askvectorprime · 22 days
Dear Vector prime, sir, may i ask two questions. Why Rosanna(a cassette) doesn't shows up in shows? I remember, she was in Animated series, but was she anywhere else?
Dear Gig Worker,
Oh dear, did you have a ticket booked for one of her shows? I'm afraid she ended up having to withdraw from the remaining dates of her "Continuities" tour, after her show at the Fractyl Amphitheater. Sadly, towards the end of her set, her vocoder blew, leaving her unable to sing. The crowd knew what had happened right away, and they sung the rest of the song back to her, with the booming baritone of Grandus unmistakable amongst the chorus of the fans. It was a very emotional night for everyone. I'm surprised you didn't hear, it was all over the news. Still, the Choirs of Anduria carried on and performed even on the dates Rosanna couldn't show for, so if you did attend, I hope you had an enjoyable evening nonetheless. If you contact the venue, you may be able to get a refund on the face value of the ticket.
Rosanna hasn't performed in public since then, but rumor has it she's going to be making a big announcement very soon. The surprise release of a new single, "Your Weakness", has led many to believe that she'll be releasing her next album imminently—though as always there are plenty who suspect that the reveal will be of a more personal nature!
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thenamesblurrito · 9 months
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so it's uh been awhile. you might wanna click for clarity, especially for the kitty cat on the right. everyone here except Chromedome is a size null!
Grandus has been a champion of various martial arts since long before the Stratocracy was ever founded, with grace belied by his size null bulk. his particular specialty is a type of wrestling originating from his home planet Caminus, but he's lived on Cybertron a long time, working with Yoketron to teach and record martial arts as much as he can. under the current regime that looks down on such "violence", preserving this information is pretty important. when Yoketron decided to chip in as a benefactor for the JAAT, Grandus himself actually took a teaching position in physical education. the self-knowledge and body confidence he passes on to his students is unexpectedly engaging, almost enough to get some of them to stop gossiping about whatever relationship he may or may not have with pop star Rosanna.
whether or not his students were sports fans before, Eject is going to make sure they leave his class with a new appreciation for the glorious art of physical competition. an unmatched master of sports history and science, he can tell you the play-by-play of every Cube match in the past fifty million years without looking anything up, just as much of a terrifying information sponge as his twin, and equally terrifying on the field despite his extremely small datacube frame. given the cultural importance and how there's a sport for every function, he's actually got quite a bit of teaching material to cover even for the less active students. while he does have a Conjunx, he's not exactly in love with Chromedome like Rewind is, only married to him because of the way twin sparks work. they get along well enough, but he and Rewind have agreed that should they ever pick up an Amica, it'll be somebody Eject adores himself.
Chromedome is honestly a little confused as to how he wound up here in the first place. before, he was a psychiatric recordkeeper and ethical inspector. then his Conjunx Rewind got it into his head that he'd be just the perfect candidate to help out that new school Jhiaxus was trying to open, and Chromedome abruptly found himself a teacher of psychiatry. it's quite the change of pace, and honestly much less depressing to talk with a bunch of bright younglings than pore over yet another case file of horrific medical malpractice. he's an average size 2 car, but that's more than tall enough to pick up both his Conjunces with ease, if the two of them ever stood still long enough to nab.
he may not be JAAT faculty, but Rewind is ever-present anyway. both to check in on his twin and Conjunx or friends like Blaster, and also to get the freshest scoop on all the juicy stories this school spawns constantly! he may be tiny, but he is The star reporter of Iacon--no, Cybertron! nothing can stand in the way of getting that snippet, that quote, that blurry video, that first hand experience broadcasted to the world, even when his support staff Raindance and Grand Slam lag behind! information, he wants information! it all goes into his own alt mode storage as a datacube, making him quite the encyclopedia. the Stratocracy has tried and utterly failed to censor him, so instead they've relegated him to the function he has always excelled at, although with the way he is "accidentally" platforming the heroes and their dangerous ideals, they may be regretting letting Rewind run wild...
Roadmaster is a familiar face to many at the JAAT already, both to old friends like Thunderclash and folks she's never met. she's the host of popular nature show Quintessential Creatures, teaching viewers all about weird and wonderful wildlife. she was forged on Caminus long enough ago that her original records have been lost, but she's traveled everywhere since then, and her animal-wrangling bravery often makes people think she must be from Carcer instead. by all appearances she's slowing down now, letting her assistant Servo take on more responsibility, and this teaching position at the Academy is just perfect. she gets to affectionately nag a gaggle of fellow teachers many millions of years her junior while surreptitiously instilling revolutionary ideals and a love of nature in dozens of impressionable young minds. her walker transforms to become the cage on her enormous transport truck alt mode, most often used to haul rehabilitated mechanimals back to their natural habitats.
Meowgatron is a rusty tabkey who came up and sat on Roadmaster's clipboard one day and has been her darling pet ever since. he is, in a word, an idiot, and yet surprisingly good at finding his new favorite person Starscream to sit on and purr, no matter where he's hiding. rusty tabkeys like himself have lava lamp radiator alt modes, and many stressed students find petting his warm, blobby body very soothing. it almost makes up for his daily yowling sessions when he gets himself stuck inside a desk somehow.
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aviatrix-ash · 2 years
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~Digitally archiving the Complete Allspark Almanac
Here popstar Rosanna wrote a song for Grandus, he's her biggest fan.
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beanonthebed · 2 years
Head canon: TFA Grandus becomes Magnus when Ultra Magnus dies and Sentinel is impeached for something. and also he owns a Mukbang yt channel with a lot of drama. Cybertron is in shambles.
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catella-ars · 2 years
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My Mass Effect babes!
Pax Grandus Turian (he/him) The youngest of a line of highly successful soldiers, he sometimes feels overshadowed by his highly decorated older siblings, Vesta and Vulcan. Nonetheless, a very sweet and determined guy.
Temeria Octaviar Turian (she/her) A retired badass who lives in a small cabin on a remote planet with her retired badass partner, where they take in many a stray.
Vex Asari (they/them) A Matriarch-aged (former?) Justicar who set aside their evil-chasing to make a home for refugees and runaways.
Shol Salarian (she/he) An assassin who fled the stuffy life of Sur’Kesh to wander the galaxy, as far away from other Salarians, who might blow her cover, as possible.
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angelstills · 1 year
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Hot Girls Wanted (2015)
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pips-plants · 4 months
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O natal tinha sido tudo o que Pietra queria que fosse, queria uma festa que tirasse um pouco da preocupação dos pensamentos dos semideuses que tinham sido chamados de volta por causa de outra profecia distópica. Tinha passado os dias garantindo que tudo saísse conforme o planejado, tentava ajudar todo mundo a organizar os chalés, incentivava os semideuses a colocarem lembranças na arvore, puxava os filhos de Apolo pra cantaram alguma música de natal e enchia o saco dos filhos de Hades para animarem um pouco mais. Havia riso, havia brincadeiras, reencontros, brigas, amores, musicas, decoração, presentes... Quase como um família normal.
Mas a vida de um semideus não pode ser normal.
As nuvens começaram a fechar o céu tão rapidamente que já poderia ser considerado anormal, mas aquela sensação sufocante de magia empesteava o ambiente e deixava Pietra inquieta. Via as pessoas correndo na chuva, e outras até mesmo dançando e ficando ensopados, só que ela não conseguia se mover. Seus pés estavam fincados ao chão sem se importar com nada, era como se já soubesse: Aquilo não era bom presságio... O raio acertando o pinheiro de Thalia veio como um aviso e o semideus correndo em direção ao acampamento com dos monstros atrás de si foi a confirmação. Algo estava se desdobrando e talvez aquele só fosse o começo...
Foi automático, Pietra conjurou seu grimório e pegou sua adaga enquanto ia em direção a colina. Não iria dar tempo para aquelas criaturas matarem o pobre semideus, ou pior, tentar entrar no acampamento! Suas íris tomaram a cor de um roxo brilhante e os encantamento saiu dos lábios dela com precisão, sua adaga saiu de sua mão voando e seguiu em direção ao manticore. Cada movimento que Pietra fazia a arma seguia como se estivesse em sua mão e ela pode lutar com uma distancia segura da criatura, pelo menos até um ataque da quimera chegar perto o suficiente para quase a acertar. A adaga sumiu no ar e o pingente voltou para seu pulso.
Não tinha muito o que pudesse fazer de longe sem ser usar sua magia para defender aqueles que não tinham ido para a batalha. Novamente, com a adaga na mão um ela correu até o velocino e um novo encantamento começou. "Ex spiritibus enim site te aeris. Qui omnipotentian tuam parcendo claven ad." Os cabelos da filha de começaram a voar pelo vento que a contornava e os olhos brilhavam pela magia canalizada, não daria o gosto da morte de um semideus para aqueles monstros. Até tentou continuar a proferir as palavras em latim, contudo as palavras não saiam da sua boca, pelo contrario, doía só de pensar em continuar a ler. O sangue começou a escorrer pelo nariz da menina e misturado com a água manchava as roupas de Pietra, que lutava para se manter em pé "LUA! NEMO! PRECISO DE AJUDA!" gritou para as irmãs quando começou a sentir o corpo falhar. O ar ficava cada vez mais difícil de entrar em seus pulmões, a adaga de sua mão ficava cada vez mais pesada, mas ela recitava cada linha do encantamento sem falhar. Ou pelo menos era isso que achava, porque quem estava de fora via uma menina castigada pela chuva, respirando com dificuldade e tremendo. Frágil, quebrável, mas ainda assim em pé lutando contra aquela força estranha que impedia a magia de fluir naturalmente.
A filha de Hécate sentiu a mão da irmã tocar-lhe a pele e foi como se uma nova força entrasse em si, mas ainda assim ela precisou respirar fundo para conseguir canalizar a energia que vinha dela antes de conseguir continuar "Ostium ligate Diabolum hunc! Hoc captionem, et daemonium ab grandus cincinno!" E em um só movimento Pietra fincou a adaga no chão e uma rachadura mágica de uma amarelo brilhante que não tinha uma direção especifica ou parecia estar sendo controlada por si, porque assim como a energia elétrica, a magia percorrendo o caminho de menor resistência para contornar o acampamento e proteger os semideuses daquele mal. Era quase como se a luz saísse do chão, atravessando o pinheiro de Thalia e seguisse criasse uma barreira de um amarelo translucido que separava o mundo exterior do acampamento, quem passasse por ela sentia um calor no peito, quase como se aquela luz dissesse "Você está seguro..."
A magia já não pertencia o corpo exaurido de Pietra, então não precisava mais dela para continuar fluindo e protegendo o acampamento. O corpo da mulher já não aguentava mais de pé, caindo de joelhos no chão sem se importar se seria pisoteada, não tinha foras nem para segurar o que estava em sua mão que sumiu no ar assim que tocou ao solo e seu nariz não parecia querer parar de sangrar. O pior era aquela sensação como se tivesse acabado de se afogar, a tosse, a dor, o desespero pelo ar vinha junto com a certeza que não devia ter realizado algo daquela magnitude, tinha usado sua magia todos os dias do festival para as coisas mis fúteis do mundo e agora ela cobrava de seu corpo mortal o preço de ser invocada daquela forma. Ela não sabia se estava dentro ou fora do acampamento, mas ali mesmo deitou e ficou, apenas na espera de alguém que pudesse a tirar daquela poça de lama.
Pessoas mencionadas: @lcana @silencehq
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star-arcana · 11 months
Rabbids Bio: Bunny Nr.#1 Sergeuï
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Hello guys, here I give you bio's interesting Rabbids from, well the Rabbids series as they are to me one of my favorite species in all fiction and shaped my love for bunnies!!!! Today's Bio is none other than Sergeuï, the bad guy from the first Rabbids game; "Rayman Raving Rabbids" and thus a natural fit for our Nr.#1 Bunny in that series. Without any further do, let's finish this:
"Sergueï is a softy. Out of pure coquetry [flirtatious behavior], he wears a delightful, finely worked metal muzzle. His joie de vivre and [Joy for life in French] his strong sense of repartee [quick, witty conversations, kinda like Edge's language] make him a very pleasant companion. He's always ready to keep things light and lively with little tricks, such as grinding phalanxes, switching your clavicles or even playing "this little piggy" with your toes."
-Manual, Rayman Raving Rabbids
Sergeuï , a.k.a. Grandus Lapinus (french for Big Rabbid), a.k.a. "The Butcher" is as you can see in the wanted post was a very powerful Rabbid and an elite warrior of the Rabbid forces and pretty serious. He has very large arms and uses his big hands to best his foes with ease. He is big and Scary and strong, and should not be taken lightly at all, as he is after all the one, who alongside 3 Rabbids in the intro of Rayman Raving Rabbids successfully captured Rayman and 3 Baby Globoxes during their Picknick, taken them to the Coliseum.
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Yep, you heard it right, Rayman, an icon of gaming who bested the likes of Mr.Dark, Admiral Razorbeard and Reflux empowered by the Leptys sceptre, was defeated by Sergeuï, a member of the elite force of the first Rabbid Invasion, this tells you how powerful and cunning he really is!!! Of course Rayman was surprised and caught off guard without his power ups, but the fact that Rayman offered their very little resistance shows that he is capable of dealing blows and pull out tricks that our Hero could not counter... It was undeniably a good idea that Cursa never got this guy's genes, then we would have even worse Spark Hunters to deal with...ugh, the idea makes me shiver to the bones already! Imagine If Bedrock had been made by using Granite and this guys's DNA? We would have probably never won, unless if in that alternative reality, Edge would have gotten Sergeuï's DNA...yeah...terrifying...big and scary...
Anyway he throws Rayman into the Coliseum's arena and Rayman has to perform certain mini tasks to get his reward: Save a Baby Globox and a Plunger as trophy. After completing the first series of minigames Sergeuï sends Rayman to his rather bleak cell via grabbing him with one hand and throwing him in there. If Rayman wants to leave, he would have to play again a series of Mini games and to do that, he would ask Sergeuï to bring him there, who is watching via the door viewer and guarding his cell. Sergeuï would grab Rayman forcefully and take him to the Coliseum for more games. This would mark their first interactions in the game and would continue up until the 7th time. There Sergeuï awaits our Boy without Limbs and greets him. When Rayman tells him to stay, he stands firm and waits for his next round in the Arena. If Rayman then would call Sergeuï, he would surprise Rayman hiding on the left side of the door and wait for Rayman to go first and escort him to the Arena. After Rayman begins to win over time the hearts of the Rabbids over and becoming even more popular, Sergeuï starts to lay down a red carpet for Rayman to enter the cell all the while assembling a chore for Rayman that sings for him and holds many gifts for their hero, the chore btw has them use plumbers as trombones. Sergeuï also is not left out of the fun and dances with a batuta he waves to celebrate Rayman, the new hero of the Rabbids.
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He would also over the course of the game play in some of the mini-games like "Bunnies are bad at Peek at boo", where he would play with us Peek at boo within the corridor leading to the arena, with it's entrance being guarded by none other than Sergeuï . We must run with our toes to the door, all the while Sergeuï would turn around and if we move while we are forced to stand still, he would eliminate us...if we are cunning and succeed we will go to the gate, but Sergeuï will try to catch us, only to fail.
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Another Mini game called Bunnies have no memory part 2 has us click on Rabbids to repeat the order by which the sounds are given to us to gain points. Sergeuï as you can see appears on the right and clicking on him emits a purple light.
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The last mimi game on the list where Sergeuï participates in is the game called Bunnies have natural rhythm part 2, whereby you start playing music in order to punch the Rabbids entranced by the music they are suceptile to: Green Rabbids love the music from the Green Boombok, Blue ones from the Blue Boombox and so forth with Red and Yellow. You have for this challenge 3 hearts and if you get hit by the Rabbids 3 times, game over for you. Sergeuï would in this part stop the music from playing by smashing on it with his big hands, if it's played for too long and if you get even slightly too close to him or he rans over you, you lose a heart. You cannot touch him, he is more untouchable than Reflux, who is btw a Knaaren, a race of Ogre-like people invulnerable to almost anything btw...Sergeuï is a boss! He even composed a song called "The Butcher Deejay" which would put the skills of DJ Cheep Tuna to shame and that track can be heard in the 2 parts of the dance mini game "Bunnies are raving mad" and in the Jukebox within Rayman's cell, if you like to hear it without the mini-game aspect like here:
Overall Sergeuï once hostile to Rayman, became over time a friendly person to Rayman and treats him like an honorary celebrity rather than a prisoner, suggesting a change of attitude the Rabbids have towards Rayman. From kidnapping him, into making him one of their stars through completing games for them, which shows that appearances are deceiving and that these volatile Bunnies are fun-loving and even generous to a point back before they parted ways with Rayman.
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This change in behavior and overall development of the Rabbids is based on the concept of Rayman 4, the original Rayman Raving Rabbids, where Rayman would have to impress the Rabbids in the Coliseum in order to liberate his people and win the bunnies over by becoming more popular than their leadership. This idea was here used as well, and it seems that Sergeuï was intended to be also one of many of these Large Rabbids, but they were scrapped and only he remained. What also is weird is that the manual described him as a softie with a lot of repartee and joie de vivre, basically being great with words and having a lot of joy, which he sort of shows over time in the final product, but is not really a typical softy. Still he is despite his initial hostility towards Rayman a good guardian and begins to care for Rayman and treating his captor with a lot of respect, something that would later be lost in the next game with the other bunnies. Below is seeing how that concept flourished at the final parts of the game.
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Their special bond will not last forever as Rayman, having acquired a lot of these Plungers after completing more than 10 mini-games for them, uses these well-earned trophies as letters for him to climb up to a far away window where Rayman will escape from the bunnies. He manages to do that, only to realize that he left his friends children, the baby Globoxes in the coliseum and wants to venture back via a hole the Rabbids made near the picnic place, only to get stuck and would remain there like a trapped prey for the rest of the ending, until Rayman Raving Rabbids 2 comes and Sergeuï is nowhere to be seen!!!
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Around the same time of RRR's release on the Wii, we got the DS version of "Rayman Raving Rabbids" as well, which is more like a traditional platformer rather than a large collection of solo mini games. is our softy Sergeuï the final boss hovering on an UFO with inflated size while Rayman would use some Rabbid tech to beat him. Sergeuï summons Rabbid allies in many vehicles to help him against Rayman and engage in an energy ball battle a la Ocarina of Time...it's difficult but not impossible and Rayman defeats him and pacifies the Rabbids...this is a weird game in the series and I think beyond being a fun trivia...I think the game would have little bearing on the series...it was very obscure after all.
Afterward we only see Sergeuï in the American cover for RRR2 near on the Edge of the Eiffel Tower right below as you can see, reminiscent of King Kong:
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This is the last we have seen of Sergeuï ever since. Either he took some break after his work on the Coliseum or was fired after Rayman was freed, who knows? But some of us some of us Rabbid Fans, including me, hope he will appear in one way or another in the Rayman DLC for Mario + Rabbids Sparks of Hope. He may be a boss or simply be reffrenced or like in the DS game, becomes the final boss of that game as he was the first Rabbid that attacked Rayman and his friends as well as being unique and cool enough to be in there, after all, he would have made a fine Spark Hunter!
As @bramble-scramble said in an answer regarding her views on Sergeuï, his sense of Repartee could be shown here due to us having now translated Rabbidese and would be a lot like Edge, with few, but hard-hitting words. His weapon of choice would be maybe diffrent but rigth now, it would be too exhausting in this bio to further speculate, but we can hope for more Sergeuï, we can hope!
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That is it and I will discuss more about him in the future, especially for my Edge fanfic in-planning and how he and Edge would make great friends and why Cursa never bothered to use this guys's DNA...he is so powerful and cute and smart and sexy and BWAMAZING!!
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byler-alarmist · 3 months
Ariono Grandu
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pabsterthelobster · 10 months
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This is Big Bang, a large Autobot who was intended to succeed Transformers Zone protagonist Dai Atlas as Autobot Supreme Commander in the 1991 storyline for the Transformers brand in Japan, but was replaced by Star Convoy (aka the resurrected Optimus Prime) in the released storyline Return of Convoy. Had he remained the lead character, he would have fought alongside Autobot Battlestars Iron Baron (Grandus in the final release) and Sky Garry to defeat the threat of Dark Nova.
Due to his status as a scrapped yet fully designed character, Big Bang has only made a few cameo appearances elsewhere in the series after being showcased in a Japan-exclusive series guidebook. He appeared in a few stories written by the Transformers Collectors Club as the Communications Officer of the Autobot Elite Guard under Sentinel Major, and IDW's Allspark Almanac II would identify a version of the character from the world of Transformers Animated who held the rank of Prime and was mentally-bonded to the giant Autobot Beta Supreme, who took the form of his starship, the Battlestar. His latest appearance in media would be in the rebooted IDW comics, in a flashback fighting alongside fellow obscure Autobot champion Halonix Maximus against Gaidora and his pack of turbofoxes.
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askvectorprime · 4 months
Dear Vector Prime, Is Grandus in any way related to the Metro Clan (Metroplex, Metrotitan, Metrobase) of Transformers? He's a pretty big fellow to just show up out of nowhere.
Dear Biggest Battlestar,
Grandus’ mighty size and strength is in fact not the product of his construction, but of his own hard work. Once a Cyberdroid of planet Master, Grandus found the idea of piloting a lifeless Transtector body unsettling, akin to developing a single giant phantom limb.
Still wishing to be of use to his fellows, Grandus continued his training well past that of the other Cyberdroids, supplementing it with a special diet of locally sourced oils and energon. Instead of just learning how to transform, Grandus developed an incredibly potent superstructure, allowing him to upgrade his body well beyond the means of most normal bots. By the time he was assigned to the Battlestars, his hard work had allowed him to rub shoulders with natural-built Titans!
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thenamesblurrito · 1 year
Digitigrade legs are indeed cool. do any Snap charaters have them?
So many, it’s a typical frametype. beastformers are more likely to have digitigrade root modes but it’s hardly universal or exclusive
off the top of my head… Rumble/Frenzy and Soundwave, Jaguar/Cobalt, Elita 4, Thunderhoof, Predaking and Abominus, Sixshot, Froid, Combusta, Cheetor, Censere, Grimlock, Strafe, Riptide, and Star Upper. haven’t drawn them yet but planned digitigrade folks include Thrust/Dirge/Ramjet, Lickety-Split, Jetfire/Jetstorm, Grandus, and Damus
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aviatrix-ash · 5 months
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Scans from the complete Allspark Almanac- some of the many Autobots who trained under Yoketron.
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primekelly · 2 years
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Big bot Grandus
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444names · 1 year
imperial names from tes + spanish and greek forenames
Absalus Adacav Adorgia Adrida Adrigio Afrén Agapras Aguel Aidia Alania Albeldo Alberia Albimus Alburio Aleorena Allia Amilia Amilianza Amita Andalor Andian Andrius Andrix Anges Annian Antepus Antevin Antis Antura Apanaïs Aparido Apocís Aquimeta Arena Arentius Arinus Arrinia Artorn Arval Asilleas Aspio Auccutro Aucius Audia Aulinos Aunia Aurias Auriccus Avelia Avius Aximesa Belalvi Belcara Bella Bellini Bentus Beremia Berio Bersilia Blandolus Borvia Bracho Bratus Brenthia Briantín Brius Buranus Caecel Caetundes Caitan Calama Caldonius Calioc Caliphon Calispida Callusus Cando Canianio Caron Caros Castro Catios Cecania Celixo Cesent Chano Chemó Chola Chorrel Chrio Chrippe Chrotián Chryitos Cicias Cimano Cirocrios Clasia Cletrato Colaulano Colidius Comna Conchoria Corus Crowinus Culmus Cunicus Césatio Dafinia Dames Daracto Deciosus Deliano Demestrib Dides Dobergelt Dolatta Dolojano Domiá Dorto Douisana Dounia Doxia Drina Drunuelia Dubiosc Dulchio Dèboni Eduanatus Egios Eleme Elerius Elius Elivia Eloscius Elotelios Eminus Emito Emmiano Enganes Entoresus Epina Epissidia Epius Equien Esdrén Espely Euano Eudes Eugus Eulia Eulix Eullius Eupimona Eureius Evino Faberen Fagino Falerios Falia Fauros Felarin Fellus Femaxis Feria Ferpo Filanos Fildo Flata Flatius Flonça Florelia Fonia Fralus Frana Fraza Gallad Gamida Gemaranus Geocolios Geocre Gilius Glarla Glonebere Grandus Grasta Guadna Guantius Guita Halda Halla Helinagia Helius Hellus Heria Hirgiu Iaria Ideli Ignarinus Inmastia Ioaquirna Iresdro Irilim Irius Isman Itasó Jandro Janos Janoulia Janveta Javro Jazaricus Jaïes Jertino Jertus Jesso Joano Joria Juard Julmia Junda Kalensus Kiriacara Kirtensis Krián Laispro Lamaria Lantius Larius Laullios Layottius Leodenus Leofaedo Leolaol Leopera Leopia Leosola Letracas Letry Lichil Licius Liciusin Ligias Liley Lilina Llomina Louki Louronel Luccarna Lucus Luphan Lurisa Maccus Macio Maesc Maldia Maldoxius Malgoner Malippa Mameto Mandrare Mantius Marando Marbel Margio Marnia Marugus Marus Maryssyn Massia Melico Menia Mentilia Merestanç Mesul Mettas Micida Midarnán Milus Miracio Mirtonan Modreldo Munus Naber Nadra Nafilex Nallio Naria Natius Nazalonis Nefana Nelemo Nicania Nición Nicosh Nicosyna Nicta Niercio Ninia Nirnalore Nitakosé Octorne Odina Ofael Ofella Ontuca Orassia Oregros Orispa Orlia Oswalore Pabia Panellis Panias Parda Pardinian Pasobio Pauago Paura Pelidol Perman Perrus Petus Phemoni Phisla Phistius Pitius Plarulso Platus Polamada Ponsta Prinadina Priomé Pronç Purrius Quana Quania Quellus Querno Quilio Quius Rafaelius Ralareber Ramfia Ravoracad Rayna Remenus Remiagros Remos Reykata Roclisto Rolanus Romia Romèni Rudoundo Rullius Sabas Sadenna Salius Sanaia Sanalia Santhar Satto Savat Savida Schio Schlos Scios Sebrovia Sebusius Segrippus Seguel Selado Seles Selus Sephon Sercert Seronnus Sevencos Simus Skyrevino Smanutus Socel Soladiane Solia Spindius Stertula Stonius Strius Sulina Tacinus Tappos Tarius Tatio Telia Teoulaone Terian Terrudele Terte Tertus Thalutia Themmas Timio Toulliana Toundouka Trena Tripos Turius Ulicetan Urbat Uulcar Uulluc Valonius Valtra Varatta Vastantus Velodus Venia Verta Vette Vexxania Vicadius Vicia Vigidox Vilione Viniaki Viruzdius Vitaki Vitiá Vivia Vlinos Vlius Voced Vodia Vodis Vodius Voruzin Westas Xania Yampa Yarace Yeran Yermeixa Zorios Zullén
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