#finishing another old wip in the meantime
eirelis · 4 months
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a little belated but happy 3rd season!!
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ndostairlyrium · 5 months
WIP Whursday ✨
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I got tagged! On several Wednesdays! By a multitude of people! AND NOW I GOT STUFF TO (almost) SHOW! WIIIII <3
...as always I see a wall of wip wednesdays all around so the risk is to double-tag ppl :' if you're a follower and want to get tagged just drop me any signal and I'll provide a tag in the following weeks!
First sheet:
Big pic in the bg: it's a Len! For my usual tradition of starting the artistic year by drawing a lady. Since I fell down the ME hole again, why not her?
Left square: it's another Len? I just love to embarass her <3 (I'm planning a companion pic in the meantime but I'm still processing why I'm so stupid)
Small pic on the top right: it's a 👀 and when you see what's going on on the whole sheet (no spoilers!) you'll scream. I did! I'm doing it! Screaming while laughing my soul out :'
Right part: I'm working on a character sheet for The Lad(TM), who's literally A Lad. He's an old character of mine that is a bit of a full time complainer but in truth he's only confrontational when it comes to idiotic attitudes <<
Second sheet:
Left square: I sketched a Varric Coolidge back in the day, I decided to finish it :' with the dilf twist! We love the dilf twist ✨ 10/10
Central square: A smol thing following this super lovely piece by @greypetrel and it's part of a bigger thing but I'm postponing until other things are done because it's very pink and very scary lmao
Right square: They match! And now they have colors! And soon I'll work the thing to have them slayyy 💅 side by side u-u it will take a moment tho << sigh
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datrb · 6 months
2023 art review!
Even if this year wasn't the biggest on art, due to my physical condition (especially in last couple of months), it would still be nice to look back on what i did as an artist throughout it!
This is gonna be a fun ride...
So, let's dive straight into it, shall we?
Continuation under the cut
2023 started on a high note, with me just having finished the King piece, and moving on to the next big thing, being an AvA3/5 double piece.
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Sadly, during the process i messed up big time which led to me being unable to finish the piece the way i wanted to, rendering this project an eternal WIP. However, i still cherish the idea and do wish to either redraw, or complete it.
Doing 2 big projects one after another did end up affecting my overall drive, so i spent majority of that month just making sketches.
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First one is a little redraw/redesign of my old character - Derek, whom i used for a roleplay with my friends like 3 or 4 years ago, and second one is Deach, a character from my fantasy setting.
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Also, back then i joined a new fandom, people in which have reminded me of my admiration for SCP, after which me and my friends proceeded to make OCs for it. Was a fun time! (Also this access card was sold by me as a YCH, sadly i couldn't really find buyers, so yikes)
By march is slowly started recovering from january's disappointement and was a bit more productive already. One of my friends really helped with it too.
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A musician friend of mine reached out to me, asking to develop a design for a villain character in the plot he was working on. After listening to the theme song i couldn't resist. This ended up being one of my favorite designs so far, and i adore its look in neon.
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In the meantime, i kept working on my fantasy setting, refining more minor details of designs and stories, yet having to reserve only to making sketches as i was too busy with college and other projects. Characters you see on screen are Ian and Lanfor respectfully. One is a strong yet troubled mage and other is a great Emperor, and even better person.
I'd say april was one of the most productive months of this year, mostly because i managed to snatch some time for myself and my setting, which allowed me to complete two full pieces and achieve some extreme progress with my story.
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This piece is an illustration to a scene i wrote for two of the characters, Lanfor and Emile, called "Night Visitor". This was a scene of a reunion of two old friends. A bittersweet, yet a lovely work. Love both the written one as well as the illustration.
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This one was more of a... Proof of concept. Needed to test out the expresiveness of the design for one or a relatively new characters - Covlar. Was originally a simple sketch on paper, but i couldn't resist the urge of making it into a complete illustration. I then proceeded to make a few notes for this scene. Both want to write it properly and avoid it at all cost... Best to avoid it, for my own sanity.
May was a bit of trainwreck, because i got a brand new laptop, which took me quite some time to get used to and even more time to reassure myself that it is in fact alright for me to draw on this suspicioiusly thin piece of tech.
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Ironically enough, the only vomplete piece i drew that month was drawn on my old laptop. This screenshot redraw was to made to honour the premiere of AvA6 ep.1. Sadly, i did it a bit late because fo technical issues, but i still had a ton of fun doing it.
June was... Chaotic, to say the least. Mostly because i finally got comfortable with the new laptop and could now draw a lot more freely due to it being a lot more compact than the original one, which worked almost like a PC. Besides, i got a ton more free time because semester finals ended up being a breeze.
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Ended up making a ton sketches and doodles, that i didn't actually plan to finish, but still enjoyed a ton. Here are some of them
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Then, ofc, the memes and the gand redesign, because AvA6 just had to break all of my portrayals. But, i mean, after AvM s3 my original designs did become a bit dated.
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The biggest pride and saddest of failures was this picnic piece, however. I still plan on finishing it, but it is hard doing so, when i have changed quite a bit of my artstyle by now.
July was quite lazy. Semester ended and i spent that entire month out of the city. It was a great time, very peaceul indeed.
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And again, that musician friend from before came into clutch, asking me to develop another design for his other project. And again a villain. He said he really liked how i draw bastard type of characters.
Well this is where fun began. End of summer break means i have just this much time to actually draw something i would never have time to draw normally.
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For me to draw something to commemorate a new episode is almost like a tradition at this point. And, given how long it's been since i made anything that would require effort, no wonder i have chosen arguably the most complex piece to pull off energy-wise. Yet i did and now i simply adore this piece, even if it did render me disabled. (I crunched through all of this piece, pulling off 40+ hours of work in just 4 days, so naturaly it ended up worsening my condition by a lot)
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Then i also proceeded to do all of these tiny side projects, like Victim ask, which i couldn't last long at due to my condition, and working on a design for my favourite streamer. (Which i cannot show as the work is not complete an it's best if i avoid spoilers)
September and October
These two months i spent being unable to draw at all via a doctor's advice. Arguably, these two were the hardest months for me to handle.
I assume you can imagine how hard it is to suddenly stop being able to do what you love, regardless of how much you wish to do it.
*Nervous laughter* I... actually still wasn't allowed to use my hand, but that didn't stop me and i ended up making an entire series of sketches to celebrate AvA6 ep2.
"Small in big quantity will sure be less exhausting than a single big thing" - (C) Me, proably
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I will admit, i still adore all of these sketches and each of them deserves to become a fully fledged piece in it's own right, but i really better keep them as they are. For my own safety.
As you way have expected, this month will stay without a single thing from me. It's not because i don't want to, but because i can't. And, given the circumstance, it better stay that way.
I finally got my diagnosis and soon enough i will start active treatment for my condition. It would be a shame to make this worse than it already is with impulses like those that happened in november, so i am making this post as a way to draw a line for myself.
It is still kinda crazy to realize that there are quite a few people interested in what i make, so i will make sure to take my recovery as responcible as possible, and then come back to you with even more art in the upcoming year! Let's be positive about it.
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An ask game for writers to procrastinate working on you WIP(s)
Whoaaaa thank you for the tags @shrekgogurt, @bookish-bogwitch, @thewholelemon, @cutestkilla, @monbons, @drowninginships, and @blackberrysummerblog! I'm pretty sure that's everyone! I love being tagged in shit.
1. 🦈Tell us the name of your/ one of your WIP(s): So you just like... have names for them? Before you post them?
I will say that for once, a name did come to me, so one of them is tentatively titled Fettuccine and Foreplay, but I might change it because Foreplay is misleading. I'm sorry to say that it is not smutty, and the events are questionably even foreplay. But the alliteration. And Fettuccine and Flirting just doesn't have the same ring to it.
2. 🍄Describe your WIP/one of your WIP(s) in the format of “___ + ___ =___” God, why am I so bad at this?
Nevermore Academy + Penny = offensive assumptions, defensive students, and a magical breakthrough waiting to happen
3. 🌍What tags or warnings will one of your WIP(s) need if you intend to share it? uhhhhhh. I don't usually think about tags until I'm ready to post, so I am not prepared for this question... I can't really think of anything. Which makes me feel like my stories are hella boring.
Update after finishing and rediscovering an old wip: fluff! yay fluff.
4. 🧭An alternative title to one of your WIP(s)? Alternative titles??? So not only do you have titles, you also have extras laying about????
I guess I already talked about it in #1, but Fettuccine and Flirting. I do not like it.
5. ⚠️Which WIP you're most likely to finish or update next? Probably the Fettuccine one. It's a one-shot and a good portion done (almost ready for a beta, I think?). I like to write the whole story before I start posting, so the Wednesday x CO crossover is going to take a goooooood while. Idk how many chapters it is yet, I just know it's more than 3.
6. 💾What is your document of your WIP/ a WIP called? (not the stories actual title but what you’ve saved it as) I think my most interesting one is called Sundays With Gran. It's more of a drabble that I might work into a story at some point than it is an actual WIP though. But my actual WIPs have uninteresting names.
7. 🖍Post Any sentence(s) from your WIP.
It’s especially hard to believe in this reality when there’s a glow, a sparkle, a buzz around even the most mundane of sights when Simon is involved.
That's not even from a WIP I've already mentioned. I rediscovered this one while looking at document titles for this post!
8. ♻️A scrapped idea for your current WIP. I have one fic, the one from #7, where I originally wanted musings from each of the main 4, which each describing what's happening through focusing on a different sense or set of senses. Like Simon would be taste or touch, Penny would be sound, Baz would be sight, and Shep would be touch or smell. But that felt too restrictive. Senses are still a big part of it, of course, and there may still be strong affinities for one sense over another for each character, but they'll experience with the most appropriate sense for the moment.
9. 🤔What’s a story you’d love to write but haven’t even started yet? I really want to write more CO x Heartstopper (which we're calling Snowstopper because we're so clever) fics, but I'm making good progress on these other two and I'm afraid I'll lose the momentum if I start on the next Snowstopper idea. So I'll leave that for Kat to start in the meantime.
10. 🤡How many WIPS are you actively working on? At the beginning of this post, 2. As of #7, 3!
11. 🛠Is there a scene or anything in the WIP you are struggling with right now? So many! I think I need to rewrite much of what started the Wednesday x CO fic. The entire first two chapters don't feel quite in character for Penny.
And then most of this rediscovered fic, for now called Tiny Dots. (Hey look! A title!) Like I said before, it's character musings, and I'm not sure how to string them together in a way that feels cohesive.
12. ❤️Not a question, just a second Kudos to send.
I feel like I procrastinated on this procrastination game for so long that everyone else has already done it! I'm sorry if you've already been tagged 100 times, and especially if you've already done it and I missed it, buuuuut: @onepintobean @martsonmars @facewithoutheart umm... if you haven't been tagged, but want to be tagged, consider yourself tagged (or tell me and I'll update this post with your tag and no one has to know).
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beepersteeper · 24 days
I Will Always Find You -- Astarion x Tav -- There's No Arguing With That | part 6
Astarion and F!Tav live happily together for the remaining years she has, she refuses to be turned into a vampire because her faith says that her soul isn’t finished with its work yet. Tav dies of old age and leaves Astarion to put together the pieces of his broken heart. AN: Lord of Light lore taken and changed to fit the story's means. Not canonically accurate. TLDR story line stuff. This is an AU where Astarion ascends but isn't a power hungry bastard and Tav is able to help him continue healing. Wyll is immortal and the Duke. Karlach in my mind, if given a new engine would be able to live a lot longer than the usual tiefling. Another AN: idk if anyone wants tagged in this WIP but let me know. 
“Well, you look like you finally got some real rest.” Wyll says looking up from the desk.
“I did.” Astarion says fluffing his hair trying to get it to lay where he would like. “When is that meeting with the fists?”
“In about an hour and a half.” Wyll responds while putting papers into different folders for the meeting. “Are you still coming?” he asks to which Astarion nods. “Wonderful, you get to see me in action to see if you want to pass me the torch permanently.” he laughs handing Astarion a folder “This is everything I’m talking about and showing them. Just to keep them in check.”
“You've done great for thirty years, I don't need more convincing. Whenever you're ready, we'll start the process. But in the meantime let's go get under the Flaming Fists skin.” he laughs, turning out the door to get dressed. Once he was in his room he picked out a black and white embroidered suit with thin gold threads lining the seams and details. He threw it on the bed with a complimentary pair of loafers on the footlocker. He made his way to the washroom and preened his hair, adding pomade to keep his curls locked in place, when he was happy with every strand being in place he dabbed his bergamot-perfumed oil on his neck and wrist and turned to retrieve his suit when a knock was rapt on his door, a worker offering him his breakfast. He happily receives it and thanks the man at the door. He greedily drinks the warm red liquid before getting dressed. He smoothed his pants' legs after slipping his shoes on and looked in the mirror. And deciding if this was the suit he wanted to wear. It was. The black one is my favorite, my love. Tav would coo from behind him with her chin rested on his shoulder. It really lets your fair features just glow. He smiled and slipped his arms into the white button-down shirt and buttoned it and tucked the ends into his pants before adding the dark jacket, patting his pocket to check for his pocket rock and tidying himself one more time before leaving the room.
He meets Wyll in the hall by the front door. “It looks like Lord Ancunín is officially back!” Wyll jeers as Astarion turns in an ego-filled circle. “You've always known just when to clean up.”
“300 years of putting on a show.” Astarion flicks his wrist to look at his nails dramatically “It is nice to clean up now and again Wyll, you should really try it sometime.” he laughs at his own joke at Wyll.
“Funny.” Wyll responds, not amused and rolling his eyes. “Are you quite done?”
“Probably not.” Astarion laughs honestly, tucking his folder under his arm “But I am ready to leave.” The two walk out the door.
“I'm glad to hear all of your old snark flitting back to your tongue. As much as it pains me to say I have to admit I missed it.” Wyll groans at his admittance. 
Astarion smiles and shares a knowing look with Wyll “I'm still the same magnificent bastard that I've always been. He's just been buried beneath all of the grief I've been carrying. I am just feeling really good today.” he shrugs.
They make it to the Flaming Fist Headquarters and are seated around a small round table. Wyll is greeted first before the Head Fist notices that Astarion is seated there as well “Lord Ancunín. My apologies, I was unaware that we would be blessed with your presence today.”
“I decided that it was time to return. Just felt like the safety of my beloved city was at risk because of some information I was given in my absence." Astarion sneers at the muscular man standing opposite the table. “Tell me, are my suspicions accurate?”
“No, my lord. The city is as safe as it's ever been.” The man speaks quickly trying to quell any concerns that Astarions holds.
“Is that what your data says?” he turns to ask Wyll to take the lead.
“Not at all.” he feigns shock “Would you care to explain all of these contested arrests?” Wyll speaks in a stern tone handing a folder to the man.  They sit for the better part of 4 hours listening to the man explain arrest after arrest, and in turn, they explain why nearly all of them were done unlawfully. “You had better get your ranks in line, and quickly. It truly would be a shame if the Fist lost what is it…” he pauses for effect stroking his chin as if in deep thought “75% of its funding.”
“Absolutely Duke Ravenguard. You will find that the regime is put back in shape.” the man bows.
“It shouldn't need put back into shape.'' Astarion sighs, loudly placing his hand flat on the table admiring the ruby ring on his finger to seem like he is talking passively to the man. “Be sure that we don't have to have this conversation again.” he looks to Wyll who nods that he is finished with everything he has to say. Astarion waves the man away, his lip raised in disgust. The two see themselves out of the building and walk through town toward the palace.
“We make a pretty good team.” Wyll laughs heartily, shaking Astarion’s hand and pulling him into a half hug.
“That we do.” Astarion responds in kind, feeling a bit of a high from feeling that kind of power again.
“Are you sure you'd want to give that up?” Wyll asks unbuttoning his jacket and vest
“I guess I could see myself keeping some sort of stake in the game, but truly you do so much better than I would, you're diplomatic I just sneer down my nose at them until they give in. My attitude and willingness to bully anyone else in power would always be at your service.” They both laugh at the blatant self-awareness.
“Are you going to see Vira today?” Wyll asks in front of the palace.
“Yes.” Astarion smiles a big dumb grin “But you're not surprised by that.” he states, earning a laugh from his friend. “I'll see you later.” both wave to the other and walk their separate ways.  He walks quickly to the bookstore and walks in, each time feeling more natural than the last, and this time being greeted by Eyman.
“Well look at you, what's the occasion?” Eyman chuckles looking at him from behind the counter.
“I joined the Duke Ravenguard in court today.” Astarion shrugs, starting to unbutton his jacket when Vira turns the corner with a box in her hands. 
She trips over her feet as her eyes go wide and her mouth falls open to say “Well hello, Handsome.” He laughs at her display, catching the lid as it falls from the box.
“Gods above.” she says almost under her breath while setting the box down and putting her hand over her heart. “Aren't you a sight for sore eyes?” He does a quick playful turn for her, causing Eyman to groan like a dad and walk out the front door to “check the mail or something” he said. Astarion reaches for her hand and kisses her knuckles. “You are truly gorgeous.” she coos.
“If this is the reaction dressing like this gets me I just might have to do it more often.” he flirts still holding her hand close to his lips.
“You can't,” she whines playfully “That might very well kill me.” she smiles, leaning her body into his for a hug “Besides something is charming about being surprised by such a wonderful sight, I would hate to get used to this and miss out on thoroughly appreciating the view every time.”
He smiles and hugs her tight before letting her go, but not before she kisses him on his cheek. He blushes and cocks a crooked smile at her before taking off his jacket and hanging it on the back of a chair behind the counter.  He chuckles at himself peacocking in such a way, not disappointed by any stretch, just surprised to be enjoying it. When he turns back around he unbuttons his cuffs and begins rolling the sleeves up to his elbows he catches her looking, almost through him. “Everything alright, Darling?” he asks, adding one final fold to his sleeve. “I know that look, you’re a million miles away.”
She shakes her head slightly ridding herself of whatever she was thinking and smiles at him “Just thinking.” She shrugs and walks to meet him by the counter wrapping her arms around his torso and resting her head on his shoulder. “Just taking this all in case something happens, in case this is all just a dream that's too good to be true.” she smiles into his shoulder. “Gods you even smell amazing.” she groans “And here I am looking truly homely.” She motions to her black denim pants and cream ruffle tunic.
He leans himself onto the counter and wraps his arms around her shoulders pulling her tight to his chest holding most of her weight and whispers into her ear, making sure that she can hear him. “First, you are anything but homely. And nothing is going to happen, darling.” he assures “We are both very much here, and very much real.” he rocks her gently from side to side earning little giggles from her. With one hand between her shoulder blades, he slides his other hand on the side of her face, having his red eyes look into her green ones. “Are you sure that's all?” he asks.
“I’m sure,” she pushes her forehead against his and smiles shyly,  “just a bit of deja vu. I’m okay, I promise.”
“Okay,” he whispers, not wanting to push her. He smiles and looks behind her at the front door, making sure Eyman isn't walking in before he kisses her quickly, taking her by surprise. “As long as you're okay. Now what do you need help with?” he asks, moving his hands to her waist, still holding her body against his, to comfort her, he hopes.
“I have quite a few orders to pack, and need to find a place for the whole shipment, a new Introduction to the Weave Wizard Series.” she taps her hand on his chest and steps out of his hands to get into the box she had put on the counter to add “besides daddy is taking the afternoon off in a few, so we’ll have the bookstore to ourselves and I’m in charge.” she laughs bobbing her head from side to side exemplifying her sass.
“For the evening, Vira, don't let that go to your head.” Eyman says walking through the door “And don't go getting Little Star here into any trouble ‘having the bookstore to yourselves’.” he mocks and shakes his head. 
“Ugh Daddy.” she groans “We’re just going to be loading and unloading books, what trouble could we even get into.”
“Just because I’m an old man now, I wasn't always this way.” he laughs “All I’m saying is to be good.” he rolls his eyes and reaches for his jacket from the coat rack by the side door. “Are you staying for a while Astarion?” Eyman looks at him leaning on the counter still.
“I don't have any other plans.” he smirks, playing nonchalantly “As long as Vira wants my company I’ll be here.” he scans his eyes to Vira who is organizing the textbooks and his smirk melts into a smile.
“Then I am sure I'll see you when I get back.” Eyman laughs a belly laugh. He kisses Vira on her cheek and waves to them as he walks out the door. When the door latches Vira starts to walk toward Astarion and he holds up a hand to stop her just as the door opens again and Eyman peaks his head in and flips on the gas for outdoor light “I‘m just tuning this on so you don't have to. You kids have a good night.” They respond in kind and he leaves the door again. 
“How’d you know he would come right back?” she asks, laughing while walking to him with several books in her arms.
“Just kind of felt like he would. To make sure we’re not trying to do any dirty things in his bookstore.” he jokes, raising his eyebrows for effect. Vira groans and rolls her eyes in response pushing the stack of books into his arms and points to an open shelf. He laughs at himself and starts stacking the books where she says “Whatever you say, You are the one in charge.” He rolls his eyes mocking the way she does it.
“And don't you forget that.” she chuckles, prying open two more boxes and moving them next to the shelf to be unloaded.
“I’m positive you wouldn’t let me if I ever did.” he bumps his shoulder into her as she walks back to the counter. He continues to unload the crates.
“You're damn right.” she chuffs "By the way, where's your rock?” she smirks, hoping to have caught him unprepared considering he was more dressed up than usual.
“Inside pocket.” he grins and points toward his jacket. “You’re not going to get me. I've carried that thing for nearly 100 years.” he shakes his head and returns to his work. Out of the corner of his eye, he watches her pick up his jacket and finds the rock, sucking her teeth in disappointment. 
Vira brings one more box over and sits on the floor next to the boxes and starts handing him books to place on the shelves. They pass the time with idle chatter between customers eventually filling the shelves and move on to the orders of books to deliver tomorrow morning. Once they finish those orders it is time to close up the shop. Vira flips the sign to closed, locks the door, turns off the front light and closes all the blinds. Astarion flops himself onto a padded chair and picks up a book on the Lord of Light to read. Vira walks over to him moving the book slightly to see the cover. She hums after seeing the title and perches on the arm of the chair reading over his shoulder after blowing out all of the candles except the few around them.
“You can't be comfortable up there.” Astarion chuckles softly and pulls her onto his lap with her legs hanging over the arm of the chair, wrapping his arms around her to continue reading the book. “Have you read this one?” she shakes her head. They read the book together discussing different passages for more than an hour. Vira stops reading after a while and snuggles closer to Astarion pushing her face into the crook of his neck. She places soft kisses on the corner of his jaw before laying her head on his shoulder hugging him around his torso tucking her hands behind his back. “Darling, you’re falling asleep.” she hums a half-hearted response. “Don't you want to go to bed? Or at least get changed?” she groans, pushing her face into his neck. He giggles and rolls his eyes “Whatever you say.” before he closes the book and sets it on the table next to him. He shuffles his body slightly lower on the chair bracing their weight with his legs with his feet firmly planted on the floor. The movement earns a disgruntled groan from Vira. “Oh you’re fine darling.” he sighs. He wraps one arm over her thighs tucking his hand under to keep ahold of her when he ultimately falls asleep too. He rests his head on his free hand and closes his eyes. 
He smiles to himself at that moment. The irony is not lost on him. The night after he was finally willing to sleep in his bed again, he is choosing to rest in an uncomfortable chair, but happily so to be close to her. He feels Vira readjust herself to curl up closer to him. He as if by instinct tightens his hold on her to be sure she doesn't fall and squeezes her thigh 3 times. She sighs and weakly squeezes her hand on his back. Astarion feels her breath on his neck change as she falls asleep and the pattern of her breath lulls him to sleep. 
Astarion’s eyes shoot open when he hears the door handle jingle. He feels his breath getting faster. Sitting cautious he watches the door open slowly, and close again. Eyman. He relaxes again and closes his eyes wishing to still be asleep
“You crazy kids” Eyman whispers to himself looking at them curled up together on one chair. 
“She fell asleep and I didn't have the heart to move.” Astarion responds waving his hand that was holding his head. “What time is it?”
Eyman walks closer to talk still in a whisper “It's well past one.”
Astarion stretches his legs one at a time trying to regain more feeling in the limbs “I'll get her to bed and head home.” readying himself to stand.
“The second door on the right.” Eyman’s smile is clear in the flame's light “You're not going anywhere son, you get some rest too. I’ll see you both in the morning.”
Astarion stands holding Vira in his arms walking up the stairs behind Eyman. “I can go home, I'm not worried about the ruffians in this town, I’ve dealt with worse.”
They make it to the top of the steps and Eyman’s face meets his “We have that in common then. I'm not worried about them, I'm worried about you. And you’re not going to risk going home by yourself at this hour. Now stop being so damned modest and get yourselves situated and get some rest.” he says in a stern but careful tone. 
“Yes sir.” Astarion chuckles, “Thanks, Eyman.” He walks into the door sideways to be sure he wouldn't bump any part of her off the door frame. “Goodnight.”
Eyman sets a candle on the desk and walks further down the dark hall. 
Astarion lays Vira on the bed, carefully placing her head on the pillow. He gently tugs her boots off and places them by the door, he unlaces his own and puts them next to hers. He covers her form with a blanket before he situates himself in the desk chair and leans back onto his palm. He hears Eyman whisper-yelling from down the hall. “I know you're not trying to sleep in a bloody chair, Little Star. Lay down and get some rest, you look like you've not slept in days.” 
Astarion sighs and walks over to lay in Vira’s bed and thinks to himself for a moment while he unrolls his sleeves and unbuttons several buttons at the top of his shirt before ultimately lying himself down gently to not wake her up. He lays down tucking his hands under his head and closes his eyes. Before he can fall asleep he feels Vira roll onto her side and drape her arm and knee over his body and sighing contentedly. He slowly moves his hand from under his head and rests it on her back rubbing tender circles making sure she stays asleep. Sleep quickly finds him.
@zoeloveslotr @silverfangmarks @prudent-nerd
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ladyaj-13 · 5 months
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LadyAJ’s 2023 Fics
This year I wrote 16 new stories (and one new chapter on an old one!) across five fandoms - One Direction, Endeavour, Kingsman, The Eagle and new-to-me Ted Lasso. Details below, I hope you’ll check some out - I like to think there’s a bit of something for everyone. 
One Direction
Bloom - T, 28k, Louis/Liam
Do you like historical AUs? Do you like awesome art by @whatagreatproblemtohave? Then you’ll like this, written for the One Direction Big Bang.
In early 1970s Oxford, Detective Sergeant Louis Tomlinson has to deal with the dual pressures of a case that hits too close to home, and the arrival of new colleague Liam Payne. Payne is both the bane of his existence and, uh... dangerous. Very dangerous. His eyes, that is. His lips. The way he stands.
A story of rain and cobblestones, cigarettes, and repression. And the sunshine after the storm.
In Shining Armour of Trackie and Trainers - T, 9k, Louis/Harry
Because who wouldn’t love white knight Louis coming to their rescue?
Online dating isn't exactly working for Harry. In fact, it couldn't really be going much worse. But then the door of the bar opens, and the pack of friends walking in parts and - that’s Louis Tomlinson.
Louis fucking Tomlinson.
Pageant Material - G, 6k, Louis/Zayn
Watch me throw Miss Congeniality and Kacey Musgraves together, shake it up, and give it a Zouis twist. Written for the Zouis fest.
Louis flicks a nearby switch, lighting the bulbs around his mirror in a soft glow. The buttery yellow catches on the edges of his cheekbones, sharpening the dip. He looks more grown up this year. Some of his baby fat has melted away, and he sucks in his cheeks to see what he might look like by twenty five if this pattern continues. Then he crosses his eyes and sticks out his tongue.
Or, the Zouis teen beauty pageant AU.
The Way to My Heart - T, 6k, Louis/Harry
Fluffy, funny AU Larry with lots of Nouis friendship on the side. Written for the a/b/o fest.
Louis' having a bit of a dry spell, until he bumps into an attractive alpha in the supermarket and leaves with his number. It was a hard bump. Very... muscular.
The only problem is, said alpha asks Louis to cook for him - which is not exactly his skill set.
Feeling Feline - T, 4k, Louis/Niall
Nouis, my beloved, with shelter-worker!Niall and magical cat transformations. Written for the Louis rare pair fest.
“I’m telling you,” drifts through the cracked door, and Louis’ ears prick, twitching with interest. “There’s something wrong with that cat.”
“Have you talked to Liam?” asks another voice, worried. Louis thinks it’s the tall one with curly hair. Taller one. They’re all tall when you’re ten inches high.
“Not medically wrong,” the blond one says. “But I swear, and I know this sounds nuts, but I don’t think he’s a cat?”
Fine Line - G, 1k, Louis/Nick Grimshaw
It’s present day, it’s canon compliant, it’s just long enough to read while waiting for the bus assuming it’s not got stuck in traffic.
Telling his family was always going to be a big deal, but doing it alone was a sacrifice he could make.
He never thought they’d fall about laughing.
In The Dark - T, 666, Gen
Choose your own character in this spooky snippet written for the trick or treat fest.
It’s the dreams.
He’d be fine without the dreams… suggesting things. If he could face all this - whatever this is - with a clear, rested mind.
Bound - G, 619, Liam/Zayn
Vampire AU? Check. 
Months should pass like hours for a vampire, but to Zayn they’ve felt endless. Now, finally, it has come. The day he takes his consort.
Tread Carefully into my Life - T, 29k, WIP, Morse/Jakes
See? I told you it’s not abandoned. Maybe 2024 is the year I finally finish this canon rewrite where Jakes stayed - in the meantime, enjoy nearly thirty thousand words of their on/off up/down shenanigans!
He can't help the way his eyes drift across the room, to Morse in his shirtsleeves, arms crossed across his body. It’s a defensive posture, which is no surprise, but otherwise he looks collected. Calm. Like facing down man eating beasts is all part of the job, and despite the evidence of today, it most certainly is not part of the job.
Tigers. For the love of God, give him an axe murderer any day.
Stepping Out - G, 9k, Morse/Jakes/Joan
Established polyamory with the Oxford disaster trio. Jakes didn’t leave.
“You know what I haven't done in ages?” Joan asks, punctuating her question by flinging her legs up and leaning dramatically backwards against the sofa arm. Peter almost spills his tea. “Gone dancing. We should go.”
Kindred - G, 2k, Gen
Ohhh series nine. Pre-slash Morse/Sam if you really squint.
Sam Thursday, Morse, and the power of orange juice.
Offcuts - G, 2k, Morse/Jakes/Joan
With this final instalment, the series is complete. As a whole it's almost 32k, so if you like Endeavour and polyamorous relationships, set aside a Saturday and dive in.
Snapshot scenes of life with the trio.
Adding it Up - G, 887, Morse/Jakes
Let’s return to series three, because Jakes.
Fred’s been a copper for a long time. It’s in his bones at this point, a habit so engrained he can’t turn it off. Like Morse with his beer and Jakes with his cigarettes, Fred’s addiction is piecing things together. Even when he’d rather not.
Ted Lasso
Would You Rather - G, 1k - Colin & Jamie, Roy/Jamie
It had to happen! Diving into a new fandom is always a pleasure.
"I’m talking about percentages. Like, yeah, you’re gay. So maybe you’re at like, eighty, ninety per cent. But if I say who’d you rather fuck out of Ms Welton, Keeley and Maisie from the canteen, you know what you’d say, right?”
Colin is beginning to think Jamie doesn’t know what gay is. "Erm, no."
Squeegee - M, 525 - Roy/Jamie
Short and snappy ;)
Jamie’s beautifully vocal in bed, but long, pitchy squeaking is new.
The Honeypots - T, 5k - Eggsy/Harry
Partial AU with undercover, honeypot spy shenanigans and obliviousness? I wrote it for a reason. I mean, it’s right up my street.
Eggsy is MI6. Harry is Kingsman. They have each been tasked to seduce a suspected rival intelligence agent.
The intelligence part may be overselling it.
The Eagle of the Ninth
Winter Sunlight - G, 1k, Marcus/Esca
I think writing a fluffy, happy gay farmers fic is actually a requirement of this fandom. Here’s my offering.
“How is it,” a familiar voice mutters drowsily, muffled by the drape of skins and fur, “that after all these years, you still can’t manage a proper lie in?”
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johnnyutah · 10 months
i finally finished this old wip for @stonathanweek (and coincidentally also @stoncyweek2023!)
prompts: canon-verse (day 5), long distance relationship (day 7) summary: Steve comes up with an awesome plan to make Nancy jealous. It backfires in the best way. rating: explicit ships: stonathan, stoncy, established jonathan/nancy, past steve/nancy (and future? 😳) steve and robin being best bros word count: 5660 content info: drinking, phone sex, miscommunication, smut & feelings, pre-polyamory, set before season 4
Also on AO3!
The front door of Family Video slams shut on yet another failed attempt at flirting, and Steve’s head falls into his hands yet a-fuckin-gain. “This is it, Robin,” he declares, elbows digging into the cheap melamine counter and fingertips digging into his temples just above his furrowed brows. “This is it. We’ve got no prospects.”
“That isn’t true,” Robin, the light of his life, tells him, soft and kind-hearted as ever. She pats his shoulder and goes on to correct him, “You’ve got no prospects. I’m just in the wrong city for love; you’re on the wrong planet.”
“The wrong p— you’re a real asshole, you know that?” Steve glances up from between his fingers just to check that she knows that. Robin’s sweet smile doesn’t falter for a moment, confirming her own theory. He’s sure that if they did live in another place, or perhaps another time, Robin could have a girlfriend in no time at all. Steve, however, is doomed. “What am I supposed to do with that, huh? I can’t exactly set off to Mars.”
“You could try changing it up,” Robin suggests. It’s the third time this week she’s suggested that he change. He’s starting to feel like she might mean it. “Instead of ‘ahoy, ladies’…”
She scrunches up her nose, thinking. Steve rests his chin on his knuckles and watches her. “Ahoy… fellas?”
“Ha-ha.” Robin pushes his shoulder again, this time not to comfort but to chastise. “I meant maybe coming up with a different approach.”
“I don’t do the Scoops routine anymore.”
“Right, you’ve switched to local video store geek recommending all your favorite flicks.”
“Geek! I’m not a geek! What about this,” Steve gestures up and down his body with broad, sweeping motions that draw out a flurry of giggles from Robin, “says geek?!”
“Like, all of it,” she laughs. “Every part of it. The hair? Dork. The smile? Total nerd smile— see, look, you’re offended but you’re smiling!”
Through his not-smile, Steve hisses, “What am I supposed to do about my smile? I’m freaking screwed!”
“Calm down, you’ll be fine!” It’s hard to take Robin’s consolation seriously as she struggles not to laugh. Some consternation must show on his face as she finally relents, wiping an eye dry before leaning away, and repeating, “You’ll be fine. You’ve got plenty of time to work out the new Harrington act anyway, and in the meantime, you’ve got good friends who look out for you.”
“I thought you said Dustin and the gang were annoying little kids.”
“God, I meant me, you dick!” This time he’s ready for the blow to his shoulder and he dodges it effortlessly, ducking under the slap and then swatting it away. It’s a good thing Keith left right away after his morning shift, as he hates when they squabble like this in the front end of the store. Not that there are any customers. Steve has apparently frightened them all away with his utter and total lack of charisma. Fantastic.
After he loses— quite badly, really, Robin, where was this killer physique and athleticism when they were being held hostage by enemies of the state— and they resume their work, Steve doesn’t put up much of a pretense of actually working, far too distracted by his foreboding future. The loneliness gnaws at him deeply, scraping down to his marrow until he starts fidgeting, uncomfortable with his own turbulent emotion.
Robin hadn’t meant it, and god knows she’s got it worse than he does, but… it does suck, not having someone and not seeming able to find anyone. Even when things were bad with Nancy there had still been things. And before her, when Tommy and Carol had dragged him to each and every party like a prized stud ready for the auction, he had felt wanted. He can’t remember when he last felt wanted.
Before he can voice this pathetic thought to Robin, she sighs, taking obvious pity on him. “You have any plans tonight?”
“Take a wild guess,” Steve grumbles.
Unaffected, she continues, “Sooo… my parents went to this big Christmas party last weekend, and they brought home these two huge gift baskets they apparently won in some raffle. And one of the baskets had some bourbon, and, um, I don’t really know anything about drinking, so, I… uh, I brought it, and I thought maybe it’d be fun if we. Drank it.”
Steve twists to stare at her incredulously. No part of the story makes even a lick of sense— what kind of parents let their eighteen-year-old daughter drink liquor freely? What kind of parents bring gifts home without occasion or cause? Who throws a Christmas party in January? Baffled, he echoes, “You brought it?”
“I brought it,” Robin confirms.
“In… what, in your backpack?”
“Yeah, in my backpack.” Both of them glance at the staff area, and she says, “What, you don’t want to? If you don’t want to, it’s—”
“Hold on, they just let you have it?”
“They don’t drink.”
“Well… what kind of bourbon is it?”
“I have no clue, doofus. I don’t drink.”
“I’ve never had anyone to drink with.” This confession lingers in the air for a heavy moment— not necessarily a bad one, but it weighs them both down, together. Then Robin coughs, and changes tack, “What types of bourbon are there?”
Steve doesn’t actually know. He’s not sure that he’s actually ever tried bourbon. It sounds both quaintly Southern and exorbitant, but the likely high price tag only adds to the allure. “Alright, we’ll just have to make sure we don’t leave anything for Keith to catch onto us. Guy would flip his freaking lid. But… we could try a glass, or two.”
“Neat,” Robin grins, eyes practically sparkling. “Yeah, I probably won’t have more than a sip.”
Steve sits— well, crashes— down onto the counter beside Robin. His legs dangle over the edge, while she keeps hers crossed. “I think I lost my voice,” he tells her, and in response she passes— well, slams— the bottle into his hand. “No, Robin, I’m serious, I think I sang too hard.”
“They’re making another one of these.” She points, and Steve follows her gaze to the TV set up in the corner over Comedies and International, which is currently playing The Evil Dead, but set to the soundtrack of the album Steve has been blasting over the Family Video intercom. “With the same director and everything. I bet it’ll be terrible; sequels always are.”
“Not true,” croaks Steve. He drinks the bourbon. It tastes a little better with every sip, although it still mostly tastes like he’s hiding in a cleaning closet and drinking heavy acid instead of hanging out with his friend and drinking actual good liquor. If this is good liquor, he thinks he’ll stick to cheap beer. “Dawn of the Dead.”
“Remake, not a sequel.”
“No way, it’s a sequel.” Steve passes the bottle back, massaging his throat. “Zombies and shit.” AC/DC comes to the end of howling ‘Back in Black’, thank God, no more falsetto— and the tape switches to ‘You Shook Me All Night Long’. He starts tapping his heels against the counter to the rhythm. 
On screen, Ash’s buddy Scotty shoves one of the zombified girls away with an ax. Robin watches. Steve grimaces. Scotty swears his head off on mute. Brian Johnson wails, “She was the best damn woman that I ever seen!”
“I love women,” Robin sighs, deep and emotional.
“Me too,” agrees Steve fervently.
“And I don’t hate bourbon.”
“Me either.” He reaches for the bottle and she takes a sip before sharing; it burns when it hits his already scratchy throat. Scotty locks the zombie in the basement. Robin reaches back for the bottle. The confession squeezes out before Steve can think any better of it: “I miss Nancy.”
“Oh my god.”
“I mean it—”
“I know you do—”
“I love her, Robin.”
“Oh My God.”
“Listen,” Steve says, hopping off the counter with grace and precision. He completely misjudges the distance between them and the floor, and ends up crash-landing hard; but at least he doesn’t fall over. Robin laughs harder than she needs to as he steadies himself. “Listen. She was my best damn… the best girlfriend that I’ve ever had. And I was so stupid to her. And she left me.”
“I thought she left because she didn’t have feelings for you anymore.”
“Could you just—” Steve flails for a moment, trying not to throttle his best friend and also trying to sort through his drunk thoughts to find the words he needs. “Yes. Okay. That may be true. But feelings come and go!”
“Fine,” says Robin reluctantly. “But, and I hate to put a damper on your drunken dreams of winning her back, but! In this case, Nancy has already moved on to someone else… right?”
Steve snaps his fingers. Jonathan— of course! That’s why that stupid horror movie seemed so familiar; he remembers seeing the freaky poster hung up in Jonathan’s room from when he and Nancy and Jonathan had fought off the Demogorgon the first time around. Steve hasn’t thought about Jonathan in a while, which seems odd given that he used to waste so much time thinking about the guy. Even before their team-up— actually, especially before they had teamed up, he had a penchant for watching the weird Byers kid. “Right,” he exclaims. “Yeah, yes! She’s moved on!”
“So,” says Robin, with the patience of a schoolteacher. “Don’t you think it’s time that you move on too?”
���Totally,” he agrees, catching her off-guard. “Yes. I’m gonna make her so jealous.”
When he looks over, Robin is fully chugging the bourbon. Steve snatches the bottle away, laughing somewhat maniacally— except not at all, this is awesome, he has a totally awesome plan.
Step one is get on the work computer and misuse his employee privilege as a Family Video store clerk. When he fails to type in his password correctly a third time, Robin sighs, finally hopping down from the counter. “I want it on record that this is a bad idea,” she declares, typing in her password anyway before heading to the back room. Steve takes advantage of her absence to quickly scan through their alphabetized account list. Thankfully Byers, J. is close to the top. 
He scrawls the phone number down on the back of an empty receipt as Robin closes down the store— beginning with the music, then the lights. They are left alone with only the computer, which Steve quickly shuts off, and the television, which Robin misplaced the remote for. Neither of them can find it in the dark and so they leave Ash and friends to face their inevitable demise at the hands of the zombie demons. It won’t be the worst close they’ve ever done, and Steve refuses to believe that Keith’s opinion of him could sink any lower.
Robin grabs the nearly empty bottle, shoving it into her backpack. Steve grabs his jacket, pulling it on with a wince as they step out of the store into the January night air. “It’s too cold to drive, and I’m too drunk to walk,” says Robin, arms already tightly folded over her chest but teeth not quite chattering yet. “I mean… no, wait, maybe that is what I mean.”
“I got this,” Steve assures her. It’s then that Robin notices the receipt, and lunges for it. Maybe if Steve had full control of his faculties he would be able to hold it out of her reach. She snatches the paper and Steve moans, “Aw, c’mon, give it back! You’re messing up my whole plan!”
“Your plan to get back with your ex by making her jealous? Oh my god, you’re serious.” Robin laughs, shoving the receipt back at him. Her grin is too wide and goofy to cause any real hurt, especially when her eyes crinkle up in the corners and she teases, “Look at that, Harrington! You finally got a girl’s number.”
Steve, smiling back, doesn’t correct her.
The only cab in Hawkins surely isn’t the only cab in Hawkins, but it feels that way as they drive down the otherwise dormant city streets. Most people, Steve reckons, don’t stay up late drinking with their coworkers on a cold weeknight in January. Or if they do, they probably go to a bar close to their office downtown, or even a nightclub.
In the backseat of the only cab in Hawkins, Steve and Robin lean against each other like siblings on a road trip, slouched together thanks to the late hour and all the drinking. He’s sure they smell like shit but they feel amazing, smacking each other’s arms to point out passing landmarks or giggling about the music on the radio. The driver hasn’t commented, leaving them to their own devices as they joke about how they feel like New Yorkers, or like superstars. 
The taxi drops Robin off outside her home first, and she leans over to give Steve a bourbon-soaked hug. He relishes in it, trying to remember the last time he got a hug from anyone. Hell, it was probably Robin, and before that, he has no clue. Dustin has been busy with his new Dungeons and Dragons group, and Lucas and Mike were never big on hugs anyway. So he hugs back, still laughing at Robin’s terrible Bronx accent, and as he does she whispers, “You got this, dingus.”
“Thanks,” Steve whispers back, feeling tipsy and joyful and supported— until he realizes that she meant he’s the one on the hook for paying the taxi driver. He settles back into his own seat to sulk.
On the radio, REO Speedwagon choruses, “I’ve forgotten what I started fighting for; it’s time to bring this ship into the shore, and throw away the oars, forever…” and the driver hums along.
Steve’s hand finds its way into his jacket pocket, where his fist closes around Jonathan’s number.
“Hey,” Steve nearly sings, as soon as the call goes through. “Hi. Sorry, I— I know it’s late,” which is technically true, even if he has no idea what time it actually is. But based on the moonlight streaming through the window in the kitchen, he’s breaking several social rules. “I just… It’s, um, it’s Steve. Harrington, in case, uh, you know any other Steves…?”
A woman answers. The receiver slips right out of Steve’s hands and he curses modern, cordless technology, fumbling to grab it before he drops the phone, or worse, the call. “… afraid I don’t know any Steves at all. Can I help you, young man?”
“Oh, shit.” The woman inhales sharply, and Steve’s mind supplements an image of Byers, Joyce. Shit. Of course. “I’m sorry, uh, I’m calling for Jonathan? If he’s even home?”
Sounding much less friendly, the woman pauses. “I don’t know who you mean, but this is a new number. If you’re trying to reach the Byers family—”
“Yes, exactly, yeah, Jonathan Byers—”
“They don’t live here anymore.” Steve crumples up the paper and tosses it, furiously, into the sink. “I have their forwarding number, if it’s very important…?”
“It’s urgent,” Steve assures her, scrambling to find something to write on. He ends up grabbing his father’s fountain pen and writing Jonathan’s new number painfully across the back of his hand.
After apologizing and wishing the wrong number a good night, Steve stares at those messy, ink-blotted digits. Before he can give himself cold feet, he dials the number; he doesn’t breathe once the whole time it rings.
The line picks up again. This time Steve is more cognizant that it might be Joyce, or even worse, Will— the kid would definitely recognize his voice, and while Steve is sure that Jonathan’s impossibly kind younger brother would support him in this late-night endeavor, he’s also sure that Mike Wheeler would definitely hear about it. Which would ruin the entire scheme, of course.
The scheme, which seemed so infallible back at Family Video, swims and wavers in his head now. Steve tries to go through the plan point by point, but it all falls to pieces when a groggy, familiar voice says through the receiver, “Hello?”
“Hey,” Steve says. He leans against the kitchen island, exhaling all the air in his lungs. “Hi. It’s Steve. … Harrington.”
“I only know one Steve,” Jonathan says, dry as a desert. Steve smiles nervously. “Why are you calling? Is something wrong?”
“No, no, all quiet on the Western front.” This nets him a chuckle from Jonathan, so he soldiers on: “I was just wondering, you know, uh… if you wanted to come over?”
Puzzled, Jonathan asks bluntly, “What? Why?”
“I was thinking about you,” says Steve, leaning into it hard. He has charisma, or at least, he once did— he knows how to do this part. “Thinking maybe you could come over and we could fool around.”
Nobody has ever hung up so fast.
Steve stares at the dead phone in his hand. He wonders about the vicious gossip that he’d heard back in high school about Jonathan Byers, that he was more than just weird and a loner. Maybe those rumors really were nothing but rumors spread by small-minded townies. Steve’s parents aren’t home. It would be so easy for him to break into his father’s liquor cabinet. He could probably knock himself out within the hour, and sleep off this whole bad idea. He could laugh about it with Robin tomorrow night at work— I wanted to do what last night? I got some girl’s phone number out of the system? Man, no, I went straight home and went to bed. On an unrelated topic, I need to update the contact information on the Byers file.
Steve presses the redial button.
It rings for a little longer this time, and he can just picture Jonathan deciding whether or not to pick up, leaning over his own kitchen counter with a vein jumping out of his forehead behind his messy, home-cut bangs. Sure enough, when the call does get picked up, Jonathan sounds even more stressed than usual. He demands, “Is this a joke?”
If he’s wrong, and Jonathan’s not that type of person, and he tells Nancy… Steve shakes off the doomed train of thought. “No,” he says, firmly. “Not a joke.” 
Jonathan swears softly, so soft that Steve was sure he wasn’t meant to hear it, then: “Are you drunk?”
“Well, yeah,” he admits. Jonathan sighs loud enough to nearly blow the speaker. “What about you?”
“No.” A pause. “I think I should probably be a lot less sober for this.”
“That’s the spirit,” Steve cheers. “Where are you? Can you come over?”
Just as he’s starting to get butterflies, Jonathan cuts through the excitement with a deadpan, “California.”
“California?” He squints at the number on his hand. Is eight-one-eight the area code for California? “What the fuck? Is Nancy there with you?”
“Um.” A very pregnant pause. “No?”
“What… are you… Are you on vacation?”
Once more, Jonathan sighs. “What do you want, Steve?”
“I told you,” he replies, and even to his own ears he sounds bitchy. He adjusts, softening his tone a bit. “Just wanna make you feel good, Jonathan. I’ve been thinking about it.”
“You haven’t exactly kept in touch,” Jonathan retorts, although his voice sounds different now. Steve listens keenly but he can’t hear anything else on the line except the complaining. “I mean, you thought I still lived in Hawkins, and I’ve been gone this whole school year.”
“Well, we’re not exactly friends,” Steve parrots back. That shuts the other boy up alright. “Doesn’t mean I don’t think about you.”
“Even tonight, hanging out with a friend, I was thinking about you. Should’ve been thinking about girls. I was thinking about you.” Steve frowns. “You and stupid Ashley Williams.”
“Listen,” tries Jonathan. “You’re just drunk—”
“Even back when we were in school together I would think about you,” he admits, low. “Why do you think I gave you such a hard time? I heard what everyone said about you. Couldn’t get it out of my head. It wasn’t the first time I heard that someone could be… like that, but it was the first time I saw a boy and thought that I might be like that.”
What had the scheme been again? Call Nancy Wheeler’s queer boyfriend, rile him up a little? Get him to tell Nancy about it and make her all jealous? What is his endgame here, because only boys who like boys talk to boys about the things he’s talking to Jonathan about right now— and Jonathan isn’t even really reciprocating.
The soft breath is the only sign of life from California. Steve closes his eyes, swaying against the kitchen counter. “And I was so, so fucking stupid back then. That’s how I lost Nance, and that’s how come I treated you like… just like garbage. I broke your stupid camera, and I pushed you around, and when people gave you a hard time I didn’t say shit. I basically made your life hell.”
“You bought me a new camera,” says Jonathan quietly.
“Aw, c’mon, Nance.” Steve grimaces. “That was supposed to be a secret.”
“And I wasn’t the best person back then either. I mean, I can’t think about how I acted in junior high without dying a little bit on the inside. But… um… doesn’t mean I don’t appreciate it,” Jonathan tells him, in that same quiet voice. Steve wonders if he’s trying to stay quiet so he doesn’t wake up his family. Even when Jonathan had repulsed Steve, he’d always been secretly jealous of the closeness of the Byers clan. “And… uh, all that stuff you said, um… I used to think about it too. About… you and Nancy, mostly. It was wrong, I know, and—”
Steve interrupts, “Was it?” He sounds as wild as he feels. “Was it wrong?”
“You home alone, Jonathan?”
“I, uh.” Now there is a rustling on the other side of the line. “Will and El are at a sleepover camp thing for school, and my mom’s working nights this week at this temporary… um… Are we really— I mean, are you really…”
Steve hums. “I’m home alone. Didn’t even ask where my parents are, and they didn’t volunteer the information. But it means I’ve got this big place all to myself.”
Shallowly, Jonathan sucks in air. “Where are you?”
“The kitchen.”
That shocks a surprised laugh out of the other boy, which in turn makes Steve smile bashfully. “You can’t— you can’t have phone sex in the kitchen,” he scolds Steve. “People make food in there! Go to your bedroom, you fucking freak.”
“Look who’s suddenly an expert on phone sex,” Steve teases.
He goes anyway, heading slowly and normally towards the second floor until Jonathan casually drops, “Well, I have been in a long-distance relationship since September.”
Steve trips up the stairs, dropping the phone for the second time tonight. When he picks it up Jonathan is still there, breathing just as softly. Steve takes the rest of the stairs four at a time. He lunges for his bed and collapses there like a dead weight, still wearing his work clothes. Shit, he’s still wearing his shoes. He hears soft laughter coming down the line and, embarrassed about his heavy breathing, demands hotly, “You and Nancy have phone sex?”
“It would be pretty hard to have any other kind of sex two thousand miles apart.” That dry humor is doing terrible, insane things to his body right now. Steve chews his lip, closes his eyes, and fumbles with the button on his jeans. “So you get pretty good at discussing, and imagining. And waiting.”
“The first two sound alright.”
“Waiting can be fun too,” Jonathan tells him gently; his voice is so soft and low that Steve doesn��t realize he’s being seduced until his pulse has already risen. “But, yeah, talking is Nancy’s big thing. … I’m sure you remember that.”
Steve makes a face, giving up on his zipper. What he remembers about his sex life with Nancy is mostly too sad to dwell on, except during his most pathetic, embarrassing shower sessions and wet dreams. Things were good between them, of course— she’s the most beautiful woman on the planet— but after that pivotal time at the party, in this very bedroom, things were never the same. Sex with Steve had begun to remind Nancy of her dead friend, which would have been a mood-killer for Clark and Lois. Really, he shouldn’t have been surprised when she dumped his ass for Jonathan.
“What about this?” Steve imagines that Jonathan is right next to him on the bed instead of two thousand miles away. He turns his head to face the other pillow, but his eyes stay firmly closed. “Shouldn’t you… talk to Nancy about this?”
Once again, Jonathan effortlessly flips his world upside down with a sentence: “We did.” He sounds almost amused. “That’s why I hung up on you. I freaked out, and called her.”
Steve sits up so fast his head spins. “You called her? You— what did you tell her?”
“I told her you were drunk and trying to hook up with me,” says Jonathan, like it’s not a big deal at all. “And then her mother kicked her off the phone and chewed me out for calling the house so late.”
“But,” splutters Steve, “what did Nancy say?”
“She was really excited,” Jonathan admits. Steve, himself, is really excited— in fact, he thinks he might throw up for reasons entirely unrelated to the consumption of alcohol. “She asked for details, and I said I’d let her know if you called back. Then Mrs. Wheeler got on the line.”
He stares at the empty walls of his room, desperately trying to make sense of what Jonathan is telling him. “She wasn’t mad?”
“She was furious. Kept going on about time zones and all that shit.”
“Jonathan, I mean Nancy.”
“Steve, I know. I’m just teasing. You sound so tense.” Steve wonders how any man could feel relaxed while hearing this information. “Yeah, she was excited, and… a little nervous; she warned me it might have been a prank or something, but then I said ‘what if it’s not’, and she said ‘well, if it’s not, then obviously’… yeah.”
Steve gapes. “Obviously?”
“Yeah,” Jonathan echoes. “And asked for details.”
“Makes sense,” he says, weakly. “She’s a great reporter.”
“So, details.” Jonathan’s voice sinks down again, and Steve mirrors the change in tone, lying back down. He’s still reeling from the news that his plot to make Nancy jealous has been found dead in the water, and instead it seems that Jonathan and Nancy have machinations of their own. “Did you listen to what I said?”
“About Nancy?”
“About leaving the kitchen. Where are you now, Steve?”
“Oh. The— my bed.”
Jonathan exhales, “Good,” and Steve starts to melt. “And what are you doing right now in your bed?”
“Taking my shoes off,” he answers honestly, which startles another laugh out of Jonathan.
“That’s… a good place to start, I guess. How drunk are you, man?”
“I just feel… I don’t know. I feel good.” Keeping up the honesty is probably a good bet. “I like that you told Nancy. I like that she… likes the idea. She’s thinking about it, maybe.”
The line is silent, but live with Jonathan’s breathing. Steve’s chest rises and falls in sync. “Thinking about what, exactly?”
Right. Details. “This isn’t what I’d pictured,” Steve tells him. “I never imagined you out in California. In my head, you’re still the same scrawny, skinny kid forever stuck in Hawkins. Doesn’t make sense, you living so far away. Do you have a tan now?”
“Not really,” he admits, sounding sheepish. “I look pretty much the same. Taller, maybe.”
“I doubt it. Bet you’re still small enough for me to pick you up, toss you around.”
“You could try it,” Jonathan huffs.
“Bet you’re used to taking the lead with Nancy,” Steve continues, closing his eyes again. He kicks off his other shoe. “You ever been with someone bigger than you? I mean, someone who could really put you where they wanted?”
“You’re not so big,” says Jonathan. He sounds uncertain— it sends goosebumps down Steve’s arms. “Where would you want to put me?”
“I’d like to pin you down and watch your face as I get you off.” The reaction is immediate— the bitten-off gasp is a sound Steve will treasure forever. “I would want you in my bed, in my car… I don’t know. Everywhere. I’d want you to ride me.”
“I’d ride you too,” Steve hastens to add. “I’m not totally unfair.”
Jonathan makes a noise somewhere between a cough and a whimper.
“I used to think about making you suck me off, back when I was still kind of learning what blowjobs were and so they were pretty much all I could ever think about. You have a really pretty mouth,” he goes on even as Jonathan’s breath hitches, “and I think you would look good on your knees.”
“I do,” Jonathan says. “I mean, I would, I— Nancy tells me all the time.”
“What, you suck her off?” Steve laughs, except the noise kind of dies in his throat because Jonathan doesn’t laugh too. He puts the phone down, suddenly desperate to be free of his clothing. Throwing his work vest and shirt towards the dresser, followed by his jeans and briefs, he lies back down and repeats his question. “You go down on her?”
“Of course,” says Jonathan, kind and sweet and kind of dirty. Steve shuffles around until he’s comfortable under the blankets, and he can hold the phone in one hand and his dick in the other. He would usually grab lotion from his bedside table, maybe stop at a non-family video store on the way home from work to pick up a tape. Right now he doesn’t need any of that; he’s too close just from the sound of Jonathan’s voice. “I could do that for you too. I never thought it was something you’d want.”
“Well, you know what they say, Byers.” Steve palms himself, fucking in and out of his fist slowly. It’s too hot, too sensitive, too intimate. He clenches, his muscles tightening as he thinks about Jonathan doing the same. “If you scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours.”
Sure enough, there’s a quiet noise other than Jonathan’s voice. The connection isn’t clear enough for him to hear everything, but he can connect the dots. Jonathan says, still sounding strangled, “Did you manage to get your shoes off?”
“Yeah, now I’m working on getting my rocks off.”
A groan, low and a second too long. “Ugh. Nancy could’ve warned me you liked to tell jokes in bed.”
“What, am I not cool enough for you, California? Should I, like, tone it down, brochacho?”
“You’re kidding, but I do actually have a friend out here who sounds exactly like that.” Steve speeds up, his hips thrusting forward in small, jerky movements as Jonathan talks. God, he’s in so much trouble if he’s just getting off to the sound of the guy’s voice. He twists his wrist for a better angle as Jonathan continues, “You’re plenty cool enough for me, Indiana.”
“Hey, you’re Indiana too,” Steve reminds him. “God, I’m so— can you do more of the phone sex stuff?”
“Who says this isn’t the phone sex stuff? Maybe two guys jerking off together, talking about the state they grew up in is high-quality phone sex,” Jonathan teases. Now who’s telling jokes in bed? “You want me to give you the serious script, Harrington?”
“I want you to stop fucking around and put me on loudspeaker,” Steve gasps.
For a beat, Jonathan is silent. Then he does; the audio quality is slightly different, and Steve can more clearly hear skin-on-skin. Jonathan picks up the pace and Steve matches his rhythm, groaning through grinding teeth. When Jonathan speaks, he sounds nervous now. “Better?”
“Almost,” Steve says. “I want you to touch yourself. Keep touching yourself, the way you do when you do this with your girlfriend.” Jonathan’s breath hitches, and the sounds pick up— they are filthy in the best way. Steve is beyond glad they’re both home alone. His legs shake as he keeps going. “Except it’s different, right? When Nancy gets off she seizes up, right, like her whole body goes tight. With us, it’s different, and I want to hear you, wanna hear every part of it. I want you to ruin those fucking sheets.”
“Fuck,” gasps Jonathan. Steve tightens his grip too. “I wish—” and then before he can deliver that wish, he’s grunting, loud and primal and unmistakably masculine, as he comes all over himself. Steve can just picture it, those nimble, pale fingers wrapped around his dick— except he doesn’t exactly know what Jonathan’s dick looks like, so he has to make do with thinking about his own. And right as he’s about to sail over the edge, Jonathan breathes, “I bet Nancy’s getting off right now too.”
Well. It’s embarrassing how instantaneous Steve’s orgasm is after he hears that.
After all the discussing and imagining, as Jonathan had called it, they both come down slowly and in shared, comfortable silence. Steve sinks back down to sober, cold Earth like a fluttering leaf, and even after the reality of what just happened hits him he still doesn’t feel ready to accept it. The hard, unflinching truth is that Steve feels better right now than he ever has after sex, and Jonathan isn’t even here. He thinks he almost feels better right now than he ever has in his entire life. Uh oh.
“So,” Steve finally breaks the quiet post-orgasm haze lingering between them. “Are you coming home for spring break?”
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megamindsecretlair · 3 months
WIP Ask Game
Ik im late but well, I been vibing over here for once 🤣 anywhooo, thank you @harmshake and @nerdieforpedro for the tags, I love yall 🥹
Its 2024 and we not putting down our writing over here. Ik yall excited, chuz im excited for yall to see what I got on the stove 👏🏽
rules: share the document titles for your 10 latest wips. then send me a number or title (if you'd like!), I'll share a snippet, and I'll add to my wip at least 100 words.
Ya Baby Daddy's Worst Nightmare: Toxic David Kane 😈 before I simp fully for Calvin, I need to finish Watchmen. So in the meantime, lets enjoy Yahya's other fine ass character.
Blackbird, pt 2: Envy: I really love how mob boss Fontaine is going and im excited for this part.
Kill Her Softly: my Mea Culpa rewrite because wtf was that 🥲
Mr. Black, pt...8?: anyway, its the the final chapter. Sorry babes, but its gots to come to an end.
Tale as Old as Time: Beauty and the Beast Stunna.
Every Dose of Me: a lovely moot suggest I try my hand at Isaac from They Cloned Tyrone. We gon see what shakes loose 🤤
Meet Me at Our Spot: (title may change, im not married to it) another Lamont fic. Chuz I neeeeds RJ Cyler in my life.
Wanderlust, pt 2: I know I posted the first one and dipped. My bad yall, the brain rot is real 🥲
Like I Missed Her: another David Kane fic. Chuz 🥲 the brainrot 👏🏽 is REAL
Stress Relief: in which I clean out more of my asks. Who else needs Franklin Saint to just go absolutely ham 🥲 like baby boy is is skrresssseeeddd.
Anywhoooo, thats whats on the stove. Feel free to ask about any of them, they consume my thoughts 🤤🥹🥹🥹
No pressure tags: @miyuhpapayuh @ellethespaceunicorn @notapradagurl7 @wide-nose-and-wonderful @ramblers-lets-get-ramblin @babybratzmaraj
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magicalbats · 8 months
how do you get out of a bad writers block?? and what inspired u to get back into writing after ur hiatus?
Oof, I’m ngl that’s a bit of a difficult question for me to answer xmdkxkdnd for me at least, I wanted to write pretty much the entire time during my hiatus but I just couldn’t get my brain to function through the ✨ depression fog ✨ and even just opening up a word doc to force myself to write two sentences was extremely draining. My mental headspace just was not there. So what I did a lot of was read books.
I think I’ve read something like almost 60 books this year of different genres and topics - four out of five novels for the Court of Thorns and Roses series, Carrie by Stephen King, some old (really old xmxmdnd) Harlequin romance novels, a folk horror anthology, like six entries from the Anita Blake Vampire Hunter series, etc, etc - and that helped me get back into the mindset of creative thinking. I found inspiration in these works, ideas I wanted to explore, things that left me disappointed with their execution and wanting to do better, and I sort of relearned how to string a narrative together in the process. Then I started reading over some of my old WIPs. In some of them I saw real potential and was even occasionally surprised by my own writing abilities when juxtaposed against all those published novels I’ve read. I’d think to myself “oh, this actually isn’t half bad?” And that would make me want to finish that piece or rework it with things I’ve learned in the interim.
One of the very first things I wrote and completed was that Itto x reader x Gorou kinktober fic. I saw the prompt, had the inspiration and impulsively jotted everything down. When I was finished and I read it over I felt GOOD. Proud of myself for actually completing something from scratch. I thought “hey, maybe I could do another one of these” and then proceeded to write Scara’s (which I’m actually very proud of tbh cmdmxm) and from there it was really just a matter of keeping that momentum going. In particular I think writing them for myself at that point, thinking I might post them some day when I was feeling brave enough to come out of hiding and just enjoying the satisfaction of writing again in the meantime, was what really helped me find my confidence again. It kind of took some of the pressure off of having people perceive me and my work dmdmdmd and I was able to sort of let everything flow organically as a result without worrying about how terrible or messy it was. A lot of this was very spur of the moment and idk if it will actually help you anon but in my case these were the things that helped me kick my extremely uncooperative brain back into gear lol
So the TL;DR of it would probably be to read other stuff. Pay attention to what you like, what you don’t, what makes you excited, sad, horny, happy, grossed out, etc and basically expose yourself to different kinds of writing styles and topics. I’ve read some pretty terrible books over the last year and some amazing ones too, and each one taught me something, even if it was not to do a thing haha. When you revisit your own works approach it like it belongs to one of those other authors, look at it objectively and sort of remove yourself from the equation. I’d say a big part of getting over writers block is just tricking your brain out of it tbh. 🤣 Like I said idk if any of this is helpful but I believe in you, anon! I am cheering for you and I know we’ll get through this together!
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sunshinedaysforever · 7 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Thanks for the tag Taka! (@picnokinesis) also this made me realize tumblr has been lovingly hiding other tags I’ve received so sorry to anyone who’s tagged me lately, I straight up haven’t been seeing them haha
1. How many works do you have on AO3? 
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Doctor Who mostly, but I’ve dipped my toe into Good Omens and Critical Role, and I used to be a star wars girly. Currently MASH of all things has me in a death grip, so we’ll see where that goes
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
time to change the road you’re on, for those who stand long, non sum qualis eram, he who wins shall lose, and The Fisher King Comes Home. (Yikes! A lot of star wars, and a lot of old fic, haha. if you read, keep that in mind.)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
 I do try, but honestly it fills me with the same feeling as answering emails does, and I tend to worry that I’m bothering people. I really do appreciate them, though.
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Hmm, probably pas de deux, which unfortunately aligns with canon haha. And I remember some people were upset with the ending of time to change the road you’re on, but I always felt the ending was more ambiguous than angsty
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Honestly, I think most of them are fairly happy, or at least not devastatingly sad
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not usually - sometimes people with absolutely wild star wars opinions (those always leave me with a bit of a 'ma’am this is a wendy’s' feeling KJHDFGLFG) or people who didn’t like 13 very much (again, like, ma’am, this is a wendy’s). I don’t really care though, I’m liberal with the block button
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Nah, I’m like if a repressed victorian gentleman was a lesbian if i ever saw an ankle irl I'd probably faint dead away
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
I wouldn’t tend to, but I did try a Star Wars/Doctor Who mashup once, and honestly it sort of worked (I hope!). Back in the day a friend and I were cooking up a Line of Duty/Doctor Who crossover, but it never quite got its feet
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Don’t think so
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes, I believe into Russian a few times
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
None that has ever seen the light of day 
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
I’m not really a shipper. I like 13 and Yaz, and I’m partial to some golden oldies (Mulder and Scully, Xena and Gabrielle, Kirk and Spock, etc etc), but I’ll read whatever
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
 nothing beside remains HAUNTS ME moreso than other unfinished fics I’ve got floating around still. If I ever have time again, I’d tackle it, but I didn’t have a solid plan for it and so it’s languishing in the meantime
16. What are your writing strengths?
I make references to modernist literature that would make the greats roll in their graves, I think, which has to be a good thing right? T.S. Eliot Would Want This. i like to think along the way maybe i've given some of you a passable understanding of how post-cold war european integration has failed, as well.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I’m a fan of shortcuts, to my detriment. And sometimes I think I make assumptions that aren’t as universal as I think haha. I’m a great abuser of commas, and I never met an em dash I didn’t like, also to my detriment.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
Not typically a fan of it, unless it serves a practical purpose
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Star Wars
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
jamais vu.
thanks again for the tag taka! I'll tag @gabeorelse, @hellynz, @revisionerydoesthings and of course whoever else would like to do it
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calliopechild · 4 months
none of the emojis from the wip ask game fit exactly with what i want to ask, which is that if you have even the tiniest crumb of anything to say about the more things change i will feast until the end of my days >.>
Apologies for how long it took to answer this, but the levels of Catholic guilt this ask triggered (I say as someone who is not remotely Catholic) were so substantial that I dug out my old jump drive with all the TMTC files on it so that I could find a snippet for you.
The Telltale Heart moment aside, it is...bewildering in a lovely way that people still remember TMTC. Even though it's been *checks ff.net* oh Lord, almost 11 years since I touched it? I genuinely can't tell you how flattering that is, because this fic is still very dear to me, which I know is probably counterintuitive given all the dust and cobwebs that have gathered on it.
The radio silence is a combination of life stuff and the fact that I had the story plotted out when I started, and even had a decent portion of the ending written--and the fic as it exists now at chapter 24 went off the rails from that plan at least two chapters back, lol. A lot of what ended up happening in the fic means that what I had planned couldn't happen now, either because it'd be OOC or the circumstances just aren't possible. A lot of the relationships have changed too, and it kind of got to the point where I got so annoyed with having to basically scrap the whole final slice of the fic and start over that I put it on hold for a bit...and then here we are. ^_^;;
I don't want to get anyone's hopes up and promise that it'll be finished soon, but I also don't want to leave it unfinished forever. I can say that I'm pleasantly surprised to find that I have a lot more written of the new ending than I thought I did, so finishing it might not be impossible.
In the meantime, though, as thanks for still remembering my abandoned child fic, have a blurb of Naomi trying to restrain herself from beating Leo to death in the hospital for being a stubborn idiot:
“Why did you jump between us, then? When tou-chan drew that sword?”
“I told you, it was instinct.”
“And you knew you could protect me.”
Leo nodded again, and I fought down a grin; he’d set me up just like I’d wanted him to. “Well, then maybe you can understand why I’m confused. I’m having a little trouble reconciling the fact that you knew you could protect me with your idea that leaving is supposedly the best way you can keep us safe.”
“Just because I can protect you doesn't mean I want to make it necessary; if I stay away, the trouble does too.”
It was not appropriate to throttle a hospital patient, I reminded myself, but I was going to win this argument one way or another. “People get hurt; that’s life. If your benchmark for successfully protecting someone is that they never get hurt, you're always going to fall short because no one can guarantee that. I know it’s what we’d all prefer, but we can’t keep the people we love from ever getting hurt. Things are always going to happen that we can’t prevent. You’re setting a standard for yourself that no one could reach, Leo, and I don’t know why you’d want to do that to yourself. I'm fine, my father's fine, and if we're ever not fine, it won't be because of something you did or didn't do. I don't want to be kicked out of your life just because you've suddenly decided you're too dangerous to be around.”
Leo closed his eyes for a second, then looked up at me, mouth hard. “Maybe I don’t want another person to protect.”
For a few seconds I just sat there, listening to the squeak of shoes in the hallway and someone's voice buzzing on the overhead speaker, waiting for—something. For Leo to say he didn't mean it, for my stomach to stop dropping, for it to somehow make sense how Leo had gone from telling me we'd been a safe place to saying we were a burden he didn't want.
He didn't say anything. He just sat there, eyes on mine and not giving an inch.
I'd have believed he really meant it if it wasn't for the way his hands were fisted in his blanket, the knuckles standing out sharp and white. Something April had said in our conversation the other day floated into my mind.
“I'm…look, I don't want to sound insulting by saying this, but I'm glad you care enough to ignore Leo when he told you he was too dangerous to be around. I don't know how much he's told you, but he did the same thing to me once, except it was in the middle of us running after being attacked. It was in my home, and my friends who were being attacked, and Leo still told me it was their fight, not mine. That's just Leo—he accepts danger to himself but doesn't realize that in his efforts to protect others, he's being insulting by implying no one else might accept that danger too. But he never tried that with me again, so he really can learn; just hang in there.”
From the sound of things, Leo had just tried to get her to leave, rather than making it sound like he wanted her out of his life. I knew this was probably some idiotic belief that it'd keep me safe, as if doing so would somehow make Karai forget about me and tou-chan. And maybe it should have warned me about how serious Leo thought the danger was. Maybe it should have made me listen, especially since I had evidence of how willingly Karai would resort to violence right in front of me.
What it actually did was piss me off.
If that was how he wanted it, fine. I shoved my chair back as I stood up, reaching for my purse and my temper. “Good.”
Leo's eyelids flickered. “Good?”
“Yes, good.” I leaned into his space, bracing my hand on the bed beside his shoulder, because if he was going to hear me about anything, it was going to be this. “You know why? Because I don’t remember ever asking you to protect me. That's not what I'm here for. The sentiment—that you don’t want to see me get hurt—that’s nice, really, but the way you go about it…” I shook my head, ignoring the fact that when I was this close, I could see flecks of blue in his eyes; this was not the time, dammit. “I'm going assume it's the drugs making you forget that you don't get to decide for me what risks I'll take. And since you apparently haven't figured it out yet, you're about a week too late to try and cut us off, because Karai already knows about us. You leaving isn't going to magically make her forget where she found us.”
I bit my tongue before I went any further. There was a line between making my point and trying to hurt Leo back, and implying that we were in danger from the minute Karai realized we might be important to Leo was charging right over that line. “You can’t fight life, Leo. You can’t stop every bad thing from happening to the people around you. I guess the real question is whether or not you can accept that, or if you'd rather not let anyone in ever because they might get hurt.”
I walked out, trying to ignore the way the nurse at the desk dropped her eyes to her computer and pretended to look busy. That was fine. I didn't want anyone looking at me right now anyway.
"Maybe I don’t want another person to protect."
In Leo's head, that was probably some sort of sign that he really did care, to the point that he was willing to burn all his bridges and make me mad enough to write him off for good so long as it kept us out of the line of fire.
But maybe part of him had meant it. I could tell Leo had meant it when he'd admitted how important the dojo was, how important it was to him to have somewhere where he didn't have any obligations. Maybe he'd wanted it to stay that way, for us to not turn into more people he had to keep safe, for us to just keep being a slice of normal for him to visit once in a while. He'd said it before, when he told us about Karai, that he couldn't be responsible for anyone else.
Except of all the things I'd learned about Leo, it was that protecting was what he did when he cared. So what did it say that he didn't want to add us to the list?
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kuwdora · 1 year
🙃 please wish me luck for tomorrow, I have Yet Another Interview...I've been averaging about 2 a week for the last few weeks and I'm still only 60-75% done with this process. Not even counting all the outreach to set up other interviews in the meantime if these don't pan out. To say I am losing my mind is an understatement. I'm so tired. Trying to be kind to myself during all of this, since this is rather exciting and overwhelming and exhausting but waaughhhh, I'm ready to hibernate for a full week (if my brain would actually let me rest which remains a large problem...) My short term memory continues to be shitty. Forgetting to lock doors, turn off stove burners, I keep forgetting things folks have told me the previous day/week that I really should have remembered (lists are my friends but I keep forgetting to add things to my list). All very ADHD but really it's just... a lot of my anxiety about all this interview stuff. Wake up and it's the first thing on my mind. Last thing on my mind before I go to bed. It's taking up so much brainRAM. I have the myNoise app on my phone to help soothe ye old brainmeats in the evenings, at least. Anyway, amongst the fannish chittering in my brain that is not witcher-related: I remember reading about someone spinning Ted Lasso character's into the Star Wars universe and I could not track down the post. I can't even remember if I read it by someone on twitter, tumblr, or dreamwidth at this point. Or if I had imagined it. Does this sound familiar to anyone? hmm. Next my brain started thinking about Yellowjackets characters in the Star Wars universe and have determined that Misty Quigley would be an amazing secret pirate hunter who occasionally moonlights as a pirate. Next up: I'm almost done with the Disney era Thrawn trilogy reread (it's only taken me like two and a half months wtf) (next will be Heir to the Empire, wheeee). I'm pretty caught up with Grand Admiral Thrawn strategically instilling praise kink and loyalty in the people under his command. I also recently revisited A Black Lady Sketch Show's sketch: The Basic Ball in which I tried casting Ted Lasso characters mental illness/neuroses looks and then my brain melted out of my ears because of previously stated tired. But also my favorite Yellowjackets meow meows showing off their PTSD looks? Love. It.
I would like more brain to finish editing my Witcher wips, to start a few more wips--they're dancing in my periphery. And I'd love to have brain to paint again. To have energy for seeing friends. I'm quite sad I couldn't corral enough focus to finish my VidUKon vid in time for the deadline, but I can just try to finish it later.
Maybe soon I can reclaim some more brainRAM. Free it up from this interviewing stuff. Fingers crossed. 🤞
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zonerz · 7 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Tagged by da bestie @a-problematic-writer for this !!!!!
How many works do you have on ao3?
There's 14 atm!!!
What's your total AO3 word count?
Sitting at 569,356 rn :] thank u Answers LMAO 😭
What fandoms do you write for?
MCSM, Sonic, Kingdom Hearts, and anything that catches my fancy and eye in the meantime! Basically whatever! Also got some FF and Danganronpa peeking in :]
What are your top five fics by kudos?
Answers, Would You Like To Dance, MCSM Prompts/Drabbles, Demyx Drabbles oop-- 😳, Sonic and the Black Knight? More likeSonic and a Lot of Trauma
Do you respond to comments?
Yes all the time and all of them!!! I love interacting with readers and having conversations!!!
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Probably the SatBK one LMAO sorry my beloved. Maybe I LIED HOW COULD I FORGET. ALVI. IT'S THIS ONE.
What is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Im honestly not sure??? They all, despite having their angst, tend to end on some hopeful notes or some kinda resolution 🤔it's also kinda hard to judge tho bc a lot are just drabbles and little thought experiments for me :]
Do you get hate on fics?
I've had the pleasure of not yet encountering any!
Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Not my thing! I can barely write two characters holding hands without feeling like a whore LMFAOOOOO
Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
Not typically where I specialize!
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of 😭👍
What's the longest you've spent working on one fic? And the shortest?
ANSWERS. MY GOD. I've been working on Answers since December of 2018 and she's still going and gonna be 5 years old soon which is CRAZYYYYYY 😭😭😭 That said, I wouldn't have it any other way and I'm still very excited for it and the future of it as I'm FINALLY getting into some of the meat of it that's been on the docket since 2018 :]
As for shortest, I'm pretty capable of getting a fairly long drabble out in just a few hours, so that'd probably be the shortest time I have.
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Not on Ao3!
What's your all-time favorite ship? From all fandoms?
I can't easily pick one but I do feel like Sonic and Shadow's dynamic has like. rewired my brain LMAO
What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
the Demyx Drabbles mentioned earlier. Mainly because they were a set of character explorations and a lot of my own ideas and thoughts have changed pretty drastically from when I started writing those, so I've lost the idea spark on that line of thinking. Im still COMPLETELY unwell about that little weirdo, but in a different flavor now
What are your writing strengths?
Character relationships, motives, and dialogue and maybe a bit of ilke??? Atmosphere????? I do my best to write it well at the very least!
What are your writing weaknesses?
Action sequences are always a fucking bitch bro 😭 same with like physical descriptions and scenery--I don't know if it comes across like that but I always put in extra effort and time to refine these aspects before putting something out because I want them to be the best I can make them at the time 👍
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I'm open to it but personally would like to have a little familiarity with the language and its nuances myself before attempting too much lest I fall into the trap of like. Google translate ruining shit 😭
First fandom you wrote for?
Favorite fic you've written?
Answers is VERY much my pride and joy rn :] to me it's more than just an MCSM fic/continuation, it is 100% a love letter to MC as a whole which was just huge to me growing up. I've completely thrown myself into all corners of it's world and lore as well as throw in fun little references from things I loved over the years and done my best to stir them all together in a way that feels naturally cohesive, fun, and semi-realistic in a way that doesn't like snap a reader out of their suspension of disbelief! I want it to be engaging and natural and overall just a fun experience :] 💖
I can't think of anyone to tag rn (brain so so empty) so if anyone wants to take a stab at this go ahead!!! :]
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dandelion-wings · 8 months
What's the context for those excerpts?
I mean, I did say presented without context :P but also I do enjoy a ramble, so. Ideally I would have written the sort-of-intro I have for the universe, but that's going to be longer than I would have the time for this week even if I wasn't trying to actually finish a WIP before the end of October, so, alas, maybe someday.
In the meantime! This started life as a Crimson Peak AU, because some cool friends watched it and so I read the book so I could share in their enthusiasm XD and my Genshin brainrot is such that I try to hash any and all media into Genshin AUs, so. But it has turned to a canon-divergence AU from the girls' childhood, and also a sibling-swap!
I am putting a cut because the next two paragraphs contain a few spoilers for the movie/book. Also, as with the bitlets, warnings for domestic violence/child abuse mentions.
There is a Jean/Diluc/Kaeya version out there (feat. a grief-maddened Crepus trying to kill one of the boys to bring back his beloved) that runs much closer to the actual movie plot, but while we worked out the tragic backstory parallels for Jean and Barbara, Jean does not work nearly as well as Diluc as a brooding romantic hero who seduces rich paramours to steal their fortunes and then allows their more ruthless sibling to kill them.
The tragic backstory works so well, though. All you need is an abusive parent and a sibling determined enough to protect the other to kill them, so running with 'grief-maddened' as parental motive again, we had Seamus die protecting Barbara when she was very young, before whatever led to their divorce had developed in the relationship, presumed that Fredrica had truly loved him enough to be grief-maddened, and let her blame Barbara for it (she was, for the record, six), and then went from there!
In the version that turned into this AU, Fredrica's blame becomes her driving tiny Barbara way, way too hard in training and punishing her extra viciously for failure, in ways that are actively endangering her health and well-being, and in some of the sparring sessions actually threatening her life. (Fredrica does get thoroughly villainized for this, but that's the nature of the original source material, rip.) Jean, unable to stop her or to get anyone to intervene, decides she's going to take care of Barbara whatever it takes, and I'm still working out the exact shape of the scene, but I know that Fredrica tries to make Barbara keep training with a life-threatening wound, and when begging doesn't make her stop, twelve-year-old Jean gathers all her resolve and stabs her in the kidneys. Which gets her an Electro Vision, incidentally, we worked out elements today.
And then she heals Barbara with her new Vision (it's a lucky break, she hadn't been sure what she was going to do about that), marches down to the Ordo, and turns herself in directly to Varka. Who knew Fredrica was unbalanced and feels so guilty he can't, like, take her to court, so he manages to evade that by being like 'her Vision appearing proves her action was necessary and it was pure defense of another, we don't need to drag the eight-year-old who has now seen both her parents die in front of her through a trial,' but there have to be Consequences. Jean is stripped of her inheritance as a Gunnhildr and placed in the Church's custody, ostensibly as an orphan but with very restrictive rules because they are Watching Her.
Barbara, meanwhile, is Crepus' goddaughter, because I'm running with my "Seamus and Crepus were friends" headcanon, and once she got her way with Jean, Fredrica gave Seamus that as a concession. Crepus really wants Diluc, who is desperately lonely, to have a companion of equal rank that he can actually play with, and he also genuinely cared for Seamus and is genuinely concerned for Barbara, so he pulls that string and gets two birds with one throw! Neither Diluc nor Barbara want to consider the other siblings per se, because Jean is a very present ghost in that relationship, but they resolve this by Diluc swearing himself to her, in a very knightly style, as her protector in lieu of Jean until they both reach majority and are permitted to see each other again. He is acting on behalf of her big sister and that works for them both.
When Kaeya shows up all of a month later, Crepus has already satisfied his desire of getting Diluc a companion, and also is dealing with Barbara's incredible, massive PTSD and doesn't have the capacity for another sure-looks-traumatized kid. So Kaeya gets shuffled to... the Church orphanage! Where none of the other kids want to socialize with a weird twitchy foreign kid, and he ends up plopping himself down beside the other kid no one wants to socialize with. Because she killed her own mother. I am applying another of my pet headcanons here, the "Kaeya's mother turned into a monster" one, and so they have a conversation that goes approximately:
Jean: You don't want to be my friend. I killed my own mother. Kaeya: So did I. Jean: What? Why? Kaeya: She was turning into a monster. Jean: ...So was mine.
Anyway! Friendship accomplished. With the worst possible person with regards to his purported mission here, but Kaeya is, honestly, desperate for anyone to be nice to him, and Jean may be mired in guilt here (redoubled by the fact that she still can't think of anything better she could have done), but she is not going to be mean to this scared flinchy foreign kid who looks scared in so many of the same ways Barbara did. And then, like three or four years later, Varka dumps Rosaria on the Church as well, and she naturally gravitates to the "killed our own parents and also none of the other kids like us" club. XD
Anyway, things proceed as canon re: Ursa, and that's where we are as of the bitlets! Jean and Barbara, if it wasn't clear, are forbidden to contact each other at all until Barbara has reached her majority, and both are abiding by it for a couple reasons, including fear the other one will report them if they violate the rule, because they're both deeply attached to the idea of their sister they haven't seen in five years, but are also unhappily aware that neither of them know anything of what that sister is like now. :( Both hoping the other wants them back, but terrified that they won't.... Better to follow the rules, and put off the harsh reality.
(Rosaria thinks this is stupid and Jean should just sneak across town and rip off the bandage. Rosaria thinks a lot of Jean's feelings and fears are stupid. Jean did one badass thing at twelve and then let this purported 'civilization' Rosaria has been forced to join make her feel bad about it. Rosaria would still do a murder for Jean, mind XD she just has Opinions. Kaeya also has Opinions but unlike Rosaria keeps them to himself, because he's gotten pretty good at being the kind of diplomatic required from a brother in the Church, and would rather hatch plans about it than argue.)
(Eula, when she shows up in the Ordo a year later and is greeted by a young knight from the Logistics Company who holds out her hand to her when no one else is speaking to her and smiles (because it's what Jean would have done, Barbara thinks, and besides, given what happened in her family, she can hardly judge the Lawrences any longer), decides that if Jean is cruel to Barbara when they do reunite, she will make her pay, because Barbara is one of the few bright spots in an Ordo rotted hollow at the center, and she deserves better.)
(Diluc is on his murderventure, but has significantly more faith in both sisters than they have in themselves, and is a much more active correspondent with Barbara than he is with Kaeya in canon. Because he made her oaths, and it would be a betrayal of both his childhood friend and the girl who's become almost his sister to fail them.)
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ghastly-artist · 1 year
🥳🎉🎊Happy New Year 2023 ! 💖🥳🥂🎉
I wish for everyone to have a FANTASTIC, productive, creative, fulfilling, safe, healthy, financially and mentally comfortable year!
Thanks for all your support this past year!
2022 was a very, VERY rough year for me, many things happened, not all good I'm afraid, and I tried my best to make it through and keep being productive despite everything.
Through this difficult year, I got support from a few people irl, and MANY online, on the different social media where I'm at.
I'm beyond grateful for you all. Everywhere. Even if you only just sent me one supportive message. Know that it helped more than you would ever think ^^
I'm also super grateful for the fact that I seem to have improved my art a little, and for my stepfather and grandmother who helped me get an iPad so I could draw everywhere whenever I wanted to. It really helped me a lot to be more productive too ! 💖
My goals for 2023 are to make more original art and more of the fanart I REALLY want to draw (more steddie 👀 and some other Fandom you'll get to see soon enough 💖 /mainly old ones 😂/)
Anyway, Happy New Year guys! I hope we'll have another great one together!
In the meantime, I promise I'll finish all those wips as soon as I can 😂 💖
Much love! 💖
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December 31: WIPs and Ideas I'm Taking Into 2023
As the year is ending, I am considering what writing projects I will try to complete next year. Will 2023 be the year I finish my WIPs? Will it at least be the year I let go of WIPs I don't care about? We'll see.
Here are (most of) my current projects and ideas--T100 only because I don't feel brave enough to even address Star Trek or other fandoms. Let's see where I am at the end of 2023.
devil's gonna get me one of these days: Southern Gothic AU; ensemble and multi-pairing; vampires, ghosts, and secrets
Troped Madness Horror Round: Harper-centric, epistolary/found footage-y
Talk About Timing in Times Like These: Bellarke, Modern AU, exes to lovers, heavy on the bitterness
And They Lived: aka the Ark Sleeping Beauty AU, Bellarke with a lot of other stuff going on
A Watch With No Hands: parts 3 and 4, the continuation of my 2019 Bellarke Big Bang, Grounder Clarke, Arker Bellamy, canon divergence
The Poly Fic: endgame Bravenlarke, modern AU, what it says on the tin
Can't Be King of the World: aka my long (long) percolating Ark AU, ensemble and multi-pairing with a lot of Wells
Sky Village: canon-divergence with rare pairs, independent delinquent village feels
Blake Siblings Summer AU: ...this is a Pete & Pete AU, if I'm brave enough to write it
Slow Summer Vibes: one step up from a PWP, Bellarke in the heat of summer
Under the Western Stars: more Bellarke modern AU angst nonsense
Kiss the Ring: canon-divergent Becho, in which they are both brutal, ruthless leaders
Jonty Dual Timeline: part modern AU, part canon-divergence, heavily S3 inspired
Sequel to How I'll Spend Through Winter: more Bellarke UST and longing, this time in high school, some Princess Mechanic
Bellarke Bingo Love Potion: Bellamy runs an antique store. Clarke takes a love potion. There's magic involved.
Dawson's Creek AU: endgame Bellarke and Murven, and in the meantime, a faithful AU for no reason at all
Documentary History of the U.S.S.S Arkadia: expanded version of my Braven fic of the same name
Reality Bites AU: as it says; Bellarke
Dollhouse AU: also as it says, ensemble/Bellarke, Bellamy as Echo and Clarke as Ballard...sort of
autumnverse fic: eternal-autumn type universe with ghosts!
oh well you've got me under your spell: an old Bellarke HS AU I always wanted to continue
Bellarke Bingo Blast: trope-heavy Bellarke friends to lovers; embarrassing how many modern AUs are on this list
South: Murven road trip that I started ages ago and might continue?
Everyone Gets Married: mostly Jonty with some Bellarke, sappy romance stuff and perhaps some talk about the concept of marriage
Bellarke Beat AU: this is from 2016, enough said
Maya & Octavia Troped: canon-divergence, post S2
Miller/Bryan Troped: canon-divergence, sometime in S3; more a universe than a plot but like an exes thing
Bellarke Invents Soulmates: triple-timeline, reincarnation and soulmates (former Troped round)
Miller/Bellamy Road Trip: but also they're on the run from the law, danger and UST
T100 + 3% Fusion: Princess Mechanic; 3%-like plot but in T100's universe
Fantasy Heist: delinquents on a magical hunt to save one of their own, still working out the kinks on the universe. And the plot (former Troped round)
Kane/Luna Ark AU: exes and magic and hints of political intrigue perhaps; horror
Slasher: half-baked old Troped Horror idea, heavy on the tropes, and I suppose on the bloodshed
Camping Trip Meta Horror: some horror tropes in the woods
Tropical Horror: something about this island isn't right
Troped Horror 2022: the fic I didn't finish because I thought it was going in a bad direction. Only hints: another slasher, Octavia-centric
Party Fic: Indulgent, stylized, multi-pairing HS AU
Modern Band AU: Bellarke and other pairings, rival bands, minor genre/form experimentation
...I didn't specify but some of these are one-shots and some multi-chapters and if a multi-chap isn't started, I can only promise to start, not finish it in 2023
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