#first i want to gauge interest
fuckyeahspones · 6 months
A lot of personal stuff has happened, so this would've happened earlier, but still trying to gauge people's interest in this.
Normally, there would be more lead time into promoting 12 Days of Spones, but everyone knows it usually happens on the 12th, and lasts 12 days long, so:
If there's enough people who would like it to happen, I'll have the optional themes/prompts/inspiration ideas up in a couple of days, along with the event info post.
(I know this poll is set at a week but I already voted so I'll be able to see the vote count coz I wanted this poll to run for a couple of days)
To anyone new reading this post, 12 Days of Spones is a 12 day long, winter inspired Spones event, where for 12 days people can create winter inspired Spock, McCoy, and/or Spones fanworks. Which can be meta, moodboards, fanart, playlists, fic, headcanons, etc. The only requirement is that it it centers either character and/or their relationship and is winter inspired. The themes/prompts are just optional and there to jumpstart people's creativity.
It usually starts December 12th til the 23rd, but there's a week long period after for late submissions.
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umbane · 5 months
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Good evening minions, martians, and martyrs! From the overlord who brought you Kayn's Glorious Celebratory Raves and the destruction of 87 planets and counting, we are pleased to present the latest in intergalactic entertainment: 𝐄𝐕𝐈𝐋 𝐄𝐌𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐎𝐑 𝐁𝐀𝐂𝐇𝐄𝐋𝐎𝐑 ! Yes, you heard that right, we're bringing you a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to not only meet our glorious emperor, but take your shot at impressing him. Of course, this opportunity doesn't come without risks, but isn't it worth it to bask in his glory for a while? And for those who don't feel up to the challenge, fear not! Evil Emperor Bachelor will be replacing ALL your regular broadcasting, so you can tune in anywhere and everywhere! So to everyone in the empire, please sit back, relax, and enjoy the spectacle!
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ooc information: to enter the evil emperor bachelor, please reply to this post with a 💙! Every day at 6AM PST I'll post a question directed at all muses entered, and the contestants will have until 8PM PST to write an ic response of any length! At the end of each day, the person who impressed Kayn the LEAST will be eliminated, but will be free to comment on the games going forward. Those who choose not to participate are also welcome to comment on the event. Let's have fun with it!
Rules below the cut:
Please use the tag '#evil emperor bachelor' for those who wish to follow or block the posts. This is for both commentary and official responses.
18+ muns only please! While this is obviously based on the bachelor, I'd like to include as many people as possible. Underage or otherwise unshippable muses are allowed, but Kayn and I obviously won't interact with them with any romantic or sexual intent, so don't worry about that. Who knows, maybe you can be the emperor's next best friend?
I'd like this to be low stress, so if you can't make a day, don't worry! I'll only judge the entries I get. If you miss a few days though, I might drop by to ask if you'd like to continue or drop out, just to make it fair to anyone.
Any length is welcome, whether it's a sentence of dialogue or multipara — as long as there's a reply, it'll be considered. Writing more or less won't give you an advantage, it's the quality of the answer (in Kayn's eyes).
This doesn't force you to ship with me at all! It's just a fun thing to do. If one comes out of it, that's totally okay, but at the end of the day this is just an activity to do together. In the same vein, existing ships will not get priority, even if they're K/DA members!
Mutuals are welcome to just drop a 💙 in the replies to enter, but if we're not mutuals I'd appreciate if you shot me a message — I don't want to get overwhelmed with entries. Same with entering multiple muses — send me a message and I'll accept or decline based on how many muses are already entered.
You don't need an odyssey verse to enter! Feel free to enter your canonverse or modernverse muses as well. Kayn's empire spans galaxies, after all.
If you have any questions, feel free to shoot me a DM at any time!
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fandom-blackhole · 3 months
My friends, idk how, but im gonna figure out a way to share my final presentation with you guys for a class after I finish it. Because I'll be damned if I'm gonna be this passionate about this thing, do all the research, make a ppt AND cardboard tri-fold, and present this at a "Research Symposium" for 2 hours to whoever stops at my booth during finals week to not share with the people I like most 😤
Basically for the project we have to take a person or event and give background on them before analyzing them through a Social Psychology lense (bc the class is social psychology lol). AND GODS DO I LOVE SHIT LIKE THISSSSS. I will not be sharing what event I chose for two reason: 1) I want ya'll to read and learn about it through my post when I post it 😌 and 2) It's a REALLY obscure event from what I've gathered (like I barely have 5 sources for references and one's ONLY in german) and I doubt many would know what I was talking about.
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detentiontrack · 21 days
What if I started a blog dedicated to mental health recovery and support and resources for victims of child and domestic abuse
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ragsy · 10 months
I'm exploring the possibility of exchanging Werewolf for Currency as a solution to my "I really want an excuse to make another one" problem
Example picture for good measure (as if my followers haven't seen this face 900 times last month alone)
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moldwood · 5 months
planning my first print. scary!
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gayvbros · 2 years
Vbros fic recs
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A Surprise Visit
10k words. Completed. Deanjared
Dean decides to spend Christmas break with his roommate, who is, of course, a very good friend. Or maybe more than a friend. In any case, things are never that easy when you're a Venture.
Nothing Ventured.
3k words. Completed. Deanjared
A lot of people would think Christmas would always be an unmitigated disaster in the home of a dysfunctional super scientist and family. Dean Venture is happy to report that those people would be wrong.
Or four Christmases that went surprisingly well.
Just Relax!
1k words. Completed. Deanjared
Dean works himself a little too hard sometimes. Luckily he has Jared there who knows when to pry him away from his homework for a little bit of relaxation.
Down Time
Less than 1k words. Completed. Gen
Brock gets injured for the first time as the Ventures' new bodyguard and his charges try to make him feel better, in their own ways.
Desperate OSIs
39k words. Completed. Brusty.
On an undercover OP gone awry, Doc Venture ends up playing house with his former bodyguard turned full time agent Brock Samson. Masquerading as a happily married couple, with two rambunctious teenage boys, the deception is both too easy, and a little too close to the truth.
Dirty Laundry
3k words. Completed. Gen.
Here he was, one of the top agents OSI ever produced, checking pockets for tissues so he wouldn't wind up having to pick fluff off everything. "Operation Rusty's Blanket" had turned into "Operation Rusty's Live-in Maid and Babysitter" somewhere along the line. He pondered the decline of his career simultaneously with the fraught question of whether to put his striped red-and-white polo shirt into the left basket or the right.
Rhapsody in Blue
2k. Completed. Gen.
A small fic where the Blue Morpho decides to take Rusty in as his own. A little what-if AU exploration.
Babysitting Duty
3k. Completed. Gen.
During a visit home for the weekend, Brock discovers that Dean knows about the cloning. Set at the end of Season Five.
Four Times Dean Fussed over People.
3k. Completed. Deanjared.
Dean fusses over his family's injuries and illnesses. Then, he fusses over Jared's.
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aquickstart · 6 months
question for the audience! how annoying is second person narration in fics to you? not y/n, just a narrative as if addressing someone (the reader or the character) in second person. is it annoying? can you get into it or is it an immediate no?
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eldritchgriffin · 1 year
I started considering this after I saw this post, and what better way to decide than with a poll?
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nerdy-nonbinary · 10 months
There’s this cool app that lets you make a series of collaborative playlists with custom themes, would people be interested in doing some for Skip and Loafer characters? Once all the submissions are in you get to vote on which fit the best, it’s really fun.
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ursaspecter · 2 years
If I were to rewrite "Bitter Reunions" like it were part of my False Mentor AU would anyone be interested in reading it? Or really just any kind of writing for that AU. I want to do more with it, but I just want to see if anyone would be interested in reading about it before I invest too much time in it lol. (Also if anyone has any better name ideas I would love to hear them because False Mentor lowkey SUCKS lmao)
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If I were to make I discord server for my mutuals would y’all be interested in joining
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aparticularbandit · 2 years
i’m bored, time for a poll
of my current etc. series/fics, which are you most looking forward to?
there is a write-in option if it’s none of the above.  just click other and it’ll let you specify.
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noxcaelestia · 1 year
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xxsabitoxx · 9 months
Where JJK Men Are Sensitive
Satoru, Suguru, Nanami, Toji, Sukuna, Yuta, Yuji, Megumi
Warnings: all characters are 18+, this is a smut headcanon post with various levels of lewd-content lol, proceed with caution... or not, I don't judge. I mean I'm the one who wrote it so...
A/N: tried a different style than how I did this with the Hashira lol. Thank you all for blowing up my "How JJK Men Eat Pussy 2.0" post! I was and still am absolutely floored with how quickly y'all blew it up!
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Satoru Gojo
Satoru doesn’t tell you where he is sensitive because he wants you to figure it out through “exploration”. Given the fact that he is the Satoru Gojo, you jump on the offer to spend hours learning every inch of his body. You make a whole day out of it really, and it goes without saying that your endeavor was very, very successful. Sensitive and ticklish run a very thin line for Satoru and it is a line that is very easily blurred. Your first discovery was that he has a very sensitive neck. Something as small as your hands cupping the back of it was enough to have Satoru shivering in your embrace, whining a little into the kiss. You learned very quickly that one of his greatest weaknesses is your lips on his pulse, leaving faint bruises where you sucked. As your exploration continued, you found that Satoru was very reactive when you touched his chest. More specifically, you hadn’t expected him to moan the way he did when your tongue ran across his nipple by mistake. The noise that escaped him, paired with the visible twitch of his dick was enough for you to take the other between your thumb and pointer finger and pinch. The third discovery was that Satoru has particularly sensitive balls. Yep, that’s right, his fucking balls. You had given him head before, but you had never dared to touch him there since you weren’t sure how he would react. Since this was a “free-for-all” as Satoru put it, you gingerly cupped him and watched the way his jaw clenched. Your eyes were glued to his face as you massaged them, alternating your pressure to see how far you could take it before pleasure pushed the line and turned into pain. Turns out, they are sensitive but durable and well… he doesn’t mind if you’re a bit rough with him from time to time (all the time). 
Suguru Geto
Suguru refuses to let you figure out where he is sensitive until you catch him off guard one night and bind his wrists. Of course he can easily get out of them but he’s interested in indulging you because you look too damn cute when you think you’ve won. You’re pretty upfront with him about what you intend to do, which only makes him a little antsy as your fingers nimbly undo the rest of his clothing while you remain in nothing but his t-shirt. Suguru isn’t quite used to the roles being reversed but he’ll give it a try for you. The first sensitive point on his body that you discover is his ears, and it’s not because of his gauges. You actually avoid his earlobes all together, instead catching him by surprise as you sink your teeth into the shell of his ear. This earns a reaction neither of you expected, a low groan that vibrates his chest as you alternate the pressure of your nibbling before pulling away. Suguru’s cheeks are red now as you continue to explore various points on him, his dick painfully hard and sitting proudly against his abdomen as you work. The next spot is actually his sides, your fingernails scraping them has his body shivering in response. It seems some of Suguru’s sensitivity resides in the most random places, because you didn’t quite envision yourself laughing as you grazed your teeth down his side before biting softly and watching his back arch. By the time you reach his waist, Suguru is red in the face and panting, precum oozing steadily out of his tip and resting on his abdomen. He’s looking at you with blown out pupils, quietly begging you to touch him where it really “matters”, to which you shake your head. Suguru’s thighs are his other weakness, which you kind of figured since he always gets very fidgety when you sit on his lap or grind on it.
Kento Nanami
Nanami is a tough man to break down, but over the years you have located a few of his weak points. One of Nanami’s major weaknesses is his jaw/neck, more specifically when you’re kissing and sucking and biting there. There is something about the sensual drag of your teeth on his skin that has his composure dissolving. You know this of course, so you use it to get your way when Nanami is being a little too stubborn for his own good. This neck sensitivity goes a little further though, something as simple as adjusting his tie or fixing his collar will have Nanami shivering from your touch. You found another weak spot by mistake, turns out Nanami is rather ticklish when it comes to his Stomach. You had been riding him, initially placing your hands behind you on his legs to hold yourself as your hips rose and fell. But your back was getting sore and the angle was starting to get tiring, so you slowed and pushed yourself forward rather than leaning back. The moment your hands made contact with Nanami’s abs, he was gritting his teeth and throwing his head back. You initially thought you had hurt him by pressing down on him, but that worried thought disappeared the moment he gasped out for you to “not move” when you started to pull your hands away. You started paying a little more attention to his stomach shortly after that, just because you enjoyed the way he squirmed and fell apart. Unknown to you still is the fact that Nanami’s nipples are very sensitive. He keeps it hidden because he is utterly mortified by how turned on he gets from it. Even if your hand ghosts over them, even if he’s still fully dressed, the feeling has his face turning a deep shade of red. He knows if you figure this out, you’ll go out of your way to touch him there regardless of where you both are, and he just knows he won’t be able to stop the heat from flooding his face. 
Toji Fushiguro
Toji is pretty damn adamant that he has no “weak spots”. That’s up until your hand rests on the back of his slutty ass, tiny waist and he’s crumbling at the feeling. Something about your fingers on his skin has Toji losing his train of thought, he’ll stop mid-sentence if he feels your hands on his waist. Maybe it’s because of how intimate that one touch is, especially when you’re the one grabbing his waist and he’s not the one grabbing yours. Shiu likes to give Toji a funny look if you do this while in his presence, it’s typically one Toji ignores. To continue this “men with sensitive nipples” agenda I got going on, Toji will be putty in your hands the moment your lips wrap around one of his nipples. He’s utterly shameless when you start sucking and biting his chest, moaning and groaning while his hips buck into the air. You are mindful of how you straddle him solely because you don’t want to give him any sort of relief when you toy with him, hence his restless hips meeting empty air rather than your own. Toji’s rather embarrassed by how sensitive the head of his dick is, especially when you’re giving him head. Even the smallest of touches, the quickest tug, even the gentlest lick, will have his jaw going slack. You’re just as cruel as he is sometimes, deciding to focus all of your attention on the tip of his cock just to watch him struggle to clench his slack-jaw to try and hide his noises. You’ll have him coming in no time at all, making sure to be relentless in your teasing after the fact because he can be just as relentless with you when roles are reversed. A bonus spot is his balls, because why the fuck wouldn’t they be. He’s desperate to keep that one a secret but you are too damn observant to get anything by.
Sukuna Ryomen
Sukuna, sensitive? Nah, no fucking way. He is the only man on this list that can confidently say he doesn’t have a single point on his body that will have him crumbling if you touch it. The thing with Sukuna is that he will not let you have enough freedom to roam his body. You are his, but he is not yours. That’s not to say he’ll turn you down if you start sucking and kissing his jaw and neck, the gentle scrape of your teeth certainly do something to ease the tension in his shoulders. But that definitely doesn’t mean those spots are sensitive, nope, not even a little. Sukuna’s hips definitely don’t falter when you grind against his pubic bone while he has you stuffed to the brim with his cock. Oh and he absolutely can’t stand it when your nails rake his shoulders, specifically between his shoulder blades. The king of curses himself has NO weak points, I mean really he doesn’t. There is nothing you can do to get the curse to submit to you, and that’s just the facts. Sukuna definitely doesn’t groan when you do any of these things, he definitely doesn’t utter your name in a deep, warning rumble as you try and fuck with him. And he most definitely does not enjoy when you litter his skin with your own bite marks… just warning ya~
Yuta Okkotsu
Where isn’t this man sensitive? Yuta is pretty embarrassed about how easily he can fall apart under your touch, especially when you are holding his hips while you kiss him. Something about the way your fingers dig into his skin, as if trying to keep him close while he has his teeth sinking into your bottom lip. Like he’ll disappear if you let him go, fuck it just get’s him going. Depending on where you are, Yuta will likely have you pinned to the wall the moment he feels your hands desperately clawing at his hips. You found out pretty quickly that Yuta’s hip sensitivity spreads down to his thighs. The moment your back hits the wall, Yuta is shamelessly shoving his leg between your thighs, spreading them for him as his knee hits the wall and his thigh is slotted snuggle against your heat. Yuta’s noises are relentless as your hips grind down on his thigh, the muscles tensing under your movements and only adding to the shared pleasure of it. You realize pretty fast that Yuta enjoys marking you, but that he also enjoys being marked. That goes hand in hand with his numerous sensitive spots. One time you actually bit his shoulder and he swore he could have come, completely untouched, right then and there. You’ll have his eyes nearly crossing if you rake your nails along his back, the stimulation your sex offers him paired with the ticklish/scratchy stimulation of your nails on his skin is enough to have him sobbing. Yuta will absolutely lose his mind if you bite his neck too, he gets off to being covered in your love bites. That being said, Yuta’s dick is just as sensitive, if not more sensitive than the rest of his body. When you first started having sex, you would tease him by saying you need to fuck more often so he can build his tolerance. Not that you mind having multiple short rounds, especially since he makes sure you cum Every. Single. Time. 
Yuji Itadori
Bless this man, he’s so touch starved that it’s impossible for him to not get the chills whenever you touch him. Yuji’s beyond sensitive, especially when it comes to your touch. Some of his most sensitive spots are actually pretty random and sometimes very specific. For example, just below his ear, that spot on your head where your jaw ends and your ear lobe nearly meet. You kissed him there once, a kiss placed among many, but that was the one spot that had him breathing out, begging you to do it again. So you did, kissing intently and sucking a bruise there until Yuji’s fingers were nearly bruising your waist. You learned his body pretty fast, finding that his chest was pretty sensitive as well, earning you pretty noises every time you so much as ran a finger down his sternum. He doesn’t particularly enjoy his nipples being toyed with roughly, that’s one area that’s more painful-sensitive rather than pleasurable-sensitive. But he doesn’t mind if you kiss them or lick them gently. He’s all for massages, especially when you have him on his stomach, your hands kneading the muscular flesh of his back until he’s shamelessly groaning as you work out the tense knots. But nothing could have prepared him for the pleasure your hands brought him when you began massaging the small of his back. It was enough to turn his groans into moans, goosebumps erupting over his flesh as he shivered uncontrollably. You listened to him, following the instructions he cried out for you to not stop, noticing the way he was grinding his hips into the mattress below you. The sight had been so lewd that you couldn’t make yourself stop even if you tried, dying to see how it all played out, dying to see if he’d make himself cum. Yuji adores it when you run your hands all over him, the feathery light, ticklish touches are enough to make his lips buck, cock twitching violently as he waits for you to do more to him. 
Megumi Fushiguro
Oh Megumi…Megumi Megumi Megumi. He takes after his fathers, not willing to admit he has any weak spots but also willing to let you try and find them. Contradictory but either way, you’re eager to know how to make the typically stoic man crumble. It came as a shock when you figured out one of his sensitive points within thirty seconds of climbing into his lap. Megumi��s thighs are very sensitive, even from something as simple as your weight settling on them. It also helps that the heat from your covered sex can be felt through the material of his clothes, your closeness only making it more apparent. You’ll use this information against him later on, especially on nights where you just want to get him worked up. Turns out Megumi’s neck is pretty ticklish, the mix of your soft lips and hair as well as your teeth gently grazing him is intoxicating. Megumi finds himself struggling to stifle his noises as you mark his neck up with as many love bites and bruises as you can before his self restraint runs thin and he gives up on this whole “locate the weak spots” endeavor. Did I mention he takes after his fathers, cause he does. Megumi is mortified by this fact, but his balls are pretty damn sensitive. After an hour of making out and letting you feel him up, you finally reward him for his patience and give him head. He’d rather your sex but he’s too damn worked up to care at the moment, and your mouth is fucking perfect anyways. So, given that he’s let you have more leeway in the last hour than he has during any other of your sexual encounters, you take the liberty of cupping his sac as you wrap your lips around his tip. You nearly choked when he almost immediately spilled into your mouth, the hour of teasing had worked him up more than either of you anticipated and he had no strength left to mentally prepare for you doing something as bold as that. 
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Lucifer Morningstar x Reader Smutty Headcanons
I promised on this LM x Reader post things would get spicy soon, so here we are, coming so far from my first post! Just the first of probably many more smutty Lucifer posts, because we all know this man fucks and we all want a piece.
Warnings: SMUT
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- This man legitimately loves everything about eating pussy. He loves performing it, he loves bragging about how well he performs it, he loves giving tips because he believes in respecting the craft, and he loves putting down anyone too entitled to provide what he sees as this most enjoyable of services for one's partner. You don't even have to ask him to go down on you, it'll be one of the first things he offers, and he'll regularly ask if you're interested in letting off a little steam. Having the ability to extend and shapeshift his tongue into having an opposable forked tip makes him capable of techniques beyond your wildest fantasies, and whether you like to receive from above or below, he's equally down to have you seated on his face or laying back to enjoy yourself.
- He's not poorly or overly endowed for a man of his size, but he's also quite literally the one who originally proved that size doesn't matter in the slightest, and he's had thousands of years to perfect those original techniques. From position to tempo, he's mastered everything he needs to hit the G-spot with impeccable accuracy, and his hands will be quite busy seeking out where you most enjoy attention as he rides you with the power and virility of an untamed stallion. All this combined results in a mind blowing time for you, every time, and he's got the stamina to answer all of your repeated requests for another round.
- Nevermind the magic he can work with his tongue or his dick, the King of Hell is also a wizard with his fingers. He's even got a carpal tunnel roller just to keep his dexterity in top shape for when his skills are needed. Finding your clit is effortless for him, and he'll show it all the love he thinks you deserve, responding eagerly to your feedback in the moment and putting his mouth to use on your neck as he does so. Whether you want him inside, outside or both at the same time, he's happy to provide, and he'll gladly push his wrists to the limit if it leaves you properly satisfied.
- If you offer to be the one servicing him, he'll happily accept, and you'll quickly find his mannerisms shift quite considerably when he's on the receiving end. He starts out confident, offering banter to match your own, but as soon as your mouth gets to work, his demeanor changes. A grin becomes an open mouthed moan, his hands tenderly take hold of you to ground himself, and witty quips turn to soft and needy sighs. The more heated things get, the more he loses himself, but it's a great way for you to gauge how well you're performing. Growls and an appearance of his horns are a sign he's really having a good time, especially considering he's always got steam to blow off. Particularly rough days will result in him losing all control by climax; fully extended wings and horns, an unfurled tail he wraps about you, hair disheveled and clinging to a fine layer of sweat, and more than a few reality bending bursts of power surging around the both of you. It's his favorite way to end the day on a good note. He'll pull his fingers from your hair as he breathlessly apologizes for the show, but the both of you know watching him go feral is part of the fun.
- The afterglow is peak cuddle time for him, and he'll be in no hurry to get dressed if there's somewhere either of you needs to be, so more than a few of his duties will end up delayed thanks to post-coital bliss. All six wings will seek you out for a fluffy embrace, and if the two of you are at all winded, the otherworldly softness of Archangel feathers might make staying awake quite impossible. Should you have some energy to spare though, he'll want to actively enjoy the snuggle. Hearing you breathe, feeling his skin against yours, and engaging in pillow talk just make him the happiest little guy. Such moments really allow him to let his guard down, and you might hear him speak with a softness and hopefulness that rarely leaves the bedroom, but he's just as interested in listening as he is in talking. Don't be too surprised if he drifts off with his head in your boobs though.
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