#fire damage restoration hot springs
hotspringrestoration · 2 months
The Importance of Quick Response in Fire Damage Restoration: Lessons Learned in Hot Springs
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Fire is a force of nature that can devastate everything in its path within moments, leaving behind a trail of destruction and despair. In the aftermath of such a calamity, the importance of swift action cannot be overstated. Hot Springs, a city acquainted with the relentless power of wildfires, has learned invaluable lessons about the significance of quick response in fire damage restoration.
The Initial Shock: Understanding the Impact of Fire Damage
When flames engulf a property, the repercussions are immediate and profound. Beyond the visible destruction of structures and belongings, there lies a deeper impact on the lives of those affected. The sense of loss, displacement, and uncertainty can be overwhelming. In such moments, the need for rapid intervention becomes glaringly apparent.
Mitigating Further Damage: The Urgency of Quick Response
The aftermath of a fire extends far beyond the extinguishing of flames. Lingering smoke, soot, and water damage pose additional threats to the integrity of the property. Without prompt action, these secondary effects can exacerbate the situation, rendering restoration efforts more challenging and costly. Quick response is, therefore, paramount in mitigating further damage and salvaging as much as possible from the wreckage.
Preserving Safety and Health: Prioritizing Well-being in Restoration Efforts
In the wake of a fire, safety concerns loom large. Structural instability, electrical hazards, and toxic fumes are just a few of the dangers that demand immediate attention. By swiftly initiating restoration procedures, professionals can address these risks and create a safer environment for both occupants and workers. Furthermore, prompt cleanup helps prevent the proliferation of mold and other health hazards, safeguarding the well-being of all involved.
Minimizing Downtime: Restoring Normalcy Through Timely Action
For homeowners and businesses alike, the aftermath of a fire can disrupt daily life and operations. Swift restoration efforts aim to minimize downtime by expediting the return to normalcy. Whether it's rebuilding structural components, restoring utilities, or salvaging belongings, every moment counts in restoring a semblance of order amidst the chaos left by the fire.
Embracing Resilience: Finding Strength in Adversity
In the face of devastation, communities often demonstrate remarkable resilience. Hot Springs, with its history of grappling with wildfires, serves as a testament to this resilience. By rallying together and responding swiftly to emergencies, residents and professionals alike exemplify the importance of solidarity and proactive measures in overcoming adversity.
The lessons learned in Hot Springs underscore a universal truth: when it comes to fire damage restoration, time is of the essence. The importance of quick response cannot be overstated, as it not only minimizes further damage but also preserves safety, health, and well-being. As communities continue to confront the ever-present threat of wildfires, let us heed these lessons and stand ready to act decisively in the face of adversity. By doing so, we can pave the way for a swifter recovery and a brighter future, one built upon the foundations of resilience, compassion, and collective action. If you need assistance in fire damage, contact our professional fire damage restoration Hot Springs AR for more details.
Hot Springs Restoration 316 Plum Hollow Blvd Hot Springs AR, 71913 501-214-4733 https://hotspringsrestoration.com/
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hotsprings0382 · 3 months
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Our Premium Water Damage Restoration Services in Hot Springs AR offer a swift, reliable, and professional solution to the daunting aftermath of water-related emergencies. When faced with the unexpected challenges of water damage, our dedicated team is your steadfast ally. With a commitment to swift action, we promptly assess and address the extent of the damage, working tirelessly to restore your property to its former state.
Hot Springs Restoration 316 Plum Hollow Blvd Hot Springs AR, 71913 501-214-4733 https://hotspringsrestoration.com/ https://www.google.com/maps?cid=8412020258367260095
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rpgsandbox · 2 years
25 Volcanic City Adventure Seeds
by Robb at readytorole.com
Below the city, magically protected boats cast fireproof nets into the lava to try and catch some of the small creatures that dwell within. Just yesterday a boat capsized dumping the crew into the lava while those on another vessel claimed they saw a large form rise out of the lava and push the boat over.
The magic that keeps the city habitable has been slowly wearing down over time and the citizens are beginning to suffer from the extreme heat. The city is desperately seeking adventurers need to go to plane of fire and harvest some phoenix essence to restore it.
Within the city is a blacksmith renowned for his magmaforged armor using a secret method. In his old age, he has begun a contest to find a suitable apprentice to teach his methods to.
Small fire elementals keep appearing and causing mischief in the city, from burning food to scorching graffiti into the rocks. These have begun getting more serious with people suffering burns and other harm but the fire elementals disappear back into the lava before they can be reprimanded.
The lava levels in the volcano have been lowering steadily over the past few months and some have been afraid that the goddess of fire is upset. The lava has gotten so low that the entrance to a mysterious cave below the lava is now visible.
The chief export of the city, obsidian, has been booming lately as more uses for it have been found. Ogre thugs outside city who also want it are now blocking trade routes unless they get to buy it discounted and before anyone else.
Due to the magic inherent to the volcano, a mage college specializing in teaching pyromancy has opened. Many aspiring spellcasters have come from all over, including some brutish types who are stirring up trouble with the natives.
The three large chains that hold the main platform of the city up and stable are starting to show age and need some repairs. The problem is that if even a single chain is removed to be fixed the city will swing wildly and dump the people into the lava.
The land outside of the volcanic city has been growing greener with time, and this actually has the druids of the magma upset. They are at odds with the other druids who are ushering in this growth and are planning on doing something drastic.
Miners underneath the city accidentally sprung a leak into the lava that is quickly filling the tunnels. It must be rerouted to prevent further damages to the mine, but the only two places it can go are to the forests outside the city or to a grouping of small settlements at the base of the volcano.
Natural and manufactured hot springs have become a go to destination for travelers who are seeking to relieve some stress. Some of those who indulged have begun noticing some side effects, from suddenly being able to cast firebolts to getting hypothermia in anything but the hottest of places.
The clerics of the city maintain a magical lock on a portal to hell that would otherwise let in all sorts of demons and devils. They’ve now caught three magical rogues attempting to break in and undo the lock.
A week ago the lava in the city began slowly rotating underneath the city. Now, it is a whirlpool of flame and sounds of otherworldly screaming can be heard at all hours throughout the city, unsettling the citizens.
A rare fruit that only grows inside volcanoes and within the city is facing a shortage. Its main property of giving those who eat it temporary resistance to fire is a hot commodity as two warring nations vie for the supply to protect from flaming arrows and boulders employed by both sides.
One of the noble families, the Firebloods, have a ritual to prove their bloodline by stepping into lava unharmed. The matriarch was challenged by her daughter to be an imposter in her mother’s place and reluctantly took the challenge, dying upon taking the challenge. Now the main question is, where is the real matriarch?
As a means of protection, the treasury of the city is stored in a lava-proof vault that is magically submerged and hidden in the depths of the volcano. Upon retrieving it to deposit some money, it is discovered that it has been cleaned out entirely and all the of mages used to retrieve it have alibis.
The volcano used to be surrounded by forests, but slowly over time the magic from the city inside the volcano destroyed them. Now a few treants known as the Barkcharred, tainted by the fire magic, roam the forest remains swearing vengeance on all who they come across.
Days after an imprisoned necromancer swore revenge on the city, zombies filled with lava began a slow ascent up the walls of the volcano, spewing the molten rock at the guards who have tried to stop them. It is only a matter of hours before they reach the city.
A gnomish tinkerer has debuted their newest invention: a crossbow-like vessel that spews a spray of lava out of a nozzle. The city’s armory has already placed a large order for these lavaspewers, but the design is still in a dangerous prototype stage likely to blow up.
An embassy for the elementals of the fire plane resides within the city as a place for them to meet with mortals. A heated argument has ensued over the placement of a direct portal within the city with those in the city fearful of what horrors could step through.
The city woke up to find a layer of ice forming over the lava as it darkens and cools down. The mages are frantically trying to find cause and cure for this change, especially as many in the volcano are also becoming ill as a result.
A lava mill transfers lava down a shaft to a pool where it is sold to other cities for moats and other uses. Recently someone has been buying much of it anonymously and reports of lava attacks on small towns has caused the sell of lava to cease until the attacks stop.
Gems known as firestones grow around lava and create a powder that can be used in potions to become immune to flames. The stores of powder are depleting and the seeds that grow into the gems must be harvested from the closed down depth of the mines under the volcano.
The top of the volcano has been sealed for safety after wyverns have been seen attempting to nest there. Now they swoop down at the entrance, ridden by bugbears who demand they reopen the top and allow them to live there or they’ll attack the city.
After days of rumbling, a gargantuan skeletal dragon has climbed out of the lava, breathing fire and speaking in the dragon tongue of taking over the world. He is immediately confused by both the fire resistance that protects the city that renders his breath harmless as well as his inability to fit around the city to get out.
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The Essential Guide to Roof Washing
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Over time, Auckland roofing materials become stained by mold, mildew, moss buildup, and environmental factors that not only look unsightly but cause deterioration. Through consistent professional roof washing, homeowners and commercial building owners maintain aesthetic appeal and prolong roof lifespan. This comprehensive guide will overview the key benefits of roof washing, signs you need service, what’s involved, when to schedule, typical costs, and tips for choosing a quality provider.
Why Roof Washing Matters
Enhances Curb Appeal Washing away unsightly staining, moss blankets, and black streaks restores your roof’s original clean looks that positively impacts home sale prices.
Increases Roof Lifespan Sunlight and moisture activate mold spores that literally eat away at shingles, tiles, and metal roofing through acidic excretions as they grow. Stopping deterioration with consistent washing adds years of life.
Improves Stormwater Runoff Dense moss holds extra precipitation rather than allowing complete runoff into gutters. This extra weight burden also strains roof structures.
Reduces Risk of Fast-Spreading Fires In hot dry seasons, neglected moss and debris laden roofs provide fuel pathways for fires to quickly spread. Treatment reduces this risk.
Decreases Leaks & Repairs Water eventually penetrates through weakened roofing layers as moss roots dig deeper prompting ceiling water spots and even major leaks.
Signs Your Roof Needs Washing:
Visible Moss or Black Streaks Don’t wait until growth is extensive! Schedule washing immediately upon first sight.
Roof Appears Dull & Faded Vibrant colored shingles fade over time under moss and debris layers camouflaging grime buildup.
Stormwater Runoff Pattern Changes Pay attention to unusual pooling locations after rains as dense moss shifts drainage paths.
Musty Smells Inside Attic If you notice attic mildew odors after rains, suspect a moisture issue from roof residue trapping water against surfaces.
What Does Professional Roof Washing Involve? Licensed technicians follow safety-focused processes:
Site Analysis Crews examine roof structure, materials, drainage and detail overall washing plans including equipment positioning.
Protect Landscaping & Property Vulnerable elements like plants and HVAC systems are shielded from splash damage.
Apply Specialized Roof Cleaning Solutions Environmentally safe cleaners are misted across roof sections via compression tanks allowing time to penetrate grime.
Rinse Under Low Pressure Adjustable wands spray away lifted staining and debris without damaging roof materials when done properly.
Finish Detailing & Inspection Crews hand scrub any remaining trouble spots and examine roofs for leftover debris and future risk areas.
When Should You Schedule Roof Washing?
Ideally roof washing should be completed:
Twice per year - Spring & Fall
After noticing light moss/mold growth
Before attempting DIY roof repairs
Prior to listing a home for sale
Following extreme storms that damage shingles
How Much Does Professional Roof Washing Cost?
Typical pricing averages:
Standard Single Family Home - $200 to $400 Large or Steep Pitch Roof Home - $400 to $1,000
Cost Considerations:
Roof height, pitch, and accessibility
Square footage
Amount of moss and staining
Any repairs needed first
Choice of protective treatments
Commercial building roof washing ranges drastically based on size, height, material, and details. Always get quotes.
Choosing a Quality Roof Cleaning Company Check for:
Verified credentials and insurance
Investments in commercial grade equipment
Staff training certifications
Documented safety procedures
Attention to environmental protections
Impressive client references
Consistent roof washing enhances aesthetics while adding longevity to one of your most important investments - your home! Schedule reputable roof cleaners today.
Contact us :-
Maximum Wash- Exterior Cleaning Auckland
3 Pukemiro Street, Onehunga, Auckland 1061, New Zealand
027 206 8025
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nityarawal · 9 months
Mom & Dad- 
I made it to Chula Vista with my gf Melody Gray.
We had to rescue her from her violent boy toy on Thursday.
My Camp bro agreed to move her! He picked her up from Daniel's where she was renting a home in Anza to Scott Clarke's! ):
Scott I'd a 40+ year ex-con I'm militia. He went through our things and attempted to steal many valuables. He's a partner of Dennis Sketchly (Nelson-Campbells!)
Melody is trying to file a RO against her mom Darlene from Idyllwild Health Center.
Darlene slandered her and I to hide sexual assaults and child abuse on my case and from her boytoy. He bullied Darlene to attempt a RO! ):
Melody says he raped her before she was of age.
I'm worried of his motivations with mulatto 15yo granddaughter! She's sending her mom coded messages on tiktok.
Dr. Cash wanted me to use a naturopath asap for my detox!
Grateful for Melody! 
Melody also called to tell me about her nurse mother's hippa violations on my case & will provide screenshots for court.
Her mom, nurse Darlene not only slandered her- she smeared me to her daughter- in writing- and lied on behalf of Queresheri office at Idyllwild Health; Dr. Natalya; receptionist Nikki; it is iehp insurance fraud with Riverside county like so much foul play on my case! It's not enough that Dr. Keane was fired for being a gay discrimination bigot to mothers in Palm Springs! Elephant in room is Dr. Singh & Dr. Anderson trying to kill me for x's attys & more pranks that are stipulated to be attempted murders in false name of probate law!
We have a doubt about Dr. Sunil Rawal under circumstances and need to prosecute before militia take matters into own hands- as they've threatened, shown, and promised to do!
Prudent kind thing would be to deport him back to UK for ww3 Defamation Trial and return all with apologies & damages at once! Reunite me with my rightful children and parents in all our homes! 
My Encinitas Desert Naturopath Dr. Heather is unavailable until November celebrating her 9/15 50th Birthday!(:
It worked out well that Melody was available!
We've been juicing, drinking lime water all day- from our tree- and she put me on tinctures from Huckleberry & Cleavers!
She has me do body masks with clay & honeyed apple vinegar! It's calming inflammation & encouraging nano Particles to purge!
I've been buying herbs, cooking & cleansing! Rambotans help & fresh fruits/veg from Asian markets!
We are starting home prep with ghee soon!
Doing laundry- happy to sleep stretched out again warm & safe!
I'm grateful for a "safe home" with a bath for treatment.
Her friend has been helping us get our things and we share a "women's" bath! The water and daily routine with fresh hot food is helping my routine! 
This is an adult only home though & I still need my kids/assets asap.
Can you help?
I never agreed to sale of 1067 Neptune Ave & was targeted for my monogamous faith & belief systems for United States Autonomy!
Courts said they had a doubt about me every time I asked for my home & assets; or disclosed truth! They doubted I was a realtor and a mom- I had to repeatedly prove truth with evidence like Encinitasbeachhome.com reality etc until x hacked all down like a gay terminator.):
It was insane in-house domestic & UK terrorism.
Thanks for stopping this organised crime in divorce courts by taking a stand, using your word and voice, vows; honoring our family "faith" in testimony & energy; support in consciousness minutely- like only a parent can.
Thankyou for generous birthday support!
I love you! Xo
Eternally grateful,
All love,
PS I'm close to Mexico border and will get pharmaceuticals clinically proven to be effective for treating lymes & covid 3. Do you need anything? 
Miss you!!!!!
PSS Do you have Oscar Orvidsson & Susan Nowak's numbers? Haydn stole my phones in data rape. I need all contacts, possessions and assets restored + damages & refunds today. Thankyou! Xo
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Service Pro Restoration is a full-service restoration firm that serves Hot Springs City in Arkansas. As a company that’s licensed and insured to offer fire and water damage restoration services, you can be sure that we’ll handle every task to the best of our ability.
Our group of IIRC-certified professionals is always ready to serve day and night, every week for a full year. As such, we can handle even emergencies, considering that disasters don’t give a warning. As if with the able team of technicians isn’t enough, we have also acquired state-of-the-art technology for efficient service delivery. Our business is not just about restoring your property but also your peace of mind also.
Hot Springs Service Pro Restoration is a family-owned business, therefore we have a fantastic understanding of what type of impact fire, water, storm, or flood damage can cause if it strikes your house and loved ones. That’s why we’ve made restoring not only your home but also your peace of mind as fast as we possibly can our primary aim.
Our services include
Water Damage Restoration
Water can cause considerable damage to your property. If help isn’t available immediately, water damage can encourage mold growth. To save your premises, our experts are available, 24/7.
Fire Damage Restoration
In case your commercial or residential property is on fire, reach out to us at any given time. We dispatch our team immediately after the call to make sure that we salvage most of the undamaged property.
Mold Removal
Have you discovered mold in your home or business property? Mold can lead to health effects. With a moisture detection test, we can check for hidden water damage and save your own property.
Reconstruction & Roofing
We are extremely pleased with our discerning craftsmanship, so let our storm damage reconstruction professionals assist you with the reconstruction of your office or home. Let our highly-experienced project managers and estimators help you to choose your finishes, stains, and paint colors.
We’re a full-service restoration company that will do all it takes to reconstruct your Hot Springs property so that it looks even better than the pre-loss state. Our group of IIRC-certified technicians are at your service 24 hours a day each week, for a whole year.
Contact us:
Hot Springs Restoration 316 Plum Hollow Blvd Hot Springs AR, 71913 501-214-4733
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Hot Springs Village Restoration
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We Are the Hot Springs Village Restoration Company That Always Stands for Integrity
Hot Springs Village Restoration is a full-service water damage restoration service located in Hot Springs Village, AR, we’re the ideal water damage restoration business in the city, including fire, water, and smoke damage. We also restore materials, repair damaged roofs and structures. We have been offering emergency recovery services to the Hot Springs Village area since 1981, and we promise to respond to your phone immediately, 24/7, seven days per week.
As a family-owned business, we can empathize with other people who have experienced water damage to their houses. So we are committed to restoring your house as quickly as possible so that you and your family can have peace of mind.
Our specialists are IIRC (Institute of Inspection and Cleaning and Restoration Certification) trained and prepared to respond to any emergency.
Water Damage Restoration
In case you have been affected by significant flooding in and around the Hot Springs Village, AR region, call us as soon as possible for expert guidance, and we’ll come to your rescue immediately. Remember, the longer you wait, the more extensive the damage becomes.
Fire Damage Restoration
We are available round the clock to prevent fire damage to your house. Our teams of technicians have received full training in regards to the best methods to take care of fire damage and do this thoroughly.
Our technicians are trained in the most innovative mold removal techniques and procedures the industry offers. Water is the number one culprit for mold infestation, and can often occur within 48 hours of the episode. Our technicians can move fast to halt the infestation.
Reconstruction & Roofing
Fires, storms, and flooding can inflict enormous damage on your home. Service Pro Restoration is your premier storm damage contractor in the state and will move your home quickly to its former condition. Our staff has been providing outstanding service to the Hot Springs Village, AR, area for over ten years.
Call Us Today For Emergency Help
Water accidents occur, and Hot Springs Village Restoration will be at your disposal in these cases. We handle mold remediation, water, fire, and storm damage. Above all, we provide emergency assistance. For more information please click here.
Contact us:
Hot Springs Village Restoration 412 Ponce De Leon Dr Hot Springs Village AR, 71909 501-273-1455
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agrimedena-drax · 2 years
Geography post: Quinque Lupi
Hello! Didn't see you coming for PART 2 of the post about Quinque Lupi to the certain ask!
Part 1 here
Here I will post infos about countries that are present in the world of Quinque Lupi ✨
Let's go!!
1. Gaulia
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citizens - Gauls (variants with darkvision) - no specific skin tones, black sclera
vibe/aesthetic - Britain, Denmark, Finland
outfits - regency era (empire style), little bit of Edwardian here and there, pastels
political system - aristocratic oligarchy/democracy → nobles, rich city folks, middle class, poor
aristocrats’ governments - 2 rooms (Senate and Court of Nobles)
aristocratic titles (from highest to lowest) - duke/duchess/duchet, lord/lady/heir, count/countess/countie
variety of city and villages councils
trade - moon growing plants, wine, noctovision devices, silver, telescopes
weather and climate - summer (rainy, cloudy, but warm and wet), winter (either snowing or pure sky with stars, moons at night and far sun - the days are like dawn)
significant cultural/habit elements - the dress rather pastel, in many colourful variants, their houses are mostly colourful, but the aristocratic ones are rather made out of stone, but the interior are colourful, they are pretty cheerful people, like to celebrate a lot, festivals are really popular there
the energy is taken from moonlight
2. Furidium
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citizens - Furidians (with harder skin on palms and feet to prevent fire and mechanical damages) - more darker skin tones
vibe/aesthetic - northern Africa, Middle East
Outfits - however they want with consideration of covering their hair, up until ankles and wrists, very modern and stylish
Political system - monarchy with citizens’ counsellors 
Trade - strong materials who are immune to many types of damage, weapons, fruits, salt
Weather - hot, dry, most of the country covered in deserts, people live in megacities in oases, it’s always warm
They take water from the ocean, the irrigation system is big as the Nile protected by sand, water, engineering and military mages
Cultural elements/habits - covering hair and wearing clothes from neck to wrists and ankles, very proud of their nation, nobody is left alone without work, low number of unemployed people
3. Nazargati
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citizens - Gatians (evolved ears that help them hear better, they are pointy and can move in many directions)
vibe/aesthetic - Central/Eastern Asia with British influence
Outfits - very colourful and vibrant, Victorian inspired
Political system - aristocratic oligarchy with hierarchy familiar to monarchy, the regents mostly decide on things, other aristocrats have privileges and normal people can only vote for their representative regent in Lodge of Regents (the cabinet holding power)
Aristocratic titles (from highest to lowest) - regents, dukes, lords, counts
Trade - machinery, scientific equipment, medicines, cars, carriages, trains, modified fruits and vegetables
Weather and climate - tropical, not as hot as it could be, but definitely humid, a lot of tropical flowers and trees, rains a lot, monsoon seasons
4. Medzilas
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citizens - Lasans (people with higher physical endurance and statistically harder to get ill)
vibe/aesthetic - Poland, Slovakia, Czech, Ukraine, Hungary, Romania
Outfits - mostly heavy, made out of natural fabrics, Slavic inspired, Polish late 1930s
Political system - democracy with People's Council and House of the Country (both voted by all the citizens, ruled by normal citizens without any aristocratic status) - got set only 18 years prior after lasting 30 years civil war
Weather and climate - not that hot summer, warm and rainy autumns and springs, very cold winters, four seasons, Central European weather
Trade - cold weapon, hay, grain, corn, natural materials, mostly linen, coal and heavy metals
Cultural habits/traditions - there is the massive restoration of culture and traditions after civil war (very Polish culture inspired)
5. Potentium
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citizens - Tentians (with the ability with echolocation and sending waves)
vibe/aesthetic - France, Britain, Germany, mostly Roman and brutalistic buildings
Outfits - rather darker colours and more earthy/black tones, inspired by 1960s/1970s
Political system - monarchy - corrupted by Sir Sylas Wiseegoth (magic manipulator), who holds the actual power in his hands
Huge economical problem, only people from elites can afford life in access
High crime rate, a lot of gangs, slow beginnings of rebellion
Huge nest of satellite spies (under Wiseegoth control when activated)
Massive propaganda and indoctrination
Weather and climate - rainy, moist, wet, cloudy, colder, kinda British weather
Trade - stone shippings, metallurgy, leatherwork
Cultural things - graduation parties for all from The Academy, cult of the royalty, culture originating from Gaulia, a lot of events that help hide the poor situation of the country (Expos, conferences etc.), very proud of country
Those are all the current notes and infos I have on this particular topic. Maybe one day I will have a map? We will see 😅
Thank you for this ask again and sorry for my late response ✨😅
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chipper-smol · 3 years
Feral Vessel Chain 1
Prompt: Feral meets the Radiance in a dream and nearly becomes infected before Hollow saves them
same prompt different chain
( @stareeveecat )
"Vessel..." A voice called out into the darkness. The little vessel turned their head, confused.
The voice sounded femmine, echoing gently through the never ending darkness.
The vessel held their nail in their hand, trembling lightly. A sinister undertone filled their body as beams of light slashed effortlessly through the darkness. "Come closer." The voice cooed sweetly, the vessel felt heating surrounding their icy cold body.
Their legs began to move forward, despite their mind's protests to stop. They planted their nail into the ground, hoping to stop their body's defiance.
"How cute..." The voice teasingly said, the vessel's legs buckling as they were dragged forcefully into the searing, blinding light. They began charging a crystal dash, the rosy crystals appearing at their feet. Summoning all their willpower, the crystal dash fired, the vessel speeding off faster than a bullet as crystals flew behind them.
Feeling confident that they escaped the scorching light, they failed to notice the rapidly approaching thorns until...
They rolled to the ground, a mask snapped in half by the wretched thorns! They tried to heal, feeling waves of dizziness and fatigue crash over them in the process. They hadn't replenished their soul.
"That was pitiful, little vessel." The voice taunted as the vessel climbed to their feet on trembling legs. Their throat began to burn, stomach twisting into knots. Their mouth opened, the bright orange liquid they had grown to loathe gushed out. 
They realized why that voice sounded so familiar...
"You recognize me!" That sick voice bellowed, cackling in delight. Scalding hot tendrils coiled around the vessel's body, dragging them into the blinding light. The vessel squirmed violently in the grasp of the goddess, orange vile lazily running out of their mouth, leaving a white hot sting in their throat.
"I know who you are! And I know why you're here!" The light screeched, the poor vessel suddenly falling to the ground. They hit the ground with a loud smack, two more masks breaking away. Their shade hissed, wriggling around furiously in the damaged shell.
"Why are you resisting? Don't you want that blasted wyrm to pay..." The vessel opened their eyes, scrambling backwards at the morbid sight of what their landing pad was.
The shattered mask of a sibling.
Thousands upon thousands more lay cluttered together, all littered with cracks and the stench of death. More rained down from above, hitting the platforms with sickening cracks as their masks shattered or necks broke. Many were dead when they flopped over the edge of the platforms, joining the ever growing pile of innocent lives extinguished before they had even begun.
Liquid ebony spewed out of the fresh corpses of the tiny children, coating their once pristine pale masks the pallet of the void.
"Look around..." The goddess whispered, her voice taking an unusually solemn tone. "So many pitiful little children slaughtered. Already having been murdered by the suffocating void, at the hand of your sire. Did they deserve such a merciless demise, to be discarded like broken tools?" The vessel screamed, a silent wail that shook the walls of the abyss, rattling their kin's masks together.
"Why are you even trying to change fate's design?" The vessel began to ascend where their kin had failed, the blinding pale light beckoning to them to come closer. Just as they reached the top they clung to the platform. Their precious sibling stood at the edge, eyes locking with the vessel. They turned around, scampering quickly after his majesty.
"They left you to perish...They do not care about you. Why should you care about them?" Their grip slackened, gravity ripping their body down into the darkness.
After a moment, and only three masks left unbroken by the fall, they curled into a ball. The glowing ooze came up yet again, this time leaving a large puddle instead of a few meager drips.
Their body ached in agony, every subtle movement sending shockwaves of agony coursing through their carapace.
The ground beneath them rumbled, heat swirling around them. They looked up to see thick metal chains snapping apart, releasing the supposed prisoner to their fate on death row. Long pure nail drawn, cracks littering the ancient surface. The lanky figure drew their head back and screamed, orange puss leaking from their eyes.
The Hollow Knight.
They slashed violently at the small vessel with their gigantic nail, failure was not an option. The vessel scrambled away as the blade of the nail sliced effortlessly through their fragile shell.
Another mask shattered, two remaining and no soul to restore them.
"Your time is ticking away little vessel...you better hurry if you want to save your sibling." She teased as the worst sight imaginable, the event that drove them to go against destiny and defeat the old light, happened.
The Hollow Knight suddenly plunged their nail into their lower abdomen, infectious blood gushing out violently from the other side. They ripped their nail out and plunged it in again, tiny whimpers fleeing from their maw. Over and over they impaled themselves with their own weapon, while their sibling stood helpless.
The vessel began to weep, inky void and orange goop mixing together in their tears. The Hollow Knight trudged over, bleeding out heavily from the self inflicted wound. Their singular hand was trembling, grip on their nail loosening.
"You better hurry little vessel...the time draws near for the end of your sibling." The voice taunted. A loud smack echoed through the vessel's mind, the old light smirking at them before they lost consciousness, welcoming the comforting darkness.
The vessel sprung up instantly, chest quickly rising and falling as they panted. They turned their head to gaze at the adolescent Hollow. The future Pure Vessel was fully intact, no limbs reduced to rotting flesh, no gashes in their lower abdomen from the blade of the Pure Nail being driven through their body by their own hand. No orange eyes...
The Feral vessel all but tackled their sibling in a hug, sobbing violently into their chest, clutching their gray cloak for dear life. Hollow rubbed their sibling's back, silently trying to soothe them. The orange plumes that had surrounded their sibling were no more, she had ceased her attempt at rendering the vessel into her puppet.
Feral wiped their eyes, dry heaving into a nearby bucket as the last of the orange ooze exited their burning throat. Their sibling carried them bridal style to the local hotspring, where they could soak up the soul rich water and restore themselves, as they were on their final mask.
Once they would focus soul and heal their shattered masks they would begin a new mission.
Find the Seer, and acquire the Dream Nail before the future could become the present...
( @tomatotimes )
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( @artificial-radiance, https://twitter.com/CosmicNerdpaw )
The hollow one stood tall, taking careful and quiet steps through the palace. They were specifically in the hall that had doorways to bedrooms, specifically their king and queen, Hornet’s whenever she visited, and the one that the feral one took up and invited them to stay in. Their steps hardly made a noise, but the construction of the palace made even those faint noises echo.
As they passed Feral’s room, the void in them trembled. They froze in their walk, slowly tilting their head to look at the door. They could feel something was intensely wrong right behind that door. It was night, their sibling should be asleep. And yet they could… hear something happening. They could sense something was wrong. Internally, they hesitated, fighting with instinct for an unknown reason. A clatter made their mind come to a conclusion, and they quickly made their entry.
Before them was Feral, fallen from their bed with a sharp crack in their mask, almost straight down the middle, with orange leaking from the split and their eyes for a moment. They were scrabbling at the ground, desperate to ground themself as the substance sloshed grossly to the ground like bile. This… that… it was.. was… No…
The vessel dropped down to their sibling, grasping their head in their hands. The orange had faded to black — had there been any orange to begin with? — as they wept. They kept them close as the void’s ebbing slowed to a soft drip. Feral grounded themself in gripping Hollow’s arms, teetering forward to rest their face against their sibling’s chest. Void was smeared on and stained Hollow’s white garments, but they did not care for the moment. Right now, they needed to tend to their sibling.
Slowly, they lead their sibling to stand, and helped them shuffle out of the bedroom. Hollow will see to the mess themself after their rebellious sibling was tended to. Their walk was a slow and careful one, and the hope of Hallownest was doing most of it. Their steps echoed softly, followed by the dragging sound of Feral’s feet on polished floors. Even at night, the palace had this ambient glow of soul sewn into the metal and marble of the walls and ceiling, and it made the walk to the bathing room all the easier.
Hollow lead Feral to the water basin, carefully removing their cloak and setting them in. Moments later, the feral one found a creeping, pleasant warmth of spring water and the feeling of soul slipping into their shell and allowing them to feel more at ease. They slumped backwards briefly, their horns coming into contact with Hollow, who began gently cleaning their face with a cloth soaked with spring water. They made sure the water soaked into the crack of the mask, ensuring that it would heal and the soul would bind the split for the most part. They feared what father — the King — would do. It wouldn’t be anything dreadful, the Queen, their mother, would never allow such a thing. But there would be some sort of investigation in their room, questions on the night.
They didn’t wish the Wyrm or Root to find out about this.
They applied a little more pressure to the crack, not a rough press by any means, but enough to get the healing water into the wound for certain. Satisfied, they spared a glance to their own cloak before they removed it and their armor carefully, body creaking with the relief of the weight being removed. Feral tilted their head to watch their sibling scrub their garments clean of void. They were not skilled with cleaning, but they were thorough with scrubbing the fine cloth. True, they may ruin the fabric, and get into trouble for it, but a cloak is replaceable, and they did not want the substance to be known.
Satisfied with this part of their work, the hollow readorned the cloak and armor before assisting their sibling up out of the bath, setting the basin to drain as they dressed the feral back up. After this, the trek back to the room was quicker, Feral more energized from the waters. The two vessels eyed the puddle of void when they entered, but before Feral could do much about it, Hollow sent them off to their bed. They watched the favored sibling set to work with clean the void, seeing them take it within themself and then wiping up any residue.
After that, they locked eyes, and, as the air grew less tense, Hollow witness their sibling drift back into a slumber. They steeled themself to standing watch now, to make sure their sibling slept through the night well enough, as they deserved.
And, of course, to keep watch for Her influence.
( @radical-mudkips )
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( @tornbutterflywings )
The water slowly lapped at the edges of the pool. The water was sparkling with the soul infused, so why didn’t Ghost feel any better? Why wasn’t the hot spring working? They couldn’t wrap their head around it.
They could hear footsteps in the background, almost silent with an almost even amount of time between each footfall. Ghost knew who it was. It was their sibling, the fated one, the one that was destined to fail should they not interfere. 
They didn’t turn around to face their sibling, instead they had leaned back and moved their hands through the water to rest across the edge of the spring. Void leaked down their mask from the top where a crack laid. They could feel the hesitant worry coming from Pure, they could feel it...
And they hated it.
These wounds were nothing. They were nothing compared to what they knew their sibling would go through if Ghost couldn’t get their act together. It was nothing compared to having the Radiance trapped in your mind and slowly burning you apart from the inside out. It was nothing and yet Pure was worried for them. 
Pure should worry about themself, Ghost would be fine. Ghost would....
There was no longer just void coming from the crack in their mask. A claw came up and wiped a tear coming from their eye before flicking it away. They didn’t have time to cry they had to figure out what they were going to do. And yet the tears kept coming...
Ghost had moved their head when they heard those footsteps come closer. The other vessel had a cut off piece of cloak in their hands. It was coated in void. There was void on the gray floor, leaving dark stains that would be near impossible to get out.
Ghost had saw the hidden worry on their siblings face. A flash of guilt stabbed through them, they couldn’t stop the tears and-
The water swished around as another void body slipped into the pool next to Ghost. The light glinted off their armor as it rested on their shoulders and behind them outside of the pool. They were going to get it rusted if it fell in, but Pure didn’t seem to care. 
The armored vessel dropped the stained cloak into the water before dipping it below and then bringing it up to wipe away the dripping void. Every so often the cloak would be dipped back into the water then brought back up again, black swirling into the crystal clear blue until it was all the same color again. 
Pure did all of this with a blank face, but the care in their actions spoke thousands of words to Ghost that neither could even whisper aloud. The actions caused the blade of guilt to twist in their heart, their hands reaching up to grab the other vessels wrists as the front of their mask rested against their hands. 
And they cried, their shoulders shaking and void escaping through their eyes. They promised and promised that they wouldn’t let the kings plan to go through, they promised they wouldn’t leave their sibling to die. That they would do whatever it took to save them of that pain and that fate.
Even if they had to give their own in the process.
( @blazey )
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( @red_vessel )
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( @birthday-dunce )
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( @bluwails​ )
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( @komodensis​ )
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aggressivesquinter · 2 years
Fixing Storm-Related AC System Damage
Using your air conditioner during this time of year can be hazardous to its health. Hurricanes, tropical storms, and even sporadic thunderstorms have the potential to bring down power lines and cause electrical equipment such as air conditioners to malfunction. This article explains how to determine if you have electrical damage, as well as what to do if you do.
Is there any electrical damage? Maybe it's not.
When a storm has passed and the electricity has been restored, you'll want your air conditioning to be operational as quickly as possible, especially on a hot and humid summer day. However, you may be disappointed to discover that the unit will not turn back on. Attempt the following methods to reset the system before you become concerned about electrical harm.
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The striking of lightning, particularly after a rainstorm, might result in an electrical surge that can trip the circuit breaker. Even if the power was restored after a seemingly random outage that was not caused by a storm, there may be a rush in demand when the power is restored. That is simply the circuit breaker going about its business of safeguarding your electronics. All you need to know is how to reset the breaker and re-energize the machine to get it working again.
Turn the air conditioning system off by pressing the OFF button on the thermostat (s).
Go to your electrical panel and locate the circuit breaker that controls your air conditioning system. Turn the switch to the off position and then back to the on position. The external circuit breaker is reset during this procedure.
Waiting for 30 minutes is the most difficult part. Make sure that the thermostat is turned off so that the internal circuit breaker in your air conditioner can be reset. This is not possible if the thermostat is set to chill the house or room.
Then, after 30 minutes, return the thermostat(s) to the COOL setting.
Most likely, your air conditioner will begin to function again. If it doesn't, you could be dealing with electrical damage.
What to look for to determine whether you have electrical damage
If resetting the breakers does not resolve your problem, it is possible that you have experienced electrical damage. If you see any of these signs, follow these steps:
If you discover that one or more of your external circuits will not turn back on, you most likely have electrical damage that extends beyond your air conditioner. This is most likely the result of a power surge triggered by lightning, or even a power spike that occurred when the electricity was re-established after being cut off. In this scenario, you'll need to get a certified electrician to come in and repair the damage..
If your breaker keeps tripping even after you have turned it back on, it is possible that your air conditioner has not been damaged by electrical current. If the only circuit breaker that is tripping is the air conditioning circuit breaker, your air conditioner is most likely overheating, which causes it to use an excessive amount of power.
IMPORTANT! If a circuit breaker trips regularly, do not attempt to re-energize the circuit. If the current flow of electricity becomes excessive, the circuit breaker's function is to preserve your building, wiring, and equipment by shutting down the flow of energy completely. If it continues to trip, you run the risk of starting a fire if you switch it back on.
To discover more about air conditioning problems (including electrical damage) that might cause breakers to trip, continue reading.
Signs and symptoms of electrical damage caused by a lack of maintenance
If you failed to schedule preventative maintenance for your air conditioning system in spring, your unit may have decreased air flow as a result of pollutants in the system. When the air filter and coils become clogged with dust, filth, and debris, your air conditioner must work harder and for a longer period of time in order to chill your room effectively. For starters, you may observe that the unit appears to be running continuously. Eventually, the evaporator coil will freeze, which can not only cause the circuit to trip because to the excessive power consumption, but it can also result in costly water leaks.
This could occur if your system has not been cleaned and tuned in a long period of time, for example. As soon as you notice a problem, contact your air conditioning service company for assistance.
Symptoms of electrical damage induced by alternating current components
After all, if the electrical damage symptoms in your air conditioner are not caused by a lack of maintenance, you could be looking at a repair problem on your hands.
FREON LEAKS: If your unit is consuming excessive electricity and causing your circuit breaker to trip, the most likely culprit is a leak in the refrigerant that circulates through the coils to chill your space. When the refrigerant charge is depleted as a result of a leak, the unit is unable to cool as effectively and must operate for longer periods of time.
FAILURE OF THE COMPRESSOR: In the worst case scenario, you could have a faulty compressor, which would be a severe problem because it is the heart of the system. In order to get an accurate diagnosis, you'll need to contact an air conditioning service technician.
Even if you're suffering indications of electrical damage, it's possible that the problem is caused by a simple electrical problem within the air conditioner itself. A faulty electrical connection, a defective capacitor, or a short in the equipment's wiring are all possible causes of this problem. Despite the fact that this may be a simple remedy, you should never attempt to fix it yourself. For those who don't understand electricity, it can be really dangerous! Inviting your air conditioning service business is a good idea.
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honourablejester · 2 years
Homebrew Monster: Iceheart
Icehearts are the undead remnants of humanoids slain by an icy curse. Upon their death, the curse crawled inside their heart and turned the organ to black ice, binding their soul and raising their corpse as a frozen, tormented creature hungering for warmth. There is nothing an iceheart desires more. They are tortured by their frozen state. They remember being warm, living, breathing creatures, knowing the warmth and comfort of hearth fires and blankets and hot food, and they long for that sensation again. They hunger for it, seeking out and hunting down any potential source of warmth, from a campfire in the frozen woods to the warmth of a living body. The frozen hollows of their eyes have no use anymore: it is the sensation of warmth that guides them through the world. They find it, they embrace it, and they feed upon it, drawing all heat into themselves and leaving the source frozen behind them, regaining a facsimile of health and vitality as they do so.
Their icy curse cannot be sated by this feeding, however. No matter how much warmth they devour, the black ice of their heart cannot be melted, and the vigour of feeding is only ever temporary. Icehearts are driven ever-onwards by their hunger, drawn to whatever sources of heat and vitality they can find.
And perhaps they choose some sources over others for reasons beyond raw hunger. The warmth of a living body is far less than that of a fire, and feeding upon it far less efficient. But icehearts remember what they once were, and they feel what they are now, and perhaps some seed of hatred springs from that recollection and that torment. Many an iceheart will choose to devour the warmth of a living body over the much greater heat of a fire, if only so that living body may know and understand the iceheart’s tormented existence.
And if that living body should die from their hatred and their feeding, and their curse slip into its heart and create another iceheart, well. At least then they are guaranteed to be understood.
Thus does the curse of the iceheart spread its icy grasp outwards …
Medium undead, neutral evil
Armour Class: 13 (natural armour)
Hit Points: 96 (13d8 + 39)
Speed: 30ft
STR 16 (+3) DEX 10 (+0) CON 17 (+3) INT 8 (-1) WIS 16 (+3) CHA 8 (-1)
Damage Resistances: poison, necrotic
Damage Immunities: fire
Condition Immunities: blinded, charmed, exhaustion, frightened, poisoned
Senses: blindsight 60ft, Passive Perception 13
Languages: understands the languages it knew in life, but cannot speak save to moan in agony
Challenge: 6 (2300 XP)   Proficiency Bonus: +3
Heat Absorption. Whenever the iceheart is subjected to fire damage, it takes no damage, and instead regains a number of hit points equal to the fire damage dealt. It also regains 1 hit point whenever it deals cold damage to a creature, and regains half its hit point total if a creature dies from its Life Drain ability.
Cold Aura. At the start of each of the iceheart's turns, each creature within 5 feet of it takes 5 (1d10) cold damage. A creature that touches the iceheart or hits it with a melee attack while within 5 feet of it takes 5 (1d10) cold damage.
Curse of the Iceheart. Any humanoid that is killed by the iceheart’s Life Drain ability will rise 9 days later as an iceheart themselves, unless the humanoid is restored to life or its body is destroyed.
Unusual Nature. The iceheart doesn't require air, food, drink, or sleep.
Multiattack. The iceheart makes two attacks, one with Icy Hands and one with Life Drain.
Icy Hands. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5ft., one creature. Hit: 8 (1d10+3) cold damage, and the target is grappled (escape DC 14). Until this grapple ends, the iceheart can only use its Icy Hands on the grappled creature, and has advantage on attack rolls to do so.
Life Drain. Melee Spell Attack: +6 to hit, reach 10ft., one creature. Hit: 13 (3d6+3) cold damage. The target must succeed on a DC 14 Constitution saving throw or its hit point maximum is reduced by an amount equal to the damage taken. This reduction lasts until the creature finishes a long rest. The target dies if this effect reduces its hit point maximum to 0.
Forlorn Cry. The iceheart emits a haunting cry. Each creature within 60 feet of the iceheart that can hear it must succeed on a DC 14 Wisdom saving throw or be stunned for 1 minute. A creature can repeat the saving throw each time it takes damage and at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. Once a creature successfully saves against this effect, or if this effect ends for it, that creature is immune to the Forlorn Cry of all icehearts for the next 24 hours. Icehearts are immune to this effect.
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javistg · 4 years
Through the Senses
Chapter 3. Smell.
The third instalment of TTS is here! To read the previous chapters you can go HERE or to AO3 or FF.net.
This one’s from Katniss’s POV.
Hope you enjoy ❤️
  The electric fence, covered in early morning dew, loomed on the horizon. 
 Keeping to the narrow alleys of the Seam, Katniss reached the empty Meadow. The smell of freshly cut grass tickled her nose. 
She quickened her step. The place would be crawling with Peacekeepers soon -- and not the usual lazy kind. 
 The officers patrolling the streets today had been sent directly from the Capitol to oversee the reaping. They wore spotless uniforms and walked in a straight line. 
 Young and arrogant, they always kept their eyes peeled for any irregularities. The thought of catching some poor sucker trying to break the law drew them in, but the prospect of showing up the local authorities --and gaining some glory-- was what truly drove them on their quest.
 Luckily for Katniss --who spent her days breaking the law— their loud, coordinated footsteps, paired with the stench of bleach they left behind, were hard to ignore.
 Stealthily, she walked over to the loose spot in the fence and, hiding behind a clump of brushes, flattened out on her belly and slid underneath.
 After retrieving her bow and sheath of arrows, she moved deeper into the woods. There, hidden by the thick line of trees encircling District 12, she breathed easy again. 
 Wrapped in the scent of pine needles and wet dirt she knew so well, Katniss made her way to the rock ledge where Gale was waiting for her. 
 Breakfast was good that morning. Fresh bakery bread; goat’s cheese packed in fragrant basil leaves; sweet blackberries, tart and juicy, that tasted like summer dreams. 
 The sun was high in the sky when the hunting partners walked back to the district. Their satchels were full; their hearts heavy. A good haul didn’t matter as much when the reaping was just a few hours away. 
 Eager to get rid of their goods, Katniss and Gale stopped by the Hob first. 
 The sweet smell of ripe strawberries followed the hunters. Stubborn and thick, it hung in the air as they traded their fish for bread and salt. 
 After visiting Sae, Katniss wrapped her arms over her hunting bag and stepped out into the bright day. Keeping her eyes to the ground, she hoped the visiting Peacekeepers wouldn’t notice the unmistakable fragrance trailing behind on her way to the mayor’s house.  
 By the time she got home, a warm bath awaited her. 
 After scrubbing off the dirt and sweat from the woods, Katniss washed her hair. Clean and refreshed, she rested her neck on the lip of the tub, stretched out her legs, and closed her eyes. 
 As the water cooled down around her, she took a deep, long breath. 
 The anise shrub Mrs. Everdeen had planted on the windowsill was in full bloom. The soft, cotton-like blossoms released their heady scent into the muggy air, sending memories of hearty winter stews and rainy afternoons back into Katniss’s mind. 
 Soon she’d have to dry off and get ready to go to the square, but for a few blissful seconds, her world was at peace. 
 Prim hadn’t taken any tesserae. Their pantry was full. 
 Somewhere deep, in that place in her soul where she tried not to dwell, Katniss hoped her father would approve.
The cave was still dark when Katniss opened her eyes. 
 Pushing her hood away from her face, she stretched out her neck and greedily filled her lungs with cold, early morning air.
 Outside, a fierce storm raged on, pelting the rocks of the cave, and filling the small space with the rhythmic patter of droplets hitting wet earth. 
 The scent of damp tree bark and green moss that filtered through the rocks reminded her of her woods, but the strong arms holding her tethered her to reality. These weren’t the woods surrounding District 12. Her life in the Seam was miles away. 
 Trying not to disturb her district partner, Katniss gingerly flipped over on her side. It was a tight fit inside the sleeping bag, but she didn’t mind. Having Peeta there, keeping guard right next to her, beat being alone, any time. 
 “You OK?” he asked, lifting his arm to accommodate her movements. 
 “Mm-hmm. Just needed to change position,” Katniss mumbled, drowsily resting her head on his shoulder and her hand over his chest.
 Peeta’s arms wrapped around her. 
 He smelled of sweat, dirt, ointment, and… rust? 
 Probably the dried blood on his bandages, Katniss thought.  
 It wasn’t the most enticing aroma —some might have even found it nauseating— but, to her, it was better than the most expensive Capitol perfume. 
 She was so relieved to have him there, alive and kicking and resting in her arms instead of dead by the river bed, that she rubbed her nose against his t-shirt and smiled.
 “Hey, that tickles,” Peeta chuckled.
 “Sorry,” she said around a yawn.
 Lifting his free hand, Peeta began brushing the loose strands of hair on her forehead, gently stroking them back into her messy braid. “Not a problem.” His voice was a soothing caress when he asked, “D’you want me to tell you a story to help you sleep?”
 A story? 
 The world outside was falling apart. 
 The star-crossed lovers of District 12 were still trapped in an arena with a crazed career hot on their trail, but as she lay there —comforted by the steady warmth of Peeta’s body beside her— none of that seemed to matter much. 
 Maybe a bedtime story is just what I need. “Tell me about those cakes you make,” Katniss asked, “the pretty ones.” 
 Still stroking her hair, Peeta told her about the bits of chalk he collected when he was little, and of the funny animals he liked to draw on the sidewalk. “Then, when I was eight,” he whispered as her breathing evened out, “my father asked me to make those same caricatures on a birthday cake. I’ve been in charge of frosting ever since.”
 Peeta’s soft words blended with the gentle melody of water dancing around them, and before long, Katniss drifted off. 
Wrapped in her mother’s old shawl, Katniss rocked back and forth. Back and forth.
A few feet away, a fire danced in the hearth. 
The smoke of burning hickory and eucalyptus leaves floated through the house, infusing the empty rooms with its soothing aroma.
Dull, Katniss stared at the flames and rocked. Back and forth. Back and forth.
Morning broke.  
Sae bustled about in the kitchen, humming softly to herself until the smell of scrambled eggs and toast filled the room. 
“Come on, girl, breakfast’s ready,” Sae called out.
Too tired to do anything but comply, Katniss dragged her feet over to the table, sat down, and slowly cleaned her plate. 
Days went by.
The rocking chair by the fireplace swayed back and forth. Back and forth.
Sae cooked and scrubbed the house clean. Traces of lemon peel and soap lingered in the air late into the night.
Lost in a world of pain and shadows, Katniss buried her nose in her mother’s shawl and, numbing her senses with the smell of mothballs and lavender that still clung to the soft fabric, rocked in her chair. 
Back and forth. Back and forth.
“Spring is in the air today,” Sae said one morning. “You ought to get out. Go hunting.”
The idea seemed absurd, but a few hours later, Katniss left her chair and walked down to the study.  
Wrapped in the musky smell of her father’s hunting jacket, she fell asleep on the couch.
The next morning, Peeta came back. 
Shaken, Katniss shut the door behind her and ran up the stairs and into her room. 
The scent was very faint, but it still laced the air. 
A white rose —shriveled and fragile, but holding on to that unnatural perfection cultivated in Snow’s greenhouse— stood among the dried flowers in a vase.
Grabbing the vase, Katniss stumbled back to the kitchen and threw its contents into the embers. 
The flowers flared up. A burst of blue flame enveloped the rose and devoured it. 
Fire beats roses again, she thought, smashing the vase on the hardwood floor.
Back in her bathroom, Katniss peeled off her clothes and stepped into the shower. 
Chamomile scented bubbles danced around her, washing away the weeks of dirt and neglect.
Later, as she untangled her hair, rubbing pomegranate infused oil to the damaged strands, she began to wonder about the world outside her door. 
Haymitch was probably at home —drinking himself into oblivion.
Peeta was back. 
Where was everyone else?
Restored after a good night’s sleep, Katniss stretched her arms and legs until they reached the edges of the bed. With a contented sigh, she relaxed onto the mattress and turned to the empty space next to her. 
The sheets were rumpled but cold. Peeta had woken up early. 
Frowning, Katniss flipped over, buried her nose in his pillow, and took a deep breath.
Nutmeg, vanilla, orange peel, and something else —deep and enticing that she identified as exclusively Peeta’s— tickled her nose and soothed her worries.
Smiling again, she pushed the covers away and got up. 
After brushing her teeth and getting ready for the day, Katniss threw the windows open.  
The smell of sweet lemons and ripe cherries greeted her, making her heart jump in joy. The trees in her orchard were in full bloom. Summer had begun. 
Humming a happy tune, Katniss walked down the stairs. 
As she neared the kitchen, her nose picked up hints of cinnamon, melted butter, and bacon sizzling in the skillet. 
Her stomach grumbled in anticipation. Sunday Brunches with Peeta were something she looked forward to all week. 
“Morning!” she said, slipping into the kitchen.
Peeta turned away from the stove. His eyes lit up at the sight of her. “Morning! Did you have a good night?”
“Yup.” Katniss walked over to the counter and reached the teapot. It was already full. “How about you? You woke up early.”
Peeta turned his attention back to the skillet with the bacon. “I woke up at seven. I couldn’t go back to sleep, so I figured I could start my day.”
With a soft hum, Katniss poured herself a cup of tea. “Want some?” 
“Yeah, I’m almost done here.” 
While Peeta cracked two eggs onto a waiting pan, Katniss poured two teacups and carried them back to the table where she sat down. 
Resting her elbows on the countertop, she watched him work. 
He looked good. He had recovered some of the weight he’d lost during the war, and the yard work he did every day had given his pale skin a healthy golden glow.
“Got any plans for today?” she asked as the earthy smell of the freshly brewed tea hung around her.
 Peeta began to plate the bacon and eggs. “Not really, but it’s a nice day out. We should do something.”
 “How would you like to go for a swim?” 
Peeta turned around; eyebrows raised in surprise. “Really? Where?” 
“I know a place.” Katniss reached out and took the plate he was offering. French toast with cinnamon, maple syrup, fried eggs, roasted apples, bacon. The smell alone was enough to make her mouth water. 
Peeta sat down. “Is it far from here?”
“It’s a bit of a walk -- we’ll need to take some food for later -- but I think it’s worth it.” Dipping a bit of bread in the egg, she added, “You should bring your watercolors.”
Looking up from his food, Peeta smiled at her. A soft, warm smile that spoke of the trust between them, the joy he found in the small moments they shared. 
Blushing, Katniss nodded to his plate. “Eat up, your food’s getting cold.” 
They ate the rest of their breakfast in silence, stealing shy glances over their food while Katniss made a mental list of everything she wanted to show him on the way to her father’s lake. 
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nasa · 5 years
10 Ground-breaking Earth Satellite Images from 2018
In 2018, our satellites captured beautiful imagery from throughout the solar system and beyond. However, some of our favorite visualizations are of this very planet. While this list is by no means exhaustive, it does capture some Earth satellite images from this year that are both visually striking as well as scientifically informative. This list also represents a broad variety of Earth’s features, as well as satellite instrumentation. Take a journey with our eyes in the sky!
10. Hurricane Florence
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Before making landfall, Hurricane Florence churned in the Atlantic for a full two weeks — making it among the longest-lived cyclones of the 2018 season. When it finally did hit land on Sep. 14, the storm devastated the southeastern U.S. coast with intense winds, torrential rains and severe flooding.
This natural-color image was acquired by MODIS on the Terra Satellite on Sep. 12, 2018. 
Images like this, as well as other satellite information, were used to anticipate the impact of the storm. Our Disasters Program created flood proxy maps that were shared with the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the National Guard to estimate how many and which communities would be most affected by the storm, in order to help prepare recovery efforts ahead of time.
9. Australia’s Lake Eyre Basin
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The Lake Eyre Basin covers one-sixth of Australia and is one of the world’s largest internally draining river systems. However, the rivers supported by this system are ephemeral, meaning that they only run for short periods of time following unpredictable rain — the rest of the time, the Basin is a dry, arid desert.
However, when the heavy rain comes, the basin erupts in an explosion of green. In this false-color image captured by the Operational Land Imager (OLI) on Landsat 8 on Apr. 25, 2018, you can see how the vegetation completely envelops the spaces where the water has receded. (Flood water is indicated by light blue, and vegetation is indicated by light green.)
Satellites are an excellent tool for tracking greening events that are followed by flooding. These events offer opportunities for predictive tools as well as recreation.
8. Alaska’s Chukchi Sea 
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A Monet painting comes to life as the Chukchi Sea swirls with microscopic marine algae.
This image was captured off the Alaskan coast by OLI on Landsat 8 on Jun. 18, 2018. After the Arctic sea ice breaks up each spring, the nutrient-rich Bering Sea water mixes with the nutrient-poor Alaskan coastal water. Each type of water brings with it a different type of phytoplankton and the surface waters have just enough light for the algae to populate and flourish. The result is these mesmerizing patterns of turquoise and green.
This image represents one piece of much larger, incredibly complex ecosystem. While one would not normally associate the breaking up of sea ice with phytoplankton blooms, it is an intricate process of the phytoplankton life cycle. The size of the blooms have varied greatly from year to year, and experts are unsure why. Images like these can help scientists track the development of these blooms and link it to other environmental changes.
7. Hawaii’s Kilauea 
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Sometimes fresh lava is best viewed in infrared.
This false-color image of Kilauea, captured by OLI on Landsat 8 on May 23, 2018, shows the infrared signal emitted by lava flowing toward the sea. The purple areas surrounding the glowing lava are clouds lit from below, indicating that this image was taken through a break in the clouds.
The Puʻu ʻŌʻō Kupaianaha eruption has been continuously spewing red-hot lava since 1983, making it the longest eruption at Kilauea in recorded history. However, new fissures opened up this year that forced many to evacuate the area. Hawaii’s largest lake evaporated in hours and hundreds of homes were destroyed in Vacationland and Kapoho. 
Imagery, seismometers and ground-based instruments were used to track the underground movement of magma. Infrared imagery can be incredibly helpful in disasters like this when you to view data that cannot be observed with the naked eye. 
6. California’s Woolsey Burn Scar
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Nothing quite encapsulates the destruction of a wildfire like a photo from outer space.
This image of the Woolsey Fire aftermath in Southern California was captured on Nov. 18, 2018 by the Advanced Spaceborned Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) on the Terra satellite. This false-color infrared image has been enhanced to clearly show the burned vegetation (indicated by brown) and the vegetation that survived unscathed (indicated by green).
The Woolsey Fire clearly left its mark, with almost 152 square miles (394 square km) and 88% of the Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area badly burned. Images like this one can assist fire managers in the area plan for recovery. 
5. Bangladesh’s Padma River
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As the years go by, the Padma River grows and shrinks, twists and turns. It never has a fixed shape, and as a result, thousands of people must regularly adapt to the constant changes in the river’s 75-mile (130-km) shoreline.
This image captured on Jan. 20, 2018 by OLI on Landsat 8 depicts one of the major rivers of Bangladesh. For thirty years, scientists have been tracking the erosion of the river with satellite imagery. Combinations of shortwave infrared, near infrared, and visible light are used to detect differences year-to-year in width, depth, and shape of the river. Sometimes the river splits off, but then rejoins again later. These patterns are created by the river carrying and depositing sediment, shaping the curves of the path of water.
Monitoring the Padma River is going to become especially important as a new bridge development project advances in the Char Janajat area. Although the bridge will most certainly help shorten travel times for citizens, nobody is quite sure how the river erosion might affect the construction and vice versa. 
4. Alaska’s Yakutat Glacier 
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It’s hard to believe that Harlequin Lake was once all dry land — but it only started to form once Yakutat Glacier started melting. The lake appeared at the beginning of the twentieth century, and has been growing rapidly ever since.
In this hauntingly beautiful image, captured on Sep. 21 2018 by OLI on Landsat 8, the effect of climate change is apparent — especially when compared to earlier images of the region.
Unless the climate warming starts to reverse very soon — which scientists consider very unlikely — Yakutat could be gone as soon as 2070.
3. South Africa’s Theewaterskloof
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Cape Town is a seaside city planted on the tip of South Africa. It’s a city known for its beaches and biodiversity — it also almost became known as the first major city to officially run out of water.
This image of Cape Town’s largest reservoir — Theewaterskloof — was acquired on Jul. 9th, 2018 by OLI on Landsat 8. By the time this photo was taken, the city’s main reservoirs stood at 55%. This was a huge increase from where it stood just six months earlier: just 13%.
The severe water shortage in the region started in 2015, only to become more threatening after three successive and unusually dry years. The entire city was preparing for Day Zero — the day the tap water would be shut off.  
Despite forecasts that Day Zero would arrive in April, a combination of heavier rains and local conservation efforts restored the majority of the reservoir. 
2. Aerosol Earth
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Aerosols are all around us. From the smoke from a fire, to the dust in the wind to the salt in sea spray — these solid particles and liquid droplets are always swirling in our atmosphere, oftentimes unseen.
The Goddard Earth Observing System Forward Processing (GEOS FP) model uses mathematical equations to model what is happening in our atmosphere. The inputs for its equations — temperature, moisture, wind, etc. — come from our satellites and ground sensors.
This visualization was compiled on Aug. 24, 2018 — obviously a busy day for aerosols in our atmosphere. Swirls of sea salt (indicated by blue) reveal typhoons Soulik and Cimaron heading straight towards South Korea and Japan. A haze of black carbon (indicated by red) suffuse from agricultural burning in Africa and large wildfires in North America. And clouds of dust (indicated by purple) float off the Sahara desert.
1. Camp Fire
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With nearly a hundred fatalities, hundreds of thousands of acres burned and billions of dollars of damage, the world watched in horror as Camp Fire grew to become the most destructive California wildfire in recorded history.
This image was captured on Nov. 8, 2018 by OLI on Landsat 8 on the same day Camp Fire ignited. It consolidates both visible light and shortwave-infrared light in order to highlight the active fire. Strong winds and dry conditions literally fanned the flames and spread this wildfire like a rash. 
This image has not only become the iconic portrait for Camp Fire, it is also sobering representation of how quickly a fire can grow out of control in a short amount of time. Even from space, you can almost smell the massive plumes of smoke and feel the heat of the fires.
Whether you realize it or not, our Earth satellite missions are collecting data everyday in order to monitor environmental changes and prepare for natural disasters.  If your interest is piqued by this list, head over to the Earth Observatory. The Earth Observatory updates daily with fresh, new content — brought to you by none other than our eyes in the sky. 
Make sure to follow us on Tumblr for your regular dose of space: http://nasa.tumblr.com
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warmdesertair · 4 years
best the Mountain Goats lyrics?
i have no fear of anyone, i'm dumb and wild and free, i am a flightless bird and there'll be no more after me. (deuteronomy 2:10)
say your prayers to whomever you call out to in the night / keep the chains tight / make it through this year if it kills you outright (exegetic chains)
i hope you love your life now like i love mine / i hope the painful memories only flex their power over you a little of the time (you were cool)
buzzing razor held aloft, just about to strike / i loved you before i even ever knew what love was like (hair match)
spent too much of my life now trying to play fair / throw my better self overboard shoot at him when he comes up for air (heel turn 2)
i hide down in my corner because i like my corner / i am happy where the vermin play (amy a.k.a spent gladiator 1)
but i am just a broken machine and i do things that i dont really mean (cry for judas)
it's so good to learn that from right here the view goes on forever / and you'll never want for comfort and you'll never be alone (never quite free)
you were a presence full of light upon this earth / and i am a witness to your life and to its worth (matthew 25:21)
if not by faith then by the sword, i'm going to be restored (hebrews 11:40)
and flaming swords may guard the garden of eden / but we consulted maps from earlier days (san bernadino)
and it was hard but you were brave, you are splendid / and you will never be alone in this world no matter what they say / we're gonna be okay (san bernadino)
and along the highway where unlucky stray dogs bleed / wild sage growing in the weeds (wild sage)
some things you'll do for money, and some you'll do for fun / but the things you do for love are gonna come back to you one by one (love, love, love)
there's only one place this road ever ends up / and i dont wanna die alone (dance music)
down there in the dark i could see the real truth about me clear as day / lord if i make it through tonight, i will mend my ways and walk the straight path for all of my days (you or your memory)
there will be feasting and dancing / in jerusalem next year / i am gonna make it through this year if it kills me (this year)
this song is for the people who tell their families that they're sorry / for things they cant and won't feel sorry for (cotton)
sing for the damage we've done / and the worse things that we'll do (alpha rats nest)
i can feel it in the rotten air tonight / in the way those eyes ive always loved illuminate this place / like a trash can fire in a prison cell (old college try)
my insides are pink and raw / and it hurts me when i move my jaw / but i am taking tiny steps forward (absolute lithops effect)
i wish the West Texas highway was a mobious strip / i could ride it out forever when i feel my heart break (source decay)
my walk is real steady and my eyes are real cold / but i feel like im all of sixteen years old / i dont feel so tough (jeff davis county blues)
i drive slowly and evenly and dream about home (jeff davis county blues)
found that bench we'd sat upon a thousand years ago / when i felt such love for you i thought my heart was gonna pop / and i wanted you to love me like you used to do (the mess inside)
you find shelter somewhere in me / i find great comfort in you (riches and wonders)
i am healthy, i am whole, but i have poor impulse control / and i wanna go home / but i am home (riches and wonders)
bright light dancing along your eyes / and you covering your mouth up with your hand / bracelets jangled along your arm / no harm intended, no harm (Creature Song)
slowly, surely, i saw the whole story unwind / i had never loved anyone like i loved you / and i had something on my mind (going to port washington)
it must be cold outside / we looked out through the sliding glass door / but i'd forgotten what we were looking for (No, I can't)
and i am sick and tired of trying to figure out your gestures / i am sick and tired of wondering what your presents mean (teenage world)
there was rain, there was wind / there was spring coming in / and the feeling of approaching doom / i was happy to see you (historiography)
it was late and the night was moving slowly / we laid down on the grass because the world was lonely (noche del guajolote)
we had hot caramel sticking to our teeth / and the only love i'd ever felt burning underneath / i'm gonna miss you when you're gone (the recognition scene)
how do i know what i know? / where did our love go? / how come the river froze over this year? / what are we hiding here? (I love you. Let's light ourselves on fire)
i thought about how cold you must be / i thought about things i thought i'd soon be forgetting (new star song)
i'd just as soon make you disappear as look at you / but i draw you close to me / how do you feel about that? (snow song)
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The Cunning Woman and The Demon - Christmas/Holiday Special
1854 words. This is a jump-ahead chapter (I tend to do that a fair bit in my other writing), and will probably be edited. 
To all of you and any I may have missed, thank you, thank you, thank you. If I missed you in the tag, please forgive me and let me know so that I can include you. If you have updated your URL or username, please let me know so that I can update my list. 
@new-zealand-chic @deepdisireslonging @trent7thirsting @xprincessofthefallenangels @demonkingsangel @writtingrose @sjwrites22 @writinglionqueen @superrezzy00 @kallirevenne @neversatisfiedgirlfics @neversatisfiedgirl @sjwrites22 @theworldofotps @tacoshuimagines @writing-reigns @baratomaya @devittsslut @the-carter-mob-don @evilangel84 @demonqueen29 @blissedoutbalor @ashleyvc88  @never-sawft-princess @ladycynthia  @warblersarelove @biforbecky2belts@thepalaceofmelanie @twistedbeautifully @shieldgirl18  @dark-blueheart13 @officialbroski10-blog  @the-beastslayers-queen @moody-geeky-synfully-perverse @the-balor-within
The sky is a deepening grey mottled with clouds threatening more than the flurries tumbling lazily on the frigid breeze. The ground is hard, the grass crunching under the frost as I step on it. Only a few birds remain to play with the Fireflies as they flit only a few feet away from me, their sorties short and frequent between stops inside the hood of my coat.
Finn is away visiting the Hardy compound. I have not been feeling well these last few weeks: I’ve been more tired than usual in the admittedly longer evenings, while during the day my appetite has disappeared and nausea has been gripping me at odd times. For that reason I have stayed close to the cottage this afternoon, stocking the root cellar for the winter and clearing away the debris of the garden for the compost pile.
“Little ones, perhaps we should go back inside,” I call out to them as the last of the year’s root vegetables disappear into my basket. The squeaks of protest amuse me for the moment, until they fall silent as, one by one, the Fireflies return to the hood’s shelter and snuggle among its folds. Whatever remains in the garden now will wait dormant in the spring.  
“When will Finn be back?” Joe asks, scouting the outer limits of his flight path before returning.
“Hopefully by nightfall,” I reply. “I don’t remember him bringing a flashlight with him.” Suddenly I’m worried. Wyatt’s minions have been close to the ring of protection, but the Hardy compound and the path towards it are both outside it.
The wind picks up as I mount the steps to the cottage door and step inside with my little charges. Christmas Eve has arrived.  The woods have crept as garlands onto the staircase rail, along the windowsills and around the mantel in the sitting room, crowned with a tree in the corner adorned with popcorn strings, paper chains and ornaments of all shapes and colours. Extra blankets cover the beds; throw blankets sit folded or draped over seat-backs; the crates of firewood are piled high next to both the fireplace and the kitchen woodstove.
With a wave, the lanterns inside are lit. I march my cargo into the kitchen and set it on the table before doffing my boots and coat. A moment or two later, I start a fire on the stove and set a pot of water upon it to boil. I set to work preparing the meal for the holiday – mixing dough for bread, peeling and chopping vegetables, and blending herbs for the dressing. A noseful of summer savoury, however, suddenly brings on a wave of nausea that makes me sit down a moment. The Fireflies gather around me.
She’s not…sick again, like when she came back? Ashley, the sensitive one, the little worrywart – asks.
I’m not sure. Emma gives me a tiny peck on my forehead. She’s not feverish, I don’t think.
Well, that’s good, at least. Nicholas, thus assured, darts off to play with the ornaments on the tree.
Tired again, Sis? Joe asks. Maybe you need some tea to pick you up.
Rachel and Joshua immediately dash off to the cupboard for the tin and a mug, growing in size as they pick each up and bring it to the table before shrinking back again.
Remember how she’d get so tired for those few days every moon?  Dylan, one of the other boys, is an observant sort, but has never had much of a filter. I chuckle.
Dylan! Ew! Funny, though, you’ve not had one of those spells in a while. Not since you’ve been back. Jessica, so proper in her way, and so observant .
“No, no, I’ll be all right,” I answer. Nonetheless, it takes me all my strength, it seems, to walk to the pantry shelf, pull the medical book from its spot and return to the table with it. The lantern’s flame glows from behind its milky glass as I thumb through the pages, looking for a cause. I’m getting old; the winter brings with it its share of death and disease; the last seven years of my life have been almost totally a stretch of traumas and trials. Decline seems not merely expected, but almost welcome.
Five years I was in that cell, most of it encased in that curse of Wyatt’s. The memory of it still sometimes brings me to near-rage, despite what has followed. It also brings me a deep sadness on occasion, as I realize that some hopes are now beyond me. There has been no talk of it with Finn: none yet, anyway.
The last three months, however, have done much to repair the damage. The parcels under the tree for Finn are full of my gratitude for what he has done. The days have been calmer, more productive, quieter in their way, and infinitely happier with Finn to protect me and keep me company, and to inspire me.  The nights have filled me with more pleasure and contentment than I have ever thought possible.  So many nights together…so much….
Wait a minute- no. I must have gone through the Change. I’m not exactly a shriveled husk, but I’m past that stage now. There’s no way….
“All right, little ones – off to the sitting room with you!  Get your stockings hung up for Santa! I have to get the rest of the supper on.” The brief protests morph into excited chirps as the Fireflies make a tight formation flying into the sitting room.
The vegetables make their way into a pot with some of the hot water, a few dollops of tomato paste and a dash of salt and pepper. In a heartbeat afterwards, I find a needle and a small ceramic cup I’ve used before for spell-work. I dash to the washroom next to the kitchen, rinse out the cup with water and, over the toilet, settle myself to my task. I half-fill the cup before finishing my task on the toilet and dropping the needle into the cup. I sit and wait with the cup at my feet, barely registering that I am breathing.  
Within a few minutes, I see the needle changing – flakes of its shine come away and the pale yellow liquid around the needle has turned to billows of a rusty hue. I observe the changes and become hyperaware of everything – of my own heartbeat intermingling with another, a light fluttering inside me, the realization of why I’d been waking up each morning feeling as though I had slept on a pea. I close my eyes as the weight of the discovery descends. How could I have missed it? How could I have been so sure of one conclusion that I wouldn’t entertain any other possibility?
Hello, little one. It’s all I can think of to form in my mind as my heart fills. You are a bit of a surprise.
I can hear a voice singing a carol, and see a flicker of lantern-light through the window. Quickly, I dispose of the needle and its vehicle, flush the commode and give the cup another rinse, this time with soap. I wash my hands quickly and thoroughly, and step back to the kitchen just as the cottage door swings open and a jolt of frigid air blasts across the passage.
“Jaysus, it’s gotten cold out dere,” Finn announces as he shuts the door and gently sets a sack down by his feet. “Any hot water?”
“I’ve g-got a pot on the simmer,” I reply, looking around the kitchen for what to do next. “So, how was the visit?”
“Good, good!” he says, treading through as he doffs his hat and gloves. “Dey sent me back wit’ a sack of presents for us.  De boys picked out some doll outfits for de Fireflies and Matt and Reby sent us a tool set an’ some craft supplies – paints and stuff,  a couple bolts o’cloth for ‘round de house – what’s wrong? You’ve been sick again?”
“It was…just a passing thing,” I reply. “But…um….But I think I’ve found out what’s been causing it.”
“What’s goin’ on?” Finn’s brow furrows and he reaches for my hands.
I give his cold hands a squeeze; his gloves have done little to keep them warm. “You know that we’ve been here…together…about three months.”
“Dereabouts.” He looks at me, his face a map of worry and confusion.
“And before that…how long was I a prisoner?”
“Five years. Ya told me yerself and then you showed me your little book – de last thing you wrote in it was dat long ago. “
“During that time, I don’t remember having had…my period. I figured it was stopped or curtailed between Wyatt’s spell and the lack of food.”
“Dat’s understandable,” he says.  
“Well, since we got back here and restored everything and rebuilt it, I haven’t had one in that time, either, and….”
“…We have been inseparable…in more ways den one.” He gives me a half-grin before the realization begins to dawn. His eyes widen, his voice dropping to a whisper. “Abigail….D’ya tink…?”
My voice is shaking, along with the rest of me. “I thought it was over for me – that I’m too old now. But…I think so.  It would add up, with how I’ve been feeling lately.”
The kitchen is utterly silent but for the pots gurgling away on the stove. I grab the pot holders and lift the kettle of water off the burner to the side, then reach for the teapot. Finn gently turns me back to face him.
“How…how d’you feel about it?” His expression is searching – afraid of the answer.
“Before you, I would have been absolutely petrified.” I had to be honest – bottling this up was going to hurt others besides me now.
“But now?” The search in his face has grown desperate. “I mean, I don’t want to fo-“
“Shhh,” I answer, gently putting my finger to his quivering lips. “I’m full of joy right now. I’m ecstatic – nervous but ecstatic. “We’re soulbound – you told me that. We’re together. This is what, I think, we’re meant to have now that we are together – what we’re meant to have.”                                                                                                                  
“Jaysus…we’re…we’re havin’ a baby.” The despair in Finn’s face has turned to a tremulous elation as he pulls me closer to him and wraps an arm around me.
I give his torso a squeeze and press a kiss against his lips before nuzzling against his neck. “And what a day to find out.”
Suddenly, I catch flickers of light as eight little bodies press themselves between Finn and me, their voices a chorus of whoops and squeals of delight. “How long were you listening in?”
Joe speaks for them all. “We kinda suspected when you went to the bathroom that something was up. One of us may have gotten some inside information.”
“Well, dis is quite an unexpected Christmas gift, I must say,” Finn says at last, squeezing me tighter and kissing my forehead. “Now for a bite of supper before Santa comes. And, Mum,” he looks at me. “You’re off de clock tonight.”
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Hot Springs Restoration
Disasters hit when we least expect. Having an immediate-responder restoration company by your side through these challenging moments can go a long way in mitigating the damage, restoring your home, and giving you the peace of mind you deserve. Service Pro RestorationHot Springs National Park has a 24-hour emergency staff that responds swiftly to assess the issue and handle it before it becomes more important than it needs to be.
Our pros are experienced, and IICRC verified. Besides, we always give you a clearly written job estimate before we start with the cleanup and recovery procedure. That ensures you understand precisely what our experts will do to revamp your home to your pre-loss damaged condition. Hence, whenever you face water, fire, or mold damages, phone us at (501) 214-4733 and we will be at your premises in no time. http://hotspringsrestoration.com
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If you are considering a restoration company, you are most likely experiencing something traumatic. The last thing you need is people taking advantage of you or runaround service providers. That is why Service Pro Restoration in Hot Springs National Park was set. Offering customer satisfaction is as important to us as the services we offer. Hence, we will do everything possible to make the restoration process simple and stress-free.
We are devoted to offering unmatched quality water damage restoration services in 316 Plum Hollow Blvd. Our number one priority is to understand the desires and needs of our customers and help them achieve their restoration goals.
It's virtually impossible to predict when a water or fire crisis will strike, but you can rest assured that Service Pro Restoration is only one phone call away from helping you. Our excellent water damage restoration services will meet and exceed our customers' expectations. Contact us at (501) 214-4733 and let's restore a sense of normalcy in your life.
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