#goodbye owl house
night-rise · 1 year
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….thank you…
That’s all I wanted… that’s ALL I asked for!
All I wanted was THEM to be THIS
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Thank you Dana…. Thank you for everything… especially thank you for these two
Goodbye Lilith… goodbye Amity
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blubun0309 · 1 year
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We were fucking ROBBED of Amity's reaction of Titan Luz :(
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darkcrowprincess · 1 year
The Owl House finale:
There were parts I liked, parts I didn't. Overall the animation was beautiful and I will miss Luz Noceda. She was my favorite female character in a long time. I think the favorite. Will really miss Luz.
Anyway heres some of my favorite moments from the finale. Spoilers beware
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And my last and favorite one
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ruthlesswitch · 1 year
Dana Terrace I know you will probably never hear this. I want to thank you this show really opened my eyes to look past my dad christian beliefs he push on me and realize who I am. I like girls, I am not afraid to tell anyone that anymore. I finally feel like I am who I really am, my whole life I felt like something was missing or I had to hide because there was something wrong with me. Seeing Luz and Amity change how I look at the world and how I look at myself. Your show means so much to me that it inspired me to make my own animated TV show when I get older. The finale was so amazing and the show was so amazing. Dana Terrace you are kinda like a hero to me and I thank you for making The Owl House.
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mystea-the-great · 1 year
Watching and Dreaming spoilers:
For a while now, I have had many issues with The Owl House. But after that finale, while still flawed, all I want to do is talk about how amazing it was.
While oddly quick, the Collector’s arc perfectly displayed how, for all the horrible things he has done, he genuinely never meant any harm because he simply cannot understand how what he is doing is wrong. He does not even understand the concept of death. I loved seeing Luz open up to him. And him attempting to apply the lesson he learned to Belos worked to both reiterate how much of a child he is while adding suspense to the scene, and his subsequent breakdown as he finally understands what death truly means was heartbreaking. On top of that, he wraps the series’s theme of people othered by society becoming a found family in a pretty little bow. He was first manipulated by the Archivists, then wrongfully imprisoned by King’s father, then manipulated once more by Belos. Of all the characters, he is the one who was the most isolated and most in need of a friend. And in the end, he finally finds some in the people who genuinely cared.
Luz, Eda, and King’s reunion was genuinely so heartwarming it made me cry. Seeing how these three have grown to care about each other so much since episode 1 is so beautiful.
Belos did not disappoint. Every scene with him, as usual, was pure tension. Pure horror. Even on his last legs, he manages to be a terrifying, devastating threat. While we had theorized about it for a while now, actually seeing him possess the Titan was as amazing as it was horrifying. But in the end, for all his ploys and schemes, he was just buying himself more time. He died in the rain, the consequences of his actions finally catching up to him. A macabre send off to an amazing villain.
The final battle was absolutely beautiful. The animation was so smooth and the visuals were gorgeous. I could not tear my eyes way from the screen for a single second.
I absolutely adored the epilogue. Seeing Hunter become a palisman carver was such a genius move. He has completely separated himself from Belos, and is happily reversing the damage his abuser caused, all while finally surrounded by people he loved. The Wild Magic University was so visually amazing, and seeing how all the characters wound up with their happy endings filled me with so much delight. I will admit, there are many loose threads I feel should have been explored, and the glimpses we got of other characters (Raine and Darius in particular) makes me disappointed we did not get to see more of the in depth, but I still loved it,
All in all, the finale encapsulated everything I loved about this series. Lighthearted comedy, loveable characters, horror and tension, heartbreak, and hope. This whole show has been such an amazing ride, and I am so glad that the end was this spectacular. For all of its many flaws. I am truly going to miss this show, and it will always hold a special place in my heart. It was a beautiful send off to such a love-filled series.
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rand0mphand0ms · 1 year
goodbye owl house
thank you for the wonderful memories <3
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muppetable · 1 year
I don’t talk about Owl House much on here, but its finale is in just a little over half an hour.
Thank you, @danaterrace. Your show and artistic vision brought me nothing but endless motivation and drive to be better and accept myself (other than a lot of crying in s2b and s3, the finale won’t be any different i’m betting lol.) When I realized I was gay and trans, I had a lot of struggle accepting myself. When I saw the Owl House, I felt so at home and loved. I don’t come from an unaccepting house, but coming out to people you’ve known for years is hard. And other than the later episodes of the show giving me trauma, my mental health always feels better when I watch the show and form new theories.
Aside from helping me personally, TOH helped me grow as both an artist and writer. For years I struggled drawing humans and writing believable plots, but seeing how the show made use of tropes and dynamics, I got a better grasp of how to do that. Not to mention every bit of fanart and the animations I made helped me draw better! I must have drawn Luz and Eda countless times.
And the whole community. Everyone in the fandom Ive met is so sweet. Once Amphibia ended, aside from the fake movie trailers the fandom started to die out, but I’m desperately hoping that the TOH fandom doesn’t.
We love you, Dana. Thanks to you, all of us witches who have lost our way have seemed out the key to watching and dreaming for the future. ❤️
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Now I’ve had some time to process watching and dreaming I want to say some words. (This will contain spoilers)
That was such a beautifully executed goodbye to an amazing series dispite the challenges they faced, it met and exceeded so many expectations. However it makes me sad, it makes me sad not just because there won’t be anymore but because they didn’t have the chance to make it all it could have been.
I would have loved to have a full season exploring the storylines seen in the 3 specials, full episodes dedicated to concepts we only got to see in passing, for exsample: the kids fitting into the human relm, new hexide , the collectors games, luz in the inbetween; and the list goes on. I just wish we could have had more time, not that I think these specials where rushed just that they show what we could have had, I wish we could have had more time with gus Hunter amity and willow to allow for deeper momments and explorations that where hinted at.
I love this show and will probably watch it from start to finish again soon and who knows it was left open enough that we could have a sequel. All that’s left to say is byyeeeeee!!
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“Here’s something to think about,
When things go wrong all the time:
That luck can change like that high tide,
Bad things can soon turn out alright
Misfortune, a tragedy, I can’t seem to mind,
Soon good will happen, if you look, you just might find
So when you think this is the end,
Good things are just around the bend
Again: bad things are just a sign
Good things will happen in due time
And with each passing day, so goes another life
Everybody wants to live, some people want to die
So close your eyes, ‘cause it’s alright to say Hello, Goodnight”
- The Aquabats: Hello, Goodnight
I’m gonna miss The Owl House, but I have hope that there will be more epic animated shows like it in the future...
(How weird is it that I picked a song from The Aquabats of all bands?)
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person-on-pluto · 1 year
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Looks like we're gonna be split up again. I feel like I should be used to this feeling by now, but… I still don't know what to say.
Lmao not my best piece but hey. Honestly i never thought the owl house would really be over. I loved these characters like they were my family and now it's gonna suck that they're gone. I'm really gonna miss the excitement and theories and fanart that was every where in between episodes. This show was my biggest comfort for over three years.
I know what to say now. Thank you to the entire crew, to the fandom, and to the characters. Goodbye
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claraghost22 · 1 year
Goodbye. Owlhouse/DSMP Drawing
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Two big series finales in one day, how heart crushing, yet there were surprisingly no tears. I really enjoyed both series, even if Dream smp I didn't actively watch a lot, and both were just so much fun and had huge impacts in both their communities.
It's been a great journey and I'm excited what the creators do next. Hope you enjoyed them as much as I did.
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That was most beautifully thing I ever seen. 
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blubun0309 · 1 year
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Obligatory Luz doodles bc I forget to draw sometimes
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Close ups
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elaboratejellyfish · 1 year
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Goodbye owl house <3
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moonstone27ls · 1 year
Adieu, Owl House
I will write my thoughts later or tomorrow... for now this is more my reaction.... OMG THE FINALE WAS FLIPPING AMAZING! THE ANIMATION WAS FLAWLESS! JUST SIMPLY AMAZING, BEYOND WORDS!! The suspense was just offf had me on the edge of my seat!
Just the finale you could feel like the staff and Dana Terrace did their best to tell their fans and supporters goodbye. The ending was both wonderful and sad.... sad cause its over. 
And yes I’m not done not being mad at Disney. Or whoever’s to blame, the big wigs? The “oh we’re scared” or whatever. I’ll still be mad when Pride Month comes around and Disney’s all “Look see we supported you SOOO much”. Me: Then why cancel Owl house?!! IT HAD MORE TO GIVE! YOU COULD HAVE LET IT HAVE MORE ROOM TO GROW!”
Sorry... well not sorry. But yes it was wonderful to watch, just made me wish we had more to see. 
To the creator of this wonderful show, thank you for the fun and the memories. The show was always amazing and my little niece loved watching it with me. Luz was a character that gave me I dunno a sense of relatable and I’ll always be grateful for that. 
I’m sorry forever that the show ended to early for you Dana Terrace. I wish more could have been done. But as one of the many fans, will remember you and your story.
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We’ll miss you and the good witch Luz!
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tranquilvolcano · 1 year
owl house season 3 episode 3 thoughts and questions
dots so if someone hasn't watched it then they wont be spoiled
( owl house season 3 episode 3 is still on Disney's YouTube channel)
edit- Disney put a spoiler on there youtube channel so ether just zoom in 125% than search up "the owl house season 3 episode 3" or just go to disney now and search "the owl house"
the main question I had was how they made a new portal
will all of the witches lose there magic?
how does eda's prosthetic work because the stump seems to be above the elbow but the prosthetic seems to be under the elbow
I loved this episode but it means that the owl house is over and that sucks
idk what to say other than
(:> goodbye owl show
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