#flor rambles
flowerygarrland · 3 months
Me: guys im gonna draw!!
My classes: haha no youre not
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la-florecita · 5 hours
stuck at someone’s house and I want to go home already 😩
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theygender · 13 days
Dammit. Half asleep from NyQuil and a fucking tornado warning was issued 😭 Had to drag myself out of bed to pack up the cats and me into a closet
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jellyjamheadobb · 2 days
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soleminisanction · 20 days
Got the time and focus to start digging into some of the DC trades I picked up at the con a few months back, starting with Wonder Girl: Homecoming.
It's interesting to see the parts of this series that are almost certainly remnants of the original intent for Yara to be Wonder Girl only on the CW and for her comics incarnation to be the 5G Wonder Woman. Like, Yara's 21 -- does mean she's older than Cassie? Based on the early design from her original announcement, I'm guessing she was initially going to be younger. And it's never actually mentioned in the book that she "grew up in Boise," it's only on the blurb in the back. After the first two pages or so, that part of her life is just kinda forgotten entirely, at least in this first series.
If it wasn't for the first two pages where she's show saying goodbye to her aunt and uncle -- whose place in her backstory, as of the end of the trade, have not been explained either -- I'd kinda be expecting the twist that Yara was transported onto that plane to Brazil by magic after being secretly hidden away in a pocket dimension for thousands of years. It would certainly make the timeline involving her mother make more sense, as well as the "everyone dramatically senses her arrival" spreads (side note: I laughed very hard at them including Bitewing in that scene for some reason).
Overall though, I'm glad this is what we got instead. Yara's quite interesting. "Brash" is an accurate descriptor, and she's also got a good heart, and her design is great -- all of the Esquecida's designs are great, honestly. And having Cassie along as... not quite a deuteragonist, but something very close (especially since she's the one who ultimately resolves the big conflict at the end, and the only one who actually gets called Wonder Girl) was a good call, since it helps soothe the ruffled feathers of people (like me) who resented her and Donna getting shoved to the side without taking the emotional spotlight off Yara.
That said, I do think the emotions in the book suffer a lot from "informed attributes." Like, yeah, there's only so much space to tell the story, but it takes a lot of the punch out of being told that Yara doesn't have a place in this world and feels like an outsider until she finds her people again when she just, tells us that, instead of getting to see it, even in flashback, y'know?
And it honestly gets silly with the love interest. So much of the drama hinges on Yara being head-over-heels in "true destined love" with... a bus driver that she met completely at random like a day ago. Like, it makes perfect sense how he would be in love with her because he clearly thinks she's hot and then sees her being a heroic badass who rushes out to save lives like it's instinctual, but when she turns around and is like, "Thank god... I thought I lost you...!" in issue 3 it's like... Jeez, girl. At least with the Eros side of that love triangle there's the magic arrow excuse.
Still, not a bad start all things considered. Interesting that Diana only a one-panel cameo. I'll have to make sure to grab Trial of the Amazons when I get a chance.
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cyber-punk-rock · 2 months
The vibe of flor is so me-coded but listening to them with One Piece brainrot also seems so Rosinante-coded too
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I FORGOT TO POST THIS HELP but have some designs for flors parents !!
some information to know: flor didn’t get his dads last name, his mom refused to after the two broke up lol. espino also wasn’t really present in flors life r.i.p
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chiosblog · 1 year
For the second season of Heartstopper I really hope they will use some of flor's songs cause they are breathtaking and they would match perfectly the tone of the show. Pleeese
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loserdiaz · 1 year
this is totally random but you know what would be amazing?? florence pugh and aubrey plaza starring in a lesbian romcom. now that would be the movie of the century and i would give my soul to watch it.
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flowerygarrland · 3 months
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la-florecita · 9 hours
so crisis was averted but did you have to freak me out like that???
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heloflor · 9 months
Something random I find interesting about Bowser is how his “modern” personality was actually there very early on, but it took forever for it to become a thing in the games.
(Tl;Dr is basically the last paragraph)
Like, when the first Super Mario Bros came out, Bowser was shown as a conqueror, destroying the Mushroom Kingdom and turning its inhabitant into blocks just because he could, only kidnapping Peach because she had magic that could counter his. All in all, he was nothing more than a monster.
But then one year later came the 1986 anime movie “The Great Mission to Rescue Princess Peach”, and for this movie, Bowser was completely revamped. Suddenly he became a hopeless romantic who kidnaps Peach to marry her, tries to comfort her at two instances which shows some level of being genuine in his feelings, and is a bit of a dumbass at times. It’s actually pretty funny to see the contrast between Bowser in this movie having done terrible actions (which we see through Mario and Luigi’s quest) but then when the focus is on him, he’s kind of adorable actually. Also there’s that post credit scene with him working where the brothers used to early on that shows him as nice.
And the funny thing is, that new side of Bowser that this anime brought actually stuck around…in everything except the games. In the following games (Mario Bros 2 Lost Levels, 3 and Mario World), Bowser is still the same monster who’s destroying things and kidnapping Peach for the heck of it. But outside of the games, we see that softer/goofier side of him shine. Or at the very least, in instances where he’s still pretty horrible/doesn't show that softer side, his motivation remains to marry Peach instead of going back to him wanting power first and foremost. And even then his defeats have some comedy to it.
It’s especially visible with Mario World and how, while the game doesn’t expand on him, there’s an interactive anime where he mentions wanting to marry Peach, and the Manga Super Mario Kun version of this game shows him to be a lot like in the 1986 movie, at least in his first appearance (I only found the first few chapters of this comic translated in english so I don’t know how he acts past that scene where he gives Peach an oversized ring; wouldn’t recommend those mangas btw, unless you like absurd humor with a plot that goes nowhere and wastes your time on stupid stuff). Same for the “Super Mario Adventures” comic where’s he’s yet again both a softie and a moron.
And outside of Mario World, there’s also a commercial for the very first Super Mario Bros with Bowser giving Mario flowers with no evil intention to it, or those three very badly made retelling of stories with Mario characters, two of which have Bowser wanting to marry Peach (for those wondering how the hell did I know about this compilation, I found a reaction to the 86 anime and the channel also had a reaction to those, so it was through sheer luck ¯\_(ツ)_/¯).
So overall, Bowser being more comedic and endearing through being an idiot + having romantic feelings had been a thing since pretty much the beginning, Nintendo just took a while to put it into the games. And even then, from my understanding, the first show of Bowser’s softer side was in the RPGs, with Super Mario RPG having him as part of the team and Paper Mario 64 apparently being the first time his crush on Peach was put into a game (for context I know very little of both of these games so I don’t know exactly how they portray Bowser, I just know RPG has a crying sprite + he’s a team member and Paper has him crushing on Peach). So it basically took a good decade for it to become his game personality.
(Note that him becoming a playable character as early as the first Mario Kart and remaining playable in most sport games could also be a sign of Nintendo wanting him to be seen as less threatening, but those games don’t exactly have a story to truly showcase it so I wouldn’t exactly take them into account)
As for the mainline games, we had to wait even longer to see that side of him, up until Super Mario Sunshine in the early 2000s. And funnily enough, Nintendo has ever since been much more open about taking Bowser a lot less seriously in mainline games (Mario Galaxy ends with the group waking up at Peach’s castle and Bowser seems rather chill in that moment, New Bros Wii and U have funny cutscenes at the end, same for 3D Land, New Bros 2, his losing animation on his car + him in the credits in 3D World, and Mario Odyssey also ends on a comedic note for him).
And since I’m talking Sunshine which showcases his softer side through his kid, that’s also a good show of how long it took for him to be like that in the games. Bowser had been a father since Super Mario Bros 3 with the introduction of the Koopalings, yet neither this game nor Mario World show the kids interacting with their dad. We had to wait until New Bros Wii for that to happen in a mainline game (the ending cutscene). And while I wasn’t born back in the 90s so I can’t fully back up this claim, from what I’ve seen Bowser in general mainly interacted with the Koopalings outside of the games, like with the Adventures comic (tho even then it’s minimal) and the US cartoons which focus on him as a dad.
So yeah, all-in-all, I find it interesting how Nintendo had clearly always seen Bowser as more of a comedic character, mostly through being a hopeless romantic and a dumbass with a soft edge despite his horrible actions, but for the longest time they put this wish to the side. It wasn’t until the RPGs that this side of Bowser came out, and it took even longer for it to become a thing in the mainline games. And while of course this makes sense given Nintendo is known for not having stories in Mario games, meaning there’s no point in making Bowser anything more than the bad guy, it’s still funny how, the second they gave Bowser that comedic edge in one mainline game, it was the push they needed to run with it and never look back. As a result, nowadays, even in the instances where Bowser is at his most dangerous/intimidating like Galaxy, Bowser’s Fury or the 2023 Movie, there’s always still at least one moment where he’s not taken that seriously.
(Last second addition : I guess it is worth pointing out how Bowser being less threatening started with his romantic feelings, with his role as a father not being that important; but nowadays it's sort of the opposite with him being a parent first and foremost while his feelings for Peach, though still very much core to his character, take a bit of a backseat at times, or at least him having Junior and parenting him is brought up more often than his desire to be with Peach)
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alittlebitgoofy · 10 months
oh god the down under hyperfixation is COMING i really like amyl she's so silly goofy and do i have to say i like ivory wbk
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mayfieldisms · 11 months
intro post bc i was told NOT to make one and my friends know im weak to reverse psychology
basic info:
hi im new to this tumblr thingy so pls bare with me lmao
i am a minor so nothing weird pls!!!!!
my name is florence, but nicknames like flor & flora r welcome
i use she/they but its totally cool if u use he/him for me
im bisexual with a heavy pref for girls and a demigirl
my mbti type is isfp and im a leo?
jane austen
but im a cheerleader
sailor moon (haven’t finished yet!!)
there’s more but those r the main
ships (st):
weird goth girl music my beloved 🧡
kate bush (everyday i wake up and thank st for spreading her realness)
siouxsie and the banshees
mazzy star
the cramps
tv girl
florence + the machines (crazy of her to share a name with me)
ptv (kind of)
there’s also more but too tired to think of them rn ngl
THAT’S ALL. I THINK. uh if u want to know more just shoot me an ask i guess <3
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dirusflor · 2 years
How would Ichor react to the existence of another fellflower?
This reminds me that I’ve actually also done a very fun wholesome little crossover of sorts awhile back with @bluemoonfantasiesiii featuring our takes on the fellflower interacting! 
But, honestly, outside of that?
So far I’ve summed up two other very possible scenarios-
A: Ichor’d especially be an anxious mess the entire time over constantly trying to seem friendlier and non-threatening, because he really doesn’t want to mess up the opportunity of meeting another fellflower (ergo, probably finally getting to meet someone else who understands how conflicting suddenly developing cognizance is or how it’s like to be a monstrous plant-creature in human disguise) and scare them away. It’d be nice to hopefully have some company that’s kinda like him and not complicated like a human or simple like a whopperflower… that is, if his instincts don’t get riled up from all the stress and he ends up doing something impulsive to accidentally scare or hurt them.
B: whether he likes/knows it or not, his ego as “The Fellflower” would get a little bruised by the appearance of another fellflower Ichor would be very wary of facing them because if he begins to actually acknowledge that another fellflower aside from him exists then he’ll also begin to stop having excuses to justify how different he is, as “The Fellflower”, from everyone else (and also therefore stop justifying why part of him, out of fear for his instincts and identity as The Fellflower, thinks it’s still okay for him to not actually put in the effort to try and stop/change some of his habits altogether for the sake of the people around him). And best of all; his instincts might have a decently high chance of getting incredibly riled up over the existence of something so similar to him and will make Ichor feel as if they’re an especially dangerous threat to deal with (be it either a predator or competition). And to make his instincts stop being so stressful to manage he’ll either do his best to try and avoid any signs of them or their presence to prevent it from acting up in the first place- or if he’s had enough; attempt to kill them.
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soleminisanction · 6 days
Reading the first volume of Just Imagine Stan Lee Creating the DC Universe. So far his reimagined Justice League are named Wayne Williams, Maria Mendoza, Leonard "Len" Lewis, Mary Maxwell, and... Clark Kent. Who had a 50/50 shot of naming himself Peter Parker as a joke.
By 2001, Stan was in just, full-on self-parody mode, huh?
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