broken-codes · 2 months
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[ Drawn 12 - APR - 2024 ]
A good ol ‘story’ from the SnowClan elder PhantomPelt! (Also one of my oldest Warriors ocs) I wonder how old he really is…
It’s finally done! I can now continue with regular WillowBurr story lol, I will let you send asks to this new cat, but since you don’t know his name, you can just call him Pastor..
The allegiance list has been updated!
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warriorgrayfawn · 1 year
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Frostwing of the sand colony
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telekinetic-issue · 10 months
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Thank you for recognizing it, Istar. I feel quite proud of this stitch.
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frostpaw the warrior cat ever
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random-bookquotes · 9 months
Pegasi were beings of legend, known to be the steeds of angels, whereas unicorns were licentious bastards who only allowed the purest of maidens to ride upon them. Legends spoke that the Frostwing Horses had once pledged their allegiance to the High Elves under one unbelievably shameless condition, ‘Fulfill all of our demands.’
Bells on Cat Ears, Little Tyrant Doesn’t Want to Meet with a Bad End: Book 1
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cozzzynook · 5 months
Pleasure bot Bumblebee who joins the autobot ship when the war breaks out.
He didn’t want to be aboard an autobot ship. He was on his way to a neutral planet when his transporting ship was gunned down in “friendly fire.”
His ship crashed offlining almost every bot aboard and the only reason he survived was because he transformed in time heavily damaging his alt mode.
When he woke up he was in an autobot medbay being treated by Ratchet who informed him he was on an autobot base. Bee wanted to transfer from the ship the moment he onlined but with how far they were from neutral territory he couldn’t. If decepticons saw him leave in an autobot spacepod he’d be shot down.
So Bee stayed and rejected any offers to become an autobot. He stuck to doing simple work around the ship and kept his helm down. He didn’t want autobots learning how he made a living. They typically were the bots who judged the most and did things even if they claimed to be the “good guys.”
It wasn’t until he met Optimus did he think autobots weren’t so bad. Optimus took an immense liking to Bee right away wanting the mini to keep besides himself as if he was a sparkling following their sire.
That put Bee even more in the light of others and Bee found himself knowing every bot on the ship. It was easy for bots to like him even strict bots like Ratchet and anti social mechs like Prowl. Bee didn’t particularly want to be close to any of them still and he wasn’t save for Optimus. But even then Bee kept his past to himself.
His frame was a reveal to his past of course. Being shaped like a femme did not help him any but since his pleasure bot stamp was hidden none knew. He was thankful Ratchet didn’t check his the fuel globe mesh on his chassis. That meant he didn’t know Bee was a pleasure bot or that he was a carrying mech.
Of course Bee long had his reproductive tank sealed shut, sure it was done illegally with dangerous methods but thats just how things worked before war broke out. Better to be a pleasure bot than a breeding bot.
Not that he liked either option.
He just picked the one with less complications.
Only complications still came when the autobots ship ran into the decepticon ship with none other than Megatron and his golden army.
The battle was intense and left both ships heavily damaged. Bee was taken to a part of the ship that was supposed to be safe but nothing was ever truly safe.
The door was broken in half and in walked one of the last mechs Bee thought he would ever get to see again.
Bee doesn’t know how much time passed as he stared at the large mech who once looked so different. The mech he used to laugh with under the solar system when they had a chance to meet. The mech he’d buy extra energon for so he could take it back to his friends and trine. The mech he once let stay in his suite when his own was burned down by the counsel. It turned into the two living together permanently and though the mech didn’t like his line of work he respected him and went out of his way to make sure he was safe.
The mech would sneak him treats that were his favorite and draw him when he was recharging in his berth or on his lap.
It was the best Bee ever felt.
But then one day the seeker just disappeared and Bee was crushed.
He once thought the worst had happened to him but now. Now he just wishes to be wrapped in his arms as he demands to know what happened and why he abandoned him.
“I go by Blitzwing now, bug.”
“Blitzwing,” the name still tasted of cyber honey on his tongue and Bee found himself shedding a droplet from his optic which Blitzwing caught.
Bee hadn’t seen him move yet he didn’t feel threatened, he knew the mech was dangerous now if his speed was anything to go by. Yet he felt..old and new. A familiar stranger was holding him and he couldn’t stop himself from seeing the decepticon insignia.
Blitzwing halted in hesitation but Bumblebee laid a servo on his chassis above his engine and spark and leaned in with a smile.
“Vill jou come vith me hummelchan?”
“With you Blitzwing,” his spark pulsed deep, “always.”
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littleyarngoblin · 9 months
Knitting round up!
Back again :) I’ve been knitting my mitts off attempting to finish personal projects while I plan my holiday knits. My Halgrim Scarf is still in progress, temporarily halted as I ran out of yarn.
The Stare was fun! Not a fan of catching the longer floats near the end but overall quite nice. This one’s for a friend.
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I also finished my Frostwing (pattern is Goldwing) sweater! The yarn was originally for the Halibut sweater but the shape was so annoying that I frogged it all. Much happier now.
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As for WIPs, I’ve got some duplicate stitching to do on my Underwing mitts, the Halgrim scarf, and one more Pokémon Mew sock to finish. Also a ~secret~ holiday project for a friend in the works. It’s my first time doing beadwork and I’m so pleased.
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lunefalls · 29 days
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dragonskulls · 1 year
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hooooly fucking hell im finally done with this thing: the AshWing continent. yay! Since kingdoms aren't a thing, the names here are used for both the territories themselves and the quivers which inhabit them. some brief explanations and descriptions of what those names mean:
Fire Grounds: a group of small islands surrounding a big one, lots of volcanic activity in here. its only inhabitants are some species of hardy wyverns such as fire dancers, and smaller fauna living on the borders where some vegetation can grow
The Towering Mountains: massive mountain ranges surround a valley where mountain gliders and wreckers reside. minerals from extinct volcanoes made the soil incredibly fertile, and the natural barriers protect against most predators, making this place a safe paradise
Five Stones: a mysterious monument, consisting of five huge rock monoliths jutting out of the ground, with writing carved into the stone describing the history of FrostWings and AshWings alike. Meetings and festivals involving all quivers take place here, and any damage done to the stones –accidentally or not– strangely disappears by morning. dragons that have been there describe the place as having a soothing yet uplifting aura
The Dark Woods: an immense, dense forest with giant trees and plenty of resources make this the perfect home for wood walkers. unfortunately, scavengers also like making settlements here, so run-ins with dragons aren't uncommon
The Vast Moor: seemingly never ending grassy plains are the main scenery of this region, but a wide sinkhole interrupts this perfect flatland. moor runners have dug deeper into it and reinforced the cave walls, sheltering them from the outside and weather. an aquifer at the bottom provides plenty of water, and it is believed underwater cave systems connect it to other parts of the continent
Misty Spires: small canyons and tall rock formations shrouded in mist and surrounded by howling winds make up this small portion of moor runner territory. few dragons ever go there though, as rumor has it it is haunted. when the fog comes down into the main territory, going out into the fields is not advised
The Roaring Coast: home of the fierce coast strikers, only quiver in the continent that dares venture into the sea. leviathans and sea serpents infest these waters, so dragons here aren't always the apex predators. houses are carved out of the cliff face. a gigantic sea monster skeleton goes on along the coast, with leaders making its skull their main living place
The Silent Swamp: danger is a constant, so being always on the lookout is a must if one is to survive here. giant serpents and crocodiles inhabit the waters, wyverns patrol the skies, scavengers travel along marshes and rivers, and noxious poisons are something that many creatures share here, both predator and prey. however, this harsh environment doesn't deter swamp lurkers from making the most out of these murky waters and shady forests
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Plus some extra versions teehee (uploading them the first time crashed my whole laptop :p) oh and paper textures are from unsplash
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wc-confessions · 6 months
whats everyones prediction on frostpaws full name if she returns to the clans..... i wish she could get a name like frostmoth but considering the erins are kinda .... bland? with their naming itd probably be comething like frostwing of frostheart, frostpelt even
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emixunn · 7 months
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The three as Mothpool kits!
Mothclaw, Frostwing and Larchfeather
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eightfoldjourney · 2 months
A Cold Reception
"Well, this is a rather unfortunate predicament..." Temenos muttered to himself as watched the Frostwing Serpents circling overhead. The cleric counted no less than seven of these beasts, which was far more than what he usually encountered. Monsters in general usually didn't travel in groups larger than four or five... Ah, how troubling.
Despite how dire the situation seemed, Temenos remained composed. He could see the city of Stormhail in the distance, even through the light snowfall. He just needed to create an opening... Or, gods willing, perhaps one would come to him...
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ecoamerica · 2 months
Watch the American Climate Leadership Awards 2024 now: https://youtu.be/bWiW4Rp8vF0?feature=shared
The American Climate Leadership Awards 2024 broadcast recording is now available on ecoAmerica's YouTube channel for viewers to be inspired by active climate leaders. Watch to find out which finalist received the $50,000 grand prize! Hosted by Vanessa Hauc and featuring Bill McKibben and Katharine Hayhoe!
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warriorgrayfawn · 1 year
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Frostwing of my ClanGen game
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bayofwolves · 7 months
really curious as to what frostpaw's full name is gonna be... i've been betting on frostwing for a while (in memory of mothwing, assuming she dies in this arc, and possibly curlfeather as well) but frostcurl would also be fun
maybe it'll be a name that reflects her clan, like frostriver, frostwater, perhaps... i do like the sound of frostwater!
i just hope it's not something meaningless like frostfoot. girlie deserves a badass name after everything she's been thru
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skaylanphear · 9 months
Thunder and Shadow
Summary: Five years after Ultima’s defeat, those left behind have no choice but to push onward in a world still on the precipice of ruin. Left with all that remains of Clive—her twin boys—both Jill and Joshua do all that can be to ensure the world they grow up in is one of less strife and struggle than what came before. But the destruction of the crystals and the god that created them has left the aether and eikons in a state of chaotic distress that plagues the entirety of Valisthea. And now, to have received a letter from the north about stone bearers coming back to life, Jill has a new mystery to unfold.
At the same time, Clive finds himself waking on what he thinks must be the western Rosarian coast, though how he arrived there, he doesn’t know. Nor has he any idea how much time has passed since that final fight with Ultima. But as he begins to investigate, he sees a battle of eikonic proportions in the distance, one that revives old, bitter memories. Ifrit, perhaps, can make up for wrongs wrought so long ago.
Meanwhile, behind the scenes, a shadow manipulates them all, his eyes set on those who would become dominants and tools both.
Chapter 1 / Chapter 2 / Chapter 3 / Chapter 4 / Chapter 5 / Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Once beyond the part of a bath that involved soap, Elwin's attitude improved considerably. He was quite happy to play in the water, even as Pup remained in Clive's lap.
Clive asked him—Pup, that was—if he wanted to get back in the tub. After spending so much time on the road in the wilds, he didn't want to rush their morning (and he was, admittedly, enjoying spending leisure time with them), but Pup shook his head, seemingly content to stay where he was and fiddle with the strings down the front of Clive's tunic. Not wanting him to get cold, Clive retrieved a towel from the shelf nearby and, smiling at the way Pup giggled, wrapped him up in it until he resembled a frostwing cocoon.
Elwin apparently viewed the whole thing as a game he was being left out of. "Me too!" he said and, sopping water all over as he crawled his way out of the tub, practically dropped himself into Clive's lap, further soaking him and smushing Pup against his chest.
Not that Clive minded. Able to support them both on his legs, he wrapped Elwin up in another towel, the two laughing and cuddling together like it was the best game in the world. Clive didn't understand what was so fun, but perhaps after all that had happened, there was something to be said for being tucked up and secure in the arms of someone stronger. Someone they felt… safe with?
The very idea that they found safety in his arms hit Clive so hard that tears once again welled behind his eyes, leaving him to quickly blink them away.
Pup, of course, noticed right away and, smile vanishing, asked, "Are you sad?"
"No," he said, hoping his voice didn't sound too broken as he hoarded them to his chest like a chocobo protecting her eggs. "I'm quite the opposite." Hugging them close, he smiled and buried his face in their cocoons, causing them to start laughing all over again.
"You need a bath, Worm," Elwin said as he fingered Clive's hair.
He was probably right.
Elwin wasn't really one for cuddling, however, and was soon wiggling to get down. Once there, he started flapping his towel around like he had wings, jabbering on about the Phoenix and Ifrit and reenacting various parts of what had happened the night before (or what he imagined had happened). And though Pup stayed in Clive's lap, it was obvious by the way he leaned forward and watched that he wanted to be playing with his brother.
Saving him having to choose, Clive hugged him tight one last time and set him down on the floor, nodding him off to go play with his twin. Opening the door so they had the full run of the room, Clive debated whether or not to dress them. On one hand, they did have to get their clothes back on eventually, but, on the other, they'd only just gotten clean and their clothes were filthy.
Despite wanting to get the children back to Rosalith and Jill as soon as possible, Clive supposed there was no real rush in that very moment. Able to keep an eye on them from the washroom (there was no way he'd let them leave his sight given all that had happened), Clive sat beside the tub and, removing his wet clothes, went about scrubbing himself down.
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mantatheseawing · 1 month
characters for the hive queen
lady Cardinal (Cardinal)
_________________________________________ Major Supporting characters:
frost butterfly
bittersweet (Oakridge’s sister)
oakridge’s biological parents
_________________________________________ recurring characters:
_________________________________________ background characters:
many other hybrids
_________________________________________ antagonists:
chaotic (main antagonist of the whole series)
Unknown normal dragons
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ecoamerica · 2 months
Watch the 2024 American Climate Leadership Awards for High School Students now: https://youtu.be/5C-bb9PoRLc
The recording is now available on ecoAmerica's YouTube channel for viewers to be inspired by student climate leaders! Join Aishah-Nyeta Brown & Jerome Foster II and be inspired by student climate leaders as we recognize the High School Student finalists. Watch now to find out which student received the $25,000 grand prize and top recognition!
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