#granblue fantasy shitpost
actual-shintaro · 3 months
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happy 10th ani granblue fantasy
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noctswife · 7 months
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nightmarenoise · 4 months
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Back at it again
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be based and red pilled, change it to
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mangocoal · 7 months
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The Granblue Fantasy Versus Rising playtest beta was so much fun. It clearly has flaws but I'm too garbo at the game to really notice them. I guess a small blessing for being bad at a game is that your lack of in-depth understanding for the game's meta and mechanics makes you not notice the flaws as much. Narmaya and Vaserage were the main characters I played and I had so much fun playing with friends in the lobby. Anyways, since I'm all enthused about GBVS again, I posed Naramaya doing a pog expression in Blender.
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sixxtytoo · 2 years
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mytyldotwav · 17 days
My power has increased substantially. I may be too strong....
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akukokomoten · 5 months
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funky town is playing in vivi's head as two guys sloppily make out in the back
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ikanebula · 8 months
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old gbf doodles from may i never posted
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katie5000 · 4 months
I know Belial already has a theme song and holy shit those lyrics, but does anyone remember the song "Sexyback" by Justin Timberlake?
Lots of people used to just slap it onto whoever their blorbo-of-the-month was, but I honestly think Belial is the first character I've come across that the song actually fits - like, the lyrics and the vibe just sort of describe what he's about so well.
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sndfrosteyneko · 2 years
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azael1332excel · 1 year
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incorrectamazon · 2 months
Video Game Accessories
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Sequels and spin-offs are kind of accessories if you really don't think about it.
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nightmarenoise · 5 months
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floopers · 1 year
Changing Forms
series: gbf pairing: Athena/Medusa word count: 1552 rating: G summary: Late nights when they're about to doze off are the only important time to ask questions such as these.
a "hey babe would you still love me if I turned into a worm" fic
"—thena? Athena? Hey!"
Athena blinks awake, blinking several more times as she comes out of her light doze. Her senses go into alert—being woken up suddenly never means anything good—but there doesn't appear to be any immediate threat. At least, Medusiana, still slumbering behind them, hasn't moved at all. She looks around for a moment before remembering exactly where she is and looks down to her lap. Medusa, having taken Glafkos' usual spot by laying her head down in Athena's lap, is tilting her head back now to look up at her. The tip of her tail taps against the grass in a slow rhythm, a sign of her contentment.
"Oh, you really were sleeping," Medusa finally says and moves her head back down. "Never mind then."
"No, no," Athena shakes her head and though a yawn comes out of her, she keeps her eyes open, rubbing at them. "I hadn't meant to. I was looking up at the stars and you know how the skydwellers say that they count the stars when they have trouble sleeping? I wondered if it was truly possible so I tried and—"
"You fell asleep."
"—I fell asleep—yes." Athena smiles sheepishly. Medusa tilts her head back again and smirks at her.
"Heh! Just like you to do something like that." She's amused though Athena's not sure why.
"Is something the matter, though, Medusa?" Athena asks instead. "If it was important to wake me up for it."
"Yeah, sorry about that!" Medusa says with a huff, looking away from her now.
"Forgive me, I did not mean to fault you." Athena reaches over, patting Medusa's cheek with her hand. Medusa huffs again and still doesn't look at her but the tip of her tail is furiously moving back and forth now. The sight of it makes Athena smile, resting her hand at the crown of Medusa's head now.
Medusa finally shifts back to her original position after some time, muttering something that Athena can't quite make out. Perhaps it is because of moments like these that makes their tongue loose. It is the only reason as to why Medusa would suddenly look up at her and stare at her and not even look away when Athena returns her gaze. There's moments where Athena knows she is being watched but when she catches her gaze, Medusa hurriedly looks away and huffs, as if Athena was not meant to see her. At these times, she trains herself to keep from meeting Medusa's eyes but Medusa had been staring a bit too intently for Athena to ignore.
"Medusa? Is... something really the matter?" Athena asks again. It must obviously be something important on her mind. Athena steels herself, ready for lend Medusa her aid whether in listening to her woes or to offer advice.
"Hey, what would you do if I became a snake?"
Athena blinks. And blinks again. She furrows her brow. "If I had heard you right... you are asking me what I would do if you became a snake? Do you mean to ask if you were always a snake? Or if you were always one? In the latter situation though, if your snake form is all that I have known, then I wouldn't know of any other form then—"
"What—why are you making this even more complicated than it has to be?" Medusa frowns at her. "I just meant what if I turned into one right now!"
"Right... now?" Athena thinks to herself. There are many, many factors and possibilities to consider in this event...
"—ey! Hey! Do you really need that much time to think about it?" Medusa's pulled herself up now, sitting on the ground next to her with a frown.
"When you say you've just turned into a snake... I am merely considering all the outcomes. Would you be as big as Medusiana? Or would you remain the same size as you are now? Or would you be smaller instead? Ah, and your hair as well, would you also have snakes on top of your head—ah, do you mean to ask if you were a regular snake and not a primal beast? Or a snake primal beast—"
"Gah! You're overthinking it now!" Medusa glares at her. Athena closes her mouth.
"... none of those?" Athena finally says, her brow furrowing deeper.
"Nothing complicated like that!" Medusa crosses her arms with a huff. "I was just having a conversation with Yuni the other day and she was wondering if she should go back to being a dragon since she has trouble keeping her feet on the floor. I think if she transformed into a dragon in front of people, she'd just end up scaring everyone!"
"But we have Vyrn, do we not? And..." Athena blinks, suddenly coming to a realization as she counts on her hands, "we also have... a surprising amount of dragons on the crew."
"... huh, now that you say that." Medusa seems to come to the same realization as her, her eyes widening as well. But she shakes her head afterward. "Wait, no, that isn't the point here! I just meant if she were doing something like she was in the middle of conversation with someone and she just suddenly turned into a dragon! That kind of thing!"
"... oh." But now that confuses Athena. "So you mean to say if you had that same ability? To shift between your form now and a real snake?"
"Huh? Wait." Medusa pauses then, now thinking to herself. "I guess yeah, if I could just turn back and forth between a snake and this form!"
"With that clarification then... I would still enjoy your company regardless of what form you take. After all, what you become does not change the memories we've made."
Medusa whips her head toward Athena, mouth falling open. Athena blinks back at her, unaware of what she might say to have caused that sort of reaction.
"That's!" Medusa covers her face suddenly. Her snakes form and hiss though not angrily from what it seems like to Athena. Agitated, is what she would describe them. Athena has learned that there are certain things that embarrass Medusa though she still has yet to figure out their reason. Speaking so candidly though seems to be one of them. Athena has no bone nor wish for deceit though when it comes to her feelings. She thought Medusa would appreciate her honesty but sometimes, she can't tell.
Despite Medusa muttering to herself though, there's a few snakes slithering in the air toward Athena, drawn instinctively toward her warmth. Athena holds out her hand, watches as they reach her fingers and begin to coil themselves around her hand. She runs a thumb over one as it moves past her, tongue flicking against her skin—oh, that's brought a thought to her now.
"There is one detriment though, now that I think about it."
Medusa makes some kind of muffled sound behind her hands before hesitantly looking up, eyes narrowed. "What is it?"
"If you were to transform into a snake so suddenly," Athena reaches over, tugging free one of Medusa's hands, "as snakes do not have limbs, I would no longer be able to hold your hand like this."
Medusa seems to freeze. She looks from Athena to their hands and then back up at Athena again. She stares, and Athena offers her a light smile—oh, that seems to have done it, Medusa sputtering as the color spreads across her face and up to the tips of her ears. Her tail is lashing furiously in the grass, a sign of her agitation.
But Medusa has not pulled away her hand.
Athena allows her smile to grow, threading their fingers together now. Medusa makes another sound, something that sounds like a squeak, and the color on her face deepens, almost as red as Athena's armor, and she can even see the color extending down toward her neck. If Athena must confess, it's slightly tempting to see just how deep Medusa's flush can go.
"I-I guess it's good that I can't do that then, huh!" Medusa finally says. She's very pointedly looking away from Athena though. It's just a little funny to Athena, because Medusa is the one who's clamping down on her hand, like the jaws of a snake.
"I suppose so, but I would still like your company either way," Athena says, and Medusa makes something that sounds like another squeak. "Hm, what if the same were to happen to me? If I were able to somehow transform into another form."
"... you?" Medusa looks back over at her. "What would you even want to be?"
"An owl," Athena answers immediately.
"... of course. I don't know what else I expected," Medusa mutters with a shake of her head. She huffs afterward. "Hold on though, owls don't have hands either! A wing isn't the same as a hand!"
"Oh! You're right. Then, I am glad that we currently take this form then," Athena finishes, running the back of her thumb over Medusa's hand. Medusa makes another sound like she's disgusted or displeased but her tail's settled down into a slower rhythm rather than the agitated lashing of before.
"... yeah, I guess so," she finally says with a sigh, still holding tight to Athena's hand.
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mangocoal · 7 months
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Me impatiently waiting for GBVS Rising and UNI2 to release. Trying my hand again at some very simple Blender animation. Tried to avoid doing anything complicated which is why the finger is the only thing that's moving. Table 3D Model source by Blender3D on Sketchfab: https://skfb.ly/otuXL
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