#fortunately hannibal is a pretty good source!
menciemeer · 3 months
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I end up talking about calligraphy a reasonable amount on here and lately it's been bugging me that I haven't shared my work before. I also practice! To absolutely nobody's surprise, I have lately been practicing with Hannibal quotes.
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periru3 · 1 year
An Unauthorized Tafadhali Vid Starter Pack
Today I was bored, and when I am bored I make lists. The list my brain has decided to make today is a list of my favorite of my sister’s (@tafadhali) fanvids. Except “favorite” was too difficult and too vague, so I started thinking of it in terms of what vids I would recommend to someone who had never seen her vids before. That still wasn’t enough structure for me, so I decided to give myself some categories to make sure I had a wider array of vids represented, and what I ended up with was sort of... vid superlatives? Anyway, I’m quite happy with my list, so I’ve decided to share it with you all. Without further ado, here is me shouting through a megaphone about how cool my sister is for no particular reason:
YouTube Playlist
1) Most On-Brand: I am a (Library) Scientist - Multi-Fandom (Horror)
If you want to get a very quick impression on what sort of vidder Taf is, and some insight into her interests, this is pretty representative.  Multi-fandom? Check! Horror? Check! Literally about her IRL profession? Check! An ideal get-to-know-you vid for Tafadhali. 
2) Special Interest Vid: We Kiss in the Shadows - Multi-Fandom (LGBT)
Love me a vid that’s basically like “hey, come look at this rarely-vidded thing I know lots about!” (admittedly, a not dissimilar category to the one above). Anyway, Taf’s love and knowledge of classic films and of queer film history come through beautifully in this (as well as the other vid in her Screened Out series, Masculine Women! Feminine Men!), and it makes me cry every time. 
Honorable Mention: Paperback Writer - Multi-Fandom (Stephen King)
3) Critical Vid: Fortunate Son - Star Wars
This vid is amazing because it both captures all that I love about Finn as a character while also highlighting and calling out the ways in which the character what let down and done dirty by the writing of Star Wars. Also truly amazing song choice and lyrical matches. 
Honorable Mention: Hail Satan - Stranger Things
4) Character Study: Patient Zero - Harry Potter
One of Taf’s earliest vids, this character study is one I come back to again and again for it’s beautiful and insightful portrayal of Harry’s arc throughout the series, with a focus on his relationship with fame, destiny, and some really complex parental figures.
Honorable Mention: California - Mad Men
5) Shippy Vid: Umbrella - Singin’ in the Rain
Yes, it’s a Cosmo character study, but it’s also the cutest darn OT3 vid in all the land, and it’s Taf’s most popular vid for good reason! It’s a total delight! It’s full of silliness and very well-matched-to-the-music dancing! And it uses a song cover inspired by this very movie, so that’s fun!
Honorable Mention: C’est la Vie - Doctor Who
6) Emotionally Devastating Vid: Achilles Come Down - Les Miserables
If you’re looking to cry, this vid is the one for you! Tafadhali seamlessly blends multiple adaptations of the same story into one heart-wrenchingly gorgeous vid (rendered all the more stark and affecting in it’s Black and Red iteration). This story and these characters are dear to the vidder’s heart, and it shows. 
7) Intense Vid: Man on a Wire - Hannibal
This psychological horror/thriller vid is definitely one to get the adrenaline pumping! The fast-paced song paired with the super sharp editing of this vid really do justice to the visually stunning source, and capture the fractured mental state of Will Graham perfectly.
Honorable Mention: Brutal - Yellowjackets
8) Comfort Vid: Waters of March - Multi-Fandom (Miyazaki) 
This is easily one of my most re-watched of Tafadhali’s vids. While in moments this vid is tinged with sadness or sort of bittersweet nostalgic feelings, by the end of it I always feel all warm and fuzzy inside, and like my heart’s grown three sizes, and a bunch of other sappy metaphors. 
Honorable Mention: Synchronicity - Sense8
9) Vid that Makes Me LOL: Whatta Man - George of the Jungle
Honestly, whatta vid. It manages to be genuinely sweet while also making me giggle like a mad man. The song choice is inspired. It truly captures all that is delightful about this ridiculous movie. Honestly just a good, silly time from start to finish!
Honorable Mention: Short Skirt Long Jacket - What’s Up Doc?
10) Dance Party Vid: Super Bass - Sense8
Also a valid category for this one: The Sexy Vid. Basically it’s just a fun, energetic, sexy, joyous romp of a vid and it makes me want to crank the volume and dance along to Nicki Minaj and the lovely cast of Sense8! 
11) I Don’t Even Go Here: Beautiful Dirty Rich - Columbo 
So when Taf made this, I pretty much knew nothing about Columbo (I’ve since seen a couple eps), but what I did know is I loved the hell out of this vid, and sometimes that’s just how it goes! Must one know who these people are? Is it not enough that a vid entrance you with its on-point editing and its vibes? 
12) Non-English Vid: La Noyée - Portrait of a Lady on Fire
This gorgeous vid, like the movie it’s for, is in French. I think some of the beauty of this one is that while the lyrical matching is perfectly done, if you want to first experience the vid without the distraction of subtitles, I think the visuals paired with the obvious melancholy of the music paints just as clear a picture whether you understand the lyrics or not. 
Honorable Mention: Desaparecida - Carmen Sandiego
13) A Gift for Her Favorite Sister: Sound the Bells - It (Miniseries) 
Look, I never claimed to be coming at this list from an unbiased perspective. And Tafadhali makes me vids all the time, whether in the form of actual gifted works, or just vids she knows I am the main target audience for, so this seemed like a fair category to include. This one in particular is for a fandom that is super meaningful to both of us, and it makes me tear up every time! 
Honorable Mention: Derry Jukebox/Castlerock Around the Clock - Multi-Fandom (Stephen King)
14) A Co-Vid with Her Favorite Sister: The Chosen One’s Lament - Multi-Fandom
Honestly, I couldn’t make this list without this category any more than I could make a list of my own vids without it. We love making vids together, and we’ve made quite a few! This vid is the first (and arguably best) in many categories that have since defined our co-vidding body of work - multi-fandom, meta, humorous, set to Crazy Ex-Girlfriend music, just to name a few. Also the need for the 11-way split screen in this is what got us both to finally transition to using Premiere instead of iMovie, so I’d say we both owe a lot of our subsequent vid quality to this one. 
Honorable Mention: Rose Bride My World - Revolutionary Girl Utena
15) Best In Show: Pynk - Multi-Fandom (LGBT)
I literally cannot praise this vid highly enough. It’s beautifully edited, beautifully curated (what a selection of movies!), beautifully structured. The sheer scale of this project (not to mention the fact that it was editing in iMovie, where organizing clips is basically impossible) is enough for it to warrant a spot on this list, but what really takes it from merely an impressive vid to a truly great one is the love of the subject material that shines through in every clip choice and edit. It’s an earnest celebration of girlhood, adolescence, femininity, and queerness, and watching it even for the hundredth time still takes my breath away. Watching this vid, I just feel so much - I feel awkwardness and the excitement and the angst of growing up, I feel the delight and the connectedness of those formative friendships, I feel the giddiness and the heartache of first loves, I feel the confusion and the joy and the defiance of emergent queerness. I just love everything about this vid and I can’t think of a better example of Tafadhali’s skills and strengths as a vidder than this. 
Anyway, thank you for coming to my TED Talk. 
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fahrni · 2 years
Saturday Morning Coffee
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I’d set aside so many articles to link to this morning, I can’t link to all of them.
This week has been full of great tech news, but it’s been eclipsed by tragedy, on so many fronts. I tried not to be too much of a downer, but I may have failed miserably.
Variety: “Ray Liotta, the acclaimed actor known for “Goodfellas,” “Field of Dreams” and many more roles, has died at 67, Variety has confirmed with his publicist. He died in his sleep while he was in the Dominican Republic shooting an upcoming film, ‘Dangerous Waters.’”
We’ve lost another film legend. My favorite Ray Liotta film is Field of Dreams. I liked him as a good guy, even though he’s probably best known as a hard nosed gangster.
When he drops the line “No, Ray, it was you” in Field of Dreams I turn into a blubbering mess.
I also really liked him in Cop Land, Hannibal, and Identity. The scene in Hannibal when Lecter is serving his own brain to him is horrible and funny all at the same time.
Fortune: “‘It was a joke,’ says Sam, 40, who asked to be identified by his first name only to protect his job and privacy. But the idea has stuck with him for months now. He’d love to open his own little coffee or cheese shop, he says, envisioning hosting wine tastings on Saturday nights.”
I’d still love to own a coffee shop. When the question of “What would you do” pops up my answer is always the same.
I’d love to own a coffee shop. ☕️
Puck.news: “In recent years, as media companies have taken greater interest in the rapidly-growing gaming industry, Wilson and Electronic Arts have held talks with a number of different potential suitors, including Disney, Apple and Amazon, sources with knowledge of those talks told me.”
Of course I’m linking to this because Apple is mentioned as a possible suitor. I can’t see it. Apple has never been into hard core gaming.
On the flip side I could see this if, and it’s a big if, they decide they’re going to make a bigger play for the home entertainment market and ship a super beefy Apple TV box with awesome gaming specs and create wonderful controllers.
I still can’t see it.
Grub Street: “Atla’s horchata latte is half a shot of espresso mingled with the rice-based, cinnamon-scented drink that’s familiar to anyone who has ever been to a taco truck.”
Horchata is an absolute favorite of folks I knew in the San Joaquin Valley. There is a large Mexican influence in the Valley. That, in turn, means we had wonderful Mexican foods all over the place.
Mexican folks know how to live and it starts with family and ends with food. Perfect combination.
GQ: “That’s because testosterone levels can be affected by many factors. Getting eight hours of sleep or correcting a nutritional deficiency, like a low level of vitamin D, will restore your testosterone to its natural baseline. Strength training, looking for ways to decrease stress, and cutting out smoking are also key.”
There was a point in my 30’s and into my early 40’s where I was a gym rat. I loved working out. For me it was all about heavy weights. I didn’t care to have pretty muscle, I wanted to be able to carry a small country on my back.
When I got into my 40’s I started having trouble recovering from my workouts. I now know I was overtraining, but I also discovered my testosterone levels were low. Ultimately I stopped working out. One of my many flaws is going all in on things. Once I feel I can no longer be all in, I’m done with it. That was a mistake, and it shows.
Moral of the story for me is: low T is part of aging. Keep moving and find something you love to stay in shape.
I still don’t have a good exercise routine.
Robert Reich: “Billionaires are mounting a class war. Republican lawmakers are mounting a culture war to deflect attention from it.”
I’ve never understood the absolute need for power some people have. Most of the new class of billionaires are all about power the way I see it. Musk and Thiel come across as very libertarian, but each fail the sniff test when it comes to power. They want to control what the government does and doesn’t do.
I don’t care for that.
Jalopnik: “Tesla CEO and adorable optimist Elon Musk gave the world what they wanted and confidently predicted that Tesla would achieve ‘full self-driving’—a term usually understood to refer to SAE Autonomy Levels 4 and 5, requiring no monitoring or input from whomever is in the car—less than a year from now. This makes the ninth year in a row he’s predicted full FSD coming in around a year! It’s the gift that keeps on giving.”
After watching Elon Musks Crash Course it really seems like Musk is just another grifter. He has the gift of charm and an army of followers that worship at his feet.
Ultimately, he may not be the genius every believes him to be.
For me, the court is still out, but I’m now leaning “not a genius.”
Daring Fireball: “An astonishing and infuriating tale of maternal love and heroism, and police cowardice and incompetence.”
I think everyone who knows anything about me knows I want stricter gun laws. The tragedy in Uvalde solidifies my stance even deeper in my brain.
Oh, and that GOP talking point of a “good guy with a gun” was bullshit all along, but now, now we have evidence it doesn’t work, at all.
The “good guys” with guns sat outside the school while children were dying. Where’s the bravery we hear about from empty suit politicians?
It didn’t exist on that day and children died because of it.
Greg Abbott signed a law changing a federal law so long guns can be purchased by 18 year olds in Sept 2021, the start of this very school year. Shooter buys AR15 soon after turning 18 in May of 2022, owns the gun for less than two weeks before using it to commit a massacre.
— Matt Haughey (@mathowie) May 27, 2022
🧛🏻‍♂️@TedCruz eaten alive by the simple, obvious question. Tries to obfuscate. Then tucks tail and runs. https://t.co/HsAfl7BhRx
— Jeffrey Wright (@jfreewright) May 26, 2022
Michael Tsai: “SwiftUI in 2022”
Apple released SwiftUI in 2019. Here we are, three years on, and folks are struggling to build deep applications.
I know from experience SwiftUI is great for building simple UI. Even then you run across behaviors that are hard to wrap your brain around.
The state of it really makes me wish Apple had held off for a few years, but time marches on and I’d imagine they had to show people the future or risk never being able to ship SwiftUI as the new way.
Oh, one other observation. The name, SwiftUI, is bad. Giving it a better marketing name would’ve been better.
We have Cocoa, Combine, and Catalyst to name a few. Then you have SwiftUI. It just feels wrong.
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The Best Comedies of 2018 So Far
New Post has been published on http://funnythingshere.xyz/the-best-comedies-of-2018-so-far/
The Best Comedies of 2018 So Far
Here are the 10 movies that made us laugh the most in the first six months of the year, ranked.
In darkest times, we need a good laugh. Actually, we need a good laugh any time. Sadly, in recent years, good comedy on the big screen has been hard to come by. At least in a direct, definitively classified comedy genre form. Last year’s greatest (only?) laugh out loud movies came out of the superhero genre. We’ve got some of that in 2018, as well, but this has also been a very good year already for real comedies. Studio comedies, even.
Maybe there are just more of them? There still seem to be as many clunkers as usual, but midway into 2018, we’ve seen some excellent mainstream comedies along with a few funny indies and a couple British imports that probably should have come out in 2017 and balanced out that year.
I do feel the need to admit I haven’t yet seen Tully, Book Club, or Love, Simon, all of which I hear ought to be considered (maybe they’ll be added to the list by end of year — along with any others you want to encourage me to see for consideration). Otherwise, here is my ranking of the 10 best comedies released in the US this year through the end of June:
10. Deadpool 2
One of our biggest comedy stars of late is not even a real person. Deadpool is the Jim Carrey of the 2010s. No, not Ryan Reynolds, who is very funny in the role, but it’s Deadpool’s name that draws the crowds in. I consider Deadpool 2, maybe even more than the original, to be a comedy first and superhero movie second. The jokes are always more important here than the action. That’s why it’s a shame there’s so much plot included this time around. The sequel feels crowded. But it’s still irreverently hilarious, especially during the X-Force sequence. And Zazie Beetz as Domino is absolutely wonderful.
9. Early Man
Nick Park’s trademark stop-motion animation will always be a delight. Nothing of his will ever top the Wallace and Gromit shorts (even those characters’ feature was slightly lesser fare) or the brilliantly clever Creature Comforts, but most anything from Aardman Animations is like a nice cup of tea. I didn’t laugh as much as I’d hoped during the fairly simply Early Man, which is about a football (soccer) match between a primitive tribe and a more “civilized” people, and personally, I’m just not as interested in sports comedy, but it’s charming and made me smile the whole way through.
8. Tag
I got to visit the set of this comedy, which is based on a true story about friends still playing tag in adulthood, and I saw a whole lot of raunchy improvisation delivered by stars Ed Helms, Jon Hamm, Jake Johnson, and Hannibal Buress (with Carrie Brownstein). So, I was surprised to find none of what I witnessed in the finished product. It’s a more sentimental comedy than anticipated. But the biggest, most pleasant shock was how funny the Jeremy Renner stuff is. Not that he’s responsible so much as it’s the way his over-competitive character is written and directed. There’s some perfect comedic action in this movie, particularly in the Predator homage. Renner’s cover of Crash Test Dummies’ “Mmm Mmm Mmm Mmm” during the end credits is also superb.
7. The Eleven O’Clock
One of this year’s Oscar nominees in the live-action short category, the 13-minute Australian film injected some much-needed laughs into the otherwise depressing program when it was released to theaters back in February. It’s a well-executed sketch about two men in a therapy session, each of them claiming to be the doctor treating the other. Josh Lawson (best known here for Superstore) wrote the riddle of a script and stars as one of the players in the psychological game of wits. Damon Herriman (Justified) is his opponent. Together, along with director Derin Seale’s pitch-perfect pacing, they achieve a one-joke comedy short where you’re not just waiting for the punchline reveal. The Eleven O’Clock wasn’t even the most award-worthy short among the nominees but it’s the most memorable.
6. Set It Up
Romantic comedy is not dead, and it doesn’t even have to be that clever to matter (though those do matter more). All you need is very likable leads and some sort of decent pathway to bring them together. Set It Up has the first thing in Zoey Deutch and Glen Powell (both from Everybody Wants Some!!), and it has the second thing in an acknowledged mashup of Cyrano de Bergerac and The Parent Trap where the leads team up to play matchmaker with their awful, lonely bosses (Lucy Liu and Taye Diggs, respectively) but then obviously wind up falling for each other. Not only do I love the simple charms of this movie, but I’m glad to see it on Netflix, where not everything has to suck and fortunately there’s an outlet for small romcoms that don’t have the same old familiar big-name stars. A decade ago, this would have been a limited theatrical release indie rom-com that few people saw. Hopefully, it’s being streamed and enjoyed by a ton of people.
5. Blockers
For a comedy that’s not often especially funny and has no standout performance, Blockers is a pretty great movie. Amidst John Cena putting a beer bong in his butt and Leslie Mann trying too hard (and still coming off as painfully bland) is a well-balanced, positively and progressively themed story of teen girls planning on having sex on prom night. The two narratives, one following the exaggeratedly overprotective parents and the other the genuinely relatable kids, contrast so effectively for a heartfelt combination, like a mashup of Vacation John Hughes and Sixteen Candles John Hughes that maybe even Hughes himself couldn’t have achieved. It’s ultimately so sweet that I got teary-eyed at the end.
4. Thoroughbreds
So dark that you’ll constantly question whether what you’re watching truly counts as a comedy, Cory Finley’s Thoroughbreds follows the story of two rich teens who plot to murder one’s stepfather. The comparisons to Heathers and American Psycho going around aren’t too apt, as it never plays as heightened satire, and its tone is as pitch black and dry as humor can get. It’s more like Heavenly Creatures meets Less Than Zero. The cast is perfect, if a little on the nose considering Anya Taylor-Joy and Olivia Cooke always do well with such expressionless roles and Paul Sparks reaches peak asshole, while Anton Yelchin’s involvement in a supporting role is a bittersweet pleasure.
3. Game Night
Hollywood’s best comedy of the year could have easily been just a passable or even problematic effort. From the guys responsible for the Horrible Bosses scripts and the Vacation reboot-sequel, Game Night was hardly my most anticipated movie of any kind. Plot-wise, it’s still sort of stale, delivering a familiar premise (okay, I guess we haven’t all seen the underrated ’90s Bill Murray comedy The Man Who Knew Too Little, of which Game Night seems like a remake right down to the more successful brother’s role in setting up an immersive theater mystery game that gets confused with a coincidental real crime occurring at the same time). Fortunately, it has Rachel McAdams in her funniest performance since Mean Girls — funniest ever, really. Hollywood needs to be employing her for more movies where she gets to show off such physical and verbal comedic timing and prowess. Also, everything you’ve heard about Jesse Plemons in his deadpan supporting role is correct: he is incredible. More comedies for him, too, please.
2. The Death of Stalin
As disappointing as it was to see Armando Iannucci leave Veep behind, The Death of Stalin was worth the decision. Taking his brand of political satire and farce and applying it to history was ambitious and daring at a time when creative license isn’t recognized enough. The resulting feature, which is based on a French graphic novel, is a mostly silly but also often brutal black comedy about the bureaucratic chaos of a dictatorship after its leader suddenly dies and his minions scramble in their struggle for power. The ensemble cast is impeccable, with Steve Buscemi winning my vote (yay democracy) for MVP in his portrayal of Nikita Khrushchev. So what if it’s not authentic? If only the real world was, in fact, this tame in its political nonsense.
1. Paddington 2
The best movie of any and all genres this year (hey, to a two-year-old it could be horror…), the sequel to one of the most criminally underseen movies of the decade (at least in America) is now the most criminally underseen movie of this year (at least in America). The well-intentioned Paddington Bear, a model character for all kind to look up to, returns along with the Brown family, in a new adventure involving another very not-nice criminal. As if the world of Paddington as adapted by Paul King (this time with co-writer Simon Farnaby) needed any improvement, Paddington 2 also introduces Brendan Gleeson to the mix as a lovably cantankerous prison cook (in another sequence seemingly nodding to Wes Anderson movies) and the award-worthy Hugh Grant as the villain. It’s funny and cheery and great but also GOOD, a joyous antidote that needs to be prescribed to everyone.
More to Read:
Source: https://filmschoolrejects.com/best-comedy-movies-2018-first-half/
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florianchun0-blog · 6 years
Choosing the Best Name for Your Male Cat
New pet owners commonly look for fun and different names for their cats. Your male cat would have a great name right publicize after you follow the excellent ideas provided. Choosing the best name for your male cat properly How your cat looks One can give a name depending upon how the cat appears like. When you have a black cat, you can call him Onyx, which is a pretty and dark stone. In case you have a white cat, you can call him Cloudy, Milky, Coconut, or Popcorn. Brown colored cats names include;Amaretto representing an Italian liquor flavored with almond,Bruno meaning brown,Brownie meaning a mist chocolate cake with nuts. For happy cats use names like Bliss meaning great happiness or Darwin a beloved friend. You cat’s personality You could name your cat depending upon how it normally acts. To really know the character of the cat, observe it for a couple of days after you bring it home. Adam (God’s creation), Astor (hawk-like), and Axel (divine life source) are some peaceful names for your good male cat. Cats with exciting behavior could be names Trouble, Tornado, or even Casanova (a male that likes ladies). The Cat’s breed The breed of the cat could be used to learn which name fits it much better. You can call a Persian cat Aladdin and Cherub, which fits their gentle complexion and adaptable character. Birman breed cats are those with blue eyes,medium long hair with light color,and white gloves on the paws. Names to give such cats include Armand,Kai lachie meaning a warrior or Hannibal ;god of fertility and fortune. The Siamese bred cats are clever and playful. Names to give them include ,Cosmos or Chester meaning a walled town. Soft feathery tails and sapphire blue eyes characterize the Balinese cat breed. Adonis, AkerBlug (insect), Avatar, or Avalanche could be used to name these types of cats. Respectful name for the kitten It would be unfitting to name your white cat Brownie. The cat may feel sad because of this, which isn't a good situation. This will also make the cat avoid the owner and hide so choose a name which create mutual respect between you and the cat since cats could be depressed also like human beings. Origin of the cat The place where the cat originate matters and could help in coming up with a cute boy cat names name. Prince names could be named to cats with Arabic roots- Ali, Akbar and Amir. Cats with Scottish origins might be called Baird, Bean (fair-skinned), or Adair (oak tree). French cats may be names Aimee (beloved), Ansel (servant) or Agustin. Choose the name from a generator There are name generators online, which can provide you the most outstanding and different names for your new cat. By visiting a certain website, you can start reading name suggestions. In these sites, you could find different names like Ajax and Akita. Train your cat to respond if you call it because it behaves with respect to your tone and also the words you use.
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