#greener grass 2019
cultofcreatures · 3 months
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i’ll meet you outside the dairy f̷̧̞̹̖͕͈̽͐̌̈́͂̅͐̈́͝͠͠ŕ̴͓͇͇̮͔̥́ę̶̛͈̱̖̱̬̟͙̯͖̣̻͖̪͈̯̝̫͆̈́̈́̈͋̃̊̈́̂̑͒͘ͅͅė̴̢̨͂̓͘̚͠z̶̧̧̡̢̢̹̯̲̫̫̺̠̼̺̬͕̱̬͉͓̻̟̪̯̾̚ͅz̸̛͔̰͐̽͂̾̓̐̽̎̀̾̆̅́̿͌̄̀̀͝͝͝z̸̨̢̺̲̦̹͉͙̬͚̖̫̺̥̬͖̤͉̭̮̋̏̆̍̈͜
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sims2istheonlysims · 2 months
Sims movie should actually be made by those people who made Greener Grass (2019) because the surreal/absurdist, slightly offputting/unsettling but also just comical and almost mundane horror of its uncanny reality a little to the left saturated Wes Anderson-esque isolated suburban world I think would perfectly capture just the right vibes, and you'd just have to watch it to understand what I mean, but like, sincerely, vibes, vibes, vibes.
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izmooi · 5 months
izi’s Random Movie Review
Greener Grass, 2019 dir. Jocelyn DeBoer and Dawn Luebbe
This post contains spoilers.
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"This movie feels like Gerwig's Barbie but amped up x10 with a lot more to think about."
Greener Grass (2019) was a movie that caught my attention through its brightly colored poster and continued to pique my interest through its black comedy. This absurd and macabre storyline follows a neighborhood of individuals, mainly focusing on the one Jill Davies in her effortless sacrifice to please.
The entire movie sets itself up like a stereotypical role-assigned American movie, but as the storyline continues, clearly objectifies the roles that a character can play. The roles between media-centric men and women are battled roles. The children in this movie seem to harness more understanding of mature comprehension, conversation, and protest to the world around them than the braces-wearing adults who struggle to compete with one another.
Jill has a loving family, but due to the influences and harsh struggles to please the relationships around her, she slowly finds parts of herself being stripped away. The awkward conversations give into why Jill is so weak to give into the demands of those around her without much question. There are lots of confusing dynamics when it comes to intimacy that Jill struggles with, from those with her husband, her son, and her peers and friends (especially that of her friend Lisa Wetbottom). Jill fears the perceptions that others have of her becoming actualized in a less-than-perfect way. To deflect this, she spares the feelings of others and it leads to her feeling more discomforted in her own skin. She has to remember so much about those around her to make sure that she's always watching over her shoulder, that she doesn't even realize the parts of her that she's losing, both in a metaphorical self and when an impersonator comes right from under her nose to take over her life.
This movie feels like Gerwig's Barbie but amped up x10 with a lot more to think about. There are many layers of symbolism that all connect to spell out the competitive nature of their community. Jill falls heavily into the influence of others and it causes her to ruin her own life. At the end of it all, the actualization that she now realizes for herself allows her to see so many things around her that others can't, things that she has been blind about for years. Is there a betterment of life living in ignorance and feeding into competition with others?
Lisa and Jill demonstrate such an interesting relationship between two women. Upon first meeting them, we see Jill give up her new baby to her. Throughout the movie, we watch the two slowly switch places. Jill swapped out due to her submission to others' perception, and Lisa's manipulation of this weakness as she tries to manifest what she has always wanted to appear superior in her community (despite lots of what she flaunts from children, her home, and other parts of her lifestyle being fabricated from lies that no one has challenged or caught on to).
Like any movie I will review, there is always a lot more to analyze. There's more to go deeper into about the relationship Jill and Lisa have, there's more to dive into about the power dynamic children hold over the adults in this story (and how these protests to power lead to such differences in characters between Julian and Bob as children growing up and changing into people). This movie was such an inspiring watch when it comes to symbolic theming through a variety of subtle to direct approaches. The ambiance of this movie was such a refreshing watch, and I think DeBoer and Luebbe have a fantastic experimentation of chemistry together.
Check out this review and more on my Letterboxd
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SUMMARY: Soccer mums Jill and Lisa compete for approval and acceptance in a bizarre suburbia while their kids battle it out on the playing field.
Mod Z says: Nothing scarier than white suburban soccer mums
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cipheramnesia · 5 months
Greener Grass (2019) doesn't beg comparison to other films and filmmakers as much as demand it, and it does so in the way of many unique works of art - not so much because of being derivative, but more because it inspires the same sense of disquiet and upset, hits on the same dark touchstones, as others have. We want something to articulate what exactly this experience is like, and there are few enough artists working in the same sandbox that the first response is something like "it's John Waters meets David Lynch."
As comparisons go, it's no detrimental. The less you know going in, the better, but those two names together I think evoke the mixture of highly stylized, deep running dread that characterizes Greener Grass. It's also a movie which invites an inventory of all the surreal directions it goes, but that kind of list feels shallow. Lots of media is filled with strange events, but not very many works sell it quite the same. Still, the opening of the movie, much like the basic comparison, immediately tells you what to expect in tone. Suburban mom Jill, baby on her lap, perfect pink barbie clothes, watches her son fall on the soccer field. Her face twitches and struggles behind a wide, blank smile that will remain in place for the majority of the film as she watches him laying in the grass, moving his limbs sluggishly, as if she is staring at a dying fish. She turns to Lisa, next to her, in perfect blue barbie clothes, and asks if Lisa wants her baby. Neither woman deviates from the blank smile, they both speak almost like actors struggling to keep in character, their faces twitch, everything about them undercuts their dialog their expressions, the mood of the bright sunny scene and cheerful sitcom score, and Lisa decides she will take the baby.
Everything about the scene screams about something terrible being wrong, both in obvious and subtle ways, and that's much of the movie itself. Greener Grass on its surface is about the comfortable lie of the suburbs and the upper middle class of the USA, but deeper down, it's about the surface in general, not just about how hard and sad life is for rich white women. While the movie is utilizing that imagery and those tropes specifically, it's to a larger purpose speaking to isolation and privilege, masking and social roles we use, toxic masculinity and microaggressions. The plot, such as it is, may be one woman slowly falling apart, but the meaning of the movie is much broader and more intriguing - and most importantly speaks to the world beyond only what's pretty and expensive and empty. All the characters are in a barbie dreamland, in barbie dream houses, but no matter where they go the reality of people who aren't neurotypical or white or able bodied or wealthy or straight is inescapable. The strangeness and dread that lurks under blank smiles never lets the viewer relax into comfortable satire or simplistic center left reassurance of one Bad Oppressor and one Good Oppressed. It's a movie constantly screaming, through clenched teeth, how all of us are being forced into this performance, the pretty lie, that claims everything about the USA is perfect and happy. It's an amazing work of art, highly recommend checking it out while it's still free on Tubi, or anywhere good movies can be pirated.
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herbaklava · 4 months
Documentaries to watch for Black History Month (and in general):
1. Color Adjustment (1991) dir. Marlon Riggs
2. Ethnic Notions (1986) dir. Marlon Riggs
3. Paris is Burning (1990) dir. Jennie Livingston
4. 13th (2016) dir. Ava DuVernay
5. Black Art: In the Absence of Light (2021) dir. Sam Pollard
6. Summer of Soul (2021) dir. Questlove
7. Grass is Greener (2019) dir. Fab 5 Freddy
8. Tell Them We Are Rising: The Story of Historically Black Colleges and Universities (2017) dir. Marco Williams & Stanley Nelson Jr.
9. The Black Panthers: Vanguard of the Revolution (2015) dir. Stanley Nelson Jr.
10. 4 Little Girls (1997) dir. Spike Lee
Most of these are on Netflix, Max, and Kanopy (you can use Kanopy for free through your library or university!)
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rollercoasterwords · 2 months
as a movie person, any movies to recommend? 👀
i’ve seen your horror recs so preferably other genres if possible
no horror does eliminate like 80% of my movie recs lmao but yeah!! some non-horror faves:
everything everywhere all at once (2022)
the handmaiden (2016)
labyrinth (1986)
the last unicorn (1982)
greener grass (2019)
children who chase lost voices (2011)
but i’m a cheerleader (1999)
heathers (1989)
the iron giant (1999)
we need to talk about kevin (2011)
mysterious skin (2004)
she’s the man (2006)
clue (1985)
where the wild things are (2009)
return to seoul (2022)
donkey skin (1970)
return to oz (1985)
earth girls are easy (1988)
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danthropologie · 1 year
Omg your tags on the video of Max about Daniel!!!!! I remember an article last year and it was Max talking about Daniel leaving in 2018 and how he wanted Daniel to stay and didn’t understand it and still kinda didn’t but they’ve talked it over. Compared to now and it seems that they’ve obviously talked about it again but now they understand why what happened in 2018 happened and why Daniel had to leave. Imo Daniel always had to leave red bull, whether it was then or in 2019/20 it had to be done.
Also I don’t think Max’s comments on Daniel and a seat last year are talked about enough. Like Max knowing Daniel to say Daniel will do whatever Daniel thinks is best for him and being one of the few people, knowing that the decision that Daniel was going to take was the best one for Daniel compared to others *cough Jenson cough* constantly speaking about Daniel’s decision not making sense, wanting him to take a seat at a backmarker team etc even though Daniel has said multiple times about him knowing what’s best for him and Max understood that. (I do have a theory based on vibes that Jenson wanted Daniel to take the seat at Williams so they could have go on excursions and film stuff and just have the absolute craic)
completely totally 100% agree that daniel always had to leave. sure it would have been great if he could have stayed and also had the chance to fight for championships over the past few years like max has, but i genuinely can't see a world in which he stayed and wasn't eaten up by jealousy and resentment at some point or another. by leaving and exploring other options and eventually having that perspective change (/reality check 😭) in realizing that sometimes the grass actually ISN'T always greener, he's now able to come back to the team as—like he himself has said—a more mature, complete version of himself. and as a better teammate than that old, untested version of him could have ever been.
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strawberrytalia · 7 months
talia is your top 5 dc characters!?!? how iconic!! i actually stared following you recently because I ran into a really old talia post by you (and like your name (watch it would be so embarrassing if you "starberrytaila" was a reference to something other than talia in her pink outfits)). talia is also a character that just came out of nowhere for me. i got into dc/ batfam for dick, and i fell in love with his relationship with damian. after reading a bit more stuff i realized that jason speaks to me more, and i was just gonna leave it at that. bUT THEN TALIA HAPPENED????? i just get so emotional over characters who grew up in not the best environment having the biggest heart possible and their love and loyalty being the reason why they do things. to have the courage to be kind when they were specifically taught/ or raised otherwise. SEEING CHARACTERS BEING THE PEOPLE THEY WANT TO BE, SHOWING THAT THEYRE MORE THAN THE PEOPLE WHO ARE AROUND THEM I JUST *gnaws at the bars of my enclosure* man i miss "heart on her sleeve" talia.
i know you said you don't wanna get too much into your thoughts on talia (I know we can be very protective of her) but what are your favorite things about her (that's not exactly thoughts right? its just a list)
also for the other characters you gush about would you be willing to do a reading list or reblog the reading list you're following. i'm trying to expand out of the batfam (I feel like in this scenario the grass is greener on the other side). I've been thinking of either the flashfam, arrowfam or wonderfam, but seeing you post about the lanterns makes me wanna start reading them too
Omg yes!!!!! Talia has always been one of my favorite DC characters!! Back in 2019-2020, I like devoted all my time to reading her preboot appearances!! LMAOOOOO dw the name strawberrytalia is a Talia reference!! 😭 My old icon was a pink Talia one lol, and then I changed it because it felt too misleading since I don’t really post about her anymore.
And the reason is because there’s this really big contradiction when it comes to Talia and characterizing her. Yes, I go by preboot Talia who was a much more complex and sympathetic character and I hate what Morrison did to her. But if I want to accept Damian, then I have to acknowledge Talia as a shitty mother and that doesn’t sit right either because this woman didn’t even want kids lmao. So to avoid everything that makes my head hurt and all the pretty abominable takes here, I don’t post about her often. I think the last time I did was calling out her fans who call her Chinese rep instead of Arab rep.
No but I 100% agree with you!!!!!! Talia is very dear to me, and honestly for a personal reason, I associate her with happier, easier memories in my life and when I read all her comics. She really is for the people who have been forced to make due with their circumstances. She is so loving, and I love that similarly to Bruce, loving too deeply is one of her biggest flaws. I really loved her Lexcorps era, and I feel like she’s such a versatile character that has the potential to be a really interesting view of nature vs nurture, and I also think Damian has this potential but they’re both misused by DC. I also love her personality because honestly she’s really enjoyable in that same dramatic flair kind of way that people praise Jason for, but like Talia was the og!!!!! She has a place in my heart for sure, which is also why I avoid her tag lol because I also can’t help but feel really sad and take it personally when people hate on her. And this isn’t me saying Talia is 100% perfect or good, but I just don’t subscribe to what racist writers portray her as.
I love the Talia who saved Bruce’s life multiple times, who defied her father even if she was caught in a loop when it came to him and the League, I love how well-read she is, I LOVE how passionate and short-tempered she can be, I love that she’s both extremely selfless and selfish in the worst way possible sometimes, to her own detriment. I really love how in a lot of ways, she did subvert the dragon lady trope when she was written at her best, peak time in terms of characterization.
ALSO EEEEEEE I love that you’re looking for recs!!!! That makes me so happy!!! I’m gonna add a read more now because this part might get a little long lol!
OMG okay so I used to be a hardcore bat stan for a couple of years, so I’m speaking from personal experience when I say:
The Batfam -> Arrowfam pipeline is REALLLL
And it’s because the two families are similar in the sense that they are the only non metahuman majority, the families that pretty much carry weapons and intellect and that’s it. So therefore many of the elements and dynamics you may like in the bats are there in the arrows, enhanced even!
It’s less of a weird transition when you’re expanding genres, and another thing that helped was that the arrows are super entertaining!! They all have really strong, out there personalities, a lot of depth, and stories that touch on various political topics. The family element is also a lot more present 😭🫶 They’re not perfect, but they would def kill for each other
Ah!! But tbh I’ve started not trusting detailed reading lists because the ones I’ve followed tended to let me down a bit 😭 A lot of comics listed didn’t even have the character in them, let alone any valuable moments :(
So I think it might be better to start off with 2-3 really good, really well-loved works, and see if it’s a fit, and then maybe the reading lists will work!!
1. Green Arrow: Longbow Hunters is super short but it sets up really important events, has the best Ollie characterization, and is pivotal for DinahOllie imo
2. Green Arrow: Quiver. This is heavy on Mia’s introduction, and it’s very much loved by Arrow fans and it’s pr much the only good part of GA 2001. This is the first 10-12 issues of GA 2001 I believe. Sets up family dynamics!
3. Green Arrow Rebirth. I was debating on between this and GA Vol 2, arguably the best arrow iteration, but I decided Rebirth is a better place to start for beginners. Not the best characterization, but it sets up the dynamics and it has Emi!!!!
I would recommend GA Vol 2 because it is really good!! But it’s a pretty loaded run because Ollie…um dies lol and is gone, so Connor steps up and takes the mantle of GA. I’d save this for after you read the beginner ones. Also optional is GA/Black Canary which isn’t HORRIBLE, but it has a lot of weird writing inconsistency and behavior that comes out of nowhere.
For the Flashfam, I’m admittedly following a Bart reading list and going off recs from people I asked here!! The Bart reading list is a lot more legit than the ones I complained about, and I can def rb it!
I started with The Flash 1987 #92 and I’m still working my way through the run!! It’s a lot more enjoyable than I expected! Wally and Linda are fun, and Bart’s story is so interesting. I haven’t gotten to the part with Max yet but every Bart fan I know loves their relationship.
I’m a beginner to the Wonderfam still myself, but I’m planning to read Trial of the Amazons story, and then Nubia’s books, and then some of Diana’s best recs. They are sooooo fun, I’m really enjoying the Wonderfam a lot.
ALSO I might get side eyes for this but honestly I never paid attention to the Wonders or Diana because I always thought she was so boring and uptight when she’s with the League. Then I read The Witching Hour and JLD 2018 and I fell in love with her 😭 I saw her in such a different light omg.
Wonder Girl 2021 is also a really good place to start because YARAAAA <333 It’s super short too, only about 7 issues!
Trial of the Amazons story reading guide:
1. Trial of the Amazons #1
2. Nubia and the Amazons #6
3. WW 2016 #785
4. Trial of the Amazons: Wonder Girl #1
5. WW 2016 #786
6. Trial of the Amazons: Wonder Girl #2
7. Trial of the Amazons #2
Now for Green Lantern recs…that is HARD because it’s a bit of an acquired taste lol
Okay let’s get this out of the way because this is like the only definite yes I have: FAR SECTOR ‼️ ITS SUCH A GOOD STORY AND JO IS AMAZING!!!!
Other than that…. uhhh Green Lantern: Blackest Night was one of the stories that got me REALLY into the lore and the electromagnetic spectrum (whatever it’s called lmao) it’s also a pretty fun introduction to the characters, esp Hal, Carol, Sinestro, the other Lantern corps leaders.
After that I moved onto GL 2011 except I skipped Venditti’s part lmao, and honestly this era isn’t even good, it’s just fucking insane. Wild shit happens and it’s like kind of funny.
I would definitely recommend GL Vol 3, but specifically the Emerald Twilight arc and everything to do with Kyle (he was actually the iconic GL up until they brought back Hal)
I admittedly haven’t finished the major readings for Simon and Jess yet, but I think GL Rebirth is promising for them (as in: you might like it)
There are a few others but again I don’t wanna make this overwhelming. I’m gonna go back and condense it into a smaller, more concise list soon but again…GL recs are hard 😭 they’re not very good LMAOOO
But yeah!!! If you’re looking for hero family dynamics outside of bats, the Arrows are really fun and interesting. The Wonderfam has super fascinating lore and a really good cast too. The Flashfam is my least knowledgeable sphere, but their stories and concepts are so cool and they’re very fun to keep up with. And the Lanterns are so <333 I still love them
I hope this response helps in some way!!!! I’m so happy I got this ask, it’s so sweet!!! 🫶
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lostcryptids · 9 months
Greener Grass (2019) is so good and also so bizarre after watching it I was so confused in a good way that I watched it again the next day to try to figure out what the fuck I saw. it's not really straight up horror? but it can be super unsettling at times, and it's also pretty funny.
You know a movie is gonna be good when you google it and a releated search for it is "ending explained"
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iforgottohitplay · 2 years
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Greener Grass (2019)
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iamcinema · 2 years
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Greener Grass (2019)
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minetteskvareninova · 2 years
Homies I just saw the funniest take. It was really long, but it basically boils down to “actually, Vanya coming out as trans is homophobic, because it implies that because she’s attracted to a woman, she’s a man, thus erasing the fact that she is in fact a lesbian”. Never mind the fact that THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT ELLIOT EXPERIECED IRL. Like for the longest time he lived as a lesbian, before coming out as a trans man. Author also adresses the fact that Sissy is canonically gay, and continues to be gay after Viktor leaves, and is just... Bewildered by it? Like, “why does cannon refute this point that the authors never intended to make?” I can’t, this is just so funny.
The author of the piece also takes umbrage with the fact that being with Sissy made Viktor realize he’s trans, and claims this is because Sissy was a woman and because Viktor had sex with her, then he obviously must be a man... Never mind that Sissy’s bravery in admitting her queerness to both herself and others might’ve inspired Viktor to question his identity in ways that he never dared before. Never mind that Viktor’s relationship with Sissy was the healthiest and most emotionally honest that he’s had, maybe ever. I mean, we saw enough of Hargreeves household and Viktor’s life in it. He also didn’t seem to have any friends, and his only relationship outside of his family that we saw was his romance with Harold Jenkins, which lasted like a week and ended with Viktor so unhinged he destroyed the fucking world. Which is to say, not exactly a healthy environment for self-exploration.
The author is then bewildered that everyone in the family is so supportive of his transition, and why is none of the siblings like “no, you’re a lesbian, actually”, which... The projection here is just too funny not to mention. Like I don’t know, these people are from 2019 USA, maybe, just maybe, they think being trans is OK and not a big deal? Maybe they want to support their little bro now that their family kinda works as a unit?! Author also claims that noone ever shows this amount of support towards Viktor on any other occasion, which... No?! ALLISON continues to hate Viktor, but never deadnames or misgenders him (which is a bit weird, but honestly what is your point here, that Allison isn’t enough of an asshole in season 3?!). Everyone else tries to have a normal sibling relationship with him!
(The author also calls Luthor’s sexual assault “non-consensual PDA”, which... I AM SORRY WHAT)
The only point I will give the author is that Viktor’s transition was extremely rushed and not foreshadowed at all, which is a bit disappointing, but under the circumstances understandable. Yes, I would love to have it foreshadowed more, especially in season 2. But I get that the showrunners didn’t want to make a big deal out of it, to contribute to the culture of “being trans is OK and totally normal, actually”. It’s very tricky to handle this kind of thing well, especially with the bajillion other plot points to get to.
There are three things that shed a whole new, somewhat tragic light on this post. a) author is very clearly a TERF, like, this very post has a hashtag “terf safe” *surprised pikachu face* b) author supposedly battles gender dysphoria, calls themself a “lesbian” (that, is they are AFAB) c) author is a big fan of Elliot, whom they still call Ellen, and clearly considered him a role model back when he presented as a woman and lesbian
YEAAAH... So turns out there is a kinda sad story burried under the mountain of bad takes and TERF shennenigans? Which is why I am not going to reblog or @ this person. Maybe they will find my post and realize it’s about them, but I’d rather they don’t. This post really has nothing to offer them, really. If they ever realize the grass is greener for people like them on the other side (not saying everyone with dysphoria MUST be trans, but I am pretty sure it warrants at least an exploration of one’s gender identity, and her TERF friends sure as hell aren’t going to let them have that), it sure as hell won’t be trough a post roasting their bad Umbrella Academy takes.
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Stats from Movies 1001-1100
Top 10 Movies - Highest Number of Votes
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Pet Sematary (1989) had the most votes with 921 votes. I Know What You Need (2023) had the least votes with 310 votes.
The 10 Most Watched Films by Percentage
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Sleepy Hollow (1999) was the most watched film with 56.4% of voters out of 424 saying they had seen it. Saint Drogo (2023) had the least "Yes" votes with 0.2% of voters out of 495.
The 10 Least Watched Films by Percentage
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They/Them (2022) was the least watched film with 62.8% of voters out of 682 saying they hadn’t seen it. I Know What You Need (2023) had the least "No" votes with 5,2% of voters out of 310.
The 10 Most Known Films by Percentage
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Pet Sematary (1989) was the best known film, 3,8% of voters out of 921 saying they’d never heard of it.
The 10 Least Known Films by Percentage
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I Know What You Need (2023) was the least known film, 94.2% of voters out of 310 saying they’d never heard of it.
The movies part of the statistic count and their polls below the cut.
What Josiah Saw (2021) It Comes at Night (2017) Something in the Dirt (2022) Lisa Frankenstein (2024) The Toxic Slime Creature (1982) The House of the Devil (2009) The Dark and the Wicked (2020) Shin Godzilla (2016) Run (2020) Nine Dead (2009)
The Addiction (1995) The Guardian (1990) Open 24 Hours (2018) Here Comes Hell (2019) Sweet Home (2015) Like Dogs (2021) The Stylist (2020) Saint Drogo (2023) Girl on the Third Floor (2019) Evil Bong (2006)
The Hunger (1983) Sorority Babes in the Slimeball Bowl-O-Rama (1988) Sorority Babes in the Slimeball Bowl-O-Rama 2 (2022) Bed Rest (2022) Witchhammer (1970) Leonor (1975) Cold Skin (2017) The Vourdalak (2023) Blood for Dracula (1974) Flesh for Frankenstein (1973)
The Diary of Ellen Rimbauer (2003) The Dirties (2013) The Vigil (2019) Storm of the Century (1999) Infinity Pool (2023) The Final Wish (2018) Devil (2010) Uzumaki (2000) Horror in the High Desert 2: Minerva (2023) Blood Red Sky (2021)
The Finale (2023) The People Under the Stairs (1991) Eli (2019) Autopsy (2008) Sleepy Hollow (1999) The Gay Bed and Breakfast of Terror (2007) I Walked with a Zombie (1943) Paganini Horror (1988) Titane (2021) Burying the Ex (2014)
They Remain (2018) Vicious Fun (2020) Vivarium (2019) Hell House LLC II: The Abaddon Hotel (2018) Hell House LLC III: Lake of Fire (2019) Summer of '84 (2018) A Nightmare on Elm Street 2: Freddy's Revenge (1985) Sweet Sixteen (1983) Popcorn (1991) April Fool's Day (1986)
Eerie (2018) Friday the 13th Part VIII: Jason Takes Manhattan (1989) Greener Grass (2019) The Innocents (2021) Dark Harvest (2023) Häxan (1922) Dark Light (2019) Arthur, Malédiction (2022) Polaroid (2019) Antisocial (2013)
Headless Horseman (2007) Radius (2017) Goblin (2020) Havenhurst (2016) The ABCs of Death (2012) Abandoned Dead (2015) Pet Sematary (1989) Dark Water (2005) Hell House LLC Origins: The Carmichael Manor (2023) Witches Straight From Hell (2023)
Belzebuth (2017) Fade to Black (1980) Scanners (1981) Blood Punch (2013) Cannibals and Carpet Fitters (2017) Split (2016) Game of Death (2017) Paperhouse (1988) The Baby (1973) Splatter: Naked Blood (1996)
A Perfect Child of Satan (2012) Blair Witch (2016) Night of the Devils (1972) I Know What You Need (2023) Midnight Son (2011) Slaxx (2020) They/Them (2022) The Darkness (2016) Wind Chill (2007) Crypt of the Vampire (1964)
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peliculameticula · 2 years
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Greener Grass,Jocelyn DeBoer, Dawn Luebbe, 2019
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bazpitch · 2 years
helping my school show greener grass 2019 today. seemed interesting but idk if i’ll like it
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