#freelance writing services
kibakingonyo · 2 years
Content Marketing Procedure to Boost Your Online Business Growth
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Content marketing is the best way to market your products and services online. It links businesses with potential clients.
Through content marketing, you can target the exact people looking for your goods. All you need is to know what kind of content fits your audience and which platform to find them.
Knowing the best search engine practices also helps match content with the top search results relevant to your audience's intent.
It`s crucial for every marketer to learn content marketing to increase income, and that`s what this article is about.
What Content Marketing Mean
Content marketing is the creating, publishing, and distributing of videos, audio, texts, and photos on the internet in order to promote businesses.
The content is published on platforms such as social media, blogs, emails, podcasts, etc.
Why Content Marketing Is Important
Content marketing helps find the exact challenges people face through the keywords they use and create content to solve them.
Creating helpful content makes it easy to convince people to buy your goods, which are the tangible solutions to their challenges.
It also attracts clients and increases brand awareness.
Content marketing helps search engines match content with people`s search queries and helps get businesses to potential clients.
Quality content builds authority and increases trust and reliability hence drawing more clients.
Content Marketing Types
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Types of content marketing vary according to a target audience and platform. If you market to YouTube or podcasts audience, you will have to focus on videos.
If your audience is based on blogs or social media platforms, you can combine videos, texts, and pictures.
Here are the main types of social media content marketing:
Blog Content Marketing
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This involves creating content on blogs and optimizing it for SEO. You can promote blog content by sharing it on social media, inbound links, and paid ads.
Ensure to create content that answers your target audience's questions. To be able to create client-focused blog content, conduct keyword research; it will allow you to know what people want.
You can do keyword research by using keyword research tools. If you have no budget for tools, use free methods.
Search for anything relating to your niche and look down the search results. You will see a list of relevant keywords to take insights from.
Social Media Content Marketing
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This refers to marketing content on social media platforms. Your business model will determine which social media platform you should focus on.
There are platforms that do better for B2B marketing and ones that work better for B2C, while in others you can market both B2B and B2C.
All you need is to find your target audience and create relevant content solving their intent.
For example, if you create entertainment content, don`t market to an engineering audience.  Such an audience is not interested in entertainment content and won't engage or buy your services or products.
B2B Social Media Platforms include:
B2C Social Media Platforms comprise of:
Paid Ads Content Marketing
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Also known as pay-per-click (PPC), this refers to the process of paying search engines so your adverts can be placed on the top pages of search results.
Advertisers pay search engines for actions performed on their ads. This depends on your bids. Bids are the actions you want your ads to get. These actions include impressions, clicks, views on video ads, and conversions.
Ensure your keywords are relevant to your ads and match the audience`s search intent. Also, use a user-friendly landing page to make it easy for people to navigate and perform your call to action.
There are several types of paid ads, which are:
Search Advertising
This displays ads on the search engine results. Ensure to conduct keyword research so you can use keywords that match what people search for.
Display Advertising
This shows ads on the advertising networks' partner websites. In this paid ad marketing, search engines match ads with the relevant websites.
When you create car-selling ads, they get displayed on car blogs. If somebody opens the blogs, your ads will surface and entice people to click on them.
Social Media Advertising
This displays ads on social media platforms. You can choose the kind of social media platform you want to market per your business model and target market.
Create relevant ads and choose whether they should be displayed on the newsfeed or the social media platforms.
Remarketing Advertising
Also known as retargeting, this involves creating ads specifically for people who have engaged with your ads but did not convert.
For example, if somebody clicked on your ads but didn`t buy, you can create ads and remarket to them to persuade them to take action.
You can identify who interacted with your ad but didn`t buy by tracking your ads performance.
Google Shopping
These are the kinds of ads mostly used by e-commerce websites. They display product ads with descriptive information on the search results.
Ads are displayed with information like price, product quality, company phone number, location, and working hours. This helps users to get complete information before they click.
How to Plan Your Content
Knowing how to plan your content helps solve your audience's intent and create a strong long-term marketing strategy.
You can plan your content using these methods:
Set Goals
Goals provide the road map to what you want to achieve with your content. These goals can be:
Increasing brand awareness and authority
Strengthening customer relationship
Increasing conversions
Analyze Your KPIs
KPIs refer to key performance indicators. They imply the measurable values used to examine businesses` success.
They help verify the attainability of marketing purposes.
For example, if your goal is increasing brand awareness, your KPIs will be sign-ups, traffic, reviews, and social media shares.
Conversions are measured by how many people take your landing page actions, and KPIs for strengthening customer relationships are traffic, mentions, social media shares, and sign-ups.
Set Your Budget
Your marketing goals, type of content, and marketing platform contribute to how much you need to spend.
Videos will require video editing tools, blog content may require freelancers and keyword research tools, and you may also need social media automation tools to speed up content creation.
Measure your KPIs compared to your goals and adjust your budget to fulfill your purpose.
Create Content Consistently
People like fresh content. Teach people new effective ways to solve their problems and you`ll convince them to follow you.
An inconsistent marketer is unreliable. Search engines rank websites that consistently publish and market new content.
Inconsistent websites get low traffic and that signalizes search engines that your content isn`t helpful. If you get much traffic, search engines index it more and rank it.
Collect Your Results
Analyzing results helps know whether your marketing strategy performs well or not. Measure how your website is performing so you can correct or re-strategize your marketing campaigns.
Some of the best tools to measure marketing analysis are:
Sprout Social
Google Analytics
Content marketing has a space for every business to succeed. Your expertise in the kind of content you create matters.
The best strategy is to find a targeted audience relevant to your niche. Research their intent and address it thoroughly in your content.
Set your marketing goals, assess your KPIs, decide on the type of content to create, set your budget, publish content consistently and analyze your results. This will help you know what does and what doesn`t work so you can improve your business.
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abirahmedofc · 2 years
Homo Sapiens
While functional differences between today’s cell phones and traditional computers are becoming less clear, one difference remains plain — cell phones are almost always on-hand and allow users to connect with an array of services and networks at almost any time and any place. The Pew Center’s Internet and American Life Project suggests that college students are the most rapid adopters of cell phone technology and research is emerging which suggests high frequency cell phone use may be influencing their health and behavior. Thus, we investigated the relationships between total cell phone use (N = 496) and texting (N = 490) on Satisfaction with Life (SWL) in a large sample of college students. It was hypothesized that the relationship would be mediated by Academic Performance (GPA) and anxiety. Two separate path models indicated that the cell phone use and texting models had good overall fit. Cell phone use/texting was negatively related to GPA and positively related to anxiety; in turn, GPA was positively related to SWL while anxiety was negatively related to SWL. These findings add to the debate about student cell phone use, and how increased use may negatively impact academic performance, mental health, and subjective well-being or happiness.
A short letter from a depressed lover-
It’s with a feeling of deep hatred that I’m starting off this letter. I hope words will manage to convey my huge disappointment. You’ve made me look like a fool, you lied to me, you betrayed me and I didn’t even see it coming! You went as far as to transform a woman’s name into a man’s to keep me in the dark! Everything comes out one day, you should know that. It was a shock to see you reach such a new low! The worst being that it wasn’t just a fling, a one night stand after a booze filled night. No, you cheated on me for eight months straight, are you even aware of the humiliation that represents for me? How disappointed I am? Overflowing with sadness? I loved you so much, and it felt reasonable to think that you loved me too. You looked me in the eye and told me you loved me, only to sleep with another a few hours later!! Not to mention unprotected! I thought you were happy, you never told me our couple wasn’t working for you, yet it must have been the case, unless you were some kind of womanizer all along and I hadn’t noticed it. Nothing would surprise me at this point…
I’m sick of your lies letter : a sad breakup letter
I don’t even blame the poor girl, she’s in no way guilty she’s allowed to have fun with whomever she wants. But it’s my boyfriend who somehow just had to make a move. You say that you still love me, that you don’t want me to leave you, but I think all the signs point the same way : that is what, deep down, you were waiting for. You are a coward and a liar, two red flags when it comes to men. I gave you everything, I believed in us ; after a three year relationship, I assumed I was legitimately entitled to that much. You ruined everything. And to say I thought we had built our love on sturdy foundations.
Images come and go, memories pile up, and going back to them just doesn’t make me happy anymore. They feel thin, foggy, shredded. How can I try to rebuild an enduring love on foundations destroyed by this long lasting treason? What can you do to reclaim my trust? Nothing. How could I even think about a future with an unfaithful man?
Time might heal my wound and allow me to move forward, with you at my side. Maybe I will never manage to look you in the eye anymore. I don’t know, I just don’t know anymore, I am completely lost. Do you realize what eight months represent? Almost a year! Why? Why did you do this to us? I’m so angry at you, that no words could convey my feelings regarding you behavior. I’m ashamed of having believed you, ashamed of having given you my trust. Have you no regret? Good, you should, you deserve to.
A brief story of love research-
Most popular contemporary ideas about love can be traced to the classical Greek philosophers. Prominent in this regard is Plato’s Symposium. It is a systematic and seminal analysis whose major ideas
have probably influenced contemporary work on love more than all subsequent philosophical work combined. However, four major intellectual developments of the 19th and 20th centuries provided key insights that helped shape the agenda for current research and theory of love.
The first of these was led by Charles Darwin, who proposed that reproductive success was the central process underlying the evolution of species. Evolutionary theorizing has led directly to such currently popular concepts as mate preference, sexual mating strategies, and attachment, as well as to the adoption of a comparative approach across species.
A second important figure was Sigmund Freud. He introduced many psychodynamic principles, such as the importance of early childhood experiences, the powerful impact of motives operating outside of awareness, the role of defenses in shaping the behavioral expression of motives, and the role of sexuality as a force in human behavior.
A third historically significant figure was Margaret Mead. Mead expanded awareness with vivid descriptions of cultural variations in the expression of love and sexuality. This led researchers to consider the influence of socialization and to recognize cultural variation in many aspects of love.
The emerging women’s movement during the 1970s also contributed to a cultural climate that made the study of what had been traditionally thought of as ‘‘women’s concerns’’ not only acceptable, but in fact necessary for the science of human behavior. At the same time, a group of social psychologists were beginning their work to show that adult love could be studied experimentally and in the laboratory.
Any history of psychological research on love would be incomplete without reference to ‘‘l’affaire Proxmire.’’ In March 1975, William Proxmire, then a powerful U.S. Senator, gave the first of a series of so-called Golden Fleece awards to Ellen Berscheid and Elaine Hatfield, the two most prominent love researchers of the time. They had recently received a federal grant for their work, for what he saw as the misuse of federal tax-payer dollars on a topic ‘‘better left to poets.’’ For the ensuing years, that ill-informed and ignoble proclamation cast a pall not only on Berscheid and Hatfield, but on any scientist interested in studying love. To this day, politics occasionally obstructs funding for and the conduct and dissemination of research on love. Despite the political barrier to love research in the U.S., other countries, particularly Canada, have taken a more enlightened view, as have at least two private foundations.
Life and Satisfactions?
Dimensions and Objects of Happiness Happiness has been the object of an enormous amount of philosophical reflection for a very long time. More recently, it has also been the object of a great deal of empirical work. Some of the philosophical or conceptual questions which have been raised are: What sort of an affective episode is happiness, the sort of thing which may but need not be felt at a time? What is the relation between happiness as an affective episode, and happiness as an enduring state or disposition? Is happiness, understood as an affective episode, ever an emotion? If so, what is its object, what is it about? Is happiness invariably a good thing? In what follows, I shall put forward and argue for some answers to these questions. I shall consider the last three questions in greater detail than the others since it seems to me that they have been neglected in the philosophy and science of happiness. My answers to these three questions rely on a number of assumptions which I shall make explicit but which must here remain mere assumptions. Is happiness always a positive emotion?
THE MORAL- Life is all about happiness,anxiety and satisfaction. Admit it when you have it.
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acapellapotato · 2 years
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thinking about bringing my ghostwriting services back. i tried to create a fiverr gig but they penalized me for their website not loading....
the first except is from my urban fantasy short story “A Game For Witches” (set in the Witch: The Affinity universe) & the second is from my cosmic horror/high fantasy short story “The Hunger” (set in The Blackthorn Archives universe. image is from unsplash, edited on befunky.com & in the Procreate app.
msha.ke/mikahorror | Instagram: @mika.horror | TikTok: mikahorror
cashapp: $mikamoonsong
Venmo: @mikahorror
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fayrobertsuk · 3 months
It's been a long year and it's only February…
Well, it's time to put this out there: I've had a fairly shitty few years (like, haven't we all, obviously), but it's included a long, expensive legal battle against unscrupulous cysts, which is finally concluded satisfactorily save being left somewhat skint on the other side of it. Doesn’t help that said battle meant that I had to move house - not exactly a low activity on the expense and stress scales…
So I'm looking for extra work, to help while we wait for the Luxury Space Communism to kick in (I'd settle for Universal Basic Income or an end to the Housing and Cost of Living Crisis, tbh).
Things I do to a professional standard include:
Creative Mentoring and Tutoring (writing and performance techniques, especially for poetry - bespoke or standard workshops available for groups as well as one-to-one).
Project Management (feeling overwhelmed by a project you want to get off the ground and/ or run within budget and timescale? I can help with that).
Business Change Management (you need to expand or shift your business focus? I can help that happen in a well-managed fashion).
Performance Poetry (got a bunch of poems, 18 years' experience delivering them live, and a nice voice).
Writing to Commission (especially poetry, but I write both fictive prose and essays too).
Voice Acting and Narration (I've acted in audio dramas and narrated short stories, training videos, and so far one documentary).
Book and Pamphlet Production (I operate a small press).
Basic website setup and maintenance.
Training on any of the above.
I have a sliding scale of rates depending on customer circumstances, and you can book me for a free initial consultation via my website: https://www.fayroberts.co.uk/crass-commercialism/services/
And if you fancy just sending me money because you're generous, I have a ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/fayroberts
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abronzeagegod · 3 months
I am, once again, employed!
And thank god it’s before I started burning through my savings savings
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ciaralavelle · 1 year
New gigs on Fiverr!
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mooodyblue · 1 year
life is making me want to bash my head into the goddamn wall.
need a job! can't get a job because i have no transportation! need a car!! can't get a car cause i don't have money!! in order to get money i need a job!!! like girl what the hell am i supposed to do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 24 and i have barely worked i barely leave my house i need a JOB
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horsemeatluvr23 · 1 month
i currently watch 18 of the hermits and am constantly stuck between wanting to watch more hermits and knowing i should probably drop a couple before i get a job again. but also like... what if i watched more anyway....
im too behind atm to actually add another pov, and i need to catch up on the life series too but like... man what if i just did it anyway. whos gonna stop me? no one. thats who. i will feed my own hyperfixation and no one can get in my way!!!!
if i do end up adding a new pov who would you recommend? i currently dont watch Xisuma, stress, false, wels, hypno, jevin, joe and doc
i also dont watch xb, but i tried to and i just cant get past the texture pack (it upsets me that i cant)
i get you so much .. idk how i have technically two jobs (although they're very much part time) and am in school full time and still somehow manage to keep up with 26 different povs or. however many it is.
out of all the people you don't watch i'd probably recommend xisuma the most, i think his videos are super easy to watch even if you havent seen a lot of his content before. he has a great balance of building/redstone/interaction with the other hermits and his episodes are typically on the shorter side but he uploads regularly. i may be biased because i really really love his content but. i think he's great
also totally understand the issue w xb's texture pack lol, it's taken like 4 years of me watching him to adjust to it and i still don't like it buuut. i like his content enough to look past it... he's such a silly guy. although i do find that with quite a lot of his episodes i end up playing them in the background like a podcast rather than paying close attention to what's happening on screen. tbh if you watch keralis and beef you probably get quite a lot of xb content anyways so i wouldn't worry too much about missing out!!
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chainsawmochi · 1 year
Need a Writer/Fanfiction?
I am offering my ghostwriting services via fiverr so that I can afford to live. For those of you that have read my fan fiction, you know what I can produce in a relatively short period of time. Now, I am offering those services to you!
If you would like to have someone ghostwrite a novel for you, or an ebook, I'm your guy. Check out my fiverr gigs for more information!
Coming soon: I am considering offering a gig or two for writing fan fiction. Nothing about that is set in stone yet, but if you are interested, let me know. I would only be writing Black Butler and maybe Kingdom Hearts, Silent Hill, and Fatal Frame, but we'll see. UPDATE: Black Butler Fanfiction, anyone? https://www.fiverr.com/s2/109c47f0a2
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kibakingonyo · 2 years
How Keyword Density Can Help Your Content Rank
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Keyword usage can make or break your content. It`s the factor that helps search engines match your content with relevant search queries.
People use keywords and rely on search engines to give them results that solve their intent. Therefore, if you use properly use them, you will increase your chances of having your content availed to potential clients.
This article covers good keyword density practices to increase your organic SEO rank and improve your online marketing business.
What is Keyword Density?
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Keyword density refers to the number of keywords used in a piece of content.
To do keyword density calculation, divide the number of keywords by your content word count multiplied by 100.
This means that if your content word count is 3000 and the keywords used are 30, your keyword density will be 1%.
Why Keyword Density is Important
Keywords enable search engines to understand the search queries with which to match your content.
Using the appropriate keyword density makes it easy for people to find your content and buy your products or services.
Elements of Keyword Density
There are several elements determining keyword density, including:
Avoid Keyword Stuffing
This refers to the repetition of too many irrelevant keywords in a piece of content to trick the search engines and rank.
Keyword stuffing makes content sound unnatural and annoys readers, making websites lose traffic.
Search engines can easily identify keyword-stuffed content and lower a website's rank or remove it from their indexes.
To avoid such penalties, use keywords relevant to your content and ensure they flow naturally.
Focus on Target Intent
The importance of keywords is to help the audience find your content. However, content that explores your audience persona intent in-depth gives the most results.
Find keywords relevant to your topic and utilize them in a logical manner. Ensure your focus keyword defines the purpose of your content so it can be found on the appropriate search queries.
Use keywords that make the search engines and people know whether your intended purpose is informational, commercial, etc.
Commercial content includes keywords like purchase, affordable, cheap, on sale, etc.
Informational content includes keywords like guides, how to, why, what, etc
Informational content helps people learn different topics while commercial content is used to promote products and services.
Use Keywords in Your Content Key Areas
These are areas that the audience sees first before reading your whole content. Include your focus keyword to help people understand your content`s intent.
Search engines also use content key areas to know the context for which to match your content with search queries.
Examples of content key areas are:
Title tag
Meta description
Incorporate keywords in these areas and ensure they flow naturally. Don`t stuff them.
The Best Keyword Density
The crucial keyword density rule is ensuring that your keyword flows naturally in your content.
Focusing much on how many keywords you use can result in keyword stuffing. This might make you use keywords in an irrelevant context and make your content awful to the users.
However, using 1-2 keywords in every 100 words can help your content to be indexed.
Keyword Density Tools
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Manually keyword density is tiresome and time-consuming. It can also result in erroneous outcomes. Keyword density tools can help in speeding up your process and enable achieving accurate results.
Some of the best keyword density tools include:
GeoRanker Keyword Density Checker Too
GeoRanker Keyword Density Checker Tool
Small SEO Tools Keyword Density Checker
Add Me Tool
SEO Review Tools Keyword Density Checker
Live Keyword Density Analysis
Internet Marketing Ninjas Keyword Density Analysis Tool
The Hoth Keyword Density Checker
SEO Chat Keyword Density Tool
Webconfs.com Keyword Density Checker
Prioritize high-quality content and keywords will flow naturally. That is the only way to appeal to your audience and make search engines index and rank your content.
Proper keyword density helps avoid any penalty that inappropriate keyword usage may bring.
Make sure that you avoid keyword stuffing, focusing on your target topic, and utilizing keywords in content focus areas.
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abirahmedofc · 2 years
Who is Abir Ahmed?
Abir Ahmed is a Freelance writer, Author & music production company owner. He is currently living in paris, France. Abir Ahmed is the Founder & CEO OF Heartfootprints Records. He launched his writing and music production company in 2020. He was born in 15 December 2001 in Comilla of Comilla division of Bangladesh. Name of his parents ‘Halal Ahmed ‘,Jesmin Ahmed. He completed his school at comilla zilla school, He is a graduate student at Comilla Government Collage.
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yangjeongin · 1 year
sorry for being so inactive y’all i’ve been hyperfixating on making a fiverr account the past few days FGDGFGFGF
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msnichiko · 7 months
Hi! I'm Nichiko, 21 years old. I am a student but due to some financial problems I have to stop and save some money for my tuition fee in able to study next semester. I am currently unemployed and have some issues in socializing physically that's why I chose to work from home. I'm an introvert and I'm still new in this field but I'm a quick learner and I am a reliable person. I badly want to start a new life and achive my goals someday. 
I am offering my assistance to suffice what you guys need and I'm also accepting commissions! 
This includes: 
• Video Editing 
• Social Media Management
• Graphic Designing
• Schedule/Calendar Organizing
I also do commissions for:
• Transcribing handwritten notes to digital documents
• Reviewer
• Transes
• Poetry
• Book Cover (canva)
• Slide Deck Presentation (powerpoint/canva) 
If interested you can message me here directly on tumblr or in my twt and gmail 
Twitter : @msnichiko_
Mode of payment is through PayPal. 
I really need a client to save some money. Any kind of help such as rendering my services, tips, donations, and reblogs would mean a lot and would be greatly appreciated. 
Thank you!!! 💜
PS. I do not own my icon and any of these pics, I got it from pinterest.
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mikeyslifeondisplay · 9 months
A New Addition to the Family
“Start writing, no matter what. The water does not flow until the faucet is turned on.” -Louis L’AMour Greetings again minions! Hope all of you are staying safe out there (and considering the weather we’ve had in the Vegas over the past week, I also hope that you’ve managed to stay [somewhat] dry). It’s been a while since I posted on here so I figured that a post and update was necessary to…
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View On WordPress
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itztahsinrahman · 10 months
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"Unleash your brand's digital prowess with our expert digital marketing strategies 🚀✨ Experience exponential growth and unstoppable success online! 💼📈 #DigitalMarketingMastery #OnlineSuccess #DigitalBrandPower"
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alienpost · 10 months
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Social Media marketing for business growth by Alienspost
Alienspost.com is an Online Freelancers webportal that provides you support, advice for your career life, boost your career life with us. You'll get team based business solution, curated experience, powerful workspace for teamwork and productivity, cost effective platform with best free agents around the world on your finder tips. Thanks for visiting us. Alienspost is an online freelancers agency that provides you different facitilites like work from home, digital marketing, freelancers. Work from home is a need for this era. You can work easily at home with variable working hours. Visit us : https://alienspost.com/
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