#gnoll boyfriend
obsessivevoidkitten · 7 months
An Interesting Safari
Yandere Male Gnoll Pack x Gender Neutral Reader (CW: Violent and painful noncon, gangbang, face fucking, gagging and slight suffocation due to face fucking, dacryphilia, spitroasting, cum swallowing, scent marking, piss marking, reader gets their insides piss marked, musk, spit as lube, kidnapping, non-sexual bondage, gagged and bound reader, escape attempt, chasing, shocked reader, broken reader, general yandere behavior) Word Count: 1.7k (I hope you enjoy this Halloween meal I have prepared for you all.)
You had wanted to go for years to see all the animals of East Africa and finally you had managed to make it happen.
But then at one of the rest stops you had spent a bit too long in the restroom and the vehicle full of tourists had just up and left without you.
Now you were stranded in the savanna with this little bathroom stop being the only structure for miles. You were about to make a U-turn back into the restroom to just hide in until the next tour arrived, but you heard a cackling laugh.
Thinking that someone was there you turned around and called out.
“Hello, is someone there?”
No response. You turned back towards the door and were pulled back suddenly. You were quickly gagged and bound before a large bag was wrapped around your head.
It felt as if you had been slung over the shoulders of someone very strong as your captor began hauling you back home. Even through the sack on your head you could smell his strong scent.
All you could perceive was a demented cackle but after a while your abductor spoke. Apparently he wasn’t alone. They spoke with frightening alien voices that were high pitched to match the laughing.
“I can’t believe we found a mate so easily!”
“Yeah! Normally when we smell a good one the humans get in that contraption and drive off before we can catch up.”
What were they? They spoke as if they were not human at all.
Then a third voice spoke up.
“I found 'em, I get to mate first!”
Oh god, they were going to rape you. They’d probably rape you then kill you and dump your corpse for some animals to rip apart. You couldn’t stop the hot tears from streaming down your cheeks, running as if trying to escape the fate you were sure you were about to experience.
“Hey, it smells scared.”
“I like it, it’s kinda cute.”
The one that was holding you stroked your back in what was probably meant to be a soothing gesture, but its claws lightly grazed you and only brought forth more fear.
“Don’t worry, we will keep you safe and warm and fed, and all nice and full of dick. What more could a little mate want??”
As terrifying as that last part was, at least it didn’t sound as if they were going to kill you.
But that night as they removed the bag around your head and the gag from your mouth you almost wanted to be dead.
You were outside of a cave. Terrifying hyena-like visages stared down at you. Tall and intimidating, muscular bodies completely covered in fur. One was black furred, one red, and one tawny and spotted. They wore only tattered loincloths.
They had rounded ears, hungry eyes, sharp teeth and claws. Clearly apex predators.
Gnolls. You never imagined that monsters such as these prowled the savanna in real life.
You were too shocked to even scream so you just cried silently. One of them leaned down and stroked the tears off of your face.
“No need to be scared, even if it is cute~ We won’t leave you behind like your own kind did.”
They all began removing their loincloths revealing large and strikingly thick cocks on each of them. You screamed as best you could through your still present gag at the sight. You didn’t want that in you.
They surrounded you, undid your binds, and took your clothes off. You didn’t bother with struggling, too scared of what their claws and teeth could do to you if you rebelled.
Then they did something you did not expect. They each grabbed their cock, aimed at you, and began pissing. Your entire body was drenched in the foul liquid.
One of them chuckled at your obvious disgust.
“Sorry, gotta mark our territory.”
They took you into the cave, drenched and naked, and finally removed the gag from your mouth. You knew screaming would do nothing to help you since there was surely no help nearby, so you resorted to the only option you had left available to you. Begging.
They ignored you and only laughed.
“Do you think we are stupid? When else are we gonna find a nice mate all ready to be taken?”
“Yeah, you’re ours and you can’t do anything about it.”
The spotted one, the one that seemed to love your dismay and tears, licked your cheek and placed you on what passed as bedding for these beasts. You were on your back with your legs on his shoulders, pleading and crying the entire time.
He didn’t go in dry, thankfully. He opted instead to sniff at your enticing entrance, giving it a few tentative licks, before going feral and lapping at it like it was the best thing he had ever tasted. Thick gobs of drool drenching your hole, his tongue twirling circles in you and stretching you out a bit.
When he couldn’t hold himself back anymore he jammed his dick right into you, hilting himself to his large testicles in one hard plunge.
You screamed as loudly as you were able as despite the stretching and slippery drool his thick member still opened you up painfully. You were sure you’d rip something.
With your mouth open from yelling, the black furred one took the opportunity to ram his sweaty dick right down your throat. You were dizzy not just from lack of oxygen but from the scent of his cock.
You gagged helplessly as your throat bulged out with each thrust, and you were sure your abused hole was bleeding by now with how hard the spotted gnoll was pounding into you.
They began using you like a two way fleshlight, establishing a rhythm. The spotted gnoll would pull you towards him by your hips and slam you down on his prick before the black furred gnoll would pull you the other way and impale your face and throat on his.
All the while the red one jerked himself off while watching.
You could barely cling to consciousness as you were so thoroughly abused on both ends but finally they both pumped into you. You were forced to swallow mouthful after mouthful of musky gnoll seed at the same time that a massive load was being dumped into you from the other end.
They both finally pulled out and you thought that your ordeal was finally over. You gasped for breath, shaking as you sobbed.
But you were not allowed much time to recover, you had forgotten about the red gnoll. His cock was slightly smaller, and he was less brutal in wielding it, going slow enough for you to manage to feel some pleasure in this whole horrible ordeal.
Though that was almost worse. At least when you felt pain you didn’t feel the guilt that came with your body betraying you.
You felt immensely dirty and ashamed as you came.
They all cuddled you and cleaned up the cum as it leaked down your soft human thighs. Running their hands over you and licking you affectionately as you cried yourself to sleep.
For over a week after that, you were on autopilot. Broken and in despair. The gnolls didn’t care, they were sure you’d come around eventually. As long as they had you there they were happy. They cooked for you, cleaned you, reapplied their “scent mark”, and cuddled you and told you how happy you made them.
And every few days they’d breed you again. Though they were a bit gentler given your weak human constitution. Bakari, the spotted one, was always the most eager to stuff you full of his seed. Kito, the gentlest one forced himself into you less often but cuddled you and babied you constantly. And the black-furred Akida behaved in a way that fell in between the other two.
But no matter who did what to you, you barely reacted.
But one day, you were no longer catatonic. But you didn’t let them know that.
Instead you waited until they were all asleep together one night. You carefully extracted yourself from their grasp. And you ran. As fast as your legs could carry you.
You had no idea what direction you were heading or where anything was, probably why they had put the bag over you when bringing you here, but that did not slow you down in the least. You didn’t care where you ended up or what happened to you as long as you were far away from your abusers.
But even that was too much to hope for. You were sure you had managed to escape but then you heard the cackling. You knew right away that there was no escaping them now. It was close and from all directions.
Suddenly you were on all fours, pushed into the dirt from behind before being forced into a face down ass up position.
“I thought you had learned to be good!” That was the unmistakable voice of Bakari, the most violent of the three, “I guess we have to REALLY show you your place.”
“You were being such a good mate for us, so well behaved.” That was Kito. He almost sounded hurt. Like you had betrayed him.
Bakari ripped your clothes off, shredding them into confetti, before lining up his dick with your hole and driving it right into you with no prep or lubrication. This was far more painful than the first time he had taken you.
He fucked you right into the dirt, thrust after thrust, taking a sadistic pleasure from your tears and pained wailing.
It was by far the worst thing you had ever felt.
He finally emptied his nuts into you and bit your neck hard as he did so. Blood welling up where he had bitten you. It would certainly scar so you would never forget who owned you.
But even then his cruelty wasn’t at an end. He kept his cock in you as he began draining his bladder into your pained hole.
“Gotta mark your insides as property too since what we were doing before clearly wasn’t enough for you.”
It burned all the sores and tears he had created from railing you so hard.
And he was just the first… you would have to endure the other two doing the exact same things to you before finally being given a break and taken home where they would nurse your bites and clean you up and treat you like their sweet little mate.
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monstersandmaw · 8 months
Male gnoll x gn reader (nsfw)
Disclaimer which I’m including in all my works after plagiarism and theft has taken place: I do not give my consent for my works to be used, copied, published, or posted anywhere. They are copyrighted and belong to me. 
As promised, the modern gnoll story is here!
Content: insecure, squishy, gender and body neutral reader; praise kink from gnoll boy if you squint; penetrative sex, knotting.
There's also very fleeting mention of a young, terminally ill patient passing off-screen. If you want to skip that entirely, skip from: "Halfway through the third time you encountered him there though, he got a call on his phone and his whole demeanour changed." to the paragraph beginning: "Three days later, and you’d been to the gym every day in the hopes of catching him, you hadn’t seen him."
Wordcount: 6934
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You stared at the weights rack and felt a bead of sweat roll down your spine that had nothing to do with your previous sets.
This would be the heaviest you’d ever attempted to chest press, and while it might not be much by some people’s standards — that half-orc last week had really put you off your stride by snorting at you, but we can’t all be built like brick fucking walls, can we? — it was more than you’d tried so far. But you were ready. You just… needed someone to spot for you. Just in case. Safety first, and all that.
But the only people in the weights section were the kind of people who, through no real fault of their own, you tended to find nauseatingly intimidating. Like that troll who could probably bench press one of you in each hand. Or that werewolf who was fully shifted and currently on her hundredth(?) chin-up on the bars. Or that gnoll. He’d been doing slow, measured bicep curls for the past five minutes and you’d been trying not to stare at him. Most male gnolls were a bit smaller than their female counterparts, and tended to be less aggressive and competitive in the gym, but this guy was huge.
You must have looked a little too long though, because his dark, rounded ear twitched and he turned his head to look at you. Instead of glaring at you, he offered you a wide, friendly grin that showed off his massive, chunky teeth and made you a bit weak at the knees. Always good to go weak at the joints when you were about to attempt a personal best in the weights section at the gym…
“You ok?” he asked, setting down a dumbbell that was heavy enough to double as a battleship anchor, and you swallowed.
Now or never.
“I…” you croaked and cleared your throat, looking down at the bench and back up at him.
“You want someone to spot for you?” he asked, stepping a little closer. His paws were massive and while he had clothes on — black gym shorts and a big, baggy, white tank top — he wore no shoes. His claws flexed as his dark, smoky brown pads spread to take his weight, and you swallowed again. He had really adorable freckle-like spots up his shaggy legs too.
“If you wouldn’t mind?” you finally managed to squeak.
At that, he beamed at you and gave a gnollish giggle that seemed genuinely pleased. “Happy to.”
“Thanks,” you mumbled, and took a breath for courage. No going back now.
You lay down on the bench and he came to stand behind the rack. His big, clawed hands hooked under the bar but he didn't take any of its weight as you adjusted your grip and got settled, and prepared to lift it free. He loomed over you, his face serious with concentration. It was a comfort to know he was focused on the task, not gawping around at the other gym-goers. The future integrity of your chest and ribs depended on his concentration if your arms failed you, after all. You had no doubts about his strength though. He really was massive.
Getting your breathing under control, you shoved carefully upwards, and he grinned as you took its weight and began your reps. After five, you felt your arms start to burn, but you pushed on towards ten.
At nine, your muscles shuddered in complaint.
“You’ve got this,” he said in a low, quiet rumble, and it spurred you on to do the last one. You hooked it back in place and met his dark brown eyes. “Nailed it,” he grinned, all teeth and joy. “I reckon you can go up another five kilograms…”
“I’m not sure,” you replied, sitting up carefully and swinging your feet off to one side. The idea of making it heavier seemed overwhelming.
“I’ll spot you again, don’t worry,” he said, reaching for a couple of the smallest weight plates from the rack and slotting them easily onto the end of your bar. “But you definitely had some in the tank. Take a minute, have a drink, and go again.”
His quiet, easy conviction was enviable, but it sparked something in you that had been dormant for a long time. Or maybe it had been smothered into dormancy. Either way, it felt a lot like the echo of self-confidence, though the feeling was unfamiliar these days.
When you set down your water bottle and paused to let your muscles relax after the first set of reps, your eye was caught by a wiry looking goblin doing weighted squats on the far side of the room. She had iron grey hair and looked to be in her sixties or seventies, and you felt the heat of shame flood your cheeks when you realised she was lifting more than you could, at half your height and a fraction of your body-weight.
Seeing where you were looking, the gnoll gave a little snicker and said, “Oh boy, don’t compare yourself to Rose, friend. I’ve seen her outlast full-grown orcs in friendly pull-up competitions, and she can plank for an hour without breaking a sweat. Goblins are made of steel, I swear. Focus on your own journey.”
You laughed, feeling stupidly grateful to him for his kind reassurance.
“Come on. Give it a go?” he said, and you nodded and lay back. “I’ll be here. I won’t let you hurt yourself,” he added.
It was a struggle, but you made it to five before you needed a pause, and he hooked his rough-padded fingers under the bar and took the weight for a second.
“Breathe, and then just five more.”
Somehow when he said it like that, it didn’t seem so bad.
Things got tricky at eight, but you gritted your teeth and pushed through, and when you hit ten and he took it from you, your arms felt like wet noodles, but you’d done it.
“Alright!” he exclaimed as you sat up and cast him a sidelong look. He offered his paw for a high-five, and, embarrassed by his enthusiasm for you, you answered it. The pads of his paws were rough and warm, and his entire hand almost engulfed yours. When you lowered your gaze again, you could just see his little tail wagging back and forth and that finally brought a huge smile to your face. How long had it been since someone was genuinely excited for your achievements?
“Thank you,” you mumbled, your voice cracking a bit. “That was really kind of you. I’m sorry I interrupted your workout.”
“Not at all,” he smiled. “Happy to help, and you smashed it! I’ll leave you to get on, but shout if you need me to spot for you again.”
“Thanks,” you said, but your shyness returned, and you didn’t trouble him again that session.
Three days later, you were back in the gym with your muscles mostly recovered. On the ground floor of the building, there was a huge swimming pool and as you passed the viewing window you could see a couple of humans and a few orcs and perhaps an elf doing serious, focused laps in the swimming lanes, barely making a splash as they powered through the water. This whole ‘fitness drive’ thing was still pretty new to you, and just walking up the stairs into the upper level of the gym where the machines and weights were sparked the same nauseous anxiety in the pit of your stomach that you always experienced at the thought of going to a public gym. You didn’t look like someone who belonged here, with soft edges and extra weight in places it wasn’t conventionally attractive for humans to carry it, and while you weren’t really here to please other people, you were trying to take better care of yourself lately and that, unfortunately, involved exercise.
Your eyes scanned the space and you’d have been lying if you weren’t searching for a flash of honey-coloured fur. There was a large group of orcs messing around in the weights section, so you bailed and headed blindly for the nearest cardio machine, heart pounding in a way that made you want to throw up.
“Guess I’m running today,” you muttered under your breath as you stepped automatically up onto the treadmill. Panic had made you go to this one, and you thought you’d probably look even more stupid if you changed your mind now.
After an overly-long warm-up walk, you cranked it to something manageable and felt your body complain already. You made it to about one kilometre before you had to stop. Deciding to pretend you’d always intended to use it merely as a way to loosen up, you hit the ‘stop’ button and ignored its friendly advice to do a cool down, grabbing your water bottle from the holder and turning around to see if there was enough room in the weights area for you to slink in and do a few reps.
And there, looking at you across the room, was the gnoll from before.
Your heart flip-flopped in your chest, first with delight and then with horror as you realised he must have seen you lumbering away on the treadmill. Fuck.
But when he met your eye, he grinned, showing all his teeth, and he waved. You smiled back, and wove your way through the bristling array of cardio machines to join him.
“Hey,” he said, scratching behind one large ear with his right paw. “I wasn’t sure if you were a regular… I kind of thought I might never see you again.”
“No, I’m usually wheezing away in a corner at around this time every few days,” you snorted.
He didn’t laugh at your self-deprecating humour though, and instead turned his muzzle towards the weights. “You need someone to spot for you again?”
You bit your lip. “Yeah, I guess. You can be my cheerleader again too if you like,” you added with a spur-of-the-moment burst of bravery.
“Gladly,” he giggled, tail wagging back and forth. “You wanna do a few warm up rounds first? I just got here, so I’m kind of cold anyway.”
As before, when you were ready, he came over and stood at the head of the bench, hands ready to catch the bar. It was harder to concentrate this time round, with him looming over you. He had to be nearly seven feet tall, though he had that distinctive hunch that gnolls’ unique biology lent to their kind where werewolves were more upright.
When he took the bar from you at the end of your first set of reps, his fingers brushed yours and you nearly gasped at how velvet-soft his fur was. “Thank you,” you said, and as you sat up to take your short break, you introduced yourself by name.
“I’m Cade,” he replied, and stuck out his hand for you to shake.
Conscious that your palms were probably super sweaty, you tried not to flush hot and make it even worse, and you slid your hand into his. Again, the size of him was striking, and you felt something in your core tighten and start to tingle at the sight of it, let alone the feel of his paw flexing around your hand. His claws were dark and neatly rounded and you wondered what he did for a living. Most gnolls — not that you knew any personally — seemed to have active, outdoorsy jobs, but there was something about him that made you curious.
“Ready for round two?” he asked, and you got back to it with a shy smile. “Ah, come on. It’s not that bad, is it? You might even learn to love it soon.”
“It’s better with company,” you admitted as you took the weight of the bar and looked up just in time to watch his face go from serious to delighted at the compliment. “Not sure I’ll ever come to love it though. Not the way you seem to.”
He grinned and giggled gnollishly — the sound high and bright and a little silly coming from someone so intimidatingly built — and you couldn’t help the way your heart felt a little lighter and your body a little more energised. “I did consider changing careers to become a personal trainer for a while,” he said while you started to count your second set.
“Oh?” You didn’t have the breath to ask anything more articulate, but he didn’t seem to mind.
“Mm. I just enjoy helping people out, I guess.”
“What do you do now for work?” you asked in a bit of a garbled rush between reps six and seven.
“I’m a paediatric nurse,” he said, and you nearly dropped the bar on your chest. He reached down and snatched it before it had even dropped an inch, and he shot you a look. “Don’t worry, I’m used to that reaction,” he said with a wink. “I was expecting it.”
“Sorry,” you said. Jeez, what a charmer. “I just… I wouldn’t have thought… you know… I’m sorry.”
“Eh, it’s fine,” he said. “Come on, get to ten and I’ll tell you the rest.”
You pushed through the last three and he took the bar and rested it on its hooks, allowing you to sit up with thrumming muscles in your shoulders and arms. You stretched out and twisted your neck to look up at him from your seat on the bench.
“We have a bad reputation still,” he sighed, “But actually, traditionally, male gnolls are the caretakers in our clans. Historically, the females did all the fighting and protecting, and we raised the cubs and taught them the basics before they went on to train with the females.” He shot you a cheeky look and added, “Statistically, male gnolls are the least likely of almost all species to be aggressive, so despite appearances, we make perfect caretakers. The kids at the hospital love me, once they get past the teeth and the size.”
“I can see why,” you said faintly.
Cade pulled a wide smile and eyed the bar. “Go for three sets this time?”
You did, and when you were done, you thanked him, and then headed to grab a kettle bell to do some other exercises. If both of you kept sneaking glances at each other for the rest of your session, well, at least it wasn’t just you.
Halfway through the third time you encountered him there though, he got a call on his phone and his whole demeanour changed. You’d been doing some lower-weight dead lifts, and as you set the bar down on the mat you watched all the joy bleed out of him; his tail bristled high and stiff, his ears swivelled back almost flat against his head, and his big brown eyes went wide with distress.
“Shit, now?” he hissed, turning away from you. “Fuck. Ok, I’ll be there as soon as I can. No, don’t worry about it. Thanks for telling me. Ok, I’ll see you soon.”
He hung up, took a deep breath, and then slowly looked over his shoulder at you. “I… I have to go. I’m sorry. Don’t try any more without someone to spot for you, ok?”
You nodded. “You alright?”
He bit his lip and shook his head. “No, not really. One of my patients is… Uh… Yeah. Not long left, apparently.”
“Oh shit, Cade,” you said, crossing to him. You laid your hand on his fluffy forearm and squeezed the solid muscle beneath your fingers. He seemed to relax just a fraction at that. “You need someone to give you a lift to the hospital? My car’s outside.”
Again, he bit his lip and then nodded. “You wouldn’t mind? I was gonna get the bus.”
You shook your head. “Of course not. Let’s go.”
He was mostly silent for the journey, his knee bouncing as he sat crammed into in the front of your car, but when you approached the main entrance to the hospital, he said, “You can just use the drop-off at the front. Thank you again. I’ll… I’ll see you around, ok?”
You nodded and reached for his arm again. “Take care of yourself.”
He smiled, gave a low rumbling noise that you’d never heard him make before, and then climbed out and strode into the hospital without a backward glance. You looked down at the seat and found a fair few golden hairs stuck to the fabric, and didn’t have the heart to brush them away.
Three days later, and you’d been to the gym every day in the hopes of catching him, you hadn’t seen him. Your mood was decidedly flat as you stepped out into the fresh night air and tried to plaster on a smile when your best friend uncoiled his muscular, python’s tail from the back of the taxi that was waiting at the curb and flung his arms around you. His dark brown skin had a pearlescent shimmer to it and his long, thick brown hair was plaited into a thick braid that hung down his spine. He wore a glittery, black shirt studded with a rainbow of rhinestones that matched the iridescent gleam that seemed to hover over his snake’s tail too, and he had the most exquisitely neat makeup on that you’d ever seen.
“Gods, Mal, you look incredible,” you wheezed as he hugged you.
“You look good too, sweetheart,” he grinned back. “Any sign of your delicious little puppy at the gym today? No, of course not. If there had been, you wouldn’t looked like a kicked puppy yourself. Come on. It’s my birthday. You’re not allowed to mope,” he said, and he practically bundled you into the back of the taxi before going round to the other side and piling in beside you.
He gave the driver the name of the club, and the car set off.
“There’ll be so many beautiful people there tonight, you’ll forget all about this gnoll of yours, I swear,” he practically purred in your ear, and you tried to smile.
“Happy birthday, by the way,” you said, and you drew an envelope from your clutch and handed it to him.
He frowned. “What’s this? We don’t do cards or presents anymore, sweetie,” he scowled, but he did look secretly pleased.
“Couldn’t resist this one,” you shrugged.
The card was nothing very special, just a lame joke about not throwing a hissy fit on your birthday, but it predictably made Mal groan and roll his eyes. “Really, darling? Didn’t we get over the reptile jokes in kindergarten?”
You did manage to muster a heartfelt smirk at that, and waved your hand. “I couldn’t resist,” you said again.
“You’re awful. I love you so much,” he laughed, and tugged you into a sideways hug in his arms. “You’re the only person I tolerate this kind of shit from, you know that?”
“Yeah,” you smiled.
For a long moment, Mal held you and then he let you go and sighed softly. “I want you to be happy, you know?” he said. “You’ve been, like… ‘background miserable’ for ages.”
“I’ll try,” you said. It had been easier until Cade had vanished.
The club was packed already, but Mal dragged you to the front of the line and the two of you were admitted like celebrities and shown to the VIP area of the club. Perks of being with the brother of the owner, you supposed. Yves came over to greet you and his brother and to wish Mal a happy birthday. His present, it turned out, was unlimited drinks for the two of you all night.
For an hour, you and Mal chatted and drank leisurely, and watched the people out on the dance floor that was slightly below your booth, but just as Mal slithered with enviable elegance off the bench and started to make his way towards the dance floor, dragging you along with him, you caught sight of the familiar shape of a gnoll’s ears and froze so abruptly that your hands were torn from Mal’s grip.
“What, Sweets?”
You frowned, trying to make out the figure that was across the space, apparently also being dragged by his friends onto the floor. It was him. It was Cade. You had to laugh, and just as you did, he looked up.
His jaw dropped and he fell utterly still as well, then he laughed and shook his head.
“No way,” Mal breathed, now leaning in to hiss in your ear. “That’s him?”
“Yeah,” you said, and as Cade joined you, Mal — the cheeky shit that he was — gave you a solid shove between your shoulder blades.
You stumbled forwards and Cade shot his hands out to catch you before you planted face-first onto the dance floor. You whipped around the moment he had steadied you, and shot Mal the most venomous glare you could, and then turned back to Cade. “Thanks,” you yelled above the music. “My meddling best friend isn’t exactly known for his subtlety.”
“It’s ok,” Cade chuckled. “It’s good to see you. Sorry I haven’t made it to the gym lately. You find someone to spot for you?”
You shook your head and realised you were still holding his forearms. He hadn’t let go either, so neither did you. “How are you doing? I was worried about you when I didn’t see you after… you know…”
He bowed his head in understanding. “I’m sorry. I didn’t think you’d worry about me, if I’m honest. I’m good. It wasn’t entirely unexpected, even if it was still really sad. It’s part of the job sometimes though. It’s… It’s not my first. But I’m not here to mope.”
“Why are you here then?” you asked, squeezing his forearm gently as someone knocked into you from the side. “You look about as comfortable as I am in places like this…”
His ears were pricked as far forward as they could go, straining like satellite dishes to catch your words above the thundering music, and the urge to make an inhuman squeak rose up your throat like a physical presence. For someone so huge and muscular, he had no right to look so heartbreakingly cute.
“My friends’ house purchase went through so they decided to celebrate and drag me out with them. You?”
“Mal's birthday. His brother owns the club, so we’ve had free drinks for the night.”
“Nice,” Cade laughed. “You want to dance?”
You did, but it wasn’t something you were any good at. Then again, looking around you, there weren’t many you’d have said were actually dancing. Shyly, you managed a nod, and he grinned at you again, and held out both paws. You slid your hands into them and he exhaled, his chest falling noticeably.
“You’re so small,” he said. “I… I’m so afraid I’m going to crush you all the time.”
“You won’t,” you smiled, and stepped even closer to him. Close enough to smell the soft musk that rose from his fur. Close enough to see the lights reflected in his coffee-dark eyes and watch the way the pale whiskers on his dark muzzle splayed wide with his anticipation. In the lights you noticed that the white trim of fur along the outer edge of his ears looked like a fine line of silver. “You’re really beautiful, Cade,” you whispered, certain that the music would drown your words, but he pulled his dark lips back in a broad grin and dipped his head shyly.
He turned you in his arms so that your back was to his chest and he stepped a little closer, moving his hands to your waist. You tried to fight the self-consciousness that roared to life like a wildfire in your mind, and when he felt you tense, he leaned down and murmured in your ear, “Is this alright?”
You nodded and leaned back into him, looking up at his pale throat and chest. It was a surprisingly familiar view by now after your sessions in the gym. He was wearing loose jeans that ended at the knee, the way many non-humans did, and he had a black t-shirt on that fitted his muscular frame beautifully. His red-gold mane melted into the dark fur of his ears and the creamy underside of his chin and neck, and you wanted to melt against him and have him hold you forever.
“Yes,” you exhaled. “It’s just been a while, that’s all.”
“We can go however slow you like, but you should know I like you,” he said in a low, inviting rumble. He pressed his cold nose carefully against your cheek and then nuzzled you with his jaw. “A lot. Gods, you smell amazing,” he blurted, as if he couldn't help himself.
That self-conscious heat evolved into something entirely different, and pure want coursed through you instead. You ached again and your body seemed to prickle all over with desire.
His hands drifted a fraction lower, to frame your hips, and his fingers dug into your soft flesh. Above the music you heard him give a long, deep lowing sound; primal and visceral and honest in its appreciation, and it made you shiver.
You lost track of time as you danced together. It wasn’t so much ‘dancing’ as ‘sharing the same space and touching wherever you could both get away with it before it became completely indecent’.
At one point, when you’d turned to face him again, someone nudged into you from behind and a hand wandered over your back, and you flinched closer to Cade. He pulled his lips back and showed all his teeth, and the human who had wandered too close to your corner of paradise shied away with hands raised.
“Didn’t take you for the jealous type,” you said, and Cade growled at you instead.
“I’m not,” he said. “But I am protective. If you want to leave here with someone else tonight instead of me, I won’t stop you.”
“I don’t want to,” you said, placing your hand on the centre of his chest. “I’m not sure I’m ready to go home with you tonight either, but I do want your number and I do want to see you again.”
He smiled, and drew his phone from his back pocket. He twitched his muzzle towards the edge of the dance floor and then offered you his palm, leading you through the jostling crowd towards a quieter spot and shielding you with the bulk of his body when you had to force your way through the crush. You exchanged numbers, and then he looked over your shoulder and said, “Your friend is coming over.”
You turned to find Mal easing his way around the edge of the dance floor. He was moving slowly, carefully, the way he did when he was very drunk and trying not to show it. “Ah, man, I’ll have to get him home safely,” you sighed. “I guess this is goodbye for now.”
Cade nodded. “I’ll see you both to a cab if you like.”
“You are protective,” you chuckled.
“I’m not hearing a ‘no’.”
“No, you’re not,” you smiled. “If you like, you can get on the other side of Mal and see that he doesn’t slither off somewhere.”
The two of you wrangled a very curious and very obvious Mal into the back of a cab, and Cade came to stand with his hands on your waist. “Can I kiss you?” he asked, his ears tilted back in a perfect display of meek shyness.
“Yes,” you exhaled.
He lowered his head and brought his muzzle to your lips. His mouth was soft against yours and he pressed his lips against you and then let the very tip of his tongue lave over your lips while his rough hands rose to cup your jawline and hold your face delicately. Cade didn’t spend long kissing you, since it was evident that this was a human gesture for which his body was not really built, but he did move to nuzzle your cheek with the velvet fur of his muzzle before stepping back and breathing out a long sigh.
Before he could say anything sweet or romantic, Mal opened the door and half his tail spilled back out onto the tarmac, and he cursed. “Fuck. I just wanted to say to hurry the fuck up because I’m cold and drunk and I don’t want to sit the back of this cab any longer than I have to,” he slurred, his forked tongue thick with drink. “Sorry,” he tacked on a little late.
Cade chuckled and helped you tuck Mal’s python tail back into the car for a second time, and you shook your head. “I’m so sorry,” you said, and squeezed his arm. “I’ll see you at the gym? And I’ll text you.”
He nodded, and you got in to the taxi next to Mal and shot him a flat look. “That was not cool,” you said. “You only get a free pass because it’s your birthday.”
And with that, you told the driver his address, and then, when Mal was safely inside and a little more sober, you headed home.
A text was waiting from Cade but you saved it for when you were finally ready for bed, and as you lay there in the dark, you opened your messages with a little trepidation.
>> You looked so beautiful tonight. I was *this* close to not going out tonight, but I’m so glad I did. I hope you got back ok and that the birthday boy isn’t going to suffer too much. I’ll be at the gym tomorrow. Perhaps we can grab a coffee somewhere afterwards if you’re going to be around? Night, and sleep well. C x <<
You read it through four times before you replied, and after that, you saw each other every day for a fortnight solid.
It started with coffee after the gym and then progressed to drinks, and then drinks and a snack, and then dinner, and then dinner and a movie, and then dinner and the same movie again because there was nothing else on that you wanted to watch, and then dinner and a stroll along the riverbank while the city lights twinkled around you. Finally, after two weeks of meeting every day, he took your hands in his and kissed you silly on one of the bridges over the river.
He nuzzled you afterwards and let out all these delicious, gnollish noises that made your heart skip and dance and skitter around like a trapped bird in your ribcage.
“I want you,” you gasped as he leaned you back a little way and closed his mouth around your neck, raking his teeth oh so gently across your skin. He froze, and then drew back.
“You mean it?” he asked in an equally soft voice. His dark eyes were huge and his ears frankly adorable as they swivelled first back against his head in uncertainty and then pricked forwards in undeniable hope. His tail rose high and fluffy behind him and you giggled softly.
“Yes, I mean it,” you laughed. “I want you.”
“Not ‘now on this bridge’,” you snorted. “Now as in tonight. Now as in take me home.”
“Yours or mine?”
“Whose is closer?” you asked in a decidedly hoarse voice.
He paused. “Mine, probably.”
“Then let’s go there.”
He held your hand all the way there, and stopped at least five more times to nuzzle you and kiss you.
You’d been to his a couple of times before during your whirlwind courtship, but you’d only cuddled on the sofa while eating popcorn and watching reruns of your favourite shows. This time, you didn't bother with the sofa.
You kicked off your shoes at the door and he backed you towards the bedroom, growling and making those delicious, low-frequency lowing sounds in a constant, rumbling song. He loomed over you, but you grinned up at him and tugged at the lower hem of his black t-shirt.
He tore it off over his head to reveal the coarse, ivory fur of his chest and throat, and you reached for him, watching as your fingers disappeared into it. He growled — actually growled — when you scrunched your fingers and tugged experimentally, and you looked up at him again. He was panting softly, eyes half-lidded with his muzzle tilted upwards a fraction.
“Bed. Now,” you said in an unusually assertive voice.
Cade gasped and then simply picked you up by the hips. You looped your legs around his middle and let him carry you into his bedroom, where he deposited you carefully onto the bed and leaned down over you. It didn’t take you long to discard your clothes and he stared at you in wonder when you lay back again.
He was hard and as he rutted through his jeans against your thigh, you arched your back off the bed and moaned. “Now, Cade. Please.”
You ached all over and you’d never been this turned on in all your life. Every nerve ending seemed to have been dialled up to eleven and every time his rough paws skimmed over your skin, you gasped and jerked and groaned.
“So sensitive,” he purred, leaning back to undo his jeans and cast them aside. His boxers came next, and you tried not to stare at the size of him. You hoped you could take him.
He knelt between your legs and gently bit and mouthed his way up your inner thighs before closing his mouth over you and letting his tongue savour you. It should have been unnerving to have the most powerful jaws of almost any creature on land so close to where you were most delicate, but it sent a thrill up your spine instead. He moved his head between your legs and you let your hand rest between his ears, guiding his pace and taming his ardour a little.
Cade drew back, his eyes glassy and his muzzle wet with a combination of your arousal and his drool, and he rasped, “You taste incredible.”
“I want to come with you inside me,” you moaned. “I want you to knot me, Cade.”
His eyes fluttered and rolled at that and he gripped his cock in one hand as though trying to stave off his own orgasm already. “Fuck,” he grunted. “Fuck, that’s about the hottest thing you could have said to me. I’m really not gonna last long now. Oh fuck, I can already feel —”
“Cade, inside me. Now.”
“You’re sure?”
“Cade…” There was a growl to your voice too.
His cock was leaking all over his hand, all over the back of his fingers, and he wasn’t even working himself. You weren’t going to need any extra help to ease him inside you, but you were going to need him to take it gently.
“Slowly,” you warned as he lined himself up. He nodded, looking nervous and earnest.
The tip of his cock nudged inside you and you groaned and lay back, enjoying the huge stretch of him. Cade, meanwhile, bit back a curse and began to shake all over.
“I can’t,” he gasped. “Please… I…”
“Keep going,” you said, sounding gloriously winded already and he was only a little way inside you. “Don’t stop.”
The gnoll let out a long, lowing groan and then braced himself on both arms. You drew your knees up to help him and he began to pant again. “Fuck,” he cursed as he eased himself further inside you. “Oh fuck, oh fuck, I can’t I’m… I’m going to come… fuck, you’re tight. Oh fuck, beautiful, I can’t…”
“Yes you can,” you crooned, though the seduction in your voice was a little strangled by the intensity of the stretch as he eased almost all the way into you. “You can wait for me, I know you can. You’re so good; you’re so kind, Cade. You’re going to make this amazing for me, I know you are…”
At the string of praise, his heavy jaws parted to show all his thick, sharp teeth and he began to shake with the effort of not plunging into you in a single stroke until finally, finally, he was seated inside you to the hilt of his cock.
“See?” you said, reaching for the ruff around his neck and threading your fingers into the depths of the soft fur.
He keened and began to rock his hips. “Please… Please can I move now?”
“Yes, Cade. Let me feel all of you inside me.”
What began as a slow, careful slide of his huge cock inside you hastened to a desperate rhythm in minutes. His hips snapped against yours and you felt the weight of his balls as they rocked against you with each thrust. Cade was whining with each stroke, and you realised that the delicious stretch was growing, and each time he withdrew, it was a little less far.
“You’re going to knot me, aren’t you?” you gasped, drawing your knees up even further so that he hit you just-so with the tip of his cock at the apex of each desperate thrust.
“Mmnn,” he whimpered. “Fuck. I’m so close. You’re so gorgeous. Been thinking about this since… since we danced. Gods, I wanted to fuck you that night. Came all over myself when I got home. Popped a knot and everything, oh fuck, oh fuck you’re so tight I’m going to come, I’m so close, I’m going to come, can I come? Please let me come, beautiful, please let me fill you —”
His babbling, rambling pleas devolved into another gnollish low and he threw his head back, picking up the desperate pace. His hands grabbed your hips and his claws pricked your skin as he pulled you further onto his growing knot with every thrust. Delirious pleasure coursed through you and you barely had the presence of mind left to give him the permission he clearly craved.
“Yes, come for me,” you slurred. “Come inside me, Cade. Fill me —”
With a roar, his hips snapped against yours one last time and his whole body locked up. His lips pulled back from his huge teeth into a rictus of ecstasy and his eyes rolled as he came in huge, shuddering waves, lost to the pleasure of your body as his knot finally swelled to fill you and the sensation of it tipped you over the edge as well. As your body clenched around him, he cursed again and tugged you somehow even further onto his knot. His hips spasmed against you and you could feel him emptying himself into you in waves.
It was a long time before he stopped coming, and even with his knot plugging you tight, you felt some of his come start to leak out around you already, spilling down your thighs and onto the sheet. “Fuck,” he hissed again, and his body went suddenly slack, though his chest was still heaving for breath.
He fell forwards over you and braced himself at the last second on his forearms. You lowered your legs and he grunted as the movement jolted his over-sensitive knot, but you stayed there for a long time.
Gradually, your breathing settled into the same rhythm and your heartbeats slowed, and a leaden satisfaction descended into your whole body. You felt full, and cherished as he held you.
You lost track of time as you lay there together, but finally his knot receded and you felt a lot more of his come start to slide down your thighs. “Making a mess,” you mumbled from where you were half-buried by the soft fur near his ear.
“If you’re expecting me to have put on enough muscle to chest press you off me, you’re sorely mistaken,” you quipped, and to your joy, he gave a delighted, gnollish giggle and lifted his head enough to regard you with his slightly unfocused, dark brown eyes.
“You’re really something,” he said, and he let his pink tongue just grace the tip of your nose. “You sore? You want me to run you a bath?”
“Oof, yes please,” you smiled. No one had ever offered to do that for you after sex, and you were indeed a little sore from where he’d stretched you further than anyone ever had.
He lifted himself off you carefully, withdrawing from you and giving a little grunt as his softening cock slid free. He sat back on his haunches and ran his thumbs over the curve of your thighs, staring at where you knew you were probably gaping a bit. It was hard not to feel embarrassment until he murmured, “You’re exquisite.”
Cade leaned over you and fondly raked his upper and lower teeth over the soft flesh of your thigh before laving his tongue over your skin and then finally standing on shaky legs. “Been a while since I came like that,” he admitted shyly as he staggered towards the door. “Think I might skip leg day tomorrow and just chill out here.”
“I’ll join you,” you said. “I may never regain feeling in my legs.”
“I’ll carry you around anyway,” he grinned as he left and went to run the bath.
True to his word, Cade did carry you around his apartment the next day, and your feet barely touched the ground from the moment you woke to the moment you fell asleep in his bed for the second night in a row.
You weren’t exactly complaining though. It was heaven.
I hope you enjoyed it, and I hope you’ll consider reblogging as well as leaving a like. Take care of yourselves, and I hope you have a lovely day/night wherever you are, and whenever you read this.
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mxnsterbabe · 4 months
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Male Gnoll/Female Reader SFW Wordcount: 2,919 Commissions | Ko-fi | Masterlist
When you're convinced to go on a blind date with an asshole, Adamu saves you from a sticky situation. As it turns out, you'd rather go out with him anyway.
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Outside the restaurant, the city's ambient buzz mingled with your own whirl of anticipation and nerves. The cool evening air did little to soothe the flutter of excitement in your stomach as you approached the restaurant's entrance, a quaint spot chosen by Eirik for your blind date.
Stepping inside, the warm glow and soft murmur of conversation enveloped you. The hostess greeted you with a welcoming smile, and you found your voice slightly trembling as you mentioned, "I’m here to meet - I mean, table for Karl?."
"Oh, you must be Eirik's friend! He mentioned a blind date," the waitress exclaimed brightly. She seemed genuinely enthused about the setup, a sentiment you wished you could fully share at the moment.
As she led you through the restaurant, the clinking of cutlery and low hum of diners' chatter accompanied your steps. The waitress stopped at a cosy table for two, where a man was seated, his back to you.
As she announced your arrival, he turned around, and you were met with a young face and a mess of curly, dark hair. Karl was undeniably handsome, with sharp features, a well-groomed beard, and eyes that seemed to appraise you in a single glance. His smile was confident, almost rehearsed, as he stood to greet you.
"Ah, you must be the mystery woman Eirik has been raving about," Karl said, his voice smooth, his handshake firm. There was a charm about him, no doubt, but it felt somewhat polished, a little too perfect.
As you took your seat, the nervous flutter in your stomach intensified. You smoothed out your dress, trying to appear composed, though inside, your nerves were a tangled mess. The idea of a blind date, already daunting, now felt even more so with Karl's poised demeanour.
The waitress, still beaming, handed you the menus, wishing you a good evening before leaving. You offered her a grateful smile, her enthusiasm a small comfort for your nerves.
"So, Eirik tells me you're quite the adventurer," Karl began, leaning back in his chair with ease. “Have you been to the alps? I have; there I was, standing at the summit of the Alps, the world beneath my feet. It's quite the rush, you know?"
You nodded and the first bubble of excitement welled in you. "That sounds incredible. I've always wanted to try mountain climbing. Last year, I..."
Karl, however, swiftly steered the conversation back to himself, barely acknowledging your input. "Yes, it's an experience of a lifetime. Then, when you lead the lifestyle I do, these things become somewhat routine."
As Karl delved into another self-centred anecdote, your attention drifted across the restaurant. There, at a table set for two, sat a young gnoll man. His dark fur contrasted strikingly with his bright green eyes, which stared at his glass of wine. His muscular build suggested strength, yet there was a patience about him as he checked his watch, clearly waiting for someone.
Your gaze lingered, intrigue. It was a welcome distraction from the one-sided conversation at your table.
Karl, noticing your diverted attention, cleared his throat pointedly. "I'm sorry, am I boring you?"
You snapped back to reality, meeting Karl's eyes, which now held a flicker of annoyance. "No, not at all. Please, go on," you said, though the sincerity in your voice waned.
Karl huffed, his demeanour shifting. "You know, when someone takes the time to share their experiences, the least you could do is pay attention."
The sharpness in his tone took you aback. The evening, already teetering on the edge of disappointment, had taken a turn for the worse. "I'm sorry, Karl. I just noticed someone across the restaurant. I didn't mean to seem disinterested."
Karl's response was a curt, "Well, perhaps you'd prefer their company then."
The air between you grew tense, the remnants of the evening's potential dissipating with each passing second. "I think I need a moment," you said, standing abruptly. "I'll be in the bathroom. If the waitress comes back, could you ask her to give us a few more minutes to decide?"
You couldn’t have left fast enough. The walk to the bathroom felt like an escape, each step a respite from the stifling atmosphere at the table. Inside, you took a moment to gather your thoughts, the disappointment of the evening weighing heavily on you. Eirik's well-intentioned setup had spiralled into an evening you couldn't wait to forget.
When you returned, bracing yourself for more of Karl's self-absorption, you found his seat empty. Confused, you glanced around, half-expecting to see him returning from a break of his own; but he was gone. The only evidence of his presence was the menu, left at the edge of the table.
You sat, a flush of embarrassment warming your cheeks. You tried to compose yourself as the waitress approached with a concerned look. "Can I get you a drink?" she asked, her gaze flickering to the empty seat.
You offered a small, somewhat sheepish smile, "uh, no thanks. Honestly, I think I should just head home. Maybe I’ll have just one..."
The waitress nodded, her expression softening with understanding, before leaving you to peruse the drinks menu. The bustling ambiance of the restaurant suddenly felt more pronounced, each laugh and clink of glasses echoing your own discomfort.
As you deliberated over your choice, a tentative voice interrupted your thoughts. "Excuse me, would you mind some company?"
Looking up, you saw the gnoll from across the restaurant standing beside your table, a hint of apprehension in his green eyes. Up close, you could see the intricate patterns of scars beneath his dark fur, tugging down the corner of his left eye. Yet, his posture was unassuming, almost gentle, as if he were trying to make his formidable presence seem less intimidating.
"I, uh, couldn't help but notice... It seems we've both been stood up," he added, his voice tinged with a shyness.
Surprised but touched by his gesture, you found yourself nodding, "Take a seat. It's been quite the evening."
He took the seat across from you, his movements careful, mindful of the space he occupied. Together, you ordered cocktails, a silent attempt to salvage what remained of the night.
As the drinks arrived, the initial awkwardness gave way to tentative conversation. Sipping a martini, you asked, “why did you come over? It's not every day that someone does something so kind."
He paused, his gaze lingering on his drink before meeting yours. "Well, I suppose I didn’t want both of our nights to be wasted. I thought, maybe, we could turn them into something a bit more... bearable, together."
His honesty, coupled with the softness in his expression, struck a chord in you. Here was someone who, despite his own discomfort, had reached out with an offer of companionship. It was painfully sweet.
You watched him above your menu, unable to hide your smile. Maybe tonight wasn’t a total loss. "How about gaeng som?" you suggested, “I’m pretty sure they make it extra spicy here.”
His eyes lit up with interest. "That sounds perfect! Back home, the hotter the meal, the better."
You smiled, pleased with the common ground you'd found. The waitress took your order, and as you waited for the food, the conversation flowed effortlessly.
"Not that I was listening in earlier, but I heard something about the alps?" he asked, his eyes curious. "There's something about exploring the unknown, the challenge of a steep climb, I just love it."
You nodded enthusiastically. "Absolutely. There's a trail I've been eyeing for the next weekend. It's supposed to offer some of the best views of Oceanhall."
“Yeah, I know the one! I’ve never gotten around to it, though. I- wait, hold on.” You were sure that beneath his fur, he was blushing. “I'm Adamu, by the way, I guess I forgot to say. Tonight was actually supposed to be a meetup with someone I met online."
His expression clouded slightly, a hint of disappointment creeping in. "I wonder if she saw me and... well, decided against it. I know my appearance can be a bit... daunting?"
You shook your head, the notion absurd to you. "I think you look lovely. If you really did scare her off, it's’ her loss."
His face softened at your words, the tension in his shoulders easing. "Thank you," he said, his voice laced with a newfound warmth. "I know I’m an acquired taste.”
You smiled softly, reaching out to take his hand. It wasn’t a secret that gnolls had a reputation for being intimidating. Rude. Violent, even; but when you met Adamu’s gaze, there was a softness there that made you melt.
Whatever you were about to say, though, was cut off when the waitress arrived with your steaming hot food. “Two portions of gaeng som,” she announced cheerfully. “Can I get you anything else?”
You didn’t remove your hand from Adamu’s as you ordered another round of drinks. He didn’t pull away either, though, and you found yourself warmed by his coarse fur.
He only tugged his hand free when it was time to eat, and you missed the tickle of his fur and claws against your palm. You ate in silence for a moment; content to be in each other’s quiet company.
Eventually, Adamu's curiosity got the better of him. "So, what actually happened to your date? He left pretty suddenly."
You paused, a spoonful of soup halfway to your lips. The memory of Karl's abrupt departure brought a stutter of relief. "Well, let's just say we weren't exactly a match. If I'm honest, I'm quite glad he left."
Adamu raised an eyebrow, a playful glint in his eyes. "Oh, why?"
You met his gaze, the connection between you palpable. "Because if he hadn't, I wouldn't have had the pleasure of your company, Adamu."
Adamu's smile widened, a look of contentment settling on his features. “Oh. That’s… actually really kind.”
In the warmth of the restaurant, with the lingering heat of the soup still dancing on your tongue, you found yourself caught in Adamu's gaze. The soft, ambient light of the room cast gentle shadows across his features, softening the scars and highlighting the soft brown of his fur.
There was an undeniable pull, a desire to lean across the table and bridge the gap between you with a kiss. Yet, you hesitated, the weight of nerves holding you back. You didn't want to rush, to shatter this delicateness between you.
Adamu seemed to sense the shift in your mood, his voice drawing you back. "I wasn't entirely sure about moving to Oceanhall," he admitted, his tone reflective. "It was a leap of faith, really. I needed a change of pace, something different from what I was used to."
You nodded, understanding the sentiment all too well. "Sometimes, that's exactly what we need."
He smiled. "I'm glad I made the move. Especially now," he added, his gaze holding yours.
The remainder of the meal passed in a comfortable quiet, punctuated by shared glances and soft laughter. It was as if the world beyond your table had faded into the background, leaving just the two of you in your own little bubble.
When the waitress came by to inquire about dessert, you both scanned the menu, settling on sharing mango sticky rice. The sweet, creamy texture of the rice, paired with the fresh, tangy mango and the rich coconut sauce, promised a perfect end to the meal.
Adamu's earlier admission echoed in your mind as you ate, blending seamlessly with your own feelings. Oceanhall, with its beautiful beach and multiples cultures, was exactly the kind of place to get away from the drag of real life issues.
When the waitress returned to collect your plates, her knowing smile was directed at you. “I hope you both had a good time,” she said. “Can I get you anything else?”
You couldn't help but return her smile, a sense of gratitude swelling in your heart.
“Just the bill please,” Adamu said, before you could ask for the same.
As the waitress disappeared to retrieve your bill, she left you alone with Adamu. You became acutely aware of the details you hadn't fully absorbed before—the way the low lighting played off the contours of his muscular build, his broad shoulders straining against his grey shirt. The gentle curve of his smile made you flush too, more pronounced as his initial shyness melted away.
You found yourself openly admiring him, taking in the rugged handsomeness that his scars only seemed to accentuate, not diminish. There was a raw, authentic beauty to him, and it made your toes curl.
Adamu caught you looking, a flicker of self-consciousness crossing his features. "It's the scars, isn't it?" he asked softly.. "They don’t hurt. I sometimes forget they're there until I see that look in someone's eyes."
Your heart clenched at the thought of him feeling any discomfort, especially when, to you, he was nothing short of captivating. "No, Adamu, it's not the scars," you said softly, earnestly. "I was actually.. You’re absolutely gorgeous, you know that?"
The air between you thickened with the admission, a warm blush colouring your cheeks. Adamu's gaze held yours, a mixture of surprise and something deeper flickering within his eyes.
"Thank you," he said after a moment, the tension in his shoulders visibly relaxing. "I’ve had them since I was a kid - boating accident. My fur hides the worst of it, at least."
His soft voice, the twinkle in his eyes, it made you want nothing more than to grab him by the collar, and kiss him. The space around you seemed to pulse with the unspoken attraction that had been simmering beneath the surface all evening.
Adamu leaned in slightly, his voice dropping to a huskier tone that sent shivers down your spine. "I knew tonight was going to be great as soon as I sat across from you."
The confession, so openly shared, fanned the flames of your own desire. The thought of being close to him, so close you could smell the sugar on your breath, made you shudder.
As the waitress returned with the bill, breaking the spell momentarily, Adamu's gaze lingered on you, loaded with unspoken questions. Once the bill was settled, he turned to you with a hesitant yet hopeful look.
"I don't want this evening to end just yet," he said, his voice laced with a quiet intensity. "Would you... would you like to come back to my place?"
The invitation hung in the air, a tantalizing promise of more. The thought of spending more time with Adamu was irresistible.
“I would love to.”
As you stood to leave, Adamu, ever the gentleman, assisted you with your coat, his hands brushing against yours in a fleeting, electric touch. The restaurant's warm ambiance gave way to the night's chill as you stepped outside, the sudden drop in temperature making you instinctively draw closer to him for warmth.
Noticing your shiver, Adamu gently draped his own coat over your shoulders, enveloping you in its warmth and the subtle scent that was uniquely his. It was like sweet mango and cinnamon, and something rich you couldn’t place.
The gesture, so simple yet intimate, stirred something deep within you, heightening the anticipation of what was yet to come.
The streets were quiet, the city's nighttime serenade a soft backdrop to your shared silence. The proximity to Adamu, his coat wrapped around you, created a cocoon of warmth in the cold night air. It was in this intimate bubble that Adamu stopped, turning to face you, his bright eyes searching yours in the dim light.
The tension between you was a tangible force that seemed to draw you closer. Then, almost as if it were the most natural thing in the world, your lips met in a kiss that was both tentative and desperate, a mingling of warmth and want that sent sparks flying through your very being.
The kiss was imperfect—the slight awkwardness of human lips meeting a gnoll's muzzle—but it only made you want him more. Neither of you cared for symmetry when the kiss deepened, fueled by the pent-up desire and the night's earlier revelations.
As you parted, breathless, Adamu's shy smile returned, a hint of his earlier awkwardness peeking through. "I, uh, live just a short walk from here," he said, his voice a soft rumble. "Would you like me to call a taxi?"
The thought of parting, even just to sit side by side in a taxi, seemed unthinkable. "I'd much rather walk with you," you replied, your voice steady despite the racing of your heart.
He beamed. “Yeah? Great, me too.”
The walk to Adamu's home was a blur of shared smiles and soft laughter, the earlier kiss lingering like a promise between you. The walk was brisk, quick, your hand nestled in his the entire time. Soon enough you were stood outside a little wooden gate, looking up at a narrow townhouse, garden blooming with wildlife.
Adamu paused at the gate, turning to you once more. The streetlight cast a soft glow around him, illuminating the gentle lines of his face.
In that soft light, you shared another kiss, this one laden with the promise of more to come. It was a seal on the unspoken agreement that tonight was just the beginning.
“Come on inside,” he said, tugging your hand.
With a grin, you followed him inside.
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gregrulzok · 1 month
Love is when your DM writes you into the campaign as an NPC, then looks at you anxiously and impatiently as they wait for you to figure it out
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dantenyhpmir · 1 year
Monster Boyfriend
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Emmett and Kane
Compilation of Smutt I did of them forever ago. I love gnolls, they’re the best. Monster boyfriends are the best
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holy-cagnolli · 2 years
Which merfolk powers are stored in the tail?
Well, I just got my ear talked off by a beached jellyfish about how "those damn turtles ruin everything."
However, I still can't beat Ray in wrestling, nor can I breathe underwater.
I DID scratch Ray's perfect skin with the shark skin!
So in summary: language is stored in the tail, but wrestling advantages are stored in the mind and gills are stored in the lungs.
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c-rowlesdraws · 7 months
bg3 is pretty gory, tbh. the scene where the gnoll is... "born"? is the only one that's very upsetting, in my opinion. but yeah, it's quite viscera heavy 😬
It’s a viscera-heavy game!! Which, to be clear, is generally a selling point for me. I love gooey weird bio-horror mindflayer stuff and this game is all about those guys! I love the peaceful mindflayer and its boyfriend who live in that mushroom cave in the Underdark. I hope they engineer a quorn-like brain tissue alternative for the mindflayer to eat, and have a wonderful life together.
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chaoticbardlady99 · 7 months
What about an astarion fic with a masc reader? I rarely see them, and I need it! He has me on my knees, honestly.
 One of Your Girls (Astarion x M! Reader) MDNI 18+
Title inspired by the song “One of Your Girls” by Troye Sivan
CW: Smut, fluff, dom! Reader, sub! Astarion, mentions of sexual trauma
Author Note- I wasn’t able to find a video with Astarion’s proposition that wasn’t translated from Greek so I had to try to recreate the scene from memory (I don’t need my boyfriend asking to read my smut- he wants to, I’m not fond of the idea, ya know how it is). 
I have also noticed that there is not a lot of Masculine Reader x Astarion fics. I want to reiterate that I am a woman, so if you are a male and you read this fic, please let me know what you like about the content and maybe give me pointers on male behavior if you feel I’m off  (please remember to be kind, I just want to learn, not be crucified). 
Astarion stands at the entrance of his tent- impatiently tapping his foot against the ground as some pink-hair tiefling attempts to flirt with him. His instincts say stop being distracted. Focus on the very obviously interested woman in front of him, but he just can’t. 
  He had spent the last two weeks since he had met you trying to get you into his bed. However, he had never met someone more dense in his life. 
  He flirts with you constantly, he sees the blush color on your cheeks when he does. He sees how you try not to sneak glances at him when he decides to join you at the river to clean off. He sees your interest in him when you talk, in the way your eyes shine when he makes you laugh.
 While Astarion was almost certain that everyone in camp adored you and practically drooled everytime you walked by- he had really felt like he had secured his spot in your bed. Secured your protection.  
 Yet here he is- drinking shitty wine, being talked at by some girl, and watching you talk to everyone else, but him.
  He sneaks glances at you while pretending to be interested in whatever the woman is saying. He takes in all the details of your face- a soft smile pulls on his lip as he watches you erupt in laughter. The tiefling talking to him huffs and says something to him. She must have wisened up eventually because he suddenly doesn’t hear her incessant chattering in his ears.
  You wander around camp- all 6’2 and 230 lbs of you. Your body is chorded with strong muscles and littered in scars- the majority hidden away by your clothing. 
 You unceremoniously stomp around camp, talking and laughing with your other companions. You catch him staring and flash him one of your brilliant smiles. He watches as you take three massive gulps from your wine glass.
 For a Barbarian, you are quite charming in your own oblivious way. You are funny, brave, and morally gray. Your general disposition is magnetic- you could (and did) convince a Gnoll to eat itself. You are impulsive and quick to jump into battle which infuriates Astarion, but you always stand right next to his side- making sure that no harm will come to him. Sometimes, to your own detriment! How have you not asked to get into his bed!?
  You turn to who you are talking to, say something,  and begin walking towards Astarion. Astarion envies the way you walk- head held high, confident, but with a genuine smile on your face. You aren’t confident in a narcissistic, pompous way. You are confident in a humble way. You don’t let your ego lead your life. People like you and want to fight for you. He could never be anywhere close to the man you are, but that is why he needs you. You can convince the others to protect him when the time comes.
  You stop in front of him. He pours more wine in your glass as you hold it out to him. You take a sip and he watches as you look at him. He sees the confidence you have waiver slightly. 
 You step closer to him and take his hand in yours, running your thumb over his knuckles. Astarion exhales sharply and you go to jerk your hand back, an apology on your lips when Astarion grabs your hand. While the act of intimacy had surprised him, it certainly wasn’t uninvited. He would never admit it, but your touch lights him on fire in a way he has never experienced before. You look at your intertwined hands and blush. Astarion fights back a satisfied grin.
  So maybe I’m not wrong, maybe you are interested.
 Astarion smirks at you as he watches the pleased blush spread across your cheeks.
 “Sooooooo,” you say with a slight slur, “are you enjoying yourself tonight?”
   Astarion scowls and rolls his eyes, “you know I never pictured myself as a hero. Never thought I’d be the one they toast for saving so many lives and now that I’m here,” he pauses to take a drink, his tongue sticking out in disgust, “I hate it. This is awful.  I would have liked more for my troubles than a pat on the head and vinegar for wine.”
  It’s your turn to roll your eyes and a throaty chuckle comes out of your mouth. 
 “Well at least it’s a celebration,” you sigh, “I am grateful to have something to celebrate for- even though the wine is truly terrible.”
 “I was just hoping to be more…. Entertained.”
“True, the goblin’s probably would have thrown a much more wild party,” you quip.
 “Well, we could create our own entertainment…” Astarion says while watching your reaction.
  You stare at him quizzically, “Like play a game?”
   Astarion had to fight the urge to scream at the top of his lungs.
 Astarion pulls together his composure for a smile before he says, “No darling, I mean sex.”
 You stare at him wide eyed and Astarion is wondering if he read the situation wrong. Then you move forward, sliding your hand up his jaw, into his hair, gently pulling it. Astarion gasps as you press your mouth against his, your tongue gliding across his bottom lip before you pull it in with your teeth. You pull back, your grip on his hair loosening and you look into his eyes with a confident smirk.
  You put your mouth against his ear and whisper, “like that?”
 Astarion nods- if he needed air, it would have been knocked out of him. Your lips on his were electrifying. 
 “Let’s find each other when everyone goes to sleep,” he says while looking up at you with hooded eyes.
 Your grin gets even wider, “Gods, I thought you’d never ask.”
   Astarion feels you lift him up and wrap him around your hips- his back colliding with the tree. Your lips are on his hungrily, needy, but with restraint as he feels your erection grow. Astarion makes quick work of your shirt and begins to move to the laces of your pants. 
  You palm him through his pants and he gasps against your lips. After your pants are off, you and Astarion work on his. When they are off, he throws them unceremoniously. You smile nervously at him.
 “I’m not very good at the whole, removing clothes thing,” you say with a breathy chuckle as you kiss down his neck, wrapping your hand around his hard cock. 
  Astarion moans and growls, putting his head into the crook of your neck. 
 “I’ve noticed. I’ve only been trying to seduce you for the last two weeks,” he manages to gasp out.
 “Well then,” you say with a lustful grin, “let me reward you for waiting so patiently.” 
    You set him down on his back and begin to kiss along his neck and down his body. One of your fingers glides into him and he stifles a moan. You put your mouth around the head of his cock as you pump your finger and then add another. Your mouth moves up and down- your rough tongue applying pressure in all the right places. He cums into your mouth while looking at you.
  It feels good, but Astarion is desperately trying not to dissociate. Yes, to an extent this feels significantly different and maybe even makes him feel happy? It just doesn’t erase two hundred years of being degraded and used. 
  He feels your mouth leave his cock and your fingers aren’t inside him anymore.  You don’t go to kiss him. He looks at you with confusion. You stare back in concern.
 “Astarion,” you start, “ if you aren’t into this… we don’t ne-”
 Astarion panics and grips your hair, pulling you towards him before crashing his lips against yours. You pull away to ask him again, but he beats you to it. He will not lose his protection- his only hope of freedom.
 “Of course I want this, “ he hisses against your lips, puncturing your lower lips with his fangs, “I just need you inside me already, darling.” 
  You still look unconvinced when he wraps his hand around your cock, stroking it. Your gasp sounds like music to his ears- the concern in your eyes fades and becomes replaced with lust. You kiss him hard on the mouth before you flip him on his stomach. Astarion gets up on all fours.
  Saved it. 
 You pump yourself- using the precum as lubricant. Astarion feels you press into his entrance slowly before slipping inside of him. He moans as he hears you release a quiet hiss.
  “Hells, “ you moan, tangling his hair in your fingers as you slowly rock your hips, “you feel so fucking good. Are you going to be good for me?”
  When he nods, you pull out and slam into him. Astarion cries out in pleasure as you hit that perfect spot inside of him.
 “I said, “ you growl, “are you going to be good for me?”
    “Yes,” he chokes out, tears pricking his eyes as you fill him up. You feel absolutely perfect inside of him.
 That was all you needed before you began to pound in and out of him- your hand snaking around his waist, jerking him off as you praise him for being so good for you. 
 Astarion is a moaning, screaming mess around and underneath you. He has never had anyone pay so much attention to his pleasure and as his second orgasm of the night rips through him, he feels you reach your release inside him. You collapse on top of him, using your arms to prop yourself up as you kiss his shoulders and his neck before rolling over, pulling him close to you. 
   He feels you begin to relax into sleep with your arms around him. 
 “Will you stay?”
  He hears you say quietly- the confidence in your voice not there. He turns around in your arms and looks at your hopeful, nervous face. He smiles, the look on your face snapping him out of the trance he was in. Astarion nods and presses a chaste kiss on your mouth before turning around again.
  Once Astarion is sure you have fallen asleep, he fights back the urge to cry. He knows it’s different- being with you felt like nothing he has ever experienced before, but he still couldn’t shake the tainted feeling in his chest as you held him close. Not because he doesn’t want to stay here in your arms, but because the reminder that all he was created for was sex; suddenly became too heavy of a burden to bear.
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the-mic-drop · 3 months
Zelink gets Isekaied into BG3 Pt5: Let's Split Up, Gang!
Zelda- High Elf Draconic Lineage Sorcerer
Link- Half Wood Elf Champion Fighter
So far: Karlach has joined the party, Zelda has begun her infernal machinery research, and Karlach asks Link about his relationship with Zelda
When Zelda finally says goodbye to Dammon, she finds Link looking uncomfortable with Karlach and Astarion on either side of him. She asks what's wrong and Link takes the opportunity to escape and ask where they're going next.
Zelda is split between continuing to explore across the bridge and looking into Moonhaven more. Lae'zel suggests they split into two teams of four to explore both. Zelink is shaken by the suggestion, but can't deny the idea.
Team Link (Link, Wyll, Shadowheart, and Gale) will investigate Moonhaven.
Team Zelda (Zelda, Karlach, Lae'zel, and Astarion) will explore The Risen Road.
The teams will meet back up at camp (probably outside The Grove) at [time is a nebulous concept.]
As the group finishes distributing resources, Zelda hugs Link. She gives him a meaningful kiss goodbye before Team Zelda warps to their destination, leaving him stunned.
Link is mercifully left with the group least likely to hound him for information, but is still asked a few questions that he responds to with characteristic brevity before Team Link warps back to Moonhaven.
Karlach and Astarion ask Zelda about her and Link in their own ways as they walk and Zelda is much more open to answering than her boyfriend.
She tells them they've been living together since the end of the Calamity and started dating a year or so after that. Astarion asks about marriage and she gets bashful, saying they're waiting for the kingdom to get back on its feet. Lae'zel is watching the environment to try and distract herself from this inane dribble.
Lae'zel notices some movement up the road from where they dealt with the Gnolls. Evidently, there were even more Gnolls. Lae'zel advises Zelda to have herself and Karlach head straight in and let her and Astarion sneak up the small hill and give them support from the high ground. Zelda gives the thumbs up and Team Zelda makes short work of the Gnolls, though the moment is sullied when they find a pair of corpses in the cave. That Iron Flask they find is spooky.
Team Zelda continues and finds Waukeen's Rest on fire. Zelda immediately orders the party to search & rescue or join these nice knightly-looking people to put out the fires. She asks Karlach just how fireproof she is. Karlach enthusiastically says she can take a quick pop into an inferno if need be.
Astarion takes a bucket and heads into the less-enflamed buildings and does some light looting veiled as looking for survivors.
Lae'zel kicks down the front door and lets Karlach take the lead into the building. Zelda follows, hitting every blaze with Ray of Frost as she goes.
They get Florrick out, but Zelda hears someone yelling for help from a closed room. She recognizes that the room will ignite further if they open the door and she has Karlach bust in, find the guy, and get out before she blasts the room with a real big Ray of Frost (Ice Storm)
While Zelda goes around magically putting out fires, the rest of the team talks to Florrick and the Flaming Fist, getting the plot info (Astarion takes the lead.) Duke Ravengard, Moonrise Towers, etc.
During a short rest, the team fills Zelda in on what they've learned.
After their rest, they continue down the road and see the red dragon flying overhead. Lae'zel jogs ahead of the party to meet her fellow Gith.
The encounter begins as normal with Lae'zel taking the lead, but eventually, Voss' dragon takes an interest in Zelda. Zelda can feel that the dragon means her no harm and gently communes with it. This impresses Voss enough to believe Lae'zel's deception (or gives Lae'zel the confidence to convincingly lie) and the encounter ends without conflict.
With the knowledge that the Gith are searching for Shadowheart's artefact, Team Zelda decides to head back to camp for the time being.
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cryptidsnackpack · 10 months
Current playthrough Halsin: This is my partner Henbane and her boyfriend Astarion.
*my draconic sorcerer tiefling, running around in her stolen drow undies shooting gouts of electricity over her head singing bawdy tavern songs , while Astarion chases her with a feather duster and a goblet full of wine cackling like a gnoll*
Halsin: I am a patient man. *explosion in distance*
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voloslobotomyservice · 2 months
thank you @necroticyuzu for the tag! 💫 and thank you everyone who participated in my poll! I love talking about my little Tavs and I can’t stop making them so I’m always down to be tagged in these sorta things!
no pressure tags: @beesht @grandmother-goblin @auspex-author (yk I’m always down for Shior lore)
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Name: Saoirse Nic’Phaid
Gender: female
Pronouns: she/her
Sexuality: mostly straight (but she’s working on defining it)
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Family: A complicated conversation. Older human father who’s unable to work, younger wood elf mother who abandons the family often, and an older brother Arthur who was tragically murdered five years before the events of BG3 took place.
Birthplace: Lower City of Baldur’s Gate.
Job: Criminal, I suppose? She doesn’t really have a traditional job. Instead, she’s spent most of her life stealing and then selling items to make a living. It even brought in more money than Arthur was making when he was alive and working.
Phobia: Thalassaphobia. She never learned how to swim.
Guilty Pleasure: Hooking up with problematic men. They oh-so-bad but oh-so-good in bed. Her own ex-boyfriend was a member of the Zhentarim, after all.
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Alignment: Neutral Evil - rather selfish in her actions, yet will help others who are similar her.
Sins: Theft. Lots of it. Jealousy, coveting what others may have knowing she could never have it. Will usually say whatever pops in her head without thinking it through first, which gets her in trouble. Can be very self-centered in different situations (ex. she refused to take poison from Nettie at the Grove after she didn’t help the party cure their tadpole)
Virtues: Loyal to those she loves, almost to a fault. When able to, very much a “steal from the rich to give to the poor” type. Believes honesty is the best policy (unless your life is at risk, then lying to save yourself is acceptable). Family is also very important to her, especially her father, and she tried to make sure he had well over a years worth of gold before going on the run.
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Introvert/Extrovert/Ambivert - Likes to be social but also enjoys time to herself. Tries to keep a healthy balance of both.
Organized/Disorganized - in some aspects of her life, at least. When it comes to her money, she’s very organized.
Close Minded/Open Minded - No defining reason. She just is.
Calm/Anxious/Restless - Being on the run for a crime she may (or may not) have committed, she is constantly looking over her shoulder to make sure she and her companions are safe (but mostly her).
Disagreeable/Agreeable - That is, if you see eye to eye with her.
Cautious/Reckless/In Between - After the loss of her brother, she was very reckless in her crimes and overall behavior, but she has calmed down a bit. She will still do risky things for the fun of it, though.
Patient/Impatient/In Between - Do not test her.
Outspoken/Reserved - Almost too outspoken for her own good.
Leader/Follower/Flexible - Because she’s very headstrong, she easily fell into the leader position of the party.
Empathetic/Unemphathetic - To those that are like her: who’ve struggled, who understand how hard life can be. Won’t listen to the sob story of some upper class elitist.
Traditional/Modern/In Between
Hardworking/Lazy - But hardworking in the way that she’s taking from others… yeah I don’t like to think about the logistics of it too much.
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OTP: Don’t hate me. But. Saoirse is absolutely crushing on Aradin, despite how much of an ass he is. She thinks she can fix him. Maybe she can.
Other Ships: Hooks up with Rugan after rescuing him from the gnolls, which leads to an interesting throuple dynamic when they’re all in Baldur’s Gate.
BroTP: Surprisingly, she and Lae’zel get along swimmingly. Maybe it’s because they have similar personalities. She and Astarion also gossip about the drama between their camp companions, as well as tease each other over their romantic pursuits. Also apparently she and Shadowheart get along very well!
NoTP: Gale annoys her, but she also sees him as a powerful ally and a good companion. Thoroughly rejects any of his advances.
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mxnsterbabe · 4 months
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Male Gnoll/Female Reader SFW Wordcount: 3,343 Commissions | Ko-fi | Masterlist
Ruhui owns a steakhouse across the road from your new cafe. You’ve been pining over him for months, not knowing if he’s into humans at all.
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Your heart raced with excitement as you unlocked the door to your new cafe It was the culmination of years of dreaming and months of hard work. The aroma of fresh coffee and pastries filled the air, a welcoming scent that you hoped would entice passersby. As you flipped the sign to open, your stomach fluttered with a mix of nerves and anticipation.
The first few customers trickled in, offering smiles and congratulations. You felt a surge of pride with each new face that appeared at the door. Your cafe, with its cosy armchairs and warm lighting, was exactly how you had envisioned it – a haven for those seeking comfort and a good cup of coffee.
Mid-morning, a sleek black cat sauntered in, its green eyes scanning the room before settling comfortably in a sunny spot by the window. Your heart skipped a beat, the old superstition about black cats and bad luck briefly crossing your mind.
A tall orc with a friendly smile noticed your gaze on the cat. "Ah, a black cat! That's a sign of good luck in orcish culture, you know," he said with a chuckle.
You raised an eyebrow, a smile tugging at your lips. "Funny, for us it’s often seen as the exact opposite."
The orc laughed, a deep, rumbling sound that filled the cafe. "Well, I say take the orcish perspective on this one. Looks like good fortune is on your side."
The morning passed in a blur of activity after that. You poured coffees, served pastries, and chatted with customers, the hum of conversation a pleasant and constant undercurrent as you worked. Yet, despite the busyness, your attention kept drifting to the steakhouse across the street.
You had noticed him a few times before, the gnoll who worked there. His tall, imposing figure was hard to miss, as you watched him linger outside with a cigarette. His coarse fur was a rich brown, and he had broad shoulders that strained the think fabric of his uniform shirt.
It wasn’t until three o’clock, however, that there was a lull long enough for you to take a break. With a smile towards Jessica, your sole employee, you stepped outside for air.
There he was again, standing with a cigarette clasped between thick, sharp claws. You offered a wave, but the gnoll only gave a curt nod before slipping back inside.
Well. So much for making friends, then.
Summoning your courage, you decided to introduce yourself anyway. If nothing else, perhaps you could grab a quick lunch and say hello to the steakhouse owner.
The steakhouse was busy, the scent of grilled meat wafting out as you opened the door. You spotted him almost immediately, the gnoll, busily moving between tables.
Approaching the front desk, you were surprised to see the gnoll was the host for today. You felt a knot of nervousness in your stomach as you waved.
"Hi, I'm the owner of the cafe across the street," you began, extending a hand. "The Honeypot. Maybe you’ve seen it? Just wanted to introduce myself." You offered your name, too.
He looked at you, his amber eyes assessing. "Ruhui," he said simply, shaking your hand briefly before turning his attention back to the tables.
“Is the owner or manager around?”
“I’m the manager on shift. The owner only comes in on weekends.”
You shuffled awkwardly. “Right, thank you. I suppose I’ll see you around then?”
“Suppose you will.”
The interaction was brief, polite but lacking warmth. You couldn't shake off the feeling that your human heritage was a barrier he wasn't willing to cross. Gnolls were known for not being exactly… friendly outside of their small social circles.
Disappointed but not deterred, you returned to Jessica and the Honeypot, the black cat still lounging in the sunbeam by the window.
As you stepped back into the warm embrace of your café, the comforting scent of coffee greeted you like an old friend.
Jessica looked up from the espresso machine. "How did it go with the neighbours?" she asked, a playful curiosity in her eyes.
You shrugged, trying to mask your disappointment. "It was alright, but the host wasn't exactly the friendliest."
Jessica wiped her hands on her apron, a knowing smile on her face. "He's probably just busy, you know. Now’s about the time people are coming in for early dinner. Maybe he's not great at first impressions."
You considered this, glancing out the window at the steakhouse. "We should go there for lunch one day, get a feel for the place... and the staff," you suggested, your eyes involuntarily flicking back to where Ruhui had been.
Jessica laughed, leaning against the counter. "Is this a business strategy or are you just curious about the mysterious gnoll?" she teased.
You felt your cheeks warm slightly. "Purely professional interest," you quipped, though your heart betrayed your words.
"Of course, purely professional," Jessica echoed, her tone dripping with mock seriousness. "Should I start looking up how to communicate with gruff gnolls for our team training?"
You joined in the laughter, the sound filling the cafe. "That might not be the worst idea," you said, the corners of your eyes crinkling with amusement.
The rest of the day passed with the comfortable routine of café life. As you served customers and shared jokes, the earlier encounter with Ruhui retreated to the back of your mind, though not completely out of your thoughts.
Closing time came, and as you and Jessica tidied up, the ease of your friendship made the tasks feel less like work and more like a shared hobby.
"So, when are we planning this espionage lunch?" Jessica asked, stacking chairs.
"Let's give it a week. Don’t want to make it too obvious," you replied, a playful edge to your voice.
Jessica nodded, playing along. "A strategic move, boss. I like it."
As you locked up the cafe, you looked across the street at the bustling steakhouse. Just as you were locking up, they were only starting to get genuinely busy.
You hoped for a glimpse of Ruhui as you walked by, but he was nowhere to be seen.
Several days passed, the rhythm of the café becoming second nature to you. The black cat had become a regular, much to the delight of your customers. The buzz of conversation, the clink of cups became so familiar that you almost felt lost without it.
On Thursday, as you stepped outside to clear your head and stretch your legs, you spotted Ruhui across the street. He was leaning against the wall of the steakhouse, a lit cigarette dangling from his fingers. The smoke curled upwards, dissipating into the cool air.
You hesitated for a moment, then, driven by a curiosity you couldn’t quite suppress, you crossed the street. As you approached, Ruhui’s amber eyes flicked towards you, a hint of surprise crossing his otherwise impassive features.
"Hi, Ruhui, right?" you said, trying to sound casual.
He nodded, taking a slow drag from his cigarette. "Yes; and you own the Honeypot?"
His voice was deep, with a rough edge that made your stomach warm pleasantly. Youwere surprised that he remembered you.
"That's right," you replied, shuffling your feet slightly. "I hope I'm not disturbing your break."
Ruhui shook his head, a small gesture that seemed to convey more than words could. "It's fine," he said, his gaze returning to the street.
You searched for something to say, a way to extend the conversation. "I've noticed your steakhouse is always busy. Business must be doing well."
"It is," he replied simply, his eyes meeting yours for a moment before looking away.
There was something about his quiet, reserved nature that intrigued you. It was as if there was something more to him that he kept hidden, a story behind those guarded eyes.
"Well, I won't keep you," you said, feeling the conversation reaching its natural end. "See you around."
"Sure," Ruhui said, a noncommittal response that somehow didn't feel dismissive.
As you walked back to the café, his image lingered in your mind. Ruhui was an enigma, a mystery wrapped in a quiet, unassuming package.
Inside, the afternoon light streamed through the windows, casting a warm glow over the room. As you began to tend to the remaining customers and clean up the counters, your mind kept drifting back to the brief interaction with Ruhui.
Just as you were wiping down a table near the window, you glanced across the street and caught Ruhui's figure through the steakhouse's window. He seemed to be watching you, his expression unreadable. As soon as your eyes met, he quickly turned away, resuming his work as if he had never been looking in the first place.
A small smile played on your lips. Was it possible that Ruhui was just as intrigued by you as you were by him? The thought made you laugh to yourself, despite the flutter in your chest.
The rest of the day passed with your thoughts occupied by Ruhui. Every so often, you found yourself stealing glances across the street, half-expecting to catch him looking your way again. If he did steal any more glances, he was careful not to be caught.
As the week progressed, the idea of visiting the steakhouse crystalliszed into a plan. Finally, on a quiet Tuesday evening as you were closing up the café with Jessica, you broached the subject.
"Jessica, how about we grab dinner at the steakhouse tonight?" you suggested, wiping down the last table. "We’ve been talking about it for ages, and I finally have a free evening."
Jessica raised an eyebrow, a mischievous smile playing on her lips. "Is this for the food, or the gnoll waiter?" she teased, stacking chairs.
You rolled your eyes, though you couldn't suppress a smile. "Jessica..."
"Sure, sure," Jessica chuckled, following you to the door. "Let's go, then."
With the café locked up, the two of you made your way across the street to the steakhouse. The warm glow from its windows promised a bustling atmosphere. A small flutter of anticipation tickled your stomach as you pushed open the door.
The steakhouse was lively, filled with the sounds of clinking cutlery, sizzling grills, and animated conversations. The hostess led you to a table, handing you menus with a smile. As you scanned the room, you couldn't help but search for Ruhui.
To your surprise, it was Ruhui himself who approached your table, notepad in hand. The look of surprise on his face was brief but noticeable.
"Good evening," he said, regaining his composure. "I'll be your waiter tonight. Can I start you off with some drinks?"
Jessica winked at you subtly across the table, a barely suppressed grin on her face.
"Just water for now, thanks," you said, trying to sound as casual as possible. "We're still looking over the menu."
Ruhui nodded, jotting down your request. "I'll be right back with your waters. Take your time."
As he walked away, Jessica leaned in. "Well, this is an interesting development," she whispered. "He looked genuinely surprised to see us."
You nodded, your eyes following Ruhui as he moved through the restaurant with an effortless grace. "Maybe I’m not as predictable as he thought."
With a smile, you turned your attention to the menu. The array of choices was impressive. It seemed to cater to all kinds of people, from humans and orcs, gnolls to fae elves.
Jessica, ever the one for simplicity, opted for a classic steak and salad combo. Your eyes, however, were drawn to a more exotic option.
"What about the fireheart steak you mused aloud. It was orcish, known for its intense spiciness and bold flavors – a choice not commonly favored by humans.
Jessica raised her eyebrows. "Going for the adventurous choice, I see."
You smiled, feeling a sense of daring. "Why not? It's good to try new things."
When Ruhui returned to take your order, his expression was one of polite professionalism. That is until you ordered the fireheart steak. His eyebrow quirked up, a glimmer of surprise in his eyes.
"That comes with an incredibly spicy sauce," he said, a hint of a smile tugging at the corner of his mouth. "Not many choose it."
You met his gaze, a playful challenge in your eyes. "I like a bit of spice. Keeps things interesting."
For a moment, there was a flicker of something akin to amusement in Ruhui's expression. "Well, consider yourself warned. It's not for the faint of heart."
The exchange felt almost like flirting, and you suppressed a delighted shiver. As Ruhui walked away to place your orders, you couldn't help the smug feeling that crept up. It seemed you had managed to pique his interest, even if just a little.
When the meal arrived, the intensity of the spices hit you immediately. The heat was powerful, but it was also citrusy and rich. You couldn't help but savor each bite, the spices making your face flush.
Jessica watched with a mix of amusement and awe. "I'm impressed," she said, taking a more cautious bite of her steak. "I didn't expect you to handle it so well."
You grinned, feeling a bead of sweat form at your temple. "I may have met my match, but I'm not backing down. This is delicious."
Across the room, you noticed Ruhui stealing glances in your direction, an unspoken question in his eyes. It was as if he was waiting for you to reach for the water, to admit defeat against the dish's fiery nature.
You didn't. Instead, you continued to enjoy the meal, the spice a welcome challenge. With each bite, you felt a sense of pride.
When it came time for dessert, Ruhui approached with a hint of curiosity in his stance. "How was the dish? Not too overwhelming, I hope?"
"Not at all," you replied, your voice steady despite the lingering heat. "It was fantastic. I'll definitely have it again."
A flicker of respect – and was it admiration? – passed through Ruhui's eyes. "I'm impressed. Not many can handle our spicy stuff. You're full of surprises."
The tone of his voice had changed, lighter, almost playful. It was as if your tolerance for the dish had shifted his perception of you, or perhaps broken down a barrier he had erected.
Jessica, picking up on the change, chimed in, "We'd love to try some dessert. What would you recommend?"
Ruhui's suggestion was thoughtful, and he described the desserts with an enthusiasm that seemed new. You chose a fudge brownie at his recommendation, a decision that seemed to please him.
As he walked away to place your dessert order, Jessica leaned in, a sly smile on her face. "Seems like you're not the only one full of surprises. Ruhui might have a softer side after all."
You chuckled, the warmth of the meal and the interaction leaving you in high spirits. "Maybe. He's definitely more than meets the eye."
The dessert was a perfect end to the meal – sweet, indulgent, and beautifully presented. As you savored each bite, you couldn't help but feel that the evening had been a success on more than one front. Not only had you enjoyed a fantastic meal, but it seemed that Ruhui was even managing to open up to you.
The thought made your stomach flutter, and it didn’t go unnoticed. Jessica grinned at you from across the table.
“You should ask him out,” Jessica informed you. “Leave your number or something when we pay.”
You rose a brow. “Do you think that’ll work. Isn’t that like workplace harassment?”
Jessica’s laughter was soft, muffled by her hand. “Oh come on, it doesn’t hurt to try. Worst case scenario, he ignores you and you go back to staring wistfully every time you see him.”
True. Fine, you were sold. You scribbled your number on a piece of paper, your heart racing the entire time. Just as you were about to discreetly leave it on the table, a different waiter approached with the bill.
"Here's your bill," he said cheerfully. "Ruhui had to take his break, so I'm covering his tables for a bit."
You nodded, a hint of disappointment washing over you. As you reached for the bill, the piece of paper with your number lay conspicuously on the table. The waiter's eyes flicked to it, and a knowing smile crossed his face.
"Is that for Ruhui?" he asked, a playful tone in his voice.
You felt your cheeks warm with embarrassment, but before you could reply, the waiter continued, "If it is, you might not want to bother. Ruhui isn't really into humans. No offense."
The way he said it, so matter-of-factly, stung more than you expected. It wasn't just the words, but the dismissive tone, the insinuation that your interest was somehow misplaced or unwelcome.
Jessica, who had been watching the exchange, frowned. "That's a bit rude, isn't it?" she said, her voice sharp. "It's not your place to comment on someone's preferences like that."
The waiter seemed taken aback by Jessica's response. "I didn't mean any offense. Just, you know, saving you some embarrassment."
You quickly paid the bill, your earlier excitement now replaced with a mix of frustration and embarrassment. The waiter's words echoed in your mind. Was he right? Was your interest in Ruhui misguided?
As you stepped outside of the steakhouse, the cool night air did little to soothe the sting of the waiter's words. Jessica stayed close, her support a small comfort.
Just as you were about to cross the street back to your café, you noticed Ruhui in his usual spot, taking a smoke break. Your first instinct was to avoid him, but as you passed by, he called out.
"Hey, wait a minute," Ruhui said, his tone holding a note of confusion.
You hesitated, then stopped, gut twisting. Jessica stood beside you, her presence a silent show of solidarity.
Ruhui approached, flicking away his cigarette. "Is everything alright? You seem upset."
Your thoughts raced. Part of you wanted to dismiss him, to walk away, but the other part wanted to confront the situation. "Fine, at least now I know not to waste my time. Or yours." The words came out in a rush, tinged with hurt and embarrassment.
Ruhui's expression changed to one of annoyance, then understanding. He let out a short laugh, not of amusement but of disbelief. "Colleague… you mean Turner? He's an asshole. Don't listen to him. He enjoys stirring up trouble."
You were taken aback by his response, the bluntness of his words unexpected. "So, it's not true?" you asked, a glimmer of hope rekindling in your chest.
“What’s not true?”
“That you’ve no interest in humans.”
Ruhui snorted. "No, it's not. I don't know where he gets these ideas. Wait, why?"
You shifted from one foot to the other, and your lips pursed. “No reason.”
There was a pause, a moment of hesitation before realisation seemed to dawn on his face. “Oh, I get it. I’ve got to admit, I’m surprised. I've been... intrigued by you, too."
His admission caught you off guard. The doubts and hurt from moments ago began to dissipate, replaced by a sense of relief.
"Really?" you asked, a cautious optimism in your voice.
Ruhui nodded, a rare vulnerability in his eyes. "Yeah. I noticed you the day your café opened. You've got something... different about you."
Jessica nudged you gently, a silent encouragement to seize the moment. You took a deep breath, gathering your courage. "I thought there was something different about you too. That's why I... why I wanted to leave my number."
Ruhui's lips curved into a small smile, an action that transformed his usually stoic face. His muzzle twitched adorably. "I wish you had. I would have called."
The night suddenly felt warmer, the earlier embarrassment fading into insignificance.
"Well, it's not too late," you said, a newfound boldness in your tone. "How about we start over? Maybe grab a coffee together at the Honeypot?"
"I'd like that," Ruhui replied, his smile widening.
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tadpolejourney · 2 months
Day 6
True Soul. That's what they called me. This new god, the Absolute, has rabid followers all throughout these parts. At first I thought it was just goblins. Today I met humans and gnolls who worship it. A Zhent we met on the road mentioned drow as well. Apparently the tadpole is what makes them think I am a True Soul. There really is something highly unusual about our infection. It makes me all the more eager to cure it.
But what if it can't be cured?
The humans I met who worship this Absolute had been attacked by an owlbear. The 'True Soul' among them perished from his wounds in front of us, telling his siblings to listen to me because I'm also a True Soul. They told me they were looking for people from the nautiloid crash. I got as much information as I could out of them before telling them I was in the crash. They immediately attacked us, and were immediately killed. The 'True Soul' had half a spear shaft. I bet the other half made it into the owlbear before shredding him.
I found the owlbear cave not far from where they were. I wanted to make sure it wasn't hurt by that cultist. I know that sounds dangerous but I really do love animals and I can win even some of the most dangerous wild animals over. We found a mother owlbear and her cub in the cave. The mother had the half a spear in her head. She claimed she would be fine, and let us leave alive. It's the best I could do, but I don't think she will live. I only hope her cub is old enough and can survive out there alone once she's gone.
Astarion asked Gale, Shadowheart, and I if we had loves waiting for us when this is over. Gale said it wasn't the easiest question for him to answer. Who gives an answer like that to a very simple, yes or no, question? WHY THE FUCK IS HE SO ANNOYING? Shadowheart had a weird answer, but that didn't surprise me. I only said I'd been single for the past year. Not willing to go into my dead boyfriend sob story, or the series of short-terms I'd had recently in an effort to comfort myself that only made me more depressed.
Found out Shadowheart's big secret. She's a follower of Shar. At least that explains why she can be such an asshole. She also has no memories. She told us she voluntarily wiped her own memories. Shar also inflicted an incurable and often but randomly painful wound on her. I don't even have words. I'm grateful that I can at least understand her now, and she has some trust and warmth towards me again. Still that grumpy attitude and blatant rudeness comes out of her more readily than anything. I probably won't be able to forget how shitty she made me feel the other day anytime soon.
Tonight Astarion invited me over to chat while he was drunk on bear blood. He was actually very cute for a bit, and it was nice to see him so happy. That is until he started on a whole power-hungry drunken tirade. Not cute. I get why he wants power though, and I don't begrudge him for it. I reminded him that he's surrounded by hero types who might want to bring about his end if he doesn't step carefully. He needn't know I could be counted among them. I need him to trust me just as much as he needs me to trust him. Besides, I completely understand where he's coming from and I don't really think it would come to that anyway. Sometimes I wish I could tell him outright why I empathize so easily with what he's been through. Maybe someday. Or maybe I won't even need words for once. That would be nice.
Both of them make me think of Dad, because I think without him I would be more like they are. His words still echo in me all the time. “With enough time, people won't remember what you said or what you did, but they will forever remember how you made them feel.”
Okay, enough about these weirdos, I need to write my music!
<<< Day 5 | Index | Day 7 >>>
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intiredtea · 4 months
Commentary on accusations of Halsin being a cheater because he does not adhere to monogamy.
After seeing a poll go around on who is most likely to cheat amidst the BG3 companions, (all in good fun and for solid fanfic ideas and general discussion which is fine so no salt from me there), I've had some real gnoll-turds show up and clutch their damn pearls at me.
So I quickly sketched out a comic to better hammer home the idea that the equation of "Non-Monogamy = Cheating" is not only not true, but insanely closed-mnided and ignorant. If you're monogamous just say so and move on. Hells, avoid poly conversations and business altogether if it gets yer damn knickers in a knot. This ain't an airport. You don't need to announce your departure from the fandom or friendgroup because someone prefers the color blue over red.
So for my followers, BG3 poly babes, even my non-poly babes who are actually incredibly awesome people, please have my very tired and in no way extensive mini-vent.
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Look up the definitioin of cheating. Follow that up with the definition of insecurity. Then finish it with the definition of ignorance. We are way to far into civilization and growth as a community for people to still be screeching like sheltered nobles at the local circus.
Don't like poly or open relationships and don't agree with them. Cool. You're allowed to think and feel that way. Disengage and move on. By all means, the door is right there, darling. Go clutch your pearls at a convent for the fainty-dainty and let me kiss my wife, her girlfriend, and my boyfriend in peace without you peaking through my damn curtains and screaming about it like a punch of pervy creeps.
For those of you who followed for the comics and the memes: thanks for dropping by. How's the family? Where are you at in your current playthrough? Love you. Mwah-Mwah, kisses, darlings. 💙
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necromatador · 2 months
A list of my TTRPG OCs
Here's a bunch of them for reference if you ever want to send asks!
You can also find them with way more detail over on Toy.House!
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Kesk Amanita (they/them) is a nonbinary minotaur cleric of the god of Plague & Outcasts. They survived a horrible magical disease with no known survivors at a very young age, losing their parents in the process, and were raised in the extremely remote mountaintop quarantine temple by the head of the religious order there, alongside his half-orc child Jukha. They are demi-romantic, asexual, intersex, and have vitiligo.
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Reverence Trouble Malephar (he/him, yes the T does stand for Trouble) is an ex-mafia private eye. He is also a "paladin" of the same deity of Plague & Outcasts as Kesk, though they're from very different settings. I often use Trouble or Trubs to denote his younger mafia self from his older self, who I refer to as Reverence or Rev. He had a bad experience when he tried to skim money off his mafia grift and ended up getting his boyfriend and their team killed in front of him. He also had a girlfriend who disappeared after that and he finds out much later that he has twin kids with her: a daughter named Adventure and a (trans) son named Confidence. Reverence is cis, bi, and polyam.
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Aeron Merla (he/him) is a Kenku Revenant and a rogue/warlock. He lived in the city of Avon's Keep and was a member of the local crime family (Cosa Corax) and the oldest of 14 kids. He was murdered by assassins from a rival group (Cosa Noctua). He was found and brought back by a creature called the Nachtraven, a generally malevolent fragment of the kenku deity The Raven Queen. He ran away from home to try and find a way to fix this because it's generally anathema to the worship of The Raven Queen to refuse death, but he still wants to live. He's kept alive by a small eye-parasite that the Nachtraven implanted in his slit throat. Aeron is cis and gay.
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M'rai Scourgemaw (she/her) is a gnoll wild-soul barbarian. She was raised as a fighter to help out in the Three Scars War on behalf of a kingdom-state neighboring her homeland. She helped lead a group of trained mercenaries known as Blood Battalion, specializing in fighting magic-users. She was nearly killed by an immense major backlash in a fight and was left behind to heal by the Battalion. They never came back and the war finished while she was recovering, leading to her becoming her own merc and eventually getting arrested and thrown in jail. From there she escaped during a dragon attack, helped stop a coup that would restart the war, and discovered that she has a wellspring of raw wild magic within her now. Also she reconnected with the Battalion and her old flame, Amaranthe. M'rai is cis and gay.
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Sidewinder (they/them & he/him) is a Yeremy Copperhead. The Yeremy are a culture of people indigenous to the continent of Ush'dvania, the home of the ancient Witch Kings. Yeremy wear masks to hide their true selves from strangers, so Sidewinder is almost never seen without his mask when around other people. Copperheads are alchemist-assassins and masters of poison and shadows. Sidewinder grew up wandering from place to place helping their mother with spirit-work and healing. They grew fascinated with magic and poisons and eventually moved to Ironwood, a small town on the frontier of the wastes, to set up a home and attract the attention of the Copperheads to earn the right to request membership. He has since: raided the secret warehouses of the powerful Havlan Trading Company at least 3 times, destroyed the entire Strychnine Syndicate's presence in Ironwood, unleashed a still-living Witch King, made friends, started dating the town deputy, and stuck his originally-normal arm in so much magic that eventually it had to be fully rebuilt.
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Otylia Byalas (she/her & they/them) is a Trau Stitcher. The Trau are the fourth indigenous group from Ush'dvania and the only one that doesn't wear masks as a cultural practice. Or at least not physical masks; they culturally respond "I am but a humble [x]" to any particularly probing questions. Otylia and her fathers used to be just as nomadic as Sidewinder and his mother, and the two groups ran into each other fairly often on their travels, becoming friends. Otylia and Sidewinder dated briefly as teens, before deciding to remain as friends only. Otylia moved to a major city to attend medical school, and while there ran into trouble after turning to a life as a resurrectionist in order to properly gain experience. She fled to Ironwood and took up an apprenticeship under Doc Huxelby, becoming the medic on Sidewinder's team and helping him out with a little magi-medical problem as well.
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Exul & Velata
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Telthe Baid
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Hide of the Beast
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Rok Merla
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Kol Fizzleblast
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Redemption Crosslaw
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Theodosia Sylvaine
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Chesslin Ken'ana
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Salakesh Marivaldi
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3xm-draconic · 6 months
Simularity (werebat Cyris and astarion story)
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Summary: After a battle with Gnolls Cyris finds out something might be able to kill him after all, this causes Astarion to panic after seeing his big bat boyfriend nearly die.
Cyris clenched his teeth, clenched them so hard they might break in his skull. “They’ll all die because of you, because you disobeyed, because you left…” Whimbly cooed evilly as she slit the throat of his little sister Jezebel “you killed them” their blood pooled at his feet, He saw the reflection of his monstrous face in his dying mother’s eyes…
Cyris’s eyes shot open, he sighed and yawned. He blinked as he looked around the woods, the druid grove was…
It almost reminded him of home… 
“Mmnn-no…m-master, p-please!” Astarion whimpered in his slumber, Cyris immediately turned to the little vampire.
Why did he feel so…concerned?...he’s not felt emotions like these…for anyone but his family…in such a long, long time.
“NO!” Astarion shot up  and screamed, Cyris rushed to his side “Starry Darlin? What's wrong?”, “n…n-noththing!” Astarion hissed “I’am fine…I…I’am…” he was failing to hold back tears.
“You had a nightmare about him again, of him hurting you”, “...no, no not…” Astarion turned away and got up out of his bedroll “nevermind…we should head to this…Moonrise Towers place” he grumbled.
They needed to head back to the old church, where they first rescued Halsin, but on their way there they ran into some very hungry Gnolls…too bad Cyris was hungrier.   
The Gnoll war chief however was a tough beast to get down, even in his full bat form Cyris had to really FIGHT to kill him…it brought back memories of being in that cage before the matches in the den’s fighting pit.
Of being whipped, of being shocked, of being…pushed…into…RAGE. 
The two bloodthirsty monsters clashed like titans, The Gnoll Chieftain swung his flail and lashed Cyris acrossed the back, Cyris roared and spread his wings wide, he then flapped them so hard he caused a thunder clap and sent the Gnoll back into a rock, stunning him.
Cyris took this opportunity to make an extra attack, he unhinged his jaw and bit down on the Gnoll’s head, grappling him.
The Gnoll squirmed and struggled, he dropped his flail and instead took out a sword and began to blindly stab Cyris in his gut, Cyris crunched his teeth down on the Gnoll’s head but his skull was thicker than he expected.
Cyris began to feel…light…
His body wasn’t healing from the stab wounds…why?...
Cyris did not care he HAD to slaughter this creature, to taste its end, to feel the squishy pop of its brain in his teeth.
Cyris put his foot to the Gnoll’s chest and shoved, the force of the kick coupled with his greater strength caused the Gnoll’s head to be pulled from his body like cork from a bottle.
Cyris relished crunching up the head of the Gnoll, a nice little treat after a bloody scrap, the taste was less than desirable but he was not going to waste his kill.
Then…Cyris started to feel sick…
He dropped to the ground.
“CYRIS!” he heard everyone scream, “Darling NO, NO DON’T!” he heard Astarion come running up to him, he slid to his knees “Don’t…DON’T YOU DARE LEAVE ME!” he scrambled as he held Cryis’s face, he could feel Karlack and Lae’zel helping him up so Shadowheart and Allegra could tend to his wounds.
Faintly in his blurring vision he could see Astarion frantically trying to help, his hands and clothes now bloody as he helped apply bandages to Cyris’s body.
Cyris closed his eyes…he was tired.
Astarion hid himself away from the others once they were back at camp, he did not, could not let them see himself…like this…crying.
He…hated this…hated how he felt “why? Why, why, WHY?!” he hissed and kicked at a rock near his tent…it whent flying into the woods and crashed several feet away like a giants boulder… Astarion forgot about his Strigoi strength.
 He dropped to the ground…
“Why do you make me feel this way about you?...Why do I care?” he whimpered as he held himself, trying and failing to hold back tears.
200, 200 years.
200 years of numbing himself to emotions, to just getting the job done for him.
Of whoring himself out night, after night, after night…
Of not…not knowing if he’d ever feel…
Feel anything for anyone…
Cyris wasn’t a vampire…but he was…similar…
He knew the hunger, the pull of the night, the call of the beast inside…
Vampires are bats in a way…
But Cyris was different from him, he did not know what it was like to be a slave to someone else, to spend years locked away in tourment…d-did he?
“Privet! Ivory-Bitch, Batty Boy is stable and…” Allegra stopped when she saw him crying “Blin…” she mumbled “he is ok” she sighed.
Astarion glared at her “1 DON’T call me “Ivory-Bitch” ever again and 2… he’s…really ok?”, Allegra sat down next to him “look comrade…I don’t like you, I don’t like you dating Batty Boy, you are a bad influence on him, I can tell…But…I can tell Batty Boy is a GOOD influence on you. Pulse you are two adults and I can not force you two to stop” Allegra got up, patted Astarion’s head and walked away.
Astarion sighed, he dried his eyes and made himself look…presentable…
He whent over to Halsin’s tent, he had let the other’s put Cyris there to recuperate since it was the only one big enough to house Cyris’s full werebat form.
Halsin was watching over him, changing the bandages when they needed to be and casting healing spells with Shadowheart so Cyris could recover quicker.
“Mind if I…if I come in?” Astarion said, his voice still had an air of…uncertainty to it.
“Ofcourse” Halsin said “Cyris has been asking for you”, Astarion’s eyes widened “he’s…been asking for me?”, “well, his bat-chittering I interpreted as calling out to you, he’s worried about you” Halsin explained “he saw you panicking at the battle, he wants you to know he’s sorry for scaring you”. 
Astarion blinked…and laughed a little, he walked over to Cyris who was laying down in a pile of sleeping furs and extra bedrolls, he looked…miserable.
“Hey Cy…” he said softly as he sat down beside the giant bat “I forgive you…just…just don’t go scaring me like this again” he leaned in and whispered in his ear “I don’t want to lose you…your more to me than just blood…sunshine” he smiled and kissed Cyris nose, Cyris chittered happily.
Halsin chuckled “he said: you mean a lot to me too starlight”, Halsin smiled “you two have some of the cutest nicknames for each other” he laughed. 
Astarion rolled his eyes, “here” Halsin hand Astarion a strange amulet of some kind “it will allow you to understand him, C’mon Shadow we should give these two some privacy.”
“I think something is wrong with me…” Cyris said “With the binding enchantments”, “the-THE WHAT?” Astarion gawked, “the enchanted chain tattoos that keep me from dying…I think something might be wrong with them, they should have healed me from the Gnoll’s attacks, it might have been his enchanted weapon…magic against magic” his deep voice rasped.
“B-binding tattoos? Cyris, what the hells are you talking about darling?” Astarion stared at him with utter shock, biding tattoos were outlawed in almost all of Toril for their heinous and cruel usage, fuck not even Cazador would dare use them.
“...I never really talked to you about my past…or about myself much…do I?” Cyris sighed “when I was 17 I was tricked by a Hag into a deal, I was forced into serving as her star champion in her bloodsport pit fighting arena, to keep me from running away and to bind me to our deal she put enchanted chain tattoos on my neck and on my wrists” Cyris lifted his head so astarion could see.
The beautiful glittering chains of silvery ink he had seen before…were binding tattoos…slave brandings…
“C-Cyris…” He choked on his words…
He…He was like him…
“Whimbly…the hag…she” Cyris clacked his tongue, his throat felt dry “she threatened to kill my family…my whole village if I tried to escape…for years I obediently killed for her entertainment” he shuddered at the memories “she locked me way in a room in the hotel-gambling den she owned, I could not leave it for any reason say for perhaps special occasions or when Whimbly was feeling “nice”.  I had to stay caged in there during the day and only at night was I allowed out, out to slaughter for the glee of sadists..”
Cyris sighed and looked at Astarion sadly “I spent years…trapped…trapped in a room with everything I could ever want…but nothing that I really wanted” Cyris hid himself under his wings “a pet monster in a gilded cage…”
“You're not a monster…” the words left Astarion’s lips before he really had time to process what he was saying “how are you a monster?”
Cyris’s big eyes, big doe-brown eyes that shimmered like huge gems in the candlelight, “because I don’t feel anything…I feel little remorse or penance or guilt for killing…Whimbly beat those feeling out of me…Whimbly took what made me…” he shuttered and tears flowed from his big eyes “I’am an no longer the person I once was…” he cried.   
“Who were you?...Who was the man before Whimbly then Cyris?” Astarion wondered “Cyris…can, can you tell me who you were before?” he asked him as he held him close and began to brush his soft dark fur.
“I…I can hardly remember…it, it was 21 years ago…”, “try…tell me…please” Astarion wanted to know, to know the past of his fellow creature of the night.
“I…I am a pie baker’s son” he sniffled, tears falling down his fuzzy bat face as he chittered mournfully.
“I…remember the creek by my home…fishing and swimming with my brothers” he buried his face in Astarion’s lap “I remember the wild lavender I would gather with my sisters growing wild in my village…the smell of my mother’s garden of strawberries ripe in the sun…but then…that's it…everything else is blurry Starry…everything else…is…gone”.
“That’s more than I can remember” Astarion half-laughed half-cried “Cazador took most of my memories” he looked into Cyris’s eyes “don’t…don’t give up Cy…don’t let her MAKE you her monster” Astarion pulled Cyris into a hug “I am going to help you through this…you are not Alone” he kissed the werebat’s fluffy cheek, tasting the hot tears “Cazador will not control me anymore and neither will Whimbly control you, we will be free…together.”
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