#goldmary fe x reader
Can I please request Ivy, Goldmary, and Alear(because I always have to include Pepsi chan in my requests, you write her too well) with a faceless changeling S/O who's love language is turning into the character?
Like they love them so much, they feel the most comfortable as them. I think that'd be neat
(FE: Engage) Ivy, Goldmary, and Alear with a shapeshifting S/O
NGL I'd be freaked tf OUT if I saw that. And thank you for the kind words about Alear! When it comes to Fire Emblem characters, I feel obligated to make sure they're in-character as possible. It'd be an insult to my love for the series to do any less.
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Ivy was startled when S/O first changed shapes right in front of her.
Truth be told, she felt she should be a little less surprised, considering what was in this world already. Gods, heroes from another world, magic.
Yet here she was, shocked by the fact there was a shapeshifter.
Ivy didn't mind S/O being a changeling, though she was curious as to what they looked like naturally.
What she did mind was the fact another Ivy was next to her as they were cuddling.
(Ivy) "...S/O."
(Ivy?) "Yes?"
(Ivy) "I...I understand that you're comfortable with me, to the point you are me...Um...How do I put this?"
The fact the other Ivy was tilting their head so curiously, something she would never do was throwing her completely off.
(Ivy) "It's strange. As if I'm staring into a mirror that is not mimicking my own actions."
(Ivy?) "Sorry, I can change if you wa-"
(Ivy) "No, please. I am quite flattered that you even want to turn into me it's...please keep this between us. I do not need Somniel screaming in terror from a second me."
(Ivy?) "Ha, alright."
She didn't mention it, but she also felt quite self conscious.
Was her chest that big...?
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(Goldmary) "Why, it's no shock that you decided to transform into perfection!"
The other Goldmary began pouting.
(Goldmary?) "That is not why I changed into you, Goldmary..."
It was honestly a bit jarring for her doppleganger to sound exactly like her, but have their manner of speech to be completely off.
(Goldmary) "Who can blame you? I am quite beautiful!"
Goldmary becomes extremely happy whenever S/O transforms into her. Imitation is the greatest sign of flattery, after all!
And she had no idea she was so comfortable to snuggle into!
And so beautiful when she was smiling too!
Author's note: I can only write Goldmary admiring herself before an ego singularity forms and swallows this post whole, this whole bit goes on for a while, you get the idea.
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(Alear) "Huh...that's what I look like?"
(Alear?) "Beautiful? Yes, yes you do look like that!"
Alear giggled sheepishly, her hand covering her mouth.
(Alear) "It's a little weird, hearing my own voice say that. But...thank you. Are you sure you're alright with this though?"
(Alear?) "Of course! I choose who I transform into, and I chose you for a reason!"
The other Alear gave her a peck on the cheek. While the gesture was quite affectionate and made her heart flutter, it was still really weird.
(Alear) "Thanks, it means a lot to me, and to you I'm sure. Someday, I want to see your true form, you know. That's who I love the most, after all."
The other Alear now shared her same blushing smile.
(Alear?) "Hah, you're such a smoothtalker...!"
Marth materialized next to the real Alear, eyeing the situation currently unfolding.
(Marth) "Wow, this is a confusing sight."
(Alear?) "You know who the real one is, right Marth?"
(Marth) "Yes, but it's like I'm seeing Alear speak into the mirror. Thank goodness she isn't actually like this by herself..."
(Alear) "Hah, I couldn't imagine...I am quite dashing though, don't you think me?"
(Alear?) "Why yes, yes you are!"
Marth playfully rolled his eyes as he disappeared, both Alear's laughing at their antics.
(Alear) "Oh! This should go without saying, but don't let Vander, Framme, or Clanne see us like this. I think they'd begin frothing at the mouth if they saw two of me."
(Alear?) "...Oh gods, I didn't even think of that. Where do we even go? People would be confused if they saw two Divine Dragons!"
(Alear) "...Maybe this isn't such a good idea."
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frickingnerd · 7 months
yandere goldmary
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pairing: goldmary x gn!reader
tags: manipulation, jealousy, isolation
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goldmary is a manipulative yandere! 
she's used to getting what she wants and she knows just what to do to have you all to herself
but goldmary would never admit that she actually wants you! 
instead, she's lying not only to herself but to everyone around you, making it seem as if you are the one being obsessed with her
no matter how many times you tell her that you aren't interested, goldmary still believes that you're just being shy or simply difficult! 
whenever goldmary sees you talking to other girls, you'll be in a lot of trouble…
she's supposed to be the only girl in your life! doesn't matter if you have sisters, a female best friend or what not! 
you are supposed to be obsessed with only her, so no other women in your life are allowed! and men are on thin ice too…
goldmary will even go as far as training you to say the things she wants to hear – compliments, praise and "i love you"s
and you better play along, otherwise she's ready to ruin your life! 
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(FE: Engage) Ivy, Lapis, Goldmary, Rosado, and Yunaka's S/O wanting to listen to their heartbeat
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I'm adding Rosado and Yunaka cause I feel like writing them as well.
And it's my pleasure! More Engage content must be given to the world
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(Ivy) "You wish to hear my heartbeat?...A-As you wish."
Ivy blushes for a very brief moment before the feeling of their head on her chest clears her mind.
She thought it'd be more embarrassing, but it calms her. Ivy smiles as her hand brushes across their face.
Her S/O notices her heart started off beating fast but slowly evens out, though its still loud.
The blush never leaves, just like her smile.
(Ivy) "Does this comfort you, S/O? If it's alright with you, I'd...like to stay like this for a while."
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(Lapis) "You...what? Um...O-Okay, sure thing."
Lapis's heart threatens to leap out of her chest when S/O presses their head against it.
She doesn't really know what to say, but upon seeing how calm S/O is, she calms down herself.
Lapis sits awkwardly still, waiting for S/O to be satisfied.
Her heartbeat continues at a fast pace but she can't help but chuckle.
(Lapis) "Jeez, if you just wanted to cuddle, you could've just asked that instead."
Lapis ruffles their hair with her hand playfully.
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(Goldmary) "Why, of course you can. Who wouldn't want to be this close to me?"
She takes S/O's head into her chest confidently with her signature smirk.
Her heartbeat is very calm, Goldmary humming in content.
She barely fidgets, her attention all on S/O and waiting for a reaction.
Seeing them smile gets her to speak up.
(Goldmary) "Surely this isn't all you wanted from me, S/O? You don't need to be shy, you know."
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(Rosado) "Hm? Sure, listen away!"
Rosado lets S/O lay on his chest, blushing ever so slightly.
He can't control himself and immediately begins cuddling S/O, his arms bringing their head closer.
He giggles, brushing their hair back with one free hand.
His heartbeat fluctuates faster when he's getting into proper cuddling mode, but is relatively stable.
(Rosado) "You're so adorable, dear.~"
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(Yunaka) "Huh? Why do you wanna-...Hah, alright, go ahead."
Uncharacteristically for Yunaka, she gets extremely quiet when S/O puts their head on her top of her chest.
The look in her eyes grow extremely soft alongside her voice.
She hugs them closer all of a sudden, her heartbeat getting faster and faster.
Yunaka takes a deep breath as the pounding of her heart doesn't stop.
(Yunaka) "...Hm? My heart's pounding? Gee, I wonder why.~"
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(FE: Engage) Jade, Etie, Goldmary, and Ivy with a hard to notice S/O
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Jade feels a presence when she's in the middle of writing, but she already knows who it is.
(Jade) "And suddenly, the Knight felt a cold presence in the room, yet when she turned around, no one was there..."
(S/O) "Hah hah, very funny."
Jade softly chuckles as she turns to S/O.
(Jade) "I couldn't resist, my apologies."
She had heard stories of S/O giving people in Somniel a heart attack because they seemingly appeared out of nowhere, despite the fact they were the entire time.
It was very entertaining to Jade, who got countless ideas of what to write from it.
And she had grown used to knowing when S/O was in the room with her, even when it seemed like nothing was there.
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Etie stopped after her morning jog to take a quick break.
She was in the middle of wiping off sweat when a towel suddenly appeared in front of her.
Etie took it without question and wiped it off her forehead before stopping.
(Etie) "...Thanks, S/O."
(S/O) "Why did you suddenly stop?"
(Etie) "Well, I had to make sure I wasn't seeing things. A towel appeared before my very eyes on this empty bench."
Turning to S/O, she gave a quick kiss once she made sure she was sweat free.
(Etie) "Your teleporting magic works wonders, you always know when I need one!"
(S/O) "It's not magic, Etie-"
(Etie) "Eh, my explanation makes it sound more fun."
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Goldmary was in the middle of cooking a dish when she spoke aloud.
(Goldmary) "Ah, curses! I'm almost out of salt, I have to quickly grab more before my perfect dish is ruined!"
As if on command, a salt shaker appeared as soon as she blinked.
(Goldmary) "Haha! Truly, these ingredients know perfection when they see it, knowing they too will be almost as perfect as me!"
S/O never had the heart to say anything as she cooked, she didn't seem to recognize their presence either.
The things one does for love.
(Goldmary) "S/O! I have our dinner ready! Hm...Where could they be? They're usually so punctual."
(S/O) "..."
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Ivy can't help but still get jumpscared by S/O whenever they say something to her.
She's either lost in thought or in the middle of calling out for S/O before their voice suddenly appears.
(Ivy) "AUGH?! Ah...I'm so sorry, I should be used to this by now..."
(S/O) "Hah, it's alright. It lets me hear that cute scream so-"
(Ivy) "You will speak of this to no one."
(S/O) "Mhm. Wanna know the only problem with that?"
(Ivy) "What's that, S/O?"
She blinked, and they completely vanished, making here eyes widen.
(S/O) "I'm already gone."
(Ivy) "They're in the walls...THEY'RE IN THE GOD DAMN WALLS!"
S/O uses their "invisibility" to their advantage to tease Ivy, but always makes sure to give her surprise hugs and kisses to make up for it.
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(FE: Engage) Goldmary's S/O cooking better than her
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What kind of nonsense was this?! People had the audacity to say S/O's cooking was better than the Goldmary!
Goldmary would not suffer this humiliation, this was a declaration of war!
Anytime they were back in the Somniel, Goldmary throws herself behind the counter to perfect her dishes!
No, the food was already perfect, she just didn't serve everyone enough of it, that was the problem!
(Goldmary) "S/O will not beat me at cooking, even if they are my lover, I will outshine even them!"
(Alear) "...Marth. How long has Goldmary been cooking?"
(Marth) "About five hours."
(Alear) "And...the tables covered in food?"
(Marth) "All her."
(Alear) "...Should I even ask?"
(Marth) "Um...I think it's best if you do not. She mentioned something about S/O when I did and seemed rather furious. The last thing we need is her mentioning the-"
(Goldmary) "DIVINE ONE! Have you tasted my cooking lately by any chance?!"
(Alear) sigh "Oh by the Divine Dra...Oh, right-"
S/O can't help but be amused by the situation and makes sure to give Goldmary friendly competition by practicing their cooking.
She could beat them in a fight, but not in a culinary one, and Goldmary goes absolutely ballistic trying to impress everyone with her dishes to the amusement and detriment of the army.
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