#ft. kageyama 🏐
keyz-writes · 2 years
~。☆ | Things You Do That Flusters Them Easily |
°・ლ: Hq Headcannons🏐
(Ft. Karasuno First Years)
Side note: Don't forget to read the note at the end of this headcannon, Thank you!
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Hinata Shoyo
Hinata is very loud and chattery especially when it comes to the topic of volleyball, But ever since the first time he met you he couldn't help but fluster every time you visibly beam at him whenever he's near. Of course because of this he is mostly near you all the time and it's for his selfish reason to stare at you as if he could see the little flowers floating around you.
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Kageyama Tobio
I totally think this guy has acts of service for his love language. Anyways, imagine his reaction when you start doing things for him like wiping his sweat off, buying some milk from the vending machine, etc. He was very flustered from the feeling of being taken care of by someone/doing things for him. After that he got used to you just doing things for him which he deeply appreciates.
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Tsukishima Kei
He really likes to rile you up, like hiding your things or annoying you just to see the cute expressions your face makes never fails to make him blush. He is also a very selfish person if he says so himself, so do expect him to be a bit possessive over you
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Yamaguchi Tadashi
He definitely has a physical touch as his love language, Every time you do physical touch things like hugging him from behind or holding his hands and softly tracing the small veins on his hand makes him blush tons but the one thing that makes him go full on red like Kirishima's hair is when you touch his face and kiss his freckles. Since he got bullied because of his freckles, he just feels loved when you do it.
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Yachi Hitoka
I'll be straight forward for this, She absolutely likes it when you call her nicknames that make her feel confident and pretty. She gets super shy and stutters sometimes and would mostly likely scold you to not call her that in public but would respond to it unconsciously every time. It makes her feel special when you call her those.
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Note: Hello again! I apologize for uploading late!! :') It's nice to interact with you all again lol I would just like to remind you that if you have anything you would like to say to me, please dm me instead because I couldn't really view my inbox right now so whoever sent an ask I'm sorry I couldn't see what you sent T~T and Please note that I do not own the characters and they are all rightfully belong to Haruichi Furudate!! That's all if you have any requests please dm me lol Thank you have a great day/night! :D
Btw Reblogs are very much appreciated so feel free to reblog it lol
Smol edit: My dumb self forgot to do my taglist woops lol aaaa forgive mee T~T. If you want to be part of my taglist, please dm me asap! Thank youu :DD
Special Taglist: @justanunknown
© to Haruichi Furudate for these amazing characters!
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suncakie · 2 years
[Bby I'm not even here, I'm a Hallucination]
Tsukishima Kei x gn!reader(ft. Yamaguchi)
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Day fifteen
31 Days of Haikyuu Masterlist. [🏐]
Theme. Secret Admirer
Warnings. Cussing, fluff
Notes. I am proud to say this is proofread, well checked by my beta readers, and made on the same day it was finished up, im so happyyy TvT
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You were...a prick if Tsukishima would describe it, you weren't just plain joyful and enthusiastic like Hinata was, you weren't straightforward and dumb like Kageyama was.
It was...entertaining, to say the least.
He would always see you there around the campus, you would hang out alone and whenever you see the blonde walk past with company, you would just send out a wave or a nod before resuming whatever you were doing.
Yamaguchi stayed at home, he was sick. That was what tsukki's mom told him at least, so he's walking alone to school today.
While walking, you had suddenly appeared out of nowhere, only greeting him with a calm and teasingly statement "french fries is walking alone, how sad"
Tsukishima tched as a response, a mutter of "you're always alone, your no different" you looked at him in amusement, your brows raising as you attempted small talk.
"How's school?"
You sighed and directed your attention on the street "no sh!t sherlock, I meant are you doing okay?"
"I'm fine"
"Lying ain't gonna help you out, there's something wrong and I won't stop bothering you until I get too forceful"
Ah yes, the occasional check-ins you would do whenever Yamaguchi or anyone, in fact, wasn't with him, he doesn't know if you're just bad with social interaction or just wanted to be his personal therapist of some sort.
He doesn't even know why he is telling you everything on his mind, it's just how you would let him speak and talk as long as he wanted and just give the advice when he finally stops talking, if not advice a hug would be your other option.
It's probably the thought of how you don't really have anyone to share this information on, or either the fact you're the one reaching out to him in a very serious matter and at the perfect time he needed someone to talk to.
Or he just trusts you.
Hah! Trust is a foreign word to him, the only person he will and only will trust is Yamaguchi, he stands by that statement.
But why is it that the atmosphere you would give him when the two of you are alone is so trustworthy? Like whatever he would tell you wouldn't be told to anyone.
He's just overthinking.
"Why are you here?"
Tsukishima asked you as you sat by his porch, you're still in your school uniform as you proceeded to scribble on the notebook you held in your hands.
"I got locked out, so I'm staying over"
you stood up as Tsukishima proceeded to unlock the door using his house keys, his mother told him earlier to bring his house keys just because they were supposed to visit someone in Tokyo for the mean time, meaning he's alone for today.
"Call your parents or siblings dumb*ss"
"I did, they had their phone turned off so it wouldn't ring"
You demonstrated, calling up your mum as it went to voice mail after a few seconds.
"Ugh fine, but when my parents come home your leaving"
He didn't know why he let you in.
He could've let you freeze to death outside his porch and you probably wouldn't care, you followed him inside, removing your shoes and going to his room.
He doesn't mind at all really, you already came over uninvited multiple times, he would just randomly see you in the corner of his eye and jump out of shock.
"What's that?"
"A paper"
And now you're pestering him rather than doing your homework, can he just live in peace once in a while?!
"I know that I meant what's that for?"
Tsukishima slid the paper towards you, he was done with whatever he was doing anyway.
"Its a questionnaire, the school provided a program to be aware of mental health, they said it would be accurate if you showed a professional this paper"
You hummed as you starred at the paper, your hand moving along the words.
"Our class didn't get one"
Tsukishima raised his brow at you and back at his biology essay.
"That's sad"
Damn, he should've had listened better, it's been an hour since the two of you had talked and you were just at his bed, occasionally getting out of the room to get a snack and continue on with the scribbling on your notebook.
He, on the other hand, was struggling to get a word out of his essay, Why does he even have to learn about Protein synthesis anyway?
According to the internet, there are only three steps, but from what their sensei told them there are five, is the school just making us learn by adding more steps on something that only has to be three?!
"Oh...Protein synthesis?"
Tsukishima flinched from his seat as he turned back to look at your towering figure, staring at his blank essay paper so far.
How come he didn't hear you walk here? Nah its probably because he had his headphones on.
"What about it?"
He questioned as he directed his attention to you, removing his headphones in the process.
"There are five steps Unzipping Transcription, Translation, Elongation, and Termination"
You counted as you raised each fingertip while you dictated each word that comes out of your lips.
Tsukishima rose his brow and continued on with his work, but this time you sat beside him, helping him out with the essay he never wanted to accomplish.
He didn't see you as much after that.
He did see you around the campus, as usual, sitting alone and walking to school alone, you did your occasional waves and nods whenever you see him stare in your direction, with him responding back with a nod.
You stopped showing up at his house though, the last time you visited was when you left your scribble notebook at his home and he gave it back to you, his mother suggested to let you stay for dinner but you refused to say that your parents will worry about you.
But that was months ago.
Tsukishima took out his phone, Yamaguchi wasn't here with him again, he had to attend a funeral, and you didn't show up like you used to too.
Thinking about it Tsukishima never got your contact number, maybe he should approach you once he sees you on the campus later, he is good friends with you after all.
Yes, he finally accepted that you're his friend.
He opened out the notes app, jotting down some things he did today and adding things to the past dates he just remembered now.
After the questionnaire the school gave, his parents suggested bringing both him and Akiteru to a Psychiatrists.
Which he disagreed to go at first, but his parents promised him to buy a strawberry shortcake afterward, who can say no to food anyways?
After two sessions, Akiteru was diagnosed with Anxiety while him, well they never told him, they just gave him a bottle of pills and made him drink one pill per day. The bottle didn't even specify what the drug was called.
After that diagnosis, he started to forget some past events that happened afterward, which led him to jot them down on paper if he remembered something in class or on his phone when he has access to it.
"Watcha typing?"
Finally, your here.
"Took you long enough to catch up"
Tsukishima commented as he placed his phone away, placing his attention back to you.
"I'm sorry mr i.expect.u.to.come.if.im.alone, I overslept"
You placed your hands in your jacket pocket, tching after your statement.
"Can I have your number?" |
Tsukishima stopped walking as you followed suit and smirked at the boy.
"Asking me out on a date eh?"
"What? No, if you don't want to give it to me then don't"
Tsukishima continued walking as you laughed at him, it was the first time he heard you laugh.
You caught up, walking side by side once again.
"I would give you my number but i don't memorize it and I left my phone at home"
"Tomorrow then"
Tomorrow never came.
Tsukishima thought you just got sick and will come back to school again after you got better.
but it's been a week.
And you haven't returned.
He's walking home from school, alone again, because Yamaguchi had decided to walk Yachi home.
of course, with Tanaka and Kiyoko.
Tomorrow will be his last visit to his Psychiatrists, after a good whole 7 months of his treatment, tomorrow will be the last day he would take those disgusting pills.
When he got home, he was greeted by his mother in the kitchen and Akiteru on the couch, he proceeded to his room, finally having the courage to actually search up what the pills were for in the first place.
after a dozen of research, multiple tabs open, and the one last pill he has, he had finally found what he was diagnosed with.
Delusional Disorder.
He can't really figure out what type, but he believes it's one of those simple ones and easy to treat, speaking from the only medication he got was the pills and the occasional visits to his Psychiatrist.
Where was he hallucinating though?
He was sure Yamaguchi and the volleyball team were real, seeing how the school acknowledged every single accomplishment they did.
He was also sure you were real, seeing how you've got your own parents and knowing some of the topics to his subjects.
...Who is 'you'?
"Yamaguchi, do you know anyone in our year named by 'L/n Y/n?' "
Tsukishima asked the green head, reading out a note he wrote about a few days ago.
"Hm, I know someone in class one who is named as Y/n, though their last name isn't L/n"
Tsukishima nodded, he also disagrees that the person Yamaguchi was talking about wasn't the person he wrote on his notes, they seemed smart and fits around the class four or five category.
What he also noticed was that he didn't wrote what year or college they were in at the moment, at the bottom of the note it read.
' • they ignored me when I asked what year they are in after we did my biology essay'
He also asked his upperclassmen, Tanaka and Sugawara to be specific, both had stated that no one had the same name and the appearance at the statement he made them read on his phone.
He also had asked his parents and brother if he ever brought someone over besides Yamaguchi and the team, with him also making them read out the description on his phone to only have the same result.
No one.
Who are you and why is he trying so hard to find you anyway?
It's not like you helped him out at anything, sure the texts and the filed-up paper say otherwise but that could only be a mere imagination he had made as a story plot.
He doesn't remember you being there in any of those events when Yamaguchi called in sick he just played music in his headphones, when he had a hard time doing his essay he asked Yamaguchi for his notes as a reference.
No one intruded in his house unless it was Akiteru himself.
You only appeared or at least was written when he found the envelope of random information in his bag the other day.
The notebook he had read you always brought with you was his extra notebook, and he is the only one who is allowed to know what things he had scribbled and written on it.
You never existed to begin with.
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Day fifteen
@suncakie 31 Days of Haikyuu
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crybabykento · 3 years
When you wake up the next morning, Ushi and Tobio have already left for practice but your husband made sure to leave a note next to the breakfast he had delivered for you so you’d eat something before he got back
i giggle a little at the cute little note, glancing at the time. i had a few hours before their game so i take my time eating before i start to get ready, pulling on ushijima’s jersey and tying my hair up so everyone can see his name written on the back.
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suncakie · 3 years
["Ghosts don't bleed"]
w/ Hinata Shoyo Ft. Karasuno Vball club
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Day one
Theme. Sharing a Braincell
31 Days of Haikyuu Masterlist. [🏐]
Warnings. Chaos(Its supposed to be scary but i made it entertaining instead), mentions of blood, loss of braincells
Notes. To my friend who thought this was a good topic, i hope your pillow is warm tonight:D (this took me 3 different situations, 4 different fanfics & a month to do so pls enjoy this thing)
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the team decided to go to a haunted house together for Halloween.
With you being a plus one.
And so the haunted trip begins!
The fifteen of you decided to split up into three since the fifteen of you can't go to the entertainment house at the same time
and with your luck, you were grouped up with Yachi & Hinata
The problem is, the three of you are easily scared of random sh!t and won't probably last a second in the house.
A bundle of horrific screams and the rush of multiple footsteps echoed through the haunted house the three of you soloed on.
"Who tf would hire a real ghost for a haunted house?! That's just traumatizing!"
A little earlier that day, the three of you were just complimenting on how the interior of the haunted house was so realistic, jumping every now and then whenever something popped out from the walls or floors.
"Hey, Yachi, the candle over there looks like kags a bit don't ya think?" You commented as you tugged on Yachi's sleaves, Hinata's also followed his gaze towards what you were pointing at, out of curiosity.
"It does look like kageyama!" Hinata beamed as he neared the lit-up candle, both you and Yachi following suit.
"The one who made this candle is probably a fan of kageyama, it looks so well carved" Yachi commented as she took out her phone, taking a snap of the candle to show the others later.
"Kageyama is scary, so this belongs here!" Hinata hummed at the thought eyes closed and hands on his chin.
You went closer to the candle, hands making their way to the 'hair' that can be identified as melting wax.
"Do you think we can steal- arghhhh! Hot hot!" You exclaimed as you retracted your hand with a hiss "I forgot it was a candle lol"
Yachi swatted your hand that clutched the burn as she inspected it "are you ok?! Does it hurt??"
"I'm fine Yachi, don't worry!" You reassured as you patted her shoulder.
"L/n! Yachi! There's a ghost!" Hinata screamed in the distance as the both of you forgot about the burning incident.
"What do you mean Hinata? There's no such thing as ghosts" Yachi commented as she stepped in the direction of Hinata's voice.
Suddenly, the candles around you dimmed as the only source of light left was the opened window above, the moonlight shining through it.
You suddenly felt an uneasy chill run up your spine, with your hand unconsciously tugging on Yachi's sleaves as you decreased the distance between the two of you.
"What happened?"
You heard Yachi gulp but decided to ignore it as her shaky voice tried, keyword 'tried' to reassure you "I think it's the wind! It's getting pretty windy since winter is nearing!"
"L/n! Yachi! There you are!" A voice screamed as the both of you jumped from the sudden intrusion.
"Oh my gosh! Hinata! Your gonna give me a heart attack!" You squealed as you squeezed your panicking heart, trying your best to calm it down.
"I'm sorry! I didn't mean it at all" he bowed, well you think he did because the moonlight is starting to get dimmer as the clouds began to block their way.
"It's fine, just don't do it again please??" You heard Yachi say as you saw something move in the distance.
Tugging both of their sleeves you whispered and pointed in the direction of the weird movement "did any of you see that?"
"Huh? Saw what?"
"A white thing walked past there! I thought the three of us are the only people here?!" Hugging both their arms you muttered out "if that's the demon under my bed, I'm offering the both of you for dinner!"
Hinata grunted and detached his arm from your hold while Yachi squeezed the life out of your arm "Hey that was uncalled for!"
"Please don't sacrifice me! I don't want to be food" Yachi squeaked as she cuddled up in your own arm.
You grumbled "It's a life and death situation, what do you think ill do? 'Please kill me instead, I don't want my friends to die!' I'm not some type of-"
"L/n.." Hinata Tugged on your sleeve, trying to warn you about something.
Swatting his hand away you continued "No! You need to hear this, I am not the main character of a book to just risk my life to-"
"-just save random people out of nowhere! I'm not spider man or anything!"
"L/N Y/N! LOOK BEHIND YOU!" Hinata screamed and turned you 90 degrees, detaching Yachi that held tightly on your arms.
"What is it now- EEK! GHOST!" cue the heavenly echoed punch that rang through the whole house as you dragged the both of them to somewhere with light.
As you found a place that is heavily lit up with candles and lamps, the three of you took a breather as you spoke up
"Who tf would hire a real ghost for a haunted house?! That's just traumatizing!" You commented as Yachi held up one finger, signaling you to wait a moment before she responded.
"I'm pretty sure that's not a ghost"
Hinata panicked as he shook Yachi by her shoulders "what do you mean?! It was floating! How are you so calm about it?!"
Yachi signaled Hinata to stop shaking her as she inhaled and informed the two of you of an obvious answer "Ghosts don't bleed"
She pointed out as she raised your hand that held a stain of blood while she added to her conclusion "and you can't touch ghosts, i heard a thump after you punched the guy"
You rose a hand to your mouth, inhaling while your teeth clamped together "oop, my bad"
"I am never going to a haunted house again"
"You better keep your word, you could of killed somebody there!" Yachi commented as the three of you finally exited the haunted house.
Throughout the last bits of the trip, Yachi had to restrain both you and Hinata from hurting any more of the co-workers.
Damn, I'm 100% sure those workers will never be participating in a haunted house attraction ever again.
You glanced around, trying to find the others to only see the third years sitting by the bench, ice pack in hand and some tissues for a bruised Daichi.
"Please remind me to never bring those three in a haunted house ever again" Daichi muttered as he sighed, both Suga and Asahi nervously chuckling as a response.
"Omg Daichi! Who hurt you?!" You concernedly screamed as you examined the bruise forming on his left eye.
Daichi nervously chuckled and waved the three of you away, pointing at tsukishima, kageyama, and yamaguchi, who us not that far away, and told the three of you to join them on whatever they were doing.
Yachi waved a concerning goodbye and ran towards the other first years, screaming about not waiting for her.
Kiyoko, just in time came in and commented on Daichi's problem "did Y/n give you that black eye or Hinata did?"
"AwahHH! Shimuzu please make us aware of your presence before speaking up" Asahi requested as he patted some ice on a burn he got from Hinata throwing a candle at him
"It's from L/n, the girl probably went to karate class or something because she also made my nose bleed even if she attacked my eye" Daichi sighed and double-checked if blood is still oozing out from his nose.
"And for the record, Hinata's punches are powerful, I think my spine is broken" Suga sighed and cracked his back with a sigh "We're never hosting a haunted house ever again"
"Advice taken"
"Wait! I forgot how to punch! Can i try again?!"
In the distance, the four saw the first years playing some type of game where you need to punch a bag to see how powerful your punch is to win a prize, stating how you're the one complaining, they looked ahead to see your complaining score.
"140 isn't too bad, you could get a mini keychain plush with it" Suga hummed as he stared at you, with you giving more yen to the worker.
"WAH! YES! YOUR COMING WITH MAMA" you celebrated as you held on a gigantic baby crow plush waving its wings towards the third year's.
Waving back nervously Daichi muttered out to the trio beside him "I'm glad L/n is not the one who punched my nose"
"She still punched your eye"
"It's not that powerful okay?! If she did so ill not have an eye right now" Daichi scoffed and crossed his arms the trio laughing at his defensive side.
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Day 1
@suncakie 31 days of Haikyuu 2020
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crybabykento · 3 years
Tobio smiles lacing his fingers with yours and lets you pull his arm over your waist as he cuddles up to you
Y-yeah I guess it is cozy.
He nods pressing a kiss between your shoulders before resting his head against your back while Ushi tangles his legs with yours
i snuggle into ushi’s chest, making sure tobio is still close behind me. my heart is still racing but i smile, kissing toshi’s chest gently as i fall asleep.
0 notes
crybabykento · 3 years
Of course you can stay, the bed is big enough for all of us.
Ushi says smiling tiredly at Tobio and nods when he slips under the covers next to you once you’re cleaned up
What do you think, angel? Is this okay with you?
i move over a little to give him some room, smiling when i feel ushijima get in on my other side. i nod a little, shyly taking tobio’s hand.
“yeah, it’s nice and cozy like this,”
0 notes
crybabykento · 3 years
He kisses you slowly and rubs his fingertips along your curves to tease you before pulling away a bit when Tobio comes out of the bathroom
I hope it’s not too hot..
He says softly, lifting the covers a bit so he can gently wipe between your thighs and leans down to kiss your forehead
Do you want me to stay the night or I can leave you two alone.
i shudder a little at the heat, cheeks going pink again when i spread my legs a little. i glance over at ushi before back to tobio.
“i mean, im not going to kick you out,”
i say softly, taking toshi’s hand shyly and lacing our fingers together.
0 notes
crybabykento · 3 years
It was great, angel.
He smiles holding you close and helps you move around a bit so you’re comfortable without too much pain
I’m glad you enjoyed yourself, I definitely wouldn’t mind doing that again with Tobio.
His fingers brush over your cheek as he tucks some hair behind your ear and kisses your flushed skin
my eyes light up a little, leaning into his touch and smiling up at him.
“i was thinking the same thing,”
i chuckle, turning my head to kiss his palm, sighing lovingly as i pull him down into another soft kiss.
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crybabykento · 3 years
I’ll go get a cloth to clean you up. Why don’t you get under the covers so you’re nice and warm.
Tobi smiles kissing you gently before he pulls away to go to the bathroom while Ushi helps you get comfortable under the covers
(i give you 100 kithes)
“was that okay baby?”
i ask softly, holding ushi’s face in my hands and kissing his nose gently. i push his hair back, wincing slightly while i try to shift myself.
0 notes
crybabykento · 3 years
Tobio kisses you gently, brushing his fingers over your cheek as you try catching your breath and smiles softly as he leans up to kiss your forehead
You did such a good job, bunny - daddy’s so proud of you.
(we can try it and if you really don’t like it we’ll go back to just you and ushi!)
“that was fun,”
i giggle tiredly, humming as ushi nuzzles into me, petting his hair. i rub my thumb across tobio’s cheek, smiling gently.
0 notes
crybabykento · 3 years
Ushi slowly grinds his hips into you, making sure every drop of his and Tobio’s cum is deep inside your abused pussy
Maybe you’ll have Tobio’s baby, he fucked you’re u so good his cum was dripping out of you.
He whispers kissing you roughly, biting your already tender and swollen lips which causes you to whimper
i nod absentmindedly, gasping into his mouth, tangling my fingers in his hair as he kisses me. i pant softly when he pulls away, turning my head slightly to look up at tobio, smiling weakly.
0 notes
crybabykento · 3 years
Both men watch in awe as your pussy squirts all over the ace and Tobio can’t help but feel a little jealous that he didn’t make you cum that hard
Gonna..ah fuck! Gonna fill you up so good and breed my sweet little puppy.
Ushi grunts leaning forward so your knees are almost touching your chest as he buries himself deep inside of you, resting his forehead against yours before he starts filling you with his sticky seed
i bring my free hand over his shoulder, scratching at his back desperately and leaving harsh trails of red on his skin, barely able to keep my eyes open as i look up at him.
“wan your babies daddy please please please-“
i hiccup as i beg, my voice hoarse and moaning when i feel him cum, panting heavily.
0 notes
crybabykento · 3 years
Tobio reaches down to rub circles against your throbbing clit while Ushi continues to fuck you roughly, grunting each time his heavy balls slap against your ass
Cum for daddy, okay baby? I want you to make a mess of yourself for me.
my hips jolt with the friction against my clit, scratching at tobio’s thigh and leaving deep red marks, throwing my head back.
“cumming cumming daddy cumming gonna-“
i choke on a sob as i cum hard, gasping and whimpering while i squirt all over toshi’s cock and abs.
0 notes
crybabykento · 3 years
Ushi nods wrapping his hand around your throat and squeezes a bit as he moves his hips harder like you want, fucking you hard enough to make the headboard hit the wall while both men stare at your bouncing breasts
“daddy - daddy!”
i dig my nails into tobio’s thigh, my eyes going cloudy as i look up at toshi, not even struggling with tight grip he has around my throat. i feel the knot in my stomach tightening again, groaning pathetically.
“close close close close-“
0 notes
crybabykento · 3 years
You daddy to spit in your mouth, bunny?
He asks pressing his index finger against your tongue to make you gag a bit, smirking when you nod and whimper pathetically
Your little pussy is getting fucked so good you can’t even speak, huh?
He coos hovering his lips over yours before spitting onto your tongue, keeping his blue eyes on you to make sure you swallow it
my pupils blow wide when i feel his spit on my tongue, quickly swallowing it before opening my mouth so he can see i did it. i glance up at toshi, chest heaving, shifting my hips a little and groaning.
“d-daddy harder, wan it so bad-“
0 notes
crybabykento · 3 years
Tobio turns your head towards him and kisses you slowly, his hand cupping your cheek as he slips his tongue past your lips
Does that feel good, bunny? Having your husband fuck my cum deeper inside of you?
He growls squeezing your cheeks a bit and tugs a bit roughly on your bottom lip when you pull away from him
i slide my tongue against his messily, my cheeks pink when he speak, whining when he pulls away.
“f-feels so good tobio, so good-“
i babble, looking up at him pleadingly. i open my mouth a little, sticking out my tongue in hopes he’d give me what i want, panting like a bitch in heat as i adjust to ushi’s size.
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