#gow callisto
ruined-blog · 22 days
Happy Mother's Day y'all!!!!!!
Callisto and Faye are prob my fav moms in the series
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More Callisto cause she doesn't get enough love
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Based off of these
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conkeybong · 1 year
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i wish there was more content about callisto she could be such an interesting character if they gave her a chance
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ace-memelord · 1 year
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I was gonna wait until I had more art but you know what, I’ll go ahead and post it. Here is my take on GOW Callisto, who had horrendously little screen time and deserved better. Now she’s my OC! 🥰
I’ll spare the rant but basically I wanted a little more historically accurate garb for her. This actually started as a redesign for her armlet (since my GOW oc wears it) but then I went ahead and decided to go all the way :) more art and headcanons soon if anyone is interested 👀
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: God of War (Video Games) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Callisto (God of War), Zeus (God of War), Deimos (God of War), Kratos (God of War), Original Female Character(s) Additional Tags: Motherhood, Prophecy, Character Study, Canon Compliant, there is so little canon about callisto that i can just do what i want mostly, References to Ancient Greek Religion & Lore, Lesbian Character, Terminal Illnesses, sorry for contributing to bury your gays, Implied/Referenced Childbirth, Slavery, Weaving, a Lot of weaving mentions, Implied/Referenced Relationships, Backstory, Female Friendship, Male-Female Friendship Summary:
Callisto has much time to think in the depths of Atlantis.
 Or: Callisto finally gets a full backstory, and I make canon more soulcrushing.
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something-in-the-seas · 8 months
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mossmanismoss · 4 months
Redesigned Callisto for the 8th time
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satindregs · 11 months
y’all think Kratos ever misses his mom? like ik spartan life was tough, even for a child, and parents were encouraged to help w toughening up their kids, but Kratos had to learn to be soft w his family from somewhere right?
we don’t know(I don’t think) how Kratos feels about his mother, but he didn't seem to celebrate her death or act like he was able to rest easier after she died in Ghost of Sparta, I think it was. Like ik, he was on his way to find his potentially-dead brother but throw me a bone here.
And ik ppl don't have to grow up around gentle environments, or more specifically kind parents, to be able to be gentle themselves, but I mean shit it helps.
I think someone who is as “accustomed” to violence as Kratos is/was needs a reference when he wants to be kind or sweet or loving. (Ik he isn't all rough edges but like. Yk. Kratos.) And I think his mother could be who he channeled when he would greet Calliope or bond with Lysandra (YES GREEK ERA KRATOSS).
I just found out Kratos had to kill Callisto. Twice. Anyway ^v^ love to hear yalls thoughts but uh. I'm gonna cut this post short lolol
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neechees · 7 months
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thedailybullshit · 10 months
Okay, question for the God of War fandom, specifically those who’ve actually played the Greek saga (aka everyone in existence except me 💀)
Is Kratos’s mom mean to be the Callisto? From the myths? As in a huntress of Artemis who was impregnated by Zeus, hid her pregnancy, was cast out from the Hunt bc of it, & became Ursa Major?
& if she is, is Kratos meant to be the son that came from the assault? IK the son actually has a name & fate that doesn’t match up w/ Kratos at all.
But I also know the entire gow franchise takes significant liberties w/ the mythos. & his mother wouldn’t even be the only member of his mortal family to share a name w/ a figure from the mythos & share no connection to them (see Calliope).
But if she IS meant to be that Callisto, I think it would add a whole other layer of tragedy to Kratos’s life as just another instance in which the gods have fucked over his family.
Can someone confirm or deny this?
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neutralgray · 2 years
I think the most disappointing thing to me about The Callisto Protocol being met with such a mixed lukewarm reception is that it feels discouraging for new IPs.
Obviously within the last decade there's been much more "nostalgia" bait than in past decades, especially where films are concerned. Movie franchises that have been cold for 10, sometimes 20-25 years are suddenly given a new sequel.
It's obviously just anecdotal-- I haven't pored through data to determine any trending outcomes, but I feel like the same thing is happening within the games industry.
A lot of what's out there in the AAA market are established franchises. I loved GOW Ragnarok, but it was pretty much guaranteed to succeed just by history alone. I am looking forward to the Dead Space 1 remake and will definitely get it for the fun, but it's an experience I have had before.
Obviously if a game fails to reach a good criteria then it should be fairly criticized. I just worry about the state of new successes, whenever you have one that had so much good faith from the gaming community, and it just falls short once again. It's nowhere near the blunder of Cyberpunk, obviously, since Callisto Protocol is a complete and playable product-- even if frustrating for many. But I can't help but think of them together, in this instance. Both two big games representing new IPs with lots of anticipation... only for it to fall so flat, either by sheer incompetence or just bad design philosophy.
Meanwhile, for people who want "better" versions of both those games, your most comparable experiences to look forward to are... the Dead Space remake, hashing out an old IP, or the next-gen upgrade for the Witcher III, an upgrade for a well established and loved game in an existing franchise.
I guess what I'm saying is, it feels like for a while now, there just hasn't been any new blood to stand out in the gaming world at large. I'd really love to bite into something a little different, ya know?
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kratioed · 5 months
GOD OF WAR | HEADCANON: HEL’S NAME Most people imagined "Hel" would be named after her grandmother either as Faye or Laufey, but personally, I like the idea of Hel's name being derived from her Greek heritage. Not only it ties back to the franchise's origins in Greece, it also aligns with the fact that "Loki" is known as Atreus in GOW, which also stems from his Greek roots. I think it's fitting for Hel to receive the same treatment just like her father in this context! Some have suggested Calliope (even Callisto!), but imagine "Hel" being named after Pandora. Think about it; the central theme surrounding Hel's family (Atreus & Kratos) could revolve around hope. Obviously, we know about Kratos' relationship with Pandora in GOW3. Without her, Kratos would have never discovered hope and humanity within himself as he released the power of hope to the people of Greece. Kratos also quoted Pandora before he became the God of Hope in Valhalla. Even Atreus is named after the man who inspired hope to his fellow comrades, especially Kratos in the darkest time.
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Kratos named his son for these qualities, and now Loki will be the Giant who wore a smile in the darkest times, bringing hope to his people with a goal of restoring Jötunheim. And once Jötunheim is restored, Hel will be the first Giant born in the new age free from Odin's rule, the beginning of hope for all Jötnar...- if you think Hel being named after Pandora is boring, then here's my personal take (using creative liberties): her name is Elpis, the Spirit of Hope in Greek Mythology! She's also the reincarnation of Pandora...or at least has a few particles of her soul.
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arleniansdoodles · 1 year
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I just needed to remind myself that I still know how to draw semi-realistically lmaoo That aside, here’s a painting for my post-Ragnarok AU! The idea came to me while I was thinking about my fic, and I liked it so much that I decided to draw it (and rework the fic’s outline a teensy bit to include it) XDD
I’m willing to bet y’all will be able to recognize the characters around Atreus and Calliope, but if not, no worries! They’re from the original GoW games: Callisto, Kratos’ mother; Deimos, his younger brother; and Lysandra, his first wife. I don’t want to give too much away about where this scene will take place in my fic, and what the exact setting and context is, but I think there’s enough tidbits in the painting to guess at what’s happening! :DDD
It was also lots of fun to add little family resemblances between the characters XDD I heard somewhere (though I can’t remember where) that Atreus’ scar is a magic/hereditary thing, since it matches the shape of Deimos’. Other than that, I like to imagine he has a bit of his uncle’s features, while Calliope has some of her grandmother’s!
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stupidrant · 22 days
happy mother's day to every mama out there especially mothers in gow series ESPECIALLY to ma dukes herself, callisto 🥰 shoutouts to her for giving us kratos
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ace-memelord · 1 year
I drew a GOW Callisto redesign and now I wanna add Lysandra, Calliope and Pandora to the list 🤔 might be a project for this weekend!
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sevi007 · 6 years
faye and lysandre gossiping about kratos beard like... lysandre: how did you do that? it looks so much better than the goaty he used to have! i eaven tryed to make him shave that thing compleatly off at last. but his awser was akways -makes kratos frown-"no woman". faye laughing to her hearts content and calisto chucckeling in the bg. deimos is likley like. " soo... you did not only copy my mark but also my beard?" kratis is still prozessing everything while calliope sits in his lap.
(Oh mygosh, true, Faye tell us your secret please, that beard does look so much better XD)
But, but,the two women finding that some things about Kratos may have changed a lot,while others stayed exactly the same. The two of them sharing anecdotes about,well, their husband, and their respectivechildren. Both finding that they have developed quite the ability to imitateKratos’ behavior and voice and frowns (Atreus happily joins in on that, he hasa talent for it, too.)
Callistojoining in to share stories from Kratos’ childhood that makes all of themlaugh, especially Deimos because he was involved in many-a-mischief that hisbrother caused as a child.
Mimirremarks it doesn’t really surprise him to find that Kratos was as reckless as achild as he is now, gaining another bout of laughter.
Kratos isstill too bewildered and grateful and busy holding Calliope in his arms (warm and safe and here) to stop them in their pursuit of making fun of him. (He might be laughing along, too, very quietly.)
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neechees · 1 year
Gow isn't exactly known for historical or mythological accuracy & it takes a lot of artistic license, but one cool, accurate detail I like is that Calliope is named after Callisto (Kratos's mother) because of the Spartan naming tradition of naming your eldest daughter after the Father's mother & giving the child the first element of her name (in this case, Καλ-)
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