#fuck did i really finish zelda this month?
ixcaliber · 11 months
Games of the month - June 2023
This month my hyperfocus went towards watching as many movies as possible, so it’s a pretty breezy games of the month
1. Haiku, The Robot
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Neat little metroidvania about a little robot. It’s cute it’s pretty fun. My two big complaints would be
1) it felt pretty linear. i don’t doubt that there were probably other ways to get to locations than the ways that i took but the experience of playing it it really felt like each upgrade allowed me access to one new path which would lead me to the next upgrade and so on and so on.
2) i like boss fights better when each enemy has a little name pop up. the designs were cool and did some interesting stuff sometimes. i just wish i didn’t have to think of them in terms of like ‘the car battery one’, ‘the tv one’ etc. It makes them feel less memorable.
Otherwise perfectly fine metroidvania.
2. The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom
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Chronologically this is when I finished Tears of the Kingdom but I’m not ready to tear into that just yet so lets move on to
3. Life After Magic
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This is a free game available through steam or through itch.io. It’s a visual novel where you control Akiko, a former magical girl who has somewhat drifted through life after the big bad that she and her magical girl team fought against has been defeated. With y2k approaching something is wrong and it’s up to you to bring your girls back together and face one more threat.
Hey. I love this game. There’s a good chance this is pretty high up my games of the year list, if not at the very top. I love the girls. I love the trans and nonbinary inclusion. I love the homages to sailor moon, yu-gi-oh and probably some other stuff that I didn’t even get. I love the way the game plays with nostalgia and the way this narrative reaches a head. If you’re like one of the two or three people reading this I absolutely recommend you get and play this one.
4. Monuments To Guilt
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This is a digital museum dedicated to hostile design as featured in the Jacob Gellar video Games That Aren’t Games. Throughout you can see a number of benches designed to be uncomfortable, off-putting or otherwise just inaccessible to homeless people and disabled people. It’s a short experience and it is interesting to see this insidious aspect of design presented in the prestigious format of a museum and to see it talked about openly. It’s an interesting little experience.
5. Down In Bermuda
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Fun and simple puzzle game. It’s the kind of think that would be approachable for kids, simple puzzle concepts like pipe dreams kind of puzzles, hidden object puzzles, no towers of hanoi to speak of but lots of puzzles that feel like they’re in the public domain so to speak. Nothing too difficult and taxing.
6. Lone Fungus
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Another metroidvania from the recent humble metroidvania bundle. This game is okay. I like the cute little aesthetic and the basic movement is fun. The big big Big criticism I have of this game is that so much of the side content is like these nether gates or these ladybird rooms. The first time you go in these you get a little popup or something to tell you just how completely optional they are and they would have to be. The difficulty of platforming going from the actual game to these challenges is a fucking sheer cliff wall both in terms of reaction speed needed and in terms of the sheer length of time you need to platform perfectly.
At one point in the game I got a new skill ability and accessed a little tutorial move about how to use it and it started talking about using it to propel yourself quickly by doing this one kind of dash into it and for the life of me I could not get it to activate properly. I felt like I was attempting to perform some complex speedrun tech and the inputs I had to do were like spread across four different buttons which all needed to be hit so quickly in succession. Impossible. This was about the time I gave up on exploration altogether.
And like... it’s a metroidvania. For me at least that exploration is the point of the video game. If you’ve put me off of doing it I don’t really know what I’m getting out of the experience any more.
Also frustrating is that the final (fourth of four) sword upgrades is locked behind completing every single one of the ladybird rooms. And like, if you’re good enough to manage that you’re not going to need the piddling 2 extra damage that the upgrade can offer. Overall it really felt like so much of the stuff you can find that’s optional is not worth it.
There’s like a relic system (like charms in hollow knight) but the way it costs out the various relics you can only really wear three at a time, probably only two if you want to use any of the useful ones.
And just as a minor nitpick on top of everything else, all the bosses are bigger versions of regular enemies that you fight in the area leading up to the boss. It’s not inherently negative when you do something like this in a game but when it’s every boss fight then it makes them less memorable and less interesting.
Also there’s like two ways to end the game, some npcs tell you to do things the proper way while there’s a couple who indicate this secret back route and imply that everyone else is lying to you. The thing is that like I finished the game and I would still have no idea how I’m supposed to escape through the backroute exit. The way the npcs frame it is like a skipping out on your responsibility to complete the tasks set to you for the rest of the game, but like if it’s weirdly more difficult than those tasks then something isn’t adding up.
I had a lot of complaints about this one. It’s fine if you put yourself into the right mindset, as I said up top the basic movement is pretty fun and the designs are cute. Difficult to recommend it if you like to experience this kind of game in the way that I prefer to though.
7. Growing Up
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This is a weird one to describe. It’s a game, as the name implies, about growing up. The game’s like broken up into different aspects. During each turn you get the opportunity to learn new skills; you start as a baby and have to learn skills such as talking and walking but soon you’re in school and your skills become more academic focused. At the end of a turn you schedule these tasks, completing each one a specific number of times can master it which will give you bonuses to your attributes and knowledge points to help facilitate learning new skills.
It’s a very mechanically focused game. Maybe I’m being a little too in depth with my explanation. Okay lets try again.
Each turn has like three major components. Learning skills. Scheduling tasks and exploring the brain map. The brain map is like a little minigame where you move along a randomly generated kind of sphere grid sort of upgrade tree, trying to optimize the attribute gains and bonuses with the limited amount of brain points you have. Since you do it once a turn each turn it’s like ‘okay what do I want to focus on this turn’ and you might always try to grab the thing that upgrades the amount of brain points you can have at any given time, but also skew towards knowledge points if you want to learn something new. It does encourage you to be thinking ahead towards your goals and as you play through the game new kinds of tile are unlocked which add dramatically to the complexity of this minigame and how you play it.
I think this game is very good mechanically. I really enjoyed the loop of learning skills, mastering skills, playing the brain map to try to optimize my ability to learn new skills.
The weakness in the game is the way the narrative is delivered. Which isn’t to say the narrative is bad. In my playthrough I got to befriend some good girls and then date and eventually in the epilogue marry my best friend Alicia.
(Also something of a sidenote but should mention that I got this from the humble pride bundle. It’s great that it does allow for gay and lesbian romances but it doesn’t seem to facilitate playing a transgender or nonbinary character. I’d love to see something added to facilitate that in a patch or free dlc.
(At the birth of your character you’re given the option to pick gender or to let fate decide. If you choose to pick you get to pick male or female. I wouldn’t want non-binary or transgender options added here, but like when you get to an age where you’re going to school to have some pop up or prompt that asks you if you feel comfortable in your gender or something like that and that sets you off along a path of transition. Or to have it opt in, an object you can unlock that allows you to schedule ‘self reflection’ or something that can lead you to a path to transition.
I understand that that might be a lot of work though, as there are a lot of characters in the game and making custom conversations for each of them to acknowledge your transition might be quite time consuming)
The other thing I wanted to point out in regard to it being on the humble pride bundle is at the beginning you can pick your parents. I picked to have two moms. The game allows this and is fine with it. There is however an unintended consequence.
Very early on, when you’re still a baby, I learned how to speak and got this cutscene where one of my mom was encouraging me to say ‘Mommy’ as my first word. And so I did and then my other mom was disappointed that I hadn’t said her name first. Maybe this is a one off oversight, because later in the game when I started dating my girlfriend she did acknowledge that we were both girls, but here at least they’ve not disallowed you to have gay parents but they haven’t made any specific accommodations for it.)
So the way that the narrative works is that the game is sort of presented in a semi-roguelike kind of fashion. It tells you up front that every life is unique and I think what it means is that at each stage of your life it will introduce one new character from like a stock set of characters. I met Jake at like primary school, Alicia at high school and Felicity at like college or something. All the schools were using american terms for the school levels so idk.
You get choices in each of these relationships that can branch them into slightly different directions (i think) but like your control over that interaction is minimal. If I’d been given the option I would never have spoken to Jake again. Not because he did anything wrong but just because I would prefer to be talking to girls. But the way the game is set up these events just sort of happen intermittently as you play and aren’t really informed by any of your decisions in the actual game you’re playing.
And your relationship with your parents is limited to occasionally they’ll give you a goal that you can complete to get a special currency you can turn in for some rewards. They don’t really have characters or expectations or preferences for you. Neither of my moms had like a desire to see me do really well at sports for example.
The other weirdest part is how okay at some point in the game you get two bars to manage. Happiness is your own enjoyment. Get it high enough and you’re relaxed and can schedule extra activities, get it too low and you’re stressed and you can’t learn new skills. And there is parental proudness or something. Get that high enough and you can get perks from them and I don’t know what happens when it gets toward the lower end.
Each activity you can do has some effect on both these meters. Studying will decrease happiness but increase parental proudness. Playing games will do the inverse. In addition to your main academic skills you have stuff like sports that you can gradually gain access to. And they reduce happiness but increase parental proudness. I learned how to start along a creative writing course and that reduces happiness but increases parental proudness. Hell I fucking learned magic (partially because I really liked the magician NPC Daz) and that does the same; decreases happiness but increases parental proudness.
I guess I can see it from a balance point of view but it feels so weird to be playing as a character with no passion. Nothing that they try to do makes them happy. I really feel like you should be allowed to find, or develop an interest. Like when your character is unhappy because they’ve been practicing their magic tricks for too long clearly something is wrong, right?
The overall vibe I get from this game is... you know those posts that circulate on here sometimes where it’s like “If you’re hacking the rules of dnd to do what you want then something is wrong. The mechanics are supposed to lead to the storytelling and if they don’t then you should be playing a different ttrpg where the mechanics do support the kind of narrative you want to tell/experience.”
The mechanics are good, the narrative is sometimes fairly interesting. They are essentially entirely seperate from one another and that’s a shame.
2. The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom
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(some brief spoilers i suppose)
i don’t fucking know man.
its good. its undeniably a good game. better in some ways than breath of the wild, maybe a little too padded out. i never felt a great compulsion to fully explore the depths. It was neat that they were there but they felt so empty. Just large open stretches dotted with huge monsters I don’t want to fight and sometimes I’ll follow a treasure map down there and it’ll lead me to a colliseum full of lynels and I’ll be kerbstomped so hard that it drains my will to continue playing.
That’s how I felt towards the end. The game does the same thing as breath of the wild where the longer you play the more silver enemies it spawns in and though its more managable with the introduction of sages I never found myself wanting to engage in combat.
I genuinely do feel like the silver enemies ruin my experience of the game. I feel like I’m making progress, getting stronger, feeling more capable of dealing with threats. Now that I have my sages with me sometimes I’ll actively seek out a combat encounter and not hate it. There’s this sweet spot where that’s all true for a little bit, and then silver monsters start showing up and my enthusiasm ebbs dramatically. I never killed a single lynel in this game. By the time I felt that maybe I was good enough to start fighting them they’d started spawning in silver versions. 
All that said ascend is such a good ability that it sort of changed how my brain worked a little bit. Playing games immediately afterwards I would just keep thinking ‘oh i can just ascend up there’ and having to remind myself that no most video games do not allow this.
I think I had so much to say about Zelda. About how it feels like too much, about how sometimes you’ll just find yourself caught in a thing of not really accomplishing anything and come off feeling miserable, about the one afternoon where I spent literally hours in a pirate cave trying to solve a puzzle that didn’t exist. I think I’ve just exhausted all that in my brain and all my brain has left to offer is ‘just give me a fucking accessibility menu, let me turn down the damage and the health and turn what is a very good game that I sort of resent into an experience I’d actually like to play’.
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chellyfishing · 6 months
i’m trying to finish one last book before my year-end book post goes up so i’m gonna talk about games and tv first. not too many of either to talk about this year tbh but i apparently still have so many words.
no movies post bc i don’t log my films anywhere and i simply cannot remember what i watched. maybe i should make 2024 the year of using letterboxed. not enough to talk about with new music either. 2024 can also be the year of getting back into music.
games: i actually haven’t played much ffxiv this year. well in the first half i sorta did but i have barely touched it since like. august. except to keep my houses from getting demolished. i did finally finish myths of the realm last week, since they wrote that entire storyline for me specifically. i need the minion so bad yoship help.
in march capcom gave me a birthday prezzie with the release of the resident evil 4 remake which i’d had preordered since last year (the only games i’ll preorder and pay full price for are resis and ffxiv expansions). i don’t need to explain this to you. it’s incredibly good, the best of the extremely good remakes so far i think. i haven’t played the dlc yet but i’m excited to think there is more of this game i still have to play. btw ashley defense squad. i’ll brook no ashley slander in my house.
i can’t remember exactly when but i think it was some time in the summer that i finally, finally finished breath of the wild! i’m so behind the curve on this one, but i did at least get to start tears of the kingdom in the same year as everyone else. umm, i have to admit i remain ambivalent to this approach to zelda. i have to challenge myself to figure out how much of that is because iT’s DiFfErEnT but genuinely i think the things i dislike about it, i would still dislike even if i had nothing to compare it against. i really wish i thought it was the best zelda ever like so many do but i guess i just struggle to find a flow state with either of them which is why it’s taking me so fucking long to finish them lmao. still obviously extremely good and beautiful! like still head and shoulders above most games, easily, a good time overall!! (wish nintendo wasn’t the way that it is.)
i should mention that one day in july i fucked around in catlateral damage while streaming for bella. this is a very basic game, literally you are just a cat’s paw knocking things over, but man when you just need a brain-free giggle? it did its job.
also in july i played the sequel to oxenfree, which is a game that i love. this game didn’t click with me quite as much, i haven’t revisited it since i finished it, but there are probably also other reasons i shan’t get into that aren’t the game’s fault. idk i feel a bit unqualified to give a final verdict without playing it to completion but i guess the fact that i’ve had it for months and not bothered to do that yet is a kind of verdict in itself since with oxenfree i went straight back in till i got that final ending and platinum trophy.
for basically all of autumn i of course played baldur’s gate 3. i’m very sad that my extreme anhedonia has hit before i could play the new epilogue. i tried to load up one of my finished games but i ran into a problem because the only way to back up your saves is in the cloud so you can’t shuffle files around or make copies, only overwrite, and don’t get me STARTED again or i’ll start spitting i’m so SICK of PROFIT PROFIT PROFIT AAAAAHH. anyway it’s a pretty good game. i won’t be surprised or mad if neil wins the bafta but it really really should be samantha please if there’s justice in this world.
tv: season 3 of only murders in the building. umm, idk. it’s not a revolutionary show but it’s comforting, it doesn’t feel stale yet, and there’s just a lot of talent at work here. just fun to watch.
i watched almost all of neon genesis evangelion but couldn’t finish it because i decided to have an (unrelated) emotional breakdown instead. i’ll finish it eventually if for no other reason than i owe it to phil. shinji is baby.
finally got to the first season of our flag means death. just a delight. i love fun pirate adventures and i love the queers. unfortunately watched it right before the second season released and haven’t gotten to that yet.
did watch the second season of good omens though. i think they made the right choice to scale it back because honestly once you’ve averted the apocalypse trying to outdo yourself becomes a fool’s errand. also, jon hamm’s butt what who said that.
that’s it i think. as i said no season 2 of ofmd, not even the new flanagan yet which i had really been looking forward to for a long time. i dunno ya girl is struggling to find any pleasure in life atm.
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lobstermatriarch · 6 months
10 Character/10 Fandoms/10 Tags
Maybe minus the tags. Tagged by the lovely @anosrepasi <3
Astarion Ancunin, Baldur's Gate 3: Is this a fucking surprise at this point? I have spent real life time staring at my office walls being haunted by this man. He's charming. He's repulsive. He's vicious and self serving and ancient and immature and so desperate to be safe after centuries of living on adrenaline that he will do anything to get you on his side. He's a meta exercise in manipulation, marketed as a hedonistic sex symbol to project fantasies on, then coming out with this nuanced presentation of cptsd/sexual trauma that makes you genuinely uncomfortable with your initial judgements of him. He's the poster child for imperfect survivors still being deserving of kindness, and for the difference kindness can make in breaking or continuing the cycle of abuse. He contains multitudes. I don't think the disk horse was ever avoidable with a character like him.
Anthy Himemiya, Revolutionary Girl Utena: speaking of exercises in projection!!!! Maybe I have a type, or a theme, or something. She's the receptacle for everyone else's hopes for her and ideas of what she could be, an actual object to be traded as a prize. She's a princess, she's a damsel, she's a witch, she's whatever you need her to be. Does anyone know what she is beyond that, herself included? There's been so much amazing analysis on Anthy over the years that I'm not sure I have anything important to add at this point.
Tidus, Final Fantasy X: Early blorbo! Maybe even the first blorbo, though Sailor Saturn might offer competition. I was eleven when I finished this game and proceeded to lose my mind over pretty much every single character at one point or another. I picked Tidus for being the main but I think I do love him the most, too-- there's something about the privileged hero learning how to be self-sacrificial that I think was kind of formative for me. Plus he's a big dweeb and his laugh scene still makes me giggle.
Will Graham, NBC Hannibal: accepting the monstrous side of you, cannibalism as a metaphor for love, sweaty, gruesome, and nonsensical dream sequences, empathy disorders as a psychic superpower, etc etc etc. I could not ask for anything more out of a guy.
Nona, The Locked Tomb: So Nona is my favorite of the books so far, and it's in large part thanks to Nona's point of view. Her focus on what's going on with the kids while the rest of the narrative is in this horrible war zone was really poignant for me? People die, life goes on, kids grow up thinking everything they see is normal. I've taken a lot of writing influence from her narration lately. Granted I (like so many of us) have a soft spot for unhinged women, so trying to pick just one character from The Locked Tomb was SO hard.
Nell Crain, The Haunting of Hill House: If only people cared about her half as much while she was alive as they did after she died! Also, being haunted by her own inevitable tragedy while still managing to find something beautiful and worthwhile in the end.
Jade Harley, Homestuck: by and large I pretend not to associate myself with Homestuck anymore, but it did get me back into fandom after a pretty long time away and Jade still holds a soft spot in my heart. Little feral garden child.
Akane Kurashiki, Zero Escape Series: taking the single most insufferable anime trope (to me at least) and turning it on it's head. The extent of her manipulation by the end of 999 still gives me chills, even though I know the ending, and despite it all she never stops being sympathetic. I love her so much.
Midna, Zelda: Twilight Princess: I named my kitty after her so she's gotta be on the list. She is now 17 and arthritic and still has a lot to say. I'm sure she's criticizing my adventuring skills and/or teaching me how to jump like a wolf.
Cole, Dragon Age Inquisition: I named my other kitty after him so he also has to be on the list. He knocked his cat tree into my partner's coffee table last month and now we need a new one.
Not tagging anyone because tagging stresses me out a bit, but if you would like to do this I would LOVE to see top tens of the moment!
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miitopias · 11 months
would also like ur thoughts on everything i will listen to u talk abt video games always LOL but 6 9 12 22 28!
thank uu and likewise 🫶🫶 will not answer everything bc thts so many but also i feel like ive covered a lot of these topics before on my sideblog but! i will answer these for u 🫰
6. A series you’ve enjoyed since your early days of gaming and still enjoy to this day whether it still has games coming out or is one you return to pokemon and rhythm heaven :') ❤️ from these series ive only played platinum and rhds as a kid, so as an adult ive been enjoying their other titles.. though i do not rly care for 3d pokemon titles.. but with time that may change. and wait technically final fantasy, bc i had the ff4 ds cartridge as a kid. except it was in japanese and i had no idea how to play it and did fuck all. i didnt even realize it was final fantasy until years later when i played ff7, and i recognized the running from battle animation. and now i have final fantasy brainrot <3
9. A game you played completely blind with no prior knowledge of and enjoyed/loved ff9 and ghost trick 😎 im so happy i played these without any spoilers or any idea what to expect, bc i really think thats the best way to experience them
12. A character you particularly like in the game you’re currently playing YRP girlies 😎😎😎 idk when ill ever finish x-2 cuz this ps3 is kinda busted, but despite their kinda cringe dialogue i still love yuna and the girlies
22. A game ending that’s really stuck with you FF9....... i think u saw my insanity firsthand when i did not shut up about it for like 8 months 😭 it really changed my life bc it was ff9 that really made me get more serious w literary analysis of games and medias in general, bc i just wanted to understand everything abt this story. majora's mask similarly changed my life and was the reason i made a sideblog to begin with, because i NEEDEDDD to be insane about this game somewhere.. god what an ending. god. ok im not going to go insane abt it rn LOL my focus is on Spider-Man now.
28. Pick a series you like. What was the first game you played for it? Was it a good starting point? Would it still be a good starting point now? i wont pick final fantasy bc my answer is literally the same as yours LOL so um... i will pick zelda. my first zelda game was botw and honestly that is an AWFUL starting point for getting into zelda JFKLJSDL bc its just so. fucking different from every zelda game out there. and also bc its a love letter to the franchise, that probably a million references flew over my head bc i didnt know what they were referencing. but yeah like its just absolutely awful to go from a game where you can freely jump to a game where you have to ROLL.
but at the same time i dont think botw is an awful starting point. bc like.... its a good game. its a good Modern game. like the older zelda games, especially the 3d titles, are extremely outdated. i dont think anyone should be playing those in this day and age when botw/totk is there to experience instead. while not ideal, i think its fine to hit it off with a modern switch title, then work your way down to older titles.
of course 2d zeldas are a different thing. dare i say, the superior thing. also i dont believe anyone should get into zelda. bad franchise. except when the games are good. all pondering aside the best starting point for zelda is ALBW, then MM3D. maybe some MINISH CAP as a treat. those are the only existing zelda titles. to me. but jokes aside if someone is really gonna have a 'starting point' for zelda games then its definitely BOTW/TOTK or ALBW. doesnt matter whether its a switch title or ALBW played first, but its very very very very important that ALBW is played as well.
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pathetic-gamer · 10 months
I was anxiously awaiting this game from the moment it was announced. I 100% completed BOTW, including Kilton's monster medallions and full armor upgrades - literally all content except for the sword trials on master mode - and I played and enjoyed AOC, so I was so so so excited
Now that I've finished the game and have had a few months (lol) to reflect on it, here are some of my impressions/reviews for things that stuck with me, aka a long list of what i did and didnt like. (I only did the main story and a couple of key save-my-wife-related side quests, so this isn't about all the content in the game.)
First, things I liked:
Regarding gameplay: the final boss fight was so much more fun than BOTW's. I liked that it combined a massive boss like Calamity Ganon with an actual humanoid boss similar to older games, plus the fight against the demon king was very cool. I especially liked the fact that he could dodge Link's attacks the same way Link can dodge his, but thank God he can't flurry rush lmao. (The last stage I'm particular was VERY cool.)
It was really funny to me how in the last phase of the fight, if you get down to one single heart, his attacks become SO much weaker, so you're basically guaranteed to not die lmao
I liked how the sages could actually follow you around as you adventured! That was fun and cute.
Related to that, it was kinda nice how they prepared you for that fight throughout the game by making you learn his moveset ahead of time
Speaking of sages, the temples were fun and their final bosses were cooler than the ones in BOTW. The lightning temple was especially cool - that final boss was creepy and made me think of Mothula, whom i know from A Link to the Past and Oracle of Seasons
fuck gloom hands, all my homies hate gloom hands (they still go in the "likes" section bc they were cool, but they were. so scary)
fuck gibdos, all my homies hate gibdos.
Actually I think one of my favorite experiences in the whole game was going to Gerudo Town without talking to anyone about what was happening, and therefore finding ruins full of what I briefly thought were actual zombies of the Gerudo, and then running around the town looking for survivors and finding absolutely nothing (until i finally found the main entrance to the sanctuary embarrassingly late). That was legitimately terrifying.
another favorite moment was descending to the final boss - that was pretty unsettling too, especially when I hit the bottom floor of the huge spiral staircase and got the pop-up about the power of the sages being gone.
regarding specific mechanics: I actually really liked the weapon crafting. I thought I would hate it, but figuring out strong combinations and going out to hunt down strong monsters for their parts was fun. I felt like a genius when I managed to create a weapon with 120 attack lol
for the story: the master sword quest!!!!!!!! so good.
Purah!!!!! I loved her change in personality throughout the calamity trilogy, I feel like it really reflected her age and the state of the world. in AOC, she was a super spunky and brilliant teenager, and in BOTW she was basically a 4yo, so having her back to being 20, but now having literally 100 years of horror with her friends, family, and all of hyrule suffering hanging over her, she's way more serious and subdued. She's also clearly scared and worried at Zelda still being missing, which I think speaks to how close the friendship is between all three. idk, I have feelings lol
PAYA 😭😭😭😭😭
I did like how much different it felt overall as everyone recovered from the Calamity. That was nice.
Now for things I didn't like:
I didn't actually like the shrines very much this time, even though the puzzles were more interesting than the ones in BOTW. that might just be fatigue from doing ~250 shrines (main save file and master mode) in the first game, but I found them tedious. once I had enough stamina for the master sword and enough hearts for the sage of spirit quest, I stopped doing them.
the temples were better than the divine beasts, but I still would have preferred more extensive dungeons. (Worth noting that the games I've played other than the two most recent are Link to the Past, Oracle of Seasons, and the original LoZ. I briefly started OOT and Majora's Mask, but didn't finish either of them, so i dont have a comparison point for recent 3d games.)
I felt there was a lack of continuity specifically because of the sheika shrines/towers. Did they ever explain why they are gone now? Did they disappear into the depths during the upheaval? Even the divine beasts are missing! I feel like at the bare minimum, Robbie or Purah should have mentioned something, let alone the second gen champions who literally already piloted them.
This is my hottest take, but: Zelda could have stayed a dragon. Don't get me wrong, I love her and am thrilled Ultimate Wife Guy Link got his wife back, but I don't like when stories undermine their Great Sacrifice(tm) like that. Keep in mind, I also think Byleth should have died in FE3H's Crimson Flower route and that the Silver Snow route is a more powerful ending if you don't meet the conditions for Rhea to survive. In stories about sacrifice for some 'greater good,' I am simply not a happy endings person.
All in all, I had fun! I felt much more invested in the story and hurrying to rescue Zelda because I felt so much more attached to all the characters, so I think that was a massive improvement.
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itsbenedict · 11 months
get star seeker sequel adventure thing up and running and through the first case
get datasouls combat toy complete up to the first miniboss combat
catch up on TFJ recap logs
become an accredited AWS Certified Solutions Architect and get that raise my boss has been talking about for ages
get an adjustable standing desk and under-desk elliptical thingy, and otherwise get an ergonomic workstation set up
fix the light situation in the bathroom
get through The Sekimeiya and really go to town on that mystery until it’s solved
also finally play Disco Elysium
finish TFTBN character portraits
get a beatrice portrait for my poster wall
run some TPIVW games
badger the condo association landlady until she does something about the junk clogging up that basement storage room i’m supposed to own, and clean unused bulky stuff out of my house
clearly this waitlist thing isn’t working out so take some steps to see an actual doctor for the first time in like three years (and maybe get a cancer screening, or do something about that closed sinus)
get through the remaining 7 WaniKani levels
So, June! As predicted, wedding travel stuff ate up a bunch of that second week, and getting the art done took the full two weeks. I did not successfully launch the thing in June, even though I technically could tonight- I'm traveling to visit my grandparents through the 4th and it'd be a bad time to launch it when I'm away, but I should be able to get it running next month no problem.
I finished all 60 levels of WaniKani! I'm going to keep up with reviews, but I need to get serious about the next steps of language learning next.
I've continued working on that Fire Emblem engine- units now move, engage in combat, die, end their turns, and change phases when their team is done. you can zoom in and out, inspect unit statuses, and control the game with mouse, keyboard, or a controller. I still need to implement some basic features like inventory management and trading, and some more advanced stuff like Shove and Rescue, and there's a few UI things to work out (I need an x2 indicator for double attacks), but after that... the big next step is configurability. Lots of stuff is hard-coded spaghetti, which I need to tear apart and make modular- the objective here is a tool for other people to use, not a game, so I need to focus on making it as clean and extensible as possible. This isn't my strong suit. It'll be tough.
I played some games in June:
I beat Zelda, which was very fun but kind of showed how skeletal it all was towards the end- a lot of the cool new stuff was frontloaded, and it became clear how much was being shamelessly recycled to pad things out as I progressed. Very impressive technical achievement, the mid-game twist was super cool, but it didn't really come together in the end except for a spectacular final boss fight.
At the wedding, my cousin showed me an Etrian Odyssey knockoff called Labyrinth of Galleria which looked cool, so I got the first game in the series (Labyrinth of Refrain), which is so far... mechanically, very fun and polished (save awful inventory management and weapon drops) and comparable to mainline EO, with a lot of depth and teambuilding options. Unfortunately, it's anime horny in all the most Fucking Terrible ways, with sexual assault and child abuse played for comedy and possibly the least likeable protagonist in the history of anything. Not sure if I'll stick with it.
I started Fate/Hollow Ataraxia, a direct sequel to Stay Night, which is thus far very interesting- it's doing a weird thing with how it handles which of FSN's multiple endings it follows from, and there's lots of confusing what the fuck moments and interesting uses of characters. It's structured like a fanservice omake compilation on the surface, but there's, like, a secret plot in the background that I have loads of theories about.
...so that's June. First half of the year. How am I doing? What's left?
Datasouls combat toy
Actually launch Star Seeker Justice/Arcana and finish case 1
Get the elliptical, whoops, forgot about that
Catch up on recap logs (currently blocked for Reasons)
Play The Sekimeiya
Get a Beatrice portrait
The storage room is cleared out but I need to communicate with the building guy vis-a-vis not accidentally clearing out my stuff
run some The Price Is Very Wrong, which I keep dragging my feet on
That's eight things to do in six months, but one's almost done, two more are half-done, and three of them are pretty easy. I'm on track to do most of it- I think for July, since Trails into Reverie is coming out this month and some work stuff is ramping up, I'll take an easy one- on top of the Star Seeker launch I spent June prepping, I'll just do some shopping and try and get that portrait and elliptical.
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eleanorfenyxwrites · 2 years
Random Idea junk drawer
So I had a great time doing my Wangxian-centric Breath of the Wild AU last year, and when I finished it I definitely left the epilogue open-ended enough to do more Zelda AU’s/Fusions in the future (I still don’t REALLY know how big the difference is between AU’s and Fusions and which one my other-content-inspired stuff usually counts as but I DIGRESS) because here’s the thing. The Thing(TM). Zelda games are my JAM. They were baby’s first special interest. Literally.
When I was 7 years old my parents bought a GameCube and a game disk that had 4 remastered Classic Zelda games on it (two 2D, two 3D) as well as a 20-minute playable demo for Wind Waker, with three different starting locations to choose from that you could play as many times as you wanted. And you bet my little 7-year-old ass played every bit of it that was within my skill level (which was not much lol), until I got my next Zelda game at 10 (that was Twilight Princess, and it was the first Zelda game I ever finished). I have the Wii walkthrough book for Twilight Princess that I bought used online and it reeked of cigarettes for months after I got it. I chose a screenshot of one of the characters out of it to paint on one of those horrible school industrial ceiling tiles in my 8th grade art class (sadly the photo of it is lost on an old dead phone, but it was really good, I mixed up all my own custom colors of paint and everything which was like. Impressive for 13 year old me :( ). I have and treasure the Hyrule Historia book. I had shitty ill-fitting graphic tees that said things like ‘Good things come to those who break clay pots’ (really funny to me now that I’m a ceramicist and could easily make pots for myself for the purpose of smashing if I were so inclined [I’m totally gonna]). I have massive Zelda tattoos on the insides of both forearms and I’m planning more so that I’ll hopefully end up with two Zelda half-sleeves. Like ZELDA IS MY THING. WHY I’m not writing more Zelda AU’s and playing around in my expanded sandbox of hyperfixations, I have no idea.
But anyway, I’ve started playing Ocarina of Time again, I have no idea how many times I’ve played it at this point within the last 19 years, and I’ve done it on every Nintendo console possible (except, ironically, the N64 as it was originally made for). So obviously I’m playing along and getting lost in the story because it’s a fuckin good story, as one does, and I was like ‘hey what if Wangxian tho’ and thus. Today’s junk drawer was born. Have I already started an outline of the fic plot points as well? Yes. Did I have to stop myself 800 words in and say that no I can’t just write out the entire plot tonight and no it can’t all go into this junk drawer post because I should actually just write the damn thing instead? Yeah. When will that happen? I don’t wanna think about it, so let’s just have fun talking characters and locations and their implications, shall we?
I’m going to post my notes completely unedited and let y’all see the whole ugly process, and I’m gonna put it below the cut because this is already long enough to scroll past but all I’ve done is gush about Zelda and in doing so further cement my well-established status as a huge fuckin nerd lol:
Jiangs/Lotus Pier as Kokiri Forest -- Deku Tree is Jiang Fengmian (Does this make Madam Yu the giant nasty spider inside????? ew)
- Wei Wuxian -- taken into LP/Kokiri Forest as a young child, young enough to fit in with the other children, but he'll soon be old enough for everyone to know that he isn't one of the lake/river children, he's from Elsewhere. - Jiang Cheng as Mido, small and angry and won't let anyone see JFM/YZY without really fucking good reason but also takes the leadership role in LP/Kokiri Forest once JFM/Deku Tree is dead - Jiang Yanli as Saria, gentle and sweet and fond of music and wandering through the woods that keep their lake hidden from the rest of the world. She'll awaken as a Sage in WWX's adulthood.
Cloud Recesses as Hyrule Castle, Lans are the Royal Family and Sheikah combined
- Lan Qiren as the king of Hyrule, though as the second brother he's supposed to be leading the Sheikah, not sitting on the throne - Lan Xichen (already in his 20's) as Impa. He'll awaken as a Sage in WWX's adulthood. Although he's supposed to be in line for the throne, someone has to be the leader of the Sheikah since LQR can't be, which leaves: - Lan Zhan as Princess Zelda -- plagued by dreams and visions of evil coming to take over the world, but no one takes him seriously because he's still so young. People also forget that in the line of succession he's supposed to be the one protecting the royal family as the next leader of the Sheikah, so it's actually his destiny to have these visions, not to be a politician. He sees in Wei Wuxian someone who's willing to break the rules and society's expectations to be the true hero he's been dreaming about. He'll take up the extremely active role of Wangji/Sheik as an adult, having learnt the Sheikah secrets under Lan Xichen's tutelage and taken up his rightful place as one of them since his escape from the palace as a child.
Kakariko Village -- inhabited by average people (akin to Caiyi town, close with the royal Lan family but not directly cultivators?)
Nies as Gorons in Death Mountain/Goron City/Nie Fortress
- Nie Mingjue as Darunia -- hot-tempered and built like the mountain, willing to swear brotherhood with the boy who came to save his people. He'll awaken as a Sage in WWX's adulthood. (NHS as the snot-nosed kid who hero-worships WWX in adulthood? lol)
Jins/Jinlintai as Zora's Domain -- The Zora are a proud people who live high above the rest of Hyrule at the top of their waterfall (tower). (Golden Carp Tower has a lot of water motifs and they decorate things in teal and gold like the zora do too)
- Jin Guangshan as King Zora - Jin Zixuan as Princess Ruto, eaten by their deity god (who is still a giant fuckin fish, I dunno what else he could be lol) and who thinks he has to be engaged to WWX after giving him the Sapphire (maybe because he was told from a young age he'd have to get engaged to one of the lake children anyway and just didn't know who/hint at unrealized Xuanli?) He'll awaken as a Sage in WWX's adulthood. - Jin Guangyao as (????? :( :( :( where will my boy go?? I need my boy for emotional support)
Wen Ruohan as Ganondorf -- a cruel king wreathed in shadow and flame....I mean it writes itself lol
- Baoshan Sanren as Rauru, the Sage of Light -- withdrew from the mortal world an unknowable amount of time ago to protect the Sacred Realm and has watched over WWX these last seven years as he slept. - Jiang Yanli as Saria, the Sage of Forest -- she awakens into her powers to protect her childhood friend/brother(s), though this will mean having to leave Jiang Cheng on his own in Lotus Pier - Nie Mingjue as Darunia, the Sage of Fire -- he awakens as a sage to honor the Brotherhood oath he swore with WWX in the past - Jin Zixuan as Princess Ruto, the Sage of Water -- he 'dumps' WWX because he has to do the more important work of stopping the apocalypse, try to contain your disappointment WWX, you can still be coworkers and save the world or whatever, if you even care. - Lan Xichen as Impa, the Sage of Shadow -- Lan Xichen must leave the mortal world behind to take up his mantle as the Sage of Shadow, leaving Lan Wangji to carry his worldly responsibilities instead (sort of half-retreating into seclusion like canon) - Wen Qing as Nabooru, the Sage of Spirit -- Wen Qing is the leader of the all-female band of Gerudo thieves who in no way endorse Wen Ruohan's domination of the world. When she leaves to take up her role as the Sage of Spirit, she leaves her cousin Wen Yun (my OC Madam Lan) to lead the Gerudo in her stead. (need to find a role for Wen Ning? Except zelda lore is that only one man is born to the Gerudo at a time every hundred years and he’s always their king. Maybe WN is meant to be the new one but WRH has reached immortality/won’t die and let him succeed him?)
Plot would follow Ocarina of Time fairly closely (Unlike my BOTW AU where I tried to make it...relatively more like canon??) because there's a very definite plot there, while BOTW is so much more fluid it was easier to adapt to something else.
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hopeymchope · 1 year
I am once again asking for an all-new new top-down Zelda adventure.
I am as psyched as anybody for Tears of the Kingdom, so I hope everyone who is playing is having an awesome time today! Happy release day!
....I didn't pre-order it, mind you — because I'm intimidated by it. I'm scared that once I start playing it, I won't be able to STOP playing it for months. So I'm going to hold off until at least after I complete next month's Master Detective Archives: Rain Code. Personal priorities, I guess.
With that said: I want to talk about how nothing feels quite like exploring one of the top-down Zelda games. There's something so very gratifying about those titles that can't be replicated. Finding every single nook and cranny and object. The dungeons regularly reach heights that're so much more elaborate and complicated than they ever managed to be in 3D. You think the water temple in Ocarina of Time was hard? Talk to me after you finish the water temple in Oracle of Ages. It gets legitimately MIND-BENDING.
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If you haven't been here, you are not ready.
Those 6.5 titles — The original TLoZ included, but I'm primarily thinking about A Link to the Past, Link's Awakening, Oracle of Ages, Oracle of Seasons, The Minish Cap, and to a lesser extent, A Link Between Worlds — have a charm that I've just never seen successfully replicated. YES, I know we get "Zeldalikes" such as Ittle Dew, Hazelnut Bastille, Reverie, and Mina the Hollower, but let's be real here — "-like" games never quite scratch the itch, do they? We're pining for those characters, those worlds, that EXACT feel. We're not pining to play "voxel guy from 3D Dot Game Heroes." We're pining to play a game as fucking Link and hear those classic music cues You feel me?
(And no, the top-down DS games absolutely did not scratch that itch. Sadly, neither did Cadence of Hyrule, because I deeply and brutally SUCK at Crypt of the Necrodancer. At least Cadence looked neat... feh.)
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This DID help, at least. It wasn't 'new', but... it really felt goddamn good. Link's Awakening is an ALL-TIMER.
I would pay Nintendo a ton of money to just... take the Link's Awakening remake engine and make a new friggin' 2D top-down Zelda. I'd pay like $200 for that goddamn game, and I know that sounds insane, but I am HUNGRY. Or, frankly? I'd pay just as much for a version in a retro pixel style. That'd make it take far less resources and effort, right? You could make something with a comparatively far smaller staff, a relatively cheap and shorter development... and yes, I realize most people wouldn't pay as much as I would. Especially not for something retro-styled. But so what? If it's a digital-only title that's relatively cheap, I can still guarantee it makes its development cost back EASY without them ever having to manufacture a physical copy. Because it's THE LEGEND OF ZELDA for god's sake!
(I honestly don't know why Nintendo has never embraced the retro pixel art that is so popular with other companies, because those companies are usually aping THEIR damn games. Seems like something IDEAL for their download-only titles, don't you think? A retro-styled Zelda... or Metroid... or even a retro Mario... or something more obscure that people still love, like another Kid Icarus. You could do any of it, you guys. ANY of it. The money's just waiting for you. You wouldn't even BELIEVE how much.)
Since I know someone is going to ask: Yes, "A Link Between Worlds" is the .5 in the "6.5 titles" I referenced earlier, because its two overworlds are almost entirely identical to a world we've already explored in detail in a previous 2D Zelda game. Like, they're WAY more similar than even the land-based overworlds of BotW vs TotK. The changes are downright miniscule. Giving them a ".5" credit for that seems apt, if not a little generous.
Which basically means I haven't had a delicious full-on brand-new 2D Zelda game since *checks notes* 2005!!!!
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And while Minish Cap is easier than the Oracles, I still think it's a banger.
And let's not forget that the two Oracles, The Minish Cap, and even the recent Link's Awakening remake were all outsourced. That means that it would be entirely reasonable for Nintendo to just outsource for a new one. Hire an outside company.
Or, y'know, whatever. You could just... keep remastering the 3D games over and over and only ever make the new fancy VERY DIFFERENT things that take five years and never ever make anything like you used to ever again.
But I really hope that's not all there is to look forward to.
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disneyphantomlover · 1 year
So, what do you think about Bendy and the Dark Revival?
I realize this gets posted at a weird time, but my dude, this month of December has not been great and I'm functioning on 3 braincells. I genuinely want to replay the game, but I haven't yet. You are getting the mad ramblings of a fan who has 19 other things on mind.
Regardless, I think I still like the game. It was fun, I liked the odd story, and even though I don't think everything works, a LOT does. A little extra lore is great, and I do like what they did with Joey in this game (he's still a lying asshole, but it was nice seeing him in a more helpful role. And it makes sense why. He's still a lying pos.). Audrey is wonderful in my opinion, if a little lacking in self-preservation here and there.
I was upset years ago that the game was delayed, but I really do think releasing it all in one go instead of chapters was actually beneficial to the game. And personally, it was nice getting a nice chunk of "STORY" instead of it being parsed out bi-annually. The extra time also meant there was more polish put in, and lil easter eggs that were fun (no I'm not bringing up the poem).
There's a decent amount of consistency in characters in order to figure out which ones are Important to the Story, and also ones that are just Important to the Character's Story. I do like what they did with the Ink Demon, even if it is a little basic in my opinion. First time he spoke, I just said out loud "Oh FUCK, that's a DEMON." Props to Sean Crisden for a phenomenal job, and to the game designers who made a properly scary demon!
There's a few things I could complain about the game, but in all honesty, they're things I thought of AFTER I finished the game. Somehow I got lucky and I didn't have any technical issues playing the game, and for me, it ran smooth as butter. Dark...Inky Butter.... My husband, who only plays it because I told him he'd like it, really enjoyed the game design and had a fun time playing it. (This is a man who thinks Dark Souls shouldn't have a difficulty level and Legend of Zelda final bosses are too easy. So do with that what you may.) I enjoyed it just a tiny bit more than BATIM, just from gameplay.
Is the story a little odd? Yes. This answer is already too long and I've written about the story before, so I will not bore all of you. I do enjoy checking out theories and wild guesses though, so I'd recommend that to you. I still like it in an odd way, and I'm curious what the next game might entail. Wilson... Deserves his own essay of rambling thoughts. As does the whole love triangle that is Joey Drew, Nathan Arch, and Alan Gray. Like... That alone is fucking weird and makes me so curious.
I enjoyed the game. Hell, I still enjoy the fan community of Bendy despite this game's rocky history and build-up.
Now Merry Christmas.
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bahamutgames · 1 year
Eastward: Afterward Thoughts
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Game: Eastward (September 16, 2021)
Console: PC (Via Xbox Game Pass)
Here I am once again. Crawling back here to give my thoughts on a game I played but having to share it in shame on a side tumblr no one follows instead of proudly in the open on a big ass twitter thread! How sad!
I was going to share my thoughts in a twitter thread, but after sharing my thoughts on Warioware: Get It Together, it seems like twitter has removed the way it keeps threads nice and tidy on the home page. Basically resulting in everyone having to see my thread about the game full force whether they like it or not. And I don’t want that because A) it’s annoying. And B) some games I talk about have huge spoilers. Like this game! So I figured until that little issue gets resolved I’ll just share my thoughts here... where no one visits... and no one follows... Just like the sad city of Potrock Isle, am I right fellow Eastward heads? (That’s what we call ourselves)
I suppose it’s for the best. As always, this is NOT a review! These are just my thoughts and feelings after finishing the game. If you’re interested in this game at all, please consider playing it! This should not be taken as a major critique of the game and will just be me spitballing my feelings.
So, I’ve had my eyes on Eastward for a while now. The only issue is that I knew it was going to be, for lack of a better term, a “Zelda Like”. Which is generally not a genre I like very much. But the art and sprites and general aesthetic of the game was SO amazing I absolutely could not keep away! And after an accident that lead to me buying gamepass for an extra month (it was an accident I swear) I figured I might as well go ahead and play Eastward. I did struggle a bit with the genre but I made it through and ultimately I had a pretty good time with it!
Stuff I liked
Where to begin? This game is AMAZINGLY CHARMING! Maybe one of the most charming games I’ve played in a while. It has, hands down, some of the most amazing sprite art I’ve ever seen in my life. This game looks SO good it’s nuts! Here’s some screenshots I took that look that hopefully can demonstrate even a little bit how good Eastward looks
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The combination of 2D sprite art mixed with the more realistic lighting kinda makes my lizard brain go nuts. In short, the game looks REALLY FUCKING GOOD. Almost every little thing in this game is lovingly handmade by some of the most talented sprite artists I’ve ever seen. Animations are stunning, backgrounds are incredibly detailed and full of life. The visuals ROCK!
The music is also particularly really good and has a ton of fantastic songs that really stuck with me. It has a lot of nice fast paced music and a lot of slow and mysterious music. But it all really does feel like one OST, like all the songs really go together. It’s another aspect of the game that’s just amazing!
I also LOVE the story and characters! It has a lot of themes similar to Gurren Lagann. People live miserably underground. Someone has seen the surface but gets picked on cause they’re stuck underground. They reach the surface but shit’s fucked up there. But of course instead of Beastmen and Mechs. Eastward goes a bit more of a lowkey route with cities filled with people, beautiful nature, and an evil smoke spewing train controlled by a factory where they make humans... It’s a lot of crazy shit but I do love crazy shit like this in my stories. Figuring out the mystery behind Charon and the Human Factories and Sam was all really exciting and made for a really compelling story!
And of course the characters are what made the story so nice. Of course John and Sam are my absolutely favorites! They are SO cute! But even side characters like William and Daniel. Alva and Isabelle. They’re all super charming and everyone has a GREAT design. No one has a better design than John and Sam though.
The gameplay itself is also very good. Again I struggled a lot with it at some points. This is just not my speed. And I do think this would have been GOTY for all time if it was a turnbased RPG (I think a lot of games would be the best game ever made if they were turnbased JRPGs instead). But still I enjoyed it enough. Some combat was pretty fun, some of the bosses were very cool. And some of the puzzles were challenging but pretty fun to solve. I particularly liked cooking a lot of food with power+ properties and just crushing boss battles with all my strength!
And then the game itself is just filled to the brim with so much charming stuff. I love the weapons like the guns and bombs, I love the you use a frying pan instead of a sword. The save points are fridges you freeze your memories in. I love that you can cook, and gather ingredients and try to make new recipes and season them with different spices to get different buffs. I love the super unique and cool enemy designs. I love how charming and memorable and unique every single NPC in the game is. No repeating NPCs as far as I can remember. Everyone is unique. Some games have bonus card games or sports minigames. But Eastward has a full blown roguelike RPG in it! I didn’t beat it, but it’s there and it’s SUPER charming!
So, yeah! This game is REALLY good! Easily one of if not the best looking game I played last year. Amazing soundtrack, fantastic story and characters. It’s all really good! It’s clearly a game that a TON of work went into. I can tell tons of talented people poured their soul into this game. Down to the website where they have cute little clay figures of some characters! It’s made with love.
Stuff I didn’t like
However, just like any other game. Eastward isn’t perfect. I could go on about little things. I think some of the dungeons are really infuriating. Old Town in particular was a real headache for me. I think WAY too many of the enemies towards the end of the game charge you then run away so you can’t hit them, it’s so annoying and time consuming. I think the game can be a little too raunchy and edgy at times in ways that aren’t really fun? Sometimes it is. But not all the time. I think the game can be TOO detailed sometimes and it actually makes figuring out where to go a little difficult.
But no, I COULD go on about smaller stuff like that. But I think I mostly just want to talk about the finale and ending. While this game was great, and stays consistently quirky and charming until the very end. With amazingly high quality sprite art and music until the very last drop. But honestly, I think this game totally loses focus towards the end. Particularly, the moment you reach Ester City, Eastward almost completely lost me.
I saw others saying it was the Monkollywood Train. And while that section wasn’t that great. With a forced stealth section that goes on a little too long. And being a really random scene. I actually thought Monkollywood was fine and honestly, the weirdness of that area didn’t feel out of place from the rest of the game. I guess Ester City also isn’t out of place. But it certainly is where the game loses itself in my opinion.
So the whole story up to that point was about finding out what was going on with Charon and the Human Factories and the origin of Sam. And I like that a lot. And I liked that once you reach New Dam City, it’s about living life and running jobs through the city. I liked that a lot. It was different from the main goal but it still related to Charon right? But once you hit Ester City, man. It suddenly becomes all about the tower. And time travel. And time loops. And I honestly kind of forgot Charon and the Human Factories were still what was happening. The whole game suddenly becomes about Alva and Isabelle. Which is fine. But like, it’s about them for most of the finale. And they’re not even there for most of that finale!
And then suddenly we jump back to the human factory and charon out of nowhere! I do think the final dungeon being inside Charon was great. And it’s not that I think the whole Ester City stuff was bad necessarily. But it absolutely was BORING as hell and slowed my playthrough to a crawl. It feels like they suddenly through a bunch of plot elements in I was too stupid to understand. And sadly I feel like this kind of carries into the whole ending. It feels like NOTHING gets answered or explained.
That’s not entirely true. We do see what becomes of some characters. And I don’t think the game needs to answer everything to be good. I think it’s good to leave some mystery. But. What became of Charon? The human factories? What was Sam exactly??? Did we save the world? Is everyone dead? I assume not based on the ending but like... What happened? I don’t understand anything that happened! I feel like this is maybe my fault and Ester City was so boring that I struggled to pay real attention to the finale so I couldn’t understand it. I honestly feel like the ending would have been better if when John sees Sam again, Sam just drops the big lead she’s holding and the game just ends right there. Like you already didn’t show enough of the ending, you might as well show even less and make that shot give me some clue in to what happened to John and Sam afterward.
And just in general. I didn’t like the final boss. I thought it was upsetting how the whole finale of the game randomly became quickdraw minigames. I know they were prepping you for it the whole way through with minigames but I wanted the final boss to be a real fight! I cooked all this food with power+ seasonings! And I didn’t really get to use it!
Final Thoughts
It’s hard to explain. The whole game still feels fine. I still like it. I still think it’s incredibly charming. I still think it’s one of the nicest looking games ever, I still think it’s absolutely worth your time even if you don’t like this genre! But I can’t help but feel like the ending was massively rushed. Like it needed more time? Or that it needed more planning. If the ending just worked a little better with the rest of the game I think this would have been perfect. The game had small pacing issues the whole way through though, so maybe I should have seen it coming. But still! It’s sad!
Regardless, Eastward is an amazing game that clearly had a lot of love poured into it. So I don’t regret playing it. And I think I might honestly want to cosplay as John eventually. I still think John and Sam are amazing protagonists (I was waiting the WHOLE game for her to call him dad UGH... maybe that’s just me.) Eastward was absolutely worth my time and I’m glad I played it even with the underwhelming finale. I’ll certainly be interested in any follow ups they make for the game in the future. We’ll see.
Thank you for reading! It’s been a while since I’ve written up an afterthoughts on tumblr. But it’s looking like I’ll be doing this here for a while since I kinda can’t on twitter at the moment. It’s a little harder for me to keep my thoughts confined over here so it makes writing these posts more difficult. But I’ll do my best, because I love talking about video games!
As always you can follow me on twitter to keep up with me, my art, and my game playing habits! That’s it for now! Go out and play a game you wouldn’t normally try!
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blankinsidecards · 1 year
tag 9 ppl you want to get to know better, tagged by @emsjustwantsaccesstothehellsite which heeeyyyy we’ve only been mutuals for like a month now and you’ve singlehandedly got me back on the penumbra podcast after I gave up on it four years ago and I’m in your debt xoxoxo
3 ships: ooph. I mean I’ve been in the Steddie wormhole for seven months now, and I’m gonna say Ronance too, but Pynch has been my main for like. six fucking years sooo
First ever ship: I wanna say zutara? You know I’m always a slut for a red & blue/fire & water dynamic. Now that I’m older and gayer I prefer to ship Zuko with Sokka. ( fun fact, the first smut I ever read was a zutara hades & persephone au on fanfic.net that I read on my grandmother’s desktop after church one day. Big yikes.)
Last song: Body Language by Queen bc I had my Steddie playlist blaring on the way home from work today ✌️
Last movie: I just kinda half-paid attention to the new Scrooge movie on Netflix. Pretty cute
Currently reading: uuuuuuugh I don’t even know. I’ve been halfway through Little Weirds by Jenny Slate, Gideon the Ninth, and Cemetery Boys for at least a year and I just can’t get myself to read any of them. The last book I finished ( besides Greywaren. The birdverse doesn’t really count ) was probably Cackle by Rachel Harrison ( 5 stars so good. Should’ve been gayer though ngl )
Currently watching: I’m kinda between shows right now but I DID just rewatch Arcane. They really made that show for bisexuals huh?
Currently consuming: is this a content or a food question? I’ll do both. I’m playing Zelda: Breath of the Wild for the first time and I had a weird cabbage dish for supper
Currently craving: hot chocolate and extra buttery toast
I’m tagging @galmance @danidorito @marge-madness @spice-and-lemonade @kateosaurus-rex @catlovesfandoms @stvrwar @palaeolithicc @persephonessugarbaby if you feel like it. Love you all dearly
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moeitsu · 2 months
Number 7 pls!!
Also, who is that in your profile? If ya don’t mind me asking.
My profile pic is of Tamino Amir. He’s a Belgian-Egyptian artist and makes beautiful music. I would recommend him to anyone. I saw him live in February with Mitski and literally cried the entire time. He’s also drop dead gorgeous the man literally looks like a god.
I’m rambling.
Number 7: what tattoos i have and their meaning.
I’m actually really happy you asked that one because I have so many tattoos and i love them ALL!
Okay, I have 12 tattoos. I’ll try to keep it short tho.
1. “Spirit Lead Me” on my bicep. This was my 1st tattoo I got for my 18th bday. It’s from Psalm 143. I’m not really a religious person anymore, but I still appreciate the message. The whole verse is “Teach me to do your will, for you are my God. Show me what you want me to do, and let your gentle spirit lead me in the right path.”
2. A small bouquet of flowers on my hip. This one doesn’t have much meaning. It was a last minute tattoo i got because my friend was getting one and the artist was really chill and was like “you want one too?” And i just said sure and let him pick the art. Looking back, i don’t know why i did that😂
3. A Luna moth on my shoulder. I’ve always considered myself more of a moth than a butterfly, if that makes any sense. I took a picture of a Luna moth was i was 16 and i was obsessed with them ever since. Fun fact: the day i got it tattooed i got a Snapchat memory that i took that moth photo 3 years ago on the same day. It was just meant to be.
4. The master sword from Legend of Zelda on my arm. This one is kinda self explanatory. I just fucking love the games. I played my first was i was 9 years old and it became my entire personality for the rest of my life.
5. A soot sprite on my ankle. This one also doesn’t really have a meaning. A friend of mine had finished her tattoo apprenticeship and was doing small pieces on people as practice. So i asked her to practice on me and she gave me a cute little soot sprite.
6. “Set your heart ablaze” on my rib cage. I got this after the demon slayer movie. It’s one of my favorite animes, and Rengoku was such an important character to me.
7. An evil eye with a tear drop under the back of my neck. I’ve always worn the evil eye since i was young. I don’t remember when i started or why, but I’ve always had a necklace or a keychain or earrings with it on. I liked the idea of it on my back bc in my mind it wards off any negativity that people might send me when my back is turned.
8. A cecropia moth on my other shoulder. Not so much meaning behind this one. My other shoulder felt naked and i wanted to add symmetry with another insect. I chose the cecropia moth bc I found one in the woods one time and I felt like some kind of woodland fairy. It was literally the size of my hand.
9. 333. It’s my Angel number. I see it everywhere, and at least once a day. I was also born on the 3rd day of the 9th month and 3 was always a prevalent number growing up. (I was on bus #3. My childhood apt was #3. Me and my sibs make 3, ect)
10. A maple seed. I got this tattoo for my current partner. We’ve been together 7 years and on our second date we walked a nature trail and we had talked about watching the notebook later and I made a comment about “how romantic would it be if we kissed in the rain”, it was not raining that day. So he picked up handfuls of maple seeds and threw them in the air. They rained around us and he kissed me under them. It’s probably one of my favorite memories.
11. Peter Rabbit hugging his momma. This tattoo was dedicated to my mom. My nursery as a baby was Peter Rabbit themed, and I still have a lot of the decorations still in my room 24 years later :’) I also love my mom a lot.
12. A heart locket with my childhood cat in the frame. Pretty self explanatory. It was dedicated in his memory. He was literally the best cat ever and i miss him everyday. He passed on my 19th bday.
Thank you so much for asking Anon!!! I really enjoyed diving into this :)
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fangsup-cobrastyle · 6 months
This is supposed to be an ask game, but fuck it, I wanna answer them all
End of the Year Asks
Song of the year? "Fake Out" by Fall Out Boy!! ... or "Dumbest Girl Alive" by 100 gecs
Album of the year? So Much (for) Stardust by Fall Out Boy... but Folie à Deux is the one that really made my year
Favorite musical artist / group you started listening to this year? tuv <3
Movie of the year? I knowwww I'm so boring for this... but Barbie
TV show of the year? Shrinking on Apple TV
Episode of tv or webisode that defined the year for you? GameChanger's Bachelor episodes
Favorite actor of the year? probably Sarah Sherman from SNL
Game of the year? Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom
Best month for you this year? June... this year sucked so bad that the month of my colonoscopy was the best one lol
Something that made you cry this year? I cried almost every day this year about something or other. My health, my trauma, my job...
Something you want to do again next year? see Fall Out Boy 🥺
Talk about a new friend you made this year my college friend's girlfriend :) she's been hanging out with us when we get together, and she's super sweet and fun!
How was your birthday this year? I worked, and no one remembered it was my birthday 🙃 and then like 5 people showed up for my party that I invited like 30 people to
Favorite book you read this year? I don't think I've finished a full book 😭 I always get distracted and move on to something else. Of what I've read, Watchmen was the best
What’s a bad habit you picked up this year? staying late at work
Post a picture from the beginning of the year not revealing my identity, so here's a picture of a really cool snake I took early in the year :)
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Post a picture from the end of the year and for that same reason, here's a picture of an ostrich I saw last week :)
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A memorable meal this year? it's not even, like, a special meal, but having tacos at my girlfriend's house with her parents. It's the kind of domesticity and comfort I've always wanted in a relationship
What’re you excited about for next year? putting out my demo! I met a producer who wants to hear my music, so that's top priority
What’s something you learned this year? how to deal with intrusive thoughts and compulsions
What’s something new about your place of residence (room, home, or general location) now vs the start of the year? I have guinea pigs now where my unused desk used to be! :D
Favorite place you visited this year? I really haven't been anywhere very exciting this year :/ uhhhh NYC? Which sounds exciting if you don't know that I live in the NYC metropolitan area
If you could send a message to yourself back on the first day of the year, what would it be? Be strong, dude. I know you have all of these ideas about what you're going to accomplish this year, but be veeeery flexible with those. You're going to grow a lot, but it won't be in the ways that you expect. It's gonna hurt (physically and emotionally), but you're gonna get so much stronger.
Did you keep any New Year’s Resolutions? I mean....... I didn't really have any "resolutions," but I said that by the end of the year, I wanted to have asked my crush out (check - that didn't go well!) and be out as male to my family (nope, but we're a bit closer to that)
Did you create any characters (in games, art, or writing) this year? Describe one Jesse Ashford. 15 years old, angsty teen with daddy issues, loves art, skateboarding, and punk music, wants to grow up too fast. I love him so much I can't contain it.
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thegeminisage · 11 months
back at it in zelda. about to fight an obsidian frox which actually i think is the first one i ever ran into, back when i dropped into this chasm and got jumpscared by it and dinraal at the same time lol. this is my first obsidian frox fight so idk what to expect. i hope it's not too much harder...
oh that was totally fine actually. cool
i dont like the depths as much at night. like theyre not Scary scary but it's late and the effect is enough to make me a bit tense
found the tarrey mine! on accident mostly. i was aiming for it, but i got distracted by poes, but it was fine bc the poes led me here. so i was going the wrong way lmao
NICE i got a CANNON schema stone
irony of ironies that i have like 600 arrows and im running out of bows lol
ok, i did the rist mine? which is under the big sand spiral. HORRIBLE. so many of those little jumping guys that are too hard to catch.
decided i hate it down here. i gotta get outta here lol. like, i came down here w nearly 700 arrows and now i have like 575 or something, i gotta LEAVE.
first though. i have to spend as much of my zonaite as i can. i HATE that i cant just do this at one store lol
oh hey i was jumping from mine to mine to buy crystalized charges and i found a guy who hadnt given me a schema stone yet! and i remember visiting the kakariko mine AGES back and wondering what it was he had to give me lol. full circle at last
ok, that was my last stop. i have more zonaite but there's nowhere else to spend it. i have 600 crystalized charges though!!! batteryyyy
i have 6 and 2/3 of a battery now!!! almost halfway........
okay, i have to SLEEP ugh. tomorrow i need to start hustling on my shrines and then maybe finish off the fifth sage thing if i have time. but that'll be ALL the story until i'm ready for the end AAAUGH
under one hand, i REALLY want to play pikmin 4 with everyone else, and i know that once i do totk will take a backseat. so i wanna finish totk before then, like 100%
under the other...that's only 2 weeks from now. even if i get all my korok seeds and do all my sidequests, and that's a big if, there's no way i'll be able to grind for my armor mats too, and 100% means 100%.
so i'll either have to pause playing this game while i do pikmin, or just not do pikmin. tragic.
either way, i think i definitely wanna beat the story for the first time before then, and i at LEAST wanna do all the shrines before that, and maybe also finish that quest where you beat up master kohga. it seems so scary! only two weeks from now and i'll have finished totk!!! it can't be so close to being over already bc once it is the long, long, LONG wait for The Next Zelda begins..............i feel like this game JUST fucking came out but it's been almost 2 months................................
like, i'm still gonna have my sidequests and korok seeds and armor upgrading and the depths to explore but geez.
the craziest part is im at 170 hours and i feel like koroks alone are gonna take another 30, 40, 50? not to mention the depths, the armor grinding, the sidequests, the minigames...like there's no way i don't hit 250 by the time it's all over. i can't do that in two weeks. but i also worry if i put it down i won't pick it back up again
ANYWAY. sleep now, overthink videogames tomorrow <3
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ottspot · 1 year
The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom - Improving on Perfection (SPOILER FREE)
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When The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild released in 2017, I was in the last few months of eighth grade, high school slowly approaching. Pardon my French, but I fucking adored that game. I played it the day it came out, the same day I got my Nintendo Switch, and I could not put it down. Even after beating the main story, I just kept playing and exploring, because there was so much left for me to do.
Then imagine my surprise when, just over two years later, the sequel is revealed to be in development. I was ecstatic, and almost four years after that it's finally in my hands. I just finished up my second year of college, too. A lot has happened in the seven years between the first and second games, and a lot of that is what makes me love this game. It's like going back to a friend that I haven't seen in ages.
I already loved Breath of the Wild, and I expected to love this game even more. To put it simply, I was right.
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Please note that all screenshots used are from official trailers from Nintendo. There will also be no specific mention of the story, nor will it be gone into in-depth.
Secrets, Launch, and Community
To set everything straight, The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom is everything I could have ever hoped for with a sequel to the 2017 game. I had no idea what I was going into, but that was 100% okay with me. I went in blind aside from all the trailers from Nintendo and the 10 minutes of gameplay they showed, and I had no idea what to expect.
Which... I'm unsure if that's entirely on me. It seems like Nintendo was incredibly secretive with this game, from choosing not to reveal the title until 8 months before the release, to not even showing a part of the world in any sort of gameplay showcase pre-launch. It seemed like that worked out anyway, as I saw many people on Twitter and Twitch surprised by everything that wasn't revealed before launch.
Speaking of launch, I'm so happy that I can enjoy a Zelda game on release day with so many other people once again. It's like an event whenever a new one is out- people get it, start playing it, the people playing it hang out with each other and share tips (but are also VERY mindful of spoilers because they're nice)... I love the community that forms with things like this.
But of course, for the majority of the game I was either alone or had guides online helping me. I had friends that were also playing to chat with, but we couldn't really talk about a lot of things due to not wanting to spoil each other.
Starting Out
When I booted up my game that Thursday evening, I was already blown away with the introduction. I was brought back to the world I loved in the previous game, but it was all new and had brand new elements I could play around with. One of my fondest memories already with this game is making a huge wooden ramp and carrying it with me throughout the opening area to get to places easier. Or sometimes, it ended up being the harder way when there was a simpler solution all along.
Once I left that area and returned to the surface of Hyrule, I was overjoyed once more, as these were the same grassy fields and sprawling hills that I ran around on six years ago. They have grown and so have I. It made me feel a bit emotional, remembering back then...
Soon enough, I got my bearings and figured out what I had to do. On my journey to see why Hyrule was weird now, I ran into old and new friends, lots of enemies, and our good old pals- the Koroks. Yes, I did make a cross and put one on it. It was fun, and I giggled a lot. And also yes, I will do it again with no hesitation whenever I get the chance.
If you'll allow me to go into non-spoiler specifics for one moment, I wanted to talk about that brand-spanking new arm that Link got. You'll find out why he has it when you play for yourself, but I have got to say that the abilities here are way more useful than the abilities from the first game, in my opinion.
Firstly, there's the Ultrahand. It's basically Magnesis but for pretty much any object. Plus, you can stick things together with it! You couldn't do that with Magnesis before. Booooo.
Then there's Fuse. It's pretty straightforward- you can attach a variety of objects to your weapons to improve their attack power, defense, durability, you name it. Hell, even an acorn. For some reason. Fuse is also used to attach things to your arrows. So while there are no element-specific arrows this time around, you can make your own with all different kinds of items in the world, like Chuchu jellies or different ores. And don't worry about running out of arrows, they can be found just about anywhere.
Recall is a pretty neat ability, in which you can select an object and push it back in time in order to solve puzzles, grab items, things like that. If you know what you're doing, you can use this to cheese a bunch of different areas. You can even kill enemies with it if you're smart with it!
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Finally, there's Ascend, which is a simple one as well. It lets you go through ceilings and other pieces of land that might be above you. This makes traveling and going through shrines way faster.
Speaking of...
Shrines are Back
Shrines are back, and they're pretty much the same as they were in the previous game. Use your abilities to solve the puzzle, get a reward (and if you get four of em, your can upgrade your health or stamina), repeat repeat repeat. They're only really different in what the reward is called, and the abilities used. The shrines here at least feel different enough from Breath of the Wild's shrines so I don't feel like I'm just repeating all the ones I did in that game. It
They're great warp points too, and with them being scattered throughout the world, you'll be able to get to where you need to go quickly. Speaking of going places...
There are many, many, maaaaaany different ways of getting around in this game. The basic, probably slowest, and simplest way is walking and running. You can do it, but it'll take a while, and you're almost guaranteed to run into enemies if you don't know what you're doing. One other way that's similar is to use the lookout towers to get launched in the air and glide to your destination. It's better, but you still have stamina to worry about.
There's also the horses, who have (obviously) returned from Breath of the Wild. You can find them in the grassy fields pretty easily, and after a bit of soothing the horse, it’s all yours. Better yet- if you have save data from the previous game, all your horses are carried over! You can even summon Epona if you have the Twilight Princess or Super Smash Bros. Link amiibo.
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What I and many others have resorted to using is making different contraptions with the Ultrahand ability and other devices in the game. You can make cars, controllable gliders, and even full on war tanks (or similar vehicles) to destroy enemies in your way. Seriously.
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The abilities and the things you can make add a whole new layer of creativity and possibility to the game that Breath of the Wild could never achieve before, and that makes me incredibly giddy. Players are given the freedom to do whatever they want and make whatever they want to make. While some might disagree with this notion and say that this eliminates a lot of what makes a Zelda game a Zelda game, I think this is a good evolution of the formula, a good step forward from the promise they already made with Breath of the Wild. I would personally prefer if all Zelda games weren't like this from now on, but I'd love a sub-series of open world games similar to this one. Just so there can still be some classic Zelda.
What Do I Think?
With all these elements of the game, with how much there is to do, I obviously have my own thoughts about it all. I may have alluded to it in the beginning and through some parts of this post, but I adore this game. It takes me back to when I played Breath of the Wild, it shows not only how the world has changed, but in reflection, how I have as well.
I played this game for a week straight just because I was happy to be in this world again, how I wanted to explore and help the people in it. I should have probably savored my time with the game instead of beating it in such a short amount of time, but I just could not stop playing. I loved it, and I still plan on playing it more. Whether it's for updates and DLC, getting all the gear, finishing the side-quests, or running around and building... I'll continue to play this for years to come, just like the game before it. It's truly an 11/10.
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Thanks again for reading, everyone. This game has been a joy from start to finish, and beyond. I can't wait to keep playing this.
Next up: I SAW TAYLOR SWIFT - My Time at the July 8th Eras Tour Show!
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buzzbeeboi · 2 years
I don’t talk about my interest and passion for Zelda nearly enough so here you go I just finished ocarina of time (took about a month minus the hiatus I took lol) so here is my final review of it I suppose? I did side quests but I didn’t hundred percent or anything Lmk if you guys like my video game rants lmao
This obviously contains spoilers lol also I am still a dsmp blog!!! This is just one of my passions aside from dsmp :D
Things I liked
I liked the dungeons! The ones as a child weren’t too hard and weren’t too easy- they didn’t sugar it down but they are definitely beginner dungeons (minus jabu jabus belly fuck that noise.) I loved the tempest as an adult far more then the ones as a kid though they felt much more complete and the items you got as a rewards were so much better in my opinion My favourite dungeon was probably the forest temple and my least favourite was the shadow temple (but I’m a wimp when it comes to anything kinda scary lol)
I also liked the items! This and the temples is something I felt were missing from breath of the wild. The long-shot was by far my favourite item by far (it usually is) I just lived being able to swing across almost anything and being able to kill enemies much easier
The side quests!
Can you tell I liked this game? I liked this game lol. There were a ton of side quests that I adored like the big-goron sword. Epona. The suns song. The ice arrows and the list honestly goes oh I really hope BOTW2 is more similar to this game in the dungeons items and sidequest department! (Though the side quests in botw were really good as well just not as rewarding)
Things I did not like
Okay so this game was great but I really wish there was more to some of it. Like hurtle field for example is so barren and running across it without epona takes a whole day and night cycle to get from like kokri forest to lake hylia and it is just tedious at times
Then another little nit-pick here is the “optional” items. Like dins fire, fire arrows literally any if the great fairy magic items are optional except for that one part of the game you can’t avoid. Like the shadow temple needs dins fire, most of Ganons castle you need dins fire like??? I dunno it feels weird if someone didn’t get all the items to then punish them for it
And finally my final thoughts for the ending and the whole game. The ending was amazing it showed the cutscene with Zelda and link and then the cutscene’s with all of the people we’ve met? Like honestly it was beautiful. Was I hoping for some post game yes but I am happy with the ending and the multiple files (botw) but story wise I see why there wasn’t any post game. My final thoughts are that it was one of the most fulfilling games I’ve played in awhile and I am gonna be playing a lot of Zelda games this summer
Thank you for reading and sorry to the people who has to find out I am on dsmpblr
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