#gay marrriage
mysharona1987 · 2 years
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selatkcud · 5 years
thank you chris diamantopoulus for voicing three absolutely legendary characters this ep like.
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I forgot to post it yesterday. 🤦🏻‍♀️ But we celebrated our 2-year Anniversary getting our marriage license! One step closer to becoming Mrs. & Mrs.! So happy to have you by my side, I love you so much! ❤️ #Anniversary #happyanniversary #love #couple #marrriage #license #marriagelicense #lgbt #bisexual #gay #lesbian #pride #loveislove #loveofmylife #fiancee #valenciafilter #valencia https://www.instagram.com/p/B2mLq-5D6LR/?igshid=1401roobfjapq
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elastigale · 6 years
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Why’s everyone trying to kill Bob? :’’’’)
It would appear that in the setting of the Incredibles, gay marrriage isn’t legal. I’m basing this assumption on this:
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If gay marriage was legal, I’m pretty sure Thunderhead and his “roommate” would have officially married and both been legally adoptive parents of those five (!!!) kids.  I think Helen and Gail’s situation would have been similar. (Hopefully minus the cape malfunction this time...)  Rather than an official marriage, I think they would have had a commitment ceremony with close friends and family.  It wouldn’t be legally recognized, but it would be symbolic nonetheless.
Of course, Helen single-handedly changed the law about Supers being illegal, and from the start I’ve headcanoned her as someone who used her platform to campaign for LGBT causes. (See: my very first comic about this whole AU.) I have every idea that that she (and fellow queer Supers) would have convinced the public to vote for the legalization of gay marriage.
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blackownradio · 4 years
capleton:fire chant
kingrasta28 da elda a a chat
aisha sekment everybody gay
buju banton:boom bye bye
aisha sekment:shank the fagots
sizzla:nah appoligize
queen ifrica;daddy
capleton:bun out di chi chi
queen ifrica:daddy(spanish)
captin barkely:miss matty bwoy
shelly thunder & yankee b:gay marrriage
rbg ft maafa southpaw:straight pride
buju banto & capleton:bun battyman
3d natee:jason
capleton:mi nuh lotion man
cecile:bun rapist
kiprich:dem a change up
mental family:bun batty man
bounty killa;eagle and di hawk
sizzla;gi dem gunshot
baby cham ft bounty killa/capleton:bun dem dun
capelton:batty man fi get boom
harry toddler:kill a batty boy
capleton slew dem
elephant man ft bounty killa:no batty man
goffy:look like battyman
pap san:batty man
khalid muhammad:on homosexuality(strraight pride)
lady saw:kitty
sizzla;pump up her pum pum
red dragon:batty boy fi die
lady saw:pretty
mr vegas ft harry toddler:certain laws
mavado:batty man baby
hi light:no batty thing(freestyle)
capelton:cooyah cooyah bobo
chico:nah support
aisha sekment:who suck illuminati dick
dr khalid muhammond:no more negro stuff revolution is the solution
miss aisha sekment:house nigga
aisha sekment:on top of the worrld
aisha sekment;sell ya soul
aisha sekment:intent to distrubute
aisha sekment:we love that bitch
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Ugh that sucks I assumed Germany was a lot more progressive
In terms of tolerating or accepting LGBT+ I think we are pretty progressive, like how it’s lived, you know. America seems pretty horrid in comparison even though they have marrriage euality now. I never met anybody who is against  lesbian or gay people. Trans and biphobia are hidden and only come up when mentioned but normally you can be with same sex partners in public. That is just my povthough idk how it is in groups with lower education
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leftofstr8 · 6 years
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Raising money for the “Big GAy Roadtrip” to Palm Springs, CA this August with these commemorative Marrriage Equality Pride Bracelets. . . . .New in Box, only $20.00 includes U.S. shipping. Goes on sale Friday. . . #biggayroadtrip #loveislove #lgbtpride #marriageequality
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westingwriting · 7 years
“legalizing gay marriage could lead to legalizing pedophilia.”
the error this argument makes is thinking that the same reasoning that leads to allowing game marriage is would lead to legalization of pedophilia. The difference between gay marrriage and child molestation is simple. one is HARMLESS, and the other is HARMFUL. Nothing about "you should be able to marry any informed, consenting adult human you want to marry" leads to "you should be able to rape kids, who cannot give informed, enthusiastic consent." The distortion comes because in his mind, they are both equally immoral, likely for Biblical reasons. being unable to tell the difference is the danger when you base your morality on what a Bronze Age book says rather than basing it on what is REAL and HEALTHY/HARMFUL.
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da-ill-spot · 15 years
Russell Simmons Take on Prop 8
I found it to be very wack that Prop 8 was upheld yesterday, though it does not come as a surprise. I feel that gays should be able to marry just like everyone else. For those that are opposed, why?? How does it affect you? Just as Russell stated, this should not be a decision based on religion. We don't all have the same beliefs. A gay couple is going to be together regardless, so just let them be happy and married! Russell Simmons wrote a great article for Global Grind expressing his views on the issue. Please read below
It is remarkable that it took only one day for our beautiful country to show its greatest potential and its greatest challenge. And that day was yesterday. In the morning, I was inspired by the President’s nomination of Justice Sonia Sotomayor for a seat on the Supreme Court. Yet, in the afternoon I was deeply saddened by the decision made by the California Supreme Court upholding Proposition 8.
It pains me that we have come to a point in this country where we use the ballot box to address the civil rights of our people. If President Johnson had to take a vote, the Civil Rights Act of 1964 would not have passed. If Congress took a vote in 1920, women may still not have the right to vote today. And if President Lincoln went to the polls, blacks would definitely have endured many more years of slavery. We trusted our government to make the right decision and protect the minority, and yesterday we, as a nation, failed. Unfortunately, most of the arguments against these monumental advancements of our country’s history have been rooted in religion; and in my opinion the misuse of religion. Let’s remove religion from this discussion, and focus on the greatest gift religion has given all of us, the ability to love. And as an African-American, I urge my own people to take a deep look at our own struggles and not wish them upon anyone else. Simply, civil rights for all is about being connected as humans, united, tolerant, loving and brave. We have come such a long way in this country. Let’s us not stop now. Vermont and Maine have done the right thing by legalizing same sex marriage, and I am extremely supportive of my own Governor, David Paterson, to follow suit in New York. In my heart, I know that marriage equality for every human being isn't a question of if, but only a matter of when. I ask those who feel that giving freedom to others somehow binds you, to please take a good look at what you are standing behind. It is only through opening your hearts will you be able to see that by promoting freedom for all, you are unchaining yourself. I guess I'm an optimist. I have faith in people and our government ultimately doing the right thing. And to my brothers and sisters in California, I'm there with you every step of the way until that day comes...
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mysharona1987 · 2 years
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hecatea · 9 years
if you're angry about the us supreme court's ruling on gay marriage and are considering moving to Canada thats great! a special task force of gays is waiting at the border to welcome you
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tragedynows · 9 years
i’m beaming this is amazing
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opminion · 10 years
Zeitumstellung und andere Sonntagsfreuden
Alle Jahre wieder ereilt uns ein Ereignis welches das Blut zum kochen, die Säfte in Wallung und Körper gleichermaßen wie Geist durcheinanderbringt.
Ich rede weder von einer Pornomesse noch von Wacken, nein ich rede von der Zeitumstellung.
Ursprünglich dazu eingeführt die nutzbare Zeit des Tageslichts zu verlängern und somit Ressourcen zu sparen ist sie durch heutige Technik überflüssig geworden und dient heute nur noch als Relikt der "guten alten Zeit"
Allerdings hat sich bis heute niemand durchgerungen innerhalb unseres schönen Landes diesen Dinosaurier von Gesetzt abzuschaffen.
Und so verlieren Arbeiter wie Schüler gleichermaßen eine Stunde ihres wohl verdienten Wochenendes.
Allerdings gibt es dieses Jahr eine kleine Besonderheit anlässlich des diesjährigen Zeitmassakers.
Der Protest innerhalb der Bevölkerung wird lauter, offenbar gehen uns die Dinge aus gegen die man protestieren kann.
Wurde uns in den letzten Jahren lediglich durch eine kleine Anmerkung in der Zeitung oder einem geradezu belanglosen Nebensatz im Radio oder den Nachrichten mitgeteilt, dass wir irgendwann Nachts die Uhr eine Stunde zurückstellen sollen. (eine Tätigkeit die auch unter gar keinen Umständen an einem Sonntag auch bis Mittags um 12 warten kann, auf den einen Tag in absoluter Finsternis kommt es ja dann auch nicht mehr an)
Doch in diesem Jahr zieren die Beschwerden aufgebrachter Bürger sogar Titelseiten von Zeitungen, Diskussionen und Beschwerdeposts überschwemmen das Netz.
Karl Theodor von und zu Guttenberg hat die letzten Jahre schon versucht etwas an diesem Zustand zu ändern, aber man musste ja unbedingt einen der wenigen fähigen Politiker in diesem Land wegen einer Bagatelle abschießen...gut ist ein anderes Thema.
Es bleibt spannend wann und ob dieser öffentliche Protest etwas bewirkt.
Ich persönlich störe mich allerdings gar nicht sosehr daran.
Kurz klug geschissen zum Ende:
Es war 1907 übrings ein Brite der uns das alles eingebrockt hat, mag dieses Gesetzt uns heute sinnfrei vorkommen, haben unsere Freunde von der Insel am gestrigen Samstag etwas eingeführt was durch und durch ein Schritt in die allerrichtigste Richtung ist.
Die Schwulenehe ist in good old Britannien ab sofort und höchst offiziell legal!
Schönen und entspannten kurzen Sonntag euch allen.
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mysharona1987 · 2 years
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Did they, though?
Seems they’ve always been quite upfront about their attitudes.
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fuck-labels · 10 years
So here's my rant for the weekend:
I saw a few videos on my facebook newsfeed showing friends of mine from school at firing ranges, shooting pistols and rifles at paper targets 30 meters in the distance.  This reminded me of all the 2nd Amendment arguments out there. A viral video that I've seen circling the internet is of a girl at some sort of public forum, and she talks about how shooting helped her get a college scholarship, and if it wasn't for that, she wouldn't have an education (which I'm guessing didn't cover a public speaking course because she read from her paper most of the time and rarely made eye contact).
I'm happy for her, truly. Everyone deserves an education, and the prices of most schools are ridiculous.  I'm happy that she found a hobby and is skilled to the point where she can attain a scholarship to a school that has a shooting team.  I understand that she, along with many others, hates gun restriction laws.  Those laws would hinder her chace of going to college.  Those laws prevent her from being truly happy.
I can completely relate.  See, I am happiest when I'm with my girlfriend.  Just as you like you bring your rifle to the range and fire away, I like to bring my girlfriend to the movies and hold her hand. My hope is that one day, I can see her walk down the aisle and take my hand in marriage.  I want to have a family and grow old with her.  As of October 21, 2013, when Chris Christie dropped his appeal on same-sex marriage, I am allowed to.  However, my friends withinin the LGBT community in 33 other states, cannot.
I guess what I'm saying is, it sucks doesn't it?
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Hurray! New Jersey is now officially the 14th State to allow gay marriage!* Congratulations, New Jersey, and all the New Jersey couples that can now marry if they choose! Or not marry, if that's not their thing, but at least know their state is no longer saying they cannot marry!
"Tonight we have crossed a barrier," Booker told the newly-weds and  their families and friends. "While you all have fallen into love, the truth is the state of New Jersey has risen to love."
Also: Congrats to Senator-Elect Cory Brooker, who is the fourth black American to be elected to the U.S. Senate [five other black Americans have served via appointment]!
Booker will bring the grand total of currently serving black Senators to a whopping TWO! Which is kind of depressing! Because, you know, for all those TWO black senators, who do we see whining and crying about taxation without equal representation? Hint: it is not the group that is/historically has been seriously under-represented in government! "BUT WHO WILL LOOK OUT FOR THE RICH WHITE MALES' INTERESTS ZOMG!1!!"
...But still. Yay Brooker! Yay New Jersey! Yay marriage or not marriage! YAY!
* New Jersey Governor Chris Christie has officially withdrawn the state's appeal of the ruling allowing same-sex marriage, although he definitely wants everyone to know that he is not happy about it! But I don't give a shit about what he is or isn't happy about, so YAY!
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