#garrett coffey
anhed-nia · 2 years
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I'm doing this project on movies that claim to be "based on a true story", and SMILEY FACE KILLERS is a really interesting example for multiple reasons. The first is that, while its opening on-screen text declares that it is "inspired by true events", it is actually based very loosely on a rather fantastical theory that attempts to weave mundane, unrelated tragedies into a vast conspiracy. Many movies make the "true story" claim vaguely or spuriously: THE STRANGERS comes to mind as something that leveraged the notion of factuality in order to amplify the terror of its home invasion scenario, but its marketing materials provided no further details that could leave the claim vulnerable to closer analysis. (It seems likely that the writers were thinking of the Keddie murders, but I remember coming up empty when I tried to find out what "true story" was being referenced when the movie was being advertised) But when SMILEY FACE KILLERS talks about "true events", it's really talking about something people think, and not something that concretely happened.
The other point of interest in this "true story" here is that the smiley face murder theory offers an explanation where none is required. When we hear about something like the Dyatlov Pass incident, in which a group of people met bizarre and horrific fates through no obvious means and for no obvious reason, it's completely understandable that conspiracy theories form in order to help us grasp at the comfort of an explanation. If we think we know what happened, then maybe we don't have to worry that it will happen to us. The smiley face murder theory seems to just do the opposite, creating dread and fear where logical explanations already exist. The opening text continues:
"Since 1997, more than 150 young men across US college campuses have drowned under suspicious circumstances. Symbols spray-painted at the scenes have led some to propose these accidents are in fact serial murders. Though many dispute this as nothing more than urban myth, there are many who do not."
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The film completes the masquerade of authenticity by dating its events to March 14, 2017 in Santa Clarita, and using a mosaic of yearbook-like headshots to make up its title card. The smiley face murder theory is actually the concoction of authorities who you'd like to be able to trust: retired NYPD detectives Kevin Gannon and Anthony Duarte, and gang expert Dr. Lee Gilbertson. Their concept takes the sadly ordinary drowning deaths of intoxicated, careless, self-destructive, or simply unlucky male college students, and uses their proximity to graffiti of smiley faces to suggest that their deaths were deliberately orchestrated, despite the extreme generality of this "pattern". Last year, WHO identified drowning as the third-leading cause of accidental death worldwide, "accounting for 7% of all injury-related deaths." and it's fair to say that the smiley face, which has been in commercial use since at least the early 1960s, is probably one of the most ubiquitous images in American vandalism, if not across the globe. There is no special need to form a relationship between these two items; you have to really insist. One might further ask why the smiley face murder theory focuses on young men specifically, but the CDC may provide an explanation there, as its website notes: "Nearly 80% of people who die from drowning are male. Many factors might contribute to higher rates of drowning among males, including increased exposure to water, risk-taking behaviors, and alcohol use." The smiley face murder theory faces a further challenge beyond the commonness of its key elements, which is the national dispersal of the deceased. In order to resolve the geographic disparity between the alleged dump sites, the smiley face murder theory proposes a nationwide network of perpetrators. To my knowledge, the theory does not include a motivation for such a thing to exist.
With the movie SMILEY FACE KILLERS, Bret Easton Ellis offers a motivation that, considering the state of this conspiracy theory, is as reasonable as anything else one might think of. It describes the final days of (fictional) college student Jake Graham (Ronen Rubenstein), whose personal life is imploding as his tragic fate closes in on him. The film is directed by Tim Hunter who, perhaps ironically, is most famous for the cult drama RIVER'S EDGE, whose title refers to the watery scene of a murder that transpires within a circle of teenage friends. Where that film describes the need for young people to responsibly accept their harsh reality, the reality of SMILEY FACE KILLERS is elusive, haunted, and unpredictable. When its hero experiences a lapse of responsibility, he is done in not by the direct consequences of his actions, but by a more fantastical form of doom whose true nature is unknowable.
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Jake is a haunted young man, alone among friends, and missing a full understanding of his own behavior and circumstances. We, the audience, understand immediately that foul play will become a part of his story, but Jake is already on the verge of a personal apocalypse. Like Mary Henry in CARNIVAL OF SOULS, he fails to connect to the world of the living, and seems to sense that the walls are closing in on him. To some degree, his friends are aware of the spiral he's in, including his girlfriend Keren (Mia Serafino), who discovers that he has stopped taking his mood stabilizers. He acts depressed and paranoid, experiences memory loss, loses track of time, and fails to perform in bed. Meanwhile, he begins to receive threatening text messages from an unknown sender, including graphic images of slaughtered animals and the cryptic phrase "THE WATER WANTS YOU". This feeds right into Jake's existing unease, encouraging him to accuse Keren's lingering ex-boyfriend Rob (Cody Simpson) of messing with his head. As Jake continues to spiral, a worse fate than youthful alienation draws near in the form of a sadistic murder cult that is already responsible for a string of local disappearances.
The other disappearances are never acknowledged by the cast of SMILEY FACE KILLERS, which is consistent with the social disconnect found in Bret Easton Ellis' stories. To my mind, this movie is the single best representation of what Ellis offers as a writer, succeeding with the one element that is missing from most adaptations of his work: a sense of irresolvable mystery, an entrapment in one's flawed subjectivity, and an inability to know the details of your own life. Contrarily, Mary Harron's endlessly lauded AMERICAN PSYCHO is flatly literal; Patrick Bateman's murder spree escapes notice because of the blind narcissism rampant in his time and place. In Ellis' novels, AMERICAN PSYCHO included, things are rarely so simple or consistent, as characters are prone to delusions and hallucinations that are not comfortably identifiable as such, creating an unshakable feeling of isolation and mistrust. The ambitious (and unpleasant, but underrated) RULES OF ATTRACTION makes the mistake of literalizing characters and plot elements that the book leaves as uncomfortable question marks—things that are possibly imagined or dreamed by the main characters, that add up to the sensation that reality is never quite graspable, that one can be pushed to the margins of one's own life, haunting it like a ghost instead of fully living it. These adaptations, along with LESS THAN ZERO, tend to be satisfied with the pat conclusion that their characters are self-centered and shallow, and there is little more to do with them than demonstrate their character flaws repetitively. SMILEY FACE KILLERS succeeds at evoking Ellis' sense of cognitive dissonance and the loneliness that ensues when a person can't fully participate in consensus reality.
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The people in Jake's life all seem to be hiding something, and even his best efforts to face situations head on only result in greater ambiguity. He finds evidence that Rob is still pursuing Keren, but no evidence that Keren is responsive; however, when Jake confronts her about Rob's persistence, she refuses to address Jake's material causes for concern, instead reminding him of a frightening blackout during which he wrote her a four-page email that he can't remember. Worse still, when Jake shows Keren the disturbing text messages that he believes Rob has sent him, she accuses him of sending them to himself, urging him to go back on his meds. His only other source of comfort is his best friend Adam (Garrett Coffey), who also has a frustrating reaction to the harassment Jake experiences; he suggests that Jake has a secret admirer, and jokes uneasily that maybe it's Adam himself. "Maybe it's me… Do you ever think about my feelings? How I feel about you?" he teases, awkwardly groping Jake who wants no part of it. It seems highly likely that Adam is in love with Jake, but this is never acknowledged, leaving Jake with the nagging feeling that, like Keren and Rob, Adam has undesirable intentions toward him. We also understand that Jake's mother has been calling Keren behind his back to try to get information on what is happening to him. Despite his mother's concern, her sneaky behavior contributes to a sense of conspiracy surrounding Jake, who suffers from the suspicions and accusations of all of the people who are supposed to care for him.
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The astute reader may have guessed by now that most of the movie is made up of this interpersonal intrigue. However, it remains tense and unsettling, not only because of its atmosphere of uncertainty and discord, but because only the audience perceives the very real and mortal threat stalking the edges of Jake's life. The film begins with a shocking act of animal mutilation that is well outside the bounds of what an audience expects from an essentially mainstream movie. These explicit images of what one can assume are real animal remains let you know that you are never quite safe with this movie, even though the disfigured, hammer-wielding cult leader (RIVER'S EDGE alum Crispin Glover) doesn't really make his debut until almost an hour into the 96-minute running time. However limited it is in duration, the violence in SMILEY FACE KILLERS is profoundly shocking by any standards, leaving the viewer with a feeling of despair as much as revulsion.
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Because of its somewhat fractured narrative structure—Jake's life implodes while, on a completely separate and unrelated track, a gang of vicious psychopaths have marked him for death—SMILEY FACE KILLERS tends to represent a worldview rather than a traditional story. Jake's fate is not the result of his actions, yet what happens to him makes sense in a world where parents do not relate directly with children, lovers are stubbornly ambiguous in their commitments, and friends plot to get more than what they have offered one another. A feeling of abandonment and unfairness dogs this film as it uses the smiley face murder theory not to make sense of life, but to hyperbolize its senselessness.
This twisting of the logic of conspiracy theories is especially cruel, as people seem to turn to such theorizing to create order out of chaos, which is comforting even if the order in question is a daunting one. With conspiracy theories, urban legends, and other forms of folklore that challenge our normal understanding of how life works, there must be some personal motivation to invest faith in them; some emotional or spiritual reward for the perilous rejection of conventional thinking. In the case of the smiley face theory, we see a painful need on the part of the bereaved to find meaning in the shatteringly meaningless fate that has befallen their loved ones. The aforementioned architects of this theory—Kevin Gannon, Anthony Duarte, and Dr. Lee Gilbertson—participated in a true crime series on the Oxygen Network that I'm a little ashamed to admit I watched. It's hard to tell if these men truly believe in what they are proposing, or if this has all been a greedy grab for attention and/or cash, but it is abundantly clear that the bereaved parents who appear on the show are grateful for any explanation for the deaths of their children that does not impugn their children's upbringing or good character. The drowning victims that the investigators have chosen to focus on tend to be white, athletic, popular, and academically promising; that is, people who their communities think can do no wrong. It is simply too difficult for the parents of these young men to accept that their deaths, which often involved alcohol, were their own faults, or that they were simply random. Which is worse: not being able to trust your loved ones, or not being able to trust the basic structure of reality? Sometimes it appears that any orderly explanation, however outrageous, is easier than accepting that your concept of how the world works is incomplete, or that you yourself have been irresponsible somehow. When the locus of blame for your loss runs contrary to your personal beliefs, you can simply blame another party. Blame video games. Blame horror movies. Blame heavy metal music. Blame the smiley face killers.
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compneuropapers · 1 year
Interesting Papers for Week 2, 2023
Sensory Evidence Accumulation Using Optic Flow in a Naturalistic Navigation Task. Alefantis, P., Lakshminarasimhan, K., Avila, E., Noel, J.-P., Pitkow, X., & Angelaki, D. E. (2022). Journal of Neuroscience, 42(27), 5451–5462.
Cognitive experience alters cortical involvement in goal-directed navigation. Arlt, C., Barroso-Luque, R., Kira, S., Bruno, C. A., Xia, N., Chettih, S. N., … Harvey, C. D. (2022). eLife, 11, e76051.
Fast and slow contributions to decision-making in corticostriatal circuits. Balewski, Z. Z., Knudsen, E. B., & Wallis, J. D. (2022). Neuron, 110(13), 2170-2182.e4.
Neuromodulatory Mechanisms Underlying Contrast Gain Control in Mouse Auditory Cortex. Cody, P. A., & Tzounopoulos, T. (2022). Journal of Neuroscience, 42(28), 5564–5579.
Widespread implementations of interactive social gaze neurons in the primate prefrontal-amygdala networks. Dal Monte, O., Fan, S., Fagan, N. A., Chu, C.-C. J., Zhou, M. B., Putnam, P. T., … Chang, S. W. C. (2022). Neuron, 110(13), 2183-2197.e7.
Clustering and the efficient use of cognitive resources. Dasgupta, I., & Griffiths, T. L. (2022). Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 109, 102675.
Widespread ripples synchronize human cortical activity during sleep, waking, and memory recall. Dickey, C. W., Verzhbinsky, I. A., Jiang, X., Rosen, B. Q., Kajfez, S., Stedelin, B., … Halgren, E. (2022). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 119(28), e2107797119.
Human muscle spindles are wired to function as controllable signal-processing devices. Dimitriou, M. (2022). eLife, 11, e78091.
Prior actions influence cost–benefit‐related decision‐making during mouse foraging behaviours. Dylda, E., & Wang, K. H. (2022). European Journal of Neuroscience, 56(2), 3861–3874.
Model Sharing in the Human Medial Temporal Lobe. Glitz, L., Juechems, K., Summerfield, C., & Garrett, N. (2022). Journal of Neuroscience, 42(27), 5410–5426.
Serial dependence for oculomotor control depends on early sensory signals. Goettker, A., & Stewart, E. E. M. (2022). Current Biology, 32(13), 2956-2961.e3.
A synaptic signal for novelty processing in the hippocampus. Gómez-Ocádiz, R., Trippa, M., Zhang, C.-L., Posani, L., Cocco, S., Monasson, R., & Schmidt-Hieber, C. (2022). Nature Communications, 13, 4122.
Coevolution of motor cortex and behavioral specializations associated with flight and echolocation in bats. Halley, A. C., Baldwin, M. K. L., Cooke, D. F., Englund, M., Pineda, C. R., Schmid, T., … Krubitzer, L. (2022). Current Biology, 32(13), 2935-2941.e3.
Visual timing-tuned responses in human association cortices and response dynamics in early visual cortex. Hendrikx, E., Paul, J. M., van Ackooij, M., van der Stoep, N., & Harvey, B. M. (2022). Nature Communications, 13, 3952.
Functionally specific and sparse domain-based micro-networks in monkey V1 and V2. Hu, J. M., & Roe, A. W. (2022). Current Biology, 32(13), 2797-2809.e3.
Sigma oscillations protect or reinstate motor memory depending on their temporal coordination with slow waves. Nicolas, J., King, B. R., Levesque, D., Lazzouni, L., Coffey, E., Swinnen, S., … Albouy, G. (2022). eLife, 11, e73930.
Neurogliaform cells dynamically decouple neuronal synchrony between brain areas. Sakalar, E., Klausberger, T., & Lasztóczi, B. (2022). Science, 377(6603), 324–328.
Learning accurate path integration in ring attractor models of the head direction system. Vafidis, P., Owald, D., D’Albis, T., & Kempter, R. (2022). eLife, 11, e69841.
Selective representations of texture and motion in mouse higher visual areas. Yu, Y., Stirman, J. N., Dorsett, C. R., & Smith, S. L. (2022). Current Biology, 32(13), 2810-2820.e5.
Sound induces analgesia through corticothalamic circuits. Zhou, W., Ye, C., Wang, H., Mao, Y., Zhang, W., Liu, A., … Zhang, Z. (2022). Science, 377(6602), 198–204.
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helpersofindie · 1 year
heya, helpers! do you have any suggestions for an older brother of katie douglas. he's a fair bit older than her, late 30s, any hair colour is fine. ty!!
alex saxon (35)
aneurin barnard (35)
casey deidrick (35)
matthew daddario (35)
shane coffey (35)
william moseley (35)
zane holtz (35)
joe dempsie (35)
drew roy (36)
kyle harris (36)
richard madden (36)
daniel sharman (36)
derek theler (36)
nolan gerard funk (36)
robert pattinson (36)
brant daugherty (37)
chace crawford (37)
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theo james (37)
finn wittrock (38)
wilson bethel (38)
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chris hemsworth (39)
alexander dreymon (39)
aaron tveit (39)
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fuckyeahalexedler · 1 year
Colour commentator John Garrett's Vancouver Canucks mic is going quiet
Veteran broadcaster John Garrett announced Thursday he won't be returning to Sportsnet's Canucks' coverage in 2023-24.
He admitted to a fondness for classy, soft-spoken defencemen like Alex Edler, Chris Tanev and, from his early days, Paul Coffey.
“They’re really down-to-earth. They know that you’re not going to skewer them or anything and just talk to you like a former player. Like you’re one of the alumni and they forget you’re media and that’s what you do. I really like those guys,” he said. “Coffey was always so gracious and a guy that you could talk to any time.”
(Mar. 24, 2023)
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piratewithvigor · 2 years
Wrestlers Born On The Same Day
Jan 6, 1964: Jacqueline & Konnan
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Sep 29, 1970: Tajiri & The Kat
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Jul 14, 1971: Bubba Ray Dudley & Joey Styles
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Mar 24, 1982: Epico Colon & Jake Hager
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Aug 3, 1982: Damien Sandow & Nyla Rose
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Feb 23, 1984: Serpentico & Mike Sydal
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Aug 21, 1984: Erik & Eve Torres
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Apr 19, 1986: Jake Carter & Catrina
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May 22, 1988: Joe Coffey & Santana Garrett
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May 13, 1991: Piper Niven & Scarlett Bordeaux
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xshazxx · 1 year
Based on his likes on their pages, Ronen used to follow some of his old cast mates from the movies he was in. But now he doesn’t follow them anymore, like Mia Serafino, and Emilia Ares, and Garrett Coffey. I’m afraid that when 911 Lone Star eventually gets cancelled, Ronen might unfollow Rafael. Also, have you noticed that Ronen doesn’t like a lot of Rafael’s instagram posts? He likes Rafael’s posts when they have to do with the show or Tarlos, but when Rafael posts something about Indigenous stuff or other stuff, Ronen doesn’t like his posts.
Tell me the difference between Rafael and his other previous co stars and I'll let you see why you're wrong. Also wasn't brother Alberto a co star too?
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letterboxd-loggd · 2 years
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I Blame Society (2020) Gillian Wallace Horvat
April 27th 2022
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moviemosaics · 3 years
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I Blame Society
directed by Gillian Wallace Horvat, 2020
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brokehorrorfan · 4 years
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Smiley Face Killers will be released on Blu-ray, DVD, and Digital on December 8 via Lionsgate. The 2020 serial killer thriller is inspired by the true “smiley face murder theory.”
Tim Hunter (River's Edge) directs from a script by Bret Easton Ellis (American Psycho). Ronen Rubinstein, Mia Serafino, and Crispin Glover star. Amadeus Serafini, Ashley Rickards, and Garrett Coffey co-star.
They only have eyes for you in the trailer below, where you can also see the trailer and synopsis.
Special features:
Behind the scenes featurette with cast interviews
As a strange wave of mysterious drownings of male college students plagues the California coast, Jake Graham (Ronen Rubinstein) struggles to keep his life together at school. Finding himself stalked by a hooded figure (Crispin Glover) driving an unmarked van, Jake fears he may become the next victim in the killers’ horrific spree.
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stardreamer28 · 3 years
oh cmon ncisla  I really liked Noel in the beginning! why'd he have to go bad? :(
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typingtess · 3 years
NCIS: Los Angeles Season Twelve Rewatch:    “Imposter Syndrome”
The basics:  After discovering some “deep fakes” of a dead terrorist, OSP has the same issue.
Written by:  Samantha Chasse co-wrote “Kill Beale Vol. 1” with Eric Pot as the director.
Directed by:  Eric A. Pot directed “Resurrection”, “Windfall”, “Traitor”, “Internal Affairs”, “Home is Where the Heart Is”, “Forasteira”, “Reentry”, “Hit List”, "The One Who Got Away", "Kill Beale Vol 1", “Fortune Favors the Bold” and “A Fait Accopli”.  
Guest stars of note:  Rob Black as Garrett Coffey/Noel, Adam Elshar as Rashed, Oksana Orlan as Cleo. Matty Cardarople is back the donut shop in “Into the Beach” as Danny.  Joseph Makkar was Umar Hamid in season 11 recap DVD feature but not an actual episode.
Our heroes:  Are in a really clever episode with a terrible flaw.
What important things did we learn about:
Callen:  Has his own deep fake. Sam:  Sneaking into rooms, checking for bombs wisely. Kensi:  Is worried that if they decorate the nursery, they may look at something they can never have every day. Deeks:  Doesn’t like “The Shining” as a nursey theme because the Dad dies. Eric:  Absent and this would have been a good Eric episode. Nell:  A great Nell episode. Fatima:  Makes a terrible mistake pulling her phone into a gym speaker. Roundtree:  Really good with Fatima’s Sunset Cove catchphrase. Hetty: Sees Nell as a gin girl.
What not so important things did we learn about:
Callen:  Gives Hetty’s gifts of gin to an overworked Nell. Sam:  Can’t defuse that final bomb. Kensi:  Paints the nursery. Deeks:  Likes a minimalist look. Eric:  Absent. Nell:   Didn’t recognize her own voice. Fatima:  Not going out for dinner on Friday after her date wound up giving assistance to al-Qaeda. Roundtree:  Hates the food truck. Hetty:  Never digitized the office files.  
Who's down with OTP:  Kensi, who wanted nothing but positive thoughts about going on the fertility road, is now having serious doubts.  Deeks wants to be optimistic and also wants to live without moving boxes.
Who's down with BrOTP:  After some banter Friday night, Callen and Sam are all business.  Sam provides Nell with sound advice about Callen.
Any pressing need for a cranky retired Admiral?   He would have pitched a fit.  His absence was for the best.
Who is running the team this week?  Nell takes the reins back after an outsider makes his way into the team communications.
Fashion review:  On Friday, Callen is in a blue and white plaid button down shirt.  Grey long-sleeve tee for Sam.  Black long-sleeve sweater for Kensi, light blue sweatshirt for Deeks.  Nell is wearing a dark, floral print dress.  pretty Fatima in in a black top with a black leather jacket.  Medium blue jacket with a black collar and a black tee-shirt for Roundtree.  At the gym, Fatima is in a grey lightweight hoodie.  
Saturday, Callen has on a long-sleeve blue tee-shirt.  Sam is in a black sweatshirt with a thick grey stripe down both arms.  Kensi is warning a brown sweater.  Deeks has on a long sleeve-blue hoodie.  At the end of the episode, she’s painting a white tank tap and blue joggers, he’s wearing a blue softball shirt and tan pants.   Nell is in a brown floral dress.  Fatima seems to be in her work-out gear which is a complete tipoff once you know how things end.  The real Fatima is in a blue long-sleeve tee.  Roundtree is in a grey sweatshirt and black sweatpants.
Music:  “Tainted Love” by Soft Cell is playing in the gym.  “River” by Leon Bridges is playing as Kensi paints the nursery.
Any notable cut scene:   No.
Quote:  Nell:  “Kens, Deeks, I still haven't figured out how our comms were compromised, so I'm going to have to verify your identities.” Kensi:  “Okay. How do you want to do that?” Nell:  “What is Hetty's beverage of choice? “ Kensi:  “Scotch.” Deeks:  “ Scotch.” Nell:  “Not wrong. But this is something she drinks in the morning.” Kensi:  “Scotch.” Deeks:  “ Scotch.” Nell:  “Tea. It's tea. Okay, then. What is her favorite type of tea?” Kensi:  “That's easy. It's English breakfast.” Deeks:  “Don't pay attention to her, Nell. It's obviously gunpowder green tea.” Kensi:  “It is not gunpowder green tea. It's English breakfast.” Deeks:  “She doesn't drink a peasant tea.  She wouldn't drink...  It's oolong, Earl Grey, Darjeeling.” Kensi:  “ What is a peasant tea?” Deeks:  “She's a woman of many flavors, Nell. That's what makes it a difficult question.” Nell: “Okay, just stop” Deeks:  “'Cause I got it right.” Kensi:  “'Cause you know that...” Nell:  “Nope. I just know it has to be you. You can't fake that level of annoying.” Deeks:  “Totally hear you.”
Anything else:  On a street with a number of bars, restaurants and places to socialize, Callen and Sam are on a stakeout with Roundtree in the food truck.  Roundtree is hoping Rashed, the person they are looking for, arrives soon.  The Happy Hour crowd is getting rowdy.  Callen thinks they should join them.  Roundtree would love to go.  He’s been taking grief about not having reishi lattes in a gyro truck.  Roundtree would also like to know why is he always in the truck.  Fatima, on her motorcycle, says they’ll switch next time.  “You always say that,” Roundtree tells her but it never happens.  Callen wants the kids to play nice.  Both Fatima and Roundtree said the other one started it.
Seeing Rashed leave one of the area establishments empty-handed, Roundtree alerts the team. Everyone thought Rashed was buying weapons – FinCEN reported Rashed received a huge infusion of cash.  Fatima is worried they’ve been made.  Getting out his car, Sam thinks there is only one way to find out.  
Getting on his motorcycle, Derek Rashed hears Sam yell “federal agents” and takes off.  Fatima tries to cut Rashed off with her motorcycle but Rashed maneuvers around her.  Saying “the kids got this”, Callen and Sam watch Fatima take off after Rashed.  As he weaves in and out of traffic recklessly, Fatima keeps up but is moving safely.  She calls to Roundtree since Rashed is making his way to the food truck.  As Rashed tries to drive by, Roundtree opens the driver’s side door and kicks Rashed off his bike.  The locals are stunned.  Callen and Sam walk up and announce the weekend has begun.
As Rashed is put handcuffed and put into a large SUV, Roundtree is rather proud of himself.  It looked like Rashed was going to get away and “slam.  It was sick.”  With that kind of ingenuity, Fatima thinks Roundtree should stick with the food truck.  She’s off to the gym – she likes working out alone on Fridays.  She leaves saying “bye bitch” and Roundtree is not happy to on the receiving end of her catchphrase.
The shop where Rashed was exiting was clean – no weapons, no explosives and no money.  If Rashed is working for al-Qaeda, there’s nothing there to show for it.  Sam has several hard drives that were inside Rashed’s jacket.  Callen hopes they’re not encrypted or else Nell is in for a long night.
At the gym, “Tainted Love” is pouring out of a speaker and the mouth of a guy working out.  He doesn’t sing well and apologizes when Fatima makes her presence known.  She’d like him to turn down the volume and recommends head phones.  He forgot them at home and winds up turn the music off.  He keeps singing.  When Fatima reacts, he’d like to hear her music.  She doesn’t think so but he goads her into hooking her phone into the jack and some “Arabic pop” (the closed caption’s description) starts playing.  Fatima’s gym buddy is not impressed.
Fatima is willing to make a deal – they’ll box.  If he wins, he picks the music.  If she wins, he goes home, gets his headphones and will never sing in the gym again.  “Ever.”  It is a deal.
In the firing range, Kensi has obliterated the face of the target practice man.  Deeks is impressed, doing lines from “Tombstone”.  Kensi isn’t impressed – she may change the Netflix password.  While they have plans for the night, he’d rather pick out a color to paint the remaining room in the house – the nursery.  Deeks quickly changes that to the office or the home gym.  They’re doing what boring couples do, Deeks tells her, and it will be fun. Kensi looks forward to a fight over eggshell or alabaster.  Deeks thinks it is the magic of matrimony.  
If she doesn’t want to pick paint, they could pick a theme for the room – pirates or ponies.  That could help with the color.  Kensi wants some space since Deeks is in the firing range station with her.  She’d also like to keep the room the way it is.  Deeks doesn’t – “it’s a peeling eyesore.”  Kensi finds it “rustic.”  Deeks wants a life free of moving boxes.  And he wants eggshell not alabaster.  It is softening and makes people feel happy.
Looking around the office, Callen finds Nell in the back area of Hetty’s space.  Since Hetty refused to digitalize her old paperwork, as the inherited owner of the office, Nell has to deal with it.  There are piles of files all over.  It was easier to destroy files in the burn room without a digital footprint.  For Nell, Hetty’s methods are a never ending mystery that she is painfully aware she is incapable of solving.  Callen suggests she stop.  Don’t try to solve it.  “Don’t to fill her big yet simultaneously four-and-half size shoes,” Nell wonders.  Nell doesn’t know what Hetty saw in her or if she was Hetty’s only option.  Callen is a little surprised.  Nell takes the hard drives – she’ll see Callen Monday.
With the “Arabic pop” still playing, Fatima asks her sparring partner if he’s okay.  He is physically, not emotionally.  Not only did he lose, he thinks Fatima went easy on him.  She did – it is hard to drive home with a broken leg.  Or two.  Returning her phone, the fellow wishes Fatima a nice weekend.  After a pause, she thinks they should go to dinner to following Friday.  He agrees – dinner and a concussion, who says no.
With Fatima gone, he pulls out a tablet.  He’s downloaded everything off her phone.
The following morning, Roundtree walks into the office in workout gear.  Looking around the bullpen, he makes himself at home at Deeks’s desk.  He thought about trying Sam’s and decided that was a bad idea.  Once settled, Nell comes up from the coffee area and asks Roundtree what is he doing.  Before going to TSCM training (Technical Surveillance Counter-Measures), he noticed a loose screw in Deeks’s chair.  Nell bends to his ear and tells Roundtree that Callen’s chair has the best spin but he didn’t here that from her.
Roundtree asks why Nell is in the office.  The DVD’s  they got from Rashed are copies of the same al-Qaeda propaganda video.  Nell is working to ID the person in video before sending it to Homeland Security.  She’s also running a program to remove the encryption code from the hard drives.  Nell gets a beep on her tablet – they’ve matched the face in the DVD to a long dead terrorist, Umar Hamid.  It makes no sense that he was in a video made two-weeks ago – there is a newspaper in the video pinpointing the date.  Nell thinks the newspaper could have been changed digitally but there is a 2021 X450 pick-up behind Hamid.  Roundtree is looking to buy one himself.  The new car and the newspaper means the US is wrong about Hamid’s death.  Nell needs to find out what’s on the hard drive.  
In the boat shed, Callen and Sam are talking about Rashed, who is a teenager likely radicalized by al-Qaeda.  When Callen starts to question Rashed in interrogation, Rashed is a little snotty so Callen is snotty right back.  Since Rashed was not picking up acai bowls Friday, if he shares what he knows, NCIS could help in when it comes time to go to trial.  Rashed explains that it was a dead drop – he’s just a courier who picks up things.  
Callen asks about the seller but Rashed doesn’t know who it is.  He does know that the seller is going to find Callen to get their stuff back.  Since he buyer already gave the seller the money, the seller doesn’t want al-Qaeda thinking they were ripped off.  Callen has an idea – let the local al-Qaeda leaders know that Rashed ripped them off.  Rashed is no longer snotty.
As the encryption program runs under Nell’s watchful eye, Fatima pops up on the big screen in Ops.  She’s at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles.  Her mother fell and may have broken her hip.  Fatima will work remotely until thinks are more settled at the hospital.  Asking about the drive, Nell tells Fatima there are 18 terabytes so she’ll be lucky to crack it by New Year’s.  Roundtree walks in finishing a call with Sabatino.  The CIA thinks Hamid is dead but they’re going to recheck.  Fatima says they have to wait.  Nell doesn’t agree.  The hard drives are NAS drives that do heavy processing with specific computers.  They are no your common external drives.  Using the model and serial number, Nell traced it to a store in the Valley.  Kensi and Deeks are on their way.
Walking into Launch Bay Electronics, Kensi and Deeks are greeted by Danny from the donut shop in season 11’s “Into the Breach”. He apologizes, they’re short-handed.  After Kensi and Deeks identify themselves – Danny does the same – they’d like the name of the customer who bought the hard drive.  Danny explains the store does not share that information but since his manager is too busy hanging out with his girlfriend, Danny wants to help.
Checking the serial number, Danny tells Kensi and Deeks it is still in the store’s inventory.  Kensi asks if it was stolen but Danny assures her they are kept in a locked case.  Except the hard drive isn’t there.  Only Danny and his manager Noel have access to the case.  Deeks points out that Noel didn’t show up to work that day, did he do anything else strange lately.  Noel started a side-business doing data recovery on people’s computers.  Danny thinks that risky. Customers are paying Noel to recover everything on their hard drives – passwords, personal information, photos.  The customer thinks the computer tech isn’t going to keep the data.  Noel may have been keeping the data – “Noel’s girlfriend has pretty expensive tastes.”  Data recovery work pays well.  Selling the data recovered makes a lot more.  Danny stars with a conspiracy that Noel is selling data on the dark web.  Deeks mentions conspiracy theories but Danny doesn’t believe it is a conspiracy theory if it is true.
Returning to Ops, Roundtree says the CIA confirmed that Hamid was killed in a raid four-years ago.  Nell was afraid of that.  Roundtree thinks it is good news when a terrorist hasn’t come back from the dead.  Nell thought that – she’s been investigating the video.  None of the usual tells for digital manipulation are present.  The hands and teeth, the way the image of “Hamid” moves with the background.  It is all perfect.  So perfect that facial rec made the match.  It is the best deep fake Nell has ever seen.  
Nell explains that once someone has this perfect fake, they will authenticate it with a database.  Once that happens, intelligence agencies can’t tell the difference between the two.  The deep fake can be used to make someone believe that another person is doing or saying anything their controller wants.   There are real ramifications if an image of a president is used to spread false information.  Or a terrorist leader to restart a war.
When Nell calls for an update about Rashed, Sam tells her they think Rashed knows more than he’s sharing.  Callen joins the conversation, which moves to Fatima and her injured mother.  Nell would like Sam to check out an apartment with Kensi and Deeks.  Callen and Sam are about to leave when Nell asks Callen to stay with Rashed, find out more about the videos.
In an apartment building, Deeks is bothered by the hallway’s 1970’s carpeting.  Kensi is getting some “The Shining” vibes which could be a theme for the nursery – perfect for twins.  Deeks is not pleased the dad dies in the movie.  “Cold and alone,” Kensi notes as a man passes them in the hallway.  Going to Noel’s apartment, it’s been broken into.  Kensi calls for the man passing them in the hall to turn around.  He does, with a gun.  Kensi yells “federal agents” and the shooting begins.
This is a really cleverly filmed shootout, making the hallway seem claustrophobic.  Deeks is nearly hit twice before he can get his gun out.  He finally does and he and Kensi return fire.  Sam arrives outside a building and hears the shooting on comms.  Kensi tells him to go up to the second floor of the building.  While Kensi is saying this, she’s actually running after the shooter, up another flight of stairs.  She is on the second floor going up.  Sam is moving to the back stairwell.
Hearing the shootout on comms, Nell asks what’s going on.  Kensi gives her an update, including Sam’s planned arrival.  Nell knows nothing about Sam being in the field.  
On the fourth floor, Sam confirms his location to Kensi but Deeks is up on the sixth floor.  The building where Sam is looking for Kensi is a lot more run down than the oddly carpeted second floor.  Making their way to the roof, Kensi and Deeks are continue the shootout with the gunman.  When he gunman runs out of bullets, Kensi is behind him and knocks him out.  Nell asks about Sam.  Sam isn’t responding.
In what looks like an abandoned building, Sam tells Kensi she doesn’t see anything.  Kensi gives him instructions to go to unit 427.  When Sam is right outside the door, he asks about back-up.  Kensi promises she’s right behind him, she’ll meet him inside.  
Finally Nell gets in touch with Sam, saying Kensi and Deeks are on the roof.  Sam doesn’t know where he is.  Nell asks who sent him to Noel’s apartment.  Sam said he followed Kensi’s intel to the fourth floor.  Nell realizes something is up and orders Sam out of the building.  Callen jumps in, there are going into the apartment.  Nell orders them to stop.  “Stand down, get out of the building now.”  Kensi and Deeks join the conversation.  Nell wants everyone to stand down. And nobody should go into the apartment.  On Nell’s comms, Nell’s own voice comes on the comms to Nell followed by Sam’s, Callen’s Kensi’s Deeks’s, giving Nell orders.
In Ops, Nell wants Fatima to stay on the line.  Roundtree asks what’s going on.  The voice on the comms wants the data on the hard drives in exchange for Sam’s safety.  Roundtree wants to tell the team but Nell stops him – that’s part of the deal.  If the team is told about the comms, the bomb will be triggered.  Nell starts the transfer of the data from the hard drive.  
Thinking aloud, Nell doesn’t want to give them the data and stops it.  Getting on the comms, she warns the team the comms have been compromised and everyone has to get off immediately. Don’t trust anyone you can’t see.  Roundtree asks about Sam who Nell believes can handle himself.
Slowly getting into the room, Sam sees the bomb.  He calls Ops, where Nell is careful about what she’s saying.  Sam tells her he cut the wire to the bomb.  He also tells her that someone who sounded just like Kensi set him up.  Nell confirms that comms have been compromised – they are going silent.   With Sam knowing what’s going on, Roundtree thinks someone needs to tell Callen. Fatima agrees and hops off the connection with Ops.  Nell is not happy Fatima left.
LAPD called.  They are sending the bomb squad to a building in downtown San Pedro.  Nell thinks that has to be Sam.  Roundtree wonders how did they get everyone’s voice.  Nell explains it is called “MurmurWave”.  Five years ago at a trade show, she saw a demonstration of MurmurWave.  With about 20-minutes of someone’s voice, the program can create identical speech in real time.  If that was five-years ago, Roundtree wonders what could they be doing now.  With comms now being used as a weapon against the team, the question is how did they gain access to the team.
Finally, the encryption is  removed from the hard drive.  Nell takes a look at the screen and realizes things just go so much worse.  Nell shows Roundtree a perfectly generated computer clone of Hamid and the MurmurWave of his voice.  The DVDs are a preview of what the terrorists could do.  Using this program, they could have Hamid give speeches in real time.  “This is digital immortality.”
In Noel’s apartment, there isn’t much tech for a tech guy.  Kensi finds a pack of Russian cigarettes on the coffee table.  Deeks wonders where you could get Russian cigarettes in LA.  Kensi wonders if the girlfriend is Russia and Deeks does not like that option.  Opening a curtains in a doorway, Deeks finds a closet repurposed as a computer alcove.  The computers are gone but the wiring is left behind.
Kensi doesn’t think the look of the apartment lends itself to someone interested in living like a Russian.  Deeks likes the place – a minimalist feel with clean lines and not a lot of stuff “strewn around the place.”  Kensi feels like that was a shot.  Deeks just likes the design – they could use it for inspiration.  Not seeing inspiration in a possible criminal’s apartment for a nursey, Kensi reminds Deeks that they’re not even pregnant yet.  Deeks says “not yet” and that goes badly.  Kensi asks what happens if they’re never pregnant.  If they paint “that room” and every day they have to look at it, walk past it, waiting for a baby that may never come.  He was trying to be optimistic.  She is trying to be realistic.  
Couples therapy is interrupted by Nell who tells Kensi and Deeks about the comms.  She wants to verify their identities with a few questions.  Asked what is Hetty’s beverage of choice, Kensi and Deeks both reply “scotch”.  Not wrong but something she drinks in the morning?   They stick with scotch.  Nell says tea was the right answer and asks what is Hetty’s favorite tea.  Kensi says it is easy, English Breakfast.  Deeks tells Nell not to pay attention to Kensi, it is gunpower green tea.  The two start arguing about Hetty drinking a “peasant tea” like Earl Grey.  As they argue, Nell smiles because it is Kensi and Dekes.  “You can’t fake that level of annoying.”  
The gunman on the roof is Owais Mirza, who has ties for al-Qaeda.  Noel isn’t a terrorist – just selling the program to the terrorist.  Rashed said that the seller got paid but NCIS has the hard drive.  Nell wants to know what Kensi and Deeks found in the apartment.  Nothing, it looks like Noel picked up his things and moved operations elsewhere.  Kensi wants to know if Noel is going after the team.  Nell isn’t sure because how would Noel get their voices?  He must have an accomplice and an accomplice who knows them.  Looking at the cigarettes, Kensi wonders if they know any Russians who wants the team dead.
In interrogation, Callen is still questioning Rashed, telling him that NCIS knows what is on the hard drive.  And since the man who put together the hard drive tried to murder Sam, Rashed is in a lot more trouble than he was when he was arrested.  Does Rashed understand “the reality of your situation.”  Rashed asks Callen if he understand the same thing.  What Callen does really doesn’t matter.  All the money and firepower the US has spent is meaningless because the battle for ideologies is infinite.   And soon Hamid will be too.  All the commanders killed over the years wil continue on with this program.  “A ghost in the machine.”  The next Bin Laden will never be silenced.
Getting a call, Callen moves to the main room of the boat shed where Fatima is on the screen.  Conversations are safe face to face.  No news on Noel’s accomplice, the apartment was empty.  Rashed has to be moved to a secure location according to Fatima.  The boat shed is no longer safe.  Asking if Sam is coming back, Fatima says Sam will meet Callen at the secured location.  But it isn’t Fatima on the call.  Showing the call from “Fatima’s” side,   It is Fatima’s sparring partner from the gym – he’s Noel.  Noel as Fatima wants Callen to write down the location where the safe house is in case their text messages are also being monitored.
On the phone, Noel is arguing with someone about the drives.  He needs more time to get the data and clear their names.  Going back to his computer screen, Noel calls Ops and has a conversation with Roundtree as Fatima, lying about her mother’s hip and waiting for an orthopedic surgeon.  With the Wi-Fi being terrible at the hospital, Fake Fatima needs a favor.  When Roundtree tells her not if it includes the food truck, there is no reaction.  Fake Fatima tells Roundtree the CIA is checking into video put out by Al-Qaeda over the last six months to see if any  of it is deep fakes.  Rountree needs to dump what’s on the drives into a secured cloud location so the CIA can start their work.  Roundtree tells Fatima that Nell will be back soon and he’s not comfortable doing some of the tech things.  Since the transfer will take a while, Fake Fatima will walk Roundtree through the process.
Pulling up outside a rather run down building in an equally rundown part of town, Callen calls Fake Fatima to say he’s arrived.  A busy fake, Fake Fatima then is on with Roundtree getting an update on the transfer.  The CIA is anxious to get it, Fake Fatima tells Roundtree.  Roundtree asks who at the CIA is waiting.  Nell walks in and needs to know what did Roundtree do?
Walking Rashed into the safe house, Callen learns it isn’t a safe house.  A Russian woman with a gun is demanding the keys to Rashed’s handcuffs and Callen’s gun.
Fake Fatima isn’t worried about being fake anymore, thanking Nell and Roundtree for making her day so much easier.  Nell thanks Fake Fatima who was so eager to get the data that they didn’t look at what they were downloading.  Roundtree sent a tracer that is pinging Fake Fatima’s location.  “Bye bitch,” Roundtree waves in the background.  
Breaking down the door, Sam and the real Fatima storm in.  Fatima tosses her boxing pal Noel outside of the trailer where he was working.  Sam is going to leave Fatima to handle him.  Fatima cancels Friday’s dinner plans.
As the Russian woman, with Rashed standing by her side, is about to shoot Callen, Callen drops to his knees and Deeks is right behind him, weapon drawn.
Looking at the deep fakes computer set-up in the trailer, Sam asks Fatima what is going on.  The screens show Callen and Fatima.
Callen had a second weapon, pointed at the Russian woman.  She’s now holding Rashed as a hostage.  When Callen calls “Kensi, send it,” Kensi takes out the Russian woman.  Rashed tries to flee.  That’s last about three steps before Callen stops him.  Kensi finds the woman’s phone – she started a call before she was shot.
In the trailer, Sam hears a phone ringing in a cabinet. Opening the cabinet, he sees a bomb.  Fatima asks if Sam has it.  He says “nope” and they run out of the trailer.  It is blown to bits.
Back up in Ops, Fatima tells Roundtree that Noel  is more likely to cooperate now that his “partners” nearly killed him.  Roundtree Is interested in learning how many deep fakes are out there.  He also wants to know if Fatima is going to be OK.  In college, Fatima’s apartment was robbed.  They didn’t steal much and what she lost didn’t bother her, it was the feeling that someone moved her belongings, touched her clothes, laid in her bed.  She felt violated.  She lost something she didn’t thinks she would lose.  Looking at a now giant picture of her as a deep fake, she said after the robbery, she never felt in control again.
In Nell/Hetty’s office, Sam confirms to Nell that he saw a deep fake of Callen and wonders if it is still “out there” or was it destroyed in the blast.  Nell thinks it could have been destroyed or it could have been sent to someone he was working with – there is no way to know.  “Until it shows up again,” Nell says.  Noel was being bankrolled by a Russian female who may know the team – Katya.  She’d also be the only person who would bankroll the deep fake and then blow up the creator.  It could be the ultimate trap for Anna.
Callen walks in and starts making his way to the office.  Sam asks Nell if she is going to tell Callen.  Nell asks if Sam would want to know about the deep fake.  He would.  As Sam leaves, Callen up to Nell.  He notices the mess is gone.  If Nell is going to the job, she’s doing it her way.  She’s digitizing the office.  Nell is also drinking scotch which Callen knows Nell does not like.  She doesn’t – it smells like an old man at a campfire and is bitter but it is a tradition.  Giving her a bottle of gin, Callen wants to start a new tradition with a bottle gin as a gift from Hetty.  “She knows us better than we know ourselves,” Callen notes. Just before he leaves, Nell tells Callen she needs to speak to him.
In the unfinished room, Kensi is putting paint on the wall.  Deeks watches her, saying he always loved that color.  Holding her, he gives her a kiss as she stares at the wall.
What head canon can be formed from here:  This episode is really clever except for the set-up.  I can’t see Fatima, who has all sorts of training, plugging her work phone into a public port.  And while Deeks had to be retrained by Sam after “Personal” but no worries for Fatima.  The pacing was excellent, the action was great – it was really strong.
This was a great Nell episode where she was smart, funny and very much in charge.  Even got her own beverage of choice by the end.
The Kensi and Deeks scene were really good except for the firing range scene where Deeks seemed a bit over the top.  Pushing to get the room painted so they could get rid of the moving boxes – very Deeks.  Jumping all over calling it a nursery when he knows what Kensi has been through over the last few months.  Not so much.
Episode number:  This is episode 15 of season 12, the 277th episode overall.
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ncisladaily · 3 years
“Imposter Syndrome” – NCIS obtains a hard drive containing a realistic deep fake video of a deceased terrorist and must retrieve the dangerous technology behind it. However, when the team’s comms are highjacked during their mission, they find that one of their own has been a victim of its potential, on NCIS: LOS ANGELES, Sunday, May 2 (9:00-10:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network.
Chris O’Donnell
(Special Agent G. Callen)
(Special Agent Sam Hanna)
Linda Hunt
(Operations Manager Henrietta “Hetty” Lange)
Daniela Ruah
(Special Agent Kensi Blye)
Eric Christian Olsen
(Investigator Marty Deeks)
Barrett Foa
(Tech Consultant Eric Beale)
Renée Felice Smith
(Intelligence Analyst Nell Jones)
Medalion Rahimi
(Special Agent Fatima Namazi)
Caleb Castille
(Special Agent Devin Rountree)
Rob Black
(Garrett Coffey)
Pedro Tapia
(Adam Elshar)
Matty Cardarople
Joseph Makkar
(Umar Hamid)
Oksana Orlan
WRITTEN BY: Samantha Chasse
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wandahairtips · 3 years
Celebrities hair color trend – balayage has reigned supreme in terms of hair color patterns for years. However, when we enter a new year (goodbye 2020), analysts expect that the previous year will continue to influence our decisions. Consider a color that ages gracefully, chunky highlights for added impact, and dark copper for a warm glow.
But, whether you stick with your tried-and-true balayage (because, let’s face it, it’s a lovely and simple look to wear) or change up your hair color in the coming year and beyond, one thing is certain: Your color should always look healthy. “The thing all the color trends have in common is light,” notes Matrix Global Business Ambassador, Tabatha Coffey. “Hair should look rich, luxurious and taken care of, whether you are sporting deep chocolate, red, or anything in between.” Keep reading to see Top celebrities hair color trend for 2021…
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1. Celebrities hair color trend 1: The Cool Down
Madison Garrett, colorist at New York’s Spoke & Weal, expects that brunettes would gravitate toward “cooler shades with ashy undertones, instead of warm tones.” Rez agrees: “Ash browns will keep going strong through 2021. Cooler tones grow out gracefully, as they reflect less light—so regrowth and lines of demarcation will look less obvious with this celebrities hair color trend.” To hold brass at bay, he suggests using a blue shampoo (like Redken’s Color Extend Brownlights).
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We’ll see a lot of “cool chocolate brunettes next year, as well as pearlized silvery blondes,” says Coffey. 
Matrix Artistic Director Nick Stenson is also on the lookout for the cool trend. He predicts that “our double-processed blondes or heavily highlighted blondes will go smoky.” “It’s not platinum, so it has a faint ash tone to take away the warmth from the scalp.”
2. Celebrities hair color trend 2: Tonal Terracotta
However, not all brunettes will be lowering their temperatures. “By 2021, I believe more people will be transitioning to auburn hair,” Rae predicts. “It’s a deep red-brown that most people find attractive. It can look like a brunette with traces of red undertones or a dark deep reflective red, depending on the color of the light. Zendaya is to blame for reviving my favorite trend.” 
According to Matt Rez, a celebrity colorist and Redken brand ambassador, “More and more clients are looking to bring color into their lives after the difficult year.”
You’re not sure if auburn is right for you? “Punchy copper reds and warm gingery hues will add vibrancy to your look, particularly after the winter weather has stripped us of our natural glow and left our hair flat and dull,” Hale says.
3. Celebrities hair color trend 3: Pretty Solid
“There’s a trend toward bold, solid colors: consider browns, blondes, reds, and blacks, but the shades will be subdued” Josh Wood, celebrity colorist and designer of Josh Wood Atelier in London, agrees. “In some respects, I believe it’s a response to balayage or highly mixed shades.
He says, “This transition to powerful colors became apparent to me when we developed the polarizing onyx black and pale blonde colors at Prada, and deep black and red at Miu Miu.”
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“Right now, in the Atelier, we’re working on more solid colors. They aren’t as bold as the show’s black, white, and reds, but there is a greater emphasis on shimmer and polish. Whatever the color, if the hair looks good and well-conditioned, it’s on-trend. This season, well-conditioned hair is everything, with hair health serving as a sign of our overall well-being.”
4. Celebrities hair color trend 4: Be Bold
Nicola Clarke, a celebrity colorist, agrees with Wood that 2021 is the year to be brave. “More people are becoming more daring in their color choices,” says the author. She explains. “Consider Dua Lipa, who I dyed blonde on top and black on the bottom. The edgy look isn’t going anywhere.” Dua Lipa’s color, according to hairstylist Luke Hersheson, is “the most fascinating thing I’ve seen recently.”
Clarke advises that if you wish to go for a bold hue – one of celebrities hair color trend, you must be willing to maintain it. That means daily root touch-ups and glossing treatments to keep the hair glossy (unless you want a deliberate root—more on that later). “Products like Olaplex and Virtue encourage us to stretch the limits of what hair can do, allowing more people to experiment with bolder color options than ever before,” she adds.
5. Celebrities hair color trend 4: Colorful
“2021 will be a colorful year,” Wood predicts. “This year, it’s more about bringing out one’s style with hair color and finding a color that really fits you, whether it’s black or pink.” 
“Whether you’re matched to ice blue hues, statement denim blue, or a shiny blue-black,” says Katie Hale, head of color at Charles Worthington Salons in the UK.
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READ MORE: Top 5 celebrities hair on trend 2021
Best virgin human hair extension
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mirrigold · 3 years
Release Blitz: Heartscape by Garrett Leigh
Release Blitz: Heartscape by Garrett Leigh
Heartscape | Garrett Leigh Vino & Veritas #2 Release Date: March 22nd, 2021 Cover Design: Christine Coffey Universal Link: https://geni.us/AmazonHeartscape Add to Goodreads: https://bit.ly/3roFo6y Vino & Veritas Series Page: https://hearteyespress.com/wotn#/vino-and-veritas/ READ MY REVIEW Blurb I’m not the obvious choice to run Burlington’s coolest wine bar—quiet, brooding, clueless about…
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hollywoodfamerp · 3 years
Due to Ronen's new movie bring us. Mia Serafino, Crispin Glover, Amadeus Serafini. Ashley Rickards, Garrett Coffey, Cody Simpson, Daniel Covin and Gianna DiDonato !
You heard our Ronen, bring us these lovely people.
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goalhofer · 5 years
2019-20 Sioux Falls Stampede Roster
#8 Cameron MacDonald (Hammonds Plains, Nova Scotia)
#9 Isaac Henkemeyer-Howe (Moorhead, Minnesota)
#11 Austin Heidemann (Maple Grove, Minnesota)
#12 Nick DeSantis (Collegeville, Pennsylvania)
#15 Jared Westcott (Imperial, Missouri)
#16 Tommy Lyons (Westwood, Massachusetts)
#18 Timo Bakos (Augsburg, Germany)
#22 Filip Karlsson-Tagstrom (Hanvikens, Sweden)
#24 Brian Carrabes (North Andover, Massachusetts)
#25 Luke Weilandt (Northbrook, Illinois)
#27 Tyler Coffey (Hamilton, New Jersey)
#28 Gabe Temple (Fowlerville, Michigan)
#10 Chris Konin (West Kingston, Rhode Island)
#13 Garrett Pinoniemi (Mound, Minnesota)
#17 Ryan Sullivan (Grosse Pointe Farms, Michigan)
#23 Brenden Olson (Eau Claire, Wisconsin)
#26 Jakub Lewandowski (Torun, Poland)
#2 Brandon Chabrier (Bayville, New York)
#5 Valtteri Piironen (Joensuu, Finland)
#6 Evan Bushy (Thief River Falls, Minnesota)
#7 Chase Foley (Mendota Heights, Minnesota)
#14 Josh Phillips (Tulsa, Oklahoma)
#19 Connor McGinnis (Detroit, Michigan)
#20 Evan Nause (Riverview, New Brunswick)
#21 Nick Anderson (Independence, Minnesota)
#29 Grant Adams (South Bend, Indiana)
#30 Nate Reid (Madison, Wisconsin)
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