#fried egg jelly
bambi-lesbian-posts · 2 years
mysterious anon again! i'm so glad u get what i mean!! it's rlly such a beautiful & sweet little moment. now !!! tell me all abt the jellyfish :0 i've always thought they were the coolest freaking things ever but i know very very little abt them so tell me ur favorite fun facts abt them pls
Ohh man you are so not ready for the ridiculous amount of talking I'm about to do. Prepare yourself.
So, I have 3 main Jellyfish that I absolutely LOVE, and they are all weird and beautiful in their own ways. I'll include pictures for your viewing pleasure.
Coming in at #1 we have the Red Comb Jellyfish, whose name makes more sense if you take a look at its bright red color and the comb-like cilia that descend down the sides of its bell in straight lines. The most interesting thing about Red Comb Jellies, in my opinion, is that they are thought to be some of the fastest moving Jellyfish we have in captivity! Though if you watch them in videos (which I have done in the past upon hearing this) you'll be disappointed to find that they don't exactly ZOOM, but they are definitely faster than the leisurely moon jellies or lion's mane jellies. Red Comb Jellyfish are also not true jellyfish, they are actually ctenophores! Red Combs also live in such deep, dark waters that they are nearly invisible to the human eye while in their natural habitats, because of their vibrant red color. Deep reds have a harder time showing up on ocean cameras than other colors, so it's really a miracle that we even discovered Red Comb Jellies in the first place!
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#2 is the glorious Flower Hat Jellyfish! I don't know how exactly to describe what they look like other than 'strange' and 'colorful'. Their cilia is often pink, magenta, or purple and appears similar to beads! Which is absolutely stunning in my opinion!! These tentacles are also fluorescent, meaning these jellies light up like crazy under a blacklight! I suggest watching a video of this because it's VERY cool. Also, these jellies are actually observed to have a noticeable difference in behavior depending on the time and temperature of the water. During the day they tend to stay near the sea floor, and at night they actually drift around wherever.
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#3 is the funny-looking Fried Egg Jelly! I like these guys because they look like eggs, really. These dudes can also get BIG so that means there's just giant eggs floating around in the Mediterranean ocean. Another fun thing is that crabs and other small crustaceans sometimes use them to hitch a ride, because even though they CAN swim actively, these Jellyfish usually just float around complete still. Which makes them the perfect taxi.
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Anyways thanks so much for asking me about Jellyfish! Hopefully this was interesting for you haha
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lovertm · 13 days
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food light-switch & outlet covers by Zen Creations
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protectoursharks · 1 year
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Cotylorhiza tuberculata or Fried Egg Jellyfish
There are actually two species that are referred to as the Fried Egg Jellyfish. The one above is around the Mediterranean Sea and is usually about 20 cm (7.8 in) wide. They have short tentacles with a venom that has little to no effect on humans.
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fullcravings · 2 years
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Vegan Jelly Doughnuts (Sufganiyot)
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donuts4evry1 · 2 years
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Did a bit of a study on simple styles for jellyfish, and here are the results!
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scoutingthetrooper · 2 years
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heavensmortuary · 1 year
I assume you have antenna and pinchers
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You know it
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kakusu-shipping · 2 years
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I don’t wanna ink turf I want to go squish and kiss my Jellyfish husband
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nemxricultrix · 9 months
(my bitch ass 100% intends to make the Inness Grilly Cheese tomorrow when I get things cleaned up in my house as a TREAT. Burgers can wait grilled cheese is a god send.)
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cometchasr · 1 year
thinking about how much stuff in singapore is basically unfindable outside of east asia
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snailspng · 3 months
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"Things that should be edible"-PNGs.
(1. Velvet worm: texture like a sugared gummy and taste like elderflower, 2. Microscopic vine: texture like a mango and taste like vanilla and ripe banana, 3. Glass paperweight: texture like soft jelly and taste like the smell of chlorine, 4. Eye retina: texture like an egg and taste like ramen broth, 5. Soap: texture like hard jelly and taste like canned fruit salad, 6. Velvet mite: texture like a raisin and taste like the most ripe and sunny raspberry you've ever had, 7. Limacodid slug: texture like a steamed dumpling and taste like butter and corn, 8. Grape agate: texture like tapioca pearls and taste like sugared violets, 9. Rhodochrosite stalactite: texture like fried dough and taste like smoked paprika.)
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itslarsyouguys · 2 years
I love to cook but I have so much trouble feeding myself and I think part of that is because of a lack of energy, sure, but some of it at least is because there isn’t love in feeding myself, I don’t feel the same care and love when cooking for myself (or only rarely) and what I want isn’t just the food, I want the meal and the love, I want a smoothie made with strawberries yogurt and adoration, I want something handed to me by someone who loves me
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steddieas-shegoes · 7 months
i'm onto you
It may be Halloween, but it's also...@simplebtromance's birthday!!! You've been here with me pretty much since the beginning, and you deserve so much more than this ficlet, but I hope you love this anyway! We've had many a discussion about queer Wayne, so this is just a little something for you to sip on as a birthday treat 💖
rated t | 1,605 words check ao3 for more tags
Wayne liked to think he couldn’t be rattled, not since Eddie “died” and showed up on his doorstep being held up by Steve Harrington and Dustin Henderson looking like he hadn’t slept in a week and hadn’t showered for even longer.
But walking into his trailer to see Steve Harrington wrapped up in Eddie’s arms on his couch did startle him a bit.
It’s not like Steve was a stranger, not since he’d explained some of what happened to Eddie with certain looks that told him he wasn’t able to say more, please don’t ask, please accept what I’m telling you as the full truth and nothing but the truth. But he’d only been over when the kids were over, hanging back and watching them have fun with Eddie with a soft smile on his face.
Wayne noticed, he always noticed. But he didn’t really think much of it until now.
Steve was lying on top of Eddie, head on his chest and hand gripping his shirt like a lifeline. His face was relaxed, though, lips parted as he breathed shallowly. Eddie’s arms were wrapped around his back, hands not quite gripping, but clearly holding him tight.
It could be nothing.
It could just be that both of these boys had seen things that most wouldn’t understand and found solace in each other.
It could be that they didn’t mean to fall asleep like this.
It could be that they were exploring something together.
Wayne smiled to himself when Steve’s hand loosened, falling away from Eddie’s shirt. Eddie’s arms tightened briefly, his head turning so that his face buried more into Steve’s hair.
He walked towards his bedroom with the same fond smile on his face.
– – – – – –
It wasn’t the first time Wayne was woken up by the sound of loud music playing, but it was definitely the first time that it was the sound of Blondie blasting through the speakers of Eddie’s boombox.
His alarm clock said that it was almost ten in the morning, so he couldn’t be too mad. Six hours of sleep was more than he got for years, and from the sounds of it, Steve was still here and probably making them breakfast.
He’d done that a lot when Eddie was healing, unable to do much other than walk to the bathroom when he needed to and eat in his bed. Wayne was grateful for it, for Steve.
When he walked into the kitchen, he froze.
Eddie was sitting on the counter, Steve standing between his legs.
He considered turning around and pretending he hadn’t seen it, figured they’d both come to him when they were ready to acknowledge whatever they were.
But when he heard a quiet moan, he had to let them know he was there.
“Mornin’ boys.”
They jumped apart quickly, Steve turning towards the pan on the stove full of bacon with an obvious flush covering the back of his neck.
Eddie jumped off of the counter and tried to hide Steve’s discomfort.
“Hey. Sorry, we didn’t mean to wake you up,” Eddie started tugging on the ends of his hair, his nervous habit from childhood, even before his hair was this long.
“Music’s kinda loud. It’s okay though. Whatcha makin’?” He asked, pretending everything was normal, not pointing out that he’d just walked in on them making out in the kitchen.
“Bacon,” Steve’s shaking voice came from behind Eddie. “Fried eggs. Toast with peanut butter or jelly.”
“Sounds great,” Wayne said, walking to the coffee pot to grab a cup of coffee, smiling to himself when he realized that one of them had started a fresh pot not too long ago.
He snuck a glance at Steve, who looked like he was going to start crying any moment.
And that just didn’t sit right.
He didn’t want Steve to ever feel uncomfortable here, whether he was here as a friend to Eddie or more.
He set his mug back down without taking a sip and gently pushed Eddie aside to tug Steve into a hug.
Steve tensed in his arms for a moment, then relaxed, a shaky breath leaving him as Wayne rubbed his back.
“You’re allowed to be happy here, Steve. You don’t gotta tell me anything you don’t wanna, but you’re safe in this house. You and Ed both,” he said softly against the top of Steve’s head.
He was reminded of a similar discussion he’d had with Eddie when he was 14, when he’d been caught kissing an older boy when Wayne came home early from a shift at the plant. The boy ran, and Eddie had locked himself in his room for 15 minutes, furiously packing. When he opened the door to see Wayne leaning against the wall next to the door, unimpressed look on his face, he froze.
“Goin’ somewhere?” he’d asked him.
“You won’t want me to stay now, right?” Eddie had tried to sound confident, emotionless, but he was failing.
“Be a bit hypocritical of me to kick ya out for kissin’ a boy when I’ve got a boyfriend, wouldn’t it?”
Eddie unpacked, and they talked for a bit about Wayne’s boyfriend, Eddie being gay, and how he’d always be safe in Wayne’s house.
Steve had clearly never been given that kind of comfort, maybe hadn’t even had the chance to find that comfort in his own home. Wayne could give that to him.
“You don’t care that I’m, that we-” Steve started, almost immediately getting shushed by Wayne.
“Son, I’ve known Ed’s gay for years and if you think I wasn’t onto you the day you brought him to me half dead, I dunno what to tell ya.”
Eddie was standing to the side, watching quietly. Wayne didn’t need to see his face to know he was grateful.
“Sorry we kinda defiled the kitchen,” Steve finally said as he pulled away.
“Kissin’ ain’t defiling anything.”
Steve blushed again, wiped his eyes as he turned back to where the bacon was probably about to burn.
“No it’s not.”
Wayne paused as he thought about the phrasing of Steve’s response.
He looked over at Eddie, who was conveniently pouring his own cup of coffee. He didn’t even like coffee.
“My one and only rule is that you clean up after…whatever it is you’ve done to defile the shared space,” Wayne smirked. “I’d prefer it stays in the bedroom, though, kay?”
“Yes, sir,” Steve agreed, not making eye contact.
“Got it,” Eddie replied.
Any leftover awkwardness disappeared when Wayne tried to reach directly into the still sizzling pan to grab a piece of bacon, only to be swatted away by Steve.
“You’ll burn yourself!” Steve shook his head. “Now I see where Eddie gets it.”
“Hey!” Eddie protested. “I do not reach into still cooking pans! I wait until the food is on a plate before I burn myself!”
“My apologies. You’re just an idiot later,” Steve rolled his eyes, but the fondness in his tone gave away how much he cared about Eddie.
– – – – – –
Wayne started seeing Steve more often, usually wrapped in Eddie’s arms or holding his hand, or watching him play guitar.
He spent the night more often than not, and Wayne sometimes overheard his yelling when he had a nightmare.
Eddie explained to him that they’d gotten better, but he’d probably always have nights where the monsters made an appearance, and unfortunately, getting him out of the nightmare was pretty difficult.
If Wayne was awake already, he usually brought a cup of tea to Eddie’s room and gave them both a quick kiss on the head.
He also made them breakfast most mornings, liked cooking for them, experimenting with new recipes and finding interesting flavor combinations.
After a few months of this, Wayne suggested he look into culinary school.
“There’s a place in Indy, I know one of the chefs there. He’d probably be able to help ya get started,” Wayne said around a bite of his peach pancakes with vanilla syrup.
“I dunno if I can do much besides breakfast and desserts,” Steve shrugged, looking down at his plate. “Plus, Indy’s too far to be driving back and forth every day. I still have to work.”
“Not if you live there. And you could probably work at a restaurant in the evenings.”
Eddie watched them both, unreadable expression on his face.
“You know, there’s a few bars there that I could play at. A record shop that probably would hire me,” Eddie chipped in casually, taking a bite of his pancake.
“What?” Steve asked.
“Yeah. I mean, we’d need to find somewhere cheap, but we could swing it. I’ve got some money still from the government.”
“Yeah, but-”
Eddie’s fork clinked against his plate when he set it down.
“Stevie. Do you want to try?”
Wayne watched them watch each other, small smile forming as he started to understand their silent conversation.
“Only if it’s with you, baby,” Steve finally said.
“Then we’ll go this weekend to check it out.”
– – – – – – – –
Wayne got to watch them choose each other.
He watched them choose a life outside of Hawkins.
He watched them choose a future where they could have a happiness he could only dream of.
They came to visit often, and invited Wayne to their apartment almost as often.
They even brought him to one of their favorite bars, known for being a safe place for queer people, where he struck up a conversation with one of the bartenders, Larry.
And then he got to choose a life outside of Hawkins too.
One that led to more happiness than he could have pictured for himself.
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bogleech · 3 months
At least being an extremely picky eater as a child means my adult life became filled with brand new food experiences.
Among the things I never tasted until my 20s and up include pizza, waffles, pasta sauce, macaroni and cheese, fried eggs, meatballs, sausage of any kind, fish other than canned tuna, shrimp, crab, steak, ice cream other than plain chocolate, cooked vegetables in general, jam or jelly of any kind, gravy, stew, curry, vegetable stir fry, nuts, berries, and tomatoes.
Before roughly some point in my very late teens for some reason the thought of eating any of those and countless other things repulsed me. I liked only smooth bland textures with one simple flavor. My meal of choice was pasta with nothing on it but butter and a pinch of salt. Yes like just a bowl of pure starch. The only vegetable I liked was every form of potato, and lettuce. Like I just ate plain heads of lettuce.
Now I love every food so much I eagerly anticipate the next time I'll be hungry but then I'm paralyzed by choices. Even sandwiches I can make at home feel like an indulgence sometimes. I plain overlook some things for years, like I just realized today I don't know what a "banana split" is like but I had a banana and some ice cream. Now I do! I like ice cream a lot better with a banana I think! Im forty
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donuts4evry1 · 2 years
Me IRL trying to remember both the scientific names and the numerous common names that jellyfish have because I don't want to sound pretentious when I talk about my beloved jellies but I also don't want to confuse people when I talk about them either
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hymnism · 1 year
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