#griot is really my son fr
update: THE FULL CHAPTER ONE IS OUT! and its got some changes lol. hope y'all enjoy!
hey y'all. I've been super MIA with my writing (sorry again lol) but here's a lil sneak peak for a series I'm writing (very slowly) I hope y'all enjoy! I am down incredibly bad for these two science gays and I am also needing some angst and fluff to heal me lol. here y'all go!
s/n: some of this is subject to change, and this hasn't been proof read jsyk. when this appears in a chapter, it might not look exactly like this. I just wanted to give y'all a condensed feel for the story. you feel me?
taglist: @mybonafidefeelings @maysflourish @lppriceisright @nanajen8 @mysticalmarss
dividers by @firefly-graphics
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Shuri paced the room that seemed to be growing smaller by the millisecond around her, searching for something - anything - inside of the brain most people considered the smartest in the universe to offer the scientist in front of her. She found nothing but the desperation she had been pushing down since the moment they met.
A desperation that mirrored the effects of the herb she had reproduced, also made from the desperation to save something that she felt was slipping through her fingers at the time. Just like the herb had founds its way through her body when she first took it, this feeling spread from her throat as she choked when their eyes met as she pushed herself into the dorm room she was once again standing in. Down to her chest, pulling heart strings she didn’t know she had. Plucking them in a rhythm that felt intrinsic, ancestral, almost painful in the way that they made everything feel super imposed. She felt her toes and she felt her finger tips and she felt the curls framing her face dance above her eyes ever so gently. It spread through every atom that comprised the panther and she could barely breathe. She felt everything and she felt nothing, like she was sinking in an ocean of clouds. She could barely look at the woman who was staring back at her with a look of confusion, and an equal desperation that she couldn't explain.
Shuri still had nothing to offer in terms of speech. She paced at a speed that had only just registered as super fucking fast, clearly adding to the concern building in Riri's eyes.
"Shuri-" Riri started, but couldn't even try to finish as her voice had triggered the awaiting and building eruption in Shuri that it always did. Riri, if she did anything to Shuri, she made her feel things she wasn't used to feeling.
"Anything you want, just name it. It's yours. I'll make it happen. I'll build it myself. Just please don't do this. Please." Shuri froze in her place, finding herself begging for something she couldn't explain. She knew she was almost yelling at the other woman, which she would never do but she couldn't find the part of her that could compose herself. She was thankful for the kimoyo beads she had scattered in the room when she entered, enabling a silencing mode and cutting through anything that the government had tapped in Riri's room.
Riri froze too, only moving to fumble with her fingers nervously. She didn't have anything to offer the panther, the queen standing in front of her. She didn't have anything to comfort her friend. The woman she loved more than she could explain, let alone fully grasp yet.
"I don't... I don't want anything from you, Shuri... We both knew this day was coming, I thought you were.. I don’t know... It almost felt like-"
"Please, Ri. Please. Just find something and I'll do it. I'll make it myself if I have to. Please just find something else."
"I don't want... I don't understand, Shuri. We only talked about this like twice, I didn't even think you cared that much or even had time to care about it... or me, really. Just... lets just sit down for a second." Riri tried to redirect, trying to give herself time to figure out what was going on. She felt her mind trying to run back through memories and conversations the two had shared in the past year and some change, but it was few and far between that they ever really had time to talk about their lives in depth. Riri had shared her plans a few months ago and hadn't really heard much back from the woman standing in front of her looking like she was fighting a battle she wasn't sure she'd win. Riri had committed herself to this, and now Shuri was trying to offer her a chance out of it. She didn't know what to do or what to think. That's something she felt often with the panther, she figured out. She had zoned out for only a split second before Shuri was grabbing her wrists and looking in her eyes.
"Riri, I'm begging you." Shuri stared into the Iron Heart's eyes, searching for something she knew she was missing. Something she needed the way she needed air, she felt. Riri searched back, trying to decipher something Shuri wasn't ready to let her see.
"Shuri, you know I feel responsible... But, I just.. I don't understand what's going on. What's wrong? Please just talk to me. It's okay." Riri tried to pull them closer, tried to grab the Panther's hand but her grip was too tight around her wrists. Shuri relaxed it, she hadn't intentionally been holding on so tight but she wasn't ready to let go. She's never been ready to let go of who she loves. She saw that same resolute look in Riri's eyes that was always there when she was sure about something. It broke something in Shuri that she knew she couldn't mend on her own. One final try, she told herself.
"I will give you anything under the sun. Please just don't go with them. I- I know you're trying to help and change things for the better, and you will. But not like this. Not until it's safe. He will find you, Riri. He will do anything to get to you and to get back at me. You know this and you still choose to go? Please. I will give you access to all the technology Wakanda has to offer, just please find something else to focus on, to take place of this. Please."
Riri tried to pull her closer again but the panther moved back, sending a shiver of rejection up Riri's spine.
"I don't want anything from you, Shuri... I just want you. I just want-"
Shuri felt her body getting hot and somehow freezing at the same time. Riri just wanted her? But she also wanted to go on this suicide mission, which is what it was regardless of what Riri thought of it. She fought back the defensiveness she felt crawling up her throat like it always did when she was hurt. She didn't want to lash out on Riri, she only wanted to protect her. She only wanted her to be safe, alive. She only wanted her. But it was to no avail. She felt the ferocious beast pull itself through her. She scorned herself as her words burned their way through her skin, landing on Riri's.
"You just want whatever you want. You just want to fight whatever moral war you have going on because you're the one who survived! You would give up your life for what? For who? Not for my mother! Not for me!"
Riri hadn't noticed the tears stinging down her cheeks until she saw the ones pouring out of Shuri's. It was something she had never seen before. She had seen Shuri lash out, though. She knew this was just the first wall of defense the panther had when she felt hurt, afraid, abandoned. She couldn't take this personally, though she had to fight back the sting of the words as they came at her. She reached out to try and touch the woman in front of her.
"Shuri, please. Let's just ta-"
"What?! Sit and talk? For what? For you to tell me again why you have to do this, why you have to go? Do you care so little for me? For yourself?"
"You know that's not true!"
"Why wouldn't it be true?! Ungayenza njani le nto kum!?"
"Please just listen to me! I don't know what's going on but we can talk about it! I'm right here, I'm right here!"
"But you won't be after this! You don't have to do this! Just let me try, let me show you that there's other things to give you purpose! PLEASE!" Shuri felt herself starting to cave in, her chest becoming a cavern filled with the screams of the orphaned girl inside of her. The girl who needed her family. The girl who couldn't save her brother. The girl who was held back from her mother as she drowned. The woman who loves women, specifically the woman in front of her who was planning to give herself up. She couldn't keep it together. She couldn't breathe. She couldn't think."
"That's not for you to decide, Shuri!" Riri shot back, starting to feel the same layer of armor pull itself over her. She didn't like being yelled at. It triggered something in her that she herself had pushed back as far as it would go. She just needed to get Shuri to listen to her.
"I don't care! You can't do this Riri!"
"Please stop yelling at me!" Riri gave in, covering her ears and turning her back to the panther, who felt herself go still. She hadn't meant to unleash this part of herself. She felt embarrassment mix with her desperation, afraid she had only made things worse. Who was she to be trying to control the actions of a woman she only met a little over a year ago? Who she was just friends with, and barely that if you based it off what normal friendships looked like. They rarely even spoke for longer than a few minutes every couple days. Shuri felt herself starting crack, she felt like she would disintegrate if she stood there any longer. She had done enough damage. She and Wakanda and the Talokan had put Riri through enough. She felt bad. But she also knew who she was, herself. She was the most powerful person on the surface world and she was the Queen of the most powerful nation in the world. And she was in love, helplessly, with Riri Williams. She would not let her go again.
"I am sorry for coming here and making you upset." Shuri said blankly, masking any emotions she had just shattered into the room as best as she could to regain any self control she had left.
Riri turned around, tears still swelling in her eyes. She hiccuped and it made Shuri's heart pound.
"I-it's okay. I just don't like b-being yelled at. Can we just sit and talk?"
Shuri nodded, knowing Riri needed a minute. Riri turned to grab a blanket off her bed to wrap herself in as she took a seat on the floor infant of her bed. She closed her eyes and took a few deep breaths before motioning to Shuri to sit next to her. Shuri stared at her for a moment too long, before kneeling down next to her. They sat in silence that wasn't comfortable for the first time. Shuri mirrored Riri, taking a few deep breaths. Riri felt herself relax, misreading the quiet sigh Shuri let out.
"Are we okay? I don't want us to fight. I just... need you to help me understand why you're so upset. It didn't seem like you even really cared about this. I know you've been busy with what you have going on so I just figured this... I.. wasn't really on your radar anymore."
Shuri stayed silent, fighting that feeling nudging her.
"Please say something." Riri pleaded quietly after a few too many more moments of silence. She couldn't stand it. Neither could Shuri. She needed to escape. Get out of the room, out of America. She needed to run and scream and break something. She needed to kill Namor. That was her only option, once again. She knew it would come. She knew the fate of her country would be in the air again. But she also knew that Riri's life was once again in question and there was only one answer Shuri would accept. She would deal with the aftermath the same way she had been. She would accept whatever came. She knew she wasn't thinking clearly but she also knew she couldn't live with herself if Riri wasn't alive tomorrow, and that was enough for her right now. If Riri wouldn't listen, then there was only one choice.
"I'm sorry I yelled at you, Riri. It won't ever happen again."
Riri was startled at the sincerity in the Panther's voice. She was confused why that was what Shuri felt she had to focus on in the midst of whatever the hell was going on.
"It's okay, I promise. I'm not mad at you for yelling at me. I'm just confused..."
"It's not okay. This, whatever you're planning, whatever he's planning... none of this is okay." Shuri said, pinching between her eyes as she tried to swallow the same beast from just a few minutes ago.
"Shuri... it's not like before. It's not about him. It's not even just about what happened in Wakanda. You know I'm Iron Heart. You knew I was going to start doing these things at some point. Please just try to hear me..."
"I have always heard you, Riri."
Riri digested that sentence with a gulp. She replied after a moment.
"Then let me hear you, for once. Tell me why you're here. Tell me why you're reacting like this. Tell me who you are and what you're feeling. Let me in, Shuri." She said, reaching out to grab Shuri's hand again. The Panther's hand was hot, almost burning. She didn't pull away this time.
"I'm here because I lo-.. Because I won't let this happen." Shuri caught herself before she said something she couldn't explain. Riri looked into Shuri's eyes with a pleading, less sure look. Shuri couldn't hold it this time. She couldn't freeze. She couldn't tell Riri. She reminded herself what happens every time she loved someone. She reminded herself of what she was capable of and what needed to be done. Regardless if Riri ever shared her feelings or not, she would swear her life to protecting the woman until the day she met the ancestors. She would do whatever it took, every time, no matter what, she resigned to herself. She squeezed Riri's hand.
"What're you gonna do? Lock me in my room, Shuri? I don't get what's going on!" Riri pleaded.
"I would never. You are not a prisoner or someone I want to control. You are free to do as you please, just as I am. Please understand that much."
"What does that mean... Wait, please don't go!" Riri tugged back at Shuri's hand again as the Panther got up to leave. Shuri looked down at their hands touching, taking in every second that their skin touched. She brought their foreheads together and closed her eyes.
"I will protect you with every part of me. The cost will never be too much."
"Shuri, please don't do what I think you're about to do..." Riri pulled Shuri's hands into hers and brought them to the sides of their faces. They were so close they could feel each other's breath on their lips. Riri prayed in her head that Shuri would listen to her, knowing the strength and power the woman in front of her wielded. Shuri choked out a pained laugh before kissing Riri's forehead and pulling away, taking in the scent of Ghanian Shea Butter and the sweet scent Riri always had.
"Andizukuphulukana nawe. Ndiyakuthanda, Riri Williams."
Before Riri could open her eyes, the Black Panther was gone, the sound of a closing door shaking Riri to her core. She felt like she was in shock, having nothing to do but curl into a ball and pull the blanket around her body, covering her face as she let the rest of the tears fall silently. She laid there for what felt like an eternity until she heard a familiar voice call out to her.
"Miss Williams?" Riri jumped up, running around her room tracking down the voice. She picked up a purple and black kimoyo bead and held it up, suddenly seeing several others connect like magnets from across the other corners of the room.
"Griot?!" Riri both yelled and whispered.
"Hello, Miss Williams. Are you feeling alright?" Griot asked as the AI began taking a scan of her body to check her vitals.
"I've been better... what's going on? Why are you here? Not that it's not nice to... well you get what I mean!"
"It seems you have suffered a panic attack of sorts. Please get some water and take a seat before I proceed."
Riri rolled her eyes with a tired huff, giving in because she knew Griot wouldn't budge until she obliged. She grabbed a half empty bottle of water from her desk and sat back down near her bed, pulling the blanket up around her. She suddenly felt the absence of Shuri in her space and fought back the tears threatening to make way through her as she pulled the bracelet on, watching it activate.
"Feeling better, Miss Williams?"
"Just Riri is fine, and I guess. Can you explain what's going on now, please Griot?"
"Yes, Miss Riri." Griot replied as a hologram of Stark Tech floated in front of the scientist. She felt even more confused.
"Why are you showing me Stark Tech?"
"The panther has created and assigned your own AI for you, it's name is VIV. It is nearly identical to the JARVIS, or Vision, that Tony Stark had."
"What the fu-"
"The Panther also has an updated version of your vibranium Iron Heart suit on it's way to your lab location, or garage currently. She has given you access to me as well, with some restrictions. She has instructed me to inform you of this."
Riri sat in even more shock than she was in before. She was even more confused about Shuri's intentions now. More confused about her feelings, than anything. She replayed the words the panther had said to her before she left. Did she say love?
"Can you translate what Shuri said to me in Xhosa before she left, Griot?" Riri asked, hoping for some clarity. Griot calculated for a moment, before answering.
"It would seem I am not permitted to complete that task at this time, Miss Riri."
Riri felt a pang of frustration rise in her, as she let out a laugh.
"Of course not... Can you tell me where the panther is right now?"
Griot took a moment again before answering.
"The Queen is currently on her way back towards Wakanda, but it does not seem that she will be there for long. Would you like me to contact her for you?"
Riri sat for a moment, considering her options and her own feelings.
"No, that's alright Griot. We're going to my lab. Can you help me boot up VIV when we get there? We're going on a trip."
"As you wish, Miss Riri."
Riri stood up, grabbing a hoodie and sliding on some J's. Before she walked out the door, she slid on the kimoyo beads and asked a final question.
"Oh, one last thing Griot. Can you turn on privacy mode? I would like my location hidden from everyone, including the Panther. Can you do that?"
"It seems I can, but I would not advise that action Miss Riri. There are safety protocols in place that the Panther can activate for you remotely."
"That's fine, just turn it on. I have my own safety protocols."
"As you wish, Miss Riri."
"Thank you, Griot."
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putting this here too:
chapter one (full chapter)
hehehe, lmk how y'all feel about this lil sneak peak!
hope y'all drinking water and getting y'all coochies ate (if that's what you want, but either way drink some water mf!) 💜🖤❤️🩶
(also, s/o to everyone in the taglist for continually being real asf, super trill and so kind and supportive of my writing and just me in general. mad love for y’all and i can’t wait to continue reading all the amazing things y’all write and create! y’all inspire me so much and that’s why i even have this page and why i even found the energy to write this short sneak peak after a crazy past few weeks and more to come. love you gays! 🥹🥰🤪🤣)
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ooglyboooglybitxh · 11 months
Since y'all asked😭:
𝐍𝐚𝐡𝐢𝐫 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬
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mom!shuri, mom!reader reader & shuri’s child
contains: HOLY FLUFF, a little bit of angst, kissing mentioned
[]: Born: Nahir M/N Udaku, July 23, 2022, 4 pounds, Sex: Male, Blood Type, AB positive, Allergies: None
[]: He has Y/n’s long frizzy hair and Shuri’s face. Like if you were to look at both of them side by side you’d think they’re twins
[]: He can eat spicy shit, i mean it comes from his Dominican and African side. So he aint really phased by it
(A/N: bro the other day my mom flamed me for not finding anything spicy and she said: “Thats bc your nigerian mf, you are from africa” 💀 and idk really eat african food fr so i wouldn’t know if it’s spicy or not😭)
But anyways💀 back 2 the headcanon
[]: If he wakes up before Shuri and Y/n he’ll climb out his crib and get on the bed and start bothering them until they give him his needs. He’ll tug on Y/n’s hair and hit Shuri.
[]: he LOVES Riri and Riri ADORES him. If Shuri and Y/n need a break she’ll always be willing to take him unless she’s busy.
[]: He will NOT go to sleep without his turtle plushie and if the turtle’s being washed he’ll probably be willing to sleep with one of his spider man plushies but usually Y/n washes his plushies together at the same time. So he won’t go to sleep until their done washing.
[]: he LOVESSSSS baths especially when he gets to use the bubbles, oh yep- its a wrap he’ll be in there for about 20 mins tops. after his done getting his bath he’ll play until he has to get out.
[]: He has this like thing for turtles… he loves them why?. Only God knows.
[]: The first time he ever stepped into Shuri’s Lab. God this boy didnt keep still at all he kept touching everything.
*Nahir giggles* as he crawls around Shuri’s lab
he crawls over to the molding station and Shuri immediately snatches him away from the area
“NO! shit, here just sit by me ok?…stay” Shuri says sitting him down on the chair next to her station, trying to keep him away from dangerous things and objects around the lab.
Shuri turns back to the console now completely focused on the console. Nahir sneaks away quietly and crawls to the hallway
“Panther, Nahir is in the hallway” Griot says warning Shuri
Shuri immediately runs after Nahir and grabs him from behind
*Nahir giggles* at Shuri’s firm hands tickling him while she picks him up
“Where are you going?. Eh, little one?” she says putting her on the same chair.
She stares at him for a second slowly turning back to the console and Nahir tries to move again but Shuri catches him
“Aht Aht” She grunts grabbing him as she gets an idea
She adjusts her Kimoyo Beads to Child Mode, as she does this her child reaches for her wrist wondering what the thing is glowing on her wrist
“Ehh” Nahir whines reaching for his mother
“Hang on” Shuri reassures him
She slides the beads off her wrists and gently grabs her son’s wrists, gently sliding them onto his.
“mmm” Nahir coos becoming interested in the beads tapping on them
Shuri does know how but he opens a game after a couple more taps, thinking she would have to turn on the game for him
“Brilliant..” She says as her eyes widen
She smiles softly at her son’s quick wits figuring out how to work the Kimoyo Beads at 7 MONTHS!?.
maybe just maybe….. he’d be as smart as his mother one day. As she thinks that her smile grows wider kissing her son’s forehead.
[]: When ever he gets angry at Y/n he’ll nudge into her or hit her and Y/n makes a death face at Nahir. And in fright he’ll coo into her or hug her basically apologizing
“yeah thats what i thought”
[]: He watched Lilo & Stitch and boy he lovesssss Stitch after he watched it he was pretending to be Stitch
“iiiii” Nahir yells flopping around on the bed
Shuri and Y/n chuckles
Y/n checks her phone:
10:09 pm
“Time for bed mhijo” (son) Y/n says to Nahir.
“ehhh” Nahir whines and pouts
[]: Y/n and Nahir stay up late often to watch tv and eat snacks while Shuri sleeps through all the noise knowing it’s them causing racket.
[]: If a character in a movie is sad or something he’ll go: “aww” which is so adorable to witness 🥹🥹
[]: whenever he has nightmares in the middle of the night he’ll cry loudly, waking up his parents
if its Shuri she’ll immediately jump out her sleep and pick him up
“Shhhh its okay unyana i’m here stop crying its ok”(son) Shuri says trying to calm down her son she picks up his turtle plush and tries to give it to him.
If its Y/n she’ll grab him, lay him on her chest and rub his back.
“It's ok Mhijo“ she says rubbing his back
[]: He hates it when Shuri and Y/n Kiss. Like he actually loathes that shit😭. If he’s near them when they kiss he’ll yell and hit the both of them😭. If he’s far away he’ll throw something at them and NOT MISS!!!😤
[]: So he has this “My Friend Miles Morales” plushie that if you squeeze that chest he talks and makes noises. He hates that shit. So Shuri notice this and when he was taking a nap she took the plushie down to her lab and removed the voice box and when he noticed the voice box was out he was so happy. And Shuri’s heart warmed over the feeling of knowing her son was so happy
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I am so sorry if this was too short😭
tbh i don’t like writing short shit bc it just makes me feel weird like idk😭
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but dont be spamming ma shi tho😹
-💙 @ooglyboooglybitxh
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