#graylu secret siblings
graylusecretsiblings · 9 months
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lockandk3yfiction · 6 years
Title: Resolution
Date: January 7, 2018
A gift to @grayserigala for the @graylusecretsiblings!
Pairing: Gray Fulbuster x Lucy Heartfilia
Word Count: 1140
Summary: Modern AU. Implied military character. Gray Fullbuster does not have much to his life at the very moment, at least not until he meets who he needs to see.
AN: I’m sorry this is a bit late, I have been busy lately due to event managements and other personal concerns. I have been told someone liked Gray centric angst though and I love it as well, this is light on the angst though and is more of a reminiscing type story that had a few kinks that needed to be worked out for the past few days. I do hope that you enjoy this and had a wonderful New Year.
(Read on ffn for better formatting.)
Gray strolled through the city on New Year’s Eve, Christmas lights still hung over shop doors, kids running about in the early hours of the night, the sky still bright in purple hues. He stood alone, walked the streets with his hands in his jacket pockets, his ebony black hair ruffling with the soft breeze, cold as it flew by him. It had no affect though, the cold never bothered him, at least not the weather, not when water froze and snow formed. It was warm and a blessing compared to the coldness of his heart, the emptiness he felt over and over again.
Gray Fullbuster was a man of few things, someone who needed saving just as much as he saved others, someone who became sick and tired of being alone. Alone with his thoughts, with the memories of his past, the mentor he lost, the friends he let go, the love of his life that he could no longer chase after. Not with the way he is now, how can he love her blonde hair, chocolate brown eyes, her precious smile and comforting atmosphere if he couldn’t even love himself?
He let the war take control of his self, let it take him piece by piece with all he saw, with all the tragedies he allowed. No riffle was strong enough to protect the men beside him, no strategy smart enough to guide them, no shelter sturdy enough to care for them. No months he had no home and, yet, was home not what he was fighting for. Home was hammered into Gray’s mind each day, a treasure worth keeping in each soldiers’ heart, worth putting your life on the end.
The lives that some were unable to continue, that some did not have the chance to wake up the next day, some did not get to come home. They lost their loving families, their pets, their friends, their everything. Everything that held in his hands as he watched weak smiles slip off of his comrades lips, their eyes losing the gleam that Gray had grown accustomed to, everything about Grays comrades were gone, replaced with undying grief.
Gray Fullbuster still stood, however, his combat boots switched for a pair of worn out sneakers, the stars on his shoulders replaced by the star that hung on the city’s tallest tree. The wild terrain of foreign land was no more compared to where his feet stood on the familiar pavement of his home town. The lights that flickered had no significance for they were only low, dwindling, in need of energy. The war he fought was over but a battle still lingered in the depths of Grays mind. He had scars, both that could heal and ones well hidden under his skin, buried deep into his heart. Gray has seen many things… He has also been blind to so much
He missed the birth of something new, Gray’s body hollow as he remembered the last letter he received before being discharged from the army. He hadn’t believed he deserved that blessing than and he still doesn’t now but there was no turning back. Even with a choice, Gray did not want to turn back, did not wish to run away when something beautiful would be before him soon.
Grays steps were slow, deliberate in the way he marched through the main streets of Magnolia, his head held high for he willed himself to keep a level head. His lips were set in thin lines, quivering the same way as his palms shook, balled into fist, pressing against his lower abdomen in the fabric of his clothing. Grays breathing would stutter, his chest rising and falling in unchoreographed beats. His anxiousness was obvious, his brows furrowed, ear drums ringing, the butterflies in his heart fluttering.
Soon his eyes would lay upon the steps of a stage placed in the center of town square, where the choirs would sing, where the fireworks could be best seen. In a matter of hours the area would be packed inch by inch, citizens squeezing around each other as they wished for a “Happy New Year”, as they chitter chatter about resolutions and reunite with those they haven’t seen in ages.
Such images did not settle Gray’s unease, if anything, his symptoms had become far worst, his heartbeat racing as his eyes surveyed the square. They roamed from body to body in search of the one who called to see him, in search of a love he was unsure to see. Yet his breath was taken away like it has always done when Gray laid sight on Lucy Heartfilia’s long flowing blonde hair. Her back was turned to him, thick leggings covering her lags as she kneeled over a carriage, pink like every item she ever owned.
Pink like the identification of a female child.
November 21st
Dear Gray,
I hope this letter reaches you well and I hope you have not fallen ill. If so, I would not know what to do, not if you were to have past. I have something important to tell and perhaps I should have said this sooner but how could I when I knew you were already drafted? Gray… I know that we have not been more than friends before and I understand if you were to say that our last night together was a mistake. This, however, I can no longer hold in. The secret I have for you is far too difficult to hide. Gray…
A child that was lifted from the comforts of their carriage, one with short patches of dark hair, their eyes still closed as if they were just awoken, wishing to fall asleep again. Gray could see how careful Lucy was as she cradle the small being in her arms, the child no older than only a few weeks. He could hardly see her from this distance but there was no denying just how beautiful the child was, how significant she already felt to Grays heart when he had yet to even meet her.
You will be a father soon. I am due any minute now and I would love if you were to join us in becoming a family. Please, come home safe. I miss you. I miss the special bond we have and I want our child to be able to meet her father, at least once.
Love, Lucy Heartfilia
Tears gathered in Grays eyes, his hands removing themselves from his pockets, his feet not waiting another moment before they ran off to his future. This would be the last time Gray would chase Lucy, the last time he worried about his past. Today, as of December 31st, Gray Fullbuster will only look forward for his resolution would be to keep the girls before him near to his heart forever.
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nonochuu · 6 years
Dear graylu family,
Some people said to me that they can’t open the links on my submission for graylu secret siblings gift exchange 2018, so I want to inform you that I’ve published the fanfic on the FFN site. If you’re still interested to read it, feel free to stop by there. Thank you! 
[ auspicious beginning ]
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fyeahgrayluweek · 7 years
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< x >
Dear graylu family!
We just wanna spread the words that we will have another GRAYLU SECRET SIBLINGS GIFT EXCHANGE this year! 
Go check the official blog for more info. 
                                :: @graylusecretsiblings ::
graylu family unite!
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knotenvater · 7 years
Man, it’s genuinely really great that the holidays spurn so many fan events every year but it makes it pretty damn hard to choose without compromising my academic career
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Graylu Secret Sibling Exchange.
Hey there, this is my first Graylu fic so leave your thoughts! 
My match-up is @oh-tetrabiblos who wrote me an amazing story, if you guys would like to check it out, it is here: x 
Summary: Lucy’s best friends Lisanna and Natsu have scared off every possible date. Cana suggests a guy who won’t be intimidated. Gray’s a hot snowflake. 
Rating: T+ (mild innuendo)
Words: 4,314 
This was so much fun to write, and I hope you guys like it! Thanks to @graylu-angstweek for organizing this event, and letting me participate! 
Happy New Year!
a/n: ‘peaking’ is a made-up term for checking out and discussing hot guys.
“Oh man, Elfman is looking good today.” Virgo purred as Lisanna leaned forward to stare at her with a disturbed expression.
“Can you not purr about my brother, V? It's weird.”
Levy giggled behind her hand, “Isn't that a rule? No peaking at brothers?”
“I wasn't peaking.” Virgo defended, eyes following Laxus as he used the bottom of his shirt to wipe off sweat from his forehead before finishing, “I was just admiring his muscle groups.”
“You know whose muscle groups I like to admire?” Levy veered the subject away from Elfman which Lucy was grateful for. Lisanna could get very protective over her older brother, very quickly.
“Gildarts?” Lucy guessed making Cana, who was sitting at her feet blanch.
Levy went bright red, “He's like forty!”
“He is hot.” Lisanna watched the coach in question, who was currently barking at his team to start running drills.
“He is married. Happily so. So happy that every morning, he makes his ‘favorite’ daughter pancakes cut into a smile. Even though she's 23 and has tried to move out countless times.” Cana bemoaned with a pout of indignation, sipping out of her bottle of beer with narrowed eyes towards her father.
The girls suffocated laughs at her statement, trying their hardest to offer silent support as Lucy reassessed exactly what she said.
“Aren't you his… only daughter?” She murmured thoughtfully, and Cana tilted her head to pin her exasperated glare on the blonde.
“I tell him that every day.”
Levy and Lisanna giggled joyously as Virgo whistled, “Look at Natsu Dragneel's ass today.”
Lisanna and Lucy shared a cringe at Virgo’s words about their best friend, who was currently jogging across the field.
“Yeah. He's got some serious bubble action going there.”
Lucy groaned at Cana’s agreement, and covered her eyes, “Can we make it a rule that best-friends/family can't be peaked at?”
“I agree with that.” Lisanna chirped but Virgo shot it down.
“Anyone is fair game. Do you think the guys worry about who is friends with who when they notice how nice Lisanna’s ass looks in those shorts?”
Virgo’s truthful words made Lisanna beam, “They were half price, marked down from seventy.”
Lucy extended her arm for a high-five as Cana mused, “You know the economy is bad when alcohol begins to cost more than clothes.”
“The woes of being an alcoholic.” Lucy teased as Lisanna slapped her palm. Cana smirked a little and the girls tittered before a grey shirt was stripped off in the middle of the field.
They all sighed.
“How is it fair that Gray Fullbuster gets hotter every week?”
“He took his pants off in my psych lecture the other day,” Levy sighed, leaned forward to watch him shove Natsu ‘playfully’, “Those calf muscles alone could melt me in a puddle.”
“I like his eyes.” Lisanna implored, giving Virgo a nudge with her shoulder. Virgo, who had been snacking on a packet of crisps, offered her the bag.
Lisanna, instead of taking a few, snatched the bag and hopped off the bench. Virgo squawked in horror, chasing after her.
“Cana, is Professor Mac going to allow you being drunk in theoretical studies?” Lucy wondered, watching Virgo throw one of her shoes at Lisanna who scurried to the opposite end of the field. She noticed some of the guys watching amused, as Cana waved off her concern.
“That old guy loves me! I'm practically like his daughter!”
Lucy pretended she didn't notice Gildarts piercing gaze at Cana’s exclamation.
Lucy opened her mouth to reiterate the fact of the obvious, that she had one protective father and it wouldn't be a good idea to tease the thought with another when Gray wandered over to them, obviously heading for his bag which was only a few meters away.
Sweat glazed his upper body and the three watched in awe as he lifted his shoulders up and stretched with one arm behind his back.
Lucy bit her lip as abdomen muscles, clearly there but not intense; bunched and flexed in the bright sun.
“Dear lord, have mercy.” Levy stated, and Lucy hushed her, hoping he couldn't hear.
“I want to slather ice-cream over his body and lick it off.” Cana groaned and Lucy laughed a little, “He can probably hear you.”
“Doesn't stop me from wanting a piece of that fine -” Lucy clamped her hand over her confident friends mouth, whilst Levy laughed from beside her.
“Do you think he would mind if I took a picture of him to show my mom? She's been needing a bad boy for her latest book.”
Lucy shook her head, “You are both horrible. He's not meat. He's a person. He has feelings. It's not his fault his smile drops panties.”
Lucy had thought she had kept her voice low enough but one amused glance in their direction had the three of them stilling.
Cana fidgeted and removed the hand over her mouth to whisper as Gray went about shuffling through his bag, “Do you think he can hear us?”
“I think he heard Lucy. Now tell us, the panty dropping; do you talk from experience?”
Lucy visibly cringed and grabbed her things, “Just forget I said anything.”
They both tittered evilly before Levy asked playfully, “Where are you going?”
“I have a lecture to go to.” Lucy explained blandly, feeling studied under Levy’s cheeky gaze.
“I thought you weren't going to go to that? It's not mandatory, remember?”
Lucy huffed as Cana snickered knowingly before giving them both the finger. Their laughter followed her as she made her way across the field towards Hall C.
Unfortunately, she only made it halfway until Natsu, called out to her. She turned, noticing how Levy threw the empty packet to Virgo and jogged over to him.
Natsu, Lisanna and her had been best friends since high school, all choosing to attend this college out of the many offers they had gotten. Luckily, this was one of the only ones that would offer Lisanna a scholarship and would support Nstsu’s… habits.
She ignored the fact that the whole team was now standing around, having taken a break from their drills as she wandered over to him.
“You coming over my house tonight? It's meatball subs for dinner.” Natsu grinned and Lucy couldn't help but smile back, a little bummed she couldn't make it.
“Actually, today’s the day I cook for Mom. So I can't.”
Lisanna finally reached them and poured, “Aw. Well, how about we come over and watch some black and white after?”
Lucy bit her lip, unsure to tell them when everyone was clearly paying attention to their conversation.
“Actually, I can't hang out tonight at all. I have… a date.”
They blinked at the same time. Lucy stifled a groan.
“Why are we just learning about this now?” Lisanna asked just as Gray finally reached the team, glancing over at them curiously.
“Because I didn't want to feed him to you vultures. Give a cow a chance.”
Natsu snorted at Lucy’s metaphor whilst Lisanna screwed up her nose, “We aren't that bad.”
Lucy placed her hands on her hips, her bag hanging off her wrist, “Yes, you both are. Every time I go out with a guy, you guys crowd him and scare him off. So, I wasn't going to tell you.”
“Fair enough.” Natsu shrugged, taking a long gulp of his Powerade, “So, we’ll just swing around at 7:00? Wait for him to get there and-”
“No!” Lucy objected fiercely, “You are both staying far away from me tonight. Erik and I-” she cut herself off with a wince as Natsu’s face went from ‘palcating’ to ‘that guy, seriously’ in zero point two seconds.
“Erik…?” Lisanna mumbled before her facial expression copied Natsu’s which almost made Lucy laugh.
“Cobra? The creepy kid with the snake?” Natsu barked as Lucy sighed, wishing she could take back her words.
“He's not creepy.”
“He lets his snake bite him! He's been in the hospital several times this month!” Lisanna cried, throwing her hands up in shock.
“It's for science!” Lucy argued as Natsu snorted.
“I forbid it. Lisanna, are we seriously going to let our precious Lucy date a snake loving lunatic?”
“Of course we aren't Natsu. I suggest we lock her in your room and-”
Lucy flailed before announcing, “That is not happening. You are both going to stay far away. Then tomorrow, you will be supportive friends and ask me about how cute Erik’s butt is and how far we got. Is that clear?”
“Define clear, I mean-” Lisanna began but Lucy shook her head.
“You will both do this for me. Or I swear, no more Lucy nights.”
They both gasped, appalled with the stakes Lucy had laid out.
“But Lucy nights are the best!”
“You wouldn't take them away from us!” Lisanna agreed with Natsu and Lucy smiled innocently, “And that's how I’ll know you won't sabotage my date with Cobra - I mean Erik.”
“So how was it?” Cana asked Lucy as they walked towards the library in search for a book that had been added to their reading list.
The blonde frowned, “The start was amazing! He was really funny and nice. We had a great time in the car.”
“That doesn't look like a happy face.” Cana pushed open the door, leaving it open so Lucy could follow as they entered.
Lucy reminded herself to keep her voice down, despite how ‘fired up’ she was.
“It isn't. When we got to the restaurant, you won't believe who was seated two tables away from us.”
“Uh oh.” Cana smiled a little, guessing where Lucy was going with this.
“They sat there and flung food at him. And when they weren't doing that, they were just staring. It was so embarrassing Cana.”
“I don't know why you are surprised.” They sat down at a table, and Lucy glanced around, surprised it wasn't busier.
She tuned back in just as Cana was finishing her statement, “Those two are so oddly protective of you after the whole Sting fiasco. I swear, they monitor you sometimes.”
“I caught Lisanna slipping vitamins into my brownie the other day.” Lucy moaned, exasperated and oddly touched by her friends dedication to keeping her safe.
Cana stifled a loud laugh, eyeing the grumpy librarian who watched the small group of students like a hawk.
“I thought that I'd avoid immediate dismissal if they didn't meet them. Between Natsu’s reputation and Lisanna’s ability to intimidate everyone on spot, I never stood a chance.”
“Is Lisanna really that bad?” Cana wondered curiously as Lucy snorted, “She once threatened a date with an eggplant.”
Cana laughed at that, earning an annoyed look which she ignored, “Have to say, she's imaginative. So it's a no for Erik?”
“He was basically shivering in fear and covered with food by the end of it.” Lucy pouted, dropping her head into her hands as Cana patted her head gently.
“So what are you going to do? Talk about it with them?”
“It's no use. Every time I sit them down to discuss boundaries, I get reminded that I become protective as well when it's them dating.” Lucy murmured, as Cana snickered at her friends monotonous tone.
“And why is that?”
Lucy lifted her head to watch her friends reaction to what she was going to confess, “I think Natsu and Lisanna would look good together. And there's only so many times the pair can ‘hook-up’ at a party and blame it on alcohol.”
Cana grinned, leaning closer, “I agree with you. Do you think they need a nudge in the right direction?”
The blonde snorted, blowing a strand of hair out of her face, “Not yet. If I'm not getting any, neither are they.”
The pair quietened when the librarian scuttled past, in her stereotypical dusty slacks and mustard yellow sweater that Lucy assumed was itchy considering the red rash on her neck.
Once she had disappeared into the columns, Cana spoke up whilst leaning back, her dark hair pulled into a low ponytail, “Then the answer is simple. You need to find a man who is impervious to Lisanna’s intimidation and doesn't find Natsu’s reputation frightening.”
Lucy blinked in surprise before smiling, “You’ve been using that word a day book I got you for your birthday.”
“It's become apart of my morning regime.” Cana winked and Lucy bit back a cackling laugh, inwardly glowing at Cana’s admittance. When she had gotten the book for her, Cana had made the horrible joke about using it as a coaster.
Of course, Lucy hadn't taken it to heart but it was pleasing to know it wasn’t collecting dust in the box of things Cana never uses.
Lucy thought back to Cana’s previous words, picking at her bottom lip — a trait she had never been able to get rid of — in thought.
“Where am I going to find someone who won't run home when meeting my guard dogs?”
“What is that dog called in Greek mythology again?” Cana snapped her fingers, trying to remember the name as Lucy raised her eyebrow at the drunken beauty.
“Cerberus?” Lucy supplied as she grinned, “Imagine Natsu and Lisanna combining heads and becoming-”
“You’re terrible. That will give me nightmares.”
Cana laughed, purposely ignoring the pinned glare of the librarian and opened her mouth to tease Lucy further when the doors to the library opened and a candidate for Lucy’s troubles appeared.
“Ask Gray!” Cana whispered excitedly, tugging on Lucy’s wrist to pull her from her phone.
“Ask Gray what?” Lucy replied, glancing up from the riveting text message of her mom’s daily battle with the garbage disposal.
“If he's interested in going on a date with you!” Cana hissed, almost smacking Lucy at her slowness. The blonde blinked before arguing in an equally hushed tone as the man in question wandered into the aisles with his bag over his shoulder.
“I can't do that! I knew Erik was interested in me. Plus, I've only talked to Gray a few times.”
Which was true, outside of sporting events and the occasional moment where Gray would hang around Natsu’s place, the two hadn't spoken. She had been comfortable with admiring from a distance and wanting to poke at the tattoo of French writing on his chest.
She wouldn't even know what to say, given the fact he was quiet and a little brooding unless Natsu was talking. Then he was snappy and sort of amusing.
Natsu and Gray had been close friends since preschool, although they'd never admit it to anyone, much to Lucy’s bewilderment.
Cana’s tight grip pulled her from her thoughts.
“And? He's hot, you’re hot. He won't be afraid of Natsu and Lisanna’s tendencies and the worst that can happen is, he says no!”
“Exactly! I don't know if you've noticed, but I don't take rejection well. I hit a slump and get a pimple.” Lucy pouted, remembering when the summer job she had applied for and the way they shot her down the minute they read her last name.
She could still feel the spot that dammed pimple had left.
“He won't reject you. He hasn't been in a relationship for over a year — that we know of — and what sort of blind idiot would turn down a date with a hot girl?”
Lucy couldn't help but mentally agree with what Cana was saying but the risk to reward ratio was way too high for her preference. And she didn't like taking risks often without a sure benefit.
She also cringed at the underlying feel of awkwardness and humiliation she'd feel if he looked at her and laughed at the idea of going out on a date with her.
“I don't know Cana…”
“Just give it a shot? And if he says no, then I'll find him and tell him I put you up to it.” Cana pleaded, her grip becoming painful which made me wince with a long sigh at the extreme puppy dog eyes she was giving me.
How did Gildarts handle that?
Oh wait, he didn't.
Lucy couldn't help but smile at the thought of the almighty Gildarts crumbling to his daughter eyes immediately.
Upon seeing her smile, Cana beamed and took this as a yes.
“Remember, you are a fierce woman. Now go get up there, and knock him dead.”
“But then how could I date him?” Lucy asked innocently, but the underlying of sarcasm made Cana roll her eyes and shoo her off towards the bookshelves.
Lucy took a deep breath in and stood up, wandering over there slowly. She could feel Cana’s impatience with her and went even slower, smiling at the loud huff she made.
Eventually, she found herself in the stacks, peering through the cracks to see if he was still there.
She caught sight of a shirtless boy and immediately knew the rumours were true, he did strip subconsciously. Not that she was minding of course, not one bit.
He was two aisles over, scanning through a German language book when Lucy straightened her back and cleared her throats innocently.
Two deep blue eyes snapped to hers and she fought blush, smiling politely, “Hi Gray, how are you?”
Good. Good.
English, activated.
He seemed puzzled at her sudden appearance but his face gave nothing away as he replied civilly, “I’m good Lucy. How are you?”
Flirt. Flirt.
She opened her mouth reply back with a witty one liner when he pushed his dark hair out of his eyes, and her saliva dried up immediately.
Her eyes followed the line of his slightly tensed bicep, to his yummy neck. Then she stared at his long fingers for a little bit, because hands were important and Lucy seemed to have a thing for them.
You are staring at him!
He watched her curiously as she closed her mouth to stop gaping, licking her dry lips subconsciously. She noticed the way he watched her tongue and made a reference in her head for later.
“I'm horrible actually.”
“Oh?” Gray turned to Lucy fully, a frown playing on his lips as he gazed over her. It took the blonde a second to realise he was concerned and was trying to figure out what was wrong.
She absolutely refused to get excited over that little fact, and pouted playfully, “Last night, my dog ate my date.”
He blinked, surprised at her words and Lucy momentarily wondered if Gray wasn't the type to get humour.
Her worries were put to bed when his lips twitched and a knowing look reached his eyes. Her heart did a vague stutter motion and Lucy thought about the chances of tachycardia being brought on by something so minute was an almost smile.
“Oh yeah? That's too bad.”
Lucy nodded, playing along with her little ‘sad’ routine, “Left nothing but a bone from his ring finger.”
“Your dog didn't even leave you the biggest finger? Unforgivable.” Her cheeks burnt a little at his possible innuendo but Lucy couldn't hide the coy little smile that begin to break onto her face.
“Luckily, I noticed… you have fingers.” She watched him closely, assuming that he wouldn't mind a little flirt back.
He stepped closer to Lucy and she felt the hairs on the back of neck prickle up, a surge of adrenaline rushing through her body; excited. His pale skin was flawless, and his jaw strong, nose a bit crooked as if it had been broken and those eyes…
Sweet mercy. Save me.
“I do. Ten of them.”
“Mind if I see them?”
Her heart raced as he offered Lucy his right hand and she took it in her grasp, ‘pretending’ to study them as he asked, “What's the verdict?”
“A good set. Long. Probably able to handle a dog without getting bitten or running away.” Lucy dropped his hand with a mischievous little smile as his lips twitched again.
“Needing someone to help you escape an overprotective dog?”
“Yeah, I do. And I was hoping you could be it.”
Gray leaned closer and looked at Lucy with those deep blue eyes, her heart pattering away in her chest as he murmured, “What makes you think I'll be able to handle it?”
“With hands like that, I think you’ll be fine.”
She reached up on her tippy toes subconsciously, whether to challenge him or get closer, Lucy don't know; but when their noses brushed, she felt a drop of heat touch her stomach and begin to fan over her limbs like liquid lust.
Lucy balanced myself on her toes, holding the bookshelf besides them and he leaned against it with his arm, watching her so intensely that Lucy struggle to keep his gaze.
“It's just a date Gray.” Lucy whispered, wondering if his silence meant he was going to decline the invitation which would seriously lead her to a pimply road.
His head tilted, their noses brushing again as Lucy smiled, his cool mint smell surrounding her effortlessly, “You might even like it.”
She bit her lip as he closed his eyes, taking a deep breath in.
“What time should I pick you up?”
“We already apologized Lucy!” Natsu followed his friend through her house, seemingly unaware of the things she was arranging. Lucy grabbed her best earrings, staring at her best friends in the mirror with an easy smile.
“I know! I said you were forgiven.”
“Then why can't we hang out tonight?” Lisanna cried out, flailing about as Lucy slipped the earrings in, giving her a look.
I mean, seriously, I was wearing heels.
I had curled my hair a little, I was wearing cute outfit.
How is she so oblivious?
“We just can't.” Lucy sighed, resisting the urge to wipe under her eyes which would smudge her make-up.
“But why?” They said at the same time, which made her both grin and high five. Lucy smiled at their maturity before brushing past them, glancing at the clock as she walked past.
Almost seven which is when Gray had planned to pick her up.
They followed Lucy noisily, complaining and demanding a reason when she grabbed her handbag from her bed.
Lisanna stopped her rant about the duties of being somebodies best friend and something she saw must have finally clicked.
“You are going out?” She asked Lucy who grinned cheerfully, “Yes, I am.”
“Cobra is giving you another chance?” Natsu gawked, as if efficiently surprised Lucy even got a second date. She had to agree with him there, despite it not being her fault at all, Lucy had a feeling Erik would be avoiding her for a long time.
“Actually, no. I'm going out with someone different tonight.”
The doorbell rang which made Lisanna and Natsu jump, Lucy just continued to smile and pointed to the stairs, “That would be him now.”
They glanced at each other before rushing, missing Lucy’s smile that quickly turned into a cheeky little smirk.
Once Lucy got to hallway just as Natsu ripped the door open, hearing his threatening bellow.
“Who dares take our Lucy out- Gray?” His voice lost its loudness and Lucy turned the corner to find Lisanna and Natsu gaping at the dark haired man in the door.
“I'm almost ready Gray.” She sung, smile innocently when they turned to her with wide eyes. Gray’s eyes held amusement and the tiniest smudge of a smirk.
“Sure. Take your time.”
“What exactly is this?” Lisanna found her voice as Lucy grabbed her purse from the side table, stuffing it into her bag.
“I'm taking Lucy out.” Gray stared at Lucy while she wasn't looking, smiling when she fiddled with her hair.
Natsu noticed this and bristled, “No way. Lucy needs someone nice. Not an icy bastard like you.”
“Cold hands, warm heart.” Lucy stated as she yelled up the stairs, “Mom, I’m heading off now!”
“Okay darling, have fun! Hi Gray!”
Lucy bit her lip at her Mom’s response and Gray stepped past the Cerberus , choosing to shout back, “Hello Mrs Heartfilia!”
Gray had been introduced to Lucy’s mom at the multiple sporting events they attended, since the Heartfilia’s were trustees on the school board.
“Layla, are you really going to let her go out with this guy?”
“Gray’s a sweetheart Natsu. I'll leave the growling to you.”
Natsu, true to Layla’s words, growled and eyed Gray suspiciously.
Lucy smiled.
“I don't like this. How are we going to scare Gray off?” Lisanna protested as Lucy slipped her hand into Gray’s, a silent urge to move before they decided to join them spontaneously.
Gray followed behind with a smirk, “You don't. I'm taking Lucy out, end of story.”
“But why him?” Natsu groaned, looking torn between shaking Lucy and throttling Gray. Lucy smiled at him innocently, blinking, “He’s got nice fingers.”
They both wore a face of pure bewilderment which made Gray chuckle. Once they got outside, Lucy glanced back and smiled, “Don't follow us.”
“You can if you want, won't make a difference.” Gray smirked as Lucy shook her head, continuing to pull him towards the street.
The door swung closed and they listened to the hushed argument.
“Do you think we spooked them?”
Lucy giggled as he lead her to his car, “I think Natsu was about to have an aneurysm where he stood.”
He opened the door for her and she smiled, placing a hand on his upper arm with a twinkle in her eyes, “Thank you.”
He smirked, leaning closer, “You are very welcome.”
Their lips brushed gently and the sound of a crash made Lucy jump, looking towards her house. She winced.
“Let's get out of here.”
“That's an excellent idea.” She climbed into the car as Gray saluted her house with his rude finger. She laughed at Natsu’s face which was smashed against the glass, glaring at them both. 
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oh-tetrabiblos · 7 years
Graylu Secret Sibling Exchange 2017!
Hi! This is my contribution for the Graylu Secret Exchange! My partner is @fresh-princess-is-here, I hope you like it Reigan!! 
I had a lot of fun writing this but it turned up a bit longer than expected, so I put it under the cut! Anyway, thanks to @graylu-angstweek for hosting this little event! Happy New Year to you all!
To sum up: When a close friend of Makarov makes him an urgent request, he takes it as a personal favor and reunites the two most competent mages for it. The job brings an unexpected reward for the two.
New Year’s Eve was close and Lucy was sitting on a table at the guild remembering how she used to celebrate the New Year with her family. She thought of all the balls and the parties that their parents’ friends hosted, then compared it with how Fairy Tail celebrated it and couldn't help but laugh.
“What the hell are you laughing at again, Lucy?” Natsu waved his hand in front of her eyes looking for attention. “Whatever, move your big ass and help with the decoration for the party, would ya?”
That earned him a slap on the back of the neck.
“Dumbass” Lucy rolled her eyes yet got up nonetheless. She took out some of the garlands Natsu was carrying in a box under his right arm and joined the others.
The party that Fairy Tail hosts every year to celebrate its end is legendary and that means they have been cleaning, decorating and planning each second of the night for a week, all under the supervision of the ever so lovely Erza, not-so-lovely when things got out of control. Something that, being honest, happened quite too much since this was Fairy Tail. So yeah, the week has been a torture and Lucy was meditating about getting a job alone and coming back for the day of the party.
As if the Spirit King had listened to her, Makarov appeared standing over the bar counter holding a paper and reunited the Team Natsu.
“Listen up. A great friend of mine has requested our service urgently. I took it as a personal favor so I need you to success in this job no matter the cost. Got it?” At their nod, Makarov put his serious expression aside and sat over the counter, grabbing his beer firmly. “Good. However, I can't send you all to another city when there are only three days left to our party…” He tugged at the end of his beard and saw Erza ready to volunteer. “I can't send you, Erza, since I need you here helping with the organization. Of course Natsu must not go since we don't want, by any means, something set on fire…” Natsu’s complaints were loud but nobody really payed attention to them. “That leaves you two, Lucy, Gray, I'll leave this on your hands.”
“No problem” Gray smiled at Lucy and they fist bumped.
“What do we have to do?” Lucy asked.
“My friend’s daughter life has been threatened. He hired bodyguards to protect her but the attackers are stronger each time they appear. He has an important business dinner tonight so he can't keep an eye on her and is desperate to finish that nightmare as soon as possible. I want you to find the one who's haunting her, and end him.”
“Why are they after her?” Happy said, landing on Lucy's head. He was wearing a party hat so he wasn't definitely leaving the guild, but he wanted to gossip anyway.
“My friend is a very important strategist of the Magic Council…”
“Let me guess” Gray interrupted “The classic “blackmail by kidnapping daughter” topic, isn't it?”
“Don't worry, master! Count on us!” Lucy grabbed her things and picked up the floor Gray’s long forgotten shirt before passing it to him. “We’re leaving now!” Makarov handled her the paper with the direction and the request.
“It’s on us, old man!”
Gray followed her out of the guild, still buttoning up his shirt.
After a short stop to get their package, Gray and Lucy took the train to Crocus.
“Ah, back to the capital!” Lucy said, leaning back on her seat. It wasn’t long since she had lived there on her own.
“Such good memories, huh?” Gray smiled at her, resting his head on his hand.
“Weeeeell…” She sighed “Do you mean back then when a dragon made my clothes disappear? Living there all alone wasn't very funny either!”
Gray giggled. He dared to laugh at her misfortune!
“You dummy. What an ass!” Lucy pouted.
“Hey” Gray stopped at the middle of his laughter “Did you just call me dummy?” He was beyond amused. “That was kind of cute, you know.”
Lucy decided to ignore both the genuine smile he was directing at her and the shiver that ran down her spine.
“All I remember is calling you an ass” she avoided his eyes and crossed her arms. Why the hell she felt her cheeks warming she didn't know, and his soft laugh was not helping at all.
“I do have good memories in Crocus.” Gray said, gaining her attention again. “You supported me when I lost the first round, that meant a lot to me. It still does, tho.” He winked at her. Lucy leaned in to get a little closer to him. He was right, those were the days.
“Yeah” She looked up to him “I think you did a good job supporting me as well back then.”
They stayed still, not knowing what to do with their proximity, until they felt a constant stare on them. They turned to look at their side where an old man was watching them.
“What a weird way to flirt the younglings have now…” The only thing he said was enough to get Lucy to sit correctly on her seat again and Gray to look out the window with his cheeks exploding in pink.
“Mr. Baclan has been waiting for you.” Was the first thing a servant said when they entered the large house of the requestor’s house. The girl, a bit younger than Lucy and Gray, guided them to what they figured was Mr. Baclan’s office. A tall, grey haired man received both mages.
“Thank you for coming.” Two old green eyes pierced the pair with desperation, although the man maintained the composure. “I’m sure Makarov has given you the details already.” Gray and Lucy nodded. “Gabriela!” He called, and a little girl not older than six came into the room running.
She had raven hair and dark brown eyes, but they couldn’t see much more since the girl was hiding behind her father’s legs.
“I don’t know who is behind the attacks against my precious Gabby, but I want them to stop.”
“Don’t you worry, sir. We won’t let anything happen to your daughter.” Gray said, while Lucy was trying to get the girl’s attention. She extended one of her golden keys and moved it through her fingers, the eyes of the kid fixed on it. Lucy then enclosed it with her hands.
“Blow.” Lucy said, smiling, and the girl ran to her. Standing in front of Lucy she let air out quickly, and the blonde mage opened her hands. The key was no longer there.
“Where did it go!?” Gabriela asked, searching everywhere.
“It’s okay Mr. Baclan, nobody’s going to harm her.” Lucy said, then showed the kid her key again. “Right, Gabby?”
Gray’s heart skipped a beat when his brain decided it was a good idea to imagine Lucy as the mother of his children.
“So, what are you playing with?” Gray asked Gabby, sitting beside her on the ground after losing a round of “heads or tails” with Lucy to decide which one was going to tell her she had to go to bed.
“She’s my friend Malia!” The girl handed him a beautiful brunette doll. “She’s a princess and that’s cool!”
He gave her the toy back.
“Have you ever met a real princess?” Gray said, an idea forming in his head.
“No, never.” The girl puffed.
“Do you want to know a secret?” He whispered. Gabby nodded, excited. “She is a real princess” Gray said, pointing at Lucy.
“Really!?” The girl exclaimed, the doll now long forgotten.
“Aye. She used to live in a really big house, with at least ten floors. Her garden was longer than this whole town, and she wore the most beautiful dresses of the world.” Gray was exaggerating a bit, but who cares.
“That’s incredible! I met a real princess!” Gabby wanted to go with Lucy, who was quietly reading on a chair, yet she made another question to him first.
“How did you know she is a princess?” You’re so lucky you found one!”
Yes, he is. He thought.
“Isn’t it obvious?” Gray said, looking at his partner. “She’s very, very beautiful, with precious eyes and the smoothest golden hair…” Gabby nodded. “But most of all she’s strong, hella strong, and kind, and forgiving. She loves and supports her friends with all her being, and that’s what makes a real princess.” Why the hell he just told a six-year-old girl about the crush he had on his partner, he didn’t know. Anyway, the girl almost had hearts instead of eyes so he now had to finish the story. “Oh, and she tells the best bedtime stories. Wanna hear one?”
“Yes! Yes!” Gabriela got up so quick she almost falls and ran to Lucy again. “Princess Lucy!”
The blonde looked at her and then at her partner with a confused look, yet she carried the girl nonetheless. Gray saw the bright smile Lucy had when the kid asked her to tell a story, for she was a writer and loved inventing tales. She left with Gabriela to the contiguous room, where the bed was, and came back to Gray, who was waiting relying on the frame of the door, some minutes later.
“What the hell did you tell her? She couldn’t stop calling me ‘princess’” She smiled when Gray shrugged.
“I just told her the truth.” The smirk Gray showed her made Lucy need to rely on the door as well.
“I didn’t know you told tales, too. I want to know that story, though.” He leaned closer to her, placing a hand above Lucy’s head.
“I bet you do.”
Lucy swore she had never been closer to Gray before, a few inches apart of that smirk of him which was making her feel weak on her knees. She placed his right hand over his chest looking for the stability that Gray’s gaze was stealing her. Lucy could feel his heart beating frenetic.
She could've sworn Gray was leaning closer to her if their attention wouldn't have been claimed by the sound of a window breaking.
“What the…” Gray cursed and both their eyes opened wide when they saw gas filling the room where they had been before. “Shit.”
Quickly, Gray froze the lacrima someone threw inside the room to stop it from spilling more gas. Two men wearing all black entered through the window, not expecting to see two mages blocking their way to where their target was sleeping.
“Who are you?” Gray said, ready to fight. Lucy took a step beside him, placing a hand on his back.
“We can’t leave the both of them unconscious, we have to averiguate who they work for.” He nodded.
One of the enemies kneeled to touch the floor and at that moment sand started to fill the room with such force it created a tornado. The other took advantage of the distraction and ran over the wall to get to the door.
“What the fuck are they!” Gray shouted, half closing his eyes due to the sand.
“They seem like real ninjas, not like Natsu!” Lucy said, moving her hand to her keys. “Anyway, leave this to me. Star dress! Scorpio!”
When Lucy changed her form, all the sand fell to the ground immediately, nullifying the tornado. Gray formed an ice bow and shot the other man, pinning him to the wall without even looking away of Lucy and her beautiful body fitting perfectly in that armor. Gray had to force himself to keep his mouth closed. He swallowed hard and approached the man trying to get the arrow off his body to scape. Lucy got back to her normal clothes – two whip movements and their enemy was tied on the floor.
“Well, this was easy.” Gray said. “You, human waste” He hammered the arrow deeper into the man’s shoulder and heard the cry leave the other’s throat. “Who do you work for? Spit it!”
Gray didn't get an answer. Lucy wasn't any luckier either.
“Gray.” She said. “They didn't mutter a word since they came.”
“Yeah, I know. That doesn't mean I…” Gray stopped talking when he saw the horror look on his partner. “Lucy…?”
“Open his mouth. Now.” Lucy ordered and Gray fought with the man to introduce two fingers on his mouth. He forced it open – the man didn't have a tongue.
“What the actual fuck!? How are we going to interrogate them now!?” Gray exclaimed, cleaning his fingers on the ninja’s clothes.
“We don't need to, I know who they are.” Lucy approached Gray. “They belong to a guild of mercenaries called Arde Lucus, I know them because my father used to contract them as bodyguards when we travelled or hosted important people in our house. If you want to be accepted in the guild, you have to cut your tongue off, for they can't tolerate betrayal nor snitchers. The last thing I had heard of them was that they had changed to a dark guild who swindled people to gain money.”
“Seems like the rumors were true, tho.”
“I know where their guild used to be, and I don't think they changed the Crocus headquarters. I just have to go there and crash it down for sure…” Lucy started but Gray laughing made her look at him again.
“You? You’re crazy if you think I'm going to watch you go there all alone. Fucking crazy.” Lucy blushed, yet pouted annoyed.
“But we can't leave Gabby alone. I know the place, so…”
“So you write it down for me and I go there while you take care of her. She likes you much more than she likes me, anyway.” Lucy pointed at him pissed.
“What? And what makes you think I'll let you go there alone!? No way in hell, thank you.” She tied up both ninjas and got ready to leave, but Gray had other plans. He jumped to the windowsill and smiled to the furious Lucy who was about to start rambling and shouting at him.
“Come on, Lucy, don't look at me like that. Just give me the address and before you get rid of those two I’ll be back again, I promise.” Gray smiled and she grabbed him by the collar of his shirt.
“You dumb imbecile.” Lucy sighed, yet explained where the guild was to him. “I hate that you get away with this one…”
“I’ll be okay and you know it.”
“...I hate seeing you go.” Gray changed his playful smirk at her words. Lucy was looking down and grabbing his shirt tight.
“Listen up, Lucy.” He lifted her chin with a finger and looked at her eyes. “I understand how you feel because I can't stand seeing you leave either. But I won't let even a scratch mark your skin if I can do anything against it so… I’ll be right back. Aye?” Gray smiled, leaning closer to Lucy.
“Aye…” She felt her cheeks warm with the proximity, again. Lucy slowly closed her eyes waiting, hoping, for a kiss that never came.
The second after their noses brushed, Gray had jumped off the window and Lucy was seeing him run now with the eyes wide and her heart about to explode in her chest.
That idiot! Lucy didn't even know why she wanted –and still wants– him to kiss her in the first place! She doesn’t like him in the very least! Not at all!
“Bastard.” She cursed, and the two enemies suffered her rage.
Lucy was reading her book beside a sleeping Gabriela when she heard some window crystals break against the floor again. She quickly grabbed her keys, just in case, and ran to the contiguous room hoping to find a raven head safe and sound.
“I'm back.” Gray’s cocky smile greeted Lucy. The relief she felt was fighting her arms for not kicking him in the face while she came closer to her partner.
“You’re a dumb idiot, I want you to know it.” She said.
“That’s rude, Lucy!” He smiled, looking down at her.
“I could’ve made it in half the time, dickhead.”
“I don't doubt it.” Gray placed a hand over Lucy's head, the smile never leaving his lips. “But they won’t ever harm anybody again and it was kind of easy, you know. Anyway, what's with this passive-aggressive swearing?”
Lucy grabbed him by the cheeks and squeezed them.
“It’s your fault” She pulled him close and standing on her tiptoes crashed her lips against his.
Gray wasn't expecting it. Her move had left his heart beating frenetic and made his brain shut down. He closed his eyes anyway and slowly moved his hands down to her waist so he could hold her close to him. His lips moved against Lucy’s, finding them wet and soft. Gray recovered the composure and sucked on her lips, parting them then with his tongue, licking hers.
Lucy caressed his scalp and followed him deep into the kiss until they broke it gasping.
“How’s this my fault?” Gray asked. He hadn't let Lucy go and she blushed, the anger long forgotten.
“Huh… You-you can't try to kiss a girl and then… Then leave. Moron.” Lucy gulped and Gray couldn't help but laugh.
“And this was your revenge? That's cruel Lucy!”
“How is this cruel?” She whined, encircling his neck with her arms. Gray was feeling happy as hell, as if he was dreaming, yet he decided to play along. It's not like the girl you're head over heels for makes the first move everyday.
“Because I like you.” He whispered. “So if you say this was just revenge… You're going to break my heart!” Gray heard Lucy gasp, she was looking at him with wide eyes.
Go big or go home, he thought.
“You like me?” Lucy said. “As in like, like me?” He chuckled.
“Yes.” Lucy tiptoed again and left a peck on his lips. “Hey! How's that you can kiss me whenever you want but I don't have the same right!” Gray teased.
“I never said you couldn't, Gray.” She smiled, tracing a pattern with her index finger down his chin. “I may or may not like you back.” His cocky grin appeared again and he leaned until brush his lips with hers.
“You may not? That hurts me, princess.” Gray lifted her off the ground, holding her tight.
“Kiss me and you'll figure it out.”
And he did. Oh, how he kissed her.
“It was a nice job…” Gray said, following Lucy close on their way back to the guild from the train station. “But we didn't get a reward, tho. That sucks.”
“Are you sure we didn't get a reward, Gray?” She looked at him over her shoulder, rising an eyebrow.
Gray smiled and fastened his pace to reach her and hug her from behind, kissing her neck while they walked together.
“Well, I sure did.”
Lucy laughed so he smiled, too.
“I was talking about sloping off working on the guild, perv.” Lucy turned around and looked at him in the eyes. A warm ocean blue staring back at her when she put her arms around his shoulders. “But this isn't bad either.”
They joined in a passionate kiss, oblivious to their surroundings.
“Holy shit. Wait for Mira to know that.”  Said a certain brunette girl, holding still a bottle of rum and running to spread the gossip.
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camila-zip · 7 years
Halating Snow
This fanfiction was written for the lovely @impracticaldemon, hi! I am your Secret Santa from the GrayLu Secret Sibling Exchange thingy. I really hope you like this! It’s been a while since I write anything and it’s also my first time writting fanfiction besides my Nalu Dora AU but that doesn’t count lol Okay so, Enjoy!!
Characters: Gray and Lucy.
(GrayLu Fluff)
Word count: 1391
The snow was falling slowly outside my apartment’s window, the sky a beautiful dark blue. Everything outside looked so cold it gave me shivers to even think about as I snuggled in my blanket while leaning on the window. I want to see him, I thought. What would he be doing at this moment? I wondered. The warm air inside my room with my head leaning against the cold window made me a little sleepy… or was I sad?
I had to stay inside my house for Christmas thanks to the flu… What an amazing Christmas… As my eyes slowly started to shut I heard a crack in my window and it suddenly felt colder than it was. I opened my eyes and surprised myself with a message written in the glass. It seemed as if the window froze with the words “Look Down” written onto it. Startled by the sudden message, I looked down to find myself staring at the face of a Santa hatted Gray in the midst of the snow. He was wearing his usual jeans, a grey turtle neck shirt and a dark blue jacket, no gloves on. He grinned softly. My heart skipped a beat and suddenly my whole body felt hot. Did he, for any chance, spy into my thoughts?
I smiled back at him as he said something, but due to the window that was in between us, I couldn’t hear. And then he began walking away. “No, don’t go…” my mind started to turn blue while he distanced more and more from the front of my apartment. I held tight onto my blanket and ran to the front door and out of the building. As I ran down the stairs I felt all my energy being drained out of my body, but I couldn’t let him go just like that.
Once out, my feet felt the freezing snow and my whole body trembled. This was not a good idea after all, I sighed. I stood there for a moment, too distracted by the cold weather of outside, almost forgetting the reason why I was here in the first place.
“Gray!” I shouted as I skipped closer to him, facing him in the middle of this icy climate. Even though he was a few meters ahead of me, I could see his calm face and his comforting smile.
Our eyes were linked, and for a minute we just stood there, staring at each other’s souls. I looked away in a rush, feeling embarrassed. I stared at him too much, but it was impossible not to.
“I… I just wanted to…” I stuttered, while looking down at the fallen snow.
I decided to look back up at him and I noticed that he was now a little bit closer, but still far enough for me to shout.
“Merry Christmas!” I shouted firmly as I watched him let out a small laugh. He started walking closer to me, and I held my blanket tighter. Right, I brought my blanket because I felt cold, I forgot that because my whole body was now burning from his presence.
He was now right in front of me. The little santa hat he had on decorated with small drops of the falling snow looked cute on him. I let out a suppressed laugh.
“That looks really cute on you.” Now I was laughing harder, covering my mouth with my guild marked hand, trying to not make too much fun of him, but it was so unusual to see him this festive. Gray gently touched the hand I had covering my mouth and held it. My laughter died the moment he touched my hand, and when he placed it on his cheek I surely had a heart attack. His hands were a little sweaty despite the cold. Was he, for any chance, as nervous as I was?
“You’re cold.” He stated. I opened my mouth to defend myself as to why I was outside while having the flu, but he fiercely embraced me, holding my whole body tight. My eyes opened in shock and I turned stiff, still holding on to my blanket.
“You should take better care of yourself, Lucy,” He whispered in my ear. His entire body held a nice warm feeling. I slowly closed my eyes and accepted his embrace.
“Yes.” I agreed with a smirk.
He pushed me away a few inches, just enough to see my face, our noses inches from touching. What was he doing before coming here? Was he at the guild? Do the people there know that he came here to see me? Oh no, if Mira knows I’ll be forever teased about this. Just thinking about her mocking face when I return to the guild made me want to stay sick for longer.
“Lucy,” he said, taking me out of my internal thoughts, he really knows when I’m paying attention and when I’m not. I nodded, letting him know that I was listening.
“Merry Christmas,” he murmured.
I smiled brightly. “Thank you! Merry Christmas to you t-”
“Do you think Santa would mind if we broke a little rule?”
I was confused. What was he talking about? “I… guess not?”
“Good. Though,” he laughed. “I don’t think Santa is involved in this whole mistletoe business anyway.”
His lips came without a warning and softly touched mine, as if asking permission to proceed. I closed my eyes, grasping the taste of his lips mixing with mine. His lips felt soft, even softer than my own. But this was not enough, something inside me changed as soon as he kissed me, and I suddenly wanted more of that gentleness. I ran my hands over his hair and my blanket fell to the snow-filled ground, leaving me only with my pink pajamas, but that didn’t matter as I smacked my lips against his. He grabbed my waist and followed the lead. I could feel his breath warming my face up, it smelled sweet and pleasant. My heart was beating too fast.
This was our first kiss, but somehow I felt like we’ve done this before. Maybe in our past lives we were lovers, maybe we were soulmates finding each other again, maybe, just maybe. I felt such a happiness exploding from inside that I let out a little laugh in between our kiss, and I opened my eyes to see Gray smiling at me, staring straight into my eyes. I could see myself reflected in his eyes and immediately looked away, too ashamed. Was I too impulsive? I was not gentle at all…
He grabbed my chin with his hands, they were cold by now and I had to fight myself not to shiver. He closed his eyes and started approaching again, so I closed mine too, letting him have the control now. He gave me a small kiss but it went kind of wrong since our noses had bumped. We both opened our eyes and burst out laughing while resting our forehead against each other’s. He chuckled a little after the laughter died and hugged my shoulder.
“I like you.” He smiled once more, glancing at me. All the smiles he gives me are always full of something inexplicable, something that makes me realize how great his love and respect for me is. This moment, this warm feeling in my heart, this face of his, these butterflies in my stomach. They all belong to me, they all made me special, and it was all thanks to him.
“I like you too,” I replied, smiling at him.
“I think you should go inside. I will escort you to your room and make you hot cocoa until you are warmed up.” He hugged me tighter and we started walking towards my apartment.
“I think that’s a good idea. Another kiss would warm me up just fine too.” I giggled, enduring the pain my stomach had from all the butterflies. We climbed up the stairs while still hugging each other in an awkward way but neither of us wanted to let go.
“I know what other things can warm you up pretty well too.” He kissed my head and opened the door of my home, letting me go in first. After we were both inside he closed the door and we spent a very cozy Christmas together.
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yensaymada · 7 years
For @acnologically! Hi, I’m your secret sibling! You wanted lots of fluff or smut or angst, so I tried to incorporate all three genres in one drabble, but I guess I failed lol. Anyway, I hope you’ll still like this! Happy New Year! Also, thanks a lot graylu-angstweek! Glasses!Gray ftw
The first time Lucy saw Gray wearing glasses, she nearly fainted.
It was on her first Christmas Eve with Fairy Tail, when she found out Gray was not in the guild to celebrate the occasion with everyone. She went to his house to drag him to the headquarters, but when he opened the door looking so nice and smart in those slim-framed glasses, her mind completely blanked out.
(“You’re wearing glasses?” “I guess.” “What for?” “Uh… Reading?” “You read?” “Wow, Luce. Thanks. I’m offended.”) If someone were to ask her what her ideal man is, she would say he has to be charming, nice, and smart. She preferred good boys, particularly ones who resemble the princes in her favorite fairy tales, because they have all the traits she wished for her man to have. She had always dreamed of meeting a prince who would sweep her off her feet. She liked to believe she’s a bad girl for running away from her family, that’s why she needs a good boy. So, when she discovered her little crush on her raven-haired guildmate and teammate, she panicked. Gray was the most attractive guy in Fairy Tail (maybe second to Loke), and after spending more time with him for jobs, she knew Gray has a good heart. However, Gray is categorized in her book as a bad boy. His messy hairstyle, exhibitionism, and his goddamn (sexy) smirk were the factors. Never mind his looks and kindness! Plus, he is Loke’s best pal. ‘Nuff said. So, how dare Gray look so smart yet sexy in those glasses? Gray does not wear them often, though. He had never brought it with him to the guild and during missions, says he would not want to lose them. Apparently, he only wore them in his house, or in Lucy’s house whenever he came by to read one of her novels—to her surprise, Gray had been reading them secretly. The fact that he only wore them around her made her fall for him more. Because, knowing she was the sole person who has seen that side of him made her feel special. Still, she did her best to ignore the growing affection she had for her teammate. And now, since fate seemed to have enjoyed in torturing her, the job Team Natsu recently took required some of them to go undercover on a banquet to catch a small group of dark magic users, who were also allegedly putting on disguises to perform their crimes. Of course, Erza, Natsu, Happy, and Wendy were out of the question. The only normal-looking ones in their team who can go to a party without being suspicious are Lucy and Gray (as long as he keeps his clothes intact). Not only do they have to keep their real identities a secret, but they also had to pretend to be a couple! Erza argued it’d be easier to move around without raising anyone’s suspicions if they were together. Well, no one dared defy Erza. It would have been quite fine, but what’s worse was that Gray decided to wear his glasses! Gray (whose hair was slick and brushed back that night) wearing a tuxedo and glasses was too much for her fragile heart to bear that she nearly failed to notice the suspicious group heading towards the hosts of the party. If it weren’t for Gray’s sharp senses, they would have been a little late. They finished the job successfully, with major damages to the establishment, as expected. The money used for the repair should have just been added to her savings, she begrudgingly thought. Team Natsu then part ways when they have reached Magnolia. Natsu and Happy wanted to eat at the guild, and volunteered to send their report, while Erza and Wendy went home. She did not wait for Gray to say where he’s heading to. She left right away, wanting to have some ‘no-glasses-Gray time’ because heck, he had not removed the damn glasses even after the job, and Natsu—the traitor—did not make fun of him for it. He probably did not notice them in the first place. Fortunately, Gray washed his hair back to its original style before leaving. Fate really liked playing with her, for a few minutes later, she heard familiar footsteps trailing her back. See how messed up she had become? She even knew the sound of his footsteps! How creepy was that? “Why are you following me?” She tried to ask as calmly as she could without facing the ice mage. As far as she knew, the guild and his house were on the opposite side of the town. Also, Gray was wearing his glasses. That was enough reason to ignore him. Gray hummed for a moment, making Lucy’s heart flutter; she also liked Gray’s voice. “Do you want to know a secret?” Gray asked with a hint of playfulness. She sighed; she thought it might be an embarrassing story about Natsu. “Sure.” She shrugged her shoulders. She hoped Gray had not noticed how stiff they were. “The girl I like doesn’t see how much I like her.” Came Gray’s response that made her heart stop and sink. The guy I like doesn’t see how much I like him, too. Because he already likes someone else. She thought bitterly. Lucy started walking faster. She wanted to get away from this conversation, from Gray. She did not need to hear about his love life. She wanted to curl up in her bed and maybe eat tons of ice cream. She needed to be away. “Is that so.” She replied, quite coldly. If Gray noticed the acceleration of her steps, he did not comment on it, and even matched up to her speed, thanks to his goddamn long legs. “Yeah. Maybe she needed glasses, too.” Maybe you should leave me alone. “Give her yours, then.” It was kind of sarcastic, she knew. A part of her wanted to snap at Gray so he would leave, to make him notice she was not in the mood for love talks that did not involve her, although she does not want him to get mad at her. Then again, she could always use her monthly period as an excuse. She expected him to leave after that, especially that they have already reached her apartment. Gray was usually short-tempered. What she did not expect was the pair of familiar slim-framed glasses being put on her. She blinked her eyes several times to adjust to the sudden brightness to her sight, and looked up at the man, whose glasses were nowhere to be found on him. “There. Can you see it now? My feelings for you?” Gray’s cheeks were tinted light pink, not certain if it’s because he’s cold or embarrassed. A shy smile formed on his lips as he lifted his hand to rub on his nape; a clear sign of uneasiness. Oh. Her heart pounded violently against her chest as heat rushed up to her face. Stay cool, Lucy. Stay cool! You have to make him pay for the emotional disaster he’s made you go through! “Seriously, Gray? You’ve been wearing these glasses, and yet, you haven’t seen my feelings for you?” The look of astonishment on Gray’s face was a sight she’d want to get etched in her mind forever. In all honesty, Lucy was surprised she had formed a decent (and witty) retort, in spite of the thousand thoughts running through her mind. With slightly trembling fingers, Lucy removed the glasses and put it back on Gray. Now that she could see it on him up close, a different kind of warmth filled her chest and it oddly excited her. Gathering up all her courage, she wrapped her arms around Gray’s neck and whispered on his lips, “Why don’t you show me instead?” Seeing the darkening of his blue eyes under the glasses and hearing the hitching of his breath, Lucy was relieved knowing she was not the only one feeling that way. Later on, she’d find out she wouldn’t have taken off Gray’s glasses if it weren’t for the moist blurring her lover’s sight.
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bakugoukatsukizine · 6 years
Mod Baku
Pronouns: she/her
Main Blog: lockandk3yfiction
Experience: Graylu Angst Week; Main Mod for Bakushima Secret Valentine and Graylu Secret Siblings; Junior Mod for Take My Hand 
About Me
Hey, I’m Sierra but will go by Baku during this project! I’m 21 years old and have a small bit of experience but don’t worry, my group and I are on the right track! I write, draw, make edits and do my best to organize fandom projects!
I just love my son so much that I thought he needed a zine all to himself and so he’s going to get one! Bakugou Katsuki is my favorite character in BNHA and you better bet that I’d compete for the role of his mother. Aizawa is my favorite pro hero as well with some space for Fat Gum beside him.
If I had a quirk, it would be Toxic Gas! The ability to secrete toxins from my body by rearranging the chemical balances in the air that I breathe.
I’m extremely glad that so many fans have shown interest in this zine so far and can’t wait to get this project fully on the road!
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natsubeatsrock · 7 years
Studio Ghibli Films that remind me of Fairy Tail ships
It's hard running a blog about one anime series when you know that there's plenty of good (read: better) anime out there. For example, I've been watching all the Ghibli films this year and many are really good. So I figured that the easiest way I can justify talking about them is comparing the main relationships in them to ships in Fairy Tail. 
Keep in mind that some comparisons are better than others, none of them are 1:1 and all of these comparisons are my opinions after seeing every Ghibli film released in theaters. 
Except for technically Ocean Waves. I got the DVD at home and I’m going to watch it soon.
Princess Mononoke reminds me of Natza
I lost it when this parallel was brought up to me. Considering this couple involves two incredibly skilled fighters, I could see people arguing this one for Jerza. But it's Natsu’s potentially lethal curse that seals this one for me.
“How could you forget Nalu?”
I didn't.
Kiki’s Delivery Service reminds me of Nalu
Yes, I'm adding as many ships as I think apply to this list. What about it?
This was a tough one for me. Personal biases aside, I was seriously fighting between this and Nausicaa, because the main character of that is incredibly reminiscent of Lucy. However, I'm giving it to this because Tombo is very much like Natsu and he takes priority over Lucy. Much like Lucy, Kiki plans to follow in the magical footsteps of her mother when she meets Tombo. He introduces her into group of fun people and she ends up saving his life.
Fun fact: this is the most popular Ghibli film a Big 4 ship will get on this list.
Ponyo reminds me of Nali
Most everyone agrees that if there was a time when Nali was at its, it was their childhood. What better film for them than a movie that's about the love between two children. Not to mention, both the girls have animal powers, which I didn't think of at first.
Tales of Earthsea reminds me of Graytear
I could point to fun stuff, like the guy and his dad and help through projection. But I give it to this one specifically because, not unlike the next one, these two don't start out on friendly terms, mostly because of the guy. But they end up growing closer over time. On a more meta note, I think this deserves more recognition than people seem to give it.
Castle in the Sky reminds me of Graylu
Pazu continually trying to protect Sheeta reminds me of Gray’s quip about protecting Lucy during Phantom Lord. While that remind some people of Nalu, my mind goes to this one. Not to mention, the image of Gray playing trumpet is one I think more people should get used to.
Whisper of the Heart reminds me of Gajevy
I know I chose a pretty obscure movie for this couple, but this one was through my mind the entire time I watched the movie. Thankfully not because one hurts the other. Rather, because the main couple goes from annoyed by each other to in love with each other. Also, the female character is an avid reader.
Porco Rosso reminds me of Jerza
I was genuinely ready to say Jerza reminded me of Howl’s Moving Castle, which is my favorite Ghibli film. My siblings told me that was the right choice and I even wrote up reasons why. But then I realized that if I was going to say Jerza was reminiscent of a movie where a guy is too busy self-loathing to realize he's liked by someone he also likes and is on the run from people because of his past, I should probably give it to the one that I won't feel bad comparing a ship I don't like a lot.
The Cat Returns reminds me of Gruvia
I know that this probably will look terrible, regardless of whether you've seen this movie. However, I chose this one because, thanks to Gray, Juvia is introduced to a world that's more interesting and exciting than the one she was in. If that sounds like reason enough to give it to Spirited Away, I almost thought so too. However, this gets the nod because clear romantic feelings develop in this one.
The Wind Rises reminds me of Zervis
In trying to achieve his dreams, Zeref ends up creating things that kill people. And considering events that would be considered by many to be double spoilers, I can't think of a better movie for these two.
My Neighbors the Yamadas reminds me of Albis
On one hand, I feel weird giving my favorite ship in the series a comparison to a movie I didn't enjoy a whole lot. But, this is the only good Ghibli film that focuses on a married couple with children. And, after OVA 9, I could imagine Asuka accidentally being left behind on a shopping trip.
And for fun, a couple of generic choices in no particular order.
Bonus: From Up On Poppy Hill would remind me of the Worst Written Ship
From Up On Poppy Hill is a pretty decent movie. It would be one of my favorites if it weren't for the handling of the romantic couple. So, imagine your NOTP as this if they were to end up as canon. It might be that bad.
Bonus: Tale of Princess Kaguya would remind me of the Adultery Ship
I don't add this because I support the idea of adultery, but because I don't believe that people in this fandom are above adultery headcanons if their ship doesn't happen. And there is a scene where a guy is about to leave his family to be with someone else. And then he wakes up from his fantasy. As I hope anyone who supports adultery headcanons does.
Bonus: Only Yesterday reminds me of the Most “Forced” Ship
To a certain extent, all things happen in a story because of the writer’s impact. However, some things happen with the delicate force of two planes crashing into each other. The couple in Only Yesterday get together in the last half hour in a way that's so bad, it feels like Takahata tried to stop people from liking this more than other Ghibli ships and, in my opinion, succeeded. Keep this film in mind as the series ends.
Bonus: The Secret World of Arriety reminds me of ships that involve people how are “Just Friends”
I'm sure you've heard this one: “Why would you ship that? They're just friends?” There are no romantic relationships in this film. There are boy/girl interactions in the film, but nothing about them imply romance. Except for the parents.
Bonus: Grave of the Fireflies reminds me of ships that people say are “Literally Siblings”
Every once in awhile, someone will say, “How can anyone ship *insert ship here*? It's practically incest.” This movie is literally about siblings. There is no romance between them. They're just siblings. Also, there's a huge age gap. Also, spoilers.
Bonus: When Marnie Was There reminds me of a Bad Retrospect Ship
In the same vein as the last few, there are/will probably be a ship or two that you'd think would make sense now, but later realize that they're bad in the long run. The couple in When Marnie Was There is laid out by the first half of the movie. But if you're watching it and thinking it’s “the obvious choice”, you're going to be disappointed. Severely.
Special thanks to @gabbaray for the ideas behind some of these. In all honesty, all the Ghibli films are pretty good and worth watching. Except for Pom Poko.
See you!
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For @impracticaldemon I ( @trinityvermillion) was your secret sibling for the Graylu gift exchange! I hope you enjoy it! I’m sorry it’s not very long! >.<
Lucy’s P.O.V.
Toss and turn, fluff pillows up, adjust blankets, adjust pillows, find a reasonably comfortable position, and try to fall asleep. Wake back up for an unknown reason, and repeat the cycle. How many times have I done this tonight? Four times? Five? I’ve lost track at this point of the night. I roll over to check the time, thinking that my alarm will go off soon…
3:02 a.m.
…Crap. My alarm is set to go off at 9:00 a.m. so Gray and I have time to head back to town in the afternoon, and with my sleeping pattern and writer's block that has been bugging me for 6 months now, there’s no way I’m gonna look well-rested to Gray. Knowing him, he’ll delay our trip back just to make sure that both of us are 100% healthy.
*Knock Knock Knock*
Who’s knocking on my door at this hour? I clamber out of bed and head to the door, only to open it and find Gray on the other side. “Heya Lucy, did I wake you?”, Gray said in a tone that sounded a little scared. I shook my head, “No you didn’t, Gray. I actually was just using the bathroom, so I was already awake. Why are you down here, if I may ask?”
“I… um… I couldn’t sleep. This place reminds me too much of my old house, so I was wondering if you wanted to head home earlier than planned? I can find a carriage to take us back to Magnolia.” I stopped him before he could continue rambling on. “If that’s what will make you comfortable Gray. I’ll pack up the rest of my stuff and get changed.” Gray nods his head, and before he turns away to go find a carriage, he asks one more question. “Hey, babe? Is it alright if I stay with you for the night when we get back?” I blush at the sudden question, turn to him and give him a smile. “Of course, my brave little polar bear. I would love that.” He glares at me for the nickname, internally cursing Natsu for giving me that idea. I giggle at his response and head over to him to give him a kiss on the cheek. As soon as I hear the door shut, I start changing my clothes. One question pops into my mind as I look down at my engagement ring while I’m changing…
… I wonder how Gray will react when I tell him I’m pregnant?
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lucydreyar13 · 7 years
My Unexpected Absence
Hey Everyone!
I know I’ve been missing for months. Someone reported something I reblogged, and it had to be investigated. Tumblr ended up locking me out, and I have now just been given the go ahead to get back onto my account. I apologize to those who requested fics, and to my Secret Santa and GrayLu Sibling Gift Fic partner. I feel really bad, but am hopeful that this will never happen again.
Thank you for understanding!
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nonochuu · 6 years
A u s p i c i o u s . b e g i n n i n G
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Hi, @yamarygraylu :) 
I’m your secret sibling! Sorry for this late post. My internet went down and I need to wait a few days longer than I expected.
At first, I wanted to make a one-shot but somehow it ended up into a mini-series with 4k+ words ^^; ah well… I’ve tried to make it to your preference, hope you like it! :)
Happy new year to you! Wishing you a wonderful new year filled with abundance, joy, and treasured moments. All hail graylu!  (*^∇^)ノ゚・*:.。.☆
“The best thing that happened to me was to meet you.”
[[ 1 ]] - [[ 2 ]] - [[ 3 ]]
Sing along with me~
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fyeahgrayluweek · 6 years
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                       ~ Happy New Year from GRAYLU! ~
Dear graylu family,
From starting 2017 with the secret sibling gift exchange to taste the fluffy goodness of graylu to the heartbreak of two star-crossed lovers to dive into the beautiful love and then the annual event which has a special day for us, GRAYLU DAY, it’s been a pleasure bringing you fun and various moments throughout your journey with our beloved OTP.
We, representing other admins from the graylu event blogs, would like to say thank you for being with us all the time, sharing the passion and excitement as fellow shippers. We really couldn't have done it without you! :)
We look forward to a more joyous 2018 with lots of graylu fanworks hehehe... So keep calm and ship GRAYLU!
Graylu family unite! *cheers* 
・:*:・。♪☆(*ノ゚▽゚)ノA Happy New Year。+.゚ヽ(*´∀`)ノ゚.+。・:*:・。♪☆
@graylusecretsiblings || @graylu-fluff-fest || @graylu-angstweek || @graylulovefest || @fyeahgrayluweek
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knotenvater · 6 years
Hello!!! 🎄 Tis your Graylu Sibling, here in the pixels! (Not in the flesh although hopefully you are warmer in Spain than I am here at the North Pole.) (Yes, they do send Secret Siblings here for Secret Training even when we're not Secret Santas. 🎅) ❄️❄️❄️ Do you have any favorite Graylu fics or writers? Any headcanons? I imagine them smiling at each other and holding hands, once they've finally worked out that there are "different than friendship" feelings involved as well as friendship. 🌟❄️
Oh hi! Sorry for the late response, I don’t have wifi here. Yes, Spain isn’t too cold for comfort rn, thank you. I’m afraid I don’t have favorite fics or writers that I can think of, although I do have some hcs! I like the idea of their relationship being really understated, you know? Like they do little things like what you said about holding hands and smiling at each other a lot. Spending time together without it having to be a big thing, they just watch a movie snuggled together, or they hang out at home simply enjoying each other’s company, they joke and talk while Lucy lazily fiddles with his hair… I imagine they would like to get each other little romantic presents and go on nice outings together tho. Another hc I really like is them bonding over the their traumatic losses of parental figures (helping each other on the anniversaries of those deaths and such), and Lucy helping Gray whenever he gets depressive/suicidal episodes (which we know he has from canon). Tying into that, I imagine Lucy would keep an eye on him and his self destructive tendencies, maybe get mad at him for being so unappreciative of himself (angrily yelling at him that she loves him, that kind of thing lmao). I would expect them to work very well together on missions, being the two most rational out of team natsu, and maybe this serving as a catalyst for their mounting affections. If you’re looking for fic ideas, however, canon compliant is always my favorite, so feel free to take inspiration from canon events or maybe make a mission up and integrate what I’m saying into it if you can work with that ^^ Just shoot me another ask if you need something else/more specific!
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