#fourth semester
First day, fourth semester.
Day 18
Henlo, today has been a good day. I woke up and got up in 9 minutes which is only medium difficulty. I did an awesome dark smokey eye and put a cute casual chic outfit together. Lemme give you some visuals.
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The first day of classes was great. I got partnered to work with one of my friends (The Captain, and I asked to be, even though the supervisor said they'll do groups on random). We will be creating around the general theme of "What are the problems created by digital media?" so our focus can be on privacy, misinformation, alienation from "real life", etc. We'll do something ironic, basically subverting expectations by suggesting people should spend MORE time on their phones and other such silly goose things. It'll be great. I am tired but satisfied with how today went. I feel excited to work with Birdman as a supervisor and lecturer again.
Love and I have been discussing relationship stuff as we've both been a little too much in our heads and disconnected from each other. I am really happy we talk about these things and that they keep checking in as I need more reassurance than most. I am still thinking of doing the new Insta page thing. It's time for me to take my makeup off (it'll take a Minute) and get ready for speep. I know it's early, but I think I could wake up earlier tomorrow and see if I can put some work into the Insta page before heading to school.
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pansyfemme · 15 days
grades came in too my life is wonderful college is the best thing to ever happen to me
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crybaby-bkg · 29 days
I’m so sad I was so sure I was gonna get all As this semester but it’s looking like I’ll still end up with one B 😭😭😭😭😭
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fishandshesmygills · 26 days
i think im honestly doing a good job locking in this finals season bc it's the first finals season i havent had a crush on anybody
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atomicradiogirl · 2 months
twenty one pilots wrote next semester for me personally actually
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aroacehanzawa · 6 months
help my university is going to hunt me down and kill me
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tiny-cloud-of-flowers · 7 months
To provide some clarity/as a heads-up: I am currently entering what I have started to refer to as “crunch weekend”. To cut a long story short, I have two essays and a 15-minute presentation to start and then also finish within the next two or three days. This is a lot of work.
This means I will probably not have much time to be around very much in terms of actually posting or keeping up with the dashboard, but I will still try and catch back up with things when I take breaks - I just cannot guarantee I’ll be around as much, for the aforementioned reasons. Especially since I would also like to get some sleep this weekend.
I will continue with everything F/Ovember-related after I’ve submitted the last essay on Tuesday, and F/Ovember asks will most likely take priority over non-F/Ovember asks, so that I can get the event complete before the month is done. My dream is to have an empty inbox before the year’s end, but I have literal dozens of things in there, so.. something tells me that’s not happening considering how much thought answering asks tends to take, ahaha
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lesmiserablol · 6 months
brought up the chat is a fourth person pronoun to my coworkers in the writing tutoring lab so naturally instead of doing our job we spent forty minutes inventing fourth, fifth, and sixth person pronouns from existing english words and also created two categories of verbs while we were at it
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celestialmudd · 1 month
reading my thesis with the intention of copyediting
and the novel is actually better than i thought. and wow i can see that i did improve my writing since four years ago? wild
now let's keep this up with a better headspace, let's not write under the stressful brain fog
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the-starlight-papers · 2 months
I am going to scream we got another fucking transphobic speaker this semester I thought they would be done.
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astralazuli · 1 month
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aro-who-reads · 1 year
Aro book review: Every Bird A Prince by Jenn Reese
I loved this! It's a fantasy middle grade/junior fiction book with an aromantic MC. The main character befriends a group of magic birds and helps them to fight off an evil force.
I really enjoyed the feel of the fantasy elements, although it is definitely a book aimed at younger readers, with a reasonably simple plot and obvious messages.
The fantasy side of the story is nicely paired with the MC's school experiences and her confusion at her friends' sudden interest in romance. While I certainly didn't have any friends showing any interest in romance at that age myself, it certainly fits with what I've heard a lot of other aros talk about!
So while it is aimed at younger readers, I'd definitely recommend this for anyone looking for a fantasy book with a strong aromantic focus.
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mostlikelynothuman · 1 year
Dude your Maddie Phantom fusion character is awesome! Hope to see more of them in the future! :D
holy shit how far back did you scroll on my blog i havent talked about them in forever
would you believe ive been bouncing a fic idea around in my head for years that ive just been too lazy to write maybe now ill do it
tldr I love you
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Y’all the motivation is not motivation-ing right now 😭
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yourstrullyme · 6 months
is it weird if i kind of have a crush on a girl on the course i was a TA of this semester?
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outer-edges · 7 months
im gonna go harass the fuck out of my film professor and ask him what he thinks about the kissing booth movies because he's CLEARLY seen all three of them despite disparaging them. and then im going to tell him i disliked the godfather and thought it should've been a limited series 😁
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