#gay vanya
navya04 · 2 years
hazel and cha cha in s1:-
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seefasters · 2 years
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aro-ortega · 8 days
thinking about vanyas hatred of sleeves and also realizing that he would wear crop tops if he could. he is not beating the himbo allegations
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chimera-vanya · 7 months
Boo! Felix Yusupov sailor suit!
My bestie has Dmitri @urfellowrabbitkid <3
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primalsavagery · 8 months
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a piece i like to call Me And The Bad Bitches I Pulled By Being Autistic
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jgroffdaily · 8 days
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Excerpts from an interview with Jonathan and Maria Friedman at the Los Angeles Times by Charles McNulty, with photos by Justin Jun Lee:
Hopefulness and regret are calibrated to perfection in a revival that ought to be filmed before it closes July 7. I’ve seen the New York production twice, and the psychology only deepens on subsequent viewing.
The key to making this work — which is to say making us care — is the performance of Groff, who humanizes Frank’s choices without sentimentalizing his arc. Frank can come off as a narcissist, a guy who can’t resist whatever shiny object happens to be in front of him. But Groff, who received Tony nominations for his performances in “Spring Awakening” and “Hamilton” and deserves to win for his beautifully layered work in “Merrily,” reveals what Mary and Charley see in him and don’t want to give up on: an answer to their dreams of fulfillment — romantic in Mary’s case, artistic in Charley’s.
Groff was fresh from filming HBO’s “Spring Awakening: Those You’ve Known,” a reunion concert with the show’s original cast and creative team, when casting director Jim Carnahan asked him about his interest in “Merrily.” He immediately watched the London production on YouTube and was struck by an image from the opening number that matched something he had just re-created for the “Spring Awakening” doc.
“Frank walks out with a red folder, and Mary and Charley come out and stand in the exact positions that John Gallagher Jr. and Lea Michele stood in at the end of ‘Spring Awakening,’ with the girl over the left shoulder, the guy over the right,” he said, speaking from his dressing room at the Hudson Theatre. “That is the final bit of ‘Spring Awakening’ and I was like, ‘Oh, that’s so weird. I just lived that.’”
But it was one of Frank’s lines that really clinched the deal for Groff: “I’ve made only one mistake in my life. But I made it over and over and over. That was saying ‘yes’ when I meant ‘no.’” “When I heard that,” Groff said, “I went, ‘Oh, my God. I have to play this. I have done that. I’m just learning how to not do that. Yeah, I get him.’”
“I cast Jonathan for many reasons,” Friedman said. “One, because he’s absolutely brilliant. But I cast a big heart, a beating heart.”
“The amusement and bafflement of having a go at life and everyone wanting a piece of you — that is the place that Jonathan works from,” Friedman said. “Everyone wants a piece of Frank. That’s what happens with brilliant people. Jonathan is not just brilliant and beautiful but also one of the kindest men. And kindness is central to this production.”
Groff, who was exceptional in the short-lived HBO series “Looking” about a group of young gay men living in San Francisco, said that, from “a queer perspective,” he could identify with the way Frank represses parts of himself to please others.
“Growing up closeted, I became an expert at dodging questions and shining a light on other people,” he said. “This can create a relationship dynamic where you’re in a constant state of service to others — like the perfect son who’s hiding something. That stereotype feels connected to the way Frank supports everybody’s dreams, talents, neuroses and needs. He’s able to do it because he’s full of passion and genuine love for those people.”
So how exactly did Friedman, Groff & Co. finally solve the riddle of “Merrily”? By approaching it the way they might a play by Shakespeare or Chekhov, sifting through the lyrics as though they were lines in “Hamlet” and digging into the psychology of the characters as though mining subtext in “Uncle Vanya.”
This revival, fittingly, has been a team effort. And the ensemble’s collaborative joy only reinforces our sense that, however much Frank, Charley and Mary may bitterly disappoint one another, their bond will always be the best thing that ever happened to them.
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piraterefrigerator · 9 days
More tua thoughts as of s2e4!!
I'm organizing this by person again cause its easy
Luther: Man what the hell. Are you seriously so in love with your sister that you have to be angsty about her getting married. Man cmon
Diego: My beloved. Tortured little guy whom I adore. ALSO THE WEIRD GIRL??? IS THIS LILA??
Allison: Sighhhhhhhhhh... I love her husband though!! Not to mention he has the same name as me
Klaus: Beloved. He's been sent to the 60s twice and the first time he fought in Vietnam and the second time he became a cult leader. He never ceases to amaze me I'm so proud of him
Five: Same as last time. I love him and I think he'd bite me and give me rabies over a cup of coffee
Ben: I love this fucking ghost bitch. I love him so much him and Klaus beloved
Vanya: She's definitely interesting!!! That whole thing with the apocalypse was definitely a trip but I really hope she and this lady from the 60s are gay together
In addition, Hazel and the donut lady are very dear to me, I love them so much. Not a romance I expected but a romance I needed
This fuckass show has me captivated your honor
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stromuprisahat · 2 months
Marry, fuck, kill: the Darkling, Ivan and S&B!Genya
(do both the show and their book counterparts😏)
My initial reaction included rather vulgar exclamation, because HOW DARE YOU?!
Then my mind skipped to contemplation of the hit list to determine the hardest choice, when suddenly it wasn't difficult at all.
Kill Ivan and frame Alina's side to ensure Fedyor won't join them. Wait, that's just following book version of events, enriched by show!Fedyor's personality! Or- assuming Fedya lived after first season-, finish Vanya and get the recount of the events leading to his tragic demise inside the Fold to his grieving spouse.
My sincerest apologies to both Ivan and Simon Sears- I love you both-, but greater good, impossible choices etc. etc. Perhaps Ivan would not outright approve, but he'd understand.
Marry Genya, because I just had to marry one of her, and I can picture myself sitting and lovingly gazing at this bitch (affectionate) for the rest of my life.
Fuck Aleksander, because I may be ace, but I'm not fucking blind and apparently he's up to this sort of leisure activities, so y'no... not my first choice of parlour games, but what kind of idiot dismisses THIS level of experience?!
Kill Sasha- truly, or fake it-, because I love him and this is the only way to make him take a DAMN BREAK.
Marry Ivan and be loyal, snarky and realistic together.
Fuck (the monarchy over, hand in hand with) Genya. Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't kick her out of bed, if she were up to it, so would I, but given her history, she'd have to initiate. To be quite honest, I'd be more comfortable letting her take charge. Besides- she deserves to be worshipped as the Goddess she is.
This turned out a bit more gay, than originally intended...
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eruverse · 8 months
Another (unpopular) Russia sexuality headcanon
- Not gay
- Prefers to be around women than men because he just finds them more appealing. Not exactly for sexual reasons tho, and more often than not he seeks women out for platonic companionship. Women’s touches are just much more comfortable for him, women’s softer aesthetics more up his alley. Women >>>>>>>
- HOWEVER, much of his meaningful relationships have been with men. Can’t be helped since he is mostly surrounded by male nations, from Asia to Europe. Not that he’s had any kind of relationship (either sexual or romantic or both) with absolutely ALL of them, because he has deep trust issues/also hedgehog’s dilemma plus a myriad of other stuffs and is therefore pretty picky. It can’t just be Anyone or else he’ll want to die. He has a lot of troubles letting people in and romantic/sexual relationships inherently require you to be vulnerable. However he does look like someone who gets it on with everyone supposedly close, because he is physically touchy with almost everyone and can be very overbearing and possessive.
- The overbearing and possessive attitudes are from deep paranoia and distrust of anything ‘outside’, of anything he has no control over. But he also has fascination with all those things, and just like all isolationists, always want to be included (these are two things that exist in him simultaneously, always fighting each other).
- Ultimately tho what he wants most is familial relationships and affection. He wants someone (or more than one person) who will always be there for him. He is not exactly desiring for romance nor sex in the sense that it’s just not his utmost priority. While he has pretty healthy libido he’s okay taking care of it himself and for the most part he really does. I hc him as honestly one of the least sexual people in the big USSR house because I want to explore different alternatives than Vanya just exerting sexual power over his colonies, it’s boring, he can still bully his colonies without resorting to assault yanno. One-on-one connection matters less for him than familial-communal, that kind of thing.
- But also, no one among his colonies is OBVIOUSLY quite in his league enough to pursue serious partnership with. I rather think he’ll be quite conscious of this fact in a way? One reason he becomes interested in America, China, and some European countries is because they’re powerful/aligning more with his own league (or that’s what he hoped/s) and Ivan is attracted to power (as are all nations, and esp more powerful nations). I hc that his colonies got on with each other in the big USSR house and not with him, sans rare and very specific occasions, even tho everyone for ex Alfred thought it’s just one big Russia’s harem.
- Yes, usually the women he has had any semblance of relationship with are human, simply because there is no female nations around him (tho I do ship him with some nyos), and living around where he himself lives. Many of them are when he was much younger tho; dude tumbled a lot with young maidens in the hay. He was rather popular.
- His type in relationships: someone who provides comfortable, stable and safe space for him and isn’t the type who likes to argue or fights a lot with him. Someone he can at least trust (but no one so far has his whole trust). Someone who does boring stuff with him, like lazying around in the bed and tending to the garden. Someone who understands and accepts him, and is gentle to him. Basically, his desires out of any semblance of relationship are really boring and domestic.
- The women he likes are the ‘soft but assertive’ type tho. He likes women who can ‘take the wheel’ mentally because man is so tired he wishes to sleep for 637353 years. Has a thing for mentally more mature women who can mommy him.
- The men he likes are those who can respect him, and are chill. Those who can see him an equal, or would defer to him in some respects and not trigger his sensibilities too much. Ivan knows that he can be abusive to partners who are too weak against him, or to anyone ever, for sure. He actually rather respects those who can speak up against him, just that please don’t get loud and annoying about it lol
- Kinda is the type who wishes nice perfect people will fall from the sky and hug him to sleep be always there for him kind of thing. Doesn’t get that.
Expanding on some of the relationships he’s had and what type it is:
- With Golden Horde, it was purely platonic because he’d been a child and he… grew up really slow and was a particular late bloomer.
(No, no r*pe, since I also have an established Golden Horde OC and he developed into this person who is some kind of people hater and didn’t perceive any kind of sexuality up until he met this person who wasn’t Ivan, not even with one being used as a tool to assert power. Besides, Vanya was so weak hearted he would cry just from being trolled just a little bit. Basically Golden Horde had 3782739493832772638282 ways to traumatize little Vanya without using r*pe)
- With France, it was easily sexual because France himself also desired Ivan sexually. Their relationship developed fast because of this. These days Ivan still likes him, but it’s not sexually.
- Germany/Prussia: Ivan has never done anything with Ludwig, but likes him (platonically) a lot. Sometimes gets in on with Gilbert in modern era, but their coupling is pretty few and far in between. Gil likes him, tho he doesn’t want to admit.
- England: hate-admiration relationship and neither actually tries to get on with the other.
- Netherlands: Ned would fuck anyone so probably yes. All in the past tho.
- America: Ivan was not impressed with him when they first met, but tolerated him better than many others. Gradually getting more interested in him up until CW, where it developed into some kind of tense crush (not strictly sexual, BUT imbued by sexuality) but I’m on fence on whether they had gone around to actually do it. Maybe once, though. The 90s onward tanked his respect and affection to America and in modern time it’s like. Zero point five. Ivan has goosebumps thinking of the time he could ever like America like EW. America isn’t actually his type of partner BY FAR, so the fact that he could actually like America is betrayal to his own principles and sense of self and it’s super disorientating. When he was flirting with America, there was just too many chaotic moments and rollercoaster of emotions that while at the time was exhilarating now he truly realizes aren’t for him. There’s also one thing tho: Alfred was the only one who could handle his abuses while staying mostly intact, so you could say that this made Ivan soar.
- China: Yao isn’t a woman, but his aesthetics are really up Ivan’s alley (that balance on soft and hard, soft outside but firm inside). Definitely sexual though Ivan also seeks Yao quite a lot just for platonic companionship. If Ivan’s relationship with America is getting worse the more time passes, with China it’s just getting better.
- Mongolia: surprisingly chill if they don’t come to each other for serious things, occasionally sexual, Mongolia is daddy tho not quite with Ivan in that respect (nyo!Mongolia, however…)
- Central Asia: with Kazakhstan it’s mostly friendly (caveat: has to be some healthy distance between them for best possible friendliness, but ‘healthy distance’ is difficult for them for obvious reasons), sometimes they fight and break bones, ever-present low-riding tension Kazakhstan tries to keep at minimum for his own sake (there’re only so many sleepless nights he can handle), and generally complicated feelings. Uzbekistan hates Ivan even though is good at masking it.
- Turkey: obvious distrust between each other, fucked sometimes (less often than otherwise assumed) in the past. There’s certain side of you you can show to people you distrust, and that’s quite the howling mawing clawing animal side.
- Belarus: his sweet sister, idk which one is older and in the end doesn’t matter to me? Both of them are honestly unhinged tho, so I guess it’s not that Ivan is afraid of Natasha per se, it’s that he can see their, his, fucked-upness in her and he doesn’t really know how to deal with that, since he doesn’t need to see it if he’s living it himself but he HAS to see it if it’s reflected in another. It’s not that he’s afraid of her, perhaps it’s that he’s afraid of himself. But perhaps no one understands him more than she does.
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redrikki · 1 year
Umbrella Academy Fic Masterpost
Peanut Butter and Marshmallows - Stuck in the apocalypse, Five reads about Vanya leaving him sandwiches. (Five)
Heroes for Ghosts - Eudora waits for Diego and things go very differently. (Klaus, Ben, Diego, Eudora Patch)
Iconic - When Vanya learns Klaus is gay from an article in a teen magazine, she's upset for more than a few reasons. (Vanya, Klaus)
Feed Your Head - Three shitty things young Klaus did for drugs and one thing they did for him. (Klaus, Reginald, Grace)
When Evil Rains - A hostage situation goes sideways. (Klaus, Diego)
Taste of Nostalgia - Allison and Vanya visit Griddy's for old time's sake. (Allison, Vanya)
Diego Hargreeves and the Police Academy - Diego having attended and washed out of, the Police Academy says some interesting things about his backstory. Here's me doing the research on that so you don't have to.
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seefasters · 2 years
thinking about bj's position as nonthreatening married (and faithful!) guy making it easier for him to become closer to (and even friends with) all the nurses in camp
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aro-ortega · 20 days
vanyas herald indifference vs aces chen indifference FIGHT
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novac2281 · 1 year
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Hello! My name's Van/Vanya (Leo if we're friends) and this is my simblr, mainly ts4 but occasionally there will be some ts2 or ts3. I used to be novac2281 if you saw any of my cc floating about but the blog was nuked. I use he/him (friends have free range to use any pronouns for me), but I'm alright with whatever gendered titles people wanna throw at me (i.e. queen, bro, etc).
I enjoy making CC in my free time but I work a lot so I can't work on CC as much as I'd like. I'm currently posting my Garrett legacy but the current generation is more of a prologue than anything else, and I plan to start posting about it more frequently once the heir comes into play.
While I'm here, if you're creating a story or an elaborate gameplay and need advice on a character/sim with autism and/or adhd, or with a gay trans man, my asks are always open for any questions and I'll leave anon on unless someone forces my hand. If you need a more in depth explanation, feel free to DM me and I'll reply when I can.
P.S. I hope every terf on the planet explodes
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Thanks for the tag @dreamylittlevalentine <3 Character - Mbti Game Your mbti: INFP Character(s)with your mbti: Quasimodo, Daria Morgendorffer, Wanda Maximoff, Bubbles, Vanya/Viktor Hargreeves Your Enneagram: idk Character(s) with your enneagram: idk Positive traits you share with a character: My creativity, willingness to see the good in others, and empathy (see: Quasi, Bubbles, Viktor, and Wanda). My loyalty and strong sense of right and wrong (Bubbles, Wanda, and Daria). Negative traits you share with a character: My temper! Similar to every character I have listed, I can be very sweet and caring, but once someone crosses a line (lies, hurts someone I care about, tries to hurt me, etc) I will erupt and lose myself to my anger and sadness. I am also slow to forgive and forget once someone has lost my trust or respect. It also does take me a while to warm up to new people- especially if their vibes seem a bit off (see: Daria, Wanda, and Viktor). Your hobbies and any character that shares a hobby with you: I love to draw and paint similar to Quasi and being surrounded by animals (mainly dogs) and things I find cute like Bubbles. I also value my quiet time and not having to deal with other people and their drama like Daria.
If you would like to do this: @haphazardree, @creativitybeware, @foxgirlontherun, @whatsliferightnow, @deploy-gay-clan
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ya-what--ya-erster · 24 days
SO uh my friend made me watch umbrella academy with her last night
thoughts so far are as follows (all positive):
Vanya gives transmasc vibes
Five gives autistic vibes
that is all.
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pearlsongfromstuff · 1 month
Fall (wheel of fortune)
Sexuality Headcanon: Gay (Plain and simple)
Gender Headcanon: Male (He/It)
A ship I have with said character: WORLD AND FALL, FALLWORLD, I COINED IT. I love so much, I converted @shu-dzhoker , my partner in crime in this ship~ Someone ask me about FallWorld, I will lose it
A BROTP I have with said character: I mentioned it to Shu, Vanya and Fall would have a lot of s*xual tension if they didnt like the same blonde chick
A NOTP I have with said character: He doesn't have a lot interaction with anyone else lol
A random headcanon: I told this to Shu, once again, about this. During the 5 years between 1 and 2, Fall helped World with his research. This is canon, of course, but I believe that he studied human psychology while World studied human sociology
General Opinion over said character: If there is 100 Fall fans, I'm one of them, if there are 2 fans, it's me and Shu, if there were 1, I would miss Shu, if there were none, I'm dead
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