#first arcade/avery art!!!!!!
datura-tea · 1 year
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they're hate-reading some dumb pre-war novel
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That Time Our Family of Trek Went to Chicago Comic Con
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My family and I went to a Captain's Panel with Bill Shatner, Avery Brooks, and Scott Bakula for the Chicago Comic Con back in 2012.
TOS and DS9 are my all-time faves and I adore Bakula, so I was over the moon. All three were wonderful in their own right and bounced off of each other during the panel.
Here is the link to the panel we attended (mine was the last question that closed the panel, and my own voice embarrasses me.🤣 If nobody filmed this, I still might not believe that I've spoken to the captain's. But the Meet and Greet we got after this panel was *chef's kiss*).
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My siblings and I snuck up after the panel ended when the room cleared and quickly snapped a shot sitting at the captain's table (above). Mind you, these are three women in their 30's absolutely giggling like maniacs and rushing out of there before we got caught like we were in A Hard Day's Night.
I was practically vibrating through the walls with excitement bc I am a small town girl and here I was at my first Comic Con in Chicago with my siblings; my family saved up for that one! It was like Sci-Fi Christmas.
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My family and I had a meet and greet with Shatner (my OG captain) and he signed my art. He took my painting, looked it over and said "Wow . . . did I really ever look this good?" To which I said: "Sir to be frank, it doesn't do you justice." We all started cackling at that and my sisters still don't let it down.
"You boldly went there."
He even offered to sign a photo because: "Are you sure? I don't want to ruin your lovely painting!" I was FLOATING. ヾ(*’O’*)/
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I still can't believe this is in my home. Bill Shatner signed my Kirk art. I'M DEAD JIM. Be cool be cool -
- When Shatner found out we were Canadian, he absolutely lit up. He started chatting with us about where we hail from.
- Turns out he's been to my tiny little hometown to which I said: "I'm very sorry to hear that, sir." He genuinely bark laughed so loud at that because I think it took him off guard.
- I was painted head-to-toe in cosplay as an Orion (below) that day when we met, so my family and I were shocked the next day when myself and my siblings turned up out of costume to get a photo with Shatner and he recognized us. He had a huge smile and said: "Hey, it's my Canadian girls!"
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Other notable moments from the Con:
- On photo day a steady rotation of Spidermen asked to get photos with me. My family and I were so confused. Turns out they thought I was cosplaying as Mary Jane Watson. LOL . . . I wasn't. But my head was positively gigantic that anyone mistook me for Mary Jane Watson. Another childhood dream fulfilled, because Mary Jane was my ultimate crush in the Spidey comics. I will feed on that ego boost until I die.
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- Saw poor Kevin Sorbo getting an unwanted shoulder rub from a way too enthusiastic fan. They snapped a photo, and the look on his face was equal parts strained fake smile and "I need an adult". Not a fan of Sorbo personally but still, y'know . . . stranger danger. Poor guy.
- Lou Ferrigno was playing a Pac Man arcade booth in his down time and that is one of the very few photos I took that day when I remembered to bc I was wandering around smiling like an idiot.
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- Met someone who was HEAD TO TOE dressed in hyper realistic, swinging tail, eggplant headed black gleaming alien cosplay. I asked to get a pic and told them I was losing my mind over how amazing the costume was. This tiny, high pitched feminine voice from inside this monster said: "Oh, thank you so much!" It was so sweet and endearing juxtaposed against the monster and so unexpected that the photo ended up being us falling around the walls laughing together.
- SEEING STAN LEE. MY GOD. I almost hit the floor. So much of my childhood was spent reading his ideas. My legs shook and I was just seeing him from afar. My sister's husband met him and said: "It's so good to see you, sir!" To which Stan quipped: "It's so good to be seen!" I still laugh about that randomly.
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Sorry I'm rambling so much, but clearly that day meant a great deal to me. My family used to scrimp every cent we had growing up and never went on trips together due to budget constraints, so saving for this was a huge deal for us. I made a point of really slowing down, taking my time, and enjoying the moment while I was there. Barely took a single photo because I just wanted to experience it all.
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I know people talk a lot of trash about the Shat, and he really is a wild card. He definitely is a unique human being with a very rocky relationship with fans and Trek at times. You really never know what the man will say next, and half the time I'm scared to find out. LOL But that was such a lovely and genuine interaction my family and I had with him, I felt it was worth throwing that positive experience out there into the world. :)
My mother is an OG fan from the 60's, and we used to always watch TOS with her growing up after school. I have such fond memories of it, and it genuinely meant a lot to us get to meet our captain.🖖💚
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bodycountgame · 3 years
What would each RO's perfect date be? Doesn't need to be detailed, that's a lot of characters, but I really want to know.
anon: doesn’t have to be detailed :) me: ok here’s 1000 words about date preferences tehe xoxo 
Adegoke: Something relaxed with plenty of opportunity to talk – a casual coffee at a café he liked? If it went well, he’d have a segue into an evening thing in mind – probably like a show he conveniently had tickets for or a reading that one of his pals had organised. Would almost definitely involve running into people he knows (probably not actually arranged, he just knows a lot of people in the places that he frequents lmao) and he’d be keen to see how they vibed with the people that he loves (because he couldn’t really sustain a relationship with someone who would only ever be peripheral to his life).
Arthur: A traditional dinner date – it plays to his strengths (settings that are kind of formal, making conversation, showing off about wine) and is very much on his turf. Maybe a walk home afterwards if it went well – he’d insist on walking them back to their car/house or whatever to make sure they got back safe (and, you know, cause then you get the ol’ goodbye at the door moment).
Atticus: Doesn’t do dates, not sure he’s ever been on what you could really consider a proper date. Preferred method is just to meet someone at a bar/club, take them home, then be gone before they wake up. Will occasionally see the same person more than once, but it’s normally a bit of a booty call situation (in his mind, at least). His ideal date is probably, like, hanging out and watching a movie and ordering food – very boring and domestic. Although that said, I think if anyone suggested a track day or something similar then he’d lose his little mind.
Avery: Hasn’t been on a ~date~ in forever, wouldn’t know what to do with herself. She’d probably just want it to be over with ASAP tbh, maybe a quick coffeeshop hang? If that actually went well enough that she wanted a second date, she’d probably want to go for a walk and maybe do that thing where you rent boats and go out on a lake/river?? It’d be a good way for her to see how well she’d work with the other person.
Charlie: Depends on who it was and how well he already knew them, I think. He’d generally go for something fun and dumb – going to an arcade or one of those VR places. Plenty of ice breaker opportunities and a good chance to get a sense of their vibe. Might suggest one of those crazy golf places but he would also make a joke about how incredibly basic it is as a suggestion, so it would be slightly more acceptable. 
Ellis: A nice gallery or museum date, I think? With plenty of stops to chat and look at things. Or maybe like a board game café? Ellis gets quite nervous for first dates, so they’d be quite keen for it to be somewhere they were comfortable and had some control over.
Florrie: A fairground or theme park or similar is undoubtedly Florrie’s ideal date – something where her excitability is kind of acceptable but also where she can spend quite a long time with someone and get an idea of whether they can keep up with her. Will definitely make them try and win her an oversized cuddley animal (and if they refused to do so, it’s an easy dealbreaker hahaha).
Griffin: Doesn’t normally go on a traditional first date til, like, after he’s already slept with someone hahaha! So he normally has a pretty good sense of the person he’s taking out and he’d just try to make it something that they would enjoy. His ideal date is probably something pretty chill – meeting in the morning, going out on the water, maybe grabbing some lunch after? Or maybe going to a sports game.
Imogen: Would be outrageously nervous going on a proper first date, so I think she’d go for something like a talk or a movie first so she can get a bit more comfortable in their presence before she had to do too much talking, and maybe then going for drinks or dinner. I don’t think Imogen would really go on a date with someone that she didn’t already felt like she knew pretty well, though.
Nyra: I think Nyra’s ideal date would be something extremely chill – a pub quiz with her friends or something so she’s very much in her comfort zone and it doesn’t feel too date-y (and so it really puts off anyone who doesn’t Really Want To Date Her hahaha). Basically sets up a gauntlet to try and put people off. 
Rowan: Something fun and hands on – like a dance class or to a pottery studio. If the first date goes well, Rowan is absolutely the sort of person to spin it out into like a 24 hour date with multiple activities and venues and then end up booking flights for a weekend away as the second date. Loves fun, loves spontaneity. 
Syd: Probably one of those ninja warrior/crystal maze kinds of places? I think they’d find that fun. Or basically anything else that they’d never tried before. If it was someone they were really into, they might take them out on their bike to a spot they particularly like for a walk – but that’s probably a bit more deep relationship than first date. Ooooh, or axe throwing!!
Vinh: Tends to end up on what other people think are dates but they didn’t really realise were dates because they just wanted to spend more time with someone without really thinking about the romantic subtext hahaha. They just find things they want to do and invite whoever springs to mind – generally like art exhibitions or movies. Would love to go to a proper planetarium, that’s totally the sort of thing they’d be into. 
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stim-shop · 3 years
Hello there, lucky finder of this shop! I'm mod Brock or Mod Byron, and I'll be attending you and all of your stim and flag needs!
But first let's clarify some stuff, shall we?
🎶 - Personal stuff
- I use He/Him Pronouns
- My first language is spanish, so sorry if I fuck the english up
- I have a blog for general edits (@luxs-editing-garden) and an art blog (@shinandlux) so check those out
🍭 - What you can order (Source list)
- Fandoms
- LGBTQ+ identities
- Specific stims
- Colors
- Really anything that isn't in my blacklist!!
💭 - Non negotiable prices (Blacklist)
- Pico's school
- Any Vivziepop works
- Yandere simulator
- South park
- Harry Potter
- Camp Camp
- Spy X Family
- Chainsawman
- Any kind of yaoi media
- Aot
- Dream smp or any other Youtuber stuff
- Any other icky works (Please ask first if you aren't sure if I consider the work "Icky")
- Buttons (The clothing item)
- Tenko Chabashira
- Ishimondo
- Any romantic ships with Byron, Belle, Tara, Piper or Barley
🎭 - My personal favourites (My Fandom list)
Brawl stars
Ragnarok (Netflix)
Epithet Erased
Your turn to die
Until Dawn
Team fortress 2
Love Nikki Dress Up Queen
Liar Liar
Slime Rancher
Yuppie Psycho
The Hunger Games
Cookie Run
Don't Starve
🧁 - Indulging is good sometimes (Whitelist)
Rain world
Drag Race
- Anything about Brawl stars
- The Townsfolk Trio, The Retropolis Gang, The Arcade Trio, Tara, Nita, Belle, Rosa, Jacky and Mr. P
- Pastels
- Creepy Cute
- Isolde
- Ramsey Murdoch
- Sunday
- Guzma, Avery and Allister
- Macne Nana, Gakupo Kamui and Gumi Megpoid
- Kaja and Orlando
- Doshi and Marta Sosa
- Kai Satou, Ranmaru Kageyama, Anzu Kinashi and Kazumi Mishima
- Engi and Demo
- Walter Warly and Wigfrid (Don't Starve)
- Food stims
- Jacky & Bibi (Queerplatonicly)
- Piper & Belle (Queerplatonicly)
- Tara & Bo (Platónicly)
- Piper & Byron (Platónicly)
- Crow & Byron (Platónicly)
- Science party
- Swordsvan
- Kumiho Cookie
- Pancake Cookie
- The grape sibilings
- Avocado Cookie
- Ashley Brown and Chris Heartly
🍧 - The sign says "No horrids allowed on this store" (DNI)
LGBTQ+ phobes
Nsfw blogs
Nazis/Neo nazis
Super Straights
Anti antis / Pro shippers
If you consume problematic media uncritically
If you support the creator of Fnf
And that's that for now! I sincerely hope you enjoy your stay
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glowcrizzle · 4 years
Today is the 1 year AO3 anniversary of Slow Show by @mia-ugly. I am beyond grateful that this experience (and it is an experience) has existed in my life for a year and felt it needed commemorating. 🎂  
I’m not a creator but I made this playlist for me, so I could take the fic with me, have it with my eyes closed, while driving -- you get it. Today seems like an appropriate day to share it. 
It’s a. It’s a lot. Excessive you might even say. Tumblr will only give you the first 100 songs in this, so, Spotify will fulfill you (or overwhelm you). If you hit my username on the playlist, there are separate playlists for each chapter. 
This is also on Apple Music, if that’s your jam, just hit me up and I’ll send you the link. 
🎉 Happy Slow Show Day!! 🎉 
13 pages of track-lists and excerpts below the cut. Godspeed! 💙
Songs from Mia’s soundtrack
Songs from the Fic
Slow Show – The National 
Loverman – Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds 
Devils – Say Hi 
--Chapter 1--
Here I Go Again – Whitesnake 
bad guy – Billie Eilish 
-trash a set and shag your husband
Something About You (ODESZA Remix) – Hayden James 
-what it would take for Avery Fell to let his guard down
A Little Wicked – Valerie Broussard 
-The handkerchief in his hand is now stained purple
You Light Me Up In the Dark – The Hounds Below
-His hair catches the light like a halo, making him look more of an angel than ever.
Lazarus – David Bowie 
-This could be a problem
--Chapter 2--
Unsteady – X Ambassadors
-much easier than talking about the way his heartbeat is still racing
Heart of a Dog – The Kills
-Call me darling again.
The Twilight Hour - Still Corners
-Looked across the set and thought, Ah fuck me. I’m in love with him.
God’s Mistake – Tears for Fears 
-Avery: He’s closed his eyes again, mouth going flat and still.
Lounge Act – Nirvana
-Tell her all the terrible things I want to do to her husband
Transatlanticism – Death Cab for Cutie
-There’s a strange urgency tonight, though, and Crowley can guess why.
Do I Wanna Know? – Arctic Monkeys
-What could it hurt?
Clueless – The Marias 
-“Better - yeah. ‘S late.”
Motel – Meg Myers
-The hotel room is another disaster
--Chapter 3--
Alone in a Room – Asking Alexandria 
-“I’m having a moment here!”
Since You’ve Been Around – Rosie Thomas 
-makes Crowley feel like he can breathe again
Home Again – The Disco Biscuits 
-It’s starting to feel like home again
Every Other Freckle – alt-J
-Perfect. Ridiculous and impossible and perfect.
Something For the Longing – The Orchids 
As Far As I Can See – Phantogram 
-it’s been a really, really long time
Sinister Kid – The Black Keys 
-“Mothering buggering shit-”
All These Things That I’ve Done – The Killers
-Crowley fists one of his hands against his forehead, shuts his eyes tightly.
--Chapter 4--
I Like Me Better – Lauv
-I liked the outline of your face under the stagelights
I Do This for You (ft. Marlene) – Giorgio Moroder
-“Let me see what I can do. About your precious Hamlet.”
The Longing – Imelda May 
-Avery POV: “Look at him like - like - you can’t let him see the way you look at him.”
Just a Man – Los Lobos
-Avery POV: like he’s being led into battle and not onto a set to do the job he loves
World In My Eyes – Depeche Mode 
-wants to make that bastard purr
Tired (ft. Gavin James) – Alan Walker
-Let me be a magpie for you
Blow My Mind – The Benjamin Gate 
-Avery: “I know you now.”
Breathe You in My Dreams – Trixie Whitley
-Crowley’s seen that expression on Avery’s face in his dreams
Love Me Like That (ft. Carly Rae Jepsen) – The Knocks
-What have I done to - oh. Oh. Right.
Like Real People Do - Hozier
-“Sure, angel, what- whatever.”
Clearly – Grace VanderWaal 
-Crowley waits for the rest of the night.
Gwendel – PeelsDeen 
-Az sits in the back seat, away from Crowley. Alone.
Now I’m In It – HAIM
-Avery POV: It’s a look like an open grave, a look like desire tempered with grief…
Flesh for Fantasy – Billy Idol
-Crowley isn’t lonely for the rest of the night
--Chapter 5 (Avery POV)--
Smalltown Boy – Rosborough 
-1978, Hartlepool
Bright Horses – Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds
-1986, Newcastle Upon Tyne
The Runner – Foals
-1991, Bristol
Shock To Your System – Tegan and Sara
-Tracy: “Why d’you let them?”
Cracking Codes – Andrew Bird
-“Forever, of course. I’ll never -”
Colour me In – Damien Rice
-Their fingers - just touch. Slightly.
I’m Not in Love – 10cc
-Less to regret by not ever speaking of it.
--Chapter 6--
Electric Current – Lower Dens 
-“I’ll let you know when you find it.”
Guess I Miss(ed) You – The Daylights
-Keep talking, keep him here a little while longer.
Reflecting Light – Sam Phillips 
-“don’t meet his eyes like that, it looks like it’s a lead-in to a kiss”
King of Pain – The Police
-a good reminder of the kind of life he’s got to live
I Wanna Get Better – The Bleachers
-and Avery’s gaze is so gentle it hurts a bit
Feather – X Ambassadors 
-Avery: “Someone has to”
Darker Side - Jonny Lang
-Avery: “Oh - good Lord.”
Firestone (Acoustic) – Conrad Sewell 
-“Will you show me?”
Velvet Gloves and Spit - Timber Timbre 
-“Anthony - ”
Wrong – Depeche Mode
-Avery: “I have to go.”
F**k it I love you – Lana Del Rey 
-“Not your fault, angel”
--Chapter 7--
Somebody to Love – Queen 
Heavenly – Cigarettes After Sex 
-“I fucking still.”
Will Do - TV on the Radio
-“You too. I’ll see you there.”
Monster – Colours
-No wonder Avery ran off like a thief after a heist
Swallow My Pride – Ramones 
-“I feel fucking ill about it.”
I Was Wrong - The Oh Hellos
-Avery: “I’m the one who has to apologize, not you.”
The Lost Art of Keeping a Secret – Queens of the Stone Age
-Avery: “Please don’t tell anyone”
Wait for Me – Kings of Leon
-Avery: “Right now, I’m just - a bit in pieces.”
Don’t Stay – X Ambassadors 
-“You can - stay or leave or - whatever you like.”
The Moth - Aimee Mann
-Avery’s eyes meet his, and then it’s like a car accident
Red Door – Julien Baker 
-“I can - I can wait longer.”
Can’t Pretend - Tom Odell
-“I wasn’t apologizing for that. This morning. I won’t.”
Come Down to Me – Saving Jane
-Avery: “You were wonderful”
Secret Smile – Semisonic
-And if sometimes he catches Az watching him between takes
I Want More - KALEO
-Az laces both of their hands together, stares at them.
I’m Gonna Do My Thing – Royal Deluxe 
-“So don’t tell me what will hurt me. I know what hurts.”
--Chapter 8--
Perfect Day – Lou Reed 
Remember to Breathe – Sturgil Simpson
-“You can’t sit in the car all night you absolute nightmare”
Wild Love (Acoustic) – James Bay
-The two of them stare at each other and then both look away awkwardly.
Seasons – Future Islands
-finally, fucking finally, he’s exactly where he wants to be
Closer – Tegan and Sara
-Avery: “if you like”
I Want All of You – The Verve Pipe 
-“If you think I can survive this without looking at you -”
Use Me – Miguel
-whatever he sees in Crowley’s face makes him come to some sort of decision
So Much Love – Depeche Mode
-Love, he said love
Don’t Be Scared, I Love You – Bill Ryder-Jones
-I know you, Crowley wants to say, but doesn’t.
Become My Dream – Silya & The Sailors 
-“Even if - anything, angel.”
I Belong In Your Arms – Chairlift
-For nearly two weeks it goes like this.
Faster - Matt Nathanson
-“You’re going to fucking kill me, angel -”
Come Together (feat. Sivu) – LAUREL
-In case you think they don’t wake up together
The High – Kelela
-Az has pulled a stool over to the edge of the tub
Just in Time – Valerie June
-Then Az’s hand is on his shoulder, turning him around.
I Can’t Take It – Tegan and Sara
-Avery: “Don’t rush, just - like this.”
Like This – Jake Scott
-Avery murmurs and it takes Crowley back to their first kiss
Terrible Love – The National
-Flinches away from him.
Help You Out - Emarosa
-And he nods.
--Chapter 9--
I Remember You – Ramones
-The first person Crowley loved was a liar.
Brighter Skies - Race Banyon
-As if they were cut with a jigsaw, as if they were meant to fit.
Not Tonight – Tegan and Sara
-When they reach the edge of the city, his hand slides out of Crowley’s.
As Sure as I Am – Crowded House
-So Crowley kisses him.
A Promise – Miriam Makeba
-And for awhile, he believed her.
Mistaken for Strangers – The National
-They’re only two small words, but they still make Crowley’s teeth ache.
Hey, That’s No Way To Say Goodbye – Leonard Cohen
-“Good-“ Swallow, speak, leave.
The Fear – Pulp
-Crowley should have been smarter this time. He really should have been.
Take Me – Leela James 
-“I’d like you to close your blinds.”
Whenever You Want It – Clare Maguire 
-“What do we do now?”
At My Weakest – James Arthur 
-“It will be.”
Komm zurück - Fotos
-For years and years and years, nothing did.
Come on Get Higher – Matt Nathanson
-their feet sliding in the tub
Lay Down – Sarah Proctor
-I want to wake up with you.
Sort Of - Ingrid Michaelson
-Why is my heart breaking?
Fairytale of New York – The Pogues 
-Just pump that shit straight into his veins.
What Are You Doing New Year’s Eve? – Ella Fitzgerald
-Avery: “What do you think?”
We’re Gonna Have A Real Good Time Together – The Velvet Underground
-“You want to grab dinner somewhere?” 
Hiding – IAN SWEET
-Crowley stops walking. Looks at Az in the darkness.
Romance Dawn – Radkey
-A slice of light cuts through the darkness.
Crown of Love – Arcade Fire
-Crowley feels like the world has never been darker, and his heart will never stop beating
Devil’s Backbone – The Civil Wars
-He thought he was ready for this conversation, but at the sight of Az’s face, his throat has gotten too tight to speak.
Sinners – Lauren Aquilina 
-“If this all goes down in flames, if it all falls apart - we can go off together.”
Please Forgive Me (Song of the Crow) – William Fitzsimmons 
-Avery: “It’s over. I’m - I’m so sorry.”
Start a War – The National
-He twitches and trips and yet somehow manages to walk away without falling over.
Broken – Daley
-And this soft heartache was somehow the sharpest of them all.
--Chapter 10 (Avery POV)--
Daily Battles - Thom Yorke & Flea
-He tries to remember these things - but the background is still a chorus of beeping machines. There’s nowhere he can be but here. 
Everybody Wants You - Red Hearse
-Go out and surround himself with people much more interesting and available than Avery. Better people, certainly.
A Thin Line – Blackchords
-But still - roads not taken, and other fun middle-aged spirals.
My Own Soul’s Warning - The Killers
-When was the last time someone asked Avery that? When was the last time he asked himself?
-I miss you.  There. It didn’t hurt as much as he thought it would. 
Wait for Me - Jack Curley 
-What he wants to say is ‘don’t find someone else. Not yet. You and your black leather and your cut-glass profile: you’re gorgeous and God knows other people want you.’ 
Coming & Going – Amaal 
-“Two ships passing in the night,” he says quietly.  Then he takes a swallow of wine, lets it roll down his throat. “If you were here -” 
Iron - Woodkid
-Crowley leaves him there, pressed against the wet brick wall.  Crowley leaves him there.  Crowley steps between Avery and a camera, and then leaves him.
The Greatest Bastard - Damien Rice
-He can’t be the person that kicks Crowley into the ashes again. He can’t hurt him like this, and Avery’s going to hurt him - he already has. 
No Right to Love You – Rhys Lewis
-He deserves someone like - like Daniel. Deserves to be loved in the daylight.
If It’s Hurting You - Robbie Williams
-Time is a tricky business when you’re dying slowly; it skips like a flat stone on a quiet lake.
Happy For You – Gayle 
-But surely - surely he’s allowed just this much. Just one message, just so Crowley knows that - that he’s happy for him. That Avery is so happy.
I See You (ICU) - Phoebe Bridgers
-When Avery sees Crowley on the red carpet, it feels like the sudden remembrance of a lovely dream.
Once In My Life - The Decemberists
-Crowley: “I know there’ve been some - hard times. That’s - that is what it is. But for me - it’s been a privilege. A dream. So.” He nods and nods and nods again. “Thank you.”
Coming Down - Dum Dum Girls
-Tracy: “But I wasn’t. I was hurting you. This whole time, Az.”  She shakes her head, wiping frantically at tears that won’t stop falling. “He loves you.”
I Don’t Know Anything – Little Voice Cast
-He’s afraid of finding out that all this time - he was doing the wrong thing anyway. He’s afraid that Anthony Crowley will never talk to him again.
Sweet Sour - Band of Skulls
-"And you're fired"
Heart Attack - Devarrow
-The sun is still rising when Avery gets out of the car, closes the door behind him. Though some of the roads have changed, his feet still know the way down to the docks of his youth. He was never a sailor, but the shoreline is familiar as a childhood sweetheart, as a long lost love. 
Landslide - Robyn Sherwell
-He’s alone, and he’s nearly fifty years old. He could get on a ship, he could throw himself into the sea. There’s no one holding him back anymore. 
All I Can - Sharon van Etten
-And he knows. He knows.
--Chapter 11-- 
Salvation - The Strumbellas
- there’s a moment where he swears he sees a young idiot in black standing in the crowd. Red hair gelled up into spikes, black t-shirt full of holes and safety pins. A young man who has no idea how much he’s about to lose.
Soldier - Fleurie
-And he’s still fucking here.
Easier – Mansionair
-Then he gets the fuck above ground and he calls Beez (oh great, they’re his emotional-support-asshole now. That’s healthy).
Deep End – Holly Humberstone  
-“I brought you cheese,” Beez says, and Crowley starts crying.
Falling Short – Lapsley
-For the next few days, he lets his stupid body do what it needs to do to keep himself upright.
Chariot (Stripped Version) - Gavin DeGraw
-Shit, this was a bad bad idea. 
Quiet Light - The National
-There’s a text from Az later that night, and his name on Crowley’s phone makes him feel like jumping off a cliff.
All That We Had is Lost - Postiljonen
-He’s not allowed to be in love with that man anymore. Wasn’t ever, really.
Heal - Tom Odell
-It makes a rather hysterical laugh well out of his throat. Anthony fucking Crowley. You are still alive. 
Let Me Go - HAIM 
-Crowley tries to ignore the soft, injured expression on the other man’s face as he turns away.
A Beginning Song - The Decemberists
-“What’s more frightening than having a choice?”
The Spark - William Prince
-And he likes to think he would have just burned the world to ashes with the power of his love, would have said fuck everyone, I choose you – but who knows. 
Sharp Scratch - The Slow Show
-So stupid, I know, and I’m - sorry, I still love you and I’m tryin’ to stop and I will I just - needed to tell you that. I’ll be fine. You’ll be fine. Just miss you.
Beautiful & Brutal – Plested
-Crowley moves without thinking. Falls like a stagelight, glass everywhere. He walks forward and is kissing Az before the door has even been pulled shut.
Bad Chemistry - Fake Shark
-“I’ve been - thinking about this -” Az says between darts of his tongue against Crowley’s overheated skin.
All We Do – Oh Wonder
-“But I - I love you. And I can’t -  hide. It hurts too much.”
Broken Strings - James Morrison (ft Nelly Furtado)
-“I wouldn’t survive it. That way it was. I wouldn’t.”
Stole the Show – Parson James
-But even on their distant shores, Crowley and Az don’t stop looking at each other. It feels like an ending. Maybe it is one. Not a happy ending, but not a bad one either.
Level Up - Vienna Teng
-excerpt from Anthony Crowley: Out of the shadows, under the spotlight
The Wire (Alternate Version) – Patrick Droney 
-Avery: “I’m rather in - in love with you.”
Sweet Thing - Van Morrison
-“You can stay at my place. If you like.”
Falling in Love - Cigarettes After Sex
-“I love you. I’ve missed you, and I love you, and I want you -”
Stay - Cat Power
-He watches the slow flicker of awareness in Avery’s blue eyes. The curve of his mouth into a shade of smile that Crowley’s never seen before.
Freedom - George Michael
-“To the world.”
--Chapter 12--
-What he wasn’t used to was bringing someone else down with him, and jail would be a bloody blessing compared to seeing Az grey-faced and staring out windows, or that one time Crowley’s pretty sure the man was crying in the bathroom, trying to swallow down the sound so that Crowley didn’t notice (he clenches his hands into fists just thinking about it).
Black Mambo - Glass Animals
-“It’ll have to be.” Crowley drops to his knees. “There’s a lot of ground to cover.” 
Florets - Grace VanderWaal
-Crowley can let his fingers curl against Az’s palm, can watch him open as a flame, not caring who notices.
Sight of the Sun - fun.
-That this longing won’t destroy him, and won’t destroy Az either. It’s not a shovel for burying Crowley alive - it’s a spade for planting things.
Pale Blue Eyes - The Velvet Underground
-Az drops his hand onto Crowley’s knee (“What is this song? I rather like it.”).
Only Everything (Acoustic) – Quinn Lewis
-“It’s nice to have someone make it for you, right? Sometimes,” Crowley says softly, too much love in his throat and in his hands. It’s hard to breathe around it, especially when Avery is looking at him.
The Book of Love - The Magnetic Fields
-“You bought a cottage for us.” Crowley is an animal being taught to speak through scraps of meat and electric shocks. “This cottage.”
Say You’ll Be Mine – Christopher Cross
-Avery: “But if you wanted -” Fuck, there are tears in Avery’s eyes. “If you want. I’d like to call you my husband. I’d like to say ‘let me ask my husband,’ or ‘I brought my husband with me’ or ‘my husband won a BAFTA’.”
Anthem - Leonard Cohen
-Their broken edges match. And somehow, the light still shines through.
Precious Love – James Morrison
-When the light catches them both, they shine. And so do you. So do we.
Good Man (acoustic) - Josh Ritter
If you made it this far...wow, hi hello. So, this is ours and my musical exposure is limited, if you’ve got a better song for an excerpt, feel free to shoot it over, more than happy for this to be a living changeable thing. 🤡 
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wikitopx · 5 years
When Dionne Warwick recorded the iconic song Do You Know the Way to San Jose she hadn’t been to this city.
After the song became popular, she visited San Jose, California in the 1960s when it was filled with farms and orchards. Nowadays, this Silicon Valley capital is well-visited for its world-class shopping centres, active nightlife, and numerous dining selections topped with outdoor activities and spectacular landscapes that include the wineries, vineyards, and hiking trails. Though San Jose residents are very active during the day, they have several nocturnal activities that start at sundown. Below is our list of things to do at night in San Jose, California. Once you’ve read our list, like Dionne, you’d want to come back to this lively city.
1. Watch a movie at West Wind Capitol Drive-In
Watching movies is one of the best ways to bond with your family and loved ones. In San Jose, they watch movies in style and in their cars. Rain or shine, the show must go on! is the slogan of West Wind Capitol Drive-in and Public Market. This historic drive-in theatre that first opened in 1933 continues to serve the community with great entertainment at very reasonable prices.
2. Join San Jose Bike Party
With a bike party, you meet with a huge group of biking enthusiasts every third Friday of the month at a designated time and place which serves as your start off point. The party is open to all ages, skill levels, and bike styles and together you ride through the city while meeting new people, traversing all sorts of streets, getting a good exercise, and learning new biking skills. The organizers are volunteers who think of a different theme each month to spice up the party. Donations to the organization are shared with their allies like urban planners and environmentalists.
3. Enjoy bowling at Bowlero San José
Bowlero is not your run-of-the-mill bowling alley with their state-of-the-art bowling lanes and various arcade games. There’s a lounge where you can chill, sample their popular menu offerings or play billiards and a sports bar where you can drink while watching sporting events on wide-screen TVs. Their resident team of event organizers can help you plan a bowling party for any occasion with your loved ones or a corporate event or teambuilding activity with your colleagues according to your preferences. There’s an area for bump cars ideal for the young and young-at-heart to drive around.
4. Enjoy roller skating at Aloha Roller Rink
The Aloha Roller Rink found its new home in the Eastridge Mall. It’s a massive concrete skating rink where you can rent roller blades and quad skates starting from skate sizes of toddler 7 to men’s size 16. You don’t need experience or skill to skate for they offer skating lessons for beginners. Come in and watch for 2 USD. You can arrange for an exclusive skating party for any occasion and for corporate events as well.
5. Enjoy live music at Café Stritch
In the mood for music? Then drop by one of San Jose’s liveliest hot spots where the good vibes, great food, handcrafted beer, and great music is overflowing. The crowd is warm and diverse drawn to the wide selection of music played live every night until the wee hours of the morning. They accept reservations for private parties.
  6. Dance the night away at the Avery Lounge
Drink, dance, and dine will be your mantra at Avery Lounge tonight. With DJs like Remedy and Goldenchyld playing on the decks, you can’t help but get up and dance to the beat. Welcome to one of the trendiest nightclubs in downtown San Jose where you’d like to see-and-be-seen. Get VIP treatment when you reserve a table or bottle service for your posse.
7. Drink a beer at Five Points Bar
This bar is the favourite hangout place in San Jose where handcrafted beer, cocktail drinks, and bar chow is at its finest. It is inspired by the iconic melting pot originally from New York serving America for over 70 years. Here traditional speakeasy interiors and cultures mix and meet in the walls of their saloon. The bar caters to all sizes of events and parties and offers mixology classes, after-work drinks, dinner pairings, or spirit tastings. Need a one for the road with your friends? Then meet up with them at Five Points Bar.
8. Sip coffee at Caffe Frascati
Have a taste of Italy in San Jose whenever you sip Caffe Frascati’s cappuccino or have a bite of their panini. You’ll be entertained all night with live music way beyond Happy Hour with your friends. The iconic Italian Piaggio Ape, the 60-year old utility van custom fitted with high-tech espresso machines, is imported by the café so you can drink the best cappuccino produced on a vehicle with three wheels! Book them for your next event or party to give the occasion a unique Italian touch.
9. Experience a musical night at The Ritz
Be among the glitterati as you enjoy the night in the most beautiful and best nightclub, event space, and music venue in downtown San Jose. Right in SoFA District, it serves the best beer and liquor selections in their two top-drawer bars while you dance to music played by world-class bands and artists with the latest high-tech DJ sound system. It’s the perfect place for art shows, movie screenings, private events, and corporate parties.
10. Catch a performance at the San Jose Center for the Performing Arts
The Center for the Performing Arts is in San Jose downtown area walking distance to the City National Civic, California Theatre, and Montgomery Theater. These theatres are operated, maintained, managed, and marketed by San Jose Theaters. The huge theatre features 2,608 seats in continental-style seating without a centre aisle, a vast stage, two chorus rooms, several dressing rooms, a rehearsal area, and a VIP lounge. The venue is ideal for press conferences, meet-and-greet events, and cocktail parties.
Read also: Top 10 things to do in Baltimore
From : https://wikitopx.com/travel/top-10-things-to-do-in-san-jose-704186.html
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datura-tea · 2 years
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for moz and ulysses: ulysses is the yellow one at first, just enjoying their time together and not really focusing on the pre-war game they bought from a scavenger... until he realizes how serious and competitive moz is, how she's playing to win, no mercy at all, and so he shifts gears and starts being tactical with his moves. the game is intense. at one point they argue about the rules, and then the validity of one of the words. a battered dictionary is brought out. they don't talk otherwise, both of them preoccupied with what tiles to put down next. anyway, after about two hours, ulysses wins and is smug about it, and while moz isn't a sore loser, she's still a little disappointed that she lost. the rest of the night is quiet. they don't play scrabble again.
for avery and arcade: avery is the yellow and arcade is the green, though arcade will try not to use the words that will give him the most points that often, so as to give avery a chance. meanwhile avery is just putting down tiles, making up words to rile arcade up, and just having fun with it, because he likes arcade and likes to see him win and just loves it when arcade gets to show off his intelligence. arcade wins the game of course and avery applauds him.
for kiwi and the king: neither. they start to play, kiwi becomes bored with it almost immediately, and convinces the king to drink and dance the rest of the night away with them. the game is ignored forever
art by @/tommysiegel on twitter!!
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