#gonna start tagging my art posts with that now ehehe
alinesann · 1 year
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The Hanged Fool - XII & 0 character owned by @picckl
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soup-scope · 10 months
hai ray :33 you said you like crochet on your art post so i was wondering if you would share some of your crochet projects? :3 only if you want to, no pressure!!
I’m smooching ur forehead so hard rn bro
i ramble about my crochet projects/my crochet history under the cut so don’t mind me‼️‼️
so i first started crocheting when i was a sophomore(??) in high school!! my mom had a crochet side business where she would take commissions and sell them at local flea markets!! i loved the little creatures she made so i begged her to teach me lmao.
i only really made scarves/blankets when i first started out!!
old rayray photos incoming (my face is going to be blocked out in all of these!! i’m not like. worried i’m gonna be recognized or smth i’m just weird about showing my face online lol)
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the first crochet item i’d ever made!! It was an infinity scarf lol.
funny story. i fucked up that scarf so bad. i was just using it as an excuse to practice the double crochet stitch and ended up using an entire thing of yarn. the scarf was “too long” so my mom helped me make it an infinity scarf instead lmao. i still have it ‼️‼️
and then i had a period where i made nothing but scarves for a few months. i don’t have pictures because i gave them away as gifts so here’s proof that i had the yarn 😭😭
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and then a took a HUGE ass break from crocheting for a few years 💔💔
But i picked it up again this this past january!! I was required to take a 3D design class at my school so we did a lot of sculpture work!! Here’s my project that i did after not touching crochet for almost 3 years!!
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it’s a deconstructed-abstract jellyfish!! I used wire to make the form. Wrapped different yarn around all the wire!! And then made very long strands of the tentacles by doing long chains, things of single crochet and double crochet!!! the best part is that it curled at the end on its own!!
i loved that project sm!!!
I actually used crochet to work on my final for that class!!! here it is!!!
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(blocked out face) we had to create a 3D project that was wearable!! I crocheted a SHIT load of flowers and spread them around a veil that i made!! it was supposed to represent springtime/loss of autonomy. (id be willing to explain that later ehehe)
and here’s a very crappy photo from another final i used crochet with‼️
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so i had to create a sculptural element for a class and then project a video onto it!!! I created a backdrop with a ladybug/flowers/and a bee to represent an almost idealistic version of my hometown. and the video i projected was clips of what it was like living in the city for the first time!!
here’s a better picture of the bee lol
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i actually made LOADS of bees. they were super easy to make so i made 5+. i even gave my mom one for mother’s day :)))
and for father’s day. i made a LONG BEE
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i do have more projects in the drafts rn!!
and also some i don’t have pictures of!
I made a HUGE red blanket that i finished during finals week lmao. Right now i’m working on a capybara plush for my nail tech (she’s sick rn), and grannysquare-star blanket, star garlands, a tote bag, more bees ofc, a shark, some bookmarks, and a crochet bouquet!!!
i’ll def talk about my crochet habits some more on here ehehehe i’ll make it a separate tag so lmk if u wanna be tagged whenever i post about my crochet junk!!!
@teaseat @kittyshaw my crochet junk ^^^ ehehe
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Tagged by @livinginalandfill thanks babes this is gonna be fun!
1. why did you choose your url?
uuh which one lol well i made crazy-lazy-elder-sims  to say that i have crazy ideas  for elders but i am lazy so don’t expect much lol the dashes are an inside joke between me and my self lol throw back to my first ever tumblr all-the-weird-things when i made it in school’s library and i was an idiot and had no idea that you could just not have dashes or spaces hehe
Amelia the simmer is a variation of my first oc character i ever had a super hero called Amy the watcher i basically go by Amelia the ___ for anything now lol   
2. any sideblogs? if you have them name them and why you have them.
I have a cc finds blog @ameliathesimmerccfinds i made it after @livinginalandfill called me out on my inefficient bullshit lol i also have @ameliathesimmer for stories and general art but i have commitment issues and depression so i am on and off with creating stuff for it
3. how long have you been on tumblr?
ohh maaan I've been here for the longest time since 2012!!!!
4. do you have a queue tag?
nope i can't be bothered to set it up i just reblog other peoples things with #non sims and my own personal stuff with #personal
5. Why did you start your blog in the first place?
i started this blog because i wanted to join the community since no one where i live gives a shit about games unless its cod or fortnite and they dont know or care that casual games exist. so i wanted to be able to see other peoples creations and talk to people with the same interests! 
6. Why did you choose your icon/pfp?
i made it to match the theme of my blog to give an effect of distinguished  content for elder sims.....LOL i made a whole ne pfp and icon but then i lost the files then i forgot about the whole thing.... and now i remembered ehehe thanks!
7. Why did you choose your header?
uuh its the same as my pfp lmao
8. What’s your post with the most notes?
its the how to make muslim sims pt2 which i love very much but sometimes wish i didn’t make cause i get hate daily because of it :(
9. How many mutuals do you have?
oof i have a good amount and i love all of them so much they keep me going despite the hate T_T
10. How many followers do I have?
i have no idea lemme check 
11. How many people do you follow?
433 peeps!
12. Have you ever made a shitpost?
uh i think my entire personality is a shit post lol but yeah i just made one yesterday! 
13. How often do you use tumblr each day?
tumblr app 1 hr 14 M but i use the desktop website more i reckon 6 to 7 hrs since i have the tumblr tab pinned permanently 
14. Did you have a fight/argument with another blog once?
No. i block people who are problematic idgf about peoples personal fights cause its usually someone that doesn't believe in human rights that's arguing with some one who believes in them and its obvious who is in the wrong so no point in arguing!
15. How do you feel about “you need to reblog” posts?
if its a serious issue that needs spreading then yeah but either than that it makes me not want to reblog it more lol 
16. Do you like tag games?
yes they are so much fun!!!
17. Do you like ask games?
i love them but no one ever plays with me so i stopped rebloging them lol
18. Which one of your mutual do you think is tumblr famous?
i have no idea because i dont look at the notes of thier posts lol  
19. Do you have a crush on a mutual?
yes but more from i admire them so much i want to be them !
20. Tags? Ignore if ya want :3
@xldkx @lacr1mation23 @nappingcucumber @eslanes @glammoose @petaluhsims @aniraklova @ladykendalsims  @freakishnature
feel free to ignore if you done it before of just don’t want to ​!
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purgatory-jar · 7 years
11 questions game
I was tagged by both @saawek and @elnawen (from now on dubbed “the french corner”) and I’ve got like, SOM ANY QUSTIONS GUYS STAPH
But like, the questions were actually pretty cool, so, guess I’m doing this:
here are the rules
1. Post the Rules
2. Answer the questions given to you
3. Make 11 questions of your own
4. Tag 11 people
questions and replies under the cut!
1) What is your favorite movie?
AH, it keeps changing tbh. Lately, I’d say I greatly enjoyed wonder woman :D
2) What are you doing tomorrow?
Working at my day job and then probably drawing. I promised myself i’d start the sketch for one of the drawings for my portfolio, let’s see how that goes XD
3) What is your favorite animal?
Giraffes and cats <3
4) What is your favorite genre of story?
Considering the fact that I haven’t read a proper printed book in forever… I’d say urban fantasy. But not post-apocalitic, if possible.
5) Pizza or Burger?
Give me all the burgers!!!
6) tea or coffee?
I enoy tea much more, but I am addicted to coffee xD
7) what is your least favorite season?
Summer in Italy is the WORSE
8) What is/was your scholar cursus?
EHEH I studied languages and economy in high school, went to literature and history university, didn’t finish it, and now I’m planning to apply to art school.
9) What would you do during the end of the world?
OH GOD I guess try to survive it?
10) Cats or dog?
I’m a cat person, but dogs are also awesome!
11) Do you play video games?
I used to, now I don’t really have time :(
1.You have to write a new fic RIGHT NOW, quick quick, what will it be about??? (for the sake of answering this question, you are a great author)
OH SHIT the one I always wanted to write has phoenix!cas and hunter dean, and it’s acutally funny ‘cause I’d love to add to the funny fics in the fandom (there aren’t enough in my opinion) OR OR OR I’ve always wanted to go AU after the events in 9x06 (Steve!Cas is my jam!!!!!).
2.You have to DRAW SOMETHING RIGHT NOW, what is it???
Jesus I’d write my whole portfolio so I don’t have to think about it anymore
3.What are the most perfect dish your country has to offer?
4.Have you ever done a livestream ? If yes, do you regret what happens in the chat? If no livestream, why not ?
That’s why I was tagged in this, isn’t it. Yes, I livestream regularly. And no, I don’t regret the chat. Not even a lil bit. (Well maybe I regret the scaly dick. But only that).
5.Tell us something sexy or ridiculous (both is good too) in another language.
Ich sehe dein baguette freund, und es ist lange! (I don’t know, guys, wtf)
6.The moment of your life when you thought “how the fuck did i got here?”
Well, funny answer is, every time I look at the chat while I livestream. Depressing answer is, skyping with my future employer in Germany while in the car because I was too afraid of another earthquake hitting to do it at home. First answer that actually came to mind is: realizing I was lucky enough to get a date with the wonderful person I’m dating now. It was more of a “how the fuck was i lucky enough to get here” kinda thing, tho.
7.What are you most proud of?
Getting better on my own after a very rough period last year and getting my life back on track.
8.Do you know I like you ? You are a good person 9.Do you like stargazing?
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww the french corner likes me!!!!! <3 I love stargazing! I even saw a meteor once!
10.What fandoms do you like most?
Definitely supernatural. It feels like home to me :)
11.Will you draw or write what you answered for question 1 and 2?
OHHHH SHIT YES YOU KNOW WHAT YES as soon as i have the time!
1. Would you rather become a dog and be able to talk or stay human but only be able to bark?
Ooooh I’d rather become a dog! :)
2. Hot or cold drinks?
Definitely hot!
3. Do you like to dance?
4. Favorite character trait (in general or of a fictional character, I’m not picky)
Mmmm well I really really like characters i can relate to, if that makes sense? SO… relatable characters?
5. Favorite headcanon?
I am 100% convinced Dean and Cas have been fucking all this time
6. You have been given the opportunity to buy one thing without caring about the cost, what is it?
Well Elna is taking care of the environment so that one’s out. Can I pull a tony stark, buy all the weapon companies, and turn them into clean energy research facilities?
7. What’s your favorite way to travel?
HELL NOT A PLANE. Train, probably :)
8. Favorite AU/theme for fics or fanart?
Canon babbbbies <3 and recently I am obsessing over that selkie!au
9. Can you do a cart-wheel?
I suffer from motion sickness, so I guess yeah, but not without throwing up
10. Ice cream or pizza?
11. Why is 42 the meaning of life
who not 
1.Weirdest idiom of your language
EHEH I KNOW MY CHICKENS or “You’re busier than a undertaker at night”
2.Fuck (or cuddle) Marry and Kill with : Godstiel, Demon!Dean, Lucifer!Sam
Who wouldnt fuck demon!Dean. I’d marry Godstiel (uh oh) and Kill Lucifer!Sam
3.Same question but with : Castiel, Sam or Dean (i’m not THAT sadistic)
Let’s switch it up, I’d fuck Cas, marry Dean and kill Sam? Sorry Sam
4.What’s your zodiacal sign?
5.Tell us an embarassing but funny moment you lived recently or years ago.
I *tried* to order food in 3 different languages. It was embarassing and @whelvenwings can confirm
6.Which fictional characters do you most fancy (or find very attractive)?
It’s a tie between Dean and Cas, but like, probably Cas
7.Destiel is now canon, do you mind?
Have you seen my blog
8.You got an unlimited access to money and power, what do you do? (see question 7 to have some ideas on what to buy)
Among like, trying to end wars and hunger and stuff, if I had to be like, really really petty, I’d buy supernatural and give it to trusted writers and meta-writers.
9.An urban legend or a myth around your area?
Apparently there’s a unicorn in the natural park around my region (swear to god)
10.Why do I have to ask you 11 questions? It’s fucking hard.
11.Can you give me a cookie? 
Why, you wanna store it between your buttcheeks?
1. If you had wings of your own, what would they look like ?
Ooooh badass. I want them black!!!
2. The moment of your life you felt the proudest ?
Haven’t I already replied to this
3. The thing everyone likes that you just… can’t…
4. Do you have a favorite plushie, if so present it to us
YES it’s a giraffe plushie and I’ve had it for like, 20 years. Second to that, I made a giant toothless plushie myself and it’s like, 2 meters long and I miss it a great deal
5. Pick a BATTLE WEAPON, what is it ?
A magic wand!
6. If you could cosplay one character ?
bEEN THERE DONE THAT. I cosplayed Merida, Dean, Cas and random HP characters at various comic-cons.
7. If you could dye your hair any color, no consequences, what would you choose ?
Dudes, my hair is *already* pink
8. Of all the fictional universes you know, which one would you want to live in ?
THE HARRY POTTER ONE, but like, a peaceful one
9. Do you take a lot of photos ?
Well sometimes? It’s mostly animals and pretty plants, so kinda lame
10. What is the word or expression you say faaar too much ?
Well, in my mother tongue I think it’s… “vabbè”. English probably like, it is I, because i really like it. And german it’s “ach quatsch”.
11. If you could dress in any era attire, what would you wear ?
NOW for my 11 questions:
Favourite flower/plant?
One thing you thought you’d regret, but turned out great instead?
Do you wear glasses?
What’s the last book/fanfic you read?
City or countryside?
What’s your opinion on cacti?????
Favourite sweet food?
Which planet would you like to visit, if you could?
Favourite supernatural character (except team free will)?
Best christmas present you’ve ever received?
If you could turn into any animal, which would it be?
I’m not gonna tag anyone cause most people I know have already been tagged, but feel free to do this if you want!
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selfishshipper · 7 years
11 Questions
Hi guys, I was tagged by @selftitledegomaniac
I was so shocked lmao I never get tagged for shit
-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•- Rules:

1. Always post the rules

2. Answer the 11 questions they ask you

3. Ask your 11 questions that you make

4. Tag people to answer your q’s -•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-
1. would you like to be famous? in what way and why?
Shit man I’m so basic but I want to be an author. I love writing so much (my parents think I’m writing a chapter right now hehe)
2. what are you most grateful for?
Oh I hate this question uh okay. I’m thankful for *inhales*  ALL OF YOU GUYS! No but actually I love ya’ll I know it’s cheesy but eh.
3. Make up a six-word story about your life
That’s not enough butter you bitch.
4. if you could know the absolute truth about one thing ( about yourself, life, the universe, whatever) what would you want to know?
Damn okay. I’d like to understand the ways of the mind, as I believe the mind holds powers over the body. If you understand the mind and how to control it, you can basically do anything. I know that’s not really the question but you know.
5. what is your greatest accomplishment?
Okay so I was watching a live stream this one time and I commented “Boi I sure do love me a cup o’ covfefe” and you know everyone was like “haha kill me”. So like three hours later, the dude’s still streaming and he’s playing a game with the viewers and one card the guy got was “Coffee? No, don’t talk to me before my ___” AND HE WROTE COVFEFE AND SAID HE SAW IT IN THE CHAT GUYS IT WAS AMAZING.
6. what does love and friendship mean to you?
Okay, well I actually think of love as two different things. There’s loving someone and being in love with someone. Loving someone is basically a very close relationship where you enjoy being around them, a friendship or otherwise. And being in love is a whole other thing. To be in love is to trust completely, which, though some claim to be in love, they aren’t really. Being in love is being able to jump off a building with only the knowledge that your lover will try to catch you. 
7. if you were to die today, without being able to communicate with others, what would you most regret not telling somebody?
I’d actually regret not writing down all of my story ideas and giving them to someone. There’s a lot in here that I don’t want to be forgotten. 
8. your house catches fire. you saved your loved ones and pets. you have time to save one item. what would you save?
NO. NO AWAY YOU ROOD PERSON. Well, logically, it’d make more sense to save my loved ones than to rescue a pet, as they certainly won’t live as long or do as much. BUT I LOVE MY DOGGOS AND PARENTOS SO ILL JUST SAVE BOTH BC I AM AWESOME.
{Edit: HAHA I done fucked up. Okay so I read that wrong it’s what else would I save. And I would save my box of old journals and flash drives because I love looking through old stuff.}
9. what is your most embarrassing moment?
OKAY THIS IS GONNA SOUND SO WEIRD BUT I was sleeping at a friend’s house and I kinda wanted to freak her out so I started moaning and shit bc why not. She’s a bit immature (sorry hun) and she completely believed it. So cut to a year later and I’m at the pool with her and there are these kids who are like ten or so and she starts tELLING THEM ABOUT IT AND I WAS LIKE “NO NO I WAS FAKING” AND SHE WOULDN’T STOP AND AGHHHHHHH
10. what is your most treasured memory, worst memory, and weirdest random memory that you have no idea why you remember?
I think my favorite memory was when I figured out that, hunny, I ain’t straight. I was sitting in class next to my friend (who used to be a girl) and I was pondering the thought bc we’d been talking about it and suddenly I looked at her and there were five stages okay:
That’s a girl
I think I like girls
So maybe I like her???
Huh okay I like her
Yeah that was a train wreck ehehe sorry. My worst is when, back in fifth grade  (I made a post about this), my teacher would let kids write stories about me and this other kid. Like I would die and shit. And little me would hide under my desk and be brought to tears but did anyone care? Nope. I actually can’t go under a desk without getting a panic attack so thanks, shitheads. 
And a random memory? Idk I have this memory from when I was like two and I went underwater and saw my swim teacher’s bottoms lmao maybe it was a sign.
11. what super power do you want the most?
The ability to do anything with my mind. The brain is powerful, hoes. 
(or to be transported into fictional worlds, but I’d probably die in a second lmao)
Damn okay question time.
If time stopped for a day, what would you do?
What was your worst date or experience with a bf/gf/other?
Who do you wish you looked like, or model your appearance after?
Are there any ship types that you’re not okay with? Reasons why?
Favorite AUs?
If your name could go down in history, what would you want people to know you for?
What’s your opinion on love and “true love” and soul mates and all that?
If you only had a week to live, what would you do?
Something you’ve learned from your bullies?
If you had a chance to go into space, would you take it?
What do you think the afterlife is like?
hope that didn’t suck
I tag @aru-dight , @1thapp3ns, @melancholicdumpster , @ithinkihopr, @squeepssoul, @floramortis, @camera-cookie, @bisebchris , @cielizzydefencesquad , @fara-arts , @nick-avallone , and anyone else who wants to do this
#when you tag like ten ppl bc i wanna look like you have friends
(you don’t have to tho)
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