thefantastician · 9 months
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I always got The Thousand Year Door on the mind, so have some Gloomtail
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peardian · 2 years
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Here’s a random render I made of Hooktail (and family) from Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door. I tried to match the official artwork as closely as possible, which wasn’t easy.
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kunehokun-ut · 9 months
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Thousand-Year Door (to the RUINS)
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For Appreciate a Dragon Day
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ruckis-vandalizes · 2 years
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Mario & Luigi x Persona
due to my gf's sudden intense interest in Persona 5, my love for M&L, and my insatiable desire to test my art and designing skills, I made SMB inspired Shadows/Monsters in sight of our Comic Sick RP.  It was basically one big fun test of "how messed up can I make Mario characters/enemies?"
some more in depth info courtesy of @6clawdy6​ below the cut!
1st set of Shadows in the first: Reside in Cognitive Plane Area Somnabula, or as it's better known in reality, Pi'illo Island. Since Zeekeeper is the guardian deity of this island, he takes the benign version of the role of Yaldabaoth in that Zee advocates more for freedom of the hearts in his world (whereas Yaldabaoth set it upon himself to control humanity's desires to his liking in the form of Mementos, aka, the Prison of Regression.) The Somnabula does not have a set Palace Ruler because of Zee's role as dream god, which leaves Shadow Selves to blossom a bit more freely and be able to truly return to the Sea of Souls without any further problems once issues are resolved. 
2nd set of Shadows: Reside in Dreambert's Palace, or what is referred to as the Castle of Purgatory, the true mythical form of the Shadows being like that of Smouldergeist. Palace Ruler is Dreambert, who sees himself as a Nightmare for his actions against Antasma, believing himself to be no better. The Demonic form of Shadow Dreambert doesn't have a true name, but the presence of the needle through the chest implies some manner of heartache/break. The shackles present on both forms seem to represent feelings of being trapped/imprisoned by the pain of his actions towards Nightmares as well as his responsibilities as king which he feels he's failing at. 
3rd and 4th set of Shadows: Reside in Mario Bros' conjoined Palace, what is referred to as the Castle of Troubled Brotherhood. The Shadows here, when masked, resemble that of Toads. The Red Toads appear more combat ready, while the Green Toads appear dressed as servants or look like puppets. The Palace Rulers are Mario and Luigi themselves. 
Shadow Mario sees himself as a strong war hero, and as such, finds himself in no need for a demonic form. Shadow Luigi is almost the opposite, seeing himself as Mario's grim shadow. He actually has a demon form resembling a three-headed dragon that alternate control depending on Luigi's personality.
The leftmost head is reminiscent of Fracktail in terms of facial appearance and represents the villainous side of Luigi's personality known as "Mr. L", while the rightmost head is reminiscent of Gobblegut and Hooktail/Gloomtail simultaneously and represents the miserable and depressed side of Luigi's personality referred to as "Game Over", in reference to the beta bad ending for the original Luigi's Mansion. The center head resembles that of Dragohoho and I can only assume this head is representative of the happier and kinder Luigi we all know and love,
As for the attitude change in the Zeekeeper as well as the secondary form looking more divine, being a god of something as fun and inherently good as dreams he dislikes having to show face as a more serious god.  It's brought out when he travels to the cognitive plane via dimension hopping. Most that don't know him personally as far as I know usually see him as a more serious god so it's not surprising that his personality becomes as such when he enters the cognitive version of Pi'illo Island.
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marbarmars · 2 years
Do you think that the Shadow Queen might have something to do with the Ruined Kingdom? She is said to have brought the end of multiple civilizations 1000 years ago and has the power to create dragons.
Oooh this is very interesting! Gonna be honest I completely forgot about the Ruined Kingdom lmao my playthrough of Mario Odyssey kinda went by like a blur  I guess it’s theoretically possible that the dragon we see in the Ruined Kingdom could be made from the Shadow Queen if we ignore just how different that dragon looks compared to rest of her dragons (I legit did not remember SQ making dragons I must have missed that lol) Though...the Ruined Dragon isn’t really shown to be inherently violent, or has the purpose of protecting anything like a Crystal Star. He just kinda seemed to be controlled by Bowser? Idk he was wearing a helmet so I just assumed.  Kinda wished he was used more...but we had a lot of bosses in that game djkhskjgh. Anyways, his origin...the Shadow Queen? Hm...I think the only way I could believe that he’s created from the queen herself is if he was created like, as a prototype, before she appeared in Rougeport (thus explaining why the Ruined Dragon is literally not anywhere near the other 3 dragons) My next step is trying to figure out why RD (just gonna abbreviate now) was created in the first place besides the obvious “derrrr dragon of destruction” haha. Like we don’t really see him protecting anything as mentioned earlier, and oddly enough he just resides in the Ruined Kingdom...just makes me wonder why...the dragon isn’t inherently evil. Evil to the point where the dragon himself tried to take over the entire world.  I would say RD has no purpose now that SQ is gone, kinda just...hanging around bein a dragon and eating tourists just because lol Maybe RD’s creation was a test for the Shadow Queen, and chose a random kingdom to obliterate.  Honestly I don’t have enough evidence to really say all of this is true I’m just grasping at whatever straws I can find, but I really do like the idea of a secret project of the Shadow Queen being around here somewhere...I wonder why she made dragons and sirens. Actually, side tangent here, this makes me wonder about Fracktail and Wracktail, dragons created by the Tribe of the Ancients...like, they’re ROBOT Dragons, and look hella similar to 2 of the 3 dragons the Shadow Queen created... (wonder why only 2?) Maybe the Shadow Queen and the Tribe of the Ancients have some sort of connection? Specifically Wracktail was said to be a prototype locked away...presumably in the Flipside Pit of 100 trials. And then Fracktail was made, who was a good boi who protected the pure heart, but could also deal judgement if necessary. Wracktail was probably a created guardian gone wrong, maybe used with the Shadow Queen’s influence to be more violent... That’s just me spitballin tho Hope you liked the read haha
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hardcoregamer · 2 days
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Paper Mario TTYD: All Bosses, Ranked
While it doesn’t have as many bosses as the likes of Elden Ring or Hollow Knight, Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door still offers players a decent number of big baddies to test their skills on. Some of these bosses are genuinely tough fights, while others are seemingly there only for comic relief.
Check out our list!
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vonaegiremblem · 10 days
I've played TTYD, like, at least 4 times and I only just now realized while playing the remake that TEC's full name is TEC-XX, as in TEC Double Cross, as in, you know, betrayal
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paper-mario-wiki · 3 months
Paper-Mario-Wiki. I've always wanted to ask you, Hooktail from Thousand Year Door is confirmed to be a relative of Bonetail and Gloomtail, but is Fracktail a relative too or do all Paper Mario dragons have the same naming scheme?
Thank you for your time.
not at all!
Fracktail is the robotic protector of the pure heart, and as a result doesn't have any siblings.
to the contrary of this assumption, his appearance is much more similar to the Blargg dragons of Mario World, and his korean name only makes this connection stronger; in korean, Blarggs are called "짜자잔" or "Jjajajan", which is an onomatopoeia for something surprising.
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Fracktail's korean name is a play on that, being "진자잔" or "Jinjajan".
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kaiokentimesten · 3 months
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Mfw I play a paper mario TTYD randomizer and I just happen to run into Gloomtail's room and trigger its boss fight 4 FUCKING TIMES
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I know Smorg is another one but meh, rather put Bowser
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aroflareon · 7 days
when i get my hands on that gloomtail he's fucking dead for good. i will cry tears of joy. i hate that stupid dragon so much.
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kappy321 · 5 months
How to Superguard Gloomtail's Quake
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atomic-thomas · 6 months
(Fake ASMR Commission) Grifty Tells You Lore [Thousand-Year Door Roleplay]
"Hello & good day to you. It's not often that people run across the rooftops to see me. Some folk don't even know I'm here."
"Are you here to listen to the tale of a thousand years past? If you give me 80 coins, I'll tell you the full story."
"Very well. Thank You. Now let us begin."
"Ages ago, a city flourished here in peace & splendor. …But it was destroyed in a single day by a demon from the dark beyond. Historians claim a great calamity befell the city, but nay… 'twas a demon. The city sank below ground, and one-quarter of the old city became the demon's den. This demon put fear into the hearts of all men and sent out minions to take the land. And its den, its palace, grew rich with the treasures stolen from all over the world."
"In order to increase its already formidable power… The demon created Crystal Stars to hold the essence of the heavens. One of these stars was placed in each country to exert the demon's influence. One of the castles built to contain these stars still stands near Petal Meadows."
"The demon built a dungeon near its palace and filled it with terrifying monsters… All those who fell into disfavor were thrown into this dungeon to rot… The demon also had three dragon pets: Hooktail, Gloomtail, and Bonetail. These dragons flew across the land, spreading fear and sorrow over all. Even now, the mere mention of a dragon is enough to give some the terrors…"
"One day, there came a hero who could vanquish the fell demon. The young Toad from Petal Meadows was strong of arm, but shy of voice… All those around the boy teased him endlessly about the way he spoke. But when the demon cast its fearful gaze across the lands and reached out… The young Toad used his strength and honor to defend his people. And he became a hero to all, despite his odd voice."
"There was a wise Goomba from Boggly Woods gifted in knowledge of the world. When beasts rose to take the woods, this knowledge helped the people fight them. And this Goomba, who knew the way that every monster would attack… She began to think of a way to banish all monsters from the land…"
"A Koopa who traveled the world alone learned of the darkness covering the land… He went alone wherever evil dwelt, and banished it with shell and sheer bravado. The monsters grew to fear this scar-riddled Koopa who thwarted them at every turn. But the brave Koopa was finally taken in a trap set for him by the monsters. But then, a Boo who fought with the monsters came and used her magic to free him. The brave Koopa's spirit had melted the heart of the cold Boo lass…"
"The Boo used her powerful magic to learn more about the evil they faced… 'We cannot destroy this darkness alone,' she decided, her face a grim mask. 'We need the Toad hero of Petal Meadows and the wise Goomba of Boggly Woods.' The Boo's magic drew the four heroes together to send the demon from the world. And so, the four heroes finally set out for the Palace of Shadow…"
"The power of the world-devouring demon was greater than any could imagine… But the wise Goomba soon realized that this was the power of the Crystal Stars… She thought of a way to take the stars and use them against the demon. She told the other heroes her plan and set it in motion, banishing their fears. The Boo's magic and the Toad's strength created a gap in the demon's defenses… At that moment, the brave Koopa seized the stars… And succeeded in badly damaging the demon…"
"But even the brave Koopa's stroke was not enough to end the demon's reign… The wise Goomba thought of another use for the Crystal Stars in that dire hour… She suggested sealing the demon forever with the Crystal Stars. All agreed. The heroes matched their strengths with the power of the Crystal Stars… And they successfully sealed the demon's soul within the deepest part of the palace. Together, they made it so that only all seven stars could break the seal…"
"The four heroes thought they had sealed away the demon and all of its powers… But the demon used a tiny opening before the seal was complete to curse them all. While holding the Crystal Stars, they'd feel nothing, but when they let them go… A black box would appear to seal their souls within. The four heroes traveled the world, scattering the stars so the seal would remain. But the last four stars each carried the curse, which claimed each hero…"
"The hiding places of many of the Crystal Stars have now faded into legend. But some say that the wise Goomba hid one in the Great Tree. At that time, many monsters wandered in the nearby Boggly Woods. The tiny Punies were always tormented by their fierce appetites, it was said. Pitying them, the Goomba hollowed out the Great Tree for the Punies to live in. The Punies were so grateful that they swore to protect the Crystal Star there…"
"Once the Boo heroine hid her star in a steeple, she was trapped in the nearby town… Some say the Crystal Star lies in that steeple still…"
"The Koopa hero went to a southern isle to hide his star where none would find it. But the Koopa was so tired from his journey that the pirate king Cortez stole it easily. In that very instant, the Koopa was trapped in an inescapable chest. But Cortez did not realize the power of the star and lost it among his treasures…"
"The strong Toad held his star and continued his arduous journey. But eventually the miles took their toll upon him, and he collapsed. A traveling healer happened by and saved his life… But the Toad knew his fate was to be trapped in the box when the star was gone… So he asked this healer to hide the star in a secret place known to no one…"
"After the demon was sealed within the Palace of Shadow… Many refused to come near that place of terror. But as the years passed, entire generations forgot… And the penniless and the immoral began to congregate in this once-barren place… This place soon became a populous harbor, the town of Rogueport… And some even began to say that the underground city held a legendary treasure. But they were unaware that the demon slept beneath them still…"
"The heroes knew that the seal might not last forever… And they sought to make the Crystal Stars available to one who might need them… So, before going to their individual dooms, they made a map to all the stars. And to prevent an evil force from misusing this map… They placed it in a box that could only be opened by the pure of heart."
"Well, there you have it. Those are the events that have lead up to where we are today."
"Soon, the Thousand-Year Door will re-open & the demon will rise once again."
"I sense the power of Crystal Stars in your possession. I wonder... Could you & your friends be the new heroes that are destined to save the world?"
"In any case, I wish you safe travels. Good luck out there."
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endearmint-moved · 1 year
oh yeah i've been listening to the prozd plays lp of paper mario ttyd while driving to work and i was not expecting the voice they chose for gloomtail.
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lizadale · 3 years
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opened a canvas to draw more PM shamans and ended up humanizing the TTYD dragons instead???? ? ??
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