tekbro · 2 months
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Owed art for @friar-fryer! OcO
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beardedmrbean · 8 months
The Skibidi toilets are gmod/sfm shitposts about heads sticking out of toilets going on a rampage, and dudes with cameras for heads fighting back against them. It’s just stupid fun and people keep making new shorts of it adding to some sort of “arms race” going on. It’s like more advanced stick figure fights we’d see back in the day
Far less complex than I thought, which is saying something since I didn't think it was terribly complex to begin with.
@givrally here you go, it's a big silly shitpost fight.
I love simple fun, what a joy it is.
Thank you for the info
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dumb-anime-girl · 2 years
Russet- I need to borrow some money
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You think I got money??
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strawberri-draws · 2 years
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…this came to me in a vision
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cyn-cedilla · 1 year
goggle , can you make soup in an air fryer. ?
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incorrect-hs-quotes · 6 months
GAMZEE: KiTcHeN aPpLiAnCe BaCkStReEt BoYs: YoU aRe... My FrYeR
JOHN: ancient greek back street boys: you are... my lyre!
SOLLUX: electriiciian back2treet boy2: you are... my wiire
FEFERI: Appliance Backstreet Buoys: You are... my dryer!
DAVE: hits side of cd player so that it stops time traveling and gets to the next fucking line jesus christ
ROSE: Wizard Backstreet Boys: The one... descryer.
JADE: funeral director backstreet boys: bereave when i say!
ARADIA: gh0st backstreet b0ys: i haunt it that way 0u0
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mocha-sees-all · 26 days
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Look! I have art children now. Aren't they glorious?
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look at the babies, so cute! They don't exist yet, but they'll be super cute when they do.
what? no the fathers arent super obvious shutup- @davidthepyro @friar-fryer
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helioraesol · 6 days
Yuri Briar
Yuri Friar
Yuri Choir
Yuri Shire
Yuri Prior
Yuri Fryer
Yuri Squire
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5/26/24: We were in Lisbon from Tuesday 5/21 until 5/26 when we checked out of the Bessa Hotel. What a lovely experience. Claude thought maybe the hotel owners had some German roots, since the breakfasts were full of black bread, rolls, and cured meats, but isn’t that basically European breakfast? There was the fab sheeps milk cheese that we keep having here in Portugal — a singular delight in all of its forms — on bread, with olives, with jam. The coffee machines are extraordinary—big and hulking, with about 10 different options, including macchiata, cappacino, chocolate, chocolate milk, HOT chocolate., hot milk, plus all the usual shorto and luongo espresso options, plus Americano, and others. I really enjoyed the combo, plain chocolate with a short or luongo espresso, and an Americano thrown in to fill the mug. Europeans don’t quite seem to get the American need for LARGE quantities. I don’t mind, their dinner portions are so reasonable and very tasty. But the coffee needs to SuStaIN us, it needs to last a while. Not just the caffeine effect, but the ACT of hanging around and drinking the coffee has to last awhile. Why? I don’t know. Maybe Americans feel we can’t just sit and relax. Once the coffee is done, we must get on with our very important day. SO we need there to be enough coffee to allow us to sit and procrastinate a little longer. 🤷‍♀️
5/26 we walked from our hotel to Hertz and rented a car. Drove back to hotel, grabbed our bags, and headed North to Arraiolos. We settled in at Hotel Pousada Convento Arraiolos, one of the government run hotels you can stay in around this country. They contract with a hotel company, Pesana, and it's actually really nice, we were kind of surprised to find out. And cheap!! No one offered to help with our bags, but no biggie, we were fine dragging them up and down the stone steps as we made our way to our room. It's an ancient convent, with massive stone walkways, and we felt like we were back in the old times. Well Claude didn't feel like a nun, but it was fun to wander around the vast stone spaces. I chose to imagine myself a Friar ambling around, and Claude decided he would have been more of a Broiler. Ha Ha. If you don't get the joke, it's ok...this whole blog is more like one big inside joke written for my travel partner, and I only hope it's mildly amusing for everyone else who peeks at it along the way! (But FYI "Fryer" is a kind of chicken, and, ha ha, so is a ha ha...if I have to explain it, it's obvs not that funny...)
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virgina-woolf · 27 days
rollercoaster school day. 6th period was a fucking nightmare but 7th brought this incredible exchange
me: so Romeo’s going to talk to the friar—
kid: like a deep fryer?
(class erupts into hysterics)
different kid: (raises hand) what does he fry?
me: the friar is Romeo’s confidant. Romeo confesses to him and he fries the sins
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beardedmrbean · 9 months
How are you a creep? All you do is share memes, and spread llama propaganda
Old drama that for some reasons someone decided to drag back up, I have my theories about the who's and the why's but they're only based on my gut.
I'm thinking about taking the time to go and ID the person, but I don't really think it's entirely worth the effort just yet.
There are ways to identify the anon tho, always have been, if they were on site at least.
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dumb-anime-girl · 2 years
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Just saying praise isn't praise!
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toodeepforyou · 2 years
i had this friend a long time ago, after high school he fell in with the franciscans and became a monk. took a vow of poverty, gave all his stuff to the church, went to live in a monastery, the whole thing. so anyways a couple years back his uncle dies, rich old bastard, leaves my guy a mil in the will. this presents a problem on account of the vow of poverty thing, see? so he gives the overwhelming majority of it right to the church straight away, but he can’t help but keep a bit of pocket change for himself. not enough to compromise his vow, obviously, just enough to get a little something fancy. so he goes out and buys some nice kitchen appliances. now he’s an heir friar with an air fryer
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barefootfriar · 1 year
can I call you fryer
pwease don't -- it's friar
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sneakygirlgamer166 · 1 month
When you're working in a fast food restaurant and your coworker is a sexy, devout Catholic and someone says "put it in the fryer (friar)"
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tiny-buzz · 8 months
Couples: Here's 19 Ways To Spice Up Regis Weekend In The Bedroom
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- Introduce toys to the bedroom (aides, swings, Legos, video games, card games, tabletop games where thou can assume the visage of a holy knight, a wycked emperor, a valiant elf, a powerful orc, a tyre goblyne (post ‘tyre goblyne’ in the comments if you get this funny, funny reference), a wycked mage, a powerful cleric, a wycked bard, a wycked mage, a powerful troll, or a gorgeous woman orc).
- Try a little role play (lady boss and idiot male secretary, sensual graphic designer and idiot male client at a mid-size independent brewery in the northeast, voluptuous park ranger and distressed idiot male hiker who has neglected to pack water, house-wrecking girl-next-door munitions manufacturer and idiot male secretary, femme fatale school board chairwoman and idiot male skateboarder who was involved in a hit-and-run on school grounds and is threatening to sue if the school doesn’t buy him a new board)
-Buy an air fryer to produce delectable delites for the bedroom and beyond. Don’t forget to buy a towel to prevent crumbs on the bed.
-Air fried fruit cups
-Coax your partner into eating delicious air fryed foods. Don’t they look schmexy wolfing down the second tray of air fryer quinoa shooters? Aren’t you still in love with them?
-Spank your partner Regis-style. Did you know that Mr. Television himself was a long-time proponent of sexual spanking? Regis and Joy would spank each other several nights a week, sometimes for hours, while the buzzy glow of the television illuminated the otherwise unlit hotel rooms.
-Regis Boudoir photoshoot Featuring premium clam-inspired lingerie
-“Joy loves watching HSN while being spanked by me. She'd kill me if she knew I was saying this, but she loves seeing all the new products and appliances being demonstrated on television all while receiving punishment in the form of spanking. Ain't that something?"
-Clam juice-scented lingerie
-Sizeplay — Did you ever fantasize about 2 inches tall while a 14 foot tall Regis, dressed as Lady Wolverine, steps on your face with stiletto heels?
-addressing madame wolverine, while extremely microscopic, and wearing formal, gentlamanly attire of the finest qualitie: "...much, mcuh smaller than you, my ladyship..."
-the year is 3012: same-size voring has just been legalized by Nude Gingrixh 2 (virtual ginGRINCH software from MicroSexSoft)
-Watching a documentary, hosted by AI-generated Regis, wherein Nim Chimsky (language ape) signs syntactically correct erotic sentences, which are then spoken by a Regis Voice Synthesizer
-Mark Zuckerberg, to a wounded nation, minutes after the events of 10/17: "We are adding patriotic vore to the metaverse as a sign of respect for the thousands that just died during the tragic events of 10/17." (Puts on absolutely stupid looking computer hat)
-“babe that erotic sentence, syntactically correct, was conceived in the mind of an intelligent ape, and spoken by a computer in the style of regis philbin... (austin powers voice) does that make you horny baby?"
-Tie your partner up to the bed and then go play video games
-Regis 64 With Rumble Pack
-Put the Rumble Pack in your b*tt
-Sonic the Sexual Hedgehog is BACK with 64 bits of erotic, relationship-saving graphics. Watch as Sonic jumps in bed with you and your partner(s) to rekindle the flame with incredible speed. You'll be done in seconds and back to listlessly scrolling apps and checking stock quotes
- Air friar. Earth friar. Wind friar. Like that cartoon. Funny stuff,
- Some couples "get off" on the thrill of Regis Weekend being extended to Wednesday, October 4th. If you're one of those couples, you're in luck: Regis Weekend has been being extended to Wednesday, October 4th nd.
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