#gardan lights
asolle · 1 year
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Click the link to stream or download Music Music Music spring 2023 episode 6: https://app.box.com/s/zxb624cp6wo064wwyik35uyd1i663spo
Ted Leo and the Pharmacists - Where Have All the Rude Boys Gone?/Hearts of Oak U.S. Girls - So Typically Now Glume - Gardan of Allah Handsome Boy Modeling School - Sunshine/The Truth Dr. Octagon - Flying Waterbed Automator - King of NY Tchotchke - RONNIE M.U.T.T. - Bad to the Bone/High With You Sylvester - Over and Over Miike Snow - My Trigger/Longshot 7 Nights ALASKALASKA - TV Dinners Death Valley Girls - Islands in the Sun The Notorious BIG - Hypnotize Aceyalone and RJD2 - High Lights Bad Bunny - Neverita/Ojitos Lindos Gorillaz - Tormenta/Skinny Ape Steely Dan - Reelin' in the Years Frankie Cosmos - Aftershook/Magnetic Personality Sly and the Family Stone - I Want to Take You Higher Thee Sacred Souls - Future Lover The Altons - Cry for Me Wu -Tang Clan - CREAM
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singhmahi9752 · 2 years
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September's Kingdom of Dreams
Chapter 3
They'd had it coming. Nauria had told them, for years and years, people like them wouldn't hold the throne for long. But nooooo, little power plays were more important to the king and queen than the wellbeing of everyone else. They'd deserved what had happened.
The others however hadn't. Nauria dreaded to think of what could have happened to Gardan and the rest of his expedition troop. And of course, Crimson. The princess. Too young to understand the heaviness of her responsibilities, but young enough to learn to face them better than her parents had. She had the precious gift of time to change, time that she would spend knowing the terrible fate of those who refused to learn. She'd seen it with her own eyes.
But for now they only had to do one thing: Escape the castle.
The unusual pair was rushing down into the vault, Nauria clutching Crimson's hand. They heard voices from above, screams, cruel laughter, harsh commands. Then the squeaking gate to the vault opened.
"Bubak, Hallafeen, you search the dungeons. They have to be down there."
A voice with a slight lisp answered. "B-but she's just a child. What's the most she can do?"
"Listen to me you useless sack of straw!", the commander bellowed. "Everything that remains of the Calderia line will threaten our glorious revolution, so go down there, and finish her!"
"We're gonna be found," Crimson whispered timidly.
"Don't worry, we'll be fine," Nauria whispered back. Then she heard footsteps and pulled the princess into an empty cell. "Stay quiet!"
Two figures passed by, a man with dark blonde hair and white clothes and a nervously twitching silhouette with what appeared to be a massive amount of....straw for hair. With his every step he left behind dry blades of grass and occasionally wilted flowers.
The other man abruptly elbowed him in the ribs and he doubled over in pain.
"Look at the mess you're making!", the blonde hissed. "Everyone will see where we've been!"
"I'm sorry, I can't help it-"
"Shut up!" The blonde sharply inhaled through his teeth. "We're splitting up. I'm going to the other wing, you search here." He grabbed the other man by the collar and slightly shook him. "And if you let them escape, I'm breaking your arm again."
With that he left.
For a few moments it was quiet. Then the young man turned over and looked directly at the dark prison cell.
"Hey," he whispered. "I know you're here anyway. I don't want to hurt you."
Nauria hesitated. Was it a trick?
"Look, I can see in the dark, okay? I know you think I'm bluffing, but it's the truth. Listen, I wanna give you some time before Hallafeen comes back, so please hurry up. You can even threaten me with that lovely sword you have, if that makes you feel safer."
Nauria felt the cold handle of Heartpiercer in her hand. Then she took a deep breath, gave Crimson a reassuring nod and stepped into the dim light of the flickering torches.
At first Nauria thought the stranger was wearing a mask, but then she realized that he wasn't. The man standing there and patiently waiting, was a scarecrow.
She raised Heartpiercer, but she wasn't even sure where to aim now. He acknowledged her confusion with a tired twitch of his mouth.
"Why do you want to help us?", Nauria asked.
He shrugged his narrow shoulders. "I don't know. I feel like I should."
"That doesn't sound very convincing."
"Do you have any other options?"
Nauria hesitated, then shook her head. "Nope."
"Good. Did you have any plans how to escape the castle?"
"There's a window in the back where one can climb out."
"Good. You go there, I'm holding up Hallafeen. Deal?"
They hurried down the corridor, until finally, they reached the window. Nauria helped Crimson climb on the windowsill, but once the little princess was there she grabbed the Pirate Queen's arm in white-knuckled terror.
"It's so high!" Her voice was shaking.
"Hey. Hey." Nauria was trying to calm her own racing heartbeat. "You'll be fine. I promise."
Footsteps in the distance. The scarecrow spun around, panic in his face. "Hurry up!"
Nauria bit her lip. Then she made a decision and drew her sword.
"Take Heartpiercer," she whispered. "It'll protect you."
Crimson's red eyes widened as her small hands closed around the cold handle. She glanced up at Nauria, swallowed hard and nodded.
Hallafeen appeared around the corner and Bubak leaped forward to hold him up. "Hallafeen, wait-!"
A blade slashed through his face, followed by a punch and the cracking of bones. The scarecrow yelped and curled up on the floor in pain. Nauria spun around, her eyes wide open.
"Crimson, save yourself!", she yelled.
And the princess jumped.
The rain was still drumming on the ceiling of the camping trailer. A stray raccoon found an open window and shuffled inside. It jumped on the wooden table and shook it's damp fur. Silver water droplets flew everywhere, softly plopping against the glass of the window.
The raccoon's muddy paws left stains on the previously clean table as it shuffled over the polished surface and jumped onto the floor. It was hungry.
A bag of crisps on the shelf smelled promising. The raccoon's claws tapped on the ground as it scurried over. Plastic rustled when it climbed into the bag and started munching on the unprecedented snack.
When the raccoon's head appeared from the depths of the crisp bag it suddenly felt watched. Hesitantly, it turned around and realized in utter horror that a human was lying right by the shelf and looking right at it. It bounced to the floor, but then realized that the human wasn't moving.
It's dead, the raccoon thought. It had a small brain, but eventually it came to the conclusion that if something as large as a human had died in this strange box, then a small raccoon probably wasn't safe either. With a small metaphorical sigh the raccoon braced itself and climbed back outside into the storm.
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artisticflutter · 4 years
AU Yeah August - Day Seventeen: Masquerade
I suddenly came up with this idea and ran with it. While it’s not totally an AU for one fandom... it’s a crossover. Something was AU’d for it to work hehe.
Series: Miraculous Ladybug x Final Fantasy IX Rating: G Genre: General, Fluff Pairing(s): Gardane, Adrinette Summary: Lila wants to dance with Adrien at the Masquerade Ball. She moves in to rectify this. Warning(s): Modern!AU for FFIX, Crossover, Identities Revealed, and Aged Up! Minor Lila Salt so take what you will with that.
Lila was annoyed.
Not only had she been forced to some ball celebrating Ladybug and Chat Noir’s defeat of Hawkmoth, but she was not getting any of the limelight she would’ve liked. It was hard to cater to a large crowd unlike that of her classmates in Lycée, but lately, they hadn’t been giving her their undivided attention. What’s worse, with Hawkmoth gone, the possibility of manipulating situations to her favor had drastically decreased.
The ‘lying disease’ Adrien made her admit to back in Collège had worked against her, too. Things she said were now taken with a grain of salt; even the smallest attempted jabs at Marinette had only ended up with the class making sure they never interacted because of how ‘her disease seemed to act up the most around her’.
… Oh well, she still had her ‘friendship’ with Adrien and somehow she still had her contract with Gabriel. One of the few reasons she had to attend, but even if that hadn't been the case, her mother had been invited, too - or, had been expected to attend on Italy’s behalf. There were celebrities, business owners, the works in attendance, and even a few rumored royals. 
If she played her cards right, maybe she could be the next Katie Highland or Michelle Miracle.
Yes, forget a model; a royal would be what she deserved after all her hard work trying to bring down Ladybug and that cat sidekick.
Speaking of those superheroes, as she adjusted her fox mask, she spotted them and glowered. Another take, and she felt her irritation boil to scalding anger: Adrien and Marinette Dupain-Cheng. They weren’t dancing in the spotlight or anything, but even in the dim lighting, they stood out in a crowd.
Marinette wore some gaudy red ball gown with black satin roses around from the looks of it around the waist to imitate the spots of the superheroine. Obviously her own awful design; and of course she’d wear her hair up in a tacky bun with roses clips. Meanwhile, Adrien dared to wear a black suit with green trim and tie to reflect the cat tag along. She’d make comments about his hair being tied up in a ponytail, but his father had given him permission to keep it like that. Something about his new style helped with marketing numbers even if she personally hated it. 
They were smiling and happy and looked so in love that she needed to find a way to ruin it, but how?
She smirked - duh, all she had to say was Adrien had to dance with her. How would it look to people if they didn’t? How would it reflect on Gabriel?
Cheering herself at the plan, she put it into execution.
Carefully and ‘politely’ making her way through the crowd, she reached them shortly and cleared her throat. When they didn’t stop and continued twirling on, she tried again, a little louder this time.
Finally, both stopped and gave her a quizzical look, and that was her cue.
“There you are. You’re supposed to dance with me now.”
She held out her hand and expected Adrien to take it. However, seconds passed with her standing there looking like a fool, and he made no move. She could see his eyebrow raise but - was there something off with his eyes? - it didn’t matter. She straightened her posture a little and spoke loud enough for the two dimwits to hear.
“We don’t want any trouble tonight, right? So we’re going to dance or I’m going to see you’re under house arrest for the rest of your life.”
Usually, that threat would have cowed him into obeying, but Adrien just looked at Marinette and shook his head. She looked skeptically back at him and he shrugged. Lila rolled her eyes at their stupid antics and grabbed Adrien’s, pulling him away with a firm yank. Seeing Marinette stumble was amusing, but it was only passing. Adrien ripped his arm from her hold and took Marinette’s hand, helping her steady. Lila seethed and was just about ready to cause a scene.
However, the lights turned on and she paled.
Marinette didn’t have brown eyes and Adrien’s eyes were not teal.
“Your Majesty!”
Before she could escape, Lila felt a hand grasp her arm firmly to keep her in place. She struggled and shrieked, her voice deadening at the one-eyed glare she received from the brown-haired woman who held her. There was a sword on her hip; who the heck did she think she was?
Meanwhile, a man in military garb had approached not-Adrien and not-Marinette, his eyes stern.
“Are you unharmed?”
“Yes, I’m quite alright Captain Steiner,” not-Marinette said softly. “I believe there was a mix up due to our masks however…”
“Oddly hostile mix-up if you ask me,” not-Adrien said, his eyes leaving the young woman to stare at Lila - no, it wasn’t just a stare. Something about the look had her already wary of what he knew from that look.
A hand on his shoulder, not-Marinette was about to speak when the crowd parted, allowing Mayor Bourgeois and Lila’s mother to approach.
“Queen Garnet, Prince Zidane. Please, I’m so sorry for my daughter’s actions!” her mother immediately said and Lila felt her blood drain. A Queen and a Prince? Another look, and the young woman in red really did have this Princess doll beauty to her. No, Lila couldn’t have really—
But not-Marinette - Queen Garnet - waved a hand, “Please, it’s fine. I’m fine, but you may want to help your daughter find whomever it is she’s looking for.”
“If they are even here to be found,” Prince Zidane added. “You might want to have a private word with your daughter first?”
“Yes, I certainly will…”
Queen Garnet looked Lila’s way, her eyes on the woman holding her arm, and with a nod, she was let go. Not that Lila could escape still because next she knew, her mother was ushering her off the dance floor and to an adjoining hallway to have that word.
Unbeknownst to Lila, Adrien and Marinette had come to the ballroom themselves upon hearing a commotion and noticing the lights had been turned back on. Adrien was wearing a white tux with gold trimmings and tie, matching Marinette’s white A-line dress with gold embroidery down the thigh of her skirt. It was a modern take of an Ancient Greek dress she wanted to try and he’d gone along with it, suggesting all the while they should try something with Hades and Persephone. 
Anyway, they had been attempting to decide when would be a good time for Ladybug and Chat Noir to appear, but now, they watched Mme. Rossi pull her daughter away for a stern word, and slowly let their eyes drift back to the Queen and Prince masquerading tonight as their superhero personas.
“I am going to have to personally thank them for taking that hit,” Adrien whispered.
Marinette nodded and then added, “And now you see why I said we shouldn’t dress up like Ladybug and Chat Noir as our civilian selves.”
“Yeah. I’m surprised she thought they were us though.”
“Right? Queen Garnet is so beautiful and Prince Zidane is way more roguish than you, kitty.”
“Princess, I’ll have you know you’re gorgeous,” Adrien chided. “But, I will give you that part of him being more roguish. I’ll have to work on that.”
“We’ll see about that, we’ll see…”
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schokokokatze · 4 years
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Cat: “Did you loose poor Lone somewhere? I dearly hope he’s alright ...”
She asked Dark if he sensed anything about Lone being dead, but as he denied it, she was relieved and went about her business for a bit. She knew that she was pushing it off. In her heart, she still loved him. But she had come to understand the one thing that would not ever change, not after over a year of wandering, not after she had pulled him out of the burning wreckage of their temple.
She was pushing it off. But maybe, with this new disciple here, it was time. She put it off just a little while longer, and when Lone had returned and everyone had gone to bed, she could no longer justify the wait.
Cat: “Dark. We need to talk.”
Dark: “Oh. Is everything alright?”
Cat: “No. No, it’s not.”
Dark: “... do you want to get out of the rain for this?”
Cat: “No, this is fine. We have light, and I don’t want the kids to overhear.”
Dark: “Okay.”
Cat: “Dark, I’m not happy. I wanted to have your children, to be your wife. I wanted to be like everyone else, just ... happy and in love. I wanted ... I wanted to be like my twin sister was with your brother. And I realized ... realize every day a little more, that we won’t ever be like everyone else. Because you’re unlike anyone else.”
Dark: “I ... I’m ... I’m very ... sorry. You’re disappointed. I can ... I can try harder to make you happy.”
Cat: “We stopped wandering. You have disciples. You have your goddess. You don’t need me anymore.”
Dark: “Your goddess?”
Cat: “You’re more devoted to her than you’ll ever be to me, or to anyone else. And that is ... good. You’re her high priest, that’s what it needs to be like. But it doesn’t make me happy.”
Dark: “... I ... I can’t change that. I would, if I could, but ...”
Cat: “I know. Everyone knows she grants you special powers now. They fear you, but they would never, ever wish to replace you. The day you finally pass over through Gardan’s doorway, and join your revered mother in death, our entire village will mourn as if their own father had died, no matter how they feel about you now. You don’t need me anymore.”
Dark: “But I want you. Why isn’t that good enough? Is ... is it just not enough?”
Cat: “Maybe. But I ... I’ll be this old, bitter, childless crone eventually, and I’ll be in the shadow next to you. You, glowing in Gardan’s light, and performing her wonders, beautiful and terrible like the goddess herself, your disciples and all the faithful gathered around you, every man, woman and child passing through your rites before they meet the goddess. Meanwhile, my form begins to sag, my stomach and breasts dry, and I’ll be worse than nothing.”
Dark: “No, you ... you’re so much more than what you just said. And I’m not ... I’m ... so that’s what you see in me? Some ... divine monster? I ... I don’t know how to fix that.”
Cat: “No. I see a shy boy, who is terribly awkward and cute and only confident when he’s speaking of his faith or protects someone, who is loyal to a fault and would protect his tribe with his life. I see a man who always tries to do the right thing, and thinks too much about what that might actually be, who sometimes thinks so hard about things that he forgets to eat, or to sleep, who can never be bothered to comb his hair because there’s just so many things in his mind, occupying his every thought. You are ... brilliant. And terribly silly. But I’m scared of what I’ll become if I don’t go.”
Dark: “... you want to leave. So ... there’s nothing left to fix. I can’t do anything to help you?”
Cat: “No, my heart. You can’t do anything.”
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looselucy · 7 years
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Vitae & Mortem
Dystopian AU - Read the previous chapters
This chapter contains extremely violent scenes. Please read with caution
Part Ten
UNKNOWN TIME My mind had been empty for hours. I didn’t move. I didn’t think. I barely took the time to breathe. For a while, my existence was nothing more than a lifeless being on the ground. I was covered in my own blood and dirt, unable to track the hours like I usually could. There wasn’t a single way for natural light to leak into the room where they’d trapped me, unable to comprehend how long I’d been there, or how long they’d keep me there. In my mind, there were only two options available at that point. I would live a life where I accepted what happened to Lost Children, standing proudly by my father’s side and pretending I was blind to the ugly truth. Or, they would kill me.
Despite the bargain they’d offered, where I could live in a home, sleep in a bed and have a normal existence, the latter option still appealed to me much more than the first. Harry had tried to manipulate me, to change my dreams. He’d talked about how all he wanted was a home and a family, and planted that seed of thought firmly into my mind in the hope that I would want the same thing. That was why he had kissed me. They had this aim to weaken me and to change what I wanted from my life. But they had failed. It may have taken me a while to really think things through, but I knew that I’d rather die than to live a life with so little honesty. Even if he hadn’t told me everything he had, if I was still existing thinking that Mortemosis was an airborne disease, and not inflicted upon people by choice due to their class or income, I knew it still wouldn’t be an option for me to stand as his side and ignore the struggles that I and thousands of other children faced. Death was much kinder than that. Death involved a dignity that I was longing to keep. With great difficulty, I twisted my body to look over my shoulder and see the blood around my wrist, which was now dry and making the cuffs even less comfortable than they were in the first place. It was itching and scratching so badly I almost wanted to fight the restraints again just to create fresh blood that would stop the irritation. The only thing that stopped me was the sound of footsteps, and then within the seconds the door ahead of me had swung open, and Harry stood looking down to me. I didn’t say anything as he walked into the room, hands deep in his pockets and face stern. I didn’t flinch, wanting him to think I was unstirred by his presence even though it was killing me. I held it together until he closed the gap and knelt down in front of me. “STAY AWAY FROM ME!” I screamed, kicking my legs at him and watching a sour look introduce itself to his face. “DON’T TOUCH ME!” “Jax, stop!” He sighed, reaching out to me. “DON’T!” I screamed. “Do not touch me! Stay away from me or I’ll scream.” “What good do you think screaming will do?” “DO NOT FUCKING TOUCH ME!” I fought further, kicking furiously. “I’M NOT GOING TO FUCKING HURT YOU!” He snarled, forcing his hands against my shoulders and pushing me into place. “I’m not going to hurt you, so calm down. You don’t wanna bring other Krows in here because they’re not as forgiving as I am.” “I would rather be in here with anyone else.” I spat, moving my face forward so it was just inches from his. “Breathing the same air as you makes me sick.” “I came to ask if you wanted something to eat.” “LEAVE ME ALONE, HARRY! I DON’T WANT TO SEE YOU! I don’t… I don’t even know if that’s your real name. I don’t know you. All you’ve ever wanted to do it hurt me, and that… It’s not the boy I know.” He looked so lifeless. It was like nothing could stir him. I don’t know why I was trying to pull some kind of emotional reaction out of him, because I could see he wasn’t going to give me one. I didn’t know him. “My name is Harry.” He replied. “Are you… Are you a Lost Child?” I asked, trying to hold back tears. “Have they offered you something for doing this?” “I’m not a Lost Child.” He grumbled. “I’m a Krow. It was just my job.” I screamed, kicking him away from me again and feeling even worse than before. I had managed to convince myself that there was a reason he had done what he had. I thought he was a Lost Child and they’d offered him the same thing, a safe place to live and a life of immunity. I think maybe then I would have been able to wrap my head around it. But that wasn’t it. He was just a Krow, like all the others. It was his job to find and kill Lost Children. Nothing more, nothing less. All those things he told me he dreamed about, safety, a home, he already had that. “JAX, STOP FIGHTING ME!” “HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME? WHY HAVE YOU DONE THIS TO ME? I’M GOING TO DIE AND IT’S BECAUSE OF YOU!” “YOU DON’T HAVE TO DIE! YOU HAVE ANOTHER OPTION!” “I DON’T!” “DON’T PLAY THE HERO, JAX! TAKE THE OTHER OPTION!” “I WOULD RATHER DIE, HARRY! I MAY NOT KNOW YOU BUT YOU KNOW ME, AND YOU KNOW I WOULD NEVER TAKE THAT OPTION!” “FINE! Do whatever the fuck you want. Fuck!” He spat, and then whipped back up to his feet and distanced from me, knowing I was only going to attack if he stayed at my level. He paced the room a little, running a hand through his thick hair. It was weird to see him dressed like one of them, perfectly clean and groomed when I was accustomed to seeing him with the dirt of London’s street painted upon his face. In a way, I missed him. I missed the character he had created. “Do you want something to eat or not?” He spat. “Fuck. You.” He gripped his fists down at his side, and I almost thrived off making him angry. At least it something, some form of emotion that I could track and follow rather than the blank boy he had been showing me. I wanted him to be infuriated, because I was feeling everything all at once because of what he’d put me through. I hated him being so numb to everything, like none of it mattered to him. I needed him to feel something. So as he left the room, slamming the door behind himself, I found myself grinning. UNKNOWN TIME I was becoming dizzy, somehow. The room felt as though it was closing in on me. At that stage, I believed that days must have passed by. I’d go through stages of being overly hot and then suddenly I’d be freezing. I’d attempted at breaking my own thumbs to get out of the cuffs, but stopped my efforts when I realised that even being out of those chains didn’t mean I could just walk out of there. The door was bound to be locked. There were bound to be countless Krows crawling through the building who would stop my weak attempt at escape. I didn’t know what they were waiting for. I didn’t know how long they were allowing me to make my mind up on the ultimatum they had given me. I didn’t have a damn clue what was happening. And then Harry re-entered the room. He stormed towards me, the most sinister look I had ever seen from him shaping each feature of his face, leaving me trying to scramble away from me as much as I could, sobbing quietly and absolutely convinced that this was it. This was end. “Please make it quick, Harry. Please kill me quickly. Please.” He knelt down in front of me, pulling his hand from behind his back, and as he pushed it against my chest, I’d fully been expecting him to have been grasping the knife that I had given him. I expected to feel an agonizing pain shooting through my body. But that wasn’t what I got. I’d had my eyes gripped shut, teeth gritted, but then that fell, and I opened my eyes and looked down to the large folder that he’d slapped against my chest. “In here, is everything that your dad told you about.” He whispered harshly. “It goes into everything about the truth behind Mortemosis. And there’s proof in there too.” “What’re ya doing?” I mumbled. “You need to get this Gardan. You need to take it to him and let him print everything. Then everyone will know the truth.” Nothing made sense to me. I was trying to come to terms with this new twist, but I’d barely become accustom to every other piece of information they’d forced upon me. He tried to reach and touch my hair, but I flinched again, and never before I had I been so conscious of my breathing, like I had to concentrate fully on the process just so my body continued to tide over. “I don’t trust you.” I sobbed gently. “I’m gunna uncuff you now, okay? And I’m gunna get you out of here but we need to be quick.” “Don’t touch me.” “Jax, I’m not going to hurt you! Please believe me.” He begged. “You’ve already hurt me.” “But I want to help you. You have to let me help you!” I didn’t know what to think. All I knew was that I was still trying to put distance between us, but he kept pushing closer, a look of genuine desperation in his eyes but I knew I couldn’t trust even the subconscious ticks of his body. I’d fallen for it before and I really didn’t want to fall for it again. “Why should I trust you?” I whispered, tears streaming silently down my cheeks. “Because you’ve got nothing to lose.” I remained still as he reached hesitantly behind my back, making sure that our eyes remained locked the entire time, like he was trying to forge some form of trust between us. He wet his lips, slow with his movements, waiting for me to attack him again, but I’d been stunned into silence and stillness. There was a small click a few moments later, and the feeling of relief as my wrists were let loose. This was something they’d hadn’t bet on. This was something I hadn’t bet on. Because they were counting on me developing feelings for him, but they hadn’t allowed themselves to consider the possibility of Harry developing feelings for me, and that was the only explanation. I brought my wrists round in front of me, looking at how my blood had jammed and dried into every single crease of my hands. My skin was red-raw, my thumbs almost black with bruises after I’d attempted to break my own bones. By the time I looked back up, Harry was crying. He was actually crying. “I’m so sorry.” He sobbed, gently feeling over my hands with the tips of his fingers. “I can’t believe you’re here because of me. I’m so sorry.” “Harry-” “I can’t live like this. I’d never forgive myself if I let them kill you. I have to get you out of here.” “They’ll kill you.” I trembled, shaking my head, which ached more and more with every word he spoke. “Jax, I see the world so differently after meeting you. And I can’t finish this job. I can’t. I need to help you and everyone… needs to know the truth. You’re the most… amazing, inspiring person. I have to save you.” “You’re lying to me.” I refused. “You’re just going to kill me. This is… the last part, isn’t it? You just want to see if I really trust you. This is… the ultimate test of my feelings for you. Just like when you… pretended to be dead, just to show that I love you.” “You what?” I hadn’t meant to say that. I’d never said that to anyone before I certainly didn’t want to say it to him. I hated him. I despised him for the pain he’d put me through. I had dropped all my boundaries for him, created a team with him. I had killed for him. Maybe I did love the boy I had once thought I knew, but I did not love the real man. I was gripping onto old memories, just like they knew I would. They wanted me to trust him one final time and then he would kill me, knowing that I had been at my very weakest before I died. “Say that again.” He demanded through a hoarse whisper. “No. I don’t love you, Harry. I don’t trust you. I want you to kill me knowing that I despise you, and that killing me won’t end this. I am one of so many Lost Children, who are smart, and who will make a difference in this world.” “You are the one person who can do it, Jax. Because I’m giving you the information, and the chance.” He whispered. “I know you don’t have any reason to trust me, but I want to get you out of here.” “Liar!” “When we get out of the front doors, you have to run!” He began his instructions. “Don’t stop. Don’t catch your breath. Don’t look behind you. Don’t trust anyone. If you keep running forward, you’ll get to a bridge. When you reach there, you need to turn right and keep running. That’s when you’ll start to recognise things and you’ll know where you are, okay? You have to go to Gardan’s house tonight, and give him these papers. If he prints it straight away there’s nothing they can do to hurt him. He can make sure everyone knows, and that way they can’t hurt him because everyone would know it was them. You wanted the public on your side, this is your chance. Once everyone knows the truth, everything will change. Do you realise that?” “Harry-” “Come with me. I can get you out of this building, but… I can’t take you any further than that. But you can get out of here and change everything. Just let me help you. Please.” He wiped away his tears aggressively, wanting to hold my eye contact because he desperately wanted to gain my trust again. The only the thing that allowed me to even consider that, was the thought that I had absolutely nothing to lose. Even if he was fooling me, I would die either way. And if he wasn’t, this was my one and only chance not to just to get out of there, and survive, but to make a change. “Please take my hand.” He whispered urgently. I glanced to his fingers, the way they were jarred open waiting for my own to slot between them, the trembles that were working their way from the very tips of his fingers and then pulsating through his entire body. It may have been idiotic, to place my trust in him once more, to place my hand in his. But I did it anyway. He pulled me up to my feet, but I collapsed again almost instantly, the limbs no longer accustom to the weight of my own body, crashing down onto my knees and tightening my grip around his hand. I almost started crying again, because it was a reminder how long I had been trapped there, and how weak it had made me, and the fact it was his fault. “You need to eat something.” He gasped, crouching back down and helping to readjust my weak frame. “No, I need to get out of here. I need to get away from you.” “Jax-” “Help me up. Now.” I think one of the reasons I felt as though, maybe on some level, he was still on my side, was the fact that he was still calling me Jax. Pete Banning had refused to take that as my name, calling me Wendy no matter how much I fought it. I believed that if Harry was fully on his side, he’d be calling me Wendy too, addressing me by what they’d said was my true name. It didn’t just feel like it was out of habit, that he was still calling me Jax, more like a conscious decision to call me by the name that I had chosen for myself. And he did seem truly hurt by the way I was dealing with him. “Do you have the strength to do this?” He asked, concerned. I picked the envelope he had given me back off the floor, forcing myself up to my feet, where after a second, smaller tumble, I managed to stay upright. He looked so worried about me, it only made my anger grow, simply reminding me of the fake concern he'd conjured before. “You best fucking prove me wrong.” I grumbled, pulling my hand out of his once I was feeling sturdy enough to carry myself. He nodded, still looking like he wanted to aid me in some way, but noting my reluctance to have any kind of contact with him, so he just moved towards the door. He opened it slowly, pushing his head out of the small gap he’d created to look down the corridor and check that we were safe to exit the room. “C’mon.” He whispered, ushering me out of the room. “We have to be quick.” I went out into the corridor first, wanting to prove that I wasn’t scared of whatever was about to happen, whether it was a trap or not. The truth was, I was utterly terrified. I didn’t feel like I’d fully given him my trust again, and yet at the same time I didn’t want to him to break my trust once more. I wasn’t prepared for the pain it would bring. As quietly as we could, we began walking down the corridors, Harry constantly whipping his head around and checking over his shoulder. We wanted to move with speed and procession, but we also wanted to keep our movements subtle and subdued, almost like we were just floating down the corridors, bringing no attention. “Why are you doing this?” I whispered harshly. Every single noise felt ten times lounder than it should. The sound of our feet slapping against the concrete below us, which when I looked down, was wet, a rusty red colour which could be blamed on the age of the building we were in, but I think I knew it was blood. I think I knew it was the blood of hundreds of Lost Children who had lost their lives between those walls. Every single clatter of the pipes on the ceilings and door closing in the distance sounded as though it was happening just inches from us, and I was stuck battling a thousand different emotions. I was angry, scared, nervous, wary, excited. I was confused and broken. “I thought it’d be easy, y’know? Sleep on the streets for a few nights. Make you trust me. Live like you for a while. I really thought it would be easy, but… It changed me. You changed me.” “Then why did you go ahead with this?” “I tried to talk you out of it! I tried to stop from coming here! I tried.” “You didn’t try hard enough. You could’a told me the truth.” “I know that. I know, but I was scared. I’m still scared.” With good reason. At the very end of the corridor we were walking down, a Krow appeared, stopping central and instantly as soon as he saw the two of us. He was so far down the hallway that if I held my hand up, I could block him entirely from my sight, pretend that he wasn’t there, but even so we both came to an abrupt halt, standing in silence and just looking at him. “Harry? What’re you doing?” He called. “Back.” Harry whispered, taking one slow step before he quickened. “Back back BACK!” And then we were running. In the complete opposite direction to the one we’d been heading, we were running, hearing the Krow shout something about how Harry had broken, clearly trying to pull in the attention of others. I don’t remember the exact moment that my hand found its way back to Harry’s, but I just remember feeling comforted once it was there, always falling a little behind him, but running as fast as my legs would allow, rushing through a building I didn’t know and hoping to get out of it as soon as I could. As we ran, I began hearing more and more voices, and it felt as though they were closing on us, getting nearer and nearer by the second, and I didn’t believe we were getting out of there. I really didn’t. I made the mistake of looking over my shoulder after we’d turned what felt like the hundredth corner, and I saw them, at least seven Krows chasing us. They looked so pleased with themselves. I thought I heard one of them say something about winning a bet, about how they knew Harry would break. Some of them were laughing. This was just another hunt to them. Another sport. Another form of fun. I almost fell as Harry dragged me to my left with no warning, throwing us into a room and slamming the door shut, his shaking hands moving to bolt the door, but I noticed immediately that it wasn’t sturdy. It wasn’t like the room they’d locked me in, which was built purposefully to keep someone confined. That door was bound give-way easily. “Up there!” Harry commanded. Before I could even grasp at where he’d pointed to, he was helping to elevate me up onto a heavy metal box that the room homed, a whirring sound coming from within it. It vibrated slightly as I scrambled on top of it, and it was warm to the touch. “Break the window!” He screeched next. I bolted my head up to the ceiling above me, seeing the small window leading to the outside world, and never before had I so desperately wanted to be on the streets of London again. I missed everything about those boulevards, the outside world. Spending so much time in that building had made me feel like I was being crushed and compressed with the limited air it allowed. I needed to be outside again. I could almost taste the bitter fumes of London’s toxic air and I craved it desperately. Harry was jumping up to join me at my side as I made my first weak attempt at breaking the window above my head, and that’s when the door behind us took its first blow, the bolt keeping it in place rattling aggressively. I tried to break the window again, but I was so weak. It had taken every bit of strength I had to move at all, never mind shatter a window. I couldn’t. Despite the fact he’d held my hand and guided me towards my freedom, I was still shocked when Harry took his fist and smashed the window above our heads, glass raining down on us and digging into his pale skin. But that didn’t stop him from shattering it furthermore, disposing of the bits of glass that had clung to their seal, making my exit as safe as possible. The door shook violently again. “Go GO!” He yelped, practically throwing me upwards. I climbed out of there, and the first thing that I saw was the sun beginning to rise. I wished I had at least a moments time to appreciate that view, and the sense of freedom. I wanted to stare blissfully at the orange hue of the sky, and admire it in a way I never had before. Usually looking at the sunrise was just a way of introducing another day or struggling. The sunrise had only ever been a symbol of the fact that I had no walls or ceilings blocking it from my view. The sunrise had always been a reminder of my sheer loneliness. It was the first time I’d ever appreciated it. The warm glow across my skin felt like liberty. And I didn’t get the chance to take it in. I didn’t get the chance to feel it. I turned around, on my hands and knees as I looked through the gap and down to Harry, whose eyes were wide with wonder, the noise of the door still loud and threatening. “Come with me.” I found myself saying, glancing over his face. “I can’t.” “Harry-” “They will find me, and that will lead them to you.” “Harry, come with me. We will run, we will hide… We’ll do whatever it takes. Come with me. Please.” Maybe he was on the verge of saying yes. Maybe he was on the verge of kissing me again. For a second, I got to see this sparkle of hope and adrenaline in his eyes. But we were too late. As soon as I heard the door open, I reached out to take his hand, hoping to drag him to the outside world with me, where we could run and hide together just like before, but this time there would be no secrets, no lies, just the two of us doing what we did best. He reached back for me, taking my hand for only a second before the gun sounded, the bullet flying through the air, then through his head, then through my arm. Harry’s blood burst across my face as I screamed, pulling up immediately and running, because I knew I didn’t have any other choice. If I didn’t run then, I would die. I was howling, my arm limp as lifeless, feeling the blood draining from me and trying to keep the papers gripped between my fingers, even though the senses and nerves within my entire arm felt like they were withering away. I kept running, crying as I went, and for once, I wasn’t trying to pull my thoughts together and make sense of everything. I wanted my thoughts to dishevel and disperse. I didn’t want to think about what had just happened. I was bleeding profusely, almost sure that the resilience of the bullet had weakened by the time it had reached me, and it was jammed in my arm rather than having flown straight through. I found a strength from somewhere, and it was the fastest I had ever moved, sobbing and immediately trying to erase the memory of what it had been like to literally watch and feel Harry’s life being taken so pugnaciously. It had ended, within a split second, and I had his blood on my face as proof. I looked back over my shoulder, seeing that one too many Krows had tried to crawl from the small window space at the same time, cutting themselves in the process and becoming stuck in their attempts. As soon as I saw I’d reached the end of the roof, I jumped without a second thought, falling through the air and landing on my injured arm. I screamed and groaned as I rolled on the floor, trying to gather myself and find the ability to move again, but it took some time. It took more time than I had. Eventually, I stumbled back up to my feet, wrapping my free hand around the bullet wound on my other arm, hoping to hold back some of the blood, which had already travelled and was dripping from the folder that Harry had given me. Those papers contained the key to my freedom, and I knew that was the only thing that kept me going. So I ran. I ran and I ran and I ran, doing exactly as Harry has instructed, following his vague directions but knowing London so well, I didn’t any more than that. I didn’t stop to catch my breath. I didn’t look back. I didn’t falter once. I ran.
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viralvideofunda · 6 years
Update No. 16: Tanzila Bhabi k Sath Foreplay
Mein ne kaproon ko wapis dewar k upar rakh diye aesa lag raha tha jaise mein Sonia ko khud se alag kar raha hoon.
Mein ne farsh pare apne lund k pani ko, pani dal kar baha diya. Agli subha, meri nigaahoon ka nazariya badal chukka tha. Sonia ka jhukna, muskrana, balloon ko pechey hathatey howe bazoon ka us k apne hi boobs k sath touch hona, khana banatey howe qameez ka us k jisam se chipak jana, meri taraf apni kamar kar k kharre ho kar, ya jhuk kar kam kartey howe us ki kamar, aur gand ko bahir nikla howa daikh kar 1 naye hi maze ki duniya mein, mujhy meri hi soch ne, pohancha diya tha.
Din ko kam se faragh hone k baad mein khala jamila k bataye waqat par khala jamila k ghar k bahir tha. Khala jamila mujhy apne ghar k darwaze par khara daikh kar muskrai, 
aap sath nahi aogi kya,,,,,maine Khala Jamila se pucha,,,,
Khala bahir se mutmaiyen ho kar, mujh se bolien
nahi usman,,,vo mere samne kuch nahi karne wali,thoda sharmati hai,,,,,vo to ane ko bhi tyar nahi
thi maien badi mushkil se tyar kiya tha usko ,,,, ,,,,,,,,,shayad wo tera naam sun kar tyar hoi hai aab jao,,,,,,lekin jara aram se or pyar se,,,,
wo phir se bolien: usman… wo maze ki khatir nahi, apni zindagi ko behtar bananey k liye tum se wo sab karwana chahti hai jo usey nahi karwana chahye
Mein ne sirf khala ko muskura kar daikha aur khamoshi se khala k ghar k andar dakhil ho gya aur  khala bahir ki bahir kharri reh gaien.
Mujhy maloom tha k 1 auraat jis ko olaad nahi ho rahi ho, us ki saas b zinda ho aur sasur b, aur us ki nandien b hoon, aur sab se barh kar 1 auraat ko olaad se barh kar sab se barri naemaat koi nahi ho sakti… tanizla ki tarah chachi nazia khud b is dard ko 10 saal tak sehti rahi hain.
Aab tanzila yehi dard kuch ziyada bure tareeqe se seh rahi thi. Kal 1 lamhey ko mein tanzila k sath wo sab karna nahi chahta tha kiyoon tanizla umar ki bv thi, matlab 1 rishtey k tehat wo meri bhabi thi. Agar 1 martaba ye raaz raaz na rehta to bohat barra panga ho jana tha. Lekin khala jamila ne khud hi humien sex karne k liye jaga de di thi is liye ye raaz aab raaz hi rahey ga aesa mera sochna tha
Jaise hi mein ghar k andar dakhil howa, ghar k kitchen mein mujhy tanzila meri taraf kamar kiye kharri thi. Mein tanzila ko darwaze k qareeb hi kharre ho kar daikhey ja, raha tha
uske baal bandhe hue they,,jurra kiya hua tha ballon ka usne,,,,light pink colour ka suit pehna hua
tha jo skin fitting wala lag raha tha,,,,piche peeth per ek lambi zip lagi hui thi jo neck se shuru
hoke peeth ke last me gaand se thoda upar tak aa k khatam ho gai thi,,,sar per bhi duppata liya
hua tha usne,,,jo uske sar ke upar se hote hua dono taraf se uski peeth per aa raha tha,,,,
ye wohi suit tha jis ko bhabi bazar mein bare chah se daikh rahi thi phir barri mushkiloon se umar ne bhabi ko khareed kar diya tha.
ghar ,mein 1 fan (pankha) ko slow speed me chalaya hua tha,,jiski hawa se ghar andar ki garmi ko kam kar raha tha,,,,usko darwaja khulne ki awaj sun gyi thi lekin vo meri taraf palti nahi thi lekin thoda
ghabra jaroor gyi thi,,,,kyuki uske dono hath uski kamar ki dono taraf se niche latke hue they or vo
dono hathon se apne suit ko kabhi hath se pakad leti ot kabhi chorr deti,,ye nishani hoti hai kisi
b larki ke dar ki,,confuse hone ki,,jab larki ko kuch samaj nahi ata to wo aksar essa hi karti hai,,ya
ungliyon me apna duppta ghumati rehti hai,,,,,,,,
main darwaje se uss ki taraf
barrne laga lekin koi jaldbazi nahi ki maine ,,,main bade aram se uski taraf barh raha tha lekin mere
kadmo ki awaj se uske dar badta ja raha tha jaise jaise usko apne pass ate kadmo ki awaj sunti ja
rahi thi vaise vaise uska dar bhi badta ja raha tha,,,,uske dar me bhi ek ajeb masti thi jiss se dil me 
khushi ki halchal hone lagi thi,,,,,,,main uske kareeb pahunch gya tha ,,hum logo me aab 6 inch ka
fasla tha,,,uske dil ki dhadkan bhut tej ho gyi thi usko pata lag gya tha ki main uske piche kharra
hoon or kuch ziyada hi kareeb hoon,mujhe uske dil ki dharkan sunai de rahi thi sath hi uski dar ke
mare ukharti (bechan) sanse bhi,,,,meri bhi sanse garm hone lagi thi or main uske or bhi zyada kareeb chala
gya tha,,,,aab mere hath uski kamar ki taraf badne lage ,,,,jaise hi mere hath uski kamar per
lage vo ek dam se darke agey ki taraf ho gai,,,lekin agey kitchen ki shelf thi jo siment se bani hoi thi wo us k sath lagke
khadi ho gyi thi,,,uske hathon ne uske suit ko teji se pakdna or chhorna shuru kar diya tha matlab
vo bhut jyada dari hui thi,,,lekin main uske dar ko excitement samjh kar khush hota hua age badne laga or phir se uski 
kamar ko dono hathon se pakad liya vo age hona chahti thi lekin agey koi jagah nahi thi vo bas 
vahi kharri kharri jhatke khane lagi thi,,maine usko kamar se pakda or apni taraf kheench liya mere
kareeb ate hi mere hath uski kamar se khisakte hue uske pait per chale gaye or maine dono hathon se
usko apne seth sata liya ,,,lekin jaldi hi usne mere hath ko apne hathon se pakra or khud ko mujh se
churwa liye,,,,,main usko chhorna nahi chahta tha lekin Khala Jamila ne bola tha ki koi zabardasti
nahi karni iske sath,,,,isliye maine usko apne hathon se azad kar diya lekin ek hi pal me main phir se
uske kareb ho gya or phir se mere hath uski kamar ko dono taraf tik gye they,,,iss baar maien usko
apne kareeb nahi kiya balki main khud uske kareeb chala gya,,,usne age hone ki koshish ki lekin 
uski koshish bekaar gai,,,vo shelf ke sath sat(jur) ke khari ho gai or main piche se uski
peeth ke sath jurr k khara ho gya,,,,maine apne hathon se uski kamar ko pakad kar halke se daba
diya to uski aahhhhh nikal gyi maine moka dekhte hi ek hath se uske duppate ko side pr kiya aur uske
sar se duppata utar diya usne mujhe rokne ki koshish ki lekin tab tak der ho gyi or uske duppta
uske sar se niche ho gye or ek taraf latak gya,,thoda sa duppata uske left shoulder per tha baki ka
zameen per tha,,maine usko bhi vahan se alag karne zameen per phaink diya,,,,phir uski gardan 
per apne lips rakhe or halki kiss kardi usne jhatka khaya lekin maine ek ke bad ek 10-15 kiss kardi
uske gale or right shoulder ke pass ,,,,,,,,,uske muh se dabi dabi ahhhh nikalti rahi ,,jaise hi uske
gale se kiss karte time mere lips ek cheej se lage to mere hosh urr gaye,,,,ye to ek zakham tha
ufff umar ne to is par tashudaad kiya tha mere ghusa badne laga 
to maine jaldi se usko dono shoulder se pakra or apni taarf ghumma liya,,,,,usne ghumne me thodi
zidd ki lekin maine pure Zor se usko apni taraf palat liya,,,,jaise ho vo palti mere hosh urr gye,,,
main ek dam se dar gya,,vo bhi mujhe dekh kar dar gyi,,,,uska rang peela hone laga mano usne koi
bhoot dekh liya ho,,,vo bas rone ko hi thi ,,,,usko dari hui dekh kar mera bhi dil zor se dhak dhak karne
laga,,,,vo shyed janti thi ki uske jisam par kuch zakham mujhy is halat mein saaf saaf nazar aa chukey hain. wo ek dam se piche ho gai,,main thora herian ho gya tha,,,,
usne bhi ek bar mujhe dekha or phir face jhuka liya,,,vo badi teji se sanse le rahi thi ,,main uss se
door ho gya tha lekin dhyen abhi bhi uski taraf hi tha,,kuch der ese hi khade rehne ke bad usne 
phir se sar uthake mujhe dekha to main bhi uski taraf dekh raha tha ,,,hum dono ki nazre mili lekin
tabhi usne sar ko phir se jhuka liya ,,,,main himmet karne uske kareeb gya or uske face ko apne hath
se pakad kar upar utha diya ,,,,uski ankhen nam thi or bhola bhala chehra bhut udaas tha ,, jab usne mujhe apne chahre ki taraf
ghurte hue paya vo samaj gyi ki main uske face per maar ke nishan dekh raha hoon to usne jaldi se
face ko turn karne ki koshish ki lekin main pehle hi samaj gya tha isliye jaldi hi maine uske face ko
apne dono hathon se pakad liya usne face niche karne ki bhi koshish ki lekin nakaam rahi,,,lekin
sharam or dar ke mare usne ankheen band karli thi,,,,lekin ankhen band karte time usne mujhe
dekh liya tha kyuki main uske face ko dekhta hua ek jhalak uske boobs ko bhi dekh raha tha,usko
jab ehsaas hua ki uska dupatta nahi hai uske badan per to anhken band karte time usne apne dono
hathon ko elbow se cross karke apne dono boobs ko cover kar liya...
ankhen band kiye vo dono hathon ko elbow se band karke apne boobs ko cover karke khadi hui thi,
mere dono hath uske sar ke dono taraf they ,,uska face halka sa jhuka hua tha ,,,,mainne uske face
ko thoda upar kiya or kuch pal usko esse hi dekhta raha ,,,,kitne cut lage howe thy us k face per,  
halke halke maar ke nishan dekh kar gussa aa raha tah mujhe,,,,,pakka is ko umar ne mara hoga,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
main bade pyar se usko 2-3 minute se dekh raha tha phir main halke se uske lips ki
taraf barrne laga ,,,vo thori bechain thi kyuki maine itni der se kuch nahi kiya tah isliye usne apni
ankhen khol kar mujhe dekha main uske lips ki tarf badh raha tha usne jaldi se phir se apni ankhen
band karli or sar ko turn karne ki koshsih ki lekin nakaam rahi maien uske sar ko dono taraf se halka
zor laga kar pakra hua tha ,,,ek pal baad mere lips uske lips ko touch kar gye kya masti chadi mere ko
uss ek pal me bata nahi sakta ,,,aag lag gyi thi pure badan me dil kar raha tha ki jaldi se sara rass 
choos loon iske naram honthon se,,,lekin main koi jaldi nahi karna chahta tha kyuki khala jamila ne
mana kiya tha zor zabardasti karne se,,,,,,isliye main bade pyar se uske lips ko halke halke kiss karne
laga ,,,,,,,maine apni jubaan ko apne lips se bahar nikala or uske dono lips ke beech me pherne laga
taki vo apne lips ko thora khol de lekin usne lips ko nahi khola lekin uski sanse tez ho gyi thi iss se 
pehle main uski masti ka fayda uthakar apni jubaan ko uske muh me ghussa deta usne mujhe zor
se dhakka mara or darwaje ki taraf bhaag gyi ,,,main bhi uske piche jaldi se bhaga kyuki ek pal k liye
uske lips ko kiss karne bhar se meri halat kharab ho gyi thi or main essi mast sanskaari auraat ko esse jane nahi
de sakta tha apne hathon se isliye main bhi uske piche darwaze ki taraf jaldi se bhaga ,,,usne darwazey ka lock
khol liya tha lekin maine uske piche se jaldi se darwaze ko band kar diya or upar vali kundi bhi laga
di,,,,usne bhi jaldi se apna hat utha kar kundi kholne ki koshish ki lekin us ka hath wahan tak pohancha hi nahi, kiyoon ka us ka qaad chota tha jaise hi uska hath upar kundi ki
taraf utha maine apne hath ko uske hath per rakh diya or uske hath ko pakad liye or usne jaldi se
apne dusre hath ko upar utha liye to maine bhi jaldi se uske dusre hath ko bhi pakad liya,,,vo thoda
jhatpatane lagi to maine apne dono hathon se uske dono hathon ko mazbooti se pakra or niche 
karke uski peeth se sata diya or jaldi se usko apni taraf palt kar uske hathon ko uski peeth per apne
ek hath se pakad liya,,,,vo mere esse zor lagane se thoda gusse me a gyi thi lekin aab mujhe uske 
gusse ki koi parwah nahi thi maien koi der kiye bina apne lips ko uske lips ke kareeb kiya to usne 
bhi jaldi se apne face ko dusri taraf turn kar liye ,,,,main pehle se janta tha isliye maien ek hath ko 
uske sar ke piche ki taraf kiya or jaldi se uske ballon se uske sar ko pakad liya,,,,mere left hand me 
uske dono hath uski peeth per pakre hue they jabki right hand se uske sar ko piche se pakra hua
tha ,,,usne apne sar ko turn kiya to main uske lips ki taraf barta ja raha tha lekin face turn hote hi
main bhi uske lips ki jagah uske gale or shoulder ki taraf barne laga or ek hi pal me mere lips uske
gale or shoulder ke pass they maine usko gale per kiss kiya or halke halke kiss karte hue shuolder
ki taraf barne laga or tabhi maine apne muh ko thoda khola or uske shoulder ke halke maas ko muh
me bhar ke chusne laga mere essa karne se uski ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh nikal gyi or maien ek hi pal me 
usko vapis turn kar diya darwaze ki taraf or uske hathon ko apne hathon se pakar kar hawa me utha kar
darwaje se laga diya or piche se uske kareeb ho gya aab tak mera lund khada ho chuka tha jo piche se
uski gaand per chubne laga tha or vo mere se age hone ki koshish kar rahi thi lekin age darwaza tha
jo band tha,,,,maine uske or jyada kareeb hua to lund uski gaand ki line me raggar khane laga ,,phir 
maine uske kan ke pass apne lips kiye or kaan ke narm maas ko apne lips me bharke chusne laga aur
sath hi apen hathon se uske hathon ko azaad karke uske hathon per pherta hua niche ki taraf ane laga
lekin tabhi usne bhi apne hath niche karne shuru kar diye,,,maien vapis uske hathon ko pakda or hawa
me upar utha kar darwaje se laga diya or phir se uske hathon per apne hath pherta hau niche ki taraf 
barne laga to iss baar usne apen hathon ko upar ki taraf uthakar kundi kholne ki koshish ki,,,,,main usko
mast karne ki koshish kar raha tah or vo mast ho bhi rahi thi lerkin phir bhi vo dar rahi thi mere se,,,
phir maien usko pakar kar darwaze se door kiya aur jaise hi bhabi ki ankhoon mein daikhney laga  to vo mujhe dekh kar thoda sharma rahi thi or dar bhi rahi thi ,,,,,maien uske kareeb jane lag 
to vo apne hathon ki ungliyon ko band karke muthi bana leti or vapis hath khol deti ,,,,vo bechain hone
lagi thi or uski bechaini mujhe mast karne lagi thi,,,,,main uski taraf barne laga halke kadmo se or vo halke
kadmo se piche ki taraf jane lagi,,,,tabhi maine dekha ki uske piche phatta hai jis par shayad aaj khala ne bister laga kar bed bana rakha tha ,,shyed uska dhyan nahi tha
piche bed ki taraf vo bas halke kadmo se darti hui piche ki taraf chal rahi thi jaise hi vo bed se takrayi 
to thoda bhut khud ko sambhele ki koshish karne lagi lekin utni der tak vo bed per piche ki taraf peeth ke
bal gir chuki thi uski tangeen bed se niche zameen per thi or baki ka hissa bed per tha tab tak main bhi
bed ke kareeb uski tangoon ke pass tak pahunch gya tha,,,,,usne mujhe esse apne kareeb dekha to bhut
zyada dar gyi kyuki girne ke time uski kameej thodi peeth ki taraf dab gyi thi jiss se uske boobs saaf tour per
nazar ane lage they usne bhi mujhe apne boobs ki taraf ghurte pakar liya or jaldi se side per pare pillow
ko apne pait per rakh liya jiss se uske face bhi halka cover ho gya or pait bhi,,,,,maien jaldi se apni qameez nikaal di or upar ka hissa nanga kar liya or phir niche jhuk kar uske hathon se pillow lene laga
lekin usne pillow ko bari mazbooti se pakda hua tha ,,,,main bhi apna pura zor laga kar pillow ko side karna
chahta tha lekin maien essa nahi kiya ,,,,mein bhabi k sath hi baith gya aur maine uski kamar ki ek side per apna left hand rakha or kamar ko sehlane
laga usne jaldi se ek taraf karwat li or uss hisse ko bed se laga kar face meri taarf kar liye lekin pillow ko apne
hathon se alag nahi hone diya maine janbhooj kar pillow or bed ek beech me apna hath ghussa kar uski
kamar ko touch karne ki koshish ki to vo or jyada turn ho gyi jiss se pillow uske niche dab gya or uski peeth 
upar ki taraf ho gyi maien moka dekhte hi uthke usko kamar se upar ki taraf pakad liye ,,,,,
aab pillow bed per tha or vo pillow ke upar pait ke bal peeth upar karke leti hui thi,,,maien usko kamar se 
pakad liya or bina koi der kiye jaldi se uski kameez ki zip ko khol diya vo meri harkat se thora machalne lagi 
lekin maien usko hilne nahi diya or kaske apne hathon se uski kamar ko dono taraf se pakr liya ,,,abhi tak 
uski zip adhi bhi nahi khuli thi or mere dono hath bhi uski kamar per they to maien niche jhuk kar apne 
muh ko khola or uski zip ko apne dantoon se pakad liya or aram se sar ko niche karte hue uski zip ko khol
diya ,,,mere dantoon me uski zip thi or jab main zip kholne k liye niche ki taraf ja raha tha to jaise jaise
uski zip khulti gyi uski nangi peeth per meri nak touch karti hui niche barti ja rahi thi,,or sath hi main uski
peeth ki khushboo ka anand leta hau niche ki ro barta ja raha tha,,,uski zip puri khulte hi maine apne ek
hath ko uski nangi peeth per rakh diya or uski peeth per hath pherne laga phir dono hathon se uski kameej
ko dono taraf khola diya or khud uske upar char gya or nangi peeth per kiss karne laga,,,main uski peeth 
ke har hisse per kiss kar raha tha or vo bas leti hui ahhhh bharti ja rahi thi tabhi kiss karte time uski peeth
per uski bra ke huk mere lips per lage to maine uski bra ko bhi khol diya,,,,aab uski puri peeth mere pass 
nangi thi or main paglo ki tarah pyar se suki peeth per kiss kar raha tha phir kabhi apni jubaan nikal kar uski
peeth ko achi tarah se chatne lag jata ,,,,vo tarapti or machalti hui aahhhen bharti ja rahi thi or main uski
peeth ke har ek inch ko achi tarah se chumta or chatta ja raha tha,,,,phir maine uske dono shoulder se uski
kameez ko dono taraf se thoda thoda niche kar diya jiss se suke shoulders bhi nange ho gye or maine dono
shoulders ko apen hathon se pakra or masalte hue uski peeth per kiss karne laga ,,phir kiss karte hue uske 
ek shoulder ki taraf barhne laga ,,,,uske shoulder per kiss karte time maine shoulder ko muh me bhar liya or 
halke se chuste hue apne dantoon se katne laga,,phir ek shoulder se dusre shoulder ki taraf barte time
uski neck per piche se halke se katne laga ,,,,vo machalti ja rahi thi or aahhheen bharti ja rahi thi,,,,phir maine
uski kameez ko narmi se us k jisam se nikal diya jis se peeth nangi ho gyi,,,,,,main uss peeth per shoulder per
hath pherta hua kiss karta hua apne dantoon se halke halke kaat raha tha,,,,phir maien usko kamar ki ek
taraf se pakda or turn kiya iss baar usne jor lgaya lekin itna nahi ,,,,maine aram se usko palat diya or uske 
upar se pillow ko haatne laga lekin usne pillow ko nahi chhora,,,,,maien thoda jor lgaya or pillow ko kheench
kar side kar diya ,,,,,jaise hi pillow side hua main dekh kar dan reh gya ki uske boobs nange ho 
chuke they usne mujhe boobs ki taraf dekhte hue dekha or sharma kar apen hathon se apne boobs ko
cover karne lagi lekin maien jaldi se age barke uske dono hathon ko apne hathon se pakar liya,,,,vo thora
zor laga kar apen hathon ko mere hathon se alag kaarne lagi lekin maien bhi apne pure zor se uske hathon
ko dono taraf khol kar bed se laga diya or khud uske upar chad gya ,,,,vo machli ki tarah machalne lagi thi
or mujhe upar se hatane ki koshish karne lagi thi lekin mere age uska koi zor nahi chala ,,,,
uske dono hath bed se lage hue thay or main ekaske unko pakra hua tha or khud uske upar tangeen khol
kar baith gya tha lekin thoda bhi vajan nahi dala tha maien uske upar,,,,vo meri tarf dekh rahi thi or main
uske boobs ki taraf ,,,vo samaj gyi thi aab main kya karne wala hoon isliye nazro hi nazro me mujha mana 
kar rahi thi lekin aab main rukne wala nahi tha maien halke se niche jhukne laga jaise jaise main niche
jhuk raha tha uski heart best tej ho rahi thi ,,,maine niche jhuk kar uske boobs ke upar ke hisse per halki kiss
ki or phir uske gale per kis karne laga phir halke halke kiss karte hue niche ki taraf barne laga ,,, maine boob per kiss karte hue apne 
muh ko khola or boob ki dundi(nipple) ko jo aab tak kafi hard ho chuki thi usko apne lips me bhar liya or halke
se kiss karte hue suck karne laga,,,,phir maine uske dusre boob ko bhi halke se kiss karke uski hard ho chuki dundi ko muh me bhar ke chusne laga
or halke se dantoon me daba kar katne laga,,,,vo machalne lgi thi ,,uske hath bed per niche ki taraf mur gye 
they or vo apni hatheliyon me bed sheet ko kaske pakarne lagi thi,,,main samaj gya ki vo masti me ane lagi
hai isliye maine uske hathon ko apne hathon se azaad kar diya or dono hathon se uske ek ek boob ko pakad
'liya or halke se dabate heu kiss karne laga phir bari bari se dono boobs ko chusne or katne laga main boobs ko bari bari se masalne or chusne laga or dono hathon se masalne laga,,,,kuch hi der me uski
aahhen nikalni shuru ho gyi or dekhte hi dekhte uske hath me sar per aa gye vo kabhi to mere sar ko apne
boobs per daba deti or kabhi mujhe baloon se pakad kar boobs se door karne lag jati,,jab vo mujhe baloon
se pakarti to mujhe halka sa dard hota to main bhi uske boob ko halke se dantoon se kat deta to uski aahhh
nikal jati,,,kareeb 10 minute esse hi boobs chusne ke bad main uske upar se hat gya ,,,,usne meri taarf dekha 
to maien usko pakae kar upar utha diya usne koi zor nahi lgaya lekin halka nakhra jaroor kiya upar uthane 
me lekin thodi der me uthke baith gyi thi vo,,,,maine uske face ko pakra ort kiss karne ki koshish ki to usne
phir se face turn kar liya to maine uske sar per hath rakha or uske baloon ke jurre ko khol diya mere essa
karte hi usne meri taarf dekha to maien jaldi se uske sar ko pakda or baloon me ungliyan dalke usko apni 
taraf kheench liya or uske mana karne ke bawjood uske lips per apne lips rakh diye or upar upar se uske lips
ko chusne laga ,,,,maine apni zubaan ko uske lips ki line me dalke halke se uske lips chatne laga taki vo apne
lips ko khol de lekin usne essa nahi kiya ,,,, maine jaldi se ek hath ko uske pait per rakha or 
dhere dhere apne hath se uske pait ko sehlane laga phir uske boobs kopakad kar masalne laga sath hi uske
lips ki line me apni jubaan se chatne laga ,,,,lekin uske muh nahi khola to maien uske ek boob ko apne hath 
se thoda zor se daba diya to dard se uski ahhhh nikal gyi or dono lips khol gye maine jaldi se apni jubaan ko
uske muh em daal diya or upar wale lips ko apne muh me bhar liya mere essa karte hi maine dekha ki uski
ankhen badi badi ho gyi thi vo hairani se mujhe essi harkat karte dekh rahi thi,,,,,,maine apni juaab ko uske
muh me ghussa diya or uske muh me har taraf ghumane laga or bade pyar se uske lips ko chusne laga ,,,,kya
soft lips they uske ,,muh me ate hi ghulne lage they or ghulte ghulte apna rass chhorne lage they jiss rass
ko main peeta ja raha tha,,,usne kuch pal to mujhe rokne or hatane ki koshsih ki lekin jab mera hath uske 
boobs ko pyar se sehlane laga or meri ungliyan uske boobs ki dundi per chherkhani karne lagi to masti me
usne bhi mujhe kiss ka response dena shuru kar diya ,,main samaj gya ki aab ye mere qaboo me aa chuki hai 
maien jaldi se suki shalwar ko niche karna shuru kiya or kuch hi der me uski shalwar niche ho gyi thi
bhabi jab mere qaboo mein aa gai tab mein ne bhabi ko azad chor diya aur bhabi kuch dair tak madhoosh ho kar kis karti rahien. Kuch dair k baad kissing rokney k baad tanzila bhabi bolien
Tanizla: usman… tumhien khala ne meri majboori ka bata to diya hai na…! tum mujhy kabhi b ghalat mat samjhna, agar mujhy bazari auraat samjh kar mere jisam k sath khailna chahtey ho to wapis chaley jao.
Mein: nahi bhabi… aap k bare mein, mein aesa soch b nahi sakta,.. 
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polresmalang-blog · 6 years
Polres Malang / Patrol Rotator Blue Light on in The Night
Mobil Patroli Bantur 801 atau sering di sebut mobil patroli dengan kelengkapan di dalamnya rotator, sirene, publik aderss, pesawat HT, Gprs, 4X4 Double Gardan dan masih banyak yang lain. Rutinitas patroli Bantur keliling di setiap Desa yang ada di wilayah Polsek Bantur, untuk menghalau segala jenis tindak kejahatan, gangguan kamtibmas serta tidak menuntuk kemungkinan untuk membantu warga /…
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abhishekjoyjoshi · 7 years
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I think now I can call myself a light cyclist! Considerable improvement in May over April. Starting with some statistics atleast is the key to improve your fitness. Over time you can see yourself growing better/fitter. Long way to go, but probably on the correct path. (Lost 5kgs in 2 months btw without reducing my diet!) 😇 #CyclingLife #Btwin #BtwinGlobal #BtwinIndia #RockRider340 #RockRider #MorningMotivation #CyclingMorning #FitnessAndFun #Endomondo #TrackYourFitness #FeelingGood (at Mig Red Flats Rajouri Gardan)
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pankajsabnani · 7 years
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"Hai Dil Mein Roshni Tere Tu Cheer Daal Sab Ghere Lehron Ki Gardan Kas Ke Daal Phande Re Ki Dariya Bole waaha Re Panthi Sar Ankhon Pe Naav Hai Teri Naav Hai Teri." English meaning: There is light in your heart Break all the sieges Tie the necks of waves tight such that the river says 'Wow O traveller, your boat is on my head and on my eyes' (a proverb that would mean I respect your boat) (Via Bollymeaning.com) (at Bhandardara camping)
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September's Kingdom of Dreams
Chapter 7
September woke up in the dead of the night, shaking and sweaty. She stared wide-eyed at the ceiling, until she realized that she was safe. This was her bedroom. It had only been a dream.
She sat up and rubbed her brown eyes. Another one of those dreams. The same forest, the same strange lights. But this time, she'd seen people. Or rather...no, they couldn't have been human. But she knew why they'd seemed familiar.
She jumped up, walked over to her shelf and grabbed volume six of the Queen Nauria books. Finding the right page was easy - she'd read these books so often she knew them word by word.
And then she stared at the illustration, a grey-skinned, beautiful creature with six slender arms and dark hair. September recognized it's face. It was the woman she'd dreamed about.
"What the fuck?!", she mumbled.
The Hill of Peace was a quiet place. Many years had passed since the massacre of Tewüs dre Chärswez, and the people living on the border, many of which had still witnessed those gentle beings, had built a memorial on the hilltop. Surrounded by softly glowing desert flowers, a statue of snow white marble was standing there, glimmering like embers in the setting sun. It was the only thing left of what had once been an empire.
Canis arrived the top of the hill and bowed, almost tripping over her own feet. "Your majesty."
Princess Crimson of Calderia was sitting on the dry grass, a beautiful girl of seventeen years. The red evening sun made her short blonde curls and silver armour glow like they were on fire. She was wearing a red glove on her left hand, covering the silver prosthetics that had replaced two of her fingers.
The princess turned her head a little. "Hello Canis. You know I hate it when you call me that."
"Sorry." Canis landed next to her and yawned.
"Anything important you had to tell me?", Crimson asked, raising an eyebrow.
"Not really." Canis shrugged her shoulders. "Except..."
"Ah, there it is." Crimson smiled a little. A rare sight. "Except what?"
"There's been some rumours, going from sirens over the pirates over the humans living by Nior Ase - I'm saying this so you know they're highly unlikely - that there might be a new dreamer."
Crimson furrowed her brows. "Elaborate."
"Some people claimed to have seen a girl who used all that slang from the other side, the typical stuff you don't hear anyone except dreamers say around here. And her clothes were...off."
"How old?", Crimson asked. "She shouldn't be older than ten, that was when the last dreamer..." She didn't finish the sentence.
"Rumours say not much younger than you or Val."
Crimson shook her head. "Canis, that's impossible. There is always one dreamer, and they're reincarnated when the previous one dies. And that was ten years ago, not more."
Canis shrugged her shoulders. "Don't shoot, I'm just the messenger. I think it's just rumours."
"I'd keep an eye on it."
There was a moment of silence, during which Crimson plucked one of the softly glowing flowers on the hill. She glanced at it, before tossing it aside with a sigh.
"There used to be giants living here," the princess mumbled. She glanced at Canis out of the corner of her eye. "Have you ever seen a giant?"
Canis furrowed her brows. "I'm not sure... maybe, when I was a child. Us shapeshifters never really interacted with anyone else. We tend to keep to ourselves."
"They were magnificent." Crimson's voice was as soft as a feather. "Their art, their music, their architecture...their capitol was a wonderland, it was like stepping into a fantasy. City of Stars, that's what everyone called it. Gems and glass at every corner...it was beautiful. And at the same time they were never arrogant or stuck up, always gentle and willing to help..." She sighed. "Then the Nightmares attacked."
Canis bit her lip. She already knew what was coming.
Crimson's voice was hoarse when she continued. "They slaughtered everyone. Men, women, children. A little girl, six maybe, made it to a farmhouse at the border and told them everything. She died just a few hours later."
Canis swallowed hard, unsure what to say.
"Lord Gardan and a group of other aristocrats came to the capitol. The streets were black with blood. There were dead giants everywhere. The king and queen were dead, the servants ripped to pieces...they never found the prince."
"Was he a friend of yours?", Canis asked.
Crimson's lip quivered. "My closest."
"Do you miss him?"
Her voice cracked. "Not a single day passes when I don't."
They sat in silence for a while. Canis was unsure what to say.
"Sometimes the prince's wyvern comes here when the evening dawns," Crimson whispered. "It's still waiting for his return."
As if on cue they heard a roar echo through the desert. Canis shivered. The world was big and terrifying, and she was just a shapeshifter with anxiety issues who'd joined the resistance. An ant in the streets of Somnium, or maybe lost in the dunes of Tewüs dre Chärswez, where the bones of the giants bleached in the merciless sun and the ruins of cities told of forlorn glory.
"Keep an eye on that dreamer thing," Crimson noted while getting up. "I'm gonna go check on Val and Grey."
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artisticflutter · 4 years
AU Yeah August - Day Twenty-One: Circus
Annnd fills caught up. Tho, the next one is Disney... oh boy, what to do?
Series: Final Fantasy IX Rating: G+ Genre: Fluff, General Pairing(s): Slight Gardane Summary: When the Circus comes to town Garnet is in awe when it comes to one of the performers. Warning: No beta! Modern-ish AU with Cirque de Soleil inspiration!
 Garnet was never one to be interested in seeing a circus whenever they came to perform. She’d gone when she was younger – to the more standard affair where they had animals and handlers (since phased out), clowns, acrobats, and one general performance after the next. Not that she dismissed the effort put into those shows, but she just preferred her plays and the theater. Perhaps one or two circus performance that she’d been taken to had ever had a ‘story’, but it wasn’t much either.
That’s what made her curious about the next traveling circus troupe that came to Alexandria and her friends insisted they sneak out to see it. Researching it more, the performance was a story; a summary she came across stated:
“Three siblings, born and raised as assassins, are tasked with infiltrating a neighboring nation in preparation of war. However, when one falls in love with their enemy’s Princess, what will happen to their mission?”
 Were she not so fond of stories with love featured in them, she probably would stay home…
 Instead, she donned a cloak and slipped out of her manor, meeting up with her other noble friends outside of the arena, one ticket in hand. Even if they were sneaking away to see this, there was apparently no skipping out on where they sat. It was no high box seat, but close to the stage – well, ring. With platforms? She had to say already, the stage was set up differently from the usual circus already. Where would the performers come from first, she had no idea, but already she was eager for the show to begin.
 And she must say, when it did, it was almost abrupt?
The only thing she noticed before the lights went out overhead was the crowd becoming quiet.
 There was no vocal introduction, but an opening act of what she assumed was the main Nation of Terra they would be following. The performers moved with power, but elegance, and through silent motion and colored expressed a fierce coldness in which this nation lived. It was in the shadows they caught glimpses of who she assumed were the three who played the siblings the tale followed, adding that layer of unknown danger they would be to their neighboring Nation of Gaia. The opening soon concluded, and the trio was still left unrevealed.
The act that followed was bright and warm, and seemed more like a ballet. Where before the performers wove through each other and almost ‘fought’ for space, they danced around and shared room together, punctuating a harmony present the other nation had lacked. The Princess of Gaia was no mystery reveal, her ‘people’ happy to grant her presence space to show off her grace and loveliness. It was during her dance that Garnet spotted an odd man out – the assassin that would come to love the Princess. Though everyone’s face was painted, his was the only one to bear the blues and reds of Terra.
 Easy enough to say the show had Garnet enraptured, watching the two come to love and his siblings soon taking notice. The music punctuated orders and arguments, romantic meetings and tragic fights. The whole space of the arena was used, illusion magic making many gasp as it rained over the audience, and a few almost screams rang as the final confrontation moved high.
She had to wipe her eyes as it came to an end, joining the standing ovation as it rose. Honestly, what circus was this and why hadn’t she heard of them before? The audience grew louder as the three main leads came out and bowed; meanwhile, she had to wonder if they were actual siblings. Save for one brother’s hair color, the other two had the same blonde hair and all had the same eyes. They all had the same tail too which they’d utilized in different ways – the assassin lover having plenty of stunts where he’d hung by it alone.
  It was while she was noting this that she began to feel something strange but familiar – like, someone was watching her.
 Confused, her clapping didn’t slow, but her eyes did gaze around. Had her bodyguard perhaps arrived? No, the show would’ve been halted if that were the case. It wasn’t any of her friends looking her way nor was anyone in the crowd even glancing toward her; and it wasn’t until she turned her head forward and looked at the performers again that she paused.
 The one who’d played the assassin lover, he was staring right at her.
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desitubetk-blog · 7 years
Benefits of Eating Meat - Urdu Hindi English
http://www.desitube.tk/?p=6248 In this article we discuss about the benefits of meat in our diet. Benefits of Eating Meat - Urdu Hindi English.
Benefits of Eating Meat - Urdu Hindi English
Meat of goat has a lots of benefits. It's cure our energy of body. Meat have many important qualities in it. It's also makes us healthier after affected by the weakness of illness. It can reduce the medically sadness. It is very beneficial for the people of weak body parts. Meat can increase fat and help body to make new blood. Can give power and energy to our internal body parts to work better. The gravy of meat can is very beneficent for patients. But be careful about that the patients have not barred to eat by doctor or in his type of illness. There are many types of meat to eat. You can eat meat of fish, Cow, Goat, Sheep and chicken. All of these are have different benefits and qualities. Tastes of all are very different each other. All the types of meats can give us different benefits. The meat of young goat is very delicious and beneficial rather then older meat of goat. It's all parts are very energetic and tasty. But the part of Neck and Shoulders are very energetic and delicious against other parts. Don't eat the meat of ill animal or expired meat. There are different types of goats and have different tastes But have same benefits. By medically examined the meat of goat is very energetic and tasty compared to others. The goat's meat is costly then others type of meat.
Head and Feet of a Goat
The head and feet cooked well and makes gravy of it is called mutton trotters. Mutton trotters have also some important qualities and benefits. By bet that it is cooked well. Too much spices, oil and salt can decrease the beneficial ingredients of it. Cook it with light quantity of oil, salt and pepper on low flame for full taste and benefits of it. By cook on low flame all the beneficial ingredients remains in it that's very good for our body.
The Soup of Goat's Meat
The soup of goat's meat is very beneficial for weak persons. Soup is also very beneficial especially for feeble person who are weakens by illness. Who have little or medium level of cough by smoking or dryness also use gravy or Soup of goat's meat. It's cure cough very quickly. Soup of Goat's meat also relieve the dryness of neck and chest. Strengthen the stomach. It's also can cure the starting problems of lungs.
Benefits of Sheep's Meat
Sheep's meat is at the second level regarding to Goat's meat. It's also contains the similar benefits that are in goat's meat. The impression of sheep's meat is hot same like goat's meat. Neck and shoulder parts are very beneficial like goat's meat. Specially it's increase the human's fat (Meat). It's different only from this ability from compared to goat's meat. It's can make gastric problem when eat in high quantity. If you feel uncomfortable after using sheep's meat then you first consult your doctor then he advised you best. Doctor advised you, that can you are allowed to use or not. If he allowed to use then he advised you how much quantity you can eat. I mean one time or two times in a week or in a month and etc.
Power and Benefits of Cow's Meat
Because of the impression of cow's milk it's not have status like other popular foods. The reason for that Cow's meat is not suits to every one. It's so rich with proteins and tastes very different and delicious from other's types of meat. It's ingredients and nutrition are little different from Fish, Sheep's Meat, Goat's Meat and chicken. Cow's meat have different ingredients from others despite it have nutrition that's very effective for Hot-Impression persons. It's makes healthier that persons. For people who have Anemia problem cow's meat is very best for them. People that have inborn problem of love making or weak in love making cow's meat is cure for that problem. Cow's meat is also cheap compared to other types of meat. So it's necessary for that persons the must take care while cooking it. Don't use lot of Hot Spices, Salt and Pepper while cooking. Rather they use lot of dry or normal coriander in it. Then the impression changes to normal (Equally Like hot and cold). Because this meat is more hot than goat's meat. So it's excessive use is injurious to health.
Cow's head and feets (Beef Trotters)
Cut and cook the cow's meat in small pieces or served with rice. The benefits of cow's meat are increased and it's also not become injurious to health. Therefore it's important we cook it very well and make sure it's cooked completely. Cow's meat take lot of time to cook well. The gravy of cow's head and feets (Beef Trotters) are very useful in summers. If we used it as breakfast it's control our body heat and set it to normal. Young Cow's meat is more delicious, nutritional and beneficial.   Urdu/Hindi
Gosht khana kyun zaroori hai
A litte story, Ek bache ka qad cchota reh gaya. Wo gosht baraye naam khata tha. Woh apne baap aur dusre bhaiyon ko dekhta to bohut afsurda ho jata. Ek din iss ne apne abu se poocha ke abu! aap ka qad itna lamba hai aur mera itna cchota. Aakhir Kyun? Baap ne foran kaha. Beta, Main gosht bohut khata hoon iss liye mera qad lamba hai. Bache ke dil main yeh baat beth gayi. Iss ne apni maa se kaha ke mujhe gosht khana hai. Maa bohut khush hui aur foran gosht paka ker roti ke saath gosht ki plate khane ko de di. Beta ab har waqt gosht ke khane ke peeche hi laga rehta tha. Aurat ne apne khawand/Shohar se iss ka zikar kiya to woh fakhar se bola. Dekha phir hamara kamaal. Main ne hi iss se kaha tha ke gosht khane se iss ka bhi qad lamba ho jaye ga. Bewi ne Masoomiyat se kaha, To phir aap bhi gosht khaya kerien na. Yeh latifa hi sahi lekin haqiqat yehi hai. Keh gosht jismani nasho-numa main jo kirdaar ada kerta hai woh koi dusri ghaza kam hi ada kerti hai. Ghaziyat aur zaiqe ke aitbaar se bakre ke gosht ko deegar tamam janwaron ke gosht ka sardaar kaha jata hai. Iss ke bawajood ke qeemat ke aitbaar se isse khana har kisi ke bus main nahin.
Gosht ke Faide
Bakre ka gosht taseer ke lehaaz se garam tar hota hai. Iss ki beshumaar khasusiyaat hain. Yeh jismani kamzori ke ilawa tabi afsurdagi aur azhalal ko dur kerta hai. Kamzor ajsaam ke malik afraad ke liye yeh nahaiyat hi mufeed hai. Jism ko farba kerta hai aur Khoon Salah peda kerta hai. Sodawi mazaaj rakhne walon ke ahlaat ki aslah kerta hai. Isse khane se Quwat Iraadi mazbut hoti hai. Jismani Aasaab ko Taqat aur Quwat punchata hai. Iss ka shorba mareezon ke liye behad mufeed aur akseer hai. Bus iss baat ka khayal rakha jaye ke mareez ko kisi khaas marz/bimari.  Main iss ka istamaal mumnah na qarar diya gaya ho. Kam umar wali bakri ya bakre ka gosht bari umar wale bakre ya bakri ke. Muqable main zayada mufeed aur lazat baksh hota hai. Agarcha iss ke taqriban tamam hisse tawanai aur lazat se mamoor hote hain. Lekin gardan aur kande ka hissa baqi hisson se zayada taqat baksh hota hai. Lekin bimaar janwar ya baasi gosht se perhez kerien.
Bakre ke Siri-Paye
Bakre ke siri-paye bhi bohut se hasusi faide rakhte hain. Shart yeh ke inhien ache tareeqe se pakaya gaya ho. Gosht main tez garam masala-jaat, ghee aur namak mirch iss ki afadiyat ko ghata deti hai. Kam miqdaar main ghee daal ker halke namak mirch ke saath. Halki aanch per pakaya jaye to iss ki sahih lazato-o-taseer se faida uthaya ja sakta hai.
Bakre ke gosht ki yehni
Bakre ke gosht ki yehni kamzor sehat wale aadmiyon ke liye bohut mufeed hai. Aur Bimaari se peda hone wali kamzori main bohut mufeed hai. Burhon (Old), neez aise afraad jinhien cigarette noshi ya garmi khushki se halki.  Ya darmiyane darje ki aksar shikayat rehti ho. Unke liye bhi bakre ke gosht ki yehni bohut faide wali hai. Iss se galle aur seene ki khushki dur hoti hai. Phepharon main jami hui ibtadayi noiyat ki balghami kasafitien dur ho jati hain. Meda (Stomach) ko taqat puncha ker mazbut banata hai.
Bherh ka Gosht
Bherh ka gosht bakre ke gosht ke lehaaz se doosre darje per hai. Iss main bhi taqreeban wohi hasusiyaat payi jati hain. Jo bakre ke gosht main hoti hain. Taseer iss ki bhi garam tar hai. Bakre ki tarah iss ki gardan aur phephron ka gosht bhi bohut mufeed hai. Yeh insaani gosht ko khoob bherhata hai. Bakre ke gosht se sirf issi aitbaar se mukhtalif hai. Ke yeh zayada miqdaar main kha lene se aphara ker deta hai. Isliye jo log bisiyaar-khori ke aadi hain woh bherh ka gosht kam miqdaar main istamaal kerien. Agar bherh ke gosht main Daar Cheeni, Siyaah Zeera aur bari Ilaichi daal di jaye. To iss ke zaiqay main na sirf afadiyat main gher mamuli azafa hota hai. Balke aphara hone ka bhi imkaan nahin rehta.
Gaye ke Gosht main Ghazaiyat aur Taaqat
Apni taseer ke lehaaz se agarcha gaye ka gosht bohut zayada maqwi ghazaon main shamil nahin hota. Kyun ke iss main jahan doosre lamhayaat ke muqabale main lamhi proteins waafer miqdaar main paye jate hain. Wahah iss main ek qabahat bhi hai woh yeh ke iss ka gosht har kisi ko raas nahin aata. Iss ke ilawa Bherh, Bakri, Murgh aur Machli ke gosht main. Jo halawat o lazzat payi jati hai woh iss main mojood nahin hoti.  Iss ke bawajood apne baaz mahsoos aitbaar se iss main aisi ghazaiyat mojood hoti hai. Jo garam taseer ki ghazaon khane wale afraad ke liye bohut quwat bakhsh hoti hai. Jin logon main hiddat khoon ki kami ki shikayat ho. Ya jo afraad pedaishi aur moroosi tor per izdawaaji taluqaat ke mamle main kamzor hoon. In ke liye gaye ka gosht bohut mufeed hota hai. Waise bhi yeh gosht doosre gosht ke muqablay main sasta hota hai. Taham in afraad ke liye yeh bhi lazam hai ke isse khaate waqt aitadlal se kaam lien. Garam masala jaat, ziyada namak aur mirch ka istamaal na kiya jaye. Balke wafir miqdaar main khusk ya tar dania iss ke pakwaan main shamil ker diya jaye. To iski taseer maatdil ho sakti hai. Kyun ke yeh gosht bakre ke muqable main bohut zayada garam hota hai. Issliye iss ka bakasrat istamaal faide ke bajaye nuqsaan se bhi do-chaar ker sakta hai. Nuqsaan bhi puncha sakta hai.
Gaye ke Siri Paye
Gaye ke gosht ko agar cchote cchote tukron main pakaya jaye. Ya isse chawlon ke saath aamez ker liya jaye to iss ki afadiyat barh jati hai. Aur yeh nuqsaan da bhi nahin hota. Iss ke liye yeh zaroori hai ke isse saht aur neem pukhta na rakha jaye. Kyun ke gaye ka gosht zayada der main galta hai. Gaye ke siri-paye ka shorba bhi kafi mufeed hota hai Aur. Mosam sarma main isse bator nashta istamaal kerna aetadaal ke saath haraarat badan kam kerne main bohut mufeed hai. Bacchre ka gosht lazat, Taseer aur Ghazaiyat ke aitbaar se zayada behter hota hai.          
0 notes
looselucy · 7 years
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Vitae & Mortem
Dystopian AU - Read the previous chapters
Part Eight
12:54PM We sat watching the world go by, hurt by the calm and tranquillity of it all. Harry passed me some of the bread we’d been handed at the Soup Kitchen, the two of us sat in silence, amazed as the world continued as casually as ever. In the distance, I saw another image of Marby being painted over. It hurt. Everything hurt.
I took a sorry bite and dropped my head, finding it hard to witness that the words of our Prime Minister had worked, and London had gone back to its usual self. They had stopped caring about us as quickly as they had started. Images of Marby had been painted over, stripped down, and phased out. It must have worked wonderfully for them, another way to force themselves to be blind to truth of their existence. They couldn’t stare it in the face. So they were tearing it down. “Short-lived, wasn’t it?” Harry groaned, clearly frustrated. “Short-lived?” I questioned. “It didn’t last long… Whatever happened. Them… caring. It didn’t last.” It was hard to admit, really. It was hard to come to terms with the fact that the progress we’d seen had fallen flat. Everything Gardan had done for us, had resulted in absolutely nothing. As soon as they had one excuse not to care, they’d taken it, grabbed their opportunity to veil their guilt once again, and continued with their bustling lives where we were just vermin they passed and pitied. “I can’t believe they can just… carry on like this. Like nothing even happened.” I weakened, giving him the remainder of our bread. “This is how it always has been, and how it always will be.” He grunted, getting back up to his feet. “They’re all just waiting for a reason not to care.” He took off walking, barging through the crowds, and once again I followed, my pace quick as I tried to catch up with him. “So what next?” I asked, practically chasing the boy. “There is no next, Jax.” He turned briefly to face me. “This is it now. We’re done! We’ve done everything within our power and we failed, alright? It’s over.” “What’s over?” I worried. “This. Whatever the hell we hoped would happen, it’s over!” I slowed down my pace and dropped my head. I often felt defeated. At the end of most days, when I’d curl up upon concrete, it was hard to feel anything but. Yet I found that moment to be one of my worst. I had no idea where the two of us were supposed to turn, or how we could just continue like nothing had ever happened. I’d been granted this slight taste of hope and I’d wanted to devour it, relish in its flavour and share the sweetness. One speech from our Prime Minister, and it had been snatched from us, pulled from beneath us and leaving us wounded on the ground. After seeing the reaction of the public, the way their sympathy jumped from us to him with just a few words, I couldn’t help but feel like he was lying about the entire thing. It was a scenario he had created to get that exact reaction, where people had compassion and were more responsive to the mere thought of him having a Lost Child, than they were for the actual Lost Children themselves. He’d fooled them into thinking there wasn’t any way he would give the green light for people hurting us, because it would in turn hurt this daughter he had fabricated. All their doubts and questions faded back to nothing, and the world went about its regular routine. It was utterly infuriating to witness, but once that anger had emaciated, it left us feeling nothing other than defeated. Harry eventually noticed that I hadn’t continued in my attempts to keep up with him, turning around to face me and seeing me stable, silent, sad, He was calm as he approached me once again, the two of us somehow ignoring those around us. He stopped just ahead of me, then lifted his hand to tilt my head upwards, pressed just below my chin. He licked over his lips. “Maybe we should…” He tried, and failed. “Maybe we should what?” I scowled, hating the tone of his voice. Harry didn’t falter, staring at my eyes, his hand moving to cup my cheek, and I gazed right back up to him. “Maybe we should distance.” He spoke, so confident it killed me. “Maybe we should end this truce.” “Truce?” I trembled. “It means-” “I know what it means, Harry!” I growled. “But why do you want that?” “I don’t!” He cried. “Then why say it?” “I’m trying to do what’s best! For both of us!” “No!” I shook my head, knocking his touch from my skin and taking a step back from him. “We’re not finished! There’s more we can do, I know there is!” The thought of Harry leaving sent me spiralling back towards hope, back towards to delusional state of mind where I believed the two of us could make some kind of difference. I couldn’t lose a war that we hadn’t even managed to start and lose him too. I looked across to him and saw that the optimism I was grasping onto was void within him, his eyes empty. An idea sparked in my mind. “The Krows.” I simply said. “What?” “We should follow the Krows. We need to go after the fucking Krows.” Usually he grinned when I cursed, but in that moment, he couldn’t manage it. It was always Harry who had suggested following the Krows to find out where they’d go once the daylight came again. It was Harry who wanted to hunt them and find their lair and do something directly to them. It was an idea that scared me, initially, but after our failure when it came to getting the rest of London to care, it would appear the only technique available to us would have to be that undeviating. I found it strange that he wasn’t immediately jumping on my new plan. “No.” He simply stated. “This was your idea.” “And I don’t want to do it anymore.” “But why?” “It’s too risky. We’re too vulnerable. It can’t happen.” “You’re just waiting to die again, Harry! You’re just waiting to die and I won’t let you!” Only moments earlier, I would have guessed that Harry was saying no to such a perilous plan because at some point, I’d grown to mean too much to him, and he didn’t want to see me get hurt. But he’d just suggested we distanced. He had just suggested that the two of us part ways, so how much could I really mean to the trembling boy who stood ahead of me? I didn’t know whether he had calculated the risks that accompanied being within my company and decided they were too high, or if returning to a hopeless state of mind once more involved not having me there as a bitter reminder of everything we hadn’t achieved. All I knew was that if this was going to be our final step, our final clasp at hope, I had to do it with him by my side. “I might be waiting to die, but going after the Krows is fucking begging for death, Jax. You know it is.” “That has to better than this. And maybe… we’ll find new information. And if we do get out of there alive, we can share that and get people fighting for us again. If we don’t… at least I won’t just be waiting for this to end. I’m tired of running, Harry. I want to fight. We have to fight.” He swallowed something back, another quarrel or possibly something else, and I could tell it wasn’t something he wanted anymore. This idea he’d once been so eager to see through, was now something he really wanted to evade. But he wouldn’t let me go alone, and he knew full well that if he was to walk away from me then, I’d still follow them. “Okay.” He sighed eventually, and he seemed so heartbroken. “Then what’s our plan?” 2:02AM The two of us crouched in the shadows, glaring in silence as four Krows surrounded one of their vans, two of them smoking as they lingered, laughing and chatting between themselves. “When they leave, we’ll jump in the back.” Harry whispered lowly, not taking his off them. “But if they find any kids tonight, they’ll open the doors and see us.” “This is our only option, Jax. It’s a risk we’re gunna have to take.” I knew he was right, and I didn’t want to keep questioning it because I felt like with every fault I dragged up, it would merely push Harry further away from seeing this new plan through. We watched their every movement, always worried that they would spot us preying on them, but the darkness worked its wonders and kept us sheltered. To be honest, it looked like the last thing on their mind was to look for Lost Children. They were so casual about what they were doing, just another night at work. We’d ventured into a section of the city we didn’t often travel, in the hopes that those Krows were not sent out specifically to find us. From what we could see of them, it was promising. It barely looked like they wanted to work at all. “Suppose we better make a move.” One of them eventually grumbled. “You gotta do better tonight. You let three kids slip through your fingers last night. They’ll fire you if you keep that up.” I scowled even more, hating the implication that they almost had some kind of quota to reach, a target number of children to take every single night. Those doubtful words were only met with a middle finger from the Krow they’d been directed to, and then they began to distance from their van, taking off down the street and into the night. “Let’s go!” I tried to move. “Stay the fuck back!” Harry seethed, pulling at my arm a yanking me backwards, where I crashed back onto the floor by his side. “What are you doing?” I tried to keep my voice down, scowling furiously at him, scrambling back upright. “Don’t touch me like that! Don’t do that!” “I’m trying to keep you safe, Jax!” He hissed. “They’ve only just gone so you should fucking wait! Be patient! If they came back for any reason to see you breaking into their van you’re dead! So stay the fuck down.” I hated it when he spoke to me like that, like he was above me. We both knew that he was more educated than I was, and that he knew what he was doing, but sometimes his actions and his words were so belittling that it made me want to scream. Sometimes it would just remind me that being on my own was less stressful for more than one reason. There had been a real purpose for me living by myself all those years. Breathing heavily in an attempt to calm down, I did as he’d ordered, waiting a while longer, but not as long as he’d hoped. “I’m going.” I huffed. I was storming back in the direction of the van before he could stop me, heading towards the rear end where the doors were. Harry harshly whispered, demanding I go back to him, but I ignored him. I’d reached the back and was pulling furiously on the handles of the locked doors by the time he’d run to join me, and once again the two of us were nothing but angry at one another. “You’re going to get us both killed!” His voice was raising. “I’m not the one fucking yelling, am I?” Curse words always seemed to sting when they slipped from between my lips, because I still wasn’t really used to them. They were a new language to me, one that I barely knew how to use. For Harry, they happened subconsciously. For me, they were always purposeful. I continued tugging on the handles unsuccessfully, Harry shushing me as I became more aggressive and the noises of my failed actions heightened. “Jax, just stop!” He cried. “Calm down.” “You’re so annoying.” I huffed, stepping away from the vehicle. He took my place, fishing something out from deep within the pocket of his pants and then toying with the lock on the door, biting his tongue to keep from snapping at me any further. He tried to break into the van unsuccessfully as we stood in silence. I looked into the night, watching out for any signs of movement, trouble steeping in the shadows, but it looked like we were safe for the time being. We both knew it wouldn’t last; we were walking, voluntarily, head first into trouble, but we were out of options. We had to. We just wanted to make sure we were in the right situation to greet it, and in that moment, it was far too soon. Harry cursed to himself over and over as he worked the lock, and we barely acknowledged each other the entire time. It must have been at least twenty minutes, but he refused to give up. Eventually, it clicked perfectly, and the door swung itself open. “Get in.” He spoke lowly. I wasn’t even hesitant as I jumped into the back of the van. I didn’t even feel scared, or nervous. It almost felt like it had been a long time coming, that I was bound to end up there at some point whether it was by force or by choice. Harry jumped in after me and slammed the door closed behind us. It was almost completely dark in there, a green light casting down upon us and being our only form of light. There were low benches running down each side, and I took my place on one as Harry took his place on the other, the two of sitting directly across from one another. There was a dull hum that circulated the space around as we sat together, not saying a word. There really wasn’t much to say, really. It wasn’t the first time myself and Harry had gotten worked up and snapped at one another. It always left us feeling a little lost afterwards, but there wasn’t really anything to say about it. “What do we do if they open the door?” I asked him, leaning a little closer to the centre. “You still got your knife?” He asked darkly. “I’m not using it again. I can’t.” “Then give it to me.” He offered his hand. “I’ll use it.” He was so nonchalant about it, the thought of killing a Krow obviously meaning nothing to him. I questioned if he would feel the same way if he actually ever had to do it. I retrieved my knife from the slot in lived within that attached around my thigh, and to be honest, I was glad to be rid of it. The weight it relieved me of wasn’t much physically, but mentally it was humongous. I passed it over to him, watching him eye up the blade before he placed it down by his side, keeping it out and easily accessible, in case he needed to use it. “You don’t seem scared.” I whispered, watching him shuffle closer, the gap between our faces only made up by a few inches. “I’m not.” “Why?” “Should I be?” “You were the one who thought this was such a big risk.” “But we’re here now, and my fear won’t help.” He almost shrugged. “What about you? You scared?” “Terrified. Even if we make it… I’m scared of what we’ll find.” He dropped his head, unable to think of a reply that would soothe or help me in that moment, so he said nothing. And that dragged for hours. For hours we sat in silence. We waited and waited and waited, desperate for the night to come to an end. Neither of us knew how things would play out. All we knew is that we needed something to happen, something to end the waiting. If I was going to die, then waiting for it was the one thing worse than it actually happening. It felt as though we were waiting on our fate. So when we finally heard voices again, it sparked my fear even further, the feeling pulsing around my body with great speed as I stared wide eyed across to Harry, who clasped his fingers around the knife as his side. He composed himself, nodding to me in a way that suggested everything was under control, even though I’d never felt such a lack of control in my entire life. I held my breath the entire time, suddenly the lights above us flickering as the van came to life. Without even thinking, I reached out, grabbing Harry’s free hand and holding it tightly, squeezing my fingers between his and using him as a comfort. Their voices were hidden by the roar of the engine and metal that trapped us in that confined space, meaning we couldn’t quite work out what they saying. I glanced down to the door, expecting it to swing open at any second. But it didn’t. Soon, the voices died, and we jolted into action, the vehicle beginning to move, and they hadn’t opened the door. We were safe. “Shit.” Harry grumbled. “We’re gunna make it, aren’t we? We’re gunna actually see where they take these kids.” It was hard to comprehend. So many years, I’d dreamed about where they went. I’d conjured up images in my head and made all these conclusions, but now we were actually heading to the real thing, and it was difficult to take. When we’d spent so many years being scared to even ask the question, the thought of finally having an answer was twice as terrifying. Harry kept hold of my hand as we bulked and bundled towards out destination, my heart crawling up my throat with each turn we took. I was shaking, looking across to Harry and hoping to see some similar emotions from him, but I got nothing. I could feel from the fact my tiny hand was trapped against his, that he wasn’t shaking, but the only emotion I could decipher from him otherwise was a sadness I hadn’t been expecting. It was there in his eyes. They were distant, not really concentrating on anything, just gazing downwards. He seemed so lost, and I didn’t know how to find him. I managed to push my fear to one side for a moment, squeezing encouragingly at his hand, which caused him to lift his head. We smiled at one another, our attempts weak, and then he was gone again, back to a distant place where his eyes were glazed and we weren’t in the back of one of the Krows vans. He'd changed, since we first met. His dreams had changed. His aspirations and what he wanted from life completely scattered, when they used to be in one place; one focus. I couldn’t help but feel like my anger had gotten the best of me earlier, like maybe we were making a huge mistake. We were walking into a trap that we had no idea how to walk out of, and that was slowly dawning on us as the journey continued. It's hard to know how long we were driving, only being able to track it by the sinking feeling in my stomach that plummeted further south with each second, and the way I’d gone from just being scared, to holding in tears. I managed to hold myself together for a long time, but the more I glanced upon his sorrow, the harder it got. Eventually, I broke. “I’m so sorry.” I whispered, tears beginning to fill my eyes. “Jax?” He prompted, but I couldn’t face him. “Jax, look at me.” The very second I lifted my head, he moved forward and imbedded his lips upon mine. My eyes bolted open, not moving from him but seeing that his eyes were closed, his hand slowly lifting from the knife and finding itself placed upon my cheek, the tips of his fingers stroking over my ear. I’d never kissed anyone before. It was the type of thing that felt like a fantasy to me, something I’d read in books when I was younger, seen being shared between the privileged people of London.  I had never thought it was something I’d experience myself. His lips were soft, and they felt lovely against my own. Slowly, my shock began to fade and my eyes began to close, and I kissed him back, puckering my lips his way, my shoulders dropping. His mouth widened briefly, only being able to feel his tongue flick against mine for a fleeting moment before the van jolted and came to an abrupt stop, our kiss stopping with it. I was breathless again, staring back down to the door and putting some distance between us, sitting back to lean against the wall behind me. My head was already a mess before I’d known what his lips felt like, and now the feel of them felt like it was engrained into my skull and I could never escape it. I pressed my fingers softly against my lips, feeling the light trembles that I was producing, and I didn’t know whether it was because I was scared or if it was what his touch had done to me. We heard the sounds of doors opening and then slamming shut, Harry quickly grasping his fingers around the knife again as we glared towards the back doors, waiting for them to burst open. They didn’t. We concentrated on their stifled voices, and the way we could tell that they were distancing from the vehicle, but it didn’t seem real. It felt like we were getting too lucky. We’d both expected to have put up quite the fight before this stage, but we were actually there and they were moving away and we were still in the back of the van, completely unscathed. Even when it was completely silent, we didn’t move. We didn’t make a sound. We were still expecting something to go wrong, someone to find us, even though we were completely alone. I’m really not sure how much time we let pass before Harry broke the silence. “This is it.” He whispered, and then turned to me. “You ready?” “Yes.” I nodded, though it wasn’t in-keeping with how I was feeling. “Okay.” He nodded back. “Let’s go.” He was hesitant, though that wasn’t suggested in his voice. He took a few moments, staring at me from his spot, looking as though he was on the verge of saying something, his lips quivering with words they couldn’t release, and then got to his feet, marching towards the door and pushing it open with no reluctance. He looked to the outside world again, and when I noticed he hadn’t flinched or heightened his knife, I approached, standing behind him and catching the same view with my wide eyes. Ahead of us was a building, barely visible in the dark of the night, nothing radiating it or allowing it to stand out upon the darkness. It was silent, still, not a single sign of life probing from concrete slab ahead of us. “I see a door.” Harry pointed. “What do we do when we get in there?” “Search from something. Anything. Any kind of proof that… they’re killing them or… just anything. Then we find our way back to the city, and we tell Gardan what we found and where it is. He’ll help us expose them.” Thanks to our unprecedented luck, Harry had conjured up the following stages of this plan like he knew we were going to make it out alive. I appreciated his optimism, and I think it was the only thing that helped me to build the courage to remove myself from that van. We scoped the area as we made our way towards the door, Harry keeping the knife close to him, and though I didn’t feel safe, I was still thankful that he’d taken the item from me. He used his other hand to grasp at the handle, pushing it forward. The door let out a sinister creak as it slowly swung open, the two of us only being greeted by a hallway darker than the outside world, and with each step we took, the menacing feeling that was once constricted within my stomach began to swell and search through my entire body. “C’mon.” Harry whispered, stepping aside and gesturing that I go in first. That was the first moment I felt his fear. Maybe he just did it so I was always in sight. Maybe it wasn’t fear, but a sense of protection instead. But in that moment, it felt like his troubling thoughts had finally gotten the better of him, and he didn’t dare to take the first step forward. So I obliged, knowing that I needed strength for the both of us in that moment, in the way that Harry had harboured strength for us so many times before. He had always been the willing one, who helped us jump from one step to the next as I worried and cried and ached my way through each experience. It merely felt like I was returning the favour. I forged my confidence and stepped inside, feeling him close behind me. He kept the door ajar, working as a tight form of light that dwindled with each step we took. Thankfully, the two of us were accustom to unlit spaces, knowing how to work our way through foreign and dark places, but even so. It reached the stage where it was almost pitch black, but there was a small glimmer of light ahead of us that almost felt like a beacon of hope. That’s when we heard a noise. It came from behind us, a low thud that sent my pulse racing, whipping around to try and decipher some kind of sight, but I got nothing. I was still, just breathing frantically, reaching out in the hope of being able to feel Harry, my touch reaching nothing but air. Another bang. Louder than the previous. Closer. “Harry?” I whispered. There was no answer. I was panicking so much I thought I might pass out. I started walking back the way I had just came, hoping to grab him, keeping my hands ahead of myself and hoping to collide into his body, but nothing came. I was walking against nothingness and my heart was bursting in my chest. “Harry?” I seethed, needing to keep my voice down but desperate for a reply. “Harry? Harry if you’re here please answer me? Fuck. Fuck.” I had to stop, because this awful part of me knew I wasn’t going to find him. With barely a sound, and not visuals, he’d gone. He’d disappeared and left not even the slightest hint of where he’d gone, and once again there were tears in my eyes as I stood completely mobile, sobbing and praying that he would appear again. And then a final noise. But it wasn’t just the noise this time. The low thud was accompanied but a dull ache at the back of my head, and I realised quickly I’d been struck. I fell to the floor, crashing onto my knees before I collapsed completely. Everything was spinning, my temples throbbing and feeling as though they were going to cave in on themselves. I thought I was seconds away from vomiting onto the floor where my cheek was pressed, wondering if it was blood I could feel trickling down my neck. Then a second hit to my skull. Then darkness.
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