Nils?"
The muscular overgrown adversary in question was carrying the group's victory spoils from the ring toss game.
"Hating this..." Nils grumbled. The stuffed animal plushies towered above his head.
After being such a great sport during their competition. The Warners let him pick out one to keep for himself. He ended up picking one that visually matched how he felt, a pink jackass.
I seriously had to force myself to keep this story from going on too long.
I had been meaning to do another digital painting for a long time.
But I wanted to go for a look that was more refined than my other ones. Something a little less sketchy and rough.
And with the shows final season out now, I finally felt  motivated to do it with an idea I had been sitting on for a long time.  The final season of Animaniacs actually ended up being really enjoyable and ended with a bang! ( Granted not the one the fans nor I were expecting)
So I decided to do a group shot with Warners and freinds again, but this time in a fluffy casual setting. 
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brownskinclownskin · 5 months
Clown Make Up Event on Discord
Join us Saturday to do our clown makeup together and just hang out and stuff.
Clowns. Jesters. Fools are all welcomed.
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czigonas · 9 months
Saw this image of Soap and Ghost enjoying the spoils of a carnival/fair and my brain immediately went instead to Actually They Are Both Carnies AU.
(I am going to preface this by saying I am much more familiar with American traveling carnie lifestyles rather than the UK [do they... even do those over there?] or anywhere else, so that's what I'm basing this on. This is set vaguely late 80s-early 90s in my mind.)
Ghost has been working as a carnie for a very long time. He basically grew up on the fair circuit, helping his dad as soon as he was old enough to carry things and count out change (and do a little pick-pocketing on the side).
Old Man Riley runs a ring toss booth, though not well. He's constantly on the bad side of the man that owns the ring toss trailer but they keep him on the job because, when he's sober, he's charming enough to pull people in and keep them playing. Problem is, he's increasingly not sober. Simon's tall for his age though, so, as soon as they can pass him off as 14 (he's about 9 or 10), the lead has a few of the other barkers teach him how to draw people in. Look charming, smile wide, get them to see you as a friend, play the part and get paid. Simon hates it, but he does what he's told because it keeps his mom and Tommy housed and fed.
(Lead's wife is pretty good about keeping odd jobs set aside for Simon's mom at any time of day she needs to escape. Lead's wife can't interfere every time, but she and a couple of the other carnies do try to minimize the abuse by offering legitimate ways to get away for a short time.)
As Simon and Tommy grow, Old Man Riley steps back more and more. He's almost never sober anymore and rarely seen anywhere near the booth-fronts. He's a terror in the back lots, and burns through a lot of the goodwill the rest of the family manages to generate among their fellows. Tommy starts being trained up taking tickets at a fun house, and he's good at it. He's not as conventionally pretty as Simon, but he's flirtier, more attuned to crowd moods, and much more willing to bark, so he does well pulling.
As soon as Simon's 18, he joins the Army. He's always liked the travel aspect of carnie life, but he hates that it's seasonal work and the months and months of downtime. He never grew to enjoy having to put on the charming mask to draw in customers. Instead, he leaves with the lead's grudging blessing and a promise to his mom and Tommy to catch them up at whatever stop they're at whenever he has leave.
The Army is... nice. It's not necessarily a life he wants to live forever, but for now it's different and yet still enough like what he left behind to satisfy. He ends up having to take an extended leave right after basic to sort Tommy out, though. Drugs have always been passed around pretty openly around the booths and caravans, the the Riley boys had never partaken. His mum had sent a letter that Tommy had been getting into them and not handling it well. She doesn't say it outright, but Simon blames the old man.
He finds an unexpected ally in Beth, the daughter of the man widely acknowledged to be taking over as lead when the current one finally retires. It's not exactly an advantageous match for Beth's family, but she's stubborn and has made up her mind. She wants Tommy and she's going to have him so long as he wants her back. Together they get him clean and Simon gives the pair of them his blessing and a good chunk of the money he's saved over the years.
(Tommy uses it to buy his own caravan so he and Beth aren't imposing on their parents. They both agree Mrs Riley can stay whenever she needs. The old man has been getting worse the more he sinks into the drugs and drink. He'll need to be left behind soon, but no one can agree on where. There are a lot of jokes about ditches and empty fields. [A good number of them aren't jokes.])
Simon heads back to the Army with a lighter heart, ready to do his duty knowing his family is once again as safe and happy as he can make them. They exchange postcards and letters when they can, e-mails when they manage to find somewhere to send one from. Simon doesn't make it home in time for Joseph's birth, but he sees him as often as the leave schedule allows. Everything is good for a few years.
Then. Roba.
Ghost crawls out of his desert grave and, while the Army welcomes him back, they simply do not have a place in their ranks for a dead man. They want to forget the betrayal by one of their own and the loss of a whole unit of promising soldiers; sweep it under a rug and never speak of the shame again. Ghost gets an honorable discharge and several discreet leads to a few PMCs and even the CIA if he wants to stay fighting near the front lines. He doesn't.
Instead, he goes home. He takes what's left of his belongings, the rest of his pay, the survivor benefits in the name of Simon Riley's next of kin, and the hush money check thinly disguised as a pension and goes to find his family. He finds them happy, safe, and sound. Joseph is thriving under the attentions of both Mama Riley and Beth's parents. Tommy's in charge of a handful of booths now, and Beth is running their section of the back lots as well as any sergeant Ghost's ever known.
He gets himself a little trailer to sleep in so he's not imposing and slides back into the crew so easily it's almost as though he never left. Except now he has a mask he won't remove for anyone. The lead sets him up doing mostly setup/tear down, but supplements his time with stalking the fun houses and dark rides to make sure no one's slipped off into a corner trying to get frisky or burn the place down.
Sparks and Washington, when they show up, don't make it far into their convoluted revenge/enticement plot against Ghost. Tommy ends up losing an eye and an unlucky witness gets Sparks' knife to the ribs, but at least they'll both live. The same can't be said for the two ex-Army men.
The carnies close ranks when the authorities show up. They blame the injuries on an after hours party trick that got a little out of hand and accept medical treatment, but offer no information that would lead to any charges being filed against anyone. When they move on to the next show, they leave behind two unmarked graves that will lay undiscovered on those grounds for decades to come.
(The road out of town ends up with one of its own, and Old Man Riley is guaranteed not to bother anyone any further. The crew doesn't take lightly to rats.)
Life slowly crumbles its way back to a semblance of normal. A few stops later, they pick up a few new additions. One of them happens to be a brash Scottish man who comes highly recommended by the head of another crew named Price. Johnny "call me Soap" MacTavish immediately gets on Beth's good side (and Ghost's annoyed one, much to his chagrin).
Still, this Soap guy is kinda growing on him. Just a little.
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hcadlesshuntcr · 7 days
Eirnin says he's not easily manipulated but then his partner looks at him with big sad eyes
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ifjgh · 1 year
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Been going gaga over the character designs for Welcome Home, and along with some friends, made a fan-character sketch for funsies! His name is Ferris Treble, and I dunno does music stuff, but has social anxiety and narcolepsy. He's far more fun to draw then I thought I he would be, so I might end up doing more with him.
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pwurrz · 9 months
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he’s such a sweetheart i’m crying
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sneekysoft · 4 months
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𝐊𝐎𝐑𝐖𝐘𝐍 & 𝐃𝐄𝐒𝐃𝐄𝐌𝐎𝐍𝐀 — 'cause i'm not here to try to find a reason i'm just here to give you something you can lean on @harpersheroes
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fisheito · 19 days
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let him speak
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multishipper-baby · 2 years
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Yep definite brocon.
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sexypinkon · 4 months
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Sexypink - Carnival shows aplenty.
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badolmen · 2 years
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I don’t know who needs to hear this but obsessing over and labeling every aspect of your human experience isn’t healthy or productive or conducive to the human nature of growth and change.
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Free blocklist in the notes <3 have you considered that you may be a part of the problem?
#ra speaks#personal#real bean talk#but like. if you want to use labels for everything that’s great - fandom labels/preference labels/etc. are all well and good#IF if they make you feel happy and supported by a community of similar people#BUT if that ‘community’ of ‘similar people’ is so rigid and self canibalizing that you don’t feel like you can drop that label#without risking retaliation…that’s not good or healthy and you need to drop everything and run#I’ve seen it in vegetarian circles and hunting clubs and fitness trainers#I’ve seen it in fandom ship communities. I’ve seen it in sports team fans. if you are genuinely afraid/anxious abt the reactions#‘your people’ will have if you either aren’t constantly hyper vigilant to confront ‘the others’#or lose interest or change your opinions#thats not a community that’s a culture of fear and violence that’s going to chew you up and shred you to bits because that’s all it knows#sorry I saw some fandom wank on my dash and it was like. oh you people actually treat this silly stuff with extreme paranoia#like a full on dogwhistles and ‘xyz but STEALTH signals’ kinda stuff you normally see for like. terfs and white supremacists.#but for the most vanilla and not that rare shipping pair in a mid tier fandom#this wasn’t some small post either it had 2k+ notes like 👀 have you maybe considered taking a step back and reevaluate your choices#t*rfs if you even look at this I am throwing you in one of those terrifying boat rides they have at carnivals#labels like ‘gender critical’ in your bio mean you ascribe to the predatory label groups I’ve described in my tags#if you bother to read my tags this isn’t about queer labels specifically I didn’t even mention them bc there are already posts abt that#microlabels and other labels are good if they make you feel good but have the choice to not use them or change them if you change#love light and lignification <3
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jays---wing · 8 months
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going thru it
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