#for Hudson and Rhondson to have a kid
sorio99 · 10 months
I just realized, the Link in Tears of the Kingdom is almost certainly the oldest Link we’ve ever gotten to play as. He’s the only one who’s unambiguously an adult.
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skyward-floored · 1 year
LU Zelink marriages head canons, go!
Alright, let’s see...
Time and Twilight are excluded here because Time has Malon, and Twilight is heavily implied to be interested in Ilia (plus the whole Midna mess) so he’s not here either.
...And before anybody gets on my case, Legend and Fable aren’t siblings here! Them being siblings is just a headcanon! They’re not related here!
We good? Good.
Anyways, this got long so I’m putting it under the cut.
For Sky and Sun... I think Skyloft has a lot of traditions and things, so their wedding would have a lot of that. Everybody on Skyloft attends I’m sure, plus the handful of friends Sky and Sun made on the surface, the kikwi’s and mole guys (who’s names I’m not remembering at the moment) and all. They probably have the wedding somewhere in Faron, as the first wedding on the Surface Grooseland and it’s a very happy affair :)
Once Four is old enough to get married, I think his and Dot’s wedding is a lot like Sky’s: lots of tradition, but not too big of an event, lots of family and friends (and people they have to invite because it’s technically a royal wedding 🙄). The minish probably help in all sorts of little ways, with any food and little details on Dot’s dress. Her and Four probably aren’t nearly serious enough during the ceremony, and a couple of people are scandalized. They don’t care a bit.
Wind has a while to go before he’s old enough to really get married, but I think him and Tetra make it a pretty small deal. Tetra suggested eloping but she was mostly kidding. Mostly. They probably have the ceremony on the ship, but dock it at Outset so they can have the party afterwards there without running out of room. It takes them a while to find someone to officiate (you can’t officiate your own wedding, Tetra) Makar and Medli do the music, and Tingle probably invites himself.
Legend, after he accepts that Marin is gone and lets himself love again (...it probably takes a while), would probably prefer a pretty small wedding. Fable is all for it (I’m sure she’d hate a fuss), so they have a quiet wedding in the apple orchard by Legend’s house. Ravio somehow ends up making money off of it, and probably gives Legend one of his own items as a wedding gift.
Hyrule, no matter which Zelda it is that he’s in love with (I certainly don’t have any clue XD) does not want a big wedding. Of course, he somehow ends up with one anyways because he’s marrying a princess and especially if you add in the whole “destined to be king” thing he possibly has it’s probably a wedding and a coronation, so it’s a Big Deal. Poor Hyrule is an absolute mess of nerves.
Warriors and Artemis almost elope. They very much consider just booking it from the castle for a week or two to get married then come back, so they can skip the whole fuss and political nonsense that comes with a royal wedding, but Impa keeps giving them glares so she’d probably stop them. So they put up with the whole spectacle of everything, then very much enjoy a quiet honeymoon.
Wild... I’m a little hesitant to say much about since I haven’t played totk yet (no spoilers!!!) and am not quite sure how things have changed between him and Flora (if at all). But either way, I think they probably try to have a nice quiet wedding, then have a bigger party afterwards. Probably a little like Rhondson and Hudson’s wedding, it’s just a small affair. Then a big party and everything afterwards where they invite everyone they can, everybody Wild’s met and helped over the years.
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totkdaily · 3 months
Day 59: Tarrey Town
I ride down the hill in sheeting rain to pray at the Spring of Power. The Goddess statue asks for Dinraal's claw because the Mother Goddess Statue in the Forgotten Temple has fallen down - it's a good thing I risked life and limb earlier. 
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She gives me a ruby for the claw, and implores me to visit her sisters. In fact, I could return to the Spring of Wisdom now. The weather might be better there. 
It isn't. But the statue gives me a sapphire.
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Now, where was that last one? Spring of Courage… is it in Faron, near those dragon ruins? That'll take me a while, if so. 
Where next?
I'm minded to visit Zora's Domain - it feels like I've been circling it for a while. I had planned to go to Tarrey Town though, before I got incredibly distracted. Tarrey Town first. I'll visit Sidon afterwards. 
The Purah Pad takes me back to Ulri Mountain tower. I use it for lift, and land on an island with a flux construct… I should really take those things more seriously. 
Much more seriously.
But I am eventually victorious, and I dive on down to Tarrey Town.
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I put on a more respectable outfit than my battle gear, and go looking for Hudson and all the rest of them. 
Fyson is still running the general store - he sells monster extract, which I think I wanted to cook something for the Hateno schoolkids. Pelison works with him now, detaching fused items from one another. I might have some work for him. 
There's a couple of kids running around - Hunnie and Mattison. Mattison's a Gerudo, and with a name like that… did Hudson have a kid?? I should come here more often. 
Kapson is running the inn - I guess he did finally retire from marriage officiant. 
I ask the goddess statue for a heart container. 
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There's two elders - Monari and Moggs. Moggs says the town's growth is thanks to President Mudson. Does… does he mean Hudson? Ah, yes - Monari agrees with me. She points me to the construction office across the way. 
Ruli says Hudson's in conflict with Rhondson right now, something about their daughter Mattison - I was right about her! But why are her parents arguing? 
I find the couple at the office - it's got to do with Mattison leaving. 
It takes Rhondson a second to remember me - she thinks I'm here for a dream home, but that service is closed right now anyway. 
I follow Hudson to find out more. Mattison's going to Gerudo Town soon - because she's Gerudo, she can't be around men until she comes of age. Hudson's finding it hard to let go. And in the meantime, they're both so busy. 
I head inside to find Mattison practicing her Gerudo language. She wants everyone here to learn Gerudo too, so she's teaching Granny Monari. I follow her - to find that the real reason she's teaching the language is so Rhondson won't be lonely when she leaves. Oh, kiddo. She wants to help Hudson with his work so he's not so busy, to help him out as well before she goes.
Mattison heads to the railcar to join Hudson at the jobsite - is that what's on the lake shore? I wonder what he's building down there. But some guy called Hagie is extorting everyone for railcar rides. I wonder if I can distract him…
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I stick a plank of wood in front of his face so he can't see, and Mattison rides on down. 
Hagie's got a shrine crystal, and he wants 20 rupees to ride the railcar. He took the crystal from the jobsite, and now he wants 100 rupees for it - or at least 80. Clearly hasn't heard the parable of the lion and the wolf. 
Ruli overhears him, and says 50 rupees is more than fair. I'll come back for it at some point. I want to check that Mattison is OK. 
I glide down to the jobsite - and spot a device dispenser! The researcher checking it out, Pulcho, doesn't have a clue what it does. I demonstrate. He says there's another in Kakariko Village - I've seen it - and another at Digdogg Bridge, apparently. 
There's a couple of buildings down here, but it's mostly ruins and Zonai devices. I spot Hudson and Mattison by a balloon.
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He's made it for her so she can get to Gerudo Town safely - and he wants to paint it yellow to make it like the sun. He wants ten sundelions to dye the canopy. I've got 29 - he can have some of mine. It takes him the rest of the night to build it.
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unapprovedtrash · 1 year
Actual footage of me trying to figure out how Purah is an adult, Hudson and Rhondson have a daughter who looks like she’s about 7 or 8 and the rito children have noticeably aged a few years but the kids in Hateno and Kakariko are still exactly the same
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So just how much time has passed between BotW and ToTK??
Koko in Kakariko looks older and refers to Link as an adult
Rhondson in Tarrey Town tells Link that it’s “been a long time”, and she and Hudson have a daughter, Mattison, now
Mattison is able to give residents of Tarrey Town lessons on the Gerudo language, and she’s deemed old enough to go on a special journey to Gerudo Town
How old is Mattison supposed to be? She seems to be at least 5-6 years old considering her level of awareness/knowledge? There's no way she can be any younger than that, right?? I'm not good at determining a kid's age lol
Just how long has it been since BotW??
Maybe this is already answered somewhere in TotK's story and I just haven't gotten there yet lol, but if not, does anyone else have any idea??
Also if 5-6 years really have passed, then that means Link did not grow a single inch taller in all those years LOL oof 😂
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lithuvia · 1 year
Totk Spoilers, Sorta:
Lol, guilted myself into doing the Gerudo Desert questline first, even though I think the monsters there are scary as shit.
Link: *spends a nice day in Tarrey Town, helping out, has a great time* Have a nice trip, Mattison!
Link: *remembers what the hell is happening in the desert*
Link: *warps across the continent to solve the problem before Hudson and Rhondson's kid gets scarred for life* Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck-
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beloveddawn-blog · 10 months
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Soooo... Is he actually qualified for this? Or was it just an excuse to get him out of town?
Hudson: "I swear to Hylia if that damn kid breaks one more peice of construction equipment while trying to 'improve it' I won't be responsible for my actions!"
Rhondson: "Be nice, dear. He's trying."
Hudson: "Trying my patience, at least..."
Rhondson: "Why don't you move him into a different position? One where he can't hurt himself or anyone else?"
Hudson: "What do you suggest?"
Rhondson: "Put him on the hill up there selling dream homes. It's a nice big lot, but it's too far from town for most people. Too much of a chance for monsters on the route in. And it's never going to sell now that we've had the Upheaval. No one who has the capital for it is looking to move."
Hudson: "... That might just work. Let him be young and stupid where he can't blow up anyone but himself, but close enough we can keep an eye on him. I'll have to make him an inspector, though. All of my solitary workers need that qualification."
Rhondson: "It'll be fine. He's very clever, that Granteson. By the time he actually has to inspect something he'll have calmed down and learned to think things through."
*three months later*
Hudson: "What is that lopsided monstrosity up on that hill?"
Rhondson: "Sooooo... I might have sold that lot up there."
Hudson: "Seriously? To who?"
Rhondson: "Link. As a thank you for helping Mattison I gave him a deal on it."
Hudson: "... Is it... open to the weather?"
Rhondson: "Some of it, yes."
Hudson: "Did those two... put in staircases?"
Rhondson: "Only to the second floor. Granteson informed me quite casually that Link usually either climbs the walls or magics through the floor. I'm not sure of the details, mostly because I just wanted the conversation to be over."
Hudson: "... I'm not sure if I regret everything or not..."
Rhondson: "That seems to be pretty normal for dealing with Link, to be fair."
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aikoiya · 1 year
LoZ: TotK - Things I'd Change
I really only have a couple of problems with Tears of the Kingdom as it stands.
The major one being how the Master Sword was handled. It's a major downgrade from last game, which is a major downgrade from the games before. Not only does it break, but at least in BotW there was a way to upgrade it's durability. I have yet to find such a thing in this one. Which is supposed to be better than the last time. I do love the weapon fusion, but it only does so much. Now, if it was the one unbreakable weapon in the game, but the monster part you fused to it broke after a while, I think that would've been better. I can only hope that they put in a dlc to fix that or at least to make it more durable.
The other one is the total & complete lack of a RauruxSonia child in the flashbacks. It's not even that you don't see one. It's that there isn't even a mention of them existing other than getting the idea that there MAY be one out there by the fact that it's explicitly stated that Zelda is the descendant of both Rauru & Sonia.
Ergo, they must've reproduced at some point, otherwise there would be no Zelda to begin with!
Just... make Sonia pregnant when Zelda first shows up, have a cute little scene where she's holding a baby in her arms, then move on!
You don't even need to see the actual kid, just give Sonia what appears to be a bundle of freaking blankets to cradle & that'd be enough to get a pass even if it's the bare minimum!
You don't even need to cast any extra actors!
This would erase the inconsistency entirely & there's minimal input from the kid themselves.
Something else weird is the infamous problem that no one, not even the people you meet canonically, seem to remember Link except for the people who are plot relevant.
That... does not make sense!
Like, I get it. It's so that new characters don't feel overwhelmed with too much information, but the thing is, that sort of causes things to come across very weird & inconsistent.
I kinda wish that the game just asked you first thing, "Have you played BotW?" And if the answer is yes, then the game just assumes that you did all the side content & changes the dialog of certain npcs so that they're like, "I remember you!"
Aside from those 3 major things, most of my other problems with the game are pretty nitpicky.
For instance, I wish the game had double beds for couples & that the Dreamhouse, specifically, had a double bed option. Ya know, like a Master Bedroom. In fact, the only double bed we see is at Hudson & Rhondson's home! Meaning the graphic for one exists, but also that, apparently, they are the only married couple in Hyrule who consistently sleep in the same bed & that's stupid!
This isn't the 1960s, ya'll! It isn't even being done for accuracy's sake! As medieval families tended to have communal beds where everyone in a house, including visitors, just sort of puppy piles together as it saves on money & resources! The idea of separate beds for couples were a product of 19th century Victorian England's bourgeoisie! So why do so many of medieval fantasy Hyrule's lower class have an average of 2 beds, 3-4 if they have kids?? Stop being cowards & at least let couples have doubles!
Another thing that would've been cool would be if you could actually use the garden you put in to grow vegetables & flowers. Like, you go up to a pot or bed & put in a single plant & in a couple days, you come back to retrieve 5 of them or something. The more expensive or rare ingredients, like Endura Carrots & Hearty Radishes, might take longer to grow than others. Big Hearty Radishes even more so. However, you still get 5 when you do harvest them.
Or maybe the plants that come from trees & bushes like wildberries, apples, the elemental fruit, spicy peppers, tomatoes, bananas, & whatnot get their own section like an orchard & it takes time but actual trees & bushes that are purmanent grow there & the fruit grow back after a while. But the orchard is more expensive. Also cool would be a mushroom log, you could only grow 1 type of mushroom at a time. Plus, the more rare mushrooms take longer like with the garden.
However, for things like the Stambulbs, Sundelions, Skyshrooms, Sun Pumpkins, & Elemental Trees, maybe you need to complete specific quest chains because they're new to Hyrule's surface & require specific methods.
Like, to grow Sundelions, you need to talk to Mellie or Cori in Kakariko. Mellie, who owns the plum garden that a Sundelion is growing in, & Cori, the botanist & Zonai Survey Team member who asked Mellie if she would allow it. Maybe you need to talk to both? Do a favor for them both? (Which reminds me. BotW & TotK both have plum trees & cherry trees, but no plums or cherries... Weird...) Though, also interesting would be if destroying Mellie's trees or stealing Cori's Sundelion blocked you from getting the quests at all. After all, why would they trust you to do anything for them if all you've done is steal from them & destroy their property?
Or for Sun Pumpkins, you have to talk with the farmer who grows them in Hateno. I'm not sure who you'd learn to grow Skyshrooms & Stambulbs from though. Maybe Doritt, the Wandering Mushroom Merchant in southern Hyrule Field, would be trying to learn to grow Skyshrooms? Or the pair of Mushroom Hunters that are looking for the Mushroom Haven? In fact, what if doing a quest for one of them early in the game has them giving you blueprints for the mushroom log which unlocks it when you give it to Hudson? And another quest for one of them later in the game has them teaching you how to grow Skyshrooms? Though, as to why you'd want Skyshrooms, I don't know. They aren't even very good. Maybe have them give Impact Proof?
Same with the garden pond, but like with the mushroom log, you can only do it with 1 kind of fish & in order for them to multiply you need at least 2 of the same fish. It takes a few days, but when you come back, there'd be, like, 5 fish there. But like with the garden & mushroom log, the more expensive & rare the fish, the longer it takes for them to do so.
OmG, Uma! I love Uma! She should be the one who teaches you to grow tomatoes, melons, pumpkins, carrots, radishes, rice, & wheat!
Also, fucking WINDOWS!! And DOORS!! You should be able to choose if a room has a wall & door to separate it from the others!
This one is more so a little bit of flavor. I would've really liked it if Rauru & Mineru had, like, Colonial Spanish accents. If not that, then just Mexican Spanish.
Also, there are far, far too few kids. It's actually very concerning how few children you actually see running around.
Seriously, the most kids that I recall seeing running around in a single settlement is 6! And that was in Gerudo Town where there should at least be upwards of a dozen considering how important keeping their population high is for them.
There are also no signs of actual babies or pregnant women, which is alarming.
I get that this was made in Japan, who's population seems to be aging, so there are fewer kids with the average couple only having around 1 child per woman, so it might've been influenced by that, but that still isn't normal. Because it means that the population is basically being reduced by half with each generation atm, which IS NOT a sustainable amount for a society to continue on into perpetuity!!
And in the case of all your armor missing, they should've just said that whatever happened when Rauru saved Link that, for whatever reason, seemingly incinerated the clothing on his body, also destroyed his adventurer's bag & everything inside it. Which would include all his pouch upgrades & his clothes. As such, until he gets to Lookout Landing, he's only really got his pockets to work with.
And then, once he does get to Lookout Landing, maybe Purah notices his lack of bag & is like, "Oh, yeah. You're gonna need a new one of those." And then gives you one! Which would explain why you don't have any of your pouch upgrades. Because it's a brand new bag!
And the clothes you get from caves & stuff? They aren't the same ones you had in the last game because yours were destroyed.
Also Kas! At least address why Kas isn't there!
I'd also love to see the Keaton make a reappearance. If not as a character with riddles or puzzle or side quests, then as just something mentioned in myth & legend.
Speaking of myths, it'd be nice to hear about legends regarding diefied characters such as Jabun/Jabu Jabu, Valoo, the Goddess of the Sand, the 3 Golden Goddesses, ect. Also, the Minish as they were once part of Hyrule's myths too. And maybe a mention of the Kokiri. Like, again, it doesn't have to be part of the main story, just mentions.
I'd also be cool to see them in environmental storytelling.
I'd also be up for more Ruins of old temples.
Which, BTW, I wish there was more involving the Kakariko Graveyard. In that, I wish there was actually something there. Like, there's nothing! It's so small & I didn't even know that BotW/TotK Kakariko HAD a graveyard until recently when I just sorta stumbled across it in TotK! Like, was it also there in BotW & I just completely missed it??
Also cool would be footwear & accessories being separate slots, but the footwear has no defense & only affects mobility. That way you can wear the full Desert Voe & Snowquill Sets as well as the Snow Boots & Sand Boots & STILL get the set bonus. Or the Opal Earrings with the Zora Armor to get an extra boost in swim speed or reduce stamina consumption when in water. There would be a slot for earrings, for crowns, & for necklaces.
And I'd have made it so the Armor of the Wild set increases the drop rate of items as well as the quantity of the drops whether when cutting grass, breaking ore deposits, hunting animals, or killing monsters, "Forager's Bounty," & the set bonus would increase the rare item drop rate, "Forager's Boon."
In my mind, drop rates are naturally at a base of 0%.
I would've made it so that using a Reaper to cut grass increased grass drops & the rarity of the drops of monsters you kill with them by up to 15% depending on the quality of the Reaper's base weapon. While Silver Lizalfos Horns would add a base of +5% to the drop rate.
However, fusing a Silver Lizalfos Horn to a Broadsword, specifically, would double the drop rate added by the Horn, thus increasing the drop rates by up to 25%, & instead of being called a Reaper would be called a Sickle.
Similarly, if you use Hammers to smash ore deposits, it increases the rare ore drop rate by up to 20% depending on the base weapon used. With Cobble Crushers specifically increasing it to 10%. A Pristine Couble Crusher 15%. And a Boulder Breaker 20%.
While using Hammer Heads would add a base of up to +10% to the rarity of the drops while using special parts like Talus Hearts would increase the rare ore drop rate to between +15-20%.
One other thing I'd change about the weapons would be that haliberds as well as spears fused with Silver Lizalfos Horns would have unique mechanics.
Haliberds would allow you to both stab like a spear & chop like an axe. While spears fused with Silver Lizalfos Horns would specifically be called Scythes & would allow Link to attack as if he were using a Claymore but faster & with a longer reach.
As an aside, Scythes would increase the grass drop rate & item drop rarity from grass & monsters in the same way that Reapers would. Scythes would also have a longer grass-cutting radius than either Broadswords or Claymores.
I'd have also added something like an Accessory Set Bonus, so that if you're wearing a crown, earrings, & necklace of the same type, you get a special effect from it.
I'd have also put in a Crown of Satori's Blessing, Blupee Earrings, & Bubbul Necklace that would each increase the amount of Rupees you get from non-reward things.
Wearing all three would increase the amount of Rupees you get as rewards.
I'm thinking that you get them by taking on a quest chain from the jewelry maker in Gerudo Town. She'd say that she'd heard of 3 legendary creatures associated with good fortune & would wish that she could see them. These things are Blupees, Bubbulfrogs, & Satori.
If you give her a picture of one, she will become inspired to make a new accessory but will ask you for resources to make them.
If you summon Satori after completing all the caves that he shows you the location of in an area, he'll reward you with a pair of Golden Antlers as if he'd just shed them. And the Blupees would have a chance to drop a gem of some sort & initially making the earrings would require 2. Making the Satori Crown would require 1 pair of Golden Antlers, a Bubbul Gem, & 2 Blupee Gems. The Bubbulfrog Necklace would require a single Bubbul Gem, 1 pair of Golden Antlers, & 4 Blupee Gems. The Blupees Earrings would require 2 Blupee Gems, 1 pair of Golden Antlers, & 2 Bubbul Gems. The other 5 pairs of antlers would be used to upgrade them.
The lucky part here would be that you get the accessories as a reward for the quests.
Also, I'd put in Emeralds & have them related to the wind. Maybe make them blade-shaped like Diamonds & Amber to indicate that they sorta work like the eightfold blades when attached to a hilt. Have them add +15 to damage. Maybe add an accessory that uses Emeralds that'd give Haste? If not that then Dive Control. Same for when you're holding a weapon with an Emerald fused to it. It gives you a boost to speed or dive control.
I might also have made Diamonds add light damage. Similarly, I'd have made the Light Dragon parts apply light damage too, making them more effective against Dark enemies, such as Malice or Gloom Enemies.
Also, Onyx, but it gives shadow damage. Maybe they'd be more effective against Constructs?
Also Sandstone to make a Sand Rod that attacks with sand. This would give the game a legit earth-based element & could make it effective against electrical enemies!
Also, things that have water damage or effects like Chu Jelly or Opals would be as effective against fire enemies as ice would be.
I'd have also given electric enemies a more definitive elemental weakness like earth like I said above. Like, apparently water shorts them out & Gibdo bones hurt a lot, but they don't get them like fire does an Ice-Breath Lizalfos. So, maybe make the Earthwake Technique take them out or be extra effective against them?
Something else cool would've been Blue Lizalfos being Water Lizalfos instead with their horns being water element. And if fused to a Zora Weapon, it's always at double damage!
I would've also liked to see water be a bit more... beefy I guess? Just, there really isn't much for it other than cleaning up the muck in Zora's Domain or shorting out Electric enemies. Which is sad, because the Zora Weapons are some of the best in the game!
At the beginning, I was hoping there'd be an opportunity to rebuild Castle Town & the other ruined settlements, but I was disappointed.
For that matter, I'd have also liked rebuilding villages to be a much bigger part of the game because we only really got Lurelin & it really wasn't that fun.
Like, I wanted to get to rebuild Deya Village in West Necluda, Mabe Village in Central Hyrule, Tabantha Village in Tabantha, Goponga Village in the Lanayru Wetlands, the Shadow Hamlet in Eldin, & other such places. Maybe even the garrisons & outposts & the Temple of Time & city surrounding it on the Great Plateau after you bust open the gate.
Then, once you rebuild them, the ancestors of those who used to live there would move in. And certain villages would have a mix of residents, like Tabantha being a split of Rito & Hylians, Goponga being a split of Zora & Hylians, & Shadow Hamlet being a split of Gorons & Hylians.
And the local food, architecture, & clothes would reflect this. Like, I know that Zora & Gorons don't typically wear clothes, but the Hylians living in these places could be wearing things inspired by Zora & Goron designs & atchitecture. Same with Hylians living in Tabantha Village. They'd wear things inspired by Rito clothing.
Another thing I wish was there was the Ordona Province & Ordon Village. I know that Ordon only existed in one game, but it'd still be nice.
I theorize that it would be in what is canonically the Faron Grasslands, the village itself being in Fural Plain around where the Lake of the Horse God is. That way, the Ordon Ranch would be inside of Ibara Butte, which feels like the right place.
If it did exist, I'd expect the residents to be mostly human with some Hylians here & there. Which, BTW, where did all the humans go??
Either way, Ordon would likely sell things like Pumpkins, Goat Milk, Goat Butter, & Ordon Cheese (which is made of Goat Milk). And that they'd be sort of ranching rivals with Hateno & Mabe.
Which, Mabe's ranch would totally be Lon Lon & they'd sell Lon Lon dairy products.
I know, having so many different types of dairy products to use would be counterproductive & is probably why there's only Hateno in the games to begin with, but STILL!! It'd also be great worldbuilding!
Something else cool would've been the establishment of a new village in the Gerudo Highlands & if it allowed men in, so families that didn't wanna be separated could move there such as Perda, Wabbin, & Aaqlet. Which, I know, that'd leave Mattison without her friend, but I just can't help but feel bad for Wabbin & a bit upset at the destruction of the family unit.
I could see the fashion style there being something more along the lines of resembling Tibetan a/o Russian styles with very destinct Middle Eastern influences.
There also should've been more opportunities to use the Hauling Harness & Sand Sleigh. Those were neat additions, so it would've been cool to have more quests & side quests where you needed them.
It could've even gone along with the village reconstruction idea I had.
Finally, I'd have liked more recipes, but that's just me because I love cooking in games.
Tomatoes especially should've had more recipes. Like Bouillabaisse from a Hylian Tomato, Goron Spice or Spicy Pepper, Bass or Porgy, an Herb, & Rock Salt. Not to mention spaghetti.
Another interesting thing would be being able to choose Meat, Prime Meat, Gourmet Meat, Drumstick, Thigh, & Whole Bird as the target for your Sensor so instead of having to switch between different specific animals, you could just sort of go hunting for a specific type of meat & it would track the animals that give said meat.
Same for hunting insects or fish. Or hunting for something with a specific buff.
Also cool would be more side-quests asking you to make recipes or hunt for recipes or things like that.
Cool too would be if using the kitchen in your Dreamhome for cooking gives you access to more complicated recipes & the ability to cook in bulk when using it.
Or if you can actually make new ingredients there. Things like 2 different kinds of noodles. Wheat Noodles from Tabantha Wheat, Rock Salt, & Bird Eggs. And Rice Noodles from Hylian Rice & Rock Salt.
Also, using Bread as an ingredient to make multiple different sandwiches.
Another thing is, I'm a bit puzzled as to why Blueshell Snails & Durians were removed. But then again, all you had to do to get the effects of the Hearty Durian was to cook it alone. Which might've discouraged cooking other things.
Another little nitpicky thing is I didn't really like the setup for the recipes. I'd have preferred the list to be more gridlike. As is, it takes a bit to navigate.
Which, another thing! Why don't you get anything for completing the recipe list??
Like, you know Burmano? The Chef at Lookout Landing who asks you to bring him an apple in exchange for Fruit & Mushroom Mix?
Anyway, he leaves for Hyrule Castle & he seems to be trying to figure out how to make Crunchy Fried Rice, but even if you make it in front of him, he doesn't react.
A. Why can't you show him how to make it? And B. They could've had him go back to Lookout Landing afterwards & given him 2-3 quest chains, 1 where he asks you to bring him the signature dishes from all the Stables & 1 where he asks you to bring him a traditional dish from each settlement. Sometimes 2 maybe? To complete each individual quest, you have to make the dish in the pot in Lookout Landing, implying that you're showing him how. Then when you do, he gives a bit of lore/history behind the recipes.
Like, maybe from Lurelin he asks Link for Seafood Paella or Creamy Heart Soup or Baked Banana. From Hateno, either Fruity Tomato Stew or Cheesy Tomato or Hylian Pizza, maybe even some Sunny Pumpkin dishes. From Kakariko, he asks for Meat-Stuffed Pumpkin or Pumpkin Stew. From Terry Town, any number of Monster food. From Zora's Domain, you need.... actually they don't really seem to have any specialty recipes, so I guess I'll just use Crab Risotto & Snail Chowder as examples. From Rito Village, Salmon Meuniere or any of the Meat Stews. From Gerudo Town, Prime Pultry Pilaf. From Goron City, Meat Curry. From the Great Forest, maybe he asks you for Sauteed Nuts or Glazed Mushrooms.
Then, the 3rd one, he posits that the destroyed villages had unique recipes only made there & mourns the loss of culinary history. So, he wonders if there's anyone descended from people who lived in these places who'd had these recipes passed down to them. This would prompt Link to search Hyrule for such individuals, thus leading to the discovery of recipes from Age of Calamity, such as the Mabe Soufflé, Tabantha Bake, & Deya Hot Pot. (It'd be interesting if Link was implied to have known the recipe for the Deya Hot Pot at one point, but had forgotten it. So, for this one, instead, you need to go to Deya & find the remains of the house he grew up in, which would activate a childhood memory of eating with his family, thus allowing him to remember the recipe.)
Then, to complete the quest, Burmano heard of a legendary dish served at the Champion's Inaguration, so he asks Link directly if he remembers what it was. This leads to Link having to go on another quest, this time to Hyrule Castle where he activates another memory in either the kitchen or the ballroom or something, thus remembering the recipe & allowing him to teach Burmano the Ceremonial Platter.
It'd also have been neat if there were some Zonai recipes to be found around the Sky Islands & the other Zonai Ruins around Hyrule such as the Dragon Ruins in Faron & Burmano later had you take pictures of tablets with inscriptions on them, but you couldn't read them so you take them to Wortsworth or Tauro & he translates.
Maybe one of the rewards for completing the cooking list is a recipe book that Burmano made & it's sort of a reference to the fanmade Banquet of the Wild recipe book IRL. It wouldn't really be anything you could use, but it'd appear in the Dreamhouse's kitchen & would be something memorable for Link as a character.
Maybe it could increase the amount of criticals in cooking or something? At least when using your kitchen at the Dreamhouse.
I DO very much like how Malanya was done here though. It's interesting & incentivizes cooking.
I also wish that there was an option to mention to Rotana in the Mysterious Eighth quest that the circle orb was on loan from Dalia, thus making her a contributor to Rotana's research as well. In fact, I wish that Link had the option to tell Dalia at the very beginning what the orb was for. Which might spark her interest & after winning her challenge, she'd follow you to meet Rotana in the Gerudo Shelter & the 2 would discuss history & legends. After that, she's there when you bring any other orbs & she makes a comment alongside Rotana. Then, afterwards, Dalia says that she doesn't mind keeping the orb there because it isn't like it's too far away. She can come see it anytime.
I feel like it would've been interesting if Dalia became Rotana's sort of apprentice. Just as sort of a characterization thing.
If not that, then I wish that it was an option to return the circle orb to Dalia after completing the Mysterious Eighth quest. I mean, it was on loan, so it should be an option to return it. It wouldn't be an official side-quest or anything nor do I see it as having a huge reward, just something nice & polite to do.
Also, with the missing cucco mission, I get that the way to complete it is by bringing another one down the well, but people have actually managed to get the chicken out of the well, so I feel like there should be 2 ways to complete the mission. Either you bring another down their & get 1 egg or you manage to get the cucco back up & get a reward from the girl.
Like, being able to buy eggs from her? Kinda like the guy at Hateno Ranch that you can trade Acorns for Milk?
Other things I'd change is being able to tell Perda that her husband is in jail in the Gerudo Shelter & tell Pokki that one of the statues sank underground. And the Gerudo on Flaxel's team should be wearing warm clothes when they go to effing Hebra!!
Also, why tf can you STILL not pet the dogs?? I also wish that if you had a tree branch in your bag that you could throw it & the dogs would chase & these would both get you affection.
I'm also a little upset that you can't pet the other domestic animals such as your own horse or the sheep & cows. Maybe if you pet a cow enough times you get 1 free milk everyday?
Also, where are the cats??
I would've also liked more actual content in the Depths & Sky Islands.
Like, we hear that the Rito are scouting the Sky Islands, but you never SEE it. So, it'd be neat to just find some looking around up there & maybe even talking to Steward Constructs.
Also, maybe the Mogma from Skyward Sword are residents of the Depths? It would've been nice to see tiny villages of Mogma speckled here & there. Possibly some living in Gorondia with a different race of Gorons living there too. I actually saw some fanart of what someone thought the Depths Gorons would look like & I loved it!
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Look at this shit! He's so cool-looking! I wonder if Dondon are natural predators to them?
(Obviously not my art, if the artist wishes for me to remove it, please, just ask & I will. At the same time, it's so cool looking! 🎶)
Along with a few other flora & fauna for the Depths. We only really got Puffshrooms & Muddle Buds.
The Sky Islands have a good handful. Such as Stambulbs, Sundelions, Skyshrooms, Fire Fruit, Ice Fruit, Shock Fruit, Splash Fruit, Dazzlefruit, & Ancient Arowana. So, they honestly don't need anything else.
If nothing else, shouldn't there also have been Brightcaps & Glowing Cave Fish down there? Also, I'd have liked to be able to register a Stalhorse somehow, but I suspect that that'd take some finagling.
Maybe some Occas living in the ruins of Skyloft? I mean, only the Goddess Statue sank back to Hyrule so Skyloft should still be up there, right?
Also, if there's ever a threequel to this series, I hope they move to the water. Like one thing I really miss that I don't think has been really explored since the OoT & MM remakes is diving & swimming freely. I really enjoyed TP's swimming mechanics. I also loved the Zora Armor there.
I can imagine getting the Zora Armor in this new game & then getting an upgrade of sorts. Like, maybe bigger flippers, webbing between the fingers of the gloves. Also, the Zora Armor in TP had a fukumen-style face mask that you only saw while Link swam underwater & I imagine that it's made of some sort of material that filters the oxygen out of water. Whether magically or biologically.
Like, for instance, maybe it's made of some kind of magical frog skin. Because frogs breathe & drink through their skin. So, that could be something cool!
Definitely one inspired by the Rana cancrivora or Crab-Eating Frog, which is a euryhaline frog. Meaning that it can swim in either freshwater or saltwater.
I'd call it an Aquaskin Frog & this is what I think it'd look like:
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There are probably other little things, but I'll come back later for them.
LoZ Wild Masterlist
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daemon-404 · 1 year
"Crossbreeding" in Hyrule
Alright, so, this has been bothering me for a while. It's not a new topic, I know, but I figured I might as well put my spin on it. A lot of this is based on vibes alone, but I put as much justification in as I could. Hope this makes sense!
Here's a basic chart for the overview:
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Ok, now for specifics (under the cut of course). Apologies in advance if this is offensive to any people who actually study biology as my knowledge is... unreliable (even though I'm very interested in it).
The Easy
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Hylians and Sheikah are pretty much the definition of "cut from the same cloth."
According to Skyward Sword, the Sheikah are "Hylia's chosen guardians;" they were created alongside Hylians as the sort of "favorite races" of the gods, unlike other species that popped up around the time (Goron, Parella, etc). With the inclusion of the other games, it's clear that they're not minor gods (like dragons or Great Fairies) either, since they appear as and are referred to as a race of people, whereas minor gods are more like magical individuals than a species.
Besides that, they look and behave almost exactly like Hylians, with the only biological difference being that Sheikah can live for an incredibly long time. In SS it might be a little bit encouraged by divine intervention, but with BotW we know for sure it's at least over a century, probably around 200-250 years average. Even that gets more nuanced with, for example, Niko showing up in both The Wind Waker and Spirit Tracks (something of a century later) suggesting that Hylians might be able to live up to around 120 years.
Basically, I don't think it's too bold to assume Hylians and Sheikah are completely compatible and probably biologically function more or less exactly the same way.
Gerudo I
Gerudo appeared significantly later in the timeline, with their first chronological appearance being Ocarina of Time. (I think it's been said that they sailed to Hyrule...?)
In any case, with only one male born every century, they rely on reproducing with other races. This is mentioned in OoT ("They say that Gerudo sometimes come to Hyrule Castle Town to look for boyfriends," Gossip Stone) and made canon in BotW, with the marriage of Rhondson and Hudson of Tarrey Town.
Additionally, their children are always 100% Gerudo (source).
This means they're not hybrid species. They just.. for lack of better way to explain, need to be fertilized to have their children. Generally that comes from Hylians, and thus probably Sheikah as well- which would make sense, seeing as all three of them are almost exactly the same in appearance- but maybe not limited to them. I'll get back to this later.
Basically, all of the the human-like species can have kids with each other.
Cool! But that's almost definitely not what anyone was wondering about.
The Less Easy
Here we are, the most "vibes-based" speculations I have for this post.
Zora... fish people, right? Wrong. What the hell are these things.
Scales, eggs, mammary glands (are they just fatty deposits???), both fish and sea mammal type tails and builds, even in the same family (Sidon is a shark but Mipha's a dolphin????)... not to mention that apparently, at one point, on the official zelda.com, it was said that they're not mammals.
Biological nightmares, that's what they are.
After a lot of consideration, they (specifically the Sea Zora, like in BotW, OoT and TP) are scaled, egg-laying mammals (both are technically possible IRL although not at once), due to most Sea Zora having mammal type head-tails. The difference in anatomy, patterns and resemblance to other species is just... something that happens. Maybe it's due to magic. Really, it's just a character design, video game thing. This isn't the 100% science based dragon game after all and I can't exactly hold them to evolutionary logic.
As you can probably tell, I'm leaning heavily on the "not mammals" thing being taken out of their description. After all, it was apparently over 10 years ago and things (namely: BotW coming out) have been changed. The devs change things after the fact a lot, so I don't think it's out of the question.
(I totally agree with this post by the way- I've just adjusted some things so that they're now specifically mammals and my speculations make a little more sense, even though it doesn't exactly make sense for their evolution. Call it a product of divine intervention... again).
Okay. Now that we've gotten that out of the way... Zora (and, consequentially, Rito) technically being mammals (dear Hylia that physically hurt to type) justifies a little bit more crossbreeding.
Due to vibes again, I think Hylians and Zora are male -> female compatible. Something how female Zora just won't give up on wanting to marry certain Hylians...
I think Zora have most if not all the Zora-specific traits in the egg itself, and Hylian sperm just happens to be compatible to kick off the fertilization.
However, male Zora -> female Hylian doesn't strike me as particularly possible, since I think the Zora part might contain Zora-specific features that just won't translate well.
For example (due to vibes of course), I like to think the head-tail is in the male part, making Hylian/Zora hybrid children tailless and Zora/Hylian children a little bit impossible.
insp 1 insp 2
Unlike the rest of the Hyrulean races, the Rito have an evolution we can track! They first show up- in the middle of their evolution, no less- in The Wind Waker.
They are a race of people that evolved- with the help of severe divine intervention, only a century in by WW's time- from the Zora.
Their evolution looks something like this, by the time of BotW:
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During that middle period, I believe they'd be extra compatible with Hylians, fertile offspring and all. Their god-based evolution seems to have done a complete 180, so for the middle of that process where they have Hylian-like builds I think this makes sense. I mean... just look at them. That's a Hylian with a beak.
Now for the bird part. Notably, in Twilight Princess, a mural in Castle Town shows the Rito with an appearance much more similar to BotW:
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And in the OoT manga, there's a short depicting a Rito-like race, the Watarara, who migrate through Hyrule sometimes but don't settle there. They have a much more bird-like appearance than WW's Rito.
I believe the "Rito" in TP are actually the Watarara from a different country, who are developing ties to Hyrule at the time, but don't yet majorly live there. Then, since they're probably around even in WW's timeline, once the Rito of that Hyrule evolve to the point of being slightly more bird-like they become compatible and breed resulting in the Watarara-like Rito of BotW and fully breaking off mutual compatibility they had with the Zora.
While I don't believe a Rito can fertilize the offspring of a Zora, (here's another vibes bit), I do think somehow that there's a male -> female compatibility between the Zora and the Rito.
(I think it's much the same as Hylian/Zora, but the head-tail gene is simply discarded and the rest functions).
Gerudo II
Unisexual reproduction is when a species doesn't need its own males to reproduce, in which the species has haploid eggs (only one set of chromosomes), so the male's genome is discarded, but the sperm is still necessary to develop the embryo (source).
This would explain how every Gerudo child is 100% Gerudo, even with different species as parents.
Now, due to fantasy and magic, I'm going to say the Zora, Rito, Hylian and Sheikah races all have compatible sperm.
This is slightly backed up by in-game Gerudo travelers, like Laroba, stating that a man from any race could be suitable to be her partner. Even if she's talking about romance rather than sex, maybe being able to mate with every other race backs it up a little. She does include Gorons too, though, so that might be unreliable. I'm just throwing it in here.
One more thing- there is a type of unisexuality in which parts of the male genome "leak" into those of the children. I assume this is more or less why Gerudo have pointed ears in BotW and not OoT.
The Easiest
Gorons are (most likely) asexual reproducers.
There are no "female" Gorons in the series. Even the ones in Gerudo Town seem to identify as male ("I thought men weren't allowed in this town... Why did they let me in?" Lyndae; "I made it all the way to Gerudo Town! But I'm not sure why they let me in..." Strade).
And, conclusively in my opinion, OoT presents a young Goron- Link, son of Darunia. Being that Darunia and Link (the Hylian) are friends, and Link (the Goron) is even named after the Hylian Link, you'd think we'd get an introduction to or even a mention of some kind of mother, or find a "wife"/"girlfriend" of Darunia somewhere, but there's nothing of the sort (equally, the same can be said about Yunobo, who's directly descended from Daruk- the former having no mention of a mate and the latter having no mention of a mother).
I believe that Gorons are genderless, and the use of "he/him" and the male identity has to do with working with Hylians (source).
I tend to imagine that Goron offspring somehow originate from the rocks on the Gorons' backs, therefore being directly related to them (it makes more sense for Yunobo to have Daruk's special power that way).
Bonus: The Deku Group
"The Deku group" is something completely different I could talk about, but basically boils down to Deku trees, Deku scrubs, Skull Kids and the Koroks/Kokiri; they're (mostly) all plant-based spirits of the Lost Woods.
In short, Deku trees are something of a minor god/species cross and kind of radiate magic, Deku scrubs are an offshoot of this magic and can and do breed as a very specific and unique case of being a race of spirits, Skull Kids are just kids who got lost and died in the Lost Woods and turned into spirits, and Korok/Kokiri are a mix of fairy and Deku, being both "the children of the forest/Deku tree" and referred to as "fairies" multiple times, so with that combination it's honestly likely that they're just made out of magic à la UNDERTALE.
And that's a wrap! For now!
As a bonus for sticking with me this far, here's another chart.
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Not only is he probably just... magically fertile, but I think if Gerudo are compatible with every major race of Hyrule (save for the Gorons of course), Ganondorf himself would be able to... show that compatibility a lot more easily. So, technically, if we're rolling with this assumption, the Gerudo and the rest are mutually compatible.
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I wonder if Hudson and Rhondson have had any kids in TOTK? T.T
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fioreofthemarch · 1 year
hey this might be weird of me but i read a tiny bit of your new fic for totk and saw that you chose 104 as the year, as in 100 years since the calamity and 4 years after botw. i have a theory that it’s actually been 7 years, or at least close to that. my only proof is tarrey town- slight spoilers for totk but it only involves that town:
hudson and rhondson are the couple that got married after you help build tarrey town in botw. in totk, they have a daughter who is a young child, probably around 6 or 7.
i figure that puts the time skip at about that timeframe; i’m quick to jump to 7 years though because that’s how long link slept in oot
but anyway yeah that’s just a theory. sorry for bugging you
Hey anon, never apologise! I find it really interesting speculating on exactly how long it's been between BOTW and TOTK, because there's not a ton of in-world evidence except as you mentioned the new Gerudo child. I picked four years because that seemed about the right length of time given the amount of change in the overworld (new settlement in Central Hyrule, the new school, the new house plots, some NPCs getting married, kids becoming young teens etc) but not enough for significant rebuilding, and 4-5 years is plausibly enough time for children born after the Calamity to be up and running around. All that said, we have zero idea how fast children (or any other people) age in this world.
I really like 7 years as a reference to OoT given how much BOTW/TOTK leans on OoT for inspiration though!
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meteortrails · 1 year
why do you think it's a decade between botw and totk? to me it's like 3 years lol
honestly when I started playing I thought that too, but you know what the most undeniable complication with that is? FUCKING MATTISON. if you haven’t visited Tarrey town and figured out their whole deal yet this is technically spoilers and not really gonna make sense, but Mattison is the daughter of Hudson and Rhondson who is now old and mature enough that she needs to travel to gerudo town. as someone who’s worked with a lot of kids at different ages, Mattison reads to me like she’s somewhere in the 9-11 range, and she’s Definitely not younger than like 7. at the end of botw, Hudson and Rhondson are at Most newlyweds, so assuming the least amount of time has passed Mattison’s age is effectively the most accurate measure of exactly how much time has passed by the start of totk. putting two and two together, this all means at least 7/8 years have passed. so that’s my reasoning
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jessiethewitchzard · 1 year
I think Hudson may have accidentally hired nothing but gay men for his construction company. Every worker with enough lines to have a distinct personality is gay.
Bolson - Have you LOOKED at this man? Bolson is the gayest man in Hyrule.
Addison - straight boys don't fawn over displaying their boss's handsome face like Addison does. This poor boy absolutely WORSHIPS Hudson.
Hudson having a kid with Rhondson means any theories about different Gerudo gender roles *probably* don't apply here. I think Hudson may be the only straight man at his company.
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totkdaily · 3 months
Day 60: Mattison's Goodbye, and My Dream House
Rhondson arrives at the jobsite, and the family and I fly up in the balloon to watch the sunrise over Tarrey Town.
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Then Mattison's guide arrives, and the whole town sees her off. 
So, about that dream house… Rhondson discounts me to 1500 rupees for the land for a modular house you can build yourself - sounds fun! The plot is a little way out of town… but I guess they've built all they can here. 
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I head up in the gorgeous sunlight to the shrine, and then the kiosk on the plot. It's being run by Grantéson. Wasn't Jerrin and Robbie's kid called Granté? Could he have changed his name to join Hudson Construction? Stranger things have happened. 
Rhondson's discount included a foyer and a bedroom to get me started.
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It's a good thing I just sold the rest of my gems though - I'm going to need funds, and I'm going to be here for a while…  
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spaceistheplaceart · 1 year
day 4!!! this one's long so it's going under a readmore, if anyone cares to read these.
i think im warming up to the game a bit more but i absolutely think this game will not mean as much to me as botw did. because i've already experienced botw and explored it's world and am familiar with the concepts... which are very similar in totk. but i LOVE the depths in totk (sky is... harder to get to and less fleshed out...) botw was also my first open world game and it really changed me... can't expect totk to be the same effect lol. also i like the Soft Apocalypse more than the healing world thing-- although I am happy everyone is healing <3 seeing that Rhondson and uh... Hudson? i forgor his name have a kid was soooooo <333333 eheheheeeee lovely. especially since Lurelin, my favourite comfort town is... :(
but today i FINALLY unlocked TWO great fairies, uhhh i am really loving being part of the lucky clover gazette, and I fought Master Kohga (actually didnt see it coming! those researchers suprised me!) but once again I am Overwhelmed with Things to Do it's TOO much for me right now- it's like having a list of chores you need to do ALL today and being torn on which one to do and while you're doing one, you're thinking about "man I need to do this other thing, or maybe this?" it's... daunting and I can't say I enjoy it as much as the simple, straightforward, shit in botw. or maybe i'm misremembering, after all it's been like 7 years. OH and I saw a few memories of Zelda ! ! ! MAN THE ZONAI DESIGNS ARE COOL! ! ! love the... uh... i forgor her name, it's not sonia it's the girl zonai... with upright ears who talks about dragonification.
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star-ocean-peahen · 2 years
what if rhondson and hudson have kids in botw2
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