#gi azhdaha
gaydragontournament · 2 months
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Propaganda under cut
Azhdaha/Retuo Longwang (Genshin Impact)
● An ancient dragon that swore loyalty to and made a contract with a god after he granted him sight. When over-mining in his territory caused erosion (a condition that eventually effects all immortals in game) to settle in faster than it should have, his god sealed him underground to protect humanity. It's implied that Azhdaha had a moment of lucidity and allowed himself to be sealed. In any case, when in his right mind he agrees with the decision, though, when not, he feels betrayed and angry. In game he possesses a young man in order to prevent himself from being unsealed and makes his deep devotion to his god very clear, insisting there was no one he trusted more. The two share a bittersweet goodbye at the end of the quest. Something about being willing to trap himself forever because he believes in the judgment of another man is pretty gay.
Lord Arum (The Penumbra Podcast: Second Citadel)
● Okay so from what I've listened to he's not called a dragon but he is a four-armed, two-legged reptilian man who is born/created to be the guardian and caretaker of an ancient massive magical plant house called The Keep. So, magic lizard guarding magic castle sounds like a dragon to me.
He falls in love with a male human knight and a female human scientist. Bi and poly rights! We have enemies to lovers, homoerotically charged duels, and desperate acts of kidnapping to save the only thing he loves that leads to him finding more people to love (and also saves the only thing he loved).
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goldie-claws · 2 years
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A VERY rough gijinka of Azhdaha that won't win any points in clothing design, but people need to know this dragon is not a skinny twink and if I have to see that one more time when I go on Twitter dot com, I'm taking you out back like Old Yeller.
Reblogs appreciated, thank you! 💖✨
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freckledbastard · 2 years
being both a zhongli and kaeya fan is so painful because fics always talk about the archons destroying khaenri'ah but it wasn't them.... it was the heavenly principles (whatever they are) stop dragging my man (zhongli)'s name through the mud he's an eastern dragon/qilin mix he's a good egg!!!!!! in fact I think zhongli and kaeya should be FRIENDS
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nyaaifu · 3 years
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cw zhongli's 2nd storyquest spoilers???
"you always did have a great admiration for blacksmiths."
hello genshin rarepair community please consider kun jun x azdaha thank you!!!!! so much 4 ur time!!!
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iguana-salad · 3 years
i forgot i had tumblr anyways I'm into genshin now
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koutawoo · 3 years
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historia antiqua chapter: act ii ☆ no mere stone
iphone 11 pro max lock screen wallpapers [2688 x 1242]
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bluepapermints · 3 years
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«Last Farewell»
Reimagining the final farewell between Azhdaha-Retuo and Morax-Zhongli.
Suppose they get to say their goodbyes properly? I just feel it's so unlike Zhongli who cares about his friends to calmly see off "vengeful spirit" of his old friend...
Clearer ver at my Twitter
Plz do not repost without permission.
Reblogs are wildly welcomed,thanks!
#genshinimpactfanart #azhdaha #zhongli #原神 #鍾離 #若託
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genderfcker · 3 years
okay, hear me out: there's a reason why mihoyo would drop part two of the zhongli story quest right after the whole khaenri'ah revelation. i also think there's a reason that they chose the story with azhdaha specifically.
after the last archon quest ends, traveler has to grapple with the conflicting stories that dain and their twin told them. on one hand, dain's been kind of mysterious but he's definitely an ally. on the other hand, it's their sibling that's pushing for the the destruction of teyvat and the archons.
(we also still don't know how the fatui are playing into this whole thing, but that's a rant for another post.)
traveler hasn't come out and said it, but i'm sure they're feeling conflicted about who to trust. they're friends with the archons. venti wrangles them into doing things like the windblume event; zhongli tells them about random historical and cultural facts from time-to-time as a way of bonding. we know that venti brought down a tyrannical leader at some point and know that zhongli's resulted in the death (or been blamed for the death) of at least one or two gods + some adepti, so it wouldn't be entirely out-of-character for either one to do something kind of OP. but destroying a whole civilization?? indirectly creating the abyss order??
that's an entirely different level.
but then we come back to the azhdaha story line. you could take it at face value and just focus on how zhongli wants to tell you what happened with khaenri'ah but can't. or you could focus on reoccurring theme of erosion. you have azhdaha's missing memories as an example of it, but you also have zhongli's gradual trauma, too.
i think that the traveler's twin, dain and the abyss order all have their own version of erosion going on. it's been so so so long since khaenri'ah fell, but they're all still alive and kicking. time erodes. you can't tell me that traveler's twin was always so jaded. that dain was always so...distant. and that the abyss order was always so ready to destroy teyvat.
i couldn't help but think of the differences between traveler and their twin when i saw the two azhdahas interacting. traveler represents the one outside of the barrier that believes in zhongli and the good of humanity; the twin represents the angry, corrupted one stuck inside. they're yin and yang.
(lumine's chinese name is even yíng! it's not exactly yin, but you can't tell me that there's no double meaning to it.)
this comparison doesn't make the twin's concerns any less valid, and i really do think khaenri'ah was a tragedy that needs atonement. but i'm sure that it's not all black and white, and i'm even more certain that traveler is going to be the one who softens their twin's anger and shows them another, more positive way of seeing teyvat. traveler is the one who's experiencing this whole adventure with the same open-minded enthusiasm for teyvat's people and culture that i'm sure traveler's twin had long, long ago.
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doufuhua · 3 years
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jafndaegur · 2 years
To Another Place, From Another Time
Genshin Impact
a/n: This was my story for The Gentlemen of Teyvat side zine! It was a fun project to work on and a good dive into the Genshin world^^
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The sky stretched endlessly above and below Dvalin as he soared through the air. Blustering undercurrents made the path he desired easy and his trip did not weigh as heavily upon him as he initially assumed it would. It was rare for him to travel so far outside of Mondstadt. However the great dragon had planned this flight for some time now in an attempt to relieve the crestfallen glimmer in a dear friend's gaze.
Fifty years for a dragon and for a god was but a blink. And yet, fifty years for the god of freedom to be so shackled and pained emotionally was far too much for Dvalin to bear. He'd watched and stayed quiet until a better time presented itself for him to make the first of many steps. 
The Archon War had not been kind to anyone, least of all the surviving gods. 
Some became stricter, others tightened their security, and still others fell in upon themselves. Somewhere in the middle, Barbatos fell. While such routine strictness was the opposite of his philosophy, Barbatos seemed to  double down on his ideology of leaving his people free range. More so than before. Instead of staying to guide his people towards the choices that were their own, more and more he opted to stand by and watch them do as they pleased, a nameless face among the human crowd. A forced freedom, so to speak.
Choice was something the little god stood for quite fervently, and in Celestia's desecration of his own ability to choose, Barbatos took the extreme path ensuring the same would not happen to his people.
A bitter taste swelled in Dvalin’s mouth and he kept his gaze trained ahead on the skies. He would not lose focus about the purpose of this trip, no matter how much the oddity of leaving his homeland began to press on him. A dragon, like the wind, had the freedom to fly wherever their heart desired. The world at their claw tips, they bound themselves to no one place—otherwise the complexity of settling would clash with the stubborn-willed wanderlust that all draconic-kind bore. Perhaps now, that’s why he so desperately wanted to help the god Barbatos. For Dvalin had not made a home in Mondstadt, but instead alongside his dearest friend. 
To see his friend crumble and wear emotionally meant that he witnessed his home erode piecemeal in each passing day. 
A shattering roar drew Dvalin’s attention and he realized he’d come to pass through the mountains that guarded the border between Mondstadt and Liyue. Below the haze of the sky,  he could see the glittering gold spines that led into a tail of electric blue. Taking a deep breath, the dragon alighted upon the earth—only to be met by a wary ruby glare.
“Azhdaha.” Dvalin’s voice rumbled low, a gentle warning that should their encounter go poorly, he would not sit idle.
The Geo dragon did not move from its defensive position for some time before finally it acquiesced and unfurled from its crouched stance. Blooms from his tail fluttered in the wind as he languidly swung it back and forth. “Good to see you on time, Dvalin.”
“Unlike Barbatos, I prefer to keep a prompt schedule,” It was an automatic jab⁠—something Dvalin did often without even thinking. However, given the purpose of his visit, it felt sickening to make such a rude quip. 
The other dragon seemed to have noticed as well. “Speaking of Barbatos…”
“Yes.” Dvalin’s wings fluttered sheepishly to his side as he made himself comfortable on the ground.
Likewise too, Azhdaha settled onto the earth, pensive puffs of smoke billowing from his nose as he hummed deeply. “I fear my god, too, has not been the same since the War.”
The Anemo dragon listened.
“Morax has secluded himself for the most part, spending his days and nights deep in thought,” Azhdaha sighed, resting his head tiredly upon his foreclaws. “Do not misunderstand, I’m pleased to know that my lord is opting to use his wit over his braun. However…”
Dvalin shuffled a little closer as the dragon went silent. It took a while for the Geo spirit to continue, his eyes glazing over as it seemed he stared far into the distance, perhaps to another place. Or perhaps even to another time. The moment passed in leisurely quiet, the empty look in Azhdaha’s gaze softening to something a little more gentle, a little less lifeless. However, the dragon drew back and sat on his haunches, awareness seeping back into his crimson gaze.
“You’ll have to forgive me,” he said quietly, “I forget myself sometimes. A little more common than I’d wish…”
It occurred to Dvalin that perhaps he and the other dragon were more alike than they’d both anticipated. While he was a younger spirit than the other and had yet to see many battles, perhaps the Archon War had not only tarnished their gods but they themselves as well. Wounds made themselves apparent in different ways, and just in these few moments alone he’d managed to see more about where they’d been hurt, let alone Morax or Barbatos. His claws tightened in the earth and he damned the war for taking normalcy from them. He damned the war for taking the smiles from an alabaster face and jade eyes. He damned the war for taking the strength from tanned stone skin and amber glare. 
“Do not brood so much,” Azhdaha said, “It is unbecoming.”
Dvalin tilted his head up, feeling the breeze shift along his scales and beneath his tucked wings. Did Barbatos know he was here? Did Barbatos know he wished to make things better? “I cannot help but regret the consequences of what happened.”
“Nothing comes from regretting,” the Geo dragon said somberly, his eyes sliding to the ground between his foreclaws. “Time moves too quickly for us to act as mountains within its stream. We will have spent the entirety of our lives wishing for the what-ifs and the had-beens, unknowingly whittled away each second until there is nothing left.”
Dvalin found that he could not reply. 
“In the past, with those who’d passed,” Azhadaha closed his eyes and reclined back⁠—as if basking in the light of the memory, “Morax thrived. He was the strongest of the gods, the one dazzlingly bright pinpoint of freshly polished topaz beneath prime daylight. That is how I remember him. Strong, unrelenting, brilliant.”
There was a time too, where Dvalin remembered Barbatos in such a carefree light. He swayed back and forth in the currents of the air alongside him⁠—angelic wings almost never ending as he drifted in the wind. Barbatos, a mere spirit of Anemo, now its ruler and king. Before the Archon War, there was little worry to the small god’s face despite the horrors and loss and tragedy it had seen.
But there was always a tipping point. 
Azhdaha continued. “But if I were to stay with the Morax of my memory, I would miss the Morax of now. The Morax who sits as if entombed in amber, thoughtful and cautious⁠—the Morax who will not move from a problem until he has pondered every aspect of it. This is how we will help our gods, Dvalin.
“To help them move forward from the moment of time where they had been forced to make an irrevocable choice. A choice between life, power, love, and loss. They are stuck in that moment of time, living over and over again their decisions for conquest to Celestia. And that anchors them down as much as an iron weight to a ship in water.”
Dvalin hummed. “Is our solution really that simple or lackluster?”
A rumbling laugh broke through from the Geo dragon’s mouth. “If it were so lackluster, then our gods would not be so dull and lifeless now. Treasure the small ways in which we can help them.”
“And what if we ourselves are stuck in the past? Where things are not as grim, where those who are gone still stand beside us.”
“We’re dragons, are we not? Our wanderlust is strong and we will move on from any point once we remain too long.”
“We wander wherever we deem fit,” Dvalin whispered, wondering if Azhdaha had some bizarre power of reading his thoughts from earlier. “To another place, from another time.”
“Ahh, if that’s the case, no wonder I found two dragons meandering in the middle of nowhere!”
The sudden intrusion of Barbatos’ voice startled both Dvalin and Azhdaha, the two reeling momentarily as the child-like god alighted on the earth between them. 
“Wait,” Azhdaha began, “if you are here, then⁠—”
“I have surely followed,” Morax’s voice interrupted as he gracefully stepped after the Anemo Archon. His golden eyes narrowed, while a jeering smile was granted towards his draconic steward. “Have you forgotten that you are the very ground of Teyvat from which I carved you? And thus I can easily follow in your steps.”
Azhdaha gave a light growl, resulting in an echoing gesture from Morax. The two began to prance around one another playfully, egging the other on with jovial taunts and quips about failing eyesight.
Barbatos sighed and leaned against Dvalin’s leg. “Meatheads, the both of them.”
“Are you not mad?” Dvalin asked. 
The sing-song chirp that followed sent a nostalgic chill through the dragon’s spine. “Mad? No. Perhaps flattered that my wandering dragon would travel to such great lengths for me.”
“I am not your anything.” It was a thoughtful interjection, one that Dvalin chased after with the softest of additions. “I’m a free spirit, like yourself.”
Barbatos’ face gentled and his eyes lowered to the ground. A worried line wrinkled his brow, and he crossed his arms over his chest with a mirthless laugh. And yet still something about his posture seemed relieved. 
“So we are.”
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kizy-the-simp · 3 years
"It's all Albedos?"
"Always has been."
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Then there's Azhdaha(?) and Kazuha
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gaydragontournament · 4 months
List of battles, as chosen by wheel spin. Each round will last about a week, Starting next Monday.
Round 1, Part 1:
King Valerius (Dragon's Reign by Raythe Reign/X. Aratare) vs Nel (Fire Emblem)
Yang Xiao Long (RWBY) vs Falin Touden/Red Dragon (Dungeon Meshi)
Qibli (Wings of Fire) vs Dan Heng/Dan Feng (Honkai Star Rail)
Evaristo (The Las Leyendas movie franchise) vs Paarthurnax (The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim)
Prismatic dragon (Dungeons & Dragons (Epic Level Handbook, Dragons of Dragons of Faerûn) vs Imperialdramon (Digimon)
Whiptail lizard (Real Life) vs Shi An (After The Abyss Dragon Woke Up (深渊巨龙苏醒以后))
Sundew (Wings of Fire) vs Rex Igneous (The Dragon Prince)
Uncle Iroh (Avatar: The Last Airbender) vs Azhdaha/Retuo Longwang (Genshin Impact)
Round 1, Part 2:
Rei (Vainglorious Webcomic) vs Remy (Angels with Scaly Wings)
Soren (Fire Emblem:Path of Radiance + Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn) vs Wrathion (Warcraft Series)
Valax (Blades of Light and Shadow) vs Fiona (Flight Rising)
Kaido (One Piece) vs Velverosa (Mage & Demon Queen)
Lord Arum (The Penumbra Podcast: Second Citadel) vs Midgardsormr (Dragalia Lost)
Nimona (Nimona) vs Mateo (Poised in Either Eye by B. Pigeon and Fell A. Marsh)
Corrin (Fire Emblem: Fates) vs The Void Dragon (Aurora)
Anemone (Wings of Fire) vs Tillius the Paladin/Tilly Evans (She Kills Monsters)
Round 1, Part 3:
Unnamed Young Dragon (The Enchanted Forest Chronicles) vs Caden Bryce (Dragon's Reign by Raythe Reign/X. Aratare)
Veldora Tempest (That time I got reincarnated as a slime) vs Zuko (Avatar: The Last Airbender)
Draco quinquefasciatus (Thailand, Indonesia, and Malaysia) vs Umber (Wings of Fire)
Rhea (Fire Emblem) vs Xue Xian (Copper Coins (Tong Qian Kan Shi) (铜钱龛世))
Tamarin (Wings of Fire) vs Samol (Friends at the Table: Seasons of Hieron)
Robin (Fire Emblem: Awakening) vs Ansur (Baldur's Gate 3)
Moondragon/Heather Douglas (Marvel Comics: Guardians of the Galaxy) vs Chromie/Chronormu (Warcraft Series)
Smaug (Lord of The Rings/The Hobbit) vs Burnet (Wings of Fire)
Round 1, Part 4:
Rong Minh Thanh Thuan/Thuan (Dominion of the Fallen series by Aliette de Bodard) vs Ventuswill (Rune Factory 4)
J'mon Sa Ord/Devo'ssa (Critical Role) vs Zinnia (Super Lesbian Animal RPG)
Tohru (Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid) vs Alear ( Fire Emblem: Engage)
Alduin (The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim) vs Jae-ha (Yona of the Dawn)
Dragona Joestar (Jojo's Bizzare Adventure: The Jojolands) vs Zhongli (Genshin Impact)
Ayame (Fruits Basket) vs Alba-Lenatus the Abyss Dragon (Yu-Gi-Oh!)
Zephyr (Poised in Either Eye by B. Pigeon and Fell A. Marsh) vs Terezi Pyrope (Homestuck)
Kazuma Kiryu (Yakuza Series) vs Malleus Draconia (Twisted Wonderland)
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kakajoju · 3 years
Zhongli quest part 2 be like
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dragonats · 2 years
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The wrath of the rock
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ghoulia-roborts · 3 years
Hey Zhongli why do your exs keep coming back to fight us.
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thejazzvoid · 3 years
I’ve noticed I tend to get Invested in things slowly but when I do it is all-consuming, so when I check something out just to see what my friends are talking about, it’s just.
March 2021
My friend Eagle: I know I said I wouldn’t spend money on Genshin Impact, but hhhhhhhhVenti banner.
Me: Oh, Venti’s swag! He’s the little dude you fight at the Golden House, right?
June 2021
Eagle: H-
Me: Rostam was a knight in the Knights of Favonius around 500 years ago, famed as the "Wolf Pup"[1] and the close friend and rival of the Grand Master of the time, Arundolyn.
Early life
Rostam was friends and rivals with Arundolyn, forging a bond strong enough that, after he was slain in battle, Arundolyn never entered combat again out of grief.Rostam wielded a sword in battle, and his combat style is still practiced by the Knights of Favonius to this day.[2] He also mentored the White Knight, whose pursuit of uncompromising justice eventually turned him into the Bloodstained Knight.[3]
Early life
Rostam and Arundolyn spent most of their childhood together, first as rivals and then as fellow knights and close friends. He also fell in love with a maiden back in Mondstadt,[4] and was the mentor of the White Knight.[5]Despite being a Knight of Favonius, Rostam did not shy away from doing dirty work in the background — it is said that he even inherited Kreuzlied's secret society, which was formed 1,000 years ago to help Vennessa overthrow the Aristocracy.[6]
After the fall of Khaenri'ah's Eclipse Dynasty and the cataclysm that followed, Rostam embarked on an expedition with the Knights of Favonius to exterminate monsters that spewed forth. He died in battle, however, bringing an end to his career as a knight of Favonius after 23 years of service.[7][8]Following his death, Arundolyn never took up the sword again. Meanwhile, the maiden he fell in love with returned to her hometown in Mondstadt only to find it destroyed by monsters and Rostam dead. Out of a desire for revenge, she used liquid fire to transfigure herself and became known as the Crimson Witch of Flames.[4][9]
Rostam was a mythical Persian hero. Among the mythical figure's achievements is slaying an azhdaha; however, there is currently no known link between Genshin Impact's Rostam and Azhdaha.
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