#found this in my drafts! she's so pretty i'm.... 🥺
clewis · 7 months
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Indiana Evans as Bella Hartley H2O: JUST ADD WATER (2006-2010)
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earlgreydream · 2 months
gods, I’m so sorry. this has been in my drafts since APRIL 2023…. I’m finally getting to it, thanks so much for this sweet request ♥️
requested: bucky needing to have a hand on you (stroking ur hair, hand on ur knee, etc) at all times after he nearly loses u 🥺 to reassure u that ure safe and he's there but mostly to reassure himself
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The silence was deafening, and it was so dark. Had it always been this way? James couldn’t remember. The Brooklyn apartment didn’t feel like a home anymore. It was empty without you, your absence ripping the essence of life from his home.
He sighed, not bothering to turn on the light. James didn’t have any intention to stay, the emptiness held an eerie feeling that he just couldn’t shake. He almost forgot what he’d gone home for — to get a change of clothes before heading back to the Tower, to wait for you.
James felt like he should have been out looking. You’d been missing for weeks — disappearing on a mission with Sam, to gather intel. There wasn’t supposed to be any real danger, he would never have let you go if he was worried about a threat to your safety.
“We need to go back, they found her,” Steve’s voice cut through the silence, and Bucky’s heart seized at his words.
“Is she alive?”
The first thing your mind registered was pain. There was a dull, heavy throbbing in every part of your body. When you tried to open your eyes, everything was too bright, and a terrible beeping worsened your splitting headache.
You blinked away the fog in your vision, a hospital room slowly coming into focus. James stood up from a chair in the corner and ran to your side, speaking frantically. You couldn’t understand him, it sounded like his voice was underwater, unclear and garbled.
Panic surged through your chest when you looked down to see an IV in your arm, and you registered the tubes on your face that were meant to help you breathe. You clawed at the IV in your arm, nails scratching your skin as you attempted to rip the needle out.
“Stop, please, baby,” James begged, grabbing your wrist to keep you from accidentally hurting yourself.
“James?” You rasped, the fear in your voice breaking his heart.
“I’m here. You’re safe, you’re in the hospital at Stark Tower. Nothing can hurt you anymore,” he promised, the words sounding clearer in your head this time.
Your chest heaved and tears started to leak down your cheeks, whimpering as a nurse emptied a sedative into your system.
James held your hand, so the nurse didn’t cuff your wrists to the bed. Your memory was foggy, but your body remembered what you’d been through — your heart rate monitor beginning to scream as the nurse talked about restraining you.
“Get out. Just get out!” James shouted, one of the few times you’d ever seen him with tears running down his face.
You began to fade as the sedative kicked in, the room quieting once it was just you and James. He listened to your shallow breathing, gently rubbing his thumb across your forearm, needing to touch you as he sat next to the bed. He had to have his hands on you, to remind himself you were there, safe.
“Don’t leave me,” you begged softly, your trembling hand laying over his.
“I won’t leave you, I promise… just get some rest, okay?” He kissed your knuckles, gazing at you with wet blue eyes.
“I can stay with her, so you can go home, change, sleep in your own bed?” Steve offered, coming in while you were asleep.
“I'm not leaving,” James murmured, barely looking up at his best friend.
“Has she told you anything about what happened?” Steve took a seat on the other side of your bed, an action that James was grateful for, even if he didn’t say so.
“No. She’s barely coherent, they’ve got her on some pretty intense medication…. Steve, she’s in rough shape. How was she when you found her?”
James was afraid to ask, but had to know. Steve shifted his weight, looking down at the floor before finally looking back at your sleeping form, bruised and battered.
"Bad, James. Hydra had her tied up, suspended from the ceiling."
James rubbed his fingers over the raw, red rings around your wrists from the restraints, stopping as you winced in your sleep.
You opened your eyes, looking over at him, reaching out to trail your fingertips over the scruff on his cheek.
"Steve, thank you," you spoke hoarsely, turning to the blond who stood at the end of the hospital bed.
"Of course. How are you feeling?" he approached and gently took your outstretched hand.
"Everything hurts," you groaned, shaking as you tried to sit up.
"Here," James helped you, supporting your weight as you settled into a seated position.
Two weeks later, you'd recovered enough to be discharged.
"I don't want to stay at the tower, I want to go home," you insisted to James, anxious to be back in the shared Brooklyn apartment.
You held his hand as he drove you to the brownstone, flinching at car horns and loud noises. As much as you ached to be home, the trauma still exhausted your nervous system, and kept James on edge.
Your friends had been kind enough to clean your place for you, warm and smelling of the dinner that was in the oven, waiting for you and James. He followed you to the kitchen, smiling softly as you eagerly dug into the first real food you’d got since your return.
Despite have the whole table to yourself, you sat on Bucky’s knee as you ate, his arm around your waist. He was quieter than usual, his face pressed into your shoulder, needing to be as close as possible. He was unable to let you go, afraid you’d slip through his fingers.
Later that night, Bucky sat on the edge of the tub, helping rinse your hair. He had all but gotten in the water with you, his sleeves rolled up as he tenderly washed your skin. Candles flickered on the counters, dimly lighting the fragrant room.
“I’m okay,” you whispered to James, your hand going to his jaw as he kissed you. His lips were soft against yours, parting just enough to catch your small gasp. You chased his mouth when he pulled away, only briefly satisfied as he planted another firm kiss to your lips. He stood to get you a towel, wrapping you up as you rose from the water.
“Let’s go to bed,” he urged, unable to hide his anxiety.
“You won’t sleep,” you accused, knowing he’d be up all night, just as he had for days.
“We can put on a movie. I just need to hold you,” his big eyes were framed by dark lashes, eyes that were impossible to say no to.
You slipped into one of his tee shirts before following him, letting yourself snuggle against his side, his arms tightly wrapping around your middle. The rhythm of his heartbeat and soft sounds of the television lulled you to sleep, resting safely in his embrace.
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jxngh · 1 year
request : 32 “if we weren’t in public right now, i’d have my head between your legs.”
89 “this is my pussy i can touch it whenever i please.”
pairing : jimin x reader
genre : smut obv.
note : it's been in my drafts for suchhhh a long time and seeing you guys still interacting w my blog made me wanna post 🥺 nd don't forget to do the poll pls (it's at the end)
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these moments were rare.
having a world-star boyfriend, you are used to see people - millions of them - admire your boyfriend, all the compliments, the way they try to be close, wishing they were you.
but now, being the star of your closest friend's wedding - that's how jimin felt -, cause in your mind you weren't really the star, maybe till the bride comes.
he was standing with his friends, talking about anything and everything while his eyes were following every move of your precious body does. he tried, god knows, he tried to focus on people's words but, no.
he looked around of him, the beautifully designed place, a glass ceiling where people could see both nature and sky, pretty candles on every table, well dressed humans, then he looked the middle of all place.
you were there.
standing with a mini saten dress, silver heels with straps, a designed silver bracelet your boyfriend gifted.
he took a deep breath, almost a dreamy sigh. all he could see was you, and when he was not looking at you he was thinking about something reminding of you.
he was basically looking at his glass of wine, trying really hard to not eat you with his eyes, and finding himself thinking that you were wearing the same color. wine. red wine. it's my favorite, he thought.
' who am i lying to? she's my favorite, that makes the colors prettier somehow ', his inner voice said.
it wasn't helping him that you were on the charge of welcoming people. you knew almost everyone in bride's life. you stood on the front door first, then started to walk around and ask people how they're doing and stuff. that was when the compliments got out of control.
you were handling it fine at the beginning, loving the attention, bowing your head down and thanking. but hearing too much of them - ' bride shouldn't let you in, you're basically glowing ' ' everybody's looking at you, it's impossible to not look tbh' ' didn't see any woman carrying the red this well.. and more - you really were blushing and trying to laugh it off.
and even though jimin couldn't hear those from the place he's been watching you, he could see. see the mini dress fitting your body so perfectly, showing every curve that he knows like a map and all the imperfections he loves. see the glittery make-up of yours, dark shade of lips, the way you walk, the way you get shy and play with your hair..
he drank and filled his glass again.
' she looks so fucking good in that dress, can't wait to take it off of her, then have my tongue on every inch of her precious skin, move my hands all through her body, taste her, ruin her pretty make-up. kiss her all night like crazy.. make her cry for more underneath me. ' his inner voice whispered to him.
he needed to be close to you. and a voice cut his trance.
" jimin? you there? " taehyung asked looking at his best friend with a sheepish grin.
jimin looked at him and understood that he was staring at you for a long time now. so he quckly said " i'm going to my girlfriend, missed her. " and left the brunet on the table.
as jimin walks closer to you, you were talking to a young man which look alike the groom, jimin noticed.
and heard the guy saying " you look gorgeous today and you won't believe how many people asked me if you're single.. " and you laughed.
" no- "
jimin's hand found your waist in a most gentle way without thinking. you looked at him feeling better after his sudden touch.
" hi, i'm jimin. the boyfriend. " he said and he gave the eye smile. a little overprotectiveness on his tone. then the two met and the guy didn't stay long saying that he needs to check the groom.
" ah.. did you really had to look this good jagi? " he said lowering his voice on purpose and whispered to your ear after tucking your hair behind your ear slowly.
you felt tingles.
" it's a wedding chim, everyone has to. " you replied, fixing his tie and fighting the urge of kissing him right there.
" hmm.. " he said looking at your lips. " but you're the star today. "
the tone got you melting inside again.
" what's with the tone? are you trying to make me blush, park? " you replied, heart beating faster but in a stable voice. he didn't need to see you melt.
and before he could open his mouth and gave you a proper answer, you heard taehyung giving a small speech, then saying that he'll be singing couple of songs for the lovely couple because bride asked him to..
so you two stopped standing in the middle and you intertwined your fingers with his, took him to a table. his hand was placed on your waist the whole song. he hummed most of the song, then decided to give you a back hug. so he did, sang the song to your ear while placing his hands on your hips, slowly swinging you both.
feeling his breath on your neck shouldn't make you feel this hot. the tone of his voice shouldn't make you blush like this, the way he makes you dance shouldn't make you feel dizzy on the knees, but they did.
" jagi.. " he said slowly at the end of the song, “ if we weren’t in public right now, i’d have my head between your legs. ”
he left a small kiss to your shoulder, you were sure it all looked innocent. this was his plan from the beginning. and you were positive that your thin underwear was getting wetter.
then he standed next to you, joined the conversation like he wasn't the one who said all of these.. then turned to you.
" babe? can't we go see around? i'm really curious about the view plus we're inside for hours, need some fresh air. " he held your hand and asked like such gentleman. and you played along.
you let him take you into the woods, find a place for only just you two. pushed your back to a tree, started to kiss your chest to neck.
" the things you do to me.. " he talked to your skin, held your thigh and made your leg hug his body while his mouth finds yours, not too slow, not too fast, definitely intense and making your little sounds mix kinda kiss.
his hand moved under your dress, sliding your underwear quickly.
" we can't, they'll get suspicious.. not now baby. " you said noticing your voice getting weaker with every word. what a lie, you wanted him to continue.
" this is my pussy i can touch it whenever i please." he palmed your pussy. " so stop acting and spread those pretty legs for me a little, doll. " he said sending tingles to your body.
you couldn't say a word back, already giving in, opening your legs.
" yes, my pretty doll.. " " now open that cherry lips.." he said pushing two fingers in your mouth. " suck. "
you did, swirled your tongue around it while locking eyes with him.
" shit, you're making me mad baby. " he said lowering his fingers and starting to toy your clit. and his lips found it's place on your neck.
his fingers were everywhere but inside of you. and you couldn't help but push your hips to his hand.
" tsk, it's mine baby, i get to decide what i'll give to you. "
then slapped your cunt. you moaned. he did it again saying " right doll?" then again.. now you were about to cry. he left a small kiss to your lips and sent his two fingers in.
" you're clenching too hard huh? will you come to my fingers? make a mess? " and you did, shakingly.
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softpine · 20 days
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i think they're all pretty middle of the road when it comes to cooking skills, but no one can make comfort food like mikaela can!!! it won't be healthy but it will nurture your soul and give you the will to live
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for real ❗❗❗ i had an idea to do something for mother's day but it snuck up on me too fast 😭
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oh i think about this a lot!! actually in my original draft, jada was not supposed to meet alisa at work, she was supposed to start talking to her online in one of those old school chat rooms, this one was geared towards people who believed in (and mostly lied about having) supernatural abilities :P jada would just lurk there and didn't believe anything she read, but one day she would see a post from someone claiming to live nearby, who was talking about a recent hit & run death in great detail that you wouldn't be able to find out from the news (because they hadn't even found out who did it yet). and it would've turned out that alisa was the anonymous poster, and she had touched the arm of the person who committed the hit & run, so she saw the whole event and knew things no one else did. when the man was arrested and many of alisa's details were confirmed, jada eventually believed her and they arranged to meet in real life. i still like this idea, but it would really only make sense if this story was taking place in like the early 2000s lmao
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ooh yes i always love a good stevie & KD interaction!! i'll write that soon 💖💖
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@peacheulle i'm counting this as a writing prompt, i'll write you a fluffy coffee shop au where nothing bad ever happened :P
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good idea!!! i forgot i've actually already written one, i just needed to connect some of the paragraphs. it'll be posted now 💗
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@simeffable 💖
demolition lovers - my chemical romance
paper cuts - nirvana
son of sam - eliott smith
i will follow you into the dark - death cab for cutie
bells ring - mazzy star
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yay!! i'm glad to hear that :)
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awww thank you 🥺 here's some stars for you too 💖💖⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
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bara-izu · 6 months
Hello! I just wanted to say that I LOVE your art ❤️ I came across you completely by chance one day and it was honestly one of the best days ever, I think the way you draw is so unique and beautiful and I also adore the way you use colours (sorry, I'm not an artist so I can't really articulate what I mean 😅)! You also play a pretty big role for me cuz I was literally just getting into the BG3 fandom when I found your art, and seeing your profile made me feel happy and welcome if that makes any sense?
I've been wanting to reach out to you for a while now, but I felt pretty shy so sorry about that! I'm also a HUGE Astarion girly and when I saw your art with him and your OC Halion, I was literally BLOWN away!! Halion is one of the most awesome OCs I've ever seen and his character design is SO cool, plus I just wanna give him a big hug 🥰 And I just love your personality as well, you seem like a very warm and kind person!
You've also inspired me to share my OC on here, too. I haven't done so yet cuz she's still in my drafts, but I ABSOLUTELY wanna commission art with her and Astarion one day whenever you open your commissions again (if that's okay, of course)
I'm really sorry for rambling, I've been a fan of you for a while now and I guess I'm nervous 🥲
Please never apologise for rambling omg
This is so sweet of you and it's been sat in my inbox because I keep coming back to this trying to think of a response for this--
But thank you 🥺 seriously, thank you so much- I mentioned this on twitter but I've had a struggle with my art over the last couple of years, so I'm relearning how to enjoy it and comments like this- fill me with a lot of emotions
I'm glad I can share my silly art with you and inspire to you to share your ocs too!!! Yessss share them!! 👏
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seth-burroughs · 3 months
List of all the rain code posts I'm working on to no avail, currently sentenced to draft hell
Director Katsukiyo oc post. Mx. Tax Fraud oc post. A bunch of rain code oc posts out of which I'm pretty sure 90% of the public shall never see because am shy(🥺) and currently mentally comparable to a broken lenovo tablet from 2014 that takes 24 hours to charge 6% then overheats and fucking explodes after working for too many seconds at a time
"project: homunculus success and its consequences on modern society + giant enemy among us impostor cannibal (heart)worm flesh pile mancave door hook hand + nightmare dimension where yakou furio×2 possible future selfcest and makoto fucks off to germany never to be seen again" the AU post. I am working intensely on the official name for it bear with me bear with me.
The unforgivable brutal declawing of Martina by the fandom and its disastrous effects on my psyche: the 2 paragraph essay (with no pictures) (by me)
rain code peacekeeper cooking/food related headcanons did you ever wanna hear about seth's pickle dungeon well now you still can't
th- no. I shan't say
Transcripts of every single scene Yomi breathes in it's ok he appears like 9 times
Yomigami au chapter 0 summary do you guys remember Yomigami au
Rain Code characters ranked by whether they would survive warrior cats ranked from "huescaleaf dark forest moonpool cat homunculus blasphemy adventures" to "aikopaw found dead in sunningrocks speculated by karenpaw to have tripped over the stepping stones and bashed her head over them so hard she died instantly"
Why yumayomi/kokohell is the only yuma ship that matters the 2 page essay (with no picture) (by me)
All my weird rarepairs only I in the whole world ship currently and my reasoning as to why they should be canonized in the upcoming rain code sequel master detective archives: drought decypher
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bootlickerhawks · 2 years
Is your hawks & nagant wip posted anywhere? And if not, would you share what's it about if you're okay with it? 😊
no i haven't posted it yet, I'm still in the drafting process (and at this rate idk how long it'll take to post it 😭)
basically the wip is abt the hawks corruption arc we could have had post war *sighs dreamily*
i dont wanna spoil too much in case I ever do post it (want my story to have some suspense for readers) but the fic explores hawks post-war as he deals with the loss of his quirk & hero status (in this fic he actually murdered BJ) and his sense of responsibility to make things right and bring everything back to "normal".
This leads him to make some fucked up choices (which isn't helped by the fact that Mera, the current president, is pretty much enabling him because he wants to avoid the responsibility he never asked for). When Hawks and Nagant confront each other, she can tell that he's corrupted himself and wants to help him so he doesn't end up like her but Hawks is convinced that what he's doing is for the greater good. He believes that people would rather live in security than be exposed to painful truths, especially ones that, in his eyes, only cause chaos.
I haven't decided where I'll take their relationship yet. I'm toying with the idea of a pseudo mentor-student (or even found family 🥺👉👈) relationship for them, but one thing's for sure Nagant def doesn't get exploded by AFO 😤
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ahundredtimesover · 2 years
Mimi did tumblr eat my ask about the latest chapter or you simply haven't replied🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲
Anyway I just wanna tell you that you know I'm here as a general reader basically, and I've told you too about how I'm simply familiar with the boys; that said, I just wanna say how easily you get me immersed with your story. Compared to JK who I usually read from you, I'm definitely less familiar with Jin. But nothing feels out of place, and as much as first impression goes, it doesn't feel weird to picture Jin doing things you potray him to be doing. And, trust me, I wouldn't be writing this essay if I don't find his character enjoyable.
Is it slow paced? Sure. Is it too much? Absolutely not. Their relationship isn't conventional and it'd be weird for them to fall for each other quickly if they are people with morals and pretty much conscious with what they're doing. Their relationship is meant to be slow and I appreciate it so much. Am I frustrated??? You bet I am, but that doesn't mean I don't enjoy it nevertheless.
OC is careful with her feelings, which I totally understand because she's very conscious of their relationship, Jin's relationship, and her own relationship. She has too much on her plate and no one can blame her for taking precautions. The story would take a whole lot different route if you made OC be bold with her feelings.
Okay I've talked too much but I hope you know everytime you're in doubt with your writing, I'm always here to remind you otherwise 😉😉
Angsshaixjsa I found your ask sitting in my drafts I’m so sorry 😭 but I’m gonna publish it now and ILYSM for being an angel and the kindest and I’ll always be grateful you drop in my inbox regularly for the sweetest and much needed words.
I’m glad it sort of feels natural for you! And that you understand the pace of things bc yes, they are trying to be careful bc despite everything, they still do have morals. It’s not like they both expected things to turn out this way 🥺 and yes! OC was written to not be bold with her feelings; she’s a lot more careful for obvious reasons. One can say oblivious but maybe she just has her guard up. We’ll see how everybody deals with the new development after chapter 6!
But thank you again for being what I needed this Sunday morning! Sending you hugs 🤗 🥰
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kithtaehyung · 2 years
heyyyy ryen :3
i'm doing pretty good right now actually!! i got a stress ball for work and holy shit it works?? i've been squishing it on and off for the past few hours and my stress in comparison to days when i did not have it is amazingly small
stress balls work, who knew
i'm about to start the last few weeks of one of my college classes, we had a test last thursday so i didn't have any homework over the weekend which was really nice
i am in the middle of moving in with my in-laws right now, we've gotta be out of our current apartment by the end of the month, but so far that's going pretty okay too~~ and my in-laws are super super nice (it was my sister-in-law that got me into bts) so i'm totally down for this
still have that reblog of 3tan5 sitting in my drafts, i promise i will get to it!! i just have so much i wanna say and so little words to express myself with and also i might need to reread it again but i'm not complaining about that
and!! one of my international army friends is flying in for the vegas concert this weekend - i'm really happy that you got to go and only a tiny bit jealous - and then she's spending the next few days after the concert with me!! so i am super duper stoked about that, like, cannot fucking wait, almost more excited about seeing her than the ptd concerts (i will be at home, live streaming it as i have done every concert so far)
and then finally, i've started slowly working on my own writing again. i haven't updated since the very end of last year and i've felt so bad but life shit happens and this chapter has been a general pain in the ass up until recently - but!! the writing has started trickling in again!! and i am so happy about it!!
tl;dr: i am doing really damn good right now, at least today, and i wanted to share some of that goodness that i am and your recent post i guess gave me the opportunity to do so~~
i leave you with this picture of a smiley kim taehyung that i found on pinterest :3
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JAYYY oh my gosh this is a whole lot that you’re up to! Stress balls are very very good. Those and the fidget cubes are the desk items I recommend! As far as the class situation goes, good luck and you’re almost done🥺
AHHHH all the bts people in your life! that’s so cute.. i’m actually super stoked for you to see your friend, as well🥳 and RIGHT i was actually really excited to meet some ppl here as much as (if not more) than the boys lmfao🤣 everyone is just so lovely!
WRITING?? oh gosh that is always a feat! always ride those waves of inspiration as they come, and it’s okay to have extended periods of rest. you’re okay!
Always feel free to share your wins. I love hearing about them! I was just out and about all of yesterday so I’m finally able to respond now aksksd but I’m so happy for you🥺🤍
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griffin-wood · 2 years
Meta meme: 1, 4, 5, 16, 20.
hiiii! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR SENDING IN! I'm gonna put this under the cut cause it got too long - and thank you again! 🥺💖😭
(meta writer's asks)
1. Tell us about your current project(s)  – what’s it about, how’s progress, what do you love most about it?
welllll, i think i've answered this before too djkd! but, both of these are more like just a fun self indulgence project that I came to love the idea of it hehe! 1) regency vibes au - the title kinda give it away, but yeah, its actually a commoner x royalty vibes actually of one of my favs otp in it heh. and the progress, well its very slow - but its kinda like a graph, up and downs; but it hopefully has good progress all the way! and what i love most about it, well - i gained a new love for period movies now, and to imagine it in that setting; the whole process of it was so fun to think about. browsing for the aesthetics too - WAS SUCH A FUN PROCESS.
2) a second chance/flower & coffee shop au. - the title also gives it away like literally sjskksks! but, this is like more of just to explore the theme of second chances within well the same otp too heh! and, i feel like - its more of a meant to be thing too yknow? its one of my guilty pleasures tropes djkdkd! the progress is actually pretty slow? im still figuring out the pace of it all, there's like a bunch of flashbacks that kinda connect with the scenes during the present day which honestly feels pretty hard, but its fun! what do i love most about it, i think the exploration of it again and the fact that its kinda a projection of my little dream, coffee shop with books or maybe a flower shop too, if i cant make it irl - well, projection does help! hee
4. Share a sentence or paragraph from your writing that you’re really proud of (explain why, if you like)
I have a few that I am quite proud hehe! So, im gonna lay it here! This is the first one, honestly - sibling regency banter. I think this part of the scene was definitely one of my favs cause it feels...just right yknow! hehe, also daphne belongs to @/wayhavenots! <3
"What's this?" She begins to read before an eye roll follows, earning a fit of laughter from Daphne herself at the reaction.
"Really Nicholas? You are old and rowdy, and you still read some gossip, unbelievable." Maia teased him, as he took a sip of his drink - an Earl Gray tea to be precise.
"And now you're drinking your best friend there, good for you." Daphne continues on the chuckles escaping her lips, before replying to Maia's comments.
"It's much entertainment through the gossip dear sister, and Nicholas here - was pretty fond upon hoping to find his own suitor through it, making it a much scandalous endeavor." Daphne replies as Nick almost spits out his drink, making the sisters giggle at the sight of him.
"Speaking of which, my work is much more important than finding a suitor. Mother already bit my ear off by the fact that I haven't found anyone yet, but I'm taking life by the breeze."
"Whatever it suits you then brother, here the story talks about the Prince's engagement with the Barsen's will be commencing soon. And I quote, "a special occasion" as the prince finally found maybe his one true love." Maia places the paper by her side, taking a bite of some biscuits laid on the table.
"Lucky for the prince - I heard Princess Lorelai was quite the angel of her own." Lady Margaret interrupts the conversation before she leaves to the back of the house.
ALSO THERE'S THIS ONE CHUNK OF A SCENE THAT IM IN LOVE WITH, SO i shall share it here hehehe! its actually more of a draft scene, but it feels like one of my favs hehe. (this is the shorter version of it!)
“And you, your classiness - would you want to be queen someday if it was written in your destiny?” he asked her again, as Maia thinks about it. She takes the flower crown they were making earlier and placed it on top of her head again.
“I think I'll stick with being the queen of the lands. The cows as my subject, and I'll give you a proper answer then your highness.” She stands up, and waves to the empty field. A burst of laughter escaped her lips, as Kent stood by her side.
“However, I think the king of the fields is needed to tend its subject. Shall we?” Maia pushes out her hand, and he takes it gratefully. Another flower crown on top of his head, like the laughter, follows their footsteps, walking around the field, waving to a bunch of cows literally. They were being the rulers of the field after all.
5. What character that you’re writing do you most identify with?
I think the one that I identify the most while in my writing, is definitely maia and a bit of Raylene there. It's a mix of everyone actually, but those two sorta have a huge chunk of me in it!
16. Tried anything new with your writing lately? (style, POV, genre, fandom?)
I'm trying to dip into first style pov (But gosh, that feels so hard...but, trying!) and, I been trying to also write well, in historical vibes (which i tend to modernize lol, its hard jdkdk) and fandom - i might have some ideas in the future! but, those are kinda new changes, since I tend to stick with the norm sadly, but baby steps!
20. Tell us the meta about your writing that you really want to ramble to people about (symbolism you’ve included, character or relationship development that you love, hidden references, callbacks or clues for future scenes?)
OOOHH, this is a good question. I think in writing, I love writing callbacks and clues. In one of my AU's - I wrote a scene where, its talking about a possibility of the future, and like it happens. I love when they do that, the foreshadowing is something fun to put in it! For characters development, I think one of those elements I could talk about is definitely more of a scene where the mc grows in the period of time the main couple broke up. They have been through shit, and they learn and when they see each other again, they... are ready. They felt more secure, and they both grow in their own ways, by going through a lot of pain in between the periods of time!
This question is honestly so hard, because my brain tends to go empty but, those are some of the elements that i really love right now!!
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