#garrett brink
meandaupod · 2 years
CASTING CALL: Selkirk Additional Roles
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When Tony Vinchetti is attacked by a mysterious creature, he discovers the sleepy Canadian town he grew up in is actually a haven for monsters and other supernatural beings hiding in plain sight. As the only survivor of the creature’s murderous rampage, Tony must join forces with paranormal park rangers Jodi Whaled and Garrett Tran to stop the killings and pull the town back from the brink of magical war...
Audition deadline: Midnight Pacific Time, December. 31, 2022
Length: 7 new episodes in Part 1, approximately 30 minutes each
Recording location: Primarily remote synchronous recordings during North American daytime and/or evening hours, mainly weekends 
Recording period: Spring/Summer 2023
Compensation: $15 USD/hour of recording time; minimum pay of $20 per VA
See roles and audition instructions
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zapreportsblog · 10 months
I love how she is teaching Renesemee what she knows.
Garrett x single mom reader the reader is a singer at Bella and Edward's wedding. She is also Bella's aunt, she has long brown hair and green eyes.
Her daughter (who is 5 years old) is the splitting image of her. They both meet when her daughter runs across the floor and in between Garrett's legs, where he picks her up before she can fall on her face.
Over the couple of weeks, her and Garrett get to know each other. Garrett does eventually ask where the father of her daughter is. The reader tells him that the father did not want to have a child and gave up parental rights and just up and left her never to be seen again.
After the news of Renesemee being born and Bella being turned. The reader and her daughter are at the Cullen's. None of the witnesses attack the reader and her daughter, their blood does not affect them. They all just adore the reader and her daughter. She often gets song request.
(her child always runs up to Garrett's legs and demand to be pick and held it is the only way she can fall asleep)
They are both sitting on the sofa when an unknown vampire makes a rude comment about the reader being a single mother. The reader is upset and tries to leave but the vampire grabs the reader's arm and makes a comment about how the reader should not even be here.
Garrett gets upset and pins the vampire to the wall. He tells him to leave the reader alone and that she is not bothering anyone.
A couple of weeks after the battle Garrett ask the reader to marry him and to adopt her daughter. She says yes.
❝wedding singer❞
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✭ pairing : Garrett x reader
✭ fandom : twilight
✭ summary : (y/n) is a single mother who catches a guest Garrett’s attention at her nieces wedding after he saves her daughter from falling
✭ twilight masterlist
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The wedding of Bella and Edward Cullen was a celebration that cast a shimmering glow over the town of Forks, an event that seemed to bridge the ordinary and the extraordinary. Amidst the array of guests, each with their own stories and secrets, one figure stood out—a woman named (Y/N), her presence an elegant reflection of both beauty and mystery.
(Y/N) was more than just a guest at the wedding; she was a performer, a singer who lent her melodic voice to the festivities. Her long brown hair cascaded down her back in soft waves, a curtain of chestnut that framed her face with an air of effortless grace. Her eyes, a striking shade of green, held a depth that seemed to hint at the stories they had witnessed.
As the notes of her song drifted through the air, (Y/N) poured her emotions into the lyrics, her voice resonating with a haunting melody. Her performance cast a spell over the attendees, drawing them into a world where love and magic intertwined. And amidst the sea of faces, there was one who found himself captivated by the enchanting presence before him—Garrett.
Garrett, an observer of life's intricacies, watched as (Y/N)'s voice filled the room, a symphony that seemed to echo the very heartbeats of those who listened. His gaze shifted from her to the dance floor, where joyous celebrations swirled in harmony. And then, a flicker of movement caught his attention.
A young girl, no older than five, darted across the floor with an uninhibited enthusiasm that brought a smile to his lips. With the grace of a dancer, she wove through the crowd, her trajectory set on a collision course with Garrett. Before he could react, the girl dashed beneath his outstretched arm, her trajectory sending her directly between his legs.
Instinctively, Garrett's hands shot out, catching the girl in his arms just as she teetered on the brink of tumbling forward. Laughter bubbled from her lips as she gazed up at him, her eyes mirroring the vibrant green of her mother's. It was a moment of serendipity, a dance of fate that brought two souls together.
"(Y/N)!" a voice called from across the room. A woman, unmistakably Bella's aunt from her father's side, made her way toward them. Her eyes held a mix of relief and amusement as she reached them. "I hope she hasn't been too much of a handful," she said, a playful tone in her voice.
(Y/N)'s smile was both warm and grateful as she reached out to take her daughter from Garrett's arms. "Not at all. Looks like she's made a new friend."
The little girl's gaze shifted between her mother and Garrett, her curiosity evident. "Mommy, is this the nice man who caught me?"
(Y/N) chuckled softly and nodded. "Yes, sweetheart. This is the nice man who caught you."
Garrett offered a friendly smile to the little girl, his heart warmed by her innocence. "It was my pleasure. You're quite the speedy runner."
The girl giggled, a sound that seemed to echo with joy. As (Y/N) and Garrett shared a brief exchange, a connection seemed to form—a fleeting spark of something that held the promise of new beginnings.
As the wedding festivities continued, the paths of (Y/N) and Garrett had converged in a moment that defied the boundaries of time and circumstance. In the dance of life, they had become partners, their stories weaving together in ways that neither could have foreseen. And as the night unfolded, they would find that the notes of destiny had composed a melody that was uniquely their own.
Over the course of the following weeks, (Y/N) and Garrett found themselves drawn to each other like two stars gravitating in a celestial dance. Their interactions were a mixture of shared laughter, meaningful conversations, and stolen moments that seemed to suspend time itself.
As they sat in a cozy café one afternoon, the topic turned to matters of family. Garrett's gaze was gentle as he looked at (Y/N), curiosity evident in his eyes. "You mentioned your daughter's father earlier," he began tentatively. "May I ask what happened?"
(Y/N)'s expression softened, a hint of sadness touching her features. She took a deep breath before speaking, her voice tinged with a mix of emotions. "He didn't want to be a father. When I told him I was pregnant, he decided to give up his parental rights and left us without a second thought. It was a painful time, but my focus has always been on giving my daughter the best life I can."
Garrett's nod was sympathetic, understanding the complexities that life often presented. The conversation drifted, carried by the currents of their shared experiences, their connection growing stronger with each passing day.
Then came a day that shifted the very fabric of their existence. News of Bella's fate—the transformation into a vampire after childbirth—rippled through the supernatural world. As the Cullens rallied to protect Bella's immortal child from the Volturi's gaze, (Y/N) and her daughter found themselves drawn into the heart of the unfolding drama.
Guided by Bella's earlier revelation about the Cullens' true nature, (Y/N) arrived at their home, her daughter at her side. The Cullens welcomed them with open arms, their expressions tinged with a mix of familiarity and genuine warmth.
As the tension of the impending confrontation with the Volturi mounted, (Y/N) and her daughter became integral parts of the Cullens' efforts to gather witnesses. The supernatural world converged at their doorstep, a mosaic of beings from different walks of life. And amidst this assembly, (Y/N) and her daughter stood as a unique anomaly—their presence, their blood, somehow immune to the effect it had on vampires.
As the witnesses shared their stories and allegiances, (Y/N)'s daughter exuded an innocent curiosity that endeared her to everyone around her. Her questions flowed like a stream of consciousness, and each answer she received was met with wide-eyed wonder. She approached each witness with a fearless curiosity, her innocence a breath of fresh air amidst the tension.
(Y/N) watched her daughter with pride, her heart swelling with love for the brave and curious soul she had brought into the world. And as the moments turned into hours, a realization settled over (Y/N)—this was a family, a community unlike any other, one that had embraced her and her daughter without hesitation.
As the days turned into weeks, (Y/N) and Garrett's connection deepened, their lives intertwined in ways that felt both familiar and new. In the comfort of their shared moments, they became a duo that navigated the challenges of life with a resilience borne from their past experiences.
One evening, in the soft glow of twilight, (Y/N)'s daughter approached Garrett with wide eyes, her expression a mixture of determination and affection. With a giggle, she ran towards him, her little feet carrying her straight to his legs. "Up, up!" she exclaimed, tiny arms reaching out to him.
Garrett's smile was warm as he swept the little girl into his arms, her weight a comforting presence against his chest. (Y/N) watched with a mixture of tenderness and gratitude, knowing that Garrett had become more than just a partner to her—he was a father figure her daughter had come to rely on.
Later that evening, as the night settled in, (Y/N) and Garrett found themselves on the sofa, a sense of contentment hanging in the air. They shared stories, their laughter mingling like melodies in the quiet room. But the tranquility was shattered when an unfamiliar vampire, a newcomer to their world, made his presence known.
The vampire's voice dripped with disdain as he directed a rude comment towards (Y/N), alluding to her status as a single mother. Anger sparked within her, but before she could respond, the vampire continued his taunts, questioning her very presence.
Tension crackled in the air as (Y/N) stood up, her fists clenched at her sides. The weight of judgment bore down on her, a reminder of the trials she had faced throughout her existence. She took a step back, a hurt and frustrated expression clouding her features. The vampire's words had struck a nerve, reminding her of past wounds that had yet to fully heal.
But before she could make her exit, the vampire's grip tightened on her arm, his tone dripping with superiority. "You shouldn't even be here," he sneered.
The room seemed to shift as Garrett's aura changed, his usually easygoing demeanor replaced by an unyielding determination. He rose from the sofa, his movements swift and purposeful. With a controlled force, he pinned the vampire to the wall, his grip unwavering.
"Let her go," Garrett's voice was low, a warning that held an edge of danger.
The vampire's expression turned from arrogance to surprise, his bravado faltering in the face of Garrett's strength. "What's it to you?" he spat out, a hint of fear betraying his façade.
"She's not bothering anyone," Garrett's tone was sharp, each word punctuated by the tension in the room. "You, on the other hand, need to learn some manners."
As Garrett's grip tightened, the vampire's confidence waned further. With a final warning glance, Garrett released him, allowing him to stumble back. The vampire scurried away, his bravado shattered, leaving the room with an air of tension.
Turning back to (Y/N), Garrett's gaze softened, concern evident in his eyes. "Are you alright?" he asked, his voice a quiet reassurance.
(Y/N) nodded, her heart still racing from the encounter. "Thank you," she whispered, her voice carrying a weight of gratitude that words couldn't fully express.
In that moment, (Y/N) realized that the bond she shared with Garrett was not just about shared laughter and stolen moments. It was about protection, understanding, and a love that had the power to weather even the darkest storms. As they settled back on the sofa, the warmth of their connection cocooned them, a reminder that no matter the challenges they faced, they faced them together.
With a soft smile, Garrett took (Y/N)'s hand in his own, his gaze steady and sincere. "Will you marry me?" he asked, his voice carrying a mix of hope and vulnerability.
(Y/N)'s heart swelled with emotion, her eyes shimmering as she met his gaze. The journey they had embarked upon, the challenges they had faced together, had all led to this moment. "Yes," she replied, her voice a whisper that held the weight of a promise.
A radiant smile graced Garrett's lips as he reached into his pocket, producing a delicate ring that sparkled in the fading light. As he slipped the ring onto (Y/N)'s finger, the world seemed to hold its breath, as if acknowledging the significance of the vow they were exchanging.
But the journey ahead was not just about their union—it was also about family. With a warmth that spoke of his love for both (Y/N) and her daughter, Garrett turned his attention to the little girl who had become an integral part of their lives.
He knelt down to her level, his eyes holding a mixture of fondness and sincerity. "Hey there," he began, his voice gentle. "You know how much I love you and your mommy, right?"
The little girl nodded eagerly, her eyes shining with innocence. "Yeah!"
Garrett's smile grew even wider, his heart full. "Well, I was wondering if I could be your new daddy. Would that make you happy?"
A radiant smile broke across the little girl's face as she clapped her hands in delight. "Really? You want to be my new daddy?"
Garrett's laughter was a melody that filled the air as he pulled her into a warm hug. "Yes, really. I love you just as much as I love your mommy."
The little girl wrapped her arms around him, her happiness infectious. "I love you too!"
As (Y/N) looked on, her heart swelled with a profound sense of joy. The pieces of their lives had fallen into place, forming a picture of love, acceptance, and belonging. In that moment, they were not just two souls bound by affection—they were a family, complete and unbreakable.
The years that had led them to this point had been marked by challenges and triumphs, but through it all, they had found solace and strength in each other's arms. And as the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm embrace over their world, (Y/N) knew that the love she had found in Garrett was a treasure worth cherishing for a lifetime.
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I have seen for the first time a Wednesday x Dark Souls fic and lemme tell you.... It was perfect! Istg im obsessed with Angst and Hurt/Comfort lately so here we go! Instead of Dark Souls, we do Elden Ring
Elden Ring x Wednesday
Instead of Goodie healing Wednesday, Tarnished!Reader bursts in and makes Wednesday drink their last flask of Crimson Tears, healing her back to full health. Reader knowing that they can just restore themselves back at the Site of Grace that they recently discovered at their favorite clearing in the woods(No one knows this fact as Reader doesnt ever reveal he is a tarnished), Protects Wednesday from the arrow that Joseph Crackstone directed back to Xavier and fights him with the Carian Greatsword until Reader is at the brink of death. Wednesday and Bianca kills Crackstone but Laurel Gates shows up with a gun and with Eugene being a bit late, Laurel pulls the trigger shooting at Wednesday but Reader flings themselves at the line of fire with the last of their strength, gets shot instead of Wednesday and falls to their knees and starts to fade away. Reader looks at Wednesday and smiles at her, says "I love you" and fades away. You can go off on from here but! Dont let reader revive until 4 days from then for Angst.
Wednesday x Tarnished!Reader
Footfalls echo throughout the woods as you dash through towards Crackstone Crypt. A dreading sense leads you there. You curse because you haven't had the chance to refill your supplies, but in turn, hoped that you didn't need them. You still felt fine. The coming battle shouldn't be too worrisome, right?
As soon as you crash through the crypt, your eyes fall upon your lover, Wednesday, laying on the ground and bleeding from a stab wound. Immediately, you're by her side.
"Hold on. I got you."
As you cradle Wednesday against your body, you reach for one of your flasks. It was that moment that you realized that it was the last of your Crimson Tears. You weighed your options, but only for a second. You popped the cork and steadied your love.
"Here. Drink. This'll set you right."
You juggle the flask a bit to reach down and pull the knife out of her torso. Immediately tossing the blade aside, you hug an arm around to stem the wound as you help Wednesday drink the last of your tonic.
"Ugh, that stuff is vile," you hear her say. A soft laugh escapes your lips.
"Yeah, but it works. Look."
Wednesday could already feel her stab wound mending. She raises her cut hand to take a look and watches it stitch itself together. Still a bit sore, she stands with your help before making her way out.
"Crackstone's on his way to the academy," she states. "We have to stop him."
"At your lead then."
You and Wednesday find your way onto the Academy grounds. Enid was facing Tyler and you both trusted her to deal with him accordingly. And seeing your other friends helping to evacuate the students made you feel better about the possible outcome of the coming battle.
The quad was in flames when you stepped foot in it. Crackstone was standing in the middle, reveling in his destruction. Before he could ready another attack, Wednesday interrupts.
"Howdy pilgrim."
Said pilgrim spins around, baffled at the fact that his nemesis was still breathing. She stood before him, blade in hand. The same blade her parents used against Garrett Gates. And behind her stood yourself with hands crackling with magic energy.
"No matter," Crackstone states. "I will kill you as many times as I must to achieve my goal."
He sends a beam of energy at the two of you. You swiftly grab Wednesday and barely evade the attack. When your enemy readies another attack, Xavier arrives with his bow drawn.
"Stay away from them!"
He looses his arrow, only to have it slow to a stop right in front of Crackstone.
"Hm. A novel attempt." Slowly, the arrow rotates and aims back at the outcasts. Multiple begin to appear as they aim at all three of you. "But you cannot match my power!"
The torrent of arrows fly towards you. While Wednesday and Xavier brace for the impact, you jump ahead and summon the magic to your hands. With a strong pulse, you scatter the arrows.
"Let me wear him down. Get those outcast stragglers outta here!'
As you speak, a large blade begins to form in your hand. Soon a glowing greatsword, nearly twice your size, forms and you sink into a guard stance. Seeing the feat of magic, Crackstone grins and readies himself.
"Come. See if you can best me."
The battle is quick and fierce. You match Crackstone blow for blow, but each strike saps the energy out of your body. In your peripheral, you can see Wednesday trying to jump into the bout. Xavier was gone, presumably taking care of the evacuation. You were constantly moving, either dodging his strikes, attacking, or blocking. The mana in your body was draining quickly. Soon your life energy would take its place. You had to end this soon.
Soon didn't come quick enough.
One final clash made your blade dissipate. As much as you tried, the Carian Greatsword couldn't take form. Exhaustion pulled you to your knees and each breath made you heavier. You could only hope you made Crackstone feel as you did.
The pilgrim was indeed weary. He leans on his staff as he glares at you. That gaze shoots to Wednesday when she steps in front of you with her sword drawn.
"You believe you can stop me?" He spat out. "I've more power than you can fathom, Addams!"
He draws to his full height to ready another attack only to have a blade spring from his chest. When it pulls away, Crackstone whirls around to reveal Bianca with her saber in hand.
"Damned if I let you do anything without a fight." The siren shifts into a stance. "You fight one outcast, you fight them all."
Wednesday follows suit and sinks into her own stance before launching into an attack. With two against one, Crackstone stood no chance. His exhaustion from his bout with you slowed his movements considerably. In a last ditch effort, the man sends out a pulse of magic to try and push his opponents away. It succeeds, but only by a few feet.
Flanking the man, Bianca and Wednesday use their position to soar forward and thrust their blades into his chest, piercing his heart from two angles. Crackstone stares in disbelief for a moment before exploding, taking his magic and its effects with him.
You let out a heavy sigh and sink further into your knees. A moment of silence fills the quad before a click of a gun cocking can be heard. You all forgot about Laurel Gates
The woman, once known as Marilyn Thornhill, strides close with her gun pointed at Wednesday. The goth just eyes the weapon.
"You brought a gun to a swordfight." She states. "That's probably the smartest thing you've done today." Laurel just gives a sinister smile.
"I may not get to kill all the outcasts, but at least I'll get to kill you, Wednesday."
A loud bang sounds as the woman squeezes the trigger. It echoes throughout the quad before falling into a deafening silence. The next sound to come is the thud of your knees as they crash to the ground.
You had taken the bullet for Wednesday. Whatever strength you had left, you summoned to protect the one you love.
"Y/N..." Wednesday's soft whisper barely reaches your ear. The disbelief in her voice was tangible.
The next few seconds became a whirlwind. Eugene arrived with his bees in tow and subdued Laurel. Bianca ran off to get help, only to find the police finally arriving. And Wednesday dropped to your side, grasping at your body.
Her hands find your face and your dazed eyes look up to see tears welling in her own. You offer a smile, trying to soothe the pain she felt.
"Don't leave me, Y/N. I don't intend on living without you." Your smile widens as your body slowly begins to fade with the wind. Wednesday's hands cling tighter onto you. You raise your hand to caress her cheek.
"I love you, Wednesday. With all that I am."
Your body disappears as the lightest touch grazes the goth's cheek and you vanish from this realm and from Wednesday's arms.
Laurel and Crackstone have been defeated. Nevermore Academy has been saved. Yet, the air in the school was more somber, despite the bustle of students packing their things. Most were mourning the loss of their principal, Weems. Wednesday, on the other hand, mourns the loss of her dark heart.
She was already packed, having been ready to leave after her expulsion. So while everyone scrambles to leave by the allotted time, Wednesday seeks out solitude in the woods.
It's been a few days since the final battle. The students outside of the Nightshades and Enid had no real idea of the danger they were in. And no real idea of the loss they had. While everyone knew Weems, no one really knew you. Only Wednesday.
She refused to cry. Or rather, she just couldn't cry. Her body feels numb as she wanders the woods, weaving through the trees aimlessly. This weakness was why Wednesday avoided emotions in the first place. Now everything was bland. Dull. Boring. Nothing could excite her and it made the void in her chest ache.
But something catches her eye. A bright light in the distance. As she nears it, it's shown to be a large mass of energy coalescing into an orb. How she never noticed the clearing before baffled the goth. Wednesday watches as the orb pulses softly and fights the urge to reach out.
The energy lets out one more pulse before it begins to take the form of a human. Wednesday watches in fascination, having never seen something like this before. Her curiosity momentarily eclipses her grief. When the figure's feet touch the ground, the energy bursts out, forcing the goth to shield her eyes. When she looks again, she can't believe the sight.
You stand amongst the dissipating energy without a single wound on you. You stretch a bit to acclimate to your body again before finally noticing Wednesday.
"Oh. You're a sight for sore eyes." You grin. The situation was relatively normal for you so it didn't faze you.
"You're alive? How?" The goth reaches out and touches your hand. The touch moves to your arms and continues until her hands reach your face.
"It's a long story... I can tell it after you catch me up on what's going on."
"Not before I kill you again for dying like you did." You can feel nails digging into your cheeks.
"Owowowow I'm sorry, I'm sorry."
It's a while before Wednesday returns to campus with you in tow to everyone's surprise.
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sleepyiswhumping · 2 months
Immortality is a Curse
Garrett gingerly wrapped his arm around Talbot, the once-thick, muscular frame withered by age. Snuggling into his embrace, Talbot, in turn, pulled Alex close to him, the three of them lying in bed, their bodies pressed together. Alex was already asleep, his small frame rising and falling with his almost indiscernible breaths. Talbot heard Garrett's breath behind him slow into a light, steady rhythm. Smiling, he let his eyes drift shut and slowly fell into the soft embrace of sleep.
When Talbot woke up, he was surprised to find Garrett and Alex still lying in bed with him. Garrett usually got up early, to make breakfast. Gently shaking Garrett, he tried to wake him up, but to no avail. After about a minute of trying gently to wake him, Talbot had a thought. A chill ran through his body. Did he...? As he checked Garrett's pulse, Talbot's greatest fear was confirmed. Garrett had passed in his sleep. He knew it was only a matter of time, of course. Garrett was old, for a human, almost 100. But he was so fit and healthy, Talbot figured he might have some more time left. Breathing heavily, Talbot slumped backwards, bracing himself against the wall. God, how am I going to tell Alex? Talbot had no clue, but he couldn't leave Alex in bed with Garrett's body. Shakily, he turned, facing his body toward Alex.
"Darling, it's time to get up."
Receiving no response, softly, he caressed Alex's cheek.
"Hey, Alex? Love, I need you to wake up."
Alex didn't react, not so much as a twitch.
"H-Hey. Alex, please? This isn't-this isn't funny."
Tears welling in his grey, cloudy eyes, Talbot bit his lip and reached for Alex's throat. Fumbling, he eventually slid his fingers under Alex's neck and felt for a heartbeat.
Please. Please, please, please just be asleep.
But he felt nothing. Not a single pulse.
Talbot slid back, resting on his knees. He gently, oh so gently, reached forward and pulled Alex and Garrett's limp bodies to his chest, holding them close.
For the first time in centuries, Talbot cried. He cried long and hard. Sadly at first, for the loss of the lights of his life, his soulmates, the two men that had brought him from the brink of darkness back to life. He cried for the moments they'd shared together, the sleepless nights spent talking endlessly, the victories they'd shared, large and small. Bittersweet tears, reminiscing about the love they'd had, the truest love he'd ever felt, a love he'd never feel again.
Talbot sat there, holding his loves. He set them down gently, oh so gently, covered them carefully in the blankets, and wept.
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ironmanfridgemagnet · 2 years
Sitting On The Shelf - Marcus White x Reader
Part 22 - So This Is Christmas
SOTS Masterlist
"Oh! And don't forget - tomorrow is a public holiday, so everybody gets the day off!" A round of cheers resounded around the break room, a wide smile gracing even the likes of Dina.
"How could we forget when you look like you've been pulled right out of Santa's workshop?" Garrett asked, his teasing question going right over Glenn's head, which was adorned with a bright, green, pointed hat - a thick, white fluff running along the hem of it.
"Thank you, Garrett. Jerusha was up all night making it for me." Glenn nodded sincerely, smoothing down the bright green fabric of his jacket as he smiled down at his costume.
"Oh, wow Glenn. That is so... sweet." Amy complimented through a tight-lipped smile, admiring the oversized costume that hung on Glenn's body.
"Isn't it? I just really wanted to spread some holiday cheer." A wide smile was adorned on his face, the apples of his cheeks rosier then usual from the cold, winter weather.
The break room felt warmer then usual, some kind of mutual understanding that the holiday season brought with its streams of red and green; everyone had tomorrow off, and no one could be happier. The low buzz of the radio filled the room, hums of a Christmas song you knew the tune of but not the words to, occupying the quiet between the incessant chatter of your coworkers.
"Y'know, I'm really not that fond of Christmas." Silence fell over the room at the sudden admission, heads turning to look at Jonah who nervously looked up from the hot tea he had been sipping on.
Craning your neck to look at the man behind you, you stared at him over the brink of your coffee cup. Brining Dina's gifted mug to your lips, you took another sip, the warm liquid slipping down your throat with ease and heating you from the tips of your toes which the cold had nipped at as you made your way into the store.
Mateo, turned to face Jonah, near-scowl settling on his lips as he scoffed. "Of course you hate Christmas."
"It's just, I don't see the point." Jonah defended, arms crossing over his chest and hands tucking under his arms as he avoided the eye contact of the majority of the break room. "It's just an excuse to spend money on stuff you don't need."
"You know." Cheyenne stirred around her froot loops, scooping up a mouthful, and tipping them back into the bowl as she spoke. "Maybe the reason you don't like Christmas is 'cause you don't believe in Santa - so you don't get any presents."
"Chey, I don't think that's how that works." Amy put down the Christmas issue of 'Stratus' that she had been flicking through, finally entertaining the conversation that had the whole room captivated.
"Oh it defiantly does. How else would the presents get under the tree." Cheyenne's naïveté and often childlike view of the world always managed to amaze you. Not only did she have a kid, but she was soon to be married - the day getting closer and closer as time went by - and yet that childlike wonder of the world still persevered.
"It's not about money, Jonah." Glenn chastised; his hands firm on his hips and his head tilted in curiosity. "It's about Family, and the birth of the little baby Jesus-"
"Glenn, you know what the rules are surrounding religion in the work place." Dina huffed, crossing her arms across her chest tightly as she moved to stand in front of Glenn, cutting off his religious rant that was sure to ensue.
"No, Glenn. We've been over this before-"
As Dina and Glenn's constant bickering made its first emergence of the day, you turned in your chair with a huff. You didn't have much of a shift to take on today, you and Amy having convinced Glenn to let you go after the first half of the day so that you could go and pick up your keys.
Amy had been less than thrilled at first, the idea of you moving unwelcome in her brain: she'd tried to bargain with you, offered to make Adam change if that's what was making you want to leave. But after a long, heartfelt conversation an understanding was reached - you wouldn't lose each other from your lives and this was a choice you were making by yourself. It was simply that you were ready for this.
Plus the fact that it was a few blocks over from Amy's house made you feel all the better about your decision.
"How'd you do that?" You asked, Jonah's attention snapping to you as you addressed the brunette, his eyebrows hiking in confusion. "Manage to turn everything into a controversial opinion."
"I don't do that. That's not what I'm doing." Jonah spluttered and stumbled over his words, his tea long disregarded on the table before him, Christmas songs still buzzing over the radio.
"I don't know, man. The whole 'I don't like Christmas' thing is saying otherwise." Garrett agreed, not looking up from his phone as he typed furiously on the screen.
"Yeah, like, who doesn't like Christmas? Even if you don't like the 'event' don't you like the food? Gift giving? Gift receiving? Anything?"
"Christmas sucked in my house back home." Jonah sighed, resolving to giving some kind of answer rather then just sulking in his Scrooge-like attitude. "It was always some kind of competition - who could get mom and dad the best gift."
Of course it had been. From what you knew of Jonah, and the very brief things you knew of his family, that sounded perfectly right. His brother was apparently know to be a bit of a tool, and you didn't even want to get started on thinking about his parents. Though they seemed to be completely and utterly oblivious to their sons feelings, they always seemed to know the right buttons to press to make him angry or upset.
"One year my brother bought them a car, a car. How am I meant to compete with a car."
"I wouldn't even try." Garrett mused, still solely focused on the phone screen and the pixels that ran across it, swiping up any notification and continuing with the game.
"Well, you've got us this year. Things will be different. I'm going to make this your best Christmas ever." It hadn't taken much to come to the conclusion of what you were going to do, Jonah's story causing an ache in your chest. Christmas with your birth mom had never been the best of times, and the one Christmas you'd so far shared with Amy, Emma and, reluctantly, Adam had been your best yet, by a mile. There wasn't a thought in your mind that said Jonah didn't deserve that same kind of change as well.
"You really don't have to do that."
"Too late. I've accepted the challenge." Turning around in your chair, you now faced Glenn and Dina, brining your near-empty cup to your lips and taking a long sip. The cup, now empty of coffee, was gently placed beside Jonah's half filled, cold cup of tea.
"No one challenged you." Jonah countered, his eyes feeling as though the were boring holes into the back of your skull as you refused to look back at him. "In fact, I'm actively requesting you don't take it as a challenge."
"Well, too late, I've accepted it."
Glenn and Dina's bickering came to a halt; Dina dismissing you from the break room to the store floor followed by an attempt to more superiorly dismiss you from Glenn, followed by even more arguing.
Standing from your seat, you picked up the cups that littered your shared table, placing them rim-down in the sink and turning to face Jonah with a wide smile on your face. Linking your arm through his, you dragged him from the break room out into the depths of the store.
Throwing another four-pack at Jonah, you hit him square in the chest, the impact making him stumble over his own feet. Picking up another four- pack from the cart filled with boxes that still needed to be unpacked, you hesitated before throwing it at Jonah again. However, this time, he caught it, throwing it right back at you then gesturing for you to add it to the pile.
"I don't get why they want us to stack it like this, like how is this at all effective." Jonah muttered, taking a step away from the stack of toilets rolls you had been making on the end cap; following a pattern left for you with the crates of paper.
"I think it's meant to be like a Christmas tree." Moving to stand by his side, you observed the unusually stacked packs of toilet paper.
Though they didn't resemble much, you could kind of make out the idea corporate had been going for; the festive spirit even influencing their stoic souls.
"Yeah, I really don't see it."
"Like if you squint, kind of."
"No. Still not getting it." Jonah gave up, leaving your side and picking up another pack to add to the tree(ish) shaped pile.
Moving back to the cart, you grabbed several packets, dropping them at Jonah's feet before going back to grab some more to build your own half of the tree. As you stood to place them towards the top of the tree, a man walked past the end cap, pulling a packet of toilet rolls from the middle of the display and toppling over your hard work of an end cap.
Throwing your head back, you let out a low groan of frustration, not understanding how someone could be so stupid and inconsiderate. Falling into the toppled pile of paper, you clutched the packet you'd been holding tightly against your chest, sinking into the semi-softness of the collapsed tree.
Looking up at Jonah who stood above you with a fond smile, you looked to the blank space next to you, and then back at Jonah - who let out a laugh before joining you in the pile of toilet paper. The bright lights of the store bore down on you, making you wince and turn to look at the man lying next to you.
"So, got any plans for tomorrow." Jonah asked, one hand coming to cover the side of his face that was closest to the roof and shielding himself from its light.
"Oh, yeah, actually. Adam is cooking a dinner-"
"I'm so sorry." A laugh bubbled past your lips, Jonah quickly joining you at the notion.
"Yeah, I know, terrifying." You confirmed, laughter dying out between the two of you as you returned to looking at the ceiling, the lights becoming dimmer the longer you looked at them. "And Amy says she goes to visit her parents, and I'm welcome to tag along. I'm actually really looking forward to it. It'll be nice, I hope."
"But, what about you? Are you-"
"Me? Oh, no, no. Probably just going to sleep most of the day, then watch reruns of Diehard or Elf. Whatever comes on first." Jonah revealed, fiddling with his fingers that rested across the breadth of his shirt-clad chest.
"Please don't tell me you think-"
"Y/n!" Amy shouted as she approached the pile of limbs and toilet paper you and Jonah and created. Startled by the sudden calling of your name, you rushed to stand, stumbling over your own feet as you clambered your way out of the pile. "You're friends with Marcus right?"
Not entirely sure wether it was something you wanted to agree to in this moment, you stuttered out an answer. "Um, yeah, I guess."
"Great." Amy wrapped her hand around your wrist, pulling you in step with her as she readily rushed away from Jonah and towards Marcus and whatever issue he had caused.
"Ames, wait."
Coming to a sudden and quick stop, you turned back to Jonah, reaching out for him and pulling him to his feet. "What time do you get off today?"
"6. Why?"
"No reason." Leaving Jonah to dust off his jeans, turning to face the pile he'd have to stack into a somewhat tree shape - this time by himself - you joined Amy once again.
Allowing her to pull you through the expanse of the store, this time holding her hand with a looser grip then before. "So what did you need me for?"
"Cody decided he needed real reindeers if he was being the store Santa. And Marcus is stood watching them and I think it's freaking out the kids."
Stopping in your tracks, starstruck by the explanation, you turned to face Amy. Though it wasn't the weirdest thing to ever happen in the store, Amy's face suggested it was something to worry about.
"Wait what?"
"I'm onto you." Marcus threatened, a pointed finger accusing the reindeer he stood before.
Marcus was hunched over, hands pressed firmly into his knees as he stared down the reindeer in front of him. Cody sat with a crying child on his lap, their tiny hands clinging to his scratchy, red Santa suit as tears rolled down their cheeks. The kid couldn't have been older then 5, and the combination of Marcus standing all too close, borderline death staring the reindeer and Santa's beard falling away from his face, must have been all too much.
"I got this, Ames."
"Thank you, you are an angel!" Amy praised, clasping her hands together as she began to back away from the scene before her."I'll meet you at the car at one, okay?"
Without giving you the chance to respond, she walked away, leaving you to solve the problem that Marcus was inadvertently creating. Breathing in deeply, you then let out an airy laugh, disbelieving the scene before you. Deciding it was better to get the ordeal over with, you approached Marcus, gently placing your hand against his shoulder as to not startle him.
"Marcus, sweetie, what are you doing?"
"Figuring out what these... creatures are." He hesitated in his words, eyes scanning across what should obviously be reindeers as though he would find some new information as to what he was looking at. "Did you just call me sweetie?"
Ignoring his question, you reached a cautious hand out to the reindeer, letting it sniff at your hand, before gently nuzzling it against its nose. "Marcus. They're reindeers."
"I'm not stupid, I know reindeers aren't real." Marcus scoffed, a hand coming to wipe across his forehead and down to his temple where he rubbed circles into the flesh."So what are these things?"
"How about we go and think about what they are away from Santa?" You offered, slipping your hand into Marcus's and gently pulling at it  to try and drag him away from the reindeer.
Marcus didn't sway at your movement, though he griped your hand to keep you by his side. Looking up at the cue of unamused parents, you gave them a tight-lipped smile and apologetic look, hoping they'd sense you were trying to deescalate the situation.
"Why would I do that?" Marcus asked, turning away from the reindeer and finally facing you. "How would I be able to study their-"
"Okay! I'm moving." Marcus sulked away from Santa, Cody flashing you a thankful smile as he pushed the No-longer crying child from his lap and called for the next one in line to come up. Your joint hands forced you to follow after him, his tall frame suddenly coming to a stop in the middle of the store. "Um, where are we going?"
"Just needed to grab some stuff from the break room. And company doesn't hurt." Marcus bit back a smile at your admission, his cheeks becoming red and flustered as he stared a head at you as you lead him towards the break room. "And also I think you might've been scarring the kids."
"If it's the truth that scares them then yeah, they should be scared." Marcus let out a sigh, and you could picture him rolling his eyes as you continued to walk through the back of the store and towards the break room.
"Well, they're only young. I'm sure that they can live without the truth that reindeers aren't real for a little longer."
"Why'd you say it like that?"
"Like what?" You quizzed, opening the door of your locker and pulling out a red and white striped gift bag with your free hand and pushing it into Marcus's chest. "For you."
Pulling your bag from your locker, you slipped it over your shoulder, opening it wide enough to drop three neatly wrapped parcels into it; adorned with rich, red ribbons that curled at the ends.
Behind your own wrapped and bagged gifts, a small box with a silver lid, was tucked away, your name scrawled across a gift tag that hung from the side. Opening your bag wider, you placed it inside, keeping it flat against the material.
"For me?" Marcus asked, trying to pry apart the cello-taped-shut top of the bag, and peek inside to see it's content. At a hum of agreement, he stopped fiddling with the bag, dropping it down to his side and squeezing your joined hands. "I didn't get you anything. I'm sorry."
"You didn't need too. I just wanted to get you something." Marcus leaned against the lockers beside him as he swung the bag in his grasp, a fond smile curling onto his face, eyes crinkling.
"Well then, thank you."
As you reached to grab your yellow, orange and brown plaid scarf, Marcus pulled it from between your fingers, letting go of your hand and placing his bag on the floor to grab both ends of the woollen warmth. Gently, he lifted the scarf over your head folding it in half before curling it around your neck, slipping the open end of the scarf between the folded loop he created a knot - tightening it enough to keep the warmth in.
Holding onto the fabric, he tugged at the frayed ends, old and worn by usage and time. "Merry Christmas, Y/n."
"Merry Christmas, Marcus."
Ducking his head down and close to you, Marcus pressed a kiss to the corner of your mouth. Though him having barely pulled away, you pulled him back against you, kissing him full on the lips. Pulling away, you pressed a final, chaste kiss to his lips, a smile curling onto them as you moved away from him and closed your locker shut.
"You're lucky no one came in." You teased, pushing a hand against his chest, his khaki green jumped soft beneath your fingertips.
"Lucky I am indeed." Marcus squeezed you hand that rested against his chest, pulling it to his lips and placing a featherlight kiss against your knuckles.
You and Marcus hadn't really discussed what the two of you were, or where you stood on things like PDA and people knowing you were a couple - if you were a couple, that was. A good moment to do so had yet to present itself, and the kisses and lingering touches shared only in secret only furthered the idea that you weren't a couple. Marcus hadn't said anything, and neither had you: one date and a couple of kisses. Only time could tell what the two of you could, would, become.
Waving goodbye, you stepped out of the break room, walking in a smiling daze down the back corridors of the store, you made your way towards your next destination, time to meet Amy coming closer and closer.
Pushing the door of Glenn's office open, you stuck your head through the gap you'd created - peeking inside to make sure you weren't disturbing anything before walking into the room fully.
"Y/n! Hello! Come in, come in. How can I help you?"
"Just wanted to come and say goodbye before I head out. Wish you a Merry Christmas." Pulling the first parcel from your bag, you held it out towards Glenn; white paper with Santa-hat wearing penguins, wrapped in red ribbon with a bow on top.
"Oh! Thank you, you didn't have to get me anything." Glenn's faced reddened, the red face paint adoring the apples of his cheeks being outshone by the natural flush that now covered them.
"It's not much." You apologised, standing hesitantly between Glenn's desk and the door, ready to make your outing at the first given chance. "I just wanted to get something to say thank you. For everything."
"Well, that's no problem at all. I actually have something for you." Glenn reached down towards the bottom drawer of his desk, fiddling with the lock that kept it shut, then sliding the drawer open. Sitting upright, he held out an envelope towards you, your name neatly written in cursive on the front. Reaching out and taking it, you held it in your hands, flipping it over, then over again and slipping it into your bag for safe keeping. "You never collected your $100 bonus from this years colour wars. I've been holding onto it, just kept forgetting to give it to you."
Before you had the opportunity to thank Glenn for keeping hold of that for you - and thinking about it at all in the first place - he continued. "I did save you a slice of pizza as well, but it started to get mouldy so I had to throw it out."
"Thank you, Glenn, that is very sweet."
"Merry Christmas, y/n." Glenn smiled widely, his cheerful disposition even more cheerful at the on bringing of the festive season.
"Merry Christmas, Glenn." Turning to leave his office, you opened the door, snapping back towards Glenn at a call of your name.
"Oh! My church is putting on a performance of the nativity tonight; I get to play a Shepard this year. I'd love if you could stop by."
"I'll see what I can do." Stepping outside his office, you leant back in to grab the door handle, closing as you moved further away from the office. "Goodbye, Glenn. Have a good day."
Skipping over to your favourite part of the store, your favourite guy awaited - like he usually did - tucked behind the customer service counter, drumming his fingers along the counter top. "Doll. Do you know how many times they've played this song today?"
"Not really, Gare." Leaning against the surface, you looked down at Garrett, one hand coming up so that you could lean your head into it.
"12. So far."
"I love that you're keeping track, Gare." You laughed, eyes crinkling at thee serious expression that remained on Garrett's face.
"I don't have a choice. Now I've noticed it I can't un-notice it." He shivered, as though something greater was going on then just Cloud 9's Christmas playlist having the same song on a handful of times.
"Garret!" Dina's voice had your head snapping to face her, her asking Garrett to do something before rushing away, leaving a stuttering Garrett in her wake.
"What was that?" You asked, Garrett immediately dissolving back into his usual, charming self.
"Nothing. Nothing at all. She just asked me to do something - what's weird about that?"
"What wasn't?" You retorted, Garrett seeming to become more nervous the more you interrogated him. Deciding in the name of the holiday spirit to leave him be, you dropped the subject, though made a mental note to ask about it sooner rather then later. "Well, I'm heading out, so I thought I'd stop by - wish you a merry Christmas and all that."
"How sweet."
"No need for the aggression, doll face." You chided, using Garret's own nicknames against him.
"Besides, I got you something." Pulling out the reindeer adorned red wrapping paper, a bright, red ribbon curled around the parcel, you extended it towards Garrett allowing him to pull it from your grasp.
"Doll, you didn't have too." Garrett replied, inspecting the package that he held in his hands, gently pulling at the tape that sealed it closed in an attempt to see what was inside.
"You know I did. But it's not Christmas yet, so keep it closed." Placing a hand on top of Garrett's, you stopped him from tearing into the package.
"Oh so that's how we're doing things?" Garrett pulled his hands away from yours, sliding the gift into one of the drawers under the customer service desk for safe keeping. "I left something for you in your locker, don't open it till tomorrow though. I'll know if you did."
"Aye, aye, captain." Tapping against the silver-lidded box that remained safe inside of your bag, you gave Garrett a smile. "Merry Christmas Garrett."
"Merry Christmas Y/n."
With a final goodbye and wave to Garrett, you walked away from the customer service desk and out into the parking lot, walking towards the back of the lot wherein you and Amy had parked up that morning. Waving at Amy as you approached the car, she pushed herself away from where she had been leaning against the hood of the car, keys swinging in hand.
"You ready?"
With a curt nod, you caught the keys, walking around to the drivers side for a change, you climbed inside of the car. Waiting for Amy to get into the passengers seat, you then seat the car in start, driving out of the parking space and out of the parking lot.
"And we're here." Forcing the car to come to a stop, you parked up outside the apartment building, a mom and pop green grocers nestled into the bottom floor of the three story building  that curled around the corner of the street.
Jumping out of the car, you joined Amy on the pavement, looking up at the daunting building before you. "It's cute."
"It is. And it's only two blocks away, you drive up the side of the building and the take a left and we're at your house, Ames."
Letting out a shaky breath, you took a step closer to the building, reaching out for Amy's hand behind you which she happily slipped into your own. With a nod of encouragement and a gentle smile, she came to stand by your side, squeezing your hand before looking at the building before you.
Leading the pair of you into the building, you pushed past the door, it's hinges creaking loudly, as it swung open and led you into a cozy reception. A set of old, brown leather couches were tucked into the corner of the room, beneath the tall window at the front of the building. The back wall of the room was filled with plain, black, wall mounted letter boxes, each labelled with an apartment number and a golden keyhole for access. Beside it was an elevator, it's silver doors sealed shut with caution tape, and a wooden door with a plaque labelling "stairs." A single apartment resides on the first floor, the red door tucked within a white red, a golden number 1 adorning the surface.
A short man pushed past the doors to the stairs, a scowl settled across his features as his eyes met you and Amy. "You the new tenant?"
With a nod of confirmation, he threw a set of keys at you. "Rent is due on the first of each month. You'll get an email with all the fine details later."
A man of few words, he walked out of the building entirely, leaving you and Amy stood in the first floor lobby. Tossing the keys in your hand, you flipped over the bright yellow keychain, a paper insert telling you that it belonged to 3.b - which now belonged to you. Walking up the few flights of stairs, you made your way to the third floor, Amy following swiftly behind you. Three doors littered the corridor, your new apartment waiting against the left hand side, a golden 3.b screwed into the wooden, red door.
Unlocking it, you cautiously stepped inside, stepping away from the door enough for Amy to slip into the apartment so that you could close, and lock, the door behind you.
"It's..." Amy began, looking around the small space. The kitchen smoothed along the wall to your right, the cabinets curving around at their end and stopping beside a bay window on the far wall of the room. Light streamed in through the window, which opened onto a fire escape, that filled the room with winter sunlight. Despite the kitchen taking up just over a third of the rooms space, their remained plenty of space for a small living room set up - two doors splitting off the bedroom and bathroom from the rest of the space against the right wall. "Cozy."
"I like it." Placing your hands on your hips, you took a moment to really breath in the space, take in all the nooks and crannies that adorned the walls and admire the exposed brick of the wall facing you.
It didn't matter that it was small, or that the exposed brick wall would make the winter even colder, or that it was your first time living alone. It all seemed so... right.
Sitting in the middle of the room was two canisters of white wall primer, a paint roller and brushed placed carefully inside the rollers tray, and a note addressed to 'the new tenant.' Inside was a sweet note from the previous tenants, a congratulations on the new home, and the primer and things as a housewarming gift along with a packet of dust sheets to protect the floor from any paint that might splatter against it.
Turing to Amy you offered her a paint roller with a smile. "You down for some painting?"
"Down for some priming." Amy countered, accepting the paint roller and taking off her jacket, leaving it thrown across the kitchen counter tops. Placing your own bag and scarf beside it, you opened the packet of dust sheets and began to unfold them, getting ready for a long afternoon of painting - or priming.
Joining Amy on the floor, you spread your arms out wide, face splattered with paint and arms aching from stretching to the tops of the walls as best you could, as you lay against the cold, wooden floor. Amy's phone began to buzz, a simple message from Adam asking her what time the two of you would be back, the looming threat of night closing in on the two of you.
"Ugh, what time is it?" You groaned, eyes closed against the beaming lights and tiredness seeping into your bones.
"Ugh, only 5."
Pushing to your feet with a guttural groan, you offered a hand out to Amy, grasping it tightly in your own and pulling her to stand with you. Collecting your things off of the kitchen counter, you shut the lights off, walking into the corridor and locking the door behind you. Ushering Amy down the stairs you made your way to the drivers seat, car keys still in your possession, as waited for Amy to buckle in before beginning the very short drive to Amy's house.
As you pulled into the driveway, you hopped out of the car with Amy, thought kept the key in the ignition, a silent promise to return soon. "What are you doing? Grab the keys."
"There's something I need to do." Bouncing on the balls of your feet, you stood anxiously at the front door, knowing it would be better to ask Amy then Adam for assistance. "I just need to borrow somethings, and I'll be back in time to tuck Emma into bed."
"Do I want to know?" Amy asked, though quickly decided she probably didn't, silently following you through the house to your room, where you unplugged the tv from its socket and handed it to her - wires and all.
Opening the storage cupboard that was hidden in the far corner of your room, you pulled out the remaining box labelled Christmas, and filled the half-empty space with pillows and blankets from your bed. Gesturing for Amy to follow you, you walked her back out to the car, placing everything into the cars trunk before climbing back inside the vehicle.
Putting the car in start, you pulled out of the driveway that you'd only pulled into moments before, waving Amy goodbye as you headed back in the direction of your apartment once more.
Quickly pulling up against the curb, you jumped out of the car, balancing the box in one hand as you held the tv tightly underneath the other. Rushing up the stairs to your apartment, you shimmied open the front door, allowing the box to fall to the floor as you carefully carried the Tv across the room to place it in the corner, near the plug socket.
Having set up the Tv, you returned to the discarded box, tipping its content out across the floor as a starting place for the display you wanted to create.
Pulling your phone out of your pocket, you quickly searched and dialled up the number of the vegan place on Maple, placing an order before returning to the pile of tinsel, pillows and fairy lights.
Throwing the pillows and blankets in the general direction of the tv, you moved onto the long strings of tinsel, balancing the strips of silver, red and green across the tops of door frames and window sills, entwining them with the rainbow strobed fairly lights that had fallen out of the box. Flicking on the switches, your whole apartment lit up, festive spirit creeping into every corner and crevice of the room.
Scanning across the room, happy with the set up you'd created, you left the apartment once more, heading back out to the car and quickly driving towards the vegan restaurant on maple. Thankfully it was something you'd have to pass on your way back to the store anyway, making the journey even more time efficient then it could've otherwise been.
Food in car, and car parked in the cloud 9 parking lot, you leant against the front of the vehicle, having claimed a spot facing the stores entrance due to the emptiness of the parking lot. Looking down at your phone, you watched as the clocked ticked over, finally reaching 6 o'clock and with it, an end to Jonah's shift.
As the red-faced brunette left the store, the cold nipping at his face - biting at the apples of his cheeks all the way up to the tops of his ears -  unusually on time, you called out to him. "Hey, J! Need a ride?"
Having forced Jonah into wearing your bobble hat you found shoved into the glovebox, pulling it down to cover his eyes, you guided him blindly up the stairs, one hand holding his own and the other carrying a bagful of takeout for the two of you to share.
"Where are we?" Jonah asked, his grip tightening around your hand as you pulled him up the final step and into the hallway that lead to your apartment. Dropping his hand, with a promise that everything was okay, you unlocked your front door, pushing him inside before locking the door behind the pair of you. "I trust you, peach, but this is starting to get a tiny bit scary."
Reaching up to his face, you grabbed at the bobble hat, pulling it away from his head and allowing him to get a view of the room you had led him too. Twinkly fairy lights were the only source of light in the room aside from the low hum of the tv, generic Christmas music playing over a loading screen, a pile of pillows and blankets littering the floor before it. "This is my new apartment."
"Since when?"
"Since today."
"Woah. You did all this?" Jonah asked, eyes scanning across the length of the room, floor to ceiling covered in fresh, white wall primer and dust sheets folded in a neat pile.
"Amy helped prime the walls. We're going to properly move me in after Christmas and New Years; just got to get everything ready first." You explained, dropping the takeout against the floor and removing your jacket, throwing it against the kitchen counter where your bag and scarf resided from earlier that day. "Sorry about the paint smell. But, I got some food from that vegan place on maple, I know you wanted to try it."
Walking over to the pile of pillows you threw yourself down into them, snuggling into the comfort they provided and clutching one of your throw pillows to your chest. Much like your earlier position at the end cap, you looked up at Jonah, who looked down at you with a fond smile. "Got a load of stuff, thought it would be cool to try, like, everything off the menu. And I borrowed my TV from Amy's so we could watch a real Christmas movie."
"How the grinch stole Christmas?"
"It's only the best Christmas movie ever! Second only to Polar express, but I couldn't find that anywhere." You worried, picking up and fiddling with the remote as Jonah lingered near the doorway of your apartment - was all this too much? You'd just wanted him to have a good Christmas, like Amy and Adam had provided for you.
"Y/n..." Jonah fawned, the endearing coo being missed at his hushed tone.
"And I got you something." Pulling out Jonah's gift from behind you, you held out the silver wrapped parcel, snowmen and snowflakes covering the paper and a neat red ribbon curled around it."It's not much, J, but I really hope you like it."
"I know it's not perfect. But I wanted you to have a good Christmas - not alone. I know Christmas can suck, especially when your family isn't the best, or the nicest; I don't want you to feel like Christmas is a bad time just because your family are bad, y'know?" Looking down at the remote that rested in your hands, you picked at the rubber buttons, ignoring the burning gaze of Jonah who still stood in front of you.
"I couldn't have asked for better." Jonah walked across the length of the room, finally joining you at your side on the floor, cuddling into the blankets and taking the remote from your hands. "A better Christmas. A better friend. A better anything."
Turning on the movie, it's loading screen jingle finally coming to an end as it began, he turned to the bag of takeout, still warm and fresh from when you'd picked it up and pulled out a white, styrofoam box, inspecting it for a clue as to what was inside.
"You get any tofu?"
☆: .。. Tag List .。.:☆ @write-from-the-heart @despicablylara @whatafreakingloser @flowercrowns-goodvibes @millieb-3199 @lolawassad @catarina-trouxa @falsegodofmischief @thepurplebutterflythings @littleboysmile @sibsteria @quinn-7007 @aashy723 @maeisonline @lizziel1410
Want to be added to the taglist? send an ask to let me know <3
Hey guys!! I hope you enjoyed this weeks part. I definitely think it could do with some improvement, as it's my first time writing an episode set in the store (mostly) that wasn't based on an actual episode of the show.
All things considered though, I think it went pretty well.
Little self-indulgent sub-part Sunday coming out this weekend as well to look forward to!!
Any criticism or feedback would be greatly appreciated, especially with this part.
As always, have a lovely week!! <33
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mxalexgeorge · 1 year
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Little Sally in Urinetown: The Musical at Krannert Center for the Performing Arts, November 2022
Urinetown, The Musical Mark Hollman, Music and Lyrics Greg Kotis, Book and Lyrics
November 3rd- 12th 2022 Colwell Playhouse
Photo credits: Darrell Hoemann
Production Team Director: J.W. Morrissette and Lisa Gaye Dixon Music Director: Justin M. Brauer Choreographers: Joe Bowie and Lisa Gaye Dixon Scenic Designer: Emilia Consalvi ,Katie Owen Costume Designer: Wesley Price Lighting Designer: Yingman Tang Sound Designer: Madison Ferris Dramaturg: Melissa Goldman Technical Director: Capri Agresta Properties Head: Sammy Boyarsky Production Manager: Terri Ciofalo Stage Manager: Kaitlyn N. Meegan Fight Director; Zev Steinrock Vocal Coach: Diane Robinson
Cast OFFICER LOCKSTOCK: Grania McKirdie PENELOPE PENNYWISE: Charlotte Howard-Check BOBBY STRONG: David Stasevsky LITTLE SALLY: Alex George DR. BILLEAUX: Noah Smith MR. MCQUEEN: Josh Graff SENATOR FIPP: Josiah Zielke OFFICER BARREL/BOBBY UNDERSTUDY: Anthony Maggio HOPE CLADWELL: Julia Clavadetscher OLD MAN STRONG/HOT BLADES HARRY: Patrick Jackson TINY TOM: Paddy Berger SOUPY SUE: Courtney Mazeika LITTLE BECKY TWO SHOES: Gabrielle DeMarco ROBBY THE STOCKFISH: Jonathan Kaplan CALDWELL B. CLADWELL: Jaylon Muchison BOY COP/UGC EXECUTIVE/OFFICER BARREL UNDERSTUDY: Jimmy Cone GIRL COP/UGC EXECUTIVE/HOPE CLADWELL UNDERSTUDY: Sophia Pucillo JOSEPHINE STRONG: Mary Jane Oken MRS. MILLENNIUM: Guinevere Brown BILLY BOY BILL: Jamal Turner Production Team continued Scenic Charge: Emma Brutman Hair & Makeup Coordinator: Chantel Renee Hair & Makeup Supervisor: Becky Scott Assistant Technical Director: Tara Kisacanin Assistant Costume Designer: Chantel Renee Assistant Lighting Designer: Sarah Goldstein Assistant Sound Designer: Jack Pondelicek Head Electrician : Nicolas Sole Audio Engineer: William Mixter Assistant Stage Manager: Mary Lewis, Shuyu (Tom) Zhang Assistant Dramaturg: Anishi Patel Assistant to the Director: Melissa Goldman, Maci Mitchell, Jacqueline Moren Head Carpenter: Hanna Bowen Production Assistant: Hadas Goldberg, Isabel Wang Costumes Craft Supervisor: Emily N. Brink Costume Crafts Technicians: Katie Greve, Mark Muir Wardrobe Supervisor: Chantel Renee Crew DECK CREW: Felix Crim,Morgan Lin, Avery Luciano, Heraldo Magana ,Jordyn Montgomery PROPS CREW: Mikail Herrera, Ashanti Norals WARDROBE CREW: Kashara Bennett, Gabriel McNabb,Luke Russell, Julia Trenary, Isabel Wang HAIR AND MAKEUP CREW: Fatma Ali ,Kara Howie SWING: Hadas Goldberg A2: Noah McLeod QLAB OPERATOR: Leoni Reilly SPOTLIGHT OPERATOR: Dajion Anderson LIGHT BOARD OPERATOR; Brian Runge AUTOMATION OPERATOR: Bronwyn Garrett STUDENT DRAPER: Carlee Ihde 
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viiisenyas · 2 years
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Heya! I was tagged by @psalacanthea​ !
So here’s the full POV from my last WIP update huehuehue (Ironically the POV right before this is Amell, and he was talking to Bethany about Val RIP)
Heads up: It is FILTH.
Just going to reiterate that this takes place right before Act 2 after Hawke comes back form the Deep Roads and moves in to the estate.
Hawke’s hand found the back of her neck, and he held her against the feather mattress as he worked up a relentless pace. Her lips fell open and she clutched the silk sheets as he brushed against her overly sensitive spot. She was right there, hovering over the edge of euphoria. 
He slipped his cock from her centre, releasing his hold on her, and Valeriana emitted a disappointed groan.
“Why did you stop?” She rose on her hands, turning her head to look back at him.
His lust-filled gaze met hers, and Hawke offered a wry smirk. She watched as he shifted backwards before he seized her hips and lowered his lips to her folds. She rested her head against her pillow, and a sultry moan tumbled from her lips as he flattened his tongue. Heat filled her core, and her legs began to tremble. Valeriana rutted against his face involuntarily before he struck her arse, and she gasped sharply.
She clutched the sheets tighter, and shivered as he pressed wet kisses against her skin, and he struck her again. Her lips fell open as the pain sent a jolt to her centre, and Hawke manoeuvred her onto her back. He hovered above her, kissing the mage with fervour as he settled his hips between hers before he began guiding his cock into her wet folds. Her lips parted, and her eyes fluttered shut as he inched himself within her.
It hadn’t been long since their last tryst in the alley, but she was yearning for more, and she realised that Hawke was moving at an irritatingly slow pace. He spent the better part of an hour bringing her to the brink of release only to deprive her of it, and Valeriana’s patience was waning. 
Her brow furrowed as Hawke pulled back to look at her, and she didn’t miss the teasing smile that stretched his lips. She rolled her hips against him deliberately, hoping he would get the message. The warrior arched his brow, maintaining his agonising rhythm and Valeriana emitted a frustrated huff.
Sweet Maker, he’s doing this on purpose.
She slipped her hand between them with the intention of sending herself over the edge and Hawke caught her wrist. 
“Hands to yourself, Val.” He purred as he pinned her hand against the bed beside her face.
“Venhedis, Garrett, please!” 
“You’re so needy,” Hawke teased as he leaned forward and nipped her earlobe, earning another gasp from her.
Hawke curled his opposite hand around her throat, and squeezed gently as he finally began to move faster. 
“Is this what you want, little dove?” He panted against her cheek, and she nodded fervently.
Pleasured cries reverberated within the large confines of her boudoir and her eyes fluttered shut. Valeriana internally sang praises to both Hawke and the Maker. Nothing mattered to her at the moment. The unopened letters from Arthur diminished to unimportance when she locked her gaze on his hazel eyes, and for once, he didn’t look away.
Valeriana’s cheeks flushed, and her cunt clenched around him as his rhythm became erratic. He kissed her with urgency, and she braced her free hand against his chest. Her heartbeat drummed in her ears, and she trembled violently as she tumbled over the edge. Garrett shuddered as he spilled himself inside of her, groaning in her ear. 
He released her throat, pressing kisses against her heated skin while she panted heavily, fixing her gaze on the intricate carvings of her bedposts. As her hazy vision cleared, Hawke slipped his softening length from her centre. 
He wiped the sweat from his brow with the back of his hand as he rolled onto his side and Hawke emitted a breathless laugh. “Maker’s breath, woman.”
Her eyes met his half-lidded gaze, and he kissed her slowly after she shifted closer to him.  
As Valeriana brushed her fingers against his cheek, Hawke pulled away, disentangling his limbs from hers. 
Hawke sat up, running his fingers through his overgrown hair before he swung his legs over the edge of her bed. “I should go.” 
Her stomach lurched in realisation, and Valeriana scoffed quietly to herself as she sat up. She climbed out of the opposite side of the bed and began to search for her discarded knickers. As she crossed the room, the mage stopped in front of him and shot him a glare over her shoulder. He was already pulling on his trousers. 
Her angered scowl faded to melancholy, and Valeriana sighed, turning her gaze forward. She blinked rapidly to keep her tears from rolling down her cheeks. 
“What?” He arched his brow. 
“N-nothing. It’s nothing.”
“Don’t think that I don’t enjoy your company— I do,” He clasped her hand with his. The gesture was less than comforting. “It’s just that I’m not interested in whatever commitments you have in mind, Val.”
Valeriana wrenched her fingers from his grasp, trying desperately to ignore the disgust in herself that knotted within her stomach. 
“If you aren’t interested then…” The mage looked down at her feet, “W-why do you insist on sleeping with me when you could just go to the brothel?”
A pause filled the air, and she heard him inhale. Before she could ponder on what he might’ve been thinking, Garrett began to speak, voice low.
“Why would I bother spending coin on whores when you’re sitting in the next room?”
Valeriana turned, gaping at Hawke and her brows knitted together. The statement may as well have been a stone fist to the chest. 
“Is that all I am to you, then? A convenience?” Her voice was several octaves higher, and she clenched her fists. Embers crackled around her dainty hands as her anger rose.
Garrett exhaled, pinching the bridge of his nose as he stood. “Val, I’ve already told you that you and I are friends. Nothing more.”
Valeriana mentally kicked herself for having to be reminded this way. The betrayal pierced her heart, and she before she could dwell on it, she turned the blame inward. After all, it was her fault that she was in this situation. She easily could have slammed the door in his face. She knew what his intentions were, yet she allowed herself to bend to his will once again. A mistake she presently regretted.
Varric warned her against romantically pursuing Hawke after they returned from Château Haine, and she realised just how foolish she was for not listening to him. A tempest began to form in her chest, and she held her breath to keep the sobs rising in her throat at bay. 
I knew I shouldn’t have let him come in this time.
Without another word, the mage stepped in front of the grandeur mirror to fix her mussed hair, and she was grateful that his back was turned. Valeriana swiped the smudged kohl from under her eyes with her fingertips before tears slipped down her cheeks. She quickly brushed them away before she returned to her previous task of searching for her smallclothes.
“I’m going to The Hanged Man,” Hawke didn’t spare her a glance as he stepped towards her bedroom door, “Your knickers are by the mantle.” 
Valeriana exhaled shakily and placed her hands on her hips, waiting for him to leave. As he wrapped his fingers around the knob, he paused for a moment. She half-expected an apology, but she knew better.
He’s never apologised before. Why would he now?
Hawke pulled the door open and disappeared out of her view, and Valeriana braced her palms against the mirror, peering at her reflection before she broke down. Her chest wracked, and she pressed her forehead against the glass, clenching her eyes shut. Tears flowed freely and she collapsed to her knees.
Why do I keep doing this to myself? Arthur never treated me like this.
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garrettkinsley · 2 years
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You’ve been craving this mighty match-up of twink superstars for Asher Haynes, and Garrett Kinsley for a bit, and we’re givin’ it to you hard, and hot! Lip locked from the scalding hot start, the two twink titans tussle on the bed, tangled in one another’s tongues, and touch. Haynes is super heated, and heads south towards Garrett’s golden boy bone, where he goes beast mode, swallowing, stroking, and sucking like a sexed up sailor on leave.
Not to be outdone, Kinsley positions his handsome head off the bed, to receive a raunchy-good, face fucking. However, our brown haired hottie isn’t through tasting Garrett’s goods. He tosses the twink’s jockstrap clad legs in the air, and eats ass like the super pornstar he is! Once he’s had his fill, Haynes heaves his huge hard-on balls deep in Kinsley’s cock hungry hole. His expert ass drilling gets Garrett moaning like a dick drunk bitch, before the beautiful blond hops on Hayne’s hog for a ride.
His schlong bounces up, and down, smacking Asher’s incredible abs, and creating a sex soaked symphony. The deliciously dirty blond maneuvers onto his side for a sizzling smash, which pushes the pretty boy to the brink; and, he busts all over the bed! The sticky sight sends shivers down Haynes spine, towards his full sack. Then, he straddles Garrett’s gorgeous mug, and muscles out a mighty load into the dude’s watering mouth.
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militantinremission · 2 years
Yanks go out w/ a whimper
Watching the performance of the N.Y. Yankees against the Houston Astros was frustrating! Nothing against the Astros- they're an excellent team that knows how 2 finish off an opponent 'On The Brink'. The Yankees just seemed 2 do more damage 2 themselves, than The Astros. Unnecessary Errors gave extra Outs & stretched out Pitchers, which led 2 Astro Runs Scored. Poor Yankee At Bats led 2 Strikeouts & Men Left On Base.
Sportscasters from YES & TBS speculated on factors like fatique, & injuries, but those Players supposedly want 2 play in October- what excuse can U make 4 mailing it in? The Yankees barely made it past the Young & Hungry Cleveland Guardians. Terry Francona has captured lightning in a bottle. I told friends that The Yanks will have 2 step up their game against an Astros Team that has Owned them in recent Years. I didn't see the anger that I saw in Yankee Teams of The Past.
My N.Y. Yankee Experience goes back 2 1976, when they won the A.L. Pennant. That Team was swept by Pete Rose & 'The Big Red Machine', but @ least that Yankee Team put up a fight... I dare say that the 2022 ALC was The Worst Yankee Performance that I ever seen in a Playoff Series; that includes their 2004 Embarrassment. What frustrated me the most, were the Players' attitudes. Where was the Anger? They seemed disappointed, maybe saddened, but not Angry. Anthony Rizzo & Garrett Cole came closest 2 anger. Cole deadpanned that The Astros outplayed The Yanks @ every position, while Rizzo sounded like he's planning 2 test Free Agent Waters, like Aaron Judge.
Aaron Boone's strategy is being called into question. He made a few head scratching moves over The Season, but he's not on the Field, or in the Batter's Box. The Players have 2 own their share of The Blame. The Yankees Post Season Batting Average was below .200. U won't win any Championships like that. Michael Kay sounded like he was fitting Aaron Boone 4 a noose, but injuries caused more harm than expected. Matt Carpenter, DJ. LeMahieu, & Andrew Benintendi were On Fire b4 going on the IL. Aroldis Chapman self destructed. He looked like a spoiled brat, when he was called in 2 pitch ANY inning other than the 9th. I don't expect him back in 2023.
Sportscasters R talking about 'Big Changes' coming in Yankees Universe. They R quick 2 mention Aaron Boone & Brian Cashman, but once again, The Players didn't play up 2 the back of their Baseball Card. Josh Donaldson & Aaron Hicks both had a dismal Season. Isaiah Kiner- Falefa & Glyber Torres were inconsistent. Giancarlo Stanton never got into his rhythm. This is why the Astros made short work of a Yankee Team that competed in previous meetings.
I just wanted Yanks 2 show more Grit; there's no shame in losing, if U gave Ur Best Effort. Not sure if the Yankees can honestly say that. Now, We wait 4 Post Season Theatrics. The Aaron Judge Sweepstakes alone promise 2 B drama filled. Hopefully, Brian Cashman will treat Aaron Judge better than he treated Derek Jeter.
-Just My 2 Cents
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illicitreadings · 2 years
Books Read in August 2022
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The roughest Draft by Emily Wibberley, Austin Siegemund-Broka ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Stranger Things - Worlds Turned Upside Down by Gina McIntyre ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Ice Planet Barbarians (Ice Planet Barbarians #1) by Ruby Dixon ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
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Barbarian Alien (Ice Planet Barbarians #2) by Ruby Dixon ★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
Barbarian Lover (Ice Planet Barbarians #3) by Ruby Dixon ★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
Hired: Hadley (The Foster Brothers #2) by Nora Phoenix ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
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Barbarian Mine (Ice Planet Barbarians #4) by Ruby Dixon ★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
Ice Planet Holiday (Ice Planet Barbarians #5) by Ruby Dixon ★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
Barbarian Prize (Ice Planet Barbarians #6) by Ruby Dixon ★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
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Master of Mayhem (Frat Wars #2) by Saxon James ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Friends with Benefits (Never Just Friends #3.5) by Saxon James ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse by Charlie Mackesy ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
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Miss Memory Lane by Colton Haynes ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The Princess Diaries (The Princess Diaries #1) by Meg Cabot ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Princesa in the Spotlight (The Princes Diaries #2) by Meg Cabot ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
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Pride and Prejudice (Graphic Novel) by Jane Austen ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
The Sex Coach by Garrett Leigh ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Cocky by Sean Ashcroft ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
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Princess in Love (Princess Diaries #3) by Meg Cabot ★★☆☆☆
Princess in Waiting (Princess Diaries #4) by Meg Cabot ★★☆☆☆
Princess in Pink (Princess Diaries #5) by Meg Cabot ★★☆☆☆
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Princess in Training (Princess Diaries #6) by Meg Cabot ★★☆☆☆
Princess Party (Princess Diaries #7) by Meg Cabot ★★☆☆☆
Princess on the Brink (Princess Diaries #8) by Meg Cabot ★★☆☆☆
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Princess Mia (Princess Diaries #9) by Meg Cabot ★★☆☆☆
Princess Forever (Princess Diaries #10) by Meg Cabot ★★☆☆☆
Royal Wedding (Princess Diaries #11) by Meg Cabot ★★☆☆☆
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Will Byers: Scret Archives by ★★★☆☆
You Deserve Valetine's Brunch by Sarah Hogle ★★★★★
Kiss me, Liar by ★★☆☆☆
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goalhofer · 23 days
2024 Lehigh Valley Phantoms playoff stat leaders
Games played: Emil Andrae, Ronnie Attard, Louie Belpedio, Bobby Brink, Adam Brooks, Brendan Furry, Rhett Gardner, Jacob Gaucher, Adam Ginning, Tanner Laczynski, Olle Lycksell, Cooper Marody, Hunter McDonald, Cal Petersen & Garrett Wilson (6) Goals: Emil Andrae & Rhett Gardner (2) Assists: Cooper Marody (5) Points: Cooper Marody (5) +/-: Emil Andrae (+3) PIM: Louie Belpedio (30) Wins: Cal Petersen (3) Fewest losses: Cal Petersen (3) Fewest goals allowed: Cal Petersen (16) Saves: Cal Petersen (126) Shutouts: Cal Petersen (1)
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dailytrendingnews007 · 5 months
Myles Garrett Almost Didn't Play Against the Jets
In a surprising turn of events, the Cleveland Browns' star defensive end, Myles Garrett, was on the brink of missing a crucial matchup against the New York Jets. The unexpected development sent shockwaves through the football community, leaving fans and analysts alike speculating about the impact of Garrett's potential absence.
Read more: https://bit.ly/3H1aHNO
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mitchbeck · 1 year
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By: Alex Thomas, Hartford Wolf Pack  ALLENTOWN, PA – The Hartford Wolf Pack finish their weekend back-to-back tonight when they visit the Lehigh Valley Phantoms for the final time this season. Puck drop is set for 7:05 p.m., and coverage is available on both AHLTV and Mixlr. In addition, tonight's game will also air on NHL Network. Tale of The Tape: This is the season's fourth and final meeting between the Wolf Pack and Phantoms. It is also the second and final meeting between the foes at the PPL Center in Allentown. The sides last met on February 19th in Allentown, with the Wolf Pack scoring a wild 6-4 comeback victory. Trailing 3-1 entering the third period, Will Cuylle scored on the powerplay at 7:16 of the third to draw Hartford within one. However, over two minutes later, Garrett Wilson completed the hat trick to restore the two-goal Phantoms lead. From there, Hartford would take the game over. Gustav Rydahl completed a hat trick of his own, scoring his second goal of the night at 12:50 and then his third at 15:32 to tie the game. Libor Hájek broke the tie at 18:00, blasting a shot through a scrum in front of the Phantoms' goal. Turner Elson would hit the empty net at 19:25 to cement the victory. The Wolf Pack has taken two of the first three meetings from the Phantoms. They also claimed a 3-2 victory at the XL Center on December 7th. The Phantoms' lone win in the series came in Hartford on February 10th by a final score of 5-2. Wolf Pack Outlook: The Wolf Pack won their third straight game on Friday night, snapping the Providence Bruins' eight-game winning streak with a dominant 5-0 decision. Ryan Carpenter tipped a Zac Jones shot home for the eventual game-winning goal 17:43 into the game on the powerplay. Anton Blidh then buried a centering pass from Tanner Fritz at 19:57, extending the lead to 2-0. Blidh scored two points (1 g, 1 a) against his former team, while the assist gave Fritz a career-high 29 on the season. After a scoreless middle stanza, Hartford struck three times in the third to pull away. Will Lockwood scored his 15th goal of the season 3:20 into the final frame, as his shot hit the stick of Dan Renouf and snuck through the five-hole of Kyle Keyser. Fritz tipped home a centering pass to make it 4-0 at 5:09, while Jake Leschyshyn went bar down at 9:00 to finish the scoring. Louis Domingue made 25 saves for his third shutout of the season. It was his sixth consecutive victory and 19th overall on the season. The win pushed Hartford three points ahead of the Bridgeport Islanders for the final playoff spot in the Atlantic Division. Brodzinski leads the Wolf Pack in points with 45 (20 g, 25 a) in 42 games. Cuylle, meanwhile, leads the team in goals with 24. Phantoms Outlook: The Phantoms opened their three-in-three weekend with a comeback victory on Friday night, knocking off the Wilkes-Barre/Scranton Penguins 4-2 at the PPL Center. Ty Smith broke a 1-1 tie at 13:27 of the second period, giving the Penguins a 2-1 lead through forty minutes. However, the Phantoms would score three unanswered in the third to pull away for two points. Jordy Bellerive tied the game at 6:37, potting his seventh goal of the season. Bobby Brink then netted the eventual game-winner at 10:37, his ninth of the season. Finally, Brink polished off the victory with his second goal of the contest into an empty net at 18:41. Tyson Foerster, who scored in last night's win, leads the Phantoms in scoring with 41 points (20 g, 21 a) in 59 games. Elliot Desnoyers, meanwhile, leads the Phantoms in goals with 21 on the season. Game Information: WATCH: AHLTV LISTEN: Mixlr Play-by-play voice of the Wolf Pack, Alex Thomas, will have 'Wolf Pack Pregame' starting live at 6:50 p.m. on both AHLTV and Mixlr. The Pack is back at the XL Center on Wednesday night when the Wolf Pack hosts the Toronto Marlies for the only time this season. The puck drop is set for 7:00 p.m. Tickets are available at hartfordwolfpack.com. HARTFORD WOLF PACK HOME Read the full article
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palewitchknight · 1 year
I’d Do It All Again Chapter 1
A Dragon Age 2 Fanfiction I’ve been working on for several years, only recently coming out of hiatus after six long years.
Summary:  Garrett Hawke has been isolated from day-to-day society for as long as he could remember; and that was always. Taken in and raised as an assassin at the age of fifteen; a life of crime and isolation was all Garrett knew, until a mission went awry. Suddenly everything is wrong and he no longer knows who he can trust. Even the very man who raised him has changed; Garrett is eventually forced to flee Ferelden and seek refuge in the coastal city of Kirkwall. But with newfound freedom comes new dangers; Strangers from overseas refuse to leave without an artifact that had been stolen from their people and will tear the city apart to find it. With tensions rising between political groups, mages are being hunted down and murdered in the streets. The city itself teeters on the brink of civil war. An Elvhen deity seeks him to be her Champion. Is this ‘freedom’ truly worth the price? As he gains back his memories, his family, and finds new friends, will Garrett truly be able to abandon his old life? Or will his past catch up to him and hurt the people he loves?
Trigger Warnings!!
This stories contains violence, semi-graphic descriptions of character death, s*x, mentions of past abuses, physical and mental abuse, slavery, and other general violence.
Pairing(s): Isabela/M!Hawke, M!Hawke/Fenris, F!Hawke/Anders, F!Hawke/Sebastian, M!Hawke/M!Adaar, Polyship Endgame (M!Hawke/Fenris/Isabela/M!Adaar
Tags: Upgraded Mage Abilities, Powerful Mages, Mage!Hawke, Biracial!Hawke, Slave!Hawke, Role-Reversal, Healing, Emotional Recovery, Mental Healing, Recvovery from abuse.
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twinkmodel · 2 years
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This tasty tryst is triple the pleasure, with twink porn’s heavy hitters, Derek Shaw, Garrett Kinsley, and Sam Ledger! This lusty threesome gushes with gorgeousness on every lusty level! So, brace yourself, as these boys bring you to the brink….. times three! Check Out Twink Porn At Helix Studios.
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asherhaynes · 2 years
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You’ve been craving this mighty match-up of twink superstars for Asher Haynes, and Garrett Kinsley for a bit, and we’re givin’ it to you hard, and hot! Lip locked from the scalding hot start, the two twink titans tussle on the bed, tangled in one another’s tongues, and touch. Haynes is super heated, and heads south towards Garrett’s golden boy bone, where he goes beast mode, swallowing, stroking, and sucking like a sexed up sailor on leave.
Not to be outdone, Kinsley positions his handsome head off the bed, to receive a raunchy-good, face fucking. However, our brown haired hottie isn’t through tasting Garrett’s goods. He tosses the twink’s jockstrap clad legs in the air, and eats ass like the super pornstar he is! Once he’s had his fill, Haynes heaves his huge hard-on balls deep in Kinsley’s cock hungry hole. His expert ass drilling gets Garrett moaning like a dick drunk bitch, before the beautiful blond hops on Hayne’s hog for a ride.
His schlong bounces up, and down, smacking Asher’s incredible abs, and creating a sex soaked symphony. The deliciously dirty blond maneuvers onto his side for a sizzling smash, which pushes the pretty boy to the brink; and, he busts all over the bed! The sticky sight sends shivers down Haynes spine, towards his full sack. Then, he straddles Garrett’s gorgeous mug, and muscles out a mighty load into the dude’s watering mouth.
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