#grahh Learning..
arcadeplug · 8 months
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skrunksthatwunk · 6 months
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nulltune · 6 months
there was a scene in the manga where hakuno was being strangled HELP!! /j but even then hakuno was asking the attacker (julius) "why are you making that face?" because hakuno could tell that he was suffering deep down 🥹🥹😭😭😭 and we get a julius monologue: "i didn't want to accept that i still had these feelings within me. let alone have this guy see through them. i hate it..."
IT SAYS A LOT ABT HAKUNO METHINKS!!! and these lines too.... i love hakuno's heart sm istg 😭❤️ + how well written the hakuno-julius development is..!!!! hakuno being nice doesn't magically fix everything and there's a lot that happens ue ue uee 😭
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i'm trying to keep this hakuno-relevant but PLS IM IN SHAMBLES BC the manga adaptation rlly told us that "if there was one salvation he could've gotten, it would've been having someone who could understand his agony."
and then cue hakuno kishinami-
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radiotorn · 1 year
ever since i started draiwng mysdelf with a very faint small mustache its really started to feel like im drawing myself........its a very happy thang :)
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foursidecity · 5 months
Convinced if I get a Job I'll be able to Draw More wich is. Not how that works at alllll but shh
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gh0stchoir · 1 year
Two birds on a wire - Rody and Deku standing next to each other One tries to fly away - Deku starts running forward And the other watches him close from that wire - Rody stares after Deku He says he wants to as well - Words appear next to Rody "I'm right behind you", he smiles But he is a liar - His smile turns bitter, his fists clench
I'll believe it all There's nothing I won't understand - Deku smiles at Rody, bright an sincere. Words appear next to him "I'll wait for you!"
I'll believe it all - Deku returns to Rody's side, taking his hands I won't let go of your hand - Deku's smile is seen again
Two birds on a wire - Deku and Rody next to each other One says c'mon and the other says "I'm tired" - Deku pulls Rody's hand, but Rody doesn't move. Images of his younger siblings appear behind him The sky is overcast and I'm sorry - The background becomes dark, an image of Rody's father looms over him from behind One more or one less - The images of Rody's siblings are crossed over Nobody's worried - People move along, unbothered by the three bodies on the ground
I'll believe it all - Deku is still smiling at Rody There's nothing I won't understand - Words appear next to him "I'll wait for you"
I'll believe it all I won't let go of your hand - Deku and Rody are seen looking at each other, holding hands
Two birds of a feather - Images of Rody and Deku flash by Say that they're always gonna stay together - Words appear over the images "We'll always be together" But one's never going to let go of that wire - Rody's siblings appear behind him, he lets go of Deku's hands He says that he will - Words appear next to him "I'll follow you" But he's just a liar - Rody's body is slumped, his fingers are crossed behind his back
Two birds on a wire - Rody and Deku stand in front of each other One tries to fly away and the other - Deku turns around, boarding a plane Watches him close from that wire - Rody looks after the plane from the ground He says he wants to as well, but he is a liar - The screen is split between Rody and Deku, Words appear between them "I'll follow you". The words crumble
Two birds on a wire - UA, Deku's room at night, the moon is high in the sky. He sits on his bed, looking up at the moon One tries to fly away and the other - A ghostly image of Rody appears next to him, reaching out. The animation ends before they touch
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woodnrust · 2 years
Manga fans learn some critical thinking challenge
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mochiiniko · 3 months
follow up to this ask! this time im just gonna be talking about my coloring process (i also want to let you all know that im not an expert in color theory since im still learning, im quite literally just going random bullshit go on the blending modes 💀 lots of explanation under the cut)
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the three blending modes i mainly use are exclusion, hard light, and overlay. from the guide above you could see how the blending modes work on their own, and how they look like combined altogether. the cool thing about blending mode layers is that it really is all about experimentation and finding the best combination for a piece (also to any fellow inabakumori enjoyers GRAHH lagtrain pose jumpscare)
i went through a bunch of blending mode phases before i ended up with those main three, though it's funny how ive been using the same overlay color for about 4 years now (multiply used to be one of them, and i still use it from time to time, just not as much). im gonna be honest the whole reason why i know about blending modes being helpful was because one time i accidentally had the fill bucket on and had a certified eureka moment 😭
the best way i could explain these three modes is:
exclusion - honestly i still dont understand how it works either 💀 when i use a really saturated blue color and lower the opacity, it gives a cooler feeling to the palette. feels like a mix of multiply and overlay with how it adjusts the colors without making it darker
hard light - gives more saturation and color
overlay - gives off a glowy effect, especially if the lineart isnt completely solid (this is why it isnt clipped on the folder as shown in the example below, keeping it above the layers gets that glowy effect)
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i still use the same colors for exclusion and overlay (while i do alter them with hue saturation brightness from time to time, i just use the same blue and brown for most of my works) though hard light is what i use to make drawings lean towards a temperature
i tend to use warm colors a lot because i think theyre neat and also im biased sorry <3. as a warm palette example, i drew yinu and used this orange color on hard light and lowered the opacity
cold colors have a similar process, it's just the matter of adjusting the hard light layer. i wouldnt really say it's completely cold since i still add warm colors because im still biased </3. as a cold palette example, i drew sayu and used this purple-pink (??) color with the same settings
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when it comes to drawings that have characters with contrasting palettes, it does take a bit of trial and error but i most of the time i mix both warm and cold methods like the example above. this also helps for art with several characters in general, since the blending modes help make the colors go well together despite the variety
theres also instances where i dont always use the warm + cold combo, since sometimes drawings lean towards a specific temperature instead (like environments with set lighting/shading, so usually i follow that even with characters with different palettes)
tldr; there are lots of palette combos you could make, not necessarily with just the three blending modes i mention. random bullshit go genuinely helps with experimenting with colors!!
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kedicatt-cotl · 1 year
grahh i know a similar question was just asked but i gotta know!! what does the lil worry wart kallamar (if hes there) think about the shittens,,, (affectionate)
This question has been in my ask box for almost a month and I'm so happy i can answer it now!!
Kallamar absolutely loves the children! He finds the kids adorable and fun to spend time with.
His ego isn't as big as Heket's, so it didn't take him long to make friends with them!
It would have been harder if FSL wasn't a thing, but he joined when everyone already knew the basics of it, so it (almost) wasn't awkward at all.
Kallamar always comes to the study sessions and is catching up with everyone quickly by practicing alone.
Sometimes the kids help him learn the signs that he struggles with.
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Buyana is learning new words, gradually getting more chatty, and Kallamar doesn't spend time alone with her, afraid she might say something he won't hear. He enjoys playing with her when there are other people around, though!
The kits, Aym and Baal, are not hostile towards Kallamar at all. They see no threat in his presence, knowing that is a big coward. Kallamar himself is a little afraid of the kits, especially when he feels them stare at him. Seeing them play with the others calms him down and reminds him that they are little kids now and they can't hurt him.
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GRAHH I’m OBSESSED with the recent familiar-centric posts, oh my god,,, They’re genuinely such a delight to read, and have been giving me so many drawing & writing ideas—
If I’m allowed to diverge from the usual headcanon-request format & open up a slightly more playful/loose discussion, I was wondering !!What are some of your personal favorite moments with the familiars in the routes/tales? Is there anything you wish we could’ve seen more of with the LI’s familiars?
@lurkingposting oooooohhh good question!! (also, I'm so glad you enjoyed those! it feels a little weird to post something unstructured that nobody asked for, but it's fun!)
I think some of my favorite moments with the familiars were where we get to see them interact with MC without their respective LI present (which happens more in some routes than in others) - especially when they don't have an assigned task to focus on and are instead just being their lovable selves!
I do wish we could have gotten more one-on-one bonding time between MC and the familiars. Partly because you can learn so much about a person from their animal, and partly because all seven of them clearly have distinct personalities and feelings that would be a delight to bond with. I often think one of the reasons Faust is so widely loved is because MC is actually able to speak to her independently, unlike the others (though Pepi does have that ability towards the end of Portia's route). It would have been cool to do that with the others!
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according2thelore · 3 months
oh GOD that ask answer was everything i dreamed and more. es!dean literally cannot imagine the kind of torture sam went through with lucifer. (which, incidentally, is one reason why ls!sam could never really replace ls!dean with him. he wakes up hyperventilating in the middle of the night and that slender boy is not enough. he needs his mountain man of a brother who Knows what’s out there.) and that kills him because he needs to know Everything About Sam. but sam is so so right to keep it from him - i don’t think es!dean could live with the knowledge, say, that sam is raped one day. i think it would actually end him.
ugggh i lvoe this au so much. you are a genius.
GRAHH you're so right!!!
sam wakes up one night straight from a nightmare and stumbles into the hallway, needing to find dean's room. he runs into ES!Dean, who's all it's okay, sam. it can't hurt you, it's just a vision--because he doesn't know! ES!Sam's nightmares can be soothed with gentle hands on his neck and shoulders, brushing bangs out of his eyes, dean promising that they'll fix it, and sam's safe.
but LS!Sam is going to throw up because this isn't a fixable thing. he feels suffocated by ES!Dean's firm hands on wrists, held down, and he pushes him away, hard.
LS!Dean shoves ES!Dean further away like you can't restrain him like that and ES!Dean pales bc he things he's caught on: someone held sam captive, maybe because of his powers. how could LS!Dean have arrived so clearly late, late enough that sam still carries the scars into his dreams?
and LS!Dean keeps muttering about first stones and c'mon sammy breathe with me and look at me and this is real. and LS!Sam kind of crumples and shoves himself under LS!Dean's arm, trying to make himself small and holdable, and ES!Dean just stands there and burns.
because there is clearly something here that's not right. something that LS!Sam&Dean have survived together, learned how to deal with, spent years adjusting to each other, and that's something ES!Dean is starting to realize they'll never tell him.
sam has always been a little inaccessible--he used to refuse to tell dean details about his girlfriend-of-the-weeks, he kept stanford a secret until he got his acceptance letter, he wouldn't tell dean what he was writing in all of those notebooks--but never the truly big, life-or-death stuff. and now sam--LS!Sam, anyway--is inaccessible. and it kills dean. dean wants to shrivel up and die because sammy is his. his responsibility, his to watch out for, his to mend, his to kill for.
he has never felt more purposeless or rudderless than he does right now--watching someone else comfort sam.
what he doesn't know, of course, would kill him. the fact that sam asks to be locked into a cage in hell, and dean will let him. the century of torture and rape and psychological hell that sam went through is a chasm that dean will never be able to fix. he can build a bridge, but that's all he can do.
it would kill ES!Dean. and LS!Sam knows it. so he reaches out a shaky hand in the gap between LS!Dean's arm and body, where he's wrapped sam in a bear hug.
ES!Dean rushes forward and grabs it, life finally having meaning again as sammy looks up at him with bloodshot eyes, with fingers that shake, and a voice that cracks when he says, "i'm okay, dean. thank you. i'm fine."
AGH!!!! anon, you get it <3 <3 hurt/comfort is my FUCKING bread and butter!!!!!!!! esp when it goes both ways!! because with these bozos, it literally would be!!
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pencil-peach · 8 months
G Witch Onscreen Text: Episode 6
GRAAAHH!! This is part SEVEN in my attempt to transcribe and discuss all the onscreen text in G Witch!! Because I CAN!!! GRAHH!! We're on episode 6, halfway through season 1!! Grah Graaaahh!!!
Click here to go back to Episode FIVE!! Grahhh!!!
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Let us begin.
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Not text, but during Bel and Prospera's initial confrontation, the building they're in has art pieces on display. Maybe it's some kind of museum?
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Not text again, but we don't get very many looks into the common areas of the 3 branches, so here's Jeturk House's. It's really flashy and gold, huh? It also matches the aesthetic of Vim's office.
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During the scene with Bel and El4n, Bel consults the data on this monitor when she tells him that he'll be fine piloting the Pharact for the duel against Suletta. We get a couple of shots of this monitor, so I'll do my best to glean what information I can from it.
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On the left side of the monitor is a mockup of the Pharact. TEXT: (Top Left) REGISTERED NAME: PHARACT MS: FP/A-77 PMET CODE: P017-0046
We see the Pharact's Permet Code here, that being PO17-0046. The 'P' probably stands for 'Peil.' Also, have you noticed the the MS IDs for all of Peil's mobile suits have a '/' in them? The 3 branches all have their own unique naming conventions when it comes to their MS codes. It's obvious, sure, but it's something you might not have noticed unless you were looking at it.
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This info here, on the right side of the monitor, is much more interesting. TEXT (Header) No. 4 ENHANCED PERSON >PILOTING DEPARTMENT >ID. NO: KP002 NAME: ELAN CERES
This screen is how we learn that El4n is indeed the 4th Enhanced Person in the show proper.
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Underneath the header is this info box and a graph. The box on the left says DECISION CRITERIA D2 ***EXAMINATION
What this box means is mostly speculation on my part, but I believe this is a grading system that evaluates the remaining health/usefulness of an enhanced person. There's a red arrow pointing down, implying that this grade, D2, is worse than the grade from the previous evaluation.
The graph to its right is a bit harder to analyze.
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It's exceedingly similar to the graph shown during the Shin Sei Inquiry by Shaddiq, that measured Aerial's Permet Influx, but they probably aren't measuring the same thing.
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I think it's probably closer to the little bit of this graph we see in the prologue, that I speculated was a measurement of a pilot's exposure to a data storm.
The graph has no title, it only says PHASE on the header, followed by Sys REC Ver. 2.0, which means this data was either recorded from the Pharact of El4n's body. The highlighted point is labelled CHH.
My BEST guess is it's measuring the amount of Permet radiation his body is suffering from.
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This is an evaluation of El4n's body, and from this we get a really good look into the true danger of piloting a Gundam.
To start, CNS stands for Central Nervous System, and PNS stands for Peripheral Nervous System. The first box is analyzing the status of the artificial nervous system implanted into El4n's body.
PMET-CNS INTEGRATION can thus be assumed to be analyzing its integration with the rest of El4n's body. MOTOR FUNCTION TEST is self evident, an analysis of El4n's motor skills. HEMANALYSIS is an analysis on the chemical composition of one's blood. CARDIOPULMONARY FUNCTION TEST is a test evaluating the strength and health of your heart and lungs.
NERVE DAMAGE TEST and CELL SURVIVAL TEST are self evident, but what's most important about them is that, unlike the rest of his results, they're labeled CONDITIONALLY ACCEPTABLE. If he hadn't been disposed of by Peil, we can see that this is probably what would have killed him. A combination of Cellular Necrosis and Nerve Damage.
We can glean from this chart that over exposure to Permet primarily affects the Nervous, Cardiovascular, and Pulmonary systems, as well as cause cellular necrosis.
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Finally, though we unfortunately never get a closer look at it than this, there's this final box here, labeled EEG[???], and contains what i think is a CT scan of El4n's brain.
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When Suletta is piloting the Aerial to test out the thrusters, we can see the system and mode being tested.
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When talking to Miorine and Nika in their shuttle, we can see SS/O.M is added to the com screen on Suletta's phone. Not sure what it means !
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Not text but I love Mio's face here after she finishes giving Suletta the pep talk, but before she responds to Nika. She's like, hm! Helping Suletta felt really good. I hope this doesn't awaken anything in me.
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El4n doesn't have anything in his room whatsoever.
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When Suletta asks to talk to El4n, they can't get a hold of him directly, so they just do a HOUSE WIDE BROADCAST instead.
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Not important, but one of the two students Suletta speaks to is named Earlton Wells.
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During the duel, Bell can tell that El4n isn't doing well because his flight path is jagged, he can't fly straight anymore.
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We can't read this error message, but we can read PMET SCORE 4, so its most likely an error related to that.
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We can see the alert message on El4n's screen when he's about to run into the meteor. It just says ALERT.
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When Suletta is trapped and Aerial increases its Permet Score, we can see little whispy things on the main monitor. Oooohhh..pretty...
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So, bit of a mixup here, before, when Suletta defeated Guel in the rematch, it said she had 2 wins, which made it seem like her previous win had been reinstated. That wasn't true! It was just a mistake, because when she defeats El4n here, she still only has 2 wins. Can't win em all !
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Here, we can see that time and temperature in Asticassia's simulated environment. It says 26 degrees and is sunny, which means that Asticassia uses Celsius and not Farenheit.
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When Bel begs the Peil Witches to reconsider, if you look at the monitor, you can see Elan hanging up in front of the laser. They're watching him die here, and Bel saw it too.
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You ever notice how since the beginning the Enhanced Persons were alluded to be like Eri because only 4 and 5 were ever able to see and hear her when they're overloaded with Permet?
Click here to go to Episode 7!
Click here to go to the Masterpost!
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funshinebf · 2 months
vash 2 me would love wearing makeup and dresses occasionally. but usually like. like he loves doing makeovers with friends as a girls night kinda thang. he loves letting a group of children attempt to braid his hair and paint his nails. its like a social thing for him. he would love doing drag performances. but i dont think he would really care for it just like, for himself. like i cant really see him putting on makeup by himself in the morning. like i said its more of a social thing, he uses it to bond with others, ie makeovers and such. he only learns how to do decent makeup so he can participate in these social events. grah imagining younger vash seeing a group of young women talking about makeup together and he very shyly asks if they could maybe help him learn? and they all get SO excited, invite him to one of their houses and they all sit in a circle showing him the basics and giving him advice and letting him practice on them for the night. and hes SO happy, cause not only did he get to befriend these nice strangers, but also now he has this knowledge that he can use in the future to befriend MORE people. grahh i just think about vash being invited to girls nights so so much he's an honorary girl. esp for meryl and milly. m&m and vash having a girls night one day, hanging out in m&m's hotel room with face masks and snacks and painting eachother's nails. wolfwood knocking on the door looking for vash and seeing them all like this. he makes fun of them a little but u can tell his heart isnt in it and hes actually a little hurt that he didnt get invited. milly excitedly asks mr priest, would you like to join us? youre always welcome to! and he thinks he should decline and go find something else to do for the night but all three of them are looking at him hopefully with their big puppy eyes so he sighs and goes alright alright. lemme in here. meryl paints his nails black with little fancy white crosses on his middle fingers and he ends up liking it so much he keeps borrowing her black nail polish all the time, until one day she gives him a brand new bottle and tells him to keep it, for whenever theyre not traveling together. vash and milly do his makeup and at first he's kinda huffy and tells them not to make him look like a clown, expecting them to go nuts with it. but then when theyre done he sees himself in the mirror with just some lip gloss, mascara and eyeliner and hes like wait a minute. this is actually pretty good... basically m&m plus vash introducing ww to the wonderful world of being low-effort gnc and changing his life. although i do think when he was a kiddo he totally let the girls at hopeland give him makeovers, but he acted all huffy about it cause he thought he was supposed to. but really he just loved how happy it made them so he never put up TOO much of a fight when they would ask. n when m&m plus vash invite him into their girls night it reminds him so much of his sisters at hopeland doing the same to him and it makes him kinda nostalgic and fond. and hes happy that even though he cant see his old family and he misses them like crazy, hes thankful that hes got a new little family with him right here. ok this got away from me big time but its okay you all already know im insane and love to ramble. okay
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throughtrialbyfire · 3 months
oh hey I also just woke up and can't go back to sleep. what play styles do you like most in skyrim? I'm usually a sword and board guy but ordinator actually has me playing a full mage this time around. Also are there any parts of skyrim you take particular interest in writing about because they feel like they were left with unexplored potential, or otherwise irked you in some way that needed to be fixed?
🤝 we are carrying The Curse rn!!
i tend to go for stealth-archer or just stealth in general! right now i'm trying to play using primarily a one-handed sword and (occasionally) a shield, but i'm gonna slowly move to using magic and a sword with this playthrough as my character learns more spells! i've never tried a full mage playthrough of anything, is it fun? :0
the bards college should have been better expanded upon and i WILL die on this hill HAHA. also the consequences of the first potema quest, tbh. that should have had more far-reaching implications. there are a lot of parts of skyrims writing i want to expand on/write more into, because sometimes theres just so much that could have been done that just Wasnt. i wish more was done with the blades, for example, and their strained connection with the greybeards. or, when the civil war questline ends, maybe shit goes down involving the dominion. grahh, skyrim has so much potential that it makes me insane HFHDHFHD
thank you for sending this!! i hope you're able to get some rest soon!!
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luvring · 5 months
sorry sorry I absolutely LOVE your works and I am SCREAMING AT YOUR THEME AND PROFILE PIC LIKE AAAHHH ??
like omg a fellow Kaoru Hana wa Rin to Saku fan omg screaming 😞😞 I swear I squealed seeing Christmas version kaoruko as your pfp !! so if you don't mind answering, what's your fav character from it?
(trying to spread rintaro love around here, he's perfect and I love him, and kaoruko, and his friends, and his family, god the whole fucking cast)
OMFG. UGET ME?! YOUUUFBDJGBH kaoruko.. :( she's so cutesie shes just a girl i love her so much... as for fav chara... in general it's kind of rare for me to not have a fave chara + for romances it's always Easily the main girl/couple. but like,, i rlly love everybody so bad. this shit was made for me. but. i think. Ok. I think it'd have to be like... rin + kaoruko >=? rin's family + subaru + natsusawa >? usami yorita madoka etc
>=? is a questionable greater than symbol because they feel quite equal at the end of the day like. Everybody growing and learning to open up and caring for each other no matter the love and warmth the self doubt and blame and forgiveness and acceptance like the friend group is my lockscreen i love them . this is peak nia luvring core bro
i seriously love rin and kaoruko. RIN. i'm so attached to this guy he's perfect he's sooo so sweet and whenever he blames himself for things i feel like throwing up GET BEHIND ME :( he's opened up a lot but he's always been so kind and i'm so happy he's found such great friends 😭😭 ohmgmkdgn. kaoruko. come on. < girl who likes tohru and yuki like let's be serious. she loves her friends so much and works so hard and tries not to worry people but she deserves to be cared for like ohmyfogdopela?!$! also she's soo cutieful i love all her hairstyles and outfits omg. And like.. their relationship is so nice... i love the way it happened and how they want to be better and love each other and get nervous abt compliments and stuff and. oh man. i'm nauseous i love u guys so bad
the mangaka does so well fleshing everyone out and... rin + kaoruko's relationship just feels so genuine and warm i feel like i'm going to explode but really truly Every relationship is soo important. i love the whole cast u don't know how much i just cut out of this answer because i was rambling FSBGJDHBG like i'm going to throw up i just want everyone to be happy...mannn... in a way their problems are similar as young students but they're still distinct and instead of being like Damn another backstory i'm always like YEAAASS!!! like i'm excited to see how they deal w their schools as a group but i'm happy with learning about everyone y'know. GRAHH! i love u kaoru hana wa rin to saku. i wish i knew how to shorten its name. its jpn and eng names r both long i cant breathe
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nightfallsystem · 2 years
Nightfallsystem - Main blog. Plural System. cringe asf autistic and chronic pain haver. giant isopod enthusiast.
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‼️hi guys if ur reading this during october 2023 plz check out @qiekzart rn im doing a thing ✨✨
Check out my etsy plzzz :333 i post adoptables !!
My name is Qiekz, my pronouns are it/its, please use my actual preferred pronouns. For your DNI purposes please know I'm 14 ^_^ also no nsfw interaction or you will fucking die!! im also learning japanese! (please send help.... im dying..... grahh.. ive gone too far to quit its kind of my curse now.)
what to expect from this blog? random shit, this is my personal blog. there may be vents and rants (tagged as #vent and #rant respectively) there may be random shit there will be so many reblogs.
i try to add ids when i can into the alt text, though i have chronic pain so sometimes im too tired to, sorry
Special interests: Giant isopods, Yugioh 💀💀
interests: TBHK, manga and anime, servals, marine animals, suicide boy (critical of it...), made in abyss, (critical of it...) , japanese language ,, ... i forgor
FEEL FREE (i encourage you to!) TAG ME IN SHIT ABOUT MY INTERESTS!!! esp yugioh im really autistic about it o my god
#autistic about this thing tag <- will be me tagging shit im really autistic about!!
not really in discourse anymore other than transgender stuff so if you try to drag me into discourse ill drag you into the pits of hell. i fucking hate syscourse so much.
If i am not speaking and another system member is, the post will be tagged as "- [name]". I tag common triggers, flashing lights and eyestrain, etc, these will be tagged as "TW [topic]". also JSYK i block a fuck ton of people so like, yeah, I block anyone for any reason I want. I will also not unblock you. unless youre liek my friend or smth.
We have so many fictives sooo,, source list: TBHK, Omori, OneShot, Wolf Song the Movie (yknow, that one on youtube.), yugioh..... </3 .. sourcemates r cool to interact n stuff feel free to send an ask im just shy...
anon hate MUST be original no lame "kys" or "[slur]". i will judge you. try better. try harder. get good. if you send anon hate i will judge it and rate it out of 10 so please try your best.
i am weirdo fictionkin heres the list: hooni from suicide boy yayy,, faputa from made in abyss ( I FUCKING HATE THE SORUCE FOR BEING SO WEIRD OMFG AHGHH),, jolteon from pokemon. . im weird and fuckd up . much prefer if u dont rlly seperate me from me in sources. cuz i just am me. sorry. ig. just refer to me as me . thank you
I am critical of all of my interests!!
or more just i hate them agh just be normal omfgggg crying sobbing
if you wanna avoid a common trigger its most likely tagged #tw [topic]. i also tag eyestrain and flashing lights but usually i just tag it as "#eyestrain" or "#flashing". tbh i unfortunately cant be trusted to remember to tag any other specific trigger because of bad memory. i wont tag reclaimed slurs but i will tag slurs used in a mean way
Please do not DM me unless you actually really need to. Send me an ask if you want to DM me and specify that you want it answered privately if you want. but i AM UNCOMFY WITH DMS. unless we're friends or i DMed you first. otherwise i place a curse on you I MUCH prefer asks over DMs
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@oops-all-traumacore (TW TRAUMACORE)
@sunnymogai (inactive)
@hellhoundmutt (inactive)
@sunnymogai2 (inactive)
@qiekz (EYESTRAIN + FLASHING TW please block if you are affected by that please)
alter blog 4 tasma:
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Anti plural, pluralphobe, anti endo, sysmed, against created alters/etc, "dont believe in systems",
Proship, condone or support posting any sexual stuff that includes a child, lolicon/shotacon/etc, someone purposely meant to look like a child, cub.
LGBTQphobic, transmed, transphobe/homophobe/biphobe/panphobe/etc, 'super straight'/variants, anti-ace inclusion, anti-aro inclusion, anti a-spec inclusion, aphobes, anti mspec lesbian/gay/etc, stelliophobic, anti lesboy/turigirl/etc, anti any good faith queer identity, anti neopronouns, anti xenogender, anti mogai.
Ableist, support autism speaks, think "narc abuse" is a thing/demonise people with any disorder including NPD, infantalise people with disorders/disabilities/etc, post/support on subreddits like r/fakedisordercringe or r/systemscringe, use the term "Aspergers" / describe urself as an "aspie" (Hans Asperger was a nazi who killed many disabled people, so shut the fuck up.)
Racist, cultural appropriators.
Radqueers, trans-id/transX, transrace/trace (not adoptee term), support the term transplural, pro-contact/contact-complex/contact-neutral for harmful paraphillia, sway people away from getting help for harmful paraphillia, MAP/Pedo/zoo/necro. (also transspecies is ok if its not used in a transX way)
Fujoshi/variants. fetishize mlm/wlw, etc.
Against traumacore / vent art.
Have minors on ur DNI (no offense im just a minor lol), NSFW-Focused blog
Post stolen art (includes AI images) / trace art without consent
other stuff is im neutral on factkin or kff tbh. and i think id rather stay neutral on tulpas as a term. i just dont fucking care. i dont involve myself in syscourse anymore, i might post more endogenic positivity later but id rather not due to the rampant harassment and infighting in the system community.
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