#gabriela infante
daffy-rimi · 2 months
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sapphyreopal5 · 1 hour
I really enjoy your blog and I’m just curious to what you think of Justin Hartley, I don’t know much about him honestly
Hello Anon thank you for the ask. I don't know a whole lot about Justin Hartley or how him and Jensen met to begin with, but I'll give this my best shot. Justin Hartley was born January 29, 1977 in Knoxville, Illinois. He started his acting career on Passions as Nicholas Foxworth "Fox" Crane (2002-2006) and also starred on shows like Smallville as Oliver Queen/Green Arrow (2006-2011) which on a personal note is actually where I saw him for the first time YEARS ago ha ha, The Young and the Restless as Adam Newman (2014-2016), and then had recurring roles in shows including Revenge as Patrick Osbourne (2013-2014), Mistresses as Scott Trosman (2014-2016), This is Us as Kevin Pearson (2016-2022), and currently plays Colter Shaw on Tracker (2024-). He has 3 siblings, an older brother named Nathan, then a younger sister named Megan who is married to a Josh Jones and is notably in a lot of Justin's posts, and a half sister named Gabriela.
As you probably are aware, Jensen was announced as being cast for Russel Shaw Colter's, older brother on Tracker. I myself plan on watching the show, as a couple weeks ago my mom's boyfriend mentioned the show is decent prior to Jensen being announced for the show. Having looked more into things knowing myself, there are some interesting parallels a friend of mine told me about and also things I've noticed between Justin, Jensen, the roles they play/will play on Tracker and even the roles Jared and Jensen played on Supernatural.
Fans and other people including myself started speculating it's possible that Jensen scored a role on Justin's show Tracker after this fan account created the Instagram post below, which clearly turned out to be correct.
For starters, Russell/Jensen is the older brother of Colter/Justin. Dean/Jensen was the older brother of Sam/Jared. It turns out that on Supernatural Sam and Dean before the first episode stopped talking to each other for 2 years after Sam decided he wants to go to college and stop hunting. On Tracker, it has been 20 years since Mary essentially severed the ties between Colter and Russell. John Winchester their dad also didn't talk to Sam in the same time period. Mary Winchester died when Sam was an infant and Dean was about 4 years old and John is "missing" but still alive when the show airs. However, on Tracker it is their dad Ashton who dies after he fell off a cliff named Devil's Notch and is believed Russell/Jensen who pushed him off by Colter/Justin and their mother Mary Shaw who is still alive. Interesting, on both shows their mother is named Mary. The roles of the dead parent are therefore notably swapped on Tracker and Supernatural.
It should be noted also that it is the 12th episode of Tracker in which Jensen will first appear as Russell airs on Mother's Day, which is May 12 this year. I speculated here that it seems 11 is a bit of a bad luck number for Jensen and noticed it show up on multiple addresses of his as far as numerology goes. In that post, I wrote:
If anyone reading this believes numerology has any significance, I also would like to point out how interesting it is that a lot of the addresses that he's been moving to and buying up since it seems things started to go downhill for Danneel and Jensen in 2018 contain the number 11. Heck, even the Colorado house stopped being listed as of 11/11/2022! In numerology, the number 11 has a lot of spiritual significance as it's said to be a master number and is said to be associated with what some call "twin souls" and soulmates (read the link for more info as to how this could apply here). Weirdly enough, when I was doing research on numerology and the number 11 this at one point showed up from a site called legalreach.com: "A Rule 11 agreement is an agreement between a divorcing couple that outlines how they will handle the divorce process and any disputes that arise. In other words, it's like a prenup for the breakup! It defines who takes what, when assets will be divided, and who gets custody of the kids." Never heard of it before but it stuck out to me while I was doing this research...
In another post, I brought up an Instagram post of Jensen's where he was wondering about the significance of the date 9/10 with regards to the ending The Boys season 3 AND the ending of Supernatural as far as filming dates go. I copied it below for your reference. My speculation of it from another post I created is "The description for this post says "What is the universe trying to tell me? 🤔". Looking at the date, the day after 9/10 is 9/11. Well Jensen, I can tell you one thing that this (and the other 11 related signs you keep missing!) means from Hermes: "9/10/2020 and 9/10/2021 being 1 year apart and 1 day before 9/11 along with several addresses of yours containing the number 11 is us seers telling you that you still have NOT found THE ONE you are looking for"."
Perhaps 12 is the good luck number Jensen needs to get a bit of a "jump start" on things being back on "the right track". Google's overview of the numerology for the number 12 states:
The number 12 can also be a metaphor for the recursive nature of existence and the opening of new horizons, particularly in the quest for spiritual enlightenment. For example, the number 12 can mark the end of a cycle, which can be a divine sign from guardian angels that you need to learn to let go of the past and look to the future. The number 12 is also strongly associated with the heavens, including the 12 months, the 12 signs of the zodiac, and the 12 stations of the Moon and of the Sun. The ancients recognized 12 main northern stars and 12 main southern stars. In Hebrew, the number 12 signifies perfect government, or God's government. In Christianity, it is the number of Christ's disciples, and it occurs many other times in the Bible, for example, the Twelve Tribes of Israel.
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My friend told me that there is a character Colter goes to for help a lot named Bob Exler. Bobby Singer on Supernatural also becomes Sam and Dean's go to for info guy. Interestingly enough, Bob Exler is seen wearing prosthetic legs on Tracker as seen above. This is because Eric Graise who plays Bobby Exler was born missing fibula bones in his legs, making it so the doctors amputated his legs at a young age. Briefly on Supernatural, Bobby Singer in Season 5 Episode 1 "Sympathy for the Devil" becomes paralyzed from the waist down after killing a demon using Ruby's demon-killing knife. He regains his ability to walk in Season 5 Episode 21 "Two Midnights to Midnight" after making a deal selling his soul to King of Hell Crowley to know where Death is and also regaining his legs, even kissing him to "seal the deal". Interesting parallel here my friend noticed...
Jared/Jensen/Justin Siblings
I talked earlier about how Justin has an older brother named Nathan, as well as younger sisters Megan and Gabriela. Jensen has an older brother named Joshua and a younger sister named Mackenzie. Jared has an older brother named Jeff and a younger sister named Megan. Both Jared and Justin have a sister named Megan. Interestingly enough, Justin's sister Megan is married to a Josh (Jensen's brother's name) and Jensen's sister Mackenzie is married to a Jeremy (both women's names start with M and married to men whose names start with J). I can't seem to find any information about Jared's sister Megan and whether or not she's married, although it does not appear she is if I am to go based off her Instagram page. All 3 of them have a younger sister whose first letter in their name starts with M, and all 3 have an older brother. If we were to go based off of full blooded sibling, we could say all 3 of them are in this sense middle children. Just funny coincidences really. I also cannot help but notice that Jensen and Justin both start with J and end with N and also both have 6 letters in their names...
Justin's character Oliver Queen was introduced on Smallville in Season 6 Episode 2 "Sneeze". Jensen's character Jason Teague was introduced in Season 4 Episode 1. While they did not star on Smallville simultaneously, both Jensen and Justin were first seen on the CW on Smallville. Technically, Justin was on a TV pilot for Aquaman (or mercy Reef), which was never picked up as a series but starred later that year on Smallville. They both were on Smallville but were not in the same season together.
Funny enough how with the connections I was talking about with Jared, Jensen and Justin's families, Jason Teague's mom was Genevieve Teague (ancestors of the witch named Duchess Gertrude) on season 4 of Smallville, where Lana Lang was eventually possessed by her witch ancestor Countess Margaret Isobel Thoreaux. In the show it was revealed that when Margaret Isobel Thoreaux was burned at the stake she cursed Duchess Gertrude''s heirs by vowing to wipe the entire family out when she rises again. Funny how Genevieve Teague was killed being stabbed in the chest with one of the 3 power stones on Smallville and Ruby played by Genevieve Cortese (now Padalecki) was stabbed in a similar location on Supernatural by Dean, Jensen's character. Given some of the other posts I've been making in recent weeks relating to Genevieve and black magic, the timing for Jensen Ackles being announced to work on Tracker with Justin Hartley, both of whom were on Smallville but at different times, is quite curious at the very least.
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New J2 in the making?
To wrap this up, do I detect a possible new J2 in the making? It should be noted here how some people on Twitter have been talking about how "romantic" some of the Tracker promo photos with Jensen and Justin together appear. I admit the tone of the Supernatural promo photos with Jared and Jensen versus the Tracker ones with Jensen and Justin off set do have a bit of a different tone if you catch my drift. Tracker was already renewed for a second season, and it seems that Jensen has a labeled chair on the set of Tracker. Possible hint we will be seeing more of Jensen on Tracker in Season 2? He did say lately that if all goes as planned, it will be a busy year. Look below for some screenshots of some interesting reactions/posts/comments related to the Tracker promo photos, notably from Tom Welling, who was Clark Kent on Smallville the same show Jensen and Justin both starred on.
Those of us who are in the fandom are well aware of the Jared/Jensen "J2" tinhatters stuff, where some fans believe and speculate they are in a secret relationship and did from the get go. Seems that Jensen and Justin's work relationship with Tracker is starting off with some similar reactions from people...
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eriri-arq · 1 year
Entrevista a Un arquitecto
Arq. Gabriela Infante
Gabriela Infante es arquitecta egresada de la Universidad Central de Venezuela y profesora de la universidad en el área de materiales de construcción; para la realización de esta actividad fue enstrevistada realizando 4 preguntas claves: ¿porqué decidió estudiar arquitectura?, ¿cómo describiría su trabajo?, ¿cuáles son sus tareas diarias?, y por último, ¿considera que es importante en la arquitectura manetenernos constantemente actualizados?. A continuación encontraremos sus respuestas a dichas interrogantes:
- ¿Por qué decidió estudiar arquitectura?
Siempre estuve relacionada con el arte y la música como actividades extracurriculares durante primaria y el liceo, y mi tío es dibujante técnico, así que desde pequeña estuve en contacto con el diseño y la realización de planos. Cuando tome conciencia ya en el liceo de que quería hacer, de que me gustaba, y qué tipo de impacto quería realizar en el mundo, pues la arquitectura surgió como la opción perfecta que combinaba las cosas que me gustaban y por las que sentía curiosidad hasta el momento. Por supuesto, en principio, no sabía todo lo que implicaba estudiar arquitectura, pero una vez fui avanzando en la carrera entendía cada vez más que la arquitectura era la profesión con la que quería estar relacionada toda la vida.
- ¿Cómo describiría su trabajo?
En este momento lo describiría como los primeros pasos para crecer. En el ámbito meramente laboral estoy dando los primeros pasos y adquiriendo esa experiencia que no te da del todo la universidad, pero además, entendí que me apasiona enseñar y que quería devolverle un poquito a la facultad todo lo que me dió, por lo que empecé como apoyo docente de una profesora muy querida, cosa que me abrió las puertas para dar clase propiamente como profesora del sector de tecnología, en materiales de la construcción.
- ¿Cuáles son sus tareas diarias?
Soy dibujante y realizo modelos 3D y renders para una compañía fuera del país, además de intervenir en decisiones de diseño especialmente en remodelaciones de interiores. Y en el ámbito académico- profesoral, preparar el contenido de las clases, planificar evaluaciones y corregirlas y por supuesto estudiar (si, me toca estudiar de nuevo).
Y por último ¿Considera que es importante en la arquitectura manetenernos constantemente actualizados?
Por supuesto, sin duda. Todos los días avanzamos como sociedad y desarrollamos nueva tecnología y nuevas técnicas. Tecnología y técnicas que mejoran además, nuestra relación con la construcción y sus implicaciones ambientales, que nos permiten ahorrar costos o incluso aprender sobre implicaciones a nivel de salud para las personas.
El arquitecto diseña para la sociedad, y afecta a todo lo que lo rodea, desde el comportamiento de los humanos en el lugar, hasta mejorar o empeorar la relación que tenemos con el ambiente, debe estar en constante aprendizaje para mejorar su forma de hacer arquitectura y su forma de aproximarse al entorno y dejar huella.
Sin duda alguna esta grata entrevista nos permite conocer un poco más acerca como es iniciar la vida laboral en la arquitectura, y al mismo tiempo si la relacionamos con la historia de la arquitectura, podemos encontrar un punto muy clave en común, y es que así como en el renacimiento, está carrera es una rama que está en constante evolución, manteniendo siempre presente que para evolucionar necesitamos de la práctica y la teoría, ya que tanto Gabriela quien está labrando su camino adquiriendo experiencia y reforzando sus conocimientos para impartirlo a sus estudiantes, como grandes figuras de la historia como Vitruvio o Alberti, nos enseñan que este hermoso arte se rige por la práctica y la teoría, por lo cual en la época se crearon diversas tratadísticas que intentaban explicar a las siguientes generaciones cómo funcionaba la construcción en su momento, elementos que han evolucionado hasta lo que conocemos hoy en día, y que dará paso a muchas nuevas tecnologías.
Erika Camposano | Historia II | Prof. Arq. Rebeca Tineo
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korgbelmont · 1 year
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Noah Harris x Gabriela Adalhard
Five years have passed since Noah became a Vampire, and in that time, he and Gabriela have married and had a daughter, Sky. But Sky's birth presents a new threat to the couple.
Written in the present tense
Warnings: Threat against an infant
Word Count: 2462
Notes: I don’t own these characters, they are the property of Pixelberry Studios.
Harris part of title made on photoshop
In this, Immortal Desires MC (Charlie) is with Cassius Harlow while My Two First Loves MC (Emma) is with Mason and Ava is with an original character called Sarah.
Hazel is now aware that Noah is a Vampire.
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Setting Sky down in her cot, Gabriela gives her a smile.
Gabriela - I love you.
Noah joins her, holding his daughter's hand for a bit.
Noah - Love you, Sky.
They leave their daughter to sleep and head out to the lounge, where Nicole gives them both a somber look as they grab their jackets.
Nicole - Good luck.
Noah - Thanks for watching her.
Nicole - Of course.
They leave and head to the car.
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At the Nexus, Noah and Gabriela stand before Lewyn, Astoria, and the Elders of Crimson Beech while Cas leans against the wall at the edge of the seats.
Astoria - What were you two thinking? There hasn't been a natural born Vampire since the time of the Creators.
Lewyn - She presents a threat to all Vampires.
Noah - She's just a baby!
Astoria - She's a threat!
Gabriela - Not if she's raised right!
Lewyn - We will do what we must. And if you stand in our way...
Noah takes a step forward, closing his hands into fists. Gabriela places a hand on his arm, stopping him from doing anything that could put them more at risk.
Gabriela - We'll do what we have to to keep her safe.
Astoria - You don't want us as enemies.
Cas - And you don't want her as an enemy.
Cas steps out from where he was, joining them.
Cas - Sure, the kid could be a threat. But given who her parents are, I highly doubt that. Besides, what are you actually planning to do with her?
The room goes silent as Astoria glares at Cas.
Cas - That's what I thought. Then if you're done being paranoid, I think we may as well call it a night.
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Later, Noah lies in bed wide awake, as does Gabriela, both staring up at the ceiling as they think about what happened at the Nexus.
Gabriela - We have to accept that Crimson Beech isn't safe anymore. We can't have a normal family life here.
Noah - I know. But there's something that does worry me about moving our lives elsewhere.
She looks over at him as he turns to lie on his side.
Noah - Sky. She's a natural born Vampire inside Leylines. What could happen to her outside of them?
There is only silence as they both know that they have no idea what the answer to that is.
Gabriela - We need a map to see where we could move that is within Leylines. At least then there's a chance we can keep her safe.
Noah - Which we won't get from the Nexus.
Gabriela - My ancestors may have picked up something.
With the beginning of a plan forming, they both know they won't sleep and so get out of bed and head up into the loft, digging through some of the items that the Adalhard's had gathered over the years. Noah looks at the chest he's searching in surprise.
Noah - There is... a lot of silver in this chest.
Gabriela - Probably why we've never gone through them.
Noah - Yeah. What do you want to do with it all? When we go.
Gabriela - I'll leave it with Cas and Charlie. They're the only ones I trust with this. Plus we don't know how things could play out with Lewyn and Astoria, so...
Noah - Yeah.
Gabriela - Here we go. A Leyline map.
Noah goes to join her, and they look over the map. Noah points to a familiar area enclosed by the lines.
Noah - We got Hunt's Peak as an option.
Gabriela - It does look to be the closest, but how likely is the Pack there to let a family of Vampires live in their territory. It was one thing you going there as a human for help, but what we need...
Noah - I guess we only have one way to find out.
Gabriela - In the morning, though.
Noah - In the morning.
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The following morning, Noah sits at his laptop, searching social media for any of the Pack members whose names he can remember. Thankfully, one stuck with him and he soon finds a Selene Russet, and her profile picture matches who he remembers.
Noah - I found one of them!
He opens up the messenger and begins typing.
Noah (DM) - Hi there. We met a few years ago, I came from Crimson Beech and your Pack told me about the Exile. Hope you are doing well.
He gets up, but before he can go anywhere, a reply comes in.
Selene (DM) - I remember you. Difficult to forget the guy who revealed a whole new part of the world 😛
He sits down as another message comes in.
Selene (DM) - What's up???
He explains about what has happened with the Elders and how he and Gabriela need somewhere new to call home, hoping the Pack will let them into Hunt's Peak.
Selene (DM) - I am so sorry this has happened to you.
Selene (DM) - I'll talk with the Pack immediately, leave this open.
Noah (DM) - Thank you, Selene.
Knowing it may take a bit of time, Noah heads to the kitchen, where Gabriela is talking with Cas.
Cas - ...the Elders view me and Charlie the same way they view you two.
Noah - Minus the having a baby thing.
Cas - Even so, they seem determined to keep me out of the loop.
Gabriela - I'm sorry to put you and Charlie in this position.
She looks over at Charlie, who is keeping Sky entertained.
Cas - Don't worry about it. If needs be, we can skip town.
Gabriela - How'd it go with the Pack?
Noah - Selene's gonna speak to them.
Cas - Found somewhere, then?
Noah - Hunt's Peak. In theory.
Cas - Clever. Doubt that they want to risk going against a Werewolf Pack.
Noah - It depends if they'll let us there though.
Gabriela - We should let Ava and Elijah know as well.
Noah nods in agreement. The morning passes quick as the four try to keep things as normal as possible, but they are all on edge as they wonder what Lewyn and Astoria have planned. As midday nears, the computer sounds with a message and Gabriela checks it.
Gabriela - It's Selene. She's spoken with the Pack and...
She breaths a sigh of relief.
Gabriela - She has somewhere we can stay.
Noah - Guess we should get packing then.
The computer sounds again as another message comes in.
Selene (DM) - Can you guys travel in daylight outside of the leylines? Because if not, I have a caravan I can black out the windows on and come and get you myself.
Passing Sky to Noah, Gabriela begins to type out a message.
Gabriela (DM) - Hi, Selene. This is Gabriela Harris, we can for a bit but there is the risk of sun poisoning.
Selene (DM) - I'll come and get you then. I'll need a couple of days.
Gabriela (DM) - See you then.
Selene's active symbol turns to inactive and Gabriela leans back in the chair, relieved that they have a chance at a normal life as a family.
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Those two days pass quick as they have now packed all they feel they need to take with them and the morning of moving, Selene arrives with a blacked out caravan in tow while Noah, Gabriela, Cas, Charlie, along with Nicole and Seth load up a van. Stepping out, Selene heads over to Noah, and the two shake hands.
Selene - You okay?
Noah - Glad to finally be able to get out of here. There's already a van on it's way to the address you gave us, we just need to load up a few bits here and we should be good.
They both look over to see everyone else staring.
Noah - Right, introductions. Everyone, this is Selene. Selene, this is Cas, Charlie, Nicole, and Seth. And this is Gabriela.
The two women shake hands.
Gabriela - Thank you.
Cas - So you're a Werewolf.
Selene - I am. And don't worry, your friends will be safe in Hunt's Peak. I've made sure that the Pack won't try anything.
They all work to get the last van loaded as quickly as possible, and once the last box is loaded, Noah sends the van off before heading inside to grab a rucksack. He finds Gabriela with Sky in her arms, looking around the now empty lounge.
Noah - You alright?
Gabriela - I've lived here my entire life, and now...
He places a hand on the small of her back, kissing her temple.
Noah - I know.
Gabriela takes a deep breath, steeling herself as she turns to face Noah.
Gabriela - But we're doing the right thing. I don't want our daughter to spend her life looking over her shoulder.
Noah - And on that we agree. She deserves as normal a life as possible.
They share a quick kiss before turning to leave. Noah picks up another rucksack on his way out and they go over to say their goodbyes. Gabriela and Charlie wrap each other in a hug while Noah and Cas shake hands.
Noah - Good luck.
Cas - They should settle down once you're out of the area.
Charlie - We'll keep you up to date.
Gabriela - Thank you.
Nicole - Good luck with the new life.
Seth - Ditto.
With the goodbyes said, Noah and Gabriela enter the blacked out caravan while Selene returns to her car. Taking a seat, Noah takes Sky from Gabriela as she rests against him. They wobble a bit as Selene gets going.
Noah - This is really happening.
Gabriela - It really is.
After a few minutes, they slow to a stop and Noah's phone rings. He presses to answer Selene's call, putting her on speaker.
Noah - What's up??
Selene - We're about to cross the lines.
Gabriela places a hand on Sky, touching her forehead to her daughters.
Noah - Let's do this.
They get moving again, and after a few minutes, Gabriela moves her head, noticing that she is still asleep. Nothing has happened, being born in the leylines has not changed her in someway. Both breathing a sigh of relief, they share a quick kiss.
Gabriela - She's okay.
They both hear Selene's relieved sigh before she speaks.
Selene - You two may as well rest up, it's going to be a long drive.
Noah - Thank you, Selene.
Selene - No worries.
Hanging up, Noah lies down and Gabriela joins him, Sky still sleeping soundly between them. Gabriela rests her hand on top of Noah's as he keeps a hand on Sky, and she can only smile at her husband.
Gabriela - I love you.
Noah - I love you too.
They soon close their eyes, deciding to get a bit of sleep as a way to pass the time.
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Unsure of how long has passed, Noah and Gabriela are woken by the cries of their daughter as they both go into panic mode. But a couple of sniffs soon relax them.
Gabriela - She just needs changing.
Noah - I'll take this one. You did it last time.
Gabriela - Okay.
Taking Sky, Noah goes over to a more suitable area to change her while Gabriela closes her eyes again. The crying soon stops and Gabriela feels the dip of the bed next to her as Noah returns.
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Once again, they're woken, but this time by a phone ringing. Realising it's his, Noah takes it from his pocket to find Selene ringing and he answers, putting it on speaker.
Noah - Hey, Selene.
Selene - Just wanted to let you know we're in Hunt's Peak. You're safe to let the sun in. Also the ride will get a bit bumpy in a few minutes, but it'll mean we're near the end.
Gabriela - Thanks for letting us know.
After a few minutes, the ride does indeed become quite bumpy, and while Noah and Gabriela work to keep themselves balanced, Sky laughs. The couple share a look and can't help but have a slight laugh at it.
The drive soon comes to an end and know they have the all clear once Selene steps inside.
Selene - Welcome to your new home.
They step out to the sight of a large cabin.
Gabriela - This is ours?
Selene - It belonged to my uncle, but I inherited it. Never knew what to do with it. Until now.
She holds out a set of keys to Gabriela, dropping them into the Vampire's hand.
Noah - Thank you. For everything.
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Now settled into their new home, Noah and Gabriela bring Ava and Hazel up to date on everything on a video call.
Ava - I'm sorry that you got forced out of Crimson Beech.
Gabriela - Lewyn and Astoria made it clear on where they stand.
Noah - Luckily the trip over wasn't as bad as we had built in our minds. Nothing happened to Sky once she crossed the leylines.
Ava - That's a relief.
Hazel - What's the new place like?
Gabriela - Big. Much bigger than we were expecting.
Ava - And the Pack is okay with family of Vampires living on their turf?
Gabriela - Selene convinced them into being okay with it. And advised us to keep our doors locked on full moons.
Ava - Well that's an interesting one. So what's next for you?
Gabriela - Theoretically, a quiet life.
Ava - We'll come visit soon. Once this one is on break from school.
She gives Hazel a playful hug.
Noah - We'll make sure things are set up for you.
Hazel - Looking forward to it!
Ava - In the meantime, you have homework to get on with. We'll let you get on with things.
Gabriela - Alright. See you, Ava. Bye, Hazel.
Noah - Have fun.
The screen changes as Ava hangs up. Gabriela gets up to grab a coffee while Noah closes the laptop.
Noah - How do you think things are going back at Crimson Beech?
Gabriela - I imagine Cas and Charlie are lying low. I'm confident we don't have to worry about Lewyn and Astoria though. But we should probably speak to the Pack, just to make sure of things.
Noah - I'm with you there.
She sits back down and kisses his cheek. Although there are some things that will need to be finalised with the Pack, Noah and Gabriela know that they have a chance at a quiet life as a family.
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ethanreedbooks · 9 days
Superman Remake Cast Update & Daredevil's New Journey Unveiled!
Pruitt Taylor Vince has joined the cast of James Gunn’s highly anticipated “Superman” reboot, taking on the iconic role of Jonathan Kent, also known as Pa Kent. In this fresh take on the classic superhero tale, Jonathan Kent is Superman’s caring adoptive father, who discovers the infant superhero in a Kryptonian spacecraft amidst the fields of Kansas.
Vince steps into the shoes of previous actors who've portrayed Pa Kent, including Kevin Costner in "Man of Steel" (2013) and Glenn Ford in "Superman" (1978). This latest adaptation is part of DC Studios' ambitious revamp, marking the beginning of "Chapter One: Gods and Monsters" in the reimagined DC Universe.
Joining Vince in the star-studded ensemble are Nicholas Hoult as Lex Luthor, David Corenswet as the new Man of Steel, and a slew of other talented actors. Rachel Brosnahan takes on the role of Lois Lane, while Nathan Fillion portrays Green Lantern, and Isabela Merced embodies Hawkgirl. Additionally, Edi Gathegi appears as Mister Terrific, María Gabriela de Faría as The Engineer, and Anthony Carrigan as Metamorpho. Newcomers Skyler Gisondo and Sara Sampaio join as Jimmy Olsen and Eve Teschmacher, respectively. Notably, Wendell Pierce has recently been announced to play Daily Planet Editor in Chief Perry White.
Beyond his upcoming role in "Superman," Pruitt Taylor Vince has made a name for himself with an impressive array of television and film credits. He's recognized for his work in projects like Netflix’s “Birdbox” and “The Life and Death of John Gotti.” Fans can also catch him in the Apple TV+ series “Lady in the Lake,” starring alongside Natalie Portman, set to premiere this summer.
With production underway and an all-star cast in place, "Superman" is slated to hit theaters on July 11, 2025. Stay tuned for more updates on this exciting DC Studios project!
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sandrazayres · 2 months
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Conheça os agraciados com os Troféus Olhômetro e Estandarte do Samba Mirim
Após quatro anos agremiações e sambistas infantis voltam a ser agraciados com o Estandarte Mirim. Premiação foi definida através de avaliação que aconteceu durante os desfiles na Terça-feira de Carnaval
Apesar de ser uma apresentação amistosa sem definir colocação ou classificação, acesso ou descenso, os desfiles das escolas mirins voltaram a ser avaliado visando a melhora na qualidade do trabalho apresentado na avenida, com o objetivo de fornecer feedback aos responsáveis das agremiações sobre prováveis falhas ou erros surgidos durante as apresentações. Dessa forma, a diretoria da Associação das Escolas Mirins decidiu retomar o trabalho na avaliação.
O processo que culminou com as vencedoras do Troféu Estandarte do Samba Mirim teve início em dezembro com a seleção dos candidatos através de análise de currículo. Parâmetros como formação acadêmica, experiência profissional e amplo domínio sobre os quesitos e segmentos foram considerados.
A segunda etapa foi a capacitação do corpo de avaliadores com ampla discussão sobre os critérios e quesitos avaliados. Já a terceira etapa foi a apresentação aos representantes das agremiações. A etapa final e mais importante aconteceu no dia 13 de fevereiro, durante os desfiles. Após a avaliação, confira os vencedores do Troféu Estandarte do Samba Mirim:
Ala de Baianas – Filhos da Águia
Ala de Passistas – Petizes da Penha
Alegorias e Adereços – Pimpolhos da Grande Rio
Bateria – Tijuquinha do Borel
Comissão de Frente – Mangueira do Amanhã
Comunicação com o Público – Filhos da Águia
Conjunto – Filhos da Águia
Enredo – Filhos da Águia “Samba Brasil”
Evolução – Filhos da Águia
Fantasias – Filhos da Águia
Harmonia – Aprendizes do Salgueiro
Intérpretes – Nova Geração do Estácio de Sá (Izabela Freitas, João Antônio, Pedro Henrique e Jorge Henrique)
Mestre-Sala e Porta-Bandeira – Petizes da Penha (Adriano e Kemilly)
Rainha de Bateria – Infantes do Lins (Ana Clara)
Samba Enredo – Petizes da Penha
Troféu Olhômetro
A premiação criada em 2003 é definida por diretores da Associação das escolas Mirins que durante os desfiles observam os quesitos e segmentos em que as agremiações e seus integrantes se destacam. Os agraciados em 2024, são:
Ala de Baianas – Corações Unidos do Ciep
Ala de Passistas – Herdeiros da Vila
Alegorias e Adereços – Inocentes da Caprichosos e Infantes do Lins
Bateria – Aprendizes do Salgueiro
Comissão de Frente – Miúda da Cabuçu
Conjunto – Petizes da Penha
Enredo – Império do Futuro - "40 anos, Império do Futuro – A Pioneira! A 1ª ninguém esquece, samba se aprende na escola!”
Evolução – Ainda Existem Crianças de Vila Kennedy
Fantasia – Mangueira do Amanhã
Harmonia – Filhos da Águia
Intérpretes – Tijuquinha do Borel (Vinícius, Lika Perez, Danielzinho Thierry e Douglas Felipe)
Mestre-Sala e Porta-Bandeira – Pimpolhos da Grande Rio (Kauê da Silva e Gabriela Oliveira)
Rainha de Bateria – Golfinhos do Rio de Janeiro (Nyna)
Samba enredo – Nova Geração do Estácio de Sá
Melhor Carro de Som – Virando Esperança
Enredo -"A Lenda do Guaraná" Estrelinha da Mocidade
Créditos das imagens: Arleson Rezende
Arleson Rezende
-Departamento de Comunicação AESM-Rio-
Proibido a reprodução das imagens sem autorização expressa do autor Lei 9610 de Direito Autoral
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sociedadnoticias · 4 months
Ante la violencia de que son víctimas los infantes, Verónica Juárez exigió al gobierno federal garantizar su s derechos
Según datos oficiales proporcionados por la Secretaría de Seguridad y Protección Ciudadana federal, 752 menores de 18 años fueron asesinados durante el año 2023. Por Gabriela Díaz | Reportera Verónica Juárez Piña, coordinadora de Nueva Izquierda del PRD, exigió al gobierno federal garantizar los derechos de los menores ante la violencia de que son víctima, en particular por parte del crimen…
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geekpopnews · 5 months
Não Tem Volta: Manu Gavassi e Rafael Infante revelam detalhes sobre o longa
Na última semana, o Portal GeekPop News teve a oportunidade de conversar com o diretor e os atores do #filme Não Tem Volta. Além de falarem sobre o enredo do longa, eles revelaram #curiosidades super legais! Vem ver a #entrevista completa no Portal:
Não Tem Volta, novo filme de ação estrelado por Manu Gavassi e Rafael Infante, estreia dia 23 de novembro. Em coletiva, na qual o Portal GeekPop News esteve presente, o diretor e os atores contaram um pouco sobre o filme e falaram o que podemos esperar da história de Henrique (Infante) e Gabriela (Gavassi). Para o diretor de Não Tem Volta, César Rodrigues, fazer um filme que saísse do lugar…
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historiarq-angiee · 6 months
Lazos e interrupciones: Entrevista a Arquitecto.
Desde el Renacimiento el rol del arquitecto y su imagen han crecido en importancia. Su reconocimiento como intelectual de la obra lo ha llevado a dirigir desde un fundamento crítico los proyectos que a él se le asignan. Comparar las bondades y limitaciones de cada periodo histórico en la figura del arquitecto, nos lleva a profundizar en sus tareas diarias. Para comprender los procesos y la calidad del desempeño que un arquitecto debe atenerse en la actualidad, se entrevistó a la Arq. Gabriela Infante, quien está activa en sus labores.
Infante describe su trabajo como: “El paso inicial para lograr la experiencia laboral que necesito para apostar a un trabajo más desafiante”. Se denota el carácter emprendedor que exige la profesión en estas palabras que se acercan a explicar el deseo, que tanto arquitectos renacentistas como contemporáneos, quieren manifestar. Los arquitectos más influyentes iniciaron su trabajo como “consejeros” de figuras importantes que contaban con el poder económico necesario para ajustar y modificar los espacios habitables de la sociedad. De igual manera, se valían de concursos para hacerse notar y capturar la atención de la persona que tenía el recurso para poner en puesta la obra.
La arquitecta explicó detalladamente los roles que ocupa: “Actualmente me desempeño como dibujante y renderista para un arquitecto que se encuentra fuera del país. También, como actual profesora de la facultad”. Muchos arquitectos han sido grandes intelectuales, y han sabido cómo aprovechar esa cualidad para profundizar en sus obras. Tal sería el caso de Alberti que llevó la teoría a la práctica desde la tratadística.
Dentro de sus tareas destaca el “…digitalizar y realizar planos, crear modelos 3D, producir y renderizar escenas de diversos proyectos (en su mayoría residenciales); en el caso de las clases: investigar, revisar contenido, consultar, montar presentaciones y revisar evaluaciones”. Aquí se evidencia los grandes avances  tecnológicos que han afectado las labores del arquitecto y su forma de trabajar. La esencia sigue siendo la misma, pero ha cambiado el método.
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diario-vespertino · 6 months
Kermesse en escuelas del distrito
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El Municipio desarrolló las tradicionales ferias de juegos que fueron protagonizadas por niños, niñas y mayores en las Primarias Nº20 -La Esmeralda-, Nº19 -Santa Rosa-, el Jardín de Infantes Nº944 -Ingeniero Allan- más la de Adultos Nº702 -Villa Angélica-. La directora general de Recreación -Claudia Roldán- remarcó “la pertenencia de la propuesta a los Programas y Proyectos Educativos Municipales (PyPEM) impulsados por nuestro intendente -Andrés Watson- “. “Los y las participantes exhibieron sus habilidades motoras más su capacidad de memoria”, comentó. La funcionaria subrayó “la intervención de familiares que, en el caso de los establecimientos de educación inicial, acompañaron a sus pequeños y pequeñas en una jornada entretenida”. La responsable de la Escuela de Adultos Nº702 -Gabriela Castro- consideró a la actividad como “muy enriquecedora: facilitó la diversión e integración de los y las estudiantes que vivieron el evento sin prejuicios”. “Disfrutaron mucho jugar al ´tumba latas’ porque los retrotrajo a la infancia. En tanto, con el ´golfito´ comprobaron su talento para hacer cosas nuevas”, recalcó la docente, quien valoró “la gran empatía y el amor que demostró todo el personal de la Comuna”. Read the full article
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acapulcopress · 8 months
Presentaron en Congreso libro alusivo a Benita Galeana
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CHILPANCINGO * Septiembre 12, 2023. ) Congreso de Guerrero En el marco de la conmemoración del CCX Aniversario de la Instalación del Primer
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Congreso de Anáhuac, en el Congreso del Estado se realizó este martes la presentación del libro “Mujer indómita, imagen y símbolo, Benita Galeana”, de la escritora e investigadora Rosa Icela Ojeda Rivera. La obra contiene entrevistas y la biografía política de Benita Galeana Lacunza, a quien el Congreso del Estado entregará la Presea “Sentimientos de la Nación”, en grado postmortem, en reconocimiento a su activismo por los derechos de las mujeres y los trabajadores, este 13 de septiembre en la Catedral de la Asunción de María de Chilpancingo. Al dar un mensaje de bienvenida a nombre de la LXIII Legislatura, la presidenta de la Mesa Directiva, diputada Leticia Mosso Hernández, resaltó de la autora del libro que forma parte
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de las luchadoras y activistas que han trabajado en defensa de los derechos de las mujeres de Guerrero y de México, a quienes el Congreso ofrece su absoluto respaldo. Externó, asimismo, que este libro será elemental para inspirar a hombres y mujeres guerrerenses a seguir luchando de manera permanente por los derechos colectivos, tal y como lo hizo Benita Galeana. Al clausurar el evento, la presidenta de la Junta de Coordinación Política, diputada Yoloczin Domínguez Serna, agradeció a la escritora por compartir tan magnífica historia de Benita Galeana, una mujer que fue un símbolo de la lucha feminista y realizó una importante contribución en la defensa de los derechos laborales en México, lo que la convierte en un
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referente de las mujeres que buscan trascender. “La legislatura de la paridad hace un gran reconocimiento a Benita Galeana, quien en tiempos difíciles se asumió valientemente como feminista y luchó por los derechos de las mujeres y los trabajadores de México; es por eso que el Congreso del Estado rinde merecido tributo a esta extraordinaria mujer que ha sido inspiración de lucha tanto para las mujeres guerrerenses como las mexicanas en general”, subrayó. En su participación, la escritora Rosa Icela Ojeda Rivera agradeció la invitación del Congreso para la presentación de su libro, resaltando que es la primera legislatura paritaria y de la justicia social, hecho que se refrenda al haber aprobado otorgar a Benita Galeana la Presea “Sentimientos de la Nación”, condecoración con la que se salda una deuda pendiente con las mujeres feministas y activistas. Presenciaron el acto los legisladores Héctor Apreza Patrón y Raymundo García Gutiérrez, secretario y vocal de la Jucopo; las diputadas y diputados Gabriela Bernal Reséndiz, Nora Yanek Velázquez Martínez, Patricia Doroteo Calderón, Fortunato Hernández Carbajal y Osbaldo Ríos Manrique, además del magistrado del Tribunal Superior de Justicia del Estado, Benjamín Gallegos Segura; las magistradas del Tribunal Electoral del Estado, Evelyn Rodríguez Xinol y Alma Delia Eugenio Alcaraz; la presidenta del Instituto Electoral y de Participación Ciudadana, Fabiola Matildes Gama, y las consejeras Cinthya Citlali Díaz Fuentes y Dulce Merary Villalobos Tlatempa, entre otras personalidades. De la reseña y análisis del libro se hizo cargo Ricardo Infante Padilla, reconocido historiador, profesor e investigador de la Universidad Autónoma de Guerrero. ] Síguenos en Facebook.com/acapulcopress ] Síguenos en Facebook.com/angelblanco.press ] Síguenos en ) acapulcopress.com https://www.facebook.com/acapulcopress https://www.facebook.com/angelblanco.press Read the full article
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daffy-rimi · 3 months
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josuemen · 9 months
NÃO TEM VOLTA | Trailer Oficial 2023 Dublado
NÃO TEM VOLTA | Trailer Oficial 2023 Dublado Inscreva-se no Canal Compartilhe Esse Vídeo:   • NÃO TEM VOLTA | Trailer Oficial 2023 ...   Você já imaginou contratar um assassino profissional para acabar com a sua vida, mas depois se arrepender e não poder cancelar o serviço? Essa é a situação de Henrique, o protagonista de Não Tem Volta, uma divertida comédia de ação brasileira que estreia em 2023. Henrique é um homem que sofreu uma desilusão amorosa e resolveu dar um fim à sua existência contratando uma empresa de matadores de aluguel. O problema é que ele não sabe quem é o seu algoz, nem quando ele vai atacar. E para piorar, ele reencontra Gabriela, um antigo amor que quer reatar o namoro. Será que Henrique vai conseguir escapar da morte e reconquistar Gabriela? Não perca Não Tem Volta, um filme dirigido por César Rodrigues e estrelado por Rafael Infante e Manu Gavassi. Confira o trailer oficial dublado abaixo. #NãoTemVolta #ComédiaDeMatar #RafaelInfanteEManuGavassi #QuemVaiMatarHenrique NÃO TEM VOLTA | Trailer Oficial 2023 Dublado NÃO TEM VOLTA | Trailer Oficial 2023 Dublado NÃO TEM VOLTA | Trailer Oficial 2023 Dublado
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legendreign-archived · 10 months
I Want No Traces of Gabriele
Note: This drabble was inspired by scenes of the manhwa, Black Winter. Gabriela is my interpretation of Saya and Diva’s aunt who has silver hair and red eyes while Gabriele is my interpretation of Saya and Diva’s mother who is the Blue Chiropteran Queen. Angela and Angelina are Saya and Diva’s cousins. Lunar Bat Immortal is the archaic term for Chiropterans. Personal blogs do not reblog!
Gabriela could see her sister’s body falling into an avalanche of ice and she recalled that those infants within Gabriele’s belly would never come into fruition. Good. She needed no reminders of the existence of the woman who had once been her best friend and ultimately betrayed her into turning into a mermaid forever. Just as she thought so, she could see an image of children who resembled her and Gabriele, who resembled her daughters, Angela and Angelina, but the child who possessed the red eyes had reddish-brown eyes instead. And instead of possessing metallic hair colors like she and her other self and her children, they had hair as black as the night like her mother and aunt.
Gabriela gasped which released air bubbles into the sea. She sweated as she panted. Why did she have such a strange dream now? She had made peace with her life as a mermaid. She had settled down with the sea king of the North Atlantic and twin daughters with him. She swam to the room where her daughters slept peacefully. They would not betray one another like Gabriele did with her. They would be happy together like their grandmother and great aunt were.
Because her mother disowned her a long time ago, they only had each other, which was good enough. So why did her strange dream disturb her so much? She decided to visit a sea witch to consult with her about the strange dream. She had learned long ago that her silver hair would protect her from any wicked magic sea witches possessed. She gathered a small sack and filled it with some treasures since sea witches wouldn’t grant her wish for free.
After she entered the cave where a sea witch dwelled, she explained that she had a strange dream about her nieces and said “I know it’s foolish, there’s no way those girls would survive without any blood. They must’ve perished a long time along with their mother, but I can’t get that dream out of my mind.” She shook her head.
The sea witch held out her hand for the sack in her hand. “What you hold in your hand should be enough for my services, Your Majesty.”
Gabriela frowned as she handed over the sack.
The sea witch commented as she began gazing into her crystal ball and a vision of Gabriela when she first visited a different sea witch many years ago emerged. She laughed. “I can see this is not the first time you’ve consulted with one of my kind. …What would his Majesty think if he knew you left his bedside to meet with me?”
Gabriela jutted out her chin. “He knows of my past. I would simply tell him this is an extremely important matter to me that forced me into this position. I hope after tonight, I will never have to consult with you sea witches again.”
The sea witch let out an annoying cackle. “So candid, Your Majesty. In fact…” The image in the crystal ball changed into that of a Lunar Bat Immortal female. She had short black hair and resembled those who possessed red eyes, but she had reddish-brown eyes, just like in her dream and the silver-haired woman could feel her heart sink.
“Your niece is just as candid as you are. Just as most ladies who bear eyes of red in your kind do.”
The image changed once more to reveal the former’s girl double but instead of having short hair, her hair reached her buttocks, her skin was pale instead of sun kissed, and her eyes were blue like those of her mother… Whereas Gabriela had slightly clenched her teeth at the sight of her first niece, her mouth pouted even more at the sight of her late sister’s double.
“History is repeating. The fate of your nieces resembles that of you and your former twin. Would you like to hear about it?”
Gabriela smirked. “Is that so?”
Apparently, a human man named Joel and his cousin discovered her sister’s remains and their meddling led to her nieces’ existence. Much like how Gabriele had betrayed her out of envy for her freedom, Diva had betrayed Saya and Saya was the twin chosen by Joel to live a free life. Saya wanted her revenge on her blue twin and had to kill Diva for the sake of mankind. Had it not been for the fact Saya was her niece, she would’ve empathized with her more. Gabriele’s eldest daughter was also being used by the humans as their war weapon against her youngest daughter. A tragic yet ironically suitable fate for those girls. 
She was the one who had killed Gabriele and it was up to her to kill Gabriele’s daughters and put them out of their misery. The sea witch asked her to get her husband’s trident so she could regain her legs for this task. Gabriela went a step further and requested that the sea witch make her a trinket that could allow her to regain her legs when needed. That way, she would never have to stoop as low as to visit a sea witch again. The sea witch complied and made her a ruby necklace that could enable her to regain her legs when she wished using the magic of her husband’s trident.
As most witches, including the one who condemned Gabriela into her current fate of being a mermaid, were infamous for, they thrived on the thought of the misery of others and so, the sea witch the silver-haired queen consulted gave her a knife to kill her nieces. But it wasn’t just any knife, but an extremely poisonous one that even fellow Lunar Bat Immortals would have trouble resisting the poison.
How ironic indeed. Many years ago, a consultation with a sea witch led her to wield a knife against her beloved prince. But at the time, she couldn’t bare herself to use it. This time, she would. She wanted no traces of Gabriele and according to the sea witch, there was a curse in her bloodline from many decades ago. From the moment a Lunar Bat Immortal and her sister were treated differently, the curse in their blood would spark, causing them to be pitted against one another, and putting themselves above the other and could no longer live in peace. Her daughters would not benefit from knowing their tainted cousins.
~Somewhere Else~
Her granddaughters were before her, fighting with their swords crossed on an opera stage. Báixuě could hear herself call out with a hand outstretched. “Stop!”
No, not again. The fate that had fallen upon her daughters could not repeat onto her granddaughters. Aside from her sister, her nieces, and Jolie, they were the only next of kin left to her.
Soon after her granddaughters froze to look at her, the light from Saya’s glowing ruby eyes and Diva’s flashing sapphire eyes simultaneously extinguished and their bodies collapsed as blood spilled from where they had been mysteriously impaled.
Báixuě sucked in a breath. Who could’ve done this?! Then the perpetrator stood before her… Silver hair and eyes as ruby red as that of her other self. Her eldest daughter….
She smirked at her as she held up a knife stained with blood.
Báixuě could feel incensed as she witnessed her disowned daughter commit another sin. How dare she have the gall to appear before her again!
She yelled “Gabriela!”
Báixuě jolted up from her hotel bed, sweating and panting.
Méi gui hóng groaned in her sleep but soon sat up to put a comforting hand on her elder twin’s shoulder. “What’s the matter Jiějiě? Did you have a nightmare?”
Báixuě exhaled as Méi gui hóng began stroking her back. “…Yes… But I fear that this is more than an ordinary nightmare…”
After they turned on the lights in the room, Báixuě held up a hand mirror and said “Mirror, mirror in my hand… Please answer my demand…”
Many nights later, after the sea witch directed Gabriela to Saya’s location, the silver-haired woman’s head emerged upon the waves as she recognized the cruise ship that was Red Shield’s headquarters.
The silver-haired woman could see Saya walk by.
She smirked as she thought. “Should I give her a greeting? From one with red eyes to another?”
 The elder Red Chiropteran Queen splashed her red tail very hard, loud enough to get her niece’s attention. Saya looked down at the waves. …Was that a mermaid with red eyes and silver-hair? And for some strange reason, the girl’s aura felt like that of other Chiropterans… The mermaid dived underneath the waves.
Saya’s reddish-brown eyes widened the moment the mermaid went underwater. She turned to her chevalier who was walking behind her. “Hagi. Did you see anyone in the water?”
Hagi shook his head. “I wasn’t looking at the sea.”
“Oh.” Saya somberly replied. Was she seeing things?
It would take many nights afterward for the Red Shield cruise ship to be docked into a harbor. Gabriela jumped from the sea, transforming from a mermaid into a regular Lunar Bat Immortal in mid-air, then landed on the ship. Her nude form was partially obscured by her long silver hair. A female Red Shield staff member crossed paths with her and Gabriela’s eyes dangerously glinted red. 
Saya went out to stare at the sea again by herself as she needed some alone time. She noticed that the floor was strangely wet as if it had been sprayed by the sea but how could that be?
She sensed the presence of the girl she had seen in the sea before but before she could react, a knife was placed close to her neck.
The alto-soprano voice told her in French. “Be a good girl and follow me otherwise I’ll kill your imperial guard and the other humans on the ship if I have to.”
Saya harshly replied in the same language. “I’ll follow you on my own so you can get rid of the knife.”
Gabriela giggled. Was this child not aware of how much she overpowered her? Within their kind, the longer they lived, the stronger they were. This girl surely must not be a fool. Perhaps it was simply the fire that flowed within the temperament of those who possessed red eyes like they did.
Gabriela covered Saya’s mouth while bridal carrying her and doing a high jump off the ship. She then took her niece to the harbor.
Saya took the opportunity to confront the silver-haired girl. “…Who are you? And what do you want with me?”
The silver-haired girl laughed. “Foolish child. Do you not even recognize your own flesh and blood?”
Saya’s reddish-brown eyes widened as she allowed herself to sniff the scent of the girl before her although since the female referred to her as a “child”, perhaps the right term would be “woman” although she didn’t look any older than her physical age.
“I am your aunt, Gabriela.”
“…My aunt? That’s impossible, my mother is…”
“Dead? Nothing more than a dried-up corpse? Well, that’s because I killed her. You and Diva are not the last of your kind. I’m sure most of them are far away from the two of you, blissfully uninvolved in the madness of Diva’s faction to turn mankind into mindless inferiors of Lunar Bat Immortals and blissfully uninvolved to get involved in your massacre of our kind.”
Saya hissed “…You! If it wasn’t for you, Diva and I would be living different lives by now.”
Gabriela gave a mocking laugh. “Why, don’t blame me Saya. In fact, you wish you never existed in the first place.”
Saya was stunned. How could this woman who had never been present in her life know her and her deepest, darkest thoughts?
“If it were up to me, you and your sister would’ve stayed dead along with your mother. If you wish to blame someone so badly. Blame it on the human man who raised you and his assistant. Foolish men who should’ve never meddled with your fates in the first place.”
“How… How do you know about all of this?”
Gabriela smirked. “I have my ways, dear child. It wouldn’t be surprising to me if my tale sounded familiar to you. Once upon a time…”
Saya gripped the metal bars behind her to keep her from falling from the weight of all she had learned from Gabriela and lowered her head. “My… My mother deceived you into becoming a mermaid?”
The elder Red Chiropteran somberly frowned. “Quite like Diva, isn’t she? We thought our other selves were our friends but when they envied our freedoms, they sent us to our doom. I was condemned to a life in the sea, and you lost your home and everything you ever knew. Tell me Saya, do you still blame me for what I did?”
She smiled as she approached her niece who glared at her. “After all, you are walking the same path I did.”
“That’s not true!” Saya defensively retorted.
“It may have started out as a quest to get revenge but it’s more than that. Chiropterans don’t deserve to exist in this world. We feed on blood while wearing the faces of humans. Diva is trying to destroy the world by turning humans into mindless Chiropterans.”
The silver-haired woman frowned. “I almost feel pity for Gabriele seeing how much you’ve deluded yourself into a state of self-hatred towards yourself and your own kind. Diva is just as delusional as you are. Lumping all humans with her contempt for them and condemning her own kind as well for we cannot survive without humans.” She touched Saya’s cheek, and the gentle touch made Saya bristle from her distrust.
Gabriela had a somber expression. “It’s quite a shame. If my relationship with your mother wasn’t so ill-fated, I’m sure we would’ve been good family to one another for you and I are alike in many ways.”
Saya gritted her teeth. “I am nothing like you.”
Gabriela returned a similar glare at her niece and spoke in a similar bitter tone. “As I said, you’ve deluded yourself to the point that you refuse to acknowledge the truth. If you hadn’t met me Saya, you would have killed Diva just as I killed your mother many years ago. But worry not. I shall grant your wish to end your existence and I will end your sister as well. I shall allow no traces of Gabriele to remain.”
Soon after, a glowing portal shone and while Diva still held resentment for her sister for wanting to kill her, she was more enraged at the idea of someone else trying to kill her sister.
Diva cried. “Saya!”
She aimed a dagger at her aunt’s throat. However, the silver-haired woman simply grabbed Saya towards her and aimed the knife near Saya’s throat.
Diva once again called out Saya’s name.
“Oh? So, you still care for your sister? How surprising. Or is it that you don’t like the idea of your prey being taken from you?”
She turned her head as her face contorted in anger and her ruby eyes glowed. “It’ll be all over if I kill the two of you right here!...”
She froze at the sound of two roars piercing the air. Icy blue eyes burned and fiery eyes flared. She hadn’t seen those two faces in so long… Her mother and her aunt…
Her aunt used her telekinetic abilities to grab her nieces!
Báixuě’s monstrous voice asked “What are you doing here Gabriela? I thought I told you to never show your face before me again. How dare you try to harm Gabriele’s children.”
Gabriela sweated as she gave a bitter smile. “So, I see that Gabriele’s children are more important than me. Your only living daughter.”
“You are no daughter of mine. You’re a murderer and you killed your only sister.” Báixuě choked her eldest daughter as a threat. “If you show your face before me again and try to harm these children, I swear…”
Her daughter rasped “T-that you’ll kill me?... I have…Daugh…ters… Too… Mother…”
Méi gui hóng’s eyes dimmed back to its former crimson as she spoke in a pleading tone “Jiějiě.”
Báixuě released her hold on Gabriela which sent her into a coughing fit. “Leave. You’re outnumbered here.”
“As… You wish.” Gabriela rasped out before jumping into the air, transforming back into a mermaid, and her head floated above the waves before submerging underwater.
The End
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laopiniononline · 1 year
[Opinión] Día Internacional de la Educación: Desafíos y problemáticas
Por la Dra. Gabriela Vásquez Leyton, Académica de la Facultad de Educación y Ciencias Sociales. UNAB sede Viña del Mar En su discurso frente la Asamblea de las Naciones Unidas en el 2013, Malala Yousafzai, con la frase “Un niño, un maestro, una pluma y un libro, pueden cambiar el mundo”, defiende el derecho a la educación de los infantes y el poder transformador de la misma para la vida de las…
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awutar · 1 year
Gabriela Spanic shoots Gustavo Adolfo Infante with everything and Cynthia Klitbo defends him
Gabriela Spanic shoots Gustavo Adolfo Infante with everything and Cynthia Klitbo defends him
Journalist Gustavo Adolfo Infante is still in the eye of the hurricane and this time not for Alfredo Adame either Enrique Guzman but because of his eternal polemic with Gabriela spanic. On this occasion it was the Venezuelan actress who threw all her hatred at the Primera Mano driverwhile she shared a moment with Cynthia Klitbo in one of the episodes of the television show, Secretos de…
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