#flavour: venti
takethelx3 · 8 months
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ragingtwilight · 7 months
EVERYTIME I feel like im starting to feel better my body just turns around and flips me off
mf sends me off w a shove down the stairs, nausea, sweating/tremors, headache, confusion, dizziness, it pantsed me, it stole my lunch money, it gave me a swirlie, i cant fuckin win
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kashmirichaiwithmehr · 10 months
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deus-lapidis · 10 months
Forever and always.
— Diluc’s Wedding Layout [modern]
Characters: Diluc x fem!reader
Genre: fluff
A/N: this is written for @hiraya-rawr as a specialty treat in hopes of bringing her some joy. Therefore it was crafted with a female reader in mind, but imo, fuck gender norms and read it if you want to read it, as long as you’re comfortable <3
I’m also really sorry for being like…dead.. streaming and irl matters have consumed my time and genshin hasn’t been a bit tiring. I’m very hyped about Fontaine though!
Preparation and Planning [hehe…PP]
The attire
Diluc likes to spoil you. He has the money from his family business and on what else should he be spending it on if not on things that conjure such a sweet smile on your face :>
Though he cannot come with you to pick out your wedding dress, he makes sure that at least one of his maids will accompany you and of course bear his request in mind; for his lover to get nothing but the best, the finest and the most extraordinary to match your person!
Whatever you wish for, he will absolutely fund. Pearls or dainty jewels, lace or maybe silk, a veil or maybe a crown even? It will be yours, just say the word.
When it comes to his suit picking though, he has his brother tagging along with Venti and Rosaria, since they all invited themselves to the attire picking occasion. They spent so much time with the dawn winery heir that they practically HAVE to join in.
They make lots of stupid remarks though and poke fun, while having champagne, so Diluc also decides to confide in his childhood friend Jean and her little sister Barbara, texting the siblings to ask for their opinion.
They settle on a classy and sleek looking black suit with a few bronze touches that remind of his coat.
He gets a bit emotional once seeing himself in his wedding attire, cause then it really sinks in. He’s here. Picking out the suit that he’s gonna wear to his wedding, to YOUR wedding. Oh my god, he’s gonna marry you. You, the love of his life and his beloved partner ohdeararchons—
The bubbling champagne glasses of his cheery friends clink, a toast in the background, as he himself — refraining from alcohol while picking out such important garments — puts on his fifth potential wedding suit. The previous ones have been quite beautiful, but not to his taste in the end and he strived for your wedding to be absolutely perfect. While he was absentmindedly buttoning his black dress shirt, his thoughts drifted to you, his lovely fiancée. A small smile stretched out on his lips, one that he couldn’t fight when he thought of you, his ears dusted pink when he allowed himself to picture you in a wedding gown. Archons, was he ever so smitten.
The wedding cake
You two go to a local, fancy bakery to taste test and assemble your dream wedding cake.
That part was far less nerve wrecking, since it also sort of felt like a sweet date. You two were spending time at the bakery together and while he was actually never that fond of sweets, he enjoyed a lot of the cakes.
He watched you with his gentle vermilion gaze, he was utterly and hopelessly smitten <3
Well frankly said he also found that they tasted a lot better, since you were insisting on feeding him the different cake flavours :)
You settled on a dark chocolate cake, since it seemed to be a rather classic flavour, rich and bittersweet.
The sweet scents of cake samples waft through the tasting room, you sitting there with him and gleefully trying the next flavour.
“Mhm! Diluc, try this. I think you’ll like it.” You lifted the fork to his lips, offering your fiancé a bite of coffee cake, gently prodding his mouth with the utensil.
He chuckled at your gesture, smitten eyes gazing at you in amusement, before accepting the bite and letting the cake melt on his tongue.
He really could get used to this.
The actual wedding:
Boy, he’s so nervous.
So here’s the thing, his father had always been an anchor for him for anxious moments in his young years, Crepus being there to validate and reassure his son. During adulthood he found himself bottling things up and managing just fine, yet in this moment, he feels like a vulnerable young boy again. Yes, he’s suited up for his adult wedding with his very adult beloved. His once innocent eyes, now matured over time, staring back at him in the mirror, his strong facial features of an unshakable man and yet he feels so young and helpless.
His brother had to come and calm him down a little, even almost resorting to calling you via phone to help his awkward redhead brother relax, but they ended up managing on their own.
(Venti put on a stupid song and Diluc’s nervousness easily transformed into stressed aggravation.)
The first look had him in tears. He’s quite sniffly, but he’s trying to contain himself for the sake of the wedding and his image. Truthfully, he’s really excited to marry you. You are wonderful inside and out and he can’t wait for you to be his and for him to be yours.
As soon as he (somewhat) recovered, he opted to wrap his arms around you, forehead pressing against yours, as he whispers sweet nothings to you.
“I love you. My darling.”
Finally, it was was ceremony time! Tears were shed. A lot of them. Vows were exchanged through more tears and croaked out chuckles.
The kiss was chaste and loving, just utterly perfect, a perfect start for your married life.
Bennett cried, Razor was happy to be included, Klee was the little flower girl, Fischl was ??? Oz was translating.
Kaeya held the absolutely most perfect speech as the best man. More tears were shed. Both because of gooey soft feelings and just utter amusement at his funny remarks and embarrassing Diluc anecdotes.
The first dance was a dreamy but nervous waltz, Diluc’s refined training as a young boy slipping out as he lead you. Gently swirling you while his own eyes focused on your shared joy, smiling ever so softly at you in an absolutely love drunk fashion.
Diluc offered you his hand, leading you to the dance floor when his brother announced the first dance of the newlyweds.
Pulling you closer to his body, he placed one hand on your waist, while the other held your right hand, he smiled encouragingly when you placed your left hand on his shoulder.
You followed his steps, swaying and twirling to the familiar music. Your eyes never breaking away from each other, smitten love radiating from the both of you.
He looked incredibly handsome like this, hair out of his face, lips curled upwards in happiness. You never wanted to forget this moment.
In his eyes, your bright smile was something to be engraved and tucked away into his heart forever.
Eventually the music died down, leaving you two swaying in each other’s arms happily, him pressing a kiss on your forehead, before resting his head against yours.
“I love you. Forever and always.”
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pinkypastal · 10 months
My favourite flavour of genshin dynamics is the're frins :) they shouldn't be but they are
Like- venti and kaeya, traveller and childe, zhongli and childe
Gotta be one of my favourite genders
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bedoballoons · 8 months
hello!!! I was reading your story of the low characters in Genshin finding out that we like tall guys, imagine if it were the other way around?! How fun it would be haha
and then imagine. You’re talking with Yandere! Childe about your type of man and you say that it’s traveler because he is short. Or to Zhongli and says that we like Xiao or Venti. I was thinking in many characters to use that idea
(and I was thinking in write that, but my English is bad and I use the translator very frequently. But, I hope you understand what I’m saying because I’m bad at English and I’m learning this language lol)
sorry if have grammatical errors it’s because I’m dumb, have a good day/night!!!
You're not dumb at all!! I loved your version of this so I hope you enjoy mine as well!! Thank you for the idea <3
─⊰⁠⊹ฺ🎃𝔾𝕖𝕟𝕤𝕙𝕚𝕟 ℍ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕔𝕒𝕟𝕠𝕟𝕤⊰⁠⊹ฺ🎃
{༻~Reader likes them short~༺}
CW: Yandere themes! Slight angst, very small mention of blood, a couple curse words, creepy tones, tall men find out you like short boys and they aren't happy about it!
A/n: So for the short boy you're crushing on, I made Dilucs headcanon with Albedo, Zhonglis with Xiao, Alhaithams with Cyno, Neuvillettes with Lyney and Childes with the traveler!
(Includes: Diluc, Zhongli, Alhaitham, Neuvillette, and Childe!)
Dilucs crimson eyes stared deeply into yours, his stoic expression making you just the tiniest bit uncomfortable under his piercing gaze...it was just a simple question. All he wanted to know was your type of guy, but it was the fact that he'd never asked anything like it before and how he acted so intense afterwords, like your answer could change his life as he knew it.
"Ahem...you don't have to answer if you don't want to, I was just curious is all." He finally looked away from you, grabbing a dirty glass from the stack and rubbing it with his hand held rag, just like he would any other day. It actually calmed you down a bit to see him at work, your worries dissipating at the familiar sight, "No I don't mind, I was just...a little nervous at first. Don't go telling anyone, but I actually find Albedo pretty attractive, he's much shorter than most of the Knights of Favonious and I find it endearing."
Suddenly the glass Diluc has been holding shattered, almost like it had exploded, shards flying across the counter and onto the floor, cuts making themselves known on his hands. It made you jump halfway out of your seat, "Diluc are you alright?!"
Never in your life had you heard such deep anger in his voice and the look in his eyes...something wasn't right.
"You say you've taken a liking to adeptus Xiao? I must say, he's certainly a interesting character and loyal,...but he's not without his faults. His worries about karmic debt and his need to conquer demons, paired with his troublesome attitude could prove...difficult in a relationship." Zhongli set a cup of tea in front of you, speaking his mind about your recent confession, years of experience handling himself in situations like this now working in his favour.
He was more than jealous of your feelings for someone else, infact it seeped into the core of his very being and ate away at him, but for now he had to play nice. You caught more bees with honey after all, "Of course I don't want to persuade you to not try, I just hope you won't be to disappointed when he rejects the idea of it."
You took a sip of the tea, it's warm unique flavours delicious on your tongue, "I don't mind, I just don't want to give up easily. He's just... impressive is all. He's so short and yet he still somehow exudes pure strength. Amazing~" You started to daydream towards the end, thinking about the handsome adeptus while Zhongli stared into his cup of tea like he was planning to start a new archon war.
"Yes...he's so amazing."
Alhaitham was very good at not caring about other people's problems, he'd sit down with a good book while people droned on about every little thing that bothered them and he wouldn't even hear a word, he'd almost consider it a talent of his...,but then you arrived. You'd make his heart race and his pupils dilate, it was like everything in him changed, he wanted to hear all about you. Everything and anything...that is, until you mentioned your general type of man.
"I like shorter guys, they are almost always adorable and have past trauma that I can help with. Oh oh! Like General Mahamatra Cyno, he's absolutely dreamy." Your cheeks blushed at the thought of him, your heart skipping a beat, he really did have a affect on you...and it was blatantly obvious.
"You like...Cyno? I'm not his biggest fan." Alhaitham snapped his book closed loudly, making you jump and catching you completely off guard. He almost never did that, actually he'd gotten annoyed with you when you had because he said it harmed the books...although in reality you had assumed he just didn't want you touching his precious books to begin with.., "Alhaitham...what was that all about?"
"You must be blind to adoration...it's fine. One day I'll show you."
"My apologies, but could you repeat that? Did you just say that your romantic feelings are purely based off Lyneys height...I know full well he's a bit of a flirt and that in itself along with the fact he's a famous magician would be reason enough to find him attractive,...but your main reason, is simply how tall he is?" Neuvillette sat in front of you, swirling the water in his glass with a slight look of distain, not for the beverage of course, but rather the idea of you liking...Lyney.
"There's just something about shorter men that makes me feel flustered, maybe it has something to do with the fact they are usually considered underdogs because of it, or maybe it's simply because they tend to be cuter. I don't really know, but it's the truth. What about you Neuvie?" You looked at him expectantly, eyes shining with curiosity and for a split second he thought about uttering the truth, explaining how madly in love with you he was.
He could talk for hours just about your beauty, your laugh that soothed even his darkest quells, but for now he'd keep those feelings to himself and try his best not to think of...Lyney possibly stealing you away from him. After all...a dragon could easily take out a mere magician and he didn't want to hurt anyone, at least...not yet.
Childe punched the training dummy harder, his knuckles bruises with every fist he threw and his heart pounding so loud that it felt like his ears could explode...how could you like the traveler over him? It wasn't even because of strength or personality! You're only comment was, "He's not as tall as others and...I guess it just makes him standout to me." What kind of confession was that?
He threw a harder punch, anger blinding him as sent the dummy flying off its stand, clattering on the ground like cheap kindle wood. "Shit." He took a deep breath, trying to not think about you, but you were the only thing he could think about anymore...
"Childe, you know, I don't think you're supposed to break the training dummies." Your voice instantly drew his attention, eyes locking onto your beautiful self as you made your way towards him, your hands ruffling his bright orange hair and making hims swoon.
Why did you have to like someone else...
◥(•̀₩•́)◤☪︎ ִ ࣪𖤐 ☾𖤓~Have a nice day~*⁠.⁠✧
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fictoculus · 10 months
౨ৎ 100 followers special; 100 word hcs...
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send a request!┊masterlist┊taglist applications
FEAT... alhaitham, kuni/wanderer, tighnari, venti, heizou
A/N... welcome to the 100 followers post, sorry it took so long for me to get this done! i just wanted to say thank you sosososo much for all the love and support, it means a lot and i reallyyy appreciate it!!! i love you all, enjoy reading! ♡
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✧ alhaitham.
alhaitham tends to be quite protective, despite his seemngly calm and relaxed exterior. the thought of you being hurt scares him (though he'll never admit it), and so he always asks where you're going whenever you leave the house, as well as when he can expect you back home. if you get back home late, well… saying he's worried is an understatement - he just can't help it - but he'd never be mad at you for it. the absolute furthest he'd ever go is mumble "you're late" before wrapping you in a hug, squeezing you just a little tighter than usual…
✧ kuni.
kuni is definetely all over you as soon as the two of you are behind closed doors, how couldn't he be? he loves everything about you, and finds it hard to keep his hands off you in public; so hard, in fact, that he often pulls you into quiet corners or alleyways to plant a quick kiss on your lips, or simply pull you into a tight hug. showing affection in public isn't exactly within kuni's comfort zone, but if a certain situation ever arises, he's more than happy to grab you by the waist and announce you as his…
✧ tighnari.
tighnari is an amazing cook; he knows almost every plant of sumeru inside out, granting him knowledge of their complex flavours and textures, as well as how to pair them effectively with various spices and meats. you look forward to every meal, and so does he; there's nothing he loves more than the smile on your face after you take your first bite, praising him for - once again - cooking a delicious dish that's unique to him. he very rarely follows sumerian recipes, and instead relies on himself or recipes from other nations, wanting to expand his food-related knowledge even further…
✧ venti.
venti often takes you out for walks through mondstadt's scenery, the two of you always ending up at stormbearer point, dangling your legs off of the ledge as the two of you rest against eachother. on your way there, he always picks a cecilia - no matter how hard it may be to get to - and tucks it's stem behind your ear, giving you a soft kiss on your lips and telling you just how beautiful you are, somehow managing to never repeat his words from previous trips. he absolutely adores you, and wouldn't change anything about you for the world…
✧ heizou.
heizou, the infamous detective of inazuma, often finds himself buried in his work; his office floor covered in documents, pieces of evidence, and - strangely enough - flower petals. on your first date, he'd taken you on a picnic in, what he describes as, "inazuma's most scenic-yet-hidden picnic spot". the smell their was beyond beautiful, and accompanied by you? it was possibly one of the best moments of his life. the scent of any inazuman flower always brings him back to that moment, the sweet memory pushing any stress to the back of his mind as he thinks of you - his flower…
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thanks for reading ♡ want to read more? my requests are OPEN, so please feel free to let me know what you'd like me to write next!
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© FICTOCULUS 2023; please do not steal, translate, or repost any of my works as your own
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donutsupremacy · 11 months
Pocky Game (Pt. 2)
"Hey, [Choice of Character]! Wanna try this new treat with me?"
Pocky Games and the rules are likely inaccurate lol
Male characters only
Included characters are the remaining (K-Z)
Organized from Region and alphabetical order
Mostly fluffy
I didn't specify the flavor, so feel free to pick ur desired flavor
Steamy ones marked with (⚠️)
Some cussing
I have ran out of scenarios for 70% :>
1000% Ooc
Written during 3.7
A/N: Iabxjnskxjei can't wait for Fontaine to meet my lovely sweetheart Lyney
For the sake of this imagine, just pretend the regional chefs made it
Remaining male characters included are (Not in order);
Kazuha/ Mika/ Pantalone/ Pierro/ Pulcillena (Yes)/ Razor/ Wanderer/ Heizou/ Thoma/ Tighnari/ Venti/ Xiao/ Xingqiu/ Zhongli
"When Sara created it, she also made a new based on it. She said that it would be best to play it with a partner, so... would you like to play a game with me?"
➷ My precious bby deserves better in this community.
➷ You'll likely find him somewhere busy remapping some areas that were recently revamped by everyone's favorite lil' terrorist Crimson Spark Knight
➷ You don't dare to jumpscare him, being in the Reconnaissance Company is already a tough enough of a job as it is. So, you loudly trampled across the grass, at least loud enough for him to hear.
➷ A little taken aback, he greets you meekly, all the while expertly marking the terrain on his map despite already looking away from it. (Maybe accidentally drawing a small heart on it once he saw you, mwehehehehe)
➷ You pecked his already blushing cheek, asking if he could take a break. He can multitask between mapping out the area while relaxing with you as being with you while doing cartography has always been his favorite type of 'break'.
➷ The two of you sat down on the grass, with you watching him work while he listens to you talking about whatever was going on in Mondstat. The gentle breeze brushing against your hair and his map.
➷ After finishing his work, you introduced him to the new treat Sara made and a new game.
➷ Mentioning the word 'Kiss' alone made him flustered. The two of you had been in a lovely relationship, but have yet to kiss on the lips. You reassure him there's no need to push it, but it's been a secret of his that he wonders just how your lips may feel on his.
➷ So he takes on the challenge, after all; He's the front-line surveyor of the Reconnaissance Company, he shouldn't be afraid of a kiss from his [S/O]!
➷ ...Maybe a bit more preparation was needed. As soon as your lips grazed across his own, locked together by the flavored stick, he attempts to kiss you properly by headbutting you on accident. Déjà Vu, amirite, Bennett from Part 1?
➷ "I-I'm alright! There's no need to worry... What about you? I didn't hurt you did I?... Huh? Y-You enjoyed the kiss? Me? O-Of course I enjoyed it! I'm just sorry our first kiss had to be... less romantic. Let me make it up to you! Follow me, I actually want to show you a place in Stormterror's Lair, I-I think you'll like it."
➷ Oh shit he came from the trees
➷ Quite literally, he dropped down from the trees, greeting you with a small smile after your lovely scent reached him.
➷ You introduced him to the treat and as you had expected; He was skeptical at first, having his diet based on mostly meat.
➷ But, he's willing to try anything, especially when it comes from his beloved Lupical... even if you suck at cooking like me heueheuhwhshsbdkannfks
➷ Regardless of what flavour you chose, he reacts positively, stating that the taste isn't as bad as he initially thought. To be honest, he thought you brought something to poison him, he hasn't seen this treat before since his last visit to Mondstadt's City.
➷ It's still feels odd eating... 'Stick with flavour', as he calls it (He doesn't know how to pronounce Pocky properly). But then you place it between your lips, suggesting him to eat another one while sharing it at the same time with you.
➷ Innocent little Razor automatically agrees, seeing this as something romantic humans do; Sharing something they like with their partner. Of course it didn't take long for him to grow flustered at the lack of space between your lips and his.
➷ Out of instinct from seeing many couples in the city do this, he just lunges ahead and take a large chunk of the stick, his lips grazing against your gently enough to be called a kiss.
➷ He chews the stick silently in shame as you just stared at him out of surprise. He quietly mutters an apology as he assumed he something wrong, to which you reassured him that you enjoyed the kiss. That earned you another happy peck to the cheek.
➷ "Me too. Your lips... taste like treat. But also soft on mine... It is— very nice. I... like to kiss you. Can we try one more? I-If you want."
➷ Booze flavoured Pocky?
➷ You'll be aware of Venti's true identity for this one. You are 'The Melody of Venti's Vocals' and/or vice versa, following him and creating a tune together that tugs the strings of the Mondstadters all around you.
➷ But at night, where life tends to retire for their slumber and secrets lay hiding within the shadows, you accompany the Archon (Unsurprisingly) to the bar. Telling tales of himself as he downs several shots of Dandelion Wine. And then later paying for his bills before dragging him to your home for some cuddles.
➷ On this particular night, you asked the bard to skip the drinking, much to his short-lived dismay.
➷ You drag him all the way back to your private abode, sitting on your porch and asking him to share the treat. He'll definitely agree to play the game as well, not skipping a beat to say 'Absolutely!'.
➷ It starts off cute, playing the game normally. Until halfway through when he holds both your cheeks, taking the rest of the stick in while giving you a biiiig smooch.
➷ You're flustered at first, before playfully pouting at him as he giggles and slyly winks at you. He then proceeds to ask you for one more round. One after another, each one you lose because he sucessfully kisses you. Though, you certainly didn't mind the slightest.
➷ At the strike of midnight, Venti sighs, licking his lips that hsd the taste of the stick's flavour and your own. He grins at you cheekily, as you fake pouted for not winning once.
➷ He chuckles, bringing you into his embrace, to which you lean against him, your feigned anger quelled in his arms. As you both stared at the moon above, he gazes softly into your eyes, his slim fingers caressing your cheek.
➷ "Exchanging tokens of love has always been a delight— for the spark between us to shine brighter than tonight's moonlight... Now, take my hand, dear Windblume— and allow me to proudly declare my everlasting love, to none other than you..."
"I know Xiangling's cooking can be... odd, but I promise; this one actually tastes amazing!... And, she even included a little game to it!"
➷ "Xiao?" "U called?" "AAAAAAA—"
➷ Perched on the rooftop of Wangshu Inn, golden leaves raining from the tree above. As soon as you pulled out the box of Pocky, the Yaskha turns you down before you could utter a word.
➷ Obviously, He doesn't need food, it doesn't benefit him if he consumes them anyway. Well, except maybe Almont Tofu huehue
➷ It wasn't until you started fake whimpering, bringing out the puppy eyes did he finally cave in. He loathes the sound of your whimpers, it makes his heart ache painfully to comfort you. And your teary eyes? It hurts more to look at them than his karmic debt.
➷ He sighs before stating 'Only this once', causing your eyes to light up brighter than the star themselves. He may not enjoy food, but he finds comfort being with you. He's willing to tolerate anything when it comes to making you feel safe and happy.
➷ He asks what's the point of the game, to which you responded with 'It's a surprise!' casually. He rolls his eyes before taking the other end of the stick, the two of you taking turns chipping away at the treat.
➷ And then your noses touch.
➷ His piercing golden eyes widened, pupils trembling at the sight of how close your lips are to his own. It wasn't like neither of you have shared a kiss before, you always pecked his cheek as a greeting. But when he's supposedly suspended in place when your lips were right there, inches away for him to take... it's the sudden craving for your kiss that makes him feel— flustered.
➷ He's the one who broke the stick, reluctantly swallowing the treat while avoiding your eyes. He subtly glances at you, noticing the upset exoression as you silently chew on your end of the stick.
➷ It doesn't take long for the cogs in his brain to start spinning, before he asks if this was a ridiculously pointless plot for you to steal a kiss from him. In which you replied; "Yes :3"
➷ He pinches the bridge of his nose and sighed, the tip of his nose a rosy pink colour. He grabs your chin, turning you to face him before he leans in slowly, planting his lips on your own.
➷ It only lasted a few seconds, but it felt like an entire decade went by before he finally pulled away. His gloved hand cradling your face, thumb caressing your blushing cheeks as you gazed at him happily.
➷ "You humans truly love making things much more difficult for yourselves than it should. You're lucky i'll humour you today. Uhm, you... aren't afraid of asking me for something so simple and small— are you?... You're not? Oh. That's good... Next time, you can just ask, I won't decline... I promise."
➷ *Proceeds to read out the entire story of Romeo and Juliet at your arrival*
➷ You see him occupied reading a book while on a bench, so you interrupt by slipping the box of treats in between the pages he was reading, cooing at him to lend you some time for a bit of fun.
➷ Amused, he closes the book and pecks your forehead, followed by the usual compliment of your lovely presence greeting him and pulling you closer to him.
➷ You asked him to play the Pocky Game with you, to which he narrows his eyes at the box, deep in thought. You were about to reassure that if he didn't want to, there was no need to, until he gleefully agrees to play. You could see flowers dancing around him, which already made you feel weary of him.
➷ Nonetheless, your happiness powered over your cautious side and you eagerly planted the stick between your lips. He leans foward biting the other side, the corner of his lips tugging into a sly but unnoticeable smirk. You've fallen into his trap, again~
➷ Your naivety wasn't aware of his eyes growing half-lidded, his head tilting a certain angle and his hand reaching out to your face. Halfway there, and your biggest mistake was looking up, locking eyes with his suddenly lustful amber eyes.
➷ his hands barely grazed your cheek, the faint moan of your name reaching your ear, eyes pleading for more than a simple kiss from you. That was when you instinctively snapped the stick apart, nearly falling over the bench you both sat on, covering your bright red face that felt like it was on fire.
➷ The male giggles slyly, watching you sit up with a bright red face that could rival the hair of a pyro wielding bartender in Mondstadt, an angry pout forming on your face.
➷ You punched him gently on the shoulder as you dragged yourself back on the bench, pretending to ignore him for tricking you.
➷ Of course, that didn't last long before he wraps his arms around you, kissing your still red cheek and whispering apologies into your ear.
➷ "My liege, why are you fretting over such a simple and intimate act? Are lovers not obliged to display affection for one another as a way to express their true feelings? Or perhaps... has something suggestive begun circulating in your thoughts? Hehehe~ I thank the Archons for blessing me with such a doting and endearing [S/O]~"
Zhongli (⚠️)
➷ Habsjsbdin i feel disgusting writing these
➷ You'll also know Zhongli's true identity in this one, I hc that if he found a lover, he'd reveal he's an archon some time in your relationship as to not make your... 'Parting' too difficult.
➷ Sad stuff out of the way, you slide yourself next to Zhongli, who was in the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor's lobby having his afternoon tea.
➷ He greets you, poised and soft as ever. He pours you a cup of tea, offering it to you. The liquid cools your insides, a sigh of relief escaoing your lips as you thank him for the refreshment. Or if you dislike tea, he'll offer you just a glass of water, saying he predicted your arrival.
➷ You wasted no time in asking if he'd like to play the Pocky Game with you, waving the stick in front of him as you informed him of the rules. Amused at your offer, he agrees to try the oh-so-harmless game.
➷ It started off normal and innocent at first, the two of you playing the game as intended, with you going on a losing streak for breaking the treat too much, being too flustered because of Zhongli's face getting too close to yours. He looks so— gorgeous up close...
➷ You call for a break, frantically drinking your [cup of tea/glass of water] to try and cool down your body. All the while Zhongli was patiently watching you fan yourself as subtly as you could, which wasn't subtle at all.
➷ He thinks you're flustered for losing so much, so be wraps his arms around you, pulling you close to him as a way to comfort you. Which wasn't working, if anything, it made your face feel more hotter.
➷ He whispers sweet nothing into your ears, reassuring you for something you weren't upset about. And it gets worse when he pulls you into his lap, having you unintentionally straddle his hips.
➷ Mainly out of embarrassment, you squirmed around a little. Laughing sheepishly as you shyly explained you weren't upset, but flustered at how pretty he looked up close.
➷ Unfortunately, your words didn't reach his ears, distracted by you pressing down onto his clothed member. His hands trailed down your body slowly, effectively shutting you up and making you wriggle around more.
➷ He groans your name quietly, raspy voice echoing in your ears. Wanting to hear more, you experimentally rolled your hips against him, a small moan leaving your lips at his erection pressing against you.
➷ His gloved fingers dug into the flesh of your waist, pulling you downwards to feel himself throbbing against you, the tightening core in your abdoment aching for him.
➷ Lustful amber eyes met yours as he cradled your blushing cheek, leaning foward to lock lips with you. He lifts himself a little, now it was his turn to tease you. A moan escaping your intertwined lips, now joining him in his administrations.
➷ "My love... there's no need to tempt me, I understand your needs. Shall we take this somewhere more... private? Director Hu would not appreciate it if we... make love here. I wish to show you my passionate side that awaits you."
"Anna asked if I could taste test it, but then she told me it would be more fun if I had a partner to try it out with... Why don't we have a bite or two together?"
Kazuha Kaedehara
➷ Beidou is his mom, now she's ur mom as well. I don't take no's for an awnser.
➷ You arrive on the Crux, crew members scurrying around the deck, attending to their duties. Your boyfriend no where to be seen, but you spot the captain gazing at the sea intently, presumably wondering what sort of adventures are there to come.
➷ Beidou greets you enthusiastically, an arm looped around your shoulder and pulling you in for a tight hug. You choked due to her strength, but returned with a shy greeting of your own. You gave her an extra Pocky box as a gift, knowing she and her crew were ready to set sail soon.
➷ You asked the Electro wielder where your beloved boyfriend was, to which she chuckled, before responding with a vague 'Ask him what's up!' and pointing somewhere.
➷ You followed her finger, directing your eyes to see what was behind and above you; Your amused boyfriend sitting on the roof, smiling down at you.
➷ The white haired male got up and jumped down, using his Anemo vision to assist him in his graceful landing. He greets you with his usual soft tone, taking your hand and planting a kiss on your knuckles.
➷ Beidou soon leaves with a hearty laugh and a 'Get a room, lovebirds!~', returning to assist her crew members. Meanwhile, you dragged your boyfriend over to a more secluded area of the ship while asking him about where his travels will bring him to next.
➷ Sitting near the edge of the ship, he awnsers all of your questions calmly, before asking if you wanted to play the game with him. He chuckles, admitting he heard your voice faintly in the wind talking to a friend about wanting to play the Pocky game with him before he leaves.
➷ Although embarrassed that he overheard your conversation, you nodded. You took one end of the treat and pointed at the other, which he happily took.
➷ Since he was about to leave soon, you were only able to sneak in a couple of rounds before Beidou's voice could be heard announcing the preparation for departure was completed. But you were still happy, as you had fun kissing your boyfriend on the lips, which you'll miss for a while.
➷ He cradles your face, his soft but captivating red eyes staring into yours. He plants his lips onto yours once more, pulling you closer to his chest, your arms wrapped around him.
➷ "Hearts intertwined, strings stretched apart but not once torn. We will never be seperated, for our connection is something that will last much more than eternity. I'll be back soon, [Name], my heart, mind, soul and body are yours forever."
Shikanoin Heizou (⚠️)
➷ Very self indulgent. Very very long and self indulgent :>
➷ You were visiting the Tenryou Comission, greeting many familiar faces while on the way to see a certain detective, who was likely about to take his break and waiting for your arrival.
➷ As you had correctly guessed, you entered his office, quietly so you wouldn't accidentally disturb the burgundy haired male seen busy sorting some files at his desk. His brows furrowed and olive eyes reading each label intently, you can't help but silently admire how pretty he looked when he was focused.
➷ You opted to help him finish his current task first, putting away the box and moving to his side to sort the remaining files. You've always assisted him with his work whenever you stopped by to see him, it helps him immensely when he was given a large workload. Sorting a couple of files according to their statuses was a walk in the park, you've done this many times.
➷ His eyes widened at your sudden appearance, but smiled fondly at you, his mood improving tenfold. Soon enough, the desk was neat and tidy in contrast to the pile of mess before you came in.
➷ He breathes a sigh of relief, pecking your cheek and asking you to take a seat next while he grabs you a glass of water. On the way, he locks the door, giving the two of you privacy. His eyes spot the box you've hidden, his velvety laughter reaching your ears.
➷ You thank him as he sits next to you, arms wrapped around your waist and pulling you close as you took your sweet time taking a sip. Meanwhile, he sneakily takes the box, examining it's peculiar design.
➷ When he asks you about it, you introduced him to the treat and told him about the game's rules, later asking if he could play a game with you. Of course, he accepts in a heartbeat, already handing you one stick.
➷ You bite down on it while he takes the other almost immediately, grinning at you slyly. The round proceeds smoothly, with you taking the victory after sucessfully kissing his lips, your cheeks tinted a pink hue.
➷ He blinks, a bit in shock while you happily chew your treat. He chuckles, pinching your cheek while calling you 'cute'. You offered to play another round, to which he gladly took. Unbeknownst to you, he's already planning something to... 'spice up' this competition.
➷ Each and every round, you ended up as the victor, unaware of why he seemed rather lazy to play, only smiling at you in amusement. It wasn't until he took the last stick, asking for one more round, you accepted, thinking nothing of it.
➷ While you were already half way there, he lunges foward, taking the remaining stick into his mouth and locking lips with you. You nearly fell off your chair, arms clinging onto his shirt while he grips your waist tightly.
➷ He pulls away, licking his lips and gazing into your eyes, olive eyes clouded with lust at how much your trembling from his lips alone. He doesn't let you speak, barely letting you register when he pulls you in for another kiss.
➷ He shifts himself to hover over you, one hand resting on your thigh while the other hold the back of your head, pushing you to deepen the kiss. You steady yourself by grabbing his shoulders, the chair tilted back slightly.
➷ He retreats, only to kiss your chin, slowly moving down to litter your collar bone with bright red marks for all to see. You choked back a moan, his hand on your thigh now moving closer to where you want him the most.
➷ "You're a needy one, aren't you? *Chuckles* how cute~ Did I rile you up too much? Do you need me badly? Don't be scared, even if they hear, then they'll know who you really belong to now~ Say the word, my [Pet Name], say it loud and clear to me... and i'll make you scream my name louder in return."
➷ While gathering feedback on the new treat for Anna, (The chef in Inazuma, the one in Ayaka's story quest) you accidentally rammed right into Thoma, dropping the box and falling onto your rear with a soft 'thud'.
➷ He apologises, helping you up and repeatedly asking if you were alright. You reassure him that you weren't hurt, although, you were a little upset that your snack was inedible now as the last few sticks were scattered on the ground.
➷ Nonetheless, you still hug Thoma as a proper greeting before peppering his face with a couple of kisses. He chuckles, returning with a sweet kiss on the nose.
➷ Suddenly, he pulls out the exact same box you had, asking if you were given the same task Anna gave to him. You can't help but chuckle at the coincidence, the two of you were doing the same thing and bumped right into eachother at the very end.
➷ He immediately offers to share the box with you, stating he was done with the job, adding that this is his way of repaying you for earlier.
➷ You gladly accepted, but asked to play a couple rounds of the game with you. He doesn't waste anytime in planting the stick in his lips, teasingly waving the stick at your face.
➷ You both finished the box, your game ending in a draw and full of kisses. Now, you were resting your head on his shoulder, happily rambling away about whatever came to your mind.
➷ He was staring fondly at you the entire time, though, his eyes trailed down to your lips. He's kissed you many, many times... But they're absolutely irresistible to him.
➷ He stops your rambling when he touches your cheek, causing you to flinch and look at him in confusion. He chuckles, apologising for disrupting you.
➷ "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt you... You're adorable when you just babble on mindlessly. But I can't help noticing how... lonely your lips look. May I accompany it with my own?"
"Lambad was asking if I could collect any feedback on this treat, he even made up a whole game about it... do you wanna kill two birds with one stone and play the game while tasting it?"
Wanderer (⚠️)
➷ "Hi, Nahida! Where's Don Sombrero?"
➷ He'd likely be wandering (heh) outside of Sumeru City in the middle of the night, his bored indigo eyes staring up at the moon.
➷ The sound of a twig snapping in half made his eyes widened in alert, turning around and swiftly sending a sharp wind blade towards the supossed stalker— You.
➷ He frorze in place staring at you in shock, while you just stood there awkwardly with a lopsided and confused smile, the blade barely missing you by a few inches. He clicks his tongue, lowering his hat to hide the worry in his eyes while he approaches you, reprimanding you for sneaking up on someone who could've ended you in one fell swoop.
➷ You apologise, offering to take a leisurely stroll with him, explaining that you couldn't sleep. He scoffs and begins to walk away, but doesn't decline. You jogged up to his side, not a single complaint leaving his lips.
➷ The two of you strolled around the forest that surrounded the city, basking in eachother's presence without having to share a word. Until he tries to slip his hand into yours, his way of showing his appreciation for you without using words.
➷ He ends up grabbing the box instead and asks what it is. You blurted out the true motive behind your decision to join his late night excursion; To play the Pocky game with him. He sighs, calling you childish but agrees to play since it'll make you happy.
➷ You two find a quiet and safe spot, settling down while admiring the view of Sumeru City at night. He says he'll only play a couple of rounds just to get this over with, so that the two of you can just cuddle relax in peace.
➷ He takes his hat off, in case it'll hit you by accident. You plant the stick between your lips and leaned in, allowing him to take the other end, albeit a little reluctantly. He would've just preferred to kiss you normally, but he'll humour you.
➷ Though it was frustrating when he was already prepared for a kiss, but you end up snapping the stick at the very last second. The moonlight did little to hide the blush on your face, you apologised profusely out of humiliation, admitting you broke it because of how pretty he looked close up.
➷ He scoffed, saying that was a ridiculous reason and stating it wasn't any different than the previous times you've kissed. But he doesn't want you to beat yourself up over something stupid, he wraps one arm around your waist and pulls you closer to get that kiss he's been waiting for.
➷ You wrapped your arms around his shoulder, tilting your head a little to lean in closer to his lips. His hand around your waist moves downwards, his touch caused a quiet moan to slip past your lips.
➷ Your hands glide across his chest, his fingers digging into your flesh from the ghostly touch if your fingertips.
➷ "Look at you, already falling apart at something so miniscule as a kiss that was meant to fulfill your desire. Or was it truly your desire to begin with? Perhaps you were craving for something much more than that? Lowly human... your soft pleads mean nothing to my ears. If you want something from me— beg for it."
➷ Srry gonna have to nerf u real quick
➷ You were treading through Avidya Forest, on the way to Gandharva ville. Though, you had injured one of your legs that was now in a cast, you didn't let the pain distract you from wanting to visit your part-canine boyfriend.
➷ You limped along the dirt road, oblivious to the pair of eyes stalking your every movement. You could see the village up ahead, your heart fluttering at the thought of greeting Tighnari, his bushy tail swaying back and forth at your visit.
➷ However, you were pulled out of your thoughts when you heard something heavy land right behind you. Startled, you spun around, only to trip over your own foot and fall onto the ground.
➷ Panic coursed through your blood when you were met face to face with a Rishbolang Tiger, whose eyes stared at you with hunger. It growls, the fur on it's back standing erect as it stalks closer to you, baring it's sharp teeth that were ready to sink into your flesh.
➷ You scrambled back onto your non-injured leg, but it was near impossible to outrun something as fast as a tiger. But lady luck was by your side when you heard a familiar voice call out your name, followed by something being hurled at the tiger behind you.
➷ The tiger was soon trapped in a field, it's dilated pupils darting everywhere in search of you. Out comes your boyfriend, running to your rescue before the field's taunting effects dispels.
➷ One Arm around your waist and the other hooked around his shoulder, he helps you to limp away from the distracted tiger. Despite being visibly unscathed, Tighnari proceeds to check you for any more injuries. All the while calling you an idiot for traversing in the jungle with an injured leg.
➷ He sighs, bringing you into his arms for a comforting hug, saying he was worried about what would've happened if he wasn't on patrol.
➷ You returned the embrace, saying you just wanted to visit— Aaand, you lost the Pocky box during your escape. You sighed sadly while he kissed you in reassurance, stating he could escort you back to Sumeru City and purchase another one.
➷ He asks what it is, to which you replied with a description and your desire to play the game with him. He scoffs, travelling all the way here with an injured leg just to play a kissing game with him? You're too cute for your own good.
➷ "There's no need to be upset over something small... especially when you were nearly devoured by a Rishboland Tiger. Regardless, you should refrain from adding more pressure on your leg. For the time being, you should recover here for a few hours before returning to Sumeru City... As for the 'game' you wanted to play, that's a ridiculous reason. You want a kiss? Then... oh, whatever, just come here..."
[This section of characters may have innacurate personalities and responses, their parts will be shortened due to the lack of information present.]
➷ Russian Baizhu and I have officially ran out of ideas.
➷ The two of you rendezvous outside of the Fatui Harbinger's Headquarters, drops of snow dancing around the two of you.
➷ You fixed his coat, huffing about how cold it is outside while he enjoys how fussy you're being. Once done, the two of you strolled around Snezhnaya, hand in hand.
➷ Idk if there are travelling merchants in Snezhnaya, but we'll oretend there's one who'll introduce the treat to you. Hearing the instructions of the game, Baizhu Pantalone purchases it, giving you a sly smile.
➷ Eventually you two returned to the harbinger's headquarters, about to bid your beloved a farewell as he was about to resume his work. But then he stops you, asking to play the little game before you leave.
➷ You sighed, but really wanted to play the game with him.
➷ "Dear, your face seems red! Oh, my poor darling... Has the snow gotten to you? Or... did something else snuck it's way into that pretty little bead of yours, hm?~"
➷ I struggled SO MUCH writing the last two fatui harbingers, having to add the dialouges at the end was fokin' T O R T U R E
➷ Tartaglia had sent over a box full of Pocky to you, with a note asking you to give one for each of his fellow comrades, with a little doodle of himself winking and a instructions on how to play the game.
➷ You saved the last one for your beloved master; Pierro. After you finish reporting the current affairs to him, he thanks you and allows you to take a small break, to which you ask if he could join.
➷ He responds that he was busy, saying he would have a meeting with the other Harbingers later, but states that he could still join you for a couple of minutes.
➷ It was good enough as you introduced him to box, adding that it came from Childe and he had included a little game you wanted to play with him, he sighed upon hearing the name. You sat on his lap, his arm holding your waist to balance you.
➷ You stuck one end of the treat in-between your lips, leaning foward for him to take the other, albeit a little hesitantly. The game was way too childish for him, but harmless nonetheless.
➷ I'll make this quick; He wins multiple rounds. You couldn't bear seeing his stoic, yet, gentle face that only you could witness, being so close to yours. He finds it amusing, but shows little to no change in expression.
➷ "I apologise for cutting this short, I will have to take my leave now... However, you may hold onto the last remaining sticks, I never said I wouldn't return to you. Let us rendezvous outside the headquarters once the meeting is over."
➷ i'll make this as serious and short as possible srry
➷ As with most of the Fatui Harbingers, you find him giving instructions to the new batch of recruits on their first official duties and assignments.
➷ Once he was done and the skirmishers had dispersed, you wrapped your arms around him, greeting him with a kiss on his pointy nose.
➷ He returns the gesture with an affectionate nuzzle to your cheek, asking if there were any stray recruits he had yet to brief. You shook your head, only stating that you wanted to stay with him for a little bit before returning to work.
➷ Agreeing to your request, the two of you decided to take a leisurely walk around the building, chatting about whatever came to your minds. It was refreshing after having to deal with many injured recruits returning defeated by the Traveller.
➷ You brought out the box of treat, stating Tartaglia had sent this for the two of you and the rest of the Harbingers to try. He chuckles, saying he was given the same box that was meant for his family.
➷ The two of you decided to play a couple rounds, but it's difficult to play the game when your partner nearly poked your eyes out several times with his nose. He apologises, feeling insecure about his nose.
➷ You tossed the box aside, planting a reassuring kiss on his forehead, reminding him that the nose would never be enough to break the connection between the two of you.
➷ "Ah... How did I get so lucky to have you as my own? I wonder if you were my reward for pledging my loyalty to the Tsaritsa, the most perfect partner I could ever ask for, a truly one of a kind lover."
➷ Why not? I may have run out of scenarios, but one more for our best boi
➷ After tearing down several Hilichurl towers, the two of you flopped down on the ground to catch your breaths while Paimon levitates over to your side.
➷ You asked Paimon if she could scout the area, which left eventually you and Aether alone. Aether gazed at the grassy terrain of Mondstadt, his golden eyes sorrowful as two foxes danced around eachother happily. He misses his sister...
➷ Wanting to help distract him from his sorrow, you shook his shoulder gently, shaking a box of Pocky and asking if he'd like to take the time to try it out. His frown lifts into a smile, nodding in agreement.
➷ But that smile turned flustered when you placed one stick in your lips and leaned towards him expectantly, his cheeks tinted a faint pink hue. Although, a bit taken aback when you wanted to play the game, he doesn't refuse the offer.
➷ He bites down on the other end, but refuses to stare into your eyes, his gloved hands fidgeting with his cape.
➷ The two of you took turns inching closer, your heart pounding harshly against your chest when your lips and his are barely a few inches away.
➷ It was his turn now, but he freezes. You assume it was because he might be uncomfortable at the close proximity, so you prepare to break the stick, only to feel his hands reach up and touch your cheeks.
➷ He leans foward, now taking your lips as well. For brief moment, your brain paused to register his lips on your, before you melted. Eventually, you both pulled away, with you now shifting to lay your head on his lap, his hand caressing your cheek.
➷ "Thanks [Name]... It feels refreshing to just relax once in a while, travelling between nation to nation gets really exhausting... I'm glad I still have you by my side, you're my motivation to continue on with this journey."
A/N: Jabsiwbfihsdiiwd I actually wanted to add Lyney but decided against it. Lyney will be coming anyways, so i'll get to know his personality and quirks better. I know damn well i'm gonna be fawning over him once he gets his debut, his wink made my heart go uwu
[Part 1]
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cammslush · 1 year
6REEZE; each member has their own special and adorable darling (but you don't know they think that way about you).
Content warning(s): Yandere themes (unhealthy obsession), mention of injury and blood, blood consumption (via sweets)
Let me know if I missed anything.
Part I: Lead Vocal - Venti
Alcohol isn't something that idols can just drink on the daily like Venti wishes. But, the sweet taste of apples is still something he's allowed to savour – only if they're not part of the sugary delicacies that he insists on eating everyday before and after practice.
"I said that you could eat apples – not apple smoothies, not especially with extra sugar!" The manager of 6REEZE, Jean, had already warned Venti about the drawbacks excess sugar brings to his health and body image, but alas…Advice is like the breeze, blowing through one ear and then out from the other.
"Ehe, did you?" The cheeky lead vocal grinned playfully at the poor manager, "I can't help it, though! You wouldn't stop eating desserts prepared by none other than your bestest, dearest friend either, would you? Neither would I!"
Not ever heeding the health advice of any of his peers, not even his fellow 6REEZE group mates, Venti just keeps eating all the desserts sent to him by his beloved friend with the sweet tooth he never knew he had. Ah, could it be the abundance of apple flavour or the fact that there's just that hint of alcohol inside?
Or could it be purely because it's you, his dear friend, who made those sweets with your own two hands, as a reward for his efforts as an idol?
'Hi Venti! I watched your group's newest music video today and I can tell you that you've been working really hard! I made apple smoothies this time, please share them with all your group mates. Thank you for your hard work!
- ____'
That was the note attached to the tray that was left on the front door of the idols' shared living accommodation. Ah, he could practically hear your cute voice from the written words.
You told him to share, but…
The 5 other empty glasses of apple smoothies say that he didn't really care about that. Well hey, his name was the only one mentioned in the note, no? You mainly made those treats for him, right? Doesn't he have the freedom to drink them as he pleases?
That is the justification he gave himself in his head. He is shamelessly selfish when it comes to you.
Despite everything, Venti is still a picky eater. If the other desserts aren't to his liking, of course he'll share with Aether and the others. "But mine is still the best, because ____ likes me so much more!" That is what he often brags to his friends about while enjoying his dessert. He's a little narcissistic when it comes to you.
Of course, Venti also isn't one to take and not give back. Your regular treats filled with sugar (and love, he believes) gives him enough energy to do his very best during practice and on stage. He would be lying to say he could survive a day without them. So as a thank you, he is doing his very best to show off for: none other than you!
"This song is dedicated to my bestest friend who has always supported me and the rest of 6REEZE! I love you!"
He says that on stage so carelessly, people would think that this 'love' he's talking about is purely platonic. In reality, he really hates saying the phrase 'best friend'. Why can't it be 'darling'?
Aether had to pull Venti backstage during the intermission, "Hey, fans might get suspicious if you word it that way…!"
The golden-haired star was the only one acting this outward about his thoughts, but a few other of his group mates wondered the same thing.
"Suspicious?" The confident lead vocal smiled, just as carefree as before, "Don't idols always say stuff like 'I love you' to their fans? What's the big deal, Aether?"
"You were saying it to a specific person. I get that you like your best friend a lot but you've seen this happen before. Everything an idol says could lead to consequences right now."
"Consequences like what?" Venti wasn't allowing reason to get into his stubborn skull. Why, was it so wrong to express how much he appreciates his dearest darling? No one will ever think he meant it romantically anyway.
"Like creepy stuff such as getting stalked! Or ____ getting stalked! You've been in the idol industry longer than any of us, Venti. You should get it, right?" Aether shook his leader's shoulders, "Last time this happened was with Lumine…!"
Yes, the idol industry is a horrible place to be. Parasocial relationships crawl within the shadows of a healthy idol-fan association. Plenty of people who think that they are privy to the lives of anyone who shines on stage.
Yet, Venti just ate a yummy mouthful of his favourite apple crepe, prepared by the one and only, you. As long as you and your sweets exist, Venti can never feel the slightest bit of stress or fear. He doesn't need any cheap wine anymore, he easily gets addicted to whatever dessert you send over next. It probably would taste even better if you personally fed him with your own hands…What a shame you couldn't be allowed near him just in case some paparazzi takes pictures.
"It's alright," the idol twirled his braid with a finger, "I'm sure nothing will happen to me or ____. I'll make sure nothing happens. I'll just sing a song and everyone will forget about it! That's always how it works, yes?"
Aether already gave up on trying to convince Venti of anything.
Just then, a note slipped into their break room from under the door. Venti's eyes glimmered in delight upon seeing his darling's signature all the way from his seat, "Ah, there it is!"
Nothing makes his day better than seeing a note of that design. He snatched it up from the ground, excited to read more of your praises about how he's been doing such a great job in his concert performance, or how good his new outfit looks.
If only security would allow you through so he could hear the praises coming straight from your mouth instead.
'Hi Venti,
I watched your performance just now. Everyone did a great job, and it seems the huge audience thought so too! I have to apologize in advance, because I won't be able to make any more sweets currently. I injured my hand while making something, but I managed to finish it, so here you go! I could only make enough for you. Tell your friends I'm really sorry I couldn't make any for them.
- ____'
That's all?
His heart…kind of broke.
No mention of how he mentioned you on stage just now? The song just for you? Did you like it? Not only that…
No more desserts from you for Archon knows how long…? How could he possibly survive without the sweets filled with your utter care for him? He might just have to go on hiatus until you get better. Maybe then he could finally see your adorable face again…
Oh, how impatient he was to swing the door open to reveal the tray of delicacies. Them being the last ones you're making until your hand heals makes them all the more precious.
"Macarons…" Immediately forgetting all his stress and worries literally seconds prior, he picks up the tray from the small trolley outside the door with a bright smile on his face.
"____ sent treats again?" Heizou asked.
"As expected of my beloved friend," Venti already bit off a piece of macaron, savouring the sugary goodness in his mouth. It tastes so divine, most likely made from all the love you have for him. You love him, don't you?!
You really do have an Archon-given talent for confectionery. Although…
"..." Venti stood in place, a strange feeling stirring in his heart. He ate the whole macaron and picked another from the tray. They're apple flavoured, yes. But why does it taste a little bit…different from what you usually make? He twisted off the top of the macaron slowly...
…No wonder!
Little drops of dark red accidentally mixed in with the light green filling. Must be from when you injured yourself.
Forget wine, forget apples. Forget the suspicious looks on the other 6REEZE members' faces. You must've put that in specially to enhance the taste, just for him. Mhm, little drops of crimson blood.
The desserts taste so much better this way! Now he is re-energized for the rest of the concert!
You'll still watch him, right? As a thank you, he'll steal the spotlights just for you!
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foxhopfics · 8 months
Shot for shot
Jealous Kaeya Alberich/gn!vision wielder!reader
Rating: T
Requested by: N/a
Word count: 1182
Short fic inspired by @electrosair from their post "Jealous headcanons anemo + cryo ver."
Notes: hi hope u dont mind this!! I got really inspired by the kaeya section and well the writing gods just had to possess me :,) this was supposed to be a drabble but then I blinked and I hit 1k words
You and Kaeya were shot for shot so far. Bar hopping in Mond was a treat for you, even if it was a little more regular for your boyfriend. Unfortunately, your daily habits did not lend themselves well to a constant stupor.
But every so often, for a special evening of fun, Kaeya would dress the both of you in your favourite clothes and whizz you out the door for a night on the town.
The Angel's Share was your last stop for the night. You'd already said hi to Diona and many of the other working bartenders at your regular places, and now Charles was setting the two of you up with a special limited time new flavour of dandelion wine.
You watched as he poured the ingredients into two tall glasses, vision swimming as you watched green pearlescent liquid swirl in to mix with the wine. You smile dopily at it, swinging your head loosely around to look at your partner. "Babe look it's like. It's like Venti," you giggle out. "It's green and sparkly."
Kaeya, just as plastered as you, snorts out a laugh into the back of his hand. "I'll say. Contains just the right amount of wine, too."
You turn back to Charles. "Has Venti had one of these yet?"
He tops off your glasses and pushes them towards you, moving on to collect other empty glasses from patrons around the bar adjacent to them. "No," he thinks, "but I'll tell him you recommend it next time he comes in."
You shrug, drunkenly content with that answer. This was only released within the last few days, and it wasn't like the bard was at the Angel's Share every night. Taking the glass, you take a gulp of the drink.
To say it's new is an understatement. You have no idea what kind of things Diluc was experimenting with, but this topped anything he'd ever done. The ice in the bottom kept it chilly as sweet wine, a hint of Mondstat's sweet mint, a little side of lime, and something just distinctly flavoured as green slides down your tongue. It's a refreshing taste after the last bar, which was arguably one of the cheapest ones in town.
A sound makes its way out of your mouth, unsure in it's own sound if it's some kind of moan, warble, or drunken hiccup.
You blink. Wiping your mouth, you can't help but giggle. "Sorry Charles, I'm really drunk and that is going to be a smash hit."
When you look back at your boyfriend, he's staring at you, but not at your face, mouth open in soft wonder, eyes dancing in a glinting light.
"Kaeya? What's wrong?"
"Your vision..." he responds softly. You look over to where it's attached to you. It's glowing a faint light, not quite enough to rival the firelight from the torches, but enough to ad a coloured hue. The other patrons in the bar hush down to look at what's making the light.
After a moment, the wave of drunk from taking another sip passes and the light fades back to nothingness.
You stare at your vision, head swimming with too much inebriation to make any sense of what just happened.
The two of you look at Charles. He glances between the both of you, but shrugs. "We've never had anyone with a vision try it yet."
You scan yourself up and down. "Well..." you meet Kaeya's eyes to reassure him. "I don't feel any different. Not bad, just drunk." You give him a sloppy thumbs up, elbow supported up by the table.
Kaeya shakes his head at you, smiling. You can hear his amusement in his voice, "I'll try that next, but I gotta hit the head before I give it a shot." He runs a hand over your hair that lazily slides down your cheek before he gets up and goes to find the bathroom.
As he does so, a large group of patrons exit the bar for the night, so Charles picks up his empty plate tray and swings his towel over his shoulder. "Holler if you need anything," he says, and you swivel your thumbs up towards him.
He leaves the bar to collect the glasses and trays, and as he does so you turn to ponder your drink.
Your thoughts space out, mingling images of Venti's happy, laughing face and what his thoughts would be on this drink, shifting over to Kaeya, his hands on your face, resting against him at the bar, and—
"Excuse me?" You jolt up, focus broken from the still slowly swirling beverage in front of you.
"Can I help you?" You direct your gaze towards them. It's a man, a young man, with windswept brown hair dressed in the knight's uniform. His cheeks are rosy, but clearly he has more of his wits about him than you.
Not that you couldn't hold your own against him, regardless. But he didn't seem to know that.
He sits down in Kaeya's seat to look at you.
"I saw your vision when it started glowing. That was really cool."
You turn and give him a smile. At least he's friendly. "Thanks! I got it from doing things." You give him your best serious wobbly nod and he chuckles at you.
"Well, anyway, I'm Browen."
"Nice to meet you Browen, I'm [___]".
He smirks at you, taking your answer as an invitation to continue. "I have a vision myself you know."
Your eyebrows raise. "Really?" You glance around his form, but don't spot the framed crystal anywhere.
"Yeah," he says, "I keep it at home because I'm not supposed to wear it around the other knights." He leans close to you, putting his hand up to his mouth like he's sharing a secret. "They get jealous." He winks over at the table where his knight companions are more focused on their own drink and camaraderie than on whatever was happening here.
"I could take you home, show it to you," he prompts, and you feel disappointment rush through you. Of course he's a liar who just wants to get into your pants because you have a vision. You need to tell Jean to whip these men into better shape.
"What would you like to show us, Browen?" A hand claps hard onto the knight's shoulder as a familiarly sultry voice soothes your agitated nerves. The man shoots up straight, expression changing to one like a dog caught stealing.
He stands up, stumbling over himself to get back to his original table. "N-nothing, Captain. Sorry to bother you."
You sigh as he leaves, tension flooding out of you. "That's more like it."
"Come on, love." Kaeya swings his arms around your shoulders and tosses coin on the table for Charles when he returns.
"Where are we going? We're not going to finish?" You glance up at him, your shoulders at his rib level.
The hand around your arm squeezes as he ducks down to whisper in your ear, "oh, I think my home private show is going to remain private."
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carmendei-agere · 4 months
OMG ROX :33 you should totally tell me your regressor venti headcannons :3c
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(I'm so sane about little venti is not even funny /pos so ty moot)
-His main carers are a multitude of people. Those people being Paimon and Aether, Adelinde and Diluc, or just Zhongli! Sometimes Jean too, but it depends if she's busy or not.
-Main headspace is around 1-4, but can be younger or older due to stress. If he's regressing around people he knows and feels comfortable with, he'll usually be older.
-due to injuries from the archon war, he has to be padded 24/7. Only his cg's know, and his doctor (Dr. Baizhu.)
-Favourite foods include anything, really. Apples specifically, but he doesn't really like apple juice, so he tends to gravitate to sunsettia juice or some type of flavoured milk (chocolate, strawberry, ect).
-will just bite on anyone and anything. He'll just teethe on his cg's fingers if given the chance, but he will NOT take teethers.
-has a few stuffies:
one being a dove stuffie, which helped him during his very first few regression sessions (although he didn't even know what regression was at the time)
-another stuffie is an otter, from Fontaine! Gifted by the traveller and Venti instantly fell in love and named him "elf" and he has a small bell in his chest, and Venti loves him.
-the third and final stuffie is a stuffed animal of morax, and he bought him after Zhongli faked his death (I headcanon that Venti wasn't told by Zhongli about the whole retirement thing and he thought he was dead for like, three months.)
-he had no idea that he was a regressor, and he was really confused why he was attached to blankets and stuffies animals until Diluc explained regression to him and offered to give him gear (pacifier, bottle, ect) and he was like "diluc wtf is this stuff"
-will often stomp and whine when he doesn't get his way (no naptime, his main cg isn't around, he has to take meds or needs a change, ect).
-LITERALLY as light as a feather. He's the god of wind, so he doesn't really weigh much, so it's really easy for any CG to scoop the baby up </3
-will often hold his cg's fingers to make himself feel more "kid-like"
-nightmares about archon war and Decarabian's revolt, and he 100% suffers from PTSD, but since he started regressing and letting himself be happy, he's found himself suffering less.
-his otter stuffie, wisp goes everywhere with him, big or small.
-puzzle baby!!! He can solve kids puzzles easily and he loves it.
-purrs and chirps like a cat. Since he was a wisp, he retains some of the characteristics from that time!
-SPEAKING OF WISP...he 100% slips into his wisp for to just headbutt into his cg's and just...warble and babble. Sometime he'll nest in his cg's pockets and nap.
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komikoma · 10 months
Furina: This is a Pinot Noir, 6 months in the barrel. A sweet, young wine, you can detect its fruity flavour as it enters through your nose. Stir it ever so weakly, and wet your lips with the liquid. You can properly taste each individual grape with every sip.
Venti, who had already drank the entire bottle as she explained its history: Tastes like grape juice.
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silentmoths · 2 years
a prompt : venti/reader but make it a hades/persephone AU where the (afab or gender neutral) reader is the hades and venti is the persephone 👀
ohohohoho So, I'll admit, this is not my area of expertise
enter, the wonderful, super smart and very kind @ainescribe who took pity upon my poor doofus ass and helped me brainstorm for this because not only have I not written venti in any real sense, but my grasp of greek mythology is loose at best (I was the egypt kid)
That being said, here you go friend, I hope I did your prompt justice! Venti X AFAB (fem pronouns) Reader
2k words, not proofread SFW, some angst, general hades/persephone kinda thing ig???
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Long had the winds left your lands.
Long had it been since you had heard laughter, or birdsong.
And then one day, a lyre pierces the void of ash you called your dominion.
And you fell in love.
Barbatos was as fleeting as a hummingbird, floating happily through the breeze like a dandelion seed. Seemingly never stopping in one place, but spreading joy wherever he went.
Even to you, the goddess of ash, trapped within your dominion.
Gods and Mortals alike feared the Mare Jivari, your home. A seemingly endless plain of ash and smog, there was no joy or laughter here, nothing but death and grey. 
Just as you were, cold, grey, bitter. 
You longed for change, you longed for the laughter and the joy the mortals afforded other gods, but who would ever wish to see the goddess of ash? You had heard the rumours, of course; your mere presence was apparently enough to suffocate.
Not to barbatos, who approaches like a little green fae, zipping around with an inquisitive giggle.
He smiles at you, it’s a childlike, playful grin as he plays his lyre and stirs up clouds of ash with his breeze, and for the first time in centuries, you felt a spark, some joy.
Some hope.
You have nothing to offer him in repayment for his song, but he does not mind. He hands you an apple, fresh and shiny red, with a wink.
And in another gust of wind, he’s gone, and you’re alone once more. However in his wake he has left something behind in your heart.
You start by gently slicing the apple, its flesh is juicy and sweet, the flavour brings a tear to your eye, and you salvage every seed, his song having stirred the want- no, the need to do something, anything. 
And so you retreat into your sanctum, and you begin working. Toiling and moving, planting each seed. 
Only one of the seeds sprouts.
But that one sprout is now your entire world. 
Every day, you diligently clear it’s area of ash, you water and care for it, you cannot sing, but you can hum; so you do just that, humming the tune the anemo archon had once played for you.
You watch, as this sprout turns to seedling turns to sapling, growing stronger and larger with the passing months.
Slowly, you finally begin to build your dominion around this tree, you fill the area with pretty things, shiny rocks and little windchimes, things you liked.
Things you hoped he would like. 
You construct a protective barrier around this place, it was your most sacred after all. 
You had lost track of how much time had passed, years most likely, but eventually your little apple tree finally began to bear fruit; just like it’s mother fruit, the first apple is large and red, shiny and crisp and it makes every moment of toil worth it. 
With that, you send out a call. After all, it was Barbatos who had gifted you the mother fruit, surely, he would want to see what had become of it?
You remain hidden, when barbatos does finally descend, his eyes wide and shining with curiosity as he flutters around your beloved tree; he does not see you activate the barrier, and is unable to escape before the magics fall into place, trapping him within.
Only then do you see his smile fall, and it hurts your heart watching him attempt to leave, sad aqua eyes finally resting on you as he presses a hand against the barrier.
“Why?” he asks, voice shaking and quiet as you approach, pressing your own hand against his, this was your barrier, you could come and go as you pleased.
“I just…want to be together with you…” even to you, your reasoning sounds so weak.
But even the flightiest of wild birds would soon settle into their cages…so too would barbatos.
Even though he does not sing, does not play his lyre, Barbatos, or Venti, as he had asked you to call him, is a much beloved pop of vibrance in your otherwise grey world.
He doesn’t really attempt an escape, he knows there is no pushing past your magics in your own domain, but he does sit, forlorn in your apple tree. He flutters about like a lost little bird, and he’s beautiful to watch. 
Occasionally he would join you for some wine and something to eat. You would ask him about lands beyond your domain, and slowly, but surely, he would speak about them, he would speak about the rolling golden mountains of liyue, or the fluttering pink petals that always adorned the air in Inazuma, and of course, he would speak of the beautiful blue skies of his home, Mondstadt.
He could describe in such vivid details things you had never seen, would never be able to see, for you could never leave your home, not unless you wished to spread your horrid ash wherever you went.
He spoke of the other gods, of Morax, the god of geo and contracts; always too uptight according to the god of freedom.
He spoke of Rukkhadevata and her cunning kindness, always willing to help another. Of Makoto and her twin sister, Ei.
“Do you think…do you think we could have all been friends?” you ask him one day as you hang a new wind chime from a low hanging branch “if I did not always cause such a mess…?”
Venti tilts his head at you, and for the first time since his arrival, he smiles.
“I think so.”
As fall turns to winter, there is a chill that bites the air, but you are safe within your domain, warm and happy.
Venti is happy too, more often you find him strumming his lyre with a contented look on his face, he joins you quite readily when you enter the barrier, helps you shift the buildup of ash from within the confines with a gentle breeze.
Here he too, was safe from the winters bite, of the cold that sends most birds into hiding. Here he could play and laugh and sing without fear.
He’s waiting for you one day as you approach, smile on his soft face as he holds out a hand for you; a gesture you’d not seen before. 
It’s…scary, reaching out and taking it, it almost feels sacreligious, for someone such as yourself to touch a god as pure as he, but his fingers curl around yours and pull you forward. 
Dancing, you realise; he’s dancing with you. Spinning and twirling in circles around the apple tree, he’s laughing, such a bright sound in such a dreary world, you close your eyes and let yourself imagine as he twirls and sings, imagine his home, the green grass and the lush trees, the smell of grapes and brewing wines.
“You look so pretty when you smile, you know~” he lilts after a while, and you realise he’d been staring. 
No one had ever called you pretty before…
He makes a habit of it after that, calling you pretty, finding new ways to make you smile, from little things like wanting to braid your hair, to telling stories and reciting poetry and prose with you.
He says you actually have a lovely voice, and he would love to duet with you. 
But all good things cannot last forever. 
As spring slowly shifts into it’s full blossoming warmth, you hear news that Barbatos’ most loyal friend, Dvalin, was on a rampage, searching for his god and harming innocent mortals and settlements in his wake. 
You know that Dvalin would never come looking here, and even if he did, he could not pierce your barrier…but those innocent mortals whose lives had already been lost weigh heavy on your heart.
Venti looks worried as you slowly sit yourself at the roots of the tree, he comes fluttering down, his gentle breeze rattling the wooden wind chimes as he comes to a rest beside you.
“What has you looking so sad all of a sudden?” He asks, and you do not withhold what you know, you tell him of Dvalin, a dragon raging across teyvat and harming innocent souls, you tell him of the pain in your chest, everything slowly but surely rising to a head as the realisation hits.
You could not keep barbatos here. You never could have, and you never should have. 
The tears well and spill across your cheeks as you sob apology after apology. You loved him, you loved his presence and his laughter and his eyes and his smile.
But he was a god with people relying on him, he was the god of freedom, that you had kept trapped here for your own selfish gain.
His warm hands slowly take yours, and lips carefully press to your forehead, he’s still smiling at you, he should not be, he never should have, and yet here he is.
“Oh little dove, don’t cry…we can sort this out..” he murmurs, how on earth were you meant to sort out this mess? Keep him here and let Dvalin wipe out the rest of teyvat? Or let him go and be lonely forever?
As if reading your thoughts, he flutters up into your tree once again before returning.
“It seems your love and care has produced some beautiful fruits….will you share this apple with me?” 
You look upon the red fruit in his hand, watch as he slices it and offers a half to you.
“Think of this apple as a promise. Every winter I will return to you, I will stay here with you until the spring blossoms are fully in bloom, and then I will have to go again…but I will always return…” you can feel the weight and the power in his words, spoken like a true god.
Even before you agree, you’ve dropped the barrier keeping him here all this time and his smile widens. 
The fruit tastes even sweeter than you could have imagined. Only made better by the small, but sincere kiss Venti places upon your trembling lips. 
“Thank you, my little dove.”
“You…you promise to come back?” 
Venti’s eyes crinkle slightly as his smile widens and he gently plucks a feather from the tassel of his belt, tucking it into the braid of your hair.
“I promise.”
He should have expected it, but it does not hurt any less.
For centuries, he kept his promise, coming back to the Mare Jivari, a land his people feared most of all, to spend the winter in the warm, loving embrace of the goddess of ash. Every time he arrived, she rushed to him with a warm shout and open arms, and every spring, when it was time for them to part, it was always teary, but there was never any frowns, just last moments spent in eachothers arms, sharing the first, ripe apple of the season. 
He should have known things could never last like this. His slumber had been long, longer than he’d anticipated, and as soon as he’d woken there was a new matter to tend to, his old friend and companion: Dvalin.
Rampaging, like he had when barbatos had gone missing the first time, but now he rampaged due to the poison infecting old wounds, manipulated by an order who wanted to control him and use him to quell the people. He could not let this happen to his oldest friend.
As soon as ‘Stormterror’ had been calmed, and his gnosis rather forcibly taken, despite it not being winter, he still makes his way, a small bouquet of cecilia flowers in hand and an apology for the years of missed winters on his lips.
So when he comes across a single, wilted apple tree, in the middle of a barren, ashen wasteland, no longer tended to, and with a marker of volcanic stone lodged into the earth by it’s roots; he knows.
That does not make the pain of his broken promise any easier to bear. 
taglist: @stygianoir @meimeimeirin @ainescribe
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sangoqueenkoko · 5 months
“this is stupid. and kind of fun.”
fluff, platonic
Drabble prompt: page 1: #13 = “this is stupid. and kind of fun.”
Warnings? Nope! But Chongyun isn’t someone who I use in game a lot! So, I’m sorry that this isn’t long.
Contains a mention of Hu Tao, Venti, Noelle, Diona, Mika, Xingqiu and Chongyun of course!
Inspired by the 4.1 Waterborne Poetry event!
422 words.
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Spices and Chongyun do not mix.
Putting these two together can create adverse effects. Apart from when a certain someone concocts something and then puts them together.
You were in Liyue with your good friend Chongyun, as well as Hu Tao, and from Mondstadt, Venti, Noelle, Diona and Mika. Each of you were split into groups to decipher some riddles.
Your group had found a leaf with something written on it. But the current had gotten a hold of it.
So the lot of you started to defend after it until it beached itself on the dirt bank down stream. After reading the description on said leave a few times, you all eventually began to find out what it meant.
Time passed and Diona had brought up the subject of her wanting to create a new drink to ‘destroy the wine industry,’ so she suggested to the others to grab the oddest combination of materials for said drink.
And after she thought for a bit, she decided it would contain slime concentrate and fresh Jueyun Chilis. Which Chongyun was a little nervous around, but you stayed by his side and comforted him.
Those ingredients put together by Diona created something… interesting, for sure.
And who’s better to test it on than Chongyun. He was a little hesitant at first, you understood why.
But after some hesitation and persuasion, he eventually agreed to be the beta taster.
Down the hatch.
“It does have a touch of Jueyun Chili, but it isn’t at all empowering!” Chongyun chimes with literal starts in his eyes and a light blush on his cheeks, “it’s completely different to Xiangling’s cooking, or those drinks Xingqiu makes to mess with me!”
“It’s crisp and refreshing, with just a hint of numbness, and the Jueyun Chili flavour combines with the smooth but not slimy texture of the frog legs to form a heavenly mixture!”
You thought he lost his mind.
“And oh, the Slimes! Can we talk about the Slimes!? Before this, I never knew that they had such a pure and herby taste, like... fresh grass after the rain! The power and purity of nature, distilled into a cup! Amazing! Simply unbelievable!”
Diona was upset that it didn’t taste nice. She felt as if it was a curse.
Meanwhile, you had to help Chongyun come from his newfound high, sitting on the cool green grass.
Once he came back to his senses, he sighed and turned to you and said something simple,
“This is stupid. And kind of fun.”
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hunn1e-bunn1e · 1 year
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Series Links ➠
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🌟Aether ➳
🌌Dainsleif ➳
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🦚 Kaeya Alberich ➳
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My Mischievous Ice Prince (os) ♂️ 💞 🧀
Emporer's New Clothes (os) ⚧
🍇 Diluc Ragnivinder ➳
With a Mammon-like Reader (hc) ♂️❔
The Morning Greets You (os) ⚧ 💞
Bathing in Bliss (os) ⚧ 💞
Quill and Parchment ✉ ⚧ 💞
Vibrant Flavours (os) ⚧ 💞❣
Through the Grapevine (os) ♂️ 💞
Keeping Up With the Ragnvindrs (os) ♂️ 💞 🧀
🎨 Albedo ➳
General Fluff Headcannons (hc)
Like one of Your Mondstadt Boys (os) ♂️❣
🐺 Razor ➳
My Lupical (os) ⚧ 💞
The Thrill of the Hunt (os) ♂️ 💞
🩹 Bennett ➳
Himbo Appreciation Post 📷
The Luckiest Boy Alive (os) ⚧ 💞
🌬 Venti/Barbatos ➳
With a Mammon-like Reader (hc) ♂️❔
🐣 Mika ➳
Sweet Little Chickadee
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☄ Zhongli ➳
Himbo Appreciation Post 📷
With a Mammon-like Reader (hc) ♂️❔
With a Gojo-like archon reader (hc) ⚧❔
How to Groom Your Dragon (hc) ⚧
👺 Xiao/Alatus ➳
General Fluff Headcannons (hc)
Tears in the Evening for Those Lost in the Past (os) ♂️ 💔
🍧 Chongyun ➳
Lips on Fire! (os) ♂️ 🧀
📖 Xingqiu ➳
Chivalry Will Never Die (os) ♂️
Distinguished Gentleman's Justice (os) ♂️ 💞
🐍Baizhu ➳
With a Mammon-like Reader (hc) ♂️❔
With a Hawks-like Geo User Reader (hc) ⚧❔
General Fluff Headcannons (hc)
🐲Gaming ➳
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👹 Arataki Itto ➳
Red Horn, Blue Horn; One Horn, Two Horn (os) ⚧ 💞
The Beetle Garden (os) ♂️ 💞->💔
Beetle Battle Babe! (os) ⚧ 💞
Bright Red Body Paint (os) ♂️❣
Beansprout to Beanstalk (os) ♂️ 🧀
Forever a Kid at Heart (os) ⚧ 💞
🍱 Thoma ➳
Apron (os) ⚧ 💞❣
His Hand in Marriage (os) ♂️ 💞
Washing Machine Heart (os) ♂️ 💞
🔎Shikanoin Heizou ➳
Self Investigation (os) ⚧ ✉
🍁Kaedehara Kazuha ➳
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In The Wind (os) ♂️ 💞
The Song of the Sea (os) ⚧ 💞
🐶 Gorou ➳
Good Boy (os) ♂️ 💞❣
A Dog Eat Dog World (os) ♂️ 💞
🧋Kamisato Ayato ➳
With a Mammon-like Reader (hc) ♂️❔
Mysterious Mister Boba Sleeves (os) ♂️ 🧀
🎍Kunikuzushi Era ➳
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📚 Alhaitham ➳
With a Mammon-like Reader (hc) ♂️❔
Tartaglia-Like Matra Reader (hc) ♂️❔
The Academia's Record Keeper (os) ♂️ 💞
💼 Kaveh ➳
With a Mammon-like Reader (hc) ♂️❔
🦊 Tighnari ➳
General Fluff Headcannons (hc)
Wildlife Expertise! (os) ♂️ 💞
🏜 Cyno ➳
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Yes, General Mahamatra, Sir! (os) ⚧ 🧀
🪲Sethos ➳
🎍Wanderer Era ➳
Fontaine ➳
(under construction)
⚖Neuvillette ➳
Desert Dragoon (os) ♂️ 💞 🧀
How to Groom Your Dragon (hc) ⚧
⚜Wriotheseley ➳
What's in a Name (os) ♂️ 💞
🎩Lyney ➳
🐧Freminet ➳
Schnezneya ➳
🐳 Tartaglia/Childe/Ajax ➳
Himbo appreciation post 📷
The Sword in One's Pants (os) ⚧❣🧀
Shiver Lump (os) ♂️ 💞
🧪 Zandik "Il Dottore" ➳
Love at First Sight? (os) ♂️ 💞 🧀
💎 Pantalone ➳
Luxurious (os) ♂️ 💞
❄ Pierro ➳
🪖 Capitano ➳
Yes Sir (os) ♂️ 💞❣
🎍Scaramouche Era ➳
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enrichesthe-earth · 1 year
Modern Iterators and coffee
Looks to the Moon:
Likes mocha flavoured coffee
Mocha latte, mocha cappuccino etc
Frequents lots of cute indie cafes
Would definitely bring a book and spend hours in a cafe reading
Five Pebbles
Pretends to like his coffee black and orders it that way if he’s with anyone else
Actually likes it with a generous amount of sugar and cream and caramel
Gets coffee from the Dunkin’ donuts drive thru
No Significant Harassment:
Doesn’t really drink coffee regularly
When he does it’s decaf because he has a low caffeine tolerance and will get jittery
Is more of a social coffee drinker, he’ll drink it at a cafe with the others
Once for a dare he drank coffee with like 5 espresso shots and absolutely Lost It (he was the one who dared himself, the idiot)
Seven Red Suns:
Actually likes their coffee black
Or likes just espresso
Owns a coffee/espresso machine and makes coffee for themselves in the morning
Sliver of Straw:
Prefers tea to coffee
Likes chai lattes and black tea like earl grey
Also loves cafes and will usually go together with Moon
Makes really aesthetic social media posts at cafes
Unparalleled Innocence:
Drinks almost exclusively Starbucks frappuchinos. Venti.
Even if it’s cold she will still order frozen coffee
Asks for Lots of whipped cream
Grey Wind/Chasing Wind:
Also an exclusive tea drinker
Has a whole assortment of loose leaf teas
Doesn’t really like caffeinated tea and prefers calming tea like jasmine or chamomile
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