#for the record he's one of my favorites so this is not snatcher hate at all
[A4A] Confronting Your Mad Scientist, Supervillain Boss Who Keeps Sabotaging Your Dates
Tags: [Workplace romance] [Yandere speaker] [Oblivious listener] [Pining… of a sort]
Type: SFW
Tagline: Oh, was your Tinder thing last night? Darn.
Tone: Carefree, energetic, almost too friendly
Optional SFX: Hum and clatter of a laboratory
WC: 1527, ~14 - 16 minutes
[Laboratory door opening]
(Rambling) Good morning! Is it morning? I didn’t really sleep- I’ve made so much progress and done so much since you clocked out yesterday. I’ve got a new plan to harass the scientists in Antarctica, and the man-eating roses are coming along so nicely. Come, I want to show you this batch I made that’s budding in your favorite color.
What’s got your safety goggles all in a twist? Is the shade off, because these will probably lighten in color as they bloom and then they’ll be right.
Oh, yes! That’s one of the other updates I wanted to give you. Spot was just so active and hyperactive last night; I think she had a case of the zoomies, you know? So I let her off the leash, so to speak, and let her wreak a little havoc downtown. After all, how can I say no to that snarling, spitting, tentacled cutie? She brought us back a bike as a gift; isn’t she just a darling?
Hmm, I believe she scratched up a skyscraper or two, dug up a park and some trees. She went to the bathroom on a purse-snatcher which just tickles me pink because that means her training is going well.
Ahh, yes, that’s right, she did use the suspension bridge as a swing, and it didn’t hold. I’ve been telling the government and heroes council for years that tax money should be going into public infrastructure, and I hate to have to tell them “I told you so” when I crash the next town hall.
[Laugh] I know, that’s bullshit. I love shoving their failures in their face; I’ll record it for posterity. Why are you so grumpy then? You hated that rickety thing and called it an eyesore.
I thought your date was at seven? You live way outside of downtown, and I let Spot out to play right about then.
It sounds to me that if he had been on time, this would have been avoided, and he wouldn’t have tragically fallen off the bridge into the river. That’s what I like about you, always so punctual. You’re one of a kind.
I’m not trying to make you less mad with compliments because I don’t know why you’re mad at me! How was I supposed to know your date would be late? All I was concerned with was our beloved Spot here stretching her legs and being happy. Look at that face. Could you have said no to it? Besides, isn’t this the same man who kept trying to get you to listen to his podcast?
Then didn’t this all work out for the best? You should be thanking me even! Here, I’ll start for you. “Wow, you’re the best boss ever on top of being the most dastardly villain to ever plague the earth. I love being paid to fulfill your vision and do evil by your side and would totally kiss you if I had the chance.” Now you try.
I know you don’t mean that~ I still have that Best Boss Ever mug you gave me for my birthday, so I’m practically quoting you verbatim.
You would never.
This was an accident, a coincidence! You wouldn’t break my heart over happenstance, would you?
Another unfortunate coincidence- I had no way of knowing the restaurant I set on fire was where your high school sweetheart worked. All I knew was that they gave me food poisoning and really disgusting appletinis.
Another coincidence that is nowhere near my fault, even less than the other ones- how was I supposed to know your blind date was a superhero? You didn’t know either! Also, if I hadn’t blown up the Temple of Fortitude, it would have been another villain, so blaming me specifically is so unfair.
That- now that was self-defense! I didn’t vaporize that woman the other day because she hit on you, I vaporized her because she was a cop who had a gun pointed at me… which was scary by the way, and you didn’t even comfort me when she shot me.
Just because I can bend the rules of life and death doesn’t mean it wasn’t scary! The Resurrection Machine hurts like a bitch!
I know you don’t mean that either; you’ll always put me in the chamber in time for a thunderstorm. After all, who will sign your paychecks and genetically engineer pig-sized fire-breathing dragons for your birthday gift?
[Laugh] Oh, so that’ll convince you to keep me around and not my sparkling wit, my excellent company? Ouch.
I know you’re joking, don’t you worry. I’ve never thought for a second that working with villains had made you one. You’re still so sweetly soft-hearted even when you’re frustrated.
(Sympathetic) Yeah, I know, I get it. I hear dating can be rough these days with apps, hook-up culture, work-life balance, all that, and I can imagine how it must feel to jump through all of those hoops and still feel lonely at the end of it. That must be really hard, and I’m sorry you feel that way.
No, I’m not looking for anyone myself; I’ve got everything I need right here.
[Laugh] Well, I can’t wait for the day you love your job as much as I do mine. I know it’ll happen just as I know you’ll find the one. You just have to be patient a little longer. You can’t rush this sort of thing, not when it’s so imperative to find someone that’s worthy of you, as difficult as that may be.
Of course I mean that. Do I lie, especially to you? I may terrorize, immolate, and murder, but do I lie?
Then believe me when I say that the right person will come along, the one who will sweep you off your feet, and you shouldn’t settle for anything less until then. You are stunning, intelligent, and a ray of sunshine everywhere you go, especially in this dreary lab. You are the best assistant and, dare I say, friend I could ever ask for, and I think you deserve the world. (Light, playful) Now, how can someone possibly give you that when my plans succeed and the world is ours? They’ll simply have to be more creative.
(Serious) That won’t be possible; once something is mine, it’s mine. (Light) Except for the parts of the world I will give you, of course, my lovely assistant.
Of course, you think I want to rule at the top by myself? That would be too lonely. You will get a whole continent, two even. I know you’ve always dreamed of giving the Aboriginal people of Australia back their land, and soon you’ll be able to.
You told me about it when you had too many hard ciders at our last Happy Hour. You also told me the only thing you’d ask in return is a few acres of land and as many emus as you can handle. Your younger self was very affected by reading about The Emu Wars, I gathered.
You don’t have to justify it. Like I said, you are one of a kind, unique and sweet and empathetic to the smallest of creatures. I’ve always loved this about you and will help however I can.
[Hug] Are we good then? Are you done being mad at me?
You have nothing to be sorry for. It’s so unfortunate your date last night didn’t work out, and that must have been really frustrating. I’m just happy I could support you and help you feel better.
Good. You know what else might help raise your spirits?
The dragons are hungry and haven’t been fed yet. I held off because I know how much you love to be the one to do it.
I agree, they’re happier when you do it anyway. I have some whole chickens defrosting in the kitchen if you’d like to grab those and feed them before we start work today.
[Laboratory door opening, optional dragon noises] (Manipulative, cold) Yes, yes, I know you’re not really hungry after last night’s meal, but our friend knows your schedule too well and would be so worried if you didn’t at least nibble. We don’t want to worry them, do we?
That’s right, attaboys. That’s the spirit- a few more little accidents and secret meals for you both, and they’ll get the hint. I’ll get to have them all to myself, and you two will be right by our side on a cozy ranch in the Outback. Doesn’t that sound nice and worth gorging yourself stuffed on an Andrew Tate wannabe every so often?
Good. Keep it up.
[Laboratory door opening] (Warm, effusive) There you are, let me give you a hand; those have got to still be cold.
Of course. Now, after this, could you take a look at those flowers I was telling you about? They’re already carnivorous, but I think we could really maximize their damage potential by making them produce toxic pollen. Then why don’t we take an early break and try out that brunch place around the corner? My treat.
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majormeilani · 2 years
earlier i was like “snatcher’s not that amazing of a character....” and then he says one thing and i remember why i love him and i’m like god i love him
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voidbeans · 2 years
alright cool cool so lemme tell you about a tiny town called hatchetfield kay?
So there's this series by Team Starkid that consists of musicals and short stories, and is steeped in lore, magic, secret government branches, shady tech conglomerates, alternate timelines, and just about everything else in between.
The series starts with The Guy Who Didn't Like Musicals and Black Friday (in that order), which are two professionally recorded musicals uploaded to youtube. tgwdlm is great as a starter bc they kept it fairly self contained in case it flopped, but after it was released and was a huge success, Black Friday dived a bit deeper into the lore of this town which I absolutely love, because this place seems, on the surface, just a normal town, but take like 2 seconds and you see all the stuff I mentioned above.
It has just occurred to me I have not actually given summaries of these whoops-
tgwdlm is about Paul Matthews. He is just some guy and we love him <3 He is as boring and likes boring guy things, like black coffee and film. What he doesn't like is musicals. He hates them, in fact. But then one day, a meteor crashes into the Starlight theater, and soon the town has been turned into a musical, and he is stuck in his own personal hell (imagine the premise of "what if someone questioned why everyone in musicals sing and dance at random lol" and mixed it with invasion of the body snatcher)
Black Friday has the premise of "what if people went crazy and started murdering to buy what they want on black Friday" which has probably been done before, but this is different and better I promise.
Next is nightmare time, which is a series of short stories read over 2020 quarantine (also on youtube), so not a musical, but still fascinating stories regardless. season 2 came out last year, so it's also read short stories, but the quality has improved and they may not be on youtube yet, but I have the full synopsis for all the s2 eps for you if you want it.
anyways that was a long ramble but I'll let you decide before I say more, so uh what do you think? (side note I'm always always open to talk about hatchetfield, so any questions do not hesitate to ask)
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Switch -Part 2
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Bucky Barnes x Reader, Avengers
Words: 2097
Warnings: Language, female presenting nipples, sexual situations
A/N: I decided to make this a 3 part thing, because part 2 was extremely long and I wanted this to have it’s own moment. The smut comes in part 3. Enjoy.
No one knew what to say. Everything screamed Y/N! The voice, the body all of it. Nothing outwardly had changed. Steve and Sam just thought Y/N had gone crazy, and Wanda and Nat both crossed their arms and smirked. You decided to take a seat on the counter and wait for the fireworks to really begin.  
“Morning all-what the hell, Y/N?!” Tony has finally made his way to the common area to join everyone for breakfast. He missed the initial scream but is now here for the show that is the now ‘The Winter Soldier: Body Snatcher’. “Have too much fun with the playboy last night and forget your clothes?!” The genius goes straight for the coffee maker deciding he needed more of it before having to deal with the events unfolding in the kitchen.  
“Morning Barnes!” Tony gives a casual nod to you sitting on the counter. You take a sip of the liquid in the cup, and immediately Tony notices something is off.
“Since when do you drink coffee, ice king...and in Y/N’s cup, no less?”
The only thing you can do is shrug and wait for the others to catch on.
“You!” Bucky turns his direction to the Scarlet Witch, “you did this to me, didn't you?!” Bucky's in her face at this point, but it's not as intimidating as it would be if he was in his super soldier body. She can't help but laugh at his efforts.
“I have no idea what you're talking about!” Wanda laughs in his face, repeating the same words he has said to her many times after playing one of his jokes on her.
“Don't lie to me you witch! This is payback for yesterday isn't it?”  
“Wait…” Sam stops Wanda from answering, having questions of his own, “Y/N...what could she have possibly done to you? I mean...did she make you hotter? Because damn girl! That ass though!!”
“Did you just fucking objectify my girlfriends body?” Bucky moves and is now in Sam’s face pointing a finger at him.
“I mean-you are, ya know wearing a thong and I'm a man that loves ass dimples!”
Steve has now started laughing hysterically and has doubled over from laughing so hard. Tony makes his way from the coffee to check out the look Bucky is sporting so he's not left out.
“Those are really nice. Perfect for hand placement-”
“Don't fucking finish that thought, tin man, so help me God!” Bucky has directed his finger Tony’s way.
The whole group is laughing sans Bucky. He's getting more and more pissed off with each passing moment, and you're just sitting there…on the counter, enjoying your coffee. No need to get involved quite yet. This is way too much fun.
“Someone needs to explain what the hell is going on!” Bucky demands, crossing his arms to his chest and covering your exposed breasts, standing like a petulant child. Thank god you don't have issues with your body, because this could've become awkward real fast.
“Y/N…why don't you tell us what it is you remember.” Nat says very calmly, not giving away how much she already knows.  
Bucky scans the room taking in all the faces looking at him obviously thinking he was crazy, before he starts to recant what he can recall. “I remember going to bed with Y/N, in my body! James Buchanan Barnes, aka Winter Soldier, me! This morning, I wake up and I'm her! This is not my body!” He pointing to himself trying to emphasize the point.  
“Definitely a nice ass body!” Sam says, and Steve gives him an elbow to the gut.
“So, someone switched your body?” Steve questions, not sure if he believes what he's hearing.
They've been pranked by Bucky too many times to count, so this could be just another of one his tricks having his girlfriend in on it. There's going to have to be a lot more convincing than just his word.
“Ugh! I don't understand how I'm in a room full of people who continually save the world, but all of you are way too fucking stupid to see what's in front of you!”
You bust out laughing like a damn hyena from the counter. Everyone has now directed their looks to you and Wanda does a faceplant with her hand. Everything had been going so well.
“Baby, do you realize what you just said?” You say in between laughs. “You're what's in front of them...you! They can clearly see you!”  
If looks could kill, you'd be dead. James/you is glaring hard at you/him. He has your face so bunched up, you're pretty sure he's going to give you permanent wrinkles on your forehead.
Bucky stalks up to you, paying no mind to everyone else in the room. “You're being unsarcastically hyper nonverbal!” He yells at you with fire in his eyes. “What is it that you know?”
This is where the fun begins, and payback becomes the worst bitch imaginable. You hop off the counter and stand over Bucky. You can see what it looks like when roles are reversed and he's towering over you. Let the games commence.
“Well, I know that right now…your tits are showing because you chose to wear that ridiculous quarter of a shirt to bed. I'm also aware of the fact that Sam had begun sexualizing you since the moment he saw you in that thong. How did you seriously let me buy that for you, you hate thongs?! But I will agree with him...that ASS though! The suddenness of the amount of crazy you've displayed here this morning can only mean one thing…...you're due to start your period any second now. I'm sorry sweetie, I'll make sure I run out and get your favorite kind of ice cream. Other than that,…good morning my love. Coffee?” You give him a grin, but this just upsets him even more.
Bucky laughs at you, but there's an intense amount of anger in his eyes. You watch him continue to laugh as he walks over to Wanda and gets back in her face.
“I don't know what you did, but it somehow involved my girlfriend over there!” Bucky’s pointing at you now. “I will find out the truth…but for now...I really have to go pee!”
Bucky turns and stomps back to your room.
“Sweetheart!” You yell out before he makes it through the threshold, making him stop and look over his shoulder waiting for you to speak. “Always overnight or extra heavy? Oh, how about tampons this time, I can get those?”
Bucky inhales a deep breath and throws up a middle finger at you without even batting an eye, and continues into the bedroom, slamming the door behind him.
“So, spill ice age...what'd you do to our sweet Y/N?” Tony’s grabbed a bagel and is spreading cream cheese on it.
“I really have no idea what's going on!” You're trying to look as puzzled as possible to avoid further questioning.
“I hate to admit this, but I have to go with Tony on this one…,” Sam has made his way into the center of the kitchen, pouring himself a glass of juice, “you're both acting crazy this morning. Did something happen between you two?”
The door to the bedroom opens and once again Bucky/you comes out, but this time he's managed to find your extremely short black mini skirt, and blue midriff shirt. Oh, looks like he found a bra…but what about...oh you dirty asshole!  
“Baby?” Bucky walks over and places his/your ass right up against the shorts he slept in last night and rubs himself up and down the front of you. “I'm so sorry for the way I behaved.” His movements becoming hotter by the second. “I didn't mean to cause a scene. I promise to do better daddy!”
The last words were all it took, and you were now fully turned on, Bucky's cock standing at attention. How in the fuck did that happen? God damn him for being an expert in kinky fuckery!
“Oh daddy…did I do that?!” Bucky turns around and faces you, taking his hand and rubbing the hard member through your shorts.
“Fuck…” It comes out as a whisper, but Bucky hears it and keeps rubbing you with his hands.  
No one was moving. They're all stuck in place watching what's happening between the two of you. Normally, you guys would disappear at this point, so no one was traumatized by your actions, but today Bucky didn't care and everyone else was fully intent on watching the show Bucky was attempting to put on. Well played, asshole…well played.  
“Let me take care of you…”
Bucky reaches into the shorts and starts rubbing your hand on his cock. You close your eyes and a shiver runs through your body. The hand on what is now your dick feels so fucking good. You’re pretty sure Bucky’s trying to get you to come in front of everyone, and that has your brain come back to reality.
“Sweetie, what are you doing? This is bedroom activity, you know that.”
Bucky stops suddenly and begins glaring at you. He lets out a huff and removes his hand from your shorts. Bucky starts to walk away again but stops right at the threshold of your room just like before. This time, Bucky/you turns around and faces the entire group. He looks directly at you and gives you a huge smirk.
“Should’ve known you wouldn't cave that easy. I know you’re aware what’s going on, so….” Bucky pauses and lifts the midriff over his head and undoes the bra, exposing your breasts to every single person in the room.
“F.R.I.D.A.Y. Record this!” Tony demands of the A.I., while Steve covers his eyes, and Sam crosses his arms and nods in approval.
“Take a good hard look!” You watch him grab at your nipples, pinching at them hard and moaning something loud and pornographic. “You now have to live with the fact that every single one of them have seen your perfect breasts and watched me touch your perky tight nipples. Once you see, you can't unsee!” Bucky blows you one last kiss and enters your bedroom shutting the door.
“You're fucked!” Nat looks over at you with an amused smile and begins to laugh at what just took place.
“This ain't over, darlin’…I got all day!” Your run your hands through the long brown hair, figuring out your next step.
“Buck, what did you do?” Steve walks over to the island and gives you his best Captain America stance.
“I woke up, Steve. I woke up.”  
Tony continues to look at the door of the bedroom Bucky and you occupy, waiting for another show. When he realizes it's not happening he decides it’s time for real talk. “For some reason, ice capades, I don't believe you. She just let us see her boobs….and you're ok with it? I mean, I'm all for it, she has a great rack…but any other time you'd beat the living hell out of us for even thinking about looking. What's up?” You remain silent as you shrug your shoulders at Tony, not knowing what to say.  
“I'm calling bull shit as well…” Sam starts to chime in “I've seen her in more and you've threatened to rearrange my face via that arm! What gives?”
Jesus, they're calling you out. They know something’s not right, and you have no idea how to get yourself out of this one.  
“Hold on everyone!” Nat speaks up, coming to your defense. “Y/N is my best friend. I'd be the first to know if something was wrong. Trust me…that's normal Y/N when she's about to go on a mission. She's just never let you see that side of her.”
Tony starts shaking his head, “nope, don't buy it! Boobs, Nat! Boobs!” Tony exclaims, and Steve palms his face.
“Can we not point out one of my best friends boobs to the world?” Cap asks while rubbing his face.
“Why? I mean-you can't not look.”
Wanda rolls her eyes at your comment and shakes her head. “You should go get dressed Bucky. Go talk to your girlfriend.” She gives you a stern look and you sigh heavily, accepting defeat and make your way to the bedroom door.
You pause before entry, taking one last look at your friends trying to commit their faces to memory before walking in to face a very pissed off Bucky Barnes/you. They all wave to you, and you give a two-finger salute before opening the door and walking into certain death.
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sorshania · 6 years
Rocking the Trickster
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Summary: Gabriel had learned, lifetimes ago, that the quickest, easiest way to weed out over-pompous asses making people’s lives miserable was to work at the most menial, low-ranked jobs possible. He just had to be there, minding his own business, and let the assholes come to him like bees to honey. And this job is no different than the others.
He just need to remember to keep a low profile.
Pairing: Gen
Word Count: 2763
Warnings: None
A/N: This is my first time taking part of the @gabriel-monthly-challenge and my first SPN fic in about forever!! (Yes, it took this archangel being brought back from the dead...) I had a lot of fun writing it and I hope you guys will enjoy it.
Huge thanks and kudos to @chattydm for stabbing having a go at it with the Red Pen of Doom and helping me make it all much better :p
Mention of American Gods plot, I kept it vague on purpose because 1) Gabriel is not aware of it 2) I didn’t to go full AU mode (yet)
Tags:  @archangelsanonymous @lacqueluster @archangel-with-a-shotgun and @revwinchester
AO3 Link or read below :)
Gabriel had learned, lifetimes ago, that the quickest, easiest way to weed out over-pompous asses making people’s lives miserable was to work at the most menial, low-ranked jobs possible. He just had to be there, minding his own business, and let the assholes come to him like bees to honey.
Over the countless years since he left Heaven, he had worked a vast array of such jobs. Camel driver, serf, body-snatcher, lector in a manufactory... He actually liked that one! He got to entertain the factories’ workers, and telling stories was his thing. Plus, he got a high seat. A perfect way to keep an eye on everyone, especially those he decided to target for his “little life lessons”.
Heck! He even drove a truck for PEPSI for a while, delivering one of his favorite drinks all over the US. If his brothers saw what he had become… The mighty Gabriel, a truck delivery driver… Well, to be honest, Lucifer would probably bust a feather laughing.
That was ages ago. He shook his head, smiling a little as he returned his mind to the present. He took the pad the production coordinator handed him, quickly pushing all thoughts of his brothers away. It was a simple job, as they all were. He just had to to be a little more careful than usual to keep a low profile. He was in Iowa, not too far from Ohio, where he did his last job as a janitor for Ohio State. The last thing he needed was over-zealous hunters figuring out he had tricked them and follow through with their plan to kill him. Besides, if he remembered correctly, there was also a hunter congregation point, right in the next state. Another reason not to rock the boat.
 “Gabe…?” He smirked, rather proud of his idea to hide in plain sight. He rarely gave in to the temptation though, preferring made-up names or generic ones. Thankfully, naming their child “Gabriel” was still popular among parents, considering how often he heard it. But the voice calling for his attention was not the voice of his long-lost brother or sister, it was the voice of the one of the musicians he was supposed to be attached to.
Right. Focus on the job: Production Assistant, or PA as they called it, to this budding indie music group. And keep a low profile. Simple. “Sorry for that! I just… spaced out for a moment.” He made sure to sound extra cheerful as he handed the pad back to the producer. The lead guitar just smiled at him but the lead singer scoffed. Great! A Diva! Oh… He was SO on Gabriel’s naughty list.
The music group he was working with wasn’t so bad. He learned that they had become friends in high school, and the lead singer and guitarist were brothers. They kept an easy feeling of camaraderie around them, curbing most of Keith’s, the lead singer, asshole tendencies.
 He did a pretty good job at keeping it under the radar. It wasn’t *his* fault if the strings from Keith’s guitar suddenly snapped off, breaking the instrument’s neck in the process, just as he was about to start his solo. Clearly it was a sign of abuse, despite the singer’s claim and bewilderment. Of course, Gabriel had dashed off, only to come back just as quickly with a suitable replacement. That happened to be bright pink. With My Little Pony stickers all over its body and bright neon pink strings. Gabriel thought it did wonders bringing out the red in the singer’s bloodshot eyes.
Neither was he responsible if, somehow, Keith’s shampoo bottle ended up filled with hair removal product, forcing the man to completely shave the long hair he was so proud of. He kept complaining about it throughout the day and to whoever was willing to listen (or look like they cared), until the drummer told to shove it and keep his breath for singing. Besides, it was well-known that “chicks dig bald head after all”. Gabriel didn’t know if it was because of the “chick” comment or just the fact the usually silent drummer spoke, but Keith finally shut up and the rehearsal finished without any more hitch.
Granted, sending homophobic Keith to a bar hosting one of RuPaul’s Drag Race Main Challenge that specific night, may have been his doing. But heh! They played Classic Rock all the time! And you never mess with the classics. Not to mention that Keith appeared to be quite the connoisseur, judging by how often he commented and complained about his fellow musicians.
(It still didn’t beat the slow-dancing aliens Gabriel willed out of thin air, but this one was in his personal top 5.)
 All in all, the Trickster was quite proud of himself. Knocking the ever-pompous ass down a peg, but subtly, every time he acted out, was kind of fun. Reminded him of the time he took the mantle of “Loki”. Gabriel chuckled, singing softly as he finished cleaning up the record studio.
“I didn’t know you sang.”
Gabriel yelped, nearly dropping his broom. Few people could sneak up on him. He turned around to see Keith’s brother, Joey, standing in the doorway.
“Ah…” Gabriel looked away, a little embarrassed. He didn’t thought the kid had heard him. “I used to… About a few centuries ago…” It wasn’t technically a lie; the last time he truly sang, he was with his brothers in the Silver City. He glanced again at Joey when he heard him make some non-committal sound.
 The kid was an enigma. Gabriel had learned, from the first day he started working with them, that he was Keith’s older brother and that the music group was their dream. Joey mainly worked on the songs and musical arrangements, while Keith, making good use of his outgoing personality and ambition, took care of the fans, dealt with the production people, and made sure to get their names out there. Still, Joey never gave into pride the way Keith did.
He was polite, gracious even, thanking the people hovering around them both and making sure his requests were never obnoxious. That didn’t mean he was a push-over either. One time, when the producer, tired and annoyed that Keith had stormed off of rehearsal for the nth time, suggested Joey took over as lead vocals, the musician had flat out refused. And stood his ground until the producer backed down when he realised it would be foolish to continue pushing the issue.
It wasn’t as if Keith couldn’t sing. The man had talent, there was no denying it. But he was so difficult to work with. Gabriel suspected the only reason people stayed and helped was because they liked Joey more than they hated Keith. Yet, there had been times when Gabriel had caught Keith glancing at this brother, as if looking for his approval.
Still, Gabriel wondered why Joey would reject the producer’s proposal so violently. Joey merely shrugged when he asked him about it and insisted to stay behind that evening to help Gabriel finish his chores. Despite Gabriel’s protests. It wasn’t as if he couldn’t get the work done with a snap of his fingers, after all.
 “He’s not the first to suggest it.” Joey finally answered after a time. “Nor will he be the last… But… see, Keith… He’s made for this. He’s… He can shine under the spotlights like… like I never could. And I’m not jealous! I’m happy to write the songs when he works on getting our names out there. I’m happy to be there for him, so he can shine.” And he just smiled and got back to work.
It sounded like total bullshit, in Gabriel’s opinion. He had never met anyone who wouldn’t enjoy being in the spotlight. Maybe Joey just needed a little incentive…
The next time Keith was being an ass, Gabriel got the opportunity to hit two birds with one stone. It was last day after all, despite the production team not being aware of it yet, and he had always prided himself leaving on a high note. Pun not intended.
 Gabriel made a discreet rippling gesture with the fingers of his right hand. One minute, Keith was yelling and growling and ranting and being a general pain in the butt, and the next, nothing. Just… Silence. Pure. Sweet. Silence. And there was nothing to be done to change the situation.
That threw the production out for a loop. They were in the middle of recording a very important session. It was one of the rare duets sang by the brothers. And this one that had the potential to change everything and getting the group recognized. Gabriel only hoped Joey was ready to go at it, solo. He did feel a little bit guilty when he saw the fear and panic written all over the kid’s face. Best make a quick exit.
 “Gabe? Gabe?! GABRIEL?!!! WAIT!!!”
 Dammit. Joey had managed to catch up just as he was about to step outside. A few more steps and… Gabriel sighed and turned around, unable to resist the fear and worry and hope in the guy’s voice. He knew he should have flown out of there but didn’t want to risk it.
“Gabriel… You have to help…” Joey panted. “You have to sing Keith’s part…”
“Come again?”
“You have to sing. It’s the only way we can get the sing out in time.”
“You’re joking right? Why don’t you do it solo?” Maybe the kid really needed to be pointed the obvious.
But Joey just shook his head. “Can’t… not the right voice… doesn’t carry well… would ruin the song… But, yours… Yours could work… Just…”
“Joey, that’s ridi- “
“Listen, if you don’t want to do it, it’s fine… But -”
“Gabe is right… You have to sing.” A raspy voice, barely above a whisper interrupted them.
 They turned around to see Keith standing beside them. Gabriel could have hit himself. He truly was getting old. And he couldn’t just zap out there, he was really committed to see this through as low-profile as he could.
“You know it won’t work! It’s a duet! It needs to be sung by two people!” Joey protested, getting angry. “My voice is way too clear and high for your parts! I’ll end up sounding like a bad mash up of Alvin and Chipmunks, with a head-cold!!!”
“Then, we forget this, we wait for another opportunity and use this to work on new material.”
 The brothers stared at each other. Meanwhile, Gabriel couldn’t believe what was happening. Aside for the Alvin thingie part, that he could. Joey’s voice had reached a surprising high note in his distress. No, what surprised him was that Keith, Pompous-Asshole-Keith, was calmly trying to calm his brother down. Keith who was not even furious at the step back his nearly muteness was causing but who was in fact trying to find a solution. Gabriel was truly confused. Either this session must mean a lot more to them than he first thought, or he accidentally causes Opposite Day.
A heavy hand landing on his shoulder brought him back to the situation at hand. “Can you sing my part?”
Gabriel looked up to see Keith staring at him. The brothers appeared to have reach some kind of agreement while he was busy puzzling over what was happening. “Look… I know I’ve been an ass… and I have no right to ask you this.” Keith was saying. “But, it’ll help us greatly if you helped us out.”
“You… You can’t be serious.”
“Joey says you’re good. And that’s good enough for me.” By now, Keith was nearly growling, his voice giving out.
Gabriel scoffed, looking at each brother in turn.
The naked hope in their eyes tugged at something he buried a long time ago. “But I can’t play!” It was a cop-out, one last desperate attempt to get out.
And a poor one. Keith gave a lopsided small smile, as if he knew it. “I think I can help with that…”
Gabriel sighed, his shoulders slumping slightly.
Bloody Hell.
The recording session was surprisingly easy. It took only one rehearsal to see how everyone worked together before they started recording. Gabriel’s presence raised a few eyebrows, but the Joey/Keith tandem quickly shut everyone up. It was impressive to see how efficiently they worked together. The other musicians just shrugged, happy a solution had been found. And Gabriel really got lost in the experience. It was surprising how easy and familiar it was to just be a part of something once again.
When the producer called out “And… it’s a wrap!” and everyone just… jumped around, nearly bursting with joy. Gabriel just stood there, unable to move, feeling the pats on his back and shoulders, the one-arm hugs. He was staring at the brothers, hugging and thumping each other’s back. They let go and just… stared at each other, before the rhythmic guitar player sauntered over, saying something that made Keith roar with laughter. Or he would have, if he still had a voice.
Gabriel was suddenly hit by a wave of homesickness. It was too much to take in. Too hard to breathe. He didn’t think.
 He flew away, landing a few cities away, to try and get his bearings and calm the sudden hammering of his Grace. He usually managed to keep it at peace by entertaining himself with mortal ladies (and some goddesses), but… Nothing could have prepared him for the impact the sheer force of the tangled emotions he just witnessed, and caused.
“Well… You are not the one I had expected to find here.”
The voice came from behind him and Gabriel turned around to see a man emerged from the shadows. He was adjusting the cuffs of his tailored purple silk suit, his face hidden by the shadow cast by his hat.
“Hello Anansi.” Gabriel shoved his hands his pockets, mimicking the other’s relaxed pose. "Fancy meeting you here."
The cordial tone was a trick and they both knew it as they kept a respectful (and prudent) distance from one another.
 Gabriel’s eyes narrowed as he watched the African Trickster, half-wondering if he may or may not have been responsible for the sudden change of situation at the recording studio. Distances meant nothing for supernatural beings, and Anansi was known to work from afar. “I thought we both agreed to stay within our territories.” He said after a time. “Are you making a move?”
“Not at all.” Anansi said a little too smoothly, raising a hand, as if to indicate his peaceful intentions, his voice was singing, soothing, a mix of both Caribbean and African accents. “I am merely on my way to the House of Rock, to meet with the All-Father. Surely, you must be aware of this.” 
Gabriel frowned slightly. No, he didn't know the Old Gods were meeting. Truth be told, he wasn’t really close to his alleged fellows, not wanting to risk the off-chance of revealing his true nature. This had caused Odin to make numerous complains, and thin-veiled insults, about his lack of “investment in their plight.” Not that Gabriel really cared. “I have been travelling a lot lately.” He shrugged. “Perhaps my invitation got lost in the mail.”
“Perhaps…” Anansi said though he did not push the issue.
 Gabriel was the first to break the ensuing silence. “In any case, I shall let you be on your way.” He stepped aside to let the man pass. “While we both know Odin loves his theatrics, I won’t begrudge you your grand entrance.”
“Indeed.” Anansi tipped his hat as thanks, to which Gabriel responded with a nod.
 They kept an eye on each other as the African Trickster walked past him. Just in case.
“By the way, Loki,” Anansi said, his back now to Gabriel, judging he was at a safe enough distance, “I have heard stories.”
“What kind of stories?”
“Stories of wars. Stories of hurt. Stories of betrayal. Stories of brother fighting brother. Of friend turning against friend.” He turned around to look over his shoulder. His eyes were dark and unreadable, and Gabriel wondered one more time how much he knew. And if it was a threat he needed to take care of. “You might want to be careful not to get caught in the crossfire.” He said evenly.
“I will. Thank you for the warning.”
Anansi nodded and disappeared, leaving the former archangel in the dark street, wondering about what was about to come next.
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