#gotta treat the lady
sad-emo-dip-dye · 8 months
Kunikida with her organized financial plan and very strict budget at a loss for words when Bram comes home and tells her he bought groceries and a castle for them to live in
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botanybulbasaur · 5 months
vertin gender
hey you guys ever think about how arcana and constantine refer to vertin with feminine terms (ex: lady vertin), how people who are on their side but who are perceived as people who “aren’t close with” vertin time and time again refer to them with “timekeeper” and they/she (ex: sonetto, madam z), and how people who look as vertin not as a leader or an ‘enigma’ (they/she, timekeeper) nor as someone they can pawn on their side (she/her, ‘lady vertin’) refer to them with masculine terms, such as ‘sir’ or ‘lord’? (ex: an—an lee, schneider)
it’s like. the less you look at them as a pawn and the more you look at them as a person the less cisgender everything gets. i should probably do a serious theory on this
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I think we should let Juno say fuck just once and have everyone look at him horrified like he just killed someone and then never have it mentioned again
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kawareo · 5 months
there are drunk women beating on my dormroom door thinking their friend lives here and im just sitting in complete silence hoping they will realize Melissa does not live in here
anyway if my defenses crumble before melissa shows up it was nice knowing yall and happy new years
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cursedfortune · 3 months
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"A holiday that celebrates women is the perfect excuse to shed some clothes..." The witch murmured to herself. As if she ever needed an excuse to be in various states of undress.
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"I hope this means plenty of women are being spoiled this day in whatever manner this wish." Be it with bloodshed, sex or just something delicious to eat. Mortem thought all of the above sounded nice.
Regardless, perhaps she'd cast a large scale blessing spell for the ladies this day and raise their luck on getting whatever they so desired.
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ziipzeepzop-eez · 4 months
help toka imprinted ((HIGHKEY I KNOW SHE DID)) on mr. mistoffolees (stray tuxedo neighbor cat who lives under our house) & chased them and i got dew and mud on my fresh white socks and she's NOT EVEN A TEENAGER YET????
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dogtiber · 7 months
Tiber’s tummy troubles are persisting, so we went to the vet today. he is now on a strict prescription diet until this is all sorted to make sure it’s not something in his food that he’s reacting to/exacerbating the existing problem. vet is having us submit another fecal sample to see if his Giardia is back before we try running other tests/try other things.
poor boy seems to not be feeling great. he’s been slightly more tired and has a slightly subdued appetite the last day or so and we’ve had a return of the vomiting. still mostly his normal puppy self though and wanting to play and run and be excited.
we’re exhausted today tho from taking him out over and over again like every 15 minutes yesterday. man I sure wish he would choose to poop closer to home lol. so Tiber and I are accompanying dadtiber to work today so that we can both be around to keep an eye on him, plus he loves seeing all the other people and dogs at the office and it keeps him stimulated and occupied, which will be a godsend since he can’t have any of his usual long lasting chews or food puzzles right now. I’ll try to brainstorm tomorrow what fun enrichment things I might be able to do with his prescription food.
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eeunwoo · 8 months
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loregoddess · 2 months
saw the first volume of Cursed Princess Club in the store last Sunday as I was walking by the manga section, and the name was so unusual that I looked it up online when I got home, and found out it was on webtoons to read for free, and just finished it, and holy shit
literally one of the best stories I've ever read
#I don't even know where to begin it's just insanely well-written but also so deeply emotional and wholesome and wonderful#also there's a lady with a were-spider curse tied to her menstrual cycle which gets discussed casually and like#I've never seen menstruation discussed by fictional characters in such a natural and no big deal way it was fucking awesome#but literally everything about every character was so very well-written and presented in such a good way#like I dunno curses as analogies for disabilities and how they don't lessen a person's worth#and how people are still people deserving of love and how difficult self-love and self-acceptance can be#but also how important it is but also how it still sucks to live w/ certain things#and how you can be both angry about something and accepting of it at the same time#but also about how superficial and socially/culturally constructed ideals of beauty and worthiness are and how they're totally fake#and potentially harmful and also how it's possible to work around and against and restructure those ideals#but also it's about princesses (and a couple princes) kicking ass and being cool and also just being human#also I gotta hand it to the author for having a lady who totally enjoys sleeping around and isn't shamed for it whatsoever#there's also a character who's basically aroace and despite two men falling in love with her like#as soon as they find out she's not interested in relationships they back off and respect that and still treat her as a friend#and I dunno that's just neat#like it's satirical fantasy that deconstructs so many different fairytale tropes but it's also so genuine and sincere#that it somehow circles back to embody the heart of a fairytale in all the best ways possible#anyhow it's absolutely worth a read#oracle of lore
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roseband · 2 months
my embroidery machine got to my mom's place i'm sooooo excited
but i'm dumb bcuz i didn't realize how expensive digitizing software was lol so i need to see if i can use an older version of the brother ones
but i'm so excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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theprestigegirly · 5 months
2 buses drove straight past me AT THE BUS STOP today
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snobgoblin · 1 year
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btw telling a grown ass adult they look/act like a child is not the compliment u think it is
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little-star-bun · 11 months
White boy on my roster
He be feeding me pasta and lobster
Hit me up on Tuesday like what ya doin bae lemme take you shoppin
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yeslordmyking · 2 years
Women Do Not Have Authority Over Men
1 Timothy 2:9-15
[9]In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety; not with broided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array;
[10]But (which becometh women professing godliness) with good works.
[11]Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection.
[12]But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.
[13]For Adam was first formed, then Eve.
[14]And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression.
[15]Notwithstanding she shall be saved in childbearing, if they continue in faith and charity and holiness with sobriety.
Because of the sins of Eve being the first to eat the forbidden fruit, women are to be silent, shamefaced, and in submission of men, who God created first.
God wants us to be beautiful in other ways, ladies, so don't try to be as men and take authority where it was not given to you. Yes, we live in times where men don't do their part, but that doesn't exempt women from doing their's. Men have their own instructions, let women heed God's instructions for them as well.
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opens-up-4-nobody · 1 year
#bluh. its been a long week and its not over bc i have to get this fucking manuscript done like fucking this weekend#and Sunday i have to go do fieldwork and then its Monday hhhhh#my boss: the meme of the week is productive women get shit done#and im like being called a woman in stem kills me a little more every time i hear it bleh im just trying to live my life#and by live i mean drain away all my time in the lab. uuuuh i need to rewrite these fucking methods and dun wanna#also fucking the coordinator lady who bought my plane ticket to visit one of my potential schools made it so that im gonna have to drive to#the airport at like 4am and then ill get back to my apartment at after 12am on the return. like i said my time was flexible but wtf lady?#its prob bc they were expensive tickets bc the fucking military#ugh. and the other school is like select 3 profs to meet with. and im like wtf y do i have to? if its just screening stuff y dont u just#assign it? i dont understand hhhh i dont wanna talk to them. i fucking dunno. at least i made it to the interview stage i guess#also also i was running today and randomly remembered that over the break my old bat of a nana was being stingy abt#money bc she said she was gonna give out inherentence to her kids while still alive so they would still be young enough to enjoy it#and my dad and uncle could retire a lil early and still pay for insurance and now shes going back on that bc she doesnt want taxes to go to#the government and my papa is like 85 and hes gotta b nearing deaths door and he cant reel her in anymore#anyway. point is she was talking to my uncle abt her reasons for keeping the money and she was talking shit on my mom for like the way she#spends money. like my mom has cancer u old fucking bitch. shes trying to enjoy her life a little before shes like dead or bedridden#shes also made comments abt my moms weight and like wtf lady she has cancer. shes had multiple abdominal surgeries she had a hernia for#like a real long time sorry shes not spending all her time exercising and eating tasteless healthy food like u#anyway i just think my nana is a bad person. so is my other grandma tbh my sister gets so pissed at her for ordering my mom around#like she treats her dog better than she ever did her kids. lol my grandparents just suck on both sides#and like everytime my parents r like go do things for ur grandparents im like fucking y? they're bad ppl#i dont kno how my parents r so normal#anyway wtf was i doing... ah right procrastinating#unrelated#srry for lack of drawings. just zero time 🫠#i lov my mum so much. she doesnt deserve any of this bullshit
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ploncc · 2 years
if you're utilizing your 2nd amendment rights and walkin around with a rifle then I'm not gonna pay a damn lick of attention to you more than I would anyone else.
there's no reason for me to see you as a threat.
you're just existing in a public place, and also reppin the 2nd.
and if there is? then buddy, you've gone past 2nd amendment rights and straight into several misdemeanors at least, and then? then we're gonna have problems.
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