#gallatin x cahir
disdaidal · 10 months
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how to deal with a crush
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tantumuna · 4 months
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Absolutely stunning gallahir comms done by @jxthics!! Check him out :>
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doyouyearn · 11 months
This is a Gallahir appreciation post.
(big thanks to @tantumuna for helping me pick the song!)
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k-wame · 10 months
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Robbie Amell as Gallatin & Eamon Farren as Cahir 2023 · S3.E3 ['Reunion'] · THE WITCHER
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cahir-and-ciri-dyffryn · 10 months
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bylightofdawn · 5 months
Tomorrow May Be Gone Chapter 2
Chapter 2 is up! I adore the hints of Fringilla and Cahir's relationship that I was able to drop in this chapter. I really love their dynamic and I could natter on about it endlessly. I definitely need to write more with those two and the wonderful evolution they have unwilling and forced to work together allies and rivals to Cahir quite literally trying to cover Fringilla with his body during the Siege of Aretuza. Despite her being a mage who can project her own personal shield. Look, he's pretty but he's not very smart. 🤣
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astaldis · 2 months
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@whumpers-monthly   @merriam-whumpster
Chapters: 1/1  Words: 1,454
Fandom: The Witcher (TV) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Cahir Mawr Dyffryn aep Ceallach & Gallatin Additional Tags: Tumblr: whumpers-monthly, whumpers-monthly's Issue 26: Crucified March 2024, Male Friendship, bear trap, wollemi whump event, gallatin whump, there is only one horse, Again, Rescue Summary: Gallatin is in a tight spot and guess who shows up to save him? Again.
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I still don't understand the point of the need for Cahir to kill Gallatin when he could've convinced him to fight with him along with Nilfgard and the elves
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chaos-monkeyy · 9 months
Witcher S3 smutlet posted in July! Murder boyfriends 💖
Cahir / Gallatin : Skewered (on AO3)
notable AO3 tags: Post-Killing Fuck, gratuitous similes between swords and 'swords'
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It’s been ages since Cahir felt this fire burning under his skin, this hungry, urgent need. This naked, carnal desire. 
It figures, a part of him thinks wryly, it figures this would be when you feel it again. 
‘This’ is smoke hanging heavy on the air, laced with the scents of death; it’s the energy singing through his veins and dead men’s blood still hot and wet where it’s spattered over his face and neck. Cahir looks up slowly, breathing deep, and meets the elf’s eyes through the carnage. And carnage it is— despite the fact that it was only him and Gallatin against an entire group of bandits. All that remains of their attackers are bodies; bodies, and the blood covering him and the elf both. 
Cahir’s still panting, he notes distantly, heart thumping a rapid beat through his veins, the sounds hollow in his own ears… and no longer solely from the adrenaline of the fight itself. 
The elven warrior is staring at him, stalking towards Cahir with his face covered in the same stark, wet sprays of red that Cahir feels dripping slowly down his own skin— and such intensity burning in his eyes that Cahir wonders, for a split second, whether he’s about to be skewered on the bloodied blade held loosely at the elf’s side— 
Gallatin drops his sword and seizes Cahir by the shirt instead, drags him into a clash of lips and tongue and teeth and copper-salt heat, into something far too ferocious to be adequately described as a kiss. Cahir growls, anger and arousal leaping within him at the sheer impudence— and as Gallatin pauses to grin at him, wild, feral, Cahir tangles his fingers in the elf’s partly-shaved, gritty hair and attacks him right back.
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uiuishii · 11 months
Ok I finished the... thing.
Listen, I know it's an adaptation, it's not suppose to be a transcription of the book (although they always say it will be). But there are huge problems.
I would say the one that shocked me the most is with women. Strong women. The reason reading the witcher was that fun and so inspiring. Here, these strong women are always dominated by a man. Geralt interrupts Yen, Dijsktra interrupts Philippa, Gallatin interrupts Francesca. There is always something like that (Radovid calling Philippa with sweet nickname like a boss of a fucking company with her secretary). I'm not dumb, I understand it's to show how women are treated badly in this terrible world and to justify the creation of the lodge. But the truth is, it's the case for random women not sorceresses. Sorceresses are the bosses of this fucking Continent. So why making them that weak? I remember reading about how they made kings shiver just by speaking, how they rule the country. And now you see a poor Philippa, at the corner of the table, who needs to whip Dijkstra to have power/a favor ? Philippa just have to glance at him and Dijkstra is on his knees. I swear this made me scream/laugh so hard.
This is for me the biggest issue. Of course there are many more: Cahir killing his friend and getting further and further of Book Cahir, Tissaia x Vilgefortz which makes Tissaia the exact opposite of her character, Margarita Laux-Antille A.K.A the sweetest sorceress slapping Ciri and being a bitch, Radovid being not Radovid (just call him another name please), Redania being isolated from the other countries for no reasons, Stregobor. Just Stregobor. And his Silent Hill monsters.
I watched the show with my polish friend and she was just sad seeing how it messed up with the book/the polish culture it is supposed to adapt.
I'm worried for part 2 but I will watch. Why ? I want to know how badly they mess with my favorite characters honestly. (Waiting for Tissaia and Philippa moments)
This is just my opinion by the way. If you enjoyed the show I'm glad you had a great time !
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its-all-ineffable · 11 months
The Witcher Season 3, Vol 1 - thoughts
Hi! Me! I just have to make a post because I binged all 5 eps yesterday and I am having thoughts and feelings and I need to get them out somehwere!
Long post ahead!
AND HAS A BOYFRIEND!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I just...I have so many feelings about this. Like, as a bi person, it means so much to see one of my fave characters be blatantly bisexual on screen! Also, Jaskier has had so much shit recently, and he deserves someone who loves and appreciates him properly, and I am very happy he got that.
I admit, I was worried about Radovid at first, I thought he'd be manipulative and scheming, especially being with Philippa and Dijkstra, but no, he seems like a sweet, kind man. Also, he instantly fell in love with Jaskier and is so fucking whipped for him - he performed his song to him cause he loved it, MY HEART!! Like...they are just the best, and I'm worried the relationship or one of THEM won't survive the season...but for now, HELL YEAH FOR JASKIER X RADOVID!😍🥰
Right - the plot has actually been pretty solid so far, and I'm enjoying it!
Ciri and Jaskier's dynamic is to DIE FOR and I am so happy they seem to be getting along. Would've loved to see the development of the uncle Jaskier and niece Ciri, but that's what fanfic is for I guess! Also, Yen, Ciri and Geralt as a family was fucking adorable.
Hell yeah for Yarpen being back, and for his arc of finally calling Jaskier by his name when Jaskier helped save his people! Also I screeched when Jaskier got shot with that arrow - I genuinely fear he might be killed, though I'm not sure why...🥺😬
GERALT AND JASKIER TRAVELLING TOGETHER, BESTIES HELL YEAH!!!!!🎉 Like, I would like a PROPER apology Geralt (I sigh, and turn to fanfiction, knowing canon will never give that to me), but I am so happy to see them back together. Also, the friendly banter and teasing, the casual affection, the fact that Geralt is actually asking Jaskier to help him and they seem to be super close again, like that is PRECIOUS TO ME!
I would've liked more Yennefer and Jaskier interaction though, I missed them, but hopefully we'll get that in Vol 2, cause we see a Yenskier hug in the teaser!
Geralt is such a dad, and he's been so good with Ciri (mostly) and it warms my heart seeing him be so tender to her. Like, they are just the best! That bit when she jumped on him, and they wrestled playfully?! MY HEART!😍 (Also, RIP original Roach, gone but not forgotten)
Yen and Geralt as a (romantic) relationship have grown on me, I admit, and they had amazing chemistry, especially those last 2 eps, but I am a firm Geraskfer lover (and I love Yenskier and Geraskier seperately too; I started a Geraskier girl though and always will be). Having them at that Ball, and being a power couple was the best though!
Speaking of the Ball, FUCKING STREGOBOR GOT FUCKED UP HELL YEAH FUCK THAT DUDE!!!! I HAVE HATED HIM SINCE S1, SO GLAD HE'S GETTING WRECKED!!!🎉😎 Also, that fucking Vilgefortz twist...I KNEW I DISLIKED HIM FOR A REASON! But that whole thing was so well done, and also, Istredd and Geralt dancing together... I died laughing!!!🤣
Philippa is actaully super interesting and I'd love to know more about her! Seeing Cassie Clare acting more is making me love her though, and I hope she gets to shine again as Mazikeen in Sandman as well. She's so talented.
Ngl, hate Francesca now. She lost her baby yeah, but then she KILLED INNOCENT BABIES AS HER REVENGE? LIKE NO. THAT'S NOT OKAY. That turned me against her, and she's just generally pissing me off, which is a shame cause I really liked her in S2. Glad Fringilla escaped though, wondering when we'll see her again!
Also, is it bad that I kind of shipped Cahir and that elf, Gallatin?🤷‍♂️ Idk, I thought they were cute. Ffs Cahir, killing him?! Also, detour, but, Dara's hair though?! Phenomonal!
Also, so happy to see Jaskier already in four episodes, and we're deffo getting more of him! So glad my boy is getting to do more this season!
Anyway, that's it, for now. I needed to scream about S3!
I'd love to hear other people's thoughts too, through replies to this post and reblogs of it with your thoughts on the reblog or in the tags! Or even in asks or DMs!
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disdaidal · 7 months
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I don't miss the snobbery of the city, but... shit, I do miss the services. Your White Flame sure knows how to host. — THE WITCHER, 3.03
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tantumuna · 10 months
My brother asked me to make this in hopes it would kill me. It nearly did, but I survived. Funniest thing I've ever made so please give it a watch if u love laughter and joy.
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disdaidal · 9 months
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THE WITCHER 3.03 Reunion
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disdaidal · 9 months
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THE WITCHER (2019-) 3.03 Reunion
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disdaidal · 7 months
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3.03 Reunion | The Witcher (2019-)
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